How to Create a Dramatic Effect in Photoshop | Jeremy Deighan | Skillshare

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How to Create a Dramatic Effect in Photoshop

teacher avatar Jeremy Deighan, Online Instructor |

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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    • 2.

      How to Create a Dramatic Effect in Photoshop


    • 3.

      Submit Your Project


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About This Class

How to Create a Dramatic Effect in Photoshop will teach you basic and advanced techniques inside of Photoshop to create a highly detailed, dramatic effect. 

This effect is found in movies, magazines, tv shows, and more! It's really fun and this method gives you plenty of options to try!

In this quick course, I will show you how to use masks, adjustment layers, and different types of filters to get the dramatic effect that you want.

At the end of this class, I encourage you to try out this fun feature inside of Photoshop, save out your work, and then upload your finished image as a project to this class.

It's always a blast to see what the students have created!

So if you are interested in leveling up your skills by learning how to create a dramatic effect inside of Photoshop, then enroll now and I'll see you in the first lecture.

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Jeremy Deighan

Online Instructor |


My name is Jeremy Deighan and I am thrilled to be an online instructor, helping others achieve their own personal goals. I have had quite the range of skills and hobbies through my lifetime. I really enjoy teaching and hope to provide information to others on anything and everything I know how to do! Please take a moment to check out my courses, and if you take any please leave a review and any feedback you have!

Art and Design

I have an extensive background in different forms of art and design. I have an associates degree in Computer Animation and I've worked with various production houses to create awesome content. Adobe Photoshop has been a staple of my arsenal since I was 16 and use it faithfully to this day.

