How to CREATE and SELL NOTION TEMPLATES in a day or 2 or use them to track your life and work tasks | Olivier | Skillshare

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How to CREATE and SELL NOTION TEMPLATES in a day or 2 or use them to track your life and work tasks

teacher avatar Olivier

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About This Class

How to Use Notion to Organise your Life (the Ultimate Productivity Tool) - And How to sell Notion templates.

Notion is one of the best productivity apps out there. It's designed to make organising and systemising your personal or professional life much simpler, and much more productive.

Not only that, there is a market place for Notion templates out there. If you create a Notion template, you can sell it. Not only will your Notion template allow you to stay organise and get more out of life, it could also allow you to make an income if you wanted to do so.

In this class, you'll learn everything you need to know to start using Notion. Notion is an all-in-one workspace where you can write, plan, collaborate and get organised.

You’ll also lean how to sell notion templates as digital products online on Etsy, Gumroad or Shopify if you wanted to.

In this class, we're going to cover many topics including:

  • How to make a nicely designed Notion dashboard
  • How to use Notion databases to power your dashboard including - database views, filtering and sorting, etc
  • How to design a nice packaging for your Notion template if you wanted to sell it online as a digital download.
  • Where to sell your Notion template if you wanted to do so.

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Hello, I'm Olivier - Product Manager, French speaker, Tech person & Engineer. I'm currently working for a Digital Product Company down in Melbourne Australia.

