1. Introduction: Hi, I'm Alexander Read. I'm a mixed being errors and jewelry designer. Welcome to my class at C one or one shop set up in promotion, you might be wondering what etc is and why would you want to use it? Etc. Is an e commerce website that has focused on handmade and vintage items and supplies. These range from anywhere from photography, toe art, clothing and jewelry, decor, items to bath and beauty products. And since I live on an island, I want to be able to sell my art and jewelry globally, and I can reach customers all over the world using etc. Etc. Has brand name recognition, people know, etc. And they trust the quality that handmade products they confined on the site. There's already a built in marketplace for your goods. Now you just need to get them noticed. This class is intended for beginners who are new to selling online using the etc platform and want to use social media to promote your items and shop. In this class, we will cover how to open your shop, how to add a new listing and some tips and tricks for achieving success. With that, see will also cover search engine optimization, which is how your items get found on the Internet and using Pinterest and instagram to generate buzz for your shop. Well, you'll learn in this class will give you the skills and coffins to sell online from creating enticing product images. The choosing descriptive keywords which will help to convince browsers to become buyers. Whether you want to sell your handmade soap or your latest abstract painting, this class will help you get your shop launched and to be selling online. I can't wait to see your Etsy shop. We got lots to cover. Let's jump straight into the class and get you selling with, etc.
2. Open Your Shop: open your shop. Overview. We'll start with a quick overview. This class we will be covering how to open your shop will be adding a new listing to your shop and discussing product photography. We'll discuss what types of photos to include after talking about photography, will discuss search engine optimization Just how your shop and items are ranked on Google on the Internet in search results. Lastly, we'll look at two different but complementary social media platforms to promote your shop and items for sale and throat the class. I'll be talking about different tips and tricks for achieving success with etc. Open your Etsy shop when you land on the etc. Home page. You want to click? Sell on Etsy just the top right corner, and that will bring you to this page. You'll want to click the open your Etsy shop button in the center of the page shop preferences. Once you click that button, you'll be taken to the Shop Preferences page. As you can see at the top of the page, there are five milestones that will be completing. In order to set up your Etsy shop on the Shop Preferences page, you will select the shop language here have chosen English. Next you'll choose your shop country. Here are selected Canada. I lost. You'll choose your shop currency. I picked the Canadian dollar to keep things simple. However, if you think that most your customers would be coming for United States, you might want to pick American dollars instead to make it easy for them. That's he will auto convert Canadian dollars to us and vice versa, though next we'll look at naming your shop the next milestone on the shop timeline. What's in a name? Naming your show could be a fun exercise. Do you want to use your own name and at the word designs or studio after it? Do you want a descriptive name that describes your items or materials that you use, or so or just pick a name that appeals to you on some personal level before you fall in Love your newly chosen name for your shop. It is a good idea to check that someone else hasn't already used that name. There are several ways that you can check this first Google your name here. I'm using the name Craft Demo Shop and luckily, no results came up. You can also type this into the etc. Search far the top of the page to see if there's any other etc. Shops with that name. It's also a good idea to check to see if there's any Web domains with that name. Well, you don't need to buy a domain In order to open an Etsy store. You may want to consider buying the dot com version of it, just in case you want to open a website in the future. This way you won't lose the branding you've built up with your etc. Customers. I would also suggest creating an email account with your Etsy shop name. A Gmail account is a good idea, as I will give you resources like Google Drive and YouTube account under your shop name. All right, so you've picked your name down your background checks with it and all looks clear. Now you can officially name your shop and etc. We'll check its availability for you and give you a check mark when you are good to go
3. Stock Your Shop: stalking your shop. Stock your shop. So we have completed two for five milestones to setting up your Etsy shop. Now we need to stock your shop. This is where you'll need to have some great product photography, and we'll discuss what makes a good image for etc. Here are some image guidelines to etc. Listings use natural light and no flash. This is devoid, bleaching out your image and getting harsh. Bright spots include a common object for scale. For example, you'll often see pairs of earrings hanging off a coffee mug for scale or a ruler or coin next to your item. Lifestyle photos. Used models holding or wearing an item or using in context. For example, artwork is often shown against a wall in a frame next to furniture sitting on a ledge. For the majority of your items, images take pictures against a clean, simple background. To make your item, the main focus listings can use up to 10 photos and etc. Listing can use up to 10 photos, and it's he gives you a number of image prompts. First, there is the primary photo. This is the photo that was showbiz a thumbnail when