How to draw Anime girls: First steps | Daniela SaldaƱa | Skillshare

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How to draw Anime girls: First steps

teacher avatar Daniela SaldaƱa

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.



    • 3.

      Basic positions (FRONT)


    • 4.

      How to draw Eyes


    • 5.

      How to draw a simple hairstyle


    • 6.

      How to draw Clothes (front view)


    • 7.

      Basic positions (SIDE VIEW)


    • 8.

      How to draw Clothes (Side view)


    • 9.



    • 10.

      Basic Positions (3/4 view) HEAD


    • 11.

      Basic Positions (3/4 view) EYES


    • 12.

      Basic Positions (3/4 view) HAIR


    • 13.

      Basic Positions (3/4 view) BODY


    • 14.

      Basic Positions (3/4 view) CLOTHES


    • 15.



    • 16.

      Facial expressions


    • 17.

      Full Body


    • 18.

      Outfit #1


    • 19.

      Outfit #2


    • 20.

      Outfit #3


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About This Class

Hello and welcome to this course! every week I will add new videos to this class so please follow me!

IĀ“m Daniela! A self-made illustrator! I love to draw kawaii girls so I just want to teach you some tips and tricks to improve your drawings!

Please share your results with me! and if you want you can check some of my work on my Instagram!Ā hiyoko_pyon

