Edit YouTube Videos for Free with Canva: Beginner-Friendly Video Editing Tutorial | Cal Hyslop MBA, University Instructor | Skillshare

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Edit YouTube Videos for Free with Canva: Beginner-Friendly Video Editing Tutorial

teacher avatar Cal Hyslop MBA, University Instructor, Be Free to Do the Work You Want

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to Class


    • 2.

      First Things First in Canva


    • 3.

      Import Video to Your Timeline


    • 4.

      Cut Clips & Tidy Up Tracks


    • 5.

      Bring in Your B-roll


    • 6.

      Add Titles & Text


    • 7.

      Enhance with Transitions & Effects


    • 8.

      Music & Sound FX Are Next


    • 9.

      Grab Your Graphics


    • 10.

      Intros, Outros, & End Screens - But Be Warned


    • 11.

      Export It All


    • 12.

      Share YOUR Edit from Canva


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About This Class

Simple. Free. Powerful. Edit Videos for YouTube Using Canva!

Did you know Canva now offers free video editing tools? In this beginner-friendly course, you’ll learn how to edit YouTube videos step by step using Canva’s simple yet sophisticated video editing features. Whether you’re creating your first YouTube video or just want an easy tool to streamline your editing process, this course will get you started.

Hi, I’m Cal Hyslop, a YouTuber and content creator. I edit my own YouTube videos and courses using Canva, and I’m thrilled to show you how to do the same! This course is perfect for beginners who want to create polished, professional-looking videos without expensive software.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Setting Up Your Project: Start editing with ease.
  • Importing & Trimming Clips: Quickly clean up your footage.
  • Adding B-Roll, Titles, and Text: Enhance your videos with engaging elements.
  • Transitions & Effects: Keep your audience hooked with smooth visuals.
  • Adding Music, Sound Effects, and Graphics: Add personality and energy to your videos.
  • Creating Intros, Outros, & End Screens: Leave a lasting impression on your viewers.
  • Exporting Your Finalized Video: Deliver a polished product ready to upload.

By the end of this course, you’ll have all the tools you need to edit videos in Canva, whether for YouTube or other projects. Plus, I’ll share a few YouTube-specific tricks to help you keep your audience engaged beyond the crucial first 30 seconds.

This class is for:

  • Aspiring YouTubers who want an easy and free way to edit videos.
  • Beginners looking for simple yet powerful editing tools.
  • Anyone ready to create professional-looking videos without the hassle of complicated software.

Let’s get started and bring your YouTube videos to life—see you in class!


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Cal Hyslop MBA, University Instructor

