1. How To Create Viral Content: Hi. Welcome to this course. My name is Austin Uliano. I'm a viral content expert. I've made viral content on every single platform from blawg articles to short form video contents to YouTube videos to you. Name it. I have been in the social media space for 10 plus years have been featured on Forbes and a whole bunch of other places. So in this course, what we're going to talk about is how to create viral content, viral marketing, how to win in the social media space. Basically on what we're gonna cover is the platforms, how they work, how the algorithms work because we really need to understand that we're gonna talk about the major metrics to track and what those metrics tell you about the contents you're creating because that's really important for understanding what is working, what's not working in your social media marketing. We're going to talk about how to actually make a sale because for the businesses out there creating content, screen, making sales is better. But more than that, if you're just a content creator, I understand that you are selling 24 7 to get people's attention and keep that attention. How you do that, we're gonna cover that. We talk about what sort of components you need to add in there to tell your story and how to speak to people in the three different styles of communication. I actually break down some ads for you so you can see what I'm talking about. And you can follow along with me so you can learn from other people. We talk about how to really get that emotional impact that happen. And I talk about the very coolest, very best viral content creator content marketer. However, you want to describe it out there that I know you don't actually see or think of this person as. But you know who it iss gonna watch the video to check it out. He's my favorite dude out there.
2. How The Algorithm Works: Before we talk about creating viral content, we first have to understand how these algorithms work and how these platforms work. If we don't have those understandings and we will never really consistently make that viral content. So all platforms kind of work the same way you have the platform, you have the audience and you have advertisers. And these platforms make money by serving ads to you the audience. So the platforms really audience is the advertisers, and they want to make sure those advertisers stay happy. And they want to make sure you stay on the site forest long as possible and come back to it as many times as possible per day. Because then they get to serve you more at on. What these platforms do is they collect data on you where you go, what your interests are, what purchase you have, how old you are. Male female political leanings, all of those things. And they give that information to these advertisers. And those advertisers can use that to craft mawr and mawr targeted ads. Now the algorithms themselves are a closely guarded secret, their work billions of dollars. But we, as content creators, have a way of kind of reverse engineering what it is when you create your piece of content , it gets fed into this black box algorithm and out popping out the other side is all these different metrics that we can see how much watch time happens. How many views do you get? How many likes how many shares? How many comments, how maney all of that information comes out as these data points, then we create more and more and more of these pieces of content and we get more and more and more sets of data points. Looking at all these different sets of data points, can we then go? OK, here's how this algorithm is working. How these algorithms work then is really simple. What keeps you on the site the most? That is the fundamental one metric that is most important for all of these platforms. And so this is what we're going to do. We're gonna take these data points, look at the most important ones and then build our content from there
3. The Viral Content Loop: So let's talk about the viral content loop. Here is how all of these algorithms work. You create a piece of content and it goes through the algorithm, and what it does is it takes a piece of content and it shows a tweet small percentage of your most engaged followers. And that looks at that percentage of people that says, How many of those people engaged with this content? How long did they stay? It goes through this process that we don't fully understand. But let's say for a minute that that piece of content got a lot of reactions, lot of engagements, a lot of watch time, whatever that metric. Maybe well, then the algorithm takes that same piece of content and shows it to a little bit more percentage of your audience. And it says, OK, let's see if this new percentage of audience reacts and engages and it kind of keeps going through that process. But eventually through that process, a new little variable it's added in it shows it to a small percentage of your audience. But it also finds a small percentage of an audience that looks very similar but isn't currently following you and it says, Hey, do you like this new piece of content? And if that small audience that new people who haven't engaged with you like it and engage with it and share it and watch your content, it goes through that loop again, and that's kind of how the viral loop works. It goes through that process, and it just keeps building and building and mo mentum. And what it will look like in your metrics is basically, ah, hockey stick because it adds, it catches on and it gets more and more and more momentum. It just grows exponentially faster.
