1. Introduction: Hello and welcome to learning a new skill workshop. The goal of this and the next two videos is to empower you to learn a new skill deeply. Not just passing by it, but actually taking the time in learning a skill that you always wanted two sides, believing in the importance of applying more to learn. I also believe that you are here because you are looking for something more in your life. Perhaps the motivation to start learning a new skill or the tools to continue making progress in his white already learning, or simply to reignite your passion for learning again, I've certainly failed many, many times when learning skills. Yeah, no video animation, skateboarding, programing, designing, learning friends, and many, many others. I divided the three videos into three logical parts, the soul, the body, and the mind. The first video, the soul, is all about you, your motives for learning and use killed in what obstacles you might be facing the body. The second video, we're going to teach you the four main steps for learning any skill you want in a very short period of time. These four steps are all the ones you need to familiarize yourself with a new skill and make progress consistently. Finally, the mind in the third video is about one simple but crucial component that will make you go from amateur to professional. If you don't have that one thing, you will have much more trouble learning and use keel and developing the certain level you desire.
2. 1. The Blocks & Motivation: I've only said when intention for the creation of this workshop. And it is making you make progress towards your learning journey just by picking one skill in making progress in the next three days. So you can be sure that every piece of information shared on this videos is going to be crucial to help you progress on your journey. Making this a workshop also means one thing. The journey will not be passive as my goal is not just make you watch the videos and then do nothing else. So I have set challenges and practices throughout the three videos will help you put what we learned into practice. Surely, it would be much easier for me to just pass the information and not to worry about implementing it. But I've been in the same place and I've certainly have learned a lot of things that I never applied. And I do regret that because I have not seen any results. What sets people apart is not information but actually application. So I will suggest some homework during this workshop, I used to hate homework. And the word is explicit by itself, col plus work. So if you work for a company, you probably don't like homeward eater, right? Because you're taking work that you were supposed to be doing in accompany and then you take it home and have to do it on your own environment. And if we are referring to the school environment, it's the same thing. You'll have a set of tasks that instead of completing in school while your teacher is there to help, you have to bring them home and complete them by yourself. Overall, the word homework does not inspire many people. Maybe if we just had another word, it would be easier. But the truth is, only in my last year of high school did I discover the power of homework. Not because I love to take home work, but mostly because it was a way for me to practice what I've been learning during your day. The process of homework by itself is exactly what allows you to learn and improve your skill level because you do something, then you'll get feedback and you refine the process and learned along the way. And basically that's exactly how you can evolve. So during this workshop, you will also have some homework, but I will launch call it that way because that might trigger some negative correlations. Instead, we get to call it practice. Why practice? Because practice is exactly what you need to engage, to learn, to commit, and to make progress in learning a new skill. If you are engaged in the whole experience and do the practices, you will be able to take much more from this experience. So during this workshop, expect a few homeworks. Not because I like to give you homework, but because I truly believe in the importance of putting into practice what you learn. And this will be the environment. Every time I've got a new practice for you, I was once in a coaching session and the instructor said something that I still keep on my mind to this day. She said from a coaching session, you'll get what you are willing to give. That is, the more your wire willing to share, to reflect, and to apply, the more you will be able to improve your life. The same applies to any other course, book or information you can see you. The more you are able to do the so-called own work, the more you can expect from it besides believing in the importance of applying what you learn. I also believe that you are here because you are looking for something more in your life. Perhaps the motivation to start learning a new skill or the tools to continue making progress in SQL, the wire already learning, or simply to reignite your passion for learning. Again, I don't know your reasons, but what I do know is that many people fear the process of learning and use keel because they have failed many times in the past. I certainly know people who don't even want to think about learning something new because triggers some frustration and noise and even hate for learning. And this happens because the probably recall some experiences of learning that did not go so well in school can easily be one of them. Not because you failed school, but most of the times school failed you. The problem is it's a one size fits all system and not all of us will fit into one system. Perhaps you were able to fit in, succeed by the standards. But if you didn't, you might feel discouraged by learning itself. I've certainly failed many, many times when learning skills. Yeah, no video animation, skateboarding, programing, designing, learning friends, and many many others. School also filled me on different occasions, especially because I've always been very creative. And I remember one time approaching a professor and asking her if we could actually deliver a video on top of the main assignment. And, you know, she just looked at me and said, Why would you do that? Like, there's no extra points, like don't do it. And I remember feeling very discouraged because I wanted to express myself creatively because I really loved video. I ended up doing the video anyway, not because I wanted to show off. But because that was an occasion to choose the path, I still believe in a path of creativity grid. Your abilities and willingness to express yourself are much more important than any other great, because you feel discouraged by the learning process and I don't blame you. I've come up with a simple exercise. It might help you to unblock some negative correlations you have with it. This practice will help you to look more objectively to the skills you are able to develop because you have the abilities, you have the skills and you have the discipline to do so in one thing you can't forget is you've took the time to watch this video. You took the time to enroll into Engage, which means you are willing to learning a new skill and you have those capabilities. Hopefully, you are also with the notebook, open, taking notes and making sure that you are engaging with the information and not to making this just a passive experience. Because as I said, you will be able to take much, much more from this if you actively engage with what is being taught. So to help with deconstruct all the negative associations you might have with learning. Let's do a simple practice. So the first practice is to list all the skills you have acquired during your life, from the most complex ones to the most basic and even the ones who take for granted, It's important to take things out of her hands. So please grab a notebook and start to