Create Custom End Screens for your YouTube Videos with Canva | Ronny Hermosa | Skillshare

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Create Custom End Screens for your YouTube Videos with Canva

teacher avatar Ronny Hermosa, Your Go-To Canva Guru

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Figuring out Size & Duration


    • 3.

      Creating your Background in Canva


    • 4.

      Inserting the End Sequence into your Video


    • 5.

      Creating your End Screen in YouTube


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About This Class

Do you want to grow your YouTube Channel?

If you do, this course is for you!

Growing a channel is one of the hardest things I've had to do recently. In the beginning, it feels like a vicious circle where you need subscribers to get views and you need views to attract more subscribers... 

I've come to learn that there is no shortcut to YouTube success, but there are proven strategies that, if implemented correctly, will help you gain both more views and more subscribers.

This course is about exploring one of these proven strategies: creating end screens for your videos!

End screens are short sequences that you can add a the end of your videos with calls to action to motivate viewers to watch your next video or subscribe to your channel. 

I will show you how to create them and add a little magic to them to make them more engaging. 

To follow along, you will need

  • A YouTube Channel
  • A Canva account (a free account is OK)
  • A video editing software


If you follow these 4 steps and create your own end screens, I guarantee you will gain both subscribers and views on YouTube!

Meet Your Teacher

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Ronny Hermosa

Your Go-To Canva Guru

Top Teacher

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Thanks for visiting my profile!

I teach about Canva and everything related to visual marketing. Indeed, I believe that people still judge the book by its cover and in our age of content overload, if you want to get noticed, you'd better be on point with your visuals!

Canva is a powerful option when it comes to creating graphics and visuals because it is free & easy to use. The heart of Canva is its template library that will help even the most inexperienced designers come up with great visuals in no time!

