Confident Quilting, Part 2: Quilting and Binding Your Mini Quilt | Joellen Kemper | Skillshare

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Confident Quilting, Part 2: Quilting and Binding Your Mini Quilt

teacher avatar Joellen Kemper

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Part 1 Supplies


    • 3.

      Part 2 Quilt Sandwich


    • 4.

      Part 3 Quilting


    • 5.

      Part 4 make binding tape


    • 6.

      Part 5 Adding Binding Tape


    • 7.

      Part 5 Adding Binding Tape2


    • 8.



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About This Class

This class is part 2 of a 2 part series covering the basics of quilting. If you haven't taken part 1, I would recommend enrolling in that one as well because this class builds on top of part 1. In this class, I teach you how to quilt and bind your mini quilt.

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I'm a Christian homemaker and storyteller. I long to incorporate love, hope, and beauty into all that I do.

I believe we are all born creative which is why I like teaching (and learning!) on Skillshare See full profile

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1. Intro: welcome back to the confident closing. Siris in this class will be halting and binding our money, so let's continue. 2. Part 1 Supplies: for part two of confident quoting, You'll be needing some additional supplies in order to quote combined your many cults outs . You will need a fat quarter of fabric for your backing in a fat quarter of fabric for your binding, which that's what goes around the outside edge of your coal top. You will need batting. This is my favorite batting ever Coulter's Dream angels. But whatever sort of caught in batting that you confined, that'll work great. And then you will also need some sort of closing thread. That's cotton. And remember, do not get the hand cult ing thread from the store because that will ruin your machine. You won't need a walking foot to go with your sewing machine. It's one of these dual feed beat. We also need basting pins, and this is what's going to hold all three layers together of your quotes. I like the curved ones. They seem to be easier to use and then some sort of binding clips whenever you go to so on . The binding this is just makes it easier to hold all the layers together, and that's all you'll need to get started 3. Part 2 Quilt Sandwich: So a pool is composed of three different layers. Number one being the whole top that you made in confident quoting part one and then the batting and then backing of fabric. And so what I'm gonna show you in this first lesson is how to make what's called it quote sandwich, which is putting all three of those layers together. So when you start out, you're going to make sure that your quote top is pressed nicely and all the threads or trends, and then you're gonna lay your batting down trust. Trust me, that out as best as you can in the New year layer quote top over the batting and you're going Teoh, want to leave about 1 to 2 inches around the outside of the quote top. Now, if you were doing like a regular quilt, you're going to lay this out on the floor and I would probably leave at least 2 to 3 inches around the outside of the quote top for the batting. So he's gonna cut this. You have to be perfect. This is long. Is it? Overhangs the top. Okay, so you don't really need to do this for a mini quote. But if you were working with a larger quote, I would roll these two layers together like that put off to the side. So now you're gonna bring in the backing and you're actually going to flip it this way to the wrong side. And then you're going Teoh, take the batting with your quote top and you're just going Teoh, unroll it over the backing and then just try to smooth everything out way. Have thes basting pins. And so we're going to hold all three layers together with these basing pins, and I would start from the middle and work my way out. I was making them a couple inches of heart. Like I said, to smooth everything out and you go, You don't want to have any wrinkles in this. Otherwise, when you go to quote all three layers together, you're gonna have wrinkles show up in the back. Okay, so that's pretty good. I just want toe check it over, make sure that there's no wrinkles anywhere God, and flip your sandwich over and playing pretty flat. So there's a quote sandwich, and it's ready to be quoted 4. Part 3 Quilting: So now that you've pinned all three layers together, you're ready to permanently stitch them in place through what is known as quilting. Now I know that a lot of you This is your first time ever dealing with quilting. So I'm going to keep this a simple is possible for you. So just know, though there are so many cool things that you can get into when it comes to the actual quoting portion. But for this class, I'm going to show you how to stitch in the ditch. So it really is what it sounds like. You are just going to be stitching inside all of your seen lines. So those seen lines between all your squares you're going to be stitching inside of them, and that's going to be what holds all three layers together. So let's go to our machines and get started. So I just wanted to run through a few settings on your machine before we get started. First of all, I would go ahead and lengthen your sis link. Some normal piecework