1. Introduction: Have you ever wanted to recreate a color splash effect inside a photo shop? Then this is the class for you. My name is Jeremy Deegan. And thank you so much for checking out the skill share class on how to create a color splash effect inside a photo shop. This is a really cool effect. You see all the time and magazines, advertisements and media where it looks like a grayscale image with some color applied to that image. I'll show you the different techniques and tools inside a photo shopped to recreate this effect, giving you complete control of the image yourself. We do move a little quickly, but for beginners, this is a great little project toe. Learn how to use photo shop and take your skills to the next level. At the end of this class, I asked you to submit a project of the image that you have recreated so that me and the other students in this class can see what it is that you have made. I also ask that you would leave a review at the end of this class, just letting me know and other students know what you think about this class. It'll tell other people coming to this class if it's right for them or not. So if you're ready to get started, let's go ahead and begin creating this color splash effect inside a photo shop.
2. How to Create a Color Splash Effect in Photoshop Part 01: to begin creating the color splash effect inside a photo shop. Go ahead and open up your image. Now you can use just about any type of photo for this effect, but I find photos already have a strong color contrasts in them. Work really well. Once you have your photograph open and Photoshopped double, click on the background layer and rename it to original hit. Okay, when you're done whenever I create projects, I like to keep an original of the image untouched that ways. I can always go back to the original if I make a mistake or need to use the unedited version for any reason. Now, create a duplicate of the original toe edit that we won't be editing this duplicate in this lesson. This is my workflow for every project that I work on, right click on the original layer and select duplicate layer, rename the original copy to baby or to whatever makes sense for your photo. Now we have an original, untouched version in a new version that we can make edits to without worrying about losing the original. Since we don't need to see the original at this time, go ahead and hide it by clicking on the eyeball in the layers panel for that layer. Earlier, I mentioned that using photos that have a high color contrast ing value works really good for this effect. The problem with the photo that I'm using here, though, is that the colors are pretty neutral and close together. So what we're gonna do is go ahead and add some more color to this photo before we begin that color splash effect. The eyes of this baby in this photo is really striking, so I would like to add some more color to them to really bring them out. We can do this by applying a color to the photo and then hiding everything except the eyes with a layer mask. Click on the new adjustment layer button in the layers panel and select hue and saturation . Using an adjustment layer like this will allow you to go back at any time and change the color of the eyes without affecting the actual image. Select the cull arised box so that we can choose the exact color that we want now change of the hue to a color that you'd like to use. I'm going to pick a teal blue color. Let's move the saturation up so that we can really see that color come through. You can always come back to this adjustment layer later on and bring it back down. Now you will want to hide everything except what we want our color to be, and that is the eyes. This can be done with a layer mask layer. Masks are great to use because it allows you to hide and reveal sections of an image without actually destroying any part of the image like an eraser tool would do. When you added the hue and saturation adjustment layer, a mask was already applied to that layer. As you can see, the mask is completely white. This means that it is showing or revealing all of the adjustment layer. Make sure that the white layer mask is selected, and while holding the control button down on your keyboard, press the I key to invert the layer mask toe black. Now the black layer mask is hiding the adjustment layer. You can bring back any part of the image that you want by brushing or painting on the layer mask in white. Go ahead and select the brush tool. Pick a brush. I'm going to use the hard round brush. For now, make sure that the foreground and background colors are set toe white and black. You can cycle through the foreground and background colors by pressing the X key on your keyboard. Select the black layer mask and, with a white brush, begin painting to see the effect that it has. You will notice that the white brush strokes that you make now show up in the layer mask for this later, just like you can paint white to reveal the adjustment layer, you can always switch your brush toe black by pressing the X button and painting on the layer mask. You can also use any value. Agree that you want for different levels of opacity. Go ahead and under these steps, or take a big black brush and paint over the parts that you don't want. Use the brackets on your keyboard to make your brush size bigger
3. How to Create a Color Splash Effect in Photoshop Part 02: now that you understand how layer mass work, let's go ahead and paint on the eyes to reveal that deep color underneath with your white brush selected whole control. Impress a plus button to zoom in on the image. You can use the space bar to grab the hand tool and easily navigate around the image. You may need to change your brush size with the brackets. He's on your keyboard and begin painting on the mask where the eyes are for this image. If you make a mistake, just change the breast to black by pressing the X key and continue painting. When you're done, check out the effect this adjustment layer has by clicking the eyeball off and on. For this layer, you can experiment with the different blending modes based on the color you chose to really get some cool effects. I am going to change the blending mode of the hue and saturation adjustment layer toe lighten, which will make the color look a little more realistic. Don't forget that you can always double click on the adjustment layer button toe, open up the properties and make any changes that you want now that you have the right color selected for this image that you would like. Let's go ahead and create that color splash effect. We're basically going to do this with the same mass technique that you've already learned in this lesson. For this next step, you're going to want to create a mask for the gray scale layer that we are about to apply. You can take the same steps by painting on the mask itself. However, it will be much easier to just use a selection from this mask for our new mask, right click on the mask for the hue and saturation adjustment layer and select. Add masked to selection. This will create a selection based on the mask that you've created. Now click on the new adjustment layer button and select black and white right. Click on the layer mask for the black and white adjustment layer and select disable layer mask so that you can see what this adjustment layer is doing. Basically, it has turned this into a grayscale image. We want to reveal almost all of this effect, except where the eyes are. That means that everything should be white except where the eyes are, which should be black, right? Click on the layer mask for the black and white adjustment layer again and select enable layer mask. As you can see, we have the reverse of what we need with the layer mass selected. Whole control on your keyboard impressed the I button to invert the layer mask. The color slash is now complete. Since we used adjustment layers, you can always go back to the hue and saturation adjustment layer to make any edits that you want.
4. Submit Your Photoshop Project: Thank you so much for checking out this class on how to recreate a color splash effect inside a photo shop. I appreciate you taking the time to check this out, and I really hope you learned a lot from it. Now go ahead and submit your project if you haven't done already of the image that you've created so that me and other people in this class can see what you're working on. Also, don't forget to leave a review and let me know what you think about this class so that I could make it better for you in the future and can make future courses better. Now, I can't wait to see you in any of the other classes that I haven't skill share. So if you haven't checked them out already, go ahead and look at my profile and you might find something that you're interested in. I can't wait to see you in the next class.