4. Viral Sales Made Simple: as a content creator. We are all sales professionals, and today we're gonna talk about what it takes to make a sale. Now, before you click off, understand that it doesn't mean you're selling a product or a service that is one type of sales. But the other thing is grabbing people's attention. Maintaining that attention is a type of sales, and knowing how to selling product or a service online is no different than selling your comedy skit or your you know, whatever project you're creating and trying to distribute online. Now, to make this easy, there's only really four things you need to make a sale. They are, Ah, hook, an audience, definer results and a call to action. Ah, hook is something that grabs people's attention. If you were to go onto YouTube right now on your desktop and look at the top eight videos that pop up looking at my toppy, you're going to see the hook, this one on the infirm, a tive action from the Patriot Act hooks my intention. You're going to see audience definer once you know Dpz fans. I'm a fan of the fifth Element results. If I want to learn how to write power escalation in film and TV. I should probably watch this video lots of audience definer, and then the call to action is right there. You don't need a lot of time either, too. Signal all four of these things for those who are a little bit older, like myself. If you go back and remember the late night television ads that would come on at two in the morning with his blaring sound and somebody who goes attention, Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Call this number right now in 10 seconds. All four. Those things happen. It's really important to understand those four things when it comes to making a sale or selling a YouTube video or creating a piece of content. Whatever it may be, you need all four of those elements in every piece of content you make
5. 3 Styles of Communication: we have the major bones of your content outlined the beats that need to be hit in your story. Here's how we get the emotion to really come through in the story. Every single person in the entire world learns through storytelling, and there are three ways to really communicate to another person. There's auditory, there's visual and there's kinesthetic. And I learned this when I was a snowboard instructor. You'll know that somebody is an auditory learner because they'll say things like, Do you hear me? My mother says. It's me all the time. Austin, Do you hear me? Just mom. A visual learner is somebody who will say, Do you see the picture? I'm painting? A kinesthetic learner is somebody who will say something like, Do you feel what I'm saying? They actually have to be in the moment making something with their hands toe, understand and learn. There's a great breakdown on the difference between all three of them. I'll drop a link in the little area below. Make sure you check it out and kind of start learning which style you are and what style you communicate with so you can help over emphasize on the other areas because we actually need to communicate with all three of those styles. To really make that viral content, Start with a little exercise. Write down What images? What videos, what symbols, what visual things we can use to start adding into this piece of content and kind of sell this idea after that, make another list of what auditory things can. We added. What sound effects can be added in what wishes and bumps and waxing sounds, what music can be added in should be a fast paced piece of music should be slow when somber . What emotions do these things communicate? Once we have those things outlines, the images and the sounds and the emotions were trying to communicate well, now we can start adding it together. We're just adding different components and ingredients and baking the cake, which is that viral piece of content. And here is a secret to making really viral content. The most powerful tool you have is the delete key. If I remove this section, does it take away, or can I actually say the same thing without adding any more in there concise. That's the way to go
6. Building Your Viral Content Structor: in the last video, we talked about the four major elements and making a sale and making that sort of reaction that happens where people actually want to click and consume your content. I mentioned there's one hidden element. Well, that element is getting the heart involved, creating an emotional reaction. What we have to do to create that emotional reaction is get our audience to walk a path, so to speak. They are at one end of the pathway. They clicked on your video. They clicked on your blog's article. What do you need to do to get them to go from that point all the way to the end of the content? Have you watched this entire skill share course and leave a review? Intend, wink, wink. Getting people to walk the path is really understanding who your customer it's so to do this, you have to understand where they currently are in space time mentality with the cultural happenings of the world. Grab a sheet of paper, think about your audience and just write everything you know to be true. I'll give you a second pauses video if you need to. Once you've mapped that out, what does the end result look like? Write it down right now. Way Don't know what the end destination is. We will never actually get there. So you actually have to start with the end in mind now that we know where the end is. And now that we know where they're starting out, what is preventing them? What are the hurdles? The roadblocks, the floors? You need to educate that audience on to get them there. If you were selling a product or service, whatever the objections, you here in the sales process, how much does it cost? Are there any guarantees? What is the process? Look like all of these different pieces of information. So if you've done this, you should kind of start to see the outlines of a script off your content that needs to be made. If you're looking at a business, well, maybe there's many pieces of content that need to be filled in in the center here. That actually really educates the prospect. Knowing this, we can actually start creating the content to create that emotional reaction and get that heart involved. And here's how you do it
7. Winning a Niche: Before we really jump into distributing your content and getting all those views we first have to talk about winning. And Mitch Aneesh, Izzy Single section, which you talk about in your content, is around the challenge. All the major niches are already dominated. If you want to be a comedian, well, there's 100 comedians that are the top 100 comedians on any single platform. If you want to be a marketer, there are hundreds thousands of marketers that are already there competing for the same sort of area and space. So what you have to do is find your old little niche to win it and actually do extremely well. But how do you go about and do this? What I did is I am a social media consultant and an expert in personal branding and marketing. But there happens to be hundreds of us out there, And when I moved over to YouTube, a good friend of mine, Roberto Blake, was already dominating in that space. I could make really great content, but he's been doing it for 10 years. I looked at this and I said, OK, I can't win out of the gate in this area. Where is there an area around? Personal branding, Social media? What is a smaller section of that? That is someplace I can win off. And I have spent multiple years learning how to become a very effective public speaker. And I went maybe this is an area I can win it. So I spent some time and energy looking and seeing who was the competition, right? What were they doing? And how could I do better? And I found a small area that wasn't really being targeted. And I went Let me start creating content there. And so this is the first thing you want to do when determining what Mitch you wanna win at its first look at what is the big niche? You know, the general broad category. I wonder some smaller sub categories that you may be able to wiggle your way in and