1. Brief Introduction About the Class: Hi, friends. Welcome, welcome. I'm so excited that you're here. I'm Volta, the artist behind the color snack Our block and as my are blob may indicate I have a thing or two for food and snacks and color. So, naturally, whenever I thought about making my very first skill shirt class, I thought, Why not do it on ice cream? The most colorful and delicious next ever in this class will go through 15 different ways of illustrating ice cream, from simple ice cream cones to Popsicles to Sunday's and even ice cream Sammies. This class is great for anyone who wants to play with colorful watercolors. Even beginners or non artists will be able to enjoy it. I'll be providing an illustrated worksheet in case you want to just trace the shapes and dive right into playing with your water colors. We'll start with a list of supply suggestions and then go into different types of ice cream sketches. We'll end the class with some ideas of how you can use your new and delicious watercolor illustrations beyond your sketchbook. So what are you waiting for? Grab a sketchbook, P brush and some colors. Let's spread some summer cheer into your day by sketching some watercolors
2. Art Supplies Recommendations: for this class will be using the following art supplies. I highly recommend investing in a good quality watercolor paper because it truly makes all the difference. Heavier peeper allows for more layers, which in turn makes your sketches look better. I'll be using the cancer in cold press watercolor block paper with £140 of weight. Since this paper came in a block, I took out a few pages and divided them into four equal parts by folding the paper once and 1/2 and then doing that again with the other half so you can see how these line up to the original paper size. I did that because it's a little easier to work on a smaller scale, and also there is no pressure to ruin a whole big piece of paper. If something goes wrong for the watercolors, I'll be using my trusty Majella mission gold set. This is a bid on the pricier side in terms of water colors, but it is definitely worth it because I've come to learn that the colors are very rich and you only need a little bit at a time. So while they may be more expensive. Um, this set was a little over $100. They will last you longer. But of course, any watercolor set you have at your disposal will work for this class. And if you are considering treating yourself to some beautiful colors, I definitely would recommend getting this set. I'll also be using these water brush pens. The brand that I've come to like is the Mozart Art Supplies, Water Brush pens, which come in a set of three or four water brushes of different sizes. I really like them and I've had them for a few months, and he seemed to hold up, prove it pretty well. They're great to take with you when you travel or go to a sketch crawl for this class, I'll be using the medium and small sizes the most. I'll also be using a towel. Were a people towel to wipe off. The brush is in between the colors. So to recap of what you'll need is some watercolors, some brushes, paper towel and what a color paper. I'm so glad you're here. Let's get started
3. Watermelon Popsicle Sketch: for first watercolor ice cream sketch will be doing a watermelon Popsicle to get started. I mixed in some pink watercolors with lots of water, and so here you'll see me laying down the first layer. The first wash. You'll notice that I'm using a lot of water. So in my from my brush, Ben, I am, um, pressing on it to release lots of water to ensure that the the first coat is very light. Next, um, I'll be adding more of the water colors. So, as you can see, I'm adding more of it to one side of the Popsicle to showcase shadowing and give it more dimension to our sketch. For the Reina. Part of the watermelon grabbed the lightest shade of green that you have being a line underneath the watermelon, leaving some white space between. This will be your blending area. Go over the green brush stroke with a darker shade of green to give your sketch another layer and more vibrancy. You can go back and add as many layers as you like, because the more you do so, the more realistic your sketch will be. Notice. I'm still leaving the left side of our Popsicle fairly light, since that is where your light source is hitting and you can rinse your brush by wiping it on your paper towel and then making it wet by squeezing the tube. And so would the clean but with brush being a stroke right in the blending area, touching both the top and green parts of the Popsicle. The wet brush blends the color just slightly and also acts as an eraser. If you made a mistake, just remember to wipe on your paper towel in between the brush strokes to have a clean brush for the Popsicle stick. I used yellow ochre and burnt sienna colors, but any light shade of a brown will work perfectly. I started off by making a rough outline of the stick and then pushing in the colors with a wet brush. So basically the first, the first outline is a little heavier on the color side and less water. But then I go in with a wet brush and pushed that color into the shape, and you can also notice that I'm using the brush to create a little bit of ah highlight area, just like on the top of the Popsicle, since that's the same place where the light source is coming from. Allow you are sketch to fully dry before adding the watermelon seeds. And to do that, you'll just grab your black color and, um, grab a smaller brush because it will be easier to control and then just paint your seeds and shapes of teardrops.
