1. Introduction: When I started
decorating my apartment, I had no idea where to
start when choosing artwork and then I was completely overwhelmed by how
expensive it was. But there is another way, make your own. Hey, I'm Bronwyn Tarboton, home decor, DIYer,
and content creator. I also happen to be a
broadway performer who taught myself upcycling
during the pandemic. Now, my social handle,
nyctrashtotreasures, has over 40,000 followers
and my highly curated trash, as I call it, has been
featured in print and TV. In this class, I'm
going to show you five different ways to create one-of-a-kind pieces to
proudly hang on your walls even if you don't have a single artistic
bone in your body. Think of it like grown-up
paint by numbers. You should take this
class if you want to make something really cool that
you can hang up on your wall. It's great for someone who has a bunch of blank wall
space they need to fill or someone who wants to decorate a room on
a tight budget. Or maybe you want to explore your own creativity but
don't know where to start. Whatever your project, I hope you walk away from
this class inspired, empowered, and
holding a creation of your own that you
can't wait to display. I promise, whatever your
level or artistic background, you will find something in
these lessons that you can do. Get excited and get ready to make your own
original work of art.
2. Getting Started: Welcome to my DIY
wall art class. I'm so happy you're here. I'm going to prove to you in this class that you
do not have to be an artist to create an amazing piece of
art for your wall. I can personally vouch for the fact that you do not need to have any special artistic
abilities to be here. When preparing for this class, I had some moments
of panic thinking, how did I end up here
teaching a class about art? I'm not an art teacher. But then I remembered that
over the past couple years, I followed some simple
projects for my own home. I can proudly say that I
love the final pieces. They look really cool and are pretty much
full-proof to make. In this class, I'm
going to show you five ways to make
custom wall art. We'll start with some
simple black-and-white abstract drawings and then switch to creating textured art using joint compound
on an old Canvas. The final project is a modern sculptural
piece will create using foam stuck to any frame. Along the way, I'll be giving
you guidance on the types of frames that you should pick to make your art really pop. The first thing you'll
need is a base, like a frame or canvas on
which to create your art. I suggest buying
these second-hand because thrift stores are always drowning in old
prints and frames, so you can pick them up
for really low prices. I usually spend under $10 and you'll swap the
art out for your own. I also suggest getting canvases second-hand because
it's so much cheaper. Don't be thrown off by how
it might look in the store. By the ugliest Canvas or
print that you can find, we're going to be
painting over it anyway. In each project, I'll
share some tips for what type of frame or canvas I think will give you
the best results. Here's what else you'll need. For the ink and pen art, you'll need a regular frame, black watercolor paint, paper, a pen or pencil, and a black marker. For the minimal textured Canvas, you'll need any canvas, joint compound, and
a fork or scraper. For the abstract foam art, you'll need a frame, foam, paint, glue, and some
scissors or an x-acto knife. Now you know a little
about the projects and what you'll need
to try them yourself. Let's start on your
first piece of art. Meet me in the next lesson.