is at about 2.5. I just go ahead and lengthen. Mind the three, it just looks nicer. And then Also, I would highly recommend if you have a walking put that came with your machine, it's gonna be great for dealing with all three layers of your quilt. It just it has actually to be in it. Just work together to really move your quote through your machine. But if you don't have this, don't worry. I like I've known people who have just used regular foot for this sort of halting. So go ahead and try that out and see how that So you're probably wondering, where do I start holding first? The best rule to follow is to kind of work from the middle to the outside. That way, if you're working from the outside and there's a good chance that you can shift your fabric and then you have, like, this big blob in the middle and that doesn't look very nice, So I'm just going to kind of pick a scene here that is towards the middle. So I just picked this seem right here, and when you go to put your Fabricant, you're gonna want to make sure that your top thread is above your prosper foot. Then go ahead and lower your presser foot and then lower your needle down in there and kind of went on to your thread. Make sure you have a long Fred tail when you go to do this. So this lower needle and then bring it back up once and what you're going to do is you're going to pull on the top thread. You might have to. If you feel some resistance, you might have to turn your hand wheel on the side here a little bit to kind of bring up your needle more. So just keep pulling. And if you need to keep turning your wheel so as you turn your will, you kind of feel a little pop. And that means that this top threat is bringing up your bobbin thread. So we've brought this bobbin thread up to the top, just so whenever we start stitching, it doesn't make sort of like this rat's nest on the bottom because you can't really control the thread that's on the bottom. But if you have trouble doing that, don't stress about it. It's it's not as important is what you think it is. It's just is a nice little finishing touch to add to your quote. So once you've brought your bobbin threat up to the top of your quote, you ready to stitch? So we're just going to follow the same line all the way down. Now, don't stress about making it perfectly in the seem line. No one's going Teoh notice. If you go a little bit off of the same line, it's just just have fun and you will get through this. That's going to be like one back stitch one or to keep it locked in place, and then you follow your scene line. Take it slow. If you come across any of your your pens, you can just stop and take those out. Just make sure as you go, just kind of hold it a little taught just to make sure you're not having any fabric bunch up underneath. And don't don't feel like you need to just do it all in one stretch like you can keep stopping and readjusting your fabric. Just take it nice and slow, and once you've come to the end, you can go ahead and keep your needle down in your fabric and just lift up your presser foot and pivot your quill around here and go ahead and just stitch along the edge of your whole top to the next scene. So once you've reached the next scene, then you can again keep your needle down inside the fabric, lift up your presser foot and pivot right into that scene. Just remember, relax. You don't have to be tense. I'm just each time I get to the end of the scene, I'm just going Teoh of it. I walked to the next one, so just remember, as you go along, kind of flip the back of your cool over to make sure, but the stitching looks all right. And if you have any problems or questions, feel free. Teoh, post them here on skill share. So I've reads the last scene filmed this in. So I'm just going Teoh of it. And I'm going Teoh stitch to the next scene down on the other end. You kind of if you can tell that you're quote tops bunching up a little bit, you can lift up your presser foot and kind of rearrange things. Oh, actually, I just realized I ran out of Bob and Fred back here, so I need to change that out. So now that I've reloaded my Bob and I just kind of wanted to show you were quick what exactly this looks like so far. So when you look at the top of your quilt, you won't be able to see your stitches that much since you're sitting in the ditch. And then whenever you're finishing up one seem and going to the next scene, you're just kind of traveling along the the edge of the hilltop. It's okay if you like stitch right on the quote top or whatever. Just try to get right up along the edge before you go to also you see what you're closing. Looks like on the backside. Okay, some continuing, traveling down the side of the whole top. And then when I come down here to this scene that has a link quoted yet, well, I'm gonna pivots start sewing down that scene. So now that I have some down all the vertical seams, I can go ahead and work my way to the horizontal seams. Do all of those which I can tell this basing pin is going to be in my way. So I'm gonna go and take that out. Any time you take your basing pin out, you might have to kind of smooth things around. Just make him flat again. So I've come to my first horizontal seem, so I'm going to go down that fax the champions. And now you can do a happy dance because you finished holding your quilt. So now that it's quoted, you can go ahead