Originally I'm a video producer, I'm the founder and CEO of a Nonprofit which helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs and organizations communicate better, especially about the impact they are making. So I create a lot of videos, social med... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction: is growing your YouTube channel one of your priorities right now. How do you get more views? And how do you get more people to subscribe to your channel? Unfortunately, there are no magic formulas that we'll take you there overnight. The good news is that there are proven strategies that actually work like stuff that you can do that will help you get there faster. So in this course I'm going to take you along with me, and we're going to dive deep into one of these proven strategies. And this is to create beautiful and screens for your YouTube videos and screens are these little sequences that you can see at the end of your favorite YouTube videos. So that is a sequence that will play at the end of your content with a couple of course toe action. So usually you can subscribe to the channel, or you can watch one or the other next video that the Creator has put there for you, right? So these are the and screens, and this is a built in YouTube feature, so this feature can be activated and actually created within YouTube. But what we're going to do in this course is to create beautiful backgrounds with Can VA that will help you display these calls to action in a nice and tidy way. The course will be divided into four videos in the 1st 1 We are going to figure out the dimension off these and screens like how big and where should the elements be placed and everything and but also the duration like How long is this sequence At the end of your video in video number two, we will go and head over to Canada and create this and sequence. Create everything, make it nice, make it carry your branding, your visual identity so we can have your logo. We can have your social media icons. We can even have, like your corporate colors, anything you need really to stand out. And to have this consistent look in all of your YouTube videos in lesson number three, we are going to export this nice background that you have created in Canada and import that to add at the end of every YouTube video you would create, like the ones you have created already. Well, they are already on YouTube. You cannot take them down, but the future video you created would make sure to insert that sequence with the nice background at the end of them so that you can have this nice and screen right. So I show you how to position this at the end of your videos and how to synchronize this with a nice music and create some kind of animation. So it's not static. It's more engaging. And in the last video, in the fourth video, in the fourth lesson, I'm going to show you how to actually create the and screen directly from YouTube. So I'm going to go over the different options that you have a different layout of different templates and what course to action you can insert. So that means when your viewers will come to the end of your video, hopefully they will watch your video to the end. But when they come to the end of your video, there will be prompted with a nice, engaging layout to watch the next video or to subscribe to your channel or both, you know, so that's how this course can help you gain more subscribers and gain more views and therefore grow your YouTube presence grow YouTube channel. I hope you find this content useful. And if you are ready to grow your YouTube channel, I invite you to start the course, and I will be waiting for you in video one. 2. Figuring out Size & Duration: Hello, guys, welcome back and thank you for purchasing this premium tutorial. Eso. Let's dive in. Let's not beat around the Bush. We are going to start straight away, and the end result will be to create such a and screen for your YouTube videos. So in this first video, we're going to try to figure out the dimensions in the duration of your screen. So for this, we will be examining another video on YouTube that has an ant screen, right? So we are going t basically analyze one of my videos because I already did the work, but you could very well take any of your favorite YouTubers and you go to the end of their videos and you will see what kind of end screen they're using. And they're. If they are any good at YouTube, they would probably have an end screen for their subscribers and their viewers to interact with more of their content. So why is it important? First, to have an screens at the end of your YouTube videos or it's pretty obvious because you want to keep people watching your content right? YouTube has this algorithm that will give you more visibility basically, if people watch more of your content. So that's how you rank higher in YouTube's search results pages if people watch Mawr consume or of your content and consume your content to the end. Also, if you monetize YouTube channel, what you want is mawr view time. You want people to watch more of your videos and more minutes basically on your channel. That's how you make actually money with your YouTube videos. I am not monetizing my videos at the moment because my channel is still relatively small. I have 160 something subscribers, which is small in terms of YouTube. This video is very new. I just uploaded it. I only have three views. So that's why the numbers is so low, because I just uploaded it like about an hour ago. All right, so now that we know why we need to create an screens basically to keep people watching Mawr of our content, the next step is to figure out how to create them, right? So I think, but I think I know we can create them with canvas because I created this one with Canada. But first we need to figure out the dimension. So the way I did this. So I'm going to tell you from my own personal experience, and I'm sure there might be other ways of doing so. But first I went ahead and and looked at the different options in YouTube for creating these ends. Crease, Right. So I'm going to take any of my videos. Basically, I'm going to use this one, so I'm gonna click on it, and this will bring me to