3. Painting with Dots: [MUSIC] When the pandemic hit, I had completely blank walls and an undecorated apartment, I had just become unemployed, so I had absolutely no income,
and I wanted to find a way to get some really cool art up on my walls without
spending money. Some things are definitely not as easy to
create as they look. I've done a lot of experimenting and these things that
we're going to do, I promise you can make them
without being an artist and they're going to look really cool and you'll be
able to hang them up. How I start my projects is
usually by picking a frame. A lot of people think they
need to spend a lot of money on custom framing,
and you don't. I look for my frame secondhand
at thrift stores or I actually find a ton in the recycling or
out in the trash. I think a lot of people get
confused because when you're looking for frames
in a thrift store, they're not going to
necessarily look great, especially if they have
weird things in them. These are both frames that
I found in the recycling. Not worried about what's inside since I'm going to take it out. I'm looking at the shape
and style of the frame, even the color we can change. You can either spray
paint your frame or one of my favorite things to do is this thing called Robin buff. It comes in a bunch
of metallic colors. You squeeze it out, and
then rub it right onto the frame and it will go immediately into
a metallic look. You can make your frame whatever color that you want it using, either paint or Robin buff, I'm using this frame
which is already gold. First, I'm going to
take apart my frame. I'm going to use
either the backing or the glass to figure out how
big we need to make our art. You'll need a piece of
paper to make your art on. I'm using watercolor paint, so I'm going to use
watercolor paper. I also like to keep an eye
out for craft supplies at thrift stores so this is a pad that I got from Goodwill. I'm going to take my paper and make sure that it's the right
size to fit in the frame. I'm using the backing
to measure it. This paper happens to be
the exact perfect size, I promise I didn't plan that. If your paper isn't
the same size, you'll just want
to trace around it and cut it to be the right size. I'm going to tape off the edges because I like how it looks when there's a nice clean edge and a little bit
of white showing. Let's just eyeball it. The edges are taped, let's practice our dots before we get to
our piece of paper, I'm just grabbing a
piece of scrap paper, our watercolors and
a cup of water, we want there to
be enough water so that it creates a cool
texture and a dip, but not so much that it's going to drip all over our paper. You could also do this with a brush if you don't want
to get your finger dirty, but I like the dull look,
plus it's more fun. Let's practice a couple of dots. That's pretty good because I like it when it
bleeds a little bit. As you're going, you're going to be
dipping your finger and just adding more
water as you go. Just practice some until you get a consistency that you like. Once you feel good
about practicing, we're going to start
on our real piece. I'm dipping my
finger in the water, getting some paint, though I was a little scared
starting, and here we go. Dip, so I'm purposely
making these all a little bit
different and pretty close together and pretty
much in a straight line. But little drips like that
will make it look cool. Yes, you don't need to worry at all about them not being the same or them being
different textures, it's all going to make
it look really cool. You can go back over them
if you don't like some, you can dip more water, you can dip more paint. If you're not feeling
good, you can go back to practicing. That seems good, I'm going
to go to the next row. I'd keep the rows
pretty close together. Let's go on to the third row, keeping it pretty
close together. You'll keep going
all the way down, then once it's dry, you want to peel off your tape so that gives
you a nice border. Definitely wait for it to dry before you put
it in your frame. Here's one that I
did, the whole thing. Let's put it into the frame. Make sure your glass is clean, and then the backing, and you have your own art. I think this is really
cool how there's different shades,
there's little drips. I promise if you hang it up, your friends will
think it's cool and you probably paid money for it and you can brag about
how you made it yourself. Join me in the next lesson where we're going
to use a marker to create some squiggly
abstract art. [MUSIC]
4. Creating Squiggly Abstract Art: For this lesson,
we're going to make more abstract art this
time using squiggles. For this project, I
would use a little bit more of a sturdy,
nicer-feeling frame. I also use one that has a mat because the