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1. INTRO: Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information you need to process every day and think you could be getting more out of life. In this course, you will learn to build a notion command center and template that will act as a second brain to help you track your life and work tasks. But that's not all. You will learn to share your notion template with loved ones to help them manage their days. Or package up the template to sell it online as a digital download by leveraging the software. Canva Hey friend, my name is Olivier Engineer, government product manager and wannabe Youtuber and digital Nomad. This class is a beginners friendly class where you will learn about notion, namely how to make a nice notion dashboard. How to leverage notion databases to power your notion dashboard. How to set up your notion dashboard for duplication. How to use Canva to make a nice package for your notion template if you want to give it away or sell it. We'll also talk about where you could sell your template if you wanted to. All right, let's dive in. 2. PROJECT: By the end of this course, you will have a notion command center that looks like this. To follow along and build yours. You'll need a free notion account. Get one by signing up for free at You'll also have a nicely designed package for your notion template. If you were to give it away or sell it for that, we will be using Canva. Canva also has a free tier that should be plenty for us to use right now. Please head off to to set yourself up with a free account so you can follow along. Once you've gone for the course and have your dashboard set up. Don't forget to post a screenshot or a link to your dashboard in the project section of this course so we can all give feedback to one another as it is a safe place. And while you're going through the course, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to message me. All right. I'll see you in the next one. 3. BUILDING THE DASHBOARD: All right, let's create our Notion page and start laying out our dashboard. To do this, we come to the left hand side here, click on a page we're going to call our page Life Command Center. Of course, we want pre icon because it will be our second brain. And we'll add a cover and exchange the cover to something from unsplash. And we want a future looking cover. Let's pick this one here. All right, cool. So we're going to go with empty page. Let's start laying out our dashboard. If you press, you can pick from commands and we want page two heading to do. And let's start to make it look good. As we kick off, let's do green background. It's going to be our tasks to be done. Moji, to represent that to do, let's start breaking the page. Like as you can see, it's just taking the middle section of the page. But for this command center, we want to expand the entire page. We're going to come to those three dots on the top right hand side and click full Width. Here we have it. What we want next is basically to have another two. This is going to be our idea thought section, where we can do anything that comes to mind, any new ideas. Let's put it in yellow and turn the text to yellow. Because it's ideas, we want a nice idea icon. Next one will be for every quotes we come across when we're reading, listening to podcasts, walking around, seeing stuff. To this one it's, we are going to put a script emerg for let's have this text here in gray. All right. The cool thing about notion is it's very dynamic. So we could actually put this two column layout to not lose space. Next one we would want lives in this section here, we'll put it in red because that's pretty important. Basically, this is where we're going in life and we're going to put a target because that's our life goal. Let's assume we are a Youtube for a minute, we would have Youtube projects every week. Let's have Youtube section, we'll have it in blue. Since it's Youtube, we'll put in film emoji. We would obviously have a weekly task that we would like to track. And let's put that one in orange, and let's give it a little calendar emoji. And we will also track the books we're reading. And that's going to take a book emerging. And last but not least, we will have an appendix section. The appendix section is where all the databases are going to go, which we're going to talk about in the next lesson. But for now, we would like our appendix to have a great background and we will give it filing Emogingllright. That's the layout of our dashboard. One cool thing we've notion is that it's mobile friendly as you can see here. It's responsive to actually be seen on smaller screen. The problem with that is if you have a long list, you would have to scroll through the whole thing to see what's at the bottom. What we're going to do is we're going to add some quick links up here to give us easy access to all sections. What we do is we will call the toggle list so we can collapse quick links. We will give it, let's say, a compass icon because it's quick links in the table with a table of content. And voila, this is the quick links to all section. If I go appendix, it will scroll me down to the appendix section. Books, ideas, thoughts. All right, I'll see you in the next lesson where we'll talk about how to use databases to power this page. 4. TASK DATABASE: All right, let's add some databases to power our notion dashboard. So we're going to add a page and we're going to call it databases. Let's add an icon that represents a database and it's going to be an empty page. If we go back to the command center, we can see databases in our appendix databases. All right, the phase database we're going to do is inline database means add a database to this actual page itself or full page database is open a full page and that's going to be our database, which we're going to do here. We're going to call it task. We're going to add our task. This is going to be our task database. We do not need tag. We're going to go ahead and delete this property. All right, let's add some tasks to our database. We will be adding tasks that relates to our three core project areas we talked about before, which were Youtube weekly tasks and books for Youtube. We want to create