my dashboard to my creators to do, Okay, So if you see something else because there's a new, better version of the YouTube studio, I'm using the old one, actually for this video. But if you see something different, that probably means that you are in the new version off the better studio, which is not, ah, 100% complete yet. So YouTube still gives you the option to go back to the original YouTube studio. So if you are in the new one, I would suggest you go back to the previous one to the original one s so that you can follow along exactly the same, the same menus as I am using here. So the first thing you want you want to do is to find the tab that says and screen and annotations. So click on that and this will bring you to this part of the dashboard where you can actually see So you two will bring you at the exact right time. And you can see my video is 13 minutes and 12 seconds, and the and Korean sequence starts at 50 at 12 minutes and 52 seconds. So exactly 20 seconds before the end of the video. 20 seconds is the duration of your end screen guys. So this is very important. This is one of the two things we need to figure out in this video is the duration and the dimension. So we already have the duration is 20 seconds. So that means that you need to create a sequence that you put at the end of your content or at the end of your video, 12 finish Presenting your content. You need to leave 20 seconds where your end screen is going to show up. So the and screen is going to be basically any combination off placeholders like these ones in which you can insert you to playlists or YouTube individual videos, and you also have this button here, which is a subscribe button to subscribe to your channel. So you have different kinds of combination possible within YouTube. So let me show you. You can use a template I'm actually using. Let me show you. I'm using this one, the one that has a lot of space in the bottom and basically the annotation boxes and the video boxes are on the top part of the screen. But there is really a bunch of different combination. You can go like four videos. You can go only one video in the subscribe button. There are so many different options, Um, that you can choose from and off course. Or so the layout that you're going to create in Canada highly depends on which template you choose. So for the sake of this video and this tutorial, we're going to choose this layout right here with the two boxes on top and the subscribe button in the middle. This being said, we still don't have the exact dimensions for Theis and screen. So what we're going to do, we're going to play this video of four screen and what I need to do is screenshot. So go ahead if you have your screenshot key on your keyboard screenshots, um screenshot this screen, for example. You can also screenshot it directly from this tutorial because it is, it has been created at the exact dimensions. So you can do this with mine Or you can do this with any video you find on you too, with the layout off the end screen that you want to be reproducing. But I'm suggesting we go ahead with this layout. So that's it. I have made my screenshot. It is now here on my desktop. Let me open it. So there it is. So this concludes the first part of this tutorial. We still have three videos to go. So in the next one, we are going to create together recreate this and screen the background of this and screen to the blue part with the rectangles and the social media icons and everything wear going to recreate all this with Canada 3. Creating your Background in Canva: Hey, guys, welcome to video number two. In this video, we are going to create the actual background off our and screen in canvas. So this is the final result we're going to be achieving. Let me show you. There's actually two slides. The only difference is these eyes, the eye emoji is looking in a different direction. So why did I do that? Because when I play my and screen my sequence, I'm including a music and the music has a beat. And I'm trying to match the movement of the eyes with the beat of my music. So I'm going to be showing you that. But you can also go simple and only create only one simple and screen. You can brand it as you wish. So you can go with social media icons. You can go with your brand, your logo, whatever you like. But what super important is that you realize that the template that you have chosen in YouTube for creating for creating your aunt screen will determine where you need to position your elements on this canvas design. So you remember we took a screenshot at the end of the previous lesson. So what we're going to do is to basically import this screenshot into Canada. So it is right here. I'm going to drop this in my camera like this. And of course, the design is already created, but we are going to recreate that from scratch. So I'm going to delete this. Did it? Everything, actually. And it is still here. We will be using it as a reference, but I'm going to re create it from scratch. And it might look a little bit different because, you know, every Campbell project is different. The idea is not to recreate exactly what we've seen, what we see here, but to show you how you can create yours. So now my screenshot is actually uploaded into canvas. So I'm going to click on my blank page out yet. And before that, I need to tell you that this camp a project here is a presentation format 16 by nine. So this is actually the full HD video format. So it is 1920 pixel by 10. 