Etsy Template Shop: Diversify Your Income with Canva Templates | Cheryl Chan | Skillshare

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Etsy Template Shop: Diversify Your Income with Canva Templates

teacher avatar Cheryl Chan, Brand Designer / YouTuber

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      What You Need & Costs


    • 4.

      Choose Your product


    • 5.

      Define Your product


    • 6.

      Design Your Product


    • 7.

      Prepare Your Deliverable


    • 8.

      List Your Product


    • 9.

      Create a Product Mockup


    • 10.

      Branding & Customer Experience


    • 11.

      Launch your shop


    • 12.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

I still remember that feeling I got the first time someone purchased something from my Etsy shop selling Canva Templates. You get a Cha-Ching sound from the Etsy shop app, and it was a mixture of excitement, hope and opportunity. For the first time, I realized that I really can diversify my income and design a business that works with me and my lifestyle. Since then, I've learned some incredible ways & tips to run a successful e-commerce shop, so I want to share them with you!

This class is my no-fluff, complete roadmap to planning, designing, listing, branding, and selling Canva Templates on Etsy:

What will we explore?

  • How to choose your first product to expand your online business
  • Intentionally plan your product with my Product Spec Sheet
  • My tips for designing Canva Templates that sell passively
  • Creating a winning Etsy Listing: From beautiful product mockups to SEO 101
  • Building a stand-out brand & customer experience that will keep customers coming

By the end of this class, you’ll be walking away with a new passive income stream for your online business.

Our Class Project

Included with your class is a PDF full of useful resources as well as access to your own Product Spec Sheet. Throughout the lessons, we will be completing this Product Spec Sheet together to intentionally plan and strategize your next digital product. By the end of the class, share your completed Product Spec Sheet and/or a screenshot of your launched Etsy shop front. We can’t wait to see your Etsy Template Shop live!

Is this class for me?

This class was created for graphic designers who want to diversify their income, allowing them to share their designs with a greater audience. However, anyone with even a little bit of graphic design practice can open a Canva Template Etsy Shop! If you’d like to brush up on your design skills using Canva, be sure to check out my other SkillShare class, Canva Basics: Launch your Creative Business and you’ll be quickly on your way to creating your first digital product.

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Meet Your Teacher

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Cheryl Chan

Brand Designer / YouTuber

Top Teacher

I run a design studio called Made on Sundays and my ultimate vision is to inspire mindful and creative living. I truly believe that we write the most fulfilling chapters of our stories when we feel in complete alignment with our life, business & purpose. That's why I'm here to help entrepreneurs tell their most intentional brand stories with clarity and confidence through brand and website design, education on YouTube, and other helpful resources.

But really, who am I?

