How to Make a Business Card in Adobe InDesign | Spencer Martin | Skillshare

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How to Make a Business Card in Adobe InDesign

teacher avatar Spencer Martin, Graphic Designer & Content Creator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Document Setup


    • 3.

      Designing the Back


    • 4.

      Designing the Front


    • 5.

      Adding a QR Code


    • 6.

      Duplicating Multiple Cards


    • 7.



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About This Class

Learn how to make a business card in this InDesign class!

In this InDesign class, you'll learn the basics of using InDesign to create your very own business card. We'll cover the document setup for a basic business card, how to adjust your columns, margins, and bleed, and how to create paragraph and character styles to be consistent with your design.

In this class you'll learn:

  • Navigating the InDesign document setup panel
  • Setting up your columns, margins, bleed, and page layout
  • Designing consistently with paragraph styles and character styles
  • Creating heierarchy in your design
  • Using swatches and picking colors
  • Working with text and shapes to create minimal logos
  • PDF export settings

By the end of this class you will have your own business card created. I can't wait to see your designs!

Meet Your Teacher

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Spencer Martin

Graphic Designer & Content Creator


My name is Spencer Martin and I'm a designer from Indianapolis, Indiana. I also run a YouTube channel called Pixel & Bracket where I share tutorials, livestream my process, and educate other creatives.

Skillshare is a place that I can build and develop structured courses and I'm excited to share those with you! I hope that you'll gather little nuggets of information from my lessons, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned designer.

Take a look at my courses below, or check out my YouTube channel here!

