1. Introduction: How do you crush it on TikTok
or any other social media? How do you never run out of different content
creation ideas? Hi, my name is Victor and
welcome to this course. I'm gonna be walking you through how I've been able to build and drive millions
of views via TikTok, which has then led me to drive more views on other
social media platform, I E, search engines
such as YouTube. So I'm going to be walking
you through a number of different methods
and steps that are used in order to never run out. So the way that this course is structured on one video, e.g. I'm gonna be talking
about how exactly I do, what it is that I'm doing for that particular method or step. And on the next video, I'm
going to be walking you through how I do that exactly by jumping into my iPhone and you can kinda look over my shoulder and understand the
steps that I take. Exactly. So I hope you
found the assumptions for this course that you've
already made a TikTok. The basics of shooting videos, the basics of filming, which pretty much anyone with a smartphone device
nowadays does. You know the basics of how
to use the TikTok platform, how to post videos, etc. Because what we're
mainly going to be talking about here is content ideas rather than the actual video
creation process. Patients, obviously, I
have managed to drive millions of views
through social media. I'm not claiming
to be the best or the smartest person on social media or anything like that. I'm also not guaranteeing
that you're gonna get exactly the same
results in terms of my views that I've been able
to drive in the views that I've shown you a
little bit earlier on, every person is different. The level of effort that you're gonna be putting
in is different. Therefore, your results
are going to be based on how much effort you put in and how exactly you follow the steps that I'm going to
be outlining in this course. So the exercise
for this course is to simply come up with a list of your own ideas when it comes to never running out of
content creation ideas. So once you've watched this course and once
you've more or less got an idea of the
methods that I use, are there any additional tips
that you can come up with? Any additional strategies? If you can outline anywhere from around three to five different
strategies that have either worked for
you in the past or new strategies that
you've not thought of, that you're excited to try out. The first method that
we're going to look at is account modelling. So basically, what this
is in a nutshell is looking at a number of different
social media accounts. In this case, it's going
to be obviously TikTok, but you can do this
for this course is to simply come up with a list of your own ideas when it comes to never running out of
content creation ideas. So once you've watched this course and once
you've more or less got an idea of the
methods that I use, are there any additional tips
that you can come up with? Any additional strategies? If you can outline anywhere from around three to five different strategies that
I've either worked for you in the past
or new strategies they've not thought of that
you're excited to try out.
2. Method #1 - Account Modelling: The first method that
we're going to look at is account modelling. So basically, what this
is in a nutshell is looking at a number of different
social media accounts. In this case, it's gonna
be obviously TikTok, but you can do this
on Instagram, you can do this on Facebook, et cetera. I can do this on
YouTube as well. What you do is you look at
how many accounts you can compile that do exactly what it is that you're trying to do. That I've got more or less
the same amount of followers, subscribers that you're
trying to get to that create more or less the
same style of videos that you can see yourself creating the same kind of
videos that you'd ideally like to see yourself
creating in the long term. You then want to do is create
a list of those creators. It can be 5101520
or even higher, depending on how far and how specific you want to
go in terms of volume, the volume is
entirely up to you, but as long as
you've got a number of accounts that
you're going to model. What you then do is
analyse those accounts, their description
on their profile, what are they putting in there? Have they got any links
that link to any stores, any products they're selling. They're linking to the other
social media platforms, et cetera. But more importantly,
what you wanna do is look at the videos
that they're creating. And more specifically,
the videos generating high
levels of success. The videos that aren't
generating high levels of engagement, views,
comments, shares, and what you don't
want to do is go into those videos, watch them, understand more or less what
it is that's causing dr. In engagement. And also the metrics
that I've mentioned, what it is or what is
it rather that you can take from this video and
apply to your own videos? Now another very important
thing that you want to take note of is how often these creators post that
will then give you a cadence for how often you should more
or less be posting as well. Or if you want to
try and get ahead of those craters, you
can post more. Or if you want to
take it at your own pace of impulse less or you can post more
or less the same level of posting that they do. In another very
important thing you want to look out for is you want to make sure that you look at
their most recent videos. Social media platforms such as IEEE TikTok tend to
move very quickly. So you want to find out
what's working recently? I was working yesterday. What's working in the last week? What's working in
the last month? You could potentially look
at longer than a month, but my advice would be looking at anywhere from the last month, What's an understanding what
content is working now? Because the content that
you're going to be creating, it's not gonna be last month, It's not going to be in
the last six months, is going to be now, it's
gonna be in future. So you want to find
ideally what works. Now. Now, obviously this needs to be someone that's
within your niche. So if you only just comedy, you want to find someone
that's in the comedy niche. If you want to get
more specific, if it's comedy means, if it's political comedy,
it's film comedy. If it's just comedy skits, you want to find
someone that's doing exactly what it is that you're
doing within your niche. Which is why again, it's
very important for you to be very specific when you pick your niche because you're
going to be finding people creating that
same type of content. So I'm going to do
next is jumping onto my iPhone and walking you through this process
step-by-step. Okay, so I've got my TikTok
