1. Course Introduction: Welcome to this course where I'll teach you how you can make use of ChatGPT to boost
Your Creative Workflow. And faisal, and I'll be your
instructor for this course. I'm an entrepreneur with
passion for online teaching. As a creative professionals, you are constantly seeking
ways to boost your creativity, enhance your productivity,
and save time. Chatgpt is a new AI based tool that can help you
achieve these goals. In this course, we will
talk about ChatGPT and how can it be used
to generate new ideas, Brainstorming, and how can ChatGPT help you write
some amazing content? We will explore different
aspects of ChatGPT, right, from Setting up the
account to how you can iterate and refine prompts
to get the desired results. By the end of this course, you will have a complete clarity as to how you can make use of ChatGPT to enhance
your creative workflow and boost your productivity. This course is designed for Creative Professionals
for all levels. So if you are a
beginner who don't know what ChatGPT is and
how to make use of it. Don't worry, I have you covered. So it's time to get started and I'll see you inside
the course. Thank you.
2. ChatGPT Uncovered: Hello everybody,
welcome to this class. Let us start talking about
this tool called Chad GPT. So what is changing
Midi channel GBD is a natural language
processing or NLP tool. For NLP stands for natural
language processing. And it's a tool developed
by opening act. So OpenAI is the company behind this amazing software that everybody's talking about today. Now what is NLP? Nlp stands for natural
language processing and it's a branch of AI, or artificial intelligence
and computer science that deals with the interaction
between computers and human. Goal of this branch, NLP, is to enable computers to understand and
interpret and also generate human language in order to perform
different tasks. So this is what NLP is
and chat GPT is a tool that is built by OpenAI
and it's based on NLP. Now let us talk about what are the different applications of chat GPT for creative
professionals. The number one application
would be to generate ideas. You can use this
particular tool to generate ideas for
your creative project. So let's say if you are planning a marketing
campaign and you wish to come up with marketing ideas for a particular
line of product, targeting particular
segment of users. So of course, you can think
of these ideas yourself. You can discuss it
with your colleagues. But having a completely
different perspective, like the stool chart, GPT can improve your
quality of work and can give you a new
perspective to thinking. So this is one application that creative professionals,
like photographers, designers, or marketing
professionals, or even software engineers
can use chant GPT for. Now, the next application that I would like
to talk about for creative professionals is for its ability to print strong. So you can use this
particular tool to brainstorm on a
particular thing. And it could be anything. So whether it's
related to your work or something that you
have to do personally. For example, if you
want to think of some creative ideas for your first birthday
of your child, you can use chat GPD to
brainstorm on some ideas. Like you can ask it to generate ten different thoughts on the kind of birthday party
it should be provided. Let's say your child
loves dinosaurs. So you would give this
as an input to chat, to PT, and it could come
up with some ideas. And you can brainstorm
on the ideas. You can ask questions and
you can play around with it. So this is something
that you have to do personally in your
personal life, like planning a birthday
party or planning a surprise for your
wife or your friend. But this is something
on the personal side. Well, on the professional
side as well, you can use this particular
tool to brainstorm. Like you can use it to brainstorm on a
particular tagline. So if you're thinking of a
tagline for a new line of products that you or your
company is launching. You can brainstorm the
taglines with chat GPD. Okay, So this is amazing. This is one of the
amazing use cases that you have a chance to VT. You can even use it
to boost your creativity. So you can use this
particular tool to get some creative ideas and make it think out of the box with the help of the inputs
that you give it to. You can even automate
repetitive tasks. So there will be some tasks
that you do everyday life. For example, Proofreading. Proofreading is one of the tasks that you might want to do daily as a part of your day
job or email proofreading. It could be a block
proofreading or anything. So you can use this
particular tool for proofreading tasks. So it can help you automate
a lot of repetitive stuff, make you productive and
help you save time. And since it's a software tool, it can also help you
eliminate human errors. So that's the benefit. So with that said, I would also want to mention
that chat GPT as a tool, isn't a replacement for human
creativity or expertise. Human creativity and expertise is always going to be needed. But humans are
creative professionals can use this tool to leverage their productivity and creativity and enhance their
performance at that age. So you can use it like a tool to supplement your own
skills and processes. And also, I would
like to give you a disclaimer here or something that you
should keep in mind, like whatever is
generated by chat GPD may not be always perfect
or to the point, and it's up to you to
decide how to use it. Okay, So it's just a
software program out there which is
available for your use. Well, most of the times
it's correct and accurate, but there's no guarantee. So just make sure you
validate whatever you are using and you check whatever the output
charging party is giving. So that's about chat GPD. I shall see you all soon.