Be Free to Do the Work You Want

Level: Intermediate

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1. Welcome to Class: Canva is awesome and now you can edit videos in Canva for free. In this course, you're going to learn all the basics of editing video in Canvas, but with a focus on youtube videos. My name is Kyle has slope and I'll be your guide. I added my own YouTube videos as well as my courses here, and I'm excited and Kim and now offers video editing for us all. Once you complete this course, you'll be able to edit any video in Canva and you'll learn a few tricks I use on YouTube so you can keep your audience engaged past that crucial first thirty-seconds, we'll cover creating a project, importing video, trimming clips, adding B-roll, adding titles and texts, using transitions and infects, had a music and sound effects, adding graphics, creating custom intros, outros and screens, and exporting your finalized video. So if you're looking for a simple, sophisticated, and free editing video software for videos, YouTube or otherwise. Then this course is for you. Great. See you for our first lesson, coming right up. 2. First Things First in Canva: So the first thing we wanna do is go to canva.com, CAN va.com. You can see right here. Now, I have two accounts. One, I use quite often and that's my pro account. I pay for it because I definitely think it's worth the money. But today we are going to focus on a free account. I put my picture up here for you. This personal account, all you need is an e-mail and it only takes a few seconds to get started. So if you haven't done that already, I suggest going for it. Once you have your account and you're on canva.com. Let's go over here to our top menu, our main menu. When you see we have a lot of choices across here because Canva does so much stuff. But today we are going to focus on videos. So click here on video. And then you'll see you have several other options. Now, when it comes to YouTube, they're typically two choices of video format. One, or shorts, which would be mobile video. And then the other option are what we call long-form video, which are in a horizontal display. Notice, as I go from here, this video, we have 1920 by 1080 pixels. And over to mobile video, we have 1080 by 1920, they're essentially the same size, but a reversed aspect ratio. So if you want to create shorts, you can come right here and do that. Remember, these are videos that are under 60 seconds or our more traditional long-form videos right here, 1920 by 1080. This is what you want to create in and then export in because that's the standard video aspect ratio for YouTube. So let's go ahead and click right here. And we have our studio area that we can play around with. In the center is our canvas. This is where we can look at our video and see how things are working. On the left, we have a lot of options here, which I'll go over in a moment. And then down here at the bottom, we have our timeline. This is essentially where we will put our video and we can scrub back and forth and make adjustments. And then right up here at the top, as we manipulate or as we choose different things on our timeline. We can come up here and further manipulate settings and effects. Let's go back over here on the left and take a look at what we have. Now, your screen may look slightly different than mine. If it does, all you need to do is click on More and you have, as they say, more options. So you might not yet have videos if you don't go ahead and click on these three dots. And videos should be an option for you. So let's start the top templates. We can use templates for things like intros and outros, which we will get to later. And they also come in handy when making shorts. Now, elements is something I use very often. And just for a quick example, let's type in the word hearts. Let's say we wanted to use a heart for whatever reason. Notice, these are hearts that you can use. But as we scroll further down, if you see a little crown here, these are only for pro accounts. If you use it, there is a watermark over it, which would not look good if you use it in your videos, all you need to do is click Delete and it will disappear. So let's click out of that. Come to all these more later, we have uploads. This is where you can upload your videos or images, other files, texts where you can create all sorts of different textiles and fonts. Audio to where you can add music and sound effects, which is crucial to a YouTube video. Videos themselves here where you can actually use stock footage here, and then more. When we can specifically look for your photos, styles, backgrounds, charts, folders, and a ton of other stuff. Because again, Canva is much more than just video. But ladies and gentlemen, what I would do now before we get into the meat and potatoes of this class, go and open your Canvas account and start following along with me. If you don't already have an account yet, get one. It only takes an email account in a few seconds. Okay. I'll see you in the next video. 3. Import Video to Your Timeline: So once you're here, the next thing we wanna do is give your project a title. So let's just say our title for today is our demonstration. And click Enter that way. Next time you access your files, you can easily find what you're looking for. And in order to import clips, all you need to do is come over here to the uploads. And you could click Upload Media and it will go to, let's say your download area. And then just double-click and it will upload. Or what is a little bit easier? It just go directly to your file right here and just drag and drop and it'll immediately start to upload. I've already done that. I have in a minute and 54 second recording. And this is titled demo first thirty-seconds. We are going to look at an example, first thirty-seconds for a YouTube video because the first thirty-seconds is crucial. And we're going to edit down this minute and 54 seconds to a workable, entertaining, hopefully effective and successful 30-second intro. So once we have our video uploaded, you have a few options. You can just double-click and it immediately pops up here in our work area. Or let's just delete it by clicking Delete. If you drag your file right into the first slide, it'll automatically pop up and propagate to the aspect ratio of your Canvas. Okay, now let's just pause for a moment. Once we have our video inside, we can adjust and manipulate a few things. Now, if you want to take this out, this video out of where it is and just right-click. And we can come down here to detach video from background. And we'll essentially get this. Now. That's fine. You might need this later and you can just get things right back in place by moving it and then adjusting down here and it'll fit perfectly. Another interesting thing is you can manipulate things back and forth by cropping from the edges up here that can really come in handy later. And let's say you have more than one video. You can add video within video, and let's