1. Intro: Drawing flowers and plants, it's so much fun. Combining drawing
stylized plants, fun procreate
texture brushes and beautiful green house
is even better. Hi, I'm Iva and I am full-time illustrator
based in Central Europe. During this class,
we will work on this illustration step
by step together. First, starting with the shapes of these
botanical conservatory, and then we will fill it
with leaves and flowers. I hope when you
follow this class, you will feel super happy
about what you created, and you will feel like, oh, I can't wait to share my
illustration with others. When you are sharing
it on Instagram, please make sure that
you tag me in the image, not only in the description, because that way I can see your illustration and maybe you will see it in one
of the next videos. Like these amazing
illustrations made by wonderful creative people
who watch my classes. If you don't know
yet, you can find even more drawing
tutorials and classes. They are procreate
and other tutorials, and I have more than
30 classes there. There is a variety
from beginner level, to more advanced levels, and you can also find
different topics. Without further ado, let's start and see you in the class.
2. Canvas and setup: I created a color
palette for you as well, which you can
download and you can find it linked below
in the description. The Canvas size
is 3,000 by 3,000 pixels and the color
profile is sRGB. Now, if you're
ready, let's start.
3. Drawing the conservatory - Part 1: Let's start with setting
up our background color. Go to the layers panel
here on the top right, and click on the
background color layer. From here, as you can see, I prepare the color
palette for you, and from the color palette, take the first color
in the first row. We have this nice muted
green color background. Now, go to the wrench
icon here on the top left, and select Canvas. From these settings, go to the drawing guide and click
on the "Edit Drawing Guide." From this menu, let's go to symmetry. Now we will be creating
at the conservatory and symmetry will help us to
do that faster and easier. As you can see, our symmetry is set in the middle of the Canvas. You can also change the
color of the symmetry guide. Because we have these
green background, I will keep this darker tones
for the symmetry guide. When you are happy,
you can click "Done." Now, when you go to
the layers panel, you will see that on the
layer it says Assisted. Now go to the brushes, and from the brushes, you can see that I have this first brush baco
outside of life, which you can download for free. From this brush bag I will be using the chalk brush
for this first step. Click on this brush, go to the colors, and select white color. It's a pure white, and I see that I didn't put
it in the color palette, [LAUGHTER] so let me
add it there now. Perfect. Now you have it there. Now from the brush size, we are still on
the correct brush. I will set the brush to 5%. When you want to save
the size of the brush, just click on the plus sign, and it will remember
the brush size. Now, we will be creating the shape somewhere in
the middle of the Canvas. Let's start with a line
here at the bottom. From the middle, I will draw
a line going to the right. You can create a quite
wobbly line as you can see, and by holding the pen, it will help you to
create a straight line. As you can see, it's not aligned with the
bottom of the Canvas. To do that, just
tap on the Canvas and it will help you to create
perfectly straight line. I ended the line somewhere here, so we have similar distance. Now, create another line going up and finish the line
somewhere around here. Again, tap on the
Canvas to create perfectly straight line and create another line going
through the middle, tap the Canvas and release. Now we have this
nice first shape. Now let's zoom out
a little bit more because this part is
covering our Canvas. Now, let's create another
line somewhere around here. With this line, try to finish little bit sooner
than the other one. Basically, you will
not go up until here. Now with the curved stroke, connect these two lines. If you have trouble
creating this curve, you can click here, and you can edit this curve. Perfect. Now click on the
brush again to exit that mode. Let's create another
curved line ending here. Click on "Edit" and
let's adjust this curve. I think this works well. Click on the brush again, and I think we can resize
the whole thing because it might be too wide for the
design I was thinking. You can click on the arrow
and select Freeform. Now you can drag to the left here and drag to
the right on this side, and adjust so you have similar distance on
both of the sides. Perfect. I think
this works well. Now switch to uniform. Let's make it a
little bit smaller. I have to resize it
from both sides. Keep this green circle in
the middle of the symmetry. Perfect. Then click
on the arrow. Now let's add another
element here on the top. Here, draw a line
somewhere from the middle of this curve going upwards. Again, use the other hand to create perfectly
straight line, and let's connect these
and go to the middle. Again, tap to create
straight line. Now let's zoom in on this part. Let's create a triangle
here on the top. Start here. Go up. Tap to creates straight
lines as before. Now we can zoom out. As you can see, we
have less space here on the top and more
here at the bottom. Take the arrow and move
the whole artwork down. As you can see, you
have this yellow line helping you to align
it with the middle. Perfect. I'm keeping similar
distance here and here. Then click on the arrow again.
