Creating and Selling Your First Product using Printful and Shopify | Jessica Johnson | Skillshare

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Creating and Selling Your First Product using Printful and Shopify

teacher avatar Jessica Johnson, Developer | Online Business Teacher

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Introduction


    • 2.

      What is Dropshipping


    • 3.

      Creating Graphics with Low Cost Tools


    • 4.

      Creating Graphics Using WordSwag


    • 5.

      Creating Graphics Using Canva


    • 6.

      Getting Started with Printful


    • 7.

      Creating Mockups + Printfiles


    • 8.

      Creating a Mug


    • 9.

      Creating a Hoodie


    • 10.

      Adding your New Product to Shopify


    • 11.

      Printful Settings


    • 12.

      Ordering Product Samples


    • 13.

      Maximizing Shopify: FAM


    • 14.

      Maximizing Shopify: Reconvert


    • 15.

      FAM Review and Lifetime Deal


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About This Class

Creating and Selling your First Product Using Printful and Shopify

The easy way for entrepreneurs to get started creating and selling their first custom drop-ship item.

Have you thought about selling custom items, but didn't want to worry about the hassle of production and fulfillment?

By using a drop-ship provider, you don't have to worry about producing your product, fulfillment, shipping or inventory.

By the end of this course, you will be ready to start your very own shop.

In this course, we will cover:

  • Creating Graphics with Low-Cost Tools
  • Getting started with Printful
  • Creating products 
  • Adding Products to Shopify & more

This course is for:

  • Aspiring Store Owners
  • Existing businesses that provide digital products and would like to add physical products without an overhead

Enroll now and start learning with me today...  See you in the course!

Shopify is one of the top e-commerce platforms for entrepreneurs to start selling their products or dropship items. Start your store today

Class Resources:

Printful Website




Meet Your Teacher

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Jessica Johnson

Developer | Online Business Teacher


"Use your gifts to help achieve the dreams of others" -Jess the Techpreneur

Hi, my name is Jess! I am a blogger, software developer, podcaster, and online business teacher. I use everything I've learned and studied in the online business space for 15 years to help non-techies get a footing in the space.

Everyone assumes that everyone knows tech and how to navigate the different platforms and tools, but I know firsthand that's not true. As the go-to tech/business person in my circles, no question is truly dumb, and the answer could be life-changing.

I navigate my business, Non-Techie HQ, with this in mind: I provide multiple mediums for learners, as not everyone learns the same way.

