How to Quickly Start a Print on Demand Merchandise Business with Zero Experience | Digital Steve | Skillshare

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How to Quickly Start a Print on Demand Merchandise Business with Zero Experience

teacher avatar Digital Steve, Teaching Success with Digital Marketing

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro - What is Print on Demand Merchandise?


    • 2.

      An Amazing Opportunity


    • 3.

      How to Setup Accounts


    • 4.

      The Types of Products You Can Create


    • 5.

      What Type of Store to Create


    • 6.

      How to Research Products to Create


    • 7.

      How to Do Keyword Research


    • 8.

      Checking Trademarks and Copyrights


    • 9.

      Setting Up Your Store Part 1


    • 10.

      Setting Up Your Store Part 2


    • 11.

      Connecting Your Printing Partner and Store


    • 12.

      Printing Partner Settings


    • 13.

      Creating Design Files


    • 14.

      How to Create a Design for T-Shirts


    • 15.

      How to Create a Design for Mugs


    • 16.

      How to Create a T-Shirt Product


    • 17.

      How to Create a Mug Product


    • 18.

      How to Publish Your Products for Sales


    • 19.

      Optimizing Product Listings for Sales


    • 20.

      Paid Promoted Listings


    • 21.

      Google Shopping Ads


    • 22.

      Social Media Posting Your Products


    • 23.

      Holiday Trend Marketing Tips


    • 24.

      Customer Service Tips


    • 25.

      Analytics Overview and Strategy


    • 26.

      Coupons and Discounts for More Sales


    • 27.

      Featured Listings


    • 28.

      The Cost of Business


    • 29.

      Success Over Time


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About This Class


Interested in starting your own t-shirt store or selling coffee mugs online? This course gives you an A-Z blueprint on how to start your own print on demand merchandise business.

Learn how to setup your business, how to choose the right products, how to do marketing to make sales, and how to be successful over time! This course contains:

  • Over (30) step-by-step over the shoulder video training modules
  • Complete blueprint to starting a Print on Demand merchandise business
  • The best marketplace to sell your products with built in traffic (Easy to start with low cost)
  • The top rated print on demand partner that will print your products and automatically ship to your customers!
  • Tips and Tricks to be successful over time
  • Every resource you need both free and paid to to run your business

You DON'T NEED an e-commerce store, expensive tools or software, or crazy design skills to have a Print on Demand merchandise business.

This course will show you just how easy it is to get started and build a fun and successful business online.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside of the course!

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Digital Steve

Teaching Success with Digital Marketing


Hello, I'm Steve....thank you for checking out my courses.

My goal with all of my courses is to help anyone learn how to build a Web based business and make money online. I enjoy teaching others about Websites, Internet Marketing, and other online income earning methods to help people achieve their personal and financial goals.

