1. Welcome: Hello and welcome to this crash course on
generating videos using artificial intelligence
to sell as LFTs or for cover art
for your music and FTEs. I'm going to show you an incredible tool
that we're going to use to tap into the genealogy of images generated by artificial intelligence to
weave them together into an incredible NFT
that you can use and sell in your art without any type of
legal restrictions. Let's get started.
2. Class Project: For your class project, you are going to be generating
your own NFT video art, which you are legally
free to sell or to use as cover art for a music NFT and also commercialized
in any other way. You can use this art as
a standalone sale for open see atomic hub or
any other platform. Or you can use it as cover
art for a music NFT. Once you've got your art by following along and the
steps in this course. Don't forget to share it in the project section
of this class. When you go through and
actually create your NFT, don't forget to share
the link to it as well. Back in the project section, I'm looking forward
to see what you see through the eye of AI.
3. Opening Artbreeder: I want to show you my
favorite tool can generate artificial intelligent
videos, which look artsy. I mean, we're not just generating
texts into images here. We're taking images and
we're blending them together using artificial
intelligence to make something loophole
that we can use as a NFT or as a cover
art for a music NFT. So first of all, we're
going to go to art and we're going to login or sign up
for a new account. And you can sign up with Google if you have a Google account and go ahead and sign in and it'll create your
account for you. Now it's good to
understand that this is a freemium service. So we're gonna be
able to generate about three or four
different cover art videos using a free account. And if you want to
continue beyond that, I encourage you to pay for
credits from art breeder. If you click up here,
you'll see your profile, but we don't have any
images created yet. So let's go back to art and we're
going to click this plus button to get
started making our video. Now, key point
here, click video. And we have these ten
different sections. Before we get started generating our artificial intelligent art, we need to realize that
we really are stepping into a Pandora's box of art. So it's good to get a
little bit organized and figure out what type of art
that we want to create. So I'm looking for an FTR
for my song blue birds. So some of the words
I'm looking for are birds, castle, symmetry, space, and Aliens,
which are a few of the things that we talk about except for
maybe not castle. So these words are
going to get us organized so that
later on our search is much easier and more
fruitful when we're brainstorming what words we want to use to make
our cover art. We also need to know
what's available. So if we go to video, we'll see that we have these ten separate categories and these are pretty separate. So you're going to be generating
art that's either side, bio art or album
landscape buildings. But it's a lot more
difficult to do something that is a
cross between say, a landscape and then
animate portrait. And I believe this has
something to do with the processing power of the
artificial intelligence, but I'm not exactly sure.
4. Exploring All Categories: When you're creating your
album cover art video, you're going to
have to use one of these ten different categories. So as we're brainstorming
what words we want to put in or what images we
want to put into the AI. We also want to think about
these ten categories. What's available
in each category, and which one we want to choose, as well as what we want to
search to pick out our images. So let's go ahead and go through each of these
categories and take a look at some of the art
that's available for us to use. We can see this owl over
here looking pretty cool. This is a lot of animals
in this section. A lot of kinda trippy animals. Then let's keep going
to the next section. I believe this is the
science, the sci-fi section. This is actually what I use
for all of my cover art. But there's a lot of eyes, a lot of planets,
things like that. Next we have sort of
more realistic faces. Now, I do want to say like
all of this stuff is CC 0. This stuff is in the
public domain and may be used for
commercial purposes. So don't worry about
using these faces. It should be completely legally
fine and keep it in mind. These aren't
actually real faces. These are either generated by AI or changed by AI in some way. So now we have some more
animated type characters. And there's a con to go through. I'm not going to scroll
through every single one. But if you go to like
random, this is landscapes. You can scroll through
these yourself and start to save four or five of these
images to put together. And they do have to be
in the same category. So I believe this is the
album art category actually. So they have like a whole
category for album art. I've actually never used
it to make album art, but you're more than welcome to experiment and find
some cool stuff here. As well as, you know, you don't have to make video. This course is about
making video art, but you're perfectly
legally allowed to come in here and make a still image and use
that as your album art. Now we have some more animate
for any type characters. These are the buildings. Some really crazy stuff
pops out of here. And here we have some more art. I forget which category this is. Let's see. This is
probably, maybe paintings. So yeah, this is the
paintings category. Lots of cool stuff could
definitely makes them like super Picasso wish art with
this, with this category. Next we have, I believe, the final animated
characters section. So lots to explore
there as well. The next thing you can
do to fully explore these categories is
to start searching. So as you're compiling this list of words
that you want to use, you do want to make sure that
there's something there. So maybe you had this idea that you
want to a green theme. So you can search
green and see what shows up or you want
to get more specific. You want a bush or a tree. So yeah, like if you
see something you like, you can go ahead and
add it down there or you can just start to
save these type of things.