80 picture. So if you go back to Canada, the main like dashboard you, you would like to you would want to go and create a design And from here you just go with the presentation. The wide presentation 1920 by 10 ity pixel. So this would open a document off this size. So any time when you deal with video, you always want to be using this format anyway, So 1920 by tentative, does the wide presentation okay, that being said, I should have told you that in the beginning let's import that screenshot. I'm just going to click on it and I need to make this four screen off course. So I position it in the corner, make sure it's snapping correctly in the corner, and then I will just drag the other corner right here until I much perfectly And this is important. Don't make it too big. Don't make it like this. Don't make it like this just much, exactly. The corner right here And I can see this little bit missing there. So now I have the exact dimensions off my canvas, and I know this has some tight er's and stuff going on, like the YouTube play bar and everything. It doesn't matter, because what we need to figure out is the dimension in the exact positioning off these rectangles right there. And as you can see, the's Richt Angers are actually not well centered with the place orders from YouTube. So we can correct that if we want, we can try toe position these so that there is an actually kind of an even frame around them. Or if you like this kind of design, you can do it like this. What I can observe from the get go is that my call to action here for subscribing to my channel is actually pretty well centered with this subscribe with the arrow pointing directly at it. So it's pretty cool. Also, what I can see that these social buttons right here that are not clickable They actually play and display on top off the YouTube play bar so that this is pretty cool. They're not hidden by the play bar, so I would suggest we keep them in this position. The reason why I chose this one specific template from the different templates presented by YouTube is that it leaves you a lot of space here to actually add your own branding. So this is pretty cool, eh? So I think two choices is already good enough. I could go with only one choice. So this is more like you have more control of where people go, But I'm OK with two in the beginning. Since this is the beginning of my channel, I want people to discover my content. So I will go. I would probably always go with a playlist so that people can have more than one video and a future video, maybe the latest one that I've created because I wanted to gain views or whatever, or maybe a video that has a specific call to action. I want people to click on. So this is my strategy for now. All right, so now that we have positioned our screenshot, what we need to do is to start reproducing these designs. So first, we're going to be using a rectangle so I can use the R key to create a rectangle like this . So two options here, the first option is to create a plane. Rectangles were playing color. But if you pay close attention to what's on this design right here, it's not a plane color. It's actually a Grady int. So if you want to insert a Grady int instead of a plane color. You shouldn't go with a simple rectangle like this one. I'm gonna delete this and I click on elements, and then I would in Certainly. Great. So if you insert a grid, agreed will cover the entirety of your screen, But you can resize it as you wish. So let's do this for now. So I'm going to align this placeholder, this grid pretty much with my purple rectangle there. Okay? And then I'm going to move it to create it mostly at the same dimension. And we are going to create something a little bit different. We're going to try to create an even frame around this place, holder. All right, so in order to do this, I'm going to position it like this. I'm going to drop the drink, the Grady int inside these great first, and then we will finalize the adjustment its size, etcetera. But first, let me grab ingredient for this. You make sure you are on the elements, stab, and you go ahead and type ingredient. Okay. So you can see Canada gives you a bunch of different Grady's right here. It's actually a nice choice, eh? So what I will do I will click on my great first, and then I will grab my great aunt and drop it inside the frame like this. And now you can see my great and is inside the frame. All right, So what I will do is to give this thing some transparency for now because I want to center it exactly where it needs to be to create this frame effect around the video. Right. So now if I give it some transparency, I can actually see the video behind it. Right? So let me play around with this first. Is it big enough? It's not big enough. So let me just the size of this rectangle about this big, and let me get specific here. Maybe what we want is to create a frame and even frame around my, um, around my video, my YouTube video. So let's say like this, and I'm going to bring the transparency back to 100. Okay, this is pretty good. I'm going to copy this. No need to reinvent the wheel. And one thing that you can observe here is that I flipped this radiant around, so I have, like, the dark side of migrating on this side and then on the other side, I will have I would start with the darker part of my great and instead of the lighter part . So for this very simple. You just grab the arrow and rotate your image. So again we're going to do the same thing. We're going to give this rectangle some transparency so we can see what behind it will. Make sure we click on it and we will adjust with the arrow, the keyboard arrows to make sure And to move this frame around so about like this bring back the transparency. So you see now how and why It is super important that your screenshot that you imported to start with actually matches the can Va. Exactly. If it's too big than all this work that we're doing here, alignment would be pretty much hugeness. So bringing back the transparency to 100% Okay, pretty good. So next before I delete the screenshot, I want to make sure I I line me my other other elements. Exactly. Right. So first I want to recreate this subscribe called to action. All right, so I'm going to search for in an arrow typing in arrow in Canada, and I have a bunch of different options as well. You can go ahead. If you use canvas credits. You can go ahead and purchase one and nice one, or you can use free ones. I'm guessing most people would just go for the free one, since you have already a good set of options for the free ones. So, for example, um, let's say we're going to use something different. We're going to use this one. So I'm going to click on my design and import this arrow. I'm gonna make it smaller, and I'm going to flip this. So once it selected, you can flip this horizontally. This is pretty good. Make this a little bit smaller and again, I'm gonna