someone is searching, etc. For an item to buy, This photo should be clear and obvious. What is being sold? No clutter or lifestyle image here. Next, you can have a Siris of photos showing off your item from different angles. It's good to show a close up of your item. To see the details. You can use a lifestyle shot or model showing your item in use. You can also show your item next to common object. To show size and scale, you can use another lifestyle. Their motive shot, showing your item in a style. Seen for example, if you're selling a bar of handmade, so you might want to take a photo with the ingredients surrounding it, including leaves, flowers or fruit etcetera. Also, if you sell variations of your item, you know in a different color or size, you can show a photo of the different options as well, etc. Listing image size, etc. Has preferred image size and ratio, which is essentially a 5 to 4 ratio in a horizontal format. Once you've cropped your image, you can resize the pixels accordingly. The maximum pixel size for etc. Is 3000 pixels by 2400 and 18 pixels. However, you can use a portrait format which is preferred by Pinterest or square formats, which is preferred by Instagram. Just be aware that the shop thumbnails will be cropped, the etc format, but they will show up as portrait or square if you click directly on the image to enlarge it. Once you have all your photos prepared and in the correct size and format, you can upload toe, etc. Using the ad photo button, Etsy Seller Handbook, etc. Has a terrific resource that is available to cellars called the Seller's Handbook, and there are several chapters in it discussing product photography. I would highly recommend taking the time to review it as their great tips to be found there . Get to know your camera thes days. You can take great photos with just your mobile phone or a point and shoot digital camera. But if you're getting serious about your product photography and you might not want to invest in a proper digital camera, there are numerous tutorials out on the Web for learning about your particular model of camera, with a number of them here on skill shares. Well, product photography how to again There are numerous online tutorials about product photography. Please check out the ones on skill share and elsewhere. The's details will help you with your photo shoots set up with limited resources. Do it yourself light box. And if your photographer small items, you may want to create your own light box, a light box, help you to get perfect lighting every time without harsh shadows or having to wait for your natural light to be available. There are lots of D. I Y. Instructions on the Internet on how to build your light box.
4. Add a New Listing: I had a new listing. So now that you have all your product photos uploaded, you can start creating your new listing. There are several fields here that come with drop downs for various options about this listing. Who made it? What is it? When was it made category renewal options, which are manual or automatic type, physical or digital item? A digital item could be a tutorial that you've uploaded, and then people will pay for the pdf in order to do the tutorial. The title and description need to be filled in by you with specific he birds, which will talk about these two fields in a moment. Use the right keywords, keywords or how your item gets found both on etc. And on the Internet by search engines like Google. If you use the etc. Search bar with a word. For example, earrings. It will list a number related terms that you might want to consider for other keywords. To use a compound word two or more as a descriptive phrase, for example, black hearings or modern earrings, you will get additional keywords to consider using improve the titles of your listings. Your item title may be the most important way to be found by search engines. It is limited to 140 characters and on Lee, the 1st 60 characters will show up in the search result by Google. You can separate your compound keywords with commas or hyphens to make your title more readable. Here are some examples below one with hyphens. Thea other with commas. Improve your shop sections. Use shop sections to organize your items into groups that buyers can explore. Your sections are displayed as links in the left side wire of your shop. Use your sections to group items together by type, size or any other category you like. You may have up to 20 custom sections as well as the default all items section that is in every shop. A sections name is limited to a maximum of 24 characters. To edit a section name, click the pencil icon next to the section sections that do not have any item. Listings will not appear on your public shop page, and you can only place one listing in one section. This shop sections can also be landing pages found on Google description and tags. The other two key areas for getting found on the Internet and on etc. Are your item, description and tags. I will describe both these in more detail shortly. You can add your soft section now or move your item later to that section. You can also add materials that your item are made from and you were allowed up to 13 materials, for example, for my jewelry, I would add the words Polymer clay as a material spruced up your item descriptions. The 1st 160 characters are used as the metadata on the Google search results Metadata. It means that this is what your search engine optimization is important. In the first part of description, use keywords. Keep your description brief and to the point mentioned. What is it? How is it made? Who is it made by Who should buy it? What will go with? Is it for a special occasion? You may want to give details about the size and whether you can customize it. Finish with details about contacting you for more info and your shop tagline, Use relative tax. You are allowed up to 13 tags with compound