My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible build sustainable, scal... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Class Introduction: welcome to creating and selling your first product using Shopify imprint ful. In this course, we will go over how to create a product design had at the design to merchandise as the product to your shop. If I store and start selling your private, we will go over every stuff from creation to production, learning the steps to selling your first drop shipping product in the hour. 2. What is Dropshipping: drop Shipping is a fulfillment method. Whether Reseller does not keep the inventory that it sells the production of the product for film it and shipping is taken care of by 1/3 party. In this case, print. Fel in Full is a drop shipping provider that handles the production. Is shipping of your merchandise. You can create the design, they print it, ship it, and you are in a portion each time a product that's sold, you could connect your prayerful accounts, your e commerce platform, to ensure a seamless in vitoria sales management. Prayerful can be integrated with Shopify Big Cartel squarespace, other platforms using a P I and the ship station app. For this course, we will be using Shopify as our e commerce platform. If you are not familiar with Shopify, it is a e commerce platform that gives you everything you need to sell impersonal and online on multiple platforms, including Amazon, Facebook, instagram, Pinterest and more. If you need help with mastering the Shopify platform, check out mother training, mastering Shopify logistics 3. Creating Graphics with Low Cost Tools: There are multiple ways you can create a design for your pregnant products. You can use Adobe Illustrator, photo shop Camba and worse wack so they will use to low cost options. Where swag in campus, where swag is that iPhone app that can be used to create high resolution designs that can be used as a purple design. Camba is the popular online and mobile APP Graphic design tool website. They can be used to create a variety of documents and images. 4. Creating Graphics Using WordSwag: when using words wise to period approval design, you would need so download the app from the Iowa's APP Store. Have this 100 this recording it is $4.99. What? You have downloaded the app You will see the home screen of war A swag. On this calm screen, you will be able to choose between your camera, library or free photos. For this example, we will go to free photos in our painful graphic will have a transparent background. This will open up that editor for worse swag to edit text double tap and put in thes quote you will like running your graphic This example We will be using a pre made well, once you know what your text click done, then you can go through the presets at the bottom of the screen to see the difference thoughts they have for your text. After you chosen one that she will like to use in your design. You want to make sure that your design is as big a single girl without losing any. You wanna make sure that your design is censored and that it takes up a much basis possible after you have chosen the fine. You can go in and change the color of your attacks. And we're gonna hit Save No. From here at the Sher Mingyu, it automatically downloads onto your phone. You can add your local to your design. If you want us in the design through instagram or Twitter, you can send it right through here. But for now, since we have a design downloaded on our phone, we will get moving to the next step. 5. Creating Graphics Using Canva: our next little cost option is can va canvas of free platform that has the option of a paid agree call camp. It'll work at this time of this recording. Camel toe at work is $9.90. Nice to it. You can use camera for free, but you will be unable to download designs. What's a transparent background camera? Does have a seven day trial for camera at work that you can use to get your desires completed without the commitment. Get started with Campbell. Well, gotta canvass dot com. Start a new account, or, if you already have an account, you can lock in after you set up your camera can va. You will see the home dashboard for camera. For a prayerful desire. We're going to go to create a design, use custom dimensions and the dimensions. We need our 42 inches wide in 36 inches. Hi, and we'll click Design. Once careful opens up your custom dimensions, we will add two year graphic. You can add your texts. You want to be mindful when dropping a text that it is wide enough for what you need. And it's the ledge, a ble and you want to make sure that the text is censored. Blending your design art board, you can add images to your design. Once you finalize your design, we will download it P and G. And if you have can about at work, then you can add the transparent Beichler and we're gonna download. After your design is done downloading, we will move on to the next step. 6. Getting Started with Printful: next we was set up are painful account. If you are not familiar with purple, we will begin by setting up an account So we will click set up. You put your full name, your email adjusts and a password. After you have finished your account set up, you will receive a confirmation email to confirm, and you will be brought to the dashboard of plentiful. 