Canva for Entrepreneurs : Design a Twitter Header | Jeremy Deighan | Skillshare

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Canva for Entrepreneurs : Design a Twitter Header

teacher avatar Jeremy Deighan, Online Instructor |

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Examples of Twitter Headers


    • 3.

      Using Canva to Design a Twitter Header


    • 4.

      Exporting Your Twitter Header


    • 5.

      Assignment : Design Your Own Twitter Header


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About This Class

Learn how to make a captivating Twitter Header with Canva, a free software platform for designing expert looking graphics in a short amount of time!

There are numerous types of Twitter Headers out there that relay all sorts of different information. They range from being simple to complex, colorful to basic, and full of information to just showing a single image. The proper Twitter Header will show the viewer immediately what you represent and what type of image you want to portray.

When you are finished, I encourage you to upload your image to this class for the rest of us to see. Getting feedback from other students is a great way to learn what looks good and what does not. It’s also very motivating to get your creations out there and share them with the world.

Other Courses in This Series:

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Blog Title Graphic

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Twitter Header

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Twitter Post

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Pinterest Graphic

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Google+ Photo

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Wide Skyscraper Ad

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Email Header

Canva for Entrepreneurs : Infographic

Canva for Entrepreneurs : eBook Cover

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Jeremy Deighan

Online Instructor |


My name is Jeremy Deighan and I am thrilled to be an online instructor, helping others achieve their own personal goals. I have had quite the range of skills and hobbies through my lifetime. I really enjoy teaching and hope to provide information to others on anything and everything I know how to do! Please take a moment to check out my courses, and if you take any please leave a review and any feedback you have!

Art and Design

I have an extensive background in different forms of art and design. I have an associates degree in Computer Animation and I've worked with various production houses to create awesome content. Adobe Photoshop has been a staple of my arsenal since I was 16 and use it faithfully to this day.

I also have a history in live visual arts, specifical... See full profile

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Design Graphic Design
Level: All Levels