I'm a Canadian gal, born and raised in Vancouver but decided to quit her cushy Brand Manager job to pursue a bigger dream in Amsterdam. My husband and I sold everything from our first apartment together, packed 5 pieces of luggage and never looked back. Now I run a creative studio... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: I still remember that feeling the first time someone bought something from my Etsy shop. You get this [NOISE] sound from the Etsy shop app. It's just a mix of excitement and hope and opportunity. Someone just paid me for something that I created. For the first time. I realized that I really can diversify my income. Now it gives me the time and freedom to really design the business that works with me and my lifestyle. Hey, there I am Cheryl Chan and I am a brand designer, a YouTuber, a multi passionate entrepreneur. When I started my design business in 2019, as a full-time freelancer, I had no formal design training or any serious business experience at all. The only side hustle experience that I've had in the past was this tiny Etsy shop that I opened with my best friend in 2017 called DaughtersKombucha, selling kombucha starter kits. Well, it wasn't the most profitable business that I've created. It taught me the ins and outs of Etsy, the challenges and risks of selling a physical product, and the importance of branding and customer experience. After a year of being a full-time graphic designer, I decided I wanted to revive my interests and product creation and open a new Etsy shop, this time selling digital products, specifically Canva templates. This decision has opened multiple doors of opportunities for me and my business. In this class, I wanted to teach you to do the same thing. We are going to learn my step-by-step process of how I choose my digital product, how I plan a product with my product spec sheet, my tips on designing templates on Canva, how to create beautiful product mockups, how to create a standout product listing on Etsy, and the ins and outs of branding and creating an amazing customer experience. This class is perfect if you are a graphic designer or even have some basic understanding of design. I want to thank you for choosing my class today and let's start creating your first product. 2. Class Project: Let's talk about the class project for this class. In the Resources section, you can download my product spec sheet that's included with this class. In the next couple of lessons, we are going to be going through each section and completing them together. At the end of completing your product spec sheet, I would love for you to share your completed work. Take a screenshot of it or save it as an image and share it in the project section below. I'm happy to provide my feedback or if you have any questions on how to improve your product and your product listing. After that, feel free to take a screenshot of your Etsy storefront or even a link to your launched Etsy shop to share with the community. Let's cheer each other on for such a huge accomplishment. Let's get started. 3. What You Need & Costs: Before we start creating your digital product, in this lesson why don't we take a look at what programs you might need and all of the costs associated with opening an Etsy shop. First off, there's Canva. You're obviously creating Canva templates here, so you're going to need a Canva subscription. Now for everything you need to do to create a basic Canva templates, you can use the free version of Canva, no problem. I always do recommend everyone to upgrade to the Canva Pro version, the paid version, when you feel like you want to upgrade your designs and if you want to provide a more advanced design to your customers, then I highly recommend upgrading and trying Canva Pro just because there are a lot of features there that will save you so much time and will just take your designs to the next level. Next up is your Etsy shop. To open an Etsy seller account, it's completely free. Just go to the Etsy website and sign up for a shop account. Then once you start listing your products, that's when you start paying. There are actually four things that you will need to start paying for once you start selling products on Etsy. The first one is the first listing fee and that is 20 cents. This is the price that you will be paying every time you list a new item onto Etsy. The second fee that you'll be paying is the listing fee sold, which is also 20 cents. This is the listing fee that they will be charging every time you sell an item, essentially becomes a restocking fee. Every time you sell an item, one item is less in your shop, so in order to restock the item into your shop, they're going to charge you 20 cents for that. The third fee that you'll be paying is their transaction fee which is 6.5%. I believe they just updated that this year in 2022, so it is a little bit higher than it was before. This is a fee that Etsy charges you every time you sell an item to pay for all of their expenses, to run their business, to market their business, and everything like that. The fourth fee that you're going to be paying for is their payment processing fee, which is typically a set price plus a percentage of the price of your item. This is dependent on where you are living and where your shop is setup in. As an example, in the Netherlands, I pay 4% of my selling price as well as 30 cents euro on top of that. This is the price that you are paying in order to use their Etsy payment system. Now as you can see, these costs and fees definitely add up very quickly. I think a lot of people will start looking at these fees and decide that it might not be for them. That's totally fair, but I do want you to keep in mind that Etsy is a huge e-commerce marketplace that is attracting millions of shoppers to all of the Etsy stores there is today. While you might not have a big audience at the beginning, if you are opening your own shop in your own website, listing your products on Etsy will open you up to their massive audience that is already looking for items that you might be selling. This way you don't have to do any of the heavy lifting in the beginning to bring people into your store. Now while these fees can be pricey, I still think it's really worth to look into other Etsy as a platform that's right for your product. I would just make sure to keep these fees in mind when you are pricing your products correctly. The last thing that you might be paying for is Adobe Photoshop. Now in order to make these beautiful most professional mockups for your digital products, the best program to use is Adobe Photoshop, but it is very pricey and pretty complicated to use. In this class, I will be teaching you an alternative method to make these product mockups right in Canva. That's all you need. Let's go to the next lesson and choose your product. 