write it. Yes. I'm also referring to talking, reading, walking in many other simple skills that we take for granted. Yet, we have learned how to do them. If we are incredibly good at criticizing the things we were not able to learn, then we must subjectively see ourselves and also list the things we were able to learn. This is honesty. And so please do this exercise because it will really help you to unblock some limitations you might have regarding learning, okay, now that you are aware of your incredible capabilities to learn new skills, we're going to move on to the next step, which is all about setting the motivation for learning is skill. That is, why are you seeking to learn a new skill that we want to start a new business, we want to improve your relationships? Or do you want to have fun this evening? If they're thinking of all the skills I have learned through onto my life, I come up with three main reasons that lead me and probably you to learn new skills. None of the reasons make more sense than the others. All about your preferences and what you are seeking right now, what matters is expanding your consciousness to all the things that learning a new skill can give you when life, hopefully this section will also give you an extra motivation to develop your skill set and engaging learning again. And so the three reasons for learning and use keel, our learning for improvement, learning for transformation in learning for fun. Learning for improvement is all about developing skills that will help you to advance certain areas of your life, like your health, your relationships, your finances, and many others. The main purpose of learning to improve east doing prove different areas of your life through an immersion in a specific skill. If your goal is to improve your relationships, you can learn about the communication. You can learn about networking and even time management. So you will have more time to dedicate to nurturing those relationships. If your goal is to improve your finances, you can learn about personal finances, investments in even financial independence. The interesting thing about learning to improve is that you get to choose your reasons. You are the one knowing exactly which areas of your life do you want to improve and why your goal may be improving your relationship with your kids, which might include a wide range of skills to learn. But in the end, it's a very rewarding process because you did it for yourself. You did it to improve a certain area of your life. And so it's always worth it. Most importantly, because you are the object of this kill. You get the response and the feedback immediately because you can apply what you're learning in the context of your life in hell, do you are learning for very personal reasons in with a clear goal in mind. You can see that learning one skill for one purpose, we'll basically improve other areas of your life without consciously doing anything more as an exemple when they became vegetarian, I had to learn how to cook vegetarian dishes to replace meat and fish from my dishes. The great thing about learning this new skill to cook for myself was that I was later able to cook for friends and actually get em excited about vegetarianism. And another benefit was because I was learning more about cooking vegetarian dishes. I also became more interested in having a healthier lifestyle overall. So I started working out with more regularity, trying to learn about nutrition. So it's basically a positive way that just started with one skill. I could be here all day referring to one skill I learned into positive effects. That same skill head in many different areas of my life, this is very common. You start learning how to better communicate with your partner and soon you find your relationships with your colleagues also improving. The second reason for learning a new skill is to get into what transformation. The first reason for learning a new skill, learning to improve, is more based on incremental changes. But now you are taking a big leap. That is, you are doing something to transform completely an area of your life. This can be starting a new job, starting to accompany living in another country or pursuing a dream that you've been seeking to do for a long time. It's a very interesting learning path because you're challenging yourself through the acquisition of a skill to completely change the course of your life. Still, this does not mean that the amount of work you have to put in when you are learning a skill for transformation is more or less than to any other reason, the amount of words you dedicate to learning a new skill based on improvements or based on transformation can be exactly the same. What changes is the main goal? I previously referred to the skill of cooking vegetarian dishes, and that was with the intent of improving my life. That is, to make the changes I needed to do in order to fit my new lifestyle. But I could have learned the same skill with the intent of going through a career change, basically by becoming a vegetarian. So this clearly is the same learning how to cook, but I can have different intense with that skill. This is the perfect time to introduce the concept of the compound effect of learning. So three years ago, I embarked on a journey to learn how to cook vegetarian friends to impress my stomach and my friends is so let's say now I would love to be a cook in the restaurant. So because I previously dedicated time to learn more about cooking in cooking vegetarian dishes, I would now be much more able to switch careers if I desired to. This just shows that learning one simple skill can later transform all of your life without you even noticing it. So I'm going to give you another example so you can understand better what is the compound effect of learning? When I was ten years old, me and my best friend decided to learn how to edit videos, so we couldn't make a small video for our primary teacher. I know very cheesy. So I started learning video editing with 10-years-old. I can say that it is a skill that has been helping me in so many areas of my life. What are the videos that I've been created in the online courses I've been publishing. Without video editing, I wouldn't be so prone to do it in to do it so quickly. And I'm not suggesting I'm a professional video editor, but at least my skills don't hold me back from doing what I love with video editing and filming. I was also able to deliver a very great assignments, both in college, in other projects that some of them even led me to gain prizes and things that I was not expecting just because I put a bit more effort into the videos that most candidates, and recently I worked with an NGO. And because I had some video abilities, I was able to create better videos that were exposed to more people. So I was able to spread the message of this NGO. I'm not saying I would never, ever succeeded in anything without video editing skills. But it's true that maybe I'm above 95 percent of the population when it comes to filmmaking and video editing. I'm not a professional and I say it every time, but at least I can do some stuff with a camera that most people are not. So it's much easier to stand out from the crowd when a video is required. So the positive thing about learning skills is that you never know in which areas that skill will be valuable and we'll make you different from everyone else. I love to hear about compound interests. That is, if you take $1000 today, invested for 30 years at 7% yearly interest rate, you might end up with $76 thousand. But what you might not be aware of is that learning also compounds. It's just not easy to do the calculations. What you decide to learn today can be of immense value in the future. The skill of persuasion speaking, writing. Those can all be great compounders that will have positive effects in many fields of your life. So never neglect the power of a simple