1. Introduction: in this lesson, we're going to be creating a Twitter post. Twitter is a social media platform that uses bite size type and images to get information across, so it's important that we use a good small template. This still relates the type of information that we want our business or by brand to portray . So first I'm going to show you some examples of some great Twitter post. I'll show you some graphic design principles that go into making a great Twitter post. Also, after that, we'll get right into camera and I'll show you some pre made templates and different design elements so that you can create your very first Twitter post. After that will export this Twitter post image as a low resolution J. P. G file that you can share on your Twitter page. It's good to use a low resolution J. P. G file in this instance, so that it's easily uploaded and downloaded whenever someone is viewing that image on Twitter. Finally, at the end of this course, I prompt you to upload your Twitter post image to this course so that students can see what you've been working on and me as an instructor can give you critiques or feedback on how to make your Twitter post better in the future. So without further ado, let's go ahead and get started on this lesson.
2. Examples of Twitter Posts: before we begin creating, let's go ahead and take a look at some Twitter posts on the Twitter website and on canvas. So I've pulled up cameras actual Twitter page just to take a look at some of the ones that they had on here. And you can see that these air basic image posts and they can be used for a number of different reasons. It could be an advertisement. It can show a sale. It could be one of these quote images. It could be anything that helps promoter business or your brand. So we see two basic images here, and one looks like it might be toward a block post. How to solve your biggest instagram challenges so that could go to the blawg of this person here. They've got their website, so there's some good branding going on here to let you know who it's for, which is, you know, pretty important whenever we're creating any kind of images to make sure that you're putting your brand on there so that people know your website or at least your logo and where that image came from, and then we have one from camera themselves and, um What is the best font size and typeface for red reads has got you covered. So this is from reads magazine, and they just have a very basic kind of image here, but they've also got their brain ing in their logo going on. So let's move over to Camba. And I just went ahead and I pulled up some of the Twitter templates, and we'll get into creating these later on. But here we can see some different styles and different types so we can have Twitter posts that are promoting maybe our business. So here's Eddie's eatery and kind of talks about there. Ah, there different, um, the restaurant and what they have there. And then we've got just a simple buy me pizza and I'm yours. Maybe that sparks someone's interest and makes him want to click on that. Then we can have maybe an event. So we've got this ah, retrograde reunion gig. So maybe that's some sort of event going on. We can have quote images. These are very popular. Where you take the quote of someone famous. You put that quote on there and then you link that out to your page or what a lot of people do, as they also put their website or branding here just to kind of get that branding into them minds of the audience. So you can see there's a lot of different types of Twitter posts that we can use and use them in a bunch of different types of ways. Events, quotes, promoting your business, your brand. You can use these for coupons if you're selling a product, if you want to advertise your product or you want to give a discount. So as you can see, there's numerous different ways of using this. But the great thing about using this Twitter post template is it's the perfect size for Twitter, and if they ever update that size in the future, you won't have to worry about that. You can just click on the template. It'll be updated for you, and you can begin creating right away
3. Using Canva to Create a Twitter Post: Now that we're logged into Camba, let's go ahead and create our Twitter post. So in the template, create a design section, we're going to go to Social Media Post, and here we have the Twitter Post. Currently, this resolution is 1024 pixels by 512 pixels, and the great thing about camera is if these dimensions ever update on the platform, Campbell will update this also. So any time we create a new template with any new dimensions, they will order be automatically be made that way. So let's go ahead and click on the Twitter post, and when we do, you're going to see the design page pop up with a bunch of different templates that we can use and as discussed earlier, we can use this for a number of different reasons, and one of the things that I really enjoy with any type of social media posts are these quote images. They're very popular because it gives you a chance to leverage someone's ah creativity and ah, their famous nous and actually put your website or branding on the quote. So it works out really good. So what we want to do is we want to kind of scroll through here and maybe just see if we can find any type of template that we like. Typically, I might have an idea of what I want to use in my head. Or I might be looking at typography or even the image in the background to see if it's if I can swap it out with a similar image. So I'll go through here and all kind of