4. Drawing the conservatory - Part 2: Now let's zoom in
on the top part. We can create these nice
detail here in form of a half oval or a small diamond
or something like that. Because some of these
conservatories are botanical gardens have these
nice details on the top. Now, let's add few details here. We can start here on the top. Starting from the middle, create similar curved
line going downwards. Perfect. Then click on the arc and edit the curve
to your liking. You can also move this one and also move the top
part a little bit down. Perfect. I can add another one, I think this is fine, and if you want to
edit, click again here. Now let's add more lines here, starting in this part, creating curved line,
and finishing here. Trying to follow
similar shape as here. Now, I can create another one. Perfect. Here as well. As you can see, this one
is a little bit too low, so I will click on "Edit", and I will adjust this top part. Perfect. I will
add one more here. Perfect. Now, let's create more lines
here at the bottom. Here I was thinking that
we can maybe create like a door shape and maybe we
can have three of them. Let's see how that will fit. I will create this
on a separate layer. Click on the "Layers", click on the Plus Sign, and you have to
click on the Layer again and activate
the Drawing Assist. It will help us to
create the symmetry. Start here, go upwards, finish somewhere around here. Tap the canvas to
create straight lines, and now we can connect
these curves in the middle. Perfect. I think
this works nicely. Now, go to the layers and you can duplicate this layer
by swiping to the left. Duplicate, go to the arrow, and you can move this
door shape to the right. Click on the "Layers", duplicate the layer again, go to the arrow and move
the door to the left. Perfect. When you are
happy with this shape, go to the layers and you can
merge all of these layers. Now, let's add few more details. Let's add line here. I will zoom in a little bit. One line here, tap the canvas to go
straight and one line here. Perfect. We can add few details also in this
part I will start here. I have to start in the middle of the lines so it doesn't go over up the canvas, and we can add one more here approximately
in the same height. We can add few
lines here as well, to add some details here too, and here as well. Lovely. Maybe here
because we have a lot of empty space here up, and another one here. Let's add a line
aligned with this one, so it looks a little
bit more like a window and one in the middle. [NOISE] [LAUGHTER] Because
it's in the middle, it's sometimes hard to match the thickness
of the other lines. But other than that, I
think this works nicely. Now, because this
one is a little bit more transparent than
I would like it, I will go to the
layers and I will duplicate this layer to create more opacity
with this brush. As you can see, it creates
these darker shapes. Now, I can merge these layers, and I can see here it's still
a little bit transparent. I can zoom in, and I can create these line again to add a little
bit more opacity here and also in this part. I think this works better now. I can zoom out, and now we can start adding some greenery to
this conservatory.