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1. Introduction: in this lesson, we're going to be creating a Twitter header. Twitter is a big social media platform, and we want to create a good header at the top of our page to make sure that people really understand and know what our brand or business is about. First, I'm going to show you some examples of some great Twitter headers that are used by big name brands and businesses on the Internet. I'll show you some different graphic design principles that go into creating these Twitter headers. After that, we'll jump right into camera and start using some pre made templates and layouts. And I'll just show you some of the tools and features that you can use in Canberra to adjust and create your own Twitter Headers finally will export that Twitter header as a high resolution PNG file. We want to use a high resolution PNG file for our Twitter header, just so it looks crisp and clear whenever someone is visiting or page. Finally, I asked you to upload your Twitter header image to this course for me and other students to see what you've been creating. It's both very motivating to get your images out there in the world, and it provides us a chance to give you critiques and feedback on what you can do to make your Twitter header better in the future. So without further ado, let's go ahead and get started. 2. Examples of Twitter Headers: Let's go ahead and take a look at some Twitter headers so that we can get some inspiration and some different design ideas that we can use within our graphics. So the first thing that I would do is I would go ahead and pull up Twitter. You don't even need an account to search for different businesses and brands on Twitter. So the 1st 1 that I have put up here is, of course, the canvas Twitter Web page, and you can see they have a very basic, nice, clean Twitter header. It's got some nice typography, very colorful, and it's a yes, creativity can be learned. So it's trying to spark that creative imagination with the colors and the fonts that it's using. But it's also very simplistic, which is kind of what they're trying to get across toward their brand. If you look down at the description, it says amazingly simple graphic design. So they've kept their header very simple to kind of give that impression that creativity, simplistic nous and that you can do this so they have a great Twitter header and it's ah very, very impactful, even though it is very simplistic. The 2nd 1 that I've chosen is from Lego and Legos. Header is a bit different. It's a very zoomed in image of some of their Lego blocks and these air so well known that even without the logo there, if you just saw this image without the lettering, you would still know that these air Lego box. So they've just zoomed in on something, a product of theirs that they create that is very recognizable. And they've used this yellow color, which is found in their logo. So they have the black, white, yellow and red. And you can see that that yellow is coinciding with their their logo here, and it helps create good contrast with the red and the yellow. So they have the red as that profile image. And then the Twitter header is this yellow color color. So it creates a very good contrast but still shows off their product and then just reinforces the brand by having the Lego words in here. Also next we have Jimmy Fallon's site. I wanted to show a personal brand, and this does a really good job. So instead of being colorful or creative, he said, has more of a professional, stylized kind of look about his Twitter header. He's actually on the Tonight show, so he's showing off his audience. But it's got this nice of photograph of him very well lit, which is cool about this image, actually, because everyone else it's a silhouette so you can see the people there. But you can't really make out any one person's face too well where we have this nice lit image of him. Good composition. Using the rule of thirds, it's placed him off to the side instead of in the center and also mimics the profile picture he has, which is the same kind of black and white image. So it has this very high class quality image to it, but also appeals to his audience, which, you know that's what his shows about appealing to his network and his audience. Finally, we have Starbucks and Starbucks eyes just their classic design. They have the images of their different drinks that they have here, but it's on that classic chalkboard kind of look that Starbucks is known for. You can also see some similarity here with the green straws toward their green logo, so it helps bring in that brand, even if you didn't know this was a star Bucks, Um, Page, you could probably pick up that these were Starbucks drinks anyways, just by the way the drink looks the way it's drawn out and by the green straw. So these air some different examples of how good Twitter headers are being used in different ways vs products and brands and personal brands and businesses. Another great thing about Twitter is that if you look down here in the bottom, right says, you may also like and it shows McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts so you can if if you're you know , in the business of, say, fast food or restaurants and you want to look at different types of restaurants, you can keep clicking these so I could click on McDonald's and look at theirs. And even by hovering over him, you can see the Twitter headers. They're so different ways that you can go through and research on Twitter and find out some of these different images. So when I go to Jimmy Fallon's page, you can see we've got Ellen DeGeneres here and then Justin Timberlake, and if I click on Justin's page, I could you know, look at some other, um, personal brands that are very popular. So the first thing whenever you're doing any kind of design work is it's good to just kind of look around, see what you like, see what you don't like and what you can use in your own designs. 3. Using Canva to Design a Twitter Header: Once we have Campbell loaded up, we can go ahead and scroll down and we're going to go to the social media and email header section, and here you will find the Twitter header. And one of the great things about Canberra is it. It's constantly updating the resolutions and pixel sizes of any of these platforms as they change. So right now, the Twitter header is 1500 pixels by 500 pixels. Well, if Twitter made a change tomorrow to a different size, Campbell will automatically go in here and update that force. And that's one of the cool things about using this software is that it's constantly updating these force. We don't have to go online and do any research or try to figure out what the new resolutions are. We're always going to have the most update resolution, So go ahead and click on the Twitter header, and when you do, you're going to see the design area open up. And another cool thing about this software is that it has these overlays. So this is a Twitter header overlay, and what they've done is they put in some of the important parts