look at all the different kind of templates that they have and see if I can find a quote image that might fit my needs. So let's go back up and see. Um, this one might work. So we'll click on this one here, and what we have is we have an image on the left hand side. We have these little quote images and then we've got the quote itself, and then the person who said this quote. So the quote that we're going to use is I'm just going to click in this box. I'm gonna select everything, and I'm gonna type in okay now, I believe I got that right. And one thing you always want to do is make sure that you're you're a few using quotes. You get it exactly as the person said it. So I'll come into Google here, and I'm going to tighten this thing. Creativity is intelligence, and it's by Albert Einstein. So creativity is intelligence having fun. So I just want make sure I've got that right. Creativity is intelligence having fun? Um, I might make this a little bigger, so it looks a little better in this section. And then let's go ahead and attribute it to him. Okay, Now, of course, because this is an Albert Einstein quote. We probably want to have either a picture of him or we want to do something that resembles creativity or intelligence. And as you can see, I've got two things going on here. I've got this image and then I've got this background square so I can come in here and change this around if need be. So let's go ahead and drop in our image, and then we'll make some other adjustments. So I'm going to go to Google here or any Web browser, actually, and I'm just going to go to pick sabei dot com and picks. Obey is a great website That gives us, um, all kinds of royalty free images that we can use Now you need to check the license for each one of the images you use because some of them are free. Some of them are, um you have tow attributes it to the person. So if we do post us somewhere, we got to say, Hey, this image came from so and so. But let's go ahead and type in Einstein and see if we can find an image here. And, um, I really like this one over here. It's got a picture of Einstein. His hair's got that, Um, you know that that hair that makes him so famous and it's all kind of crazy and kind of shows that creativity in that intelligence all in one shot. So I'm just going to click on that real quick, and I want to check the license and it says over here, free for commercial use, no attribution required. So that means that we can use this image and we don't have to put any attribution anywhere to say that we got it from any particular person. So it's free and the, um, creative Commons public domain. So I'm gonna click the download button, and I typically want to do the biggest size that I need now are images 1024 pixels and so we don't really need this huge image. We could use it, but it's also going to be a big file side. So I'm just going to go with the large here and click download, and it's gonna give me a capture. So I'm just going to type in these numbers here. It's going to download that image for me. Then came that puts out in my Downloads folder. I'm going to go back to Camba. I'm going to go toe upload and I can just dragged this straight from here right into here, and it's gonna pop that in, or I could click on the button and upload it myself. So we'll go ahead and let well, let that image load. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna pop that image in place of this image, and I got to see if it's using frames here. Sometimes it will use frames, and when I drop the image and it'll automatically capture it, sometimes you just gotta layer the image and scale inside that yourself. So let's see what happens here if I left. Click. OK, Um, yeah, it doesn't look like this. Okay, it dropped it in. Okay, cool. So it is a frame. So now what I can do is Aiken, left click, and I can move this up and down and just kind of get it centered. So I want the picture of his face and hear if I cut off his hair a little bit, That's okay. I don't want it too far down and create all this space and just have this head. It looks kind of awkward, and I don't want it to high up because it also doesn't look right. So I want to move it down and I want toe capture some of his hair. If we cut off a little bit at the top, that's okay, but this is some nice spacing. I have a little bit of his ah jacket or short going on here and some of his hair and his eyes are right here in the middle. I might even align his eyes right up with the word creativity and create some continuity that way. So I'm gonna hit the check, Mark. So now we have this image of Einstein. We have his quote, and I'm gonna pull it down just to hear I don't like it that high, so that's OK. Let's go ahead. Move that down. Just looked a little awkward. And the last thing that we have to change out here is this background color because this color isn't really doing justice. The slight pink. So we want to stick with the light color since we have this darker text. So I'm going to go ahead and click on here and I'm just gonna pick one of these greys that you would see in this image. Um, I can hit this plus button if I want to change out. And I can just move the slider and probably find a better color. That's maybe more suitable. I could go dark if I wanted to and try to match that back charcoal background that's going on. And then I could change out all this text two white, but it just makes this kind of weird line, and it doesn't really match up like we want it to. So I am going to go with a lighter grey and somewhere right there probably looks good. So there we go. Now we have this nice quote image. I can change out the font if I want to, but we've got the quote. We've got the name, but typically what we want to do is we do want to have our website in here somewhere just so that when people are seeing this image, we can put our own branding whether be our business or personal brand in here also. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to go to the text and I'm just gonna hit the T button and it's going to drop in some text for me and I'm just going to type in, you know, a website. I'd put you know, my website, but we'll just keep it simple. When just put www dot website dot com, I'm going to click out and then click and drag this. Now, I could put it down here. It gets a little strange having the name, um, with the attribution of Einstein right there. So we can try a couple of different places. I could put it right here in the image and maybe change it to a white color and see how that looks. That's a little hard to see. Maybe off to the side here if I wanted to. It's a little hard to see, but that might work. Or maybe I could come out here and do it in the bottom. But I think the good thing is, if I leave it, maybe this white color it doesn't take away from the quote, um, or the name of Einstein. But it does allow me to keep the website there kind of as a subtle hint. If I make it black or dark, it might be it might be competing with the name here, and I don't really want that. I still want to attribute this toe, Einstein, but I do want my website here, so maybe I do a white color and I might even tone it down. Ah, font size. Maybe just a little smaller. And have that often the corner that weighs. I'm saying, Okay, this is his quote, but my website and branding is still here just so that I'm getting that out there in the world. Or maybe I put a little logo in the bottom right corner or in the top right corner or in the bottom left corner. Even
4. Exporting Your Twitter Post: now that we have our Twitter post created and are quote image ready to go to post to Twitter, let's go ahead and export this out. So typically we would rename this. It's given the name. Creativity. Is intelligence having fun? We can click on this and change that if we want to. We could call this Albert Einstein or Twitter Post or whatever you would like to name it. We can share this out. We can make it public so other people on camera can see it also. But I'm gonna go ahead and click the download button and hear what I want to do is I want to say this out as a J. P g file. Typically, whenever you're doing any type of post or anything for the Web, unless it's something that is very significant, like a header or a photo that you're using on your social media platform, you typically want to go with a J P G file because it's a lower, um, file size. It's the smaller file size, so it's easier to download and upload whenever someone is scrolling through the page. It doesn't take a long time to load that image up. So we want to use a low resolution J. P. G foul. So go ahead and just click on that one time. It's going to save out the design so we can access this and can vote later on, and it will go ahead and put it in our downloads folder on the computer and Aiken, go ahead and upload that straight to Twitter. I can also share this here if I wanted to. I can share my design directly to Facebook and Twitter and through an email right here, which makes it very handy to do. But I'm going to close out, out. And as you can see, we have Albert Einstein dot jp g. So retained the name of what we named it at the top. Just going to click on that. And there is our image, and it's in the correct size for Twitter and ready to go so I can go ahead and upload that straight to my Twitter account and start sharing that out. So that's basically it. Hopefully, you learned a lot in this lesson and definitely go ahead and recreate one of these on your own and upload it to the course because I would love to see what you're creating and what you're working on.
5. Assignment : Create Your Own Twitter Post Graphic: congratulations on completing this lesson. By now, you should have a strong understanding of how to do the material that has been presented, and it is my goal as an instructor to make sure that you have learned and have retained the information that I have shared. So if you have any questions at all at any time, please feel free to contact me directly. You can find out more about me at www dot jeremy deegan dot com. If you have a general question, I do ask that you ask that question within this course by asking it in this course. I can address that question, and other students can see that later on down the road. This will help them understand some common questions that come up as they go through this course. Now, if you haven't done so already, please leave an honest rating and any feedback that you have about this course. It helps both me as an instructor know what to do better in the future, and it also helps future students get to see what this course is truly all about. Now your assignment is to take the information that you have learned and upload the image to this course by uploading your image and sharing your artwork with the world. We can provide critiques and any feedback on how to make your artwork better. It's also very motivating to get your artwork out into the world and shared with others and will help you progress in your education and want to share more and more. So thank you so much for allowing me to teach you something new today, and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.