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Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome!: Hey guys, my name is Spencer and I'm a designer from Indianapolis, Indiana. In this class, we're going to take a look at how to make a business card in Adobe InDesign, we're going to make exactly this. It's a minimal business card. It's very simple, has a front and a back. We're going to take a look at how to use paragraph styles, character styles. We're going to look at columns and margins. I'm going to show you what bleed is and how to set up your document and make sure you export it properly for your printer. Whether you're using an in-person physical printer locally, or you're using online printing, we're gonna make sure that that document is set up correctly. And at the end of this, you're gonna be able to create multiple business cards and export all of those in case you're not just creating a business card for yourself, but perhaps for your company with lots of different iterations. I hope you enjoyed this class. And the project for this one is definitely gonna be to make your own business card and I recommend you just follow along from the very beginning. So let's open up InDesign and get started. 2. Document Setup: Let's start a new file here in InDesign. So we're going to go up to File New and then document. Or you might see that a new document window already. Now I have previewed check mark right here, so we can already preview what our business cards can look like, Command or Control minus. And then plus will help me zoom out of that look. And then I can move this box over if I need to. I cannot scroll around this document to move it over, which would be nice, but that's okay. Now, in my presets, I personally am going to start with inches. You can set it up to whatever your printer needs. So if you're working in centimeters, millimeters or the pKa or whatever, you can use any of these, I'm going to set up an inches, three-and-a-half by two, kind of a standard size. But once again, if you're printing these online, just go look at what the sizing requirements are that they need, what the bleed requirements are that they need. We'll get into all that. Okay. So I'm going to select Facing Pages and we're going to have two pages. We're going to start on page one, columns. I'm going to do five, but the column gutter of an eighth inch, that's 0.125. And then on the margin, so scroll down pretty quick there. On the margins here, we're going to have 0.25 " all the way around. Then if we scroll down a little bit further, I've got 0.125 set as the bleed. That's an eighth inch bleed, which is pretty standard. That's it. We can hit Create. So now we have this layout out here. Now, I don't see my pages of my business card next to each other, do I? Let's fix that really quick. First up here, one thing we need to do is right-click on my pages. If you don't see the pages window, you can go up to window, down to pages and make sure that's checked, Marked. Generally speaking, you'll probably see the properties pane over here and pages should be tucked in next to it. So once again, we'll right-click on one of our pages and we're going to uncheck, Allow Document Pages to shuffle. Once we have that unchecked, we can actually grab one of our pages here, like page two, and drag it up and hook it on to the other page up here. Now we have two pages connected. It kind of looks like a spread. It is a spreads like a two-page spread, except for the first page in your document always stands alone like a cover page. So this allows us to see the front and back of our business card at the same time. We have one issue here though. This bleed is now shared between these two. And that's really not going to work out very well for us creating this business card graphics. So we need to use the page tool. That's gonna be the second little tool here in your toolbar. Shift P is the shortcut key for that. Now once we have that, we can actually click and drag our pages away from each other. Now if we have issue with that, which I'm having issue right now, There's probably a very good reason we might need to turn facing pages off. So let's go up to File, down to Document Setup. And we're going to uncheck Facing Pages and then hit Okay. Now once we have that unchecked, there we go. We can actually drag these pages apart from each other. Check that out. So I'm going to zoom out a little bit. Press Command or Control plus and minus to zoom in and out or pressing Z and you can click and scroll to zoom in and out. I'm going to press V to go back to my selection tool. Okay, cool. We have two pages set up here or two sides of our business card 3. Designing the Back: Let's look at the left-hand side first, I'm going to create a very simple back of the business card. We're going to flood it with a color. To do that, I'm going to create a rectangle with the color. I'm going to swap the fill and the stroke here. I want just a fill and no stroke. If you have colors in both here, what you can do is click on the Stroke and click this little apply none. It'll switch it to this slash. Then we're going to click back on this fill. I'm going to double-click on it. And we're going to select a color. This color picker is a little bit different, is kinda like the darkness and lightness. And then you can go all the way up here for white. Little different than some of the other programs. Not really sure why, but I'm going to select some kind of blue, maybe write it in here. You can see the hex code down here if you really want to follow along that directly or just select whatever color you want and press Okay. Now with the rectangle tool selected the shortcut key for that is m. What we can do is find the corner edge of our bleed out here. Click and drag from one corner to the other, just like that. And it's going to create a rectangle, basically slapping a little background on our business card. Now, if you missed the bleed edges there, you can press V, which is the shortcut key for the selection tool here and designed. And you can always click and drag and scale this rectangle out. One little note that I like to do is go ahead and drag your any element that's going to the bleed, go ahead and drag it outside of the bleed. When you export this is going to cut off at the bleed. But in case I just barely missed that, I don't want there to be like a white line that bleeds should be cut off anyway, wants the printer actually prints the document, but I don't know. I just like doing this as a designer. I like to make sure that my color actually goes past the bleed so that when I export this, I have a full width bleed of this color. This background color goes all the way to the edge. Now, if you're not seeing the bleed lines here or any of these lines. In