that show up on a Twitter page such as this top menu bar here with some icons and links that you would click on if you were on the Twitter Page search bar here. And you can also see the profile picture image. So if we click on one of these templates, you can see that the graphic graphic is actually extending down into these, um, menu bars and up into these menu bars. And there's actually the profile pictures right here. So this tells us not to put any important information right here on this graphic because we don't want that covered up. Same for these top and bottom menu bars. We don't want to have any important information down here or up here because they would get covered up. So that's another great thing about using camera is that it gives us these overlays so that we can get a sense of what this will actually look like on her Twitter page, and we can design appropriately. So let's go ahead and pick a template. I'm going to scroll down, and whenever I'm picking a template, what I'm looking for generally is the typography or the style of the template. I don't care so much about the images because I typically change out the images. So I'll look through here and maybe try to find something. It has a good style or ah, good font that's being used. This is kind of cool graphic with these horizontal images going on here. I like this 12 Now this is a paid for one, so it would cost us money to use some of the graphical elements in this template. Let's go ahead and click on it. And as you can see, it's using this city escape. Um, and you can also see that it's using an image here that is actually trying to drag it into the frame. It's actually a block of four squares, so this is what it's trying to charge us now with this design. I actually want to download this later on so we can see how to do that. But I don't want to have to pay for this, Um, and you can recreate some of these elements that are a little simpler now. Some of these elements and camera you're not going to be able to recreate, but it's very easy to create this one it's got some squares. So let's go ahead and remake this element and we can see how to do that. The first thing I want to do is change out this background image here that's going on, and I think I might, uh, we reload that cause I think I messed up the frame there when I moved it around. So I'm going to go toe elements and then I'm going to click on free photos and maybe, just, you know, try to find a photo that we we would use and maybe one of our images. It's kind of cool. And, you know, this is gonna be, um, towards your brand or business or whatever it is that your Twitter page is going to be about. So, you know, the, um, the coffee and and whatnot is pretty popular, so this is kind of cool. Now I kind of like this filter that's being used. But if you don't like that filter and you want to change it, just go down here and click on the filter button and camera gives us a lot of pre made filters that we can use. So if I click on normal, that's no filters applied. I can click on these different filters and see some different types of things going on here . And all it's doing is it's changing some of these settings, such as the contrast, the brightness, the intensity, the hue, the saturation. So let's pick one that we like. We'll go with this epic, and if I click on advanced options, we can actually change these manually. So here we have all these different types of options that we can move around and make it brighter, less brighter, more intense, less intense. Higher contrast this ex process that gives it a very cool, kind, stylized Look, we don't want to take it down because it actually changed the colors. Vignette is kind of like a dark border around the image, so we can add that to just kind of bring that, uh, your your viewing right toward the center. It just kind of rounds out these corners here for us, so that looks good. We'll go with that. And now I want to recreate these boxes. So I'm gonna leave the graphic here. I'm going to go back to elements click on it so it takes me back to the top. Let's close the free photos and I'm gonna click on shapes and then I'm going to select the free square and that just drops out in there for me. And now when I'm going to do is I'm just going to try to line this up is best I can now if I want to. I can click on this drop down arrow and hit transparency, and I can actually bring down the transparency. So now I can see my square, but I can also see the shapes behind it, and this will help me line this up a little better. So make sure I got that shape selected Click on a corner and now I can scale that in and make sure that lines up right where I want it to be. Um, I think that's pretty good. It doesn't have to be perfect because we are recreating this image, and that's OK. So now let's go ahead and we're going to make a copy of that. I'm just going to move it over here, and as I start moving it around, you're going to see that it actually starts trying to place it with some guidelines and we want to use those just to make sure we get everything nice and even. And like I said, it doesn't have to be perfect to the background image because we're recreating it and you're not going to know. Oops. Accidentally added a new page or don't want to that. Let's go ahead and copy. This one will move this one up. Okay, Now it's aligning everything for us, just like we want, and I'll copy one more time. Okay? And that should look good. Let's go ahead and turn the transparency back up now. Might not be able to see that. Let's zoom out here. Okay? I keep getting that extra page. Sorry about that. All right, let's move these over. Looks like I got a little bit of line between them. I don't want to see any of the lines. I want to look nice and solid like that. OK, Looks good. Now, if I just take one of these and I move it back, it's going to move it back in the layers and I should be able to start seeing Yeah, the image. So there's that image and I just want click on that and then I might hit the little trashcan and delete it. So now we've got that removed. Now, I can go ahead and move these back until I see the text. Okay? I'll just keep hitting back until it goes away and then bring it forward one time, all right. And now we can select the first square and I can go ahead and pick a color and probably want to pick something that's close toe. What's being used, Um, in this suits going on here and see color wheel. Got him there for a minute? Probably. Ah, trying to process. So I just tried to pick colors that are similar to what's being used in this image. So we'll do the dark browns kind of that bluish color that's in the, uh, the shadows of those beings. Maybe I can do that on one of them. Kind of that bluish color we got there. It looks like I lost one of my squares. I did not see that go away, so we'll start with this one. And the good news is that it remembered or colors, so I can easily select those. Okay, you may well change this one out of something different. Maybe Maybe a light brown. All right, that looks good. So now we