7. Creating Mockups + Printfiles: creating your powerful account, we will begin creating your products from the print ful home screen. You will go to the mark of generator still mock up in print file. Generator opens. You will see the different pot of types broken down into five categories. Men's clothing, women's clothing, kids in youth called ing accessories and home in living on the left side of the screen, you will see from the different categories the products broken down by part of type. At this time, we will begin to create our T shirt. From here. You could go from men's or women's clothing, and we will select T shirts. Once you select the product type, it will open up the different brands available for that product. In choosing a brand, keep in mind the colors available, the price and the reviews. Prayerful helps you with choosing a brand by labeling some of the brands as popular. We will choose for this example the Bella in canvas unisex short sleeve Jersey T shirt. Once you choose a brand, it will open up the generator additive. Here is where you will add Geographics to your product. On the left hand side is your toolbar, where you will have the product information, the printing technique, the colors available and your next steps and this country want to choose the colors. You will like your T shirts to be. Keep in mind when choosing a T shirt. Color how your graphic will look. One. The T shirt. After you choose your colors, you will upload your file. Once you upload your graphic one left inside, you will see the print quality of your graphic. You want to make sure that it is in the good range. You want to go and make sure your design is laid out. How you would like it in your shirt. But be aware of how you change your graphic on the shirt. How the print quality would change on the left, so you want to make sure that you keep it within the range of good. Once you have your graphic laid out on your T shirt, how you will like it, You can review how it will look on the different colors that you have select. If you find that the graphic blends in too much, you can easily remove it from the bottom of the mock up war, you can remove it from the product. Tap after us, satisfied with the colors of your T shirt in your graphic is Sunni. How you will like it. Then you can make changes to the rest of the T shirt if need it. So you have the option of putting a design on the back of the shirt. The left sleeve, the right size sleeve in the outside, legal the outside label will has. For this example, I will add in my local you wanna make sure that it is laid out and it looks nice on all colors that you have available on your store, and then we will click generate files. Once you click generate files, you will be brought to the Markham Street. Here is where you can choose from the different variations of mock ups. In this case, we have a unisex shirt, so we have a men's mock up on women's mock up. Ah, flat mock up in a wrinkle mark. Underneath that you will see the front design that you have uploaded with all the different variations that you have, and you will see your point. You want to make sure that you have been files checked to make sure that they are generated correctly so that you don't have to make any changes or go through this. Process it in When you create new products, we once you chase the file name so that you can easily identify this our print file. Then you have the option of downloading in J P G. Where P and G. Once everything looks good, you would click generate files and then saved the library. This will save it to your print full account so that you can use thumb again for any other products you won't create well, status complete. You can click download files. This would download all of the markups that you have generated and the plan files. If you like more than one type of Marca, you can simply go up and change the markup style and then unclipped print files and generator mock ups again 8. Creating a Mug: Next we will create our mug from the parental dashboard. We will go back to the market generator, goto home and living coffee mugs, and we will click the white glossy month. Here we will select the sizes we will like to have our product in. You have 11 ounce and 15 ounce, so we will drop by design. We're gonna use the same graphic we use for our T shirt in the Purple Editor, we will see the different sizes available for this product. You have 11 ounces of 15 houses just like our T shirt. We will choose a file for our mug. We will use the same graphic we had for our T shirts. So in the print ful library, we will click her decide and it will be added to the template of the month. You can see changes on the's smaller mock up. As you make changes in the template, you can move the graphic to either side if you want to create a double graphic so that has shown one both sides of the cup. You can do that by clicking the duplicate image on both sides, and it will put a graphic right in the middle of the other side. You can also add another graphic to the month. Once yes, satisfy with design is sure to take a moment and look at the different variations of the product. Checking variations will help permit here. Swin Princey. Once you're happy with your design, we will click generate files. Next, we will choose a mock up style. We have the fault lifestyle in environment markups. Your mock up will have a handle on the right handle on the last fund. Few and, of course, your print files. Choosing one of the three will generate different options for each mock up style. After you choose some microbes style, make sure you check the print files, changed the file name and then generate mock up. After your mock up is generated, you can click save toe library. This will save it. Two are painful account, and then you could download the files. And just like our T shirt, we can choose difference markup styles and generate and download those files as well 9. Creating a Hoodie: next we will create a hoody. We'll go down to either women's or miss create Huddy. Choose a Hiti from the which is a hoody and will be back at the generator. We're gonna trap in our design. Had our colors. Make sure our graphic iss We want it at our label. Then we can at our label and then we will generate files. That is how you create products in principle. 