fact, the W key on your keyboard switches premium modes. So right here we've got these two premium modes. You've got normal and you've got Preview. Preview essentially views your document or whatever you're working on without all of the guides are margins or bleed on there. So any text boxes, you don't see the outlines of anything. That's really nice to kind of see what it's looking like. But then if you need all those guides again, pressing W and it's gonna get you back to this. We have this rectangle out here and it's colored in. Let's go ahead and create a very simple logo. Now one thing you can do once you have a background set, you can just lock it into place, make sure it's selected and press Command L or Control L. You can also right-click when you have it selected and you'll probably find lock in there too. Alright, so now that we have this locked and I'm going to create another rectangle. This one is going to be white. So I'm going to double-click on this fill kinda drag all the way up to this corner and maybe all the way up here. The other way that you can grab. I just I'm used to double-clicking on these, but in InDesign, the other way you can grab color is with that rectangle tool open. You can actually go up to the Window drop-down, grab your color panel, and if you want, you can dock it over here. If it's not already. And inside of here, you could grab colors. There's CMYK. The other really useful, like any color you put in your document, if you go into Window down to, it's probably going to be in color again. So let's go back to color. Swatches right there. So swatches, anything you create out here, it's automatically going to put a swatch, every colors in your documents stored as a swatch, unless it's within an image. But anything like vector-based is gonna be a swatch and it's already automatically created this blue swatch, which will be nice to use later. So if I have elements, I want it to be this color blue. I can just select this swatch when I have that element selected, we're going to create another rectangle out here. I'm gonna go from this edge of this little margin or this column right here, all the way across to here. I'm going to hold Shift at the same time because I want it to be a perfect square. So once we have that locked in and we can always resize it later, we can go ahead and center this square up. I'm going to grab my selection tool, make sure my square is selected. Go to the Align panel over here in my Properties panel and find align to selection. Nope, not that one. I'm going to align to you there are two margins paid page or not spread in this case. So let's just align to the margins. And then we're going to center horizontally and vertically. And now this squares directly in the center of this side of the cart. The other thing I'm gonna do here is create a letter. So I'm just going to say, hey, my company starts with the letter S and the logo is literally just the letter S and a box. We're going to press T for the Type tool, just going to draw a textbox out here, clicking and dragging. And then we're going to click, I'm going to type the letter S. Now that I have that typed out there, I'm going to select a font really quick in my Character panel, in this Properties panel. And we're going to use inter or enter. I don't know the emphasis on those syllables, but we're going to use this font. I'm gonna go with and put black on this one. And we're gonna kinda scale it up a little bit. Maybe too is 30. Whatever. If you're following along, use whatever size you like, whatever letter, whatever font you like, anything like that. So now this is the way that I want. I don't personally want to edit the font or anything any more than this. But I am going to edit the size and also the alignment. And it's a lot easier to edit that if this was a shape and not editable text. Once I have the letter shape out here that I want, I'm gonna get rid of this textbox and really outline this S by going up to type and going down to Create Outlines, that's Shift Command or Control 0. Once I do that, this text is actually a shape, so it is not editable anymore, but that's fine with me. What I can do with it is use those same alignment options and align it horizontally to the center and vertically as well. Now this S is in the middle, and I can actually scale it up and down really easily. I start to scale from the corner. It's going to skew. I don't see a preview of that, but you can see the bounding box is really skewing. So I need to hold shift that's going to keep it proportional. I'm also going to hold Option or Alt on Windows. So we're holding option and we're kinda scaling this out from the center holding Option and Shift. And we're just going to size this. So we're gonna kinda eyeball this in here. Maybe something, maybe something like that is fine. Now I do want to change the color. So remember that swatches panel we still have open over here. Click on that blue and it changes to a blue. Now we can click off. And I don't like these sharp corners, so we're going to click on this and just this corner a little bit in the properties appearance section, I'm going to grab the rounded, that's a little too rounded. So we'll just kinda click in here, use the up and down arrow keys. You can also type in values that you want for the corner radius there. But I think that works. Now if I press the W key, we actually see the back of our card has been completed. We put a little mark logo on there and it's a very clean back of your business card. Just a little bit here. I'm going to scale that down because I think it was a little too big. That's a lot better. Okay, there we go. Now, let's come over here and do the real details part of the card 4. Designing the Front: So I have all these columns and the margins setup to create some whitespace in your card. Now to start with, we're going to create a textbox t is that shortcut key. And then find this corner of the margin. It should help kind of click you into it if you click anywhere near it to start drawing your textbox, you can also zoom in and out if you want. And then you can just click and drag from here. We're going to drag this out to make sure it's large enough to cover whatever name you're putting in here. So I'm gonna put in my name, Spencer Martin. And then we need to change the font because I want to select my own font. Like I said, we're going to use Enter, and I'm going to use probably bold or extra bold, not sure which one. We're going to try bold for starters, then you can make any adjustments here, whether or not you want some kerning or tracking between like spacing between all of your letters. You can select your size of font. Maybe I'm gonna go with, I think I'll go with 12, make it nice and big. And also you can select the color, so you