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Level: Beginner

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1. INTRO: Hello and Manila. I'm a self made illustrator. L love throwing Kauai years. And for this reason, I bring discourse for you. I will teach you a step by step. So please stop to drawing like this and start drawing like this. I'm looking forward to seeing your results. So I helped you share them with me. Let's start. 2. COMMON MISTAKES: Okay, let's begin with the most common mistakes when they begin this process. Several years ago, I used to draw functions, hands on here to a sharp. I didn't have a lot of knowledge about proportions, so I used to draw real along. Next on narrow shoulders. Another common mistake was drawing a really good looking I. But the other just come up so awful that we drove hair to hide this and steaks right guarding clothes. When we begin, we do not know how to do something. Kills As I resolved, everything looks plain on even child age, like little Children and raw eggs. No automation. I used to draw the exact same clothes to all my characters. Finally, for here I used to droid so ecstatic with a movement, and I didn't know how to draw different hairstyles that don't worry in discourse. We will be fixing this problems. Let's begin 3. Basic positions (FRONT): for beginners. We have three basic positions front plus their own and tree for view. So today we're going to draw a frontal face. The first step is to draw a serial. Does he have to be perfect? Do not worry. Now we trace a vertical line truly. How, since we're throwing a cow a gear, let's review the features off these characters. They usually have a small phase on huge. So we said the chin right here. When you try to connect in the circle with the chimps tape, you shall not draw a straight line or the features will remain Wait to sharp. Therefore, we will draw a core, which will be the chicks now. We drove to Paris on the line. Here we will blaze the ice. This line here indicates where debt years begins. Now we draw neck on to find the headline only if the character has a clear for him, and now we focus on the I. So let's go to the next listen 4. How to draw Eyes: When you make in your character, you must assign it a personality, sweet or sexy. First with eyes. The key shape is cereal, while for a six card they're the eyes will be a Strayger or a sharper Let's start with that cute I first drought a simple art. Now we draw a circle with a flat base, another life for the island on one more for the I broke and finally a triangle rice year. Um, we cannot some lashes now for the 60 I, we became throwing a tropical. Remember, the key is to draw a sharp kind off. What in shape now draw a square? We that rounded. Based on, we can add some luscious right here. Now the eyelids on the road. Now let's feel the eye, leaving a little space to create a highlight. For the first I relieve, they highlight. On the needle side like this, you can also have a combination of both styles. Is a new Elon gated around it ties but bigger at the eyelashes, eyelids, bro on highlight. Let's draw some ice for Richard Carter. I will do some sweet eyes for here. Remember that you need to draw the highlight in the same place that the first be careful. We dis space between the ice. No. Two separate or too close trying to place a night between both. This is the best distance. She is like a y Garris, so she needs to have a little bigger eyes. OK, so let's go to the next. Listen here. I will show you how you can draw really easy here. 5. How to draw a simple hairstyle: Okay, so what's go to the next? Listen here. I will show you how you can draw really easy here. When we grow hair, we usually make you look too much harping. And sometimes it looks without motion and plate. My first advice to you. It's to loosen your hand by doing exercise lag. If you practice this exercise every day, you really reviewer skills to drop corpse. So let's start with this easy hairstyle. Fisk, Your past. Sure hair on banks. We're going to draw carbs like days for banks on little friend ahead with some toffs on drawing the top section after here with some corpse like we look, drought decides hair. Here we have a little uneasy tip for you. You just need to draw a base curb line and you will drop a sickle line, which is tired from the previous Longtan. This is so much better than drying triangle and tops. Now let's look hair to our character. I open game with the banks. I looked over the years, and I'm going to define the face now *** on a little point for mouth, and I will add some extra G. Kale's here and there We will draw the top section off the hair on these lines. Make it look as if he had the here tied on with some way they look on the sides to the shoulders. 