How to run your day, to win your day - Increase Your Focus, Get Stuff Done. | Anastasios Tsirpouchtsidis | Skillshare

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How to run your day, to win your day - Increase Your Focus, Get Stuff Done.

teacher avatar Anastasios Tsirpouchtsidis

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Trailer - What you can expect


    • 2.

      Keep your promises!


    • 3.

      Simplify your to-do list


    • 4.

      Improve your mornings


    • 5.

      Decide how you will show up


    • 6.

      Execute like a champion


    • 7.

      Manage your energy


    • 8.

      Resist the urgent


    • 9.

      Call it a day


    • 10.

      4 simple improvement questions


    • 11.



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About This Class

A productive day does not happen by accident. It happens by design.

If you find yourself procrastinating and doing things you “like” instead of those you know you should be doing, this class is for you. If you struggle with distraction and keep having multiple things on your to-do list, but at the end of the day just shift most of them to the next day, and then the next day...and the next, this class will help you change that.

What if you could do multiple days worth of work in one day?

After this class, you will be able to develop a working style that will help you do what you said you would do and feel a sense of accomplishment and progress that you never felt before.

Join today and become the most productive person you know. Anyone can be productive, it all boils down to how you run the day.

Meet Your Teacher

Hello, I'm Tasso.

YOU are your biggest asset. I will help you invest in it.


Tasso’s mission is to help people show up at their best – at work and in life. To raise their ambitions, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and take meaningful action.

He strongly believes that the way to success is rooted in an empowering mindset and self-image as well as strong habits.

That’s why his courses combine INSPIRATION to trigger willingness to change, INSTRUCTION to equip with tools and habits that help you move forward, and MOTIVATION so that you can persevere in your effort to change whatever is not working for you.

For more than 13 years, Tasso worked with “Big Pharma.” He understands in depth the struggles employees ... See full profile

