1. Introduction! - Why Royalty Free?: Hello everyone,
welcome to my course. In these upcoming videos, I'm going to be teaching you how to find royalty-free music, videos, photos, and fonts, which you can use
for your business. You may be wondering, why do I need to use
royalty-free items from our businesses and what
are the benefits to using royalty-free
over anything else? Well, there are many benefits, such as being able to
use some assets for your next business without
spending resources on them. Second of all, if you
use royalty-free items, you will not be getting
in trouble with copyright or trademark
infringement, which is very important
for business owners. I will be using
all of my years of experience of graphic
and video designed to show you an
actionable steps how to find multiple resources for
each of these categories. I will also be showing
you in many ways to use the royalty free
items that you found. Along with that, I will give you tips and tricks along the way, which will make this whole
process a lot smoother. I hope you are as excited
as I am, see you inside.
2. Finding Royalty Free Music!: The first one will be finding
is royalty-free music. There are many usages
for royalty-free music, and the primary one is
for video creation. There are also many
kinds of genres of royalty free music,
which I will go through. The first one is NCS, no copyright sounds on YouTube. When you go on their
channel, there's a wide range of videos, all that have an
EDM type of beat. This would be great for gaming or inspirational edit videos. As you can see in
the description. If you use it, you must
give credit by putting this strand of texts into
your creation somewhere. To download their videos. There's a link right
here which will lead you to their official
NCES website. You'll have to make a
free cone to be able to have access to
the download link. The second one is
also on YouTube, and it's called audio library
music for content creators. These could be used more
suitably for vlogging, lifestyle or
informational videos. Once again, you
must give credit to the artist, as said right here. To download, follow the download
link in the description. Press this cloud button and press download directly
from the website. This license information
right here is the link that you can paste into your video for crediting. They may ask you to support
the artists by following them on social media as well to
grant the download link. The third and final one from this music category
as Ben This one is great and I've
heard from many people that is best suitable
for professional videos, such as promos or
online courses. As you can see,
you can search at the top for different genres, along with having access to quite a bit of
music on one page. You can sample all of these just by pressing
the Play button. This can make it
very fast at finding that one perfect music track. When you're ready to download, simply press Download and
head to the left where the Free Download
section is and enjoy. Once again, you will have
to give proper credit to the creators of the
track by putting this link in your
video somewhere. After you found some music
to use from this section, it is time to move onto
the next one where we will find
royalty-free videos.
3. Finding Royalty Free Videos!: This next one is finding
royalty-free videos. This one is also very
common in video creation, where you can use it
for advertising within personal or entertainment
videos or even online courses. The first website for finding stuck videos for
free is Before we hop into
the video samples, Let's take a look
at the licensing. As you can see, you
can use the videos for free and you do not
need to give credit, but it is appreciated. Now we can head back to
the main menu and press this video button and scroll down to take a look
at these videos. As you can see, they
have landscape and also portrait videos like you're
filming from a phone. I can picture these
videos being used in shorts such as on
TikTok or Instagram. When you find one that
you want to download, press on it and press Free
Download at the top-right, and it should automatically
download after pressing it. The next one we will be
looking at is This one is similar to Pexels, or we can freely search
for videos on here by pressing videos and
looking through these, you can find the specific
agreements you must follow by each video by clicking
on the one you like and reading this over here. For example, this
one does not require attribution and I can use
it for commercial use. When you go to download it, you can pick a ton of
different resolutions depending on the one
you want to use. And that is at the final and
from this section is cover. This one also focuses
on high-quality videos, which are all quite nice. If we take a look at the
licensing agreement, these are all once again, free to use with
no credit needed, but it is still appreciated. The only caveat is that
you can not compile cover videos to replicate
a similar service. One more thing, if
there are logos or people which are
recognizable in the videos, you must contact the owner of the video to get permission
to use it publicly. Moving on to the videos, you can search something
up top and scroll down to where it says
free stock videos. These are some of the
newest ones and you can filter it by most
popular as well. To download, click
on the desired one, and press Free Download,
and you're finished. Once you've got a hang of
using all of these websites, it is time to look for
some royalty-free photos.