My #1 goal is to provide my students with easy to understand training and tools to be successful online.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro - What is Print on Demand Merchandise?: Okay, welcome to the main part of the course, and I wanted to start by just going over. Actually, what print on demand is to make sure that you understand and know what it is and what we're going to be doing. So if you already know what print on demand is, that's great. And you don't have to watch this video, and you can get into the actual steps and the process that we're going to go through to create and so print on demand merchandise. But if you don't know, this video is just a quick walk through an explanation what print on demand is and what we're going to be doing throughout this course. So you may have already figured out that P. O. D. Stands for print on demand and print on demand simply means when you sell your own custom designs on various types of products, and the process is very, very simple. You will create your designs, you will get them placed on different types of merchandise, and you will get them listed so people can buy your products. Now we will get into the details on how to create products and how to list them, but we're primarily going to be using print fel for our print on demand partner for this course. And I use print full for many reasons, mainly because they have quality merchandise. They have good customer service, the margins or decent. And they did a really good job of shipping out products. And you don't really have a lot of bad merchandise that goes up now. Have you said that prayerful has a very nice page here that goes over, and we'll talk about just what print on demand is and how it works. So again, print on the man is very, very low risk because you do not have to carry any inventory up front now for the longest time. If you want to start your own T shirt shop, you would have to get a printing press or some way to print the T shirts in house, and then you would have to order a bunch of T shirts to print on, and then you would have to create your designs and a specific format to be able to use in your printing process. And not only did you have the expense of the equipment, but you have the expense of your inventory and then wait, it gets better. You buy all this stuff and you don't even know if it's going to sell or not. So the old way of running a teacher business and what you could do now there's a huge difference. There's hardly any risk involved, and you could still make a lot of money. So with print full and this course, what we're going to do is we're going to learn how to take print on demand merchandise and sell it and make money. So let's just go through the process real quick here, how it works. So we're going to sign up with print full, and we'll get into details here in a little bit, and then we're gonna create custom products, and it's very easy to add these to print full, and then the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take those custom products and then we're gonna take those custom products. We're gonna push it out to the marketplace where we want to sell those custom products, and then finally, the marketplace has built in traffic and there are things we can do to help promoter listings, but basically people are gonna fight our products and they're going to buy them, and that is going to convert into sales. And then once our products are sold, print full will do all of the heavy lifting they'll do of the hard work. They will print the design, they will pack it up and they will ship it out. And that whole process makes it simple for us just to concentrate on making good designs and marketing our products. So in a nutshell, that is how it works. It's very simple. It's a very easy process. I love this business model because again it's low risk. Anybody can start on this even if you have no experience with graphic design or e commerce stores or selling things online. It's very, very simple to get started. We don't have to have a warehouse. We don't have to have equipment. All we have to do is create our designs and set them up in print. Full and prayerful does most of the work for us. If you've ever looked into doing drop shipping, it is a similar model. I like print on a man just a bit better because you could come up with unique products that nobody else is selling print on demand products make excellent gifts that people want to buy in the marketplace that we're going to focus on is an excellent place to sell this type of merchandise. So I wanted to give you just a quick overview of what print on demand merchandise is. So you know exactly what we're doing here. And you are in the right place to start your own T shirt shop to start your own merchandise store to start your own clothing store. And the other thing about this business. As you get into it, you'll find out it's a whole lot of fun, too. So I hope this video was useful for you, and that's all I got here and we'll see you on the next video. 2. An Amazing Opportunity: first off. Welcome. I am so excited that you're here. I'm so excited to share this information. This is an amazing opportunity we have here you and I that I'm going to share with you share some tips, some tricks, some things to do, right, Some things to do wrong. And hopefully from this course you will get enough to take action, go out there and make some stuff happen. So the first thing I want to do is I want to just introduce you to Etc. And the platform. If you're not familiar with it, etc. Is an online marketplace where sellers can sign up and they can sell their goods, usually custom handmade type items. The big opportunity here is that for the longest time, etc. Only allowed custom handmade stuff. So what that means is you would have to create it yourself at your location, and you would have to physically ship it out from your location. Now don't get me wrong. That's still a viable business model. A lot of people that especially that have been around on etc. A long time do that. You may see, you know, custom beads. You may see custom jewelry these people are making it out of their house and they're making it happen. The big opportunity here is that recently, etc. Has opened up the platform to allow third party integration, which means you can do print on demand. You can do custom jewelry you can do. You can create just about anything you want. Use 1/3 party printer for your fulfillment for your you know, shipping to your customer. So all you really have to worry about at this point is creating cool designs, optimizing your less teens, getting people to your less teens. And on the back end, everything is gonna be taken care of, etc. Has an enormous an enormous amount of buyers that want to spend a lot of money. I'm gonna show you in this video a few examples of some stores that have generated a lot of sales. Just start, get the ideas flowing and show you what's possible with at sea. So here's an example. The types of numbers that I'm talking about. Let's think about this for a minute. This is 1,543,000 395 sales again, one million 543,395 sales. Now this person has been on Etsy or this business has been on Etsy since 2010 but they've built it up over time and look at the feedback. I mean, just amazing all the people that left feedback, all the cells that have been made. This is just one example. I've just picked random examples from searching different things to just kind of give you an idea of what's possible, This one here. 171,375 sales they've been on since 2008. This shop looks like it's primarily T shirts, which will talk about Here's another store that focuses on the wedding niche gifts, bridesmaids, gifts, wedding favors, decorations. This one has 337,000 sales. They've been around since 2013. Here's another T shirt shop, 49,000 sales. Here's another 1 84,000 sales. This is another T shirt shop, which is very common, and the list goes on. No, I've had some success on Etsy, especially the last year. Up until Christmas, I debated whether or not to show my stuff. My numbers were not quite as impressive is these. When I've done this stuff in the past, it seems like when I've showed actual examples, live examples, case studies. People tend to just take the information, and they copy it when it teach, you had a fish. You've heard that phrase before. I want to teach at a fish. I want to give you all the tools to go out there and make it happen for yourself. So those were examples of just big stores, the types of volume and sales it's possible on this platform. The next thing I want to do is I want to just show you, just do a few just general searches on etc. And show you the type of stuff that you can sell. Now we're using the print full platform, which is the perfect partner. The perfect integration to be able to create these types of designs, have people buy them and automatically fulfill and push out to the customers. T shirts, like I said, are a very common evergreen item. People are always gonna be wanting to buy T shirts. It's something very easy that you can create, and so so I'm just going to scroll through here just very quickly. TV, the types of examples of T shirts that people are selling on Etsy. You can just kind of get a general idea you will. You'll see bestsellers. But you also see the types of feedback numbers that people are getting on the individual listings here that tells you that, you know, if they have 5000 feedback, they have a lot, lot, lot more cells in that. So, as you can see, you can create T shirts for just about anything you can think of within reason you want. We want to make sure that we don't put out trademark or copyright violation type merchandise will get into that and how to do all that. But this just gives you an idea. Let's look at mugs, mugs or another easy, great gifts that you can create that people always want to buy again. You can create a mug for just about any occasion, any niche. The margins aren't quite as big on mugs, but this is more of a volume game as well get into. So it's very easy. Create mugs you can kick out, you know, 10 20 month designs in a day if you wanted to, and you can post them on, etc. And instantly have people searching and and buying this stuff. So I mean, look at these huge, huge numbers on you to speed back personalized mugs, wedding brides, maid mugs, lives with funny phrases. The list goes on and on and on and on. So T shirts and mugs are primarily. What I'm gonna focus on in the course is to show you the process and show you how to done from start to finish. You can also sell things like canvas art and on this type of stuff, this is where your margins get a lot bigger and it gets a lot more exciting because you can spin on a smaller cameras. For example, you might spend your costs might be $30 with print full, for example, and you can mark it up to three times that. Some of the bigger campus system markups could be a lot bigger than that. Even so, you can take art. You can have inspirational sayings. You can have customized art again. The list goes on and on, you know, look at this one. Look, the feedback on this one that's an ad. I'm not gonna click on it. I'm gonna save him some money there. Actually, let's do this. Let's Ah, alphabet canvas. Let's look at that as an example. Okay, so, yes, I want to look at the shop there, have got their nice store. Here's another one with just amazing sales 119,000 sales. Look at the amazing feedback. Very nice shop. Looks like they sell all types of custom merchandise, which is a huge, huge money maker will get into that there's and just Here's another example of stuff you can sell on Etsy, as well as the print on demand items that will get into you can sell graphics. You can sell jewelry. You can sell all kinds of stuff that she wouldn't even have thought of just because the attic platform has opened up and it's trying to compete with some of the bigger marketplaces and it's open up and it's allowed. Like I said, it's allowed that third party integration to be able to connect a printer haven't fulfilled on the back end, and again, at that point, all your worrying about is creating cool designs. So I hope this video has given you some inspiration. I hope it has given you some ideas already. And just a huge, huge opportunity you have here. Teoh create designs very easily. Place them on the Etsy platform and have all of the fulfillment have everything that order and everything taken care of on the back. And so you could just kick out these designs and make money. You know, I'm so grateful that you both this course I want you to go through everything. I want you to take action. I want you to take a lot of action. I don't want you to take this material and just do nothing with it. Because this is a huge opportunity. And if you take action with what you were in this course, you will make money. So I hope you are fired up and I will see you in the next video. 3. How to Setup Accounts: All right. Welcome back in this video, I'm going to show you how to get started with etc and print full. These are the two things we need to get through the course to do this method. And I'm gonna show you very quickly how to sign up and get started so below this video or in the pdf. Either way, there should be links to sign up for etc. And print full. And what you need to do is you need to click on this links disclaimer. Those are affiliate links. And that's fine. Just go ahead and click through. And these, well, these Well, this is where you would sign up for etc and fretful. So once you open up the etc link, it's going to take you to a page. It looks something like this is going to be some information about etc. Just here on the home page, going click on the register link if if the page open up does not have a registration available and there's a couple of things we need to enter to set up our Etsy account, that first is we need to enter an email address. We need to enter our first name, and we need to enter a password. You also have the option to sign up Google or Facebook. I usually like to use my email address and not use one of the Social Loggins or Google. So if you want to, it's totally up to you. If you want to use the M O method, just simply enter your email address your first name and a password. This will create your account, and it will email you the set up and log in details. So the next platform we need to sign it for is print full, and you should be taken to a page. After you click on the link, you should be taken to a page that looks something like this. We want to go ahead and sign up so the process is very similar. We're going to enter, are name email, address and create a password and something to consider. When you set these up, you want to make sure that you set up a separate email and new email for your business. I would not recommend setting up or using an existing email or personal email with this business, so make sure that you have a fresh new email set up going into your full name, your email and your password and click on Sign Up and it's going to kick you a welcome email. It's gonna register you. And then at that point, make sure to follow the directions for both, etc. And print full the emails that you get for registration. I'm not going to go into details on that. It's very straightforward and self explanatory. Once you get those accounts set up, you are ready to G o with the course. So go and get these accounts set up and I will see you in the next video. 4. The Types of Products You Can Create: All right, welcome back in this video, we're going to go through print ful all of the different types of merchandise we can create with print, full, to push toe, etc. And as you will see, it's a lot more than coffee mugs and T shirts. There's quite a lot of different merchandise that we can create and make ourselves unique and push toe, etc. And make money with. So let's go out to the home page here. That was just the dashboard. Once you get started with print full when you log in, that will be kind of your command center to create products to look at orders. So I was logged in there. I'm just gonna go out to the home page because it's a lot easier to look at. So with print fall, you have the opportunity to upload your designs and get merchandise printed with those designs. And here is an overview of the types of merchandise that you can create. We've got hoodies and sweatshirts. These air some of your more common ones. Coffee mugs, of course shirts. These are actually embroidered shirts, leggings, skirts. Actually, I that's new one for me on dresses. Those are brand new canvas art socks, backpacks. You can get your design printed all over on a shirt. You get a phone cases, pillows, toe bags, towel swimwear, aprons. Those are examples. Those are some of the common ones. So in another video I showed you, I just went through etc. And I showed you the types of stuff that people were cell and the types of sales volume that types of numbers, and this will be your base. This will be your starting point to create these types of products, to list them on etc. And start making money. So the next thing I want to do here is I want to open up etc. And I want to show you some examples of some of this stuff that people are selling. So let's go to, uh, leggings, for example. This is the type of stuff that you really wouldn't think of. But there's a lot of opportunity for stuff, especially if you can find or create merchandise that's unique, that the there's really not a lot of it out there you could make. You can do very well. So we're around Christmas time here. Here's an example you know, Here's a legging with something custom on it you can just like on T shirts. You could get all types of custom designs painted on leggings, for example, all over type designs. There's a Grinch, one about copyright on that one. But that's there, all types of designs. Here's a good one. Text phrases or, you know, inspirational text, inspirational text on the leggings there, you know. So there's an example. Let's look at something else that may be not as common. Let's look at socks, you know, so you could have a design printed on the socks. Funny phrase part. You know, that type of deal. People are doing very well selling socks all over. Sure, I wanted to show you that because you've got T shirts that typically have a design on the front, the back or a combination of both. All over print T shirts are unique. So as you can see, Yeah, here's an example. It's got teeth on it. Of course, you've seen designed like this like like a tide. I like a psychedelic type design. Uh, not sure about that. When I wouldn't do that when I wouldn't touch that one for copyright But there's all kinds of designs on hair, as you can see, very unique. That would make great gifts that people researching for want to buy and you could do very well. Let's look at one more as an example. I won't go too deep into this. But phone cases from case is a very popular thing. Phone cases in general. You know, if you go to Amazon and go in the marketplace, is your store. Phone focuses air huge, but the problem is, it's very saturated. It's very competitive. But what you can do is you could come in here and you could create custom designs for just about any nets you can think of, and you could do very well. So let's look at some examples. You know, here's a cat niche right here. Kat designs it. It phrases. You could get people's names. You could do cool marble designs. You look at this one. Let's let's look at this store real quick. Now that's an ad. So I would like to try to be nice because we'll get into paying for ads and and the cost of that. But I like to be nice. If I can And if it's an ad, if of researching, I will open up another window and I'll just on a search for the shop itself, said, create cases. It looks like they're over in the UK Uh, they've got almost 12,000 sales. But as you can see, they've built an entire shop just around phone cases. And you can do that. You can pick, pick a niche, you can pick a niche, and you can go that way you can have a general store which will get into this is just right here. I'm just showing you what is possible with print, full and etc. Just to kind of get your your brain working just to kind of see the types of merchandise that people are sewing that we can do with print, full and etc. So this person has taken all kinds of different designs, and they've created a lot of different types of phone cases. You can create phone cases for the most common recent models, including iPhone and android devices, and people will buy these. This is this is a good thing to get into you as an example, So I hope I've given you more ideas I just wanted to show you at the top level the types of merchandise that you can create on print full, that we can push toe, etc. And we can sell. And I wanted to show you some examples of what people are doing on there. So I hope this video was helpful and we will see you in the next one. 5. What Type of Store to Create: all right. In this video, I want to discuss creating a niche store versus creating a general store. And what I mean by that is do you want to have a store to sell one type of item in a very focused niche? Or would you like to have a general store where you can sell all different types of products? This is really something you need to think about before you build your store and you start . And that's why I'm going through all of this and talking about this now because you need to plan and you need to set up properly with your name and your categories and think about how you want to proceed as a business. There are pros and cons for each side of it. And hopefully, by the end of this video, you're gonna have a pretty good idea how to proceed, what you want to dio and the best way to move forward. So the first thing you could do is you could create a niche store. And again, what I mean by a NIT store is you're going to focus on one type of product where you're gonna focus on one type of niche. So in a previous video, I had showed this as an example on the phone cases, and I'm going to stick with this one for now because it's a very good example of a niche store. This store has decided to just focus on phone cases so you can see they have different types of phone cases, and they structured their whole business on Etsy around phone cases. Another example would be mugs. You could focus your entire store everything you do, your marketing, your categories, your products around different types of mugs. Another type of knit store might be T shirts like we've talked about very common. There are a lot, a lot of just focused T shirt shops on etc. Which is fine. You know, you can have a T shirt shop that just sells T shirts, and then you can focus on different types of T shirts. Funny T shirts, Yeah, T shirts, was sayings, customized T shirts or you can get very niche. And you could just focus on T shirts that cater to women that cater to moms like in this example. Now this is some examples of niche stores, and that's fine. You can go down that path and you can create your store and you can create your name and you can focus on one type of product or one type of niche. I prefer building in general store, and here's why. There are so many types of products that you could sell from print, full, two, etc. And I think there is just I think you're missing out on a lot of opportunity by not listing and try and other products. One thing you could do is you could create a general store, try all different kinds of products and then etc. Allows you to open up multiple shops, or at least more than one shot. So let's say you created a general store and he started selling a lot of T shirts or he started selling a lot of certain type of mug. Well, guess what? You could take that and then you can open up another shop. If you really wanted to specialize and focus on that Mitch, I'm going to recommend in this course that you open up a general store, especially getting started. So an example of a general store might be something like this where he brand yourself as a design company or a gift company. You know, this one is a good example here, saying keepsakes, personalized gifts, handcrafted gifts. And then the advantage of having a general store like we talked about is being able to sell all of this different type of merchandise. So what you can do is the type of merchandise you could simply set up categories for it, and that's a very, very easy, good way to set up your store to get started. Here's another example of a general store, so it is a little bit Mitch. It's focusing on party supplies, balloons, props, that type of thing. But it is also a general store in the sense that there's, ah, broad, broad list of products that they're selling. So actually, this one is a little bit of a hybrid. You are focusing on part of supplies here, but there's all types of different products within party supplies within event planning, within holiday stuff merchandise that you could sell so five or created a new store from scratch. I would definitely go with a general store, and I would come up with a general name that will get into as faras branding and and how to proceed with that. It doesn't have to be complicated, but you want to think about what you're doing for the future. And I highly recommend that he set up a general store to give you the biggest opportunity to test all types of different products. See what works overtime. And then you can't. You could branch off into your own niche door if you wanted to. So that is my general information on niche vs General Stores. I hope that was helpful, and I will see you in the next video. 