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1. Trailer - What you can expect: Let me ask you this. If you think of somebody you know that is extraordinarily successful, they have a great time at work. They are successful with their family life. They find time for the hobbies, exercise or eat well, and they serve their community. You would be inclined to go and ask them. How do you do all that? And the reason why you would do that is because you would assume that there was a system behind these things, that there must be something that helps them do those things that they want to do. And you will be right, because the difference between successful people and those people who just knew float go with the flow is that those successful people value consistency and structure. They know what he takes. The if experimented and found things that work for themselves and help them achieve their goals. Hi, everybody. My name is Tasso. And today, in this class, I am going to show you how to execute your to do list. Do what you said you would do so that you can feel a sense of accomplishment and progress like you've never had before. You will learn why it is important to stick to what you said you would do and keep those promises that you make yourself. You will discover how to do listens to look like that actually helps you get stuff done. Rather than getting you overwhelmed just by simply looking at it, I will teach you a very powerful routine that you can implement into the mornings right away. And that can help change the trajectory of your days completely. You will learn how to execute your day like a champion. Resist the urgent and focus on those things that matter to you most. I will teach you how to manage your energy on top of your time. You will learn how to stay on track and manage distractions because, let's face it, you can't avoid distractions in nowadays world. But you can learn how to manage them appropriately and get back on the wagon when you get off it. And finally you will learn why it is important that you end the day correctly. I will teach you how to do that in the right way so you can be fully present and fully engaged with your loved ones or at any non worker afterwards activities that you have. So join me at the class and become the most productive person you know. Anybody can be productive. It all boils down to how you run your day. I'm excited to share this with you. I hope you are as well. I'm looking very much forward to seeing you on the inside. 2. Keep your promises!: Hi and welcome to this class. Thank you so much for being a part of this. I want to tell you that I appreciate you and congratulate you for wanting to improve something in your life because continuous improvement is the foundation for excellence. So thank you for taking the time and being here. Let me ask you this. If you think of somebody you know that is extraordinarily successful, they have a great time at work. They are successful with their family life. They find time for the hobbies, exercise or eat well, and they serve their community. You would be inclined to go and ask them. How do you do all that? And the reason why you would do that is because you would assume that there was a system behind these things, that there must be something that they that helps them do those things that they want to do . And you will be right, because the difference between successful people and those people who just knew float go with the flow is that those successful people value consistency and structure. They know what he takes. They've experimented and found things that work for themselves and help them achieve their goals. And they also know about the costs off, not putting such framework in place. They know about the consequences longer term if they do not have that structure and consistency. And I would like to bring this also to your attention because this is very, very important. Let's take the situation, for instance, on productivity, this is what we talk about here. Every time that you said to do things you make a less than you said it would you that you would do them and then you fall victim for procrastination or distraction. Or you keep doing things that you like, rather than those things that you should be doing or you have a list and actually completely do other things and shift all those things that you said you would do to the next day and the next thing in the next. I mean, we all been there and is a typical mistakes and problems that people have with being productive. But what people don't realize is that all these things are small breakup with the contracts that make with themselves, you know, they don't keep the promises they make to themselves and the problem with that, is that it? If you keep doing that, it accumulates over time and it compounds and you might not remember that. But you know what your mind will and you know, as good as I do that having your mind is an ally is critically important for anything you want to do. Enough. Any change you want, embark on any leap of faith. You want to take any courageous action you want to take, you need your mind is an ally. But if you keep breaking the promises to yourself, you are showing to your mind that you're not trustworthy and your mind will remember this and pick it up and come back and say, no, I don't think you can do that because remember, you've not shown me yet that you can do that. So this is what we want to avoid. And this is why, in this class I want to not only give you snippets of information productivity hacks that you can do here and there know in this class I want to give you a structure when I give you a framework, a skeleton, if you like. It's very cohesive but still modular so that you can adapt it with your within your life. But it is something that gives you a structure off. How to run your day toe win your day because all these small winds will make you feel accomplished and have a sense of progress. It will carry on and create that momentum that you need. So coming up next, let's dive right into this. Coming up next in the very first video is how do you create a to do list that actually helps you and does not scare you just by simply looking at it? See that? 3. Simplify your to-do list: Hi. Welcome back. Isn't it ironic? Isn't it ironic that the one thing that is supposed to help us get stuff done our to do list has actually become the major source off? Overwhelmed for many, many people? People get scared by even looking at the list because there's so much to do and so little time. The reason why this happens is because these list that people refer to us to do list are not really to do it. These are should do, could do lists, a summary off thoughts, ideas. No, its inspirations projects, things that you need to be doing fence things that you might be doing things that I do now things that you never have a deadline. But this is not a to do list. I mean, there's nothing wrong with getting all these things down. By the way, I mean the Godfather of Productivity, David Allen writes in his books and in its teachings of getting things done always that you need to get things out of your head. Our head. Our brain is an immense structure. It can create ideas It Z job is to create. It is not there to hold them So, yes, we need to put things on paper, but this is not what we should be calling a to do list. This is our master list. Life's list. Our It's a It's a database if you wish, and you know better than I do. The databases operate in the background. What people are usedto is the user interface, something that is a distillation extract that we work with. And it is exactly the same thing with your to do list. Your to do list must be an extract off that bag off the big master list in the database. And what do I mean by extract what is extracted? What needs to get under to do list? This is what we're gonna discuss today. So this to do list number one rule has to be something that needs to get done. It's a must do list for the day. So whatever you plan, this is the stuff that needs to get on in the day. So how do you know? How do you know what needs to get done? And the day? How can you show How can you be sure that you extract the right things? Well, I'm not going to dive too much interface. That could be a topic for another video if you like So on. And it would go a little bit beyond the scope of this class, but just briefly to show you all the relevant elements eternity. Consider that many people get, you know, wrong. Sometimes when you look into what needs to get done on the to do list for the next day, you look first on. You know what needs to get done that week and in order to define what needs to get on this week, you look at the bigger picture. You step back a little bit and say, You ask yourself, What am I working on? You know, what is it that needs to get done this month? This quarter, one of my projects? What are my collaborations? What is a theme that I told myself, I'm gonna get done this next period of time, and based on these things that you are working on, you will know what needs to get done this week in order to move these things forward. And when I say what needs to get on this week, I'm not saying I'm not talking about things like I need to work on the present patient. That's not good enough. What you need is this week. What deliverables. So I have this week a deliverable is something that you finish that you can show to somebody that you can share with. Somebody can be a draft report. It can be a first draft of a presentation. It can be a script for a video, something that is share a bill. This is deliverable. So when you look at your week, you need to decide. What do I need to get done this week? What am I deliverables this week that need to get done? The next step is you look at you already, the commitments you already have. So you might already have meetings, planned coaching calls. You might have visit somewhere, even family time. Anything that takes away your time, you must consider because this is your external reality. There's no point in putting things to get done when you don't consider the time that you actually have to getting them done. So you look at those