action. The simple action being taken the first step towards learning something new. Learning to improve, learning, to transform what else he's there to cover learning for pure fun. The process for learning and use keel either to improve or to transform, should be a fun experience. But in this case, you are learning a new skill with the only goal in mind being having fun. This was me would 13-years-old learning how to skate board and now learning how to play the drums. The purpose of learning this skill is to have fun. I'm not expecting anything they coming out of it. I'm just learning because I like it. Hobbies are also included in this category of learning for fun. You're doing it because you enjoy it, and that's basically what matters. It is an incredible experience and learning for fun is not less important than any of these two reasons. Still, learning for fun does not mean that you don't try to reach a high level of skill or you don't put the effort into the practice. On the contrary, I always make time for focusing intensively when I'm learning a new skill independently of the reason behind that same skill, it does not matter if I'm learning to improve my life, to transform my life, or to have fun. I will always put an incredible amount of focus when I'm learning a new skill so I can make progress faster. With this three reasons in mind, I don't believe that you lack the excitement to start learning something new today, the benefits of learning are immense and can quickly spread to improve other areas of your life, to inspire to make progress today and take advantage of the momentum you are building. Sits down with the notebook open and append. And let's go through the practice for this practice. And after learning about the three different motives for learning a new skill, learning to improve, learning to transform in learning for fun. I challenge you to brainstorm at least three skills for each category. These should be skills that you would love to learn inside each bucket. I really loved to brainstorm. And usually the place you're seeing now is where I come to brainstorm most of the times. So I just lay on the floor around my favorite books and I just grab a notebook and start brainstorming, having ideas or just your building in general. And so I really challenge you to pick a place where you love to, to be in and that inspires you and use that place to brainstorm and getting new ideas. I also have a little ritual that I get to do every time they enter a brainstorming session. I grabbed my AirPods and I play the same playlist every single time among the idea generation phase, then I just laid down on the floor and start brainstorming. So I highly recommend you to create your own little ritual for coming up with ideas and start using it now to rainstorm at least three skills for each category after having at least nine interesting skills that you would love to learn, I challenge you to pick just one from each category. So you will end up with 3, one from each. These three skills should be the ones that give you the most excitement. Perhaps the more benefit after having the skills just list a couple of reasons why you picked those keels and not the others. And to finish up the practice, look to all the three skills you twisted and pick just one. This will skew, will be the one you're going to develop throughout this workshop. And hopefully after the workshop is done, it will be the skill that you will start to make progress writing the next video, and hopefully the one you will commit to learning for a long time. Congratulations, you have officially completed the soul of this workshop. That is the first video. Hopefully, you have done to two practices. The first it was all about and blocking all the negative correlations you might have with learning and your own capabilities. In the second, it was all about getting you started in Peking. One skill to commit to learning from now on, your soul is now ready to move on to the next step. That is the body, where you're going to learn the four main steps that will help you to make progress in any skill you want to develop. You will also have some practices that will help you put the information into practice. Thank you very much and I see you there.
3. 2. The 4 Steps to Learning any Skill: Welcome to the second video of the learning a new skill workshop. I'm thrilled to have you here just to refresh your mind. This workshop is divided into three main sections. The soul, the body, and the mind. In the last video, the soul, we covered two important concepts. First, what might be holding you back from learning a new skill? And second, watch motives are behind learning a new skill. Hopefully, you have completed the practice and F Now in your mind, one skill that you are looking to develop throughout this workshop, in this video, the body, we're going to cover it. The four main steps that will help you to go from amateur to professional with a skill. The outcome for this second video is for you to make progress in start on the journey of learning a new skill. Just like you, I really love to learn new skills. And just so you can see how weird I am. When I was 12 years old, I decided to learn SEO. And SEO stands for search engine optimization. And it basically consists on doing a bunch of things that will help your website to rank higher on Google. So as you can see, I started learning new skills since I was very, very young. And I soon realized that the way I was doing it was not an optimal way of learning stuff because it was taking me too much time. It was very first trading and sometimes I could not see progress. And so as a relentless learner, I decided to learn the process of learning and use keel faster and more effectively that he's meta-learning. And so for more than two years, I started studying what the best in the world we're doing to learn new skills. I read their books, took their courses, watch their videos. Most importantly, I tried what the taut and I apply it directly to the skills I was developing. And so throughout the process, I would learn the principles I would apply and I would refine them according to what better fit my needs. This was a long process, but I started seeing results after a couple of months because I was changing the way I was learning to unless more effective way of learning. And it's very funny to look back now and see that what could take me three hours of practice can now take me basically when Howard and a half. So I was able to double the speed of learning a new skill. What you will learn during this video are the four steps that allowed me to double the speed of learning new skills. If you commit to engaging in this process, I'm pretty sure you will be able to learn any skill much faster than you ever did before. The four steps you're learning took me years to refine. Not because they are complex and difficult to master. On the contrary, they're actually very simple. And sometimes it takes way more time to simplify things than to make them more complex. So instead of giving you a list of 12 different steps that will lead you to your end goal are preferred to give you four simple steps that are the way to reach what you desire. I'm an advocate if simplicity, I hate when things get too complex. So these four steps are everything you need to master a skill. Actually, there is an interesting marketing concepts that I tried to apply every time I teach something and I create a framework when companies are designing new products, they should have two things in mind. First, this should attempt to market coverage. There it is. This should cover different segments of the market with different products, but at the same time, this should avoid overlap. That is having two products in the same segments. So every time I create a framework, I tried to do the same thing. So the four steps are extensive in the way that take cover each phase of the learning