account up here. So say e.g. I am someone that creates
comedy content, comedy videos, and I'm trying to find
accounts that I can model that creates
comedy contents. Or what I'm then gonna
do is I'm just going to go into home with
the intention of going onto search or home and then back their
home, then search. Okay, so what I'm
then gonna do is search for comedy skits. Now, we're assuming here
that I'm someone that's making communist
gets or someone that wants to be making comedy skits. Hence, why I'm searching
for the hashtag. There's the filter option. So if I click on that and
then I can filter and look at creators that have done
really well yesterday, e.g. what I'm going to do is
go down to the bottom and filter by most liked. And then I'm going to click
Apply at the very top there when I pause the video so it doesn't
make any sounds. I'm going to click on
the creator's name. There we go. So a couple of
things I can pick up straight away already
from this account. Obviously, I can see
how big the account is. I can see what they've
put in their description. They are linking
to their YouTube, so they're trying to grow their YouTube account,
which is great. I'm trying to do the
same thing as well. What I can then do is
look at this video. So this was only done yesterday. I can see the type for the
videos that they are creating. Now, what I can also see is there's a theme
to their account. They're using the same
video title template. As you can see that on every single video that
they've posted, they've got this
black and white and red and blue video
title template. That's something again
that I can copy. What I can then do, which I'm not necessarily going to do for the purpose of this course, but I would click on
the video and watch the entire video that I've just selected that did
really well yesterday. Maybe watch 23, maybe
four recent videos. And what I can also
do if I click on to that video and just
talk to you again because I don't need
to hear the audio. I can go to the bottom
and click more. And I can look at the hashtags that there's creator is using an I1 to more or less used
the same hashtags as well, or even better hashtag
strategy rather than using those particular
hashtags, you can also go back. So if I go back to search, I've searched for comedy skits. Obviously, what TikTok
also allows you to do. If you go to the far right, you can click on hashtags and you can then investigate and understand what hashtags are
working better than others. Watch what hashtags are driving more views than other hashtags. You can see comedy skits
driving 1 billion views. Comedy skit is driving
8.6 billion views. Comedy skits
challenge is driving 7.5 million views and so forth. So different
hashtags are driving different amounts of use. But the most important
thing here is you can see which hashtags you
can use in your videos. So you've got an option
here, you can use these. I would advise personally using these that coming
up under search. But you've got an option of
mixing some of these with the hashtags that way in that creators video
that we looked at earlier. So if I go to Filter again
just to bring that backup, pause the video, look more at the bottom
so you can kind of mix there hashtags with the hashtags that you've
found under search as well. So in a nutshell, that is the method that are
the steps that you can take in practice in order to find accounts that
you can model. So step number one,
account modelling. Now we're gonna move
on to step number two, which is re-posting.
3. Method #2 - Reposting Your Content: Okay, so moving on now
to method number two, which is re-posting
your content. Arguably, one of the
best ways to come up with content ideas is
re-posting your old content. But more specifically, you're not just going to
repost anything. You're going to
repost content that's done well for you in the past. And this is obviously assuming that you've created
content before. You've got videos that
you've created in the past. If you're new and you haven't
created any videos yet, don't worry, this one may not
necessarily apply to you, but as you build up your
library of videos content, you can use this
strategy more and more. Now the way this
works is twofold. First way is you
re-posting your old video, Spock videos that I've shown
promise of doing well. So either videos that have
done really, really well, or videos that I've shown the potential
that they could do well in future videos with a decent level of
engagement likes, gauges and follows
a decent amount of views and a decent
amount of shares, etc. So again, that is the
one side to that. Now the other side to that
is you can repost content from TikTok onto your other
social media platforms. They could think about
this and this is a really powerful strategy
because it's allowed me to drive millions of views on YouTube shorts from
TikTok videos. And the good thing about
this is that TikTok video doesn't necessarily have
to have done too well. And TikTok, it could be
a video that's gotten you double or three-digit
numbers on TikTok. But when you post it
on Facebook grills, when you post it
on YouTube shorts, it goes and gets a five-digit, six digits, numbers
when it comes to views. So it's a really,
really powerful strategy as long as you're
confident in that video, as long as you're confident
that it's not breaking any community guidelines
when it comes to TikTok, when it comes to YouTube
or other platform, you're planning on
publishing that video too. So really, really
powerful strategy there. And what I'm gonna do again,
it's jumped into my iPhone. Show you exactly how I go
about re-posting my content. Okay, so we're back onto my iPhone and B
now going to talk about the process of
re-posting your contents. So first I'm going to walk
you through re-posting old content onto
my TikTok account. And then I'm going to walk
you through re-posting. I'm old content or
current content onto a different social media
platforms such as YouTube short. So say e.g. I want to grab a video that did really,
really well recently. I'll see if I can find one. Okay, So we'll go with
this duet right here. So I'm just going to pause it. And now what I want to do is obviously have a look
at the video first. I can see that it's got 3,200 likes, which is pretty good. 14 comments. It's got 341 favorites as
well, which is very good. So all those are positive signals to send
to the TikTok algorithms. Let it know that people
are engaging with it, and that's where the algorithm
keeps pushing it out more. So more people see the video. So how do I repost this? So I'm gonna go
to the three dots on the bottom right-hand
corner of the video. I'm going to go copy link. What I'm then gonna
