1. Introduction to the Course: Hello and welcome to my colas, the digital product
creators roadmap. My name is Michelle Marks and
as a digital product code, I'm devoted to helping
business owners, just like you to create and consistently sell
digital products and scale their business so they can live their life
with more fulfillment, flexibility, and
financial independence. I created this course
to teach you how to create digital products that sell and make a
positive difference in your customers lives. Through the course, you'll learn the entire process of
creating digital products. Whether you're thinking
of creating e-books, courses, memberships, or selling stock media
such as photographs, footage, graphic
templates, or artwork. I'll teach you the important first steps before you actually create your products
so that you're not creating something
that won't sell. I'll guide you
through the process of taking your product from a simple ideas through to a final product will help
you process that product, as well as teach
you how to set up high converting product
listings and sales pages. I'll also teach you how
your products interact with the other offers in
your business so that you can maximize your marketing. I'm also going to teach you how to promote your products in the right way so that you'll gain more sales on
those products. Then I'm going to share
some strategies to help you make promotion more passive so that you can achieve consistent
sales while you sleep. I'm also going to spend
time showing you how to tweak a product that is not selling because
they're inevitable. By the end of the course, you'll have your first or your next digital product created and available
for customers to buy. You ready to start selling
scalable digital products. Let's go.
2. Establishing your target audience: Welcome to Lesson one of the digital product
creators roadmap. We're starting in module
one, which is concept. And this is less than
one where we're going to focus on establishing
your target audience. So what you're going to need for this lesson is your coursework
book module one workbook, and anything else that you feel you need for writing, notes. Planning, I'd recommend like a Word doc or a separate
notebook that you can use to jot down notes or thoughts or anything else that you
need to be planning. Then I also would
love for you to really fully immerse
yourself into this course. So whatever you need to
do to get yourself comfy, like Grant go and grab a cup
or a snack and just really, really enjoy this process. So today I'm going
to start by teaching you the very step to
creating a high-quality, desirable, valuable
digital products. And it doesn't matter
what format you choose. It doesn't matter. This
first step is very, very important entities, one, that a lot of digital product
creators often missed, which leads to a product
that doesn't sell. So I know the first thing
I want to talk to you about is just letting me know that I understand
your struggles. I understand what you are
going through right now. What concerns you,
What are you feeling? Because I've been there. I've been there. I know what it's like and I know that you've got concerns. Like you're worried that
you're not going to create something of value. Nobody's going to buy it. You're going to go
to all this effort. And only for the
product to fail. I know that's what
you're worried about. You're worried about
putting something out there that is just the same as
everybody else has got. I've had these concerns
and I know what it's like. I completely understand you. And that's okay. It's okay
that we feel like that. Okay. Right now. I just want to
I want to help you sort of break this down and
understand how you can avoid those things
coming true, okay? So no sales, so having a
productive it doesn't work, just adding to the noise. I want to explain to you
how we can avoid that. Right now. You are experiencing
a digital product. You're experiencing multiple. So first of all, you are experiencing a
tutorial video lesson. You've also got a
workbook in front of you, which is another
digital product. I wanted you to just
take a moment to think about what it is about this digital product that makes it so
valuable to you. I think for a moment. And I can pretty much guarantee
that when you arrived, Was it this digital products, this course is valuable to you because of the
outcome that is attached. It's valuable because of the
outcome that's attached. If I were to venture a guess, you want to create
digital products. You want to earn
money from scalable, flexible revenue streams
like digital products. However, you want a bit of
guidance along the way. You want to feel motivated and inspired because you might
feel that that's lacking. You may want to do the process, but you feel overwhelmed
by how to do it all. You may not know where to
start and you would like the positive path forward so that you can move forward
in your business. Did I get any of those right? Now? This course is designed
to help you reach your goal. Right now, you are
working towards adding digital products
into your business that your customers
find helpful, that they find valuable, and you want to earn
money from that. That is your goal. Of course, is helping
you achieve that goal. My digital products for u exists to help you
achieve that goal, and that's what
makes it valuable. It helps you move forward. Your digital products are
going to be the same. The digital products that you
create are going to be most valuable when they have a clear
outcome attached to them. So if they are there
for a purpose, if you already run a business and you offer
one-on-one services, then you are already helping your clients achieve an outcome. The outcomes will be different, but you'll want
them on surfaces, are there for a purpose, they are there to help support them in
reaching that outcome. So if we take that principle of helping
them reach an outcome, we take the principal
from your one-on-one offerings and apply them
to go digital products. They going to love them too. They're going to be
helpful, useful, valuable, desirable because they
help them make an outcome. So one of your questions, and this is probably the
number one question. Business owners who are
just starting out with digital products is how do
we know what to create? Where do we start? So I'm going to help you
with that in this lesson. Now, a big mistake that creators make is that they start with creating the product. That is not the right
order to start things in. If we want a valuable,
desirable, helpful products. We never start with
the product first. Where we must start is with
the target audience and the outcomes that they want that they are
working towards. So never start
with the products. Never start with a product and hope to find an audience for it. Start with your audience. Particularly if you already run a business and
you would like to complement your
one-on-one offerings with your digital products, is start with the audience first and the outcomes they
are working towards. Now, when I speak of outcomes, let's break them down because there are
multiple outcomes. The three main categories of outcomes that
I can break down. They help them reach a goal. So your goal is to incorporating digital
products into your business. That's your goal.
Another outcome is to help them overcome a problem or challenge
that they're facing. A problem that you are facing. Maybe that you don't
know where to start, or that you feel uninspired, or that you are really, really daunted by the tick and bringing them all together. Another category of outcomes could be just giving them
something that they desire, something they crave,
something that they want, even if it's an intangible. So what you might want, you crave having more time
being able to earn money, even if you're not at your desk, you crave a lifestyle that allows you to
buy that new car, that allows you
to go on holiday, to live comfortably without
the stress of bills. So these may be outcomes
that you are hoping for and drove you to signing
up for this course. So those are three outcomes. Helping them reach a goal, helping them overcome a problem, and helping give them
something that they desire. So let's just break
some of those down into different goals, different problems and desires, different customers or clients or target audiences will have. If you're helping
them reach a goal, they'd goals could
be to buy a house, to reach a financial goal, or an income target. Or it could be something like gaining more
Instagram followers. They don't have to be big, huge goals, they can just
be small mini goals, many objectives that they
are trying to work through, but they are still goals
that your clients, your customers are
working towards. The problems could vary as well. Maybe they don't know how to
do how to set up software. And if you are a
digital business, if you offer
one-on-one services, there is likely to be
software involved. So people do get confused
with the tech setup. Maybe a problem that they have is that they lacked
design skill. So maybe you're
creating something. They want to achieve something. They want to create
something of their own. They want to build a brand
or marketing materials. They lack the design skills to be able to create it themselves. So that's a problem
they want to overcome. Or maybe they are just stressed and they have too much to do and that is causing
problems for them. Now looking at giving them
something that they desire, sometimes I can be completely
intangible or it's an emotion that
they want to feel or state that they
want to be in. Maybe a desire that they
have is just wanting to feel part of something special
that makes them feel good. Maybe the desire is they
just weren't pretty things. I have a shelf full of
notebooks in there that are pretty that I don't
ever intend on using. I just want them because
they're pretty I like that. It makes my office space. I want to be in. Some people just they
crave connection. They just want to be
around there people. And that brings
some fulfillment. So things that they desire. They didn't have to have
a goal or a problem. Sometimes I just want something. You can give them that through
your digital products. Now I want to give you
some examples of how to connect the outcomes
with digital products. So if my target audience, and I'll use my target
audience as an example, because you are, You
are my target audience. You are experiencing
these right now. And so you can relate to them if you want to
reach a goal, e.g. to incorporate digital
products into your business. You want to reach a goal. A digital product can help you
get closer to reaching it. If you have a problem. I can have a digital
product that shows you how to
overcome that problem. Or it gives you the steps. Through the folk. If there's something
that you desire, I can create a
digital product that gives you that thing
that you desire. And hopefully my course is starting to do that
for you already. So now I want to, I've shown you how
you can connect them. But I want to show you
real life examples of digital products that
are selling right now that are helping
my customers, my clients achieve the
outcomes they have, the goals, the problems,
and the desires. So let's go through a
couple of examples. This is an example of a professional profile template that people can customize. So the goal is they want
to secure more clients. And I professionally,
professionally designed profile template that
they can customize. He's going to help them
impress those prospects, helping them secure
more clients. Maybe they're not
skilled in design, That's a challenge
they're experiencing. They need to reach his goal. They need more clients. However, they're not
skilled, nothing designed. This template gives
him a big head start and a desire
that they want, they want to look good, they want to look professional. But if they lacked
the design skill, getting the template helps
them take huge leaps forward. Another example is enabled
on digital products. You may have this e-book, okay? The goal is to increase income, to break the income barrier
with scalable products. But the problem may be that you have no idea where to stop. So if you don't know
where to start, you never going to create the products that are going
to help you achieve the goal. So this e-book that I
had created helps you. It maps out how to get started. And the desire extent. They just want the
process to be easy. They want less stress. They want to, they want
to achieve this goal, overcome the problem,
and they want to do it in an easy way. That's what my digital
product can do. Another example, I
popped this one in here because it really highlights
the desire part of it. A principal weekly planner
that you can cover in itself. I might buy that for myself. The principal weekly
plan and the goal is they want to be more
productive and organized. Now they can shop million
principal planets to overcome, to reach the goal of
being more productive, to overcome the problem
of feeling a bit scattered and not knowing
what you're focused on. But the desire here is to stationary that they
love to look at. And that's why style is very, very important when it comes to creating your
digital products. So if you're looking
to go into printables, then you'll style is going to be a big deciding
factor for people. But you just want
pretty stationary. You want to color
it in so that you can procrastinate while
you're getting all good. But that's an example. Let's
have a look at a patent. And now we can go anywhere
and get the mouse mat from. We can go to kinda
office works or any shop that sells
them in there. But if they're not the
style that we want, It's not going to meet
that desire, is it? The goal here is to create a highly personalized,
personalized workspace. The problem is if the mass scratches on the
table or your old mass, mass is getting old and you
don't want to use it anymore. The desire is for the design to meet the
aesthetics of your office. You want the pretty
things, you want, the beautiful things
in your own style that reflects your personality, that is the desire. My target audience is going to be very
different from yours. Every target audience
has different goals. They have different challenges
and problems and desires. The things that they want. Your job here really is to learn about
your target audience, to hold up the macro, the microscope, or the, the magnifying glass to your target audience and
learn what their goals are, what are they working towards, what their challenges
and problems are, and what they desire specifically as they
relate to your services. Now, I want to get you to do
a little bit in hardware. So this is the practical
exercise for this lesson, is to establish your target
audience for your business. What I want you to do is go
ahead and grab the web book, start typing in or if you printed it out, start
writing through it. A bit of a summary. It does not have to be long. It can be long if that's how
you like to write it out, or it can be just
be a short summary. So however it comes out to you. Summarize, your target audience includes things
like who are they, eating codes, things like, what do they, what do they do? They can be directly or indirectly relate
to your services. Think about what's
unique about them. Think about, think about what kind of units
them together. Maybe it's a shared interests, maybe it's a shared goal or shared problem they experience. And just summarize who they are so that you
can paint the picture for yourself of the people
you are creating for. May or may not be the same target audience as
your one-on-one services. However, if you are looking to serve your target audience
through your digital products, they probably will be. Okay. Go ahead. And before I, before I
encourage you to pause, one thing that often helps people is to focus
on one person. If you think about
your favorite client or a couple of your
favorite ones, and summarize them as if you had a whole crowd full of those
people, that often helps. Rather than thinking of
a broad group of people, think about one person and explore them on a
personal level. It helps us connect with
them a little bit more. So go ahead and pause this
video so that you can work through this question while I've got the
prompts on the screen. So the next question
I want you to hone in on the outcomes
they are looking for. Remember, our three outcomes, goals, challenges, and desires. We're going to focus
in on the goals. So what sort of things
are they working towards? What do they want more
of in their life? What did they
striving to achieve? Perhaps you can think about
where they're at right now. What's the next step
in the journey? What do they want and not
want for their family, for their life, or
in their business. List as many things as you can. And don't worry about
whether it's perfect or not. Just start writing and you'll find that
the more you write, the more ideas will come. Feel free to pause the screen so that you can work through
this with the prompts. Once you've completed that, I want you to think about
what their challenges are. So we've looked at that goals, which is one outcome. Now you want to look
at their challenges. So brainstorm as many
ideas as you can about the challenges
or problems that your target audience
is going to be facing. So think about things
that they struggle. We think about things that stress than out that
keep them awake at night. That just calls that. Next. Think about the
roadblocks they face. And also think about the
questions you get asked. Often. If you get asked questions signifies is probably a problem then they need to overcome. So go ahead and pause the video. Write as many ideas
as you can think of. No paying attention to whether
they're good or bad ideas. Just, just get mic
let the ideas flow. Pause the screen
while you do this. Alright, we nearly
there for this lesson. Now I want you to
focus on and desires. Now some people struggle with this one because it's
quite intangible. Focus on the emotion, focus on what's going
on in the heart. What is it that they need? What do they crave? What do they desire? You can think about
things that they want even if they
don't need them. Like the pretty stationary. Thinking about things
that motivate them. What drives them? What is it that they are
really, really inspired by? What makes them feel as though they are part
of something special. And write as many
ideas as come to mind. And high, if you
come up with ideas for goals and
challenges as well, feel free to go back. This is brainstorming, it is, it is free flowing
ideas and concepts. Go ahead and pause this video while you
went through that. That's it for lesson one. You've done really, really
well getting through. And I know that working
on your target audience isn't always the most
fun work in business. However, it was really, really important work
that you've done today. So give yourself a
pat on the back. The next lesson,
we're going to start focusing a little bit more on the product ID is we're
going to start connecting the target audience with
potential product ideas. So I'll see you in
the next lesson.
3. Coming up with product ideas: Hello and welcome to listen to this to the digital
product creators roadmap today with focusing on coming up with product ideas. So we delve more into our target audience
to better understand them. What you're going to need for today's lesson is your
coursework book again, your module one workbook, and anything else that you need for writing
notes and planning. Maybe that's Word
doc or a Google Doc or spend notebook
or spare paper. As always, grab yourself
a cup of coffee, maybe a snack pace of
countries so that you can really enjoy this course. So just to give you a little
bit of an outline or recap, what we've established
is the key to a valuable, profitable,
useful, desirables. Digital products is one that
helps them reach an outcome. And we identified that those outcomes are
to reach a goal, to overcome a problem
or a challenge, or to give them something
that they desire. But one thing that may
concern you is the pressure. Help them reach that outcome. Now, it may seem like
we've got the weight on our shoulders that we have
to fix everything for them, that we have to help
them get their bus. In order for your digital
products to be valued though, you need to know that it
does not need to help them get the entire outcome. Okay, so remember one of the
outcomes was to buy a house. One of the goals
was to buy a house. We didn't have to
give them the house. We can't physically
do that for them, but we can play an important role in
taking steps towards that. So perhaps our digital
products helps them overcome a challenge that helps them move closer towards their
goal of buying a house. So your digital products do not need to be the
entire outcome. And it's important
that you remember that all it needs to be is a stepping stone that brings
them closer to that outcome. So a stepping stone that brings them closer
to their goal, or a stepping stone that
helps them move forward, pass their problem, or a stepping stone that gives them something that they desire. So today we focus
on stepping stones. And our digital products can be stepping stones in a
lot of different ways. It can help motivate them
when they get stuck or inspire them when they feel like they haven't got the
right direction. It can take them a new skill. It can shortcut the
learning curve, which we know helps
them avoid mistakes. We can lead them towards
an outcome by showing them the process can help them
improve their own performance. You can also foster
positive feelings like how, like possibilities like
joy, like confidence. They may already know
what you are teaching, but it further validates
their ideas and knowledge. You can also equip them
with the right tools to carry out a process more easily. I want to show you some
examples of how I connect my digital products with the
outcomes that my customers, my clients are looking for by providing them stepping stones
as the digital products. I'll show you some examples. One example is my barriers
to business growth e-book, which helps to motivate
them when they feel stuck. What the book is designed to do business owners
to identify why they might be stuck in a rut in their business and to give
them positive steps forward. So it motivates them when they feel stuck and
can't move forward. Another example is one
of my masterclasses, which is called
pathway to progress. And what that does is it
shows business owners what to focus on in each stage of business to help
propel them forward. This inspires them when they feel like they
have night direction. I have a lot of tutorials
on my YouTube channel, which are designed to teach
business owners new skills. It might only be one thing. Example on the screen is how to reduce the
size of your PDF. That is one tiny little skill, but the dopamine hit
that you get when you learn something
new is really cool. You can provide that to people through your digital products. Another example of fostering positive feelings is
one of my e-books, which is called releasing
your mindset blocks. When people experience that limiting beliefs, when
they procrastinate, when they can't move forward or when they
feel stuck inside their comfort zone
and doping them release their mindset blocks, helps them feel like
there's a light off their shoulders and they
are free to move forward. So those positive
feelings that I can help give them my ebook
with digital products. They are some really
good examples of how we are connecting, how we're starting
to connect the dots, how I understand what my
clients are struggling with, what their goals,
their challenges, and their desires are. And I understand
how I can create a digital products that provides a stepping stone to help
them achieve those outcomes. Okay, So what I wanna do that same thing with
you in the last lesson. You worked on your
target audience and specifically their goals,
challenges, and desires. And today I want to help you start to delve more into that. You can connect their
goals, challenges, and desires with the solutions that you can provide for them. Today. Unfortunately, we're
not going to be focusing on different
formats today. I don't want you to think
about that too much just yet. In the next lesson you can. Because in the next
lesson we're going to focus on the
different formats. But for today, I want you
to focus on the solutions. The solutions are
stepping stones, but you can provide to your
clients because each of your stepping stone
solutions may have multiple formats that
you can deliberate it. Okay, so let's move on to the
practical for this lesson. I want you to grab
the night book now, your workbook now, sorry. We're going to focus
on one of the goals, one of the challenges
in one of the desires. And we're going to delve into possible solutions for those. So in your workbook, you'll notice there is a
page where it says the goal. I want you to choose
one goal from your list of goals from your brainstorming from
the previous lesson. I want you to focus in on that. So rice it in the goal
section in your workbook, it's going to be
above in the table. So just write that day. Then I want you to come up with some possible solutions that you could give to help
them reach that goal. I'm going to show you
some examples with you because examples
always really help. So if I was to focus
on a goal that you have or you as part of
my target audience. I know that one of
your goals is to add scalable income
into your business. So that's the goal I'm
going to focus on. Now the stepping stones or
the possible solutions. Me answering the question, How can I help them get there? If I'm thinking
about how you can add scalable income
to your business. Possible solutions
I could create for you is that I couldn't
share ideas for scalable income sources because inspiration is going to
feel more inspiration. If I inspire you with ideas, you will have more ideas. And that's going to help you move forward with
what to create. I can make the process easier for you by sharing
a step-by-step process. And there are a lot of
step-by-step processes I could share with you so that there is multiple
solutions in one, I can share stories of my journey from other people's journeys
with digital products, just to show you
what is possible, again, to inspire you. I can also help you avoid
common mistakes that stopped many people from adding scalable services and
products to their business. So these are a
couple of examples of how I would answer
that question. And hopefully that
is enough for you to be able to
brainstorm your own. Go ahead and pause the
video right here so that you've got these examples, these prompts on the screen to inspire you to
answer the question. Now that you've done that, we focused on the goals. Now we're going to focus on helping them overcome
their challenges. So going into your work from the previous lesson
and choose one of the challenges that
you brainstormed that you can focus on for
this particular activity, just whichever one pulls you. Write down that
challenging the bulk. So you'll see it
above a new workbook. And then I'm out with as
many ideas as you can. Five possible solutions or
stepping stones you could offer that would help them
overcome any challenge. He's more examples. So if our chance to challenge my target audience is trying
to create a digital product, but they get stuck
with the tech. Is typically a
possible solutions. Ways that I could help them overcome that challenge
is that I could create tutorials on
common tech challenges. Say for instance, setting
up an online shop where it gets a shop or simpler shop. So I can create tutorials. Another possible
solution could be to have software
recommendations. So if people are
working with me, if they know like and trust me, if I know what they
are trying to create, I could really shorten the decision-making
process of choosing tech. Because I've tried a lot of
things before and I know what works really well
for what your needs are. So I can put a buy it at least, rather than you having to
sit for hours through all of the different reviews and possibilities that shortens
your learning curve. Now I could also provide a short course that teaches
you how to master a platform. Or I could create templates
that helps to shorten your learning curve and set up tape faster so they are
possible solutions. Now I want you to do the
same activity focusing on your target audience and
one of the challenges. So go ahead and
pause this video on a screen so that you can have these prompts here
for inspiration. Alright, now that
you've done that, We've got one more of
these activities to go. I want you to now focus
on something they desire. So you've done this activity
focusing on the goals. You've done this
activity focusing on their challenges or problems. Now think about
what they desire. Choose one of their designs from the previous brainstorming
that you've done and hardening on that to see what possible stepping stones or solutions you could offer them. Again, let me show
you some examples. Sport inspiration. So if I'm thinking of you
as my target audience, I know that you want
to feel motivated and confident with the
digital products you create. And there's a lot of ways
I can help you do that. Here are some of the
ideas I came up with. I could share real results from people to show you once
possible to inspire you. I could create
customizable templates. Because if you lack the design skill all the time or the inspiration
to create one yourself, then a template is going to help you create something that
you can be proud of. That's going to help you
become more competent. I can share ideas for
what you can create. Because if I can kick start
your idea generation, it's going to
inspire more ideas, which is going to feel
a little motivation. I can also guide
your next steps. Because when your next
steps are clear to you, you can move forward and make that progress
that you want to make. And it's going to help you feel accomplished and confident. And that's exactly what
we're doing in this course. I am guiding your next
steps to help you feel more confident in
the path you are taking. So that's working. Okay, so now I want
you to go ahead and do that activity in your workbook, focusing on something
that your customer, your target audience desires. Feel free to pause the video on the screen for inspiration. Like, hey, excellent work. Well done because
this is really, really important work and doing this kind of work not only informs your digital
product creation, but it can inform so much
more in your business. One-on-one services
that you create, content that you create and share for your e-mail marketing, for your social media. It can inform things
like your branding, your pricing, things
that you talked about. It's like amazing work. This is really, really
powerful stuff. So I want you to be really proud of yourself for
having done this way. Now let's look at what's next. We're going to explore some of the product formats because
in the next lesson, we're going to look at
your target audience. What they want, their goals, challenges and desires are how you can provide
possible solutions. And we're going to connect them so that you can
see what sort of digital products you're going
to create. I'm excited. I can't wait, so I'll see
you in the next video.
