Figma Prototyping & Animations: Design Interactive Prototypes | Tetiana G | Skillshare

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Figma Prototyping & Animations: Design Interactive Prototypes

teacher avatar Tetiana G, UX Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Basics of prototyping in Figma


    • 3.

      Presentation mode & devices


    • 4.

      Animation types.


    • 5.

      Hover effect


    • 6.

      Smart animate - part 1 (basics)


    • 7.

      Smart animate - part 2 (menu bar)


    • 8.

      Horizontal & vertical scrolling - photo gallery app


    • 9.

      Open overlay - banking app


    • 10.

      On drag animation - transfer app


    • 11.

      Interactive components - social media app


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About This Class

Did you know that knowing how to prototype is an essential skill that every UI/UX Designer should have? 

With interactive prototypes, you can communicate better with your clients or developers about how the user should interact with your web or mobile app in real life. Clickable prototypes let you gather feedback fast and make design changes before handing off your designs to developers.

In this class, you'll learn the main prototyping techniques in Figma that you can later apply to your own projects.

From the basics of prototyping to interactive components, we'll cover different types of animations and interactions that are crucial for creating a successful product. We will also apply these interactions in a few small projects (mobile and web screens) that you can use for your portfolio.

This class is suitable for ALL LEVELS.

Key topics include:

  • Basics of prototyping in Figma
  • Animation types
  • Smart animate
  • Horizontal & vertical scrolling
  • On drag animation
  • and more

Are you ready to level up your interactive prototyping skills in Figma? See you in the class!

P.s. If you want to submit your work, I will be happy to give you my feedback! 

Meet Your Teacher

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Tetiana G

UX Designer


UX Designer with a background in software development, currently improving the user experience of the SaaS application in the sustainable building industry. Besides my work, I enjoy recording Figma tutorials here on Skillshare as well as for my YouTube channel and LinkedIn Learning and also tutoring the ones who are interested in becoming UX designers.


Download my freebies about UI Design here:

