1. Introduction: I always like tile,
mosaics and Mondelez. Our favorite art project
with my daughter is actually creating
mosaics out of paper. I also love to implement
sterilization into my art in terms of breaking down a complex
shape into smaller ones, with implementing a little
whitespace in-between. Once I was researching Moroccan floor tiles and I came across the artic of
the Nick Misani, who creates false floor
mosaic tile designs in Illustrator. The styles he created
made him famous and he mostly creates topography
of city names. It that an amazinig
style that it has even a hashtag on Instagram. A lots of artists around the world try to implement
this technique into their art. I also thought, how can I make
this happen in Procreate? For those who are seeing
me for the first time, my name is Alexandra
Gabor and I'm a professional art
teacher and artists. I have more than 10 years of experience in graphic design as well and I just love love
trying out new techniques. If I see some beautiful
or interesting art piece, I start to thinking about how to create it in the easiest way, a simplest process, mainly
because of my teacher brain, so that I can explain
it to a beginner. I will apply this in
this class as well. We will create a
simple hand lettering and turn it into Fauxsaic. I'm I pronouncing it right? This class is ideal
for beginners, but to the type of beginners who already knows how Procreate works because even though I
will comment on each step, it can be quick and demanding. Make sure to watch an Intro
to Procreate class here on Skillshare and then watch this class and you will rail it. You don't need to know
how to hand letter. You will pick up some useful
techniques throughout the process like tracing
is a hand lettering, creating a custom tile brush, creating highlights and
shadows with flatter layers, Photoshopping shoes, and
adding texture and shadows. This's just a great way to make your hand lettering
more interesting. This class is great
for those as well who are just entering the world of digital arts mainly
because I think that it brings a greater understanding
how layers work. If you are a person with a
big financial background, this class will be great
to help you to adjust to that interface and workflow
of Procreate as well. This class comes with
a custom brush and a template as a bonus to
make sure you succeed. I hope to see you in this class. I can't wait to see what
you create. [MUSIC]
2. What is a Fauxsaic?: Welcome, in this video we're going to talk about
what's a fauxsaic? If I'm pronouncing it right. What is it, who created it and what characteristics
does it have? Well, as you can see, this is what I have created, it is basically exactly
what its name says. It is a false floor
tile mosaic effect created in a digital program. Usually it is created
in Photoshop or Illustrator and in this class, I'm going to focus on how
to create it in Procreate. What I'm using is
the newest iPad Pro, the second-generation Apple
Pencil and Procreate. I'm sure there are
several ways how you can create this effect but the
one I'm going to share with you was the one
that worked for me. Let's see what the fauxsaic is. These are the artworks and
this is typographic mosaic. It's a different name for them. These are letterings, mainly names of the cities. This tile is created by
the artist Nick Misani. He became famous with it. This is his website. I'm just going to show you. This is his website. He creates all different kinds
of words and letterings. Mainly typographic,
not hand-lettering. What are the characteristics
of these artworks? Let's just take a
look on this one. There is a lettering.
This is the first one. These letterings are outlined. If you can see that
each letter is followed by a row of tiles and
then behind that, actually there are different
patterns created with tiles. Then there are imperfections. As you can see, these tiles are not really regular or precise. They follow different
strokes but there are some interesting solutions, for example like here. If I read well in Nick
Misani's website, he creates these artworks
in Illustrator and he hand draws each and every tile
and also colors them. Lettering, outlines,
imperfections, yes, and the legs of course. These is the last
characteristics so these artworks have these legs photoshopped Into them to create the more realistic look, I'm going to do the same. Let's just take a look in
Procreate how to get started.
3. Creating the Lettering: We are in Procreate, so if you open the program, you end up in the gallery. We're going to create a
new custom sized canvas. Click on the plus button. Click "Create Custom Size." What I love to work with is
the 3,000 and 30,000 pixels square and I'm just going
to call it Foursaic. Done. Now we have
a clear canvas. We are going to
create our lettering. There are several
ways to do that. The first one is that you create your lettering on paper
and you import it into your iPad by clicking here at an insert a photo
or take a photo with your iPad about your design and you insert it
into the program. But if you can't hand letter, I have a solution for you. Find the
and choose a word. Yes, this is the most important. Choose a short word you want
to create this project with. I've chosen love. I just need to write it here. Go. Choose a handwriting up here and you have all
different letterings. These are free fonts you can
use for your personal use. You don't need to download it or anything just create a close up, and by hitting these two
buttons, create a screenshot. Now return to Procreate. Click here, insert a photo, find the photo. It is here. Make it a little bit bigger. Now, in layers, add a new layer. Choose a brush. I like to use monoline
in calligraphy, and now just outline
the letters. This is really just a trick for those who don't know how to hand letter but would still
like to do this project. You can do this as well
with a real typography. You don't need to
hand letter but we are going to do
this in this class. I'm going to turn
off this layer. I'm actually deleting it. Now I ended up with a shape of the letter and
this is what we need. Even when you are going to create your own hand
lettering or typography, make sure you only
need the shape of it. What I wanted to
say as you can see I covered these things. If you don't have
a seamless line, you will not be able to fill
the shape in with color. Now I have a shape
of my lettering. You can do it nicer.
