How to make a Scribbler's Notebook | Nina Vangerow | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Tools & Materials


    • 3.

      Basic Scribbler's Notebook


    • 4.

      Notebook Two Materials Recap


    • 5.

      Gathering Materials


    • 6.

      Adding Magazine Pages


    • 7.

      The Cover


    • 8.

      "Binding" the Notebook


    • 9.

      Notebook Flip Through


    • 10.

      Pink Notebook Flip Through


    • 11.

      Notebook Three - Materials


    • 12.

      The Cover


    • 13.

      Adding the Pages


    • 14.

      "Binding" the Notebook


    • 15.

      Notebook Flip Through


    • 16.

      Class Project


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About This Class

In this class you are going to learn how to create a quick and simple little Scribbler's  Notebook from materials that you most probably have lying around at home. At the end of this class you will have created a unique little notebook that has been bound or put together in a way that allows you to take pages out or put more pages in, whenever you need to.

Making these little versatile notebooks will also give you a chance to reuse and recycle materials that would normally end up in the landfill.

In the first part of this class, I am going to go through all the tools and materials needed to create a Scribbler's Notebook, followed by the step by step creation of the basic notebook. At the end, I'm going to show you how you can add some simple little details to the basic notebook, the spine band and a little label.

In the second part of the class, I'm going to take the basic  Scribbler's Notebook a step further and am going to show you how you can turn it into a personalised notebook, made with a certain theme in mind. You will get an idea on how to add beautiful images from magazines, add envelopes to create pockets in your notebook and give you ideas on other kinds of paper you can use in your notebook

I will also talk you through any creative challenges you might encounter on the way, And I will be doing this, by showcasing little stumbling blocks I came across making this second notebook during the filming of this class.

In the third part of the class, I'll be creating a new insert/notebook for my Travelers Notebook and you'll be able to see how I create my own personal notebooks that I use on a daily basis.

Once you know, how to make the basic Scribbler's Notebook, you might want to create one for a specific purpose or a certain size, you might want to start thinking of other options for your journal cover, of other kinds of paper you can use inside your journal or you might want to create a notebook as a present for a friend or family member.

In order to learn how to make a Scribbler's Notebook, all you need is to watch the first part of the class, but if you would like to take the idea further or get some ideas of how to personalise your notebook or see different variations, based on the basic design, you might like to carry on watching the remainder of this class.

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Meet Your Teacher

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Nina Vangerow

Artist, Wellbeing through Creativity





my name is Nina, I'm an artist, educator and online content creator and live in a small town in rural Wales, UK.

Under the name of The Forgotten Bookshop Girl I'm working as a mixed media artist, rebind old books turning  them into notebooks, create vintage style Travelers Notebook inserts, work with various forms of image transfers and a whole range of different types of coffee stained papers. I love working with materials that would normally have ended up in the landfill or is just looking for a new lease of life. In addition, I love creating items, that look as if they had been around for a while and might just have been found in somebody's attic or a fleamarket. If you would like to visit my shop on Etsy, you can find it her... See full profile