3. First Steps into the AI Realm: Setting Up ChatGPT: So let us start setting
up the ChatGPT account. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to head over
to my browser. Here. I'm going to go to Now, this is a website where you can access the
ChatGPT interface. And ChatGPT is a web application that you can access
through the web browser. So here you can see this URL. You can see OpenAI in the URL. So OpenAI is actually the
company behind this tool. Here you will see
this welcome message. Now you will see
two buttons here. One is to login and
other one is to sign up. If you already have an account, I would request you all to hit Login and login to your account. If you don't have an account, you should hit Sign Up. Now once you say sign up, you are going to be presented by the different options in which you can create
your account. And you can see there's an
option to sign up with Google, microsoft, or an Apple account. You can even enter your email address and
sign up with your email. But I'm just going
to continue with Google since that's going to
be a lot more easier for me. So I'll do this. Now, the moment you
sign up to the account, you're going to see an
interface, something like this. Sure, you can see you have this black sidebar on
the left-hand side. And on the right-hand side, you're going to see
all the chats up here. You can see some examples, capabilities and
limitations over here that have been
pre-written for us. So these are some of the
examples that you can give as an input to ChatGPT. So one of the example is got any creative ideas for a
ten year old's birthday. Okay? So this is one of the sample
inputs to get some ideas. And this thing here
highlight the capabilities. Okay? Then you have some limitations
as well mentioned, which says like it may generate
incorrect information. So you need to validate whatever you are
using from ChatGPT. This is just to be sure and
to play on the safer side, then it might produce harmful instructions
or bias content. This is one thing, and then
it has limited knowledge. So ChatGPT is an AI based model. And whenever you are building
AI based application, the model has to be trained. So it has to be trained
that it can talk to you. So as of now, ChatGPT has been
trained until 2021. So all the events and
the knowledge till 2021 is what ChatGPT
is trained on. This is a disclaimer that
you can see over here. So if you're going
to ask something that is readily recent, ChatGPT is not going
to answer this, but this is as of now and expect this to
change really soon because like OpenAI has beans
that are working on this. So the knowledge base for
ChatGPT will be updated soon. Then on the left-hand side, you will see an
option for new chat. Okay? You can hide the
sidebar if you wish to. Here at the bottom, you have
upgrade to plus option. So if you click on this, you are going to be shown
the upgrade options. You can see there's
a free plan as well as a plan for ChatGPT plus. You can continue
using free plan. You don't need a Pro plan or paid plan to go
through this course. But if you find this useful, and if you want a smarter bought or a smarter
version of ChatGPT model, then you might want to
upgrade to ChatGPT plus. You can use free plan
when the demand is low. So you can use it
at a lot of times. It's very rare that
you don't get to use the free version. So don't think too
much around this. And the response
speed is standard. So we'll take a look at this as we progress
throughout the course. And this model, like the paid
version, is a bit faster. And the board that
you get with ChatGPT plus is much more smarter
and can reason well. And if you click on this, okay, you have your name up here
and you have some settings, logout and FAQ
options over here. So this is the interface, and here you have an option
to send a message to ChatGPT. Now whatever message you send appears on the left-hand
side in the form of chance. Okay? So this is a bounded ChatGPT
dashboard interface. I want to spend some
time talking about the different models
that exist with ChatGPT. I'm going to switch over
to a different browser. Sure. In this browser, I
have locked into eight different ChatGPT account where I have upgraded to prove. Okay, so in this
particular account, as you can see, I have
hidden the sidebar. And you can see I
have two models. We have ChatGPT 3.5. And if you hover on this, it talks about, this
is our fastest model. And it is great for
most of everyday tasks. It's available for
free and plus users. So users on the
free version also get access to this spot. Now, the other board or the other model that
we have is GPD for. This is D capable, like the most capable
model right now. And it can reason, well. So if you upgrade
to ChatGPT plus, you will have an
option to choose which bought model
you want to use. Chatgpt for also has a cap
of 25 messages every 3 h, even for pro users. So this is something that you need to keep in mind and this is what the different models
available as of now are. Okay? But if you switch over
to the free version, you don't have an option
to select the model, okay, when you