get a little piece of that pie. Because once you have that and you have that baseline amount of people who are engaging with you in that small community, well, then it can start building from there. It's not very often you're gonna go viral with zero subscribers. I did, and I will show you how so I created those first few pieces of content, and this is where the metrics come in. I looked at the content I was creating, and I was looking at the retention time, and I noticed I had about 20 to 30% retention time, which isn't that so for like, a 10 minute video, they were watching 2.5 the three minutes of it. That's not too bad for just getting out there, but I said that is not good enough. I need to get that retention time up more than I need to do anything else. So I looked at the other spaces, the other type of content that I enjoy consuming and go, What can I do? What can I pull from and create something similar to that? And there's a style of content that I really like to consume called video essays and what they are kind of like many documentary's use content and footage from other areas, and then you talk over it and you narrate what's going on to kind of make your point. Actually, if you looked at my top eight, there was one of those video essays was actually in my recommended that I went and checked out looking at this, I want Okay, let me create a video essay on a public figure that is very, has a lot of brand equity, has a lot of people searching about it and see if maybe this can catch on because there's a little bit of promotion there. And the first person I did a video essay on was Andrew Yang. He was a presidential candidate at the time. After putting that out, I watched my retention time go from 2030% to 50 plus percent. And I was like, Ah, hop! This is more interesting content. This is more engaging. Here is where I'm going dominate, but one time is a fluke. Doing it repetitive, Lee is You're onto something. So the second time I created a piece of content like this. It was on Matthew Mercer. He's the dungeon master for critical role, a very huge D and D game that it's live streamed on Twitch that is a content in 24 hours got 1600 views and I had, like, zero subscribers. So I went meaning viral on that piece of content because it had that 50% plus retention re . It had that spark of an audience already loving it. And I realized that video essays are where I'm going to get the most amount of growth from my channel. Because I got subscribers. I got people coming over and saying they liked it. So how you win and dominate a niche, find that bigger niche. Find the smaller niche that you've been kind of carve out in. Start creating content and look at the metrics and see what the metrics are telling you about your content and then don't be set on how you create your content, change it up and learn and grow.
8. 4 Catagories of Viral Content: when it comes to creating viral video content, There are four different categories you need to be thinking about when you create your content. Those four categories are entertainment. Evergreen Trend, Jacking and Motivation. Entertainment is grabbing people's attention and keeping them to watch all the way through . The 2nd 1 is evergreen. These are pieces of content that will last for a long time. How to articles The opposite end of that is trend jacket, which is this is not gonna last. There's lots of interest. There are lots of searches. How do I create a piece of content that captures that energy and excitement that's on the Internet right now and ride that wave and finally, motivation. There are two different ways you can motivate. You can do the inspirational motivational videos that you see on YouTube where it gets you all excited. But the other way you motivate is you actually break something down and show people the path to achieve the goal so easily, so successfully that they feel inspired to go and take action. Every viral video you're going to see in 2020 at least in two of these categories, more than likely three and if it hits all four, it's 100% A viral hit. Motivation slash inspiration. Evergreen Trend, Jackie Entertainment Those air The four categories You want to try and fit your piece of content into and go for two or three.
9. Best Viral Content Marketer: Okay, We're going to talk about my favorite viral content creator and one of the best marketers in the world. Can you guess who it ISS? It's this guy, Bob Ross. Bob Ross From the joy of Painting. Now I know you're going. What? He never created viral content. He was never this crazy marketer. He was a painter who had the most Sue, this sounding voice in the world. Yeah, that God, Do you know how much he got paid for every single one of the episodes he created, which was an insane amount of episodes? Zero He meet nothing from it yet he still made millions of dollars. I am going to task you with becoming the Bob Ross of your meech. And here's what I mean. Bob Ross had his brilliant way of selling every single joy of painting episodes started the same way you come on in a soothing sounding force, he says. Here's what we're gonna paint today. Here's the list of colors that we're going to use today. And what would pop across your screen is all these different colors, and one of them would be something like, I don't know, Indian yellow, right and Bob Ross would say, Go down to your local pain supply store and pick them up. Well, it just so happens that Bob Ross had his own version of paint at all the different local supply stores. Now he didn't tell you to go by Hiss. He just said, Go pick it up. So when you walked into your local paint supply store and you're looking around, there's 60 different versions of yellow, and there's one that says Indian yellow with the Bob Ross Afro logo right on it. And you go, Well, I guess I'm gonna pick this one up. But more than that, he was super cool. He understood the three different ways of communicating. Of course, he had the visuals, which was the pinking, but he also had the auditory, that nice, smooth sounding, well spoken voice. But there was one more component, he added in its those happy little accidents. He would always mess up on every single one of the paintings because he knew you would mess up when you start painting. And instead of feeling really bad, he goes, See, we experts mess up to, even though he was a master painter and he never actually messed up. He purposely planned those things in. I used to do this when I was a snowboard instructor. I would be teaching somebody who's never gotten up on a board before, and I would fool around and I would fall over and they would all laugh at me because there are little kids thinking the teacher fell over and I would always say, You know, if you don't fall over, you're not trying hard enough. You're not pushing yourself. It's okay to fall over. That's part of it. He understood what his audience was going to feel, so he made sure to craft those experiences into the content he was creating so people wouldn't feel bad and would continue creating paintings. But here's where it gets even crazier. Bob Rocks didn't just paint one painting. He painted that same painting. Three talk before you get on the show, and they would start recording. He paint one off and he had said it, you know, right outside the frame where you can't see it, and he would look at that and use it as a reference, and he would paint that second piece. But then here's the crazy part. He understood the value of content, marketing and really getting yourself out there. He painted the third version with a camera guy hanging out over his shoulders, watching every single stroke he took and peace he did, and they would take photos of it and add those photos into basically a painting book so you could follow along with your painting book and created Bob Ross painting. This is what you can do. The viral content is amazing. Teaching your audience is really amazing. And distributing that content across many different platforms is really where you're going to get the most results, because we're gonna talk about how to do that in a following video.