keyword phrases. Use keywords that if you were a buyer, that you used to find your item. You can also include your shop name, which may be helpful if someone does a Google search on your shop name and remember categories. This is where the categories that you selected earlier show up. The red line indicates categories that you selected from the drop down menus. The black arrow indicates the beginning of the key word phrases that you provide. Try to use different keyword phrases for your items, even if they are similar. The more variation keywords give you more chances to be found by the search engines, pricing and variations. Now you need to figure out how much to sell your Item four. And there are two approaches to pricing top down and bottom up with top down. Using this approach, you will use the cost of materials, the time, the labor and overhead expenses to determine the price. Your item. Start with numbers that reflect what you currently spend. Didn't consider what you might want to change. To improve your bottom line. In the bottom up approach, feel used research and testing to determine a price that you think is right and then figure out how much you'd ideally spend on each part of that process. So you reach this pricing goal, see what your competitors air selling similar goods to yours for the other strategy used to meet in the middle. Eventually you'll find a price, which is appropriate for your customers and still lets you make a profit. Otherwise, why sell anything quantity? Years of the default would be one here unless you have a lot of inventory and like the simplicity of ETC. Automatically renewing your listing for you skew stock keeping unit numbers are a way for you to keep track your inventory and quickly identify what you have in stock. They can also help you locate your items in your Etsy shop studio or storage space. You can make your skews, numbers, letters or combination of both. Whatever you think we best to help you organize your inventory. It's recommended. Used 48 characters and don't use the letter o or I as letters cause a beacon. Be mistaken for numbers. Variations is discussed early. Wrong can be included here if you have different price points, depending on the option years customer selects, for example, you might have custom rings that could be made in gold or silver, with gold being the more expensive option
5. Shipping Costs: shipping. Here's where you set up your shipping options for your item shipping origin. This is where your item is shipping from. Most likely will be from where your shop is located, in my case, Canada. But you might be using a shipping service, such as a print on demand service, and you can add that location is an option instead processing time. If your item is ready to be shipped, it's best to keep processing time down to a minimum one day. If it's a custom made item, indicate how long will take to be ready to be shipped. Fixed shipping costs. This will depend on where you were shipping her item, how your shipping it, flat rate or courier. And if you offer discounts on shipping, if someone buys more than one item from him. Once you've determined your shipping cost for an item, you can save it as a shipping profile and reuse it for other similar items. Can't oppose shipping calculator. Since I live in Canada, I use canned opposed to ship my packages. Canada Post has a shipping calculator on its website to help you determine how much it'll cost to ship your item. This depends on the postal code. Whether you're shipping something is a parcel or letter, how large the item it it is and how heavy it is. Excel sheet I've set up in Excel Sheet for myself, using different weights, sizes and destinations to determine the upper and lower shipping rates for different shipping methods, I said at these tables on Different House for Canada, which has shown here, and also for United States and international rates. As the methods and rates change very quickly when the destination changes, you may want to set up something similar for yourself as an aside, but the growth of free shipping online. You will want to keep your shipping cost competitive as a buyer. Most customers will opt for the cheapest shipping option, which is free, so you may want increase your selling price. In order to reduce your shipping cost to the customer, you will have to decide on a balance that makes sense to you
6. Shop Appearance: shop appearance settings in fluent appearance. Now here's the fun part of setting up your shop and making it look good. When you click on your shop icon in the top left corner, you will land on your dashboard. This will give you a snapshot of your orders, stats and recent activity. The icons on the left hand side are all of your shop settings. We will start with info in appearance at CES Shop images. This shows you several of the key images that make up your shops appearance. You have a cover photo across the top of the screen, your shop icon and your profile photo in the etc. About section images you have up to five. These are the photos that show in the about shop section. There are great to show insight into her studio and your process. It gives a great back story to your items at sea shop image dimensions. Each of the images has its own set of dimensions. The shop icon is 500 by 500 pixels in a square format. The cover photo is 33 60 by 8 40 pixels in a horizontal format. The profile photo is 400 by 400 pixels. It shows in two places as a square format, but when it's on your main shop, it shows as a circle for your shop and the about section. And it's mentioned. It uses up to five photos and these air 7 60 by 4 68 pixels. Designing at sea shop icons, you can design your shop icon and cover photo using a program called Can Va. It has templates in the correct size is for all the etc images. Or you can use Power Point, Adobe Illustrator or whatever graphics program you like best.