4. Choose Your product: In this lesson, we are going to be choosing your product that you're going to be selling. Remember to head to the resources section to download your products spec sheet that I've provided you, and we're going to be using that product spec sheet as we go through each lesson. You can either download it as a PDF and you can fill it out on any PDF reader or you can print it out and write on it. I'm going to be actually using my iPad. In this first section here you're going to see a list of all these different digital products on Canva templates that are already being sold on Etsy today, so I would just recommend going through this list and picking one of these for your first product. If you want to look up different ideas or just to see what these templates could look like you can head onto Etsy and actually check out, type in Canva templates or you can type up YouTube cover templates, Canva templates and you can find some examples of what is already being sold today. Or you can also head into Canva and go into their design spotlight section and you can check out all the in-house Canva templates that are already available right now. I'm looking at this list and I think for my product, I'm going to be making a Canva workbook, a PDF workbook. I'm just going to cross this section out. When choosing your first product, I do have a couple of tips for you. Tip number 1, I would always recommend finding a product that is already popular on Etsy or is already available. You want to make sure you're picking something that there is already an audience looking for that product. It's not the time to be super innovative and come up with something completely new and new concept right now. Pick something that's already there and you'll have an easier time finding an audience that will be looking for your product. Tip number 2 is to look in the review section. Let's say for me, I would really want to make a PDF workbook of some sort, so I'm going to go into Etsy and I'm going to lookup PDF workbook Canva templates, something like that. Then I'm going to find a couple of listings that I think look really good and has a lot of reviews. I'm going to go into their reviews section and look at what people are saying in the reviews. Look at the good reviews, look at the bad reviews, and then see how you can improve on those bad reviews, so if they're saying that they love the content, but they wish it was more feminine, they wish it was more bold, can you implement those changes in your product to make your product more unique and better? Tip number 3, if you are already a graphic designer, then I definitely recommend starting off with the product that you already love designing. It's so much easier and faster to design something that you enjoy designing to begin with, it just makes the process so much faster, so go with the one you love. Tip number 4 is to think about the audience or the clients that you are already work with and think about what their needs are. For my example, I'm a graphic designer and when I am designing brands for my clients, a lot of times they want me to design their marketing materials, and a lot of them are actually PDF workbooks. Now, these PDF workbooks are 10-15 pages long plus, and it takes me a long time to actually create these custom workbooks for my clients, and more time on my part means more money and the price will go up for my clients. Creating these workbook templates that they can easily go in and customize the content themselves and actually save me so much time and my clients to save money as well. This way creating products that your audience is already looking for can make your shop grow a lot faster. Now, if you are a beginner designer and you've never designed anything before, then I highly recommend going with something that's a little bit more simple to design to start with. For example, an Instagram post or Pinterest posts, those are definitely smaller graphics and more straightforward. Go with something easy to begin with and then you can work your way up towards more advanced designs. Now remember, deciding to take action and creating your first product is usually the hardest step of all of the steps. A lot of people actually stop at this step right here. Let's try to push through and get this product created. Really don't think about it too much. Let's just pick a product and let's move forward to the next step. Remember, you are creating a digital product here, meaning at any point in time in the future, you can always make changes to it or even pull the whole item off of your digital shelf instantly. There are really aren't that many risks here. Just pick a product and let's move forward to the next lesson where we plan out your product. 5. Define Your product: In this lesson, we are going to be defining your product. This is a really quick exercise that I like to do before I create any product of any sort. This ensures that we are creating a quality product that actually solves a creative problem. Let's take out your product spec sheet again and let's look at the next section. The first question you want to ask yourself is, who is your ideal audience? This is the audience that you are creating the product for. So is it a yoga instructor, is it a real estate agent? Or is it something more broad, like female entrepreneur or for plant lovers? I really want you to try to define who your ideal client, and this one show that you are creating a product that is really tailored to the needs of that type of persona. For my product, I'm going to be creating it for wellness coaches, and wellness content creators. You can definitely put multiple groups of people if they fall under the similar persona or similar needs that they need, so for me it will be coaches and content creators. Next question you want to ask yourself is, what problem does your product actually solve for them? I really want you to think about your target audience, and think about what their needs are and what is the solution that you are providing to them. Are you helping a real estate agent showcase a home? Or are you helping a yoga instructor, promote their new studio? Really try to define the solution of the problem of your target audience. For my product, it is for wellness coaches or content creators who want to create a lead magnet about wellness information. The next question that you want to ask yourself is what vibe, or style is your product trying to achieve? Now you've really want to think about the design