1. Introduction: Hi. Whenever Sophie and I don't know. I'm an illustrator and graphic designer and just an art enthusiast. And I'm so happy to her to, with a new course for you. This course is all about drawing portraits in Procreate. So if you want to learn portrait drawing or if you want to practice, join me in this course. I will be covering drawing a portrait from scratch, using some inspiration and finalizing the image with headquarter of elements. I will be covering up, yeah. Brushes, color, blending modes, and don't be afraid this course is for all levels. So everything will be clear for you. So let's dive in.
2. Project description : So in this class, we will draw two portraits and we will be using Pinterest as inspiration. I already linked. I mean, added the link to the class description to the Pinterest boards. You can use or you can search your own images. Of course. You can also draw your family members, friends, and so on. Yeah, we will be drawing two portraits and we will be covering how to draw a sketch. So it will be clear to the coloring stage. And then we will be coloring as a portrait. So let's dive in and have fun.
3. Using Pinterest as Inspiration: So hello. And the product description. And about section, I added a link to the Pinterest board. And it will be the inspiration board that you can use to pick an image to draw. So let's choose an image. I will choose two images I will draw now. So I guess I like this one. Yeah. Well, I'm deciding between this and this one. So I like this more because it's more plants in it in this. So I will save them. And yeah, I'm ready to sketch these pretty faces. So see you in the next lesson.
4. Sketching our first portrait !: Hi everyone. So here. Yet. So now I'm in Procreate. And let's choose our first image. First, we create a file. And I guess I will go with a 40234, 1000 to 3000 pixels. And I will make it vertical. And now I will import our image as a reference. So here we go. And I will place it on the side. Now we have a reference and we can make a color palette. So sometimes I think about the color palette at the stage of the sketch. Sometimes I think about colors on the go. But today we are going to make the color palette. So I will just think about the colors. They can not be final, so we can change them later. But we will have understanding of has the color palette is. So as it does it, because we don't need more colors in this image because it will be very unbalanced. Not very good for either of us. I so let's start to draw. I always start with the face to create some kind of composition. And understand where will be the center. Here. Just draw loosely. It's not, you don't need to be precise here. It just defining a composition for our image. Some plants. See, I don't draw precise portrait. It's just, I just chose this image for his wife. Beautiful colors. So let's make it center and define the chin. The African household, sorry. Is it chain? The shadow? Maybe it's a shadow here. Now we lowers their passage it up. And let's draw us a precise sketch. Actually. I guess I will go with this one, movies versa. And so now I will go with this one. So for me, sometimes it's very, it's easier to draw like a loose sketch and don't think about how beautiful I draw or yeah, stuff like that. I just yeah, just draw and defines a composition the shapes, and just observes the image. And then I can too precise sketch. So if it's easier for you to start as a precise sketch, it's totally okay. But also an guys hear that tone for don't be afraid to draw something which is ugly or doesn't look really good. Because it's just a sketch. I'm already thinking that maybe I want to make some hair black because it will create a really nice contrast with the rest of the image. Maybe not. We will decide as a process, I like to work in a way to like lose a playful manner and I do something. And if I don't like it, I yeah, This item is a process but to change. So I don't plan everything because it's all being not fun anymore for me. Hello can always use an eraser. Table. Go here. Like that. Maybe it's a good idea to draw some flowers here also. So this image here is just a reference. So we can do everything we want. We can modify some parts we don't like. We can modify colors. We can modify the placement of some parts. So feel free to modify any reference. But if you go for a realistic depiction, then yeah, it's amazing to see. Now let's look at and it's like a clean sketch. I think it's okay for the sketch. I like it so far. Let's draw the cheeks. Whereas the shadows, maybe some leaves here, also. Some shadow here. Maybe some more plants. And also we can add more plans. And the final stage as a coloring. Why not? So if well, you don't have to decide now what Joel, because I can always add some stuff and Azure. So this is a sketch. Let's go to the coloring part.
5. Coloring our first portrait ! Part 1: Hello, so here we are in procreate. And let's paint our drawing. So I will start with face and then continue. And then there are stars, a texture. So let's get the facial color. And on a new layer, Let's select our rash. You can choose whatever brush you want. There are many brushes here. So explore. I will choose my brush. Studio pen. You can find it in calligraphy, know, in inking studio pen. And let's draw the face. Here. If you close up one shape, you can fill it in with a color. So you don't have to spend time one drawing and filling all the parts. And that's do the same with the neck. Here we go. So we have our face and neck. And let's continue with the hair. On a layer beneath the face, the neck. I will draw the hair. And we will have also a layer above the face to draw the rest of the hair, which is laying on the face. So as you can see, this is a closed shape. So let's fill it in. And here we go. Now I will lower the opacity a little bit to see the sketch layer to be able to draw the eyes facial details. So let's continue. Maybe, you know, he will draw the hair directly here. And don't forget to close the shapes so we can fill it in easily. Also, we will close up some. Here. I am, I am I defied hair shape because I think that's better looking to raise some bars so it becomes thinner. And thus, what happened? Because we actually draw the color here to fill it. Yeah.