can select one of your swatches or go to your Color tab and start selecting from there as well, or even of course, the swatches over here. Now, one thing to note when you are trying to affect the color of the text and not the text box. One thing you need to do is make sure that if you just had this text-box selected, you need to apply the color not directly to the text box like this, but instead need to look at which one you're formatting for here. So Formatting affects container. Well, I don't want any fill on that, but formatting effects that text. I do maybe want to change that. In this case, I don't, but I'm letting you know that if you're changing the text color, you want to make sure you either highlight the text so this is selected, or if you have your text-box selected or whatnot, just, just make sure you're applying it to the right spot. Okay, so we've got this done. Now. I'm going to create a paragraph style, and that will allow us to reuse all the styling that we've done to this text. To do that, I'm going to find the text style area in my Properties panel. When I have texts selected, I'm going to hit the plus icon. We're going to add a paragraph style. This one's gonna be called header. So I can reuse this later if I wanted to keep my elements consistent in my design. In this case, the next one, I'm just going to press the Return. We're going to type in my title, a visual designer. Okay. I don't want it to be this same style. So we're going to create a new style. I'm going to make sure to uncheck header for this line. And we're just gonna do Basic Paragraph and let's start with that. Now, from here, I'm going to select my font. Again. I'm going to maybe do medium. And then I actually am going to select all caps on here. And we of course need to scale this down a little bit. So somewhere in the range, I'm even going to change the fill. I'm going to select this, make sure I'm applying it to the texts, not the frame. And I'm going to select 70% on the tent. So this is going to be like a 70% black. So you can see that we're creating some difference here now I feel like these are a little too close. So to adjust the line spacing or letting, there's actually this little selection here kind of shows you that icon. You're adjusting the spacing and the lines. We're going to do maybe 8/12 or 12/8. I forget which way we call that in the design world. So this gives us a little bit of spacing. We can always go back and edit this. Obviously, I'm just recording this for you guys. One other thing I wanna do with this one is actually give it some spacing in-between the letters. And I would say 50 here on the tracking. And I think that's starting to look a little bit nicer. So we have some visual hierarchy here. Now if we select this and I'm actually going to bump this down, maybe one more, and maybe bump this down one more too, so she can make it a little bit smaller. I want some contrast in my design. But if we do have this highlighted and we've locked in exactly what we're doing over here and our Character panel and our appearance panel. Then we're going to add another paragraph style. This one is going to be called sub-header because why not? So we've got header and sub-header here now that we can reuse. So anytime you have a piece of text here, we're just going to type some text, doesn't matter what you type or how you type it. If I select this text, I can actually just quickly choose a paragraph style. There's my header, there's my sub-header. Pretty neat. Those are the, that's like the power of paragraph styles really saves you some time later on in your designs. Okay, cool. So this textbox is plenty big. I can just scale it up like this. And then we'll create another one down here. And actually what we could do is just duplicate this text box. So I'm going to click on it, hold Option or Alt, click and drag. We're going to bring it down. If you hold Shift, it will kinda keep it lined up. I'm going to drag it to the bottom corner of the margin. Right there. And I'm going to drag this or I'm going to expand this upward a little bit. So we're going to put our details down here. Now let's double-click this and we're going to press Command or Control a to select everything and just delete it. Now, down here is gonna be like our phone number. It's going to be our website or email, things like that. I'm gonna do it pretty basic. Come up, press P for the phone number. I could do low colon and then of course we can just maybe type in a random phone number. Now this section, I want to be smaller. So let's go ahead and style this. Right now it's on sub-header. I think what I'm gonna do is probably change to Basic Paragraph again. Then just do my own settings here. If I go back to that inter font and I think down here we're going to do regular. So we've got irregular as the font weight. We're going to maybe make this six point. We might even make it 5.5 here in a second. We're going to make sure the fill is 100% black. Yep, it is. So that's good. We're going to space it out a little bit. So we'll do that 50 here for the tracking again, and accidentally scrolled on my mouse wheel. So we're going to redo that. And we've got the phone the down here, right. So we can press Enter. And we're going to do an e-mail. And we're gonna just say it's info at, right? Whatever your company or whatever your email is here. Now you might notice something these dependent on the size of the letter here. In fact, it's going to be even more apparent if we put it in a website here, So look at this. These are starting to the misaligned, right? There's actually some really cool in Illustrator, in Illustrator and InDesign that we can do here with tabs. And what do you need to do is make sure you have a text-box selected like this. And we're going to go up to type down two tabs right here. And it's going to open up this little tabs panel. It actually lines up with your textbox, which is nice. You can move it around. But in-between here, we can adjust these different tabs. So this right here is the starting point of your textbox. So you can see it moves everything over. Well, we don't want that. We want to do is add another tab in here. And that tab, if we click, just adds right in there. And we can actually see a line on our textbox of where it's going to line up that tab and we can drag it around. I'm going to have everything line up with the W1 because I know W is the widest letter that I'm going to use. So we're going to line it up right about here. Okay, nothing happened. That's because we actually have to use the Tab button on our keyboard. Okay, so we come in here and we have some space here. We get this right before our number starts and we hit tab. And what it does is it will tab you over to each of the tabs that you've added in the