style, think about your target audience and the problem that they're having, and then try to come up with a design style that will meet their needs. Is it a yoga instructor who's looking for something more peaceful and calm and natural? Or is it a bold entrepreneur, who's looking for something with more bolder colors and more defined texts? Or maybe it's that real estate agent that's looking for something a little bit more professional. Maybe you want to do more of a minimalistic design or professional design using more cool tones, something like that to really cater to their style and their needs. For my product, it's definitely for a wellness coach. I'm thinking like green and natural and neutral color palette and probably like elegant home. It's really helpful to just maybe even write keywords that really explain that five minimalistic. I have answered the three most essential questions now. The next section is called the product content brainstorm. You can either do this in a list form, or a sketch form or whatever way suits you. I want you to start planning out the content of this template that you're creating. For me, it's a workbook template. So I'm going to be drawing like a couple of boxes here, just to sketch out all the different pages. I'm thinking for the first page, we probably have some intro. There might be like a photo, like a cover page, and maybe like a name to it or a website or something like that. The second page I'm thinking about maybe some bio section to explain who I am, or who the writer is. It might be a bio section that again has another photo and then has a couple of texts boxes in that section. The third page, we get into the meat of the content. Maybe I'm just going to write content. Maybe it's mostly like written checks. There might be a title with some text here, maybe some texts here, something like that, all content. The fourth page might be more of, one with a photo. Another content page, maybe there's like a photo here, and then we have some texts on the side, so title and some texts. These are just some examples. You really want to think about your target audience when you are creating this, and just think about what their needs are for this template that you're selling them. For the fifth one, maybe we'll do some Q&A thing so they can, it's a workbook. They want to have a section where they can ask a question, and then the audience can fill out their answers, so something like this. The six page, maybe we'll do something that is, maybe like a chapter section. Maybe they want to do different chapters. Maybe there is like a number here, and then we'll have a photo here and then some texts. Just very rough. The seventh page might be a closer, so maybe some thank you page, and also a call to action. We might have an image here, and then some text again. Super rough sketch of my product, but I want you to go in, and do your own sketch or even just write up a list of what you think each page might need. Just make sure that you are really thinking about your audience, and what your audience needs are, when you are creating your content. Once you have that done in the next lesson, we're going to be going into Canvas and actually designing your product. 6. Design Your Product: In this lesson, we're finally going to be designing your product in Canva. Let's head into Canva and start designing. Basically, I have taken the rough sketches that I've drawn in my product spreadsheet and brought them right into Canva, and designed all my pages here. When I was creating this design, I really kept in mind all of those words and keywords that I put in the vibe and design style section. Some of those words were green and natural and elegant and holistic. I've chosen this light green and beige palette that I've used throughout the design here. It really creates this calm and peaceful energy, perfect for wellness couches. While I was designing this as well, I'd like to typically put in some text or images that really inspire my audience. For example, I might write an example title for the booklet. Obviously, their booklet that they're using this for will probably not be this title, but if I put a title that is a very realistic version of what they might use, it just inspires my audience to use my booklet in different ways. As you can see here, I also use in a lot of little text. This is called Ipsum Lorem. You can literally just Google Ipsum Lorem and find some filler text there and just copy and paste that in. Again, having that in your templates really help your audience imagine where texts can be, how it can be styled, and such. That's pretty much it. I want you to go to your product spreadsheet now, look at your rough sketches and put them into Canva and start designing with the vibe and design style that you have landed with. If you have little to no experience designing at all and you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed, then I highly recommend checking out my other Skillshare class, Canva basics launch a creative business. In that class, I'm going to be teaching you all the basics of designing on Canva, and as well as designing all of these different templates with templates included. If you're feeling a little overwhelmed, I highly recommend hopping over to that class right now, and in no time you will feel confident designing on Canva. I do have a couple of tips for you when you are designing your product. The first tip that I have for you is, be sure you're aware of copyright issues. You definitely don't want to be copying other designers' work. Whether you find an example on Etsy, you define an example on Canva, you cannot take that exact copy of that template and recreate it and then sell it yourself as if it's your own design. That is definitely copyright infringement and you'll get yourself in a lot of trouble. Be sure when you are looking at other people's design, you're only looking at it for inspiration purposes only. My second tip is, if you want to include any photography section placement holders, you definitely want to go into Canva and use one of their photo placement holders. This will ensure that your customer that's using your template can simply drag and drop their images into those placement holders and it's easy for them to add their own images. My third tip is, you definitely want to be using all free Canva graphics in your designs. If you have Canva Pro and you use one of their Pro graphics in your template, when your customer receives their template and they do not have a pro account, they will be prompted to upgrade to Canva in order to export their PDF. You definitely don't want to put them into that difficult spot where they have