look of the frame and the mat is what's going to make your art pop and seem fancy. This is a great example of a really high-quality frame that does not look good in the store. I found this as is
at my goodwill. It was 99 cents. Does not look that appealing, but it's actually, if you look at it, a custom frame that
someone had made. If you can just look past this, then you can have a custom
frame for your art piece. I'm going to use these frames to create two different
versions of squiggles. For this project, I like using either a black
frame to bring out the black squiggles or a
gold frame to contrast. First step is to take
your frame apart. This frame was actually a silver IKEA frame that
I spray-painted black. First, we're going to
take the mat so we know about how big
our art needs to be. Two options for paper. For this, you can use
any plain white paper, even cheap printer paper, or you can use a book page
which creates a really cool like vintage
distressed age look. Here's our white paper. Then I'm going to
get a book page. If you don't have an old book, you can grab one at
the thrift store or just take some back page out of an old book that
you have at your house. This is perfect. I'm just giving myself
an idea of about how big my art needs to be
because I'm going to tape it on the
back of the mat. I'm just marking off about
how big I want it to be, like tracing around the hole
and then we'll cut it out. Now, we have our markings. Let's cut out. This doesn't need to be exact since it'll be
taped on the back. We cut out our paper. Let's just check. That's a good size. I just love using the book page because of the
contrast with the mat. Let's get our white piece of paper ready if
you're using that. I'm just looking at the light, seeing about how big the
piece of paper needs to be. Great. We'll cut it out. Just test it. Now that you have your
piece of paper prepped, let's start making
your squiggles. I'm going off some
inspiration that I saw, which looked like written
lines but really messy. Feel free to practice on a
scrap paper if you want, so that's what
you're going for it. You will start on one side and just write in the
messiest way possible, all the way across the
page. Let's try it. Starting top-left
and just go for it. Don't think it's
like you're writing a word but you're not. The messier the
better, works on this. You want to find lots of variation between how
tall you're going, how short you're going, going side to side, doing loops, so just
have fun with it. If you mess up, you can just
grab another piece of paper. Let's make some squiggles. We're doing our second line, keep it pretty close. As you're going, you might feel a little bit crazy like I'm not
doing anything. I'm just squiggling
lines on a paper, but I promise when we get
it in your fancy frame, it's going to look really cool. Let's keep going. You do want to be a little
careful at the bottom. You just want to make
sure you have room for an actual line and you
don't run out of space. As you go down,
just start to pay attention like near
three-quarters all the way from the bottom, and just make sure you can
finish off your line. You have your squiggle done, and now you're going to see
how it looks in your frame. Let's take this, put it over. I'm not even going
to look. We're just going to hope for the best. Put some tape on and, yeah it looks
really, really cool. I think this will
look really cool, like hanging with
another piece of modern art as a filler
in a gallery wall. I just think it's really
playful and random. I like it. If you're
feeling like even that's too much and you
just want to go crazy. Let's go back to our book page. I have one of these in my
apartment because I just absolutely love how easy it is. It looks like art, and I love how it looks
on the discolored page. For this one, no thinking,
I wouldn't practice, just take your marker and make some squiggles, and
don't think about it. Three, two, one, here
we go and you're done. If you want to, you could add more. I'm not going to let
myself. We're done. Let's see how it
looks in the frame. We have our frame with our mat, tape it in and try it. You can hang it up
in your apartment. If you hate it in a week,
you can do a new one. Let's put it together
and we're done. I love it. I think it's so fun. You could totally hang it up and it took like less than
five minutes to make. You can touch up any scratches on your black frame
with your marker. I like using a black
acrylic marker or a brush pen or you can
also use a Sharpie. Try it out yourself. Grab a frame with a nice mat. Grab some white paper or
distressed paper, grab a marker, scribble it out, put it in your frame and you'll have
some really cool art to hang. Meet me in the next lesson, where we'll create a
minimal textured Canvas.