things that need to get on this week. You consider your current reality and the current commitments that you have. And then you look at the time that you have to define those things that you want to get on the day and then you create the bullets, the list for the day. In fact, you don't create bullets because if you just do bullet points, call John. Answer the five females toe procurement, Bubba Bubba about then what you're telling your mind is somehow, Yes, these are things to get done, but they will get done when there is time. And this is exactly what you don't want to have. You're in your life. You don't want things to be done when there is time. Instead, you want to give them the attention and the focus and the respect they deserve. If they're important enough to be on your to do list, you would have given it some thought. There there's a reason why they are there to do it, so you need to give them a prominent space in your day. So please, for everything that you do for every task you have, put it a time to it. So from eight and nine, you do this from 9 to 10. You do this from 10 to 11. You do this That helps you do two things. One, you actually will realize that. You know, Is this actually possible in the hour? Is it possible where I said to do Because this also ends up happening very often that we said put as bullets what we want to be doing and then it takes so much time that nothing else gets done on the list. This puts a filter in between to help you understand how realistic that plan is that you're making for the day. Okay, so you put in the times and the reason why I said it now is because normally we cannot concentrate for more than an hour. Even less is battle. But an hour is something that we can definitely work towards and you will see in one of the next videos. When I talk about energy, how you manage the energy, you need to take breaks at least every hour in orderto re few your physical energy annual vibrancy. And so this is why put everything there for now. And this will give you your short, specific and realistic list that is manageable for the day because you will be very, very clear. What? You have to do it every single hour off the day. So congratulations. You have your plan. This is your date. This is what you want to stick toe. Now, if you think to yourself, Yes, but I've done that, and I still don't get things done. You know, still full victim for procrastination. I'm still getting distracted, and I'm, you know, post pushing these things to the next day. There are a few elements that I want to teach you in this class. It will help you actually get those things done. There are few things that are a little bit more advanced level that will help you get this done. The one thing was already putting the timings. I think that gives you a very good sense off. Oh, I should be doing this at this point of time and not whenever it's you know, whenever I have time left, but in order to get to the next level. Please take your time. Keep watching. And I'm going to see you in the next videos. 4. Improve your mornings: hi and welcome back. So now you have already advanced in creating a very short, specific, realistic and manageable to do list for the day. There's nothing that can come between you and that list now, because there is no second guessing judging. You said this is what I'm gonna be doing. You have a very, very clear intention set for the day. Now we're going to go into executing the list, But before we do this, it's one of the next videos. Before we do this, we need to start the day. Well, we need to set you up for success, and this is what we're gonna do in this video. You will have heard many people talk about morning routines, and this is absolutely good advice. The way you start your day matters the way you started a the with you endured a matters. In fact, the way you started in anything methods because we have this bias in our heads that we remember very often those things, you know, the beginnings and the ends of something and not so much the struggling between. So let's have a look of these morning routines. If you already have a morning routine. This is great. I encourage you to continue experimenting with that. Nobody ever has a morning routine set in stone. You know, you need to experiment and see what works for you. But the elements that people have in their morning routines are hydration off course, because after a long night sleep, you need to rehydrate your body. You're sweating at night. You need to fuel back that hydration, that water you need to look into stillness, meditation, gratefulness. You can journal other people speak about sports, and exercising in the morning doesn't have to be an hour of sport can be a seven minute workout. If you don't want exercise, at least do some stretching because again, you know, when you sleep, you get all folded up in your bed. You need to stretch so in open toe, open up for the day. So these are elements that many many people recommend for the day. But there's one thing that I haven't seen. Recommend it so much, and I believe this is one of the major elements. This is a routing that you can implement in whatever you're doing right now, and that can help you change the trajectory of your day completely in here it is. What I want you to do is after you've done your morning routine, I don't want to change you anything in that. If you're used to this, please keep doing it. Drink your smoothie. Drink your water. Do whatever you do, but add one last thing and it's gonna give you only it's gonna get you cost you and 2 to 3 minutes Maximum five at the end of your morning routine. What I want you to do is to just sit down, gonna take a look at your to do list that you create it the night before and you're gonna close your eyes and visualize yourself going through that day. You're going to run your day in your mind as if it goes ahead. So you're gonna close your eyes and gonna think, OK, now I'm having my morning routine. I'm going to go on. Oh, the first meeting of this. This is my first chance. You see yourself doing this? You see yourself effortlessly doing these things. You You know what you do with this is you generate a feeling off off accomplishment already before you have starting doing things you you visualize in order to get to that feeling off how easy it is to get done. It is very, very powerful because you do this from the comfort and the safety of your own home and you with your mind. Whatever you put your mind to, you can do it with your mind. You actually see yourself doing it effortlessly. So the second thing this does is when you go through the list that you actually created yourself in your mind, you will realize a couple of things that will help you find unit and make the odds of its exceeding much, much more likely. So, look, for instance, you might go through this a list and you say, Oh, wait. When I do this, I'm gonna be there so I could do this and this and this on top, because I'm gonna be the same area. OK, so let me not forget that, or you might say, okay, and then I'm going to the meeting, and then away John is gonna be at that meeting. So maybe I can talk to John about these things that I always wanted to talk to him about. So you see, when you do this when you run it in your mind, you will see first whether it's realistic and you list actually can be done, whether you have for gotten to maybe reach out to people that can help you do that and maybe for gotten things that you wanted to do that can help you by simply being at the same time of the same place with the things that you want to get them in your list. So this is what I wanted to recommend to you is a very, very powerful routine in the morning. Do your route rituals that you do already read your books, right? Your journals feel the gratitude but also run in your mind that day. It's not like a dry run dry. Run your day and make yourself set yourself up for success. So this was the tip for the morning. How to stop the morning. What happens is that you are the spectator. You is almost like watching a movie. You go through the movie and you see how things unfold. The next step in the next video is how you become an actor. How do you move from spectator to actor and actually take control of the day. You studying tension and how you going to show up during the date coming up next? 5. Decide how you will show up: How are you? Welcome back. So so far, you created a short, realistic, specific and manageable to do list The night before you set yourself up for success in the morning because you did your morning routine, whatever you were doing. But you also visualized today you dry run you dry rent a day in your head so that you could see the obstacles that might come. And you anticipated already those things that you can now avoid because you made yourself aware of this in this video. Now we will discuss another advanced version of what you can do when running your day towards success. And this is when people create two DUIs. They forget, actually to think about to bees, and this is something very, very powerful. It defines how you want to show up during the day. Yes, there are a lot of things that you want to get done. But also there are some things that may be, if you think a little bit deeper for yourself. You wanna be being differently, not be doing differently. This can be things like, you know, habits or behavior. You might say, for instance, to yourself that during this day. I wanna be more calm toe adversity. So whenever something happens, I want to resist and become. And when this department again does this and this, I want to react in this way. You want to set intentions for the day? Why is this important? Because if you don't set intentions for the day how you want to behave, how you want to show up, how you wanna be than what you for will fall back to is your default. So there is no progress than in this regard. Whatever you whatever happens, you will fall back to your default to the way you always reacted to your impulses. So replace impulse, buy intention. This is the most important thing that you will learn to do because it will move you. It will set the secondly above that. To do so to