5. Generative Video Tool Overview: Now that we're familiar
a little bit with the art that we have available. Let's pick this section
that we chose. This time. I'm just going to do
general and we'll get started making our video. This is the main
video creation page, will have a preview
up here which will be like just image
blending preview, that is not AI. Then you have the
actual art down here, which we're going to
add in just a second. And a stack counter over here, which tells you how
many frames per second, how many images and
things like that. But we're actually going
to keep that at 24. And let's get started
adding our first art.
6. Genealogy of Images: Okay guys, I almost forgot this is super, super important. Now, the way that
the AI works is it has this sort of geneology
for each of the images. And if you want to have really, really great cover art, that's like every frame is
just like its own movie. You're going to want
to look at the lineage of each and every image
that you're adding. So I just checked out
this image of a bird and I clicked on it using
this button right here. And then I can see the images that led up to
this image should this is like the family tree that the AI use to
generate this image. But it's not very deep. And we can find that
out by looking at different images and seeing
what their lineages. So this has a ton of
images leading into it. So it's actually going to work better in our final product, but I actually don't
like that image. So I'm going to
find one that I do like that does have
a decent lineage. So this is a perfect,
perfect example. It's got a lot of
birds moved into one, but it's still actually
looks like a bird. So I'm going to hold onto this. Okay, so if we want to
get this image over, we've got to give it a heart. Then close out and open back up, and then go to your start
and you will find it there. So that is the only way
that I've figured out to get this into the
image that we want. But we'll see that now we've got an image that's
similar to this one, but it has a lot more lineage. So we're going to go through
and do the same process. We're going to search for images and then
check their lineage. If their lineage
is in deep enough, we're going to look for another image that
has a deeper lineage. So here we have, it's not the deepest limit
lineage in this image. So I'm going to actually
look for a different one. This looks like it might be it looks about actually
about the same. So let's.
7. Looping + Rendering: Okay, so we have three images. Now I'm going to teach you
a little trick that you can use optionally and that is to add the first and the last
image as the same image. So I've already started this
one so I can easily find it. And it can be difficult
if you did not store it. So now we have the front and
the back as the same image. Now, there's another
way to do this, to make a loop that is without using the same front and back, but that involves
playing forward and then going backwards to end
at the same image. So you do have two
options there. Again, the first
one is to put the first and the last
image is the same. And the second option is to use just three images
without a repeat. And then we're going to use
another software to loop it. But that loop will be going to the end and then coming
back to the beginning. So next we got to pick how we
want these to move through. Now, I'm a big fan of keeping
it simple with an ease in, out quadratic, but
you can test out some different things as well as you can try to just
keep it linear. So we've got this setting
of the time as well as the, this transition here,
which you can see. And if you're familiar
with like web development, it's the same as the
CSS animations and probably in all kinds
of video editing too. So I'm going to go
ahead and click Apply. All. The final thing we're
gonna wanna do. If we do this technique is we're going to have to
change the first and the last one to 1
second and leave all the middle ones
as two seconds. And this is just going to make
sure that it's even as far as the timing between each frame because we do
have these frames twice. Now, the final thing
to keep in mind using this free account is that you're limited by the amount of
frames that you create. That is, it's not about
how many videos you create on a free account
before they make you pay. It's about how many
frames you create, because this is the
processing power of the artificial intelligence. So if you wanna get more
bang for your buck, you got to think about this. Do I want to make
a shorter video? Do I wanna make a longer video? And how many frames per
seconds do I want to have? Because that's how
you're being charged. So I've got a 4
second video now, that's 96 frames, and I believe you get somewhere
like a thousand frames. So let's go ahead and generate. And this is gonna be
our first AI cover art. And it's gonna go
right to our email. So yeah, we just
hit Generate bam. Now we get this
video is processing. You will receive an email
link when it is ready. This is exciting. Okay, So it's been just like one minute and our
video is already ready. Now, when we click this link, it's going to take us
to a Adobe Image thing. And we can see we have, our loop is right here. So man, like it looks super cool and we're gonna go
ahead and download it. Okay, so we're
saving this image. And now we have a MP4. Now, in a lot of cases, this MP4 will be
all that you need. And I got to say, I am very pleased with
how this turned out. I'm going to have
to really look at it a few more times to
really get the meaning. But I will say that the
resolution is good for an NFT. It actually looks
a little bit small because I've used
this tool a lot. And sometimes it spits out
a 1024 by 1024 images. But I think that has
something to do with the smallest image that's
used in the generation. So this time we did get a
smaller image out of the AI. But this is, it's great,
It's what we need. So in the next video, we'll go over how to
turn this into a JIF. And really it's easy
to turn it into a JIF. What's hard is getting
the quality correct, getting the file size correct, and making sure that
the resolution will work all the places that
you're going to play it. See you soon.