to upgrade to Canva Pro in order to use your template. Be sure to use all free graphics and that makes sure that it's easy for your customer. My fourth tip is to include custom graphics that you designed yourself. Depending on how experienced you are with designing, you can either create custom graphics on Canva, on Illustrator, Adobe XD or wherever you are creating and designing your graphics. It is so important to include your own custom graphics inside your templates and this can obviously give your product a unique touch, a unique twist, and stay more competitive against other designs. My last tip for designing on Canva is an easy way to create more Etsy listings and variations of a product. Once you have your first product created, you can go back to the third essential question from defining your product and think about a different vibe or style that you want to give to that product to create another listing. Now, your audience might love the content on your product, but maybe just the color scheme doesn't work for their business, and it's hard for them to imagine how it might work for their brand. Creating one single product with different color schemes and different vibes can actually create different products really quickly for you. It is your turn now, create your product and I would challenge you to even think of two different design styles or vibes and create two additional variations of that product. Once you have created your product, in the next lesson, we are going to be designing your PDF deliverable. 7. Prepare Your Deliverable: In this lesson, we are going to be preparing your PDF deliverable. When you create digital products to sell on Etsy, the only way to deliver your digital product to your customer is actually through a file of some sort. Let's go into Canva right now and design your PDF deliverable. Welcome to my laptop. I am logged into my Canva account now and I have started a new document here. This is an example of my PDF deliverable that I typically send out for my Etsy digital products. You can really create this in any dimension as you like, some people might do like maybe a half-page, but I typically just like to keep it simple and I make it in a normal and a half by 11 letter size. This way I can add as much information as I need and there's a lot of spaciousness to it, just so it doesn't look like it's all cramped together. A few important things that I would recommend putting on your PDF deliverable is the name of the product as well as a little graphic of the product that you're selling. This really helps the person who has purchased your item, once they download this PDF, they might store it somewhere on their documents, it's just so much easier to know what this PDF is, that they've purchased, and what the link is bringing them to if you have the name and a little photo of the product. Now, I am going to duplicate this and just show you really quickly how I made this. Actually, I'll just start from a new page and I'm going to bring this up. It's really easy, really just like put your text in, I really don't think I need to show you this tutorial. I'm just going to copy and paste this into here and just use whatever brand fonts that you have for your business. Then for the photos, I am going to upload my graphics into there, let's say you want to showcase these three. I'm just going to make them smaller. Perfect. I'm going to go to Edit Image and I'm going to go down to Shadows. If you've never used the Shadow function yet, you're going to see it down below and you're going to be able to enable the shadows effects. Just make sure to enable that. Once you enable it, you'll see it here in a drop-down. I'm going to do just a simple drop. Then that gives it a cool 3D look to it. I think that looks great and I'm just going to tilt it a little bit. Now that we have the image there, now we need to put the most important part of your PDF deliverable, and that is the actual link to your product. I am going to add a button here. I'm just going to use any normal rectangle and I'm going to change the color of that. That looks good too. I'm going to add some text to it. Download here. There we go. This is going to be the Download button of where they can access their actual Canva template. To get your Canva template link, you're going to go into the product that you've created, and then you go up to Share. It might show up here, if not, you just need to click on "More" and I'll show more of the links here. You're just going to click on "Template link" right here and then you're going to copy this. This will automatically create a template link for your digital product. Whoever clicks on this "Template link", let me just show you what it looks like. It look like this. Cheryl shared this document with you. Then if they click on "Use template", it will automatically create a copy of whatever digital product you created a link out of. Meaning, every time somebody creates or clicks on "Use template", it is not going to affect your original, it just creates a copy of that template onto their own account. With that being said, I'm going to now link this to that link there. I'm just going to paste that in and then you want to make sure that you're always doing it to the word as well as to the button so I'm going to link that as well. Perfect, that looks really great. That's really it. Other things that you might want to consider adding to your PDF deliverable here might be instructions. For mine, I like to add a second page here that has some quick instructions on how to use their template, how to do additional things to their template, so that's really up to you. You can also add your website there, other ideas might be additional bonuses. If you want to offer a bonus for your digital product, let's say with this document, they also get a bonus video tutorial, let's say. I might upload my video tutorial on YouTube, grab my YouTube link, and then add a couple more buttons here just to show them where they can download their bonus. Other things might be promotional things. You might want to have a link where they can sign up for your email newsletter, or head to your website or check out your services or book a call. There's so many ideas on what you can actually add on this PDF document. These are obviously the essentials you want to make sure that you're actually delivering the product and that's the main thing that's going to be on the document. But feel free to add additional helpful resources for your customers as well on this document. Now all you have to do is export this document as a PDF. You're going to go to Share and Download, and then we're going to export it as a PDF Standard, not print because this is going to be a digital document and it keeps the file size small. You're going to hit on "Download" and you're ready to go, just save that into your documents and we are ready to bring this into your Etsy listing in the next lesson. 