10. How To Find Viral Worthy Content : Let's talk about how to find viral content ideas. We've laid out the framework of kind of how to build it in some of the different components and ingredients and structures you meet. But where do we get the ideas that were like, That's a banger? That one's going to go viral? Here's my sister. The first thing I do is I actually look at the people I like to consume the YouTube videos , instagram accounts, the Pinterest boards, the whatever social media platform you're on. Make a list of all these creators and write down after you make this list what you like about each and every single one of them. What kind of content are they creating? How would you identify it? What sort of little tools and techniques and strategies do they use? When you're able to break down a creators piece of content into just different components, you can start seeing a pattern which then you can steal and start to recreate. There's this great book called Steal like an artist, and the synopsis of the book is really simple. It's no idea is original artists steal from each other, not be actual piece of content but the idea, the types, the styles, the various components of it, and they add their own spin on to it. You do the same thing. Make this list of content ideas that you're seeing this type of content that's out there and go. How do I make a video s say, How do I make a documentary? How do y, you know, stand at a camera? Talk with my hands? Because that's all I end up doing all day long. So find your own unique sile. Two other things that other people have done. If that's a little bit difficult trying to come up with your own style, then do what everybody else has ever done in the entire world recreate the same type of content. It's 100% okay to steal people's ideas, steal people's content and recreate it yourself because you learn how to actually do that. Now the caveat is to actually give credit to that person because it is two things. One. It's the right thing to do because you want to give credit where you can, and two, if you see something you really like and you're like, Oh my God, I'm inspired by this person. I create a piece of content that's just like this and you tagged them. There's a high chance they will notice it. And if you do a really great job, they might share it out and expose it to their audience. So that's a really great way off. Getting some additional mo mentum in your craft in your field is actually creating um, AJ is to other people's amazing content. There's a story that just happened recently where a Netflix trailer dropped and these kids and I think they were in Nigeria, did a low budget version of it. And it did so well that the creator of the trailer, actually she flew amount for the premiere of the movie. So, like cool things like that can happen because of the Internet. So definitely steal ideas and, like recreate, it's super fun. Another tactic I like to do is when I see viral trends happening to jump on those viral trends and make the content to go along with it because it does two things. One, there's already that momentum. So you might, you know, actually go viral, but to you also pick up what actually works and what doesn't work, and you just become faster at creating this really interesting viral content. I will also caveat this. Not every viral trend is something you need to jump on. Use your brain, but sometimes they're really fun. Viral chance. The ice bucket challenge happened, and that was great. Rates tons of money. You know you get wet and cold. Who cares? It's OK. Find the trends that are happening. Jump on them. Build that content. Go with the bandwagon. Have some fun with it. Now let's talk about how to get massive distribution of your content. You've built that content you found out. You know exactly what you need to do to make that viral content. How do you get the eyeballs on it? Well, one of the secrets is to find niche communities that would already be interested in your type of content or, better yet, finding niche community and start creating content around that niche community. If it's something that makes sense for your content, you're creating to give you an example of this, and I'm not gonna throw up Logo's. I'm not going to show you things because of copyright. But recently recently, Netflix bought the rights to Avatar. The Last Airbender, an amazing animated show that's like 15 years old, already had this vibrant community. When that happened, there is a resurgence of not only the show but new people being able to be exposed to it, watch it and consume it. Which it's a fantastic show. Go watch it. If you are interested in that space when this is happening, there's all these great communities online. You can start creating content around it to give you an example of this avatar. The Last Airbender is basic like premise is our four elements Earth, Fire, wind, water and they If you do the martial arts correspondent to that, and you are a bender, you can, like, shoot fire from your fists or, like throw walk, you know, kind of like magic. Really cool, really interesting works in an animated thing. Well, there are people who have recreated bending with special effects. It looked like bending in real life. That's a great piece of content to make for that community. When you do that. Boom, there's people were gonna be interested in a lot of eyeballs, and maybe that works perfect for you because your Mitch that you're trying to dominate in is martial arts. Is Parker or something like that? Well, there is a nice subset of people who would come over, watch this bending thing. Come check out more of your videos and go. Oh, my God. These people are so cool and so creative. Let me subscribe to them. Let me follow them on instagram or wherever it might be. So understanding that sometimes you can create this, uh, content that kind of fits into this community to get that initial interest and get those mawr eyeballs on it is a fantastic way off driving massive amounts. Abuse on top of that, actually look at who are the major players in that space to use that same example, Avatar. The last Airbender. What I would do is I would find the people who are massive in this space. So I go through and look at who are all the voice actors, you know, And I would find their twitters and their instagrams and or whatever they might be on. I would follow him. I would engage with them. I would start building a relationship with them because then when you create that piece of content that is native to that sort of thing that they're passionate about because, you know, obviously the show was massive, and it's a big part of their life. They see it. They're much more likely to share it out if it's really good, and then that's a great way of getting some extra promotion, because, you know, there's a lot of people following them, and if those people share out, you're really cool piece of content or your artwork or whatever it might be. There's more eyeballs. So it's about thinking about distribution in advance. As you create your content, where will I natively be able to place this piece of content to get the most amount of eyeballs on it? Finally, as you're doing this as the eyeballs start to roll in as you start getting mo mentum, I highly highly, highly recommend using the advertising mechanisms that these various social media's haven't placed. If you're on Facebook, for example, you can get views for as little as a scent of you onto your piece of content. If you don't know how to do this, I have an amazing skill share course on here, right now about Facebook advertising hacks. Go check it out. It's one of the top courses on Facebook advertising here. Tons of reviews. These systems are the perfect thing to just add tons of fuel to this fire of this piece of content and really make sure it goes viral. That is what they are designed to do. So make sure you check out those advertising mechanisms, use them throwing just a little bit of money can do so.
