Scribbler's Notebooks

Scribbler's Notebooks - student project

I really enjoyed this class. I'm absolutely hooked on making my own notebooks now. My first attempt was a watercolor nature journal. At first, I did a simple cardboard cover and only had watercolor paper secured with a rubber band. But the next day I couldn't help but add to and embellish it. It's pretty jam packed; so, I used a hair band as a closure. 


As you can see, I already began adding entries. 

Scribbler's Notebooks - image 1 - student project


I included pages for notes with nature-themed images for added decoration.

Scribbler's Notebooks - image 2 - student project


I used tracing paper to make pockets for dried leaves and flowers and such. 

Scribbler's Notebooks - image 3 - student project


After making the nature journal, I wanted a little notebook for random notes too. I used a hole punch on both sides to make a ribbon enclosure. And I added a bookmark by gluing a tea-bag string behind the front cover.

Scribbler's Notebooks - image 4 - student project


I used all kinds of papers: glued together tea bags; a metallic chocolate bar wrapper; ink dyed magazine pages; old daily planner pages, wrapping paper, an old paint sample card; and failed paintings and drawings, etc. It had so much fun getting creative and using so many different materials! Scribbler's Notebooks - image 5 - student project

Thanks for giving me a good reason for all my paper, string, and shiny thing saving. ;)