4. Exploring digital product formats: Hello, Welcome back
to Lesson three of the digital product
creators, right manner. But today we're going to be
exploring product forecasts. We're going to start
doing some connecting, connecting the dots of the
work that you've already done. You're going to need
your coursework book again and anything else
that you need for planning, like a notebook or
your beagle dogs. Dogs, anything like that. And also, as always, make sure you're nice
and comfy clothes, comfy chair, maybe a snack. Let's get started. I wanted to outline this, a revisit of what we've done. Valuable, profitable,
desirable digital products, helps your audience and helps your customer reach an outcome. And that outcome could
be reaching goal, becoming a problem
or a challenge, or giving them something
that they desire. We also established that
we do not have the way on our shoulders of providing
the complete solution. What we want to create
is a stepping stone. Let me share a story that, that just to really
bring this message home. I struggle a little bit with my son's emotional regulation. I am always on the lookout for solutions for things
that can help me. I saw an ad on
Facebook of a lady who had been in
the same thing and she was there to help
people help children, or the parents of the children helped with
emotional regulation. Now, the solution
that she had to offer was in April and it was a
really, really low one. And it adds, she outlined
that she's teaching psychology psychology
principles she was teaching all about her history
and everything like that. The book standard, Wonderful. However, on a busy month
of a busy business arena. And really I don't have the mental capacity to
reach such a large book. And what I'm after is maybe simple strategies that I can try that just helped mounting a
little bit further forward. So I wasn't interested
in the book. So please remember that the digital products that
you create in often be more valuable by helping them with one and
this will thing, one little stepping stone that helps them move forward in a, even a small way. So please remember
that we don't have to create the whole
entire solution. Just a stepping stone. Alright, today. Today I want to explore the various digital
product formats that are working really, really well at the moment. There are so many
different types of digital product format. And I want to share with you the ones that people are
loving at the moment. And then once we've, once I've hopefully inspired you with the different formats
that are available, I want to help you
connect those dots from the work that you've done in
the previous two lessons. She, now so that you
can come up with five Bible digital
product ideas. So let's get started. Now before I get into
the different formats, I want you to just review some of the work
that you've done, a reason for it. Now, you might be being
gene this course, you may have just
finished less than two. And that's fine. All the ideas are gonna
be fresh in your mind. But if it's been a
couple of days since you've reviewed the lesson
or even if it was yesterday, I want you to just
quickly look over it again just to bring all of your work forward into your mind while you
work on this lesson. Once you've done
that, let's have a look in the different
formats that you can create. I'm going to start with e-books, which are written based
information products. Sometimes they can be in an ePub format for
Kindles and e-readers, or there could be PDF
downloadable e-books. You can also create e-books
to have them print on-demand, printed like on Amazon, amazon direct publishing, or a booking new people who
purchase them on Kindle. Anyway, but e-books or what
is the most popular and it's probably the best one
that comes to mind for most people when they
think of digital products. I'm also going to
share, talk about PDFs, and I'm going to separate
that from e-books. Mainly because PDFs aren't exclusively
information-based eBooks. They can be practical
workbooks as well. Exercises or principals
or interactive templates. So that's another format. Him plates, again
aren't just PDFs, templates come in many
shapes and sizes. A template is essentially a preset format that is
available to use and customize. So we can be thinking
like Canva templates of Photoshop templates or
Word or Excel templates. We could be thinking about ready-to-use templates like principle planners
and coloring sheets. We can also think about
software templates like if you use Trello
or Asana or ClickUp, which is like task and
project management. People can create
templates for those. You could create Excel
templates, stub sada templates. There's an infinite number of templates that
you could create. I also want to bring
up website themes and landing pages and even
email marketing templates. As I said, templates are a huge, almost a topic in themselves. But I just want to plant
that seed in your mind. I've got something you can
create as a digital product. Another example,
I'm going to talk about media now and
I'm going to have to split meteor up into multiple
formats because again, it's such a big area that
Let's start with photography. Now, if you are a
skilled photographer, almost any subject that
you like to shoot, it's probably in
demand somewhere. Now. I've got examples
of different niche, different photography
nations in there. And I've got a selection now you wouldn't think
that many people would be looking for frogs and
lizards and that sort of thing. However, these are
all photos that I have inside that are
available on shadow Stock. Shutterstock is a marketplace where people who are looking for photos can go and they can purchase a Fridays from
Shutterstock and May, as the photographer will use, the photographer gets
a cut of that amount. Or you can also sell them on
your own platform as well. Some people sell
them individually. Some people sell them on Etsy, some people sell them as
a subscription service. So photography's is huge. Video as well. Likewise, if you are
a skilled with video, Like even shooting footage, if you can create
animations or transitions, you have an asset there that you can sell as a
digital product. Okay? Same with audio. Now, we might automatically
feet when we think of audio, we might think of sounds
or songs or music, but also podcast and
audio training as well. Like if I could be
providing this course as a, as an audio cores rather
than a video course. However, I chose video
because it is such a visual, visually orientated cause a lot of things I want you to see. But again, audio training, Here's another graphic files. Again, another almost
topic on its own because it is so vast with the graphic
files that you can create. But if you are skilled in graphic creation,
could be false. It could be illustrations,
patterns, design elements, or even like pre-cut files like for crickets
and silhouettes, or even digital brushes for software like Procreate
or Photoshop. Like so many, so many different graphic files
that can be created by those with the skills to move away from the
visual and audio media. And I'm going to talk a
little bit about copies. So if you are
skilled in writing, are ready to use wording or swipe customizable swipe files. You've got assets
there, my friend. So 11 example that is probably easy to relate
to is legal contracts. Legal contracts, pre-written
ways that they can, the lawyer can provide to you as a digital product for
you to customize where you pop your client's name in the money details of the
contract and then you share it. Obviously, we don't want to
edit the legal contracts, so they come to us ready to use. However, some Swat files are customizable,
used for inspiration. As an example, if
I have an e-book that I provide to people who are wanting to
have a price rise. Inside that price rise, I have swot files of email
copy for when they are ready to advise their
clients of their price rise. Often people weren't
really know what to say, how to, how to share it without revealing too
much or not enough. Being polite but firm. It's difficult to come
up with that sometimes. So swap files are
extremely helpful. I had purchased a lot
of swipe files in the past because I'm
not an amazing writer, but extremely helpful
and an asset if you have the skills
and the knees. I'll also talk about
video training, which is something you are
experiencing right now. Endless topics I've written here that it's education
or education based, but it can also be
Entertainment based on. Let's look at YouTube
monetization, which is one way you
provide tutorials. And once you reach monetization or once you
become a YouTube partner, YouTube pays you based
on the advertising. Or we can have YouTube
training on Skillshare, which is pay per minute,
Udemy, which is paper. Or you can self host your
own on your own website. Endless topics for
video training. Now I want to talk to you about expanding your digital
products a little bit further. Now, causes which you are
experiencing right now are often educational courses
that use multiple formats. Sometimes they are purely video or written based education, but sometimes they
combine multiple formats. So it could be video,
it could be audio, it could be written material. It also have like workbooks or PDF guides and
resources as well. So causes a bigger
digital product and often use multiple formats. Another one that uses
multiple formats are memberships or
subscription services, which they are the ongoing
provision or supply on a service or a digital
product for a monthly fee. It could be product
or service based. And as long as they are an ongoing need,
an ongoing exits. There is ongoing
payment as well. Perfect example of this is
my flourish club membership, which provides is a
one easy monthly fee that gives you access
to all of my tools, templates, all of my workshops, and that sort of thing,
plus community as well. So that's like a bundle of digital products for
one easy monthly fee. You may not be ready for courses and
mentorships just yet. But I kinda want to
plant the seed anyway, because I'll tell you
what memberships amazing. Now, we're going to move on to the practical part
of this lesson, which is where you're going to decide on your stepping stones and how can they still live with them even
in a digital product. Okay, So gotten your
workbook again. I want you to refer back to
your possible solutions. This is the work that you
did in a previous lesson. And this just to remind you, this slide that we looked
at in the, in that section, in that lesson, where I shared the goal and
possible solutions, the challenge,
possible solutions and desires and
possible solutions. You've already done that work. So I want you to review
that work that you did. And I want you to, I want you to choose five of the
stepping stones. The stepping stones
right hand that you would like to progress
through to the next lesson, we're stepping stones that you would like to go
ahead and validate. So for me, like I could say, I can share ideas with skeletal income sources to
inspire them, I'll choose one. Sharing step-by-step processes. That's to go ahead and
choose a five-step instance. Once you've chosen your
five stepping stones, I want you to think about
which format would be most suitable to
deliver that solution. So is it going to be an
e-book or an interactive PDF? Templates, media,
video training, we'll swap files
or something else. Maybe you can think of something else that I haven't
already shared. I have the pink and just mark
next to it on that table. You listed your bio
stepping stones, the solutions you're
going to provide in the format that
you'd like to create. What you have now is five potential product ideas that you are going to
take to the next step. Throughout this course,
you are going to create just one,
maybe two products. We're going to choose which
ones in the next lesson, but we're just going to choose one or two products that you are actually going to go ahead
and create for the course. But the five you've just chosen, we're taking them
to the next step where we're going to validate those ideas to make sure they're a good
idea to progress with. Okay, Sorry, Up next, validating those product ideas, which is going to give
you more confidence in the products that you are going to let you are about
to create, right? So I will see you
in the next lesson.
5. Validating your digital product ideas: Alright, let's start
on less than four, where we're going to validate the five product ideas that you came up with in the last lesson. So grab your coursework book if you haven't already
gotten in front of you and anything else that you
need to be planning and writing notes or
any of your work. And again, make sure
you're nice and comfy. Grab stuff, covering
a drinker snack. Make sure you're comfy
to immerse yourself. In this course. Nine instructions. Today, we're going to be
validating your product ideas. I do this because you may be questioning if anybody's actually even going to buy
what you're going to create? Is anyone actually going
to buy this lesson? I want to help you
overcome that doubt. We can become more confident
about the products we're about to create by
validating new ideas. First. Validating the idea teaches us for really, really
important things. It teaches us that one Is anybody else creating
similar products? Which means if somebody
else is creating them, chances are, there's
a good chance that there is a market for them. Number two, it teaches us if customers are actually
buying those products. That teaches us
that somebody else is creating similar things. And that there are
people out there willing to pay money for them. Teachers is those two things. It also teaches us whether or not the customers who
buy those things, whether they are finding
them helpful and valuable. Because we know that if customers have bought
them in the past, there are going to be
more people out there who wants to need them and
we'll pay for them. It also teaches us which are the
non-negotiable features of these kind of products. So people who have done
the creation work before, people have purchased them
and have reviewed them. They are the ones that I like, the Guinea pigs for us. Okay, they've tested
these products before and they now know what they do and don't find valuable as a feature
in this product. So those are all really
important things to know that we can find out
through product validation. It is really, really helpful, even valuable knowledge that helps us feel a whole lot more confident about
investing our time and energy into
creating something. Confidence is really good. But something that you may
be concerned about when I share things like product
validation techniques. It might be a concern
that you have about why should I create
something that already exists? Okay. Are you concerned about that? Or you can send about why you should put in
energy at time, energy and skill into something that is
already out there. I know that's a roadblock
for some people. Whatever idea that you come up with or that
I come up with, or anybody else
doing this course. The chances are that
product idea is not already knew and it's being done
by multiple people before. It's likely that somebody
else has already created it. So let's just think about this. So Hungry Jack's, Hungry
Jack's isn't going to stop creating burgers and chips just because McDonald's
exists channel right? Target is not going
to stop sitting up their stores just because
there's a Kmart down the road. Okay. Even though the idea exists, does not mean that there
aren't people that want to shop at
one or the other, or even bodies, because
they're going to be differences between
each one out there. Like if I said to you, okay. Do you prefer do you prefer McDonald's or grilled for thinking big is any tail,
I'm hungry right now. But when I present those
two options for you, There's a few things that
probably go on in your mind. So one you might think, oh, yeah, no, I like McDonald's. I'm gonna go with them
because they lost some cheap. Well, because they have
the beggar that I want. Some people might be saying, Oh no, definitely grilled,
grilled all the way. The quality is so much better than this,
so much healthier. Or maybe you might be saying, I've never heard
of group before. All of these factors affect why somebody would buy
something that already exists, that is already created
by somebody else. Okay, So it's really important. But here's one more
thing on a teaching. If I was to, if I was to get 20 people in a lineup When he
assists in a lineup. And I say, you paint me
a picture of a woman. Chances are not. One of them is
gonna be the same. Hey, look on the screen now, all these four painted women, they're not one of them
is the same style. Not one of them even looks
closely. Here's the thing. Every office, every one of those painters is going to
have their own unique style, their own unique methods, medium that they prefer. Their own interpretation of. The brief. I said paint me a woman. This is what they come up with. None of them are wrong.
None of them are better or worse than each other, because everyone in the world is going to prefer one
over the other. It's the same for you. That's gonna be
the same for you. What you create, even if
it's been done before. We'll have your unique stamp, your style, your method, your own perspective that
you bring to the table. The other thing is that
because you are likely an existing business owner
that currently officers is you will already have an
audience of people who know, like and trust you. And that means they will
want to buy from you over someone they don't know because they already
have that certainty. They trust they know
what to expect from you. Moving forward without
product validation. Look through if you
validate your product ideas and you find out that there are already products like
that inexistence. Please remember that
there are still going to be people who
want your product. They want your style, your interpretation, and
what you have to offer. So let's validate our
product IDs to get that confidence over what
we're about to create. Knowing that there are always
going to be more customers who prefer what you have to offer over what
else is available. Alright? Okay, Sorry, The
next question is, how do we validate
our product ideas? I'm gonna give you three
different techniques you can use to validate your ideas and none of them take
very long at all. Another one is conducting some market research
with your audience. That is asking them what
they needed a product, what they need in a solution, and what they would find
really helpful and valuable. Number two, the second method of product validation is to
search marketplaces for, to look at what
currently exists. So it is really good for
them because Etsy has such a wide range of digital products available on their store or Creative Market. So it's a good place to find out other people who
are selling them. What they're like, what
people are saying about them, and what features are essential. They say techniques. The third method of product
validation is doing some keyword searches
to determine, to find out if people
are actually searching for products or solutions
that you can offer. And I'm going to break each
one of these dance so that you've got to be what
direction with what to do. If you want to conduct
some market research and ask your audience
what they need, you can ask things like wood, they find these kind
of product helpful. I'd say if a purchase
something like this before and what did
they think about it? Which format would
be most useful? Those are things that you
can ask them you can use, you can use platforms
like Google, Google Forms, microsoft Forms, Survey Monkey, or there's a lot of different
even jot form. There are a lot of different
software that you can use to conduct market research
and ask them questions. Or look, you can
have conversations with actual people you want. There are many
different ways you can Dutch conduct market research. So go ahead and do some of
those if that's your choice. Now I want to talk about
searching other marketplaces. You can search
marketplaces like Etsy is really good because it's such a broad range of
things that are available. Do some searching and find out
if similar products exist. Once you find that
they do exist, you can have a look and
see if the people selling them have actually
made sales on those. Because if people have made
sales on those products, it means that people
are out there actively looking for and
buying these kind of product. You can also look at
the reviews to see what the customers like and don't
like about those products. So that will give
you a good idea of what kind of features
are essential. If there's a review,
then it says, I really loved that you
had a variety of colors, were really loved that
you had these formats, or that you have
these instructions, or that there was a tutorial to go along with the innocence, just take note of what they loved in the review and
what they don't love. Maybe it's like all this was really poor quality or
I didn't like that. You only had one
style available. So take note of what
people are saying and just bring that information
forward with your product. Now if you want to
do keyword research, what this is, is. Going to specific platforms that track what people search. A great example, the
tool that I really, really love doing this
is called E rank, and I'll share a link to that in the course notes so
that you can find it. There are a lot of other things. There are a lot of other
keyword search tools that I particularly
like a rank because it covers both Etsy and Google and a couple of
other platforms as well. But what it's going to teach you is when you type
a search term in, use the search term of what
black people are likely to search for if
they're looking for the products that you're
trying to create. What E ring shows you is
it shows you how many times somebody has searched for that keyword or key
phrase in the past month. It also tells you similar. It suggests similar keywords that might be related to that. Because let's say if I searched
for principal wall art, it might also show downloadable wall art or
downloadable outlook. And it's going to show you different keywords that you
might not have thought of, which is gonna be
important later. It's also going to show you how many people are
searching for that month. And if you find out that there are less than ten
searches per month, you might know that people aren't actively
searching for this, or that they're searching
using different keywords. But if you find that one
particular search term has like 10,000 monthly searches, you know that people are
actively looking for what you're about
to create bingo. Okay. And all of these
information is meant to be really helpful
in giving you the confidence
that if people are actually searching for
these in a high volume, so it's more likely that
they're going to buy it. So you all practical work for this lesson is to do some of that market research to validate the five
ideas that you've got. Again, I want you to have confidence that the thing
you're going to create. There are people out
there looking for it. There are people
that currently make similar ones and actively selling them and people
are loving them. Okay, so that's, that's
your competence. In your workbook. You've
got a couple of questions. So once you've done
your validation, I want you to answer
these questions. So based on your research,
you'll product validation. Which of your product ideas
seem to be the most viable? If your product IDs may be
viable and that's great. Or you may have found
that only two or three of them seem
to be a good idea. And that's fine. So just take note, reflect on what you learned from this validation exercise. And then from that, which product are you going to create for the rest
of this course? We're really just funneled
our ideas we've started with. We've had a lot of ideas. We funneled them down to select, to identify which is the
which product you can create that has got
the best chances of selling and helping
your target audience. Once you've chosen
that one product that you are going to create
for the rest of the course. Now if it's, if it seems to be a small product that
you can maybe create, you can create two or
create two small products, then you can go
ahead and do that. But the main thing is I
just wanted to give you the process that you can
repeat over and over again. And from what you've
learned about this one, product validation, what are the essential features
that you need to ensure your product has? So go ahead and answer these three questions after you've done your
product validation. Now, you've done that. That's really important work. Now it's time to start
creating your actual products. Okay, so that's
what we're going to do in the next lesson, next module, because we have come to the end of module one, will the digital product
creatives roadmap. So, see you in the next lesson.