11. Tools & Resources for Creating Viral Content: Now that you understand how to create viral content and kind of a components that go into it, I got some tools and re sources that are gonna help you actually go out there and do it, because at the end of this, I actually want you to start creating content and start showcasing to the whole group here . What that content is and what the metric said. What's your retention time? How many shares have you gotten? What's the improvement you've received? Because this is how we collectively grow. And if you're dropping your content and into this little section down below, go check out other people's content to to see what they're doing and see what you can pull from that we're all in this together. So the first tool, of course, is probably the most important tool, which is Adobe Creative Cloud. It has so many tools and resource is alone that it's become the standard for creatives. For anybody who don't use this and you have another tool, please let me know for anybody who wants to check out other tools. But Creative Cloud is amazing. Using premiere and photo shop and all of those beautiful wonderful things. The next one is if you like video essays and you want to try and turn blawg articles into video essays and and play around with that. There's a tool I use called in video. So basically there's a couple of different options you can use here. The one I like to use is this article to video, because after I read a blogger article, I like turning it into video content to be used on other Social media's. So you're gonna take something like YouTube landscape. But you could do Facebook news feeds instagram post whatever you want to use, and you come down here and you kind of pick your template, and it just is kind of like a baseline to use. Now I'm actually gonna pull up a article I already did over here, but this is what it looks like. It will automatically pre pop populate videos to be used images to be used with some text. It will automatically pull out sort of text from your article itself and give you a sort of baseline of content. And then what you can do is you can go in and edit each slide here individually, you know, shortened them up. If they're a little bit too long, change it out, See what it looks like. So if we were to just play this but would pop up as the very first slide is do you need an instagram marketing strategy, right? With a scrolling, in effect like that. But say I don't like this video. I can switch this video out and I can go. Well, maybe I'm gonna use this video instead. So I'm like, Yeah, I think I think this is gonna be the one. Let me first check it out. Okay. Cool. Yeah, that's a little more active and engaging. So let me take that. Slide this over here, replace it right? Done right. And then let's go. OK, let's see. How does this look? Load up for a second. Yeah, I like that more. Okay, we're gonna use that. Okay, So some guidelines for when you guys are using this program just so you can start getting into it. First off, obviously jump in and play around with it. But when you're doing this on, you make your very first video. Don't do any more than, say, 30 or so of these slides because it gets really big, Really fast and concise is the name of the game here. You can set the time for all of your videos right now minus set for five seconds, but definitely watch it each slide. See how it is, and you can add in music and sound effects and things like that into your whole piece of content. I do recommend adding in music behind it makes it a little more interesting. You can import or do voice over recordings right here, and that works really, really great. If you want to upload your own video content, your own photos, you absolutely can do that. I think that's awesome. They're working with a partner so you can not have to worry about, like making sure you get copyright for the videos you use, and it's relatively affordable. So I like using this if I want a whip together, a video really quickly or a small piece of micro content, two trying games and momentum, especially if you're doing viral content around trending news articles are late in breaking news. This is a really great program to use because something happens, you quickly whip something together, throw some images that make sense behind it, and it's gonna pick up a lot of momentum. So this is a really quick and efficient way to create content to sort of do some news jacking. I have a link in the description below the 3rd 1 is uber suggest now. Typically, this is used for your content, marketing and search engine optimization, but how I'd like to use it in creating content that goes viral. It's really coming up with ideas and understanding how much people are searching for that keyword or that idea that I want to put out there. So I did a couple of searches, but I'll show you what I'm talking about. You basically you can drop your domain in here or a keyword, and the first thing I came up with was stem research. So that was my field of interest. That's what I'm talking about. You can see that per month. There's about 500 searches, and it's rather easy to go after ASIO Difficulty of 20 paid difficulty of three, and you can kind of see where this trend is going right? How many people are clicking, but here is really where it gets interesting, right? We can come down here and we can see some other keywords to start sparking our ideas about like, Oh, what are some topics? Some definitions. Maybe I can pull something out of that and create a pizza contents around there. And then as we go further down, we can actually see what the top rated you RL's are on. Weaken. Dive in deeper. No, I don't understand this topic very well, so maybe I will pop over here. Public speaking tips As a public speaker, this is something I definitely understand. 