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1. Introduction: Hello friends. My name is Tatiana and today I'm excited to share with you my knowledge on how to create prototypes and figma. Prototyping has become an essential skill for UX and UI designers. As with prototypes, you can show how your ideas should work in a real app or mobile application. Also with prototyping, you can communicate better with your clients or for example, developers who should implement or design in the real life. Basically, this course has been created for all levels. Doesn't matter if you are just starting out with Figma or you already worked with the sulfur for a while. We will start with basics of prototyping on how to create basic interactions between screens. And then we'll move on to more complicated topics, such as creating interactions for clicking and dragging hover effect. We will also talk about different types of animations, including smart animate. The end. We will talk about how to work with interactive components which are very essential to speed up your prototyping process. I hope to see you inside of my class and enjoy my first tutorial. 2. Basics of prototyping in Figma: In this video, we'll talk about how to create a simple interaction between two frames. I already prepared two different designs for a hero section and also for our products. This is just a simple fictional shop that we're going to work books today. Sigma, as you already know, on the right money tab, you'll see Design tab. This is basically where you do everything related to your design, alignment, colors, typography, and so on. Then you have Prototype tab. And this is actually what we're going to talk about. They, and also in the next videos, inspect that is just engaged if you want to know, for example, CSS settings of other elements. So when you are in your prototype section and you select your frame, you immediately can see an ending point or the plus icon. This is quite easy because when you press on it, you immediately see an error that you can point to another frame like that. When you release your arrow, you immediately get the interaction details which are quite adjustable. So in this case you can select enclave on track and so on. But in this video we will only focus on the basic click interaction and we'll talk about more details about animation and other interaction types in the next videos. To delete, for example, interaction select an error and press on the Delete keyboard. In my case, it will make the most sense to connect Shop Now button to the next frame. So let's just quickly do it. Select the Shop Now button and connect this button until the next frame, like that. The zoo can see here, I can immediately navigate to our products frame. And if you have different frames, so you can easily select from the list here as well. Alright, let's also connect the upper menu in my hero section as well to the next frame like that. And of course, if the user is on our products, maybe he or she wants to go back. Let's just connect this button. Go back to our initial frame, the hero section and the same. Usually when the user presses on logo, you will see this indirection that you can go back home to the main page, important to mention, if you actually click on a gray background area, you can immediately see all of the interactions that happen between both of our frames. Let's say you decided to change some interaction or maybe you made a mistake. You can easily do this modifications by selecting an arrow and actually changing the settings in the interaction details or in an animation subsection. If it has that, let's preview our prototype and the interaction. To do that, let me get to the upper menu bar and press on the present icon. Alright, so we are in a presentation mode and let's quickly test if actually our interaction works. When I hover over my bottom right here, you'll see that the mouse arrow changes and that actually it indicates that I can click on it. Simple as that. I'm navigated to the next frame to our products as well. I see that my next button go back actually works as well, and that's how I navigate back. Let's also test quickly if this manual works, our products. Yes, perfect, it works. And the final interaction is going to be on our logo. And yes, we are also redirected to our homepage. In the next video, we will talk more about the presentation mode settings and also devices that you can use to view your prototypes. 3. Presentation mode & devices: Here I would like to share with you a few tricks in the presentation mode that you can use to get the best viewing experience of your prototypes. When you open your frame, you can basically interact with it. But for example, if you are unsure or if your user is not true right-click, you can simply click anywhere on the frame and you will get the hints on where you actually click. So this is just the clickable areas that you can use. Of course, when you hover over these elements, you can see that they are clickable as well. Let's talk about different options right here. You could fit your frame to the different width of the screen. So actual size means that your frame will so a 100% of how it should be. So if your frame has much more pixels than your actual screen, then you will not see it fully. The best one would I like to do is fit width or for example, full screen. Then you see a general overview. Not area of your frame is scarred out and you can easily navigate and test it out as well in the options you, for example, can disable the hotspots in onClick. So when you press on your frame, the null hints are being shown anymore. When you activate it. Now you see the hints again as well. You can hide the sidebar so you have a better view. You have more area to see your prototype, which is also quite useful. Of course, the last one is to show Figma UI. If you're disabled that, then you do not see any many settings anymore. To reactivate it back, you can see the hint from Figma press Control slash bar to show the thing my UI again, Let's do that. Here we see again our menu. What I also like about the presentation mode is