4. Finding Royalty Free Photos!: Finding royalty-free,
non copyrighted photos is very easy
in this day and age. With people always using images for a lot of creative purposes. It makes non copyrighted photos a very accessible
to many people. They can be used in
many applications such as clothing
design, video editing, advertisements like billboards
or social media ads, blog posts and many more. One of the most accessible
ways of finding royalty-free photos
on the internet is simply by searching
an image on Google. Then go up here to where it says Tools and press usage rights. Then press the button that says commercial and other licenses. Here you go. These can all be used for commercial purposes. I would still be very careful
with this method though. This is because all of
these images come from different websites which all have different rules
of using the image. For example, this
one might be able to let you use it without
giving credit, but this one might
require credits. I would press on the image and find licensing on each one till we do to what you need to know
in order to use the image. The next website is Pixabay. This one is great for finding
both videos and images, as you could tell from earlier. They have a very wide variety of selections when it
comes to image type. And if you search
something up here, you can see that you
can filter it by color and make the
background transparent. I like to use this
one when I need random pictures here
and there for editing. Once again, let's take
a look at the license. As you can see, there's no attribution required and
you can edit the image, but you cannot
redistribute images from Pixabay onto other
stock photo websites. You also cannot sell unchanged photos or portray
people in a bad manner, which are shown on
the Pixabay website. Neither can you use people for a misleading association
with a product or service. Alright, let's go back and do a simple run-through on how
to use pixel-based images. Let's search
something down here. As you can see, most of
these are full images, but when you filter it by
transparent background, the background is gone
when you download it. There are also a cartoon photos and real photos which adds that variety no matter why you're
using it for to download. Once again, press on the photo and click on one
of the dimensions. If you want the biggest size, you may have to sign up though. The next one is Pexels. Once again, they have
a great photo service along with their
video selection. You can search for anything
you want up here and you can get some really cool
user submitted images. You can filter by orientation, photo size, and the colors
that appear in the image. In terms of the license, you also do not need
to give credits. And you're able to edit
the photos if you'd like. When you go and download one. There's also a
cool feature where you can get it in a custom size. So if you wanted an absolutely huge size
or a quite small size, you have the freedom to do so. My final one for the
photos is negative space. This one focuses on high-resolution
professional photos. You can filter all of the
photos up here by category, and you can find a ton of gems for your next project
with this one. In terms of the licensing, you can download
any of the photos from the public domain, which has all of the
negative space website. And you are able to use, edit or share the photos, which could be for personal
and commercial use. Let's find an image to download. You can just search up here and press on one
you're interested in. Then you can press this
one download button. And that is at, once you've figured out
how to use some of these websites you're
interested in, it is time to find some
royalty free fonts.
5. Finding Royalty Free Fonts!: You can find so many
usages of fonts. From being able to use them on clothing and advertisements, to even websites and videos. Different fonts and the ones installed on the computer can give you a different mood and personality that you're
trying to portray. It can really help your website, video or add stand out from others and make you appear
much more professional. Let's get started with finding
some royalty free fonts. The first one I would like
to show you is Google fonts. This one is nice because it is right on Google and
you are able to browse a ton of nice fonts
from a really easy interface. And the best part is that all of these fonts listed are able
to be used commercially. This is said right
here on the screen. When searching for
fonts on Google funds, you can filter it by certain
categories of font types, different languages, and all of the certain styles of
each font category. If you want to see
how a certain font will look with a specific text, you can type it up here and
it will show you down below. You can also adjust the
font size right here. The filters are useful to which can show which ones
are most popular, trending, newest, et cetera. When you find one that
you want to download, you can click on the Font, find a specific style you
are targeting down below, or select the family, which means you get
every single type. Once downloaded, you can open the zip file and they give you a license which
you should still read. And also this file
which has an a on it, on Windows at least,
I believe Mac has a logo which
says a, b, c on it. You would click on this, which is the font file, and it shows all of
the letters, numbers, and symbols in
different font sizes. You can press Install
at the top and also go through the other
ones on the top right where it says next, these are all the different
styles of the font. If you want to
download all of them, then go through each of
these and install them. The next one is Font Once you go on it,
you can see that most of these fonts are
for personal use only. What we will do is
scroll all the way down and press commercial
fonts down here. This will give us only
commercial free use fonts. As you can see,
these fonts are very cartoon looking and are
very project-specific. I love the creative font
designs that they have on here. They have so much variety with their types of artistic fonts. To download one, press
the Cloud right here, then go through the
same process for installing as you did
with Google Fonts. The next one is Font Like with font, this one has a lot of
project oriented funds, which I'll look very
visually appealing. You can filter it by free
commercial use up here. And all of these are
the options you have. When you find one you
like just press on it and press Download button. Attached inside of
the zip file is a license which gives you the guidelines to
using the font. The final one is in a photo
editor and it is Canva. Canva offers so many
different fonts with a ton of special
effects with them. Let's make a 5 thousand by 5 thousand workspace with this custom tab to
show you around. As you can see, some of
the texts sets come with a couple of different fonts inside which blend
well together. They are also very colorful,
exciting, and eye-catching. You can adjust the size, color, make it bold, italicized, and underlined all up here. If you decide to use Canva for your project because
they have a good font, you can also import your
other stuff right here in the uploads tab and drag
it onto the workspace. Then press Download on the
top right when you are done. Now that you've found some
awesome fonts to use, Let's put a project
together where we will use some of
these things in Canva.
6. Putting it all Together + Project!: Now that we found a bunch
of places to get music, fonts, videos, and photos. Let's make something in
Canva which includes video font and some audio. I will use this plane
video from Pixabay. And I will use this
font from Canva itself. Let me show you how I will
put this together in Canva. First press Create
a design after signing up, press video. Then I'll locate the
video in the uploads tab. Then I will drag the video
onto here and adjust it. Then I'll add my text making sure that it can appear alright, by changing the color
if necessary and adjusting it to make it
aesthetically pleasing. When you're finished with
making your project, you can press Download
on the top right. Alright, here's
my final project. I hope you enjoy it. For the project below in
Project and Resources, I want you all to try
and make the same thing. You can use Canva or any
other editing service. I just want you to
implement some of the tools that tell you how to
find in this course. I look forward to seeing
what you all came up with. Thank you for
watching my course. I hope you all got a
lot of value from it by learning how to
find all these fonts, videos, photos, and music. I wish you luck in using these, and I hope you have a good day.