8. High-Quality Gifs with gifski: Okay, So we've made
our NFT cover art. Now it's time to
convert it into a GIF. Now if you're on a Mac, I highly recommend
something called just ski. Now, just ski is an
amazing software. It's free, it's open
source, I believe. And it will allow you to take
any video and save it as a GIF at super high
quality and low file size. Now when we open this
up and just ski, we get a few parameters. Number one is the dimensions. And this is something
important to think about. A lot of LFTs are either
500 by five hundred, eight hundred by 800, thousand by a thousand were the sort of
variations of that, like 512 by 512. Actually, I'm
perfectly happy with this original resolution
of five by 512. The key will be get it down
into a format that fits. So first of all, you see that
this balance is checked. Now what bounce will do
is it'll, it'll loop it. If it's not like lupus, it will loop it if
it's not having the same frame at the
beginning and at the end. But you'll remember that when
we were making this art, we did choose to do that. But as I said, it's just an option. I could have removed this and then made these all
the same transition. And then, then I would
have to use this balance. But since I didn't, I
don't need the balance. Now, this is a key
thing to think about when we're balancing
all of these things. These things have file
size, resolution, frames per second, and just the quality like what render quality
It's going to be. If we unclick balance, the length of the file
goes down by half. So we were having to save a 4 second file with
twice as much data, which makes our job much harder, but without the balance. By doing this technique
I showed you, you have half the file
size and then you can bump up the quality
a little bit more. Another thing to do if
you are running into this file size constraint
is to speed up the JIF. So if you speed it up five x, now it's, it's less than a
1.5 or less than 1 second. It does shrink the
file size down. You can also lower
the dimensions, although in my view, I think that if it gets
lower than 500 by 500, it's going to start
being not quite big enough for all the places
you'd like to show it off. And you can also
play with the FPS. Now, I do recommend that
you try to keep the FPS at 24 or at whatever FPS that you use to
generate this image. And that's just going to help it synchronized and make
sure that you're getting the true image
in the final JIF. So if you find out
that your art style, like maybe you're
using five images here at 24 FPS and
you find out that, Hey, I'm having
trouble getting this down into a five
megabyte file size. Maybe it's time to
go to 20 frames per second at the first step. So rendering 20
frames per second, then putting it in here and
going 20 frames per second. And finally, the last
thing you can do to reduce file size is to
bump down the quality. Now, I'm not a big
fan of this. Also. I don't think it
can really lower the file size as much
as some other things. So I do try to keep the
quality a little bit higher. But it's all about experimentation guys
like you gotta just keep trying things and trying things until you get the right file
size at the right quality. So we've done a lot of talking. Now, let's actually look at what we're going
to end up with. So we haven't estimated
size of 11.6 megabytes. Now that's too big. Mint songs requires a five
megabyte file size. So I know that it's
not going to work, but I just want to
look at the quality. So let's go ahead
and hit Convert. Alright, so now we
have our image. I'm going to go
ahead and save it into our music NFT
cover our file. We'll say bird gang, high rises. And then we're
just gonna do one. So we know it's the
first one that we tried. Before we even look at that. Let's go back and I'm going
to do the same thing, but with a much lower quality. And we're going to save that. And we saw that was
eight megabytes. So it's still too
big for us to use. So we gotta get down to
five megabytes like or, or nothing can happen. So if we wanted to reduce
the file size by half, we could reduce the frames
per second by half, right? So I'm actually going to
bump the quality backup. And we're going to do the
frames per second at 12. Now this may or may not. I might have to go a little
bit lower on the quality. This may or may not. Let us go below the five
megabyte file limit. It's actually saying