4. Blueberry Popsicle Sketch: the Blueberry Popsicle. I'm starting out with cerulean blue as my color, but you can use any blue color that you like. If you're sketching this along with me, try to think of a Popsicle as a rounded rectangle shape. After sketching the outline, I'm adding in the indentations that you often see on Popsicles, leaving some white space in the middle of my lines. Cover the rest of the shape with your light wash of color and keep adding more color washes for a deeper blue. In the sketch, I did two layers, and after that I decided to go straight for the blueberries. And because we're working with the wet on wet technique, meaning that our layer is completely wet as we're adding it in a wet paintbrush, you'll notice the colors will bleed. But don't worry about it, as it's part of our look and feel for the Popsicle to give it more of, ah, melty more natural Look, I'm also going in and adding deeper shades of my blue color into the Popsicle indentations to give that effect of shading, and I'm doing another layer for my actual blueberries to give them more of a round sheep after the paper has hot just a few seconds to dry, and you can use a similar technique for your Popsicle stick, as in the previous video. So just a basic outline. Add some a leg coat of brown, and you can always add in a darker shade to create more shading and give your sketch more dimensions.
5. Orange-Strawberry Popsicle Sketch: for this orange strawberry Popsicle. We're back to our rectangle shape, and I decided to leave one of the angles a little bit. Draghi to ill street, a Popsicle bite. I'm starting out with my orange color and because my outline was fairly pigmented with color, I am adding water to the actual sketch and pulling out the color into the shape inside of it. After filling in the top part, you can go in with your favorite shade of pink for the bottom. Similarly, to the orange. My brush stroke was very heavy pigmented, meaning that it had more color unless water since I did directly into the watercolor pen and instead of diluting it with water first. So by squeezing the water brush container, I'm adding more water into the middle part of our popsicles, and this will help blend the colors better. It also helps if you tell your sketch a little bit, as the water will pull the colors naturally into each other. To illustrate the bite a little better. I'm going in with a darker shade of orange right around the Jaggi, add edges to kind of highlight them by making them darker and also to highlight to create a highlight on the Popsicle. I'm using a Web brush, so I'm wiping my brush on a paper towel and then going back in and basically removing some of the water color. That's all my sketch in this creates like a nice little highlight that can show a little bit of more realism. Teoh are Popsicle sketch. When drawing the Popsicle stick, you'll see that my color started to bleed into each other. And one way to fix that. You can use a totally dry brush that you have an basically just go over it like a tiny eraser, like very gently trying to remove the unwanted watercolor off of your sketch.
6. Lemon-Strawberry Swirl Sketch: for our lemon strawberry swirl Popsicle. Start by sketching a ring like shape composed of ovals and start adding a ring after another ring until you have your sheep built up and these could be slanted, as as I'm sketching them out here. Or they could be pretty straightforward, one over the on top of the other without any type of angles. I'm switching between the two colors by wiping my water brush on my towel, but to make it a little bit easier, you could stick would just want color. If you wanna give that a try, I'm doing fairly light codes at first, and then I'll go in with another layer to give it more vibrancy with my shading. So if you're doing this with just one color, one tone color, you could do that. You could alternate. So have one rang B of a deeper shade, and the next one be a little bit lighter to give it more of an interesting look. Notice my shadows all fall on one side of the Popsicle. Since the light source and here is coming from the right hand side, the darker you go with your shading, the more dramatic but look follow the same diggings discussed in the previous videos for your Popsicle stick
7. Bomb Pop Sketch: for this ice cream sketch. We're doing a bomb. Pub bomb pops can be a little tricky to sketch, so feel free to use the reference document I provided for this class. I'm using the smallest water brush from my Mozart art supply set here because of the intricate details on this bomb Pop, I'll start out with a very light and water down red paint to sketch the initial shape off the Popsicle. You can think of it as a tower that becomes larger at its base. It's mostly a collection of lines and rectangles, so you start with three rectangles at the top. Will a little a little nib for the very top little hat for your Popsicle and then three rectangles at the bottom in in three more but wider ones for the middle part and then about five rectangles at the very bottom. I'm using several and blue, but any shade of blue color will work here. Start with a light wash and fill in your sketch. Add in darker shades of blue on the edges of your little erecting was to indicate shading. The top part will be done in red and similarly here, start with a lighter wash and then go in with a darker shade of red. You can dip your brush directly into the pen to get the more saturated color with less water. For the middle part, which is typically white on a bomb pop, I'm using a clean Web brush and pulling out some of the red color from the top into the sketch. This will give a multi look to our Popsicle. You can squeeze some water directly onto the sketch in the in the middle area to wet that area and slightly blend the colors together with a very, very light wash. Go back in with your darker colors to shade and create outlines on your rectangles again as a second layer. And remember, you can remove some of the color off of your sketch, but using a wet brush and gently brushing the area that you want to make lighter, - finish off your bomb pop by sketching a little Popsicle. Stick at the bottom by using E brown color
8. Soft Serve Ice Cream Sketch: soft serve ice cream is one of my favorites to start sketching. I premix some brown and white color for the cone. The cone is essentially the letter V with around the tip of the bottom. Fill it in with a light wash of your brown color, then dip your brush into a darker brown and start sketching the lines that make up the cone . Since the sketches still what? The lines will start to bleed a little, but that is totally okay. That's part of it. Next, let's move to the top part of the ice cream. And here I'm doing a series of s shaped lines that air told it sideways, decreasing them as I get to the top, a mixed white with some crimson M agenda colors. For this part, and start by working in with the first lines that you have laid down by squeezing a tiny drop of water from your brush. Been onto the sketch and working with that, go over any of your darker lines with a wet brush to smooth it out for a nice transition that also creates shading. To add even more shading. You can use your magenta color on the very edges over the creases of the ice cream. Notice how I'm leaving the left hand side in a lighter shade because my light sources illuminating that part, I'm lifting off some of the color on the left hand side to make it lighter. You can do so as a brush stroke or a circular motion like an eraser. Just make sure your brush is wiped clean, but still what as a final touch, you can go over the cross lines you've created on the cone with another layer of brown to give it more of a realistic book.
