Canva for Instagram: The Ultimate Guide | Minh Ngoc Nguyen | Skillshare

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Canva for Instagram: The Ultimate Guide

teacher avatar Minh Ngoc Nguyen

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Canva for Instagram: Introduction


    • 2.

      Lesson 1: Overview of Canva


    • 3.

      Lesson 2: Logo Design on Canva


    • 4.

      Lesson 3: Color Palette on Canva


    • 5.

      Lesson 4: Making Moodboard on Canva


    • 6.

      Lesson 5: Instagram Posts on Canva


    • 7.

      Lesson 6: Instagram Carousel on Canva


    • 8.

      Lesson 7: Instagram Story and Highlight on Canva


    • 9.

      Special: Tips and Tricks for Unique Designs


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About This Class

Hi there,

Are you a brand owner who is looking to level up your Instagram profile? There are so many things you can upload on Instagram right now including posts, stories, IGTV, reels, and so on. How can we keep them all consistent and stylish? That's exactly what you'll learn in this course.

Canva for Instagram is a Canva course that focuses on creating Instagram content.

Here's what will be covered in our lessons:

  • Detailed lessons on how to create a brand covering logo design, color selection, etc.
  • Beginner-friendly tutorial on making Instagram content such as posts, carousels, and videos.
  • Cool and unique Canva tips and tricks.
  • And more!

You're not interested in Instagram though? No worries, the technique taught in this class can be applied to make any kind of graphics on Canva. You'll find everything you need to know to master Canva here.

Are you ready to produce superb Instagram content and become a Pro at Canva? We'll see you in the first lesson!

While you're here, check out my other courses on Skillshare!

Ibis Paint X 101: Ibis Paint Tutorial for Beginners

Typography 101: The Secret to Beautiful Movie Posters

Meet Your Teacher

Hello, I'm Minh Ngoc. I'm currently an independent graphic designer and illustrator. I have helped my friend build her blog by doing all the illustrations and visuals for her writings. In addition, I had chances to work on multiple different projects including designing standees, posters, and flyers. I find Skillshare a useful platform for anyone who wants to learn new skills every day like me. As a teacher on Skillshare, I'm happy to share my knowledge in graphic design.