6. Mindset: From self-doubt to confidence: Welcome to lesson five. This is the first
lesson of module two, which is the creation
less than n. Today. In this lesson, we'll
be focusing on tuning your self-doubt into
confidence because I have a little bit of
a gut feeling that you might be having
a little bit of doubt about your ability to create digital
products that will sell, that people will love. So that's what we're
focusing on today. So what you're going to need is the journal prompts workbook, which you can download
from the course resources. And as always, make sure you're comfy,
grab yourself a cup. And so super comfy, especially for this exercise because this is going to
be a journaling exercise. But first, I wanted
to talk a little bit about what you may be feeling. You may feel a bit
about a little bit like you lack the confidence
to create digital products. You might have a
lot of self-doubt. And I want to talk
about that self-doubt today, particularly. And I want to share
an exercise with you that's going to
help you overcome it. Because it's really, really important that we do
this as business owners. Now, some of the behaviors you may be experiencing is
self-doubt, procrastination, a bit of perfectionism,
indecision, just resistance that
you don't know why it's there and hesitation. Let me tell you that
the majority of these often come back to uncertainty. Now, the concepts of creating digital products
might be new to you. Perhaps you've never
created one before, or maybe you've
created one before or a couple of before
and they haven't really taken off very well. And so really this
is new territory. It's scary territory that
anything new that we do. And we do a lot of nice
things as business owners, it does force us to step
outside of our comfort zone. But anything new that we do is going to bring up
doubts and concerns. This is purely because we have no idea how
it's gonna turn out. We've never done it before, so we don't know what's
going to happen. The thing is we have a, we have a center of
our brain that fear response that is basically there to protect us
from bad, bad outcomes. There to help us prevent
what's going to hurt us. So alpha, our subconscious
mind, we'll focus, always focus on the less than desirable
outcomes scenarios like the worst
possible scenarios. As I'm conscious mind,
will always focus on that simply because it just
wants to keep us safe. Minds and brains are going
to think things like, nobody is for the
bottom product. I think it's worthless. Why would they spend
their money on it? They gotta think it's
a waste of money. Anyone who does buy it is going to think it's all
full and they're going to demand a refund and
they're gonna be so angry and oh my god. I'm going to put
in all this effort and nobody's going to buy it. I'm not gonna get any sales or you will get to but demand a refund and I'm going
to get a bad reputation. We feel like people are
thinking it's too expensive. It's not good enough. This is the worst thing
anybody has ever created, ever, oh my God. Catastrophizing. Now mine is in a contest or buys a lot of this when we
don't know the outcome. So the unfortunate thing is that a mind that is wrong with uncertainty has no
idea of the outcome, even though it's with just
creating a digital product. Okay, That mind is going to be having these thoughts because of all the uncertainty
around it. And that is enough to
stop us doing our tracks. Because these
thoughts are going to trigger our brain's fear
and anxiety center, the part of the brain that's responsible for keeping us safe when we're
afraid of something, even if we didn't really think that we're
afraid of anything. Mind is basically thinking that I've thought
about all this. I've seen all the possible scenarios
and none of them are good. So nobody's going to come up creating digital products
or doing the new thing. So we're going to
avoid doing it. Okay, So that part
of our mind needs to serve as really
well when it was like, I'm not gonna go
into that long grass because I know there's probably snakes in there
and I want to stay safe by staying out
of the long grass. But now we're creating digital products, would
know any of the graphs, the long grass,
but mine is still behaving the same way it's saying we need to
avoid doing his thing. So that's when the behavior
is like perfectionism, like hesitation, procrastination, like
indecision and resistance. All of those behaviors
coming out because our mind is paranoid. But that's its job. Our job is at the center, is, is there to be
worried about us. These behaviors are our
mind's way of compelling us. Getting that. Resistance is
compelling us to avoid the bad outcome because it believes it's the only
possible outcome. So any, any feelings of self-doubt or any lack
of confidence that you have right now in regards to your digital product creation is likely due to all
the uncertainty around doing a nice thing. But we can turn this around. We can just flip it so that it doesn't gives us behaviors. It doesn't cause
those behaviors. I'm going to show you a nice
simple exercise that you can do to release those,
focus, those barriers. So the barrier is what
you're concerned about, which is causing the hesitation, causing the doubt, causing
the procrastination. We're going to turn
it around because I'm not just going to
show you the path. I also want to help you overcome
whatever mindset varies, you've got along the way. Journal prompts for you. This is generally because rotting and talking about
these uncertainties, these doubts that you
have is going to help reconfigure that fear
response in your mind. Behaves to you doing new things, but you can do them with ease. Doing this is going to help
you proceed with the rest of the course and any
future time you create a digital product
with less resistance, less hesitation is going to help your mind see
the positive outcomes. And f will be excited
about doing the thing. And it's going to reinforce
to your mind that good things can come up doing this thing, creating
digital products. So that you can do
so that you can move forward without the self-doubt,
with more confidence. That's why we're doing
this journaling exercise. The aim, my goal for you is to show you the
right questions you can ask yourself with anything that you do in life and
business that is new, that is outside of
your comfort zone. Because what this is
going to do is adjust how your mind responds and reacts
to you doing new things. It helps you become more
comfortable with uncertainty. It's going to help you do
these new things more easily. Like creating a
digital products. So you can create your digital products with more confidence, less resistance, less
procrastination, less self-doubts. And I know, I know
you want that. Confidence is fantastic
when you have it, because it makes the process
a lot more enjoyable. Now once the practical, we're going to help you
Relation mindset blocks, any mindset blocks
that you might have around digital products. Even if right now you feel
like you don't have any, you may not feel like everything's at the
forefront of your mind. But in my experience, if you are feeling a bit of procrastination or hesitation or doubt is because there's a blocker there that
we can release. Alright, so we're gonna
do a journaling exercise. And what I'm going to
do is in the workbook, I'm going to share the prompts, just the questions that
you can ask yourself. That's all you need to do for this lesson's activity
is answer the questions. Now. You can either write them down or you can get
somebody to read out the questions for you and you just answer it to them as though you're
talking to them. So if you are not
keen on kinship, kin are rotting or generally, then you can do it that way. I actually get my hubby to do that if I'm not in the
mood for journaling, I'll just hand the
list of questions to my hobby he asked him
and I told transferase. So even though I've been in
business a very long time, whenever I feel that resistance, I just had a question heavy and we worked through
it and it always helps me. So that's why I want to share this exercise
with you today. While you're answering these questions in whatever format, like whether it's
writing or talking. Even though it feels like you're just answering some questions, there's actually a lot of
reconfiguration heparin in your mind because
it's working to release what triggers
the fear response, reducing that resistance. So it's a nice simple access and you just answered
the question, but there's work going
on in your brain. So that's an easy. So your task is to go ahead and download
the journal prompts PDF, which is in your
course material, and focus on digital
product creation. So focused on what you
are doing in this course. Particularly, pretty cool with any doubts that you might have. And just spend ten
to 20 min writing or speaking the answers
to your questions. Okay, That's all you need
to take for this exercise. Next, in the next lesson or
the next part of the course, you are going to be
drafting your product. It's going to be
exciting. So I'll see you in the next, the next lesson. I hope you get a lot out of the mindset journaling exercise.
7. Drafting your digital products: Hey there, welcome back. This is lesson six or digital
product creators roadmap. And we're focusing on drafting
your digital product. So what you're going to need, there's no workbook for
this particular lesson, but you will need something
to draft your product. If you are creating a written, written based content
such as an e-book or written templates like swipe files, that sort of thing. You need to have some kind
of word processing document, whether that's like Microsoft
Word or Google Docs, just so that you can
draft your content. You also, if you are creating more visual content like
graphic designs, illustrations, or anything visual like that, I'd recommend having blank
paper or an art board on your design software that you
can start drafting content. In module one, we spent, we spent that time really honing in on digital products
that we're going to create. We validated the ideas that
we're confident knowing that this is a digital products that people are going
to want to buy. In this module, we're going to create the actual product
that you are going to sell. So by the end of this module, you are going to have
something physical, well, a digital asset that is available
for people to buy. But for today, for this lesson, we're just going to
focus on creating the draft or the concept
of this digital products. So if you're creating
a text-based one, like e-books, templates
and checklists. Or you might be creating
a video-based one like masterclasses and tutorials
or even perhaps a podcast. Or it could be visual
base like illustrations, photos, media as fonts, graphics, that sort of thing. Okay. So once we've gotten through this lesson and we've drafted
the product after that. Then we'll move on to creating the final file that people
are going to be purchasing. I just want to talk first
about why we drafted. This is, this is
my recommendation coming from 15 years
as a graphic designer. The reasons why we draw things, actually this comes in
as a coach as well, certainly has helped me. The reason we drafting. So if you are focusing
on information-based, like anything that's
going to require wedding. Drafting the wedding first removes a whole lot of influence that we don't
need in the moment. So that's graphics,
imagery, layout, all those sorts of things
that can influence the core message that
we're trying to convey. What this, once you
remove this influence, it allows you to then
focus on the core content, the core information that
you need to bring across. Second reason with great idea
to draft fast is because it provides you with
a master document that you can re-purpose. You might be creating one
digital products now, but you can use the
information to, you can either break it up, you can expand on it, or you can turn it into a completely different
digital product, but at least you have the core
information there to use. You can also turn it into blogs, into social media posts. There is so much repurposing
that you can do from one, from one document of content. Now, this is more for
the visual products. If you draft the
concepts in pencil, an art board on your
illustration software, it really does free
up your creativity. It helps you come up with more ideas because
there's a lot more, there's a lot more
processing going on. If you are drawing with by hand, then if you were to
just try to create the product from scratch, right? They're focusing on everything. And it really doesn't show
it original, originality. And now you can look at other designers work
for inspiration. However, we want your work to be original and drafting it in, drafting your concepts in pencil really is going to
help you do just that. This is a very short
lesson because all of your energy this week
or for this lesson, all of your energy is going
into drafting or product. Now if you are creating
written products, so that's e-books,
PDFs, workbooks, checklists, even
software templates or masterclasses of
workshops or podcast. This is what I want
you to focus on. Spend this time, spent
the week drafting your core content into a text-based applications
like Word or Google Docs. Use this time to conduct
any research that you need. You can start by brainstorming. Here's an example of how I drafted the content
for this course. Started with the main
things that I needed to teach you in order
to take you from no product to a selling product. I knew that I needed to
teach you about concept. I needed to teach you about how to create the
actual product, how to set up the tech, how to price it,
how to market it. I knew I needed to
teach you all of those, so I started with those
as my main heading. Then our break,
each one down into. Now, I need to teach you how
to come up with the concept. What do I need to
teach you for that? And I expanded on
those headings. After you've gone
through all of that, that forms the basis of what you're going to
teach your master document. And then in the next
lesson you'll be able to turn that into
the final product. Okay? Now, if you are creating visual
products like Graphics, Graphic Templates, illustrations, if you're
taking footage or photography. This is what I want you to
spend this week during. Draft your visual contexts, let your creativity, let it go. Let it go. What I hoped. Draft
as many things as you can to come up
with lots of ideas. Now, you may end up with pages and pages
full of concepts. You might not use all of them, then that's perfectly
fine because while you're
drafting some ideas, more ideas are going to come
and that's going to result in an even better product
later. All right. So once you've done that, then we will go ahead and start preparing your product into its final format, ready to sell.
8. Producing the final product: Welcome back. We're on the left,
less than seven of the digital product
creators roadmap. This week we are focusing on creating or producing
your final product. You've already drafted
it and now we're going to turn it
into its final form. What you're going to
need for this lesson is your product draft
or your concepts depending on what you're
actually creating. As I said, the sole focus
of this week is to turn your draft into your digital
product in its final form. With digital products, the final product is always in the form
of a digital file. This is how it's delivered
to your customers. And there are
hundreds and hundreds of file formats in existence. But thankfully, we
don't need to know all of them because as
digital product creators, there's only a few, a few that you are likely
to need to know about. And I'm going to share some of the common file formats
that you're going to be saving and sharing with your customers for
your digital products. If you're creating files
like quintuple planners, workbooks, checklists,
some PDFs, ebooks. Usually we save them as a PDF, which is short for
portable document format. Now with file formats that
there's a lot of acronyms, a lot of three-letter acronyms. But they're saved as PDF. This is because it's
wisely widely used and accepted as a file format and can be read on most devices. That computers, laptops,
mobiles, tablets, any devices. They can also be seen
on most Kindles. The other good thing about PDFs as well as they can be flat. They can be interactive
with things like clickable links and form fields. He walks are. While eBooks can be similar
and saved as PDFs as well. If you are selling
them on Amazon, you may upload them as PDFs, but you also might upload the manuscript that
you have written in word and then formatting
that text in Kindle create, which is basically the
formatting software that you use before you upload your like a novel or
a text-heavy a book, if you are creating
templates that you intend to customers
on being able to edit. Typically they're
saved as a link or as the file in the program
that you created it. So some examples there at
Canva, Word and Excel. Word and Excel are going to be exported as Word
and Excel files. Canva templates are exported
as a link to Canvas. And Trello boards are also saved like Trello templates
are saved as links that your customer will click on and it will take them
to the template or create a copy in
their own account. So depending on what
you're actually creating, will determine what format
you create them in, what you export the mean. Now if you are
looking at ready to use graphic files like illustrations, fonts,
graphic elements. There's a lot of different
file formats that you may save them in depending on how they're
going to be used. Here's a couple of examples. So if you're creating, if you are taking photos, like if you're a photographer and you are selling the photos. Or if you have created digital artwork or
digitized physical artwork. And you intend on them being
printed or used as a file. Typically there'll be
saved PNG or JPEG files. If you were creating
fonts that will typically be saved as TTS OTF. Graphic elements, like you
can see on the screen here. Depending on where they
are intended to be used, who they are going
to be used by, will determine what file format
you will export them to. Typically. This is probably good customer
service here is providing multiple formats to suit the
very needs of your customer. So one person may need PNGs, another person
wants to use SVGs. Another person may want
AI files, for instance. So it's about knowing
your customer, how they're going to use it and what format is going
to be best for them. If you're in audio and video. For instance, if you're
creating music or recording sounds or
even audio training, you will likely
save them as MP3s. If you're creating video
like masterclasses, tutorials, or courses, you will likely save the video as MP4. Now, often, you might be
sharing lots of files at once. Or e.g. if you are if you are
setting up an Etsy shop, if you're going to sell
your digital products in an Etsy shop where you are limited to the number of
files you can upload. Then you can pack all of your files into one
folder and then compress them into what's
called a zip folder. And that means that all
of the files that you are sending smaller than they originally were in
a final format. It's compressed into one file that you can either
send or upload, and it just makes
it a little bit easier to transfer them. For this lesson, for this week, you'll focus is on creating
the final product. All right, so your task. Dedicate time this week to creating the final
product and then exporting it into the
appropriate format or formats. Just have a think
about whether you need to provide one format. So like if you're
selling an e-book, for instance, you
only need one PDF. But if you're creating
graphics for instance, then you may need to work
out whether you want to export them as SVG is because
they're vector files. Do you provide them
as JPEGs or PNGs? Just have a think about what
formats are most acceptable, are most appropriate for
what you're selling. Then maybe industry standards. You can have a look on sites like Creative Market
or Etsy or Amazon, and have a look at other similar products and see what type of file formats
they're creating. A lot of that information
can be available. You can clearly see
typically on their listings, they will let you know what file formats
they are providing. Likewise, in the case of
things like printable war, not only are you providing
different file types, but you might be providing
different file sizes as well. So it's a good idea if you're
not sure if you're not experienced in these
particular digital products. Just check on sites like that
to see what is the norm. One other thing that I would
like you to do right from the beginning is to become a bit more
organized with your files. Because when we are
creating digital products, you're going to have
a lot of files. I warn you now, there are a lot of
files and it's much easier if you can store them in an organized way now so that you can find them
when you need them later. Here's my recommendation,
has a minimum, set up a folder that is
for your digital products. For each digital product, create a new folder. Within that folder. Three sub folders, one for your drafts, one for your final products, and one for promotional images. All of your digital products, all of your files
are in one place, nice and easy to find with good naming convention so that you know exactly
what you're finding, what you're looking for. You can have as many
files as you want. But what you can see on screen now those are the minimum that I would recommend in order
to organize your files. Now, as you go to create
your digital products, you might have done this before. You may just be doing the process again
to learn new things. But if, if this
is the first time that you are creating
these digital products, there may be some processes, some tasks that you
need to do it in. Not quite sure how to do that. I'm going to create some
additional tutorial videos to guide you through that
process because I want it to be nice and
quick and easy for you. An example of some of the common processes that
you'll need to go through. For most of the digital
products you'll be creating. It could be things
like reducing the PDF, the size of your PDF files. It could be making
a PDF interactive. It could be how to save
templates in Canvas. There's a lot of
different tutorials and ongoing to create these video tutorials so that they are there
if you need them. Now. You do not have to
watch all of them. It's not part of the course. It's not a compulsory part of the course that you can play. These tutorials. They have just there as additional resources
if you need them. If you need a resource
that you can't find him, they just send me an email and I'll create a tutorial for you. You'll be able to find these
additional tutorials in the additional
tutorials menu button at the top of your
course portal. Spend this week creating
the final product. But there's one more video
that I want you to watch, just because there are
just some things that I feel that you need to know
throughout this process. So that's in the next lesson. But I hope you enjoy producing
your digital product. It's very exciting
to see it come from concept to the actual
product right there. So enjoy this person.