that you can collaborate with your team members or with your clients. For example, the main feature is to share the prototype. When you press an a sharp prototype, you can actually add the emails of people who you want to view your prototype or actually edit that. This is quite useful if you want to collaborate together. Even easier, you can actually have anyone with the link can view or for example, can edit in Figma like there are free and also paid plans. And on the free plants you have a limitation on how many people can edit and collaborate. But we will not cover this topic here. You can easily read it in a health center of Figma and as well, the last point I wanted to show right here is that you can put comments on your prototype in a presentation mode. For example, let's add something. For example, when your team member opens it, they can immediately see that you left a comment like, Hey, I want the color of this button to be changed easily. Another person can either reply to your comment or for example, market as resolved also when your exit from the presentation mode, you have different sentence in the prototype DEP. This settings are only visible if you deselect the frames. If you select the frame, then you have totally different settings right here. So let's quickly deselect it. And one of the most important settings I will just show you is actually device. It's quite useful because you can preview your prototype on the real device. And in this case, I will like to preview my mobile version of our products screen. The frame that I created is iPhone 11 Pro. Let's check it. You can immediately see the preview how it will look like. You're going to, for example, modify the model. You can choose a silver space, gray, midnight green, but let's just keep it gold, for example. You can also modify the placement so either vertical or horizontal. And of course you could see the flows. And right here we can either copy a link to your flow, specifically select the frame of the flow. As you can see, the first flow immediately redirected to my hero section frame. And of course you can immediately play it. Yeah, let's see actually how our second flow is being shown on a real device. So right here we see actually how our mobile version of the screen is gonna be displayed on a mobile phone. And it's actually quite nice to see, especially for the margins on the side margins and top margins to make sure that nothing is cut out and that your user will get the best experience out of your prototype. 4. Animation types.: Remember our simple interaction between two frames that we created a while ago? Well, if you remember it correctly, we did not play around specifically, would've settings of the interaction details and animations. And today I'm going to explain to you eight different types of animations that you can actually use in your prototypes. So by default, in Figma, your animation is set on instant and an instant. Actually your prototype transition is quite a broad. It doesn't have this smooth transition that you usually see in nice apps and websites. To create a smoother transition, I always recommend to start with basics. For example, by choosing dissolve animation, it will dissolve animation. You can have this different curves that you can select with different types of transmission. So by default, it's set to ease out. And here you can set different types of delay. For example, if it's only 300 milliseconds, the transition will be quite fast. What I like about sigma is that right here on this black box, you can immediately see the interaction, how it will look like. So let's test it quickly on our prototypes. So I press shop now and I see this smooth transition, but it was quite fast right here. Let's increase it to 1 second. Here are the transition is smaller and much slower. In this case, it doesn't really apply because it looks a bit strange on a website to have a transition like that. But he's gonna be useful, for example, for slides. If you have some presentation to make, then it will look much, much better rather than just an instant animation. The next animation type I would like to talk about is smart animate. Smart animate looks for matching layers between two frames. It recognizes the difference and actually animate this layers between the frames. I will quickly show you how it works, but we will have another video specifically dedicated to smart animate because it's a bit complex and it requires more time to explain. So as well, Let's just select ease out with, for example, 800 milliseconds and you will see what is going to happen. Let's press our bottom. You see that the animation that was quite complicated. So Figma found this combinations between texts layers. And you can see that we had this complicated interaction that where the primary texts was kind of going upwards to the next frame, the next animation is moving. And you can see that actually our friend is getting moved in from different direction. And what I like about this type of animation is that you can select the direction, whether it comes from the top, from the bottom or from the side. Here you see our second frame is getting moved in from the left side of our first frame. Move out has a very similar indirection, but it just works other way round. Let's quickly check how it looks like. Bush has quite a similar animation and interaction. You can also select different directions from which the second frame is pushed onto the next one. But I also quite like it because it can be really nice interaction, especially when you have scrollable website. It's quite awesome, but maybe to make it better, we can increase delay. Let's increase it to 1600 milliseconds. Here's awesome is quite a lot of websites and nowadays use this trick when they want the user to waste could scroll down and get his cool interactions when they press on the button. I really, really like it. So I didn't works exactly like push by. It has this feeling as a slide and it's coming from the top to our frame and basically moves it out right here. You can also select different directions, but let me quickly show how exactly