10. Adding your New Product to Shopify: after we have created our mock abs and our print files, we will connect our prime ful to our Shopify store. So here I've locked into my account and the first thing you want to do is go to APS. We're gonna go to the shop. If I app store and download the principal app here, we will add at and it will be automatically added to your shop. If I store plague, install app this juice. So from here we will connect our account. And once we sign in ill, ask for confirmations who connect the store. Your store and powerful will be ST. And if you go back to perm ful and see your dashboard, you will see that your new stores There, you'll see your store name the Shopify bag. If it is active and it's working and then you can add products, are you to sink products? Now you're able to manage your principal one harmful dot com and or Shopify dot com. So rude and Gold star business theme. That's the name of the store, and you will see that you are ready to add products. Come here. We're going to go ahead and click at product. We're going Teoh Usar women's clothing and the T shirt. We're gonna add our T shirt, too. Ah, prints are Shopify store. You'll be able to select where you will like your shirts back in. You are able to check the availability of the shirt, so make sure that it is in stock. If it is not a stock, then you can add a alternative. You see most of them are in stock from small three eggs, so we're going Teoh. Select the the select all sizes or so like the size is that she would like in your store. If you want to add more collars, then you can ask them, and it will show you here. If it isn't a stock. If it's not in stock, you will not show up. It is still a silver. You can add as many colors as you want, but you want to make sure that the file that you add to your shirt IHS able to show up on all the colors that you have chosen soon and choose our print file. It will be added. It's a line ready to go. Well, if you want your outside label you can put dropped that in here after your graphic is how you will like it. Then we will click. Proceed to mock up. You'll be able to choose the mark of you will like shown in your store do wrinkle markup and she proceed to description here. Once you hit the description, you will be able to change the title and description of the product. If you will like the size guide included, it will be includes to the product description. You him take away the information that she would like. You can add to the description I was just adding the name of the shirt for an adversary purposes. Once you get your title, your description in any tax that she will like Teoh adds to your product. Make sure you have your size guy measurement and if you will like it, If not, you can uncheck it and it will be removed from the description we're gonna proceed. Surprising. From here, you will see the size is that you have available in your store. You'll see how much it is, too. Print that shirt. This is what is going to print ful somewhere you make a sale one a shirt. This is the price that would be taking out her size and the next you'll see the retail price. This is the price that has shown on your store to your customers. A. Your profit is how much you would like to make off of that shirt. So as you move your profit up and down, you'll see the retail price change. Once you've chosen the prophet person nation, she will like four years shares and have custom customize your pricey. Then you can choose to publish the product. You can add it to a collection added to your home page. In this submits a store. This will push your product to your shop. If I store so, where it will see between Plentiful and Shopify was. Your product has been uploaded. Instinct. You will see it on both the principal dashboard and the shop of five dashboard 11. Printful Settings: Now that our shirt has been added to are a Shopify dashboard, you can see the different variants have been at it to the store. You can view and Shopify how your product will look So you see it will have all your different various for the T shirt. We have our colors and our sizes already and put it to our Shopify store is ready to add to the current I'm ready for to buy. Once you start to receive orders from prayerful, you will see that the price of the T shirt or the product is deducted from the mountain you have posted on your website. From there, you will pay for ship me either through painful or if you would like to do it through Shopify. Next, you'll want to go in and update how you like your packing slip. So look, when you are shipping products for a brandy Sacre, this will be put on olive. You sent package E so you can add your logo. If you have a customer service email that she will like at it to the package you can. And if you would like to add a custom packing slip message that you can incident here and click save next. If you will like toe override the shop of five shipping settings with the principal shipping prices. You can ask this year count if you are using the basic Shopify or the Shopify plan for $20 a month. They were at the libraries to your store so that you are able to use the purple shipping. Injunction it with your shipping if you have other products that you sell on your store. 12. Ordering Product Samples: after you have created your product and added it to your store, you have the option of ordering samples. To do that, we can call to waters in our brimful dashboard. Click new order and you'll see a sample order. You get a maximum of two orders. Perma three products. Parma Free shipping in a 20% discount. When you do a sample order, you can add your product. It will pull up your sink items, and you will be able to choose your products in the size and color that you like. And once you filtered by color aside, she will be able to see how much the shirt ISS click. Choose it will add our order, including that are outside labels 2049 extra. So that brings us to 17 94 which are 20% off this count. So you have your shirt, you'll be able to preview it. This is your print file. If you want to remove your outside labor, you can do that. Since this is a sample order, you can Onley select up to three items and at retail, this is $27 but the price for you and in your sample order is 17 94. Then we will go through, can see to ship me. So the total for our T shirt will be 14 35 focusing its A ship, Ian. And see, with our free shipping the price doesn't change. But you get your address. You can send it upto three places us is We have just one. We should go ahead and at and Kans he interview. From there, we can submit the order. 