create a new chat. And that is because
the default model applicable over here is 3.5. So don't worry, if you plan
to stay on the 3.5 version, that is perfectly fine. This model is also
smart and it will help you with a lot of things
that you cannot imagine. So don't worry about upgrading. You can use it, play
around with ChatGPT. And if you feel the
need to upgrade, like if you need
an advanced port, only then you can
think of doing that. But for the process of learning and going
through the course, you don't need a paid version. Alright, so I wanted to
make this thing clear. Okay, So these are the
different chat models that are available as of now. Now why am I calling
this as models? Because every chat bot, like visit chatbot, right? Like you will be
talking to ChatGPT. So it has an underlying model. And then our version
numbers like 33.54, 0.0. And the higher the version, the smarter the board is. Openai makes sure that
they are frequently releasing the smarter version of the board and the
underlying model. And that is what the
modal number signifies. So that's about the
ChatGPT interface and the different
models that exist
4. The Art of Prompting Mastering ChatGPT's Language: Hello everybody,
Welcome to this class. So let us start talking
about what our prompts. So what are prompts? So prompts are essentially
the input that you as a user provide to ChatGPT to get the
corresponding output. Now there are few things
that you are supposed to keep in mind about prompts. The number one thing
is the memory. Chatgpt has a short-term memory that allows it to
store the information regarding the
previous prompts and generate the responses that
are contextually relevant. The memory function allows ChatGPT to remember the
important details from the previous prompts
and generate responses that take into
account that context. So to give you an
example about this, let me switch over
to the browser. Sure, I have to ChatGPT
dashboard open. And let us say, I type in this
particular message box, I say, what is the capital? This is a prompt that
I gave to ChatGPT. Okay? So I wanted to know
the capital of France. So you can see over here. Okay, so I got this pop-up. It's a short tutorial, which is telling me
that I can share the link of this
particular chat. But I don't want to alkalosis. So it says, the capital
of France is Paris. Now I can say what
is its population? So you can see, I didn't mention the
city name over here. I just said, what
is its population? It, it understood that I'm
talking about Paris over here, which is the answer
to my last question. And it has given the
response of what is population contextually
relevant to the conversation that I'm
having with it, okay? And it is giving me
the population number. So this is what I
was talking about. This is memory
function in action. So ChatGPT, when I sent
this particular message, remembers the
conversation context. And it is giving me some
relevant responses. Now this is very useful if you are having a conversation
regarding something. So it's not good
if you would have to remind ChatGPT again and again of what
you're trying to say. So with this memory function, your life becomes
much more easier. The next thing that I wanted to mention is the prompt length. So what this means
is the length of the prompts can
affect the quality and relevance of
the response that is generated by ChatGPT. Okay? So this is something that you're supposed to keep in mind. Longer prompts can
provide more context, more information to
ChatGPT to work with and hence generate
relevant responses. Okay? Another thing is
prompt freezing. So the way a prompt is trees can also affect the
responses that are generated. For example, why is Exercise important
for physical health? This is one example prompt, and then I have another prompt. Tell me about the benefits
of regular exercises. So the responses that are
generated by these two prompts will be different because
the freezing is different. So prompts, freezing
matters over here. Now let us start talking
about some of the tapes to work well with ChatGPT prompts. I'll switch over to
ChatGPT dashboard. And over here, we will
talk about some tips. So the number one
tip is be specific. The more specific
your prompt is, the more likely
ChatGPT is to generate a response that accurately reflects your goals
and objectives. So instead of using general
prompts like plan a vacation, I'm telling ChatGPT to
plan a vacation to for me. Okay. So it has given some details and it is asking me some
questions over here. So this tells that
ChatGPT does not have enough information
as to what I need. Started asking me what is your preferred our
destination and so on. So instead of better prompt
would be a bit more specific. So I can paste the
prompts over here. It can say plan a
beach vacation in Hawaii for a family of four
with the budget of 5,000. So this is one
example prompt which mentions that I want
a beach vacation. It mentions the location. It also tells ChatGPT
that I'm going there with family and the number of members in the
family for people. And also talks about my budget. So you can see the
