How to Create a Digital Planner in Keynote on your Mac Computer | Michelle Rohr | Skillshare

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How to Create a Digital Planner in Keynote on your Mac Computer

teacher avatar Michelle Rohr

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Create a Desk View of Your Digital Planner


    • 2.

      Make An Open View of Your Planner with Tabs


    • 3.

      Hyperlink the Tabs for Your Pages


    • 4.

      Add Extra Pages and Insert Templates


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About This Class

If you love printables and planners and own a stylus-friendly tablet, you are in for a treat with this class.

In just one day, you can be a pro at creating your own digital planner with super cool hyperlinked tabs.

Michelle has spent years creating and selling thousands of planners and has been teaching others how to do the same successfully as well.

In this class, you'll learn:

- How to Create a Desk View of Your Digital Planner

- How to Make an Open View of Your Digital Planner

- How to Hyperlink the Tabs for Your Planner Pages

- How to Add Extra Pages and Insert Templates

You'll be creating:

- A digital planner with hyperlinked tabs (to give the effect of "flipping" from tab to tab) that you can use on your stylus-friendly tablet with apps such as Goodnotes or Noteshelf. apps.

All you need in order to create your digital planner is access to Apple Keynote. If you do not have an Apple computer, you can access the online version of Keynote via

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Design Graphic Design
Level: Beginner