6. How to Research Products to Create: All right, welcome back. So in this video, I'm going to give you some research ideas for merchandise you can create. I'm gonna show you some tools from sites to go to to get ideas on what's popular, what's selling as a starting point to give you some ideas on what you can create. So hopefully you from the previous videos, you have decided whether or not you want to create a niche store or you want to create a general store with etc. And this will help you get some ideas and give you a path to go to go out and start researching some of your ideas. So the first site and an easy way to get started is simply to use etc. Itself etc. Has a very good search function. If you put your cursor up here like this, every time you come back to Etc and you try this, it's going to keep updating. Its gonna show you what is popular on Etsy right now. So this right here is a little bit of a trick he can use just to see what at the moment is selling and his popular on etc. So you could click on any of these. Let's say that we had a sign store. We could click on this one right here. It's going to open up the search results for that, which makes sense. We're getting into the new year here when this course is created. So that's why that is probably a popular item. A lot of it is seasonal or its trending on what type of year it is. And that's one thing that you can used to. Your advantage is trends and see what's popular, what's upcoming, what is or what is popular right now. So I could search you here. I could get some ideas on some of the designs that are selling. Of course, I could look at some of the numbers and the sales, the feedback click through some of these and I could get ideas. I do want to say up front as we go through this stuff and we'll get into it more with copyright and trademark that this is simply to get ideas. We never want to go out and find designs and straight copy them because that's just gonna get you in trouble, and that's not gonna make you unique and you're not gonna get very far with that. The idea is to go out and get designs, get ideas. The whole point of this is to see what is working and what other people are selling. And right there. If you just do some general research, you see what's selling what types of things air popular to get started with. You're gonna be in a far better position when you try stuff, because that's going to give you a better chance that it's actually going to sew so again you can go and you can just go to the homepage, etc. You can click here is gonna give you what's popular right now. Another thing you can do like we did in a previous video, is you can just do some general searches. So let's say I wanted to create T shirts on my Etsy shop and let's say that I wanted to create dog T shirts so I could search for dog T shirts. There is no way to search by bestseller Ah, what's just from etc itself. But if you keep it at relevancy, it's going to try to match dog T shirts and typically it's going to give you some pretty good results just by using relevancy. So, I mean, I could scroll through here. Chances are, if you know, these have good feedback. These air pushed up toward the top, they're gonna be popular. Another thing to consider is when you do these searches, you're gonna see these ads show you can see the little add text here. That means that people are running paid ads to display this merchandise. Now, what that should tell you is it's not always the case. But what it should tell you is that if somebody is running an ad for this merchandise, chances are not always, but chances are that they are doing pretty well with the product and they're making money with it. You can list, you can set up your etc. Storage is to promote every listing and have it as an ad. But not everybody does that. So this is a good plays toe. Look here, up at the top on the featured stuff that there is a good chance that some of this could be good selling, you know, top selling merchandise. Let's search for coffee mugs as another example. Okay, again. So we keep it on. Ah, the default search here. And let's look at the search results. This will give you an idea of some of the stuff. A lot of phrases, a lot of very simple designs. As you'll see as we go through this, Some of my best sellers are just easy, quick designs, and there's pros and cons to that. Yes, it's easy. Somebody could rip it off, and there is that chance. But I really think, especially with T shirts and mugs and some of the lower priced merchandise, that this is a volume game. So you're gonna want to try to push out as many unique products and gifts as possible and creating text based mug designs, text based shirts, our easy, quick ways to do that. This gives you an example of some ideas again, you're not gonna get true. You're not gonna get true sales numbers. One thing you can do is you can click through on the listing, and down here in the corner, you can see that it's favored by so many people. You can see that so many people have this in their cart, so this would give you a good example of demand for this product. The next thing you could do is that's he's a great place to start. The next thing you could do is you can go out to Amazon and you can do the same types of searches. Let's say we wanted to create a T shirt for dogs, lets you stick with that example. Now, one thing you can do on Amazon is you can search bestseller list. But there's a waited to do that, and I'll show you here in a minute. This is just a general search. What this will show you for item is that we'll show you the feedback per item, so that's going to give you an example of how many people bought it and the type of feedback. So if you see something that has a lot of feedback, a lot of positive feedbag, some of that speaks to the quality of the shirt that they're selling and their merchandise . But a lot of it speaks to the popularity of the product as well. All right, so I could search through when I search from dog T shirts. It's it's a lot of, ah, actual clothes for dogs, which we don't want We wanted funding dog she T shirts for humans. Eso Here's an example you could click for you this one. Take a look at it. Yeah, this is a very common phrase, something simple that would be created, text based design and be very simple to create. But as you can see, you know it has reviews and people are buying this. So that's one rally you could dio. You could use Amazon and search for all types of different things. What I was alluding to before us for his Amazon best sellers always just searched Google because it's easier toe find the actual Amazon page. That way, Um, could actually say it was on best seller our T shirts that may give us a more direct link. Yes, he means no T shirts, women's shirts. Here's a best selling T shirts at a top level, so I could look at that and that gives you like when you look at the Amazon best bestseller list. That's that's what we're looking at here. So look at these. These are all like, text based design, So here is a lot of a lot of examples. Okay, so another way to find good ideas is actually Pinterest, which I like to use this tool. It's a free tool. It doesn't give you all the results. He used to be able to get on Pinterest and use different tools to sort the pans and see what was popular. And they kind of did away with that. And a lot of the extensions don't work anymore. So this is a side I found that allows you to kind of do the same thing. This is a free version, so you can't see all the results. But you can get some good ideas from this. So it's sorting social dot com. And when I start here, actually, you can search different platforms. But I'm gonna do Pinterest. Like I said, there's a little intro on how to use it and they're trying to up sell you here. I say. Okay, got it. And look at this. They have nice links. P o D niches. That's us. That's print onto manages. They've got nice links to actually go out and look at a lot of stuff. Just the links are taking you directly to the searches is what they're doing. But like look at this dog lover so I could click on Dog Lover. Click on Search and it's gonna open it up for me. It's going to search the platform and is going to return results. All right there we dio finally pulling in here. Now I just search for dog lover. So these air probably products have dog lover or they're a little more niche specific, not T shirts. But as you can see, like here is an example. Here's a sign, but you know, you could this could be on a mug. This could be on a T shirt, you know, So that's basically ah, 1000 saves. So that's what that means there. So you can see the free version. You know, it doesn't give you all the results, and it grace, um, out. But it gives you 25 so you could play around with this and let's go back and search for dog T shirt. I probably shouldn't backed all the way there, so it's just you dog shirt. How about that Click on search? Here is some of the most popular results here. The popular search matches that found right now it's actually pulling dog shirt, but here are some other suggestions you could try like if you wanted a niche down. And so you want to create shared about different dog breeds. You could do that, but it's pulling. The result it's probably part of it is it's probably going on. It's pulling a lot, a lot of results. Okay, so here's what it came back with. Here's an example. I just went off the dogs again. 1000 people save this. So chances are that if you created a similar design, maybe a different font, you could push that out there. If there was no trademark copyright on it and you could, people would buy it. That looks like that's some kind of there's probably a charity or a cause attached to that one. Here's a good one. Dog hair don't care. That's a neat little design. 2000 people have saved that look. It's just a basic text design that would be great for a mug, a shirt, a sweatshirt. It could be a canvas print. I mean, there's all kinds of stuff you can do with this, so that's an example of this tool. It's a very useful little tool. Another thing you can do is simply go out to Google and very, very easy the type of merchandise that you're looking to create, you could say by T shirts like its search. And then what you want to do is you want to look at some of the popular T shirt platforms or T shirt sellers or T shirt vendors. And you could dio open up a couple of these down a lot of these sites if it's an e commerce site and they're selling their own merchandise, not tied to a murder, Uh, I'm sorry, not tied to a marketplace. We can probably search or they'll have a section on, you know, best sellers or what's hot kind of thing. But you can you can look at some of these sites to get some other ideas. All kinds of ideas here. That's like people Price. Yeah, I mean this. These types of sites are, you know, gold mines for ideas. Again, you're looking at the design. You're not gonna copy him, but you're gonna see what niches? What phrases. What types of shirts are selling so right here. Bestsellers. It's not giving us a lot of a lot of ah results, but you get the idea he going to the sites and you just try to find the best sellers or you try to find what's hot and you can search for it. You could do the same thing for coffee mugs. You know what? On any big brand story you could dio, and you could find stuff that selling, uh, go over the etc. Do a search and see if anybody's you know selling. It doesn't matter if they are or not of its own. Another platform. It's probably gonna sell on Etsy. So another thing you can do is you can go to Google images. It's a dog shirt and again, dog shirt is a lot of it pulls results for actually clothing for dogs. I didn't think about that one, but, uh gives you an example. Now this again, this is going to give you actual sales volume, but it's going to give you just some visual ideas on stuff. You know. There's something cool, you know, we'll get into how to create designs and where to find our and all that good stuff. But there's a cool all over print T shirt. You know, these air these air really neat looking and very unique. Uh, but simple phrases with, you know, simple graphics do very well people. A lot of people think you have to create these crazy designs with crazy graphics, and you need to spend $50 a design and all that you really don't. You can. And if you happen to be a graphic artist, you're ahead of the game. But you really don't have to and, well, I'll get in. I'll show you all kinds of different ways to create designs and that this cell and you'll do fine. So that's that's another thing you can do. Another example here is T spring for T shirts. It's one of the platforms to set up campaigns, and back in the day, teach T spring was the way to sell T shirts online. It's still popular, but it's not as popular as it was, but you can go in and you can research, you know, designs on here and then ah yeah, that's Amazon, like we talked about. So I've given you several ways to get started and go out and find good designs. And then once you got to these other sites, go back to etc. Type in the phrase type in the design name, or just type in the phrase of what the text is or what what type of design is and see if there sewing if they're selling, if they're if they're selling, that's a good sign because people are buying. And if they're not selling, I would not let that discourage you, because that means there may be an opportunity. So this video has gone a little longer than I wanted. But I just wanted to make sure you understand how to go out and how to start research on these ideas. So I hope that has given you a lot to think about a lot of design ideas, how to move forward, how to start looking at designs, and we will move on and I'll see you in the next video. 7. How to Do Keyword Research: All right, welcome back. And in this video, we're going to talk about keyword research, and I want to tell you that keyword research is something that is not 100% necessary. So it is a good idea to do keyword research. Teoh Number one. Find out if your product or your merchandise, if there is demand for it. And second reason is, as you do research, you may come up with other ideas for key words. Okay, so let's get right into it here. And let's say I want to create some merchandise for poodle moms. So I always start my research in etc. And the first thing I'm going to do and look for is when I search for poodle. Mom, just very general is their merchandise. That shows up, and there is so that shows me that there is demand and I was thinking specifically maybe making a T shirt or poodle moms. So you see that as well, So that looks good now. Don't be concerned with the amount of results that are shown. That simply means that there is demand for it, and I will get into competition here in just a minute. But my first search. You know, I validated that when I searched for poodle Mom that there is merchandise, so that tells me that there's interest in it. So the next thing I would do is I would go over to this site here and is keyword tool that I owe. And I'm going to have this listed down in the resource is as a link, so you can get to it directly. But I would do the same thing over here. I was searched at his top level. I would search for a poodle, Mom. So let's see what results we got here. This looks good. We've got put on Mom Mug, You've got poodle mom hat, and we've got put alarm shirt. So right there. That tells you that people are searching for that type of merchandise when it comes to poodle moms. Another thing I could do with this same site is I could switch between the search results and this is going to show you tube, and then I can search for all these different sites here with same keyword. Now I have validated. I have proven that people are searching for this and there's a demand for it now. The other thing, the second step that I talked about is as you're searching for this keyword, you can get other ideas. So here's an example of what I'm talking about right here. Crafty poodle. Mom. I think that might be a great match for etc. And the type of users on etc. So if I went over here and I searched for crafty poodle Mom, I'm not seeing anything specific, which is good because I could set up my listing. I could have it. Let's say I'm creating a shirt I could have. It's a crafty put on my shirt, and that phrase would be could be in the title of the listing. It could be one of the tags, and it could be down in the description of the listing. So right there, let's say if I did crafted poodle mom shirt so I could get results and people could find me from crafty poodle mom shirt and poodle mom shirt and also poodle mom as an example so you can see the power of as you go out in your research, finding extra keywords or phrases to add on to your generic phrase. Now I'm not going to get into search volumes because I don't think it's very important. We're just trying to validate that. People are searching for this and there's a demand. If you wanted to really get into it, you could use a site like word tracker and I did a search for putting mom shirt, for example. You know it's pulling data. It's going to show you search volume, and you could also use Google ads. They have a keyword planner tool if you wanted to get really detailed on it. But again, I don't think it's necessary. I just wanted talk about that. Search volumes for this type of stuff are generally going to be low. We're just looking to make sure that there is some type of demand for it and finishing up with this tool. We could go across each of these and you're probably going to see some results. As you cycle through these. Amazon is a good one to look at, cause look at that shirt. My gifts cup large mug. So now you start to get the idea sweatshirt T. So these are all things that you could have his tags or you could have in your listing that would help people find you because you know that people are searching for these type of praises, so that's a really good free tool to use. Now, if you wanted to get a little more advanced, what you could do is you could use one of these specific paid etc. Tools. The 1st 1 is called the Rank. Now this has, I said, paid because it has free and paid options. The free options are pretty good, and I'm going to go over here now to my account, and this is just the free version. I have used the paid version in the past, and it does have some advanced tools. But for this case, right here for what we're doing. This example, this works just fine. So I went in and I searched for a poodle, mom. And what it does. Is it usual overall view of competition and the amount of listings that are out there. So if I scroll down, you can see that it gives you some other metrics. You have to pay for the advanced for the pro version to get all of this again. I don't think it's necessary remember, we're just looking to validate this, that there is demand and you can see that there is. And then this tells you right here that the phrase poodle Mom, there are extra variations or long tell versions of that. So that's good if we search for this. And there wasn't a lot of long tell versions that would tell me that there isn't much demand. So this competition call on makes sense. You have a more general term. Of course, it's going to be a more competitive dog, Mom, that's gonna be a lot more competitive versus, say, poodle mom shirt. So I originally I was thinking about doing a little mom shirt. I could look at this metric right here. According to this, I don't know how accurate this is or this data is, but it is pulling from etc. So just think of it as a general overview, a general guide and don't get too concerned about the specific numbers. So from what I've seen on all of our research, I would go ahead and I would start creating products for poodle moms. So that is a summary of this tool. There is some useful information here again. It's similar to some of the other tools that we looked at. Another one that is similar to the rank is called Marma Lead. I've never used this one, but my understanding is it is very similar. Teoh, etc. Rank where you rank, but you could sign up for this one and give it a try as well. So I've covered multiple ways to look at keywords and how to do some general research again . This step is not entirely necessary, but it doesn't take very much time. And as you could see when we did our research, we not only validated that there was a demand, but we also came up with ideas for extra types of merchandise, so we can create shirts, mugs, hats and other types of merchandise. And we came up with this idea for a crafty poodle mom that we could put on a shirt and potentially get rankings and results for multiple keywords. And that is how you want to approach this. I think it's a really good, easy thing to do as you create products, especially if you don't know your niche very well and you're just getting started in something. It's a good idea just to go out there and do some research like I just did. So that's all I got for a keyword research. There will be another video on optimizing your listings, which will talk more about keywords, but that's it for this video, and we'll see in the next one. 8. Checking Trademarks and Copyrights: All right, welcome back in this video, I want to show you how to do a just a quick trademark copyright type search. A lot of people don't think of this when they get started and then they'll get a design, maybe gets popular, and then you'll get some kind of letter or email or notice to take it down. So before you create each product, it doesn't hurt to just go out and do a quick search. It's very simple, and I'm going to show you a quick way to do it now. Disclaimer. Here I am not a copyright lawyer. This is not legal advice. This is just some general advice to think about as you create products. So the first thing you want to do is from the research video, and when you are looking at create a product, you want to kind of do some general searches on etc. So let's say I was in the pug niche, the dog pug niche, and I wanted to create a T shirt for pugs. So if I wanted to create something like, uh and I love pugs T shirt, I would do a general search and as you can see. There are a lot of different designs text designs, photo illustration based designs so I can see that there's a lot of it out there. The next thing I would do is I would go out and I'm There's a direct link for this, but if you wanted to go on, just Google it. You'll Google for trademark search and this first site here if you click into it and then ah, click into it there and then I believe it's this link right here. And then if you click on this word mark search, that's going to take you directly to it. And so what you would simply dio in the search field is you would search for the phrase, and as you can see that such a general phrase that it's there's nothing there. Now let's take another example. Let's say I wanted to create. I came up with an idea I wanted to have, Ah, pug life on a T shirt or a mug. So, as you can see, there are people that are using this phrase on merchandise. Now let's he's the same example. If I go back over here and I type in pug life and a search for it. If you look at this is going to show you some of the trademarks that have been filed for this now you have to kind of click through and see what some of these mean. If it says dead, it's it's currently not active, says Live. That means that it is active. So I would click in each one of these and just kind of look and read what it is. It looks like this is, ah, text word mark for having this phrase on actual dog clothing. This one is for this phrase, this text mark on T shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops so you can see that somebody has a trademark in effect for this phrase. So if I click into this one T shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops, so this may apply. And this is a word mark that somebody has filed for this phrase. So if we pursued, if we decided to create this design and we went and made it live, there's a chance we could get contacted to have this taken down. So that's why it's a good idea just to quickly do a search, you know, and my first example there, nothing popped up. If you do a search and there's a lot of different trademarks filed, then it may be worth it just to skip it. That's a quick thing you can do just to kind of cover yourself again. I'm not a lawyer. This is not legal advice, but it really sucks when you spend some time, even if it's not a lot of time. But you spend time and effort to do something, and then that there's a chance somebody else owns the rights or has a trademark on it, and then you want to take it down. If you get any kind of notice like that, you get a letter, you know, for somebody asking you to take it down. My advice is just to go ahead and do it. It's it's not worth it. That's really all I got in this video. I hope it was helpful, and we'll see in the next one 9. Setting Up Your Store Part 1: All right. Welcome back in this video, we're going to go through in more detail how to set up our Etsy store now from one of their previous videos. You should have registered your account, and after you get your account registered, you need to come and set up your store. So the first thing after you register, you should get an email that says, confirm your account. You want to make sure you click on that and it's going to take you to a log in page and go and enter your password. Okay, So once were signed in, we are now logged into etc. And we're ready to set up our store. The first thing you want to do is you want to click on this link that says so on etc. Right here and you'll be taken a page. It looks like this. We want to open up our shop. So click on this button. Now we're going to go through a wizard here, and it's going to help us set up our store. Okay, so right here we need to go and answer some questions to set up our shop. I am English based time in the United States. I want to set it to us dollars. And yes, I sell part time, but I hope to make it full time. So answer these questions. Whatever a plaster, your store and click save and continue. Okay, so the next thing we want to do is Neymar shop. Now, I'm gonna give you a little trick here. A little golden nugget, but a lot of people don't know about or think about when they do this kind of stuff online , whether they set up a shop or they set up a business or they want to set up social media accounts. Okay, So what I've done is I've gone out to this site called noam dot com, and basically, I'm just searching to see the availability of this name across different platforms. And as you can see, it looks like across all platforms, it is available. This is handy. Like I said, if you want to expand social media and you want to make sure it's available so so you can brand and scale out correctly, so that looks good. So I'm going to go back over to Etc. And I'm going to enter the name here and it's gonna check availability. The tool said it was available. Let's see what this says. It is available. So that looks perfect. I'm gonna go down here onto saving. Continue. Okay. So here it wants you to go and stock your shop. Now, to start, you have to create one product. We're gonna create a dummy product just to get our store open. We're going to be pushing from print ful to etc. We're never really gonna be creating listings directly and etc. So we just need to create a placeholder for now, just to be able to open our shop. So click on add a listing, and then it's gonna open up the listing generator. This is how you would create a listing directly and etc. Again, we're not really gonna do this, Really. All you have to do is just enter the required information just to get this going Doesn't matter what it is. This is a place older, So don't worry about that. We're just trying to fill in the required information in our title Franken type who made it . We'll get into this later, but for now to say that and we'll just say t shirts. Okay, Perfect. And let's see if we need any more required information and those air already filled in. This is a test products. We will add print ful as a production partner later. But don't worry about that right now in our price. E think what's in our ah, zip code here? It's like the processing time. This is all filled in. This is a little tedious to do, but we have to do this to set up our account. Just say £1. Let's save and continue. No. So let's do this Saving continue. So I missed these right here, made to order. I think that's it now. So if I click on save and continue okay, so we've got our test product in here. Now we're going to click on save and continue, so you will need to set up a bank account to tie it to, and you will need to enter your credit card information and this is how etc pays you. And then this is how etc gets paid these air to things that are required to set up your Etsy account. I'm going to skip through this on the video so I can get to the next step. Okay, so I got to the part where I entered how I wanted to get paid with my bank information. Now, in this last part, you're going to set up your billing. This is so etc is going to bill you for setting up your listings that he's involved there and then the fees after something cells. So go ahead and add a credit card here. And then once you're done, you will go down to the bottom and there will be about this is open your shop. So I'm going to enter my information here, and then I will finish up and then I will come back. All right. Perfect. So you got see the information to set up your building. And after you clicked on the open your shot, but and you should be taken to page. It looks like this. So, technically, my store is live now. So the next thing we need to do is we need to set up some settings and just some general information to kind of get our store going. This is your shot manager. This is we're gonna do most your workout. So if you click on that. This is your dashboard for everything here on Etsy, it's going to give you a welcome message. Now, over here, I'm just gonna briefly quickly go through what each of these are. We're on the dashboard now, So as you start listing things and making sales when you log in, you could see this here on the main page. This is your listings tab, and you could see the test product that we created once you start pushing stuff from prayerful to etc. This is where you will come to finalized the listings and make them live. This is the conversations tab. And once you get going, start selling stuff. This is how customers will interact with you. If they have questions or problems, it's his orders and shipping. Once orders are placed, they will show up here. And since we don't have anything that's kind of giving us some information on how to get started going to skip that for now, the stats tab here The stats menu item shows you more detailed information on what's going on. Your sales, you can do date range searches. It'll give you some insights about your customers and what they're searching for finances gives you information on billing your payment account payment settings. If you want to integrate with QuickBooks, you can. This is where you would also enter a taxpayer. I d number. I'm not going to get into all that. You need. Teoh. Set up the business. What's right for you? Whether you set up a and L l c or you set up, we have a tax i d. Number. This is something that you'll need to figure out for yourself. But this is where you would enter that information right here. Okay, The next tab is marketing. This is where you would set up promoted listings. You have the options to advertise on Google on Facebook and set up coupons. Okay, The next tab is integrations. He's our third party integration software that you can connect to, etc. That may be helpful, and there's also a community and help area. There's forms, if you have questions. This is where you would come to get help directly from etc. And then settings which in the next video, we're going to get into more of some of the settings we need to set up just like a logo and some of