13. Maximizing Shopify: FAM: So the next app that I definitely recommend in maximizing your shop if I store is FAM is a a i m o marken E. That is created by sumo, and it connects directly with your Shopify store and in pools in your customers that are looking to go and sign up for your e mails. This is literally the best email marketing that I have found for e commerce. When you don't want to do email marketing, it really takes care of everything for your for you. You have your calendar. You have your email type. You can pull in is to ground post from your business. Instagram page. You can do your welcome e mails, you new cells emails, and it's all pulled from Shopify in Instagram and it waas for a price of like $20 a month. But they have since changed that. So it's freedom in style, and you have to pay, like 5% of the revenue generated from the email sense by FAM. So if you send email, you make $1000 off of the email than 5% of it would be paid to FAM, and I know it's capped at a certain part, but this is something that is worth it. Even the $20 that they wanted to go ahead and charge it is worth it. And I have a review and how to get started with FAM, so I will add that to this course also. 14. Maximizing Shopify: Reconvert: So one of my most recommended APS for you to add to your shop if I store is three reconvert app. It is a conversion machine when it comes to the thank you page. Most times are store owners were looking to give the customers to convert to a customer and make the sale re conferred. Comes in in adds additional details to your order confirmation page for your customer to become a returning customer before they even leave. So you're upping that minimum order purchase that she'll seeing your analytics. You are able to add a lot of different aspects to this, including axing for birthdays, pop ups with time sensitive information. Um, you can offer discounts of them for the next order, all without leaving this one this order confirmation page. The pricing is very transparent. For up to 50 orders, you're free. Once you started hitting 51 orders and up to about 100 you have to change to a pay plan, which is like $7 9 s in a month where if you have even used this app in your store when you are pushing for those conversions for those customers, those positional customers that are coming in. Then you can see the amount of money that you will have flowing in to your business, increasing those orders for you, increasing the views for you. And it's worth the $8 a month. It's worth the $14 a month it's worth the $30 a month, and it's very easy to get started when you go to the reconvert page and the Shopify still App store. Or you can go to reconvert, which is a link in the description of this course, and you will go ahead, start the process for added to your cart. We'll put in your shop. If I You are rail, you want to make sure you don't put that that my Shopify dot com and then we'll click at APP. This will go, so once you put in your name, you can go ahead your euro. It sends you to your stores off here, not logged in. You have opportunity to go ahead and get logged in, and you go through the information for what this app needs and then click install. Once you install this app one to your store, it will call to the trial of the information for this particular app so lets you know you're five minutes away from boosting your revenue by up to 15%. It literally takes you five minutes to set this up. So it's a great thing Teoh put in. It also says Then in the next page you will prove charges for the highest possible plan, which is up to $349 a month. But you will not be charged that unless you have the amount of orders um, for that if you have less than 50 what is in this free? If you have 51 orders toe hundreds, 7 99 you can find that on the website the pricing for the website where it will show you the tears that are available. So if you don't go up, you don't go past 100 orders. The month then 7 99 is all you'll pay. In the end, it definitely pays for itself. You can also view the price and table here, but you get a 30 day free trial to be able to go ahead with this, someone should click it then else and you to approve the charge. You see we have, um, 30 days free. It has a free of to 50 orders. Pump offline stars A 7 99 They cannot charging more than $349 in the United States every 30 days. If you hit the max number of orders, then you'll click. Approve Charge. You won't be building well. It's just since throwing your except me the subscription for it. So once you do that, it opens up the reconvert pulse purchase up sell page, and the next thing you want to do is to create a new template. This temple. It will open up into the editor, the looking feel of your theme editor, and it will only pull up your check out page. So this is the only thing that you will be added Me. You'll only have the header area, the left area, which is this side the right area. And you have general settings where you can put your pop up order tracking or product comments with your order tracking a U 17 track, which it to be able to give that updated information to your customers. So as soon as you go through and process the tracking for it. They will now see their tracking number. And they can come back to this page and receive updates as they go about. So we're gonna enable to order tracking to give that, Definitely going to put a pop up with the timer. You can do this on every impression. Display once per customer or once per order so we can do every impression which is gonna be when they complete a order. You came the put the information for the discount, which for the next 20 minutes on Lee get 30% off. Everything will be a delay in the pop up, and you can take them to a specific page of the website. Like all your products, you could take it to the home page by the far it goes to the home page. You can open it in a new window. You can set the timer duration longer. The pre