5. Adding greenery: Go to the Layers, click on the plus sign, and drag this layer
below the first layer. Now go to the brushes. Now we will select one of
the brushes which come with Procreate from
the Inking folder. I will take the Mercury brush
and from the color palette, take this first color
in the second row. You can zoom in so you have more space to
rest your hand, and start creating
leaves going from the middle outwards
with curved shapes. Let's make the brush a
little bit smaller first. I will keep it to 2% and I will save the size by clicking
on the plus sign. Now, I will create
this curved shape, and by holding, you can always adjust the arc. When you are happy
with the shape, you can repeat the similar
shape on the other side, close the shape, and now you can drag and drop the
color into the shape, and make sure that the threshold helps you to fill
the whole shape. You can check it by
zooming in on that. I think this is fine. You can zoom out. Now go to the Layers
panel and duplicate this layer by swiping to the
left and click "Duplicate". Go to the arrow and flip
the leaf horizontal. Now add another leaf here. We will rotate
this leaf as well. Perfect. Now, duplicate
the first leaf again. Click on the arrow, drag the leaf higher, rotate the leaf, and make it smaller with
the Uniform selection tool. Duplicate this leaf again, go to the arrow, flip it horizontal,
and add a leaf here. We can rotate it as well a bit. We can make it also a
little bit smaller. Perfect. Let's duplicate
this leaf again. Go to the arrow. Move the leaf, flip it horizontal and we can
rotate it slightly too. Perfect. Now go to
the bottom leaf, duplicate that one because
it's the biggest one, go to the arrow,
flip horizontal, and let's move that
same leaf here to the left and make it
a little bit smaller. Duplicate that one, go to the arrow, flip horizontal, and
rotate it slightly. We can make it a little
bit smaller as well. Perfect. Let's take
the second leaf, duplicate that one, and move
the leaf here on the top. Now there are two similar, so I can rotate it slightly. I think this works fine. Duplicate that one
and flip horizontal. Let's make it smaller
and let's rotate it. If you are having trouble
with amount of layers, you can merge these layers because they are not
covering each other, so you will be still
able to select them. Let's merge some
of these layers. I will keep this layer separate so I can
still duplicate it. I can merge these. I will duplicate this one and move the leaf here and rotate it slightly
and make it smaller. I will duplicate this one again, go to the arrow, and move the leaf here. Let's create one more. We can rotate it. Perfect. I think
this works nicely. Now, I can merge all
of these leaves. Now click on the plus sign, create a new layer, drag it below the other leaves, and now we can add few stems. With the curved movement, you can connect these stems. But as you can see, this
line is little bit too fake, so let's go back and let's make the brush
a little bit smaller. One percent should be nice. Click on the plus
to save the size. Let's create this line again. Try to create these
curve movements when creating this line. Now let's add some
texture to these leaves. Go to the leaf layer, click on it, and
select Alpha Lock. This will help you to draw
only on top of the leaves. Go to the brushes, and from the free brush pack, select the Brush Number 7, which is called Rust. Go to the color
palettes and take the second color
in the second row. Keep the brush around 6%. You can save that size too. Let's paint on each leaf little bit in the
lower two-thirds. Now go to the color
palette again and take the third color
in the second row. Make the brush a
little bit bigger, 14%, and let's paint a little bit above the other
color we just added there. Do the same on each leaf. As you can see,
this brush creates this nice variety in textures. Now go to the color palette again and take the fourth color in the second row and add
some light touches on top of each leaf. Perfect
6. Adding flowers: Now, go to the color palette and add a new layer by
clicking on the plus sign. Now, go back to the Inking folder and select
the mercury brush again. Go to the color palette, and now let's take
this light blue color, which is here on the
right in the second row. Make sure you are on
the correct layer, which is not the leaf layer, and let's draw a few flowers. I will zoom in. We'll add few of these flowers. I will start here, and with a lower pressure, I will create these three
petal type of flowers, something similar to tulip. I will add another one here. Maybe not tulip because
it's in blue color tones, so maybe something similar. We can add another one here. Now, I'm filling in the
shapes by painting, not dragging and dropping
the color as you can see. You can try both techniques. I will add one more flower here. I will also add few smaller ones and I
can just do circles. Simplified look for the flowers or they can be like a small bud like when the flower
is not open yet. Now, go to the Layers. click on the "Layer," select "Alpha Lock," go to the Brushes, and from the brush pack, you can select the
rust brush again, go to the color palette, select the darker blue. Let's add some darker tones
on the bottom of each flower. You can add some
texture on the bottom of each of the circles as well. Perfect. Now, go to the Layers, and let's add some of the stems below these
flowers as well. Click on the plus sign and drag this layer under
the flower layer. Go to the Brushes and Inking folder and keep
the mercury brush. Go to the color palette, and now take the second
color in the second row. We have to make the
brush smaller, so 1%. Click on the plus sign. I can zoom in so you can