9. Legal & commercial licensing: We're on less than eight, we're getting there outlay. In this lesson, I want to teach you some
of the things that you need to know while you are producing your digital product. Now, I do apologize, this is not the most
exciting part of the course, but it's things that we need to know to
protect ourselves. Okay, So first of
all, I want to talk about protecting your own work. Now, when you are creating
digital products, you need to protect your own work and your
intellectual property. If you can have the right legal disclaimers or the right terms and
conditions or Terms of Use, then it can protect you
in a few different ways. The right legal disclaimer is going to determine how
your product is used. It can issue or act as
a single use license which has permission for the buyer to use
what you've created. It outlines the refund
policy of a digital product. And it also protects your copyright, your
intellectual property, and limit your liability because a lot of the things that we create can be
educational in nature. So you need to be able to
limit a, limit your liability. A couple of examples
of the kind of legal templates that
you may need for digital products can include things like a digital
product disclaimer, an e-book disclaimer, terms and conditions for a digital
product shop online course, online program, membership
terms and conditions. And the right terms and conditions will cover
you for a lot of things. I don't want you to
feel like this is a really daunting part of
creating digital products. So there are pre-drafting templates that are
available for you to use or you can have them drafted custom for
you by a lawyer. Now, one of my peers, my industry peers
is called Emma and she is the lawyer from
ready to Boston Legal. Shi I love her work because she has a lot of
legal templates, specifically for us as service providers and
digital product creators. On her shop, she has
a lot of disclaimers, a lot of terms of use that will probably cover what
you need them for. Head too, ready to boss and you'll be able
to find the right templates. So if you're creating an
e-book, you can create, you can get an eBook disclaimer to insert into your
actual e-book. You can get digital products
disclaimers that you can link to on the purchase
page of your digital product. It just protects you, Okay? One thing that I do want to
let you know that those, you can get 10% off those digital products because legal stuff can be expensive, but it's so important. So any discount we can
get is a good discount. So grab ten per cent off by using LLL ten at the checkout. Now this is an affiliate link. I will be open with
you about that. You get the discount, but I also get a little bit of a commission if you decide to
buy using my discount code, but that's at no
cost to you. Okay? Thank you. Okay. Another
thing that we need to talk about is the commercial
use of elements. Now, elements are things
like photographs, video, audio, graphic designs,
illustrations, even fonts. Okay, any other design
elements that we need to use in our digital products? You need to, if
you're using these, you need to make
sure that you've got the correct license to do so. Unless you have
created them yourself. Many of the elements that are available free to use
for personal use, whether you buy them or whether they are
freely available. However, to create
digital products, we are creating a
digital products as a way of earning money. That is commercial use
of those elements. These needs, this requires a different license that gives
you the permission to use these elements in your design in the specified way so that
you can earn money for it. Sometimes it costs the same
as a personal use assets, but other times they can be an additional fee just
to reimburse because basically the
Creator has created an element that you are going
to make money from, right? So this just gives
you an extra license. There are quite a few guidelines
and I just want to cover a lot of them for you in the simplest terms that I possibly can so that
you understand it. Feel free. Screenshot this
page, the next page, just so that you've got some
guidelines handy, okay? But here are some usage
guidelines that you need to follow in your designs, in your digital products, you cannot download images or
graphics that you find from Google because they are not covered in the
commercial use. You do not have a
license to use them. You do not have the
rights to use them. Likewise, if you purchase graphics or photos or
videos from a website, from someone who's selling them. Even though you've
purchased them, it doesn't necessarily
grant you the use of use of that for
commercial use. If you purchase them
for personal use, you cannot use them
for commercial use. If you purchase things
for commercial use, if you're not following the platform's terms and conditions and I'll talk
more about that later. Then you cannot do that either. Now, if you purchase graphics from a site like Creative Market or if
you buy them from Etsy, things like that, you cannot share them with other
digital product creators, even though you've purchased
them for commercial use, than license applies
to you and you only, you cannot transfer that
license to somebody else. You cannot just share the graphics or the photos
with other people to use. Not only is that against
the terms of use, but it also isn't respectful of the creators time,
effort, and skill. While you, it seems like
you're doing them a favor. It's not really a favor in, in the eyes of the Creator who should be paid
for their efforts. Now, there was a lot
of noise in that one, but now I want to give
you some yeses as well. So feel free to
screenshot this as well, just so that you know
what you can do. If you're creating a
digital progress and you are using your own
illustrations, your own fonts, your own photos, your own design, your own audio. Totally fine. It's yours. You don't need your
own license for that. If you use elements available for commercial use
inside of the platform, that is okay as long as you are following their terms. So e.g. if you were using Canva, if you're using the free
elements or the pro elements, as long as they are the
specified rules for that. Again, I'll talk about that
more in a little while. But as long as you are using it according to their
terms, that's fine. If you purchase elements created by somebody
else from a platform, say Etsy or Creative
Market, creative fabric. If you use them. If you purchase the commercial
licensed one and you use them in your designs in
a way that they specify. That's totally okay as well. And you also need to
sometimes just pay attention to how you can
use specific elements. E.g. if you use
Canva pro elements, if you sell it as a PDF, just a picture of one element. You cannot export that as a PDF or PNG to
sell or not work. You cannot do that
because it needs to be as part of a layout. You need to have
multiple elements, multiple approved
elements on the screen. Sorry that the layout, the artwork is yours. Alright, so there's a
bit of a gray area. If you do use Canva, I'll talk a little
bit more about that, but you can also look at
their terms and conditions. Okay? Now, I will talk
more about Canva, mainly because I know
that most of the students taking this class are taking this course and this may
apply to you as well. Most people will be using Canva. This is because it's one
of the most popular, the most versatile and affordable design tools for
digital product creators. So even if you are not a skilled or proficient
graphic designer, you can still use Canada
to produce things. This is why I'm talking
about Canada specifically, because I want to cover
some of their terms because not a lot of people are aware of these terms
and conditions. You have got some
screenshots that are taken from Canvas Terms of Use page. I just wanted to first talk
about can we legally sell the designs on Canva
to make profit? Often? The answer is yes, it is legal for you to
do so as long as you follow the details
of the agreement. So one thing I want to
point out here is it is never okay to sell Canvas
content on a standalone basis. So I remember when I said, if you wanted to
take one element and sell it as a
piece of wall up, you can't do that because that
is on a standalone basis. If you were to delve into
Canva templates, e.g. if you wanted to create some
social media templates. You cannot take Canvas, existing social media templates, put them on a design
and then on seldom, it has to be modified and edited so that it is
your own unique work. Now, here's a bit
of an overview. Again, this is a screenshot
from Canvas terms of use and to all of this is correct
at time of recording. You may need to just
check it just in case the terms of
use are updated. So here's a few things
I want to point out. You can sell your design
or merchandise like TV, t-shirts, stickers, and books. Now, it doesn't say it here, but it's been a long time. Looking through
Canvas, tens of years. This is all things that
are printed that you sell. Not for print on-demand. Unfortunately, they do not like using Pro elements
for print on demand. However, digital products here, so e-books, magazines,
newsletters. So digital products, many of
them tick they are a yes. However, there are some
specifications to that. If you want to design
and sell templates, you can use free
end pro elements, but only if you sell it as
a candidate template link. You cannot sell templates in an alternative file
format with pro elements. If you are selling pro elements, then must be shared as
Canvas template links. This is so that whoever
you sell it too, must come back to Canva to use it when they export the file. The original creator of those elements is then
paid their commission. So it ensures that
the creators of these products are getting
paid for the hard work. Okay? If you design and
sell templates, you want to share anything
but to Canvas template, you might only use
the free elements. If you are creating
designs for your clients. If you are creating them custom for one
particular client, you can also do that. Okay? Again, you cannot
resell Canva templates, which is pre-designed layouts that are available in Canvas. You cannot resell those. And you cannot resell any of
the stock elements as is. Because basically, if you
imagine if you wanted to sell stock photos on a
membership site or as a subscription
or as a package. You could go into
Kmart and there are hundreds and thousands of photos that you can profit from where you
did not have the work. Now we need to
credit the artist. And just as you are
creating something unique that you should
be paid for the artist. So this is a lot of
respect here as well. And again, I'll just
reiterate one of the points. If you are selling templates that you've created in Canva, unless you are using your own elements that
you've created and uploaded, then you cannot use. You cannot sell templates
with pro elements. Alright? Now, I urge you to just check out
their roles because I have not covered everything. It's a huge it's a huge
thing to go through. However, I do encourage
you to have a look, particularly if you are watching a long time from when this was recorded just in
case things change. So just have a look at the Canvas content
licenses and using Canvas for commercial purposes page because that has got all the information
that you need. Now, there are
times when I've had to specify something
because it's not clear. If you get in touch with Canva, they are actually
very helpful in clarifying the roles for you so that you're
doing the right thing. I'm going to pop the link to the content licenses and using Canva for commercial
purposes and link underneath this video. If you need to check
that out, go ahead. Now. That was all about Canva. If you are using other software to create digital products, then just check that individual
products commercial use, license and usage terms. Because let's say e.g. if you are using
a Kindle create, they might have more
commercial uses. Commercial use licenses
are going to be very different if you
are using cradle, e.g. here's another one. The commercial licensing law. There will be lot
of similarities. There will be differences
that you need to know about. So just whatever software
you are creating on, whatever elements you are using, just, just paste
to double-check. Now, while we're on
this topic, if you, if you are creating those assets to sell for
other people to use. So if you're the creator
of these elements, those previous laws that those regulations as Terms
of Use that I just talked about may come as comfort to you knowing that if
you were to sell elements to Canvas or to
any of the stock sites, then you are covered
for those things. There are regulations
to protect you to make sure that your work
is getting paid for. Now, depending on where you
are selling your elements. So if you are creating fonts, if you are creating SVG files, any of those sorts of designs. Fido is video and
everything like that. The usage rights and
the licensing terms maybe already covered by the marketplace you're
selling them on. For instance, Creative Market
provide the terms for you. I believe if he was selling
on your own website, you will need to
provide the terms of use and all the
disclaimers for yourself. Now, just know that at
the time of recording, I was speaking with ML who is
from ready to Boston Legal. She was in the
process of creating the disclaimer and the
terms of use for you as the creator of those
elements may have been a bit of a nudge to get her to do that because I know a lot of my audience are going
to be doing that. So that covers bit
of the legal stuff. Now, very quickly, we're
nearly at the end of this. The last thing I
want to urge you to do is to backup your assets. Now, any digital product
that you create, no matter what it is, is an asset that ends your money so it needs protecting a K. I may be speaking from
personal experience of losing some assets and
having to recreate them. But I just want to urge you to back up your files and
protect them from loss. The next, well, we're
basically at the end of the module to now,
which is amazing. Not quite halfway yet,
but we're getting there. We've done a lot of
great work so far. This in module two, you are drafting in creating
your digital products. So I hope that's
going well for you. And I look forward to
seeing what you create. But looking ahead, the next module is all
about setting up the tech. So if you are a bit
daunted by tech, don't worry, I'm going to hold your hand throughout
the whole process.
10. Decide where to sell: Welcome back. We're
in lesson nine. So today is all about deciding when you're going to
sell your digital products. So what I'm going to help
you with in this lesson, I'm going to dedicate
the time to helping you figure out where you're going to sell your
digital products. Because by now you'll
have one to sell. You're going to need
a place to sell it. And there are many, many platforms you can use to
sell your digital products. And today I'm going to help you identify which is the
right one for you. Now. Just as an overview, a good platform for selling and hosting your digital products is going to do multiple things. It's going to store
the files for you. It's going to provide the
right information for your customers to make a decision on whether they
want to purchase it or not. It's going to give them
all the info they need. It's also going to take care of the exchange of money
so the customer can put their details in and pay you automatically so that you
don't have to do anything. And the platform will
also take care of delivering the actual
files to your customer, all automated so that
you don't even have to be present in order
for this to happen. I know at this point, if you've tried to
do a little bit of research on to where to
sell your platforms. You may be a little bit
overwhelmed at this stage. Now, yes, there are
a lot of platforms. A lot of platforms, and some make sense for
some products over others. But the thing is, you don't
need to feel daunted by this. I don't want you to
feel like you've hit a roadblock because of
the tech decisions. It's like decision fatigue in terms of tech can be
really difficult. So I want to make this as
simple as possible for you. So I'm going to
break it down into your first decision and
then your second decision. Your first decision is
whether you are going to self-harm or if you are going
to host on a marketplace. Let me descend the difference. If you are self-hosting, it means that you
own the website. It means that you
own everything. You own a website, you own the listings, you own the product and you
get most of the profits. Examples of these
you've probably heard some of these examples include Wix, WordPress,
Shopify, Squarespace. There's some examples of self-hosted platform
on which you can sell your product when
you purchase this course, you probably purchased
it through my website, which is simpler, is another example of
self-hosted products. On the other hand, a marketplace Is essentially
a shop that you set up, a smoke shop that is hosted
on a larger marketplace. That marketplaces
where people come to buy products like that. Okay? Examples of
these are Etsy. You've probably heard of NC, Creative Market, Amazon,
eBay, things like that. They are all big
marketplaces where multiple shop owners prisoned
for people to buy from. Okay, so that's your
first decision, is whether you want to self host or if you want to choose
a marketplace and hey, I'm not going to
stop you doing both. If that's what you
want. If that's what you'd like. But I do both. I sell on both self-hosted
and marketplace. So if that's what you'd like to do now in making this decision, as I said, I want to make
this easier for you. Let's look at the
pros and cons to hosting on your own website. So remember using Wix
WordPress, simpler. But FEHA is the pros to hosting
on your website, isn't. There is less competition. There are other shops, less other products that
people can be looking at. If they're on your website, they're only looking
at your website. Typically, if you
are self-hosting, you can often charge
a higher price. Because marketplaces can often be determined by the most
cost-effective solution. They are very price
focused on there. So if you're marketing to
people at attracting people, they are obviously connected to you as a business, as a person. And you can often charge
more for that product. You also have much greater
control over the visuals. As I said, is your own website. You are in control of
how it looks so you can have more branded
design visuals. So your whole website, your sales page, your
imagery, everything. Looks the way you
want it to look. You have a greater range
of marketing options. You can use greater
marketing strategies if US so bursting. Because sometimes marketplaces
are limited in how you can promote and retarget and
market to your customers. The other thing is you
control the platform, which means you control
when it starts and stops. If you're selling
on marketplaces, you do not have any control over whether they
bend your shop, whether they ban your items or whether their platform
shuts down altogether. It's highly unlikely, but always something we
want to think about. So you control the platform, it is your choice when
you start and finish. So they are all the good sides to host it on your website. There are pros and
cons to everything. So let's talk about the cones. Typically, if you are
hosting on your own website, the initial outlay is
greater typically, but I have a solution for that, so I'll talk about that later. The other downside, it can
be seen as a downside. You are responsible
for driving all of the traffic to your website
for people to purchase. Not a bad thing if you're
already doing that and you have a great audience of
people who were coming. Now, I probably
should have said, you are responsible for
driving 98% of the traffic. Most of the traffic. Because if you can, if you can structure
your website and your sales pages properly, then SEO can help to drive
more sales to your shop. Or if you're using Pinterest for instance, that
search engine. However, SEO driving,
driving traffic to your website
organically can take longer than if you are
using a marketplace. Typically, your customers may not always be ready
to buy right now. So typically when you're
marketing to them, there is a longer nurture face. So your marketing needs to
nurture your relationship with your customer for longer than if they were to
go to a marketplace. And usually if you
are hosting on your own website and you may
need greater tech skill. There was a pros and cons to
hosting on your own website. Now I want to talk about
hosting on a marketplace, a marketplace, and there
are many, many of them. But examples include Etsy,
Creative Market, Shutterstock, I stopped photo, Amazon, Kindle, red bubble, society six. Okay, go on. But whatever marketplace
you choose here, I'm a general pros
and cons to those. On the upside, the marketplace does a lot
of the marketing for you. They bring the traffic. So typically on a marketplace, you will have hundreds, thousands, millions of people who are looking for
products like yours. If they are looking
on that platform, it means they are ready to buy. So you've got a greater
chance of the people who see your listings
actually buying them. Once you set up
on a marketplace, like once you've
done all the work, the top of their titles tags, you've got the right designs. Typically, once you get going, it is the most passive
that you could make products on a marketplace. As an example, I
still sell products. I still sell photos. I'm on Shutterstock that
I uploaded 15 years ago, but not so many, but
I still sell some. Another example. I uploaded a design onto red bubble three
or four years ago. I saw one this morning. So once you set up, minimal effort can
be very passive. There is often a
low initial outlay, if any at all. Like to list on Etsy
cost you $0.20. So the outline is quite small. Typically, there
is less technology required and the
process is very simple. Now hosting on a marketplace, the downsides to that is that while they bring
a lot of traffic, typically there is
greater competition, a lot of competition. So you need to really stand out if your products are
going to do well. Typically you have
limited control over the visual
aspect of your shots. So e.g. if you are selling on
Etsy for instance, you can have a profile
picture and a banner. However, if you're selling
on Creative Market, you may not even get that. If you are selling
on Shutterstock, you may only have a photo. Limited control over
your aesthetics. That may or may not
mean anything to you. The other downside
to a marketplace, you're on borrowed ground. Again, you don't
own anything here. I know people who have
had their Etsy shops just shut down for
no apparent reason. They may be just used the wrong keyword listing,
shut down the shop. Some people have just
set up an Etsy shop, link it to another integration. Shop, gets shut down. You have no control over how
long your shop is there. Having said that, you can reduce likelihoods of
your shops getting shut down by following
the policies, following their
guidelines and making sure you're not using the wrong keywords and
that sort of thing. On marketplaces, you have limited access to
retarget people. So for instance, if you have people buying on
your own website, they could opt into
a mailing list, e.g. they could follow
you on social media. However, on marketplace, you
may not be able to do that. Typically on a marketplace because there's so
much competition. Often you want n as much for your products unless you have a really good shot reputation. Mainly because they're not
just looking at your products, they're not just connecting
with you as a person. They are looking
at your product on a virtual shelf
full of 100 others. So you need to stand out,
including your pricing. Alright, so there's
pros and cons to both. And really just look
at those pros and cons and just think about
which ones matter to you. Which ones. Some things may affect
you, some may not. But just make the decision based on what suits you
and your business. While I, as I said, some products lend themselves to certain platforms
more than others. There are honestly is no
right or wrong decision with which way you go. So there's no pressure. Just do what suits you
and your business. So I'm going to
share a couple of popular ones just to kick
start your research. If you would like to sell on a marketplace if you like
the pros and cons for that. If you like the pros to that, then he's a couple of popular
ones and what they sell. So Etsy is renowned
for handmade products, but that does include
digital products. They do quite well
with templates, tools, graphics, fonts,
photos, that sort of thing. Creative Market is very similar. You can sell a lot of
digital assets on there, e.g. graphic design elements. However, Creative Market is a little bit higher
quality than Etsy, so it's like a misstep up. More professionals will search
on their Amazon is a huge, It's actually one of the world's biggest online
department stores. However, they don't
really lend themselves to many digital products other than e-books or self-published
printed books. Self-published printed books, or where you upload the book. However, you don't have
to hold the inventory because when somebody
orders a book, orders the print copy, Amazon takes care of the
printing and sends it. So it's still a digital
product for you, but the customer is still
gets the printed copies. So Amazon kindle specifically
if you are looking for, if you're looking to sell lots
of April on a marketplace. If you're looking
more at courses, masterclasses, SkillShare,
Udemy are great options. Now, both of them are
on-demand classes, but they have slightly
different pricing models. Okay, so Udemy, you will upload your course and people
will purchase it from you. Typically on Udemy, the courses
are very low price point. We're talking anywhere $15-60. Typically for a
course, Skillshare, on the other hand, they rot. Instead of the person
buying the course from you. They will watch the course like they subscribe to Skillshare on a monthly basis and you get paid per minute that
somebody watches. It's typically about I
get hide around $0.04 per minute for every minute that is watched on
one of my courses. One that doesn't
sound like much. The benefit is you have
a whole host of people on the platform that
can watch at all times. And I add money from Skillshare every single month without
me having to market at all. So that's where, I mean, you might not get a lot
of money for it. However, it is
incredibly passive. I didn't have to do anything for that money other than
creating the course. Alright? Another marketplace
at Shutterstock is if you are a photographer, if you create music or
take video footage, I want to sell it
on a marketplace. Shutterstock is a
great example of that. If you create artwork for that you intend
for print-on-demand. Red bubble and society six
are great options for that. Because what happens
is you upload the artwork and people who are shopping will see your artwork on different things like
it could be a month, a t-shirt, notebook,
Mass Mat, phone case. All these different
products where the company, you provide the design, the company prints it
and sends it to them. Okay. Now, okay, so that was if you want to
sell in the marketplace, there's a few places to start in your search for where you
want to sell your products. Now I want to shift to two. If you want to self host
your digital products. If you made that decision, perhaps he made that decision
because you already have a website and you may as well
say what that's capable of. So your first step if
you make that decision, is to check your
current website and see what capability it already has. Websites like if you're
using WordPress, for instance, you will
host your website. And to sell digital products, it would just take purchasing
or finding a plugin that attaches itself to WordPress that you sit up and
sell digital products. Another example that looks
like that is weeks as well. Weeks is very much the same. Simpler, which is the
website that I use. They are built for
digital products. Okay, So I can sell
products, courses, memberships, all
that sort of thing, as well as my existing websites. So it pays to have a look at what capabilities your
existing website has. Because you probably want to keep your business
nice and lean. You don't want
additional expenses. If you can help it. See what capabilities
your website has. Now, if you're not keen on it, you don't like how it works. And I have friends who
use multiple systems for their needs are if you
don't have a website yet, here I'm going to give
you some options. So your website does not
have the features you need or you don't like the website you've been
thinking about moving anyway, or you did not have
a website yet, here's some options for you. First think about what your
future needs are going to be. Maybe you're just interested in selling maybe a
couple of e-books or a couple of templates
or couple of swipe files. If you're just planning
on having just a couple, will, then be clear on that. Maybe you want to
have a small range. You don't want to go all
in with digital products. You just want a small range, like maybe e-books course that the ebook links
into the course. Something like that. Think about what other
elements you need in it. Dna, blog capabilities. Do you need website
capabilities? Ga need does it need
to have memberships? Does it need to have landing
pages and email marketing? So just thinking about
what you need from your backside and
then make a decision. Perhaps you want
the full shebang. You're looking to sell e-books and templates
and photos and courses memberships and have a podcast on email marketing. So if you want
everything like me because I need everything,
I want everything. Just be clear on what
it is that you want. Now. I want to make it really easy for you to
make this decision. Because I know her what it's like when you're
sitting there shopping through all the reviews and you don't know
which one to trust and you find a website that
has the ten best platforms. And then if I add another website that has
a completely different, I know what that's like. So I'm going to narrow
down to two for you. I've chosen these
two for two reasons. One, I have used them both
and I loved them both. Number two, I know
what you need and know what you're looking
for and I know what you need in terms of
selling digital products. So I've chosen these
two platforms because they will do what
you need them to do. There's a few small
differences between them, but I believe that will do
what you need them to do. Now, pay hip is a low cost, easy to use platform designed specifically for selling
digital products on your own website. It is designed for is the
whole reason they made it. So it's got what you need. But the beauty of pay it is that while they keep
it easy and low cost, very powerful, he's
very powerful. I'm so impressed with pay here, particularly in the
last couple of years. They've added features
which are amazing. And I think that if
I was starting now, I had to choose
between these two. I use simpler now, I reckon I'm almost thinking
of that switching to pay him because I'm so
impressed by its capabilities. If you were looking for
a low-cost start-up, something that's
easy, but he's also very powerful and does
what you need it to do. Pay him is an amazing option. It will allow you to host your main website,
sell digital products. It does include courses
and memberships as well. It has below capabilities, it has upselling capabilities. And recently one of their
additions is selling coaching and strategy
sessions in there as well where you can
manage that in a portable, but I love that for simpler. It doesn't do that. You can
sell coaching as a whole, strategy sessions as a product, but pay hip just goes up
a little bit further. The one thing I love, and this is what I love most
about pay here is that you have pricing options
that start at zero and it goes up to 100 US. They earn their money. When you lend money. They are more interested
in earning money. Then just having ongoing
subscriptions they have. So basically the way it works is every time you
sell something, they will take five per
cent of that sale price. So if you are just starting out, you don't want to
lay a lot of costs, then this is basically
you only pay if you sell. That's what I love about
it because it makes it so accessible for people
to start selling. You can also use this with
your existing website. So if you have a
website on WordPress, you want to pay him shock, then basically you can embed your checkout process onto
your other websites so you can use pay hit by itself or you can use it in conjunction
with your other website. Now, if you are a beginner, budget conscious,
written like me, just like the features that
it has paid a great option. Now, simply zero,
on the other hand, is has advanced features. It is also created a platform that was designed probably more for
memberships and courses. So if that's your focus, then Sinclair Lewis
and amazing option, that being said pay
hip does do it. But there are more
advanced control and more features with simpler. If you are looking at
doing all of this, the only downside to Sinclair that
disappoints me is there a digital product listing
is inferior to pay hips, I love their listing sites. But the upside to
Sinclair is that email marketing is included in simpler so you don't
have to use Mela, maltreated or whatever you use. I have created a
comparison chart to show you the pricing and the features of both
pay him in simpler. Beneath this video, you'll see a link to the comparison chart. Take some time to check out
the options and even explore. I popped the links to
both of these as well in beneath this video so that you can take some
time to just check them out, see which one's right for you. You can even do trials to see, to experiment with the platforms to see which he liked more. The other thing is,
well, on the bottom, I have got sample sites
of both of these setup. So if you want to go and
have a look at my site, the links are also in. If you want to scroll
down this page, you would see my pay him. He would see my son, Clarissa, is to give you a feel
of the products, of the look of it as well. So your task for
this lesson is to decide whether to sell
the products, okay? Make a decision whether
you are going to host, where you're going to host
and sell your products. Will huge self host only
choose the marketplace. Now, you don't need
to set it up yet. Less than 12 is where we're going to set it up and I
can help you with that. However, if you're keen to
set it up now and go ahead. Okay. Next we're going to look
at pricing your products. So all you need to do right now is making a
decision as to wane, are going to host and
sell your products.