tilt this slightly and move it a little bit. So it's not too close to my actual placeholder right there. There. I know it looks a little bit messy right now because I still haven't deleted my background . But hang on there once we will be deleting it. Everything. We look perfect. Now I need my text that says subscribe. So for this, I'm going to type in T for text. All right. And I'm going to position this exactly on top of the other one, or I can actually do this later. So I'm going to type, subscribe, Sepp ascribe exclamation. And then you can choose pretty much any font you like me. I like to use one of my custom front prima nova and make this bigger, maybe 56 at just the text bucks. Yeah, that's pretty much it. So I'm going to put this on top of the other one. And again, you can use the arrow to really perfect your alignment. So this is kind of like when you were a child and you have to copy a drawing. So you just take it. You put it under your under your sheet and by transparency, you just copy every line, everything that's on the design. Eso That's how I did it for this one. But of course, the most important things are the positioning of these two placeholders the background like the purpose solid because this is where your YouTube video some names are going to show. Of course, this call to action right here to subscribe. You want the arrow to be pointing at it and you want this text to be well centered with this, for the rest is pretty much up to you. So instead of like social icons here, you could use your logo. You could use your website, whatever works for you, but make sure that they actually show above the you to play like in the play button and the playing time right here. Okay, so next our the social icons. So me, I have these shapes right there that I purchased in Canada. Let me show you. I think it's in one of my folders here. So these I actually purchased. So if you want to use the same kind of shapes, you can purchase them from $1 or you can use something else. Basically. So what I recommend something that would work perfectly is just simply to use social icon. So if you type in Facebook, you can. You already have a bunch of free Facebook icons that you can use so you can go ahead and use the classical one like this one. So I'm gonna go and import this. Just reduce its size toe about this and make sure, Yes? Make sure it is more or less on top of the other one and still above the play bar here of YouTube. So pretty much like this again, you will be creating your text. So I'm gonna copy this one because it's the same front. It's just smaller. So I'm going to find the same dimension for my text. Maybe 42. The 36. I think 36 is too small. It is probably 42. All right. So I can it seats Facebook groups. This looks bigger than 46 and learn canvas. So this is too big. Maybe 38 doesn't really matter at this stage. What's important is that you center it correctly. So again, positioning more or less. And then I can use the arrows to adjust. All right, um, so this is the first part. Next, I'm going to copy this text books and insert my second. You're also think thin, Ronnie Hermosa. All right again. You can adjust the textbooks if you want going to take this and bring it more or less. And then you go finish with the arrows. That really makes your life easier. All right. So we have pretty much everything here. We need the Lincoln logo so we can search for Lincoln thinking. And then you see, you already have a nice set off different logos within canvas, so that's pretty cool. So I'm going to insert this one, going to make sure. And for this we can zoom in a little bit, make sure it's the same size off the Facebook local, right? So you put them side by side, You should see the purple line coming up in the bottom, and then you go ahead and stretch it. And then if you move it, Yes, kind of. I should should tell you that they are actually exactly the same size. So this is good. I'm going to position this here as well. You see the line? The purple line indicates that they're perfectly sent. It moves slightly perfectly centered. So this is good. Um, let me zoom out. All right. We have pretty much everything or we need. Is these little Emojis right there? So for this, I used a premium feature of Canada, but you don't need to use this. Me and I have been using emoji have been experimenting with this, which is a premium feature on I'm not sure it's released for everybody yet, So this allows you to basically import any kind of emoji and change their colors. So this is pretty cool. This is a new feature for Canada for work, but as I promised to make this tutorial can via the free version of Canada friendly. So we're not going to use this exact emoji. But maybe I'm going to show you where to find emoji so you can go to Gugger. Let me go to Google images and you will be looking for the eyes emoji, and you will be looking for P and G. Let's see what comes up and images. Yeah, you can find different kinds of emoji. So, for example, disk would work like this one right here, Or you can use something else really is really up to you. What you want to insert under your video. You don't have to answer emojis. It's video to you. But let's say you want to use something like this. Yeah, this seems to be a PNG. So this grab this safe image as going to save this as eyes on my desktop. Let's see how this works. This is a PNG. They should work. I'm going to be using this. Insert this into Canada. Uh um there and there. So inserting my eyes into Canada. So now I make sure by clicking on the design again and make sure it will be imported on the right place. Make this smaller, of course. And position it at the right place. Pretty much. This is pretty much okay. Copy this position did on the other side. Make sure it is centered with the other one. And then what I'm gonna do is flip it horizontally room. So it looks on the other direction. So I think that by now we have recreated everything. So what we can do, finally, is to delete the the screenshot that we have in the background. Okay, so this is what it looks like. The only thing we still need to add is a background. So for this, you can use the background tab right here. So you click