a little bit higher. But that estimation
isn't always accurate. So I'm gonna go ahead
and try to render this out and see what we have. We actually did end up with too big of an image,
but that's okay. This is going to be low
FPS and then three, and we're going to take
a look at these in just a minute to see
the differences. But we really do need to get something below five megabytes. So I'm going to shave
off a few pixels. I'm going to bump up the FPS and try to lower the quality
just a little bit. And again, it's
getting tough to make this particular piece Into
the size that we need. But this is the
game that we play with all of these arts
is to try to make a good quality file size
for our final product. Now I do want to say that it's actually not required
that any of this happens. If we go ahead and open
up our video itself, will see that this video
is only 1.8 megabytes, and this is actually a
completely finished video loop, so we already have
the final product. The problem is that a
lot of these services may not accept a video
as a cover art file. Currently mint songs does
not allow you to do that. So let's take a look at these
other ones that we have. And this is 6.2 megabytes, so it's still too big. And with the low FPS, you can tell that it looks not near as good as it
did with the video. Let's go up and see
what else we have. So this was the lower quality, but still the high
frames per second. So this has the same 24 frames per second that our video has. Its just more pixelated and
it still doesn't look good. So let's go up to this 10.7 and you can see that this
is actually possible. You know, it's, it's seems like a little bit slow in that one place. I
don't know why. You can barely see
the pixelation of the colors compared to the
MP4 video and the MP4. You can see there's
the least amount of compression, right? So, okay, so now we've got an
open over here and you can see a little bit better of
the loop in this MP4 video. So if we can use that, then we don't need to
play around at all. But guess what? We still did not
make a video file that fits our constraints
of five megabytes. We're going to have to play
around a little bit more. And unfortunately,
I think that that means lowering the
size even more. I do. I really need the quality
to be better like, and I'm going to
drop it down to 320. I do want the FPS to be 24, so I'm going to raise it up and I'm going to keep
the quality here. And it says five megabytes
will see what it actually is, but this might be the
winner for what we need. Okay, and we did it. We have a 4.6 megabyte file. We had to sacrifice
some of the resolution, but we got to keep
the frames per second and we got to
keep the image quality. And that's the
decision that we made. So we're going to save
this as low as four. And now we can, we can really compare
what we've came up with. So let's take a look at
just the final image. So this is our final image. And I am happy with that. The only thing is
like it's too small, but you gotta make a decision. And in this case, because it wasn't
compressing there, I made the decision
that it had to be small and maybe
I'll regret that. Maybe it's not big enough, but you got to make a decision. So this is the original image. This is what we want to use
in all cases that we can, if you're making wax and if T's, you'll have no problem using the MP4 with the atomic assets. But as far as Layer
twos like polygon, a theorem, you're going
to have to check, although mp4 as well as
web and video formats are widely supported, It's just like the
same IPFS hash that you would use
in most cases.
9. Thank You: Alright guys, we did it. We use artificial
intelligence to generate an NFT video
that we can sell as a standalone NFT or we can use as a cover art
for our mint songs, music NFT to make us really
stand out in the market. I invite you to check
out God's soul on mint songs to see what
sort of music and AFT's, I'm cooking up Cxy dot
world for the music. And if Tdap I've created, you're also welcome to use
our music NFT standard. And of course, checkout
meant, which is not my project, but I really like
their platform. And check the video
description for my addresses. If you'd like to send
me a copy of your music NFT and don't forget
about the project. So when you create
your music and f t, go ahead and share it so that the rest of the class can enjoy. Thank you so much for
taking this course piece.