tabs panel. Tab. Perfect. And this one's already lined up, right? So that one's okay. And then we can press Enter. And what's the last one? We maybe an address. So we'll do a random address and we can press Tab to get us lined up to that tab. So everyone's lined up on the tab, which is really, really nice. We're gonna do some street in New York, new York. Sound good, not New York, Indiana, New York, new York and 55555. There we go. That's the zip code. Okay, So one other thing before we lock in this paragraph style is the line spacing. And maybe even the size of our elements. You can keep your elements this size or whatever size you want. I might go 5.5. And then I'm going to adjust the line spacing here a little bit. I'm not sure what I'll do. I think ten might be a little too much, so we're gonna do nine right there. And then one other thing that we can do here, and I'm actually going to just get rid of this tabs menu. Don't know what happened there. It must have clicked something somewhere. However, one other thing that we can do here is actually align these elements to the bottom of this text box. To do that, we can click on our text box, right-click on it and go to Text Frame Options. The shortcut key for that is Command or Control B. In here, we actually have vertical justification along with a lot of other options for your frames, for your textbox. But right here on this textbox, I'm going to align it to the bottom. And if previous checkmark you can actually see what that does and hit Okay, now, no matter how many details we add here, it's going to add them from the bottom up, which is what we would want. We want the final line of this section to be lined up on this bottom margin. Now, I think that we could probably go back to six point font and keep the 9-point line spacing. That's just a designer. Designer adjusting elements. Nothing is ever finished, right? But this we are going to lock in. So let's go up to our paragraph settings again. And we're going to add a new one. And we're going to call this details There we go. So we have details paragraph settings. Now, if you drop this down, you can actually see we have header, sub-header and details in here, and we can reuse these anywhere in our design. Now one more thing to note, you see that have character styles here too. You can actually do character styles within paragraph styles, but also if you had all of this as a paragraph style, you can make adjustments to that. As a whole unit, like everything will change. So if you change the kerning here and apply it to your paragraph style, the current and changes in every line. But if you want to make individual changes to elements, he would maybe need to use a character style. So for instance, if I wanted this to be black, but this to be that 70% tinted black. What I could do is change this fill to 70% like that, and then go to Character Style and add a character style. And I could call that 70 tinted or something like that. So now I can select info at company and I could say, Oh, the character style and I'll apply to that is 70 tinted and you can see how it tents that line. You can't do. So Paragraph Style kinda goes line by line. But character style, you can apply to specific sections. So if you wanted to do something like that, you could, without having to go in and re-select the exact tint percentage every time you can set that up as another automatic thing. Now in this case I'm not going to, but I wanted to show you that option with character styles. Cool, so we are almost there. What I wanna do is bring this little logo thing over here, which we can select both of them by clicking and dragging and selecting. Make sure this guy is locked or else you will also select him or move him around. Now, I want to keep these two together, so I'm going to group them together. That's Command or Control G, or you can right-click and select Group. Now this element is grouped. I don't even need to select, it moves around together. I don't have to select things individually. I can duplicate that by holding Option or Alt and bring it over here. Now it's gonna look a little weird because I can't see this white box. So what you could do is drag it outside of your business card to make some adjustments to it. The adjustments I wanna do is flip-flop these. I want the box to be blue and the S to be white. So I can double-click into this group, select that box, and adjust the fill. And actually, I'll go to those swatches and just grab that blue. And then I'm going to select the S. I might have to double-click, make sure I get that S selected and select paper as the white color. Now, I've got this and I can drag it over here and line it up with my margin in the bottom-right corner. And then because I have all these columns and stuff set up, I can actually select maybe this line or this line, depending on how your logo looks in this corner. And I can scale this down, make sure you also hold Shift at the same time. And just select which of these you want to line it up on. If you want a smaller logo, maybe like this, you could go a little bigger or whatever size you would like. And now we can press that W key and see a preview of our business card design 5. Adding a QR Code: Let's take a look at how we can create a QR code and generate a QR code here in Adobe InDesign. So what we'll need to do is go up to the object window. You can think about it like we're creating an object. Down here about halfway is Generate QR code. Once we have that open, we can decide between the content of the QR code and also the color, the color we can change later. So I'll just keep this on black and the content we have different types. We have plain text. We could do a web hyperlink. We could do a text message, an e-mail, or what you might be interested in is a business card. So we would type in all the information we would like to include. You don't have to fill in all of these boxes, but whatever you'd like to include here, you can type it in. So I'll do just my name and then a URL. Now, to be safe, you might even do the full HTTP on URLs just to make sure that it really gets to the right location. Maybe an add an S there if you have that security setting on the website. However, name URL hit, Okay, and it's going to generate this QR code. It's already on the tool tip of my cursor. Now if I just click, it's going to place it out here. I can probably also click and drag and place it in a frame the size of my choosing. Once I have that, if we scale this frame up and down, It's just going to scale the frame, which basically will cut off the QR code. So to scale this up and down, you're going to want to press E, which is the scale tool. Now, one thing you cannot do is not hold Shift. See how it skews the QR code, that's going to ruin it