response over here. It is better than
the previous prompt So you need to be specific
as to what you want. Also, you need to use a
descriptive language or light. This was about specific ness. I'll just hide this
sidebar over here so that we have some room
to see the text. Okay? So this was about
being specific. Now, you can even use a
descriptive language. For example, when
providing prompts. You need to help ChatGPT understand as to
what you're looking for. For example, take a look at
the previous prompt we had. We just gave a
one-liner to ChatGPT. Of course it gave
us the response. Okay. I'll pay something. We'll, this is a much better prompt
than the earlier one. This says, plan a tropical
beach vacation in Hawaii. So it's talking about the type
of vacation, the location. Family of four with two
adults and two children. So I'm giving some more
information now over here and telling
ChatGPT that, hey, I have to Children's one is eight years old and
one is ten years old. Here's my budget.
And the vacation should include accommodations
with beach front access. So this is my preference. I need some family-friendly
activities like these. Okay. I need local
dining options. I am a fan of C4 and
Hawaiian cuisine. And the design of
vacation should focus on relaxation
and adventure. I'm using a descriptive
language over here. I'm trying to tell
ChatGPT as much of inflammation as I know about
this vacation right now. And I'll give this as
an input and you will definitely have a better
response from ChatGPT. You can see over
here, it's giving you some relevant responses. It is also telling you
that travel dates, because you're focusing on relaxation and it has also
given better location. This is a location
was stunning beaches, outdoor activities, flights. It has given some agonist of activities that you
can do budgeting tips. So it's a better response
over here, okay? Now, these are two points like being specific using
descriptive language. The third one would be experiment always with
different prompts. So you might get, there's a possibility
you might get the answer you need
in a single response. But it's better to try
out different prompts and see what the wide range of
responses looks like, okay? And you can be picky over that. You can pick whatever you need. And don't be afraid to experiment with
different inputs and see what works best for your specific project
or requirement. The next point I
want to talk about is refined and iterate. So this texts that is generated by ChatGPT is just
a starting point. It's not defined as output. You can take this
as a starting point and you can work on
this to improve. And you can ask more questions
to ChatGPT if you need. Another thing is using
act as a freezer. Right now, we have just
given the information wheel. But what I can do is I can tell ChatGPT to act as something. For example, I can take
this prompt the way here. And I can tell ChatGPT
to act as a travel plan. Okay. So this has an impact
and this makes sure like you're telling
ChatGPT to act as someone. So it can be like a travel panel planner or even planner if
you're planning for some event or a teacher, if you're trying to learn a new language or
something from ChatGPT, you can tell ChatGPT to
behave like someone, like a specific character,
profession, style. And you can get responses
that align with the desired don't
perspective or context. This is something that you
are supposed to keep in mind. Okay? So so yeah, you got some responsible you
and you can see over here, when I told ChatGPT to
act as a towel planner, I got DYs plan for seven
days and six nights. You can also ask ChatGPT to
get this in tabular format so that even copy paste it
into Excel, work for them. So I can tell ChatGPT, can you give me above in you can see this is in table format now
you can simply copy this and take it wherever
you want. Okay? So this is about prompts, like number one thing
is being specific. Then use descriptive language. You need to also experiment
with different prompts. You need to refine and iterate. And also don't forget
to use act as a freeze. It really helps. So this
is about ChatGPT prompts. Also, I would like
to mention over here that whenever you give
any prone to ChatGPT, you can also edit it later on. Okay. So I can edit
mentioned all information. I can say something
like that and I can Save and Submit so it will update the
response over there. Okay? And if you want to see
the previous response, you need to click on this arrow. Up arrow. You can go to the
previous response. If you click on this, you come back to the
current response, okay? You can give some
feedback over here. Like you can like dislike. This is how Prompting
works with ChatGPT. So Prompting is all about
giving your inputs to ChatGPT. And that is really an Art. You should know how to ask for what you want for to ChatGPT. Alright? So going forward, what
I will be doing is I will be sticking
to the screen. I will be keeping
this sidebar disable because we really get some
more room on the screen here. Alright, so that's
about this class, and I shall see you all soon. Thank you.