it looks like. So basically, our frame is still coming from the top, but it doesn't push out the first frame, but it kind of comes on top of it as a slide. Finally, the last one is slide out is when the first frame is getting slide out and the second frame appears exactly like that. So that was quite a simple interaction right here. On the animation, you're going to have different types of interaction. And by default it's an ease out, but you can play around and select different settings. But for example, if you also want a really advanced animation, I recommend to use custom. We'll talk about that later in more details. But what custom you can have more advanced interaction. So right here you can see this strength curve, which you can change, for example, like that. And you will see totally different animation compared to the preset default. Exactly like that. You can see that first it was quite fast and then you get the delay. 5. Hover effect: Today we'll talk about how to create a hover animation. This animation is extremely easy to do and to be honest, is my favorite type of animation that you can do in sigma. Right here, I already created a frame with a desktop size, and I already also found an image with some furniture. So let's imagine we create a hover animation for an online shop where you sell furniture and you want to display some really cool animation was someone basically hovers over with their mouth. So to start, let's quickly copy this image outside of our frame. Right here, we're going to make some modifications to display our hover state. So in my case, I would like to add extra fill of a black color with the opacity percentage of 30%. I will also add a title. Alright, so I basically changed the font and the size of it. Let's also select both of the layers and place the minimalistic sulfurs in the middle of architecture. And also if you create an online shop is very important to place call to action. In my case, I will create a button which says Shop Now so the users can immediately opened the selection of sulphur has, let's say, and shop the ones that they like. Let's move our text layer above our rectangular layer so it's getting displayed. Of course, let's select both of these layers and create an alignment in the center. I will group these two layers as well, and I will also decrease the size of this button. I will select my image and also a button to ally them both in a center. All right, So when you are done with creating your hover state, select all of these layers, and basically click on the right mouse and select Frame Selection. It's really important that you do not just group this elements, but you select them as a frame. When both of the states are ready, let's navigate to the Prototype tab and create our interaction. Of course, I'm going to connect the first image, the idle state, to our hover state. In the interaction details I will select while hovering, which is quite logical. Important part right here is we will not select navigate to the fray, but we will have to select Open overlay. With open overlaid, it means that the layer that you are being pointed tool actually will replace the first layers. So in this case, we'll get the perfect hover effect. And of course, in an overlay section, you have multiple functions. But what is important here to choose is manual because we want to make sure that our image is being an executive, the same position as our guard in the frame. So as you can see, I can move the position of my hover layer in the different size, which means that it will be not exactly in the middle of the first image for our experiment, for our test. Let's just do it exactly in the middle. Let's immediately see how it works. So here I will hover with my mouse and look and see a different hover state, which is perfect. But as you can see as well, that the animation is not quite smooth. The reason for that is actually our animation setting because by default, as you remember from previous videos, is set on instant. But in this case, let's choose dissolve and we will just keep it as it is with a default 30 milliseconds of delay and ease out animation and let's quickly check how it works. Yes, as you can see, it's much smoother. You see that transmission is much better and it feels more natural. So that was the boreal about hover animation. See you in the next video. 6. Smart animate - part 1 (basics): Today we will learn about smart animate in Figma. With Smart Animate, you can connect to similar frames and get the fluid animation between them. But to illustrate you more precisely how it works, let me quickly show you a simple example. In sigma. Let's create two frames. I will select as always, mobile frame of iPhone 11 Pro Max. I will immediately duplicate this frame for the convenience. Let's just create a simple shape, for example, a rectangular. I will place my Rectangular on the first frame on the bottom. And I will quickly select a random color to fill. And I will copy paste this rectangular to the second frame, but I will also move it to the top of the frame. And also to illustrate to you the smart animate the animation. I will rotate this shape on 180 degrees. Right now you didn't see any visual difference, but trust me, in our presentation, you will definitely see that. Let's quickly navigate to the Prototype tab and connect both of our frames. So I will just select on tap, I will create an animation with smart animate and what the default settings of ease out with a delay of 300 milliseconds. And let's do the same. When you tap back on the same shape, you return back to the first frame. All right, Let's quickly validate our prototype. So I'm going to quickly click on my shape. As you can see, it's mostly rotated, but I think that the delay was just too quick. Let's quickly go back to our file and change the delay to a bigger number. Let's test it again. You can see that our shape is being rotated in a smaller way. And I really like it because you can create so many complex animations with smart animate, but just to give you another example to compare. So what will happen if we just simply dissolve our animation? Will there be a difference? You might think that yes, it will be exactly the same, but actually it will be quite different. So I write here, let's click on our shape again. And you see that the rotation does not happen. And of course, if it did not rotate your shape, that it doesn't really matter. You just see the smooth transition, but you didn't see this awesome animation effect as we just did before. Let me also show you how smart animate works on a real life example. 