a video on how to become a millionaire three years. Another one on mastering self spline, a seven steps guide. A third one on how to tenx thinking. Then for weekly tasks, we want to clean the house. We would like to buy, spread, and do the washing. Then for the books, we want to read the magic of Thinking Big Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel and The Way of Kings, which is fantasy fiction by Brandon Sanderson. All right, We have a database, we have some tests in there. What we would like to potentially have is when all those, we will add property to this database and it will be a date property, and we will call it Due Date. Here we have it. Let's add some due date. Let's say we need to film this first video here in a week time. This one here in two weeks time. This one in three, clean the house. We need to clean the house two days from now, we need to buy bread. Tomorrow, the washing is for next Saturday. The magic of thinking big, we are starting to read it today. Search for meaning, hopefully in a week time. And the ways of kings, hopefully in two weeks times. One thing would be to see this view here, Due date order. We're going to sort it on due date. And boom, now we have all our tasks when they are due. Due date is in ascending order because we want to see the one that's due the soonest first. All right. The good thing about databases is we can have different views. We're going to add a view and we're going to call this week, we're going to press Enter. And we are now going to use what's called filters. We will use a filter for this. We want to filter on due date and we want to see everything that is due this week. Boom. As you can see, we can now see everything that is true this week. Another useful view to have is of course completed tasks. We'll add another view for that. For this, we will need to add another property. We will get a checkbox property, we will call it done. We can make this very much small and we can even place it at the front. We can check Tsk as we go on with our S obviously want to only see things that are completed in this view. We're going to apply another filter, the done property. And we're going to say everything that's in this view should be checked. Now, we don't see any of the not done item. If you go back to task, we can see all of the Don and not done item. If we click this one, let's make it first again. If we click this one, it's Mark as Done. And if we go to the completed view, we can see that it's here. But in this view here, we might only want things that are not completed. We will add a filter on Done. If done is check, show it here. Otherwise, don't show. The things that are done will be shown on the completed sections this week here as well. If it's due this week and we've completed it, we potentially want to filter done wins out. We will add a new filter on Done. If done is unchecked, this is when we want to see it in this view completed. We have this here, but technically we haven't completed it. We'll check that and it will appear back on this week because it's due today. And it will appear back on. And there you have a simple task database with three views. One more property that we want to have here is the status property and that will become obvious later on when we talk about the Canon Board. Here the statuses are not started in progress and completed. We will leave it at that F, how do we link the tasks back to the projects? Let's look at that in the next video where we'll talk about the project database. 5. PROJECT DATABASE: All right, so these tasks here are really related to projects. We will need a project database to assign the tasks to the specific project. Let's go back to databases. That's our database. We will create another one full page. We will give it a map icon because it's all projects and we're going to call it projects. We're going to delete this time because we don't need it. All right, the first project is Youtube. The next one is weekly tasks. Finally, we have books. All right, so how do we now get the Youtube tasks assigned to Youtube? For that, we will need to add a new property to our database relation. Its relation is going to be tasks, Each project projects will have task. But what we really want to do is we want for project to have task. And a task needs to be assigned to obviously a project, all projects will have a task will be related to a project. Okay. Now we add relation and look at that. We can see the task here with Youtube. How to tax think, mastering self discipline, and how to become a millionaire in, for years, which are all related to Youtube, since we have a two way relationship. If we go back to the task database, look at this really cool thing, we can start to see the project that the tasks are assigned to in this view. Back to projects, and let's finish this weekly task. We need to do the washing, fired, clean the house. The books we are reading are magic of thinking big, the ways of things and man's search for meaning. Here you have it. If we go back to the database, all projects are assigned and project database, and you can see it here. If you go back to the task database, you can add a new, give it a jud d, two weeks from now, we can assign it to a project, Let's say Youtube. However, if we go back to projects, we can see it here, which is great. But how do we add a task to the project from the project view itself, which is this? We can't really do that right now to do that, to be able to add tasks directly to the project, what we're going to need to do is we're going to need to create this thing called a new template. Now we're going to call this project. In the project template, we will want to see a table of tasks that's related to the project. We're going to add table view. It's going to ask us what table view we want. We're going to want the tasks now. It's going to give us all the tasks. But what we want is really we want to see tasks for a particular project. What we're going to have to do is we're going to have to filter. And we're going to add a filter here. And we're going to add an advanced filter. What we're going to tell it is we want to filter where project contains project template. Basically where the project contains its own