Easy Origami 3D Heart | Kevin Hutson | Skillshare

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Easy Origami 3D Heart

teacher avatar Kevin Hutson, Origami Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Starting the Creases


    • 3.

      Folding the Corners


    • 4.

      Making it 3D


    • 5.



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About This Class

This course guides you through the process of folding a three dimensional origami heart a.k.a. puffy heart. All the steps are explained step by step so it's easy to follow along. You can fold this heart as a decoration or a gift, it could also be attached to a love letter or Valentine's Day card. 

I hope you have a lot of fun folding it!

My other origami courses:

Animals: https://skl.sh/3ma8tzL

Flowers: https://skl.sh/327xlRc

Birds: https://skl.sh/2EncsaN

Modular Spinning Top: https://skl.sh/2XeKrZP

The possibilities of what you can fold from a single sheet of paper are endless!

Meet Your Teacher

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Kevin Hutson

Origami Artist


I am an origami artist that has been folding and designing origami for over 10 years. Origami is one of my favorite passions and I love to share this unique art form with other people.

See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Intro: In this course I'm going to teach you how to fold origami puffy heart. I'm going to be using just a standard sheet of six inch origami paper, but you can use any size or type of paper you'd like just as long as you cut it down into a square. 2. Starting the Creases: Now we're going to start with the colored side down. And we're going to valley fold in half horizontally. So we'll bring this top edge down to the bottom edge and unfold. Then we're going to bring the right edge over to the left of edge, but we're just going to make a small pinch mark right in the center. So lined up and then just make a tiny pinch in the middle. Unfold. Next we're going to bring the edge on the right into that pinch mark that we just made. This line it up right with that pinch mark and crease it down. Then bring the left edge into that same center pinch mark, which is align up with that edge. Now. Now a valley fold the whole thing in half, bringing that top edge down to the bottom edge. Next we're going to make a valley fold. Starts at the halfway point between this edge and the Pinto mark in the center right here. And it's going to run out this direction. And this doesn't have to be exact. But you want to fold it so it looks like it's about halfway. And then we want this edge to be vertical and this edge to be horizontal. And then once we've done that, we're going to take this edge right here and fold it up to this outer edge. Then we're gonna do all those same steps on the left side. So full that in just about on that halfway mark. And then folded edge up. Then we can unfold both of those. And then unfolded all the way to this. 3. Folding the Corners: Next we're going to take this edge on the bottom right and fold it into the center and vertical. Then it will unfold. Then we'll take that same engine, bring it into that new crease we just made. And then unfold. And do the same thing on the left. Bring that bottom left edge into the center and unfold. Then bring that edge into the crease we just made and unfolds. Next we're going to look at this area on the right. We're going to inside reverse fold along this crease. Will open that up and then swing the edge inside and close it up on the existing increases. And then repeat that on the left. Links. If we look inside, we're going to look at this flap right here. We're going to re-form that crease that we made in the previous step. Just tucking the whole flat behind. And then close it up. And do the same thing on the left side is open that reform that crease. We enclose it up. Now we'll rotate a 180 degrees. Then we're going to bring this bottom right edge into that center vertical. And then unfold and bring that bottom edge into the crease we just made. And unfold. Then repeat that on the left. Next we're going to inside reverse fold, but we're going to do it on this lower crease. So we'll open that up and then three form the bottom crease and then close it and repeat on the left. And then we can valley fold the whole thing down along the existing creases. Next we're going to make a crease that starts right where this crease meets the top edge. And it's going to fold in this direction. But we're going to stop right when we get to the middle. So fold this down, starting right or that crease meets up top. And then we want this edge to be vertical. Increase it just to the center and stop, and then unfold. Then do the same thing on the right side. And now those two creases should meet in the middle. Next week, an inside reverse fold, this point on the right. Swing that inside. You can close it up. Then inside reverse fold on the left. 4. Making it 3D: Next we need to form all of these creases as mountain volts. And this is going to start to turn three-dimensional. Now, we'll look at this from the top is press right in the center. And that area should start to push down. And then you can pinch with your fingers to turn these creases into mountain folds. Then if you bring these points over to meet each other, not all the way, that you can. Just push them a little bit closer and then initial start to hold its shape a little bit. Next week. And to look inside ends, we're going to look at this little flap. We're going to form a crease right along the existing pre signs. Let's do that as a mountain fold because that's the direction that creases already. You're going to do this so you can see it. And then fold it over and press it up against the sides so that edge is locked in place. Then do the same thing with the other flap. Now that should be locked pretty well. Next we're going to take this flapper, we're going to tuck it into this pocket. Slide it into that pocket. And it should tuck in nicely. There's entity, the same thing on the left. And then our puffy heart is complete. Then you could give that someone as a gift or you could attach that to a letter or a Valentine's Day card. You can do whatever you want with it as just a really cool look and heart, I hope yours looks awesome. Then I'll see you in the next video. 5. Outro: Thank you so much for watching this course. I hope you had a lot of fun folding yours. If you want to keep folding, I have a ton of other origami courses here on Skillshare, so you can click on my profile or go down in the description. I have them all listed there and make sure to click Follow. I have a bunch of upcoming courses, all the releasing that. I'm really excited about. That. Thank you again and I'll see you in my next course.