5400 average monthly searches. That's a high amount of search, right? But it's still something that is achievable because, you know, there is into that many people going after it. But if we come down here public speaking tips for anxiety. Okay, so how do I create a piece of content that specifically caters to the anxiety that happened ? So, uh, how do I do something specifically for students, right? Or for kids, these air, different types of content, that if you could make it really interesting, Maybe it's public speaking tips for kids to counter act anxiety and then you use an animated version walking through and storytelling. That's a really interesting piece of content that could be made, and that has a really good chance going viral because we're going after a number of of search terms here, a number of buyers who may be interested. So this is just one of the tools I use for research. Understanding search terms helps you understand what content to create. There's lots of great courses here on skill share around search engine optimization and keyword research. I do recommend you check them out but uber suggest, and then there's another one. Tube buddy are great. This is Tube Buddy, a Google chrome extension that you can use on YouTube for keyword research and how I like to use it is very simply a come over here to the key word Explorer, and I will put a key word in like, um, public speaking. This is a really large keyword, and it will pull up this dashboard that will show me a whole bunch of stats to help me understand whether or not I'll be able to hit it and actually land the first rank or one of the top rates in the YouTube search. So for public speaking, you can see they give me this overall score off. 11 A poor score. So I'm not likely to actually get this keyword. But what? You can also see us from a search volume perspective. It's really high. They actually tell you monthly searches of almost a 1,000,000 per month, 782,000. So there's a lot of interest in the big Misha public speaking. And if I was a massive creator and they probably could start landing this key word very consistently, the number of search results in the video 30.6 million competition. Poor optimized strength. Very poor. So I'm unlikely to hit this keyword. But it does give me a bunch of related keywords over here that I consort exploring in depth where I just have to click it and it will do the search. Or I could come down here and look at some other tags that are happening to give me some ideas. Okay. I just saw one. Had talks. Yep. Toastmasters. Oh, this is one that might be interesting. So I click on Toastmasters. Okay. 35. That's much better. Number of monthly searches 1.74 million. Ok, people are really interested in the subject of Toastmasters. I have a a better chance of hitting it. So let's say I want to dive in deeper if I hit results, What's gonna come up? Well, the world championship of public speaking. Okay, As I scroll down here, I can start getting an idea of what needs to be covered. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right. And this is how I use the keyword tool to buddy. If we pop over to the weighted, it actually will tell you a little bit more how much you get for your videos versus top ranked videos. So you can kind of see Okay, The target demographic for this keyword is one que use. Okay, I need to get at least 1000 views to hit that first page, and I can start going a little bit further in depth here and find what sort of keywords makes sense for me. YouTube, for example, is in search based platform, whereas Facebook and Instagram and Tick Top is really more virally in nature. So if you're going on youtube, you have to understand that s CEO terms and go after them if you're going after virally type of content. Still, understanding what those trends are are really important because you know something happens . You jump on that trend, you're gonna get a lot more momentum. And then there's two more sort of social media platforms that you can create on, which also give you a lot of information on trends. Because trends are really important. Those are tic tac. Tic TAC is great because it's short form video content. You can kind of see what the trends are that are happening and create content there and on other social media platforms to try and gain some of that momentum. And the other one is read, it read is extremely important for understanding what trends are happening. Whatever is happening in the world gets put onto reddit and then is usually distributed out to all the other social media platforms. So you can actually use Reddit to kind of watch what's happening in the ecosystem and jump on those waves as they are happening. It's the best way to really get that Mo mentum is when major events are happening, creating that content around that major than where there's a lot of interest to kind of give you that extra push. It's called Trend Jackie, so those are some different tools and resource is you can use to create your content, but definitely make sure to create it and drop what you're doing in the description. I love to check it out. I'd love to see what sort of projects you guys are making, what sort of content you're making, what the results are. And you know, if you do, I'll take a look at your content and I'll give you my professional feedback on it.