7. Smart animate - part 2 (menu bar): Imagine that you already have a hero section for your website. In my case, I already prepared a basic layout and you guys are welcome just to copy it or create your own hero section. But what I'm going to illustrate right here is how the hamburger menu will behave with smart animate when the user will click on it. Let's quickly select our frame and duplicated. And in the second frame we are going to create our interaction on how the manual slide out from the right side. So first of all, I will take this hamburger menu and I will rotate it by 90 degrees. And then of course I will create a menu box. Let's quickly also colored in a darker shade of yellow and they'll forget to move it under the hamburger menu because you want to see it with a stroke. I will also modify the colors so we can see our hamburger menu quite precisely. The last step would be just to write some menu items. I will select all of my text layers together with a rectangular box and also will align them to the center. Right now if we will connect our hamburger menu in the prototype, we will not see any specific animation, but we will just see a very nice flow where the money will appear. Let me quickly illustrate it to you in a prototype step, let's again connect our hamburger menu onclick with smart animate with a delay of 800 milliseconds and the same right here. When I click back, my menu will disappear. Let's quick with that spit. Yeah. So you see that basically the manager slowly appeared with a smooth transition. But what I want to achieve is that my manual slides off from the right side. So to achieve that, I'm going to take my menu and I'm going to copy paste it to the first frame. And let's select this menu is in both of the frames and move them outside of our frame is quite important because Figma bicycle tracks all the interaction that happens. So if our money is going to slide out from the right side, we have to move it in our first, in both of our frames. And specifically in the second frame, Let's just move it back as it was initially. Let's quickly see if we get a better transition. Yes, So this is what I wanted to achieve is quite nice. And of course, with Smart Animate, you can create much more difficult and complicated animations. But as a basic lesson is a good start for you to start exploring. Let me know, guys, if you managed to do it and I'm curious to see your works as well. 8. Horizontal & vertical scrolling - photo gallery app: Hello friends. Today we'll talk about how to create a horizontal and vertical animation. And specifically for this lesson, we will create a simple screen for travel app. So let's quickly open Sigma, select our frame tool and select the preset phone frame. In my case, I will select iPhone Pro Max. I will quickly add some title. Let's also set the size to 26 and also the thickness of semi bold. I will also create a sub-headline and decrease its size, of course, and also the thickness to medium. The next step would be to create a travel cards that I would further would like to animate and make them available in the horizontal direction. Let's also round the corners. Right here. I will also write some text. For example, New York. I will also group these two elements and copy them. Alright, just for the convenience, I will move this elements outside of the frame unless actually first rename discards. I will also select each rectangle and add the image for it. Basically, I use Unsplash plugin where you can search for a bunch of different images for any type of topic that you have for your prototypes. So let's start with New York. Beautiful. I really liked this images. Let's select all of these cards and with a right-click on our mouse, let's select Frame Selection. So it's really important that our elements are inside of a frame and not just inside of a group. I will select the frame and move this elements inside of our app quickly to create the elements for vertical scrolling, I will just copy the sub-headline and create the cars for our vertical scrolling. Right after I got it, All of this elements, of course, I will put them outside of our frame so I can make the modifications easier. So let's also change the titles and the images for each of our depth element. Perfect. Let us again select all of our elements as well, convert it to the frame. And of course this frame, I will move back inside of my app screen. Perfect, So our app screen is ready. But before we proceed, the prototyping, let me tell you some trick. You consider the frame goes outside of the frame of our app. And to make our horizontal and vertical scrolling, we need to modify the borders of this frames righteous to the same width and height of our travel app. This is really important because if you leave the frames outside of your app frame, the animation will work. I will also modify it like that. When you go to the Prototype tab and you select your frame, you can see here immediately overflow scrolling tab that the chest appeared. And by default, you'll see no scrolling. That means that no scrolling animation will be implemented. When I open the drop-down menu. For this case, I will choose horizontal scrolling. The same for the next frame. Will also choose the overflow scrolling to vertical scrolling. Awesome. Let's see how it works in action. Perfect. This is our app. I'm going to scroll this cars and it works over horizontal scrolling is quite perfect. What about our vertical scrolling? It also scrolls, but I see some overflow right here. Basically, this frame goes above our subtitle and other travel guards, which is not how it should work. To fix this issue, go back to your prototype, select the vertical frame. And actually in the design section, it's really important that you take the clip content function. And when you clip content, that means that basically the scrolling will not go outside of the frame borders, which are exactly defined right here. Let's see in our presentation mode the changes that we just made. As you can see right now, I scroll and basically my elements and not overflow, they do not override my opera elements, which is amazing. So that was the tutorial about vertical and horizontal animation in sigma. 