8. List Your Product: Now that you have your product and your PDF deliverable completed, we are going to go into Etsy, and actually list your product. Now when you're creating your Etsy listing, it is so important to remember that Etsy is essentially a huge search engine just like Google. When you're creating your listing on Etsy, you want to make sure that you're keeping SEO, Search Engine Optimization, in mind. To increase your search engine ranking, you want to make sure that you have keywords within your listing that match the keywords that your audience is searching for in the search box. You really want to be putting yourself in the shoes of your audience and think about what keywords they might be searching for when looking for the exact product that you are listing. Let's head back into the product specs sheet and let's go to the next section together. In this next section, we are going to be brainstorming about short tail and long tail keywords. Now, short tail keywords are typically about 1-3 words long, and these are shorter phrases that people might be searching to look for your product. It is a broader keywords. For example if you're selling a red tie, red tie might be one of those shorter keywords or pretty tie, men's tie. Those are all shorter keyword phrases. While short tail keywords are still important, it is not as effective as your long-tail keywords. You really want to make sure that you are focusing on those long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are these longer descriptive phrases that really describe your exact product that you are listing. For example a floral white dress for soon-to-be bride. That is definitely something that someone might be searching in the search bar to look for that floral white dress or a navy blue tie for grad ceremony. Again, something that is super descriptive and exact to the point of what that person might be looking for. If you're selling a navy blue tie that's perfect for a graduation ceremony, then that's one of the long tail keywords that you want to make sure that you are writing down. For my product, for some short tail keywords, it might be Canva template. Extremely broad, might be workbook template or worksheet design. These are all more broader short tail keyword terms that you might want to include. You can definitely write more than that, but I'm just going to write three for this example. Onto my long tail, because that's really what I want to be focusing on. For my long tail keywords, I'm thinking minimalistic Canva workbook template for wellness coach. This is the exact keyword term that I hope people will find me through when they are looking for my product. I can definitely write more than this and I highly recommend you to keep brainstorming. But these are two examples of a short tail and long tail keywords that I'll be using for my product. It's your turn. Why don't you write down all of your keywords that you think are perfect for your product? Once you have all of your keywords written here, our goal is to make sure to sprinkle some of these keywords or all of these keywords throughout your listing title, your description, your attributes, your categories, and your tags. Why don't we head into Etsy now and actually write out your product listing? I am in my Etsy seller account now and all you have to do is go into your listing section right here. Then you're going to add a listing right here. I already got my listing started just to save on some time, but here is what it looks like once you start a new listing. Right at the very top, the first thing you're going to get to do is to add your photo mock-ups. We're going to do that in the next lesson, so just keep that empty for now. If you'd like, you can also film a really short video for your item. I think these actually do really well as you can see here. Etsy loves them. If you can short film, a very short video tutorial of how your product works, then that's perfect as well, and you can upload it here in this section. First off is your title. For your title, you really want to pick a few of your long-tail keywords that are most important and put that in the title area here. Now one note with the title, you get 140 characters, but only the first 66 characters are going to show up on search. You do definitely want to make sure that you put the most important keywords right at the front of your product title. This doesn't really matter, you can just fill this out like this. Then the next section is category. Anything in your category section is going to be also treated as a tag or a keyword for your product. Keep that in mind. You're going to look for something like Canva template and then see what's available. Looks like this makes most sense. We're going to click into that and it's going to become templates. These are the different keywords that people might search to find your product. Then you want to put in the color that best matches your templates. So far mine, it's green and beige. Then for these, it doesn't really make sense for my products, there's not really an occasion, but if yours does, let's say it's a baby shower invite, then you can go ahead and put that in as well. The next one I'd recommend to just do this automatic. It just means that every time your product gets low on quantity, Etsy will renew it automatically for you. This is a passive income stream. You want to have as little manual work as possible. I'd recommend just setting it as automatic. The next one is Digital. Your item is a digital product. Then the next section is your description. For your description, the first 160 words are going to show up on search. You want to make sure that the first two sentences are perfect and has lots of those long tail and short tail keywords in those first two sentences. The most important thing with your description is to make them sound human though. You definitely want to not just copy and paste those long tail keywords and punch them in, you want to put them into a sentence that reads like how you would normally read a sentence like, like a human, normally. Then the next section you might want to include some more details about what's included in your product, or how to use your product, or how your product can be used for other things. Or maybe to tell them other important information, like how they can open their product, what to expect once they buy the product. All