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1. Canva for Instagram: Introduction: Hi, there. Are you a brand owner who's looking to level up your Instagram profile. There are so many things they can post on Instagram right now, such as post stories, rituals, and so on. How can we keep them all consistent as stylish? Exactly what you'll learn in this course. Here's what we're going to do. We're going to build a plant from scratch, starting with a logo and color palette. Then you'll learn how to make Instagram content for basic design to engagement booster post, such as crank uracil. Along the way, we'll also provide you with a bunch of tips and tricks related to both design and finding. Not a big fan of Instagram, no worries. The techniques and skills covered in this class can be used to design anything on Canva. This is cannabis for Instagram inverse. So glad to have you on our class. 2. Lesson 1: Overview of Canva: Hello guys, welcome to the first lesson of Canada for Instagram. And today's lesson, we're going to do an overview of Canada. To start out, Canada is a credit designing, programmed as available on the web, PC, tablets, and mobile devices. This software is amazing because it has so many advanced features for free. So you better follow the course. I recommend you using the web version of Canada, since I will also use the same version, Let's begin by signing up for a Canvas account. You can either click on the link in the description to the lead, straight to the sign up page, or you can go to the website Now, you should be led to a page like this. Start from the top bar, left to right. We've got template, which contains different templates for different purposes organized neatly. Next is features. As you can see, the first column is Canvas stock photos. Next is icon, and then different current products. Next is apps, which are application, but you can integrate and youth with Canada. Finally is explore and download, which is quite self-explanatory. And then there's learn. This contains short tutorial videos that Canva provides for beginners. Next, plus, examining the left sidebar part will be quite self-explanatory. So I will just briefly go through them concurrently at the recommended for you tab underneath is all my design where you can find all of your work done on Canvas and share with you, which contains work, but someone else share with you to collaborate. Next is classwork, which I think is a feature of the education account I'm using. Don't worry if you don't see it on yours. The next tab is printed, which is what I want to introduce to you guys. Click on the tab and you'll be directed to a page like this. This is one feature of the caravel Pro account that I think is to produce more. If you have somewhat figure it out. Prime design, you could go ahead and upload the logo here, as well as the color palette, which is underneath it. And setup the fonts and sizes for headings and subheadings. In the bottom right. You may remain a kid here. This feature will help the design process a lot more faster and convenient. Moving on, we've got the content planner. This is where you can find out when, where, and what you post on social media. For example, you're going to post a code template every Friday. You'll select the plus sign here. Then select the design by selecting the three dot icon here. You can select the date and time and edit it. And down here is where you can connect your business social media channel to Canvas. Next is to write a description and schedule it. This way, Canada will automatically publish a content for you. Finally, the two last tab on the left sidebar is the only folders and crash. Now, select the recommended for you tap to focus on the main page. What takes the most space here is basically all the templates Canva has to offer you. Scroll down to prowess. Finally, at the right upper corner, there's the search bar. If you know exactly what you want to do, you can save the time processing and type right up here. Next is the Help Center, account settings and notifications. Finally, there's create a design for, we'll wrap up the first lesson. I want to talk briefly about Canva pro. As you can see in comparison here. Canva Pro has more of everything. More stock photos, templates, fonts, and features. From my experience, these values will help you design process much more effective and professional. Therefore, if you are planning to use Canva on a long term, should definitely consider purchasing Canva pro. And if you have a student email, here are two ways that you can get kappa pro for free. You can go pull up Google student developer pack, scroll down and do the sign-up heart. You can search for Canada for students and sign-up, fair? If you don't have a student email, can but do offer a 30 day trial for everyone. Just click on the link in the description to sign up and look to the bottom left and select try Canva pro. And that is it. We have gone over everything on the main page of camera. Are you ready to design now, let's go to the next lesson. 