But that's all. I'm going to create my own hand lettering and
how I'm going to do that is, I'm going to delete
these layers. Clear. To the calligraphy brush and what I love
to use is script. Now I'm going to create
a hand lettering. Now I'm going to just summarize
brush lettering for you. It is that when you
have a stroke up, you want it to be thin, then when you have
a stroke down, you want it to be
thick, so like this. I'm not going to use hello, but I wanted to do love. Something like this. I want to have nice spacing
between the letters, and actually has turned
out pretty well. I'm just going to use this one. I'm going to resize it
a little bit to make it bigger and into the center. You can spend time, like more time creating
a nicer lettering, but let just move on to
the next video to show you how to create your
custom tile brush.
4. Create Your Custom Tile Brush: What we need is
to feel the shape of this lettering with tiles. You could draw all of
the tiles by herself, but I think that's
time-consuming and we have an easier method here. We are going to create
a custom brush. What is amazing about
Procreate brushes, you can find this picture in the artist handbook
of Procreate, is that they have two sources. There's a shape source
and a grain source. If you have ever used
a Photoshop brush, Photoshop brushes
were one layered, meaning that within
that one layer you had different shapes and opacities
to create the brush. But now, you have
a shape source and a grain source which
can work differently, but create a wonderful
result for the brush. In the Procreate, we're going to create
a custom brush. I'll hit the Plus button here, and we're going to
choose the shape source. Here you have the option
to swap from pro library, here you have the library
and just find this one, blank and choose the exact
same one for the grain. What we want is a simple square
tile without any opacity. Now you have some options
you can choose from. We're going to set
at first spacing as separating these shapes and creating a stroke with them. If I have low spacing, I have a seamless brush stroke, but I don't want that. I'm going to set this to 66. Yes, that's just fine. If I'm creating, painting, I have this stroke. Now what I want also
is streamlined. If I don't have any streamline, the stroke I'm making reacts to every moment I'm
making with my hand. But if I'm putting
it to the maximum, it is stabilizing the movement. I don't want any jitter, it randomizes it, any fall off it means that
it makes it like a fate. I don't want any of
that, any jitter. Let's go to the shape and
set the shape behavior. I want the rotation
to be 100 percent. That means that these
tiles are going to react to the curves I'm making. General. Yes, I want to orient
to screen to turn off. Now the shapes are not
orienting to screen. I think that's just
all I wanted to set. Let's just name it Title brush. Done. Now when I'm painting, you see I have these nice tiles. In the next video, we
are going to apply these tiles to the lettering. I'm including the
brush in the resources which you can find in
the Your Project tab.
5. Tile Your Lettering: Now that we have our lettering, we have our custom brush, what we are going to do is
to create a second layer, empty layer from this lettering
and fill that with tiles. What I'm going to do
is to hit the layers, create a new layer. Let's call this Tiled Letters. Click the first layer and click "Select," and now just simply select the tiled letter layer. What it does that we are
going to actually draw into an empty layer and
fill that with our tiles. Now select your tiled brush and choose its size to be
approximately 30 percent. You can say that. Choose
a different color. I'm going for white. What I'm going to do is to
fill the shape like this. Nicer. When I'm going
to do is to follow one of the outlines. When I have spaces
like this I'm going to simply just fill it
with a second stroke. This is not a mistake, we are going to erase around these tiles to make
them look better. But if you want try to keep an even distance
between the two lines. What I'm going to
do is to go around all lettering and fill
it with tiles like this. I'm going to speed
up this process. Great, it took me just like
three minutes to fill this. If you can see, I have some places like this
where I missing tiles, so I just hit there and there, and let's say here. Now choose an eraser. Try to make it the round brush. Hard airbrush I'm choosing for my eraser brush because
it has hard edges. I want my brush to be
approximately 10 percent. What I'm going to
do is to erase, 10 percent is too much. I'm going to lower that to 7. I'm just going to erase around my tiles to make them look more natural, or irregular to make
these imperfections, and to have an even
spacing between them. I was lectured by my
husband that nobody would put tiles on the floor that too
close to each other. Just erase around them. I'm just going to speed
up this process again. If you arrive to
places like disparate, so many overlapping, just follow the outlines
and just erase by them, and then you will know
what to put where. If you have irregular
shapes like this, try to make them smaller as
if it was really a mosaic.