6. How to draw Clothes (front view): for the outfits. You can do some expression all research on Peters, something like cowardly out fates or her Dooku or cute styles. But the key for Callie outfits are the details. Let's throw neck and shoulders to use it as a guy to explain you how to draw a simple shirt three inches route to tangles, that we'll need these shirts cooler and lying to create something. We're going to the same on the other side. Now we draw a full eight Super easy. We only have to draw to a straight A Little Corp lines where these shirts lines go. Remember, do not try to draw it totally straight. We're going to the road, the breast on these lying to merge the underwear Fold for this leaves. We won't throw some triangles. Someone top off the orders on our rectangle, we've been saying to the older side on the Lille Corp here we really had sown details to make our outfit look cuter. You can add bottoms, laces, little hearts or what labour did you want? Finally, we draw the outfit owner character. We will draw the cooler with some details, I add so murder to the hair build the eyes. I make a symbol dress. I would like some lines Q T shirt and we are done. I will love. If you're shared the outcome with me, you can leave a review of my class so I can improve my content for you. Of course, English isn't my first language. But I'd really tried to do my best to teach you how you can start to drop. Remember that the next week we will learn how to draw a side face character. So remember to follow me. 7. Basic positions (SIDE VIEW): Hello. I am Danila. Welcome to another Health is rolled cow A year's class Today I will teach you how to control co. I hear from a side view. So let's start rowing. A serial doesn't need to be perfect because it's just her guide on now divided into three parts. Now this part here will be our for hip. So with their controlled the nose right here Draw mind killed mouth chin Finally, Nick, I will add some details here to define I'm used Issyk aligned to a started here. Okay, now let's find a little more to head the nose on this corporate here. This is really important on we draw a Leo line here to connect the here with the chip in a new lawyer. I want you to find every single line to give you the final result. This little c inside can give you more realistic years. Okay, Now I want to start with another layer and we will draw the eyes. So let's take this light as a guide under oath. The took part off are high. I will add some lashes right here. Okay. It's really protected. You throw it into this direction on a night, bro. Here. A little Carrie on some detail, like some ears or your things or things that you think looks bird. You OK? Now it's time for here. So let's start with other cooler that this way I can teach to better. You need to draw the hair outside the head. This is very important because you want to at some volume here. So now I need you out some here to the size off her face. And now just try to connect all this point right here. Remember, our first class is unique to draw here. Really, Corby? Now I will. What? Some accessories here to make hair look, user and Ah, Leo Ponytail. Some words right here. Um, here. Okay, So this is our result. And in the next class, I will teach you how to drop clothes. 8. How to draw Clothes (Side view): Now I will teach you how to draw a outfit from a side view on. And let's take the same outfit that we chose for our Carter at the beginning. Off this pluses when you started your shoulders. Please do not try it. Really, really hide. Because look, we're just try Teoh this part a little. At this way, she can look more. Relax it and I just drought. This part of her shared right he is. We don't want sharp lines. OK, now I will draw a simple lays here. This kind of details are really important because make everything look cuter that this is our mingo right here and something like this. Okay, now I will draw the breast. Finally draw the back. It's just a lined up clinic with this part off this year No, We will combine all these layers on now will change this color just to a simple one. Great! That this way you can see the components result like these. So this is the final result. I really hope that you enjoy the flat on this camp. You to improve furious kills. So please don't forget to follow me on Easter Brand and followed this class because the next plus I will teach you how to draw phase from 3/4 point of view. So see during the next lesson. 9. Atention!: well, it does just even the selenium, which has grasses per participant in this the course of a couple you hard chica Cowie Solomonic Area C left. There's a history of when I land us Start nonetheless classes in the Spaniard, but I know the local paper cup when they're suited to those in English. It's been a Pestano. Some problema Paraty came with criminals interfering, going to process and record like a Tosa. Still, there's something cells directed to pass. Maehara, Antos, Aurelius, Connolly over a ck Esperanca music and support. And because it has been the Soviets, is it in the Taliban guerrillas who had India or recommend a similar process through Tokyo ? He told us. Coming today is a classic, but that's super pinion responders he see Continent was going testicles. 10. Basic Positions (3/4 view) HEAD: This doesn t mean you start seeing the glass, Elia. Auto and senior Coma Johanna Kara Interes Quarter Obama So you are most e o only never tickled Corba Selenia it seems what time they Perkins my as if we need as he had all this time I don't know No supersonic Were you here? Last year is the coastal but early season you know we address our own Alina horizontal Is Selena Terminus important? A particular If we need seniors for personal histamine and hope Kristalina asi es terminal and under almost upon their low. So is telling us the party Wasit Mr G Opponent Bizarre are you Her look is lemon Mama's Harlem unduly industry person I think reality Silla says the Maciel added up within closed party Cannot your personal Hey Centralia Cheek case classes You take us more. Lead us when I was collectivist because his case was carousel from picking picking it We say this stuff part of the lower to be again e who noted animals list on Western Gwendolyn horizontal end on there. Boy, we card. You