3. Lesson 2: Logo Design on Canva: Welcome to Lesson 2, where we'll design a logo. Start out by clicking the Create a design button on the upper right corner, then select Logo. Here you can see multiple designs that Canvas chested. Since we're starting out, let's pick one of these and customize it to fit our friend. The question is, on which criteria do we select our logo so that it best our brand? As you can see, kind of does arranged their design in terms of what does like. There are ones for hospital adopters, churches, and so on. However, I recommend you not to stick so tight with these categories. Here are several other criteria you should consider. Firstly, I can or no icon. There are generally two types of logo. First are the ones with icon, and then there may be some words surrounding it. The other type is just levered, arranged in a certain way, sometimes just initial. If you have a certain image that represents you and bind, you should go with the icon style. Logo is not a non icon logo is absolutely okay. Color is another criteria to consider. If your plan have friends, products such as unpackaging, then you should consider about the color of the logo. Since printing and color might be more expensive than the black and white option, you can decide between color for just click and white, or you may optimize that sorta. It looks good regardless of colors. Now, let's get into designing. Let's say I'm designing a logo for a flower shop. After browsing, I like the feel and arrangement of this logo, so I'll select it. However, I don't like the color, so I'll add a new page. Then I press for a logo that has nice color combination. I like to shade of green and this logo, so I'll select it. I don't think this icon is suitable for a forced, so I look for something else, suitable, select elements. Then I'll type in the search bar, flower scrolling down, I like this one best. It looks detailed. And if we look on the left corner, we can change its color to. So I will resize it a bit. Then removes the original icon by selecting it. And select the trash can icon on the far right corner. Now, I'll move the new icon in place. Next, let's change the text, select the brand name, click on it again, Edit. Let's say our flower shop name is Rosie Posey. Then select the subheading here and change it to Flour Shop. Next, I'll select the little text on the left of the logo. Click on it again, then change it to establish in 2008. On the right. Let's change it to Seattle. All right, everything looks good. Now, let's move on to the color. Select the background, then click the box on the left upper corner. Here you'll see the light cream color used in the upper templates we add earlier. Then I'll select the sharpening, then select the underlying a on the top bar, then click on the dark green. Repeated for all of her elements. That said, I think we're done. However, let's try to make a black and white version to see how it looks. Not bad. This could go on and thank you card or labeled nicely. Okay, so here are the logo design, the end of width. Now I'm going to show you some resources to assist you in making Lowell's first the website, namely The purpose of the sport side is originally for generating planning. You only need to enter your plans keyword here. I'll type in coffee, for example. Then you select the preferred link name. I'll go with for shortening. You can select the name style here. And then you hit Generate. Now I finished suggests name are not bad. But what are like the most is that it also include a logo along with the name, browse fruit us for the ideas for your own plan. You can also check out a website called Mark dot io. Select my logo to begin. Follow the steps and the web will generate numerous logos for you. As a side note, these two websites are just for inspiration for your logo. If you want the exact Togo generated, you'll have to purchase the design. I hope you enjoyed the lesson and I'll see you in the next line. 4. Lesson 3: Color Palette on Canva: Welcome to lesson 3. In this lesson, we'll figure out r prime color palette. I'll show you several resources and how you can add custom color on Canva. Let's start by looking back at the local we've made in the previous lesson. Although I do like to shade of green, but I don't think this color fit our sharp theme. Which raises the question, how to get the right color? Choose colors that fits. You need to know a bit about color theory, particularly the symbolism of each color. Pink, for example, is dominant and romantic. Yellow represents playfulness and happiness. The color red evokes a sense of lightning and so on. You can read more about this on the clock. I'm link in the description. Next, consider the emotion you weren't required to convey to the audience, and so much a color depth match. I hope you've had a color in mind already. Now, I will introduce you to external sources to find a color palette for your brand. Firstly, is the website Color There's a lot going on. So here are several ways to help make decisions. Easier. Way is to use just search bar. Click on it. If you have an idea of what color tone you want, you should look at the first section here. Check out the section below. If you're having a more general theme and Marine like pastel or spring, you can also prowess decide more for more color theme or you can look at popular palette here. Also, you don't have to select all the colors in one set. You can totally select colors from different set for your palette. When you're just starting out, you should pick three colors in the same tone should change its shape from light to dark. Like. However, a combo of the contract and color, such as blue and bread like this, will make your design Brilliant, attractive. You design well, after browsing, I figured out that I like this color palette. To illustrate how to integrate these colors into Canvas, I'll change the color of the logo, which we made in the last lesson into this set of color. Firstly, I hover over the color that I would like to use. Click on the colored code. Then I go back to my design in Canva. Then I will select the element. Then click on the color box on the top left. After that, I select sign here. Then I just need to paste the code in using control V or command V. I think that's quite a simple process which allows us to experiment with different color combinations on changing until you find a great fit. Besides color hunks, colored dot co is also a great website suggests and color palettes that you should check out. I hope you are able to come up with a color palette for your brand now. Thanks for watching. Let's move on to the next lesson. 