the two B's, you can set intentions for all sorts of things. You can send intentions for physicality. So, for instance, that you say today I am going to take the stairs and not the elevator. You can set intentions on emotional level to say whenever I hear negative feedback. This is what I'm gonna be reacting like so setting intentions, and I want you to write them down. So as you did the list for the to do's, I also want you on the same piece of paper. Make a separate list. Obviously, you don't need to put in times to this one, but you make a bullet. Point off. What you want to tell yourself to behave this there? How do you want to show up that day? How do you need to show up to get those things done that are on your list? If there isn't your list Something, for instance, that scares you a little bit. You can set an intention of how you want to be that you can tell yourself I will. Right. We go directly into the task and not delay, not procrastinate. You can set your intentions for the day in order to run it as you want it. So this is the lesson of this class. You have set intentions for the day. Congratulations. In the next video we go to the next level. Now you've said your list. You've started your morning Well, by visualizing it, you set your intentions for the day. Now it all boils down to actually running today. Now it comes down to sticking to what you said you do with all the destruction that will come with everything that will happen. Your only goal is to get that list done. We're gonna talk how you can do this in the next video. 6. Execute like a champion: Hi there. Thank you for coming back. Thanks for sticking with me. This video is a very important one, because in this video I will rewire your brain so that you can do what you promised yourself to do. Now, let's recap quickly. What you've got so far we have got so far is you created a short specific because you put the time. Isn't it realistic and manageable to do list? There's no reason, actually, why? You cannot execute it. On top of that, you dry ran through that list during the day you had. You know how you would run it through the day you anticipated obstacles. You Could you? I understood synergies. You now actually have a better understanding. You even got in the feeling off almost having it done. And the third is you set out. You set yourself out for success. You define how you need to show up to get this list on. What is your behavioral armament time? Your cape. How do you need to show up in order to get this list on? Now it's time to actually do it. The first thing that I want to tell you is a very very critical rule. You have done your list. You went through your list. You defined how you're gonna show up. Done. This is it. Number one, list Ugo into execution mode. There's no more doubting or judging that list. This list is done and even if you think to yourself only. But maybe I need to adjust your honestly, almost never. It is important enough to change something within the day. Run through the day, Execute that list, learning adopt for the future. But for that one day you need to keep that promise to yourself. You separate strategy. You separate the thinking from execution. Now, when the day's come, you go and start your working day. Its execution mood. You're in execution while you're on a mission. Your mission, if you accept it, is to execute that list. How do you start? Well, if you haven't done so already, you might need to reshuffle a little bit. The first thing on your list must be your most important task. And I'm sure you've heard this before that you know you need to eat the frog because once you eat the frog in the morning the rest of the day is peanuts is a walk in the park, and it is to have done that. The sense you feel after having accomplished the most important task is amazing. Try it. If you haven't, you will be surprised. So the number one list the number One thing on your to do list should be your most important task. Now you might say, Oh, tassel. I mean, are you serious? The most important task is this thing that scares me is the reason why procrastinate? If I put this to the top, I not only won't get this done, I won't get anything else in village. Done. Listen, here's the trick. You don't do the whole most important task. That's why I told you, you need to limit yourself to one hour. So what I want you to do is that when you put in the most important task, it doesn't mean that it has to be completed that day in one hour. It means that you move it forward. So you're new thinking is what is the next step in this project. Whatever the most important project most important task is what is the next step and you only think in small next steps. In fact, I want you to be even hard on you. You don't take over. The next step is to do this. And so how much time will I need for this? This is not the right way. Here's something that will flip your world upside down. You don't take the task and say how long this is going to take me and set the time. No. You set the time. You said to time already. One hour. This is the time I have for this task. What off my next step? What of my most important task can I do within this hour? This is your new thinking. This is what is going to set your part. This is what is going to create momentum. It will help you get in the game faster. It will help you keep moving. This is the most important thing you will learn from this video today. The next step? How much can I do within the next? Our Okay. And you're going to do this for all the other tasks as well. That was the most important thing. Number one, number two, the next mindset hack. The next thing that you need to rewire your brain to do is as simple as that. And I and I got inspired from this by the Mercedes Benz commercial. I don't know if you have a series of Mercedes Benz is a wonderful commercial. That's the news commercial that says the best or nothing. The best or nothing defines what they do there. Either do the best cars or they don't want to be the car business anymore. And this is the thinking that I want you to adopt. You have your list. If you see yourself ever deviating from that list, if you see that you might be doing something else maybe Facebooking maybe answering a call , maybe something that is not on the list. I want you to remember this on nothing. You made the list and I want you to even reword yet list. This list is not your to do list for the day. This list issue this or nothing. List this or nothing. Now you're human. You might get distracted. But every time you catch yourself doing something, you remind yourself this or nothing, and you go back to that list, you do what you said. You would do. Now here is a protect. The protest is that very often, even if it's an hour and we are very, very specific, with the next step of what exactly it is going to take us to move it forward way, start dreaming a little bit on the reason why we start dreaming and have difficulties in starting. Getting things done is because and the outcome is not very clear. So if you find yourself that you have, the next step is very, very clear. What the next step is in the project in your task. Then if you find yourself having struggled to start, it's because you haven't identified the deliverable that clear outcome off that session. So you need to be very, very clear. What is by the end of this hour going to happen? What is the intention? What is that what you need to be doing? What will be coming out of these 45 minutes and you will take five minutes in the beginning and set that intention about the outcome at the beginning of the test? So we have the hour in the beginning. You gonna sit and say, OK, what was it again that this was about OK, OK, OK, OK, so I'm going to do this. Maximum five minutes. Then you work hard for 45 minutes and you give yourself 10 minutes Break at the end. This is your hour. It doesn't matter how far you've got. It doesn't matter how far you've come. What matters is that you do this and nothing else. Okay? This is your most important lesson from this class. It is the this or nothing list. It is not as important to get everything done on that list. As long as you do nothing else. Now you will see. Okay, Bob. But what if my boss comes? What if somebody appear comes into some urgency? Of course. I'm not saying that you should ignore everything. You're living in a matrix environment. You help other people, other people have you. I understand. But please double check that. Don't let other people's urgencies become your problem. If you post come some with some really urgency off course, you can deviate and spend an hour doing that. But is it really an urgency validated? Do yourself a favor and stick as much as you can to this on nothing because this or nothing will save your day. This or nothing will make sure that you go through the day and the way to actually manage these tasks by making them. How much can I do in this one hour? How much can I do in this one hour that I gave me. So I hope you like these insights. I hope this inspired you to try. I can tell you it has been revolutionary for my in my case, and I am sure it will help you as well. This is the way you need to be thinking. And I encourage you to try right away this day, next day when you do your to do list. So now you have a to do list that you're looking for two because it is a very sore, specific, manageable. Realistically, that probably even excites you to get to into executed. You have learned how to set yourself up for success with visualizing the day at the very very morning, but also to be intentional about how you want to show up generally what it will take you to do and how to behave in order to actually execute everything as you wish, and you even got a new way of thinking about your to do list. And you philosophy, If you like that, you should look at your list as this or nothing that you're committing yourself to do what is on your list. And when I say nothing here, I mean, of course not sitting in front of the TV and doing nothing but recovering because at any given point during the day, you should either be doing what you said you would do that item on your to do list or recover. You should energize refuel yourself in order to get to the next ah item. And I hope also that I was able to bring to your attention that the best way to be procrastination and to get started so you that you can create that momentum you need and get into the zone and flow is actually deciding what the next step is. You don't need to accomplish the entire task. You need to ask yourself what is the next step that will move this forward, and how much of this can I do? In the time that I allowed myself to do this, you find out your start making it easy for you to start making it easy for you to win. I hope this helps you. I hope it served you. I hope to give you some inspiration in a different way of seeing things that actually will help you, I believe strongly run through your day like a champion. You will execute like a champion In the next video, we will discuss now how you can maintain your energy to run through the day and not only execute those things on your task, but be energized and present fully present and engaged with your loved ones and the non work activities after work. It is very important besides managing your time toe also manage your energy and why this is important how to do it well discussed in the next video. 