template. That's called a self referential mechanic. In a second, you will see what that does. That's going to be our project template. If we close this, we go back. Now we open Youtube. You can see the template here. Technically you can create templates where then you can use it to have all pages inherit. Some basic information here is going to inherit. Project template. Youtube is going to inherit project template. And if you remember, project template has a filter that where the project references itself. When it comes to the task database, if I click on this magic, I can only see Youtube related items. Now the thing is, if I want to add a task to Youtube task, it will add itself to Youtube. And if we go back to the task database, you can see test two. And we haven't assigned a date to it, but if we assign a date to it, let's say Saturday, test two for Saturday. And if we go back to Youtube, test two is due on Saturday. Very cool. All right, so let's do this now for weekly, you inherit project template. We can see all the weekly Cass here and let's do that. We can see all the books here. And if we want to add a new book, we can just test book and give date and test books here. And it will also be in the main tasks database here. Now let's start populating our dashboard. We'll go to databases. First off, we want to add tasks to the two do section of the main dashboard. We come here, the three, we're going to copy a link to this view copy link and we're going to go back to our main dashboard. When we come here, we faced that we're going to tell it to create link view of database. Here we have our database, we can hide this high database title. Now we can, if you come to your dashboard and we need to go shopping this week, we're going to add closed shopping with the family on Wednesday here, and it's a weekly task. We can now see closed shopping. If we bought bread already, we can check it and it's just going to disappear. And obviously it went to the t database completed section. We can see here we've bought bread. The cool thing we could do is if we come to do, we can link it directly to the task database. So if I click on this, it will go to the task database right back to the command center. Right, let's clean this up a little. Let's add Youtube. Make it nicer. All right, let's add Youtube to our dashboard. So we'll go to Projects, Open Youtube. Let's copy a link to this view. Come here, we'll go Paste. There you have it all. Youtuber tasks. Let's hide the task title status. This is where status becomes handy. Each of those views can be displayed differently. What we're going to do here, we're going to click on those three dots and we're going to go Layout. And we're going to do Board Layout. Now we have a can band view for Youtube. Whenever we start something, we can move it and see it in progress. Here, let's add a link to the Youtube database for easy navigation. And boom, back to the command center. Let's do our weekly task. Let's copy the link, Paste, create, link view. Let's hide this. We're going to use the board layout. She's easier to track the task, maybe we can start cleaning. Cleaning house is in progress. And last but not least, the books. Let's copy the link to the book view and back to command center. Create linked view of database. These are all our books. We want to also, we want to also see this on a board layout. As you change the status on the board layout, you can see it reflected here. If we click our quick links, now we can see their use. As this page gets bigger, the quick links become more important. All right, nice progress. I'll see you in the next video where we'll talk about ideas, thoughts, and quotes. 6. IDEAS, THOUGHTS & QUOTES: All right, let's look at ideas and thoughts, quotes, and life goals. For this, we're going to need new databases. We will go back to databases and we'll create a new database. We will add a light bulb as its ideas thoughts. All right, first idea is to explore digital nomad life. Next, use money for access. Don't be afraid to buy courses to skill fast or don't be afraid to outsource grant work. Next idea is to sell digital goods. Next is have a pig vision and create a business. All right, we don't need this tags property but a new property that we're going to need, a formula. Property in notion you can actually create formulas and we're going to call this one random. Why we want this? I'm going to put this in the description of this course, so you can copy it is because we will use a formula to actually randomize this list. Every minute is going to shuffle the list, which will give us exposure to different ideas at different point in time. The list wants static. If we add new ideas to it, it will basically over time show us some of our old thoughts. There you go, Random. Okay, we're going to add this to our dashboard to copy, link to view. Going to go back to our dashboard to add it past. Create linked view to database. Don't want to show random property shown, don't show random. We want to expand this. What we're going to want to do is hide this one here. We also want to sort by random every minute. This list will update to give us a new random list which will become very handy when you have heaps of ideas. This so you can keep seeing the ideas over time as usual. Let's link this to the table. Create a business is first, explore digital. Normal life is second, have a big vision is third, let's take a look. When we come back, let's do the quotes one, same. Let's go databases. Let's create a new database and an icon crypt. You first quote Marino. Remember, remember to leave either way. Life is suffering, chose the suffering you want. Bao does teaching Well done is better than well side. Benjamin Franklin as usual. Let's get rid of this. Let's add the formula property to also have a randomized list of double click here to add the formula. And we will copy this back to here. Look at that it updated use money for accesses now first we'll pass this year we are going to hide random and we will sort it by random. Let's clean it up a little bit. Let me sing this. Here we go. And let's hide the title. Okay. Last but not least, life goals. We forgot to add the link, so let's goods right, databases. Let's add database. And since it's life goals, we went to a target. First one, health and fitness, and then finding freedom relationships, work experience. Let's populate those for us again, and you'll see why soon. Hell give you an icon. It's out of copper. Let's do the same for all of them. I want to work all over the world. All right, so let's add this to our dashboard, which is coming up nicely for this one. What we want to do is lay out and we want a callery layout. Then preview, we want page cover. Here we go. Let's hide this database title. Here we have our dashboard is ready for use. And you can use this life goal section here to add your life goals under each of these themes. Basically, there you have it. I'll see you in the next course where we'll talk about how to share your dashboard. 