5. AI Powered Creativity Brainstorming and Idea Generation Techniques with ChatGPT: Hello everybody,
welcome to this class. So let us start talking
about the two aspects. That is brainstorming and
idea generation techniques with Chad GBD. So suppose there is a team of creative professionals,
including writers, designers, marketers,
and they all are working on a campaign
for a fashion brand. Now they're trying to come up with some compelling tagline, color schemes, storyline, and so on for that advertisement. However, they're
struggling to come up with fresh ideas that
align with the brand. So they're taking help of
charity, beauty over here. So let us talk about tagline. So how would you, if you are a part of that particular team,
how would you help? Or what sort of prompts
you would create to get some catchy tagline for your
eco-friendly fashion brand. Okay, so I'll have some
examples here to show you. So you can see over here, act as a award-winning copywriter. You want a tagline. So you are asking Jack GBD to be a copywriter
and you're asking tangibility to suggest
a catchy tagline for eco-friendly fashion brand. And you want to emphasize on
sustainability and style. You're giving tangibility
enough information. And you can give this as an input and you
will get one output. Now, there might be
scenarios where in one output might not be enough. Okay? So you can ask Chad GPT
to provide an alternative. So what I will do is I
can copy-paste this one. Okay? And I can say, I can tell chat too pretty. Okay. Suggest another tagline
or suggest then taglines. But this time focus
on the concept of luxury, meetings,
sustainability. Okay, so let's say you are
changing the focus right now. You didn't like this focus of band emphasizing
and sustainability. So you have changed this and you'll give
this as an input. So you can see change
your body is giving you ten variants of taglines. And you can pick the one you want or you can ask
for more refinement. So what I'm trying to
highlight here is you can work and brainstorm
with changeability. So you can brainstorm
on taglines and you can take help of
chat activity over here. And you can actually give some more prompts
and play with this. Okay? So this is about tagline. Now let us say if you wish to generate or create a storyline, okay, Now, I'll give you
some prompts over here. So I'll add a prompt. I'll say act as a
creative director. Okay, so we're creating a 60-second ad and we need
a storyline. Let's say. We are asking tangibility
to be a creative director. And it can outline a
unique story line for a 60-second ad for
eco-friendly fashion brand. And I want emphasis on the journey of
sustainable materials, transforming into
fashionable gametes. That is what our
company is all about, let's say, for example. And you are giving
this as an input. So you will have charged
GPD giving you the output. So this is a very good example of brainstorming over here. So you, yourself might be limited to a certain
piece of thought, okay? But brainstorming with
Changi PT can open up several new perspectives
and you can get different ideas when you give such prompts
to chat activity. So you can see over here, you're getting like
the entire storyline in the form of scenes. Along with what should be the voice-over and what
should be spoken where. It's a decent output. Okay? Does an exit scene as well
and free final scene. So you can see cat antibody
has given you a good output. You can even ask Judge
ability to tweak this, okay? This time I'm telling
chart GPT to give me a storyline that focuses
on a day in the life of a person who has chosen
to be always chosen sustainable fashion and
the positive impacts they're making into the world. So this time I'm
focusing on the life of a person who has chosen
to be part of our brand. To how does that sound? So let us see what Chad
GBD has to tell us. You can see it has given
the title also one day, one choice, one planet. Pretty neat. And
this opening scene. And you can see like different scenes coming up over here. And it is generating the entire script for you
or entire story-line. So this way you can brainstorm
a lot with chat TBD. Okay? Now, you, if you're part of a team that is working
on such projects, you can generate such
ideas using prompts, evaluated suggestion, iterate
on them, ask questions So you can basically play
around with giant GBD. You can get the relevant
information that you need and you can help your
team achieved the goal. Okay, So this is
about brainstorming. Let us talk about
idea generation. So let us say there is a team of creative professionals
and they've been tasked with organizing
and art culture. So there is an art
cultural festival in the town and that is being
hosted by our company. And the goal of
this festival is to boost tourism and
local businesses. And we need to come