and take out the rest of your basting pins, go ahead and cut off the excess around the outside edges of your quote. Okay, so, as you can tell on this side of my quote top, that's kind of wonky, and you don't really have, like, a straight line to cut along the school top. So I would just say kind of split the difference. You know this part right here? It's kind of sticking out a little bit more, and this one's kind of curving in just kind of find a good medium meat, and now you can go ahead and cut off the excess 5. Part 4 make binding tape: So now that you've finished quoting your quilt, you're ready for your final step, which is making binding tape in binding the outside of your quote. So right now, you have an unfinished edge on your quilt, and we want to make it look like this love to started. Find out how much binding tape will need to cut out. You'll have to take. You have to add up the links of all four sides of your quote, and then you have that measurement and you're going. Teoh, measure the width of your fabric, which is from one salvage EDS to another self, a judge. And so you're gonna take the perimeter of your cult top and divide it by the width of your fabric, which that'll tell you how many strips to cut out. Don't worry, I will post a handout under the Project Gallery to show you the math again. So to take my quote top, for example, the this side is about 15.5, and this side is about 12.5, so that gives you 28 inches and so 28 times two is 56 so I need 56 total inches around the top of white quilts, and I would always add, maybe like six extra inches. Tow that just to give you plenty of wiggle room, so that would be a total of 62 inches. We have 62 inches around my quote top, and then we're going to get the whip of my fabric, which I said it's from one seller dead to the other. Now, if you if you have, like a fat quarter, more than likely your lingering to have one selvage edge that you'll be able to see on your fabric. So it's whatever it from that salvage edge to the opposite end of the fabric. So let's see 36 inches right Teoh here, plus about 8.5 inches. So 44 a half inches. Okay, so that means I don't have to cut two strips of fabric from this piece of fabric. No, Whenever you go lay out your fabric, it's just like I showed you in Part one. You will match Selva judges together, and I'm gonna go ahead and fold it in half again. So you have yourself a duchess here on your cut edges. Teach side and you have a fold and you're going Teoh square that off. Remember to square off. You're going to just take your fold and place it along one of these horizontal lines on your mat, and then you're going to find a vertical line on your Met and push the edge of your fabric out past that line. You're gonna cut along that line so that everything is all squared up. Even so, each strip that you that's going to be 2.5 inches, one Teoh and then for half inches, son lats have individual marks in between each inch smart in order to show you where, like half oven inches line does not. So I just kind of used my ruler, and I know from this one inch marked over here is happening. Proudest These. This one is mark on my ruler and lining up with one of these vertical lines because I know to the right of that one inch markets half an inch. So we have 12 and then another happens 2.5 interest. Now that you have it at 2.5 inches, you can just go ahead and cut along your ruler. So I need to strips over 2.5 inches again without my second strip. And now you just want to cut off the salvage judges for each of your strips. You will ever want to use your salvage edges being your sewing just because they're woven differently. So they just done. They sell a different way, so we just always cut off. So So what we're doing with all of our strips is we're going to sew them into a continuous longer strip. You'll take your first trip and lay it out right side up and you're going to take a second strip and you're gonna you're going to match the right sides together, which that's a side with the print on it and actually going to match them like this because when you go to so this you're going to so from the left upper corner to the right bottom corner, So it's gonna make like this, um, Bagnall line, and then whenever you flip it open, it's gonna look like one continuous strip. So I always just prepare mine before going to the song machine. So you're just matching up this edge against this edge and this edge against the other edge . And then to help me draw my dying the line. I like to make a little mark down here where the other fabric actually follows that you can feel it through your fabric. So that's where intersex. It's easier to draw your diagonal line and then go ahead and take your ruler. And like I said, you left upper corner to right lower corner, just strong a line that you can follow the. So I'm just using a regular pin to do that and go ahead and put two pins in there to keep it in place. You one. Okay, so once you've had you've prepared all your strips and have them pinned together, you can go ahead. And so on each diagonal line. Go ahead and put your needle down. Take a stitch or two back stitch. Oh, I also wanted to know I Whenever I do this, if I'm going directly from quoting and defining, I just go ahead and leave this foot on it. It doesn't make a difference which one you use for the binding part, just so across your diagonal line. Get to the end over at the back stitch and then just out of the machine. And now we'll be heading toe your iron. So while you're waiting for your iron to warm up, you can go ahead and trim off the excess over here to the right of the seems, I'd leave about 1/4 of an inch of fabric to the right of your stitches. Trim that off. Once your iron is nice and hot. Go ahead and pull this open. Press last up and making your binding tape is you're going, Teoh, hold this and 1/2 with wrong sides together. So fall in half and then go ahead and press that into place. So now you're binding. Tape is ready to be sewn onto your quote. 