just click on here. And again, we have this video moving and we can manipulate it. Because who knows what you might wanna do with your YouTube channel? This is a great function and it's really easy to use. And again, you have the same manipulation options as you do with any other video. So let's get rid of that. Click delete, and it's gone. Now let's come down, right down here. If you see this option right here, we have our Zoom page. We have a top and a bottom. Now at the top is outlined in black. We can scroll and manipulate our screen. This is just to make things easier for us to see and work with. If we click at the bottom, this is our timeline. Notice or timeline is stretched out to the entirety, entire length of our videos recording. We can stretch that out further. Let's make it a little smaller. If we make it smaller, we can manipulate things a little bit easier. This will come in handy. Multiple tracks on your timeline. So let's go back up and click on our top. And if we scroll to right about here, and I'm going to double-click, this will come in handy later. If you double-click, you're able to adjust the size of your screen. So if you're recording in a higher resolution like for k, and we're going to export in this ten ADP. You can zoom in and out, which we'll see in our next video. So let's just scroll back and move things around to where they originally were. And there we go. This is how you can import your video to your timeline and make the necessary adjustments so it fits on screen the way you'd like. Furthermore, we can adjust sound. If we've clicked on our video, on our Canvas will have this sound icon and you can just click on here. You can manipulate the intensity, the game, let's say, of your audio. And hypothetically, let's say you have, like I mentioned earlier, a video. In video, this is something we'll work on a little bit later with what we call B-roll. If you want to mute a particular video, you can click on that video and hit the mute button, so you're not competing with Sam. Let's get rid of that. To follow along. Why don't you grab one or two of these videos? And you can put them in your timeline and you can follow along with me as we go throughout the rest of this course. 4. Cut Clips & Tidy Up Tracks: The next step you want to take is to remove any footage, mistakes or pauses that don't fit. And the way we do that is first of all, we might want to hit play and just go throughout your video and identify what areas you want to cut out. Now you can either push the play button here. Let's scrubber back over here, grab our arrows are scrubber. Let's start from the beginning. I'll push play. Notice that I'm up here turning on my phone, my phone's camera, push play for corner first thirty-seconds. That's on me talking to you. Remember we were doing our first thirty-seconds on our YouTube video. One of the most crucial parts of a YouTube video. And we can also, instead of pushing the play button, just press R space-bar and notice it plays as well. So we're looking for the part where I speak and it's the best take, learning how to use. Alright, so it's right about here. I'm going to scrub just back a little bit right about here. And if you want to cut, we want to make a cut right here. We can either right-click and hit Split page. And we've made our cut. Let's push play and use. Alright, I'm going to go back. Make another cut right about here. Now I told you that we could right-click and click the Split page or your shortcut is this S. Let's try that out right here. I'm going to scrub right about here. And I'm going to hit the S button. And we've done essentially the same thing. Let's go ahead and push Play. Learning how to use it. Alright, That's right about where I want to be. Now, if you really want to get more granular a little closer in, let's click on earth or Zoom thumbnails right here. We can zoom in a little bit more. And we can just hover over here. Notice we are mouse changes in them. If you just hold it down, we can scrub in and out a little bit more. So let's say right about here, we'll push play. Learning how to use editing software can be like pulling teeth. It's painful and takes awhile. Alright, I got that. One down. Pretty good. Let's mark this off. We're going to cut here as well and click S. Now that seen, that clip is where we're going to begin these first two we don't want. So all we need to do is click on one of them and hit Delete button and it disappears. Other one we don't want click on it, hit Delete, and it disappears is, and this is where we begin. Let's go back to the beginning and push play. Learning how to use editing software can be like pulling teeth. It's painful and it takes awhile. Alright, now let's go throughout the rest of our clip. That's what I'm going to do now. At the moment, we have a total of a minute and 32 seconds. Remember, this particular section, thirty-seconds is what we're going for. So I'm going to go ahead and edit those out right now. Okay. So you can see down here that I've made several cuts and I have several different slides, about six to be precise, and I've edited down to 27 seconds and that's just about perfect. We might add in a few whistles and bells. As we go through a few more lessons, it looks like we're really on track. Now. One thing I wanted to tell you is I've got a pro tip for you. Let's say some point where you're in your editing process. Let's say right here, you make a mistake. And let's say we, we cut here and it's not what we wanted to do. Maybe you've deleted something you didn't want to do that. You can easily undo things really quickly either by scrolling right up here and clicking the Undo button and look, it undoes everything. Or let's go back here. I'll put another cut in here, another slice. If I want to undo it, you can either click on the Control Z, depending on your computer or Command Z. I'm on a Mac and I'll hit Command Z and things are undone. This is definitely something you're going to use more than once. So make sure you know these shortcuts. Now the final thing I suggest doing, notice as we go from one cut to the other, we have what's called a jump cut or a hard cut and it doesn't look natural. So I'm going to push play. And you're also going to see a bit of a white shot in-between scenes, which is natural. You will not see that on your final product. I'm going to hit the spacebar for play and takes time. But today I'm going to make your learning experience comfortable in quick. Alright, now those white scenes are natural, as I said, they will be cut out, but they're there to show you that there has been an edit to make things look a little bit more professional, what I suggest doing is re-sizing each of your slides. So I'm going to go onto this particular slide, and I'm going to double-click here. And I can manipulate things a little bit more. I'm going to come in right about here. Now when I do this, when I go from slide to slide, I'm going to go from here. It's a little bit larger. And maybe I can