do is I'm going to go on snap tick dot app. Now what this website does, it removes the Video watermark. However, if I'm posting
back onto TikTok, I don't necessarily
need to do this, but I'm just gonna do it anyway, just to show you guys and you understand why I'm
doing this layer. So I just need to download on there once
I've pasted the link, and now I've got an
option to select. The Download button
is actually to download buttons
does the blue one, and that is another one, which is the green one. It doesn't really matter
which one you click on. To be honest, I tend to
go with the blue one. The green one is just
a different server, but it does more or
less the same thing. Download out of the other
video is when you've got another link that you've
copied and you're ready to go ahead and download
and none of the video. So I'm going to click on
Download and Adverb comes up. I'm just going to X out of that advert is now
prompted me for the download. I'm just waiting
for his download. If you look at the bottom,
you can see that I have got a download icon changing
into blue. And there we go. We've got the video there. So as you can see
the videos there, but the watermark is
removed so you can no longer see the
watermark from the video. What I can then now do
is save that video. So I'm going to save and done and come out
with all altogether. Now, what I can then do because the video is saved in my photos, I can now go back onto TikTok. I can now click plus. And if I go into
the Upload option, as you can see that
the video is now available to upload right there. We'll post that video. Now. I can do it that
way or I can just simply repost it
with the watermark, to be honest, I don't think
it makes that much of a difference if you're
posting it onto TikTok. However, if you're
posting it onto a different platforms
such as YouTube shorts, that's where the beauty of
the watermark comes in. So if I click Plus
to create a short, I can now then upload that
seems short onto YouTube. By the way, this is not made the necessary
ahead and get out. Yeah, but I would normally go into catcoq
and makes sure that the video frame and all that
it's correct for YouTube, but this is just
for this example. This is not how we
would normally look. There we go. The
watermark has gone. It's now ready to
be uploaded onto YouTube, onto Facebook reels, onto IG Reels on to read it onto any other type of social
media video sharing platform. And you've now
created one video, but you potentially
can upload it on up to five or six
different platforms. So in a nutshell, that is how the re-posting method works.
4. Method #3 - Recreating Your Trending Videos: 123 is re-posting your
trending TikTok videos. So all this simply means is what you do if
you're stuck on ideas, you go and have a look at
your analytics on TikTok. And what the analytics
they'll show you is what videos did really well over the last couple of months,
couple of weeks, etc. What videos have really been picked up by
the algorithm is not necessarily all these
videos that I've got a ton of views are
a ton of engagement. But the algorithm is signaling. You're saying,
look, these type of videos have got potential. And if you keep working and keep posting similar type of videos, you're most likely to go viral or blow up using those videos. So if you go back and have
a look at your analytics, you will see exactly
what videos those are. Again, we're going to jump
into my iPhone and I'm going to walk you
through how I go about doing this process, okay, so we're back
onto my iPhone there. So I'm going to go
straight onto TikTok. I'm going to drop this
video from the last lesson. Now what I'm gonna
do is if I go into the top three lines on the
top right-hand corner, I've got options that I can
click into my analytics. The one that you want
is created tools. So if I click on
creative tools and I go straight up into analytics
there at the top. That's going to bring
up my analytics. And you can see the
metrics in there. You can see the last seven days, you can see the last 20 days, and you can see the last 60 days as well in terms of filtering. But what I'm interested in is, in fact, we'll leave it there. We'll leave it in
the last 60 days. And if I go on to
the content tab, as you can see, we've got overview content
followers and alive. Don't really do a lot of lives. But if I go into
content and what, I'm going to ignore
the top ones because these are the most recent ones. But if you go down, you can
see that trending videos. And this highlights what videos have done well in the
past on your account. And this is where again,
if you're stuck on ideas, you can go back and have
a look at this bank of videos and either repost one of these videos or you can recreate
one of these videos, but have some elements that's linked to that
video that reminds the TikTok algorithm that you're creating content for
that same audience. My advice would be creating content using the same
audio as that video. If you're not
re-posting it, e.g. if I click onto this one, here, you've got all kinds of data
there to allow you to make intelligent data-driven
decisions on what content to post
next on TikTok, you've got the graph there
which shows arguably for me, the most important metric on any video sharing social
media platform, which is the retention rate. You can see there. Why that video did
as well as it did. Because 50 per cent of the people that started
watching the video, we're still watching
the video by the 10 s by the
end of the video, which is ultimately what
any social media platform, once they want people to keep
watching and stay on there. So a really good example there. So if I click on this video, what I can then do if I go to the thumbnail of the video on
the top and click on that. It's going to allow me to
play the actual video. I'm just going to
pause it in this case because I don't
want to play it. And what I can then do in
terms of re-posting this video is I can use more or less the
same title that I've used. And maybe just
change it slightly, maybe change it to girls after literally one half decent
conversation with each other, you can change it to
Grandma's mothers. Dads. Just make it slightly different
than what it was before. You can again use more or less the same caption at
the bottom there. Or you can completely description,
sorry, at the bottom. Or you can change that
completely as well. You can use more or less
the same hashtags on. And what you can also do
is use the same audio. Or in fact, no, i'd I'd advise you to use the same audio as
well because again, that signals to the
TikTok algorithm that you're creating content
for that same audience. So it's able to send it
to that same audience that responded really well.