11. Pricing your product: Welcome back to lesson ten of the digital product
creators roadmap. Today we're focusing on pricing. So we're gonna, I'm
gonna teach you how to price your product you need for now is your product
pricing worksheet is included in the resources. This video. I'm going to walk you through how you can price your
products confidently. You may already have some
prices in mind for those, but I just kinda wanna give you a little bit more confidence and certainty around
choosing your process. Again, making things
easy for you. So we're going to do
it in three steps. First step is reviewing
the market price range. So the range of prices, but other people are selling
similar products to, we're going to consider the
variables of your product. And there's quite a few of them. Talk more about
that in a second. Then afterwards you
go to settle on a price that feels right to you. The first step, you're
going to review the market price
range because you just want to see what others
are selling them for. There's gonna be,
there's going to be arranged low to high. So you are going to check
out other people's stuff, what they're selling and for what the products
and inclusions. He's he's a thing when when you find out what other people
are selling them on, depending on which platform
you are looking at him, the price is going to vary. As I said in the
previous lesson, if you're selling
on a marketplace, typically the price
is going to be lower than if you sell it
on your own platform. If you're, if you're
looking on Etsy, e.g. it, seeing what other people
are selling them for, but you're selling them
on your own website. There's going to be a
little bit of prosperity. Checkout multiple platforms if you want to do a bit
of research on that. So that you can get
an idea for what other people are
selling them for. Then I want you to establish the price range that you want
your productivity within. Considering the variables,
which is step two, you may figure out that there is a price range that most
people are selling them for. The variables that you want to think about with your products. The platform that
you're selling on, the fees that you are paying, you may be paying more phase on one platform than another. But you also want affecting
your face into your price. So you don't want to sell
something for $1.80, e.g. now, you also want to
factor in the inclusions that you offer if you're
selling templates, e.g. if one person is selling ten, $10, then you don't
want to sell $25. If somebody is
selling 100 for $15, you don't want to
sell 30 for $15 because there might
be some variables. You may find that you'll have less sales if your pricing
is not competitive. Again, it depends on
the platform selling, your target audience
and the values. So that's the other
thing you want to think about is the
value for the customer. But also as well, your target audience
is going to matter. So depending on who
you're selling to, depends on whether they have premium price or a budget
option, that sort of thing. So there's a lot of
variables to think about. Then once you've gathered enough information from step 1.2, you can make that more forms, confident, certain decision
on how to price your product. And I don't want you to
overthink this process. You can always make
adjustments later. We can have sales. You can edit this, no reason that your price
has to stay the same, okay, so if you find if
overpriced something, you can always drop it later. Defining underpriced something, you can always
increase it later. So don't overthink this step. Now what you'd
approach the product, you've got your product, hopefully you've
created it by now. Now you can think about
how you are going to, what price point you
are going to set it at. So I want to do this
process together. I've got a spreadsheet
that you can use or a worksheet
that you can use. So let's price our
products together. Open your product
pricing worksheet. I'm going to bring
mine over here. So the step one, step one was figuring
out market price. I've done a lot of this work for you to make it easy
for you to look at. Number one, at the
tab number one, the product pricing guide
has got a list of a lot of common digital products
and the minimum price, maximum price, and
a typical average. Now I've done a lot
of this research for you because I just, I find that when
somebody else does it, a little bit more
certain about it, but there's a lot of work in, in doing some research. And you might find so
many variables and price ranges and platforms
that you may feel overwhelmed. So he's a starting
point for you, e.g. if we're looking at e-books, typically I find they can
be lowered price point of around $3 or you could be
upwards of around $30. And a typical average
that I would see with E-books will be around 15, $16. Now, sometimes there
are more specialists, non-fiction e-books
like medicinal e-books, that can be closer to $100. However, typically I find
them around the $16 mark with a range of three to 30 PDF
workbooks, exactly the same. Now looking at templates, designed templates,
which could be things like Canva templates. It could be Photoshop templates, all manner of different
design templates. Typically we're
looking at a range from they can start as low
as $2 for the templates. On the high end of saying
that there are about $180. Now this price greatly varies depending on what the
templates actually are, the type of licensing,
whether it's personal, Commercial, that sort of thing, and the quantity of templates
that you are getting there. This is the range that
I found in my research, but typically majority of them
tend to price and $12-30, again, depending on the
quantity, licensing. So think about your product
and have a look here. Find the one that matches most. Maybe you're creating
website themes. So typically the average sits within the
90 to $150 range. So you can look at this column, column D, and that will be your market price average range. Okay, so that was step one. Step two is now figuring
out the variables. So thinking about things
like way he was selling it, what fees are included and
all that sort of thing. Have a look at the
pricing calculator, which is the
spreadsheet number two. There's two calculations that I have pride based
on two theories. The first one is looking profit. First. I'm sorry, the product is here. So let's say we're creating
an e-book, creating an evil. And you would like to have
$15 profit off that e-book. You can include your phase here, the phase that causes that cost you to
sell these products. So as an example, let's say that you are
selling it on pay hip. You have the lowest tier for
the lowest plan for pay him. They will charge five per cent, five per cent fees every
time you sell something. But there's no flat fee. So that means that your product list
price will be 15, 75. If you charge that, then you will get
your desired product or your desired profit of $15. Now you can round
that up to 16, $17, $19, whatever you choose, but at least you
know, you're getting a desired profit of that. Let's say we are selling Canvas social media
templates on Etsy. I would like to gain. So I've gone to my product pricing guide and
then they can get templates on selling
a bundle of 30. And I want to sell them for $17. Alright, so my desired
profit is $17. I know that it sees face. They will probably charge me about 4% and it will be
a 20 cent listing fee. So this column here is if
you have a flat fee on top of if you have a flat fee on top of your
percentage fees as well. So Etsy does this model. So let's see. We'll say charge you 20% per
listing to list the product. Then when you sell the products, they will charge
an additional 4%. Or I think it's, I think it's
actually more than that. Anyway, I have a
fancy calculator separate with all the fees. But basically that
works out that you need to list your product at least $17.08 in order for you
to recoup $17 in profit. Alright? So that is one way
you can figure out what to price your products. And depending on the
platform and the fees, bear in mind that
if you are selling on a platform like pay
hip or like simpler, they will be using a payment process up
probably strike or PayPal will charge
their own fees. Okay. So just bearing in mind
though is when you are processing, perhaps instead you, instead of five per cent, you might want to charge
say seven per cent because it will be paid
fees then strike phase. So as long as you're
selling for ran 16, $17, you know that you'll be recouping your
profit on that. Now, I want to show you
a different calculator. And this is my own
theory. This is not. I haven't heard of this
theory anywhere else. But I love the way that this theory helps
you price your products. This is based on a
cost of production to ensure that you recoup the cost of what it takes
for you to end money. The reason I like these
cost of production is because typically
when business owners are trying to create their
own digital products, they can't justify. Say if we're selling a
10-dollar product, they can't, they struggled to justify spending 3 h a one product that he's only
going to end in $10. See, the thing is we can
infinitely salaries. But theory, my cost of
production calculate a theory, aims to give you your hourly
rate back after ten sales. Okay, so let's say I've got social media templates
that I'm creating in Canva. Let's say I'm creating
the safety of them. Let's say it takes me 2
h hours to create two. If I was a social media manager, my hourly rate, if I
was charging clients, my hourly rate would be roughly it could be
anywhere $50-75 per hour, maybe more, maybe less. It depends. Let's just say my hourly
rate is $60 per hour. To create these templates, it would cost $120 of my time
to create these templates. So if I was working
with one client, $120 to create the
social media templates. However, to recoup that cost
back in digital products, we want to, we want to aim to recoup this money
back after ten sales. So if you were to charge
$12 for those templates, ten of them, you would
recruit back $120, okay? So that right there is
your selling price. Then you can go back here, say social media
templates and wanted at least $12 based on my face. So I need to sell
them for their team. So I hope this method here helps you justify your time in creation a little bit better. Let's just use this calculator. Let's say I'm creating a
digital product course, okay? So this digital product cost, it's taken me a lot of hours to create
a course like this. Let's just set out. I'd love to track it
just out of interest, but let's just say it takes
me $40 to create this course. If my hourly rate, let's just put it
at $75 an hour. Just have to change that
back to $75 per hour. The cost of creating this
course was around $300. Which means in order for me to recoup that price
back in ten sales, I would have to
charge $300 for it. I'll probably based on these based on these
pricing calculator. I've probably
underpriced this course a little bit. It's fun. It gives me an idea that if
I sell ten of these courses, I'm going to recoup
my time back. Any additional
styles after that, it's purely profit, okay? This is for scalable income, but at least it's justified
your time, hasn't it? So, enjoy pricing,
exploring this calculator, figuring out any processing. So go ahead and do that. Maybe you've done it with me. But the next lesson we're
going to focus on running your sales copy because your sales copy is what's
going to sell your products. Okay, so I'll see you
for that lesson shortly.
12. Draft your sales copy: Welcome to lesson 11 of the digital product
creators roadmap. This lesson is dedicated
to helping you write your sales copy because he's sales copy is what's going
to sell your products. Things you'll need for this particular lesson is your product sales
company template, which you can download
below this video. And I haven't mentioned
this for a little while, but don't forget to
get yourself comfy. Grab yourself a cup bearer
and snack or sneaky turkey or something so that you can immerse yourself
in this lesson today, I'm going to teach you the
very important elements of your digital products
sales page or your listing. So your sales page, if you're self-hosting,
your listing, if you're hosting
on a marketplace. And also tonight, you're
going to write sales copy, the old digital product. Now this is so important for
a couple of main reasons. Firstly, your sales copy in
the text within is going to tell the search engines
whom to show your productive. It is going to tell your
customer everything that they need to know in order to make the decision whether to
buy your product or not. So important. Alright, so here's what
Google needs to know. He's what the search
engines need to know. Search engines, we know
Google is a search engine, but any marketplace that you
are selling on with that xy, Shutterstock, Creative
Market, red bubble. Any marketplace has
its own search engine and you need to please vote. Yes. Otherwise, the products that are going to get found on them. The way we need to help ourselves
with the search engine, the way we need to
sell our products is basically telling
the search engine, whoever it is, Google,
Etsy, Shutterstock, etc. We need to tell them
what your product is, who it's for so that they can determine who they're going
to show the listing two. So let's pretend I'm a customer. I've gone onto Shutterstock
because I'm looking for photographs of a woman who's
typing on your keyboard. When I go and type that
keywords that I use are going to tell
Shutterstock that. That's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a photograph. I'm looking for photograph
of a woman in an office. And based on my
previous behavior, is going to dictate who
they think this is cool. Okay, so if the photo that I'm looking for
uses the right keywords, then Shutterstock now, to
show this in this product, to me, that's how it works. So you need to teach the search engine for so that they know who
to show it to you. Because if they can show
it to the right people, people that are going to buy, then you may decide, on the
other hand, your listing. So going back, you're
listing your title, your description, and your
tags, and your images. I'm going to help teach the
search engine what it is, who it's for, and who
should show it to you. That's what the search
engine needs to know. The customer, on the other hand, uses your product listing
because they need information. They need to know
what your product is, what that product is
going to do for them, what's in it for them. They need to know
what's included because they're
comparing listings. They need to know that they've got the right specification. So is it in the
right file format? Is it for the right audience? Is it doesn't include
instructions. They need to know
that in order to make a competent decision
and buy your stuff. So that's what your
sales copy does. It's very, very important
because it can make them make or break the
sale of your products. So today we're going to
write the sales copy. And your task is to write yourselves copy for the products that you've
made for this course. Now, this two templates
you can use Festival, I'd highly recommend this is use the Microsoft Word
template provided. So just have a look at the
link below this video. He's that template to write
out your product description so that when we go to
create your listing, all set up your sales page. The next lesson. In the next lesson,
how to check. You've got all the
information there. You can just copy and paste
right into your listing so that you don't
have to be writing your sales copy then in there. Alright? Now, if you are quite
savvy with that, or if you're doing this for
multiple products at a time, you can also use the
product pricing worksheet, which I'll just show
you right here. So the product
pricing worksheet, you'll probably
recognize this from the previous lesson
on TBS three. It's got a spreadsheet that
will have your product title, your price, your
description, and your tags. So you can store all of your listings in here
for safekeeping. Let me walk you through the different elements that your sales page or
listing is going to need. First of all, you need to
know your keywords first, because you'll incorporate
those keywords into the rest of your listing. So think about if somebody is searching for a
product like yours, what words or phrases, sentences would they
use in order to buy it? So it could be something like social media template for beauty businesses
editable in Canva. That's very specific, but
typically what people will do would be social media
templates that search, that find a whole heap
of irrelevant stuff. They'll do a second search, which is more specific, which might be
their first search for social media templates. They might like to
narrow it down into feminine style for Canva. So there might be able
to go, they might, they might search feminine
social media templates, Canva, right? So that search term
you need to know, you need to get into
your customer's head, thinking about what
they would search for if they were looking
for your product. I think that dies. And if you want to, if you want to really
delve into Keywords, have a look at the
additional resources where I do a walk you through how to do keyword research
using earring. Now, the next step, well, the first step is going to
be your product over it. Well, the first step is
going to be your title, which will include the
most important keywords that you find from your,
from your research. Once you've done your title, you want a product overview, which is a sentence
or a paragraph that outlines what your product is. Once you've done your
keyword research, try and incorporate the
most important keywords into this sentence naturally, because that will benefit both the search engine and it will benefit the
customer as well. Because in your description, search engines will
see your descriptions. Sometimes the customers may not. So perfect example is if somebody is buying
something on Etsy, they might see the
product images. And they might just
use that to determine they're going to buy it or not. However, the description was
for Etsy SEO has benefit. So it's very important
that you include your keywords in your product
overview video description. You also want to include
your transformation. Now, I've bullet-pointed
each one of these into your Word template
that can prompt you. The transformation is probably the single most
important thing for a self-hosted sales page because the customer wants to
know what's in it for them. So start with what the
products can help you do and how it's
going to help them. In the beginning of this course. I got you to think about your customers goals,
challenges, and desires. He did a lot of really
hard work there. And I want you to
now reuse that in your sales copy because if
you know they're the goals, challenges, and
desires your customer is going to really connect
with your listing. If you can reiterate those. The work he did there. That is the problem
that you're helping with by way in this
digital products. So you want to let them
know that's what it does to make this easy if
somehow you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed
with this now, so I've got a little
transformation template that you can use. Include the goal, Big Data challenge down the product,
what it helps with, and they desire
input their goal, but they have this challenge. These products is going
to help them by doing this so that they
achieve their desire. Okay, so use this as a fill
in the blank style template. Here's an example of this, this template with this course because you've
gone through these, this may, this may
resonate with you. You want to create digital
products and your business. That's the goal. But you're stuck
with how to start. That's your challenge. My digital product
creators roadmap course, which is the product, will
teach you the process. That's what it's helping me. Sorry, that you can enjoy scalable income and more
flexibility in your business. That's your desire. See how we've connected
all of that together. Use that as a template. If you can say that he
can iterate to them, That's what this
product does for them. Can it be straight ahead of your other people who
were selling it? Now we want to identify
the key features of your product because people want to know if
some of those things, but they don't just want to
know what the features are. We want to, we want to
teach them what matters. Alright, so uses fill
in the blank again. Identify the key, the
key feature, teacher. Identify the key features. Include the benefit as well. How does that feature
benefit then? How does that make
life easier for them? And link it with us so
that some similar Tim. So this course has short simple lessons so that
you can get creating faster. That, that could
be a sales point. Include your key features. They're typically
a short sentence, just a short sentence
there could be. Template is available
in both Word and Google Docs so that you can
create to your preference. Okay, here's just an example. This is a Canvas template so that editing is easier
or more convenient. Okay, sorry, I just
listed key features. Make sure they're clear on what they're actually going
to receive after they buy. What isn't, isn't included. So e.g. what file format so they're getting
how many are they getting? What platforms can
they use it on, e.g. depending on your product, this answer is going
to be different, but also include
what isn't included. Typically, some things it'll be this is a digital product. No physical products
will be shipped. So things like that. If you need to include
instructions for how to use your product, then include that in here. You can either have a
short tutorial in your in your description or you may need a tutorial for telling him
how to access the files. E.g. if you are selling Canada templates and you
wanted to sell them, you would need to instruct them, say click on this link and that will the Canvas templates
to your Canvas account. You will need a camera
account for this template. You will need a
Photoshop account for this, things like that. So it depends on your products but include any instructions, anything they need to know in order to access your product. And disclaimers as well. Include mentioned that
no physical products will be shipped unless there's a physical product like if you are self-publishing
books on Amazon Kindle. You want me to mention that
for most digital products, you'll need to specify that no physical products
will be shipped. If you have any
disclaimers or Terms of Use or commercial licensing, you need to include
that there as well. Sorry. Go ahead and do that
for your first product. That's your task
for this lesson. Here's what you've
got to look forward to next week and you set up your website or your listing
depending on where you are. So you might be setting up an
Etsy shop on Etsy listing. You might be setting up a pay
hip website and listings. I'll be there to help you. But enjoy writing your product
descriptions if you can do that now it's going to make
the next step much easier. Alright, I'll see you
in the next lesson.