9. Open overlay - banking app: Today we will learn how to create overlay animations in sigma. Overlay animations are especially useful for mobile apps or for any type of prototypes where you would like to show a popup message. For example, to notify the user that the action happen or to warn about the mistake he made and so on. They will work specifically with the finance app that I already prepared, but this is just an example to show you how the animation will work. Let's create together a notification when the user will press on safe button, I will specifically create a new frame with a random size outside of my mobile app frame. So this one will be named as a notification. Let's create a headline here, so well done. Alright, and the last step will be to actually create a call to action button, which will be much smaller than this one. And we'll just say this group together all these three elements and align them exactly in the center. So specifically for this notification, I will also round the corners right here to the value of ten. And I will also add a shadow to this frame in the effects, Let's create a drop shadow. Unless just wanted to find some settings right here, I will blurred a bit more and maybe decrease the opacity of the black color to make it offer more natural look. Alright, so when you are done with your notification, let's jump into the prototyping section for the type right here. And we are going to remove the device because I don't want to see any device for now. Let's connect our Save button with our notifications. So when I will click on this button, I would like to see my pop-up. But in this case, as you can see in the interaction, the preset setting is navigate tool, but we would like to change it to open overlay and an open overlay. That's where the fun begins. You can align it in a center or for example, top-left, bottom left, and so on. Let us see what happens when we basically select this central overlay. I will press my Save button and I see my notification right exactly in the middle because our open overlay was set to the central position. But if I want more of a custom position, I will modify my overlay to the manual position. In the manual you can see right here my notification has with this cross lines, which means that this is the position where I will set it to be in my screen. I would like to basically move it right here. So the more of the upper part of my prototype, Let's check how it works. Let me quickly press on Save and you can see that my pop-up notification is right in exact position where I set it to be. So I hope you liked this tutorial and see you in the next class. 10. On drag animation - transfer app: Earlier were mostly worked with prototype triggers such as onclick and also hover. But today let's talk about how to create an animation will trigger on drag. This type of trigger allows it to perform an action when you drag an element on the screen, I will quickly create a title. Let's change also the color of the blue. Let's also quickly create a call to action button. Let's round also the corners to 20, and let's also call or it into the blue color. Perfect. Now let's get onto the most interesting part. We are going to create a slider that we are going to animate with Andrex animation. I will select the rectangular tool and draw a very thin rectangular that we'll introduce the line of our slider. Let's also round the corners of it. I will change the fill to the lighter gray color. I'm also going to copy the same rectangular and change it in its width. And its very important for us to create an animation what a slider will also change a color when the bottom is going to move to the other side. Let's quickly fill it as well into the light blue color. I will make it even smaller. And the last step will be to create an ellipse. This ellipse we will interact for our on track animation. Of course not to forget, we also have to create a number, basically, the number that we want to transfer it to someone. Let us quickly revise some fiction or numbers. For example, twenty-five dollars. I will align it in the center, and I will also copy this number to create this crawlable effect of the numbers changing while I'm dragging my slider. It doesn't really matter that position at the moment because we are going to group it into the frame and change it. So basically, the constraints will be different and will not overlap with other layers that we have in this screen. I selected all of my text layers and I'm going to press on the right-click of my mouth and press on frame selection. And that's basically position it a bit higher. So what we're going to do is that we have the margins of our frame, the blue box around all of our elements. And I'm just going to drag this margins back to my initial number like that. But in this case we spill, see other numbers and they overlap with other layers. To solve this issue, I'm going to clip content. As you can see, other numbers just disappeared. I just grouped all of these elements and I will align them exactly in the center, maybe a bit higher just to make it visually pleasing. Unless quickly copy this frame and create the next state of our slider. So in this case, I will just move the ellipse to the right, right here until the edge. And say what's gonna happen with our second rectangular of the slide. I'm just going to drag it with the West to be aligned with the ellipse. And this one will allow us to create a nice animation that the color is changing when the ellipse is being dragged. And as well, Let's look, forget