process, but they do not overlap. So each step covers a different phase of the process. So these are actually optimized for you to make progress faster. So the four steps that you will learn in this video, our break, this skeleton. The second one is start today. The third, get feedback. And finally, the fourth is practice deliberately. Interestingly, not only these four steps are the only thing you need to make progress, but they also cover the most common for excuses when learning a new skill. So each step addresses one specific excuse and will help you to deal with it. And he excuses you might face during the learning process might come from four different sites. The first one is the narrow side, the second, the less motivated side, the third, the less confidence side, and finally, the fourth, the lazy side. So all of these steps address each one of these excuses. Now let's move on to the first step. Break the skeleton. The first step, breakfast skeleton is this step that bite self canal, right? Does mystified the idea that it's really complex to acquire any new skill. This step alone will help you to establish little metrics or little goals that will lead you to the acquisition of a higher level of skill without freaking out, not only that, but this first step will destroy a common excuse that comes from having a very narrow side of what it actually takes to be able to perform a certain skill when you haven't taken the time to deconstruct a skill into smaller sub-skills, it's very easy to look through the package and see it as one single thing when in fact, that package is built with multiple other skills. So you don't get to perform at that level. We just one single step. And this happens because you might have a very narrow side of what it actually takes to do what others are doing in terms of that skill, if you look to the performance of a professional musician, you might feel inspired to reach the same level. But still, if you're not careful and take the time to deconstruct what he or she is doing. You might think it's just stakes. One thing to reach that level, what in fact, the musician is playing like that because he took hundreds and hundreds of hours to learn smaller skills that make the whole skill. So I believe it is crucial to deconstruct the skill and break it into smaller sub-skills. Otherwise, you won't know where to start. And you will have a very narrow side or a narrow view of what it actually takes to perform the skill. There is a story that perfectly illustrates the importance of breaking his skill into smaller sub-skills. Josh weight skin was a chest master that gives life to the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer. When just started learning chess, he did not learn how to play everything at the same time. That is, he first started using only two pieces against one, for example, by having a kink and upon versus a kink, the goal was to master each piece individually in knowing how to win with just those pieces. And slowly, after mastering each piece individually, he started introducing more pieces into the game. And that's how he mastered the chess game. This is exactly what we need to do to learn any skill. It is to break it into smaller goals and slowly master each component along the way to deconstruct the skill into smaller sub-skills, I usually use a combination of resources. The first one is the web. So I use Google to search the skill I want to learn. And then I put like subskills or competence, or what it takes to learn guitar, or what it takes to play the drums. And with this search, I tried to come up with different subskills that might be suggested. Another way of understanding which sub-skills are behind a big skill is through, for example, online courses. So if you can see exactly how the teacher divided the modules, you can pretty much get a good sense of what it takes to learn the skill. The second method I use to deconstruct a skill is using books. There is a book series called for Dummies. So it's like guitar for dummies, French for dummies, drums for dummies. They have hundreds of books in white, only looking to the index of those books, you can already pick up a structure that will help guide your practice. In finally, the third resource I used to deconstruct a skill is by asking people who have already mastered the skill I want to work. So I contact them directly. They are my friends or if they are some random people on the Internet, I'll just send them an email. And this really helps to know what next steps you should be taking if you have this option available, take advantage of it specially fits a personal connection. If not, make sure you use it to other resources and they will take you far. You've understood now that learning is skill is not just a skill. In fact, that are multiple, dozens of sub-skills that are contained within the main skill. There is more to playing drums didn't just hitting the crash, right? There's musicality, independence, ear training. There's rudimentary, there's so many competence that make drummers drummer in the more you learn how to deconstruct a skill into smaller sub-skills, the better you will be able to master anything fest for this first practice, pick this keel you chose in the last video to commit to learning and spend at least 15 minutes researching what sub-skills are inside that main skill, use one or a combination of the different methods I referred before. Either the web books or people who have previously acquired to skilled you want to learn after doing the research and gathering the necessary set of sub-skills. Use either a mind-map or just list them accordingly and pick only three subskills. Where do you are going to focus your attention on? Just make sure that these two or three sub-skills don't require any previous knowledge. And that actually makes sense to start by those three, dislike you don't start lifting weights by trying to lift the most heaviest one. You also should not start by a sub skill that is very difficult and complex. If you have never gone through this process, it might be a bit overwhelming and confusing, but don't worry about it too much for now, just come up with a list of sub-skills and then pick three, because this is an iterative process. So even if you start now with this two or three subskills, and if you feel like those are not the most useful ones to start with, you can always change, You can always pivot. And honestly, the learning process is not something that is well established in the beginning and never changes along the way. Actually, when you start developing a certain level of skill, you have the more critical eye to spot, what should it be improved and what's the skills come next. It's an iterative process rather than a onetime process, okay, after breaking a big skill into smaller sub-skills, the next step is starting today. Yes, you heard it correctly. The excuse for not starting today is usually a lack of motivation. Maybe tomorrow, which will be a great day, maybe in the afternoon, and I'll be much more prone to doing it. And in fact, we all know where this leads. I have two reasons for making this, starting today or even starting now. The second step for learning any skill. The first reason is you are watching this video right now. So you have the motivation, you'll have the momentum. You have the intention to learn a new skill. So why not taking advantage of that as you might have experienced in the past, like I did, having the intention to learn a new skill, there's not always translate into learning a new skill. So you must have the discipline to start now because that's basically what sets you up for success. So if you complete the second step of the learning a new skill, first steps, just this one. You will make sure you are making progress. That is, you are starting and that's what matters the most. Otherwise, the other steps do not make much sense to put the second