make this one particularly large by doing the same thing, double-clicking. I'm going to make this one even bigger. I'd like my eyes to be in about the same space. So it's going to look a little more like you have potentially multiple cameras filming in asthma, go painful and tags time. But today I'm going to make your learning experience comfortable and quick. Because I'm gonna do the same thing here. I'll double-click. I might do a similar portion. Similar thing that we had earlier, a little bit small into the center. Go to this particular one. I'm going to get a larger double-click and center really large zoom in right about here. Makes sure that your face and your eyes sort of match up about the same area. And you can use these grid lines to do that. Scrub over here. I'm going to get myself in the center a little bit. And then final one, let's make it a little bit larger. Here. And there we go. Now, as we go from slide to slide, the camera angle, we'll zoom in and out with these jump cuts. And it'll look a little bit more natural. It will seem a little bit more professional. It'll be an overall better video. Okay, I'll see you in the next lesson. And this one's going to be on something special called B-roll. 5. Bring in Your B-roll: So what I've learned is that it's better to show, not tell at the beginning of your YouTube videos. And B-roll is a great way to do that. What B-roll includes is video on top of your main content right here. So what we're going to do here is put in a few clips over my main content where you can hear me speaking. But we're going to have a visual component to what we're listening to. So let's listen to the first five seconds. And can you guess what we're going to overlay? Here are the 1.5th, 55 seconds. Learning how to use editing software can be like pulling teeth, it painful and takes time. Okay, so we're going to split this into three segments. Let's do that now. And we'll, I'll hit the spacebar to start and stop learning how to use editing software. And we'll stop there learning how to use editing software. Stop there. Now, the next section. It can be like pulling teeth. Can be like pulling teeth. Could put an S here is we are, we have our three sections. Now if I go over to video, there are lots of options that you have with video. However, as far as copyright goes and usability, I'll touch on that in just a moment. But I've selected, I've pre-selected three video clips to go over an overlay on here. So I'm going to go to my uploads. I've uploaded these specifically. I'm going to put this on our first one, video editing. So instead of just putting it into the timeline here like we did our main footage, I'm going to grab it. I'm going to put it right over on our Canvas. Now, you can do all kinds of things here. You can move it, manipulate it, have video on video if you want. But that's not what we're doing today. What I want to do is we've got clipped down here, see that it's stretched things out to the full amount. I'm going to click on this. And we're going to click on the scissors. And we need to get it down to its bare essentials. I'm going to click on here. And we can manipulate the beginning. Let's push pause. Can manipulate here at the beginning and here at the end. So I'm going to just scrub this all the way back to, let's say just a fraction of a second. So we have about 1.8 seconds that we want to include right here. So we're going to scrub it to about 1.8 seconds. And let's say right about here. And we can also just hold and manipulate things like this. But I think this clip we'll be fine just as it is. So I'm going to put this 1.8 seconds and I'm going to adjust the frame size. Now this is where I want you to pay attention because there's a little problem that comes in here and we have a work around. What normally we would do is we would adjust it to fit the entire size. And we'll come back here and route. We should listen and hear the voice-over. And when I push play, nothing happens. Actually, the main footage has been by default deleted and this can be quite annoying. So what we're going to do, I'm going to right-click here and I'm going to detach this video from the background. You can see that my video has been deleted and we can't do, we can't have that, right? So let's click our Command Z and go back to where we were earlier, and we have our video back. Now, here's our work-around. This is what we're going to do. We're going to switch videos here. I'm going to take my main footage. I'm going to right-click on it and detach this from the background. Now, I want to make this video, our B-roll actually on the background. I'm going to re-size it here and put my main video in the middle, in the center. And we can now see them both and listen to me speak, learning how to use. Alright, great. But it's not going to work, of course, if I'm here in the middle of the screen. So here's our work-around. We're going to come up right here to our transparency and just scroll to 0. So there is complete transparency. You can't see the main footage. You can see our B-roll that's attached to the background. And let's see how it sounds. Learning how to go. That is our work-around. Now we're going to go to our next clip. Okay, So I'm going to click on my second clip here. That's 1.7 seconds. Now we have our video here. I want to bring this one in. So again, I'm going to drag it in. It's in the center, but we have the same issue as well. So it's taking the entire video and it's, it's moved. It's changed the length of this slide. So we need to crop it down to 1.7 seconds. Click on our scissors here. Click pause. I'm going to do the same thing, bring it down to 1.7 seconds, go. And if we push play, the hand comes in with a glove. That looks good. I like that. Now we have our same issue with this clip. We need to do is click. On our main footage, right-click, detach. Then we want our video, our B-roll. And you can always reposition things here by moving forward or backward just in case things working differently for you. But I'm going to resize things. And when I resize them by default, this image will be attached to the background. That was our problem that earlier video will attach to the background. Now, we've got our 1.7 seconds. We've gotten me in the front. All I need to do is click on our main footage and take it to a 0 transparency, right? That one's done. And then our third one, or third clip is 1.9 seconds. I'm going to click on this one. I'm going to take this really interesting shot here. I'm going to drag it on top. We need to crop things down to 1.9 seconds. Let's do the same. 1.9 seconds right about here. Go through the same process. I'll click on my main footage, right-click detached from background. Now it's in front. I'll click on my B-roll, which is in the back. Now. Scale it to fit. Click on main footage again. 