5. Lesson 4: Making Moodboard on Canva: Hi there. Welcome to the fourth lesson, where we will create a moodboard. The final preparation step before designing. The mood board will make sure that our design looks consistent and representative for our plan. To start off, I recommend you look for inspiration and stock photo platform such as pixel or an slashed. You can also look at pins on Pinterest to what we're looking for is any photos or graphics that resonates with our client. To make a mood board, I'll select, Create a design. Then all choose presentations so I can have a big canvas. For me. I prefer looking at photos on Paxil because it's brought in Canva. Here's how I do it. Look at the left side door, at the bottom, select the More button. Then look at the second section and select pixel. Now, put on the search bar and type in flowers. You can type in any object that related to your brand. To add a photo, you just need to click on it. I'll select a few photos, then arrange them. You can overlap them. They don't need to be super organized. Organize. If you want to use photos from Arthur sources are recommended. Copy and paste them into Canva. You don't have to save them to your computer. Aside from photos, ish, also look at elements. It's the second button from the top. For me, I find a lot of cute flowers growing in Canada element when I type in the keyword flower and I'll add some in my mood board. You should also add them into folders on Canvas so we can access them easily later. Click on the three dots icon. Then click Add to Folder. Let's create a new folder for this end and name it. Perfect for busy Posey had entered and you're done. A thing you can do here is to filter out results. Select the icon next to the search bar. You can filter by color, orientation, animation, price, or a combination of them. Our narrow memory circled down, so static and free graphics. Another tip is that if you find something you like, for examples graphic, you can view similar element. Selecting the three dot icon. You can either look at the keywords section here and search these keyword. Or looked at the see more of like this button down here. Besides the flowers are also some washi tape and scrap paper, the analyte. So I'll add them to you. Now. We will add a color palette in our mood board. Who could increase Mohr circle on the top left, select the icon to go back elements, and we'll click on the circle and the second section, resize it until you're satisfied. Then duplicated using Control D or clicking the icon on the top right corner here, ongoing for free colors. So I'll double-click one more time. Then I'll arrange them like this. For the first two circles, I'll add the colors are used in the logo and the last Muslim, the process is similar to what we've done in Muslim free. Solid. The circle, click on the colored box, click on the plus sign, copy and paste the color code into it. You can copy this code from the logo file. For the ovary color. I'm going to look into the colors in your photos are selected. If you click on the circle, then on the color box, you'll see that Canada has extract out all the colors and the photos I've added. I'm going for this earthy orange. Finally, let's add the font. If you haven't decided on what font to use yet, you can check out the blog are linked in the description. For guidance, it will provide you 20 common font combinations and their impressions. You can also click on the text here and scroll down our font combinations. But camphor has pre-made for you. If you want to try out new combinations, you should go to this really cool website called hot You can set the level of contrast between the fonts at the bar here. You can change the background here, either black or white. Fiddle around and generate as many Thomas you'd like to find the perfect fonts for your brand. For me, only used on combination, used in the logo. To look at the name of the font, you go back to the logo design. Click on the text, and look on the top left. Back to our mood board. Click on the Text icon on the left sidebar. Then our add a heading. I'll type in the name of the farm, but defined in change to electorial and resize it to 70. To repeat the process for the second font, click on, Add a subheading, typing the font name. This one will be an all caps font and change it to FDI euro. This size will be for me to, to see if the colors I pick fit together. I decided to do some trial on Sean. So I changed the font to the dark brown color. Then I add a rectangle and the orange color behind it. To make the block appear behind the text, I'll select position on the top bar and click on backward. Algebra seen for another block in light pink for the second font. I think these color works together well. Finally, I'll edit my friend Kevin. This is optional since it's a cancer pro feature, but this will help design is so much faster in the future. If you have Canva pro, I'll encourage you to do so. Now our moodboard is complete. The point of making moodboard is to visualize how the planet is going to look like. Before I have a very vague idea of how to supply our shop is going to be. But now as I'm looking at this, I see that I found a shop with a bit of a rustic feel and a little bit of nostalgia, but it's also lovely and colorful. I hope you're also able to visualize your plan after this. Awesome. Thanks for watching. 