made discount you can have here, or do automatic discount of free shipping of fixed amount or personage. So now do you did 30% off and then you have your decline. But in Texas is maybe later and that is the view of the timer you can customize does color here, some match your other settings. You want to make sure you have your colds available, though. For that the buttons are automatically pulled from your theme cousin ization. So your pop up is now set. We can go back and you can add product comments, and they will show where that particular they will come up, which is here. Why did you buy this product? You can submit it. You can change your placeholder text. You don't have to enable this, but those are your general, Sandy's and your sections. You have specifics that you can go ahead an update sewing your header. You have the information that's already said, like your colors, your logo's. You see the locals already pulled in the left side of Evie Order Confirmation Page already has that. The orders confirmed the customer information. In a tracking number, you can add additional sections with birthday collector widget. You can do a called the action a collection list custom html. A discount. You just want to type text an image with text link a list, which would be like a menu pulse purchase surveys, product recommendations, product up sales, a reorder button social follow buttons, social media leaks, social sherry and you can add videos so those that are different sections that you can add to your page, your order confirmation. I definitely recommend that pop up. And if you wanted to do the birthday collector, which it that's always good product of sales in reorder helps with those re occurring orders, you can give them a discount based online. A reorder are you deprive for. You can provide free shipping. There's multiple ways that you can do this to ensure that your customer has the best experience. And then on your right side you can add a section two. Also, if you find it maybe a little bit too much on this side and when your right side you can update it, how you see fit to see you, do your product of sales. Your reordering. Um, your social media follow buttons, which will have your your links from your theme. Ah, you could do a cause of action or collect their birthday and with the birthday collector is a great way to give them onto. If you have a loyalty program, mucus in special coupons to them for their birthday, and it kinda gives you one last push to get there re occurring, Order said. And once you have everything completed and everything, how you like the you click safe and this will become your thank you page. This is the order confirmation page that your customers will see when they complete in order. Once you exit out of the customizer, you will be able to breathe brought back to the dashboard for the reconvert and see your active template you can do. You can enable it from here once you complete your template. If you wanted to create draft templates, you can do that. There's also free templates that you can use. Your stats are here for each check out that is completed issues you are our oi your return . Very orders, average order any comments and just really set. And to get this enabled on your story, you'll click in able reconvert and your thank you page will be now active. So now each time that customer comes and completes our purchased, they get that papa. They get that time to become a returning customer before they even leave your sight, and then you add in your re from burning ants. So where, even after they leave, you can go ahead and push them? Asked to them They can get on your email marketing, listening you can market to them there. 15. FAM Review and Lifetime Deal: Hey, non techies. Here we go with the new tutorial that is. Also a review for this is brand new email marketing platform called FAM. If you are familiar with absolute Melo or sumo, the email marketing even Sin Fox, now the king give ways that whole suite of tools that they have under their belt. They've added another one, and it's called fam F A M, and they guarantee that this will replace your entire email marking its aim for your Shopify business. Now, with Mole Shopify businesses, you noticed that it's very easy to get started. Is the maintaining its the growth? It's the bringing customers in. That's usually the part that's a little harder for people who have no experience with building the e commerce store. And they are promising to go ahead and help you streamline your email marketing. And they even even came with a lifetime offer That is great. So today I want to take some time and just kind of go through the set up of it because it may be intimidating to start something new, and we're gonna knock away that intimidation right now as we rolled through fam. So fam is a AB sumo pit is a sumo business, and they have created this new email marketing tool. It is a tool that is, is all in one app, you know, love those rights designs. And since your emails to your subscribers at the right time is very essential that your emails are reaching your subscribers but that they are also opening their engaged. The subject lines are there for them to catch attention and get writing. And sometimes it's very hard to deal with that when you're trying to run your store in at all. So here they have a where you can pull your data straight from your shop. A five story and instagram accounts. If you using instagram for your marketing, this is a great way to go ahead and bring in more cells with your email marketing. The more emails you send, the more profit comes in through your doors. The more sales you're making, the more products that are getting off your shelves, the more exposure you're getting so email marketing is a great free way to get in such with your customers, and they have made it even easier to go ahead and get started so they promised that it replaces an entire email. Some marketing team, by writing designing, is sending all of your emails for your shop. If I store I saw this. It