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1. Intro: Hello and welcome to my class. How to make a scripless notebook? My name is Nina. I'm a mixed media artist on If you're following me on social media, you will also that stationary addict on. If you're like me, then you probably find it really difficult to past any pretty note without wanting to buy it on. Then you end up with this massive collection of gorgeous notebooks at home that you feel might be just too beautiful to use. If this applies to you as well, then you might like the idea off. This group blows notebook. They are really easy to make. You probably got all the materials you would need at home. They don't take a lot of time to put together. And I also fear because off the set out off the scrupulous know that I find it a lot less intimidating to start using them. You can take pages out and put more pages in. I usually create descriptors. No, when I need it notebook that I would like to just have in my pocket to take notes right lists, write shopping lists, put down ideas and do some sketching. So, uh, in this close, I'm going to show you how to make the very basics Tour bus book. I'm going to show you how you can add huge more banishment to the basic version off the Scriptures that in the next section off this class, I'll show you an example how I'm going about adding more to the strippers notebook on Ive Also added 1/3 part to the class where I'm going to kind of make custom made scripless notebook to go and my travelers. So, um, they're still the same idea as the basic scribblers notebook. It's again, more elaborate on also shows you how you can make notebooks that are off a different size. So if you think that you would like to learn how to make your own little notebooks, then why not join me in my class? I would love to see you there 2. Tools & Materials: Okay, So before we get started, let's have a quick look at the tools on materials we're going to need for the basic scripless notebook. So with regards to materials is going to be really simple, because all you need for the cover is an empty cereal box for any other box you've got that has a size that would work for the cover. Then, for the pages were just going to use ordinary printer pages on then to hold it all together . You are going to need on elastic on Um, you'll find that you'll probably have one of thes simple household elastics floating around in one off your kitchen drawers over you, like using the's very colorful elastic bands to. But just an ordinary one will work just fine on alternative Teoh household. In at stake would be the elastic that you can buy by the meter on. Did you might want to use one of thes if you were thinking of making a slightly big a scribblers notebook, but we'll talk about this later, but I just wanted to give you a new option instead of using the these plastic brands. If we have a quick look at this group has no berg. You'll see that I've added a strip of paper that goes round the spine on have also added a little label on this one. This is all optional, But just in case you would like Teoh, add something like this to your scribblers notebook. What I tend to use this bed came from recycled bait off wrapping paper. But other ideas would be just going through a magazine, and you'll find that, especially in adverts, you'll get really nice patterned backgrounds than in magazines like The Flow magazine or Molly makes or any kind of more arty, crafty magazines. They very often come with really beautiful pattern paper that you could use as well on. Then, just for the label, I just I used some off cuts. I hade. I think this was some packaging paper, but something else that works really well would be the inside of envelopes or just cut out label using some off your white printer paper. I'm now talking about the tools we're going to need for this class. I really like to use my cutting mat, a craft life of medical of ruler to duel the cutting. But If you have, for example, paper cutter or guillotine, you could use those. Or you would even be able to just use a pair of scissors to do ALS. The cutting that's absolutely fine. However, I do feel if you were thinking about doing more paper crafts, it might be worthwhile investing in a very simple, cutting mapped Andi metal ruler and just any any kind of knife that you feel comfortable using. It doesn't have to be anything special. Then also a pencil to be able to make some marks or draw some lines along, which you need to cut on. Then, if you were thinking about adding a label or adding that strip of paper along the spine, then I really like to work with glue. Stick on. Then, as I mentioned before, if you wanted to make a label, you could use some alphabet stems andan in pad my handwriting or I find my handwriting a bit too messy. So we like to work with alphabet stamps and they come in or shapes and sizes on are really not that expensive. So that's another option you have to your adity down to your little scripless notebook. If you were thinking about doing any earthy other options, as I've got apart from the scribblers, the simple scripless. A notebook. I'm also going to show you how you can adapt this notebook to make it a bit more colorful or make it a little bit more unique. Then you will be needing a few more materials. So for the second option, where we're going to work with the same size of scrubbers notebook but are going to add a few more details like this one where you can see I'm using, apart from the printer paper I've been using some images from magazines on sheet music, amusing some envelopes in here and just a friend kinds of paper. Eso you might like to go through some magazines on Look for some images you would like to have in your notebook on then also maybe book pages from old books that onto pressures and you have to take apart would be charity shops they're really good on. Then I'm always collecting all the wrapping paper. I really like this brown paper. Both of these came as part off a parcel. I think it was just to fill in on the gaps in the parcel. So I owned thes. I'm going to use the's in them. They just think of any other papers you might have on then. Also, instead of the elastic, we are going to look at an option where you can use some bakers twine. Then, for the third option, I'm going to go for a different size. I'm going to make a Scriptures note work that would fit into theme. Midori used to be Midori, but now it's a travelers notebook. Andi, Um, so I, um, instead of going for cover that is made from a cereal box, I thought I'll go through pages from a wall calendar and see if I want. If I could use any of those for the cover, as with the second version, I'm going to per different kinds of paper in there. So I've collected lots of different kinds of paper. I really like Teoh use coffee, died papers in my journals because every like this vintage feed about the notebooks, so I'll be using those on, then also to hold the pages and the cover Together, I'm going Teoh, choose one of my ribbons that I feel we'll go with the color scheme off the notebook. Andi, that's everything you are going to need for this class. At the beginning of each option, I'm going to quickly talk through the materials that you would need to make any of the optional variations. But now let's just get started. 