7. Manage your energy: Hi there. Welcome back. Thank you for sticking around. And congratulations for having having come this far. This sets your path from many, many other people have quit along the way. So thank you very much for being a part of this in today's video. I want to talk to you. What energy? Why energy? Well, I'm sure you've come to the situation where you had time to do something. But you didn't have the energy to do it. And this happens very often and is the reason why it is absolutely important that we don't only manage our time well, But we also manage our energy because we need energy in there to do those things that we want to do. We need to put the time aside that they require to be accomplished. But if we don't manage our energy, nothing is going to get done. And in this video, I'm gonna put the focus on four dimensions. Because if you are lacking energy, if you don't feel energized, it's mostly due to some problems and issues in one of these four dimensions. And these four dimensions are your physical dimension, your emotional dimension, mental dimension and spiritual dimension. Let's go right into this without further due to the physical dimension. The physical dimension is all about what you eat. You nutrition. It's all about how much you drink. How do you drink how you hydrate yourself? It's about how you move and how you sleep. So when you feel tired, I want you to go back to yourself and ask yourself, what other reasons Where are my falling short in these four elements within the physical dimension am I eating light And often am I eating the right things? Am I having a balanced meal? Am I keeping my glucose level my sugar levels in my blood on an even space? How am I doing when it comes to me to my nutrition? And maybe what could be those things that I can do in orderto get better it eating same thing with dehydration. How well am I hydrating? Am I taking on my drinking water the recommended two liters consistently throughout the day . If not, this is something that you need to be to make a habit of yours. How well are you moving? Most people believe they need to have energy in order to move they say they don't feel for moving, but the opposite is to you need to feel you need to move in order to create energy, our bodies, our power plants. In order to create energy, they need to move. And finally, your sleep. Are you getting the 7 to 9 hours of recommended high quality sleep? Are you watching out how you go to buy? Do you have routines in the evening that make it easier for you to fall asleep and get the quality sleep that you need? Check yourself on these four elements nutrition, hydration, movement and sleep and see what you can do to improve on these four elements. The next dimension is the emotional dimension very, very important that mentioned. Let me give you an example. How is your productivity after you heard bad news? How is your productivity and how do you show up after he had a fight with your spouse of with your Children? Your emotional state has a huge impact on you and has a huge impact on others and the same thing becoming away off the emotional state of others. And what impact that has on you is critically important When it comes to refueling your emotional dimension. So this is what the emotional dimension is about understanding in what emotional state you are regularly throughout the day, asking yourself what actually triggered this emotion and how can I get out of this? There are several things that you can do in order to move from a negative time from a negative emotion toe, a more positive emotion. You are familiar with these things, the different people, things that work for different people. Music can be one of them. A walk outside in the green and the forest can be something else. Socializing and talking to people can be another one. There are multiple things that you can do in order to move yourself from a negative to a positive emotional state. But the first thing is to become aware of it, and this is what I invite you to do for your emotional dimension, regularly checking in the day and say, How am I doing? In my emotional dimension, the third dimension is your mental than mentioned, and this represents the focus off your energy. How much focus do you put on? Whatever you do at this single moment, when you are drained and feel low energy. One of the reasons that can be is problems and issues and misbehavior on the mental energy dimension. And that means you either multi task, which is not a good thing to do, because yes, you can do multiple things at the same time. But you cannot focus on this on multiple things. At the same time, you can only focus on one thing at a time, so I want to invite you to review how you are executing your task. Are you multitasking? Are you responding to emails while you're on the phone? Are you writing emails? Why you are in the meeting? Check in with yourself and see whether you multitasking it is draining your energy, and it's a very simple fixed to create more energy for yourself. The second piece, the second important element the drains energy within the mental dimension is yourself talk . You know the multitasking get us sidetracked from the things that we want to do. But so can be self talk me half and it's the same thing here, observed a little bit better. What other stories that you're telling yourself what you believes that are guiding your behavior are these things that are yours truly. Yours are these things that you have adapted from other people piers, bosses, friends or family. So what's your motive? Tasking and watch. You're in a talk yourself. Talk your inner voice. Is it a critical voice or is it a positive story? How can you translate that? What positive things can you talk to yourself so that you energize yourself? This is critically important to fuel you on the mental energy damage and finally, spiritual dimension. The spiritual dimension is all about your purpose. You can imagine that you will feel drained lost without direction. If you don't have that purpose, if you don't have set the mission for yourself. If you do not know why you do the things that you do, you need a bigger picture. You need the puzzle and not only the pieces. You need to understand how these things fit together and how these are a line to your values and beliefs that are helping you to grow. Fueling yourself on the spiritual dimension has nothing to do with religion, but it has all to do with purpose and with aligning everything you do with where you want to go. It's understanding how you can live purposefully every single day. If you do that, you will charge and fuel yourself on the spiritual level. So these are the four things that I wanted to bring to your attention. If you feel the lack of energy very often, there is something wrong in these four dimensions in your physical dimension. Either in what you eat, how you hydrate, sleep or move in the emotional dimension, how or where you are about your emotional state and how it effects others and the mental dimension that you are actually focusing on one thing at a time. And you watch out for the talk that you have in your head for yourself. You know, we are our biggest critics. Make sure you fix that. And on the spiritually I mentioned, what is this old for? Why am I doing this? So I hope this helps you to serve you. I hope this gave you some ideas where you need to find tune. I will put in a link to the video that to a PDF document that I put together that will give you some ideas. What you can do in each of these dimensions, so that you can recharge what other tapes and tricks that you can do and the judge tips that can help you fuel back the energy that you lost within these four dimensions. I hope this will be helpful. And if it is, please come back here. After you downloaded this and write something down in the comments, help me understand this. Help you. And if you found something else that works for you put it in the comments as well so that others see what works for you and they can copy. Maybe it works for them as well. In the next video, we will move now to the next level. We talked about time management. We talked about energy management. Now, what about attention management? What about actually doing those things that you said you would do? How can you manage distractions? You can't avoid distractions in today's world, but you can certainly learn to manage. You need to become a distraction management master. And that's what we're going to do in next video. See, there 8. Resist the urgent: Hi there. Welcome back. How have you been? How was your journey so far? I hope it helps. You haven't served. I hope you learn some things. New insights, new philosophies, new ways of seeing things. If you have, please leave a comment in the section below and let me know how you have been doing. Let me know if you have any questions that remained an answer. I would love to go into more depth and detail into