step in practice, just spend a few minutes brainstorming different things you can do today in order to start developing the skill today, if you don't have your guitar yet, you can always start by learning courts or music theory. If you don't have the video software yet, you can start by learning the shortcuts in understanding the program. And if you are developing empathy, but you are stuck at home alone, you can't try empathy with yourself. I started learning drums without a drum kit. I produced an online course and I started taking the first lessons, just practicing on my lap. There are no excuses. The most important thing is starting as soon as possible, and that is today. And if you think about it, the only way to learn a new skill is to start. In. The sooner you do it, the better you will be able to progress into reached the desired skill level. So the side now, what first step you're going to do and just do it. Now moving on to the third step of learning a new skill, getting feedback when during the recruitment process, you are asked, so how do you deal with feedback? I doubt people answer would, oh, I feared it still. Most of the times. It is fear that is holding us back from asking for feedback. Those who have already learned the things we are learning. Fear of receiving negative feedback, fear of being judged, or fear of exposing yourself and your practice. Some people can deal with it better than others, but certainly it can be uncomfortable to expose your practice to other human, to another human being. I've certainly experienced it, but it's crucial to evolve our level of skill. So after recognizing that fear might exist in the process of getting feedback, the most important step is overcoming it. Just don't let your fear stop you from improving your abilities. In the end, fear is just an excuse for us not to make progress towards the things that we really want to which you, ideally, you should have someone who have already learned the skill, the word learning to give you feedback. Perhaps a musician to hear your solos, a French friends to have a conversation, or a public speaker to hear your speaking. But I recognize that this is not always possible, and I've certainly learned some skills without asking for a direct feedback. Video editing was one of those skills. I did not directly send my videos to other vi editor so that he could provide me feedback. But don't think that feedback was expelled from the process because. It's crucial. What I did to overcome that limitation was to watch a lot of online classes, other people's videos. And then I would compare my work with their work and try to improve some of the transitions I used, the titles and many other things. Basically by exposing myself to other filmmakers work, I was able to criticize my work and improve along the way. Again, I'm not suggesting I'm a professional video editor because I am not. What I'm trying to say is I'm using other people's work to help mind get bet. It's the same thing when you're playing guitar and you play your favorite song from your favorite Tibet, right? You're just practicing. You're just trying to see how you can improve your skill by watching another person's play. So in practice, you have two mechanisms for feedback. The first one is asking for feedback from someone who already mastered the skill you are learning. And the second way of getting feedback is by being more attentive to how other people are doing it. And then you just tried to replicate and learn from what they are doing. What matters is developing a critical eye to spot your imperfections in things that you could improve basically, in a sense, and especially in the beginning of learning any skill like an instrument or like I said, editing videos or communicating is you can copy what other people are doing. And by other people, I mean professionals and I will mean stealing their work. What I mean is copying what you're doing. You're not saying he's her own work, but you're copying it in order to learn and to improve your skill sets off steam clean. The author of Selye con artists says it's very well, you should steal other people's work in order to improve your own, perhaps replicating and incredible speech that your favorite communicator delivered, or replicating your favorite song on drums, or copying an existing game to improve your programming skills or any other thing, as long as you don't claim it's your creation, you can copy whenever you want. Practice is quite simple. Just do a simple rainstorm or go through your phone and connections and see if there's anyone you know, who could help you out with the skill, the word learning, if yes, just to reach out to them. If not, just do a Google search in YouTube search or Facebook search, and find people who are teaching and who might help you, even if indirectly through their online information or contents. I highly recommend you to have a worksheets where you keep the names into content of those people. Sue can more easily reach out and find what they are teaching. You have started by breaking this skeleton and dividing your links keel into smaller sub-skills. You have also chosen the three most important subskills to focus on. And you are now keen on making progress today. And ideally, you have set a system for getting feedback with the intent of improving faster. Although these first three steps are crucial to learn any skill, be it a language or an instrument, or perhaps how to better communicate with your partner. Still, there's one thing left which is practicing deliberately. There is no progress without practice. Practice is that phase away and you basically can get your hands dirty and start putting in the work. It's also the phase where you are going to spend more time. In fact, the fourth, in the third step are quite iterative. So you practice and then you ask for feedback, and then you come practice more and improve and so on. It's a never ending cycle. But because there are so many interesting competence along the way, you will not get bored. Don't worry, steel what some people lack when they are learning a new skill is not the practice itself, but the way it is. That is, it's not enough to practice randomly a skilled and expect good results. You have to do it deliberately. Let me give you an example. Let's say you are learning how to play the guitar for a month now and you are preparing yourself to another practicing session. First of all, congratulations for having the commitment to decide to learn a new skill and pick up a new instrument. Second evolved to optimize the practice in make progress faster, you cannot practice the same songs in the same Xist sizes every practicing session, the more you challenge your capabilities, the more you will be able to evolve and reach higher levels of skill, not to say you should exercises there are much above your current level of skill, otherwise you will feel very, very frustrated. Instead, look for ways to increment the level of difficulty just by a bit so you can challenge your abilities and match that level of challenge. So if you're looking to make progress, please don't do the same type of activities every time you practice. If you're learning calculus, you can't do the same exercises every day, right? You must expose yourself to different ones. And so a great tip to manage the level of difficulty of your practicing sessions is being aware of three zones. Depending zone, the learning zone, and the comfort zone. You don't want to be in your comfort zone during all the time you're practicing because you are wasting your time and your talent. You're not evolving basically at the same time. You don't want to be independent zone. You are in the panic zone when your level of challenge is way up your current level of skill. And so we will just feel frustrated and will not make any progress. When you are in the learning zone, you can develop your levels of skill