our terms and and that type of stuff to get our store set up properly. This is where you're gonna enter all that information. And down here, you have a couple of links. One is they want to try to push and sell you to set up your own website. We're not gonna do that. Can actually connect your store to a live option to be able to transact and sell directly from your store in person. We're not gonna do that either. This is a handling here. You can always click on it and you want to get out to your store. You're working on some products and you want to go quickly. Look at it. That's a link you can get to you back out to your store. So this video is all about setting up your Etsy store, just getting going, getting through all the payment information, getting through just some of the basic information to get started. So, like I said on the next video, we're going to get more into the details on setting up your shop. I hope this is helpful and we'll see you in the next video 10. Setting Up Your Store Part 2: Okay, so now that I have my store set up, the first thing I wanted to do is like, probably want to go back to my listings. And I want to delete this test product that we set up. So go back to shop manager and then go to listings. And then from this little gear down here, the easiest way to do it is just to click on it and then just click on delete and then click on delete. Now, one thing to keep in mind and I don't think I mentioned it before, is every time you create a listing on Etsy, its 20 cents so per listing its 20 cents, that's if you have just the free account. There are upgrade you can do to get a certain amount of listings per month as part of your upgraded account, but at a base 20 cents a listing is what is charged every time you create a listing. Okay, so now if I go back out and I look here, let's make sure this product is gone, okay? Perfect. So what I did is I created a quick logo. I went out to pick Sabei, which is one of the free stock photo sites that allows you to use Creative Commons graphics for your own commercial use. And I've grabbed this little gift box and then here in photo shop, I want to show you what I did is I created just a quick little square logo, a 1200 by 1200 pixel logo, and we're going to upload this into a store. I had to make ourselves look a little more legit. So the first thing I want to do is on to click on shop manager. And then I'm going to click on settings that I'm going to click on info. An appearance. Okay, so here I'm going to enter my shop title, and I want to click on this icon. I'm going to upload my logo that I just created, So I'm gonna cheese a file. And here is what I just created here, actually gonna use this one. Okay, so it pulled it in there. You can adjust the crop, you click on it and then see how this adjusts out here. Try to get all of it. Looks pretty close right there. And then I'm gonna click on save. Okay, so There's a nice little logo we have. Her shop looks good. And then the next thing you probably want to set up is you want to go down here and this is where you can if you have promotions going on or anything, you want to tell your customers. This is a quick way here on the home page of your shop to have a little message. You don't have to put anything there for now. But you can if you want. This year. This is a message you can include on receipts after they purchase. We're not gonna do that right now. I'm just going over the basic stuff You need to get started. This right here. Show upcoming local markets. You'll tend. Not on your shop page. Uh, probably wouldn't have that Checked her now. Okay. And then make sure you go down, you click on save changes. So we have our icon, their logo, and the next thing we want to do is click on the policies tab. Okay. So from right here, we can click on this link, and this is important. These are the policies you're gonna set up for your store, such as shipping times, return policies, exchange policies. Now they set up some defaults for you that may or may not work for your business and what you're planning on doing. So I recommend that you read through here and you make sure you understand what is available and how to set it up. But at a minimum, you want to set up basic shot policies. And one thing you can dio, especially when you're getting started, that makes it very easy is they have this right here, which is switched to simple shot policies. You can click on this, and it's going to give you a quick template to create all your shop policies, and that's probably to get started just quickly. That's what I would recommend. So if you click on this button here, try it now. It takes you down here and then see has default filled in for you so you can review these. If they look okay for now, you can go with the defaults right here. You can add an estimated shipping time if it's gonna be extra. Here's all the payment options that you accept. I would recommend keeping these as the fall that's going to give you the most payment options for your etc. Customers. She's whether or not you accept returns. She's whether or not you accept exchanges and then your times to be contacted and how long you allow returns and exchanges. Here, you can check to not accept cancellations. I would not recommend doing that because it's not gonna happen very often. So this right here is entirely up to you what you want to accept as a return. I usually leave all of these, except for customer personalized orders. That's up to you. Customer personalize orders are a little different than just print on demand because you're taking extra time and cost, and probably both for you and a customer's is just a little more involved. You need to decide whether or not you want to allow on a personalized order. If it's returned a lot of times, there's not a lot, whole lot you can do with it. You can't resell it, so you need to decide whether or not you want, except those or not. Usually the way I operate is I only allow returns if it is unused and knew which I think is a fair policy, okay, here, you would need to add a privacy policy, and there's some more information about this. If you're in the United States, it's not as big of a deal as if you are operating out of Europe. But please do remember that you know you may be selling to customers that are in Europe, and there's the whole GDP are compliant privacy law that went into effect. So you may want to do your own due diligence and read up on that and make sure you have a privacy policy that is compliant. So that's where you would enter that. Then, once you're done, you click on Polish shop policies. Okay, so it's gonna ask you you must comply with them. Did you comply? And then you also have the option to add extra frequently asked questions down here if you want to. Then again, here's more information about so into Europe some of the extra things you have to worry about, so this has set up your logo. This is set up some of your policies, and like I said, you can add a shop announcement and the other thing you can do, we're not gonna do it right now. But as you browse around, you may see some people that have a banner at the top of their shop. So you could add that as kind of an extra weighty to stand out anything you want to call out any sales. And then down here, we'll get into this is where once we start creating products, you could highlight so many listings and they would be shown here. So this has gone through and showing you some basic set up for your Etsy store. I hope this was valuable to you, and we will see you in the next video. 11. Connecting Your Printing Partner and Store: okay, We'll come back in this video. We're going to connect our Etsy store to our print full account. So you need to do two things you need to make sure that you're logged into your Etsy store . Then you also need to log into print full. And you should have registered with print ful from one of the first videos there and make sure that your account is set up and you can get in. So from your dashboard at the top, there is a link Cold stores. So you click on stores and it's gonna bring you to a page. It looks like this. And then down towards the bottom, there is an option to choose your stores platform and you click on that button. Once you click on the cheese platform button, you're gonna be taken to a screen like this. And we, of course, want to select etc. As our store. Okay, so come down here and just follow the directions is very simple. First thing we're gonna do is we're gonna click on the connected etc button. Okay. And then, as you can see, it actually went over to etc. Since I'm Ogden, it's asking for access and permission to connect. So you can read this if you want. It's just basically giving permission to print full. And, of course, at any time you can disconnect the accounts. So what we want to do is we want to click on allow access here so quick on the button. Okay, so it should pop up on a screen like this. It says it's sinking data. What it's doing is it is just connecting the two together. Okay, so once that is finished, we are ready to add our first product. It really is just that simple. So I hope this video is useful for you and we'll see you in the next video, where we start talking about design files and actually adding products to painful. 12. Printing Partner Settings: Welcome back. I want to do a quick video on the settings for print ful. There's really not much to it, but I wanted to quickly go through it and to show you what everything is. Okay, so here's your main screen and it shows you the name and your website, which should be correct when you set up, etc. Then over here on the left side, we have a few options. So if you click on notifications, this is where you control getting notifications for orders and different marketing materials from print. Full billing, that type of information so you can adjust that here and you've got your user information. You got order routing now, in order outing, you have the option to, and this is something that's fairly new. I believe you can route orders to Mexico on these items right here. You may get a discount. It's really not going affect many of your popular products, so that is an option for you. And then the top notification was for your account. And then you can get down to a store level notification so you could adjust. Let's say, for your whole account, you wanted to have specific notifications set up and then for different stores. If you have multiple stores, you get set notifications from those some orders, Tab, you just want to make sure that automatically confirm orders to be fulfilled. That's gonna make everything automatic. We want to leave these probably as the defaults. And that way, anything that's not a print full item will be set is a draft, and then you will be notified and then the other part of this is automatically marks orders as shipped. So that all looks good. A p I is the connection to etc. So that's fine. So for shipping, I usually go with just the defaults can adjust if you want to. For these I'm not really gonna get into that. So you're packing slip. This is something cool. You can include in your order. It needs to be a three by two black and white image, and this will be placed in your box in your order. So when the customer gets it, it has your branding on it, and it just makes your shipment look much more professional. Another thing you can do is you could enter an email for a support. You wanted to. I don't have that domain, obviously, but you get the idea you could have your phone number on there, wouldn't put your personal number. I would get some type of business number or Google boys or something like that. And then you can also have a custom packing slip, which this is a great place to thank for their order. Something like that. This is another great place to ask her feedback. This is also a great place to set up a coupon code to give them to make them or attorney customer So you could say use coupon code. It's a lot of exclamation points. You have this available to you to communicate after your order. You have this available to you to communicate with your customer. Think of any big place that you make an order from like Amazon, for example. Usually they do a really good job of follow up with usually Amazon itself. In a lot of times. The third party vendor asking for feedback, asking for if you had any problems and then a lot of times they will like I just did. They will serve up a coupon code to try to get you back for another order, so I would take advantage of that. So once you get it set up as you want, you save it. And I'm not going to do that yet because I don't have the right information. So the next link is returns, so you have a couple of different options here. You can use the print full return address, which I recommend. It doesn't happen a lot, but sometimes the customer, without contacting you, will just simply return it back to the address that's on the package. The return address. So this is going to get it back to print full, which for any type of return, that's where it needs to go anyway, so it just speeds up the process. You can, however, set your own address, and you would quick on change address here and just be aware that if you do this, packages were gonna come directly back to you. Now I've got a whole video that I will go over on customer service and how did he returns and exchanges in that type of thing. So for now, I would probably leave this as default. The last thing you have an option to do what are called order pack ins and you could see a packet is something extra. You can have your orders like a flyer sticker, business card or button. These are great, but they're going to cost you anywhere from 75 cents to 85 cents. And you can click here and look at more details and hot works. I usually don't do this, but depending on your brand and your branding and how you want to get your name out there, it may make sense for your products. So that is. Actually it for this video is just a quick walk through a quick overview of principal settings, so we will see you in the next video. 13. Creating Design Files: All right, welcome back in this video, we're going to talk about design files and just quickly go quickly, do an overview of what design files look like. And some of the basic requirements for T shirts, mugs and other print on demand products. So one of the best resource is is actually Print Fels own site. They have a blawg, and then they also have an F A key section of questions. But here's a block post that really goes into detail on what is required, and it's not as complicated as you think. They're just a few things you need to take into consideration when you create your print on the man designs. So the first thing and I'm going to use T shirts as an example is basically the maximum sizes 12 by 16 inches. And the other consideration is you want to make sure that your design is at least 100 and 50 d p I, which is dots per inch. If you're not familiar with graphic design, don't worry about it. Just whatever graphic program you're using, just make sure that it's at least 100 and 50 Honestly, when I create designs, I usually always sat mine for 300 d. P. I. And that way is just a little higher resolution and dependent on if it's on a mug or a bigger print, like a canvas or a T shirt across the board. Whatever product you are printing on, it should look pretty good. It should look decent, and then the other consideration. The last thing is it needs to be in one of these types of formats. I always usually always create my designs in a PNG format, and it has to have a transparent background. It has to have a transparent background because you may be printing on different colors for the background. So if it's transparent and your text is white, for example, it's going to print and look good on different colored backgrounds. So those are the three main considerations to follow. And then the other thing to consider, like I just talked about a little bit, is Do you should you set up your resolution on your file to be 150 or 300 D p. I again, if you read through this, it will tell you that a lot of times the difference between 100 50 and 300 g p. I is not that much. But if you want to be able to use the file for lots of different types of products, for example, you create a product for dogs. Go back to the pugs example. I love pugs. Let's say you want to print that on a mug and on a T shirt and on a blanket and on canvas art. Well, if you have that bigger file, that bigger resolution file, you should be able to use it for all of those applications. And then the last consideration, which we already talked about. But I want to stress it again, is just the Max print area size on files. T shirts, for example, are 12 inches by 16 inches, and I'm going to open up photo shop and give you an example of that what I'm talking about and just kind of show you what a what a typical design file is. But as long as you follow this criteria, these three things right here that we just talked about, your file was no bigger than this. You at least set it up as 100 50 dp. I but I recommend 300 d p i. And then you have it. Your file format is P and G. With a transparent background, you should be able to use your design file or about any type of print on demand product that you want to create. Okay, so let's open up photo shop and I will show you an example of this in action. So here you can see I've already set up a file. This is 12 by 12 inches by 16 inches. So what that would look like doesn't really matter what graphics program you're using. It's all gonna be the same as long as you just follow the dimensions and the criteria that has been provided. So in this example, I'm going to create just a blank file. This is going to be the start of my design, and I'm going to make it 12 inches wide by 16 inches high. And then I'm going to make the DP I, which is the same thing as resolution. I'm going to make it 303 100 pixels per inch, 300 dots per inch. That is the same. And for my example, that is fine. So I'm gonna click on. OK, so I've created the file, and as you can see, it has a transparent background. Now, as you create your designs and we'll create some live designs and I'll show you what I'm talking about, you will be able to scale or resize the design on the T shirt on the mug, whatever product you're printing, too. But it's always good to have it a little bigger. To begin with, you can always scaled down like we were talking about on the resolution. If you start to small and then you go to, ah, you try to print on something that's bigger, the designs gonna get fuzzy, and it's not gonna look very good when it prints. So if we look at this image size as pixels, this is an example of just the ratio of what the file looks like here, the size of it. So if we look at this 12 inches by 16 inches is the same as 3600 inches by 4800 inches, and again, the DP I or the resolution pixels per edges said it 300. So that is really all you need to keep in mind when creating a design file. Usually what I'll do is it also depends on the type of product I'm printing on. If it's a T shirt that is more of a vertical design, I will have a file that is taller and not quite as wide. If I'm printing on a mug, for example, it's a lot easier if you make it just a square. Design something like this, and I'll show you what I'm talking about. When we go to create a mug, it's a lot easier to adjust and move the designer and up its square. It just kind of fits in there better, and it's easy to easier to move around. So I've covered what a template file looks like. A basic design felt for print ful, and we've gone over a lot of the sizing requirements and just things to consider. That's really all you have to worry about to get started with. You may get more advanced as you get into it more, but get started. That's really all you need to worry about. I hope this video is helpful and we will see you in the next one 14. How to Create a Design for T-Shirts: All right, so in this video, we're going to get into some of the fun stuff. We're actually going to create our first design. We're going to go out. We're going to quickly research and we're going Teoh collect artwork, and we're gonna build a basic design that we can add to print full. So the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over here to Etc. And I'm going to search for the design idea that I came up with. So let's say I'm in a running and I wanna have a unique slogan on a shirt with some type of artwork. And what I'm looking at is I want to create a shirt that says I run because I'm fun. There's nothing out there like this right now, which makes it unique. So the next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go over here again. This is something you don't have to dio. I recommend it. It's just a quick thing to do. Does it take very much time? And it's It's very simple. I could've bet you that that probably wasn't gonna show up. Okay, so I am going to proceed with creating this design. Now what I want to do is I want to have the phrase on the shirt and then I wanna have some artwork to go along with it to make it a little more unique and not quite. It's plain. So what you can do is you can go to sites like picks, obey that allow you to use free images for commercial use that have no restrictive rights on them. And you can search for something that is related to the type of T shirt or phrase that you're gonna create. Now, if you buy the upgrade to the course, I get into a lot more methods and a lot more advanced techniques to create designs and resource is. But I just the whole point of this course right here is just to show you how to get started and the process. So I'm going to come down here, and I'm going to do a quick search for running, and I'm going to show you how easy it is to create a design. So I searched for running. What I want to do is I want to go up here and I want to change it to Vector graphics. Now all of the designs on this site are free for commercial use, meaning you can use them however you want. We can put him on a T shirt design and we could sell the T shirt, and there's no problem doing that. So some of the best easiest designs that you could make would be a phrase and some type of graphic like this. So let's just pick this one as an example. This guy's in a hurry. He's taken offer. He's running, going to download this to use. Usually. What I'll do is describe the biggest PNG that is available, and I will download it. I haven't set up to open up in photo shop. Photo shop is my graphic design application of choice. I like the whole adobe sweet. You can use free software. You can use online services like Can Va. There's all kinds of ways to get this done and create these designs again. If you get the upgrade to the course, I go over in more detail, lots of different ways that you can create designs, but for now, let's go ahead and use this example in photo shop. So I opened it I'm going to move it over here. So think of this as my blank canvas, and you have to kind of visualize and imagine that this is on the front of a T shirt. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to position this up top, and then our phrase again was, I run because I'm fun. So I am going to use a font that allows for commercial use. And you do have to be careful on that. One of the best places to make sure that you get commercial fonts that you can use would be this site right here. And I'll try to make sure to include that in the resource is down below is a link. This is what I'm talking about right here, 100% free. Once you click into one of these, you can actually sort. And then you could click this and then you can filter by what type of find what? The licenses. So 100% free and public domain needs to right here. You could use on your T shirts, no problem. And the other thing you could do, which is pretty cool, is you could actually type in the phrase and get a preview of what it looks like. So I could say I run because I'm fun. And then if I hit inner see, it gives me a preview of what the's might look like. So you can go If you know, you could just simply do text based designs on T shirts and mugs and different types of products. But in our example, we want we want some unique text and we want the unique graphic. And then together we're gonna make the whole design, So I already have a lot of different fonts installed. OK, so I'm going to select a font that I know I can use for commercial use. Have quite a few fonts on here already. This one here, I'm pretty sure that I can use no problems. I'm going to double check that to show you what I'm talking about. Okay, this is a popular one that a lot of people use. As you can see right here. It says public domain GPL So this is fine now going to change this to say Okay, so I need to go over here and adjust my line spacing and maybe I want to make it bigger. Quit that big, Okay? And then I want to center it. Okay? This isn't the greatest design, but it it shows you just how to do it. Okay? Just all that. I'm still working on it here. Okay, so that's getting a little better there. So maybe I want to center it, and then I want to center my graphic. Make sure it's centered. Okay. So you can see that I've got the guy I run because I'm fine. And this is going to be our design that we're going to use on our T shirt. So at this point, I like this enough. I'm going to save it. I always recommend when you're working on design files, whatever the program is to save it, maybe more than once, Especially when you get started. Okay, Photoshopped, I'm gonna save it is a PSD, which is a project file, and Photoshopped. And then the next thing I want to do is I want to think about what colors I'm gonna have this printed on. So, in other words, right now it's black. So if it's black, I don't have as many options to predict to get it printed on different colors. I'm probably gonna switches toe white because I'm gonna have more options on the types of colors I can get it printed on. So that changes that that in a pointy change do an overlay on the guy. I'm going to go back to my original layer. And so we can actually preview what it would look like. Santa black shirt. I'm going to make that background black, so that gives you a good example what it might look like on a black shirt. Okay, so right there. I'm happy enough with that. I'm going to say that again. Now, I am ready to use that as my design on my shirt. Okay, so I'm going to switch off my background there, and then I'm going to export it as a transparent PNG file. So again, we already set up our dimensions on our file from what we talked about earlier. So as long as I save it as a transparent PNG file, I should be able to use it in print ful to create my design. And there you have it. So we have created our first design ready for a T shirt to be added to print full. So that is it for this video. And we'll see you on the next one 15. How to Create a Design for Mugs: All right. So we created our T shirt design. Now, in this one, I'm going to quickly show you how to create a design for a mug. And the process is going to be very similar. Usually on modes. I create my design file to be just a little bit of a different size. I make it square, actually, and that will make it a lot easier when we go to add the design and create the product and move it around and adjust that you'll see what I'm talking about. So I'm going to stick with the same theme of running. Let's say that on my store I wanna have a section dedicated to runners. I like that niche. So we created one that was called I run because I'm fun. Let's create one that says I jog. Therefore I am have about I'm gonna guess that nobody has done that. No results probably don't even need a search for this here. But why not? Sometimes it doesn't hurt to actually go out to Google as well and just search it. That looks like somebody. If you look at images, somebody on one of the other sites. Yes. So There's been a few people that have created it, but it's such a general phrase. Looks like there's no trademark on its own, not too worried about it. Okay, But if you want to have a completely unique product, a lot of times, like I said, it's good to go out to Google and search. And if you want to be 100 sent unique, then you need to make sure that nobody else has created a product like that. But there is nothing on etc. So I'm going to continue with this. The next thing I'm going to do is I'm going Teoh. Instead of searching for running, I'm going to search for jogging and it's probably gonna pull up similar types of images going to switch it here. And instead of having the guy that looks like he's sprinting, I could have one of these Where it looks like somebody is just casually jogging. Okay, so I like this one same type of concept going to download it now. This is for a mug, so the size isn't as