up with, let's say, festival names, festival teams, and so on. Okay. So how would you do that? Okay, So you can tell, change a bit over here. I'll add a prompt. You can say act as
a branding expert and suggests five
compelling names for and art and culture festival in a small town aimed at boosting tourism. If you want, you can even add the place name and where you are hosting this particular
festival and so on. You can add more details
provided you have them. So I can give this as
a prompt and I can see what is the output tag
chat to BD has to give. So you can see Valley to ballot of Festival
of art and culture, plastic, Renaissance, a celebration of
artistic candidate. It has given five suggestions. If you want these suggestions to focus on something, right now, they're focusing on art culture and artistic heritage and so on. If you want them to focus on
a particular theme or topic, you can give that as
an input as well. Okay? So let's say I want
these taglines or this alternative
names to speak about autofocus on towns rich
historical background. So I can give this as an input. And you can see
chronicles uncovered, the Historic Arts Festival, heritage use, celebrating
our pass through art. You can see how each
activity is modifying and giving us some good
suggestions and good ideas. So when brainstorming
which antiquity, there is a possibility that you might get a completely
new perspective. So this helps in brainstorming and getting
some fresh ideas. Okay? So this is 100% recommended. Now, if you want
to brainstorm or get some ideas around
the festival theme, you can give this
particular prompt as an input to each activity. You can tell, act as
a creative director, and propose three
teams for the art and cultural festival
that would highlight the town's uniqueness
and cultural heritage. And you will see
changeability in action. Again. You can see these
are three team ideas that challenge liberty is given. So it says time
traveling the best tree, and it is talking about the CMU. Okay? So you can make use
of the IGBT this way to get some creative ideas. You can, even if
you are working on such a campaign wherein you are creating an
event or something, you can also ask John to be default promotional
strategies. Okay. So I can give this prompt
to try antibody and I can tell chair deputy to act
as marketing strategist, proposed three innovation, innovative promotional
strategies for festival that would attract
Lucas as well as tourist. So these are the two kinds of people that I want to attract. I can even mention age group and more information like I want more males to attract
or more females to come to my event and so on. So you can target
that way and you can see IGBT coming up
with some ideas. And you can even
take this idea and ask you to elaborate
and give you a plan. Let's say you like the interactive social
media campaign idea for what you can do is you can copy this and you can tell
chargeable you that, Hey, I want a 30-day plan for my social media
account, for Instagram. And you can tell me what
should I do on each day. So you can give it to me in a table format and it
will give it to you. So this way you can generate
some really good ideas. What GBT, you can tweak the responses or tweet the prompts based on the
responses that you're getting. And you can get a
new perspective. So this is how changeability
can be useful in brainstorming and
idea generation
6. Using ChatGPT for Creative Content Generation: Hello everybody,
welcome to this class. So let us start
talking about chat GPT for creative
content creation. So change the beauty can be
a valuable tool whenever you want to generate some content
for your creative work. When I'm in content, I mean articles, scripts, blogs. Changeability can help
you even create and refine character dialogues for your stories that
you're working on. It can help you with
design concepts, descriptions, and
artistic narratives. So you can think
of everything and anything related to content and charge UP can
help you with that. So I'm going to give you some
good examples over here. So let us consider a
scenario wherein we have a team of creative
professionals and the team is working on a
mixed media project wherein they have been asked
to write some articles, create some
narratives, and so on. So let us talk about
articles and all. So how would you
generate articles, scripts, blogs, and
so on from chancy PT. So you can give this
as an input over here. So you can ask
Chad GPD to act as a seasoned journalist and Ostia algebra to draft
an article about the impact of AI on the
creative industries. So let's say this
is what you wish to write and this is what you
wish to get some content, or you can give
this as an input. And Chad TBT will
come back to you with a title and you can see the entire