can just change out this. So, um, uh, times they had, um they were actually using all uppercase. And that's really up to you. What you want to use if you want to use upper case or not use upper case. That's kind of up to you on what you want to do there. And I might actually need to move these up. Just a hair. Um, I want to see them a little better, cause I'm not using the upper case except for the 24 7 Let's just imagine that this is our coffee, um, coffee bistro where we roast our own coffee here, and we're open 24 7 But we also want people to know that we roast our coffee. We got the best quality, all not natural ground coffee. So something like that, um, and you just want to mess around with that? Tried to find a good template. Hopefully, this gives you a couple ideas of some different tricks. I don't like this color because it doesn't represent anything in this picture, so I'll probably come in here and try to change his color out a little more. The one thing that's standing out to me that I'm not really digging, so something like that might look a little better. But very quickly we can go in here. We can make our Twitter header very easily shown you how to use, um, shapes to recreate some of the symbols and graphics that they already had in the template. And then that way I can go ahead and recreate this and it won't make me have to purchase anything. I've used all free elements. I can also bring in my own images. So maybe I take pictures of my own shop and I bring those in here. But you can easily use one of these templates to quickly come in here and come up with a design. And also make sure that you're staying in the confines of the different elements inside of Twitter, such as the profile image and these upper and lower menu bars. 4. Exporting Your Twitter Header: now that we have our Twitter header finished, let's go ahead and download this file. The first thing that we want to do is we want to go ahead and rename it. So let's click up here to rename the design, and we can just call this natural ground coffee. Maybe that's the name of our business or are restaurant, and we can share this. We can make it public so other people on camera can see it, and we're going to go ahead and click the download button. Now I'm going to select a image high quality PNG file. Since I'm putting this on Twitter, I do want it to be nice and crisp and clear. When people go to the page, Twitter should be ableto handle. Ah, high image PNG file. If you're at all worried about it being loading slow on your profile page, you can go for the J. P G file, and you probably won't notice much of a difference. But in this instance, let's go ahead and select the PNG file now what's going to happen is it's actually going to prompt us to make a purchase, and the reason for that is because I wasn't sure when I selected this template earlier, but you do need to pay for the template itself. So here we can see I use this coffee being on a table image, which was free. I used the solid squares, which were also free. But when I scroll down, you can see that there is a layout price. So because that layout did have a dollar sign by it, we do need to purchase that specific layup. Now you can go back and re create one that is one of the free layouts. But the great thing about camera is that these layouts are on lee a dollar if use images or only a dollar, any graphic design elements, they're only a dollar, and they also offer these special offers where you can save money. If use camera as much as I do, you can actually go in and purchase credits so you can save some money by doing it that way . But we're just going to go ahead and pay a dollar. I've already got my card information in here. At the moment, it has blurred out so that you can't see it, but my card information is already in the system. I'm gonna go ahead and make this purchase and charge the dollar so that you can see how this works. So I'll go ahead and click purchasing download, and it will go ahead. It'll download. It says we have 24 hours. Um, for your one time purchase to come in and download it. Change it, um, as many times as you need to. So if you need to make an edit to it or something is not right, you can come in here and edit it that way within a 24 hour period, which is also very nice in case we make any mistakes. So go ahead. Exit that. And then it went ahead and put it in my downloads folder. So if I just click on that image here, it will go ahead. Oh, pop it up into that 1500 by 500 pixel resolution and I can go ahead and put this right into my Twitter account. And the great thing is, like I said before, um, you see the four image here, but we know from there's overlays that there is a bar at the top end at the bottom and a profile picture and because we used a pre made templates were not going to be putting any design elements in the sections that would cause any problems with our Twitter header. So hopefully you get to see the process. You can try out some different templates and definitely go ahead and create one yourself. Either pick a. A new free template used this one that I created. You can also download a free watermarked version. So if you just want to see how it looks before you actually purchase, you can choose the free watermark option and that allowed to download with the lines going across it. And you can also upload that to your Twitter account and see how it's working. But go ahead and make one and upload it to this course because I would love to see what you've created. 5. Assignment : Design Your Own Twitter Header: congratulations on completing this lesson. By now, you should have a strong understanding of how to do the material that has been presented, and it is my goal as an instructor to make sure that you have learned and have retained the information that I have shared. So if you have any questions at all at any time, please feel free to contact me directly. You can find out more about me at www dot jeremy deegan dot com. If you have a general question, I do ask that you ask that question within this course by asking it in this course. I can address that question, and other students can see that later on down the road. This will help them understand some common questions that come up as they go through this course. Now, if you haven't done so already, please leave an honest rating and any feedback that you have about this course. It helps both me as an instructor know what to do better in the future, and it also helps future students get to see what this course is truly all about. Now your assignment is to take the information that you have learned and upload the image to this course by uploading your image and sharing your artwork with the world. We can provide critiques and any feedback on how to make your artwork better. It's also very motivating to get your artwork out into the world and shared with others and will help you progress in your education and want to share more and more. So thank you so much for allowing me to teach you something new today, and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.