because you are challenging yourself a little bit into thing about the learning zone is you can't practice for five hours straight in this zone because you're constantly challenging yourself. And so it takes a lot of energy in focus. But the thing about it is that two hours in the learning zone outperform five hours in the comfort zone. So make sure you stick to the learning zone. So the fourth step is not simply called practice, but instead deliberate practice. The difference between the two lies on the levels of intensity and intent with which you approach a practicing session. High levels of intention into clear intent will take you much further away. This steps do engage in deliberate practice, are formed in our very easy to follow, but one must be always conscious that if one step is missing, perhaps the practice, will it be so effective after all? So always be attentive to these four steps that make part of the deliberate practice. What exactly are you seeking to improve with this practicing session? That's it. You'd need to set a goal for each practice you decide to develop, the less you have on your plate. That is, the more specific your goal is, the more progress you are able to make. If you're learning the drums, perhaps it's practicing independence. Would your right tent, if you're learning marketing, perhaps these mastering targeting with Facebook ads, what you are learning is up to you, but make sure you have a very specific goal that will guide your efforts throughout this session. This will also make it easier for you to evaluate your progress subjectively and to even ask for feedback later on, you can measure what you have not defined. Eliminating distractions is as important as any other step. And here it is. And it's basically the second step for practicing deliberately. You might have a perfectly well-established roll. Your intentions are well set and you'll have all the equipment you need to make progress. But if you're constantly being interrupted, please don't expect much progress. Learning a new skill, just like studying for an exam or having a meaningful conversation, require laser focus. And laser-focused can only happen when you are not constantly being interrupted and distracted. So put your phone in silent mode or do what I do what is to place my phone in another division, completely different from the one where I'm practicing. Turn off the Wi-Fi if necessary, and ask the people who live with you to help you focus. That is, please do not interrupt him and said the intention of maximizing your focus because you are now practicing, which is a very serious activity, believe me, you will surely make fast progress if you don't have distractions all the time. The third step for engaging in deliberate practice is setting a timer. Setting a timer has two main purposes. The first is to get it done, and the second is to productively get it done. So the first getting done is all about those days where you don't have much motivation to practice, but still you must do it. Setting a timer is a great way to reassure your brain that you're practicing session will only last for X number of minutes. After that, you can relax and do other things. This is a technique I use when all their less appealing tasks. But I also do it when I'm not that motivated that day to practice some days motivation is not there for you, but discipline is and you should take advantage of it. So even if it's just for ten minutes of practicing, please set a timer and do it. But the second reason why setting a timer it is very useful is to productively get it done. So let's say you are really motivated and you've been practicing guitar for four hours straight. But believe me, if you've made a quick break every hour, you wouldn't be much more productive than trying to pull out for our straight. There's no need for big explanations because we need breaks in bricks are very healthy. Keep us more productive, especially because it's far more useful to make quick breaks then to reach a point where you can't do anything more during the day because you've basically burned into your brain. It's no good to practice something for so many hours that when you stop, you feel basically wasted. So basically, if you can indeed pull out four hours of practice, make sure you set a timer for one hour, then you rest for ten minutes. And then if you want, you can come back for more times to the practicing room. Having a five or 10 minutes break is basically going to give you a boost of energy. And it will make your practices much more effective, which in fact will lead to faster progress than if you just tried to make your four for our straight. Finally, the fourth step to engage in deliberate practice is to focus your mind. Any environment are set up for success with the three steps. You have a golden mind. You have eliminated all the distractions, and hopefully you are using a timer to keep yourself accountable. What is left is focusing. This is the ability to concentrate in one activity at hand. We've your maximum amount of efforts. Whole new port refers to the ability to concentrate in one activity as deep work. And the opposite of deep work is shallow work. Shallow work looks like you're trying to practice while thinking of yesterday's meeting or trying to prepare tomorrow's presentation, while thinking of what you should be doing instead or sleeping through your practicing session. Deep work, on the other hand, looks like deep work. You are only performing one task. That is to practice a skill you are developing. No distractions, no social media, no email, and not talking with other people. The intention to focus in just one thing and you're practicing session for a certain amount of time, okay? Now that you are aware of the four steps that will take you through the journey of deliberate practice. Just sit down and tried to fulfill all of the four. When you do any type of practice, start by defining the goal. This can either be learning how to change from one course to another, or learning a new song, or simply tuning your guitar. The second step is all about eliminating your distractions, and of course your phone is included. The third step is all about setting a timer to keep you accountable. And the fourth, just focus while you are practicing. What I can say is if you engage in deliberate practice following all the four steps, you will indeed see great, great, great improvements in a very short period of time. And that's it. These were the four main steps for learning a new skill. Break the skeleton, start today, depth feedback and practice deliberately. In the next video, we will go through the third part of this whole system in workshop for learning and use Q. That is the mind. And you will learn the one-component. That basically is what distinguishes amateurs from professionals. I see you there. Thank you very much.