5. Making Textured Canvas Art: In this lesson, we're
going to be making a minimal textured canvas. These are all over
Instagram and TikTok. People are making
them on their own, but they also are
sold in stores and by artists for hundreds and
hundreds of dollars. But they're actually
really easy, cheap, and fun to make. For this project, I
would use a canvas. You can use a plain canvas or a canvas that has
a frame around it. I would definitely
get this secondhand. Go to the thrift store
and find any canvas. It does not have to be blank, because we're going
to paint over it. Here's an example of a canvas that I found at my thrift store. If you ever see at your thrift store or
at the dollar store, a frame that has this gap between the canvas or the frame. Definitely grab it
because that's going to make your piece
look extra expensive. For the color of the frame, I like frames that
have a wood texture or black because the art
is going to be white, so it can make a
really cool contrast. If you have a really
bright canvas, if I was working on this piece, I would paint over it with
a neutral color just to start so that the extra colors that you don't want
don't bleed through. I'm not going to work
on that frame because I haven't had time
to paint over it. I grabbed this frame at
my local housing works. What I love about this
frame is the size, it's huge, and I love
the light wood color. This frame was $22, which is actually
way more than I normally spend for
an art project. But I looked up this size
of canvas when I was at Michaels and this has a
canvas new is actually $60. Shopping second-hand, that's
a significant decrease. This is going to be
a huge piece of art. It's really going
to make an impact. First thing is we're going to tape off the frame so that we don't have to worry about getting joint
compound or paint on it. Now is the fun part. We're going to scoop a ton of joint compound onto the canvas
and spread it all over. You can use your hand, you can use a scraper. Just get it on there somehow. Let's spread our joint
compound on the canvas. This is the fun part because it's super goopy
and fun to spread around, you want to get a really
good healthy amount. Because we want to have a thick
layer all over the canvas so that we can play with it and create some texture
and design in it. I don't have kids, but I think this
would be really fun to spread a bunch of
joint compound on and then just have your kids do whatever they want on
it and then hang it up. Maybe if I ever have
kids, I'll do that. I love doing this
part because you don't have to think about it. It's really meditative,
you're just spreading it out. Just nice to be playing
around with something goopy, not looking at a screen. When on the edge,
just spreading it, making sure I'm getting it all the way to the
edge of the canvas. You don't want to get
too much on the tape because then it will
get dried and harden. Keep spreading it out. You want it to be fairly thick and it doesn't
need to be smooth, but just somewhat even
across the whole canvas. Once it's all spread out. Just double-checking
because I got it really thick on the sides. I want to make sure that we're still able to peel the tape off. Now, we have some options. You have your joint
compounds spread out. This is where you get to decide what you want your
texture to look like. If you look at these online, you will actually
see many being sold that look almost
exactly like this. If you want to spread
your joint compound and leave it messy, that can be really cool
art just on its own. We're going to
create a little bit more of intentional
designs on it. To make the design,
I'm going to use this thing that I got
at the hardware store, which has these
little ridges in it. You can also use
a fork for this. You can also use your
fingers. Let's do it. Let's just start making
some big arches. The really fun part
about this is you can try a couple to get
your hand on it. You actually have
quite a while to go back and smooth the joint
compound over and do it again. I find going in one, slow smooth motion
works the best. It's okay if your first
one doesn't look smooth, I've practiced this quite a bit. You can do circles. That looks okay. You can do lines within an arch. You can do things that
connect to each other. That's pretty cool. I find that I do
better if I don't plan it too much and I just do it. Often you'll think it
doesn't look good. But if you just stop and
look at it the next day, you'll realize it's really
cool. Just have fun with it. Usually, just like
a couple swipes is good and then you can move on. I feel good about my design. I'm going to set it
out and wait for it to dry before
pulling up the tape. That was our minimal
textured canvas art. I'm going to leave mine as is, I love how it dries into
a white chalky color. If you want to, as
soon as it's dry, you can paint over with any color that you want to
really make it your own. Join me in the next lesson
where we'll be creating a modern sculptural
piece of art using foam.