5. Method #4 - Using Trending Sounds: We're going to look at, is using and leveraging trending sounds. Again, if you're stuck on ideas, one of the best things to do
is look at sounds that are trending on TikTok and creating content-based
on those sounds. So essentially, in a nutshell, what you're gonna be
doing is you're going to find the sounds are
say you're going on your For You page
and this one sound keeps coming up from
different creators. You're going to click
onto one of those videos. You're gonna click
into the sound. And what you're then
going to see is what videos are being
created for this sound. And you can then
create a similar style of video underneath that sound. The beauty of TikTok
is a platform that encourages using more or less
the same style of video, more or less the same
style of content with a slight twist and change here and there to
make it your own. So it's not frowned
upon for you to make a similar type
of video using the same Millions of people will be doing
exactly the same thing. You just need to put
your slight twist on it to make it your own. But it can be more or
less the same because you ideally want to be focused on getting the attention of
that very same audience. Again, we're going to jump into my iPhone and I'm
gonna show you exactly how I go about implementing
and doing this in practice, okay, back onto my phone here. So we're going to
talk about how to use trending sounds to
generate content ideas. So what I'm gonna do here is go into my TikTok once again, for the purpose of time, I'm not necessarily going to
be using a trending sound, but I'm just going to
give you an outline of how this process
would normally works. So say e.g. there's a sound that keeps coming up here
on TikTok on your For You page that
you're realizing that actually this is more
or less a trending sound. Because a lot of people
are starting to use this sound is coming up more and more often on
your For You page, meaning the few
page or they took algorithm is pushing this
sound out more and more. And you want to be part of that. You want to try
and get a piece of the pie in terms of the audience that are reacting or
the audience that are engaging with a type of content. So what you can
then do, say e.g. I. Am going to find
one of these videos here. This is a really good one. I'm going to pause it what
you don't want to do. So once you've
identified the video that's using the trending sound, click on the sound of the video. You can actually see what creators are creating
content within that sound. So if I click on
the first one, e.g. here's your candy bit
to watch that video and see what style of video
that creator is creating, what captions they're
putting on, et cetera. And that then brings up light bulbs in
your head to think, okay, I can do it this
way. I can do it that way. I can put this caption, I can
change the theme to this, but I can more or less
use the same sound. That then gives you some
ideas in terms of what you can do where that
sound is concerned. Again, we're going
to find a different video that's got more or less a number of different creators that are
creating for it. So I pause it, click onto the sound again. You can see a number
of different creators and consider different styles of video that are being created under the bed side
and straight away. That then gives you an idea
of what you can come up with in line with more or
less what's on there, what those creators are creating that gives
you ideas of what you can then do in order to provide
content underneath that. So again, another
really powerful method for never running out of content ideas using
trending sounds. Alternatively, if I
go into search e.g. and I'm just going
to go generic. I'm just going to go
trending sounds on there. Okay, so number. So this one right here. Pause it. If I click on
the sound for that one. Again, you can see a bunch of creators have created content
underneath that sound. So literally you've
got a library of content here
that you can have a look at and get an idea
of where you can fit in, where your idea can fit in, in terms of creating content. Using trending.
6. Method #5 - Using Current Topics: Sounds. Okay, so another
powerful tip when it comes to never running out
of content ideas for TikTok. And again, these are
ideas that you can use beyond TikTok as well, is using trending topics or
current topics on TikTok, such as a Black History Month, such as mental health
month, that sort of stuff. Now what you can then do in
order to generate ideas for what you can create
underneath that theme, you can go onto newsroom. I think it's
newsroom dot TikTok, one of the best places to find the current topics that
are trending within TikTok and what TikTok is deeming as more or less the
most important topics. Topics that deliver a
really positive message to the audience that they are
pushing out currently, that they're talking
about currently, again, no guarantees that you're necessarily going to get a
ton of use by doing this. But if the platform is
treating that topic as being currently importance, you're heading in
the right direction. And TikTok even goes
as far as giving you some hashtags on their
website in terms of what hashtags are aligned with
those topics that they are currently discussing for
that period in time. Now what I'm gonna do again,
I'm going to jump into my iPhone and I'm going
to walk you through. I can go about doing this
back onto my iPhone here. And we're gonna be
talking about, again, how to go about finding
trending topics on TikTok. Now as much as looking within
the TikTok app itself, you can also go
onto this website, which is really useful,, where TikTok is essentially
talking to the world, talking to the
Internet and saying, Okay, this is what we deem
as currently important. This is what we're
finding currently is happening within our platform.