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1. Create a Desk View of Your Digital Planner: Hey, I'm so excited for this lesson because we're going to learn how to make a digital planner. This is a platter with links that are connected to the tab so that when you tap on them within your tablet, it will literally jump to the page as if you are flipping a Riedel life planner. So we're going to design a pretty simple digital planner. They can get pretty complex, but we're going to keep it simple and down the line. We will learn how to make them even more in depth. But let's just get the basics down. So first you want to open a keynote, and it looks a lot like Apple Pages. But it's the app right here. The keynote app and I have that opened up right now. But I'm going to open up a new documents about Weaken, create our digital planner from scraps. I'm just going to do you select this white president, hasten Hughes, and I'm going to get rid of Ah, the text boxes here, and I have found that the best sized for this white template is, and I'm going to come over to document appear tabs. The best size is a custom size, but and it's 855 by 596. I find that this size fills up the entire screen on my iPad. So hopefully it works with any and all, uh, tablet screens. Once it's open up within the good notes, app or noticeable fab um So next we want Teoh create what I call the desk view, and this can look any way you want it to look in this case, we're gonna have it looked like a marble desk or table with a platter on top and a few other elements. And you can create a planner that has, um, what are those things called up ring? So it's like spiral bound or you can create one. Fat is, uh, looks more like a binder, but I'm going to keep it very simple and just have a planner that looks basically like a book with tabs. So to do that, let's first ad in our background, and any time we want to add a an image we can come to insert click Hughes and I have a background safe to my files. I've purchased this off of creative market dot com, and you can just leave that on top. Another way of doing this is actually grabbing a seep and fitting it precisely on top of the white template. This is actually probably a better way so that the size yes, totally matched up with a template fitting that sheep on top and then coming over to format . And under the fill category, select image. Phil and she let cues. And I'm going to go back to that marble background, and right now it's set to tile, and a better setting would be stress. And that looks good. So we have our background done, and I'm just going to add in the planner book. And to do that, I grab another shape. Let's have the square. Yeah, just lay it towards the center and stretch it out toward the side. And let's ad another image. It automatically automatically pulled in the marble background, but we're gonna switch spread out by hitting shoes, and I have an image that I also purchase from Creative Market, and this will be the cover of our platter. And by clicking or its original size in the setting, I can now use this scale to make that image bigger or smaller, so I think I want it on slightly on the bigger side. And when you're making your digital planner, one of your best friends is the saddle tool. So that's right here. And you just want to constantly be clicking Drop shadow when you add elements, and that gives it a three D lifelike effect. But you can see there now to make the spine stand out more. I'm just going to hit Command D on my keyboard, line that up and then come over here, press down and slide it in, and that gives it a nice spine effect and a lot of the little planners have, or even really life planners. They will have this elastic band around it. So to create that, let's duplicate our spine. And then, instead of having it be the image, let's just get a straight color and it can be any color. But let's go with they start purple, bring it in a bit, so that looks kind of like a thick rubber band around the planner. And next we can add in our little cute desk elements. So coming over to insert click, Hughes and again. I bought this off of creative market, and I'm going to shrink this down. Put this right here. Add in a shadow to give it more of a light like effect. I have another element. A little espresso click on that, uh, the Sadow shrink it down. And the other thing I did was I put I put together this little note pad, so a kind of, um, utilizing the desk view a bit more by having ah, place for you to, like, right and no like this to be your do not forget this section. So it could be a goal. It could be something you want to always remember. So that way it gives this desk slide more of the functional purpose. So to do that all I did was rab a square, made it white, gave it a drop shadow, and I tilted it a little bit. And I did that by pressing down the command key, holding down the mouse at the corner of the image and just tilting it, and I'm gonna duplicate it but hitting command D bringing this you too far. There we go. So it looks like a little It looked a little bit like a stacked peeper stacked note paper, and I gave it a bit of a header color to match the planner. So let's do that by hitting command be again and then coming over to the Phil. Let's give it an image ville. It automatically pulled the image that we used last, which is the planter image. So great. And shrink that down and we could also play play around with the scale to make it a little less are just make it just the way we want it to be. And that is it. So you can just write your little notes in there and the sports like a nice dust view. You can fiddle around with the size of your elements and let's dive right into the next video. What's is ah, me showing you how to create that opened view of the planner with taps 2. Make An Open View of Your Planner with Tabs: Okay, So in this video, we are going to make a an open view of the planner with tabs. So first, let us click on the A preview of the page right here, in order to now hit command D on our keyboard and that duplicates the pay aids. You know, I'm on that second page and I can get rid of these elements. And what I'm going to do is actually stretch out this spades, make sure it's nice and centered. I think I want to. Well, that looks good. All right. Now I want to just lay a white square on top white rectangle on top, and this will act as our white pages again. Add in that drop Sadow to make a more realistic effect. And let's just lay it on top, make sure it's centered and just duplicate. I like to duplicate it and then laying on top with a little bit of the back page showing through to kind of give the effect that this is, um, our multiple paves platter, of course, because that's what it would be in real life. So we want to be able to feel like it's ah um, that It's open with a lot of pages to flip through, and now so you can see that we have that effect there and evenly have it on the other side . Nothing's crooked now. What we want to do is create that effect of the planner being open. So there's kind of like a scene in the middle. And to do that, we just come over to insert and click on line. Now we're just going to do bring this all the way up and all the way down, and we're gonna make here that it's in the middle and coming over to the color of that line . We're going to make it a light gray, and we're going to add a drop shadow and voila! It looks like two pages and we can adjust a little bit. So that way it all. It definitely comes to the very top and very bottom of the page there. And let's really realistic already. Okay, Next we want to, um, you don't have to do this, but it could be really cool. Is if you add in some stitching around the EDS use of the book or the planner cover to do that All we need to do is click on that planner cover and then hit command D