12. Viral Advertisement Breakdown: okay. I want to break down a couple of viral ads. If you want to follow along with me, I'm going to tell you what the ads are. We're gonna talk about it, but I'm not gonna throw it up on here because of copyright issues. I highly recommend. If you want to create viral content, you start looking at viral ads. Learning from viral ads is the best way because an advertisement is so much harder to win at than a normal piece of content because an advertisement has the intention to sell to you . And therefore it has to be extra exciting, extra good. It has to be the cream of the crop. So if you kind of learn from them, you naturally default to what works that we talked about in a previous video. The four types of things you need to make a sale. You need your hook, an audience definer results and a call to action. The first viral ad we're gonna look at is probably one of the ones I know. Everybody has seen its The dollar Shave Club Ad Dollar Shave Club. When it came out, had this revolutionary positioning statement which was for $1 a month. They were going to send you razors. And I remember at that time the floor process I had and you probably had the same thing. When the and pops up, it's a gentleman sitting at a desk, and in 10 seconds he goes, Hi, my name is Mike from Dollar Shave Club. For as little as $1 a month. We will send you razor straight to your door in 10 seconds, he said. Who he is, he said. What the hook is, what the results are, the audience definer is people shaving? It's It's pretty much men. There was a man who was about my age sitting there, So in 10 seconds he told you what it waas. Now there's like 92 2 minutes, 90 seconds to two minutes of content that comes after that at. So what happens? This is where the the buyers journey happens where you have to understand where the audience is and educate them along this process. So he gets up and he starts walking out of his little doorway and he goes through this like , uh, this doorway and the first thing he says are are razors any good because the first thought we had is it's $19 cheaper than what I'm used to pain because it was, like $20 to buy four razors that would like Gillette razors. And it's like so they can't be good. Our minds are thinking this without even having a complete thought. He localizes it because he understands the audiences mindset. He goes, No, they are great with an expletive word in there, but you automatically start to laugh. You look Oh, there's a little bit of humor That's where that entertaining type content comes in. And then he continues to go down this path, understanding, jumping over those hurdles off what the buyer is thinking he the next thought is okay. If the these air good razors, why am I paying $20 for four razor blades when I could be paying a dollar? If they are good, right, well, then it must be difficult to use. And he goes, Nope, it's so easy even a baby can use. And there's a bald guy with cream. Owners had shaving cream and a little tiny girl holding a razor blade like getting ready to shave his head. And you're like, Oh, this is kind of funny and hilarious again, that humor is coming in. Then the next thought that goes through your mind is okay. If if they're good and they're easy to use, why am I paying this money? And his next thing, he says, is like $18 goes to Roger Federer. I'm good at tennis and he whiffs a tennis ball, and now you're laughing because, oh, that totally makes sense. These brands, they pay all these monies to these big names. Of course, this is going to jack up the price, not to mention the profit margins and things like that. So as he is going through this advertisement, he is using humor to answer these questions. And he's bringing that IRA along this journey to eventually the end. There's a guy in a bear costume there blowing money in the air. You know, people are dancing lights or going around, and you're laughing the entire time. You watch this entire ad and you think, man, this is a brilliant act, and it went absolutely viral. This is why we talked about all the other parts before we even got to hear. Because if you understand. Then you can recreate to give you another example. This one is poop. Hurry, girls don't poop. This one is extremely viral. And actually the CEO and the company almost went under because it performed so well. They, like, slept in their warehouse for a year or something. Trying to ship product pooper re We know what it is today. It's the before you go deodorizer. They actually created a space. There was no product on the market like it. So they actually had a little bit of a different challenge compared to the shaving, because everybody knows what shaving us. They had educate their audience on what the product waas and how to use it. So in the beginning, it's a girl opens up the door redheaded girl door of the bathroom, and she lets out this very funny monologue about using the bathroom, but she articulates the problem. The problem is, if you go to the bathroom, you may be embarrassed by the smells that happen. Fair enough, whether you're out of boyfriend's house or in the at an office party or wherever it maybe she's putting herself in the mind of the customers. Hey, I've experienced this before. And then she goes through and talks about some of the challenges with deodorizers and things like that. And then boom, here comes the product, and the next thing she talks about is how Maney reviews they've had. And then one of the things she says If you go on watch, this ad is yes, this is a real product. And yes, it really does work because we know that we're thinking it's a joke product right about now . But it wasn't a joke prompt. And then she holds up these cards and goes through exactly how this thing works, you know, through the entire time she has this accent in this humor that is just making you laugh so freaking hard as you watch it that you're like, No, I gotta watch this thing again because I missed half of it. They understood their audience, and they walked the path again, using humor, using image. It's using sounds using language two story tell their way through this advertisement and again, massively successful. So what I'm going to suggest to you is you actually going to Google or YouTube or wherever your search platform is and look up some viral ads that have happened. The perfect example of these is like the Super Bowl ads that are happening every single year. See the storytelling mechanisms they use actually start breaking them down and analyzing going What is this situation? What is the game? You know what, like what auditory storytelling techniques do they use? What visual storytelling techniques to use, What came aesthetic storytelling techniques are they using? And if you concert breaking this down, it pulls a little bit of the magic away from these viral ads, which is totally great because you get to take that magic and in still it in your own content.