This is what we're doing. And this is what
essentially you can maybe slide into as well. If you find that
some of these topics fit with your
content style, e.g. we've got introducing stem drop, a new evolution in global
music collaboration. This can then prompt you to go into the app and have a look and see what's happening
in terms of stem drop. What sort of content
are people creating? E.g. if I was to come
off the website, jump into the app and typing to search
within the TikTok app. I'm searching stem, drop. There we go. Past them, drop on that. I've also used to create
content for stem drop. I can just go through these
different videos, watch them, and get an idea of
whether I tend to type of theme and that's being created here in
terms of my niche. If we go a bit further down, we can see TikTok
is talking about enhancing the lives community experience
with new features, updates and policies, et cetera. Create a spotlight series. Another really good
example again, for what you can potentially model in terms of what content
you can create a whole. You can actually model in terms of what content
you can create. So if I click onto
this title here, create a spotlight series. I'm just going to click on it
so you can read them there. What TikTok is
finding works with this current create error
and the message that they're sending, all that sort of stuff. Theme, we can see here
that the theme is LGBTQ and a number
of other things. But more importantly,
what you can then do is if you click onto that creator on here,
nothing's happening. Or if you search
for them by going onto the TikTok platform
and searching for them, you can see the type of
content that they're creating. It can then get an idea of
what you can learn from, what you can pick up from
within that content. Again, if you feel like
that's content that fits in with what you're currently
doing within your niche. So this is under
the community tab on the TikTok Museum website. I'm just going to
go through that to the news section and just
browse through there and see if there's anything that
I can find to help me out introducing for me
to help small businesses. There we go. Book
talk challenge. So that was in June 29, 2022. So there's an idea right there. So if we go on to click on to that title
and understand a bit more about what the challenge entails and what we can then do from there is going to
the TikTok app, search book, talk, challenge. Book talk. Show me
your thickest book, tiniest book, cover it away. You can see what people are creating underneath
that challenge. Now, I appreciate this
was in June 2022, but imagine if you had been having had just started
your account at that time, this would have been a perfect opportunity
for you to say, Okay, if this content aligns
with a niche that I'm in, I'm able to jump into this straightaway and
create content that's similar to what
these creators are creating for you right away. You've also got hashtags
cover you don't well, yeah, far-right inside relating to those to that particular topic. So these are hashtags
that you can then put in your
description as well. So you can target that.
7. Method #6 - Using Trending Effects: Next tip when it comes
to running out of content ideas is leveraging
trending effects. Now this is quite simple. It's self-explanatory
of all it means is finding effects
that are currently trending within the
TikTok platform and creating content-based
on those effects. Again, you want to
make sure that this is an effect that aligns with the niche that
you're in currently doing to quite serious, maybe not mental health but sort of thing topic you
want to be careful. You don't want to use effects that are gonna be
seen as negative or effects that are gonna
be seen as going against the theme
that you're in. So you want to find ones that apply to your particular niche, which again ties into
everything we've been mentioning
within this course. In terms of finding people to model that within your niche and understanding what's
off effects they're using on your work
on their account, et cetera, et cetera. So again, quite simply, I'm
going to jump into my iPhone. I'm going to walk you
through the process of finding trending
effects on TikTok. Okay, so back into
my iPhone here. So how do you find trending
effects on TikTok? So show me your hand
off the methods. There's a bunch of
different methods for this, but one of them is
obviously the For You page. This is a video that
was recommended to me. Then you can see the effects
that this create ears using. They're using green-screen. Mostly. They're using to
green-screen effects, they using green
screen video and just a normal green-screen. Now, another way you can do
this is if you click Plus at the bottom as if you are about to create a
new TikTok video. And if you click on effects, which is just on the
bottom left there, there's an actual
trending tab on their TikTok makes it really
easy for you to find these. And you can go through
these trending effects and see which one that you, which one you are able to use within your videos,
within your niche. Now, a power tip when
it comes to this, is if you go out into
a particular effect. So let's say you click
the Halloween one there. So you can see the name of the fact at the top.
It's called Halloween. Look. If I close that, it's looking a bit scary. I can do is go into search. I can then search Halloween. Look, there we go. So at the top you can see the
effect is coming up there. But more importantly, I can see what videos are being
created under Halloween. Look. I can go through these
different videos and I can then determine if I'm in this content and are
able to grab any hashtags, is there anything
that I can do with my videos that's similar to
this and more importantly, it out because it's a
trending effect and TikTok pushes out
content that's trending. So it is very likely
to be seen by more people as opposed
to creating an original.