article is going on. Okay? So it has given
you a nice title. If you don't like this title, you can write a follow-up
prompt that hey Chad tuple t. Can you give me five
alternative titles for these, which are catchy and you can
focus on so and so things. So what I will focus
area you want to be, you can just mentioned that
as a part of the prompt. And you can see the
article is quite long and you can mention the
length as well in the prompt. So you can tell
tangibility that I want a long article or I
want a short one. Okay? Now, here, it has
given you this article. And you can go through this
article or you can ask Chad GPT to modify this
particular article. So let's say I want this
same article written with a different tangle focusing on ethical implications of
using AI in creative work. You can do that and
you can tell charge deputy to give you the output. So you can see the
title is also good. Artificial intelligence
in creativity and ethical Canvas
yet to be painted. You can even get charged GPT to write some blocks for you. Okay? So let us say you want to
write a blog post as to how you can maintain work-life balance while
working from home. You can give this
particular prompt to charge you pretty well and you can tell charge ability to act and
successful blogger and write an engaging post
about maintaining the work-life balance
while working from home. Okay? So tangibility will give
you the answer over here. You can also act, you
can also ask Chad GPT, to refine this
particular response. So if you need some refinement, you can tell charge ability to focus on a particular area, like focus on creating an effective work
from home routine. That is what I wanted
the focus to p. So you can do that and you can see the article is
pretty good, okay. It is divided into
points and tips. So it says designated workspace, establish a routine
and take breaks. Embrace me, time gets
usually connected. Practice, mindfulness
and gratitude. Pretty neat. Okay? So this way you can
make use of chat GPT. You can also ask
giant TBT to write some scripts or seen dialogues. So let me show you how. Let's say you're
looking for a scene, dialogue between two characters. Let's say the topic can be there debating the merits
of renewable energy. So I can paste this
prompt over here. I can say act as a
script writer and write a dialogue scene
between two characters. And the two characters
should be debating the merits of using
renewable energy. So you will get this
in the Scene format. So you can see it's
a coffee shop. Like you have Alex and Jordan. And you can see
Alex sips coffee. You know, Jordan, the case for renewable energy and
so on. It goes on. And you can see in that
conversation that you're getting the entire script or the
entire scene, I should say. So you can use changeability
in different ways. And the things are like
beyond imagination. So you think good and you will get it
from charity, beauty. It's a really helpful tool. You can also ask or GPT
to act as a novelist. Okay, so if I add a prompt
the way here, I can say, act as a novelist and write a dialogue
between two characters, revealing a major plot
twist in a mystery novel. You can even ask it to be a
screenplay writer and so on. Okay? And if you are working
as a designer, let us say you have a
design concept that you have created and you need
a description for that. So you can even have
this prompt over here. You can say act as a
design critique and write a descriptive critique
of modern art. Sculpture. That please, with
light and shadow, you can describe your
design, which IGBT. Okay? Of course there is no image upload functionality
like you can. You cannot upload your image or the design that
you've created, but you can describe the
design to chat GBT and Chad GBT can help you with
the relevant results. Design concepts descriptions are usually required by designers. They also required by architects or gallery curators,
fashion designers. Fashion designers also have design concepts that they create for their line of products. And they might need a
write-up on the scene. So this can be the prompt. It, you can say act as
a fashion designer and writer concept description for a fashion line that
combines does this things. So depending on what
your fashion line does, you can have, you can
have that description. Pleased to be here to give you some context as to
what it's supposed to do. And based on that, to add GBD will get back to you with some relevant output. Okay? So this is about how you can use chat to PT for creative
content creation. Like it can help you
generate a lot of content for your
design-related work. Or whether it's blogs, or whether it's for marketing
campaign or anything, you name it and charge EBT
will help you with that. Alright, so that's
about this class. I shall see you all soon. Thank you.