6. Outlines: What we have now is
a tiled lettering. If I'm turning off this layer, you cannot see it right now. Let's just put the
background coloring to a little bit grayish. I'm going to deselect
and turn this layer off. Now you can see we
have nice tiles. This will look better. I
know this is not yet there, but you can see it is nice. The second characteristic
was outlining, and this is what we
are going to do. We are going to do the exact same thing
we did previously. So I'm going to
create a new layer, rename it and name it Outlines, and put this layer below the origin
lettering layer. Now select the lettering layer. Click here to invert and now
select the outline layer. What it did is that now when
we are painting our tiles, I need to select
my tile of brush. We are going to add these
tiles around the lettering. If you erased a little bit part of the outlines
of the lettering, you will have easier
work right now. It doesn't matter if you didn't, we're either way going to
go around the eraser again. I'm going to choose
now a different color. I'm going to go for darker magenta and simply
create one row of tiles around. It is not really perfect, but I can just add some titles here and there where I
need it, for example here. What else do I need to do? Is to fill these parts of the lettering
with their styles. I'm just going to
go around down, also in the middle, and like this and also here. I think I'm done. I might need bigger tiles
down here, here as well. Actually, I'm going
to erase this part. I don't like that. Too small tiles. Great. Now I choose
my eraser again. I [inaudible] just simply go
over these outlines again. I need six and just
simply erase around them. If there is a place where these white tiles are
touching the second color, erase that too so that they
don't touch each other. When you arrive to a place
like this, for example, try to make a row from
these tiles so that they have some direction
for example here. As you can see, this is the
line we want to follow, so erase it, with that in mind. All right. I think we are
finished with the outlines. Obviously you can spend more
time with this if you choose like for example
smaller size tiles to create the lettering, to create the outline. It will look even better. But I just want to share
this with you so that it is a doable project
and not too demanding. Now I'm going to
deselect the layer. What I have now in my layers is the outlines and
the tile letters. In the next video we
are going to create the background with a
different technique.
7. Background: In this video, we are going
to deal with the background. It is going to be a bit
different technique that we did. What we need now is
geometric pattern of tiles we need to draw. But we're not going
to do this freehand, but we are going
to open Google and just type tile
pattern vector free, hit images and just Find some royalty-free
tiles that you like. This is the type of the
tile pattern I like. It's called Cairo tiles. When I write that here, Cairo tile pattern, it opens me up several
perfect possibilities. Here is a where I can download this particular
pattern for free. But I have only five
formats like SVG, EPS, DWG and I don't want that. What I'm going to do again
is I'm going to screenshot this image and go to Procreate. I'm going to hide my
layers, I'm sorry. Create a new layer and I'm going to Insert photo and I'm
going to insert this file. Yes, I'm going to make it
as big as I need it to be. Now I'm going to create
a new layer above it. Choose a white color, choose the mono line
brush and I'm going to trace over one row of de-creating pattern
and then I'm going to duplicate it to
create the pattern. So let's just do that. I'm going to speed things up. If you keep holding the line, it will straighten up. So it really makes it easier to draw lines in
geometric patterns. If you can see, I have
a row that I traced. I have these lines
that will match. I will turn this layer off below and actually
I can delete it. What I'm going to
do is to select this layer and duplicate. Now I can hit the Move
tool and make this happen. To do this again, I'm going to click the
frame selection and merge down and now I
have them combined. I'm going to do
this several times to have the whole canvas
filled with the pattern. The next thing I'm going to do, I want to have the
tiles selected. I don't want this white lines. I want them to be transparent. What I'm going to
do is I'm going to merge these two layers. I'm going to create a new layer. Click the tiled layer, hit "Select", and hit
"Invert selection." Now go to this layer above. Choose a color,
let's say orange. Click that layer and
click "Fill layer." Now you have does the
tiles in the pattern. Now I can hide this layer below. So when I'm changing
the background color, I have this nice patterns. In the next video,
let's see how to combine this with
our other link. I included a transparent PNG of the Cairo type pattern in the resources that
you can freely use.