6. Part 5 Adding Binding Tape: okay. Sewing on your binding takes two steps, and the first step is you're going to actually so it around the top of the quote. So I would leave about a 3 to 4 inch tail and go ahead and take the raw at the binding and match it up against the rotten to the core. The's airflow over this, but any sort of binding clips will dio doing fabrics has him that looked like the nineties style hair clips, but I really love these clothes clips. Now we'll go ahead and clip down each side. So once you've reached the corner of your quill, you're going to have to fold it in a certain way. In order to get your minder corners, you'll take your binding and you're going to flip it over like this. See how the binding forms one continuous line with your quote. So you're flipping you like that. Once you have it in this position, you're going to hold this down and you're going to then flip the binding backwards so you'll have this little triangle dude out there. You can see it still looks flush against the edges. You just have the extra fold in there. You're going to take that fold and you'll flip it this way and then flip it down. Each time you get to a corner, you're going to do the same process, lift up, then hold the fold, then flip back, lining it up, Then get a hold of the phone. Slip it down. It can be a little awkward first, but you'll get a town with some practice. Just move the tail out of the way there. Okay, so you're just going to leave an open section right here because towards it and you're going to attach these together. So just go ahead and leave flaps right there, okay to So this you're going to start out by leaving yourself a three or four inch tail at the beginning because you're going to so all the way around it, and then you're gonna come about, you know, three or four inches from where you started. And that's where you're going to stop, because you're gonna have to leave an opening for yourself in order to so both of these ends together. So take that first clip out and you're going to so this 1/4 of an inch away from the edge. So go ahead and take your first first ditch a couple and then back stitch, and then go ahead and so down the side until you've reached her miter corner. Okay, so I'm getting near my minder corner. One thing that I like to dio is not just take like a pin and mark where that fold that. So I know you're going. Teoh, come down here and stop once you reach this line. So I reached the line that I marked. I'm gonna go ahead and back, stitch a couple, and then you can take it out of your machine. Okay? Let me just explain this here. So I so down to that line that I market the fold line and I went ahead and back stitched. And now you're just going to take this little flap and they're going to flip it up like that and go ahead and mark yourself a new line. So, basically, you're just feeling where there's, like a smaller density of fabric so you can feel where where it's folded that and go ahead and just mark align with your pen. I might need to make it further down So once you know where your fold lines at, you got your so gonna be sewing 1/4 of an inch in. So go ahead on line everything up. So the raw edges up against your presser foot and go ahead and put your needle down where that line is that you march and just take a couple such such as Forward, such to back toe back stitch and then keep going down inside. Gonna take the clip out mark True mark for the fold, Linus. So to it back Stitch, take it out. And then I'm just gonna flip that corner up market new, full line or the beginning position on this edge on everything back up again. Keep slowing down the sides. Okay, so I sewed about an inch down. I'm gonna go ahead and back, sit and stop. Remember, you need toe. Make sure you leave yourself a nice opening for whenever you go to, so these ends together, so that will be the next step. All right, so I'm just going Teoh, this strip is extra long, so I'm just gonna cut this down toe, therefore inch tail, and then I'm gonna come to about the middle of this opening. I was going to match these up. And then once things were lined up like it's lined up along the raw edge and these two folded, others are bumping up against each other nicely. That I just kind of take my nail and finger press creases right there. I can mark where they meet up that you can always use an iron if if you can't use your fingers were Well, um and then I just opened up the strips wherever the creases, that I'm just gonna kind of mark a rough line, so it's easier to see. Good. Now here comes awkward part. We're gonna open these strips up, and you're going to have them face each other and you're going toe line up the marks that you made. I'm just