6. Lesson 5: Instagram Posts on Canva: Hi there, Welcome to the fifth lesson. We're finally getting to make inscribe content, starting with Instagram post. Here's a sneak peek of what all make. Our goal is a fee that is both consistent and visually appealing. Here's our workflow. We'll start by looking at templates and then we'll pick one and customize it. Once we're more familiar with Canvas, we will start from a blank Canvas. Start by opening up Then select Instagram post. Look to the left side for a variety of pre-made templates. As you prowess look at the overall layout of the template, if you see something that you like, click the three dot icon and then the heart icon to save it so we can use it later to access the likes folder, select the three dot icon on the left sidebar, and then click on folders. Also like, likes. To add a template, you just need to click on it. And now we will customize this into an announcement post saying that the two of season is here. Begin from the photo, usually in the templates, photos are placed in a frame. You can right-click it, then select detach image to reveal the frame. Now as sunlight pixel and search for tulips. Click on the photo, then click on it again to snap it into the frame. You can double-click it to reposition it. Here are a few tips that you need to note down. If you're going to publish dork, I recommend uploading your images to Canvas for the best resolution of when exporting. You can edit your photos directly and Canada by selecting adjust CAN for author all the popular adjustment. And this lead us to tip number 4 to ensure that our feed looks cohesive, you should edit all of your photos in the same way. If you're not good with editing, you can use one of the filter below. You can decreased intensity here. Now, I will change the background color to match our color scheme. To add the color from our pellet, you need to go back to the moodboard file from the last lesson. Click on the color, then on the colored box, then on the plus sign. Press control C to color code. After that, you go to Instagram post, select the blue background and the color box, the plus sign and paste in the code. You only have to do this once for each color. If you have Canva pro setup your brand kit so you can access your palette right away. Like this. I replaced elements in the corner with my grid paper element, which I saved it. Next folder. I'll put it right over the old elements like this. Repeat for other corners. Be careful with the bottom corners as it may snap into the fray. I will also remove all over elements. For this little box. I'll change the text to new and change its font and color. Removed background block, and add a paper washi tape and Stan onto the text. I will remove the original flight texts, then add a heading and type in tulips. Season is here. I'll put it in the upper half of the canvas and centered by selecting position. Then center. After that, I lower it sized to suddenly to change the font. And Victoria said it in all cap. Finally, I'll add a simple logo, solid texts, then add a sub-heading and type in Rosie Posey with capitalisation. The size is 19. The phone is adductor area and the color is too earthy orange. Then I duplicated and type in Flour Shop. I set it to all caps and change the font to after Iraq. I'll select them both by holding the Shift key and click on them one-by-one and select approved, then position and center to finish off. Since it's still look a bit empty, I'll go to elements and look up dots. I'll select this one, change its colors orange and arrangement like this. I will duplicate it. A number one to the left or right. This post looks complete for me. Now, let's try making a post from a plant Canvas. Click on Add page. This will be a PUT post. The code I page is live is to flower to which low is Tommy. I was defied the text and to free courts like this, notice that each part is in its own textbox for the flower and we love is to honey part. The font will be electorial. The size is 53, and the color is dark red. Set All tags. I will change that to which part? To the fall as Deirdre, reduce the size to 45 and change its color to red. Then I rearranged the texts like this. I'll select all three tests. We're holding the Shift key and click on them one-by-one. And I click on Group so that when I move them, they'll stay in this exact same arrangement. Finally, I will center it so I can position then center and middle. Now, let's move on to the colors to help the text stand out more. I'm put a sort of block behind it. I'll click on the folder likes. Then on tone paper elements that I found previously. Our resize the elements slightly but tracking decide borders. I'll also include the floor of drawings from the mood board. To plan drawing in. I'll alter its color to orange, reduce its opacity to around 25, and move it to the corner. Then I duplicate it and bring it to the upper corner. I will also add a piece of tape on the top. Finally, I'll go to the first post, copy, the top mark comeback pasted and we're done. As you can see, the easiest way to keep your feet consistent is to stick to the mood board. Try to use only to color in your palette, the elements and the font you've selected, and the photos in the scene filter. So wherever your customize a template or started from scratch, you've posts will always be on-prem. I hope you're able to create your own Instagram post after this lesson. If you're curious and to specifics of my design, you can find out more in the description. I'll see you in the next lesson. 7. Lesson 6: Instagram Carousel on Canva: Hey, there is this lesson six, and we're making Instagram Carousels. I'll show you how to come up with an unique and interesting design that fits right into your feed. Let's get to work. And Instagram traversal is opposed that contained multiple pictures, display continuously when you swipe right, who make a seamless designs that are opposed over more engaging and appealing. The general plan is that we'll decide on a canvas as is the total size of the whole corral. Then we'll use an external app to split up into squares. Firstly, you need to count how many slides there is. Arousal. Mine will be 5. Then he open Canva and select, Create a design. Look down and select a custom size for the width. You take ten AD and multiplied by the number of slide and the corrals or in this example, filthy 1080 times five equals 5400. The heights can be overturned AT or 1450. If you were to square format, go with 1080. If you want more space, goes with 1350. All goal was 1080. All right, now we'll set up some guidelines