actually released today. It is October 16th at the time of this recording and it was fresh. It is a fresh tool for you to get ah, hold of and go. You know how much it is to run your email, marketing it through mail chimp and Mailer light and convert Kit Using all of these different email marketing Suz You're easily looking that anywhere from 10 to $299 a month film is giving you lifetime access to their school. They generate their you're welcome your product promo emails in instagram emails that you can see that they're very simple straits of the point, which is what you want your email marketing to be. It pulls in the branding of your store, even your testimonials Down here you're able to create cell emails with a click of a button . So I wanted to go ahead and give it a try to see how, actually, how fast you can get started on what the work is actually that you have to do in order to get started, and I was shocked. It's literally going to take less than five minutes to get this up and running on your store. They do not have a free child, but you can go ahead added to your store. Look at the email Gia emails. Set that up, and when you're ready to start sending emails, you can either purchase the lifetime or you can. Parchin is through their monthly plans. They have a couple of testimonials here where you can see some of the bigger name like Toyota. Um, we're using this to push their email marketing, but the one thing I love about absolute well, the one thing I love about Suma Period is They use businesses from all backgrounds. They use the smaller business they used to sell a preneurs businesses that have been using their tools. They use the big name big box brands. So I love that about a sumo that they make sure to not Onley showcase the people who are making millions. But the people who are bringing in $9000 in extra revenue they do have a fee here for 5% if you exceed your plans limits so that it's similar to I believe it's kid. No, not kid. It's another email marketing tool that you can use where, if you exceed the 500 or $5000 that your plan that you have chosen, it comes with a fee. After that, they're pushing your using their tools to push through to get money, things you don't have to think about things you don't have to build. 5% is not bad. And if you start having consistent fluctuations and actually being stable at that point, then it's no problems that go ahead up to that next plan. So where you're covered anyway? So I have some more of the e mails from their testimonials up here. What they kind of put together. You have a sales email, we have a blah Gmail. We have even have an instagram email. So I love that they add this information in here. There is a webinar that will be happening on the 18th and you could click. Just click here to register, which is on the absolute mo website. I'm gonna put a link down in the description of this video and in the box post that will go along with this now, with each lifetime deal, the absolute provides their son. There's terms. And then there's a different price tiers. Here we have lifetime access to FAM. You must redeem your cult within 60 days. Usually, if you're if it's something of this nature, your good there's no problem with you. Go ahead, purchasing it and getting started with it right away. I don't think I've ever had a problem with not Ruby Michael's, but because if it's a deal such as this, I'm is something that I need right away. You can stack on limited number of colds, which means each. Once we get to the bottom, you'll see there's a single. There's a double on is multiple and single is a single stack, the single cold that gives you a certain amount of things. Stack two calls that gives you another amount of things. Three calls so on, and I believe yet, although announced about 10 coats and you can see the price change, you can see what it will cost you regularly, and you will see what it will cost you now so they they are GDP are compliant, which is great for the people who are selling through to the U. It's only for new family users who do not have a 16 accounts. You have to have a Shopify store to use this tool. They have that 5% fee of revenue generated if it exceeds your selective plants limit and then they have the C C A money back guarantee, so you're able to go ahead, purchase it. And if you use it for 59 days, and if it's something that hasn't brought you money, hasn't you haven't seen a difference in using it? Then you can. You have that 60 day money day back guarantee. You don't have to worry about it. So each plan has a different set of tools, has a different set of needs. So here you can generate up to 500 you could generate up. So 1000 with three colts. You see that monthly revenue goals up for each cold that is at it, although it's about 10 calls and you generate up to $5000 monthly revenue. And if you stack press that you would have Teoh. I believe contact? Absolutely, but you can definitely by another cult here toe ad, so you could just keep stacking until you're happy. So this is where the 5% fee comes in. If you generate over $500 with just the fam pie for so through your emails of your generating over $500 you will get that 5% feet. But if you consistently hitting past that 500 then why not move up its here? There are a couple of things that are kind of standard all the way across can eliminate subscribers. All available email types are able to go ahead and be sent here. The thing that I love about ab sumo is there helping the actual company of the tool spread there. Tool to small business. Honest to sell openers, toe entrepreneurs to businesses, period. And in that they're constantly if there your there being invested in their second and money that's being invested and pushing it into their actual platform. And as sumo has shown us as absolute hash onus, they're only going to get better with time. They take the research, they take the funding that they receive, and they put it right back into their platforms. And you can definitely tell through the block post for sumo through the actual