13. Create high quality product images: Hello, Welcome back. We're in lesson 12 of the digital product
creators roadmap. And in this lesson we
are focusing on creating high-quality product images
for your digital products. And what I want to focus on is why high-quality images
are so important. As well as what goes into
making a great product image. I want to give you
a couple of stats. And I found these
quite fascinating. Field agent did a survey back in 2018 of over 2000 people
and they found that 83% of those people felt that
product photos were highly influential in helping them make a decision on whether to purchase that product or not. So that's 83, 83% of people may not have purchased something if
they didn't see a photo. Now, Justin did a study as well. And they found that 90% of the consumers that they surveyed
felt that visual content was the deciding
factor when making a purchase exceeded a study
that found a similar thing, that 90% of people
felt that the quality, the quality of the
product images was very important in helping
them make the decision. So not necessarily the quality of the product in the photo. Quality of the photo itself. Sales of phi said
that 60 per cent of the people that
they surveyed said that they needed to say three or four images of the product in order
to make the decision. 13% said they needed
five or more images. So three to five or
more different images they needed to see in order
to make their decision. Now, the other 20
something percent said that they only needed
less than three images. I'm going to ask the question, how important images in relation to promoting and
selling your digital product? Very well. Those studies determined
that reviews, recommendations, ratings,
FAQs, and videos, they are important, but they are not as important to
the consumers in making their decision as
images and descriptions are for your product, the product that you are
creating for this course, and any future products
that you create. I encourage you to
create at least five, at least 5 " that will showcase your product
in their best light. The images going to show your customers what
they're going to get. First and foremost, this is, this is what you are getting. It shows them how this
product can be used. And it can kind of put, put the product into context showing what it would be
like to have this product. Now, the trouble is if you
have a physical product, you can take photos of it. But since we're creating
digital products, there's not always a
tangible or physical thing that we hold in our hands. So how do we create high-quality
images to showcase them? If it's not a physical product. We can create visuals
and mock-ups of your product as though
they're in contexts, as though they are being used. Now a mock-up. If you haven't heard
of that term before, if you're not sure what it is, a mock-up is simply a photograph that's
been edited in a way so that you can drop
your own design into it and it
makes it look real. So this photograph here is a mock-up where the
photograph was taken. Just the computer screen. They created a frame inside the computer screen
where I can just drop my daily time tracker into it and it makes it look
like it's on the screen. That's a mock-up. So here's a couple of examples of different types of
mockups that you can get. These ones are mainly
for like e-books and PDF downloads and
that sort of thing. Workbooks. You can get them in
physical magazines, you can get sheets of paper
where you can get them on iPads, phones, desktops. And here I've got a
Kindle or an e-reader. If you are creating courses and masterclasses, you can show, You can find mockups
that show people watching or consuming the
course and masterclass. If you've got printable or
single pages like this, you can get mockups that show them in notebooks like this one. Or you can show pieces
of paper just on a desk. Templates and tools you
can show them being used. E.g. this image looks like this woman is sitting
on the computer editing this text invoice template for this lady is editing a
spreadsheet on her tablet. These are all mockups.
These are not photos that I've
taken of my products. These are mock-ups that
I've used where I've placed my screenshots or images of
my products in the images. You can also do mock-ups for, create mock-ups for things like if you've created graphics, if you've created artwork, paintings, anything like that. These are mockups. These are not photographs of
my patterns that I've taken. These are mockups.
Likewise here some more. So if you've got artwork
to go on the wall, these, I didn't take these
in a beautiful house. These are mockups. This one here is a, an Instagram feed mock-up where the images and the graphics
have been placed into it. That's a mockup as well. But what it does is
it shows people what their Instagram feed would look like if they were
using these templates. Now, looking through those, you might be like, Oh my
God, how would we do that? But creating these mockups, while it looks complicated,
it's actually very, very simple because we have some amazing software available to us that allows
us to do these. So one of them is smart mockups, which I used to use that quite often because it was
one of my favorite, had, had such a great broad
range of mockups available, some free and some premium. And then Smartmockups
integrated with Ken bar. They made a deal. Now can because the
smart mockups tool within the Canvas interface. So if you use Canva, you can access Smartmockups without creating a smart
mockups of Canada. I did a very happy dance
when they did that place. It is another one that provides mockups
that you can create. And there are some
people who create Photoshop templates
where you can use mockups and you can purchase
them from Creative Market. It's eating that sort of thing if you're a Photoshop user. So it's nice and simple. But once you create, once you create these, these mockups, you can use them in a
lot of different places. So first of all,
it's going to be in your product
listing, of course. But you can also use
English social media posts in your Pinterest pins
in your website images. You've got images there to use. They can be buttons that
people can click on, emails and things like that. So very, very versatile
photographs to have mock-ups. So I highly encourage that you explore the world of
mock-up creation. Now, the most important
thing that mockups can do is show our customer what
the product looks like, what they're going to get. It helps them make that informed decision of
whether they're going to buy. Remember, it was
83% of people that said that photographs were
vital to their decision. And that is even higher than the product description itself. When you are creating
your product graphics. There are a couple of
different image types that I want you to
focus on creating. That is a cover image. Example, use image and a feature highlight
that will break those down a little bit further
in the following slides. So first of all,
the cover image. The cover image is going to be a very high-quality
mockup of your products. So it's going to be the
cover of your e-book. It's going to be the
series like here. It's a series of
templates to show people that they're getting a
series of templates. It could be the cover
or course name. If you are selling a course, it could be an image. If you are selling a
pattern or a graphic, it'll be an image of the graphic being used in
context, your cover image, I have found they will perform better if you have text
overlay with a really, really clear, bold,
attention grabbing texts tassel to show people
what is in this listing. This is very, very important, especially if you have
a lineup of products save you are selling on
Creative Market or Etsy. Listing is shown as a small thumbnail next to
hundreds of other products. It needs to stand out. And I found the best way
to do that is by creating a cover image with the
mockup photo and clear text. So that is the first
image that I want you to create for your product. Other photos or other
images that I want you to create our
example, use mockups. So create your
mockups using Canvas, Smartmockups, whatever
you decide to use, create a series of mockups in different settings showing the
product in context, the k. So when I say in
context, it's like if If I'm selling a course, e.g. I've got this lady here. She is got her headphones on and she's watching the
course on her laptop. This is the product in its setting they can
imagine themselves using, are consuming this product. Again, this is a picture of a lady who is working
on her computer. So it just brings
your product to life. Now, one other thing that
I want you to bear in mind is when you are
creating your products, make sure that you are creating a setting that relates to your customer,
your target audience. I serve mostly women who
run their own business. So I'm going to choose images that look like women running
a business from home. It would not suit me to use. It would not suit my
audience to use, say, many in a corporate office, that would not suit because
there's a disconnect there. They might question whether
it's for them or not. So just make sure that when
you are choosing your images, that they are relevant
to your target audience. The other type of
photo, I want you to create a feature
highlight photos. So what this does is it looks at different features that might be important to your customer. Highlights to them. Could be a close-up or it
could be like this shot here, which is showing
them as though they are dragging and dropping
an image into a frame. That's a, that's a
feature that I want to highlight in your images
for your product. I want you to think about
what features matter. So I go back to your
product listing, where in the last, the last lesson where
you created your write the draft for your product listing and your descriptions. I want you to look at
the features that you looked at, the
important features. See what matters
for your customers. You can even go way back into, I think it was I think
it was less than four, where we looked at reviewing other similar products and
seeing what other buyers, how they reviewed that product, and what features mattered
or didn't matter. If you've done some
of that research. And you found that
people said, I loved it. It was really easy to use. I loved that we could
use it in Canva. I loved that. I could
download this course as a podcast and
watch it in the car. Look at those features, go back into your info. Look at the features that
people found really important, and make sure that you create some kind of graphic
that highlights that. It shows them that this has a feature that's going to
give you what you need. Okay, so that's a
feature highlight one. So your task, your task
for this lesson is to create a series of product images that are going to show your products
in their best light. Create five to ten graphics. Remember that Most
people need to see at least three to five images of a product to inform
their decision. For every listing that you have, you want to make sure you
have a minimum of five. So your task is to create at least five to ten graphics
of your digital products. Now, depending on the
platform that you're using, they may have specifications like the image
must be a certain, certain size or a
certain dimension. E.g. Etsy require a minimum of, I think 2000 pixels. Don't quote me on that. And some platforms
need to keep it under 2 mb per image or
something like that. So just whatever
platform you're using, check the specifications,
check if they have a recommended image
dimensions for that. And just make sure that you are checking that
before you start creating so that you don't
have to go and resize later. Okay, I have got a couple of Canva templates
that you can use. I've got ones for Etsy and
I've got ones for pay hip. But if you're using
any other product, you may just need to
modify them or you may need to create
your own sizing. But the Canva templates and the PDB templates that I
want to share with you. These have some layouts
already ready to go with friends that you can
just place your products. So you can use those to
shortcut the design, the design process if you
struggle with that area or if you just need to
use them for inspiration. Absolutely. Go ahead
and download those or pop the link to those
below this video. So that's your task. Go ahead and create your file to tin graphics or your
digital product. Once you've done that, you are then ready to list your product and make it
available to the world to buy. So that's what we're
going to talk about next.
14. Set up your listing: Hey, welcome back.
We're in lesson 13 of the digital product
creators roadmap. Today's focus is setting up your listing or
your product page. Depending on which
platform you are choosing to sell and
host your products on. You might be setting
up your website, or perhaps you've
already set one up, in which case you
only need to set up your product listing
on your sales page. If you are selling
on a marketplace, you may need to set
up your shop or your account if you've
already got one. Again, just listing
your sales page so I don't have much
to teach you today. This is all just the work
that you need to do. So far. You've been working
quite hard on this call. Is it getting all
of the bits and pieces ready to sell
your digital product? You've got your digital
product created. You've got your
sales copy ready, and you have just
recently created your promotional image
graphics for it. And hopefully you've
made the decision on where you are
going to host it. So now your job is
to basically get it up in the world so
that people can buy it. If you were selling on your current website or an
existing marketplace like it's your Creative Market where you already have a presence there. The first part of
your job is done. So your websites set up, all your shop set
up is already done. All you need to do
for now is to create your product listing on your sales page and then
you are ready to sell. However, if you do not have
your websites set up yet ready for selling or flip the platform that you
intend on selling on. And you haven't got your
marketplace set up yet, then that's something
that you will need to do now as well. So go ahead and set up your website or set up your
shots so that it is live, ready for visitors
to come and buy. You also will need to create
your product listing or your sales page because you've done most of
the work already, that will not take too long. I think if anything, this is going to be
the most lengthy part of your process, then you're ready to sell. In this process, just bearing in mind it
may include some, some tasks like designing new hidden banners or web graphics and
that sort of thing. If you're setting up
a shop or a website, you may need to connect
payment processes and create accounts like PayPal account
or a Stripe account. You may need to get
different software to talk to each other. For instance, if you
are intending on using high hip to host your website and you're using
Mailchimp for instance, you'll have to connect
those together. And you may need to set up email confirmations depending on which website you are using. Actually delivered the product. If you need a tutorial, if you need support
for any of those, and please just let me
know in the comment below the video or send me an email so that I can create a
walk through for you. So like I said, nice
quick and easy video. Your job, your task now is to get your products
ready to sell. Set up your shop
or your website. If you've already
done that, great. Now you can upload your product. It's set up your listing. By the end of this, you should have a live website and product that
is ready to sell. Now, before we go through
to the marketing, I want you to test
the process as well. So once you've set
up your website, once you've set up your listing, I want you to test
the purchase process to make sure that it
is working properly. So just double-check that your website is
live and published. Make sure that your public your product listing
is live and published. Sometimes when you
set up listings, they can be set to a
default draft mode. So just make sure
you've published them. Make sure that all your links
and buttons are working. Make sure that your
product is uploaded so that it can be delivered
automatically. Make sure that the
checkout process is working seamlessly. And make sure that afterwards, once you've gone through the process that your
product is delivered. Now, you can test this process. Most platforms you will be
able to either set up 100 per cent discount code
or you'll be able to set the product up at zero
just for testing purposes. Okay, So if you need
to do that, go ahead. But this is just to make
sure everything is working seamlessly so that when people do actually
come to buy it, the whole process works
as you want it to. Once you've done all that,
it's time for marketing, it's time for promoting your products so that
you actually get some sales and start
helping people with it. I'll see you in the next module.
15. Your digital product ecosystem: Hi, Welcome back to this lesson, lesson 14 of the digital
product creators roadmap. And this is focused on your
digital product ecosystem. If you're not sure what that is, don't worry, I'm
going to explain it. Well, you're going to
need for this lesson is simply a notebook. If you want to take
notes or just grab yourself a cup of coffee
and just enjoy the lesson. There's no workbook for
this particular lesson. Today. I want to help you explore
your digital products and how they interact with the other offerings
in your business, how it all intertwines. For the rest of the lesson, I'm going to refer to this as your digital product ecosystem
or your business cake. This will make sense
in a few minutes time. But we call it an ecosystem, because an environment in
the environmental ecosystem, there are a lot of moving parts. There are a lot of different
parts that make up a whole. We've got we've got plants, we've got animals, we've got
gasses, we've got water. There's so many different
elements that are contributing to helping
these ecosystem thrive. Within that ecosystem. There's often flora and fauna that are interacting
with each other. Often in a complimentary way that helps each other thrive. Like the flowering the baby, the flower gains,
and the big games. They work together in harmony. Inside your business. I call it the digital
product ecosystem. Because you all digital products are a part of your whole
business offerings. So if you offer other services, if you offer in-person
like physical products, if you offer services, if you offer different
offerings like that, it all makes up your
whole business offering. So just like a plant or an animal makes up one
part of the ecosystem, your digital products make up one part of your
businesses ecosystem. And there are a couple
of analogies we can use. It could be your
digital products. One piece of a puzzle, one ingredient in the recipe, one petal of a flower, or one slice of a cake. That's the analogy I'm going
to use moving forward. Using the cake analogy. If your business was a cake, your digital products right here would be one of these slices. Okay, so it's one
piece of the product. But every business is cake
looks a little bit different. So my business cake is probably going to look
a little bit different to your business cake. And it's really
important to know what your business Kate looks like. He's mine. Memberships, affiliate
sales, digital products, my one-on-one services
in my courses. So that's what my
business cake looks like and you'll notice that they're
not all evenly spread. Another business
might look like this. This could be what
yours looks like, where most of your businesses
might of digital products. A smaller number of courses, and a little bit of
affiliate sales. Yet again, it could
look like this, where digital products are
only a small part of what you offer one-on-one
services is the rest. The point is, think about what your business cake looks
like because understanding that is going help you have a
deeper understanding of how your digital products themselves interact with the rest
of your business. How you can use your digital products to help
the rest of your business thrive and the rest of your business to help your
digital products thrive. So with this understanding, you can better manage
your expectations. Now coming into digital
product creation and being a digital
product creator, we need to have
clear expectations of what we want at digital
products to achieve for us. If we're going into it thinking, I want to build a
whole business on digital products and
offer nothing else. You need to be clear
on that because your, all of your energy is
going to be spent in that. However, if you still want to offer one-on-one
services and you just want your digital products just to be a small part of it. To help drive more clients
toward your paid offerings. You need to understand
that so that you can allocate your
resources accordingly. So it's really important to
manage your expectations. But this also helps you choose
your marketing strategies. Because understanding your
business cake and how, how your digital products
work with the rest of your Offerings helps you
understand and more wisely, cheese which
marketing strategies you use in your business. As a result of those two. It also helps you prioritize
your time moving forward. If digital products are only a small part
of your business, then you don't need to invest too much time and energy
in marketing them. However, if you want it to be a really big part
of your business, then you need to dedicate
the time and the resources in creating that
digital product Empire. So it's good to
understand what that is. What I want you
to do now is grab a piece of paper or even
just scrap piece of paper, whiteboard, sticky night,
doesn't matter what it is. But just draw a circle. That's going to represent
your business cake. Now think about your offerings
in your business and draw some lines that represent the different slices
of your cake. You're creating sections that represent which one's
a digital products, which one's a one-on-one
services, courses, men sheets, affiliates,
whatever you choose to do. Just see what kind of insights you get from doing
that little exercise. Just love to hear about it. Be interesting to see. Now that you know what
your business looks like. I want to show you how your products can interact
with one another, forming your ecosystem that thrives, a thriving ecosystem. With that cake, you can see how your digital products fit in with the rest
of your business. Now I want to show you how they can work together
with your marketing. And we're going to focus on
this because it's going to, moving forward is going to shape how you present
your products to your customers and how you promote them to
achieve more sales. Because there are different
marketing methods, different marketing strategies
that lend itself to certain products and
cakes more than others. So I'm going to talk
about that a little bit. Here's some of the ways that
your products will interact. Complement, you'll
add the authors. Present tension and range, which is basically presenting
your range to the customers so that they can see
them side-by-side. And it lets them self-select which option is best for them. So it may have. Here's an example from
my website presenting the range helps and choose
where they want to go. Do they want to view the
range of my digital products? They want to see the courses? Or do they want to find out more information about
working with me one-on-one. That's me presenting
a broad range to help them self-select
which way they want to go. So you can see that my
digital products are playing a part in my whole
business offering. Your content marketing. If you use content marketing, strategy, your free content. So your social media, pinterest, your blogs,
YouTube videos. You'll free content
is going to pave the way for all of
your paid offerings. So it could be free content
that leads to a lead magnet, that leads to a
digital products, that leads to a course. This woman, she needs
to one-on-one service. Or it could just
be free content, go straight to
one-on-one service. Or it could be a lead magnet goes straight to the membership. Hey, it all interacts
with one another. Lots of different
possible networks. And not every customer is
going to take the same route. Not everyone is going to
reach every touch point, but some of them will. But it's understanding
how they all interact and network
with each other. An e-mail marketing funnel, which is a deeper look
into content marketing, but it takes your customers
on a more structured journey. So in this slide,
it's a bit of a mess. They can go anywhere. But in email marketing, funnel is a very
structured way of taking them where you
think they're going to go inevitably so that it can be done in a structured,
almost passed away. So an e-mail marketing
funnel might start with your free content
or they'll just be introduced to you somehow. They sign up to a lead
magnet that helps them with a goal or overcome a challenge that they
are experiencing. You can further down the track of them
are digital product, which is a logical next
step from the lead magnet. Then you can offer one of your other services or
your other products. It could be another
digital product. It could be a course,
our membership, one-on-one services,
or coaching, whatever it is that you offer. But the lead magnet, the
e-mail marketing funnel takes you through that journey. It takes your clients
through that journey. Upselling is another way where your digital products can
interact with other Office. So upselling is where if they're buying one
product from you, you offer a
complimentary product. A second product, at
a discounted rate typically increases
the purchase value, the value of what
the customer is spending at your checkout. So here's an example
from my website. If they purchased one product. It's got a little
pop-up that says, hey, you can save 20% of this product if you
add it to your cart. Now, that's upselling
bundles or another way to increase the customer
spend and bundles away. You offer multiple products in one purchase that you
provide a discount as an incentive for buying
multiple products and then getting multiple
solutions in one pitches. And low-cost or
introductory offers. A way you encourage
first-time spending with a client at a decent discount. At a discount that's almost
too good to be true. But basically what that does is the customer gets a discount
off the first product. But after that first product, then more likely to
spend with you again. And that can lead to multiple different products
and whatever that is. So you can see how they start to interact with all the other
offerings in your business. Another one is
internal referral, where basically you're
having a chat with a potential customer
in whatever way, shape, or form could be
at a networking event. It could be via email, could be on a Facebook group
post or something like that. But you can offer
your products as possible solutions when you
are speaking with them. So you can present them with multiple different solutions so that they can choose much
like presenting your range. That's very quick
introduction to how your digital products work
with each other in a network, which is also going to help
you achieve more sales because it opens up your possibilities for
marketing and promotion. And I love you to
just reflect on that. Which one stood out to you? Which ones do you
feel you're going to use moving forward? When we get to the next lesson, I'm going to delve further
into those methods so that you can better
understand how to use them. Because I want you to use them to help you
promote your products moving forward in
an ongoing basis. Because what we want
is consistent sales, consistent marketing leads
to a consistent styles. So your practical for this
lesson, nothing too difficult. Just to reflect on your
own business ecosystem. You eine digital
product ecosystem. I hope that this
lesson helped you broaden your horizons in terms of marketing
your digital products. I would love for you to just reflect on your own
digital productivity, a system, check-out
you a little cake, and thinking about how your digital product
that you've created for this course can complement other services or products
within your business. So next, in the next lesson, we're going to start creating
your promotional plan. I'm going to delve
further into how these, how those different marketing strategies that I
presented to you today, I'm gonna delve into how
they work so you have a better understanding of how to actually set them up and get them working
in your business. So I'll see you in
the next lesson.