8. Method #7 - Using The Search Bar: So another underrated
method for generating TikTok content ideas is
using the TikTok search bar. Again, I'm going to jump
into my phone really quickly and show you how
to go about doing this. But it's very, very simple. The topic that you want to
create content for, say, you write down three or
four different topics that you feel like you want
to create content for, but you don't know how
to do this in practice, you've got nothing is
coming to your head in terms of okay, I'm
gonna pick up my phone. I'm going to feel myself saying this, I'm going to wear this. I'm going to be at this place. I want to talk this loudly. I'm not gonna talk. Nothing is hitting, you know,
ideas are coming. What you can simply
do is go into the TikTok search bar
and you can search that particular phrase
of content that you were thinking hoping to
create content around. And that's simply gonna do is it's going to
bring up a bunch of videos relating to that topic if anyone is creating
under that topic. And again, there's
various data points that you can lean into, such as how many likes
these videos are getting, how recently this
videos are posted, what hashtags are being
used for these videos? How many views are each of
those hashtags getting? That can then help you
determine in terms of SEO whether that's worth you creating a potentially not
worth you're creating if it's potentially not going
to drive that many views. So again, jumping
into my iPhone, I'm gonna walk you through
how to do this, okay, so back into my iPhone here. So we're talking
about how to use the search bar to
generate content ideas. So say e.g. I'm a comedy
account and I'm thinking of generating or creating a video
around working from home. So I'm just going to type in
working from home, comedy. So working from
home, it's a topic and my niche is comedy. And I'm just going to
search using that. There's a bunch of
videos here waiting for me to just go through
these different buildings. You hear people. Seo perspective, I'm working from home. Suggestions there
that you can use. Also go to the top right
and filter last week, yesterday, about last
month, last six months. I can filter it by
most likely as well. I'm just gonna go to yesterday. I am a fighter. And again, I can go
through his account, go to his videos model
He's account and understand what's working in terms of working
from home comedy. And I can just create
similar types of content because I
work from home. So I know exactly the types of challenges that this
guy is going through. I can resonate with what is
creating content around. And these people that are
commenting and sharing its contents are resonating with what this person is saying. Therefore, I'm able to slide in and create similar content. I've got an idea of
how to feel myself. I can sit down. I
have a headset on. I can be in front of a
computer with a keyboard and a mouse with a relatively decent
looking background and create a similar
video straight away. You've got 345 or even a video series
that's coming out of this one concept. And you can just
keep rinsing and repeating and going through
the different videos. Again, the key is don't just copy or steal exactly
what the person is doing. But you want to try
and keep more or less 80% around there of what
this person is doing. And maybe change the
title a little bit, maybe changed the video
length a little bit, maybe play around with
things like that. Obviously it's
huge, so it's gonna look different to start with. But you want to make sure
that TikTok is targeting and sending you to those
same people that aren't.
9. Method #8 - Listen To Your Audience: For generating content
ideas on TikTok and beyond is listening to your audience
quite simply in practice, what this means is looking at comments from your audience. Now, comments can be obviously
depending on the day, depending on the video,
depending on the comments, they can be quite good,
that can be quite bad. It's social media,
it comes with it. People are positive, negative, rude, and so forth. Hence why that block
button exists, hence why the delete
button exists, hide user from Channel
buttons exist. So unfortunately, it comes with it, it
comes with social media. If you're someone that
turns your comments on, some people choose
not to by the way, but if you choose to
turn your comments on another really powerful way of getting ideas for what
content to create. It's listening to your audience. A lot of the time
people will comment. If it's an educational
video, e.g. they'll say, Oh great, but
how exactly do you do this? Or they'll say, I bet
this doesn't work. Which is more or less a
challenge for you to say, well actually it does what? It doesn't show you a bit more of how this actually works. So you can look at what people are saying
within your comments, within the actual videos
that you're creating, you can ask people directly
to comment something below, comment if you found
this useful comment, if you'd like me to explain
this a bit more comment. If you found that
beneficial comment, if you would do this in your house comment if you
would buy this, et cetera. This is why it's so
important to use call to actions
within your videos. And whether it's written
call to actions, whether it's verbal
call to actions, getting people to comment something because
that then gives you information and fuel
and sometimes ideas for what to do within
your next video, e.g. if you're someone that
talks about Ferrari's on your TikTok or
other accounts today, you could be reviewing
a red Ferrari and then someone will jump
to the comments and say, Oh, I wonder if the blue
one works like that. On the next video, you're
jumping to a blue Ferrari and then someone jumps in
your comments and says, well actually I wonder
if the 1960s version of it, how fast
does that one go? That's an idea for
your next video. You didn't go into next video
and do that sort of thing. Obviously for error
is quite high, higher tier type of content. But you can kind of spin
this around and use it within any type of content
listened to your audience, look at the comments,
drive them to comment in your videos and give you ideas
for what to create next. You can even say that verbally and blend it in your
videos and say, Tell me what I
need to draw next. Tell me I need to cook next. Telling me I need to I
need to explain next. Tell me what film I
need to review next. You then jump into your audience's comments
and create that video. And TikTok has deemed is so powerful that it's
given an option for creators to video reply to comments. That
is not an accident. That is because the
platform deems that is one of the best ways
to show that you're engaging with your audience and you care for your audience and creating content based
on what the audience wants. So I'm gonna jump into my phone again and give you an idea
of how to get this done. If I go into my account, I'm going to show
you an example where I did this recently. So to do this is for removing TikTok
water but recently recall. So as you can see,