9. Single Scoop Ice Cream with Complex Cone Sketch: for this one scoop ice cream sketch will be doing it with a detailed cone. Start with your cone by sketching a V shape with a rounded tip. This cone will have a fold so sketch align, it goes across it. Fill in the shape with a light wash of brown and okra colors. Your ice cream scoop will be a circle with a little skirt on it, which are the wavy lines of the bottom. Fill in your scoop with a layer of pink, while the paper is still what to keep adding more color, especially to the bottom and right hand side portion to indicate a shadow. If you're layer is already dried up, you can add a droplet of water onto your sketch to continue blending the colors. Now let's get back to our cone, which should be all drive. I know. Mix in a darker brown color and start sketching out the outline of your cone. Fold next, start adding a little little rectangle shapes to create the cone texture. Philip your entire cone with these shapes because we have a nice contrast between the different tones of brown, the cone looks more realistic. You can always go back in and add another layer on the little rectangles on this to make them pop even more. And similarly, with the ice cream scoop, you can go back in and add a few more layers of a darker tone pink. And remember, if you want more of a highlight on one area, you can remove some of the water car paint by going over it with a clean, wet brush.
10. Chocolate Gelato in a Small Cone Sketch: Our next sketch is for the chocolate gelato in a small cone. I mixed some poker and brown colors for the cone colors. Start by sketching out the cone, and for this shape, I think of it as a rectangle with three sides for the top portion and then drawn the directing or like shape perpendicular to the top. Make sure this rectangle is more narrow at the bottom. Fill in the shape with a light wash and leave some white streaks. For the highlights. Grab your darkest brown color for the chocolate gelato part. Sketch out the circle shape with this dark tone. Next, sketch out a little skirt composed of wavy lines To show the melting of the ice cream scoop . Squeeze a droplet of water onto the shape and use that to pull in the color from your initial lines. Toe. Blend it. Leave the left hand side in a lighter shade and go darker on the right hand side. Keep adding more layers of colors, especially in areas where the shadow falls back to the cone. Grab your smallest brush to do the details with the medium brown color. Sketch out the crisscross lines on the cone notice. I am dipping directly into the watercolor pan so the paint is not diluted with water, and it's perfect to use for adding details. Since the color isn't running on the top part of the cone, sketch little diamond shapes and then outline the cone itself in. Add some shading lines around the cone.