of this important information can be included in your description. Keep it to the point, but also include things that you think might be helpful in the decision purchases of your audience. Next is your tax section, which is so important. You get 13 tags in total, and I definitely recommend using all 13. Look at your long-tail and short tail keywords and try to create a variety of tags. There's only a limited amount of characters you can have for each tag, but Etsy will treat these separate tags as one long tail keywords. For example Canva, workbook health and fitness or health and fitness spiritual coach, Etsy will deem these as long tail keywords, even though they have been separated because of the character limits. Try to put keywords that are different. Don't repeat, let's say, template, in every single sentence. If you say a workbook template, PDF template, you have nutrition template, lead magnet template, if you repeat the same words, you are losing space and there's no reason to repeat those keywords. Try to come up with new keywords for each of them and think about what your audience might be searching to look for your product. Materials, this is optional. I don't think it really helps much with your keywords, but you can definitely fill that in if needed. Then here is where you set your price and your quantity. Your quantity can really be anything. Again, if you set it to automatic, Etsy will automatically renew this to 20 every time someone sees your products. This is just the quantity that you want people to see when they see the quantity of the item. This item won't go down if you set it to automatic. You can add personalization and then this is where you upload your PDF deliverable. The PDF deliverable that you downloaded from that section, just upload it into this section and we're good to go. I'm going to save this as a draft. We're going to head to the next lesson where we are actually going to design our product mockup. 9. Create a Product Mockup: In this lesson, we are ready to create a product mockups. Now, as I said before, the best way and most professional way to create these product mockups is actually to use Adobe Photoshop, but totally understand that Adobe Photoshop can get pretty pricey and it's more difficult to use. If you are not a graphic designer and you've never used Adobe products, then in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to create very similar product mockups on Canva. Let's get it started. This is an example of a product mockup I had started creating in Canva. Now, when you are going into Canva and creating a new document, you want to make sure that you are creating a document that is 2,700 pixels wide by 2,025 pixels high. Make sure that you are creating your document in that dimensions because that is the perfect ratio for your Etsy listing photography for the best quality photo. On Etsy you get nine different photos to upload, so I definitely recommend creating nine photos in total. For this example here I've only created four of them, but you can definitely create variations of this. This is just a quick example to show you what you can do. For example, I've laid out all of my different pages on a photo like this so that they can see all of the different pages that are available in this product. The next one you might want to do something with a closer shot with what's included so that they can read through what is included in the product and then the next one might be to show a closer look at the different types of content. This is just an example. You can definitely do other things like showcase different parts of the posts that you're creating or the template that you're creating. Maybe there's something really unique about your template that you really want to showcase. You might want to have like a little arrow pointing to that area that's unique that you want to showcase and then I always like to create one that is more of like a mockup style with some background so that I can show what platform it is created on and how they can use it and what it will look like if they're experiencing the template from their computers. For this example today, I'm just going to be recreating this one as well as the last one here so they can see how I created them really quickly. I'm going to put this up here. For this one all you need to do is to basically pick a background color, so for me I'm going to pick this light beige color. I always like to keep it quite clean in the background. Then I'm going to upload all of the screenshots of my document, so I basically just went to My Canva template that I created and then I save them as JPEGs and then brought them in here. To create those I'm going to select all of them, put them on an angle, and then start laying them out like this and see how that looks. You can always duplicate them and just create a fuller looking mockup. I'm sure yours will have more pages than mine. Mine was just created for demonstration purposes and there we go. Now you want to make sure you see how they have a bit of a drop shadow there, so we want to create that drop shadow. Go into Edit image and then just click on "Drop" for all of them. Then I'm going to create this little shadow look on the background. As you can see here there is a bit of this shadow in the background so I'm going to go into Elements here, and I'm going to look up shadow elements. I'm going to look up shadow and you're going to find all these different like shadow images and a lot of them are free actually so just pick one that you like. There are paid ones, so the ones with a crowns are paid. But let's say we like this one and all you're going to do is you are going to lower the opacity to about that and then I'm going to make it the screen size and it's automatically going to put it in the background once I click out of it. There we go. That's a little hack on how you can use shadow elements in Canva and then it creates a little bit of depth and I think that looks really good. The next one is this one. I'm just going to start a new page again. First things first, you're going to want to go into your document that you created and just take a screenshot of your page. Go to your product and just take a screenshot of what it looks like in Canva and then you're going to bring it into this document right here and we're going to find this background. I'm just going to look up desk and we're going to go to photos like this one. I think this is the one I'm using in my example. This is a free image, so feel free to use this for yourself too and then I'm going to upload that image; this one right here, and I'm going to just drag it into that space right there