on your keyboard and you want Teoh. Select No Phil under Phil and add a line under border and let's make that border black. And right now it's just a straight line. But to make the stitching effect come to life, we just click here and select, um, one of these dashes. And now we can just arranged this so that it is placed on top of, ah planner in a way that it looks like it's just it's Stitz, the longest side using my arrow keys. Get it just right. I'm looking at the right, the left, the top of bottom to make sure it's just right. And as I'm looking at this and thinking that the black looks a little bit harsh, so to blend that in, I'm just gonna come over here to the opacity tool and, um oh, this capacities for to settle. We don't need a shadow. Let's get rid of that this opacity tool down here. It makes the black fade out a little bit, and I think not fading it a little bit. Make it a little more realistic. Very go Awesome. What's beautiful already? Nets is adding the tabs. So to do that, we come over here to ST and we click on you could click on the square Oh, or you can click on this rounded square and one of the things you can do is select the paves and come over to a rains And you can see that the page is 530 sits points tall. So if you're adding in 12 tabs for each month of the year, you want to divide 536 by 12. And Mickster, that the height of the tab. So now I'm clicking the tab. I can see the tab is 58 points. Right now, the height of the tab is not going to overflow or not fit if you multiply it by 12. But I'm just gonna eyeball it because there's something that I can do, uh, in a in a bit, that I will show you that makes this, um, makes me not worry too much about the math. First, I'm going to decide what color I want this, and I'm just gonna keep it simple and make this 80 Dark gray. I think that the planner is already so colorful that Dark Green might actually look nice, and I'm just going to duplicate it and bring it down with a little bit of space in between the tabs and as I'm doing this, he notes, is helping me place the tab, uh, evenly spaced. For every single tab there's going to be, it's going to be evenly spaced. I don't need to worry about that key notice guiding me to make sure that each tab is spaced correctly to have 123456789 10 11 12 So we've definitely overflowed. So what we can do is group all of these together. I'm going Teoh hit command and tap on my mouth's to select everything and under the arrange tab, I'm going to hit group. And now I can just move this as if it's one element and get it to fit exactly the way I want it. And now I can ungroomed. The other thing you can do to make sure that everything is evenly spaced is once you've selected everything under distribute, you can click on um, vertically, and that will make sure that everything is evenly spaced. And now I want to send it behind the page. So I'm going. Teoh hit backward and it goes behind the page. I'm going to bring it up one page. There we go. All right, that looks awesome. And that's pretty much done. All we have to do is add in the month of the year in touched. One more thing we want to do is add in a tab for being able. Teoh hit that tab anywhere in the planner, and it jumped to the very front of the, um, the product. So the desk view. So to do that, I'm just going to duplicate that tab over there and just put the here, and I'm going to use a different style. What's image? Fill this with this brown texture I have right here and that doesn't look good. So I'm going to scale to fill that lives better make your there is a Sadow, and I actually forgot to put a saddle behind thes taps. So let me go ahead and do that by selecting all of them and again to do that, you hit you hold down the command key and you tap what you want to select with your mouse and then adding that sado. Now it looks a little more realistic. And let me send this back behind the page. Okay? The gases are in front of the tabs and let's send those stats is back. There we go. All right, so when it wherever in the planner that you are, we wanted to that when you hit this tab, you can go right to the front. And basically the only real reason to go to the front is to see what you wrote on the note card. But, um, you can literally make any pages with as many tabs If you want Are as many copies you can fit linked to any page that you want and you can designate feature my social media pages thes air, my gold sending pages, and it can get really complex. But we're going to keep it simple by just having months of the year and, um, a home page with use our number one paves. Okay, so let's go ahead and add in the months on top of the tap. So I hit test and I'm going to you type in young, you worry or just j n. I'm going to highlight that and make it white. So that expands out against the grey. I'm going to rotate it by holding down the command key, pressing down on the mouse and rotating it. And you can also come over here to the rotate section and, um, hit the arrows for even more specific rotation it, and we probably don't want to use this font. So let's come over to text and select a different Bonds. I'm going to go with American Typewriter, make sure it's not bold. Bring that size down a bit and space out the letters and bring this end so that it written out a bunch of extra space getting in our way of the with the text box. We want everything to be very compact and neat for the purpose of linking things that later and now we can just duplicate that by hitting command E and going through and just getting all of this laid correctly on top of the tabs. And, um, you get the idea there after we do. All of that will come through and and type in the months, and I'm just going to go ahead and press pause for you and do this on my own. And I will be right back. Okay? So I have all of my tabs lined up titled Ready to go Drop Sadow. And this planner is looking really great. So in the next video, I'm going to still you how to hyperlink these tabs. So that way, when you open it in your tablet and you tap on a tab, it jumps to that page. So seed in the next video. 3. Hyperlink the Tabs for Your Pages: Okay, So in this video, we want Teoh hyperlink our tabs. And the first thing we need to do is make sure that there is a slide for every tab we have our home paid slide, which is what I'm calling our desk view over here. And we have our 12 months. That's a total of 13 slides. So looking over here, these are our slides, and so far we have to. So let's go ahead and, um, add another slide. And it has to be a blank slide with a, um with the background that we want command. See, Command be got that in there and let me go ahead and lock it that addition, move or anything, And let's duplicate this to reach the number 13. So command the I just select it. And then I hit command E on my keyboard, and now we have a total of 13 slides. So coming over to the video of our open planner on slide number two, we can start linking all of these tabs to slide once lie to swipe three slight four, etcetera. So let's start with our, um Well, let's start with locking anything that we don't want to accidentally link, um or move. So I've locked this first page here, and you can tell that it's walked by the little exes that pop up after you locked something and a lot something. You just click on it and under the arrange tab, click lock. And so I'm going to do that with my background, my page, my clatter Here, Um, but my planner cover so that nothing so that those elements don't accidentally get moved or locked. All right, now I am going to link everything. So let's start with the home page tab that I have up here. I'm going to tap on that and on my keyboard, hold down the control key and tap on it again. Click add link slide. And we want that to you Link up to slide number one. This very, very front page and that's