to mark the start and end of each slide. Look at top left of the screen and select Files. Click on Show Guides. You just need to click your mouse on the ruler, fairly, drag it out. It will show the length. Here. You're supposed to calculate the distance between each guide, but here's a tip. Skip the calculation. Select elements, then scroll down to crit, select C, All scroll down and you fly good. But contains five boxes. Click on it. No, you just need to drag the guide to the white lines of the grid. After that, you remove the grid. This will work for any arousal until ten slides in a lane. We also need to determine the center of each slide. So I will add guidelines for that to who the horizontal line slight decrease it with two boxes, and type the guidelines to the market. When the two boxes form, anew, knew the grain. And scroll down and select the one with ten boxes, and repeat the process. Now, I will add our light pink color, brown color. You have to copy and paste the color code again, since this is a new file. For inspiration, you can look on Pinterest, Creative Market, or triple search for Instagram arousal. Today, we'll show you how I get inspired by Canvas template and come up with an arousal idea. My inspiration is disposed about issued food, particularly this film frame. I then go to element and then frame to look for it. I'll put one in each post. So when you scroll, it looks like an old-style film. Onto the content disposed or be about Valentine date idea. I'm sure you're familiar with adding content on canvas design already. So I'll skip the small steps in this awesome. However, I'm only add that, be sure to use the duplicate Fisher to save time. For example, for the second slide, I'll have a new text box. Instead. I'll slide above of the ISS from the first. Duplicate them and turn them over fan, I'll just replace the text. While we're working on text. I want to introduce you to further editing and you can do more text. Her spine is facing. Click on this icon. You can just space between each character in mind. The second thing is the effects. On Canvas. You can try out different families, like hello or curve. The food is animation. You can do several basic texts, animation on Canva. To learn more about appealing texts arrangement, check out my course on typography. Now until the images. For me, I'll use stock photos. Make sure to use the same filter on all photos to achieve the cohesive look. The only tricky thing here is how to make the visa seems to match. You just need to pick a horizontal photo. Then you apply the filter and duplicated. One will go to the right slide and one will go to the left. After that, you double-click the photo and cool it to the left. Double-click on the right and pull it until you can see the plural part match with the photo on the left. And that said, finally, let's add some elements. In terms of traffic arrangement, I suggest you left the elements speak a bit into its adjacent post to enhance the continuing really. Don't just cut them off sharply. For example, look at this hard. I've included the middle of all the elements are used as well as the other key part in the description in case you're interested. Now, I will export this design by selecting the Download button on the top right corner. After that, I'll go to the website, tying slash dash image, upload your image, then set how to image to horizontal. The output format will be PNG and the quantity would be the number of slide on causal, in this case is five. Then click on Split image. I like to download the zip file and we're done. The design is ready to upload. I hope you find it wasn't helpful and I'll see you in the next lesson. 8. Lesson 7: Instagram Story and Highlight on Canva: Hello and welcome to lesson 7. This time, we'll learn how to make Instagram story and highlight cover. I will show you how to edit videos on Canvas at audio and more. Let's get in. As always, opened up Click on Create a design, scroll down and select Instagram story. Look to the left to Krauss for a template, I'll pick visible. Now I was first select the background and click on the colored box to change its color. After that, I will select the arrow and alter their color to dark red. I'll do the same for the word fun fact. Then I'll select the subtitle down here and change the font to a 0. And this is color will be seen as just takes a boat. Once that's done, I'll add my content in onto the media, will remove the original 1 first. Then I'll go to element of scroll all the way down and select the first one correct section. I will click on position then to front after bad, I'll tilt it a bit, align it with one border of the frame, and resize it so that it fits into the frame like this. Then I duplicate it and move it frame above. You can move it slowly using the arrow buttons on the keyboard. Duplicate it again for the final frame. Now, you may wonder, why don't we just add the photo directly. This is actually a tip. I suggest you add a frame first so that it'll be much easier for us to position the photo as well as test out different photo combination leader. All right, let's add in the photos I've selected to photos and advanced. So I'll go to my blacks folder. I'll have this picture to the top ring. And this one will be in the bottom. As you can see, that picture snap right into the frame. You can reposition it by unclick this way, you won't risk fricking its resolution. Then I'll go to element, look up the governor and add this video in the center frame. Look to the top bar for video editing option. You can change the video link here. Profit, flip it and setup animation. Click on the play button on the top right corner to watch the video. Review. If you want to use your own video, go to upload and upload it from your device. Notice that you cannot apply filter videos on Canvas. So you might need to edit your videos and a separate apps beforehand to ensure a