anything that you I feel it's still lacking in this class. So welcome back and congratulate you for having gone this far. I hope you energized and fully present. Remember, we talked about energy in the last video. I hope you found ways to energize yourself in these four dimensions that I have mentioned to you in this class today. We're going to talk about distractions because you know it. Once you set your mind to do something, the world and it's wife will make everything they can to keep you from doing it. This is fact. This world is not meant to be distraction free. But that's also not what we're looking for. We're not looking to avoid distractions. We want to learn how to manage them appropriately. And there are two ways distractions come toe us. The first way is ourselves ourselves. I mentioned a bit about this in the previous video about energy when we when we talked about the self talk. But it is ourselves is the way we are, the way we are wired that keeps us from doing things for a prolonged period of time. Our brains are wired to look for shiny new things. It's very, very difficult to keep focused on a board topic. It's not only that we get distracted by notifications email pop ups, but it's also our own ideas off a dry for something new and exciting that keeps us from doing something for a longer period of time. And he is something that helped me very, very much that I would like to share with you for you to try and see if this can help you maintain your focus. No, here's the thing. Every time you work on something in a focused way, also have a little piece of paper, a little note ball, something where you can write on next to you and what I want you to do with that is, every time you get an idea, you get a every you know, something that you reminded Chef you need to be doing. I want you to resist the urgency. I want you to resist toe urgently. Respond immediately to something that just popped up. This is something that everybody struggles with. We're working on something that is important. Something popped up and we feel the need. It's really an urge to go for that instead. So what I want you to do is I want you to learn to resist that, and it is difficult. I understand that it is something very, very difficult because we're not wired to do that. But on the other side, it is a skill. It is a skill that you can develop. It's a skill that you can get better. So start now, become aware of these situations and do something differently compared to what you have been doing. Note these things down, have the piece of paper next to you, and as soon as something pops up, something that you remember to do something that somebody comes and ask you to do, say that you're gonna do it later noted down, make a little bullet. List off those things that you promise you will tackle later, just to give your brain the peace of mind. It needs that you have thought of everything. Focus on this thing that you need to be doing and capture those things that you want to look later that you want to look at later. It's going to make a huge difference. It made a huge difference in my life. As soon as I put those things on paper, I could focus more on the task at hand. Now the second piece other than ourselves that we distract ourselves is, of course, other people. It's always difficult to avoid the situation where other people can get to you unless you are lucky person and you can work in a coffee shop where you can work at home or you have an office where you can isolate yourself and get something done. Very often, we work in a mawr shared space where people have easy access to us, and this is very, very difficult to say no to now people. You need to understand that people don't do this to harm you people, Um they're not against you. People are for them. So as much as you know, you want to work on your task, people feel they need your help for their task. So this is why people come and ask you. And when they come and ask you for a coffee is because they feel the need to socialize and refuel themselves on the emotional level. Remember the previous video in the cases, you cannot say no. You have to go. You have to help. You want to help. I want to give you away. They can help you gain the focus again because here's the problem. The problem that people faced with the distractions is not that they get away and I can't do the task again. The problem is they cannot go back into the flow they had fast enough in order to deliver something of value. So what I want you to do is every time something pulls your attention away from your task and you need to step away for a bit, I want you for a few minutes. I think where you left off and make a little note where you need to pick up that same task . It might be that you pick it up the same day when you're back. It might as well be that you pick it up the next day. What you need to do is you need to make sure that you get into the execution move very, very fast. You need to get into that mode fast so that you can work on this and delivery as fast as you can. This is something that will help you get into the zone fast. Get into that feeling that you have. Sometimes where time seems to slow down faster, make sure that you know down where you left off and where you need to pick up the topic. As soon as you get back to that whenever this might be. And I have another pro tip for you in this section about distractions. We all think of notifications, always has something negative because they drag us out of something we were doing without full focus. But can you imagine, with this can be something positive. But notifications can be actually something good. Yeah, you guessed it. It is when you use notifications intentionally. When you use notification and reminders to pull you back on track to get you back on the wagon. And this is what I want you to do in this protest. But I want you to do is I want you to use your notifications on your smartphone in a way that is actually helping you. I want you to use certifications that pop up and remind you of what you should be doing. Try this for a bit, Travis, for a couple of days. I can reassure you this will transform your productivity. Make a reminder that pops up times where you know you feel a lack of energy that pops up at times when you know you are less productive. Maybe after lunch, maybe the afternoon, maybe in the early morning, whenever it is right for you, let it pop up and ask a question. Am I doing what I'm supposed to do? You can even allow it to pop up multiple times during the day and have you reminded constantly to stick to what you said you would do so making a pop up, asking whether you're doing what you're supposed to do or asking you How is my energy right now so that you become aware off your energy and then intentionally and proactively recover riff. You make sure that you get the energy to continue in those tasks that are ahead of you. So I hope you like those tips. I hope this helped you and serve you. You know, it's not a bad thing to full victim for distractions. We all do. And that's something that nobody can avoid. And even if sometimes you don't manage to get, you know, to manage those distractions in the way that you would just remind yourself that it is in those moments. But you become aware of it. This is the moment off power for you to actually decide what you want if you find yourself procrastinating, if you find yourself surfing on Facebook, if you find yourself on Instagram something that has been distracting you for a while, don't be too hard on yourself. Take this moment is a moment of power to take back control. This is a moment where you became aware this is a big thing. It's a big deal. Use this to get back on track, decided that moment that you're going to do is gonna go back to your list. Tag back your list, see what's next on the list and go and do this with your full attention. So I hope that helped you on the next video, we will discuss how we close the day appropriately because remember, we said that how you start today and how you end today are critically important. Very often, what happens up in the middle gets for gotten. But how you started, how you you end anything is very, very port. More about this in the next video. 9. Call it a day: Hi there. Welcome back. Thank you for joining me today. What a journey. How much have you learned? So if I look how far you've come, if this class helped you, please take a moment and write in the comments below What was the biggest? Take away the biggest inside the biggest ah ha moment that you have for yourself. If you have any questions similarly, please put them in the comments below. I'm more than happy to get back to them and tackle something that you feel remained unanswered. I'm happy to provide a deep that on specific topics that you interested in now, This video today is all about ending because face it, we're not only bad starting things I mean this is the whole problem with procrastination, where we are not able to get ourselves moving and into the game. We also suck big time and ending. Where do you see that in your life? Well, it's very visible when we have all day. We work, we work, we work and then we take home the world that is left over. We don't have proper closures. We don't end things we don't separate in transition from one area of our lives to another, and this has to stop. And this is why I recorded visited today to help you with that. Let me ask you this. Are you familiar with the law off Parkinson? Well, if you're into productivity, the chances are high that you actually know about this law. For those who have not yet heard about Parkinson's law, the law states that any given task for its completions will take the amount of time you give it. So if, for instance, you give up a task a week to be completed, it will take your time to do it. And if you give a task an hour, then it will take you an hour to do that, because it puts the certain amount of pressure that you need a deadline that you need in order to get something done. And so the same law that applies that works for every given task that you're working on. You could apply actually, on your day if you struggle with ending your