7. Shop SEO: search engine optimization filling out your shop title. Now we're gonna take another look at search engine optimization in other areas of your shop . The shop title. It could be a maximum of 55 characters. You can use a title as a tagline, phrase or two with relevant keywords about your products. Fill out your shop. Announcement the shop announcement. The 1st 160 characters are used by Google as a meta description of your shop page. Fill out your public profile. This is the about section just for you, not your shop. You conclude an artist statement, your background, your interests. What makes you tick as a maker back Lincoln Blogging. You might have a blawg, and if you can stick with updating it at least once weekly, this will help you to significantly increase your search engine optimization. You can use your block toe back link to your Etsy shop. Back links are links that opposed to rally Internet that link back to your Etsy shop. The more quality back links, not spammy ones. You have to your shop, the better your search engine optimization will be, and the higher you will be in the Google Ranking Stats Traffic sources If you look at the menu on your dashboard, you can see a stats icon. It will give you an overview of where the traffic to your store is coming from off the Internet. There may be some unique search terms that are being used to find you, and these could be a source of new keywords to try using with your items. Review your stats. It's a good idea to review your stats on a weekly or monthly basis. Find out what keywords or bring the traffic to your shop on where that traffic is coming from. From this example, you can see that planners and agendas is, ah, highly use search term for the seller, so they might want to use that term and more of their listings. So to review the top 10 tips to improve your Etsy shop search engine optimization, use the queue right keywords. Improve the titles of your listings. Improve your shop sections, spruce up your item descriptions. Use relative tags, fill out your shop title and announcement. Fill it your public profile back link. Start blogging and remember to review your stats
8. Pinterest Promotion: promoting with Pinterest Pinterest tips for promoting your Etsy shop. Sign up for a Pinterest for business account, Install the Pinterest browser extension in chrome, where you preferred browser. Create boards, relieved what you sell. Pin other content descriptions to your pins. Pin frequently follow like and share. And now I'm gonna show you some examples of how to put these tips into practice. Sign up for a Pinterest business account, use the same user name and profile picture as your Etsy shop. To maintain the same branding, complete your pinches profile with a location and link back to your Etsy shop. His keywords To increase your search engine optimization. Best images for pinning used tall and slender images, especially for your primary etc. Image. It will be cropped to the 5 to 4 ratio in the thumbnail and called the actions with every image. You could make a collage of your store banner and your store home page. Use vibrant and dominant colors for your pins. Pink, green and crimson are great choices. Take snapshots of positive reviews and add it to your product image. Here's some pin examples. You can use different formats to show off your product images. You can show studio shots or works in progress Photos. Make seasonal colors images, showing your products with other appropriate content. Or show your item with a positive review. Ideal board set up for pins The first board would contain your Etsy shop products. Then you can have a few boards with a mixture of your products, plus some other related pins that are added from around the Web. You want to go wide and not deep. Fewer pins and more boards. I wanna have a range of boards that are related to your niche, but don't necessarily all come from your Etsy shop. Follow the 80 20 rule post 80% of pins that interest your customers, leaving 20% of pins to promote your Brandon Products Pinterest Landing page. Here's an example of a Pinterest landing page that showcases their products and branding, all working together. Pinterest Board example. Here is an example of one of their Pinterest boards. The images all work together, but not all the images are there actual products. They just look like they could be thematically. They all work together
9. Instagram Promotion: promoting with instagram instrument tips for your Etsy shop. Get the same instagram user name as your Etsy store to show similar branding. Use the same SC profile picture and include a link to your store in your profile. Went to post sales post. What do your best sellers? Creative process shots showing Works in progress. Lifestyle Shots Show your product out in the real world experiment. Show things that you're trying out for new ideas for products repost customer pictures. Offer incentives to your customers to post on social media and link back to you your workplace. Go into your studio or maker spaces and take some photos. Inspiration show what inspires you places. People's pets. You take some creative selfies with your products. Comment with Hashtags After you post be the first to comment on your own post with more hashtags. It helps to show up in the search but doesn't clutter up your INSTAGRAM post
10. Class Project: class project. First, you're gonna need to decide on your shop name. Next, Follow steps to open your shop on Etsy. Make sure to photograph your handmade items with lots of light and from several angles. Right, a search engine worthy title description and keywords. When complete, take a screenshot of your Etsy shop and uploaded into the class projects for feedback and as a bonus, promote your item on social media and take a screenshot and upload that into the class projects. And here's the summary slide to talk about success with etc. You want to be able to create a connection with your buyers. You want to craft listings. The drool worthy photos and great product descriptions create keyword tags that help you rank well in the search engine optimization. Look to get five star reviews from your buyers and harness the power of social selling.
11. Final Thoughts: thank you for taking my class at C one, a one shop set up in promotion. We covered a lot of tips and tricks to selling successfully and etc. In a short amount of time from having great photos using specific keywords and promoting your items on social media. All of this will help you to stand out from the crowd, continue to find two and you're selling strategies in order to build a loyal customer base for your Etsy shop, and this will help grow your business. However, use your ideas and information. I'd love to see what your Etsy shop looks like. So upload your screenshots to the class Project section and connect with me on Instagram at Lexi Reed studio. And if you've enjoyed this class, don't forget to leave a pause to review, and I hope you'll learn again with me soon. Thank you and have a great day