important. It doesn't have to be quite as big, but usually all grabbed the biggest PNG that they have okay. And actually, this is Ah, for a month. This is gonna be a square design. So what I've done is I've already created a square file like we talked about, and I'm going to move this over here now. Mugs air a lot easier to design for because at least with print ful, you've got the option of a white mug. Can't do colored mugs. You can't do black mug, so it's always gonna be on a white background. So you're always gonna have darker colored images and text, and that makes it a lot easier to design. So let's say I wanted to make this a little bigger here. You're not quite that big, okay? And our phrase again was a job for their I'm sorry. I jog. Therefore, I am. So I'm just going to use the same front that we used before. We had it as white before. We're going to switch it to back to black. Okay, so we're going to make this a little smaller here. Okay? Again, This design isn't world class. You'd be surprised at what sells. I've put some stuff out there that I thought was pretty bad. Pretty basic, pretty cheesy whatever, and just kind of as a joke to see if anybody would buy it. And people have. I'm not gonna make a lot of sales if the design Israel cheesy, But you'd be surprised. Sometimes you're simpler text based or just a simple images and graphics will. So Okay, so actually, I want to make should have made the image quite as big scale that if you watch me do this Ah, I am not a graphic designer by trade. I'm a web developer by trade, but you don't have to have the best graphic design skills to pull off some of these designs . Now, if you are a graphic artist, you're going to be ahead of the game and you're gonna be able to create very, very professional solid designs. The other option you can dio if you want to. If you want to spend the money as you can hire graphic artists to create these types of designs for you, a lot of people go that route if they have their own Shopify store and the advertised on Facebook back in the T spring days. That's how a lot of people did it. If you want to take it up a level as far as your design goes, and you don't feel comfortable doing it. You can absolutely do that. You can outsource on fiber. There's all kinds of things you can dio to create designs. But this is just a example. Again, This isn't an award winning design here, so we're just going to go with it, so I'm gonna make sure it's centered up. Okay, That's centered up. Sent it up. Maybe What I could do is that could make that bigger. Something like that. Here we go. Do something like that. Makes it stand out a little bit. All right. Okay. So once I have it, I want it, and I'm done tinkering with it. I want to save it. All right. Perfect. So now we have a design that we can add to a mug. And in the next videos, we will get into actually adding our designs in print full so we can actually create products out on and see. So I hope this video is helpful for you, and we'll see you in the next one 16. How to Create a T-Shirt Product: All right, welcome back. So we have designs ready to go. So the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go over to print full, and we are going to create our first product Now, what you need to do from the print full site. When you log in, you've got your stores link up top, and you more than likely are only gonna have one store available. So when you click on the store's link, you should click on the name of your Etsy store that you set up. And then here we are. We're ready to add our first product. So the first thing we're gonna add and as a test is we're going to create a T shirt, So click on the add product button. Now, once you do that, it's gonna open up all the different products available that you can create. We're going to do a T shirt, and we're just gonna do a basic T shirts. So in this example, I'm going to click on T shirts. So the next thing this select is what type of T shirt that you want, and for this example, we are going to create a unisex meaning men or women can wear it and just a basic style T shirt. So we're going to select the basic T shirt for this one, and I like this one because even though there's only four colors, therefore the most popular colors you've got white, black, navy and gray. So what you do is you select that one. Don't worry that this has women's because it is a unisex T shirt. So as you'll see, this opens up the design area, and this is where we're going to set our design. Now, down here, you can select the colors that you want to print on, and then below that are the different sizes that are available that you can print on now, if you remember and our example the first design that we created, we created a white image and white text with the plan to print it on a darker colored T shirt. So what I'm going to do is I'm gonna come down here first, and I'm going to select black and Navy, and that's gonna be my two colors, that I'm going to de select white and I'm going to come up here and you have a couple of different options for creating designs. You can upload a file, which we're going to do. Another option is you could create a text based design straight from here. So if I enter whatever text I want in there, see it displays on the T shirt, you can move it around. This can be an option to create a simple text based designs if you want to. Or you could use text that you created just on an image as well. And then the other option is you cannot clip are which I usually don't even mess with this because it's Oh, let's say it's a little bit on the cheesy side, and I think you can get better vector or clip art out on some of the sights. So, in this example, again, we're going to upload a file. One of the designs that we created, I'm going to click on Choose File. So from here, I'm gonna click on upload. Another option is you can just drag it from your desktop, and that's actually what I'm going to do in this situation. So this is the one. It's got a transparent background member. It's white and This is the one we want to use for the dark colored T shirt design, so I'm going to drag it over here, and, as you can see, it pulls it in and again. It's a little hard to look at because it's on a transparent background, but this is what we want. So we want to click. Choose to select that file that we just uploaded. So once you do that, you can see that it places it on the shirt. Now, let's look at what we have here. The first thing you want to check to make sure before you do anything if you want to make sure that your DP I and this indicator here is green, which goes back to what I talked about on your design files, you want to make sure that you create a file that is at least 150 dp I. But this is a good example of why you want to create probably 300 dp I This is going to give us the option to be able to move it around and scale it so that looks good, as you can see when I adjust it, see what happens the DP I goes down because of making it larger. What we want to dio Because we want to make sure it's he has I drag it there. You've got this print period highlights. We want to make sure that the design fits in within the border of the print area. How is you? Look at the large outline here, you remember. And Photoshopped, This was the size and design that we created. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag it first and make it look as close as possible . Still, we have to you how you want to position on the shirt or the apparel or the merchandise that you're going to print on. To me, this looks pretty close. Looks good. So the next thing I would do is I would come over here and I like to hit the center button to make sure, and you could see it was pretty close. As you drag it around and gives you that line that indicators. So I think we were close. It looks centered. It looks pretty good. So once you get that placed, you can scroll down and you can preview what it looks like on the other color, which is black. And another thing we might do. Let's go back to the product screen, the main screen. I'm not sure if this is going to look good in grey or not, but I could select it to check. And as you can see, it's just a little bit too hard to see. If that was a darker gray color, we might be able to get away with it or a silver. But I'm going to de select it, and I'm going to just go with these two colors, black and Navy. I'm actually going to make black my primary color and what's shown on my listing first. Okay, so we've pulled in the design. We've placed it. What's pretty good? Now I'm going to. Once you're happy with that, it's totally up to you. What size is you want to sell? I would recommend on something like this, especially when you don't have very many options. I would just leave the sizes as they are. That way, you give as many options as possible for the customer. Now you will encounter some types of merchandise in apparel, where depending on the color or the size it may not be available, and then it will tell you down here that it's not available and you simply just have to un select the ones that you cannot print. Okay, so once I've chosen my size, I've got my design set going too quick on the proceed to mock ups button and you have a few different options. So this is the main image that's going to display on your etc. Listing. You can either use models. You could use a male model, a female model, or you could just go with just the shirt. I usually like to go just with the shirt on a white background, because I think if you go with one of the models, you may be limiting yourself and it just to me it looks cleaner, So I'm going to select. That is my mock up down here is where you select which image you want to display. First and again, I think I'm going to go a black. If you wanted to go with the Navy, you would simply select it, and that would display first. But we're going to go with the black and so once I have that I click on. Proceed. Okay, now here is where we set the product title and the description is going to show up in our etc. Listing. So what I usually do is I'm going to type in the name of the shirt or the design or the slogan first. Hey, and I usually will leave the rest of this to indicate what type of shirt it is. And if it's for males or females and then what I usually do and we'll get into a little bit of this on optimizing your listings. But the other thing you can do is you can add a little bit more to your title because when people search on etc and they find your products than they pull up, the title is very, very important on having your keywords. They're so we could say something like perfect gift for runners. Okay, And then down here, your description. What I usually do. So you don't have a bunch of duplicate listings that have the same thing over and over, actually delete this, then I will take this part right here, and then I will simply type something unique down here that has the name of the products. Maybe I will type something now that has more the key words in it. One thing you can do before you create a listing you could go to Etc. And see what else is selling. And I would not recommend this copying the titles word for word in the descriptions word for word. But you might get an idea of how they have set up their listing that looks like it has a lot of sales. Then you could definitely model after that. And that's a good starting point for your listing case. Once we have this unique description, I would leave this part because this is very important. It shows the details on the type of material washing any necessary information. I would include a size guide because it's very important that's going to eliminate a lot of questions. You get directly from people wanting to know, you know. What size is it? How is it going to fit it? Deserve and large doesn't run small. This right here is going to take care of most of that. And then here you have the option to add tags. I was do that in the etc. Listing itself. So I leave this blank. Then down here, last style and again, this is unisex because it is the fit of it is generally for men or women. It is a unisex type shirt so that it looks OK. I'm going to click on Proceed, and the final step is pricey. Now pricing is a whole nother topic that I am really not going to get into much detail on this is entirely up to you. What I would recommend before you really get started is I would go out and I would look and see what other people are pricing their merchandise, that I have a system. But it depends on what the niches and what the product is. So this is going to take a little bit of just testing on your part. I can tell you that a general good rule of thumb to start with is probably somewhere say, this is a 95 for the base. Typical T shirts on Etsy sell anywhere from 15 to $30 and that seems like a wide range. But it really depends on the type of niche and the type of material in the type of shirt. So what you could do is you could go somewhere in between. Yeah, you could say you could make it 2022 something like that. A quick thing you can do is if you have a profit margin in mind and you want to apply it to all of these different sizes. You could simply say I want to make 50% mark up on everything. And there you go. Now that's too low. Say I want to make 100% market. That's a good profit margin. That's a fair price. You know, you could go with something like that if you think that your design is unique and you're confident that you could sell it for more while means you condone adjusted here. One thing you can do is you could start higher in the beginning and see if stuff sells. And then you could always directly in your etc listing you could adjust accordingly. So I'm going to price this shirt right A $20 with this profit margin here, I think this is a fair price for this. Okay, so right here it is connected to our account and we have not set up any sections yet, so that is fine. We will do that in another video. But we have gone through and we have added the design to our T shirt. We have selected our options. We have added a title and description and set up our listing. And last we have priced everything. So we're good to go on getting this pushed out two etc. So a final step is too quick on submit to store and then once we do that, it's going to load and it will be available once it pushes to etc to edit, finalize the listing and then make it live on etc. Okay, so it loaded up and you can see right here that it has pushed this out to etc. Okay, so it's giving you a notice here about sinking products. What I would recommend is I would just have all of them automatically sync that way. When the orders come in from etc. Everything's processed. It tells you hear automatic for homeowners turn on and sank to order will be fulfilled automatically, and that is exactly what we want. So you would want to go over here to your store settings So this is going to pull up the main page for your store setting. And then down here there is a link for orders. So click on that, and then down here at the bottom, you'll see their order import settings and by default. It probably already has selected. But we need to double check, because if this is selected, what's going to happen is it's going to set it as a draft, and you have to manually go in and you have to confirm everything. Now you may want to set it up that way to double check it, but usually there's no reason to. So make sure that automatically confirm orders to be fulfilled, and that's going to make it automatically fulfill okay and then the last part of this, which by default it looks like it's already selected as well. But if you happen to have anything else connected to your store that is not related to etc and prayerful the connection there, you may have extra items that show up like let's say, use another fender on etc. And then somebody places an order and it will push through to print full and prayerful will know what to do with it, and that's fine. What it will do is it will just make it a draft. And at that point you could manually ignore it. But for our example and set up, this isn't really gonna matter. And then yes, just leave these checked to automatically notify about instinct orders and then toe automatically mark orders at shipped. So this all looks good. I was just click on save just a double check and there we go. So now when I go back to where I waas I am ready to go. So this video ran a little bit longer than I wanted to, but I wanted to get into detail on creating your first product and prayerful to be pushed to etc. So what we're gonna do is in the next video, we're going to do the mug example so I can give you to design examples and show you how it works. I hope this video was useful and we will see you in the next one 17. How to Create a Mug Product: All right. Welcome back. Now we're going. Teoh, create a mug. We've already created a T shirt and print full that we pushed out toe, etc. Now we're gonna do the same thing with a coffee mug. So from that same screen stores and they were gonna click on the add button. And now we are ready. Teoh, add our mug. So what? We want to dio I remember before we selected a T shirt. Now we want to come down here to the home section, and then you could see one of the options is coffee mugs, and I'm going to have a quick video that goes through what all of these are. But for now, in this example, we're gonna do a coffee mug. So click on that now print full. Only has one type of mug available, which is fine, because that's your standard white coffee mug. But I can tell you it's very high quality. And people like these quite a bit, so there's only one option. But there are two different sizes, so we will click on white mug there. Okay, Now, this is going to open up the design editor like we saw on our other example instead of it being a T shirt, you've got a mug here. Now, what I almost always do is sell both sizes to give your customer more options. Okay, so the process is the same. We're going to click on the upload file tab. And again, What you can do here is you could at a text based design and on mugs. This could work very well because a lot of mugs are very simple. So you could create a lot of quick, easy designs just by using the text editor, And you could do clip art as well. And I told you my feelings about clip are there were going to go back and upload our file. I'm gonna choose our file so we could do the same thing. We can go out here and for this one, we are using this dark design you distracted in there like that, going to upload it. Remember, this was the square design, and I'm going to show you why the quick on shoes so you can see it pulls it in. Obviously, our print quality is very good. No issues there because it's a large file. We actually didn't need to make it that big. But now we have nothing to worry about. So you can see we have the same options to center, and we could move it around. So what you need to do here is you can see the first option. The 11 ounce, the smaller one is selected. So what you want to do is you want to quick on this here and duplicate on both sides, and then we're going to drag like this and we're going to center up the design the best we can. Now, if you click on the center here, it's not going to center both sides. It's gonna center everything to the middle. I'll show you what I mean by that. So that's not what we want. We want to align these. See? It shows you gives you the little line here, and this is the center of this smoke, and this is the center of this side of the mug. So if we have it centered on each side, what this means is is going to print on each side and the design is going to be centered. Now, back to the reason we made it a Square. If this was more like R T shirt design and it was taller and let's say the design wasn't centered up, it would be very hard to manually drag and make this look good and make it centered. But since it's a square, it just locks it in there. And all we're concerned about is just aligning it this way. Okay, so it doesn't have to be perfect. Make it as good as you can. That looks pretty close. And now we've done 11 ounce. Let's click on this and we'll do the larger size. We're going to the exact same thing. We're going to drag it over here. We're gonna line it up. It looks good. You can click on each one to see what it looks like for each side of the mug. That looks good. You can actually click on the mock up view, and it will give you a preview. You can do this for any type of merchandise, so that gives you a really good idea before you click through all the way to what it would look like. So if you scroll down here when we get further along these air, the options that you can select for your mock ups. Okay, so this looks good. I like the way this is set up. So the next thing would be to proceed to mock ups. Okay. And you have options like you did on the T shirt. You can use a model. You can use it with a background. I almost always go with the just the plain white designed, like on the white background. I think it's a lot cleaner. And then down here, you scroll down. You have the option. You can have your handle on the left. You can have your handle on the right. I think having the handle on the right is probably more of, ah, common thing. Because people more people are right handed. He also have the option to select which size you want to display first. Totally up to you. That taller design, I think, looks better on the taller version here, which is the 15 ounce. So I'm going to select that, and I'm happy with that being on the right. That's gonna be my main image. So I'm going to proceed. Okay, so we're back to the placed you at our title and description like we did before. Okay, so I'm going to put my title here like that again. You need to just experiment with these product titles and your keywords, and after a while you'll get a feel for it and go out and look what other people are doing and you'll get a feel for what works best. Okay, so I want to copy that down. Actually tried to mention gift at least once, because a lot of people on Etsy search for whatever the niches or whatever type of product they're looking for in the word gift. So that's just something extra you can do there, All right, so there's not as many options on this again. We're gonna select tags when we get into her, etc. Listing. So this is good to go. I'm going to quick on proceed to pricing and the exact same thing here. Instead of a percentage. It's going to be just a simple dollar amount. If you want to apply to both, or you could manually set each of these and again, you need to kind of get a feel or what other mothers selling for and what's a good price. Points are in this example. Let's say that I want an $8 profit so quick on that and you can see it adjusted it at $8 to each of the base prices and then over here displaced my profit. So that's probably a fair price for a mug. You see some selling for as low, you know, cheaper, like $10 all the way up to $20 for the smaller one. And I've seen the bigger ones into the twenties again. This is just something that you'll have to experiment with and see what works best for you . So we don't have any categories set up, which is fine. We will do that once we get into etc. So this one also is ready to go. So we're going to click on submit to store, okay, it's going to load. And once it is finished, it will tell us that we can edit it in etc. All right, so there we go. We've got to products loaded up. Now that we can go over to etc and edit. And in the next video, that's exactly what we're gonna do. So I hope you enjoyed this one and we'll see you in the next video 18. How to Publish Your Products for Sales: Okay, so we've got our products at Imprint Ful before we go ahead and go into etc. And edit those listings and make them alive. There's a couple of things we need to set up. So the first thing you're going to do is you're going to go to your shop manager after you are logged in, etc. So you quick on that. And then the next thing you want to do is you want to go to settings and then you want to quick on this link here that says production partners. So what we're gonna do here is we're going to set this up and we're gonna tell etc that we are using a printer which is print full and our case and then it's also going to tell customers on our listing that were using 1/3 party. Now, if you read what it says, it tells you that our production partner is somebody that's not part of your shop, and that helps you physically produce your items. And it gives you information on how to disclose which we're gonna do right here. So what we're going to do is we're going to set this up and then once it's set up in our Etsy account, then when we create our listings, weaken simply select whichever printer or 1/3 party that we're using to fulfill the product . So I'm going to click on Add a new production partner here and the first field. You want to enter his production partner, So I'm going to interpret full and you have the option to not show to your customers. So I usually select that. And then what I do is I just give it a general title like Print Shop is a good one. That way the customer does not know the source and how how you're getting your orders fulfilled and how you create in your products. And I think it's better to just kind of keep it general like that. So the next step is to enter the location of your printing partner, our production partner, and what I usually do is I use the main address for print ful, which I believe is North Carolina. Let's double check that. Okay, I just pulled up prayerful dot com slash contacts. I had researched a little bit here, Um, so if you scroll down, it's going to give you the addresses, some of their warehouses and fulfillment centers in their offices. What I usually do is just use one of these. I think I believe the Charlotte, North Carolina is their main location. Remain shipping location. So that's the one I'm going to use. So I'm gonna go back over to etc. And under location. That's the information I'm going to enter right here, and it's going to ask you that. Fill the field and I'm going to select this and then help buyers understand what this partner does for were you and again, you can keep this very general to say printer for my merchandise or whatever you want to say here. It doesn't really matter too much. So the information at the bottom is for etc. To give them more information about your production partner. So just simply answer the questions. Why are you working with this partner here? The options. So I probably like the 1st 1 since they're printing. What is your role in the design process? Now here's an important one answer because the reason this works is we are creating the unique designs, so that's us. We're creating unique products from our designs. And then this printer that we've selected here is going to help us fulfill and sent out to the customer. So here are the options and I always slicked. I designed everything myself, which is true. So the last question. What is this partners role in the production process. So I'm going to select the last one. Since they do everything they printed, they fulfill it and they ship it out to the customer. So it's like that and then go ahead and save partner. Perfect. So now when we create our listing, we can select print full or this generic print shop as our production partner. Great. So the other thing we want to do is before we create our listing, we want to create some categories. You may not know all your categories yet, but we can get started on that. So go over to listings. So now that we have our listings open, we want to create a couple of categories to help organize our products, etc. Refers to categories as sections, but it's the exact same thing is just a way to organize our products. So you're going to go down here where it's a sections and you're going to click on the link . This is organize your listings and it's very simple. We just add one category at a time, and this is okay. You may not know all the categories that you want for your products, but to start with, you may want to add a couple of general ones, and then you can adjust later as you need to. So for now, since we created T shirts and we created mugs, I'm gonna keep it very simple. I'm going to create a T shirts section or category, so enter that and click save, and as you can see, it tells you it's been added and that also they allow you to do 20 sections so you can have a max of 20. We got another one. I'm going to say mugs, and I'm going to say that. And there you go. And then another thing to talk about here is you can drag and you can reorder this so this is going to be the order that shows on your store. So if you want to highlight one or make it show up above the other or at the top, this is how you would do that. So now that I have the two categories, I want