I also have a history in live visual arts, specifical... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: have you ever wanted to create a dramatic looking image inside a photo shot? Then this is the classic theme way. Hi, my name is Jeremy Diggins, and in the skill share class I am going to teach. You have to create a highly detailed, highly contrast ID dramatic looking image inside a photo shop. If you're a beginner, we move a little quickly. But I explain in detail the different techniques and tools that we will use to create this image. You will learn things such as how to use masks, how to use adjustment layers and different types of filters to get that right looking image that we're going for. If you're intermediate or advanced, I think you'll definitely find some new techniques that you can use in your future images. Now, at the end of this class, I highly recommend that you submit a project to this class and upload the image that you've created. We would all love to see what you've been working on and the different types of things that you have made. So if you're ready to get started, let's go ahead and dive right in 2. How to Create a Dramatic Effect in Photoshop: to begin creating the dramatic effect inside a photo shop. Go ahead and open up your image. Now I am using an image from Flicker that I have renamed as woman dot jp G. This style of effect works really good when dealing with pictures that contain a lot of fine texture detail, such as wrinkles. Once you have your image open, renamed the background layer to original by double clicking on it. We will keep this layer unedited so that we can see the changes we have made as we progress . And it will allow us to duplicate the original photo if we need to later on. Next. Duplicate the original layer by right clicking on the layer in selecting duplicate layer. Name the new layer woman. This will be the main layer that we will work with to go ahead and hide the original layer . For now, by clicking on the eyeball and the layers panel. The first thing that you will want to do is edit the image so that it has a little more contrast. Click on filter at the top of the menu bar and select camera raw filter. This filter will allow you to edit the image as if you were editing it from a camera, and you can not, just things such as temperature, exposure and so on. Click on clarity and move it somewhere between plus 42 plus 50. As I drag this back and forth, you can see that it makes some of the details more pronounced. Also changed the vibrance around plus 42 plus 50 to make the colors in the image really pop . After that, bring up the contrast so that you begin to see a difference in the shadows and the highlights doing this will really give the dramatic effect because we don't want the image to look flat for this style. You can also just the highlights and shadows if you want to, and then click OK when you're finished. If you turn back on the original layer, you can click the eyeball on and off for the woman layer to see the changes that you have made. Go ahead and hide the original layer when you're done. Now, duplicate the woman layer. But instead of right clicking this time, just dragged the woman layer down to the new layer button, and it will automatically create a duplicate for you. Next, click on the new Adjustment Layer button on the Layers panel and select Grady and Map. Click on the Great in and the properties panel that opens and changed ingredient from white to black. Two black to white. This creates a black and white image, and it will be used to define the shadows and highlights even more. Click on the clipping mass button and the great Matt Properties panel so that it only affects the layer directly beneath it. Change of blending modes A soft light, and you will instantly see the dramatic effect start to take form. This is pretty harsh, though, To go ahead and reduce the capacity of this adjustment layer to around 50% you can turn the visibility of the great at math layer on and off to see what it is doing. Select the great Aunt map layer and the layer directly beneath it, called woman copy by holding shift, then right click on the layers and select merged layers. This will combine the layers together at a new adjustment layer and select color balance. This adjustment layer will allow us to change the colors in the photo based on the highlights. Mid tones and shadows. Select mid tones and move the science. Read cider closer to read. Next, make the shadows a little more red and a little more yellow. This will warm up the photo change of blending mode to multiply in the A pass ity around 40%. The colors in the contrast in this photo are really starting to look good, so let's go ahead and add some more detail. Now Select a woman layer duplicated and move it to the top of the layer stack. You can name this layer details. Click on filter at the top menu bar, select other and then select high pass. This will give us a grayscale image of the finer details that we will overlay into the photo. The higher the radius, the more detail you will get. This will really make our dramatic effects stand out so you can get as subtle or as extreme as you want. I like to have the radius at five pixels for this image. But the size world depend on the resolution of the image that using press okay when you have the radius set change of blending Moto overlay and turn the visibility often on so that you can see the effect that this has made, said the A Pass ITI to around 70%. So that's not a strong to even take this a step further. Go ahead and duplicate this layer and rename it wrinkles by adding a layer mask to this layer. We can actually make the wrinkles a little more pronounced without affecting the rest of the image. Click on the add layer mass button for this layer in the layers panel. Currently, the mask is white, which means a mask shows everything You want to hide everything, though, and only show the wrinkles. So invert the mask by making sure it's selected and press control and the letter. I now select the brush tool and make sure the foreground color is set toe white, the black masses currently hiding the effect. And wherever you brush white onto the black mask, it will reveal the effect so pain on the wrinkles and anywhere else that you like to see a little more detail. Take the A pass ity down to around 50% for this layer. Something else that you can do for this effect is to make the eyes a lot more pronounced. Duplicate the woman layer and move it to the top of the layer stack. Name this layer eyes. You will use another layer mass to mask out the eyes on Lee so that you can edit them. You can use any method to select the eyes. I'm going to use a lasso tool to select the first I've and then I'll hold shift toe. Add the second I to the selection. When you're finished with the selection, click the add layer mass button, and it will automatically mask out the eyes based on your selection. To make the eyes pop a little more, click on the layer, not the layer mask and go to filter sharpen, unsure Art mask. Set the amount to around 60 in the radius around three pixels. This will sharpen the eyes and the highlights. Click OK when you're done and said the capacity of this layer to around 40%. To make the eyes brighter, click on a new adjustment layer and select levels. Click on the clipping mask button so it only affects the eyes layer. Move the white slider to the left to brighten up the eyes, some more. Finally, give the image of more grungy look. By clicking on new adjustment layer Grady int map and turning the Grady into violet orange . You can see that this will make the shadows a cooler color and the highlights of warmer color. Change the blending mode too soft light and turn the A pass ity down to around 15% then click on the grade in again to adjust it. Click on the purple cider and change it to a more saturated blue color and then slide it to the right a little bit to make more the shadows. This blue color. You want to play around with the great in and a pass iti to get the feeling that you want Now looking at this photo, the left side of the face is a little more dark than the right side of the face, so let's go ahead and brighten that up some to lighten this up, go ahead and select new adjustment layer curves. Create a point in the middle and make the image slightly brighter. Select the curves layer mask and hit control I to invert the mask. Select the brush tool and make sure why it is still the foreground color. Then just paint into any areas that you would like to lighten. Adjust capacity to around 60% so that's not too bright. Now go ahead, select all the layers, excluding the original layer and hit control G To group them together. You can name this group woman and cycle on and off the visibility and see what it does with the final results. 3. Submit Your Project: Thank you so much for taking this class. It really means a lot to me. And I really hope that you got something out of it. By now, you should have learned that different techniques and tools to recreate these very dramatic looking images inside a photo shop. Go ahead and submit your project. Now if you haven't started one already and upload your photo so that we can see what you're working on. And I would be ever so grateful if you could leave a review on what you think about this class. It helps both me as an instructor know what to do better in the future. And it helps other students understand what this class is about. And if it's something they would like to take, I can't wait to see you in the next class.