this is me replying to a comment that was saying
a no way this works. Now the backstory of this
is I created a video talking about how to
remove TikTok watermarks. At least the best
method, in my knowledge, may be a number of other
different methods out there, but this is what works for me. This is what I've found easiest. Now, having created that video is what's actually happened, is the comments are there, came back and said,
Well, ain't no way this works,
essentially the same. I don't believe this
works basically. Now, this is where the ego
topic comes into question. You can either deem
that as being rude, you can block that person. It can respond and shout
at them or whatever. But ideally what you want to do, you don't wanna do any of that. By the way, it's not, it doesn't send a
good image off you. What you can do is a positive
spin on that and say, actually I'm gonna take
this as a challenge. And I'm going to
show this person exactly the steps that
I take to do this. Which in a nutshell, not
only proves them wrong, but also shows that you care about what your
audience is saying. Also, create by creating content and responding
to their comments. And this is what I
did right there. I responded to that person
with a video and it's literally a two-minute recently recorded and a half
minute long video, walking exactly step-by-step,
how I go about removing. Can see this in practice
and see exactly this is how I get this done and
that it is actually possible. Now what I could have done
in this video is said, Thanks for watching at the end. Let me know what else
you'd like me to describe. Let me know what else you'd
like me to explain or let me know what else
you'd like me to cover in the next video. And straight away, I've got an idea for what to create next. And not only am I showing that you care about my audience, not only am I going to
get engagement from that particular
person because I'm responding to them by video, but other people
are going to start falling into that
mindset now as well. And I'm gonna get
more and more people because people love it when you respond to them privately,
not necessarily privately, but when you respond to
their common specifically, it shows that to
a certain extent you care about them and you
care about your audience, that you are serious about what you're doing on social media. Now, in practice,
what this looks like is if I go onto just
a random video, I'm going to go, um, and if I go into just a
random content, so say e.g. that one that says
me with firework. If I press down on that video,
there we go straight away. I've got an option
to reply with video. As I reply with video, you can see that it's got that person's
comment at the top. So everyone else that can
see that video can see that I'm replying to my audience and people absolutely
loved that. Hey, this create as replying to the audience for free,
they're giving you time. Let me jump into that. Let me follow them. Let me comment on their
videos and see if they'll reply to my and you just simply film your TikTok
video as you normally would and publish that video. And that's how you can.
10. Additional Methods: Content generation idea, additional methods
you can use to generate content
ideas in a nutshell. So, so far, we've spoken
about a number of different methods
that you can use to hopefully never run
out of content ideas, not just on TikTok, on other social media video
sharing platforms as well. I hope you found these
really beneficial. But in addition to everything
that I've mentioned so far, so in a nutshell, we've spoken about
account modelling was spoken about re-posting
your content, recreate in your trending
content using trending sounds. We've spoken about using trending topics such as
Black History, Month, etc. We've spoken about
using trending effects. I'm using the search bar and
listening to your audience. But what you can also do
is utilize features that are built into the platform
such as IEEE TikTok, e.g. TikTok encourages
the use of stitches, which is where you're
essentially using the hook off that video of another
creators video and adding onto that video. Again, this is TikTok,
recognizing the importance of capturing your
audience's attention within that three to 5 s, or first three to 5 s of video. And then kinda
building onto that. So this is a good
opportunity for you to use someone who's potentially more popular than
you and use their hooks. I'll use that first 5 s off their video and then
add onto that video, add your own value, add
your own content onto that. But the beauty of this
is it's already themed. You've already got a topic
from that creators video, so you can just build onto that topic that they've
already created. And you already know
that that topic works because you're not
going to stitch videos. I've got no views. You're gonna be stitching
videos that have already been proven
to be successful. Same way the next one, which is cuvette, utilized us. Again, you've
already got a topic because that initial potentially be created that has already
got some engagement. They've already got a topic, they've already
got some hashtags. You're essentially
just adding onto that, whether you're
commenting on whether you're reacting or doing
whatever it is you're doing. You've already got
you basically already halfway there. The
video is already there. You're just wetting or stitching that video, re-posting
other creators, TikTok has got a new
feature where you repulse other creators
content on that. Just a word of caution on this one. Don't
use this too much. Obviously, you want your own personality
to come out as well. You don't wanna be just
an account that just repost other people's content. But again, another idea that using your products
or services as well, if you've got a product
or service that you're trying to sell or
that you're trying to gain affiliate payments or affiliate income
for a lot of the time, big companies will already have a certain amount of content that already exists
out there, e.g. if you're an affiliate
marketer for Nike, I don't know if there is any affiliate
marketers for Nike, but if you were, Nike has a ton of
content out there. A plethora of content that is being created a by themselves, but be UGC content, user-generated content,
which is being created by creators
like yourself. So you can then look
into that type of content and understand
exactly what other people are creating
for that brand and generate your own
ideas based on that, I can also use external search analytics
such as cube buddy, Google Analytics,
set SEM rush, etc. This is more to understand
what people are searching for on the Internet more than natively within the
TikTok platform. But again, to understand
those broader topics helps it helps you then serve those topics within the TikTok
platform as well. A lot of the times
you'll find that broader topics that are
being searched online on Google are also being
searched within native platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, etc. So another good way to generate.