4. 3. Incorporate Discipline into the Process: Hi and welcome to the last video of this three, be a workshop. If you remember, in the first video, we covered the soul. In that video, we'll learn about the reasons behind learning a new skill. In what blocks might be preventing you from actually making progress. You also have completed the practices and hopefully have picked one skill to learn and make progress along the way. And the second part, the body, you'll learn the four main steps for making progress towards learning a new skill faster than ever before. The first step was all about breaking the skeleton, that he's breaking the skill into smaller sub-skills. The second step was about starting now, and hopefully you did. The third step is all about getting feedback. And finally, the fourth step is all about practicing deliberately. Not just practicing, but practicing deliberately with the other components that we also covered on this second video. I'm really happy that you reached this state of the process and hopefully you are already seeing some changes in the way you approach. You're learning a new skill. Now in this third video of the mind, you will learn a crucial aspect that will be the determinant. Your success. That is, this crucial thing, will determine the people who only learn a new skill for two weeks are the ones that stick with it for the long term in-depth thing is discipline. Discipline is what separates amateurs from professionals. It is what allows you to go from short-term to long-term. I think discipline is very underestimated, but in my perspective, if you don't have the discipline, you will never reach the desired level of skew you want. You can go through all the previous steps. But if you don't have the discipline, you want get there. And honestly, discipline is what separates the people who want to learn a new skill, the ones who actually do learn a new skill. So please never neglect discipline. And hopefully with this third video, you will learn different ways to practice your discipline and use it alongside the process. So Cristiano Ronaldo, he's one of the best football players ever. For me, he's the best, but I'm Portuguese and he also is Portuguese. And during these first years of playing professional, he said something like this. If you think I'm good, wait until the C5 you pain, severe bleeding was a promising football star that had an incredible level of talent. Steal. No one knows him. Why, because he didn't have the discipline to become a professional football player and not just a good football player discipline is that important in, in its basically what separates the good from the best. And if you are committed to learning a new skill, you really need to be developing your discipline along the way, the good news is, your discipline can be developed while you are practicing a new skill. So it's basically a two in one. But of course that our other experimental ways to building discipline, and I'm going to cover those now to help him develop your discipline. I have three main practices to share. The first one is all about joining. You're practicing sessions of the skill with a timer. Basically, this is one of the most convenient ones because you're doing two in what? That is, you aren't joining, you're practicing sessions with the activity of building your discipline, sounds obvious, but when you set a goal, set a timer, and focus without any distractions, you are building your discipline. Your building discipline because you will not stop your practice until the timer stops who are engaging in the process, even if it's a bit uncomfortable at times. And the great thing is, just like any other skill, discipline can be developed with practice. So the more you practice this skill, the more you will also be developed discipline. We've talked about the compound effective learning. That is, when you learn one skill for one purpose, it can serve many others in the future. And discipline is one of these skills because if you're building discipline to help you learn a new skill consistently, it will also help you be no other areas of your life like facing a difficult situation, overcoming a challenge, and deal basically with obstacles that you previously weren't able to do so. So in fact, where this first step, not only will you be advancing your skill level by practicing, it will also be advancing your discipline muscle. Gioco willing was a Navy seal and is now an author and also a podcaster. And in his book, Discipline equals freedom, he talks a lot about mind control. That is, you are the only person that can control your mind. You can't control the circumstances, the other people, what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to those changes. The key is to decide that laziness will not have any control of your mind. So you will be able to practice and build your discipline and you will not give in to laziness. This is discipline practicing, even when you don't feel like doing it by consistently overcoming laziness in resistance, in lack of motivation, you are building your discipline muscle and you were working towards your goals. And there's no better feeling than that one. Gioco say something in his book that I keep coming to because it just helps me to distinguish the difference between motivation and discipline. Motivation is fickle, it comes and goes, it is unreliable. And when you are counting on motivation to get your goals accomplished, you will likely fall short. Don't count on motivation, count on discipline. The second practice to build your discipline is to expose yourself to when comfortable situations that are a lot of different and creative ways to follow this rule. One thing I do often is taking cold showers. I don't need to take cold showers, but I do it because it's a way of exposing myself to 100 and comfortable situation. Instead of running away from it. I tried to embrace it as best as I can. If you keep running away from every discomfort you want to be building your self-discipline. There is a variety of ways to face discomfort through different activities. But you probably know which ones you should be doing because those are very personal. You might be dealing with taxes or calling a friend and solving a particular issue. It might be signing up for the gym or eating the right food, organizing your workspace or not falling into a negative habit. Every time you engage in an uncomfortable situation, you are building your self-discipline. And this muscle, the self-discipline one, will help you to engage in the practice of learning a new skill and to make progress faster. Finally, the third way to build discipline is by practicing meditation. Practicing meditation has so many great benefits that you should see it beyond the act of getting more discipline. Multiple studies have been done in honestly meditation and mindfulness. When we practice it, we're doing a service to ourselves with regarding building self-discipline. When you are practicing meditation, you're basically bringing your attention to with focus of meditation. It can be the breadth or any other. So every time your mind goes to another place, you make the effort of bringing it again to the object of meditation. This is a very simple practice, but what you're doing is disciplining your mind to focus on what you intended to focus. This for sure will help you when you are practicing a skill in their book, Ego is the Enemy. Ryan Holiday refers that the best leaders in history were also lifelong learners. That's means they have both the curiosity and the discipline to learn the new things that made them so great. So if you have never tried meditation or you actually did but gave up on it, please continue making progress and continue experimenting with different ways of doing it. Be a student of meditation because it will help you in many, many fields of your life. Work is finding yourself alone at the track when the weather kept everyone else. It's pushing through the pain and crappy first drafts in prototypes. It is ignoring whatever plot its others aren't getting. In. More importantly, ignoring what are replotted you may be getting because there is work to be done. Work doesn't want to be good. It is made. So despite the headwind, the three mentioned practices have the intent of helping you to build discipline. The first one is all about setting a timer and committing to practicing the skill until the timer stops. The second practice, all about exposing yourself to uncomfortable situations like a cold shower. And finally, the third practice is meditation, which has many other benefits besides building discipline. But it will surely help you in that sense, especially because being mindful is all about focusing in one object. In once your mind is wandering off, you should bring your attention back to the object. And this is exactly what you do when you're practicing. You were learning in you for thinking about other stuff, you need to get your