day well. If you struggle with taking work home, then do Parkinson's law on your day set a certain amount of times that said at a specific time where you will leave the office and commit to the time this will make sure that you have that pressure, that whatever's on your list, you have to get done on that specific point off time. Now you might think, Well, that's an easy tiptoe. So I will set the time. Then I just ignore it. Well, that's not what you should be thinking about because, as we said, the whole cause the whole class about this was to keep promises that you make to yourself. And in this video, I want to show you I'm gonna give you a tip. How you stick to that. Yes, it will be difficult. Nobody said it's gonna be easy. It will be difficult. Any change you want to do in your life will be difficult. But I have a tip for you, how you can stick to that. So we said the goal is that you set an end date to your day because it is important to have that closure. How can you stick to that? The radius Stick to that is by setting a routine to actually run every time you and the day to help you with the closure so you can call it a catch up. You can call it a closer time. You can call it out anything you want. But the purpose of this maybe 15 minutes, 20 minutes, as much as you can allocate is to get into that routing to rev you quickly the day in this very specific period of time. At the end of the day, what I want to do is I want you to look at those things that you didn't get done. And I want you to think about whether they're relevant enough to be moved to the next day. I want you to think about people you promised to reach out to, but maybe haven't come toe during the day. I want you to think about maybe an email that you wanted to send out that is important for somebody else to get their work done that you actually have drafted but maybe not send out . It's those. It's those little things that otherwise, if you don't get them done and dust, it will keep buzzing around your head and ruin your whole evening and will make you will force you to pick up that laptop again. Open it up and work over hours. So what I want you to do is I want you to take a few minutes. It can be 10 minutes, even in 15 minutes and make it a routine at the end of your day and install a little catch up time in stall a time when you just quickly. This is not about planning. Your next day this you will do maybe towards the evening. A little bit later, when you have some piece of time. This catch up time is really just to come to a closer. What are those things that maybe you still need to do quickly. Those discussions that you need to have at the end of the day, a quick update you might need to give to your boss. What are those things that otherwise will be buzzing in your head and not allow you to come to peace with yourself? So I hope this was a good tip for you. It helped me very, very much. It helped me because it allowed me to get the closure to make the call it a day to make sure that I found a way for me. to stick to the promise I made to leave office at a certain period of time, to allow me to transition to the next phase of my life, to allow me to leave work behind, induce something that comes next. So I hope that helped you and I hoped it served. And I hope it gives you an ah ha moment what you could do to change the way you end your days. I think it's a game changer. I think it's super important for you to end your days, you know, proper way, just as you start them well with your morning routine, as we discussed earlier. And I encourage you and I invite you to do that on a regular basis because it only will stick. If you make it a habit on a daily basis, Next video will be all about you. Measure yourself and I know that people are not very happy with measuring yourself. But this can be very, very fast and very, very efficient. I will show you in the next video how two very, very quickly measure how you have been doing so that you can know what tried that for the next day. So stick with me for the final video. I'm looking very much forward to seeing you there 10. 4 simple improvement questions: Hi there. Welcome back. Welcome to the last video in this class. We're the last before the summer video, but the last video off instructions where I try to give you the framework that struck Show off how you run your day, how you run yourself in order to get the stuff done that you are looking at doing so in this last video. I want to come to a very, very important point. And this is the point about measuring yourself. And I know that it scares the crap out of people because nobody likes to track and measure . But we have to be honest with ourselves. What is not getting measured cannot be improved. You cannot fix something, make something better that you don't measure. And it doesn't have to be so complicated in this video. I'm going to keep it very short because I want you toe only do a few very, very simple things in order to measure you and adjust for the way forward. The only thing that I'm asking you to do ask yourself four simple questions. I want you by the end of the date. Just set aside a little bit of time and ask yourself, Number one. Did I do what I promised myself to do? Number two. Did I get work done that was relevant? Or did I do just busy work Number three. What helped me actually today Get stuff done. What was there? What did I do? Well, in my behavior in my the way that approached different things, different people myself, that helped me move things forward And what this is Number four. Do I need to improve in order to get it better next time? That's it. These four things all you need, you can track yourself on many, many other matrix whatever you want. If you're a geek and you want to measure yourself, it's good. But the four important things out of this class that you learned your in this class about four things that I and current you too ask yourself is Did you do what you promised yourself to do? This is just important to look back and say OK, I wanted to do these five things today. I did none of them. Damn, that's good enough. It's fine. At least you're aware you are putting the spotlight on you because it is you can change things. So you take control, take responsibility for the things that you didn't do And those things that you do as much as you know as much one as much as the other. So ask yourself, Did I do what I promised myself I would do. And then again, ask yourself, Did I get important work done or just busy work? Because, you know, when you decide on the list as we discuss, when you set that those things that you want to get done during the day, it's a process you will not necessarily from the beginning, get it right and get those things done that are relevant. You might actually put things that are not so relevant, but by asking you whether you did important things and move projects forward rather than getting only busy work done, you will get better in defining what the right things are. Number three was about asking yourself what you did. Well, because we do things well and we tend not to remember these. What did I do? Well, that helped me get these things done today. Better. Maybe yesterday and the fourth. Where do I keep to put some focus on what I need. What does need my attention? Where do I need to improve these four questions? Just a little bit of self reflection at the end of the day will help you immensely change your game and level up your performance so that you become an achiever and you get those things done that you promised you would do. Now, here's a bonus tip for you. It is something that I experimented rather recently with, and it worked so well that I wanted to share it here with you. You see, many people put into the calendars a lot of events and things that happen in the future that they want to be reminded off, like meetings, doctor's appointments, birthdays, any events. And some people actually advice you also to put into your calendar your task. So to be able to time box it and to say this is what I'm gonna do it what particular time? Respecting the time that is actually available for you, however, would work for me is to do things slightly differently. As I told you, I already have that list for the day written with the times when things are going to happen , So that kind of mirrors already calendar entry. I don't need to do that to put them into the calendar. I have that guidance already that I can refer back toe, but still what ends up happening and I'm human, too. It can happen to everybody. I don't always get those things done. There are on my list, and I ended up many times at the another day, thinking to myself, What did I do all day? And that bothered me, not be able to, you know, to reflect back and see. But what? It and I couldn't really remember what it was. So I decided to do it this way. I now and I do this regularly during the day because if you wait until the end of the day, you will have for gotten freezing. So every regularly, when I do the task, I retrospectively add things that I did into the calendar. So when I finished a task, I would put it into the calendar if I did something differently. What? I was surfing on Facebook over that I answered a call that was not pretty, you know, not foreseen. I put it in the calendar. And when I had somebody coming up and needed advice and I needed to talk to my put it on the calendar so that the end of every day I actually was able to look back and see what happened during the day. And I find this is important for two particular reasons. First, as I said, it doesn't leave you at the end of the day with the feeling What did I do all day? It is something that you can look back toe, and even if it is something that was not, you know that the rent a day, not exactly as you want it to you. Now I can see where you went off, maybe identify themes, identify particular patterns that maybe it's time you did something differently or you four for distraction or that you know, at particular times things happen like cause or people showing up. And the second thing why this is important is that you also can look back and see those winds, because what happens at the end of the