0 transparency. Now let's see how things sound and look at the beginning. Here we go. Learning how to use editing salt. It can be like pulling, takes time. The audio seemed to cut off, but when you export it, everything will sound great. I'm going to show you what I mean. I'm going to export that now. We'll get to the exporting process later. It's real simple. But when you do export it, it will look like this. Learning how to use editing software can be like pulling teeth. It's painful and takes time. Okay, Now I do have a few things to talk about as far as using videos on Canvas go. When it comes to videos that are offered on Canva, you do have a large range of selections here and you can also search in here for something specific. So let's just say I type in B. I loved the beach. So let's type in beach. Now, here are some options here. The problem is that you need to be careful as far as copyright goes. You have three options here. If we click on any particular video, if we hover over any particular video, we have these three dots. This one is specifically if we click here, this one's free. Some of them are free. And if you click on the I for information, well, here you can use this particular video in Canva for personal or commercial use, and you can also use it on social media as well. But there are a few restrictions here. However, if you want something that's on the pro level, you click on these three buttons and if you want to use it, you can use it for a onetime only use. Now I'm in Korea at the moment, this is in lawn, but this is about $5. In different videos, might have different amounts. These particular ones seem to be about $5 each. I've seen some that are a little bit cheaper. But if you want to use these for unlimited videos, get the full range of options. Here on Canva, you would need to purchase their pro account and pay somewhere around 12, $13 per month. So before using any Canva videos, make sure that you're aware of what you're using and make sure you know the copyright boundaries for each video that you happen to use in your YouTube videos. 6. Add Titles & Text: There are almost an unlimited number of options you have when it comes to text in Canva, if we scroll over here to our text option, we have our basic texts and I'm just going to show you real quickly. We have a larger font, a middle font, and a smaller font. And all of these can be manipulated simply by clicking in here, you can double-click to change the actual words, for example, GGG, or just click inside and you can change the font style. There are about a million and one choices in here, almost unending. Just click on what looks good to you. And you can also adjust the font size, either clicking here and giving it a number you can type one in, you can type plus or negative to slightly change it. Or you can just come right over here and hold one of these corners and adjust like that. So there are a lot of options for adjusting. Let's get rid of these are going to highlight these three click Delete. And you also have a number of preset templates to choose from. A lot of these are free, but some are not. So keep in mind that ones that do not have a crown are free to use. And the ones that do have the crown are only on the paid program. So we could use this for example, and we can manipulate each little section here. So you have a lot of options. However, keep in mind, if we do have a section, I'm going to click on this particular section here, the first part where I'm actually on camera. And let's just say I'm going to use, let's look for a free one. Let's, this will work, I guess. And I put text into this particular slide. It will take up the entire slide. So you'll probably want to do is find exactly where in each slide that you want the text to begin and end and make cuts there. And that's what we're going to do in just a moment. So I'll click Delete. Now let's listen to this. The second, third slides you can hear follow along with me. It says because Canvas editing package is simply a sophistic. Alright, so it was hard to hear, but it says canvas editing package is simple yet sophisticated. I want those words to pop up quickly in here. And then it takes the best of all. He didn't hear it, but it's still there. Potentially, best of all, it's free. So I'm going to put in simple yet sophisticated each word individually here. In order to do that, let's go back to our Zoom thumbnails here. I've got the timeline selected, and I am going to make the slides a bit larger so they're easier to manipulate. I'm going to go all the way, all the way over. Let's let's do that. Why not? So, let's listen again right here. I want simple, yet sophisticated, simple. I'll be right about here and click pass. Yet sophisticated probably, right about here. Okay? So we're going to add simple right here will take some texts and let's go ahead and go to the top. Make this easy. We're going to choose the one in the center. Hi, I'm going to choose font style. I usually like Mont block type in MOSFET. We have Montserrat extra bold. Let's use that. We'll just do all lowercase, highlight everything simple. I want this to show up at the bottom of the screen. And I'm going to drag it, will make it not this size. It sounds like a good size. Click it and get it right here. Now what's really cool too. You also have the option of changing the color right here. And this isn't really not the color I'm looking for. I think white is going to stand out best. You also have the option to animate. And this is really interesting. There are lots of presets under the basic options. I'm going to click my arrow and I like breathe and click on that. We've got simple. And I'm going to copy this. I'm going to highlight it. I'm going to command C. I'm going to go over here to my next slide. And I'm going to hit Command V, which is paste, double-click and sophisticated. And it has the same burry the fact, so when we scroll here, it will pop on screen. We had statistic. And then I want, but it's free over here as the ball is. I'm gonna put three right here. I'm going to give it a cut. Oops, right here. I'm going to click S. I'm going to also click in here control V. We have the same thing. Now I'm going to type free. It's free specifically. I'm going to make it a little bit larger for emphasis. Get it in the center. I want to change my effect. Let's go here. Let's do something a little different. How about let's go with this pop option. Under scale. I'll click pop. There we go. It pops, and it's free. So let's go ahead and I'm going to export this and show you what it looks like once it's been exported. So you can actually see the effects. Okay, here it is, and then scale it down a little bit so you can see, alright, and I'll push play, yet sophisticated and potentially best of all, it's free. Okay, and this of course, will go away when we go to our next slide. Now, there are a few extra things that are pretty interesting. I have a few tips for you. So let's scroll over to another slide and we'll just play around with it. So when you're in a slide and you want to add text or shortcut is simply clicking the letter T, T, and then you get texts on your