it. You can see that this little blue hyperlinks and bold means that that tab is all linked up . And now we're going to go through and do the same with the months of the year. January will be sly to February, will be slight three. And so you just want to go through link all those up. You can write down, uh, the notes for which tab corresponds with slide if you want to. But this is so simple that I can just do it in my head. So January, I'm going to select the tab as well as be cut so that everything links and there's no chance to have something not, uh, linking properly when you tap on it and or tap on it on your iPad. So I just want to make sure that this whole area is linked. And I do that by holding down the command key and selecting the tab and the tech next, I'm going to hold down the control key. Click on it again. Click add link slide and we're going Teoh Select slide to all Done. And now I'm just gonna go through and do that with every single tab. February is going toe link to slide. Um, slide three. Okay, so I just want to press pause and go ahead and go through that and I'll be right back. Okay, I'm back, and I have linked all of my tubs. I went through and I double checked them to make sure that they all linked to the correct slides all the way down to slide 13. And now we are going to copy and paste this on to eat one of our blank slides, and they will all be hyperlinked so we don't have to do it again. So let's copy by holding down the mouse and then sliding it over everything and hitting command. See? And let's go to our blank page or blank slide hit command V. That pops it right on top O. The other thing that I did was I unlocked everything that I had locked. So that way I could copy everything. If I did not do that, then after hitting copy, it would not have copied the things that were locked. So unlocking everything so that I can now go through and copy and paste every single element on every single page. Oh, done. Now what I want to do is add, um let me switch to a different view. So January, February, March, April, May, etcetera. I want to add in the name of the month on these pages. And then I want to add in blank pages after eats paint with the name of the month. So that way, those blank pages can act as backgrounds for planner pages, templates and the page and the slides, with the name of the month written across the page will act as a kind of cover to those templates. So before I confuse you anymore, let's just dive, right? And so let's go back to this view and I'm going to click Tech. I'm going. Teoh, spend this and type in January because right now this is slide number two, which is connected to the January tab. I'm going to highlight all of that, and I'm going to use my Medina font and spend this and you can dress up these pay Jews as much as you want. I'm going going to keep it simple for the sake of this example, and I'm just going to go through and looks copy and then paste and type in the name of each month on the correct page for that month, I notice paid Number three is February type in February, and I'm just gonna go through and do that with all of the pages, and I will be back when I complete that. So when I hit pause for you. Okay, so I've gone through, and I have titled all of my slides with the months of the year so that whenever you click or tap on any of these tabs within your digital planner, it will jump to the appropriate Paves does donating the months. And this is very important to do so that you don't wind up the leading any of your main slides. So we're going to add in additional pages for January, February, March, April, etcetera, going through the monthly layout, weekly daily, whatever you want to put under earthy categories of each month, and that will come in the next video. But you really want to make sure that you establish that each of the slides is linked to a tab and that those slides are, um, designated as specifically link to tab. So you don't want Teoh wind up the leading you're, let's say, January slide for some reason, because if you were to tap on the January tab and you accidentally deleted the January page , then that tab will go nowhere. So by taking the time to kind of create these, um, the's ah, special dashboard type pages or looks to these pages, you will remember not to delete them. And now, in the next video, we're going to add in some additional pages, and I will show you how to make those, uh, reflect any and every printable you want to add without having to create a printable from sprats. So see you in the next video. 4. Add Extra Pages and Insert Templates: in this video, we're going to add pages to fill out our planner. So we're just going to come over to our first layout and tap on that and click command D on our keyboard. And so that gave us this duplicate so I can go ahead and remove that because the actual pages up here, safe and sound and I'm going Teoh actually duplicate quite a few blank pages so that I can spread them out throughout the planner underneath or in between each months and coming over here. Toothy light table view ongoing Teoh Start moving things around so that there's at least one blank page between eats months, and you can totally at sport this planner, as is with these blank pages on these deaths board pages and just go ahead and open it up in good notes or note self and ah, play around with adding in your own templates straight onto those APS. Or you can set up all of your ah, template pages right here in note self. But you can do it Either way. I have done it where I have I have inserted screenshots of my principles onto thes blank pages with in good notes or no itself. And I have also inserted Screenshots of printable while designing the planner itself within t note. So I'm going to sell you what that looks like. So let's see for January in the blank page that we have here, we can literally take a screenshot of any principle that we've already made, and I've already done that. So I'm just going to go grab it by coming to insert clicking shoes, and I have it right here, and this is just realistic of example. This could be a screenshot of any page, and I find that size a four works best, and you just want to lay it on top and there you go. So you can you conduce this for the monthly view weekly View Daily View Gold Setting any any and every printable you can you can imagine or create or screen dot what's is anything and everything. And you can always just click on the slide and then tap command D to duplicate it and put in a different templates so that you can just go through and have template after template after template under the banner of the month of January or maybe have a tab for these are my goals. Or maybe you have a tab for my business or my social media and all of these different templates. With our pages under Dietz, those categories, you can just go to town and add as many peaches as you want, or you can keep it blank and just have it so you can open it up in good notes and insert those screen shots right, right through your iPad. Um, right through your iPad because good notes and note self they can connect with you're the photos you've saved and the files you have in the cloud. And so it's It's endless. As long as you have your ah hyperlinked tabs going to the right place, you can always duplicate whatever blank pages you want. Move them around and it will still work intuitively as a real planner. So this is husband sets the joy to create. I think it is beautiful, and I will have this in the S. U S club for you to download and use on your own tablet as long as it's a stylist friendly tablet, which means you can write on it with a stylist and, um, open it up in good notes or notes, so All right, I hope you have enjoyed walking through this process with me. If you have any questions, just pop them on over in the Facebook group.