on background and me I just use one of the Grady is proposed by Canada. I used this one. I think so. If you go ahead and click on this one, it will fill up the white space with your background So now we have something pretty much similar to this. Um, if you don't like these bulky social icons, you can go ahead and create something nicer. Also what I recommended. You can use websites like flat icons to find other off, to find more options for social buttons like this one can. Va has at the end of the limited number of social icons, But you can easily find these on the Internet as well. So the only thing I need to do is to duplicate this slide by a copy page. And then, yes, but I can do is to flip this horizontally and this one as well, flipped horizontally. And now we have our two slides that look exactly the same as the two slight I originally created. So what I'm going to do is to export these to slice that we have created and insert that in my next YouTube video. So this is exciting, guys, eh? So what I have to do is to export, So I'm gonna go click exports in a PNG format. And this is Paige four and five. So I'm gonna go and four and five for five. Done export download there. And since we have more than one page, it opens it in the compressed documents. So this is good going to export this directly on my desktop. Find it back there. Let me open it. This is one in the next one and you can see the eyes moving. It's pretty cool. All right, so let's just this. So this finishes their second video in the next video. We are going to be inserting this at the end off our video in our video editing software. Eso stick around, guys. 4. Inserting the End Sequence into your Video: Hey, guys, welcome to video number three off this tutorial about creating an and screen for your YouTube videos. In this video, I'm going to show you how to insert the and screen or the background of the screen we just created in Canada into your video. For this, we're going to be using a video editing software. So me, I'm going to be using Premiere Pro. This is my go to video creation software. What I want to show you is actually I already made a video. So my video is here. This is me presenting how to create animated GIFs. This is actually a video I created for the Canada Master Course, but it's also on YouTube. I decided, OK, this specific video creating animated GIFs eyes, something people search for the There's a good chance that I can have some decent number of views with this video. So I decided, OK, let's take this video put on YouTube. So I have the whole thing here, but at the end, this is the end of the video about creating animated GIFs with can battle. You know, I suggest you play around with the feature and I will see you in the next video. So I just say, I will see you in the next video and then boom, the video ends. So what we want to do is to create a sequence off 20 seconds that will give us some space to create this and screen directly from YouTube. Right. So we want to import our two screens that we have created that they are actually, those are the screen. So we just created them in Canada. Right? So I'm just gonna grab them. So these are two p and G's And drop this in my video. Anything software? Just drop it here. Good. First, I'm going to be inserting the 1st 1 here. So let me zoom in a little bit on this, okay? Like this. So this part right here needs to be 20 seconds, so I'm going to select it, right? Click on it, and then speed duration. You can see it is it is. For now it is four second, 29. So that's five seconds. I want to make this 22nd so I just go all the way to 20 or can just type 20 seconds. 20. And then here's 00 So this is now 20 seconds. If you're using a different video editing software, this might be a little bit different of a process. But basically, this chunk right here needs to be 20 seconds. Okay, The next thing I want to add a music. So I really have a music selected on it Is here in my sound, the fix, and this is the music. So I'm going to drop this here in my preview panel to show you what the music is all about , Theo. Oh, so you see, the music has, like, can Avoca a short intro, and then the beat drops. And this part is important because we want to synchronize the eye movement with the beat. Right? You remember this part? So I'm going to start. You can see the number of seconds running here, so the bead actually drops at at 10 seconds more or less, a little bit less, maybe nine in something seconds. So I'm gonna go ahead and select this song from the beginning, so I make sure my time indicators at the beginning zero second and I type in in for in point and I go all the way to 20 seconds there and I type out. So now I have 20 seconds of music right here that I can drop into my timeline. So I go ahead and take this and drop it here. So now we have this been museum in a little bit more on this timeline, and I would see you in the next video. The only one thing I want to do is to use my second slice so you can see this is slide number four from Canada. The eyes are looking in this direction. And if I import slide number five, you will see the eyes looking the other direction. Let's see. See this? So what I want to do is to synchronize the change of slide with my beat. Oh, so it should change exactly when the beat drops. And for this we can look at the let's make this part of my screen bigger and we can make this bigger is where So we have here the way form of the music and the peaks actually show the beat and I can hear it is where So this is where the beat drops. So I'm gonna show this. So this is the other part of the music that I would be using this, uh, this kick. So there's a beat, and there's a kick. So the music well dictate the change of slide. Right? So the beat drops for the eyes move. And then when there is a snare or a kick like this, I don't know exactly. I'm not a musician. I don't know if this is a snare or kick, but it's a It's a kick when these drugs, we should go back to slide number four. Right. So this is a slight number five showing here. So I'm going to use the C button on my premiere Pro is the cut. Or I could use the cutter basically going from my normal cursor to my cutter, my