screen. You can keep that in mind. So let's adjust this a little bit and let's say example. And perhaps you could say This is your name. Let's say if you wanted to put some sort of lower thirds or these are upper thirds, Let's say Actually, why don't, why not change it will put my name in here. Cow has slept. Okay. That's pretty big. It's like a little bit smaller. And two other shortcuts that are pretty nice. You can use a rectangle here by typing R for a rectangle. And you can, of course, manipulated in so many different ways. You can change the color. Let's say we wanted to do a black background. I can put it right here. And this is already behind my name, which is fine. You can of course, change positions. You can change position here by moving it forward, moving it backward, and so on. What's also cool is if you press the letter C, we get a circle. We can move it over here and all kinds of things that we can do suggests that a little bit. Let's make it purple. Now. Let's make it orange. I'm going to highlight this text, copy and paste. Now, what's interesting with this text, you can make an effect to where you can curve your text. And by manipulating a little bit like so. You can have it somewhat fit a circle in here and just something to know, something that you might want to use later. You can spin things around like so. So you have a lot of options here in Canva. I'm gonna get rid of this. And I'd want to let you know that you also can animate these as well. They can come in, click the Animate button. I can pan. We can also animate the rectangle in the background. Let's say we want to give it some sort of a fade. There we go, pop. And this is sort of what you'll see is pretty interesting and pretty helpful. So these are some great effects that you can use in your videos. Go ahead and give them a try before we move on to our next lesson. 7. Enhance with Transitions & Effects: Now we can add a few transitions and effects. By now I'm sure you've noticed the plus sign that pops up right here when we hover in-between our slides. Now you have two choices. A plus sign will add a page just like this. That will come in handy in so many different ways when you want to add or make adjustments. But we're not going to use that at the moment. So let's just delete it. Instead. What we can do is add a transition. Now, I want to make a transition between my show, not tell area right here in my talking head when I begin speaking to the camera. So if I hover in the center and I click right here, we have add transition. If we click on that, we have a few options. By default it's nine. But if we hover over these, this is what we'll get. We'll get a transition like this. Now, this is my opinion. But a slide transition, a circle wipe and align wipe. Don't look that professional. Dissolves do look pretty good. So I'm going to click on dissolve and you notice that we have another option here. We can slide back and forth and adjust the duration. Not only that, if you want, you can also apply this particular transition to all of your pages simply by clicking this button here. But we're not going to do that. We're just going to click dissolve. Notice we have a new symbol here that tells us a transition has been added to our timeline. So we can click Play and we can see the blur transition from one slide to the other. Not only that, I have a few tips and tricks to show you when it comes to special effects, let's say, so. Let's say we're going to add a clip here. And just for demonstration purposes, I'm going to go to video. And let's choose this beach video. I'm going to put it in here and resize it so it snaps to the background. Okay, so we've got our beach video. We of course can adjust the size by scrolling in and out. I don't just make it right about here. Now, this video, we can change the mood by adding a color overlay. And all we need to do is hit the button on your keyboard. And we've got a rectangle. We can resize it like so. And then we can adjust the color. Let's say we want to give it more of a warm feeling. So I'm going to click on the pH or the orange. Let's go with orange and then we'll go to our transparency and adjusted only slightly. So this is what it looks like originally. We can give it a slightly warmer feeling by adjusting the transparency, let's say to 20. And you can do the opposite and give it a colder feeling by coming up to our color again, clicking on blue, and we've got a colder look. Now you can also add other colors as well to give them distinct looks. And it's something that can come in handy when you want to be more visually creative. Now, let's say we're going to go with a warmer look here. Great. After this, you also have the option to fade to black. And you can do that basically anywhere. You can put it in between clips by clicking a page and coloring it black. And have a fade into this. And you can adjust the timing here as well. But we're going to do something a little different. Let's say we're at the end of a particular part of your video and we want to fade to black possibly into another scene. Let's just click here. We'll color it black or any other color you can keep in mind. I'm going to adjust the duration to about 1.5 seconds. There we go. And let's give it a transition. Make that a dissolve transition. In this scene here, which is about four seconds, will fade to black. I scrub to the center and I will push play and notice how it fades to black. Pretty nifty. Okay, Join me in the next video when I show you how to add music and sound effects. 8. Music & Sound FX Are Next: When it comes to music and sound effects, Canva has a lot to choose from. And if we just go over here and we click on our audio button, we have some free music. And it's maybe not necessarily appropriate for what you're looking for. And we also have paved music. And when it comes to sound effects, let's just say, let's type in birds, chirping birds. And you'd get a lot of sound effects as well, but we don't really have any free ones. So you'll need to either upgrade or bringing your own sound effects in order to do that, in order to bring in our own music and sound effects will just click on uploads. And images will be under this area. Our videos will be under here. These are the videos that we see down below. You don't need to click on any of these when you upload, they'll automatically be categorized, but when you upload music or sound effects, they'll be under your audio tab here. And notice we have three files. We have a longer file. This is a music file titled hip hop promo. And we have some shorter ones, two seconds in 1 second long. We have a diene and a chime. Let's see if we can listen to those on my computer real quickly. A dean sounds like this. A chime, and some hip hop music. Okay, So this might not necessarily be appropriate, but for demonstration purposes, it should be just fine. So let's take our music first. All you need to do is take it and drag it into our timeline down here. And you see that it's propagated as