7. TEMPLATE DUPLICATION: How to allow others to duplicate your notion dashboard so they can actually use it for themselves. And without having to touch your stuff, really it'll be a copy and they can use that copy for their own purposes. First thing is you come up here and what we want to do is not share, but we want to publish it. And we want to publish, we, we want to make sure that we're allowing duplicate us template. We don't allow to edit the actual template. And we're not allowing to comment on the actual original template. We're not allowing Google to index it. Basically, that's it, that's basically published. We can view the site. If you gave that URL to somebody, they could come here and click on Duplicate. What would happen is not will duplicate the template and would assign it to their notion account. Now there's a duplicated template there, which is this one. Let's delete it. You can see an ocean telling us here that it's basically life for copying or for duplication. That's the URL for once again, you can copy from here and share that URL. If you want someone to duplicate your template, pass that URL to them. I'll see you in the next lesson where we will talk about how to package the URL to sell it online. 8. PACKAGING FOR DISTRIBUTION: So how do you package your template URL as a giveaway, or for sales, you basically put it in a PDF file to be distributed. This is mine, as you can see here. If I hover on this second brain, your life's command center, click here, you can see the URL to my template. Then on the second page here is how to set up the template. This is what I've uploaded to my e commerce platforms for distribution. How did I create that template? Easy. You sign up for an account on As you sign up, it's a free account. You just need a free tier for this. You can see here, Free Canva has heaps of templates as you can see here. You could explore them. Many different templates that we could choose from. We go back, there are posters if you hover over it and you can see the different pages. All right, let's go back. How I created mine was basically, I went and looked through the templates and pick one of the size that I want to pound document. If we search through here, this was it here. And just hit and customize this template. All right, so this template contains paid element. If you try to share and you click download, you can see here. So it will tell you your design contain premium content you need to upgrade. So what you can do is basically those are the paid elements here. So we could just remove them. These four here. This one, the ones you can obviously edit everything here, we're going to say second brain, add your own logo, you can add your own image. One really cool thing here with Canva, if we go elements, you can use AI to generate your own image. We're going to click on Generate your own. Here you input the text that you want the AI to use to generate your image, describe the image you want, and we'll generate it for you. Let's try this. And there you have it. We could use this for example. There you go. And you can see how the packaging starts to take shape. All right, I'll leave it at that. Use your creative juice to create your own packaging. And don't forget to post it down in the project section of this course for feedback. Remember, it's a safe environment. And I'll see you in the next class. 9. SELLING YOUR TEMPLATE: If you would like to sell your notion template, there are two ways to do so. You can use a platform with organic traffic, or you could use a platform that you will need to drive traffic to. If you would like to test your product fast and don't already have a social media following, it's better for you to put your product on a platform like Ets that already has organic traffic. On the other hand, if you would like to have your own custom designed webpage with your own custom URL, then it's better to leverage a platform like Shoppy File. Downside here though is that you will need to figure out how to drive traffic to your Shopify web page. You could have the best product in the world, but if people don't know about it, it won't sell. Here are some rapid fire points on how to set up your Shopify page. And if you get stuck, just leave a comment and I'll help you create an account on Shopify. Then you'll need to get the Shopify plug in that allows you to sell downloadable files. Select a theme to set up your Shopify webpage with. And I pick the Dawn theme. After much research on the Internet, that was the most popular and flexible page. There is a website called Search Link Domain. Go there to figure out URL are available for you. You just need to type in words related to your brand and it will spit out URLs. After you've found URL, go to a site like Name Chip to buy the URL. Once you've purchased your custom URL on Name Chip, you will have to do some configuration on both Name Chip and shop five to get your custom URL to point to your shop shop. If you search how to do this set up on Google, you will find the instructions for it. Alternatively, just leave a comment down below and I'll help you. 10. CONCLUSION: If you've enjoyed this class, you might like my class on the Double Diamond Concept, which is a framework on how to find new ideas. And then how to refine those ideas to come up with products, concepts, et cetera. It's basically applicable to any field that requires knowledge work. Thank you for watching and until next time my friend take care.