cohesive see with other photos, since it's still feel empty, I'll ask some element else like on light and then I'll describe to you for elements that I've been using. I'll select Flip and click on the vertical option. Then I pull it to the bottom, resize that, and print it backwards by selecting position and to back. Last but not least, I'll show you how to add music to your Instagram story. Similarly to photos and videos, you can upload your own music by salting, Uploads, then upload media. It will be an audio tab. Click on it. Song. You can set up which part of the song you wanted to use here. Just click on it and pull it to the right. The Instagram story links depends on videos. Leaf. If you have a certain life in mind, is such as 15 seconds, you will have to click on the video and edit its length here. And our Instagram story is done. What you are sure enough. When disown me Instagram story, don't forget to check out with stickers offered on Instagram as well. That's a huge resource. Go on Pinterest and looked up Instagram story stickers to explore. To go with instagram story. How should have to make highlights, covers personally, what is highlight, cover? And Instagram story is to target content that will be deleted after 24 hours. However, you can safely an organized them into Instagram highlights, highlight covers under display picture of your Instagram highlights on Canvas, there are pre-made Instagram highlight covers paths. You just need to stay an Instagram story file, add a new page, then click on Templates and search for highlights covers. Although the first few ones are for pro users to scroll down a bit and you'll find a ton of free highlight covers practice. Here are some that I found. Once you find a design that suit your brand, it is super easy to customize them. Click on the pack, then select the one you need, or you can apply all pages. You just need to stick to your color palette. For example, our customers discover according to my friends color scheme. And that is it. We're done. If you want to venture out of Canada, you can check out this website, for more rankings. I hope you found this lesson helpful and I'll see you in our final lesson. 9. Special: Tips and Tricks for Unique Designs: Hello and welcome to the final lesson of this course. In this lesson, I'll teach you several cool canvas tips and tricks that will help you create original and unique designs. The first trick is the overlapping effect. You've probably seen a designer builds on the Internet at some point. It got this cool visual effects as the object kind of wrap around the text. Here's how you can make it on Canvas. Firstly, you'll select an image of an object. I'll pick this one on Paxil. When you remove its background by going to the website removed dot Vg, you can either upload your image or copy and paste it in and you'll download it to your device. If you have kind of a pro, you can add on to emerge on the File. Click on Effects and then background removal. After that, you will set up the text. Firstly, set the background color to dark red, firm click on texts and add a heading. You can use any word after word plume. Then I'll set it to all caps and change the font to electorial, increased the size to frame free and change the color to light pink. I'll arrange it so that the first letter O is in the center of the page. Now our pet photo whose background we've just removed. Go to Upload, then upload the photo and click on it. We want the flower to plan out the letter O, but it's stem is still in it. So firstly, you click on position, then send it backward. Have too bad, you'll duplicate it. Then you will position it so that it's completely overlaps the original picture. Finally, you crop the stem part by pulling the bottom boulder up. This will reveal the bottom layer, which is still underneath the letter O to a of our duplicate the text and add a few more lines to the design. Him, I select all the lines except the middle one and reduce its opacity to firstly, this is to ensure that the focus for directed into the center of the post. And there we go, It's complete. The next step is to use frames as a shapes. Here's an example. To create this effect. I go to element. Scroll down to frame is selected. See, I'll pick this spring when I resize and position it like this. Now, who need a picture of a solid color. So add a new page and download that page. Next. Go to upload and upload the picture we've just saved. Click on that picture and snap it into the frame. And that's how it's done. The whole point is to take advantage of numerous frames, Canva offered and snap in a color, POC or texture to achieve interesting visual effects. Plus phase you would like to check out is still image effects. Click on the image, fence, select effects on the top bar. Scroll down and you'll see there's plenty of things can be allow you to do for transparent background pictures. And like to add shadow like this. Keep exploring and testing out different effects and you'll definitely come up with designs. Finally, I have a little gift for you. Is this an Instagram mockup template? Once you've finished designing, you can put in this template and see how they fit together. All of these are frames, so you can snap them in Italy, which is the header. I didn't make this template. I found it on the Facebook group. It is originally in Vietnamese and all I did was translating it into English. You can find the link to both the original version and the English version of this in the description misses the end of this course. I believe that canva is a super powerful design software that any beginners or non-professionals can master. I hope this course helps you build your current or current, design your own content and grow your brand. If you have any question, don't hesitate to comment down below. I would love to help out. If you have time, you just caused a reveal. Painful so much for watching.