1. Intro: Hi, I'm Nicky Crystal, and welcome to my class Complete project planning and your Bullet journal This'll Class is for anyone who's interested in project planning in a bullet journal. And anyone who needs a method that will help them plan ahead, you will see are generally is useful to project tiny and you will see waste and makes journal planning. With digital planning. Bethune's you will see real time project planning a real time completion of tax. There is a class outline in the project section toe help you follow a long lesson by lesson . At the end of this class, you'll be able to anticipate your monthly commitments and any yearly project, and you will be able to demonstrate what clothes commitments look like in your journal. We have a lot to cover, so let's get started.
2. Supplies: here are the supplies I use for this class. I use my bully journal. I scribbles that matter. It's a five grade with thick paper. I used pigment microns. 0 to 103 I used a pair of scissors. You can use the tape of your choice. I use washi tape and glue tape. I used the autograph paper for cutouts and flax toe. Add to my bullet journal. I used a ruler and a mechanical pencil. I use a few color markers and a Tom Bo blending brush. You don't need these, but from time to time I use wire binder clamps to make my journal. They flat for filming.
3. A Few Definitions: a few definition. Our project today is creating a content calendar in our bullet content calendar will help us control but publishing across different social media platforms. A bullet journal is a D i Y notebook toe. Hope you track the past, organize the present and design the future. A plan with me is a term often used on YouTube, where bullet journalists set up their journals for future planning. Sort of the opposite to a plan with me is daily rapid logging and his rider Carol's method of decluttering your thoughts by releasing events, task and notes on paper. After daylight, rapid logging, you come back to those notes in a period called reflection Time. You close out tasks that you completed and you enter a new task at the end of the month. Your reflection time maybe called monthly migration were your closing task and moving open tasks of the future. You wait out things you can't do in the present. This helps you de clutter your current to do list, and it helps you stay productive
4. Planning February Tasks: In my last video, you saw me set up a monthly calendar and weekly spreads. Now let's see how these modules work together. On February 4th. If it's daily logging, I will allocate five or 10 minutes of my time toe lock today's task. And if I have a task that is due on a specific date this week, I will also log that task in this weekly spread. On the next day, I will close some tasks I will at that day's task, and I will add more weekly tasks. And so then the question becomes what happens when you have a task that is due on a specific date further into the future, and the month hasn't been set up yet. Well, in that case, you at the task to your future log Do you remember the future law? We set it up and we talked about extensively, and my prior class bullet darling in 2020 Ultimate guy. If you missed that class. Ah, highly recommended. It talks about all of the setups and sections and modules of the bullet journal system
5. Completing February Tasks: on Thursday, February 6. This is daily logging. In real time. You will see me closing out completed tasks. You will see me logging in today's notes, events and tasks, and then you will see me entering in future tasks as well. I log personal and work tasks together, and I highly suggest that you do the same when you first start bullet journaling. This way you have your entire life in one book. If, after some time you decide this doesn't suit you, then perhaps you can split up your life into a personal bullet journal and a work bullet journal. But here you can see that it can be neat assists inked when you keep everything together. As we approach February 7, the notes become longer, more frequent and more imperative. I start to see a lot of exclamation points and a lot of notes to sell. Then I find a note about my content on skill share. It is a reminder to myself that my last gilt chair intro was too long and I need to shorten it. This was such an important point that I entered it in on Friday the seventh as well as the weekend on the day when I was set to write the script for the intro and filming. I even know to myself that on January 6 actually delete it the February video control because it was too long. This is valuable information as I move forward and create content on skill share and classes for my students. So where did these notes come from? Seasonals came from Ah, prior session of planning, and they also came from January 26 when I deleted the intro of the February video and I took a note of it, noting and journaling this way is very valuable in any line of work. If I were not journaling, what happens on the day I could be making the same mistake over and over again with my content. So hopefully with this example, you can see just how valuable the bullet journal can be to your work and your content planning