13. 23 Types of Viral Content on Facebook: From Facebook Ad Hacks Course: What's up, guys? So I want to share with you a about 23 different types of posts you can make on Facebook. And what I did is I actually broke them down into the different sections. Consideration our awareness, consideration conversion. And so these air 23 posts that are go viral consistently. You can use them not guaranteeing they're gonna go viral. But these are really good at going viral, depending on where they are. So they're 10 types of content I use for brand awareness. Right? So this is the awareness stage. The 1st 1 is anything lifestyle oriented. Now, when I talk about the stuff, I'm really loving video nine times outta 10. So lifestyle videos of you doing something really cool and interesting gifts are great. Specially boomerangs. Oh, my God. I love boomerangs for instagram video ads. They work really well. 3 60 video absolutely kills it when it comes to Facebook. At's right. If you do ah, promoted and post or something like that, where you're got a 3 60 camera you're at, like the Grand Canyon or something interesting. Maybe on top of the New York City skyline, those performed extremely well people love engaging with them. Drone footage. If you've ever watched any of Casey Nice, that's videos on YouTube. He always incorporates drone footage. Drone footage works so well because so cool talked about instagram boomerangs, micro videos, anything that's eat to 15 seconds performed extremely well on video on all sort of mediums , but special specifically in the awareness stage. It works really well. Grabs people's attention, really bite size content in not asking for a lot of time and energy on, of course, video content in general, I've talked about it like how to videos, angry rans and motivational things. Those types of videos, product reviews, things like that work extremely well at going viral For the awareness stage again, you're not asking for an opt in. You're just asking people to engage with you. So if you think like that, it makes total sense why this content performs well in the awareness stage. Uh, whoops. Where was I? OK, so there any types of content? Four customers for the consideration stage, right? The 1st 1 is anything educational. Obviously, if you're like an info preneurs or if you have a really expensive product, educational type, content works extremely well get them into those sort of mechanisms. The next one is live streams. Facebook live so powerful. And if you want a like jack up your algorithm, do a Facebook live from your from your business page and then boost the living bejesus out of it. And all of a sudden, and when I say boost, I mean advertised not actually the boost of post, but put put some money behind it. Get more people in there. It works extremely well. You can actually do webinars that go right into a Facebook live stream. Really, really cool milestones and wins big milestones. Hey, we just got 100,000 subscribers. Wow, Love this community. Leave a comment with what you do below and then all the sudden food. Lots of people are leaving comments because milestones air cool and Facebook really promotes them heavily because obviously, mile steps, community building, right, If you create a piece of content that's just like, hey, kind of with the milestone, what is your business? What do you do? Leave it in the comments below or tell me what your fever color is, or any of those things you see come across Facebook, where it's like type in this word and see what house you are in Harry Potter's like Are You a Hufflepuff? A raiding claw? Those community building type pieces of content again performed extremely well because you have hundreds of people leaving comments and it just jacks up your algorithm. And also whenever people leave comments, generally speaking, they like or wow it because you got them to engage tutorials. Tutorials work extremely well because tutorials are taking people step by step. So it's like an educational piece of content on steroids testimonials. If you have a product or if you've done some great work that somebody gives you a testimonial, specifically video testimonials. So good, obviously client showcase even better than testimonials. Client showcase right? Testimonials are People are like, Hey, you're so good. You're so awesome and you're like, Yeah, look at me. I'm good and awesome and then client showcases air like our client is amazing. Look at what they did. It just so happens they utilized us who write again case studies, client showcase. They kind of go hand in hand. They're just different ways to do it. But those air eight types of content so good for the consideration stage and then four dead . Simple ways to drive sales. This is the conversion stage, right? 1st 1 anything that's a promotion. Hey, flash sale come by this thing, right? If people are in that sort of section, if they're ready to convert and you give some sort of promotion boo money in your pocket sale made the next one sign up to our list, right? That's another type of conversion. But if they sign up to your list, chances are you could get them overthrew. Something like email marketing to make sales anything where it's make a purchase, right? So deals, promotions. Uh, hey, here's our newest product. Boom their sales. And finally, you got the free trial, especially for those sask businesses. Whatever your business is, especially if it's cess, Here's a free trial. Will bill you after 30 days if you like it. I signed up for one literally today, and it's like 49 bucks a month. I was like, I just want because I want to do this one thing I'm gonna cancel a soon as I'm done. I got in started tinkering around, and I'm like, mentally taking note I'm like, I'm letting them charge me because this product is amazing. I'm like, Holy crap, You just saved me so much time and energy and stressed best investment ever. So free trials air great, cause it gets somebody again, allows them to use your service, and then they go, Oh, I'm going to give you my money because thank you. But obviously, you have to have a good product to get that done. So that's a whole bunch of different types. Hope you guys enjoy that. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Asked me about your business. I'll tell you how to best make it fit in here for Facebook on. I'll talk to you soon.
14. One Last thing!: guys, thank you so much for watching this course. If you've made it this far, make sure to leave it a review. Let me know if you like it as a quick recap. What we did is we broke down the platforms and league algorithms how they work, what sort of metrics you need to track when you're creating your content to really learn from and grow in the content you'll creating. We talked about what it takes to actually make a sale, whether you're selling a product of service or just like the YouTube video you're putting out there. We talked about what is the buyers journey that you have to bring the buyer on or the audience on and how to kind of outline that. So you get this structure of the piece of content you need to create. We talked about how to really bring in the emotional impact and engaged people using all different types of senses. We even broke down a couple examples of viral ads, some tools that I like to use when I'm creating my viral ads in the viral pieces of content where I find trends and I get my ideas, we talked about how to win a niche and really dominate a specific section. So there's a whole bunch in this course. Make sure to give it a review. Let me know if it's given you a lot of valuable information that helps me. And when I'm creating my next course, let me know what sort. Of course is you want to drop all that information in the description below. Come follow me on the various social media's Here's My name is the same across all platforms. Uh, yes. Thank you so much. I had so much fun topping you guys. I love you so much. See you guys soon.