attention together in focus, again on watch you are practicing. As far the practice, I challenge you to pick one of the three practices we covered before to develop your discipline. Start by just one and see what you can do by developing your discipline. I'm pretty sure you will start ripping off the benefits of developing your discipline in just a few weeks, either by practicing without interruptions, by exposing yourself to uncomfortable situations, or through meditation. Now that you have understood the different practices that can help you to develop your discipline. And do you have picked at least one to start developing? It's important that you turn in your daily practice into a habit. Building habits is challenging, but which self-discipline, it will surely become much easier. Still, I know it's a challenging task to build new habits. And because of it, I'm going to teach you the three main steps backed up by science that basically are behind each habit we have in our own lives. And by being conscious of these three steps, we can more intentionally use them to start new habits. And in this case, making your daily practice a habits into book, The Power of Habit. Charles died Hague refers to three simple steps that make every heavy to happen. The first step is to trigger the second step, the routine, and finally, the reward. The trigger is a certain queue in your mind or indeed environment that leads to the routine. There are team is basically the habit itself. And after the habit was performed, you experience a certain type of reward, which is basically what in grains the habit to be performed over and over again. So let's give the example of smoking. A lot of people smoke when they feel stressed. So stress is basically the trigger that leads to the routine, which is smoking and the reward is feeling less stressed. So that's how habits form and how they ingrain themselves in our routines. The reason why it's important to understand the three steps that lead to habit formation is because you now can hack the three steps to make sure you make the practice of learning and use kill a habit. So let's say you are keen on learning how to play guitar. You've done all the previous steps that we covered, but you really want to make it a daily practice. How can you do it? Let's start with the first step, the trigger. What will be the trigger for you to pick the guitar and start practicing? I've just thought of a couple of triggers. And you can do the same process of brainstorming triggers to help you out. First, having your guitar at a place where you constantly see it. Easy, great to trigger. So when you see it, just grab it and play a little bit. This can be a great trigger, especially because if you're a guitar using those certain place where you never see it, you probably will not remember to play. The second trigger could be a time of the day. So at seven PM, you will sit down with your guitar and you will practice and it helps to set an alarm on your phone that goes off five minutes before seven PM. So you have the time to pick the guitar and sit down and start practicing. The third trigger can be a habit tracker, where keep track of the habits you want to develop. So if your goal is to practice guitar every day for the next 30 days, why a huge calendar? And every time you practice, you basically crossed the date over and seeing all those days crossed over. It's a great sensation and you will not want to basically miss a streak. And these were a couple of examples that serve as triggers. And triggers are basically what leads to the routine itself in their routine is to have it. Now you need to think of the rewards has for me it seemed enough. The sense of accomplishment and fulfillment I feel every time I practice, commit to what I've set my intentions. Anyway, if you need to introduce other types of external or internal rewards and make sure you do it. It can even be watching a Netflix episode. And of course, we could not talk about creating new habits without introducing our practice to make practicing a skill a habits, It's very important that you consciously decide what things you're going to do every day in order to make it a habit, the steps for a building in your habits are quite straight forward. What is more challenging is actually having the discipline and the intention to do so. So do start, pick the skill you are learning and brainstorm a couple of triggers that could lead you to initiate the habit, that is, the practice itself. Some people sleep with their workout clothes because once the wakeup, the trigger is having the word alkalosis. So they can just go for a run. And innocence, running is also a skill that you develop in that you should make a habit out of it to ease the whole process and not their trigger could be, let's say if you're living in another country and you want to develop the language, you want to learn the language that is not your native language. What you can do is every time you step outside of your home, you only can talk the language of the country. And by doing this, you are able to practice during the day. These were just a few examples, but there are hundreds of different ways of doing this. What matters is you choosing one or several triggers that will lead to the end goal, that is the practicing session. Next, when the trigger is set, you just need to do the routine, the habit. And this is where all comes to play. Those four steps that we previously covered that will make your practice, deliberate practice. As you remember, the final step is the reward. This all comes down to your preferences and motivations. As I said for me, the progress itself is enough. But if you're just starting out, it might help you to set up a simple reward that will motivate you to go through the practice. So stop the video and brainstorm triggers that will lead to the routine. And finally set up rewards if you need them. And that's it. We reached the end of this workshop. Just a quick recap in the first video, the soul, we cover it. What's might be blocking you from making progress? And you also learned different motives for learning a new skill. Those were learning for improvement, learning for transformation and learning forefront, the second video, the body, you'll learn the four main steps to making progress in any skill you decide to learn. The first was all about breaking the skeleton, then starting today. The third was getting feedback. And finally, practicing deliberately. And practicing deliberately implies no distractions in the lot of focus. Finally, in this last video, the mind, you'll learn the one thing you need to develop to be able to make a learning a new skill, a long-term practice. And that thing is, discipline. And Beta are dozens of different ways to develop discipline. But we covered three important ones. The first is all about developing your discipline alongside your practice. So you practice every time with a timer and you only stop when the timer goes off. And during that time, you are with focus and you avoid all distractions. The second practice to develop your discipline was all about exposing yourself to uncomfortable situations like a cold bath. And finally, the third way was all about meditation because it truly helps to build this skill. You also understood the importance of turning your daily practice into a habit. And to do it, you'll learn the three main steps for making any practice a habit. The first one is the trigger, the second, the routine, and the third, the reward. And that's all. It's been a pleasure for me to share this information during this workshop. And I really hope you have enjoyed the experience and are ready to continue making progress towards the skill. So don't hesitate to share with me by email any questions, thoughts, or just random thoughts that you want to share. Again, thank you so much for reaching the end of this workshop. And I see you around.