see a little bit better. At the bottom of each flower, I will draw the simple line and connect it to the stem below. Here, it's hiding
behind the blue flower. I will finish the line here. This one can go over the leaf. I think this is enough. Perfect. Go to the Layers
and now click on this one, the blue flowers,
click on the plus sign so the new layer
will appear on top. Go to the Colors and
select the second yellow, which is the second yellow from the last line of the colors. Now, I will go and make the brush a little
bit bigger, so 2%. Now, we'll add some
yellow flowers. With the circular movement, you can create
these random shapes and it will indicate these
clusters of flowers. It's like smaller flowers. I can add some here. As you can see, I'm creating the
circular movement. When you add another
layer of color, every time you lift the pencil, you can see this brush creates this additional value
range of the color. Let's add another flower here, and let's create
some here as well. We need maybe some yellow
tones in this top-left part. Let's add some flowers
in this part as well. Perfect. Now, go to
the colors and select this third yellow in
the lineup of yellows, and let's add a few
darker tones in the middle of these
yellow flowers. Now, you're creating smaller
dots indicating middle of the flowers or if you have more flowers in this
cluster of small flowers, these are their seeds
or middle part. Perfect. Now, go to the layers
and create another layer. Go to the colors and
take this purple color, which is the third from the
right in the third row. Now, let's add some of
these flowers here too. You are creating the
same circular movement and creating more
clusters of flowers. One smaller here, one here in the middle, and one more here, and maybe one smaller
one in this part. Perfect. Now, go to
the color palette again and take the
darker purple, which is the second
in the third row. Let's add few darker spots in the middle of
these flowers too. Perfect. Now, go to the Layers, click on the "Layer" and
select "Alpha Lock." Go to the Brushes. Let's go back to our brush set and select the rust brush again. Go to the Colors, and now select this lightest
purple in the third row. Let's add a little
bit of this lighter purple on top of these flowers. Let's do the same for
the yellow flowers. Go to the Layers, click on the Layer with
the yellow flowers, select "Alpha Lock," and go to the color palette and select this lightest yellow
in the third row. Let's add some lighter tones on top of these flowers as well. I'm painting only on the
top part of these flowers.
7. Details: Let's add few more details. Go to the Layers, click on the layer with the blue flowers and create
another layer above. Click on the layer and
select Clipping Mask. Now go to the Brushes, let's see, maybe
this chalk shader will work nicely for this one. Go to the Colors again and
select this light blue, which is the second in the
second row from the right. Zoom in on these blue
flowers and let's add few lines going from the top to the bottom
of each flower. Let's do the same
on the big leaves. Go to the Layers, go to the leaf layer
and click on the layer, click on the plus sign, and let's create clipping mask. Go to the Colors and let's
select this lightest green, which is the fourth
in the second row. Let's draw a line going
downwards in each leaf. Because we have the
clipping mask selected, you are drawing on
top of the leaves, but you can always adjust
it and not erase the leaf. You can add this line to all of these bigger leaves
and you can make the straight line
or a little bit curved, however you prefer. Then you can add few lines
to suggest the leaf details. Repeat the same on all
of these bigger leaves. Now let's add few smaller leaves to feel the shape of
the conservatory. Go to the Layers and
create a new layer, and drag this layer to
the bottom of the layers. Go to the Brushes and go
to the inking folder, and select the mercury brush. Now we can add few
smaller leaves in the same shape as
the bigger leaves. But I think I need to make the brush a little bit smaller, so let's go to the 1%. Now I can create
these smaller leaves. Actually for this part, let's turn on the symmetry. Go to the Layers, click on the layer, and click on the
"Drawing Assist". These leaves will also be
reflected on the other side, so we can feel our
Canvas faster. Now let's turn off the symmetry and let's de-select
the drawing assist, and I will add few leaves
here in the middle, which are not symmetrical
to the other side, so we have a little
bit more variety. As you can see, you can
play with these shapes and make it your own and add as
many leaves as you want. You can also add few
circles just to create different shapes and we can add maybe few leaves
here on the top as well. Perfect, I think
this is almost done. Maybe I can add few
small details here at the bottom so we really
feel the whole canvas. It looks nice and lush. All right, I think this is it.
8. What to draw next?: This is it. I hope
that you enjoyed creating these lush
conservatory which was inspired by Botanical Gardens in Geneva and I can't wait to
see all of your versions, so please do share your projects because everyone's hard work is little bit different
and if you want to expand on the knowledge
you learned in this class, you can watch my other classes
about characters and also about colors called color palette and color and
light masterclass. Visit my page or
profile to find them, and if you would
like me to share your projects on Instagram, please tag me in the
Instagram stories, in the post and
post description, so I can help you and your art to be discovered
by more people. Thank you so much for being here and see you
in the next class.