8. Connect the Lettering with the Background: [MUSIC] So now let's reveal
our lettering layers. Put this cairo
tiles behind them. I'm actually going to
rename this cairo tiles. What I want to do is to erase the lettering
from these tiles. Get the eraser. Make it a bigger size, just the layer of
the cairo tiles. This is going to be as
simple as it sounds. Erase it. This is the easiest way. I'm choosing this
because we need to have these uneven edges again
around our lettering. If I would just
cut things around, it wouldn't be so organic
and that's what we want. So I'm just going through
all the lettering and erasing the lettering
from those tiles. Cool. I love how does looks. Do you like it? [MUSIC]
9. Color Variation: It looks really nice. Now, let's make it look real. There are three things you
can do and we need to do. We need to add some texture. We need to add color
variation and shading. Let's start with color variation because we need to create a flattened white layer from these tiles to make
the other ones. What I'm going to do is to
select the tiled letters, the outlines, and
the Cairo tiles, and create a new group. Now I'm going to duplicate the group and flatten
it then select it, choose white and fill layer. Now I have a flattened
filled layer with white. Now, what I'm going to
do is to hit Select, click Automatic and
randomly select tiles. Now that I have this tiles
selected, I click duplicate. Now I have this selected tiles. Now that I have the selection, I can select the layer
and choose a color. Let's say darker orange, and fill the layer. Now I'm going to
change the opacity. I'm going to hide this one. Now I have some color
variation on these tiles. I might want some
to be brighter. I can manually color. I can go to this Cairo
tiles and simply go around and just add
this here and there.
10. Shading: Now that I have the
color variation, I'm going to create a shading. What I'm going to do, I already have a white layer of Cairo tiles selected
and Duplicate. Now I have two tiles. I'm going to select one
of them and fill it with black. Fill layer. I'm just going to
show you what I have. I have white. This is going to
be the highlight. I have a black, which is going to be the shadow. I put this below my lettering. I'm going to choose this white, hit ''Select" and click
three times up here. What it does, it moves the layer with three
pixels display. This means that it
creates an effect as if the tiles were lit
from the side. Now I'm going to choose
the black layer, select it, and tap
three times here. What it did, it
created a shadow. As you can see there's a
highlight and there is a shadow. Now it has a realistic effect.
11. Texture: In this video, we are
going to create texture. Now create a new layer and
put it above the background. This is going to be renamed, let's call it Texture one. Let's choose a brush
from the industrial. We have a concrete block. We'll choose a big brush
and a dark gray color. What I'm going to do is to go over the whole. You know what? I want this part to
be a bit darker, so I'm just going to
just vary the values. Now I have a textured
thing behind the tiles. Now I'm going to
lower the opacity, so in here and just
make it as you wish. Now we are going to create
a texture above our tiles. What I'm going to do is
the same exact thing. I'm going to go over again
my tiles just very lightly, and I'm going to
lower the opacity. I'm going to go to "Adjustments"
and put the motion blur. It creates as if it was
a little bit textured. Let's go on to add the shoes.
12. Adding the Shoes: We have the last element, that we want shoes and
have on these tiles. What we are going to do
is to go to Google again, find stock fall aside
or for example, Unsplash or Pexels, Pixabay. Then just write the shoes above. Look for something
like this or this. This looks great. I'm just going to use this. Click on "Download for Free". Save Image. Go back to Procreate. Click "Add", "Insert a Photo". Now we have these shoes. What I'm going to do
is to hit "Select", choose freehand and
just trace around it. I'll just simply hit "Duplicate" and it
will just put it here. I'm going to delete this image. Now I have the shoes, which I'm going to make smaller. What I need is shadows. Make sure you have
those in black. They are going to
create shadows. Create a layer below the shoes. Choose round brush and
go below the shoes. Then you can just click
to "Adjustments". Click most our slide to
adjust to create [inaudible]. Choose the layer below, which gave you the above texture and you can just add a bit
more shadow here and there. Just hit "Motion
Blur" again so that you have some things. It's finished.
13. Final Thoughts: [MUSIC] Amazing. If you are watching this video, you have gone through
the whole process. Congratulations. I hope you liked the class. If you have any questions, please make sure to ask it
in the discussion tab below. I would love to ask
you to leave me a review because it helps
the class to rank higher, and so you'll help other
students to find it more easily. As a project, please upload your artwork that you
have created following this process and describe your experience in
a few sentences. What was the most useful
thing you have learned. Make sure to click the
follow button up there so that you get notified when the other classes
will be out there. You can as well find me on Facebook and Instagram
as The Artmother, just to check out
what I'm up to. Thank you very
much. I wish you a wonderful day and happy
creating. [MUSIC]