sumo product through the King giveaways. You can see it all, and I love that they allow that at the time of this recording me, it has five tackles. Which five tacos is the greatest thing that you could have a sumo. And for each lifetime deal, you will always see a list of reviews and questions. So you have questions on one side and you have reviews on the other. And they these reviews actually have helped with purchasing and have helped would not purchasing. It's one thing to get started and you're you don't you have a lack of something In the beginning when you start having that lower rate of tacos, then it becomes something you want to stay away from until changes are made. So love seeing the foreign five tacos because that means it is a great plant platform already, and it's only going to get better. So with that, I wanted to go over to meet fam dot com, which is theatrical email marketing platform. You just use a very simple one pager. Just give you a number of the customer revenue that has been generated and the M O marketing them for you. Grow your business without hiring a marking Seem custom built for Shopify. You see there also advertising their lifetime deal. And you can answer my Shopify dot com here. So I'm gonna go ahead. You could find that by going to your Rico Jarrell of your shop. If I am in and go ahead and pace that in, sign up and it's gonna take you through to logging is your store. So I'm already logged. Dance was gonna open it. It's going to go ahead and asks me to and stall family will tell me it needs to view the Shopify account data view the products viewed the orders. So I'm gonna go ahead and install this app from there. You can get a quick walk through and you're fully automated. Market. This is the very simple interface. We have some Yeah, generated emails that they are provided me and affordable. Affordable is always great for those small businesses. Solis Click list get started, sits importing contacts. I love that. It gives you the rundown of what it's doing and the absolute feeding the developers. Ah, they sink both ways with Shopify sold Informational Shopify will be on Fam and FAM on Shopify So we'll start I set up well Ah Bodi logo. So now we're gonna go ahead and complete the upload of our we'll go. And if you have it already in your store thing, you will be able to go ahead and automatically pulling you. So is this I find you say no and it was try to find any other funds. So go from there. We were at our instagram profile we see is going to generate I e mails run down of what is actually happening instead of having that blank screen and we're gonna view our emails now . So this is our welcome email be a continuous email is automatically sent to our subscribers . When they join the list are subject Linus here, which can be updated and added, It's you can change the percentage discount or if it's gonna be amount and if there's gonna be a minimum purchase order, you can add that it save changes and we will go ahead and it will add in the information. From there we see you show our appreciation wearable to enjoy 10% off your next purchase, and we could click Use my discount. So here you can either regenerate and it will give you a new email. Or you can approve, so we will continue. Our next email is a primal email. Looks like it's gonna try of revenue to our store with upcoming holidays and events. It will is scheduled to go out to an 18. We have a subject line, are advanced information we can separated by segments. Start date. A promotion in date. This is nice tohave, and there's not much you can you have to do. If you don't like the way something looks, you could go ahead and always regenerate it. And as you if you're just getting started with your story, you can definitely finish adding your brand in and generate thes e mails again to make sure that you're branding colors are coming in. So after we create, I e mails is gonna access, um, to activate their accounts, and this is what you get when you a lock. You can say less active it now, or I'll skip pain for now. So if you say I'll skip paying for now, you'll see a list of emails that are scheduled in your aren't going, which is your which is your welcome email. And then we have a schedule email here. This is the fam dashboard. Pretty straight to the point, we can create a campaign here, a product campaign. Have a Syndey since high, very easy to use very, very easy to use. I love the interface and how minimalistic it is. You can go ahead and change. You have your support. I love a good support base. That way, if you run into any travels with using this, you don't have to worry about going back and finding where the support is, where the account information is at any time. If you wanna upgrade, click get it done and it will give will be able to add it through the Shopify app store. So if we travel over to the shop if I Absolutely we see that we're looking still at a five point no review, it starts at about $20 a month, and it gives us that description for is what? It's similar to the absolute page in the actual website of it. Um it only works for a shopper Vice towards the English currently have a media gallery here that shows kind of the back end of things. We see some instagram base e mails in there and then our pricing. So we have it at $20 a month plus 5% of revolution radio over $500 a month. This is the one plan that they have. So you're able to go ahead and get started with FAM for either $20 a month or coming over to Absa Melo And for $49 lifetime, you can get the same plan. So you're saving is the $540 would be the actual purchase of this plan and it's generate up so that $500 monthly and you won't have to pay anything again. So help this was a big help. I'm gonna go ahead and at the cold down at the bottom, so where you can get do the absolute mall page and the Shopify app. If you haven't gotten started with Shopify yet, you can go ahead and grab your 14 day free trial gets started in those 14 days and start selling before you even pay that first month. So next time