6. Exploring Sculptural Foam Art : [MUSIC] In this class,
we're going to be making a modern sculptural piece of art using an old frame and foam. If you haven't seen a
lot of these before, I definitely suggest
looking them up. You can Google sculptural art, and it will pull up a bunch of different people doing
it in different styles. I was just really
attracted to these online because I love things
that are neutral colors, but also play mind games
with shape and texture. We're going to create
this piece that has an incredibly high end look using craft foam and
a really ugly frame. For this project, the
most important thing is that you have a frame that's deep because we're
going to be stacking multiple layers of foam
that will go inside it. We have our frame, I have my bathroom rules. The next thing we
need is a foam. I'm using sheets of foam that
I got at the craft store. These come in either
sheets or rolls. I find the sheets a
little bit easier to work with because they
already sit flat, but I've done it with rolls. The first thing that we need
to do is create the design. I looked at a ton
of these online, and I just loved them, there's so many cool designs. If I were doing it
for my own apartment, I would probably just copy
one that I loved online. I'm going to talk you through exactly how to follow my design, and you can make adjustments
to the end if you'd like. The first thing we're going to do is just create a template for ourselves to refer to while we're cutting the
foam and making the layers. Let's draw out the
shape of our frame. Next, we'll draw one semicircle. Let's make one slanted
line from top to bottom. Next, we'll make one
swoop from left to right, one additional straight line, and then one circle
over the line. Once you have your design, now we're going
to assign layers, so for our layered art, there's going to be a
bottom layer with no foam, the first layer foam, and the second layer of foam. I'm going to use numbers to remember that bottom
layer will be zero, first layer one,
second layer two. This part of the
circle will be zero, will be one As you're
assigning layers, you want to make sure that the same layer isn't next
to each other because we're trying to create shadows
and play with dimensions, so if this is zero
and that's one, we know this can't be one because the ones can't
touch each other, so we'll make this two. This one can't be zero, it can't be two, so
it has to be one. You can just do what I'm
doing if you don't want to worry about this [LAUGHTER]. Now we have our template. Let's set it aside and actually
start to cut our foam. We want to create that look of almost the floating frame where there's the art
and then a little gap, so I'm going to cut
two sheets of foam that are about one inch
smaller than my frame. Measure out your frame, mine is 11 and three
quarters inches, so then you'll measure your foam about one
inch smaller than that. So 11 and three-quarters
was my frame, we'll go 10 and three-quarters. Just make a little mark there. You will want to use
either a yardstick, or ruler, or something flat because you really want
this line to be straight. Because if your layers are not straight and don't
line up with your frame, then it might look
a little bit wonky. Then the other way is, mine is 17 and three quarters, so we'll go one less
16 and three-quarters, measure it down mark it and then making sure that you're really getting this
line straight. Now I've measured out my foam
to the size that I need, and I'm going to cut
two squares that size. You can do this with scissors. I'm going to use an exacto
knife just because it makes it way faster, and it makes
the lines waste smoother. You can also use
your yardstick or ruler just to help you get
the lines really straight. This is definitely a part that's worth taking your time with, because if the lines
are not straight, it's not a good start. This phone is just craft foam. You can get it at
most craft stores. The kind I got was just
about $1.50 per sheet, so you should be able to
get all the foam that you need for definitely under $10. Let's check how it
looks in the frame, that just sit right inside the frame and
there's a nice gap. Now we are ready to
trace our design. You might think I'm cutting
things in a weird order, but I promise if you just
follow along step-by-step, it's going to be
the easiest way. Now we're going to trace out
our template onto our foam. This is where you want
to take a little bit of time, and make sure that those
lines are really smooth. Let's start with
our half circle, then go for our diagonal line, then our swoop, then our one extra notch, and then our circle. I do not trust myself to draw circles and we want this
to look really clean, so I would say hunter
onto your home, find something that
is a circle that you can trace so
you can use boll, cup, bucket, anything
you have around. I'm going to use this bucket, so let's trace out a circle and it does not matter that
we're riding on this foam because we're going to paint over it at the end. Now we have our lines drawn. I'm just going to remind
myself of the numbers, so I'm just copying
directly zero, one. Now it is time to cut. The first thing