completely. So when you have e selected that scale tool, you'll also want to hold shift while you're scaling this up and down. Now unfortunately, you can't see a preview here. But one little trick you can do, pressing V for the Selection Tool. We can right-click on this and go to fitting. And then we can fill the frame proportionately and fit content proportionally. And there's a lot of difference options here. What I would do is fit the frame to the content. That frame is going to fit to the QR code a little bit better. Now you can always bring that in so we can press Z and click and drag here to zoom in on a corner. And what we could do is bring this frame into the very edge of our QR code if we wanted to align it up just like that. And then if we zoom out some, we can then drag it over to line it up to the edge here. So same thing with the top. You could bring this down, kinda lock it into the top of the QR code, pressing the W key, I'm going to show my own margins with this page. I'm, I bring it up to this corner, pressing E for that scale tool, grabbing this corner and holding shift while I scale this down and maybe match it to the logo that's below it. And run it along this column line right here. So that's how you can work with that to align it to other elements, just adjust your frame. The fitting maybe didn't work as well because there is some padding on the QR code, however, you can always adjust that frame to a custom size. So there we go. We've got these two elements on here. Personally, I think they compete with each other. I might even shrink this guide down a little bit more. That QR code down a little bit. So it's not quite as dominant as the logo in the corner down here. A lot of different ways you can work with this. You don't even have to put the logo here. You could put it over by her name or you can just not even have it on this side of the card because on the other side, we had this this logo just kinda taken up the whole other side. Now one thing you can do with your QR code, if you right-click on it, you can actually go to Edit QR code right here. So when we edit that QR code, we can change the information and then we can also change the color. If we wanted to change, for instance, if I wanted it to be the blue color that I have in this design, I can select that blue swatch and come over here to content. And maybe I needed to add an organization here, Pixel and bracket, and then hit OK. And that's going to adjust the QR code so that includes that information. And then of course it turned it into that blue color as well. So that's how you can make adjustments to the information of a specific QR code and also how you can change the color of it. So really easy now to add QR codes to your designs here in Adobe InDesign 6. Duplicating Multiple Cards: We finished one business card. What if you wanted to make more? Well, we can go back to pages. We can just select both of these pages by holding Shift and selecting both hold Option or Alt. And we can duplicate this business card and down. So now we have a, another spread where we can just come in here and say, oh, this is, This is another person. Will go as little then Martin. And this person is the director of design, right? So we've got these multiple spreads in here, which is multiple business cards that we can then export 7. Exporting: How would we export this? Well, we go up to File. We would go down to Export. And actually personally, I would just go to Adobe PDF presets. Select high-quality print. From here. We're going to select the folder and we're going to select the name. So if I just wanted to business cards, I could do that. I'm going to hit Save and that's going to save as a business cards PDF into this folder. And we've got this whole PDF export PDF area. In my opinion, unless your printer says, Hey, we need compatibility to be a certain thing. We want the standard to be this, a PDF X1, a 2001. Unless you have that information, which I would just reach out to your printer and ask what they want. High-quality prints should do just fine for you. Now, we do need to select the range so we can select the All Pages and export it as pages. That's fine. It will give you individual pages. So that might not work so well. The other thing you could do is create separate PDF files. But let's look at just one business card for a second. If we wanted to just the first business card, that would be pages 1 and 2. You can see it up here. So we could select one to two pages. Then if we look in our marks and bleeds, we actually have Printer marks. So if your printer wants those so you can add them. But we do need to add document bleed settings so that this background that goes over the edge or to the edge of our card, it needs to extend with the bleed and then the printer will cut that off so that your background doesn't print with like a little white line or something. Because when they print these business cards, the printing process and the cutting process can be off by a little bit. That's why an eighth of an inch or so they need that room. So once we have that, so we've selected which business card we're exporting. We can hit Export. That's going to go to where we saved it. So if we've got it right here and we can double-click on that. And you can see, I've got two pages in here, the front and the back of the business card. Now, this is going to depend on your print. They want to receive the files or your online printer and how you upload files, you might upload a back that doesn't change. And then the front, you might upload a bunch of them to change the information, like to print out a lot of different people's business cards. Or if you do them one at a time, you can just upload them like this. Or if your printer can handle it and they're fine with it. You can go back and export, export each of these and have them all in one single PDF, two pages of that PDF is another business card. The other thing that I don't want to lead you wrong and this right here, I might need to go look it up and I will create a tutorial. I've saved this, create separate PDF files. I need to make sure that if you were to click spreads or even page, I think pages will create, sort each of these pages spreads. We'll create a separate file for the spreads, but your printer might not want them uploaded as spreads. That's where the issue comes in. So I would say that finding out from the printer or the upload place how you need to export these would be best. And then you can export and decide what's best for that scenario. But you could do also, you could do all pages. That's how you would do that. So this is kind of how you would make adjustments to how that PDF is going to come out. Anyway. If you guys have any questions about this, hit me up in the comments down below.