6. Exploring Digital in March: So I've been happy journaling here on skill share since the summer, and I began to receive positive feedback from my students, but also questions about long term planning and content counters and a bullet journal. So I decided to take a skill share class by Chanel. Hayes called Content counters may easy, and I highly recommend her class in it. You get expert instruction and you get a template that allows you to create your own content calendar. Here is the demo. These are my actual commitments and task. I'm adding all of my skill share task that I have each month to publish a class, and I've also labeled in two skills. Your commitments want us to notify my students of followers when a class is about to publish, and then second commitment is to actually publish the class. You will see my Instagram commitments and blue. I have three Instagram commitments per week. You will see my Petrus commitments and green. I have three Pinterest commitments. Her weak. I love the functionality of this template that you can save it to the cloud and collaborate with others. But a journalist like me needs room to know my thoughts and processes. I need to celebrate my winds and learn from my mistakes as spreadsheet cells simply don't give me the room to do this. So now I have the task of finding some sort of hybrid, some sort of mixture between writer Carroll's full a journal system and Chanelle Hayes is digital content calendar. If I could somehow print out this calendar and pace it in my bullet journal, I will have it there for each month, and I can reference back and forth to the calendar and complete my to do's. While we're figuring out how to blend the bullet journal system with a digital content calendar, please remember that a copy of this digital confident calendar will be in the project and resource is section of this class. Please feel free to copy my template and use all of my commitments in your own social media projects. Perhaps you don't post the skill share, but you posted Facebook. If that's the case, then just substitute Facebook for wherever you see a skill share commitment in my calendar . Maybe you don't post on Pinterest, but you post on Twitter, then you can swap those out as well I have created this content calendar for you and for myself. I want to share with you and make your publishing process is as seamless as possible.
7. Setting up Project Timeline: one of my long term projects is to post consistently over three social media platforms for this entire year. I also have 1/4 project at lower priority. If I hope to convince you guys that a bullet journal can accommodate long term project planning, I'm gonna need more room here. You see me creating extended flaps in my bullet journal using pieces of a five craft about it paper that I cut out from a separate notebook. Once I've used Washington to create two flaps on either side of my bullet journal, I'm going to give those flaps page numbers for indexing Later. Ben, I'm going to write all 12 months of the year across the top of the pages. And then I'm going to write all my multiple projects down the left hand side of the paint. Kuala. I've set up my own project timeline. Now I can see all of my projects at a glance. My Bola General accommodates them perfectly. When these flaps are closed, you can see projects for the month January through April and when the projects are open, you can see projects from May to December
8. Setting Up March Monthly: in this lesson, we will create a constant calendar in our bullet journal and the following lessons. We will use the content counter to post content. We like the digital content calendar, but it doesn't offer us enough space to journal. She lets print it out and pace it inside our bullet journals. You will recognize this page. It is Chanel Hayes content calendar is color coded just as it was in Google spreadsheet. We printed it out and we color coded it. And I can propose that you can tach this to your bullet journal and reference it. Well, you need to do your planning. Remember layering the two sheets this way, we'll let you see all of your work to do so. On one page, you open up the flap and then all of your personal to do czar underneath. Remember, that was a problem of not being able to journal and capture thoughts in the Google spreadsheet cells. Now that the spreadsheet is a test to our journals, we have plenty of room to plan and reflect on our work
9. Setting Up March Weeklies: the weeklies are my favorite part of the bullet journal set up. But for brevity sake, I'm keeping these weekly setups minimal and easy to draw. If I have time, I will come back to add more colors and doodles to these pages. Ironically, these weekly setups are the part of the bullet journal system there. Writer Carol doesn't use this. Part of the bullet journal system came from YouTube, where you'll see many Plan with me. Videos plan with me videos essentially main, setting off all the parts of your bullet journal in anticipation off events, notes and tasks. Writer Carol believes that events, notes and tasks should be written in a daily log as they occur. In this way, you de clutter your thoughts and you stay organized and productive. However, I have found that the more attractive I can make my journal pages, the more likely I am to return to my journal. Look at the notes task in events that I have there to do, cross them off and more journaling and then move on. This is the way I stay organized and productive. I hope you will find the system that works for you. We will see more examples of me adding tasks and notes to my weeklies. In later lessons, we will put these freshly made weeklies into good use in just a moment.