11. Ice Cream Sundae - Small Cup Sketch: for this small cup Sunday. I'm using cerulean blue here, diluting the color with lots of water before I start to sketch. Let's start with the cup part of the Sunday start, sketching the bowl of the cup that almost looks like 1/2 of an oval, but with extended sides next, sketch the legs or the base of the cup. It doesn't have to be precise and feel free to use my reference document, where you can outline this shape to make it easier. You can also add little cup ridges just to give it more of an interesting look. With a wet brush, pull the colors into the shape and start blending them. And if you're sketch isn't what enough, you can squeeze one drop of water onto the paper to help you with the blending. Don't forget to leave some white spaces for your highlights and also with darker tones of the blue, you can outline the shape better and create shadows. You can fill your Sunday with any color you want. I'm doing mine in lemon yellow and a darker mango yellow shade to sketch the cherry. Think of it as a heart shape that comes into a circle and use your smallest brush for the cherry stem
12. Ice Cream Sundae - Tall Cup Sketch: for the tall cup ice cream sundae. Start the sketch by drawing almost like a V shape but super rounded n voluptuous at the bottom tip. At the top of your cup, you'll do a super wavy, almost like Aziz exact line to indicate the little ridges of your cup. I'm using a water down turquoise blue color to start out with. After our shape has its first watercolor earlier, you can go in with a darker tone to create those shading areas to give your cup dimension. Leave some white spaces for your highlight since and since my light source is from the left , their right hand side is going to be much darker in this sketch. I'm working backwards here on the actual ice cream tears to start with a light pink and sketch out the first year. For the second tier, you can make it a little bit more rounded at the top, but not to round. Still moderately flat for the 30 year, which is our chocolate syrup tear. The shape is rounded at the top, and it melts into the Lord tears. You can gently, at a drop of water into the light. The little syrup drips and tilt your sketch to help the water move into the lower tiers of the ice cream. This will give it a melty look. Go back in with a darker shade of your brown color and sketch out the outline. Leave the left hand side of the ice cream with some white highlights. Finally sketch out either cherry or strawberry like I'm doing here. And for the strawberry, it's really just a heart shape, with a few tiny lines for for the green leaves at the top.
13. Ice Cream Sandwich Sketch: it's time for ice cream sandwich. For this sketch, I'm mixing some white water color paint with burnt sienna and brown colors, but any light color of a brown or light shade of a brown color will work here. Ice cream sandwiches come in different shapes and sizes, and I decided mine to be mostly square, so I started by sketching a square shape. Since I'm sketching and at an angle and I want to show dimension, I'm extending the two corners ends catching parallel alliance to the first square. I wanted to create a bite effect to my sketch, so one of my corners has a wavy line. After you finish your initial sketch, go and fill it in with a light watercolor wash. You can do several layers this way, and make sure to leave the middle part of the sandwich and white to indicate the actual ice cream. Part with a darker brown outlined the edges of the sandwich. Because your sketch will still be a little wet from adding color, you'll be able to pull in the darker lines into the shape for a smooth transition if you find that your transition between lines isn't sued enough, you can go over the darker lines with a clean, wet brush. Let your sketch dry a bit before adding in the little dots on your ice cream sandwich. You'll see that some of mine start to bleed, But with the help of a paper tell, I can fix that little mishap. The paper towel can often act as an eraser.
14. Banana Split Ice Cream: when sketching the banana split ice cream. Let's start with the plate in 1/2 oval type of shape. Next, create a C shaped curve for the bottom part of the plate and you'll be creating to see shapes. And one is backwards. So basically two of them coming into each other, and that will be the base of your plate with a little stent at the very bottom. So they're basically extensions all of your first, the very first half oval shaped that you sketched down here. I am using a light wash of turquoise color, and I'm adding more layers onto the left hand side because I have decided here, my light source is going to come from there, right for the banana, I mixed some white water color with yellow. After laying a light wash, go in and sketch in the little lines that you typically see on the banana. Just a few it are is necessary, and you can do this with a darker tone of yellow or just plain yellow without mixing in the white. Since I want my banana split to have chocolate syrup, I'm sketching out the ice cream scoops in a brown color, leaving some white space underneath and creating a drippy effect by doing wavy lines. Go in and fill in your shape with a light wash for this scoops. Then go with a darker tone and create some outlines, especially around the wavy lines for the drip effect of your chocolate syrup. For the whipping cream, I'm mixing white pink for a light shade of pink, and I'm sketching them in like backwards as shape. Or you can think of it as tiny waves of love goodness. With a wet brush, you can pull in the color inside into the shape to fill that in. In that way, since it's going to be a very light shade of the color and the light wash, it will look more like a like strawberry whipping cream. Don't forget to add Cherries to the top and fill in the actual ice cream scoops underneath of the chocolate syrup. Remember, as you sketch these out, you can always go back to the areas that have previously dried and add more layers to help the shading stand out for a more realistic look.
15. Bonus: Creative Ideas of Where To Use Your Watercolor Sketches: In addition to sharing my process of how to sketch, what a color ice cream, I also wanted to show you some ideas of how you can apply those sketches. In real life. You can add lettering and send a post card to your friend. You can decorate your sketchbook spread. You can frame your sketch. You can scan or take a picture of your work and create a dust stop wallpaper. You can also take a picture of your sketch and creed, a phone wallpaper, and finally, you can cut out the shapes and glue little sticks to them and create, um, ice cream party photo booth props for a class project. I would like for you to pick three of your favorite types of ice cream styles and sketch them out, upload them to the project area of the class and feel free to ask any questions you may have. And most importantly, please have fun with this. Thank you so much for watching. I can't wait to see what you create