and perfectly fit into that computer space. Perfect. Then I'm going to add this text in fully customizable on Canva and just make sure that it's a color that we'll be able to read it and then I'm going to find this. Actually, I'll just look it up with you. I'm going to go to Elements and I'm going to type in Canva, and then you're going to be able to click on the Canva logo and just put it where it makes sense. Then all you're going to do is you're going to go to Share up here, and we are going to download this into a JPEG. We want to make sure that all of these images, each image is under one megabyte. In order to keep the file size down, we're going to download it as JPEGs and then we're just going to make sure that the file size is under one megabyte. Once you have your documents downloaded, you just want to bring it into your documents and just check on them to see how they look. They're looking amazing. Then I'm just going to right-click it and go to Get Info and just see what the file sizes to make sure that it is within sight. It's only 508 kilobyte, so that works. For us as long as it's under one megabyte, then it should be uploading pretty well with high-quality images onto Etsy. All you have to do now is go into your Etsy listing and all you're going to do is you're just going to drag each of these photos into the space or you can click on "Add a photo" and add it there and then you're good to go. You want to make sure that your primary photo is the first one here, so you can always drag your photos to whichever order you want it to be. But let's say this is our primary photo, you just want to make sure that, that is the first photo that shows up in all of your Etsy photos here. That's it. Let's go into the next lesson on how to create your branding and an excellent customer experience. 10. Branding & Customer Experience: In this lesson, let's talk about the branding of your Etsy shop. Just like any business that you might want to start, it is so important to brand your business to differentiate yourself from the industry. When someone lands on your shop or even lands on one of your product listings, you want to look very professional, put together, and just trustworthy in general. At the end of the day, people are exchanging their hard earned money to buy one of your products. They would definitely pick someone or a shop that looks way more trustworthy than another competitive shop that might be selling something similar. This definitely creates a memorable customer experience, increasing the likelihood of them trusting you to purchase another product or even recommend you to a friend or family. Within Etsy, there are a couple of places that you can put in your brand of touch and your customization into your shop as well as in your listings to make you look more stand up against your competition. Those places include your shop icon, your shop banner, your listing photos, your shop story, your about section, as well as your shop owner photo. Be sure to go into those specific sections of your Etsy shop and customize them to bring on a brand story that people cannot forget. A few additional tips on creating an excellent customer experience. Tip number one, reviews are so important for the success of your shop. Make sure that you are treating each and every one of your customers with kindness and respect. In the settings section, you can go to Info and appearances, and you can actually write down a custom message that will be sent to your customer right after their purchase. In that message, for my shop, I typically like to thank them so much for supporting my small business, and I would usually provide them with some discount code for their next purchase, and to also kindly remind them to leave a great review if they enjoyed their product. Tip number two, I actually proactively reach out to customers about every month. I'll look at my past month's buyers and I will send them an email within Etsy, just thank them for purchasing from my shop. Again, reminding them to leave a review if they enjoyed their product and ask them if they have any questions about how to use their product. Those are two important tips to get great reviews for your product listings and to keep buyers coming. There is so much I can talk about regarding branding and customer experience for an Etsy shop. But that's where I'm going to leave you with today for this lesson. If you want to learn more about branding and designing on Canva for your brand, again, I highly recommend checking out my other Skillshare class, Canvas basics, launch your creative business, to not only learn about the basics of designing on Canva, but how to create those designs for your brand. Are you ready? In the next lesson, we are going to finally launch your shop. 11. Launch your shop: In this lesson, we're finally ready to launch your shop. Let's take out your product spread sheet, and at the very bottom in Number 7, I created a launch checklist. Make sure you go through that checklist to make sure that you have everything created for your shop. One thing I did want to note is the first thing on the checklist is creating 3-5 product listings. That is because I always recommend to have at least three listings on your Etsy shop before you go live and start marketing it. When you go to a shop and you only see one item, it doesn't necessarily look very trustworthy and it's weird to just have one product. I definitely recommend to have at least three products live before you officially launch your product. When you're ready and you have checked up everything in this checklist, head into your product page, go all the way down and officially publish your listings, and your Etsy shop is finally live. 12. Final Thoughts: Congratulations, you have officially finished this class. I want to thank you so much for taking some time to learn with me and I hope you're walking away with a newfound business path in selling Canva templates on Etsy, or have at least taken some actionable steps towards achieving that goal. I would love to see your progress in the project section below. Be sure to either take a screenshot of your product spec sheet or of your Etsy shop fronts and share it in the project section. Let's share our experiences, successes, and challenges in the discussion section, and help each other grow as Etsy shop owners. Again, thank you so much for joining my class today. Be sure to check out my other classes on Skillshare by heading to my profile, or you can check out my other free video content on my YouTube channel Made on Sundays, or if you'd like to connect with me personally, then send me a DM on Instagram @madeonsundaysstudio. See you soon.