to put my products, and now it's time to go and make our listings live. I'm going to exit out of here. So as you can see right now, we were on the listings home page, which normally will show your active listings. We have no active listing, so we need to go over to here on the listing status menu, and we need to click on the draft button. And so once you click on draft is going to show us that products that are ready to be finalized and added to our Etsy store. So these are the ones that we created print full, and it doesn't matter which one I edit. I'm just going to click on one so you can see it pulled in the information that we created from painful. And if you remember, we set the black shirt as our default image, our first images shown. So that's right and then scroll down. We've got the title. So one of the reasons that etc. Called Section sections is because there is really a category and this think of this is when the customer is browsing the site. This is going to at a top level. It's going to organize is going to add You are merchandise into general categories. So print ful said this print full also set this information here, which is all the way we wanted to be set. It's telling you, since we selected unisex, when we created the product and print full, it went ahead and added it to all these categories. So that is good because it's giving us more ways that customers confined the merchandise and then you look here is Israel optional fields. If you have specific merchandise that matches to any of these is just another way people can find you. An example would be if you have a shirt that is about Christmas, well, let's see you have a short that is about how we nor another holiday or you have a specific piece of merchandise that matches to graduation and our back to school or anything like that. You could select that, and then it will be grouped with similar types of products. And so the next option you have is how you want to have the listing renew and by the fall, prayerful sets at his manual, I would set it is manual because we'll get into it a little bit. But over time you wanna watch your products and if you're not making any sales, you may want to cut the products. So by not setting them as automatic, we could go in on a regular basis and not worry about being charged on products that we don't want have listed. And then the next option is what type of product it is. And of course it's physical. And then here, down here is your description. This is important for customers. This helps people find you as well as it gives the customer information on the material and just a general description of what the product is. So this is what we set up in print full. This is nice, because right here, if you want to change anything you can before you make your listing life. So if you want to edit or add anything, you could do this. Maybe you made a typo, you could head it here and then right here you can preview what it would look like as a Google search results. So let's go ahead and quick on that. You can see what it does. It looks like it cuts it off a little bit there, but perfect gift. Let's go up here and look girl quick. Yes, he it cuts it off right there. So that might be a consideration if you I really want to optimize your titles. Or Google indexing Google listing on search results. You could edit that a little bit, but then it pulls in the name of the shop and then down here, what it's doing is it's just what started starts to pull in our description. All right, so the next thing that we have to do is this is the production partner that we just set up , and right now, rolling is imprint ful. If you did have multiple production partners, you could set them up, and then they could be listed here, and then you would just select which one you were using. So we are using print full for this one. And remember, this is a requirement of etc. To allow us to do this type of print on demand merchandise. So the next thing we need to set is our section and I call this category before. Just think of this as the organization on your store page of your products, so I'm going to select T shirt. Since this is a T shirt, the next thing is tags. Now think of tags as keywords tags along with your title on your etc. Listing are very, very important for people to be able to find your merchandise. So let's think about this one for a minute. Let's go up to our title and I run because I'm fun. Perfect gift for runners. So the types of keywords that we're going to want to put here are runners, shirt honors, T shirt runners, gift funny runners shirt. Now, I'm not gonna get too much in the keyword research on this video, but just know that this is where you would enter your keywords that you want to display on your listing for this product that we're setting up, you have the option to enter 13 and I recommend that you enter as many as you can. I would take advantage of that on every product that you set up. And then if you click on this link here, it will also give you some ideas on what types of tags to use. One of this is you want to enter every keyword main key. Where do you think that people would actually use to find the product? And you also want to list popular keywords that are going to give you the most traffic. I'm going to close that, not going to enter all of the 13 but you get the idea there, then the next field is materials, and this is optional. But what you can do is it with the cotton shirt, we could say cotton, you could say polyester. It's just another added description for your listing. And finally, we're getting to the bottom here where we have our price and we have our sizes and we have our shipping information. Now. Prayerful always sets it to 999. You could set it to a lower value if you don't want to make it appear that you have as much on hand. If you want to create urgency, it's totally up to you. Now. One thing to note is every time your listing cells it will be automatically renewed, which is fine because especially on products that are selling a lot. You want that renewal? And you wanted to get bumped up to the top every time. So the next option is skew. We're not going to use that. But if you wanted Teoh, you have a system or you want to keep everything in a spreadsheet and you want to keep track of all your products. That way you could do that. Since we're using print full for the source of our products. I don't ever worry about that one. Okay. And then down here is all the variations of our product. Remember, we had two colors and then we had these sizes for each color, and then we set a price. We said a margin. So what print ful did is it automatically created all of these listings for us, which is nice. So we don't have to do it manually. So it is double check that that looks correct. It should be down here. Personalization. This is something new with etc. As they check out, they can enter a personalization information for this product and what we're doing here, we're not going to worry about that. And then the last thing here is shipping. So these are the default shipping rates that print ful uses, and I pretty much always go with ease. Usually for me, there's really no reason to change them. You can adjust them, and you can get into custom shipping options and different rates. I don't recommend that because that makes things a lot more complicated now. These are just for standard shipping rates. They're not expedited. I've had hardly any issues with customers requesting faster shipping times because these air custom products and people realized that it's going to take a week, a week and 1/2 2 weeks to get the order processed and get it shipped out. The only time I get any types of requests for expedited shipping, or usually around the holidays if it's a gift Christmas is a is a big one, but for the most part, you don't have to worry about it. One option you can do is you can always go over to print full and you could change the order and you could bump up the shipping and make it shipped faster. If you really wanted to get it out to somebody, so we're going to go with the default rates, and it sets up default rates for each type of product that you can create with prayerful. So you can see this is what selected is a garment, since it's a T shirt and this is very reasonable shipping and it's $5 it usually gets out to the customer and a reasonable amount of time. So we're going with the standard shipping right there, And if I scroll down, this is optional print full does not send over this information. There's really no reason to, because it it has flat race for each type of product, and they know what the cost is. And the wait is for all of their products, and they set these accordingly, so we're not going to worry about that item size of impact again. That's optional. The customer might want to know these things. I've I think maybe I've gotten one request or this type of information. If a customer ever wants it, you can always go to prep full and you can get it or you can ask principles, customer service, their support and they will give you this information. So the last thing here you can see, it shows you the shipping cost. So this is what it's going to cost a. Ship it to the customer, our costs. And then this is the total price of the merchandise with shipping that is going to be charged to the customer. So everything looks good. I made my edits. I've made my changes. I'm happy with this listing. So the final step to make it live on Etsy is to go down here and to do publish. Now we can preview it, and we could also save it as it dropped. We wanted to come back later. Let's say we weren't sure about something or we wanted to come back to make some edits later, before it was live. We could save it as a draft, but I am happy with all of these changes, and it's ready to go, so I'm going to click on Publish so you can see it pops this up. It tells you that it's going to publish a new listing. It tells you the charge. If you want to read the fees and payments policy you can hear and just know that if you don't get any sales, this listing will expire four months from today. So for 20 cents, you get listed for four months on etc. Which is great. So everything What's good? I'm going to click on publish. Okay, So as you can see, we're still on the drive page. But one of them went to an active listing. It gives you this nice link here. You can click on this and you can go out and you can see it just like the customer would. So again, here's my logo. Here is the name of my shop and here is our first listing that we've created on RNC store. So if the customer was browsing this, this is what they would see. Here's our color options. Here's our sizes. You can see we have the black one listed. First, they can zoom in on it. They can cycle through the different colors. And then down. Here is a description that we set up. People can leave reviews. Here is our shipping information again. We're just going with the defaults, and when you scroll down, it shows the different ways that they can pay etc. Provides all kinds of different payment options. And as he takes care of all of that and you can see reason, the default return and exchange policies that we set up and then down here at the bottom. Remember the production partner we set up, which is print full? This is what it says, says Deese. Gift box may decide in with help from print Shop Charlotte, North Carolina So, like I said, this is General. The customer doesn't need to know that we're using prayerful because it could get confusing . It could make them contact brimful, and there's really just no reason for them to know how we're creating and shipping this product. So that is really it. We've created our first products. We have everything listed. Everything looks good. Now when we go out to our home page, look what we have. We have our first product. We have our first section are category here that has t shirts in it, and we're going. We are live with our shop. So I have shown you how to take your products from print full and go over to etc. And make them live. Remember, we set up sections or categories for our products, and also we set up that production partner which is print fel that tells Etc. And our customers that we're using a partner to create an Fittler products. So that is all I wanted to show you in this video. It was a long one, but it's an important one because this is how we polish our products on etc. So I hope this was helpful for you and I'll see you in the next one. 19. Optimizing Product Listings for Sales: All right, Welcome back in this video, we're gonna talk about optimizing your etc. Listing and how to include your keywords in your title and your tags to get the most amount of traffic possible for your listings. So let's say let's use this example here. Let's say we wanted to optimize this listing for this runner shirt, so I've got a pulled up here. So let's say from our research, we have determined that we want to optimize our listing for funny runner shirt because that's what we think is going to get us the most search results and the most traffic. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to my listing and we're going to edit it. And again, we said Funny runner shirt was what we wanted to optimize for. So we're gonna scroll down, and for a title, I run because I'm fine. That is the name of the shirt. So we could probably This is what we had started with here. That's not bad. We could probably get rid of this here, and I could do something like that. Um, like I mentioned before, I like to have gift in there. If possible, then I'm gonna have my main keywords in there as well. So funny on her T shirt, that what's good? And I'm going to go down here to my description, a great gift for your favorite runner. They also say something like, Make sure to get this. I guarantee you sure or your favorite something general like that. It's good to include your keywords, but you don't want to stuff it too much and make it just unreadable. But it's okay to repeat your keywords a few times, and then the last thing to check here is your tags now tags. Do you have a max length? So you have to make sure that is going to fit in there. It's probably not. Let's try it. Okay, so it fit. Then I would probably also say something like Funny Runner shirt, maybe something like that, so I would get variations of the main keyword in there, so that helps to optimize your listing. And once I was happy with those changes, I would go down and I would republish my listing. So just click on the publish button there. So now when I go back to my listing and I look at it here. Let's refresh. I have my key word in the title. I have it done in the description, and then I have it on the tags. So all of those things combined are going to help people find my listing better. Another thing you can do is you can go out and you can look at listings for other people. So let's say probably funny running shirt since that popped up. Here's a good example. Funny running short popped up when I started typing it in, so I didn't actually do research on this. This was just an example, but since this pulled up in your type of it, and it probably means it's a little more popular, so you might want to go with funny running shirt in this example. But you get the idea. So once I get that type, then I can click on Search, and then I can look at other examples of people's listings and kind of what they're doing. Little dizzle Scroll through here and try to find something that's similar, and I will look at the feedback and try to get a sense of how many sales, these shorts or gain so you can roll over each title, and that's a quick way to look at some of the titles that they have now. I will tell you, Let's look at this one. Now you can see what their title looks like. You can make your titles a little longer and try to stuff multiple keywords in there. That's something you're just gonna have to test out and see what works for you. But this is one strategy to consider, because this is a factor on ranking your listings and getting people to find you so you can see the types of keywords that they have in their title. And if you scroll down, they don't even have it in the description. And I don't know what the upper tags in this example, but that gives you an idea what they do for the title. Having your key words in the title is probably the most important thing to optimize your listing, so you need to make sure the you do that now the last thing I want to show you and it's a good resource is simply etc. Zone site. They have a blawg with some tips on it, and I've got this actually copy here. I'm gonna pace us in, and he gives you just a checklist to help optimize your Etsy store research or I'm sorry, etc. Listings research. So if you scroll down here, it's going to give you some of the stuff we've talked about. It tells you to use all 13 tags, which makes sense. And there's a good link here on keywords, so you could read that, too. Further talk about further dive into some of the stuff we've talked about. It also tells you how to better use your categories. Then it gets more into the product itself. It tells you to, you know, pressure shipping competitively, Pat Irrelevant attributes. So down here, like I was talking about in the title, it actually recommends using a short, easy to understand title said to one of the long, drawn out key word, Just stuff titles. I think there's a balance that I think you could get a couple of key words in there and make it readable. It tells you to put your best photo first, and that makes sense. If you remember when we created some product examples. There I was try to pick the main image to be what I think will be just the clearest, most popular image that people would be interested in seeing and make sure that you completely fill out your store profile That always helps. If you have a niche story, could make sure to include those titles and tags in your shop information and then down here, like I told you, a lot of is just testing. So you know the basic processes to research your keywords. That's gonna be the type of product that you're creating. And then just try to have your main key word in your title in your description and your tags, and then look at other listings and see what other listings air doing. If you do those basic things, you're gonna be ahead of a lot of other people that simply create a product, and they just posted, and they don't do much beyond that. One other thing to consider on optimizing your listings that I just thought of is Let's go back and edit this one again. If you have a product that is specific to a holiday or on occasion, make sure you definitely use these options here because these can help people find you if it is tied to a specific holiday or on occasion. And that also goes for any of these attributes here. That's what the etc Block was talking about. There. Just make sure that everything that is relevant, you select it, and it just helps to optimize your listing and match it more to what people are searching for. So if you do this over time and you optimize all of your listings and you start with this concept, you're going to start getting traffic. And you're like I said, you're gonna be ahead of a lot of other people that don't think about this kind of stuff. So I hope that this video was useful for you and we'll see in the next one. 20. Paid Promoted Listings: Okay, so we've got a couple of products added to our store. So let's say we wanted to drive a little more traffic we can with something called promoted listings. So what you would do is you go to your shop manager and then you're going to click on marketing right here, and then you're going to quick on. Promoted listens. Now it's going to give you a page like this is going to give you some information that I recommend that you read throughs. You understand how Etsy's promoted listings work, but basically what is going to do is it's going to boost up your listings above other listings, and then it's going to show them as an ad. And if you remember back when we did our research and we were looking at other stores, you saw some of these listed. Now, this is something that is not entirely necessary, but it will give you quicker results. So what you can do is you can start small on your budget, and then you can give it a test and see what happens. And you can always increase your budget on one or all of your products. So it's just another way you can get traffic to your listings and something else that you can test out as you get more advanced so you can see that it tells you increased visibility . It's easy to manage, and you also get some data, some analytics that will show you what type of products that people are searching for. So if you want to enable and try promoted listings, you would click on this button here, and it's very simple to set up. You set up a daily budget, so I'm going to start with the lowest amount here. And then you can turn it on or off whether or not you want to automatically advertise new listings with promoted listings. So for now, I'm going to keep that on, and then I'm going to click on Start advertising Now, once you click on that is going to open this up. That will give you a running total of the amount, impressions, clicks and the cost of this campaign, and then when you scroll down here, you can manually turn on and off each one. So if I wanted to try just this product or not, the other one, I could simply flip it off here now, the other thing you can do is you can adjust her bid, and this is the maximum out that you want to pay for each click. So 18 cents per quick is too much. You can adjust this by product by clicking on each one. Or if you just wanted to do every single one the same, you could go appear to manage. And then you could click on advanced settings down here. You could flip this on right here, and then you could just enter the max cost per click or CBC that she want to pay right here . So once you have that entered, if you want to set it up that way, you would just enter it and then you would just exit out, and then the page should refresh, and you can see that 12 cents a click that we said it to you. It automatically defaulted and said, Everyone like this. Now I don't have any advanced strategies on. This is just something that you're gonna have to test out because there's a lot of variables involved. If you've ever done anything with paper, click or paid traffic, you know that it's just something that you have to test out. It may make sense on some products. It may not make sense on others. I will tell you that you have to be careful because if you have products that have lower margins and you start paying more and more per click for products, let's say it takes two or $3 of traffic costs to get a product sold. It may not make sense to use this. What I like to do is kind of watch and see what sells. And then you can enable some of those and try to scale them and get more sales and more traffic to them. This can also work well for some bigger priced or bigger ticket items like Let's say, you have some nice campus art and it's a little more competitive. You would be willing to put more of a budget in that because your sales and your margins are higher, and that could be something that could be beneficial when you if you could get more traffic to stop that selling you could make more cells. So again, this is just something to try out. I'm going to leave this enabled for now just to test it out. But I wanted to show you how this works as just another thing in your marketing tool box for your etc listings. Now, once this runs over time, we will start seeing data on sales and clicks and how this is working. And you will know over time whether or not this is worth it or not. Depending on how many sales you get, it will tell you you can click here and then you can see the amount of orders you're getting versus your cost. So that's really all I have for this promoted listings video. I just wanted to show you what it is and how you can use it to promote your listings. So I hope this is helpful and I will see you in the next video. 21. Google Shopping Ads: OK in this video, I'm going to talk about another way to get traffic to your store that is beyond etc. It's another method, and it's a good one because it's going to use the most popular search engine on the planet . And we're talking about Google. So from your Etsy account, you have the ability to enable Google shopping ads. And if you're not familiar with Google shopping ads, I'm going to go out here and I'm gonna show you real quick what they are. So if I search for any type of product and Google and let's use one of our products as an example, let's say that I am somebody out there. I'm going to buy a gift and I want to buy a gift for a runner friend. So I would probably go to Google, and I would search for something like Funny runner shirt. It was Just give that a try. Okay, so when Google gives you the results of the search, the first thing up the top that it's going to show you is shopping ads well, that it shows you images and then below that it shows you just irregular index less teens for search results. So if I wanted to place a Google shopping ad for, say, this one right here, I could enable it here in my Etsy account, and then it's going to serve it. And then when people search, it's going to show up here. So these are all people or companies that are running shopping. As for similar T shirts, and if I scroll down here right here, See, it says from ETC. So there's an example of one that is coming from the etc platform. So every time somebody clicks on one of these listings and they go to your etc, listing, it's going to cost, just like on promoted listings. This could be a great way to get extra traffic to your listings. And like I said on the other video for promoted listings, it may not make sense for everything, but it is something you can try if you want to. So I'm going to show you how to enable this in your Etsy account. So let's go back over to our dashboard, and I wanted to tell you, just from the last video that was made, we're already getting We added a couple of products and we're starting to get activity. Somebody has seen one of our products here. This one I jog, therefore I am Coffee mug and they have added them as favorites. So you can see that some people are starting to see the products and they're starting to like them. And the more and more products you load up and traffic's gonna start picking up and you will eventually make your first cell. So I wanted to show you that that's pretty cool. Okay, So to enable Google shopping ads were going to go to marketing. We're going to go to Google shopping here when I click on it, and then it's going to give you a little bit of a background on what this is. It shows you. It says when people shop online, it's the first place that goes. Google and Etc. Has a partnership with Google to reach new shoppers outside of etc. So you're gonna get increased visibility, you're gonna be able to manage from your dashboard here, and then you're gonna get customer information, gonna get some analytics with it, just like on Etsy's promoted listings. So to get started, I'm going to click on this button here. Now the Google shopping ads interface for etc. Is very basic. So what's happening here on the back end is Etsy's using Google shopping. They have just an automatic system set up. It's doing what it thinks is best to get you in front of the right people and to get the right clicks at the cheapest price. Now, some people are gonna like this and some people aren't. Some people are going to say, Well, I have no control over this. How do I know this is working? Google has recently rolled out something called smart shopping campaigns and I don't know if this is specifically the same thing, but it works very similar. Google is gonna take the information and is going to create these ads for you, and it's probably using a lot of different data points to try and optimize and create the best type of ad and give you the best results. Now, how effective this is gonna be for you just depends. There's gonna be a lot of different variables, but I would recommend if you have the budget for it and you want to try it, I would definitely try it, and I would probably wait to try it until you have a fair amount of products in your store . You could go with the same strategy to enable this on products that are already selling. So let's say that you have 10 products listed and let's say you have one product out of the 10 that is just selling, you know, every other day and you're making sales. So that would be a good one, too, Maybe flip on. So I would recommend to try this once you have enough products to make it worth it. And then you get started a low budget, and you could look at the analytics and see what kind of traffic you're getting and obviously viewed any sales. You may want to adjust her budget and keep scaling the budget up, but it's just going to be something you're gonna have to test out again. I have no advanced strategy for this. It's just something that you're gonna have to test out. So you have the option again to set a daily budget, and then you can automatically advertise any listings. So if I said this to a dollar and I click on start advertising. Okay, so once it is enabled, you can start getting statistics and it works very similar. Teoh, etc. Promoted listings. Over time, you will see impressions and clicks, and you'll see if you get orders or not. Now you can go in on an individual product basis, and you can flip each one on and off. So I'm going to flip these offer now because I don't want to do this. But you could use the same strategy that that I told you about on promoted listings for etc . If you had any products that were selling on their own, those might be good ones to try to go and flip onto get more traffic to because you know they're popular, and that might help you scale them a little bit. I also think this strategy here for Google shopping ads would work for higher ticket items like canvas art. You're going to want to make sure that you have good enough margins because the cost of some of these for a mobile shopping could get more expensive than etc. Promoted listings. And the reason for that is it's going to be more competitive, probably out of Google than it is just on Nazi. So again, this is something you can try. You can flip it on, you can enable it and see if it works for you. But I just wanted to show you this as an option, because etc built in has multiple ways to get traffic to your listings from just the regular etc. Searches and just regular etc. Traffic. So that's all I have for this video about Google shopping ads, and I hope it was useful for you and we'll see you in the next one. 22. Social Media Posting Your Products: all right, welcome back. And another thing you can do. I wanted to show you with your etc listings to get more traffic to get more sales. To get more visibility on your products is you can use something that's built in etc. For social media sharing. So I would click on marketing over here and I would click on social media and then it's going to pop this up. It's going to tell you what this is, and it allows you to share your products across social media platforms. It's going to create the post for you and I'll show you here in a minute. So to make this work, you choose the product, and then you just follow the simple steps. And if you want to learn more about it, you can click here. They give you some guidelines and tips, so I'm going to click here to get started. Now you have the option to connect to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and instagram. I'm not going to go through the process of connecting these on this video, but just know if you did want to connect them, what you do is you would log into each of your profiles in another browser window, and then when you click on these, it should open, and it should try to authorize and connect etc. To each social media account. So after you do that, once you select your post and you set it up here on Etsy, it will allow you to share out to whichever platform that you choose. And then it tells you that you do not have to connect your Etsy account to share. But but to make sure you have the sell on Etsy app installed on your phone to complete sharing. And that is for Instagram. So I'm going to close this here. Now I'm going to go through the quick process of selecting item that I want to share out on social media. So what it does is it shows you the newest listings first, and let's say I want to share this mug so it would click on it, and what I like about it is it creates a quick post for you. It has the image has some hash tags. You don't have to use these if you have better keywords or hashtags you want to use, I would recommend editing these and then you can add your own. Here appear would be the images that will be used. Actually, just go with the man image. So once you get this the way you want, it would click on next. And then here's where you would select which one you want to go with again. Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. There is a paid Facebook option, which I've never really done much with, because if I want to run paid as, I'm probably going to do it directly on the Facebook platform because there's more options . So to finish this I would click on which one I want to post two. And since I don't have any of these authorized with this Etsy account, I'm not going to do it because it's going to try to connect. But just know that once you click on one of these is going to open up the post and then at that point it's gonna give you a preview of what it would look like. And then, once you like it, you just go down here and you would quit this post button. Now, another thing you can do if you don't want to connect any of your accounts, and I do this sometimes you can actually use this to create a quick post that you copy and paste into whatever social platform you want to post it on. So let's do the same thing. Let's click on share and then right here. What I could do is I could just take this right here, and I could paste it into, say, Facebook or Twitter. And I could create a post like that and then with Facebook, Twitter and some of these other ones is going to pull in more information about your post and then is going toe link directly to it. And that's all there is to it. It's a quick little tool. You can use this just something extra you can do to post your stuff out on social media. Of course, another way you could do it is you could just prowse the front end of your store here and then if I say I wanted to share this product right here was also the share button up at the top of each listing so you could share it that way as well. And then you could copy and then you could paste that you could either directly click on one of these or you could paste a copy and paste it. So I've given you a few quick ways that you could share your products out to Social media. I highly recommend that you do this because it's just gonna be another traffic source. It's gonna be another way for people to be able to see your products. One other quick thing I wanted to show you is 1/3 party tool that will automatically post he's out for you. So let's go back to our shop and then let's go to integrations, see if I can find this real quick and this one right here. This is a pretty neat little tool that will automatically post stuff out on a regular basis . They have a free version that's limited. I believe that I have been testing out, and it's pretty cool. Pricing varies. Ah, you can read more about it here. Once you get going on it, there's there's no monthly recurring for year, any building or anything like that. It just they charge proposed, and then the other thing is you could just try it. It's free to try. There's a limit on how many products you can push out with it, but it's just really something quick and easy you could do. You could go out and you could connect all these social media accounts, and then you could just set this thing up to automatically push out your products. And that's going to drive. Traffic over time is just going to drive traffic automatically. So I just want to show you that that's something that I discovered not too long ago that works pretty well, or I think it has a lot of potential. So you may want to give that a try. They have really cool templates that you can use to make your post look really good. All right, so that's all I got on social media and another way to market your products. I hope you found it useful, and I'll see in the next video 23. Holiday Trend Marketing Tips: all right, welcome back. And in this next video here, we're going to talk about holiday and trend marketing. And these things can be one of the easiest ways to make sales on your shop. There are certain times of the year that revolve around holidays where people are looking to buy gifts, and you could take advantage of that by planning ahead a little bit and kind of knowing what's coming up and creating some custom products that people will be interested in mine. So one of the easiest things you can do is simply just have a calendar of all of the holidays that happened during the year. This link here is a very good overview of all of the holidays that happened during the year , and it's got its broken into quarters. This is a good way you could plan ahead. One is coming up here at the time of this course here that's been recorded his Valentine's Day, which is a huge, huge holiday where people buy a lot of gifts and again you can take advantage of that and create unique products that people want to buy. So Valentine's Day, another one that comes to mind is he Patrick's Day? That's coming up and you get the idea. Obviously, the end of the year got Christmas. You've got Thanksgiving and you've got Halloween and then you've got black Friday and that whole big shopping block there were just from Oh, probably October to the end of the year. People are looking about it gets 1/4 quarter is usually your biggest time where people buy stuff, but you have all of these opportunities throughout the year. Father's Day, Mother's Day, and there's all kinds of individual holidays where you can take advantage of it. And I've got some other examples here. I've got some links I'm going to share with you below the video. Now this is one good page from print full. The other thing they offer is actually offer a nice calendar here that you can download in . PdF. So you know you could keep this handy, and it lists out all the major holidays. And here's another example of some major holidays that you could use to kind of plan ahead and look at what's coming. So if we go over to etc. And just let's say let's search for Valentine's Day, and using the etc. Search results. The auto complete here we get. We could start getting all kinds of ideas on what people are looking to buy now. Like I mentioned, especially for holidays and special occasions. Gift is always going to be included in whatever you're searching for usually. But see, it gets more specific. Valentine's Day gift for boyfriend Valentine's Day Get her husband so you could get very specific like that. Or you could go more general like we've been talking about. So let's look and see what we get for Valentine's Day shirt, and we're gonna get all kinds of search results for all kinds of different Valentine's Day shirts so you could pick some designs that are selling. And you could go through the design process that we talked about and create some products and plan it ahead in time so people could order and get it shipped in time to get it for Valentine's Day. Now from the parental dashboard. Usually they're pretty good about on upcoming holidays. That will give you what the cut off dates on what the deadlines are. And this is something, say, Valentine's days coming up. You could actually list that on your store on your home page. So people know and it's very clear that you know they need to order by a certain date to get it in time to get it delivered if they want to give it a gift. And that's one thing I do on the major holidays I tried to you is I'll give those cut updates so because people will message you and ask you that anyway. So creating products that are related to holidays are an excellent, very good method to make sales. People are always in gift buying mode, and they're looking for unique gifts, and that is what makes etc such a good match for what we're doing here. And obviously we could do a lot more than T shirts. So as you've learned, T shirts aren't the only thing that we could do with this. We could come up with a unique good design, and we could scale it out to a lot of different products very quickly and very easily, so I hope that gives you some ideas. Like I said, I'm going to include the links for the holidays. So trend marketing has to do with what's happening right now, what's happened recently and you can jump on trends and you can do some things with it now , one of the best sites you can use to find out what trends we're going on is simply Google trends, and I include that link. You could search people for it. Here's the direct link for it and from the home page chair. If you scroll down, you can get information on what is trending right now. This is directly, you know, people searching Google. So that's one thing you could look at for ideas. Another thing you could do with Google trends that's pretty cool, is you could just simply like the type of product you want to create. Are you thinking about creating like it's a T shirt or a mug? You could do some general searches like this, and I'll show you what I'm talking about. So this general T shirt search doesn't do much for me about here when I scrolled down and I can get into related topics, related queries and what this is showing me here is searches that are very, very popular and they're rising in popularity. But what I like to do is I like to look down here in related queries, and I will cycle through these. I think there's only there's only 25. This can give you examples and ideas for hot trends, hot things that people are searching for. So, like this in right here, you know that some type of a van or cause keep scrolling through here and some of these related to pop culture or movies or what's popular right now. So this would be an example. Probably wouldn't want to do this because there may be some copyright of all. But, you know, Grinch T shirt is a popular phrase. That's an example of a T shirt that people are searching for. That's popular personalized tee shirts. That's a general. But that tells you that people are buying looking for personalized tee shirts. Ah, vote T shirt. So right there that is something that's very simple. That you could create probably doesn't matter too much. All kinds of stuff you could do for vote T shirts. You get the idea. Let's go. One more page here, Cactus T shirt. So right there, that's another good one. See, when I type this in here as well. If I type this in and it filling in by itself, that means that people are searching for it on Etsy. What we talked about the cactus merchandise. I've seen this stuff all over the place, so I know it's popular, and that's an idea. You know, you could create all kinds of products around cactuses and phrases and just unique designs . Let's go back here one more quick and let's look at the rest of it. So that gets to the end of that. And it's probably all we've got there. But you get the idea. You could search for mugs, shirt just general, just general searches on the types of products you want to create. And you could do this. You probably wouldn't want to do it every day, but you could do it on a regular basis and just keep looking for new things that pop up that are trending that are popular. And that could be some new ideas and Cindy merchandise you create. And the last thing I want to show you is there are sites like this, you know, include this link as well. Just simply search for trending searches on social media. This is specifically for Twitter, but you can watch Hashtags and you can get ideas on what is trending right now. Now Google trends. If you look at it, it could be more spread out. You know, it could be little last 30 days. You could set your your searches on how popular is over time and you can go. You know, you go months or you could go the last year kind of thing. This is showing us what is popular right now. What Hashtags Air people using the most right now on Twitter so you could watch something like this for ideas. Just keep in mind this is a lot shorter term. So if something pops up on here and gives you an idea to make a T shirt like a funny phrase or a celebrity said something stupid, and I've seen people even grab the hashtags and make sure it's out of those. But if it's a big enough events say it relates to a celebrity or it's a political thing. You can get a rush of traffic if you jump on something like this and nobody else has anything out there, so you find a hashtag that would make a funny shirt. You know, you could very easily, quickly within 15 minutes, create the design, have it posted and have it listed. And then when people start searching for that stuff So I'm gonna show up in Google search results, Probably that quickly. But if somebody is shopping on etc. And they happen to search for it, there's not gonna be anything else out there like that. And you're going to get some sales. So my example of this is I have created shirts and made sales off of just dumb stuff that people have said. So just keep that in mind. That's just another idea. Think of trends and think of holidays as ways to look at what's popular right now or what's coming and take advantage of it. One of the coolest things about trend marketing like this is there's not gonna be hardly any competition. So I've given you a few ideas here on holidays and trend marketing, and I just wanted to show you in general the concept and how you can take advantage of it in your own business. So take these ideas, start doing searches and start getting ideas for upcoming holidays and watch trends. And I guarantee you, if you implement some of this, you will make some sales. So I hope this video is useful for you, and I will see you in the next one. 24. Customer Service Tips: Okay, Welcome back in this video, we are going to start talking about customer service and specifically, we're going to talk about when you get questions from customers, how to handle that and what to do. So as you start adding products to your store, you start getting traffic and you start making sales. He will start getting questions, and the questions can be a range of things they can be simple questions on. Just somebody wants to know something about the product it can be questions about. Can you make a custom item? It can be questions about they have placed in order and they have a problem. And then you could get questions like shipping questions. You know, when is this going to arrive? That type of thing. So how questions come in is very simple. People will contact you from your products or your shop, and they can contact you directly, and those questions come into your shop as conversations. So once you start getting these, they will show up here in this conversation's menu item right here. And since we don't have any yet, I just wanted to show you where they are located. What I've done is I've pulled just some random ones from my other Etsy account, my main Etsy account. And what I thought I would do is just go through some of them and give you examples of the types of questions that you'll get. So I have made these generic. I've taken out any identifiable information from the people or from my products, but this should give you a good example of what types of questions you may receive. I think you will agree that good customer service is important if you and I buy a product or service, we want to have a good experience, and we want to make sure that our customers have a good experience as well. So these questions come in. It's very important to give them the best quickest answer and something that's going to make their experience good. Now you've heard the phrase The customer is always right. There are exceptions. You will have customers that are just difficult, no matter what. I always lean towards giving the customer usually about whatever they want. If it's reasonable, keeping your feedback score good and satisfying customers is much more important than getting into little arguments and problems with customers here and there, because what we're saying can happen, especially when you're starting out your store, is to get a few bad reviews, and it's hard to recover from that. So having said that, let's just look at a few of these examples here again. I've just generalized them. But this is just to go through some examples. The 1st 1 I open my package and it's not the shirt I ordered. Please send me the correct one. Below is the one that I arrived. So how you would handle that one is you would get the information from the customer, get a picture, and then you could contact print Fels customer service, their support team. And they're very good about resolving these types of situations. As long as you send proof on details on the wrong shirt that was received and a picture of it, they will send out a new one to the customer. So another one of my able to exchange for a large odyssey. Small occasionally doesn't happen very often for me, but if you have a lot of apparel, a lot of shirts, hoodies, that type of thing, it is going to happen, where a customer orders something that it's too small. Now when I create my listings, I try to always have that sizing chart on there, which I mentioned, and that helps quite a bit. But some people are still going to get the order, and it's not gonna be the right size, and that's just the way it goes sometimes. So what I do in this situation is I make them ship it back to me. At my personal address, I use a P o box so they're not sending it back to my home address. But I haven't sent it back to the P O box that has to be unused. And once I received that, then I will give it print ful, and I will place another manual order and then I will send it out to the customer. So the next is very simple. I attached a picture and I want to order. That shirt was the name of the color on the etc listing. It may not be clear to some people when they switch back and forth what the colors are, or let's say you have multiple shades of red. You know that type of thing. They may not be able to distinguish the colors so very simple. I just responded and told him what color was. Another one is possibly have this mug printed with S at the end for someone multiple pits. So you will have requests whether you list us in your listening or not, and on your profile to have to make custom items. Now it's totally up to you. If you want Teoh, I always, especially if it's on a design I've already made. And I have the design file and have the source. So on this one, it's very simple. She just wants to add an ass to make it plural. So it applies to multiple pets. And of course I'm going to do that because I can go into my design file. I can create a new product in a matter of five or 10 minutes, and then I've got another sale and I've created another quick product. So I always when I get those kind of requests, I always do it, and I actually list on my profile that I accept custom type borders, so the next one is very similar. Can you substitute other names on this mug again. I've got the design, whatever she wants to have for the name. So of course I'm going to do that one. So that's what I did in that situation. You know, the next one still received my order, and I can't track it. Thank you for your time. So when they order on etc. On the prayerful side, once it ships, it should send a tracking number. Sometimes I've I've learned that that doesn't always happen or they don't always get it for whatever reason. So the easiest thing you can do is open up your print full account and just go in there. Grab the shipping information, and it should be us postal or DHL tracking if you just use the default shipping methods. So it's very simple just to go into your account and just grab that and send it to the customer. So on this one here, if I remember correctly, they placed the order, and then they wanted to change the address after they placed the order, and on this one, it had not shipped yet with print full. So it was very easy to do. You just go in and you can change the address, especially if it hasn't shipped yet. Authority shipped. It's a little more complicated. The customer would have to receive the order and then you have to wait for them to ship it back to you before you receive it. And then you could ship of another one. And it's very easy to locate orders. By the way, your order number, which this is just Ah again, I've made this, general, but your order number will match up what is on the parental side. They, when the prayerful orders created it uses the same quarter number from etc. So that makes it very easy to locate orders. Okay, And then I got one more here just as a final example, you refunded a card I had to replace. What do we do now? So what happened on this one was I believe they placed the order and then they changed her mind and we canceled it. So I re funded via etc. And what happened was the customer had gotten a new credit card, so I had to check back with etc. And the answer Waas, it doesn't matter. It's going to be refunded back to their original payment method, and in this case it was a credit card. So what happened was it was refunded back to their new credit card. So whenever we have these types of questions about payments or shipping or products, you need Teoh. If it's on the Etsy side, if it's a refund, it's going to be on the Etsy side. If it's a product problem or a shipping problem, it's going to be on the Preval side and both etc. And print ful support teams. Customer service for my experience have been very quick to respond and very helpful. So that was it for this video is kind of boring, Um, but I just wanted to make you where and just tell you how important that responding to customers in a timely manner, answering their questions and making sure that problems are resolved quickly. It's very important, and you want to make sure that you do that as quickly as possible. One quick thing you could do is you can install the sell on Etsy app on your phone. You can find that it, you know, for apple or Android and then get notifications set up to send to you when you get orders or you get any kind of questions. And that's how I know to log in to etc. And get the fastest response possible. Okay, so that's gonna do it for this one, and I will see you in the next video. 