week very often and look back. And yes, you have made some progress, but you have not really celebrated them you have. You're not really aware you didn't bring it up onto your radar. And by putting these things retrospectively into the Carter, it forces you to look into what you've done and actually acknowledge that you have done a lot off things that you said you would do that you have accomplished many of your task and that the proportion of things that you said you were doing maybe didn't do is far, far to your advantage than you may be thought so I hope this bonus I'm happy. I hope the whole video helped you. Um, and I want to congratulate you again for having gone with me through the entire class. This was the last video before the summary. I will record a summary after that to bring it all together into really for you to be able to take the take home messages in one simple video on To be able to take your to do's and whatever you want to take out of it for yourself as a project, I want you now to take some of these things optimally. You would structure today according to all of these things, remember, form the beginning off planning a day up to executing and staying on track, but experiment again and the perfect is always the enemy off the done. So try something, See if it works for you. Take those things that resonated most with you and implemented into your day. They should be easy to implement is not a lot off on implementation needed. I mean, remember, one of the things like the routine in the morning just takes it literally two or three minutes. How you would show up literally takes your 3 to 5 minutes. Planning the day ahead for the day literally will take your not more than 10 minutes. So it's are small things that you can implement right away and that I believe, can make a huge impact into your life. If you do that, please add it into the project and let me know what you've tried, how it worked. And if something's popped up that you didn't anticipate before, I'm very happy to address them. So thank you very much for watching. And until the next video, all the best 11. Summary: Hi there. Welcome back. Welcome to the last video. This is a summary video. It's a wrap up if you like. I wanted to shoot this video to give you a one stop resource reference something you can go back to and look at all those things that you've learned all in one place. And if you want to go into detail in any of those, you can, of course, always go back to the other videos. So without further ado, let's keep this simple. And let's go quickly through all those things. All those suggestions that I believe will help you improve yourself, improve the way you run your day and your productivity number one was. Keep the promises to yourself. Yes, it is important that we prioritise get the right things done, keep put some thinking into what needs to get done and moving us forward. But let's take one step back and actually started the foundation and at the basics and actually do what we said we would do. So that is the foundation. My suggestion. Do what you said you would do improve the way you stick to your commitments. Don't break the contracts with yourself. because this will create a strong alliance between yourself and your mind. Suggestion number two was about your to do list. Upgrade your to do list. Don't stick with a should. Duo could do a huge list of stuff that you need to do. Defined the list for the next day, only taking into considerations. Of course, your overall project deliverables What needs to get in that week. But your to do list is only the next day. Put sometimes to the test to box them to time, box them and have a very clear run through the day because if you just keep bullet points, you will treat them. Your mind will treat them as I will do those when I have time. Then we discussed how you can maximize your morning. The suggestion was visualized. The day in the morning is part of your morning routine. No matter what you do in the morning at five minutes to look at your list that you prepare the night before and run through it in your head, look for obstacles you might face. Look for synergies that might be there running through your list. Feel like you ordered have done it feel and see how you effortlessly run through your day. Then we discussed the very important suggestion define and decide how you are going to show up during the day. It's not only about two DUIs, it's also about Toby's. When you know what you should be doing. The next step is to understand, how do you need to show up what will help you get those things done? What is important to you? How do you wanna be in relation with others in relation to yourself in order to get those things done in terms of executing the day? The suggestion was a mindset shift. I told you to consider your list as a this or nothingness. It's important because it helps you again foster the relation with your list and really considered. As I said to myself, This is what I'm gonna do. This is what I'm gonna do. If I'm not doing this, I will be energised and recover. That's what I'm doing. The other suggestion was in order to be procrastination and to create a A an easy start. Getting faster into the zone is defined the next step. Don't kill yourself with trying to finish everything within a task. The important thing is not to get everything. Then the important thing is to move it forward. So what is the next step that you need to get done? Then we discussed how you maintain your energy in order to get all those things done on your list. And we said that they're mostly, if you don't feel fully energized. That mostly is you to one of the one thing lacking or missing or being off and running four energy than mentions your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimension. Have a look at those. Check in with yourself regularly during the day and see how your energies try to become aware. What drains your energy? Why are you not feeling at your best in that moment? Then the suggestions around. How do you stay on track and, you know, avoid distractions. We said that all these things will happen. Distractions will come. An email will pop up. Your boss will come. Peers will come and drag you off. A few suggestions their number one was capture these things for later. Stick to what you said you would do but capture them for later. If they keep buzzing in your head. They will keep annoying you, and they will keep dragging. You resist the urgency to do something immediately. It's a skill you can train. Resist the urgency to do it immediately. Write it down for later. Also, if you have to leave your task, he noted, for you to come back very quickly, the suggestion was, Write down what the next step is. How will you pick up the task when you pick it up? No matter if it's that the same day or the next day? What is the next step for this task? How will you pick it up? And very, very importantly, very, I think interesting suggestion was to use notifications to your benefit, not always evil. You can use them to your benefit, making your smartphone the notifications to pop up regularly during the day and remind you ask yourself in these notifications and the pop ups, Am I doing what I'm supposed to do? If you find yourself doing something else, it's just a great reminder up a moment of power to control yourself and come back. Don't take yourself for not being where you should be become aware and corrected. Then we discussed how you close the day. If you commit to leaving the date a certain period of time, you need to find ways to routinized it, to make it a habit to make it to install a routing in your life. That helps with the transition, and the suggestion was to make a catch up time. A wrap up. Time to do only those things in 15 2030 minutes of your time, how much you can allocate and reach out to the people you might need to reach out. To write that email, create a small bullet points of those things you need to discuss with your boss the next day. Quickly download all these things that I knew had so that you don't take them with you after work and then the importance about tracking yourself. Many people are scared about it, but it's not about having high performance indicators key performance indicators that are super sophisticated. Keep it simple. That was the suggestion. Ask yourself at the end of the day, very basic questions. Number one. Did I do what I said? I would do Number two, that I move things forward or did I do just busy work. What helped me be successful if you were successful, or if not, what I need to improve the next day. It's four simple questions that bring to your awareness very, very critical, basic and important things for you to adjust for the next day. That's all we need. So I hope that all these things resonated with you. I hope it gave you ideas. What you could do differently to Maxie Productivity toe make you feel good about yourself. The whole purpose of this class is that you get to the position where you do what you said you would do because I believe the most important thing at the end of the days that you get to feel productive is not about how you whether you are productive or not, who could possibly judge what you're productive or not. Nobody has a safe sense of productivity. It's all about how you feel identity. Did you do those things that Anna just you, the important things, the things that you said you would do? Did you consider two DUIs and Toby's? Was it a mix off heavy and light stuff? Was it pieces that grew you and stretch you and things that were more routine and standard stuff. How did you design your day And how did you run the day? That is what will make you feel accomplished and that you have made a progress. So thank you so much for going through the class. If you like it, please leave a common. Please give me a thumbs up. So people see that it is worth that time. And if you have any questions, same thing put them in the comments below. Let me know what is still interesting for you. What is still unclear to you. And I'm very happy to provide a deep dive in any of those things that matter to you. So thank you so much again. And until the next time, all the best