11. In Closing: Very helpful. I hope you never run out of content ideas based on the information that
I've given you. If you've got your own ideas on the back of what
we've talked to, we've talked about
in this course. Again, please do drop them as part of the exercise
or if you've got any ideas that have
helped you in the past or any other ideas that
you're excited to try. Remember the exercise, and
just include them on there. It doesn't need to
be complicated, just a simple PDF or something
like that with what you think is going to
work or what has been proven to work for you. I hope you found that
very beneficial. Thank you very much and
I will see you on there.
12. Bonus Tip #1: And I will see you
on the next one. Okay, so I'm back
with a bonus tip, actually two bonus tips. The first bonus tip is again in the theme of
never running out of content ideas on
social media and strategies to make sure that's
not very likely to happen. What you can also do is not just use your comments and
listen to your audience, but you can also do exactly
the same thing with your competitors
audience, say e.g. you've got a
competitor and TikTok or another creator that did, that does a similar video
style to what you do. And if you go through
their comments and you may find that someone
has left a comment on there that they've not
responded to a comment that they could have taken and used content idea for an affair. Next videos, what
you can then do is create a video within that
topic and that style, you don't necessarily
need to include the comment as name within your video or something
along those lines. You don't necessarily need
to say that I'm creating this video as a
response to the screen, but this is what people are asking for in the
comments and you're serving to something that's
being requested already. So if you go into
another creators account that's within
the same niche, and there's a ton of
people that are asking them to do something
and then doing it. Perhaps they feel a bit
shy or perhaps it's not something that they can do that you feel
comfortable doing, but you feel like that's within the theme of what you're able to do without breaking any
community guidelines obviously, then you can create
those videos based on comments that are within
your competitors and videos. So make sure you have a look.
13. Bonus Tip #2: Tip number two, and this
is another powerful tip, is social media cross
platform sharing. So again, the video that
you've got on TikTok. So referring back to one of my initial videos in this
course where I showed you how to remove a TikTok watermark by going into that
site that I mentioned. Once you've done that and
you've removed that watermark, you've now got an
opportunity to share that same video on
Facebook reals. You can share it on Instagram, you can share it on
YouTube, shots, etc. You've done the work
once by scaling for you. You're able to scale
it and uploaded on a ton of different
social media platforms. Working smart, not working hard. So you don't need to sit
on Instagram and think, okay, I've created
a video on TikTok. What am I going to create now? On Instagram, you've already
got a video on TikTok. Just take that same one and
upload it onto Instagram. And the beauty of this
is a lot of the time people that are on Instagram
and also on TikTok. I have not had a comment
once from anyone on Facebook or anywhere else where I've used this strategy
that's come back and said, Why are you uploading
the same videos on TikTok as you are
here? Not once ever. Again, take this with
a pinch of salt. I mean, I'm not a
massive, huge creator. I'm not David Delbruck
out here or king, but perhaps when
you've got big people do recognize those little
idiosyncrasies here and there. But generally as
you're coming up, It's not something that's
going to cause any issues. And even if someone
does ask you that, you can simply just answer
them and just say, Well, I thought it might benefit the people that haven't
seen it on this platform. Upload the same video. It's not a bad thing. It's not an issue. Because at the end of the
day, as you're coming up, as you potentially doing your
nine to five on the side, you've not got hold
data that dedicating, degenerate and content, whereas
bigger creators have got the whole day to go live and TikTok to go live on Instagram, to go live on Facebook, live on YouTube, etc. You haven't got that.
You're making what you're able to create
a stretch a lot more. So those are the two bonus palliatives right
there using your, your competitors comments and also cross platform sharing. Take advantage of this
tips. I'll see you soon.