3. Basic Scribbler's Notebook: So let's get started on the basic strapless notebook. I've got a cereal box I'm going to use for the cover. I've got some printer paper using printer paper makes it really easy to very quickly Get your pages on or you can use the printer paper as a template for your cover. What I'm going to do is just grab one sheet of printer paper and it doesn't matter what size it is. If it's a four or a letter size, all you do is just folded in half. Okay on, then, if you cut your paper along the line, we afforded it. You will come up. You'll have to sheets of paper that are going to be this size and a five. If you're using an a four size on, then we are going to fold this again. So this is going to be one of our pages. And so this is a really easy way to create a lot of pages from paper that you've already got a home and you don't have to do any measuring before I'm going. Teoh, carry on cutting all my pages that will go into my scribblers notebook. I'm going to cut the cover. And again, I'm going to use this piece of paper as my template for the cover. And what I need to do here is just line it up with your cardboard on. Then I'll be going round this piece of paper. So I know exactly where I need to cut my cardboard. I'm going to turn this cardboard around because the inside of my cereal box was going to be you, the outside of my cover, so I don't want any pencil marks on it, so I'm just going to use my pencil. Do you make little marks on where I need to cut the cardboard on? Then I'm just going to connect a little pencil marks I've made with a ruler. So I've got a really nice line along which I can cut funding to use my cutting mat on a knife. But you could obviously use a pair of scissors or a guillotine or anything that you like. Teoh, cut your paper. So now I've got the cover for the notebook. Next, I'm going to cut for the pages. I'm just taking a sheet of printer paper. Besides that, that doesn't matter. I'm going to fold it in half, just making sure that the corners line up really nicely. I can use my bone folder again, and then I'm going to use this line to help me cut this piece of paper along the middle. I'm going to use my cutting mutt a my knife again. But you could, as I said, use a pair of scissors or you take you teen. Okay, so now I've got two sheets of paper. I'm going to fold each sheet of paper again, again lining up for two corners on folding it in half. And then I'm going to repeat this process with another 10 to 15 sheets of individual printer paper to make up my pages that go into the notebook. Now that I've got all my pages, fold it, I can start stacking them Alaskan Sea. The more pages I stack, you'll find that the pages that are in the middle start sticking out on the reason is the volume or the mass of pages that are starting to accumulate here. So that is not really a problem, But what we can do in the end, if we find that too many stick out in the middle. We can just cut. Um on. This is a lot of the reason why you probably wouldn't want to have I have more than 20 pages that unfolds in half on will and make 40 pages. So now we've got a pages stacked on. Now we're going to go back to our cover and carry on working on our cover. Okay, for the next thing we're going to do is fold the cover in half. So I need to turn it around and find the center. Oh, uh, off the cardboard. So in this case, it's about 21 centimeter. So that's 10.5 way go. Just to make sure that I've talked it away nice and straight, I'm lining it up on my cutting mat. That's another reason why I find that cutting mats of really useful I've got the edge of my cover lined up with the loans on my cutting mat on. Then I'm pushing my ruler right to where my, um my little marks are. Then I can use my bone folder. Go along there. It just helps me too. Fold the cover again. If you haven't got a bone folder, you could use just see you can use your scissors. Just make sure that you're using the blunt edge off the scissors. Or you could use the back off a butter knife. Aunt. Go along. And I'm actually keeping my ruler here when I'm forwarding over my cover because I again, I find that this will help me to get this really nice clean line. Yeah, I'm holding the edge is making sure that the edges lineup well, im sometimes he still need to adjust your cover a little bit. Just fiddling around with it a little bit. Make sure. Well, that are the two edges on top of each other. Go to have to be perfect. I get I'm using my phone folder. I've got my cover. I've got my pages. Let's have a look. You see, they do stick out a little bit. So the answer to that would be either to use less money pages if I took some hours. I've got still some sticking out. So I think I might actually be tempted to cut a slice off along the pages because I quite like the idea off having more pages in my little notebook so I can just stick them all inside on, then Could have a Hughes my pencil on draw a little line here so I know what I need to cut them on, As I said, because we want our scribblers notebook to not take a lot of time to make you could just very quickly lining up all the pages on. Then use your knife from an cup gently along the edge. If you're cutting more than one use of paper. Don't use a lot of pressure, but just cops the paper layer by layer and you get the best results Way go. I got a nice clean edge pool pages now they fate perfectly. So this point, our escrow Britain notebook is actually almost finished. We've got the cover on the pages we need to do is grab and elastic Next girl for Ping. Okay, on going to take my pages, stick them in the cover. I'm looking for the middle of the pages on Do what I'm doing. It's just slide the elastic over the pagers on the cover so it's running along this fine on . You've got paid a lot sitting together and you can start using your little notebook and As you can see, it really didn't take hurried on to make. You can start using it immediately just the way it is you can right into your little notebook. You can take pages out and you can pit new pages in really quickly. However, what I would like to do, I would like to add a little detail to the basic notebook. I've got some other samples of scrupulous notebooks I have made, and you can see that all of them have this little what I might want to call like a spine band. Andi, I think it would look really nice if they added warm to this one. You can see we compare it that you know immediately. It gives the notebook kind of like a little something on again. It doesn't really take very long to add one of those on. I think I might also be tempted to add a little label. I have collected some pages from magazines Andi catalogues on I've bean on, look out for a pattern background on. Once you start looking for patterns, backgrounds will find, um, everywhere. I think this is just a page from possibly the Flow magazine and they come with pattern pages so you could use those. But as you can see there, lots of really nice pattern backgrounds I could use, I think in this case, I'm going to go for the summary yellow Andi, Um, I like the spine band to stick about two centimeters out on either side. So I need something that is four centimeters wide, So just quickly check if this is wide enough. Yes, I'll definitely get the four centimeters on. It needs to be about not quite 15 sentences long on. That isn't the problem either. So I'm okay to go with this one. I'm going to take the elastic off for now on also, click with pages out and then I'm just going to cut the a spine band to size. Yeah, I've got the pattern spine band cuts, But before I'm going to glue it on what I find makes it a lot easier to glue the spine band onto. Your little notebook is actually folding it in half. So I do this first because this way I can make sure that I've got it all straight. And how can also make sure that I got the same amount of wit on the friend on the back. Off the notebook, you can see it's a bit longer than I needed to be, but I somehow prefer to have it kind of like overlapping a little bit while I'm gluing it. And I can always cut off any extra bit of paper. So now just get by grew Stick on some scrap paper Ready, Andi, I'm going to put glue on only one side off the spying bands. I'm not doing it all at once again. I find that makes it easier on Also, the paper will kind of roll up a little bit because there is moisture in the glue. Andi, I find it a lot easier to work with, So I've got my notebook spine on. I'm not putting the spine right in the crease Off the fold. I go, I'm just gluing, um, this half the paper from then I can puts and glue on this side and then just folded over. Just make sure it sticks really nicely everywhere. I'm going to wait until the glue has dried before I cut off the little bit of extra paper at the top on the bottom. Andi I'm going to use the time to make a little label that can go on the front. So for the labour, I'm just going to use a bit of farm scrap paper. Andi, I'm just going to cut a strip race. Have said this because at this point, I'm not too fast about unable being perfect. See what that looks like. Yes, that's fine with against. You have also got some washi tape out because I might add a tiny detail to the label. Andi. I've also got hot alphabet Stam's go My used the alphabet stumps. First, I'm going to write scribbles on here. So what I could've done, of course, is use the stamps on a bit of paper first and then cut it out. Because if, for whatever reason, the stamping older stamped letters or the stamp were didn't come out the way I