25. Analytics Overview and Strategy: Okay, Welcome back in this video, I wanted to talk about analytics. And what I mean by analytics is a couple of places within etc. And then also, you can use Google Analytics to help understand what's happening on your site. You're making sales, and you need to be able to look at this data over time to help you understand how well your store is doing. So I just wanted to kind of go over this very briefly and show you what these things are and where to find them. So the first thing to look at is on your menu here under stats. This is a general overview of your store, and what you're going to get is you're gonna get the amount of views and you're gonna get the amount of visits. And it tells you that views are a sum of every single click on your listings and that visits reflect many views by the same person. So think of this as total views, just everything, and then think of this as just unique visitors. And then down here, you're going to see the amount of orders and the amount of revenue. And then if he keeps going down, you can look at the traffic sources, so this means, you know, where is the traffic coming from? How did they get to your listings and your shop? And then you can also see the types of search terms that people enter to find your listings and your shop. You can also see the websites that are referring. So from the Internet. Were there any websites that were driving traffic to your shop? And then you can get a detail on which pages were viewed. That's he has a pretty good section on how to use this data and what it means and how you can use it to be successful over time. And that's what this video is all about. So if I scroll back up here, that is the dashboard. That is the main page here for your stats. And, of course, you can change your date ranges so you simply select this drop down and you can select whatever date range you want. Now, the next section, the next have is actually just for listings. So once you have a bunch of listings here, you will see just a overview. Uh, just a ranking how your products are doing, how your listings air doing, and you can sort it by these different things here. In our case, we just created our shop, so it's not going to matter very much. But those are the different things that are displayed here that you can look at. And then the last thing here that can be useful for you is customers. I don't have enough data here to show you this, but what will happen is once you have enough visits and it's saying you have to have 30 or more, it will show you some boxes almost like a word cloud of the different types of interest that people have. And this is pretty cool data, because what you can do is you. Can I go in and eyebrows this on a regular basis, and I just look for ideas. So if I see certain topics or keywords, especially if I see him over and over again, or if I see trends, this can be a great place to get ideas to create new products. It also gives you some insights on the types of people you know, what their interests are, why they visit in your shop. And then the other thing you're going to see is their location. And then you're going to see just some details on you know how they browsing your shop is on a desktop. Is it on? You know which type of phone is it on? This isn't really too much of a concern because we're using the etc platform, and there's not a whole lot weaken due on conversions and just how it displays on the phone . This is a desktop, but it is good to know how people are shopping on your site. Just kind of give you an idea. So that is it for stats have gone through everything there, the next place to look at data and how your store is doing. How your shop is doing is by clicking on marketing. And then there is actually a new feature that is still in beta called search analytics. So if you're quick on that, it gives you more details. I would compare this more Teoh not enough. You're familiar with Google Search console, but it gives you kind of an overview of your keywords and the impressions and in what position that I show upon for certain keywords. So over time, as you optimize your list teens and you start making sales, you can use this data. It's just another place to look at data and help you understand what you're making sales on how you could improve. And this is also a great thing to use when you're looking at other listings. Other competitors. So let's quick on it says I am position one for this one right here. So let's click on that Should open up in a new tab. I just open it up in a new tab here so you can see that for the search query of the keywords Coffee jog. I'm showing up in position one, and what position means is it's the average position of your listings when apparent in a search. So over time, you know if your listing appears toward the top, is going to average it out. So what it's saying is, or this term coffee jog. It's going to be showing up at either the top or close to the top. So as you optimize your listings like we talked about, this is great data. This is a great tool to see how optimize your listings are. So if you're really trying to get your listening up towards the top on a certain keyword or a certain phrase, let's say Funny runner shirt and I'm down at one await, and I think that I've optimized it. I need to work on my listing more I need to do. I need to do more to get my listing closer to the top. And this can also give you an idea how competitive some of these key words are. So if you really believe that, you optimize your less teen and you've done must you can to get your listening to the top or you think it's really going to sell, then this might be something that you could use as a promoted listing. So instead of trying to get your listing to the top, just buy organic search. You could go into promoted listings and whatever this product ties to for the key word, you could simply just activated as a promoted listing and pay your way to the top. So again, this is a new feature. I'm glad to see it because I think it gives a lot more valuable data than just that stat screen that we looked at, and I'm sure this will evolve over time. But I think it's off to a really good start and again you can change your date ranges up here. If I wanted to look at last week or last month, I could definitely do that. So make sure you take advantage of this new Search Analytics feature here in etc. And then the last thing I want to talk about with analytics is the ability to add a Google Analytics account directly to your FC store. And then you can actually track some stuff and Google analytics. So to enable Google analytics you would go to settings and then you would go toe options. And then it's going to be this tab up here called Web Analytics. Now I will include links to these so you can get to him easier within your FC shop, and I'm not going to get into the details on Google analytics. But I just wanted to show you that you have this ability. So if you are already familiar Google Analytics, you're really going to like this feature because you can set up a Web property and Google analytics, and then you would enter it here and then you would save it. And then data from your Etsy shop would flow through to your Google analytics account, and you could look at it there. Now, I will tell you I set this up on one of my stores during the holidays, and I was really excited because I was gonna get all this data and there are limitations to it. You cannot see Check out data. So if you want to use it for conversion information, you're not going to get that. You're gonna be able to see what page is. People are viewing. You're gonna be able to see some of the referring traffic, but you're not going to be able to see check out our conversion type data. So I just wanted to make you aware of that. So it is just another way to see how people are coming into your shop. But it can be very valuable to you, so that really covers analytics. What you can look at to look at your sales history and traffic, and these are all tools. These are all things that you want to use over time to help you evaluate. You know what's selling on your store kind of customers You have where your tropics coming from and you can use all this data to improve your store. Improve your listings, you know, prove rankings on your listings. And it's just another tool for you to use to help grow your store over time. And I hope this was useful for you. We'll see you in the next video. 26. Coupons and Discounts for More Sales: Okay, Welcome back in this video, we're going to talk about coupons and discounts. This is a great way to do a couple of things to create sales and discounts to get more people to buy your products. And you can also use it for repeat business So you could set up a coupon code, for example, for people that have already bought your products. And you can also set up special coupons for people that have shown interest in your store in your shop and maybe have not taken any action yet. Or they were to the point where they considered buying something, and they just never pulled the trigger for whatever reason. So let's look at sales and coupons and how they can be used, so to get to sales and coupons in etc. You will go to the marketing menu annual click on sales and coupons, so that will take you to this page here. And let's talk about these two. First, you can set up an abandoned cart offer or coupon. So what that means is somebody has added one of your products to their shopping cart, so they clicked on the product and they're interested and they go to check out and maybe, you know, they see the total price and they change their mind. Or maybe they got busy that something took him away from the computer or their phone, and they don't finish the order. So what you can do is you can send a special offer to people that still have your products sitting in their cart. So let's just click on that real quick and I'll show you how it works. And what you can do is there's a couple of different options. You can do it percent off. So if I wanted to do, say, 10% off the order, I could enter that there or you can do a fixed amount off. So if I just wanted to say it flat, $5 off on each order, I could do that, or you can actually offer free shipping. So these are the different types of coupons that you can create. And then the other thing you need to do is you just create a unique coupon code, and then you would click the button down here to set it up. Now let's cancel out of here and let's go back to the other things we can set up. So another type of coupon weaken set up is people that have recently favorited your items. They clicked on again. They clicked on one of these and they liked it and they made it a favorite. But they didn't buy anything, so we know they've shown interest. It makes sense to send an offer to these people, so it works really similar. I'm going to click on it here, set up a campaign and it works exactly the same. You can actually see. It's the same screen here. It just you can flip back and forth here if you want to you. But now, recently, Favorited shoppers is selected, and I have the exact same options I could do percent off. I could fixed amount off where I can offer free shipping. So this is a great way to send an offer, sent a coupon code to people that are interested in your products. And again, I would enter a unique coupon code here, and then I would click on interview and confirm, and then I could set up my campaign. So I'm going to cancel out of that. And when I click on Cancel again. Now those air great those air to things you can do to set up campaigns for people that are interested in your products. Actually, you cells and coupons for three different things. The first is to attract new customers. If I have a product that's really selling, and I think it's going to do well where I know it's doing well, I can create an offer for that specific product. The second time I like to use sales and coupons is simply at the busy times of the year holidays, when people are really buying gifts and it's going to drive a lot of extra traffic and sales so you can create offers, say, for Black Friday. Now let's just go in and I'll give you an example what I'm talking about here so I would click on new special offer, and here are the options available to you can actually run a full blown sale, and you get a little bit more promotion out of that, and then you can send offers to interested shoppers, and that goes into what we've talked about already There. I could also set up coupon code to promote outside of etc. So you would use this. Say you could set up a special coupon code or repeat customers, and you could include it on your your special branding that you put in your print full box that we set up where it says, Hey, you know, thanks for your order. Do you have any questions? Contact us. Please leave us a review and then you could say a. Make sure to use this coupon code on your next order, and here's the coupon code so you could do that. You can also create coupon codes to use on out on some of the coupon sites out there. There are a lot of sites that offer discounts and sales kind of like directories, and so you could create those unique and you could post them out there and drive traffic to your store that way. But primarily what I'm talking about here is I'm talking about setting up a sale that promote your entire store. And again, this is usually I usually do this kind of stuff around the holidays. So let's click on this and I'll show you what I'm talking about. Click on run sale and again you have the same options on what type of discount you want to offer. You could do a percentage off, or you can do free standard shipping. And for this type of sale, the sale set up. You cannot do a fixed amount off. You can just do percentage off and free shipping, so you're just gonna have to experiment with this. I can't tell you that there's one way that's better than the other because there's a lot of different variables here. It depends on your products. It depends on your margins. It depends on who you're trying to sell to on what your goals are. But both of these can work very well. So as an example, let's say it's black Friday and we want to set up a special cell for Black Friday. So what I could do is I could set percentage off as the type of discount and then say we could do 25% off, and then you can specify whether or not there is a minimum order. I usually leave that is none, and then you could specify automatically the duration. So what this means is I could set this up to run, say for two weeks automatically, and then when the two weeks is over, it would stop the sale. So as an example here, we're going to set up a cell. So let's just say it's going to start today. And let's say we wanted to run for two weeks and here you can enter special terms. Uh, this might be, you know, limitations or restrictions on your offer. I usually just go with everything and say, Oh, items in my store are included in the sale. Something like that. Here's where you would enter a name for yourself. This is just for your own reference. So if it was a black Friday sale, might just call it Black Friday sale and then click on Continue. Now this part. You can pick all of your products, or you can pick just specific products. And this makes it nice, because you could either do your entire store or you could just pick certain products. If you don't want everything on your store to be on cell, so I'm going to click on add multiple listings. This could take a little bit of time. If you have, say, hundreds and hundreds of listings. There is no good way just to select everything. So what you have to do is you have to select it by category. So these air to products that we've added to our shop So I would click on that and I would click on that. And what I've done is I've included both of those categories, which only had one product in each. So now I've got a total of two products in my cell, and I'm going to click on review and confirm okay, And before I do that, I want to show you what happens here. So let's go out to our shop. Remember, this is a 25% off sale, So let's go out here and look and see. Those are our regular prices right now before any type of sale. So let's go back to where we were and let's go and confirm and let's create this cell. Okay, so now it says my cell is live and it gives you the option a nice way you can share him out to your social media sites if you want to. You right here. And if you're able to, that would be a quick and easy way to do it. But you want to share this sell as many places as possible to help drive traffic. Someone it closed that. Now I want to go back out to my shop and I click on Refresh. My products are now discounted. See what happened there? So it took off the two products that I selected. It made those 25% off. So now, when people go to look at my products and they click through, they're going to see that it's discounted and it shows you what the discount is. So again, this is just going to take some experimentation, you know, looking at other big stores, looking at other products, see how other people are doing it. I like to You always model if somebody is successful and they're just doing really well and they're making a lot of sales, you can go and just model after what they're doing. You know, there's a reason that they're making a lot of sales, and these types of coupons and discounts can really drive a lot of traffic. Now you're not gonna make is much money. Of course. You cut your margin, you cut the profit on each product. But when you do these types of sales, especially on your entire store, in general you're going to make a lot more sales and you're gonna drive a lot more volume. So in the end, you're probably gonna make more money. It just depends on the nature of your products and what you're selling and when you're trying to do it. You know, during the year the stuff works great for holidays, especially works great for fourth quarter and, you know, Black Friday, Christmas shopping and that type of stuff. Most other stores most your competition is offering sales, so you have to do the same thing. Man, I want to do this all year long. You can try different sales and just try it no specific times and see how it works for you . So this is a very powerful thing you can do with an etc. To drive more sales, create discounts. A lot of times when I create a sale, I would create also a big banner up top to highlight it. So let me show you how to get there and change that. So if you go back to your dashboard and Then you click on this right here. This little edit pencil that takes you to this page, you can set up a banner like I just talked about. So if you click on that, you have different options. You have different sizes you can use. I'm not gonna dive too deep into. But that's where you would set up a special banner now so you could create it. And then you could upload it and rotate your banners and make your shop page more interesting. So that's a great thing to do to highlight your cell. That really is all I have for this video. I just wanted to get into sales and discounts and how you can use it to you. Really, You know, Dr Extra Traffic and make more sales on your shop. So I hope that was useful for you, and we'll see in the next video 27. Featured Listings: Okay, This is going to be a very quick video, and I just wanted to talk about feature listing. Drill quick. So featured listings on your shop home page you can set up. You can pick certain products to appear at the very top here, and what I recommend is, once you build out your shop and you start making sales, make sure to You always highlight your best selling products at the very top. Because as you start adding more, more products or more categories, you know your newest listings and your renewed listings will always appear at the top down here. But you have the space right here to actually feature whatever products you want on your shop home page. So I want to show you how this works real quick so you can go into your listings here from your dashboard. And it's very simple to pick which products you want to have. His future listings. All you do is you click on these little stars right here, and those are going to be feature listings. Now, when I go back and I hit refresh, you can see those two right there appear at the top, so again. That's just a quick way to feature certain products. You can pick which ones you want and you could pick up before. So once I had more products in my store, what I would do is the ones that start selling. I would put those. Make sure those air at the top, and you can try different things at the top and just see how it works for you. If you're just starting out, you know, just pick some random ones and go with that. But it's a great place to highlight what you feel are your best products on your shop. So again, this was a very quick video, but I just wanted to tell you about that because it is a nice feature on your shop. So that's all I got for this video. We will see you in the next one 28. The Cost of Business: here we are back, and in this video we're going to talk about cutting your losses and what that means over time, as you create more and more products now. And one of the last videos I talked about how this is a volume game and you need to push out a lot of products, test a lot of products simply to find out what works over time and just build up restore. And that is the strategy that is the path that I would take. And over time you should build up more and more products. But you need to understand a couple of things need to understand how etc. Listing fees work, how long your listings last and then what to do over time as you build up more and more products. So what should you do over time? So the first thing I want to do is I want to get more detailed and explain what the fees are toe list and then what? The transaction fees are after a sale. So this is from Etsy's help section directly, and this is current as of the time of this video here. So every time you create a listing it is 20 cents, and what that means is, every time you create a listing and then you submit it and you post it, you will be charged 20 cents per listing. And the other thing to consider is that one listing last for four months. So after the four months is up, it's going to expire at the end of the four months. If you made no cells, you can renew the listing at that point. The second thing to consider is that every time you sell a product one of your listing cells, you will automatically be charged to renew. Now this happens automatically, and it's something that you can't control, and it just automatically renews it. And then also there is a 20 cent charge per additional quantity. It says if you sell multiple quantities of listing one transaction, you will owe a multi quality fee and then if you sell more than one item in order. You've already been charged that listing for that first item, so they only charge you 20 cents for the extra quantity that you so and can also do private listings, which I don't really cover in the course. But just know that there's a 20 cent fee for that as well, and shipping labels aren't going to apply. And then finally, we get into transaction fees here, and this is something that recently changed. So now, etc. Charges 5% for the shipping part of the order and then 5% for the total item cost. And then also there is a payment processing fee, and I'm gonna show you that. And I'm just using the United States as an example. And that's what it is not just simply is to take care of the payment part of it. And then what this is is this is just Etsy's cut for having it listed on their platform. So you may think, Well, that's a lot of fees, and you can look at this a couple of different ways. You can go out and try to build your own Shopify store and drive traffic to it and not have any quote unquote listing fees. But you still have to pay for all that advertising, and you have to do a ton of testing to see what works and what doesn't work with that. See, you're getting built in traffic. That's ready to go. And if you create the right types of products, you can still make a lot of money. Even with these fees. Now, there are some feet calculators you can find out on the web, and I'm not really going to get into that. Just know, just make sure you understand when you create products, you understand what the fees are. Maybe run some calculations yourself, and then also in the print ful side, you can see what your actual costs are for shipping and the cost of each product that you create. And then you need to make sure that you understand her item that you list. You know what your margins need to be and that will help you determine when you set your pricing what your price he needs to be. It's like on mugs, for example, which is a lower ticket, lower margin item. I want to make sure that you're still gonna make some money and we're talking about hopefully selling in volume. So lower margins on that kind of stuff, if you're selling enough will cover it and you will be profitable. So I've gone over the fees and again you need to make sure that your margins air set correctly, so you're gonna be profitable. And then the last consideration over time is as you build up more and more products, you may want to cut some products that are not selling. So one strategy. When you start out, you can create a lot of products very quickly. You really only have the 20 cent per listing cost, and then you can see what starts selling over time. And you're gonna hit that period there where you're gonna hit four months, and that's when the listing expires. So the stuff that doesn't sell, then you'll have to make a decision whether or not you want a realist or not. So when you hit that four months, you will know what's selling and what isn't. And again, it's just gonna be a judgment call whether or not you want to continue running the items, or if you don't nothing you could do to help offset the cost is upgrade your etc. Membership. Yeah, let's go out here. I should have this open. Let's search for etc. So I'm going to look at the upgrades that they have here. Here are the different plans available. So standard is just the normal default membership level, and that gives you access to what we've talked about. And then there is an etc plus, and this gives you a monthly budget credits that you can use toward your listings and also promoted listing ads. You can have a custom Web address for your shop. You have restock requests for shoppers interested in your items that have sold out, and there are some advanced options and etc. Premium is still coming, so we'll have to see what the details are on that. So if you look at the etc plus for $10 a month, it may be worth it. And that's actually what I've done because the amount of credits that you get is worth it, especially if you want to start picking out a lot of designs. It makes sense to just enrol in this $10 a month, and you'll get cheaper credits. So pretty much does it for this video. I just want to make sure that you understand, because it's very important that you understand the fees and that you understand that the fees air just part of doing business on Etsy they're giving you the opportunity to put your listings in front of very quality buyer traffic, and it's growing, and I think it's a very good place to do print on the man. But you just need to make sure that your margins and what you said the pricing for your products that makes sense. So take that into consideration when you create your listings and then, over time, actually watch what's selling and what's not selling and make a determination whether or not you want to cut products. If you're profitable over time, especially when starting out, it probably makes sense just to keep renewing your listings. But if you're ambitious enough to build up a store with, say, 30 40,000 listings, it may not make any sense to renew every single listening. So that's just as your business grows. You just need to maybe switch gears on what your strategy is, so I hope that was useful. I just want to make sure you understand how fees and margins work, and that's all I got here. We'll see in the next video 29. Success Over Time: All right. Welcome back, guys. In this video, we're going to talk about just general overall success and strategy as your you build your store and you create more and more products. So I definitely think this is a volume game over time and again. What I mean by volume game is it's so easy to create products. If you follow the methods that I've shown you, that you're gonna want to push out a lot of products and test quickly and just get stuff out there and see what happens. And I'll give you some examples of what I'm talking about. I just pick some random shops here, and most of them are just related to T shirts. Usually there is a correlation between the amount of sales they have and the amount of items they have. Not always. You will find shops that have, you know, lower amount of items that have a ton of sales, but usually you're bigger shops. The ones that have more sales, more feedback simply have more products. So this one right here might be an exception because they have over 20,000 sales according to this stat here. But they only have 634 products, so that's a pretty wide ratio there. So they've got a good following. They've done good marketing, and this is a bit more niche with the types of shirts are doing in the style. So that might explain a little bit why they have a huge amount of sales from not as many items. So let's go and look at another one. So this one has over 60,000 sales and it has over 2200 items. So this shop mainly focuses on T shirts. It looks like they do. You have other stuff, but it looks like the majority of it probably is T shirt based, but again, they have 2200 items, so they have quite a few. Look at another one here. This store doesn't have as many items, but in the grand scheme of things, they don't have many cells either. That's a very nice number for sales, but they have, ah, you know, they have a few amount of items. The store here is a good example. They have over 5000 items and they've made almost. They're approaching 30,000 sales, so obviously a large amount of items and a large amount of sales. So I just want to make this quick video again just to kind of get it in your head that you just need to push out a lot of products because it's very cheap to list on Etsy its 20 cents. Every time you create a listing and there are transaction fees, you have to consider that to be successful at this over time, you need a lot of products to have the opportunity to make more sales. And over time you'll figure out what works and you'll have your core products that probably make more cells in others. And then you will get into whether or not you want to cut items or keep them listed in your store. And I'll have a whole another video to talk about that as well. So eventually, all I have on this video what one thing you can do and what I try to do is I will try to set aside a certain amount of time, either each day or during the week, and I'll just tell myself set goals for myself that say, I want to create 25 new designs and get posted on my store, and if you do that on a regular basis, you go through, you do the research, you create the products and do it systematically like that, and you always have that cycle going. You'll be building your store and you'll be testing new things and seeing what works. So that's how I approach it. And that's my recommended path for you as you get started. That's all I got on this video, and we'll see in the next one.