16. Create your promotional plan: Hi, Welcome back to digital
product creators roadmap. We're up to less than 15. My gosh, you've done
so well so far. We are coming onto
the home stretch now, you have done so much hard work creating your digital
product, planning, making sure that this digital
product is something that your customers are actually
going to love and value. And now it's time to start promoting it so that you can get some sales and returned back on the time that
you've spent creating this. So today we're going
to focus on creating your promotional plan so that you can start
making some sales. Now there's a workbook
attached to this lesson. It's the module for
promotional plan workbooks. So go ahead and download that from beneath this
particular lesson. As always, don't forget to grab yourself a
cup and get comfy. So that can really immerse
yourself into this lesson. There's a lot of really good
information in this lesson, particularly about
marketing, which is really important for you getting
consistent sales. In the last lesson, I told you about your digital
product ecosystem and how your digital products
can interact with the rest of the offerings
in your business. And I encouraged you to
have a bit of a look at how your business pie or
your business cake looks. So that you can see how your
digital products measure up next to your other
offerings so that you can see what yours looks like. I also introduced you to some marketing strategies and showed you how they can interact with the
other offerings. But today, I want to delve
further into some of those strategies with examples of how they work so that
you can see them in action. Which type of business cake, or digital product ecosystem
they work well for because some
marketing strategies lend themselves more to certain, certain business cakes, so to
speak, more so than others. So I'm just going to give you
a bit of an indication on which kind of businesses
they do and don't work for. The first one I'm going to talk about is the presentation
of your range. That's presenting your range of offers to your
customers so that they can choose how they want to go about the solution
that you're offering. So they come to you because
they've got a goal, they're working towards a
problem they went to overcome, or they desire something, or it could be all three. When you present your range, you are presenting them
with options for how they want to get
their solution. Okay? So presenting a range, typically, it's in
a tiered structure. Structure, allows them
to choose what level of support they're receiving
from you and consequently, what level of investment
they want to spend. So digital products
typically always sit in a lower-cost option because then low cost to
get the solution. But it's often a more DIY way
of getting that solution. So essentially the digital
product is you giving them the template to make it easier rather than
designing it for them? Or it's you teaching them the process rather than
you doing it for them. Does that make sense? Like it's often a
more hands often because you create the
template or the product. You can sell it
to as many people still helping them
along the way. Now, meet cost. If we go up in a TIA, that's typically a mid
cost option where you provide a little
bit more support than you did with
the digital product. It's also a higher cost. So an example would
be a membership where you get more
input from, say, e.g. if you're in my digital
product membership, then you get you get
monthly input from me, you get new classes for me to keep you up-to-date
with everything. There's more input from me. I don't just create it
and hand it over to you. But it's not my super
premium option. And not the next tier
up would be say private coaching or that would be
your one-on-one services, whatever they look like, they are the highest cost
all of your offerings, but it's also the
highest level of support from you,
personal support. So you can see that
her presenting the range in a tiered
option lets them decide how much they want to invest and how much
support they want from you. There's a few ways that you can present your range to them. There's a few
opportunities for this. In the last lesson, I
showed you a picture of my homepage where I showed
the digital products, which is my low level
offering courses. And that could also be
memberships where it's more, it's more of an investment. But more of my support. And then one-to-one
is my highest offer. So you can do the same thing on your website and on your
services page where you present your range of
offerings so that they can self-select which
way they want to go. Another way is you can, you can present
your range to them at different times in your
e-mail marketing funnel. I will delve more into that
a little bit later because I talk about e-mail marketing
funnel specifically. But you can see
how a lead magnet, which is a free offering, a welcome off, or could be
your low-cost digital product. Mid-level offer could be
a membership or a course, or even one-on-one services
can talk more on that later. Another way that you can
present your range is if you're having discovery
calls with clients, you can provide quotes
and proposals that include some of your digital
products as an option. That could have low-cost mucus, high-cost options so
that they can choose. But there's lots of different
opportunities for you to present your range so that
they have the choice. This works well for businesses
with multiple offers, whether that's multiple digital products or whether that's digital products plus
services plus whatever. So it pretty much, it doesn't matter what your
cake looks like. You can probably implement this even if you have a small
number of digital products, even just one digital product, this can be a
possibility for you. The next term is
you're gonna delve into his content marketing. This is a big one because
the majority of businesses, particularly online
businesses these days, will implement some level
of content marketing, even if it's just having
an Instagram page, that is so content marketing. But if you have blogs, if you have a YouTube channel
or if you have Instagram, TikTok, Facebook,
facebook groups, any sorts of things like that. Your free content, the free content that you provide
on these platforms, is going to pave the way for
pay products and services. They could be posts, e.g. where you are creating awareness
of a particular product. It is a promotional posts, hey, I have this thing,
you can get it here. But another thing that
you can do is you can provide valuable,
educational, or inspiring information that helps your customers
overcome product, will reach a goal or get
something they desire, and then use a call to action
to prompt the next steps. Now the call to action
is the next step that you recommend they take if they want to continue
learning about this thing. So a call to action. These are examples. Book a discovery call with me, grab a copy of my
ebook by my templates, enrolling my course,
get on the waitlist. They're all calls to action. A call to action basically says, if you want to delve into
what I've just talked about, if you want to learn more, if you want to do more, if you want to achieve
more about this topic, this is the next step
I recommend you take. That's what a call
to action does. It shows them what they need to do next
to get more from you. And the reason this works so well is because in
your free content, in your content you are sharing really helpful
information that's going to get them some way. It's going to get them
where they want to go. It might only be a couple
of tidbits that it helps their bite-sized pieces of information that helps your
customer or your client. And that helps them
reach a goal or become a problem getting
something they desire. But what it's doing that
it's also building trust. They're starting to trust you. This, you're starting to see that you know what
you're talking about. So you demonstrate your ability,
lists your credibility, and they get a sense of how
you deliver the information. It gives them a sense
of what you know, and it demonstrates your ability to help them and that's
what they're looking for. So this is kind of like
do it so much anymore. But do you remember when you
used to go into the shop? We used to go to the
bakery and you get little bite-size morsels of food that they were
promoting it at the time. And I gave you a taste test that helped you understand that. Yeah, I like this and
I'd like more of it. Your content marketing
works very much like this. And the call to action with
the taste testing is, hey, if you like this, go
over to that section, you can buy a whole packet four, okay, that's, that's
the next step. That's what your content
marketing can do. This works well for businesses that utilize
content marketing. Social media, Pinterest, blogs, YouTube channel, all those sorts of things, e-mail marketing. So if you are using
content marketing, you are sharing
valuable content. Then it can work well for you. And it can work well for any digital product
ecosystem because your content can strategically lead to any one of your
products or services. To delve into it now, email marketing is a form
of content marketing, but it's very specific and it
deserves its own mentioned. The e-mail marketing funnel. This strategy is where
your digital products become part of your
email nurture sequence. The nurture sequence is
essentially a series of e-mails that you send to a new subscriber to welcome
them into your world, to introduce them to what you have and what
you can do for them. And the purpose is, you have an e-mail
that to sequence. The purpose is to
introduce yourself to the subscriber to help them
get to know you better. To help them achieve
goal, overcome a problem. We'll get something
that they desire. They subscribe to your channel because they want something, they need something from you
and you give that to them. In exchange. It helps you build
the rapport and trust and credibility
that all lifts with every interaction that you have or it helps them
self-select that. No, I don't really want
to work with this person. It also, if they get onto your email
nurture sequence or in your e-mail
marketing funnel. That email funnel starts typically with the exchange of a lead magnet
or something else. It could be a discount. It could be a free e-book, it could be a template. But that freebie is catching them when they
need to do something. So they've recognized,
and this is why my marketing can
be so effective. Because they're in action mode. They have a problem
they want to overcome, to have a goal they're
actively working towards was I am craving
something specific. And if you can get them onto your email list with the
incentive of that lead magnet. That lead magnet is the
first step they can take towards solving that problem there in action mode right now. Which means that if you can follow it up with a
strategic sequence, they can purchase, you can capture them while
they're in action. So here's an example of an
email marketing funnel. Let's say you have a
social media posts. You've shared a social
media posts that has information about a topic
that they're interested in. It helps them solve a
little bit of a problem. At the end of that
social media posts, you have a call to
action that says, Hey, if you want to
learn more about this, come and grab my e-book
will come and grab this template that men moves them over to the
lead magnet landing page where they see information
about this league method. And let's say, Yeah, this looks really good. It looks like this could help me solve this problem or
overcome this challenge. So they subscribe to receive your e-book and they get added to your e-mail
marketing lists. At the same time. Once I hit that
subscribe button. So we're still in the
lead magnet stage. Once they hit that
subscribe button, then come to a thank you page or a confirmation or
a success page. On that page, you
have an opportunity to either offer them a welcome
or introductory offer. Talk more about that later. You can have another
call to action, depending on where
you want them to go. That could become a
join my Facebook group, come and subscribe to
my YouTube channel. So what did it actually
is valuable to you is what you can ask
them to do at this point. They receive, we go
to the next step now. They received the first email, which is delivery of
that lead magnet. It comes to their email inbox. And you have the
opportunity to send them a few sequences of emails that niches and
builds the relationship. You can deliver the lead magnet or the products that
they signed up for. You can introduce yourself. You can help them all through your content and
build that rapport. But at the same time, at the right time while
you talk about things, you can then introduce
new products. So this is where you can
introduce your digital product. Again. You might have offered it
in your welcome offer, or you can offer me the email sequence
to get to know you. Gone through that
welcome sequence. Then they move on to your
main email list where you continue to regularly email them the content that you share. That's the that's the
e-mail marketing funnel. Now, it sounds like
a lot of work, but this process is
entirely automated. They say you don't have to write and copy and paste
these e-mails with everybody that gets
onto your list using a system like male or
light or like convert kit. This whole process is
completely automated. So you set it up once
and then it does it automatically every time I subscribe to join
your e-mail list. The main important thing
about email funnel is it must provide a logical
and helpful next steps. If this is my freebie getting started with
digital products, it provides the first steps
that someone needs to take to see whether they
have a viable offering. This is before they've
even created something. The welcome offer, all the
pain digital product is the ultimate digital
product Planner because this provides the
rest of the steps. Okay, so it must
be logical helpful next steps based on where
they are at the moment. Because remember
they're in action mode. Marketing funnel works well for businesses utilize or plan
to utilize email marketing. Because if you are not going
to send ongoing emails, there's no point having an
e-mail marketing funnel. However, e-mail marketing, I would consider
it because it is highly effective way to connect with your
potential audience. It also works well for any
type of business cake, or whether you have lots of digital products
or even just one. It's not going to work
if you don't have ongoing e-mail marketing
is part of your plan. Now, let's talk about
up-selling and bundles. If you had multiple
digital products, there's a good
chance that it's on a topic that you really, really efficient in something that you know
really, really well. So it's likely that
they're all going to be quite complimentary
to one another. So as an example, if you've got a
digital marketer, they might create social
media templates for Instagram and Pinterest
pin templates. And the customers, Some customers are going to
need one but not the other. In some customers are
going to need both. They're quite complimentary. Now, these two
products can be placed alongside each other as either
an upsell or as a bundle. And both options are quiet. Enticing really. The difference between
the two is an upsell is typically a product that if they're already
in the checkout, my They're already
purchasing something. And upsell is where you say, Hey, I noticed that
you're buying this thing. This thing goes
really well with it. Would you like a discount and
you can get both of them, or you can buy one, get one
free, that sort of thing. These are two examples
of what upsells can look like in a digital checkout
or an online checkout. A bundle, on the other hand, is a product that you create that has multiple
products within it. Okay, So you offer these multiple products
at the same time, which encourages the
customer to spend more, they get more at the same time. These must make sense as well. So imagine if I am talking to
a digital product creator, I want to start by creating
an e-book in their business. This bundle makes
sense because they need to plan the digital
products and create it. Creating the e-book is much easier by using a
tender template. But then if they want
to list it on Etsy, then I want the Etsy
listing templates, or they could use that
as templates as well. So this bundle, they get it, they get more, but they
get it as a discount. Now, bundles and
upsells work really, really well for a business that has multiple digital products. Or even if you offer services and you can add digital
products as an upsell, almost any business
taken have these, but if you have multiple
digital products in a shop, this works really, really well. The only thing is you
need to have a system like pay him or Sinclair has the facility to upsell to
manage the upsell when when you're sleeping
so that you don't have to don't have to do it. I don't want it. I mentioned it a
little bit earlier. Low-cost offers,
introductory offers. And I want to talk a little
bit more about that because, because a couple of studies
that have looked at but think impacts share a statistic. Repeat customers. So I'm not first-time customers. Repeat customers have
been measured to spend an average of 67% more
than new customers. So we know that
if a customer has spent even a small
amount with us, more likely to spend
more with us next time, they're more likely to
come back and spend. Again. That's really important. Let's look at why that is. Like this statistic
is interesting and everything but the customers, when we look at them as people, more than just a number, let's look at why this
is important to them. Because they need to feel
comfortable about what they're buying and who
they are buying from. They need to trust it. Because we are risk
averse creatures, we want to avoid risks where possible
and when more likely, we're more inclined
to avoid loss, to avoid risks than
to gain from it. The bottom line is I need to, they need to trust who
they do business with. So when they do buy
from a business, when they do buy from somebody, they've got that trust. If they had a good experience. If we can get them to take that first step and we give
them great experience, they're gonna be so much more comfortable to buy
from us again, and then more likely
to buy from us, then to go out and look for
a new business to buy four. It doesn't matter if the
other businesses product is better than ours. If they trust us, that means something to them. So they're more likely to buy from us again in the future. But the thing with an
introductory offer, or really low-cost offer, which is basically a
highly discounted offer that you put in front of them to help them make
their decision. Because when it's cheaper, when it's cheaper to them, the risks significantly reduces. And there's much
less risk to them, so they're more likely
to start, okay, well, I'm not going to
lose that much even if it's even if it's a bad result. So let's just go for it. Okay, So low-cost
offers in your business can pave the way for those first-time buyers
to become those loyal, repeat customers who feel
comfortable with your business, who feel that trust in. You can see that you can
help them, that you deliver. That's why introductory low-cost office work really, really well. And they work well for any business with any
digital product ecosystem. Because any digital
product can become a low-cost or an
introductory offer. The introductory offer, while it may not be a big
moneymaker for you now, it paves the way for the future of those
customers to become loyal. It paves the way for them
to be more comfortable investing in your higher tiered office offers or services. They found that really, really insightful and hype. In the last lesson, I
opened your eyes a little bit to the potential
of marketing, but in this lesson I
hope I opened it a lot. So now what I want you to
do with all these inside, I want you to take
that and I want you to create your promotional plan. Would like you to
grab your workbook, your module for workbook, which is your promotional plan. What you to create, a plan for, how you're going to start promoting your
digital product. Thinking out which of which in the
marketing strategies you would like to implement. And I would love to see
you implement at least to them if you can, but at least two
that are irrelevant, helpful and aligned
with your strengths, are aligned with
the way that you can market your business. If you, if you feel like you're terrible at
social media, you really, really hate social media
creating content of any kind, then you don't have to
chase content marketing. Yes, it's effective. Only going to be effective if
you're passionate about it. Or if you add salt to make sure that these mapping strategies
that you choose are aligned with
your strengths as a business owner
because then they are going to work
more effectively. So start your plan. In the next lesson. I'm going to provide some resources that, depending on what you choose, will help you implement them and set them up
more effectively. So that's what we're going
to cover in the next lesson. I'm going to focus on
helping you promote your digital products and
get those sales happening. And what we're aiming
for, consistent sales. That's what I mean, full
because I don't want you to just sell a couple over
the next couple of weeks. I want you to keep selling them over and over and over again. Beauty of digital
products. So I'll see you over in the next lesson.
17. Promoting your digital product: Hello, and welcome
back to this lesson. This is less than 16 of the digital product
creators roadmap. Today, we are going
to be focusing on promoting your
digital product. For this lesson,
what you're going to need is some of the promo guides to help you
with those promotions. Today, we're going to focus on actionable strategies that can help you promote your products. These strategies are going
to be based on what I've already told you in
previous lessons. And the purpose of today
is to inspire you. I want to help inspire you
with ideas for how you can creatively promote
your digital products so you can gain more sales. Below this video and also in the resources section
for this module, you'll find a series
of promo guides. And these guides are going
to walk you through actually implementing these strategies
in a step-by-step fashion. So the idea behind this is to help teach you
through practice. So you're going to be
doing it while you learn. Now, before I come back
to those practical steps, I want to delve a little
bit into content marketing. Content marketing is a
very powerful strategy that you are likely already using in your business
that can do in more depth, perhaps in a better way. So content marketing,
it refers to the creation of written or
visual audio or video media. Media is designed to educate, inspire, or entertain, as a way of increasing
brand awareness, building trust and
credibility with the ultimate goal of converting
some of your audience, not all, but some
of your audience into paying customers
or clients. You're already aware of some of the popular marketing
channels and you're probably already using some of them like social media site, Facebook, LinkedIn,
Instagram, TikTok. You might be writing
blogs using Pinterest. You might be using video
platforms like YouTube. You might be tapping into
e-mail marketing as well. So some of these you've probably already using in your business. When it comes to promoting
digital products, you can create many
different pieces of content. Each of those appealing to
people at different times. And not only can you create
content for one platform, that you can use that
content to inspire other pieces of content that you make the most
out of what you create. Now here's an example. Imagine you wrote a blog. Blog post is write
a series of blogs. But that blog post is on a topic that is related
to your digital products. So you're teaching
the same sort of thing with that one blog post. A few ideas for what you can
do with that one blog post. You can create visual
advertisement to place on your blog that directs
to your digital product. You can include a call to action on the bottom
of the blood, which leads to your product as they're relevant and helpful. Next step that your
customer can take. Inside that block, you can
also include related links. And those related links
take them to products or even lead magnets that can help with what you were
talking about in the blog. You can use that blog and extract smaller
lessons or tidbits are quotes from that blog and transform them into
individual social media post. With either a call to
action to the blog, which then leads to the product. Or you can simply do a call to action to your product on
your social media posts. You can expand on
that blog and you can create a webinar
or a masterclass. That masterclass can
lead to your product. You can be a guest
blogger and transform the blog that you've got to
a blog for that audience. If you are a guest blogging, you are blogging for
a different audience could be related
to your audience, and ideally it does, but it's not in competition with the person
who owns the blog. So you can just transform it so that it suits
their audience as well. You can turn that blog into a podcast or you can turn
it into a YouTube video. You can be a guest on somebody
else's podcast when you talk about a related topic and you share the details
of your digital products. They're not only can you
read that blog post, that you can reverse
the process as well. Your webinars for your podcast can be transformed into a block. You can choose some of your social media
posts and you can elaborate on them and turn
them into us, into a blog. The ideas for how you can
repair this is endless. When you think about it. Actually write blogs, but why just shared with you provides a really
good example for how you can transform
one piece of content into multiple
pieces of content. That aside, there's three things that I want to share with you. There's three things I want
you to take away from today. Festival. Your content
is not single use. What you create is
not single use. I want you to re-purpose, reuse. I want you to refinance. I don't want you to read,
fossilize your contents. So even going through pass content and just giving
it a bit of a Jewish, He's a great idea. That's one. Number two, I want you to share your
content more than once. Shared over and over again, your audience is not going to see everything that you share. So share it again and
again to give people a chance to see it because
you create it for a reason. You need people to see it. And the people who
are seeing it, I've probably going
to find it really helpful or inspiring
what educational. Now just share it once. And thirdly, I want you to share your content in
different formats. Because promoting your products, it can't be limited to
one different method. And his wife, your audience, are going to see your products multiple times
before they buy it. And they'll need to see
that in different formats. Your audience will have different preferences for how
they consume the content. Some people are readers, some people are watches, and some people are listeners. If you create multiple
types of content, you have a better
chance of appealing to the person and letting them see the content in a way
they want to consume it. And say like not everybody
will see your content. So if you share just once, it's likely that
less than 10% of your followers or
your subscribers are even going to see it. So sharing one month. In moving forward
with your promotions, I really want you to open
yourself up to more ideas, more opportunities to maximize
one piece of content. You can reach more people so that you can reach
them in different ways, so that you can appeal to
them in different ways. If you create, if
you invest your time creating one piece of content for what you
just stretch it, I want you to see how much
you can actually do with it. And just that little
segment inspired you with being able to create some content and seeing
how far it can go, seeing how many
people it can reach. Okay, so let's move on
to the practical now. For this lesson, your goal, your challenge, and this is just to make
it a little bit more fun. You'll goal and your
challenge is to get as many marking points are
primary points as possible. And you'll earn points by completing my
recommended promotions. And that's why I've
got the promo. Glad to help you. I'll share with
you in your promo, your promo points track. How many points you'll actually gainful which
marketing activities. But for now what I want
you to do is check your planner from
the previous lesson. So your promotional plan, I'd like you to choose which of the promotional
activities you'd like to do and you'd
like to start with. And if you need help
stepping through all going through the motions for how to set up this strategy. Then you can find the
relevant primary guide from underneath this video
or in the resources section. But here's your, here's your digital product
promo points checkout. And you'll find that in the
resource section as well. You will complete some of
the marketing activities. And you'll tell you points. The more points
you get, the more likely you'll make sales because more people are saying,
You're amazing products. This is supposed to be fun. This is marketing is
in fun for everybody. But this here is just designed to help you make
it more fun and to see how far you can stretch your promotions
to achieve more sales. So you are welcome to just, just telling you points yourself
to see how many he gets. All you can jump into the
Facebook group and it can actually share them or share
them with me by email. I would love to hear from
any points either end. Okay? Now, at the very least, I'd recommend that
you would start with the create a social
media series guide. The reason for this is I, I feel that you're
probably already using social media
in your business. Anyway, this series, not only does it help
you get your posts out, but it can form the foundations of any
further content you create. Remember I mentioned
that you can take social media posts and elaborate on them to create a blog or a podcast
or YouTube video. Because some of you start
with the social media series. It's going to help inspire
you to create more. Or you can transform them
into other forms of content. That's where I want you to stop. And next, I'm going to want to feel like a lot of work for
just one digital product. But in the next lesson, I want to share with you
ways that you can make your digital product marketing
and selling more passive. So it's not completely
passive income. Not typically, there's there's
a lot of work that you need to put in in order
to make it passive. However, there are
things that we can do to make your marketing
more hands off. And I want to share
this with you because I know that you are busy. You are going to
have limited time. So I want to make sure that you are selling as many
digital products as possible so you can reach your goal of having
that flexible income, but not in a way that's going to take up
all of your time. So that's what we're
going to focus on next. Okay, alright, so enjoy
your marketing section. I'd love to hear how many, how many permanent
points you get. So I'd love to keep that butt. Good luck with your promotions.