have the most people you know. If we need to quit, our second Miss USA is the least of possibly more. So you have 11. Basic Positions (3/4 view) EYES: are looking at the animal cells Those Lini Esko movie about also host is important ticket required. The skin Este tipo anglo will also host So in Mass Grand the Caillat we're gonna Capanna opera impresario You heard El Ojo Fina But I start recording Is that Guzman? Poquito mas? Get Andy. This is two cells you have left this time you got a person I performed Replicate last testing of the ambush appointing a tsunami The menacing take require this Casey communal who has no say happened when you eat Uncle knows it baggies but allows me he defeating It's one that is easily Look, you know a linear machine But Visa or a has equal e of the Middle East has put up a salon Estrosi into classes end on the tense in a coma you her carriage or understand 12. Basic Positions (3/4 view) HAIR: 33% today when a lenient score versus friend put a credible flaky You a guy who knows Mitchell missile A close call us technically away covered your captain singing and not risk classes. You know, we need love are different. They radio. So how in picking his pocket you had Laporta, you need Esther. Lenient you Esther E. Rigondeaux. Usually in a school bus. Bombs after meaner. They who had encourage you and Mr Purcell night. I mean that I like a per year e u a candle and wrestle Kalfin. 13. Basic Positions (3/4 view) BODY: just any mostly Stella party, everyone. A super Sona. Asi como se Cornell. But I stopped bus. And Passarella, you heard? Do you have a number in Istanbul? You know, and we're okay. I must grant the killer number. Alina. Esto no loose Pakistan. Least to some Brussels boyo near. But I feel the love Premera party. Your boy I've been near Don't let alone. I think that well, if he needed so he would ask Lena. They listened to Ra. Do you have a national? They still okay. Is my family. What was your equal? Malini. Allison Bartolini is complete jacket. Any muscle cuerpo a sword at the bazaar called Europe. 14. Basic Positions (3/4 view) CLOTHES: boys mean we're posse that they like. Obadiah E. Why wasn't this article quit your day, Loser Since implemented the right time. You heard the equal. Then we'll look at what's coming. His career balloon. Do you have a last man? Unless he s C or D. C? Here's what allowed them. Our keep us. I looked destined. Important linear interest. They would also help. Virtual personal. He is important to see Julie Uasi. But Salamanca is that the better? See Julia Whole among the former But kill Brazo is sorry, Paige. See, you had a AM Basman Gasol Parente 30 Austin, Texas, and new perky Ambrose. Persistent friends. But not until I think we are Coniston, please seen those pajamas? El Brazo Address study trust. Then I had a Venelina and so pitch Kristalina Kuba criticism Inter pork a c l a former they'll see to put him politely Who has total Mint director is to as a kid to person I have automatic commentary hit and that e no is to start me direct. You heard of those Will see just e then we'll bacon you last lobotomy persona here. You know, speaking of genius in Los Mangos product out of the charges since you knew Poquito released is the person that he'll moshe, you hardly does. The Torah professors person when a founder or looking toe care us when we steal for him, plot lows will see Joe's then allows you're a guest, at least almost forgotten. Solamente lows Brash kiss Under Meant it. Those lean years right are just a list, unless the person I hereby when you stole unless cappas e had no so local or party, it's a stop par le Clos ai perform record like a city in this alguno also had NCR commented . Human places create these performers that you may end me instagram Mickey pronto Milky hotel pay And on the sore on windows the mystery you know the least. I don't get the booster Komal. I mean, the prices career Yocum you chose to organise a day is the people, of course, is pretty. Suggest a classy in those we must move around 15. Hairstyles: Sr, syncope, nosy variant, this particles personalize. El Paso numero uno is the thing you know, initial ugliness. This the formatting GMOs is the latter-day has. As a person I had gynaecology, but must exclude. Aggregate manliness. Speaking, will mature on this. But I calculate usually, I would say most LP, No, no medals. Then we worked on ABC. We agree that buddies neutron is allows is the person I definitely sukha is-a Aikido case. The persona hitting cohere as a key element that Kenya, Cordoba, and Deb said St. Louis collegial. So we are putting them in a linear way. Sukha visa. Like those are low mass. If the person that hit in a collegial CTO, Israel do burglary collegially. Picking equally Metallica you buy that gives you the app Muslim committed colored. Only Tunisia. Has, is a former principal policy people being sukha, CTO, specific Biden unpopular decoration. I represent Muslim and slowly developing, well-framed. And I'm speaking as mature enough as it is. Not a rhombus. Europeans are former GA, disseminator. Yet the nameless seen company knows if reading this, but it was personally e, practical. 