razor, and then cut this, uh, slide right here. Okay, I go to the next beat there again, I would get. So I do see cut this and then I can take this part, await that museum out so you can see this is where the slide kicks in. And then I need to go back and the kick. So this part jumps. All right, let me move these older way to the And because we are going to be reproducing this technique off cutting slides on the music let me show you again. This is the next kick. And for this is really useful to zoom in So you can really see you don't really need to do much more than seeing the peaks. So using the C keep the sea key on my keyboard, I can cut again. Again. This is the next beat I can cut here. I can get rid of this part, zoom in again and continue. Okay? And you want to catch it when it starts. Okay, so as soon as you can hear it, come you. That's where you want to cut. Okay. Here, days a double double bass never beat. So, for a more dramatic effect, way will change this. So we will continue our sequence here off base and kick. Okay, So this is the 1st 1 so I should cut here. This is the 2nd 1 and this is this is the kick, so I could hear. I will delete the elements later. Okay. Okay. So again, there's one here. Another one here. They're So now we can just zoom out and see which one we have to do it. Okay, so it's basically one number 51 them before one Them 51 them before. So just be consistent with the sequence and you delete whatever you don't need. Okay, so this this and that should be good. So now we can play the whole thing and see if it's correctly synchro next. That's pretty cool. So this is well done, guys. Eso Now we've finished our videos. The YouTube and screen will be coming on top of that with the subscribe button in the middle. So this is pretty cool. When I'm going to do is just safest project. I will export this video. I will upload it into YouTube And then in the next video, we are going in the final video of this tutorial. We are going to be creating the actual and screen using this video with the background created in Canada, and this will finalize the entire project. So it is. Go ahead and do this. I'm not gonna let this thing run wide exporting the video and uploading into YouTube because this is pretty boring. But it's basically me exporting this video, uploading this file into my YouTube channel. And then I will catch up from there in the next video 5. Creating your End Screen in YouTube: All right, guys, welcome back to the editorial. Once again, this is lesson four, and this is the final video off the Siri's. So in this series, I'm going to show you how toe actually create the and screen from YouTube, right? So now we have created our background for our 22nd sequence in Canberra. So that's basically the background for everything to look nice and the placeholders to come on. Interesting background. So after doing this in less than three, we have exported these backgrounds and we have imported that into our video editing software from your pro in my case. But could be any software for you on then. We have basically created the 22nd sequence at the end of our video using our screens, our two frames that we created in Canada. I could be only one frame if you decide not to be no, to go fancy and to animate kind of the background. That's totally fine, either. Nice music. So it's more engaging. It's fun. It's interesting toe watch. And then what we've done. We've exported this video and uploaded it into YouTube. So this is where we are now. This is YouTube and I'm going to head over to my creative studio. So if I click on the top right corner right here, I go to creator Studio YouTube studio like here. As I said in the beginning of this tutorial, YouTube recently updated its creator studio. So this is the new version. The better version is not yet finished. 100% latest version. So for me, what I like to do for my annotations and and screens I like to go back to the classic studio, um, creators to do so using this button right here, you would have to give a feedback to YouTube. So just go ahead and do that. Give that feedback. Something is missing. Maybe it's me. Maybe I don't find it anywhere, and I don't know how to use it, But But since you still have the option to go back to the previous version the stable one, so you can do that. So this is the video, so I would go ahead and click on it, and there it is. So what I will do is to click on this tab right here that says and screen and annotation, and once again, if you don't see this. Make sure you are back to the Classic creator studio. So this is what we'll show YouTube would actually set your video exactly 22nd before the end of it. So you can see here 12 53. And my video is 13 13 seconds. So it's exactly 22nd before the end of the video, as we were mentioning in the first video. So OK, next thing I need to do is to go to my template. So use template from this button and here. Very important, I select the same template that I used to actually create my design in Canberra, right. Otherwise, everything would be on the line and messed up. Right? So this was the actual template toe. Go ahead, click on it. And selected. And YouTube will create these placeholders for me. This three clickable elements. So I have this one, the subscribe button and this other one, So these two are similar. Can choose a video or a playlist. So I'm gonna show you how to do this. You click on the 1st 1 and this is actually the one here in the middle. Use the pen and you can choose basically a playlist or video. So different options right here can use the most recent one. So the most recent upload, or you can go with the option best for viewers. So that's the YouTube. I'll go with them actually selecting what's best for your viewers. But I like to go with custom, and I like to select exactly what I want to show. So the third option right here through the video or plays select from your recent uploads and placed or enter a YouTube urine. So this is pretty cool. I think he doesn't have to be one of your videos. Could be a video from a friend of yours who is also an entrepreneur, and you might. You guys might share a similar audience or create videos in a similar topic. And