6. Coloring our first portrait ! Part 2: Hello, so here we are in procreate. And let's paint our drawing. So I will start with the face and then continue and then the rest of the lecture. So now we're done with the hair. Let's go to the rest of the facial details. I will create a new layer, select the color. So facial color and said, multiply to this layer. And now we will have another shape, shade of facial color, which will be good for us, the nose and rest of the details. And actually we can select layer, tap on it and select clipping mask. So now these chicks which I drew, they are clipping to exactly is the shape of the face to face. You. And eyebrows. Like to add a shadow of the eyebrows. I don't know why. Yeah. The shadow of the neck. And we can get rid of the sketch layer. Make everything the same applies to T, and see what we have and what we can quantify. So I already see some things was the hair. So Let's draw them a little bit. Like more rounded shapes. Yeah, it was good. And let's draw the ellipse and the rest of the nose. So let's take this color. So, and let's see what we have with makeup. Let's drag the layer on top and see. She has red eyes, which is totally okay. We will draw it. Yellowish red makeup. Yeah, let's draw it actually. So I will take another brush. I will choose from these maybe some kind of brush. Yeah, that's good. So this is in artistic or beach. And let's select the color here. Also someone who knows. Let's bring it a color. Actually. Choose a yellow color, a little bit smaller. So I think that's nice. So let's bring everything to the same complexity. Let's modify this a little bit more with studio pen like this. And let's create a layer underneath facial details. Because I want to fill with white color, red eyes. I forgot that. If you have already a color here and you want to fill another shape, you cannot do this. So we will just color it in.
7. Coloring our first portrait ! Part 3: So that's sucks. Especially is a retro is a fluid. And also let's add some some parts here. Bring life to the eyes. And also, let's go back to the Shadows. Color here and draw some eyelids. Actually, I like to draw a little bit, go back and force another layers and think what I miss and modify it. On the go. Here. Maybe make the nose a bit bigger to send it out more. I don't know. Maybe some lines here. No, I don't like shadow here. So let's play with the makeup a little bit more. That's select the smudge tool and smudge the cheeks. So in this much tool, you have the same brushes. So you can take the same brush you colored in the makeup. Just a little bit. Very nice watercolor effect. Okay, so that's looking nice. Let's draw separation and the lips. And what we can do. Maybe we can try to make the nose. Actually I like it more. So I will leave it. And let's take so white color and draw some accents on here to make it look actually like here. So the hairs like baby can live. And we need to be yeah, so this is the hairline. So draw it like this. And I guess that's it. So next lesson, I will be all jaws, plants, background, and maybe add some parts to the face that I'm not sure.
8. Sketching portrait2: So here we are. In procreate. Let's create the same dimensions for 4000 by 3000. Really challenging to pronounce it. Again, make it vertical. So we have a portrait and insert a photo. Insert our second image. Here we go. Again, we can choose colors, which we can modify later. If we want. I like this blue very much, but I will make it a little bit brighter. Skin color. I have always problems with choosing the right skin color. So yeah, the yellow also. So I think that's it. I also like this one. Okay, Now we have a color palette. I like it actually more than the previous one. And start growing. Again. I start with the face, neck. Buddy. Now, let's raise some mistakes you make. So let's continue with the face. No. I will draw the hair here. Yeah, that's better. Let us draw the face. As for me, I have the feeling that go here. She's kind of said all wondering, I don't know, right here, opinions in the comments. So in this image I want to draw eyelashes to look really nice, cool. So these are like some eyes, nose, lips. I kinda like that. Perhaps we can, because the lips here really close to the chin. So what we can do is like elongate the face a little bit and see how it is. Oh yeah, that looks really nice. So what we could do is also like to use this tool here. Just select this area and like move it wherever we want and make it smaller. And like that's a life hack that I use sometimes. But I like it now, so I will leave it like this. Also. I draw some make up. Just a little bit to know that it actually is some shadows here. And we'll draw a shadow here because I was always torn shadows. And also their stuff here going on. And I will draw on a new layer plant and see how it fits into the image. I will not draw how it is here. I will just like that. It's looking up actually. And it will have some Africa it toward some dots would like sleep. Actually, I like it. So some kind of cheese plant or a plant after caterpillar. And it will be blended. So we will see the plant and the moment. So it'll be a little bit transparent, so we will see all the colors behind the plant and so on. So in the next lesson I will show what I mean and that actually I can show it now. So that example, we have colors here. And then I draw some colors on top. For example, this color. And then I will blend it by choosing. Choosing multiply maybe lowers opacity down. So yeah, it will be some kind of like this. We will decide which blending mode we will choose. Because there are plenty of cool blending modes like Color, Dodge, overlay. We can play with it. Exclusion. So yeah, there's our sketch. And I'm happy with it.
9. Here comes the challenge !: So I hope you like this course and I start, it's a good idea to create a challenge. So color and finish your second portrait. All by yourself and share your results in your projects or on Instagram. Just show your process. And I'll be so happy to see what TO done and of course share your first portrait t. So yeah, I hope that you like this course and share your work. See you in the next lesson.
10. Final thoughts: Congratulations, you've completed this class. So I hope you are done with the challenge to you, finished the budget, and I am so thrilled to see your results and please share them in your projects or Instagram or somewhere else. Just make sure that I see it because I want to see it. So yeah. Next course will be about pets or just write in the comments, what do you want to see next in some of my courses? So have a nice day. Bye. See you in the next course.