going Teoh to keep flipping back and forth to tell pan up here, match up this. Okay, so that's what it looks like. Gonna have both strips meeting each other and then you're going to so down this line popped up my pin just kind of double check. It was. This might feel a little offered like you're wrestling with this. This is why the bigger opening that you leave, the easier it will be, too. So this on the machine. But just make sure that you have everything flattened out here's gonna so down the line that you that you marked. So don't get back, Stitch. Once you have everything in there, I would just take a moment to kind of straighten everything out. Make sure everything's flat lined up back. Such a the end. Okay, so the best way to tell that you've done this successfully is to go ahead and just kind of flatten everything out and make sure that it it's just the right length to go along the side of your your quote here. And once you've decided that it is, then you can just go ahead and open it back up and trim off your excess fabric. Don't trim off your access fabric until you're sure, because otherwise when you go to rip out your Sitges, you're not gonna have very much fabric over here to work with. You can see how that lays nicely, and I just kind of singer press this open, lay it down and then you can just sew up the gap here so Now that you've sown your binding onto the top part of your quote, you're going to go ahead and press it back. It's I don't mind the mattered edges too much. Okay, so now we're ready to clip these to the back, but quote 7. Part 5 Adding Binding Tape2: So we're going to be clipping this edge around the back side of the quote. Let's go ahead and trim off any long. Fred's just don't get in our way. Careful, You don't accidentally cut into your binding. That's that's pretty good on one thing that I flying really helps with these minor corners is if I kind of slip some of it away, This kind of slipping those three layers away. But make sure you don't cut into here your stitches there. That's just really reduce his bulk. Okay, this is going to take your binding clips again and just kind of feel make sure that this is pulled away from this edge is possible because you're gonna want Teoh, um, fold more towards the back towards the front, so just kind of pull it, talk and then just clip it into place. Actually, I'm gonna do this from the front side because you're going to be stitching from the front side, remember? Just kind of pull it top towards the back side. So once you've reached the wider corner, this kind of flip it around here so you can see you're going Teoh, pull that completely down and Then you take the other side and flip it over like this so you can see the lighter corner. And then I would just stick your lining clip right there and then just keep going down inside another matter corner. So pull it down across it over like this. Just clip it into place. Just remember all the way around, especially on the minor tours you're going, Teoh, pull this back. Really talk, because what we're going to do is we're going to actually. So along the edge here where the cool top meets the finding and we're really gonna hope that catches on the back here. That's why you want to pull everything around to the Bacchus firmly as possible. Fine. So now that we have it all clipped, we will take it over to the machine and so down on the top to catch the backside. All right, so you are on the last portion in order to complete your quilt, which is awesome. You come so far, what will be doing is we're going to be sewing, basically stitching in the ditch chicken. So wherever the quote top meets the binding, you're going to so just right in that area. So the idea is as you. So it's going to catch the back of your binding and so it down completely. Just go ahead. Sometimes your toe Wiggle this in there since so many layers go ahead repressive foot down , and make sure you line up your needle in that ditch and then you can start selling. Just take it slow. And as you take your clips out, just kind of hold on to the back of the binding and pull it to the back as snugly as you can remember to try to do so right up against the edge of the binding. Once you get to your murdered corner, you really have toe hold this in place here. So So once you've reached that corner, my gonna have toe move your fabric around here to get the needle, the land right at the corner. Once you reach that, then you can pivot your fabric but your presser foot back down. Make sure everything's nice and snug under there. So the other direction I kind of went into the binding there. That's all right. When I flip it and go the other direction, I could just kind of steer off the binding, right? A couple stitches back over your starting situs, and you are good to go. So once you've sown the binding tape down to the back of your quote, you're just going to flip it over and make sure that you caught all areas of the binding tape. If you didn't, that's all right. Just take it back to your machine and so down that little section that you missed again. But after that, you have a completed mini quote. 8. Outro: Congratulations for finishing your money, fool. You had a lot of skills alert and come a long way. I really hope that you continue on this pulsing adventure. And don't forget to post your projects. I love to see See in the next one.