wanted it to look like I could just do it again. I got carried away by putting the label on first, so I'll just have to go with whatever happens. As you can see, a kind of only just worked out, and I probably should have started it somewhat over here on the label, but I think we can live with this. I doesn't have to be perfect, but that's something for you to keep in mind. So maybe it's quicker that I made the mistake for you, right? I'll not cut off the extra bit of paper on. Ah, pretty. If you wanted to, you could glue some paper on the inside off your scribblers notebook, for example. I could have just used some, um, brown packaging paper right size to cover this up. But just to show you very quickly of making this group bliss notebook, I just left it this way. So there we go. Let's have a look. Are we going to add some washing? I think Yes. Um, but I quite like the red here. I think I'll go with a raid. I do something like something like this. Oh, maybe No, I just do something like like that instead. Now go and I can grab my pages again. Um, sticks them in side. Um, should I go for different color? I'll just leave it, you know, had a pink, didn't I? Yes, that's good for the pink. I'm and just slide it over. Book on there. We go. We've got our first scrupulous notebook or finished, so you can just go ahead and have a look at the project of this class if you wanted to. At at this point in time, you know how to make a Scriptures notebook and you can just go away on make yours. I've made as I mentioned, I've made another two videos where I'm going to show you in the first upcoming video going to show you how to make one this size Read a bit more elaborate. I'm going to put a theme to it. Just show you what else you can act to make it a bit more personalized on. Then in the 3rd 1 I'm going to work with a different size. But feel free to just stop watching here on Just go head to make your own scrupulous notebook. 4. Notebook Two Materials Recap: suggest as a quick recap for the second scribblers. Note Berg, where we're going to personalize it a little bit apart from the printer paper on the cereal box on possibly the either the elastic band or Bakers twine. I don't quite know yet. I'm going to add some images and I'll be looking through a few magazines I've got. I've got a whole load of country living magazines, and it's really nice to be able Teoh to make use of them because they've got these really beautiful images in them on. Then I might also be adding some different bits of paper. So in the next video, I will already have chosen the images that I hope will go into the notebook. I would have chosen a kind of theme on DE, so we can then get started on our second scripless notebook. 5. Gathering Materials: Let's get started with the second scripless book, and you can see that I've got two more colors out here on different kinds of paper out here . So what I've done for this trip Bliss notebook. I've set myself a theme, and the theme is gardening. So I'm pretending that I'm making this little scripless notebook for a friend who wants to do some work in her garden on Daz. It's spring time, I thought. I'll go with fresh spring colors. So apart from using the printer pages, I'm also going to recycle some used envelopes on because I want to go with the color scheme of lights of pings on blues and greens. I've chosen the envelopes with the blue patterns. Have got a few here. So we'll have done is open up the envelopes among using the back sides as pages, so I have to cut those two size. Then I've got some colored pages as well, matching the color scheme. I've got some brown packaging paper. These papers came as part of the packaging in a parcel I received on I thought, being a garden journal. Some earthier brown colors would go nicely on then. I also go Some pages from magazines on They all have kind of the same color scheme, and I've been trying to find images that would either show plans or a garden or were in any shape or form related to nature on something yet you might like to find in a gardening book on then, of course, I've got my cereal box that is going to be the cover off my journal. But first of all, I'm going to cut the pages to size, and I'm going to do exactly the same thing I have Bean doing before on that is, use a folded piece of paper. So because I'm going with the same format as we've being going with the first Rivers note, but because it's makes things so much easier are so again I just a folded sheet of printer paper in half on. Then I'm using this as my template, so I'm going to cut all the pages to size. I'm going to do the same thing with the envelopes. In case of the envelopes, I might have to cut them a little bit smaller than might cut off theme bits where the envelopes three envelope flap would have bean on just to make them look a little bit Tidier . But we'll see about that on and also with the brown paper. I'll probably see which way I'm going to cut it. If I cut it this way, you can see that the cut page would be slightly shorter than my template. But I don't really mind because I quite like notebooks that have different size of almost like layered sheets of paper in the notebook, where I could also have a few. But I'm cutting it this way around, and so this way I'm going to have a variety of papers on images to go in the notebook. 6. Adding Magazine Pages: I've got all the pages folded. But before I start putting the little scribblers notebook together, I'm going to have a look at all the images on. Decide on what images are going to go into the notebook as well. So let's have a look. I'm going to use the template again to cut the images to size. Let's start with this one are quite like the idea off having little rabbits here. And also I do like the colors that would look really nice. I do really like the suitcases with little birds on and the flowers up here. Um, so what I think I'm going to do is if I have a look, I can use this other page in the scripless notebook on then I might just cut out these images on used them as well. The other thing is, when you add images to your notebook, you have to remember that you will see the images in a slightly different way because if I cut this to size, I will have to fold it either this way or the other way. But so I won't be able to see all of my image, and I have to decide whether I still like the image when I can only see half off it. I do find that works quite well with this one and also the back of the image with look as kind of like half a image Onda, I'm OK with this bit. However, if there's one image where I would quite like to be able to see the whole image at once, I can use this image in the middle off my notebook and I'm going to show you what I mean when I'm putting the whole notebook together so I might be using this image right in the middle on then, uh, I've got this image of really like on that would work really well, if you only see half because you've got this beautiful blossoms and I might even use both halfs of this page because I really like this detail too. So we will see, then. I really, really like this one. I think this is absolutely gorgeous before did. And half, of course, we lose some of the image on bond, so I would have Teoh I like this back part of it, but I would have to decide again If I like the image, if it's only if I can only see half off it that this one would also make a really, really beautiful image to have in the middle of your notebook. And also he when you deciding on where to cut it, you would have to If you're using your template, you would have to see. I think I wouldn't really want Teoh cut off too much of, uh, the blossoms down here so you would have to try and, uh, decide and where you want to cut your paper and what part of the image would like to have in your notebook. So these are a little, um, little pointers on things you need to think about when you're cutting out the images, but the same time you try not to overthink it because this is supposed to be quick and fun . Little notebook. So what I'm going to do now, I'll just cut all the images and then I'll see how I'll put them together with the rest of the notebook there to other images. I cut out every like, thes little Wellington boots so I might faster cut them, and they might just might just stick them somewhere on a page on every like this image. So I'll be using this in the notebook as well. I've got a page that looks really nice on one