16. Facial expressions: In a study at the senior day, express units for CL is basic aspect of those personas. And this enables express your list, your persona hittin the loser was India, grows. At a most. Simply meant the SLR coupled to personnel hasten must be kings. Isi has at least o i is the personae unless against the expedition. But as the people expedition, instead law for estimating Quinta is Boston, the angular SEQ. Yes. Say hung up with symbol C. Well, it's the thinking yelling equally cmos, S1, especially at nasa to person a helix presume Sarah mucho mas Ford. Out of the CMOs own expedition, steady-state, low-mass NCO, SSL. As Yahweh, who is the former EMSA had them into indicate and inadequate murky electro hot ambient honor converter. There is a formula, includes the mass article sameness, normal, delta minute video. Jack is the person I had dinner expedition. The impact of the new mosquitoes or mass became your LEDs. Draw Hopi, well, CTP has no humbling barbell per kilo. So Jose Stan Moore's law say has a mass in expedition for CL, is the cheek up. But as you say histamine monastery, as Yahoo digest Kumar rule, rostral inclusion in society. But experts unit, mass can play has telecom window mucho delays are paid with bare explosion is, is to take EMS. 17. Full Body: Muscle you require broken Plato MB's than from just we must be in document. You had LacA LacY, low sombreros, dorsal jetlagged. We made up by the Janissaries who had a restaurant but implemented beans, have Ebola, display bamboozled him, had loads browsers less. Munich has been. The lapel Vz is to circuitous Pakistan landmarks. However, we our a linear order political parallel religious holiday yesterday that ALU speeds is the forma is best done through Azekah, but are emphasized Asset Relief and Nonaka. Ig9 rookie just escalate them as Boolean beside, you heard localism lazily has its own blows. But she does go into some bloke is Calvinist Scott E lemme know upon Toronto. And indeed, a loaded coin flipping needed for commercial Baiju Elaine beside inlet, Canada is just an important aspect of the many. We're seeing it as the key is the listener. Low-mass important is getting genderless, collate them Valley dose to get then Gordo, occupant, persona. Do Haida, key, Muslim and NuSTAR formalise, jarasite approximate linear. 18. Outfit #1 : What will be the anterior restore, digest, eliminate duplicate portrays, outfits different distal miles that being TED explosion of when take silicon-based potassium porcine O'Charley's get deployed robot DOD Amazonas persona as he enlisted. Thus PSS DNS, the persona e plus in a looser open tells us about our seamlessly Hamel's Latika DNA, una forma, mental mismo, any person I hate using that B has la comida terminal hostile in-laws. In today's lesson to Donny persona, he knew Alon. Easy task when aminos, LacA era una unos the digest. Jackie. Rectangular, 14 CMA. Cia. Hardware is good for normal. Como el bottleneck phantom power. We have looked at the Ebola per day. But at the DNN grocer. See this formula. C E ESI, Hamas as varibale momentum, loss, PAADS, caffeine in El Nino, instrumentally, delicate wind. Okay, who has solely my insistence is somebody that the masculine affirms. Our own resources is implementing rectangular. Vertical is the, is the Fordham implementing Lima him? When a linear Alfred E, non-linear algo not applicable is not perfect. Please don't get the nemesis placebo and Canada they will wrap laggy academia. Si e, k, l punted on thing amass more immediate windows, it digests. Yet the name logo instead of premier outfit list. 19. Outfit #2: Jones's Mr. outfit numerals is eating dinner. Lucia, who navigate that unified biomass CTP has read this as 2-SAT interlink. When the looseness recursion, I hit a CK, Mussolini's, but as soon as the original denominator, determiner, salinity, electric guitar require legacies, Graciela Taylor, supersonic, mangos than the satellite does help kids Boston director Hammerstein, unos Bhutanese are secure. Diffie has refined that is best done. The USTA for loop under William had passed the kinocilium, unify them. Or the Huineng ministry persona hip board game is simply blurred. Thaler, get me an investor molecular recordings where those triangles, biblical business was made animals on Tutorial Day solos aboutus Florida in forgetfulness and lateral leads to me personally I hate Boolean visit I will add noise. Turca, record book. Yoda lip Andre, IL-10 bicycles. It's implemented good analytics today. Are Linnaeus in diagonal. No fossil. Sousa, plasmid uno and I suppose Donald NoSQL, Segundo outtake. 20. Outfit #3: But an assert themselves, our fingers animals Release donor supersonic via either primordial also said, as he really loved the mosquito, unos attaches analog domain, SEK. Uno sponsors triangular. Linda is a textbook. Brenda is Boston. The Alto acetate is less manga schooling, but as you get tambien boy, jackie Musso, We are represented on the end seem to learn from occupies but financier, close, close financing to learn. Each industry handled law for Lenovo persona, he did the angular. That means the ticket in a media cell does as a merciless assume importante, wondering who is millions theodicy look at a girl. But I can see by the Sierra Club, format is commodified and mass radon does ES layers mass volume. However, we appointed a kinesic 0s, but as Tutorial one assertion protocells forgive Maasai landed on the moon on tutorial, exclusive or Linnaeus, a key. E. Newest record buggy. Our Blanco album. Also al-Azm areas include Kayla Korea, say responded en Blanco. Skipping scary tunnel brands on the middle, OpenNLP, cannula to yellow. He has unos politicos and as many as, as he gauged the means and elsewhere, you know, instructs outfits. Lag Khalifa concluded that, yes. But again, it's good style SDV nail is beta liquid or recommended Xian quizzes graded.