10. Planning March Tasks: in previous lessons, we set up our yearly project timeline. We set up our march monthly and we set up our March weeklies. Now that I have all of the modules of my bullet journal set up, let's do some planning. First, I'm going to take some personal task from my future log, and I'm gonna add them to my March monthly calendar. From there, I'm gonna at those personal tasks to the appropriate day in my March weeklies. Next, let's go to our project timeline to look for work tasks. We look for work tasks in our product timeline and our content calendar. Once we find a task less added to the appropriate day in our weekly here, you can see me entering in my instagram commitments and my skill share commitments. For example, I added editing commitments for skill share to the first, the second and the third of March. On Saturday the seventh, you can see that I have a plan with me for instagram scheduled
11. Completing March Tasks: in previous lessons. We've shown you a reflection time in February. Now let's see what reflection time would look like in March. So in a previous plan with me, I left all of these notes to my future self for March. Do these dates correspond to dates in my content calendar? One of my monthly content commitments is to post a quote on the 18th of March. As I approached the 18 I see a note to self that excellent quotes can be found on Pinterest and in writer Carroll's book, Remembering my resource is for quality content will save me time and help me be consistent for my audience. And then on the 19th I've scribbled in a diagram into my journal. Now I'm sure I could do that in a digital bullet journal app, but at the time it would take me to start the APP, clear out any notifications and distractions. I could have drawn the sketch already, so now you can see how valuable pen and paper are to help you stay on task and complete your projects on time. To close out this point, I would like to remind you that the dates you put into your journal are designated times. Lots become from your content calendar. By focusing on each day's task, you're really moving along a production timeline that you created for yourself, perhaps at the beginning of the year. This will ultimately help you stay focused and help you meet your project deadlines. This type of journaling has been invaluable to me. I was able to post my January class nearly two weeks earlier, and I published my February class nearly two days earlier. So let's hope that this March class gives posted earlier as well. I will show you screenshots of some of my publishing dates. Actually, I hope you have enjoyed this class this far. Next will talk about some helpful tips and examples.
12. 5 Helpful Tips: as we move into some helpful tips, I'd like to mention that I've talked about writer Carol and Chanelle Hayes a lot throughout this video. I need to tell you that I'm not sponsored by either of them. I'm just a fan of their work. So tip number one, spreadsheets and digital planners are great for collaborating with others and going paperless. But if you need to journal your processes, draw diagrams or if your projects taken unexpected turn, I recommend you journal your project in a notebook. Tip number two. If, like me, you grab your phone before you get out of bit. Find a way to bind your phone to your journal. Jake, you remember to get out of bed and have five or 10 minutes of reflection. Time to plan your day. Tip number three. If you hit the snooze alarm on your phone, remember, that's nine minutes. You could have to play in your day and reflect on open tasks. Tip number four. If you feel you are getting distracted by other pages, when you use your bullet journal, close out pages by putting assemble or check mark on that page. This symbol lets you know you've taken care of all of the bullets on the page, and you don't have to look at that page again. And, of course, put this symbol in the key of your bullet journal. It means page. Complete it. Tip number five If you're finding, is difficult to carve out reflection time at the end of the day at an element that draws you back to your journal. Have it trackers, new trackers, gratitude, logs, one lines a day or even one word a day. I like to call these elements Journal magnets because they draw me and others back to their journals. For me, it's the trackers for other bullet journalists is the gratitude lock, the one line a day or even the one word a day?
13. Final Thoughts: as we close out this class, I would like to thank you for stopping by and joining me for another lesson about bullet. Darling, I would also like to remind you that a class outline and a copy of my digital content calendar are available in the project section. Please use my content calendar each month to meet your monthly commitments for social media posting or any other project you may have. I would like to show you Ah, final flip through off the pages that we covered in this class. I would also like to say that it's always a pleasure for me to do these classes about bullets. Arnold, remember them always in the discussion section. If you have any questions at all about any of the material you see at these classes again, thanks for stopping by and until next time. Happy Charlie