side, but I don't really like the other side. What very often do is just blew another piece of paper on here, so I would probably just go with something. Lack of very neutral brown piece of like the packaging paper or something. Oh, I would use this. This'll page to a blue, Another image on there. But just for now, I'm going to leave it as it is. No, because I've taught on the pages out of the magazine. I'm just going to straighten the line. Uh, where, um I'm just going to cut off the tear line so it's or straight. But I know that there are lots of people who really like the tourney on edges. And I think if I had mawr in the notebook, I would definitely leave it, but I want to give it kind of a cohesive look, So I'm just going to straighten those size of the pages as well 7. The Cover: before I can put the script blows notebook together, I need to finish the cover. Another said. Before this time, I have glued some of the brown packaging paper on the printed side. So now it's Aled dry, and I can cut it to size. Are the reason why I didn't catch it size and then stick it onto the cardboard is that I find it easier to do it this way because then I'm entirely sure that both pieces will match , because I did find that occasionally, if I cut a piece of paper to size on, then a put the glue onto out of the paper or the background, then try and match them both up. It can be quite tricky on then you You keep pulling it often and trying to put it back on if it's not 100% on top of each other. S O. I found that doing it like this, just using mawr off the paper you're using to cover, uh, your background. You're this way. You make entirely sure that the whole background is covered or you need to do is wait for it to be completely dry because otherwise, if you cut the paper ate my tear because it's still wet from the blue. So I personally find this really easy way of getting the right side of gluing two bits of paper or paper and card stuck together. Then I'll get the bone folder out. Andi, I'll just measure the middle of the cover. I'm going to keep this the outside on this part of the inside of the notebook. However, I could do it either way. Really. However, now that I'm talking about it, I might be tempted to choose this side as the outside of things would go really nicely with the rest of our little notebook. If we have a look at a lot of pages that are going to go in might be quite nice to have this as the outside of the book rather than this one. Um, but it would also be nice out this on the inside, right? Don't keep it. Keep it like that. Um, our next, I'm going to add a little strict for the spine. I've already chosen a pattern I'm going to use, and I think that would work really nicely with the rest of the booklets that is definitely wide enough, so about it's also long enough, so that's perfect. So just cut that size and I might even use the bits off the pattern up here and pass off remaining pattern in the little notebook. And again I'm going to do. You use a little bit of scrap paper, so doing get my cutting mat all covered in blue. Then I make sure that the strip of paper is covered evenly with the glue from nine up my notebook. Raise the strip mass before I'm going to fold this in half, lining up the corners. It makes it so much easier to grew pattern. Strip onto the book and make sure that you've got the same amount off paper on either side . And then I'm putting some goo on the other hospital, the paper. But there we go. We're going to let this dry, and I might add a little LaBella's Well, so what? I'm waiting for this to dry. I'm going to cut a little label that will go on to the notebook 8. "Binding" the Notebook: So I added a little label I just used term off the off cuts hard off the burn packaging paper on. Then I used some washi tape just as an added little detail. I cut off the extra tive paper on Bond. I've also puts away the papers in order. I think I'm quite happy with the order. The pages are in a bird as beer not actually binding this group less notebook. I can still go back, unchanged the pages around. So I've got two options of putting the pages in Onda. We can also see that I need to cut off a little bit off the pages that are sticking out. But let's think about how we're going to put this notebook together so I could Isla choose on elastic. But I think I would like to show you another alternative that you could do, especially if your notebook is going to be a little bit longer or a little bit bigger than this one. Because then an elastic band might not be long enough, so the other thing you can do is either get a different kind of elastic that you can buy per meter or you could just use a nice ribbon, or I'm going to use some bakers twine because I felt it would go really nicely with the whole gardening theme. And it's also really nice green color. So I just need to find the middle of the notebook. Um, then I'm going Teoh, see how long I want this to be? I could actually also have the twine a little bit longer, because then I could use it as a bookmark as well. So I might do that just for now. Let's have a look, because I can always cut small off if I'm not happy with it. So let's go for about this length from the neck. Do two things. Either I can tie a double knot, but I think just for now, because I'm still fiddling around with it on my just tie a little bow. Rejoice. It looks really nice when, as you can see, it holds the pages in the book club really nicely on it. It's also really nice detail to the little notebook itself. So the next thing however I'm going to do is just see where I need to cut the pages so that they all fit in nicely into the scripless notebook on I'm going to do that in the exactly the same way as we have done with our first little scribblers notebook. So I'm just making a a pencil mark along here on. Then I'm going to clump all the pages together on Cap Them in one girl with my craft knife . However, I'm going to take all the pages out of the notebook that will make it a lot easier for me to cut them. And also I don't want to damage our cover. I'm cutting really carefully. So I'm not adding a lot of pressure, one of the reasons being that you get a much nicer cuts. And also because now we're working with different kinds of paper and some are thicker office, a thinner Andi. I have found that if I'm cutting different kinds of paper at the same time, sometimes it's been a paper is more likely to tear. So I'm trying to be extra careful here. You could see in this case the knife got court on this envelope. It was probably because a little bit has bean sticking out, but I'm not too bothered about this because I'm not that pressures about by scribblers notebooks on Even if I waas, I could just, uh, take this page out and replace it with a different one. Right now you can go back into the cover on before I bind it, though. I'm going. Teoh the envelope I was talking about. I'm going to add the envelope in the same way I've bean adding the other pages. I'm going to fold it in half on. Then it's going into the book. But before I'm going to do it, I will need to decide where I want the opening for the envelope to be. I've got two options. If I want to carry on using the flap on, um, I want it in the book this gray, obviously I wouldn't be able to open the flab, so I will have to do is cut the flap in the middle, and I also tend to cut a little bit more off the flap. Kind of every create this diagonal cut or we've got on both sides. Otherwise, eight sometimes wants to get stuck behind the rubber band or or the twine, so I'll do that. But I think for this one where might do is our clothes the envelope on? Instead, I'm going to open up the sides. But what I need to do is just cat a little bit. Have a little slice off the end. Both sides really On this way, I've created this really nice that pocket. What could put little things in so well I would have to do is kind of decide where I would like this envelope to go. Let's put it somewhere. Let's have a look. Where do we like the envelope? I don't know that again. I can just change it. Let's just put it to you from now and then you can go to book, have to find the middle again on and then we can grab the Bakers. Toyne. I'm tired a lot together. You know, at this point you could say that you'll, uh, little scripless notebook is finished. I know that I would like to still add a few little bits and pieces to this script out a notebook, because that's one of the things I really enjoy doing. Once I finished it to add even more details, for example, these Wellington boots are still want to add them somewhere as a detail. So what I'm going to do, because basically, the notebook is finished. If you would like to find out what else I'm going to do with this little notebook ikan carry on watching the next video. Otherwise, you can skip the next one and then watch our third option, where I'm going to have a different sized notebook on. I'm going to use a different cover as well. So again, a different variation off do making X scrupulous notebook on Do. You could either watch the next installment, or you could just skip ahead on Have a look at the project for this class. 