a lower tract below our videos. Now you have the option to scrub back and forth to change the length, to change its position, and so on. So what we wanna do is let's make this the entirety of our videos. I'm going to scroll and scrub and drag it all the way to the end. Now I'm going to click right here and notice things will be colored, oh, come into view. I'm going to get rid of this shot here. Click Delete, and notice the transition has disappeared. Let's come back and put it in a dissolve transition in. Let's scrub it all the way over here. So we have this into the entirety of our clip. Now, if we push play right about here, Let's say the beginning. Wow, that is really loud, so the music is so overpowering, you can't hear any of the audio from my voice-over. So what we'll wanna do is adjust the audio. And all you need to do is click on that audio file. And then we can come up here to our audio or volume button and we can adjust the sound volume. Now. We want it not to be overpowering. So let's say, let's give it about 20. And listen to how it sounds again. That's okay, but it's still a little loud. Try for learning how to edit. Okay, we can hear it in the background, but it's not overpowering our main video. Alright, so that's what we could do with our music files. Next, let's add some sound effects. So remember where we put in our text effects. We have three areas here. 123, we can put in some sound effects. So for the first two, when I say simple and sophisticated, that putting a dean and I'm going to drag it into right about here. That being will show up here. I want to put in one more thing. So I'm going to click on this command, copy command V and we have to now. So it should go Dean, dean. We say when we see sophisticated and then when we come up to and it's Ferrari, let's put in a chime right about there. And notice when I drag these files in, they're going to line up wherever I have my playhead. So let's see what this sounds like. And here we go. Let's listen to it. And potentially best of all, it's free. So whether you're a Newton, okay, There you go. Now, the deans were a little bit loud and the chimes sounded okay, if I wanted to, I could just come in here, click on the dean. And let's go down to about 20. Let's take the same one. Let's go down to about warranty as well. And now it'll probably sound pretty good. So that's how you can add music and sound effects. Next, we're going to look at how to add graphics are elements in our images into our video files. Okay, see you in the next lesson. 9. Grab Your Graphics: Adding graphics or video is really helpful as well. And there are more or less two areas where you can do that. Number one, let's say you have your company logo or your brand, or maybe another company's logo, you can upload your files here. Notice I've done that with Canva. I simply went to the Internet. I downloaded a PNG file because it has a transparent background. And I've got Canva here, and I can just add that over here. So if we listen at this part, I mentioned can refer the first time because Pandas editing, because Kim is editing package. So now would be a great opportunity to put Canva up here. Remember, we wanna do more showing and telling. So it really does help with audience retention. I could simply click and place it up here. If I wanted, I could animate by give me, giving you, let's say, for example, a pan effect or what you could do. Let's just take that out. Let's go up to our elements. Elements really comes in handy. What you can do is search for something specific in, Let's try Canva, CAN VA. And notice they already have a whole lot of stuff. Of course it's their software package. But here's something interesting when you were doing your own elements search, you can search for whatever you're looking for first. So I've typed in Canva, I've hit Enter. And then if you want, you can come right here and filter things. Now you can filter by color, by orientation, by animation cut out. And sometimes when you're searching for a few other things, you can search by free or paid account only that can come in handy. I want to search for something that's animated with Canva apply filters. Okay, Look at that. That's kind of interesting. Let's say, let's use this. This white shows up quite nicely on the background. This blue background. I'm just going to click on this canvas right here. I'm going to adjust the size right here. And that should look pretty good. So if we come up here to the beginning and we press Play, it has pandas editing Haggis, sophisticated. So we'll keep that in there for now. So you have a lot of options when it comes to adding n elements, whether those be photos, graphics, videos, or audio to your Canvas, edited videos. Now here's something you may all be interested in when it comes to YouTube, intros, outros, and n screens. We're going to look at those coming up next. 10. Intros, Outros, & End Screens - But Be Warned: So let's say you wanted to add an intro and outro and an end screen to your YouTube video. To do that, it's pretty simple. Canva had a series of templates that look really good. So let's go with intros first. All you need to do is type it intros. And you have so many templates to choose from. A lot of people put in their intros at the very beginning. And let's say, I'm going to put mine between the time that I go through showing to the part where I have my talking head video. So what I would do here is click here and add another slide. And let's say I want to use this one. We can just click on it. It automatically pops up and then we can adjust everything to suit our needs. So let's just say I'm going to type in Canva editing, okay, and here's a little quick pro tip for you. Let's adjust the colors to match Canvas branding. So if I go to my uploads, I have Canvas logo right here. If I put it on screen, what I can do, let's say we want to change the color of my font here, or even the background. Let's look at the background. If I click Color. Canva has recognized the image I've put on here and is extracted the colors in here. So this, this really comes in handy in many different ways when we're working with fonts and other things. So let's just choose this color here and notice it matches the background. This one looks a little bit better. Okay, so I'm going to get rid of Canva. Or how about we just put it right up here? Notice how things it's propagating to the back. I don't want to do that. So I'm going to click, take the Canva logo down here. I'm going to click right here, and I'm going to lock it. If you lock things that will prevent that from happening. So now we're okay. So I'm gonna put camera right about here. Why not give it a little animation? Just for fun, like a pop. And this is what it looks like. Now let's change the color of Canvas. Wow, Let's go to the color options here. We have our canvas colors here. What looks good? Lighter color looks good. To tell you the truth why it looks best. Let's just leave it there and we can adjust the duration