we're going to do is cut out just the zeros, so if there's a zero
and a shape around it, that's what we're cutting out. You want to start in the
inside and go to the outside. If you're doing an exacto knife. With scissors, you'll
have to go out to end. It doesn't matter
if it aligns up exactly with your lines. I don't want to cut too much, but I want to cut too little. There we go, so we've
got our one, zero. Let's do our other zero. This one is definitely
the hardest, but it gives a really
cool look at the end. Just trying to follow the line. We cut out our zeros. Next, take your second piece of foam and put this foam on top. Now, I'm using this top
piece as a stencil to draw that cutout onto
the bottom piece, so whatever zeros you cut out, trace out onto the bottom piece. Now we're going to
cut the same thing out of this bottom layer, so basically we're cutting out exactly what we just cut out. I find that using
it as a stencil, instead of just trying to
guess where the lines are, makes it line up a lot
more clean at the end. Now, we have our bottom piece
with our zeros cut out, that piece we're
going to leave as is. Let's go back to our
first piece of foam. Now, we're going
to cut out all of the twos and they're
going to go on top, so find whatever it says two, and like these are
all too so we can cut off this whole swipe together. Last one, now we've cut
out all of our pieces. Take your frame. First, we'll put
that bottom layer with only the zeros cut out. Then we're going to follow our template and put
the twos on top. That's a two, goes right there. That's a two. Lines up pretty okay. There's a two so we
have all of our pieces. This is where you
want to double-check that things are lining up, and this is where you
can now use any of your extra pieces to add or take away anything
you want from your design. Like we could add in an
extra circle, that's cool. It can be cool to add on like one or two random pieces
on top that create a third layer because it just gives the whole thing
more dimension. I think I'll use my scrap
circle piece there on top, but this is where you
can just have fun. I made one that I didn't plan
at all using scrap pieces, and that one actually turned out cooler than some of
the ones I've planned, so just go to town on it. Once you feel good
about your design, now we're going to
glue your pieces down. Normally, I use mod podge, today I'm going
to try a glue gun just to speed things up. Starting with your bottom layer. This can be messy,
it doesn't matter. I recommend not using a glue
gun because the mod podge, you can make
adjustments as needed, whereas the glue gun once
it's on, it's pretty stuck. Another thing to know is I'm going to be painting
my whole frame, but if you don't want to, you can tape it off beforehand
and just paint the inside. When you're laying
your shapes down, the goal is for things to line up and create
the optical illusion, and if your cuts aren't
exactly straight, like you can just
trim them before you glue to make that line happen. Wait for the glue to dry, and then we're going to paint. You want to make sure that your pieces are
definitely secured down and that the glue is dry so that things don't slosh
around while we're painting. I'm going to be painting
my frame because I'm going for a monotone color. My frame is pretty
rough already, so I don't need to stand. If your frame is super glossy, you might need to give
it a little bit of a sanding so that the
paint will stick. If you did this on
top of a glass frame, then you want to
mix your paint with baking soda so that it
will stick to the glass. You can learn all the
details on the world on that in my ceramic
effect class, my frame doesn't have class, so we're going to
paint right over it. Picking pink color, I'm going for a stone look. I've seen these done in
tons in white and a top, you could do it in black, so let's just go for it. You might need to
do two coats if your base frame is really, really bright, so this is when it really
starts to come together. You really get it
and all the creases, create the brush strokes so
that if it dries like that, it's in a way that makes
sense with your shape. Let's do the frame. I love when the frame
is the same color. To me, it just completes
the whole thing. It looks very different
than our bathroom art. This frame is dark, so once it dries, I'll just go back and touch up any parts that
need it with a second coat. My frame was $8, the foam was just under $3. I had the glue and
I have the paint, so this whole project
cost around $10, which to me is insane for
the way that it looks. Now we have our modern
sculptural art piece, so go try it for yourself. I cannot wait to see
what you make. [MUSIC]
7. Final Thoughts: Thank you for
joining this class. I truly hope I've
been able to show you how you don't need
to be an artist or have tons of money to have trendy original wall
art in your home. Go ahead and try a
few of these projects and let me know how
it goes by uploading photos to the project gallery and tagging me at NYC Trash
to Treasures on social. Once you get more confident, feel free to branch out and
try your own variations. I cannot wait to
see what you make.