9. Notebook Flip Through: so, as promised, here is a little flip through our this little booklet on and just to show you the little things I've added to it. So just that the friend I put a little envelope in here so I can stick a few stickers in here. Oh, something else. I could have put a bigger envelope in here as well. I got the pages could see. And this is one of the pages I cut from the magazine with the little suitcases and on the back, I just glued some brown paper so I can use the back off it to write on auto because I didn't really like, um, like the image with that was on the back off the's page on here, the little Wellington boots and I decided to stick them on the little envelope. Putin and I can use the envelope to put little things inside. Okay, so in this case, I left the back side off this magazine page because I like the whole layout and the colors , because if it would, they weren't quite nicely with the rest off the notebook. Then this bid has bean kind of an off cut off a different image I think I'm using in here. So what I have done, I just glued around the edge so that it gave No, I created a pocket with this. Could put things in here. Have you been? See the envelopes go really well, as pagers are definitely recommend reusing envelopes, I think. Yes, this is probably the other path off the page. Where have the off cuts Andi again? I thought a little pocket. Where did this case again? I put some brown packaging paper on the bag, but he was overlapping. So instead of cutting it off, I just folded it over. And then I glued it down. Undersides I've got to pocket on. I've got this little bit of brown paper here because there were some writing and I just wanted to cover it up. And I could just write something honored. I could have a photograph in here and just maybe say a little bit about the photograph so I could stick something in here again. Got a little pocket here, did the same thing on again. The brown paper is here because there were some writing on the magazine page and I wanted to cover it up. We've got the page that I chose for the middle owned is the back off a little pocket? Nothing on. Uh, you can see water for bigger things into these pockets, and they're just really useful. And they, you know, didn't take very long to make that one. Thats one in this case, I thought I might leave this bit of the writing because it didn't really bother me on it was talking about the forget me nots and over the images I've been using in here off. Some of them are off the forget mean ups. And I thought that was quite nice part of it on then. At the back. I've got the top part of the little envelope. Remember? Put one in here. That was a bigger one. I cut it in half, but 1/2 for the top half In here on the bottom of a glued in there on that gives me another little place where I can I heard something like luggage label. So you can see that you have those complete this absolute. The same principle of making a stripper's notebook I was able to was just a few little bits and pieces that are added to it create a lot more elaborate, possibly kind of like more colorful note book with it just to give you an idea of where you could take the simple scruples notebook. Andi, Um, in the next video, you're going toc just a very quick flip through the pink notebook that I made. If you remember, I was struggling with being able to use a lot. The pings and the flowers as well as some of the images are had used in this notebook, and that's why I decided to make this one. So in the next video is just to show you very quickly the notebook that I made just using the things 10. Pink Notebook Flip Through: 11. Notebook Three - Materials: after. So I'm really excited about starting this for breast notebook because I'm going to use this lesson. To create a new inside for my Travelers notebook is going to be a little bit similar to this one I've used on image from the wall calendar for this. As you can see, it's being held together by a ribbon on. I have got all sorts of different papers in here. I've got images in here. I've got a little pocket at the friend and I used this. Actually, I made this. Ask your brother's notebook, especially for the hay on Wye Book Festival of what it could take notes on because I didn't know how many pages I would need. I thought this would be really perfect because I could then ADM or paper or more pages if I needed to. So I'm going to work with one of these pages from a wall calendar and quite made up my mind . Then, as I said before, I've got different kinds of paper that I've already got sorted through, so I'm going to use thes on, then to hold the notebook together. I'm going to go possibly for one of thes ribbons because I feel those would work quite nicely with the whole vintage feel off this network. Okay, let's get started. So this is the page from the calendar I want to use as my cover on because it's I find it's not quite thick enough for my liking as a cover. I I'm going to blue this on the back off. Um, this page on this is just one of those big brown envelopes. So, as you can see, I'm trying to reuse as much material as I've already got because I really like. First of all, I'm really big on on recycling and reusing materials that we've already got. Andi, I also find that by trying to work with materials that have already, uh, God really helps with your creative process because don't get me wrong. Every like to go into lovely craft shops and paper shops on by, or the beautiful scrap of paper that is out there on. I do that as well. But sometimes it really helps to think outside the box if you're at home. Andi, maybe you don't feel like going out shopping on getting something and then years go, OK? What do I have that her? What kind of result do I want to achieve? Or maybe by looking at what you've already got at home, you get new ideas. So I really, really encourage you to try and have a look and things you've already got. Andi work with those. So anyway, so the first thing I will be doing then is to glue this on the back. Andi, I just quickly show you some of the pages that would like to go in there before we start on the cover. So you have got graph paper on D printer paper. But as you can see, they will look a bit grungy and stained on. The reason for this is that I really like using coffee, staying papers in my journals. So I'd coffee stained them all myself. So I'm going to use those that I also want to use some images, So I've bean going through all my scraps. A. I've got this big box of bits of scrap paper have come up with a few more things that would like to use. This is tracing paper. Andi, I really like to have tracing paper in my journals. I find They are really, really lovely detailed Teoh them because you kind of see through them a little bit, so you can think about what you would like to have behind them. Andi, I've created this one to go with this journal, and I wanted it all because I'm going to write into it. I've been using all kinds of ephemera and images that would go with, uh, writing on. Actually, I created this with Camba on canvas is free online software that he can use to create all sorts of pages and leveling for it in the class materials. And it's really, really, really easy to use on. You can see you can get some really lovely results. I've got one of those on. Then I'll probably go through some magazines. Andi, add some images as well. 12. The Cover: I'm certified, I'm going to make the cover, because why? The cover is drying. I can go and cut the pages. So as if in this case, I'm just using on existing insert as a template. Now I have to kind of decide where. How much off this image I would like to have on the cover because it's bigger. Let's