by scrolling back and forth. So here we have 1 seconds of an intro. Now, we can also have altro now Tro, we could place right here at the end. All you need to do is click on Templates and outros. And we have something similar. Notice here, we have outros that work like this, or we have outros that are more like in screens like this where you can place your videos here. Now it's up to you what you want to do. You can follow the same process that we did with our outros. If you want specifically, end screens just come up here at the top and type in and screens. Let's find one that's free. Here we go, ones right here. Now, all you need to do is customize things so they fit your particular channel. For example, you could place your channel logo here and two options for videos, whether they be a playlist or a specific video, or what's best for the next viewer. However, ladies and gentlemen, this is where I wanted to say Be warned. Number one, Be warned with your intro question. Why are you actually putting up an intro here? Is this more for you because you think it looks cool? Or does it have value to the viewer? Typically there's a little value to the viewer. And if you look at your analytics, people tend to drop off, they leave your video when you have your intro is here, especially if they're too long. So if you're going to have an intro, I suggest really making it short, like a second, something really fast and snappy or have none at all. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete my intro. Now when it comes to un altro, it's really the same thing. I would delete un altro. However, when it comes to an end screen, people don't like a lot of choices. There. They get a little confused and it's hard to make a choice. And this is at the very end of your video. So typically what happens if you give them a lot of choice? For example, four different videos to watch plus subscribing. They're going to do nothing you might want to do. And this is my suggestion because it works well for me. Take everything out, only give them one yes, I said one option. Perhaps that's going to be one video. So they only have one option. And there should probably be a voiceover, a view telling them what this particular video is and why it's valuable to them. So when they hear that, they see one choice here, they're much more likely to actually click on this video and continue watching videos on your channel. Okay, our next video is on exporting. See you there. 11. Export It All: The final thing you'll want to do is export your completed video. Now we've only done our 30-second intro here. We don't need it in the screen because it doesn't make sense. So I'm just going to click on that and delete in order to export, all you need to do is come up here and hit the share button, then click the Download button. Now, you'll have a few options is filed type, and there's only really one that is video, so it's our MP video. It's the suggested it will show up by default. So don't worry, just make sure it's MP4. That's what YouTube likes. And by default as well, it will export all of your pages. I have 12 particular pages or slides here. However, if you want, you can customize thing and only export a few. Let's say you were testing a few things out like I was earlier, and I only wanted to export pages five, 678. And you can test out to see how they look and feel. However, we're going to export them all. And then all you need to do is click Done and hit Download, and your download will begin. And then the next thing you know, you'll have a complete video. What I suggest then is watched that video taking the notes of where you might want to make adjustments, come back into Canva, make those adjustments, and then go ahead and export a another time and see how things look. So let's see how our final edited first thirty-seconds of our YouTube video looks and feels. Here we go. Learning how to use editing software can be like pulling teeth. It's painful and takes time today, I'm going to make your learning experience comfortable and quick because Canvas editing package is simply a sophisticated and potentially best of all, it's free. So whether you're a newbie to editing or you've mastered other applications. And that is definitely a tool you'll want in your toolbox. So let's get started. Okay, Now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm curious about your YouTube channels. Take a look at the next lesson and see what I mean. 12. Share YOUR Edit from Canva: Now I'd love to see the first thirty-seconds of one of your YouTube videos. My channel focuses specifically on mobile filmmaking. How about you? And don't worry if you don't have a YouTube channel yet, this is great practice. All you need is an idea and a little creative juice. And if you feel a little uncomfortable on camera, make a faceless video. A lot of YouTubers do. Your class project is to edit and approximately 32nd YouTube video intro. Let's take a quick look at the script I used in this course is demonstration and break it down so you can have a little bit of inspiration. So this is the exact script that I use in our demonstration. Let's look at the first two sentences right here. Learning how to use editing software can be like pulling teeth. It's painful and takes time. This is a metaphor or analogy and this is where we show and not tell. Can you come up with some sort of metaphor? So I'm analogy to compare your video topic and make things a little more interesting for the audience. Right up to that, I tell the viewers exactly what they're going to see. I've identified potential pain points because sometimes video editing is uncomfortable and takes a long time. So let's make it comfortable and quick. And I mentioned the benefits of Canvas editing platform. It's simple, yet still quality, sophisticated, and it is free. So we've added value for the viewer. Then I go into who is this video potentially for? Well, it could be a newbie to editing or someone who has mastered other programs. But they want to learn Canva. And I end with a call to action. So let's get started. What might be your call to action? So hopefully this will serve as some degree of inspiration for your first thirty-seconds and your video. Try adding the following elements. B-roll, animated titles and text. Transitions between slides, some or all music and sound effects, if possible, but not required. Animated graphics. And if you really feel the need, an intro and outro and or end screen, make sure to share it here on Skillshare by pressing the Create Project button under the projects and resources tab. That way you can share it with us all. Also, thank you so much for being a part of this class. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask me in the discussion area. And if you have any requests about editing further on Canva for this particular course, let me know too, because I may add a dedicated lesson to this course based on that idea. Thank you again, and I hope to see you in the next course.