about our number. So here of course it was slide to the right and mix it, our number will increase as well. What I'm going to do inside of the frame, I just selected all the texts layers and I'm going to move them up with the arrow keys. Exactly like that. So right now we have two of our frames. Let's move to the Prototype tab and actually create our interaction. We're going to work with our ellipse. We are going to connect our second frame in the interaction details I'm going to select on Drag. This is what's going to happen when we drag our ellipse. And of course, for the animation for the better visual effect and also for the smooth transition we are going to work with smart animate, the same. Of course, when I drag my ellipse back, I will go to the initial state in my first frame, the same on track, navigate to the slider is 0 frame with a smart animate animation with a delay of 300 milliseconds. So let's quickly validate our prototype in the presentation mode. Right here, where in the presentation mode, and it's quite exciting. So let's try to drag our slider. And as you can see, the numbers are changing and also the slider is getting filled with a light blue color. This is the perfect showcase of the drug interaction. And it looks really nice because you can have such a real simulation of the interaction, for example, for this imaginary banking app, See you in the next tutorial. 11. Interactive components - social media app: In this video, we will create animations with the help of indirect of components. Interactive components allow you to define interactions and animations between variance in the components set, which means that the instances become immediately alive in the prototyping mode. This way you can create reusable indirective elements faster and also reduce the complexity of your prototyping, which in general speeds up your prototyping workflow. So let's quickly create our interactive components set. So open your Figma file and let's immediately go to Plugins and select icon. If I plug-in, in this case, I would like to add a hard I can because I would like to create a sort of social media app where the user can like images. Let's quickly import it and I can see it here. Just for the purposes of this tutorial, I will ungroup this frame and actually I will ungroup the group itself. So in the end I only have a vector layer. This will be an idle state, but we need to create two more states, which means what will happen when the user, we'll hover over the icon and also what will happen when the user will click on the icon. Let's duplicate this icon two times. First, I will work with a hover state. So for this case, I will create, fill and select just the color it makes sense are the hardest sort of pinkish. But let me just quickly copy this color code for myself. And that will reduce the opacity to 30%. The same for the onclick state. I will create, fill and then copy paste exactly the same color. But in this case the opacity will be fed on a 100%. When you are done creating your state's, select all these layers and navigate to the upper menu bar where you see components. I can open it and select Create Component set. So it's important that you do not create a component out of the three elements, but the Ukraine, a component set. Right here, you immediately see the borders with the dashed lines. And that means that this is your components set is created. Before we start prototyping, it will be smart to rename our variance inside of the components stage. So the first one will be default of course, but the second one, I will chest set the property to hover. And the third one will have the property. Click. When you are done renaming your variance. Move to the Prototype tab and let's create our interaction. Of course, from the idle state, I'm also the hover state, which means while hovering, my variant will change the property to hover. You can see it right here with a drop-down menu, you can change to a different stakes, but in this case, hover makes the most sense. The animation I will select and smart animate with the default settings of ease out and a delay of 300 milliseconds. Then of course, let's move to the next state. So when I click on it, I changed to the click it as well. Here is smart animate as in the previous example. And of course, if the user deselects our icon, then we move back to our idle state, which means the same one would click on the click states that we go back to the default. This ECS that our directive components are created right here. And let's quickly create a simple mobile phone screen with our basic social media app. I will immediately select our default variant and copied outside from the components set frame. I will press on the Alt and drag it to my social media frame. And of course, I will select both of these elements and copy them to create more of the same variance to simulate a social media feed, it looks fine. And the last step will be of course, to pay some images with my favorite plugin called Unsplash. Let's just randomly put some images in here. Perfect, and if we've done everything correctly, that means that we would not have to connect any wires outside of our frame. We can just immediately go to the presentation mode and see how our icon changes its states. Awesome. You can see I hover over, I can click, I can like the image. I can like another one. I can like another one again. And of course I can unlike it if I want to. This is really amazing because my workflow is so much more easier than if I will just simply create another frame and I would connect every icon to that frame and so on. What is also useful about interactive components is that you can share it across with your team. And for example, if you have multiple pages in your project file, you can still find the same icon in your assets. In your essays, you can see the local components and you can simply drag it and have it on another page. This really simplifies the workflow. And for example, if you collaborate with different people, they can also use the same icon, the same interactive component through the file that you work together on.