have a look. So appreciates. More important to have, uh, the heads of these three people, um, on the cover. I'm also thinking that I could try and use a little bit off the remaining paper down here to fold it over and create a little pocket. So what I'm going to do is I'm not going to cut it to size yet. However, I'm going to cut this page just here on. I'll glue the rest of it on to my brown paper, trying to make sure that I get the glue distributed evenly over the whole of the off the back. Because if I leave kind of any little bits without blue, that will come up as a little bubble on the friend. Not that I want to be too precious about this and, um, be too much of a perfectionist about it. I just tried to make sure that it's evenly covered. Onda, um, was what you can do to see if you've got the glue kind of everywhere. If you pick up the page on kind of hold it against light, they can pick out the paces. Where do you have go interview yet? I just get a great again on. I'm going to just turn it over. I'm glue it in the middle because I might be using a bit more on the sides of the off the brown paper. I would quite like to maybe make some pockets in the cover, but I haven't quite decided yet how I'm going to do it. At this point, I can also use a bone folder. Or, if you haven't got one, you could use, for example. Nice. Just go over it. Just make sure you got any air bubbles our time that would have paid that two pages are glued together nicely, and then what I usually tend to do is just put this under a heavy book on Let it dry so the cover is dry on. The first thing I'm going to do is cut off. Theme, extra bit of paper at the talk on the bottom. I'm going to leave the paper on either side for now because I think I would like to create some pockets on the inside of my cover. So, in the normal circumstances, if I had cut through the access paper on both sides, then world would need to do is fold it in half. Andi, Then I've got my notebook cover. However, my idea is to create pockets on the inside off the book. Um, So what I'm gonna do, I'm still doing Teoh forward it in half so I can show you Exactly what's my plan? Iss To find the middle off through the actual image, fold it in half on. You can see that even now, the image is bigger than the actual notebook. But I wasn't quite sure what kind of pockets are words create. So I left more paper there, so I would get a chance to play around with it. But thinking now that would like to create pockets on the inside off the book. So what do I mean by that? So, basically, I'm opening up my, uh, notebook. I've got a little flat like this. I just glued the top end on on the bottom end. Then I've got a little poke. It show you, like men talk little things in Andi. I would do the same thing on the back of our fine. It's really nice. Especially if you're collecting little tickets or postcards or any stickers. Then you can just put them in here. So, um, it was a big because Theo envelope material is just like with a little bit thicker than printer paper. But I would like my pocket to be a little bit thicker on because I've left more off the paper. I can fold it over and glue it together to give me extra strength. But first of all, I'm going to measure my notebook cover to see where my actual width needs to be, so it will fit into my Travelers notebook. I'm just going to use this'll notebook because I know this will fit exactly into my Travelers notebook. We can see that it's about this much off the image that we've got extras just going to use my pencil. I'm going to make possibly lying along here, and then I can use this line as a guide and then lying miss up like that. I know that I could see that I tour a little bit off paper down here. Andi, we've got this is the bit where we've had the flat of the envelope. I might just straighten this a little bit to make everything move on to work with. So now we're just lie it up with this line forwarded over. So I'm going to, um, glue this part. So this piece of the flap on to the paper on, I'm going to do the same thing for the back. And as you can see, because I've got more paper left, it's going to be a bigger flaps again. I have to measure. So make a Lina on at the same time. I could just as well make a line down here because would have this needs to come off. So we're having a look at this flat is going to be longer. I might actually just want to see if I wanted that long. Might shorten it a little bit, because if the flap is too wide, it gets more difficult to stick things in. But I think this is about right. So next before I'm going to glue the paper over, I'm actually going to fold this over because I feel that it's going to be easier to fold it now rather than once I've glued. It's because if your life I'll get a nicer line in the end, so I'll get my bone folder on others. Go along. The nine is this. I'm going Teoh, forward it onto the inside when I could see scored line on this side now so I can score it from this side as well, Using the edge off the ruler. Teoh, get this nice folded line on. Then my next step would be to blue this on to the other piece. You can see this is the middle of my cover on. This is how wide the back flat is going to be. Okay, just repeat the same process on the front side of the cover. No, Brasil, you don't have to do anything that is this complicated or complex. But I just wanted Teoh to show you my way of working with the scripless notebooks and also that you can kind of adjust the difficulty level of making one of those grippers notebooks from really simple on, then to a lot more elaborate. I really hoped to use the edge of the ruler because I can really push the paper against the edge, and that makes it a lot easier to get this nice fold. Right now. I need my glue stick on some scrap paper. I just repeat the same for the flaps on the back. Now, just wait for thes two flaps to dry on. Then I'm going to glue them in place to create my little pockets before I'm going to glue on the flat to create the pocket. I'm going to use a circle punch on. Just punch 1/2 circle into the middle of the flat as this is going to make it easier to pull things out that are in the pocket. So I'll just use a ruler to find the middle of my, um, off the flap. I could oversee. Just eyeball it, but let's be a bit more precise. No on. Then I'll just use glue stick again on just add a little bit off blue to the top end of the flap on. I'll do the same thing that the brought and well, then I would just really stick it under, You know, the whole cover under heavy book because you really want the glue to hold these two pieces together well to dry properly, and I'll do the same on this side. Find would have dried. I worked cover. It's basically finished. 13. Adding the Pages: before I start folding my sheets of paper so that they will fit into my Travelers Notes size notebook. I just wanted to quickly talk about the sizes off scribblers notebooks could go for, because you might be asking me at this very moment. But what what if I want to have a different sized scripless note? Boog, basically, you have to go with the size off the paper you've got. If we take a look at this paper on, even though this is a coffee died on a sheet of paper, it's printed paper. This is an A four, but the same would go for a letter sized piece of paper on bond because you need to fold the pages to go into your scribblers notebook. The biggest you would get from, uh, this a sheet of paper would be this size, which would others a four. This would be on a five on. Then you would have to make sure that you have a piece of card stock or cardboard that you can use as a cover. But that shouldn't be too difficult. Do you find something like that? If you wanted to make a bigger notebook, you would have to go for a bigger sheet of paper where you might get for either watercolor paper or just ordinary sketchbook paper on you would find that usually kind of like in the same size as my cutting mat, which would be on a three eso. You could use that sized paper and create kind of more different sizes. You could either for the whole sheet of paper in half, or you could vary the size so that you get the notebook that you would like. I personally like to just go with the size of papers I've already got. Oh, let's say to make it to make it really easy and simply making a scrupulous notebook so I don't have to do a lot of measuring. And I don't have to do a lot of