if you want to help him boost, he's, um, is like fan base or following followers based on YouTube. You can feature one of his video, her video at the end of your video. And like this, that person can also feature one of your video. So that's one way to cross promote your content with somebody else. Eso You can choose between uploads, which are basically videos and playlists. So I like to start with a playlist. I'm gonna go with my can of a free tutorial playlist, so I select it save, and it will load. Here. You can see nine videos in this playlist, and now I'm going to click on the second box. You don't have to do anything with the call to action right here. Uh, make sure you don't move anything. You don't have to do anything with this. Oh, actually, you can move these things around, right? Yes. That's pretty cool. You can actually adjust this to make the final adjustments. If if you think you have ah messed up a little bit with Canada, you can still adjust here. That's pretty cool. So I'm going to select the content for this second box right now. Same process. And I'm gonna go ahead with a single video. Let's say I want to promote my Canada Master course. You guys know I want to promote my Canada, Mr Course. So I'm gonna show the promo video right there and hips like this save there. Now it's here. And I can adjust this or so. If I want. I can move this slightly, but I cannot push it more to this side. All right, so So this is nice. I do Tip gives you the opportunity toe. Readjust this a little bit, so this is pretty cool. You can use this if you need to. All right, so this looks good. Now, I can go ahead and save, so once it save, you can use the arrow to go back to your video manager and find his video right here. I'm gonna click on it and you can plates. Hey, guys, running here. We're goingto go to the end of it and see if everything is waiting. So this finishes the video. I hope you learned something interesting about creating unlimited chips with can battle. You know, I suggest you play around with the feature and I will see you in the next video. There we go. We have everything. Well, in its place, everything is pretty much well aligned. Well, maybe if it's not, because it's because I played around with moving stuff within YouTube. You don't have to do this. I'm gonna pose it for now on. I want to show you one thing you can see here the Facebook logo is actually not align perfectly with the Lincoln logo. So if something like this happens in your design and you realize this once it's already created in your video uploaded onto YouTube, it's a lot of work to correct these slides. Differences right here is maybe, like two millimeters. But to correct this, it would take you probably half a now our toe in our right because you have to do all this process again of changing it in Canada, exporting it, changing it in your video, exporting your video and uploading your video to YouTube once again creating the end screen once again, it's a lot of work. So what I suggest you do if something like this happens is to just simply modify the can verifies, right? You go back to Canada and you align these two elements perfectly and you save your document or you export these two slides again. You keep that in a folder and you know where to go get it the next time you create your next YouTube video. So I really highly encourage you to take the first step because purchasing a tutorial watching a deterrent to the end and not doing anything about it is pretty much useless. So I would just strongly recommend you take the first step in the first step for me would be to go to Canada and create this background. Just watch video one and video to again and create your own background. Right. Eso once you would have this background created, you export these fires and you keep them. And the next time you created YouTube video, you make sure to create this 22nd sequence. At the end of your video, you put in the interesting music you throw in your two frames or your one frame from canvas , the background for your onscreen, and that would be it. You will have everything ready. You can upload your video with this sequence at the end, and then you can create your onscreen directly from YouTube. So that's my advice. Create this canvas designed right now today. So it is there, and you wouldn't have watched this one our tutorial for nothing. It will have actually an impact on your business. The second step you can take is go to your YouTube dashboard, your creative studio and see how many videos you have there and you can create on screen. Even though you you cannot upload these sequence of 20 seconds at the end of each of your videos. That would mean you would have to delete your video on, add the sequence in your video editing software and upload them again. But then you will lose old views or comments and everything, and you don't want to do that. But what you can do is create an screens anyways. It would show on top of your current content, but it doesn't matter. At least it will have these calls to action to keep people watching your content, and this will help you gain more views. And this would probably help you get more followers on YouTube. All right, guys, I hope this tutorial was useful for me. It was a first experiment with premium to tour ears. Thank you for purchasing it. Thank you for trusting me as your instructor. I'm really dedicated to helping everybody in our group to become a better designer, but in a more global way to become a better digital marketer as well, because I believe this material goes a little bit beyond just design in Canada. But it's more about strategy and YouTube and video marketing and everything. So I hope this was useful. If it waas, I would appreciate if you could refer it to another person. Or maybe you could leave me a comment in the group. I would create dedicated post for our premium tutorials so you can leave your impressions there so other people in the group can see if this was useful. Maybe you can also show me the result of what you created, like your YouTube videos. Like Show me the and screens and show me how they look. All right, thank you once again and I would see you in the next video.