18. Making sales more passive: Hello and welcome to Lesson 17 of the Digital
Creators roadmap. Where are we going to focus
on making sales more passive? In this lesson, I want
to introduce you to ways in which you can make your digital product
sales more passive. Now you may not be ready for
some of these steps yet, and some of them you
can start today, but I just want to start planting the seeds for
the future for you. One of the reasons we start creating digital products
is because we are looking to increase
our income and push straight though
it's income limits. But to do so without significantly increasing
our workload. And you'll find that the
process of taking you through in this course is,
It's quite long, but it's certainly not going to take this long the
next time round, or each time you create a proud, you'll find that the
more products you create, the quickie get. So don't, don't feel like it's taking eight
weeks to do this course. And eight weeks for every
ten or $20 product. A promise you'll get
more efficient at it, just like everything else that
you do that you practice. You'll find the same with
marketing your product. The more you market
your products, the easier it becomes. And you might find
yourself now really struggling to sell the
product that you've created. This takes practice and I
have to reiterate this. The more you do it, the easier it will get. But I'd like to share some
strategies for making selling and promotion
easier and more hands off, So more passive. My aim for you is for your business to be promoting while you're doing other things. So the other things
might be while you're working with one-on-one clients, businesses still selling. If you're having a day
off for self-care, your business is still selling
while you're looking after your kids or if
they've come home from school early, you're
still selling. And while you're sleeping,
you're still selling. Sure, that's what you want
for yourself as well. This is possible. It is possible. Well, it doesn't
happen overnight. It is a reality that
you can have when you're marketing strategies
are effective and consistent. This is my first tip for you
in creating passive sales, effective and
consistent strategies. But I'm gonna get a little
bit more specific about that. So I'm gonna put the
spotlight on five of my favorite strategies for
making sales more passive. The first strategy
is strategy number one is having more products. Now if you're starting
with one product, that is an amazing start. I want you to be proud of that. It's actually one more than
many business owners have. So you are already ahead
of a lot of people. Now if you want to stop
and that one product, if you only want a small number of products and your business, this may not be the
strategy for you. But if you do want
a decent range and if you want a
large portion of your income to come from digital products and start
creating more products. He's the effect that
one product can have all the people in
your target audience. You might have a segment
of that total audience. Actually see your product. Do see it. Smallest
segment we'll buy it. The more people that see it, the more people will buy it. And watch what happens if you multiply the number of
products you have available. More people see what
you have to offer. This is because people
pay attention to different offers at different
times in their life. They see what's relevant
to them right now. This creates a flow on effect, increasing the reach of other products to people
might buy more than one. Although retain when they're ready for something
else that you've gotten in the course of
growing your business. So too, does your
audience growth. So keep working on
nurturing that audience. But at the same time, increasing number
of products you have available to help them. This increases your rage. Casey keeps your
customers interested in purchasing more and
benefiting more. How many products
should we have? Well, that really
depends on your product. If you're on a marketplace
and you want to earn insignificant portion of
your income from sales, then you want to
work towards having a very large collection
of products. E.g. the top sellers on
Etsy can have hundreds, even thousands of listings. Some of the top designers
on creative fabric, it will have
hundreds of designs. Top photographers on
Shutterstock will have hundreds to thousands of
photographs available. I'm not bringing this
to your attention to overwhelm you or
make you feel daunted. Every single one of these
creators started with just one full-time cell is now, if that's where you want to be, consider those targets as long-term targets that you
can start chipping away at. Now with your first product, you'll find that it
becomes quicker and easier to create
products at the time. He is some hope for you
with my little Etsy shop. I've slowly been working on that over the last
couple of months. I currently have
only 20 listings. I've already reached a point
where I'm making daily sales without actually directing any of the traffic to it myself. So believe me when I say, you won't have to wait until
you've got thousands of products before you are
going to make regular sales. Now let's talk about how
many products you need. If you are selling
on your own website. You don't need to have that
many to make regular sales. In fact, less, maybe more, okay. If you've got a shop on your website and you've got hundreds of products for
them to sift through, you may end up turning
some of them away. A study by students at
Columbia University found that too much choice can paralyze customers and
stop them from buying. Study. The customers were offered the choice of
six different jams, six different genes in
one location and in the other location they
will offered 24 flavors. So when they had
six to choose from, 40 per cent of them would buy. But if they had 24
to choose from, only 3% would buy. This is evidence. Too many choices can
discourage buying. So if you have a
series of products that meet different needs, such as e-books with each one
having a different topic. You weren't really need to
worry too much about building a really high number because the choice is pretty
clear for the customer. But if you want to have
products with variants such as templates with different colors or different design styles, then provides several
choice options, but don't overload
them with them. I'd recommend three to six
choices of each style. This strategy for making sales more passive is to increase the number of products
you have to increase the number of potential
customers who will see them. Second strategy I'd like
to share with you to make cells more
passive is batching. Batching, where you can plate multiple similar tasks at a time rather than doing them all
sequentially and individually. E.g. if you're creating
social media posts, you can batch your captions by writing multiple posts
captions at once, or by designing the
graphics altogether, instead of doing the
planning for one, then kept rising
the caption to one, then designing the
graphic for one. Have a look and see which of your promotional
activities you can batch, create and schedule in advance. And perhaps even go further
and work out what is your most creative time or your most productive
time so that you are well and truly in the flow
when you back to them. Perhaps devote half a day
to creating a series of social media posts and
then schedule them so that they come out at a
specific time that you said. That way they will post consistently without you needing to think about them each day. Another example is
if you are writing blogs, do the same thing. Spend a few days writing
months worth of blogs and schedule them out
so that they come out and you don't need
to worry about them. Do the same with Pinterest pins with podcasts, YouTube videos, Facebook group posts, and almost any type of content can be batched in some
way, shape, or form. Well, you'll still manually working through these actions. It allows you to do it way
more efficiently and without having to manually post
each day or each week, whatever your schedule is. I'm going to take this
one step further, okay, Now one of the things
that allows me to be really consistent
in my own marketing. If I can do that,
then it makes me more consistent in my brand
and product awareness. But the one thing
that helps me do that is automated posting. That's I feel like
that's my secret. My work schedule can be
really, really unpredictable. Some days everything goes to plan and manage it
and that's fine. Sometimes I can just be
booked right out or if I for some reason
double it or have extra coaching sessions
that particular day or maybe I've got
extra Live Workshops some days on out of the
office unexpectedly because I've been
hit with a migraine which happens a lot, or sick kids which can happen
a lot when they're younger. Or sometimes I just
don't feel like being an adult that things happen. But my social media keeps going every day because
I've set up software that recycles my posts and it consistently shows them
to my set schedule. Software that I
use is called me. But there are other apps out there do the exact same thing. One example is a recurring post. What I do is I create
social media content and I upload it to meet
Edgar in the library. I set the posting schedule
and it posts for me. I don't have to think about it. Once it's gone through and shade everything
in that library, it then comes back and starts
from the beginning again. I can't tell you how much
pressure this takes off it. It it does take time to set up, like it takes a while to upload everything to your
library and that's okay. The, the pressure that it
relieves is incredible. The other thing I've
noticed as well is that since using it, because I set the primary day like there's one day a week
where I promote my products. Notice more sales because of the consistency
in using that. If you want to look more
into this kind of strategy, there are some
platforms that I can recommend you start looking and one is me and the
other is required post. And you can use
them for a lot of social media software
like they do. Facebook, LinkedIn,
instagram, Facebook groups, Pinterest, Google, My Business. It's not Google my
business anymore. You can also look at
things like tailwind, which has a smart
loop feature if you are really begin
Pinterest as well. The whole strategy that
I want to share is investing your time in
mastering your keywords. I own money from
Skillshare courses every single month without
promoting my costs anyway, I earn money every day from Etsy without promoting wellness
things every anywhere. I still earn money from
Shutterstock images that I uploaded over ten years ago without providing them any way. It's a pattern here. This money without even
having to provide them or do any work to
earn that money. What is my secret to earning that money without actually
actively promoting them? It's good keywords. It's not a secret at all. It's not rocket science. It's just simply using the
right keywords so that your products get found.
When people search for them. He would do everything visually, everything when it
comes to driving passive traffic to your
website or your marketplace, or your listings,
or your products. Great keywords are
going to bring customers in constantly
and consistently. It's kind of like a coffee shop that's
situated on a busy road. Okay. It's a constant stream of people who want what you've got. But bad keywords are going to be more like
the rundown Servo app in the middle of a very
easy way of saying it. But that analogy teaches you
the lesson that no one's going to say your
listings if you haven't got the right
keywords in place. So not only will keywords
bring more customers, but they'll bring them
in for a long time. So if you want
consistent traffic to your product listings, and you'll need to learn how
to master keyword research, and this is well
worth the effort. I recommend every digital product creator
learn this skill. Now the fifth strategy I want to talk about is paid advertising. One thing I've seen over
the last few years is this torque around marketing
your business organically, doing everything for free. Unfortunately,
this can sometimes lead to feelings of shame. I guess for some
people who want to use ads or who already use, It's almost like you're
not doing it well enough. We're not doing it right. If you have to resort to ads. And I've seen some people
boast about their success with placing a big emphasis on the fact that
promotion was free, but there were no ads involved. But the thing is,
well, that's great. Because nothing wrong with
achieving results using ads. Okay, there's nothing wrong with achieving
results organically, but there's something
wrong with using ads. Either. Businesses have been paying for ads for centuries. There's no shame in pain to
get your business scene. In fact, it's one of the
best ways to get results, especially if you can't
be consistent elsewhere. The Facebook ads are
consistent for you. Oh, perhaps if you need your marketing to be as hands-off as possible because you have
other competing priorities. Paid ads can be a great
strategy for that. If you've got an empty
store, you can run offline. You can run ads. If you're using Pinterest,
you can create ads on there. If you using
Facebook, Instagram, create ads on their
LinkedIn and Google, they, they have ads
platforms as well. If you've got a marketing
funnel setup, it's working. Using, using ADS is going
to make it even better. So you can use that. And if you can set
them up, right, your sales can cover the
advertising costs plus profit. It can get customers into
your world where you can build up that relationship
with them further though, by other stuff because you're creating things
that are helping them. So just to recap on
the five strategies that I share for making
sales more passive. Increase the number
of products you have that she'll
promotional activities. Automate those
promotional activities, invest time in mastering
your keywords. And leverage paid advertising. No matter what strategies
you choose to use. Consistency, time, and frequently reviewing
the performance of your marketing is
important in helping you achieve more sales
with more ease. You are probably finding
right now that it's difficult to make sales Slack. You're putting in a whole
heap of FF, little return. And this is completely normal when you're first starting out. It will likely feel like it's impossible until you start
seeing that his sales, It's like chicken and egg thing. As a reputation builds. Your customers as, as your reputation with
your customers bills, but also as your reputation
on the platform builds, you'll find the sales start to happen with less and less
effort for you each time. So it's gonna be a lot
of effort for now. Look, if it was easy, everybody would be doing it. Again. It will happen with less
and less effort over time. But lack of consistency
and the desire for quick return is where
most creators fall down. This is where they
fail to see sales. Just like with any
business activity, any type of business, any service or any offering. It takes time to build. Okay? I want you to create a motivational post-it note
or a sticky note for you. And I want you to remind
yourself of this. Often as you're going. Passive sales won't
come quickly. They'll come with
time and consistency. So your practical
for this lesson is to consider your
options and your goals. Spend some time thinking about what you can do to make
your digital products sales more effective
than more hands off. Strategies that I mentioned. You may not be ready
for some of them yet, but it's time to start
thinking about them now. Perhaps to start with batching
your social media posts. This is something
that's going to help you regardless with what you do because you're likely
using social media anyway. The other thing is
start learning how to master your keywords. Okay, so think about
what you can do to make ourselves more effective
and more hands-off. The next lesson is the final
lesson for this course. We're going to focus on learning how to
review your products and look at the
performance and what tweaks you can make
to improve on it. So I'll see you over
there in the next lesson.
19. How to review your product performance: Okay, welcome to the
final module and lesson of the coolest digital
product creatives roadmap. Say, I'll devote some time
to show you how to review your product performance and
make tweaks to improve it. Reviewing a product
performance is really important for making sure that you're making
the most out of it. It's important whether one
product or whole range, or even just a
freebie lead magnet. It's important to review it to make sure it's hitting the mark, to make sure it's
working for you. Once you've created
your product, you need to give it time to percolate before you
make any changes. At least 30 days so that
people have time to see it. So that search engines have time to figure out how
to show it to you. Once you've reached that point, where you're ready to go, ready to review and make some tweaks, then go through my
four-step product, my four-step product
problem-solver. I'll walk you through how to review and troubleshoot
a product. First step, just look
at your traffic. Is your product listing, getting any traffic or
people visiting your store. I think that's the first
thing we want to look at. If you're not getting visits, then what you need to revise first is the keywords
that you are using. No visit means that
people who want your product not using the
terms that you've set. Your keywords are the
terms that people. The keywords are the
terms that you include in your digital product title and your description to
help people find it. It helps search engines. It helps search engines determine who to
show that listing. So if you can find
out which keywords people are using to
find what you have, then those are the
keywords you want to use. If you can find
out which keywords you are using that are working, that are attracting visits
and keep using those. Any that aren't
pulling any traffic, change them up because
they're not working. Another reason
you're not getting traffic is you're
not encouraging enough people to visit
your product listings. So whether you're
creating posts or emails, or ads or blogs, all of which are encouraging
people to visit. Just double-check that
you were doing that enough that you are
using calls to action, which are telling people what
the helpful next step is. Because I want to know why
they should visit your page. They need to be compelled to
go and take that next step. So they won't do it unless
you provide that next step. If you're visiting,
if you're not gaining visits, start there. If you aren't getting visits, but you're still
not getting sales, then let's go to step two. Step two is reviewing your
product, listing images. Great product images are vital to the success of
your digital products. So people can't just walk
into your shop, pick them up, touch them, or get any sense of what it would be like
to have this product. And to give your
customers that preview, you need to share images, show them what the
product looks like. So do you have at least five images that
show off your product? They high-quality images
I like crisp and sharp. Do they show your product
in a real setting so that they can place themselves and imagine themselves using it. Do they show a
preview of what's on the inside to give them an idea of what
they're going to get. If not, then go and revise your product images and try to make them more appealing
to your customer. Sometimes it can
take just a little refresher of these images to bring your product to live
and encourage more sales. When you're done with
this move to step three. Step three is where your review, your product descriptions
and your copy. If you're gaining traffic
TO listing and you've checked the quality of your
product images and graphics, but you're still
not seeing sales, then it's time to revisit your product descriptions
or the sales copy, because your sales will only be as good as
your marketing, which includes great words to describe how your
product will help them. Justin's, your
customer can't pick up your product in store to
see what it looks like. They also can't just
turn it over and read the label or us the
store system about it. They need a good description
that tells them what they need to know to make
the decision to buy. How many times
have you gone into a store to flip it over to read the label to see what the product is
going to do for them, what the benefits are. Your customers need
that from your press to your product description. I go and have a look at it and have a look and see whether your product description tells
them what the product is. Does it share what's
included in the purchase? Does it share who
the product is for? Do you share the
benefits of the product? How is it going to
change their lives? Well, how's it going to
positively impact their life? Does it help them
understand what to expect when they
buy your product, when they use your product. Do you share reviews or
testimonials that provide evidence to show that
your products are great, that other people
have bought them and often check over
your product and try to answer all questions and remove as much
uncertainty as possible. Because this will help them make the decision to buy and
to feel good about it. Step four is to
review your price. So if you've checked
through step 123, you've done all you can to
improve your product listing, but you're still
not getting sales, then you can review
your pricing. Now this statement
is probably the most unhelpful they told you
in the course so far. But your product could be
too expensive or too cheap. Let me explain. If
it's too expensive, people may not be
able to invest. They may feel unsure if they'll
get what they'll pay for, whether or not it
would be worth it. Well then may see
that the product is not worth what
you've priced it as. Not everybody is going
to value things is saying some people can just
shell out plenty of cash. Some people are just
really, really hesitant. Everybody is different. But the thing is if
you are consistently saying that money is the
barrier to the purchase, then maybe revise your price. If it's too cheap. On the other hand, they may question the quality
of your product. People don't like losing money even if it's
only a little bit. If they perceive
that it's too cheap, then these can be enough to deter them because they'll
believe it's not even, it's not even worth buying. Review similar products,
and check the pricing. Is yours on par
with that pricing? Or do you need to make
some adjustments? So what happens next? You're saying visitors
to your listing, your images are good. The product description
is a comprehensive. You're pricing is right, but you're still
not getting styles. If you'd gone through that four-step digital product problem-solver and you've given your product more time after making tweaks to see
if that makes an impact. But still nothing. Then just other thing
is the product of seasonal profit that
a seasonal product and nobody needs it right now. But perhaps, maybe
you just need to make a few tweaks to the
actual product itself. Sometimes changing the title, changing the cover image, changing something is enough
to make a revitalization. Should you test a new platform? Should be, should you be
selling it somewhere else? Should you be changing up
your promotional copy, the copy that you're
using your social media posts in your blog post. Is your marketing
That's the problem? Or is it just a product? It's just not needed. Okay. Well, I don't abandon products easily because we create
them for a reason. Sometimes products
just won't stick. But on the other hand,
is it not sticking because you've got a bit of
a block around promoting it. Is it that the product is
fine, all the listings, everything is fine, but you are just sabotaging yourself
from promoting it properly. This will result in lifestyles. Just have a think about them. But hopefully you've
been creating more products while
waiting for the results to come from that
particular product or from any tweaks
that you've made. And hopefully you've
been seeing sales coming through from
these other products. Every product is
a learning curve. Either it does well
or it doesn't. Both situations though, are opportunities for learning
what your customers love, what they are open to
receiving, what works. If your product wasn't a window, just move onto the next one
I can keep on creating. This is a final lesson in a digital product,
crazy road-map. I really hope you
found the course insightful and enjoyable and helpful in propelling you forward in your digital
product creation. It's been such a
privilege to share my knowledge and my
experience with you, even though it's
the last lesson, can always go back
and do it again. You can always review
the lessons to refresh your mind for future
products that you create. It's always helpful
to go back to the basics no matter where
you are in your journey. Thank you so much for taking
my course and I really look forward to hearing all about
your sales and successes.
20. Share your class project!: Thank you so much for watching
this course and I hope you've made some great progress with your own digital products. It's your turn to share
something with me Now, I'd love you to go ahead
and take a screenshot of your digital product
listing and upload it to the project
section of this course. I'm more than happy to share some personal feedback to help you make your
listing even better. Thank you so much for
watching and don't forget to check out some of my other
courses here on Skillshare. I'll see you next time.