cutting because all of that would make would take longer. Teoh created notebook, but back to my Travelers notebook. The really wonderful thing about using on a four or just a piece of printer paper is that I can either forwarded this way. You can see that would fit in really nicely on then all I would have to do is cut a little bit off the bottom of the page on. I could use this or I can fold it this way on. But then I can either cut it here or I could create something which is called a foldout. I'll do it with this one so I can show you exactly what I'm talking about. I'm just using right now just using my finished notebook as a rough guide toe where I need to fold the paper on. Then I can see the next thing. I'm going to do that, you fool, just over and worms. I've got away the pages stucked together. This is going to make a lot more sense when you concede or stuck together in a notebook. But basically what that means is that I have a bigger sheet of paper on this side. So it's folded in world in the notebook that can fold it out on carry on writing when I've got my notebook finished that I'm going to show you. All of this ones were putting the notebook together. So what I'm going to do now, just a fold order fees, sheets of paper so that they will fit into this notebook and As you can see, I'm also you're going to use a piece of paper that is small Look, but I quite like to have different sizes of paper in my notebooks. I'm just going to fold this in half, and I'm going to use this as well. And the same goes with with this bit of paper, most probably going to just fold it in half and 1/2 in the note. Berg as well. However, I'm going to cut off this little bit before I'm going to use it. This is a piece of paper that came from my, uh my off cuts on this words exactly. A piece of paper described before why I had folded the paper lengthwise on, then cut off this much at the at the bottom so it would fit into their. But then again, I like to have different sizes of pages so I can use this in my notes, and then I would like to use a sheet music for on my notebooks. Just see, I would probably have to cut a little bit off here at the edge again. It's a different size again, with this sheet of paper, I'm going to cut off uh, this little bit where the print hasn't printed anymore off the image on threats on and then do that before I fold Fold the paper, I find because this paper is more delicate. You have to really make sure that when you're using a knife that it is nice and sharp. Just cut it really gently so it doesn't rip. I controlled it in all on. I have to measure the length because I need to cut off a little bit at the end. But I can I'm going to use this it a bit, um, as a separate little page as well, which looks quite nice because you get the whole little typewriter on there. My gun. Have to be really careful. What? I'm cutting it so I don't Ted paper go. I know that I've got all my pages. Fold it up. I'm going to put them together and then put them into the cover 14. "Binding" the Notebook: Now all that's left to do is put all the pages into the cover on DSA Cure or or the papers with us Ribbon. I've decided to go for ribbon rather than and elastic first of all, because I think it goes really well with the whole style of their kind of with his vintage feel to this scribblers notebook on order to show you a different way of putting all the pages together. I've decided on order of these pages are coming in. I have to admit I'm not quite finished here. I think I would like to add a few more images on bond maybe also a few other things in here . But as I said before, the beauty off the's scripless notebooks is that you can rearrange your pages. So I need to find the middle now. There we go. I've got image in the Middle Ages again. One where I thought it would be really nice to be able to see the whole image, not just half of its I've got this at my middle, but I'm grabbing my cover on putting it a win. Andi, Then put the ribbon in. Those for is actually the perfect ribbon because it was in my off cuts box on. I find the color works really well and the length is perfect. So just tied at the top, you know, just a double. Not just like that. I could just as well have the, uh they're not at the bottom. And I might very well do that. See about it on then. I've got it all tied together. I've been seized. Maybe they lose so I can tighten it a little bit on. It's just really easy to open it up and put it back together on. Even though all the pages are secure in here, they won't fall out. But I can very easily change the pages around on that. I can show you the back pocket. Got a postcard I could stick in there or just any other bits of papers I would like to carry around, maybe add to my notebook, unable. Just stay securely in here. Yeah, I think I might look for over him. That is a little bit thinner than this one. Because even though it looks really nice that we just compare it to the other one because it's thinner, it's, um it stays nicer along the spine on um, also in the middle. I find it kind of works probably better than a thick of urban, so I'll probably change that, even though I do think that the color looks really nice. But sometimes you just have to try things out and then see if you want to change them. And as you can see, it's just really easy to change the ribbons or the pages. Andi. That's one of the things I really, really like about their scripless notebooks. Right on. Then this is the third. It's for Blessed Notebook finished. 15. Notebook Flip Through: 16. Class Project: Hello again. I really hope you enjoy this class and ready to make your own scrupulous notebook. Onda, this is also going to be your class project. I would really, really like you, Tiu have a go on. Just start with the very basics for his notebook on I see how you're getting on with it because this sort of note, but really doesn't take a lot of time and it is just really satisfying tothis a really cuticle notebook that you could even customize. It doesn't take very long. You can redo it in less than half a Nower on. Then you thought you were in Q Did a notebook Onda for your class project, you can either just I take a photograph off your finished scripless notebook and uploaded to the class project section. Uh oh, you can do stages on maybe take a photograph off. You're your materials you're going to use. And maybe while you're cutting on folding all the papers is completely up to you How you would like to do it, But it would be absolutely fantastic if he could upload a photograph off your finished a notebook because every really enjoy seeing what you guys end up making after watching one of my classes on bond? Absolutely. If you would like to take it further, feel free. Teoh, make the second scribblers notebook, where you could add mawr images and maybe the PA coats and the envelope. You could obviously just go on. Do the second notebook immediately. You know, if you feel confident enough that you were prefer to do the second virgin immediately, Absolutely if you're free. I just wanted to give you all theon of starting off with a really simple scripless notebook that can be done in just a really short period of time, where they don't want to give you ideas of how you can personalized them, how you can use them for maybe special project or as a present. And then, of course, a totally up to you. If you would like Teoh make a notebook that is off a different size, like I did for my Travelers notebook, I created a Travis notebook insert on, then again used a different papers on added more details to it. But as we've seen, the principle is always the same on then. It just really depends on what you want to do and how far you want to take it. So I'm really looking forward to seeing a one off your ideas on your projects. I really enjoy teaching this class. I'm thinking about doing more bookbinding and notebook making related classes Pretty soon. I'm sorry. Look out for those also, if you enjoy my class and you would like Teoh have a look at my other classes or would like to find out about you classes, make sure that you subscribe to my channel because that means you will be notified as soon as I do publish a new class. You will also get any updates on any maybe any giveaways I might do. Or or just any other notifications again. Thank you very much for taking my class. Andi, I'm looking forward to seeing your take on this group. This notebook