7. Perfecting Your Work Editing and Refining Techniques with ChatGPT: Well, you have generated a
lot of thing with ChatGPT, but how would you perfect it? So you can use ChatGPT to edit and refine the content
that you have generated. Okay? So there are different
prompts that you can use to affect your work. So let us say, I have this prompt over here. I'm telling ChatGPT act as a professional editor and provide me feedback on
a particular paragraph. The paragraph can be
anything so I can scroll up and I can copy
this paragraph here. And I can give this as
an input to ChatGPT. Let's say this is a paragraph
that I have written. And I'm giving this as an input. So ChatGPT will get back
to you with the feedback. So it's telling you there's
a well-crafted feedback. Some points, giving you
some inputs over here, it's telling you
need to enhance it. Active voice is needed, supportive evidence as
needed, which is fair enough. And it has also given you
the revised response. So if you want to take it, otherwise you can
tweak it and use it. So it's up to you. Okay? So this is about how you can use ChatGPT to edit something that
you have already written. If you have created a
lot of content already, and if you want someone
to edit it for you, and if you want a different
eye to look at your content. So you can take
help from ChatGPT. If you're working in
e-commerce foam for example. And if you have, let's say, some
product description, you can even ask ChatGPT
to proofread your content. So I'll have this the
way you I can say, act as a proofreader and correct my direct any grammatical errors in this particular sentence. And I can give a
sentence to ChatGPT. Okay? So let's say I
have the sentence. This is a sentence
and I can give this as an input and it has corrected the
quick swelling over here. You can see. So quick spelling was incorrect
and it has corrected. I don't see any
other changes there, but this is just one sentence. Okay, so if you have
a complete paragraph or long article, you can give that
as an input, okay? You can also ask
ChatGPT to proofread and improve the sentence to make it more vibrant
and descriptive. So here you can add
more information. Like, Hey, act as a proofreader, correct any grammatical errors, and also make it more vibrant
and much more descriptive. It can do that for you. Okay? So this is about Proofreading. Proofreading is a like, it's a manual task. And it's really good
if you have some, someone like ChatGPT to
proofread things for you, and you can then
do a final check and submit it or use it in
your professional work. This is about content
editing and proofreading. You can also use
ChatGPT to refine ideas and concepts with
ChatGPT's assistance. Let us say you are working on a creative project wherein you have an
advertisement coming up. Let us say you have some
tagline or something. So you can ask ChatGPT
to iterate on the same. Let us say I have this
product positioning. I'll add a prompt. Let's say I have a
product positioning. And this will
product positioning. Our product is the best. So I want ChatGPT to be a marketing strategist and suggest improvements
for this position. So what ChatGPT will do is it will improve the positioning. United States are productive, the best is positive
and confident, but it lacks specific city
and it also lacks context. So it has given
you a better one. Okay, It says, our product offers the most advanced and user-friendly
solution and so on. You can. And it's also telling you why suggesting this and what
are the benefits of using this and how this differs from the one that you
have given as an input. So this way, you can use
ChatGPT to refine your ideas, concepts with the assistance
of this wonderful AI tool. Okay? Now, if you're even
working as a designer, you can even use it in
your design project. And you can be any
kind of design or UI UX designer or fashion
designer or any sort. So I'll give you an
example of UI UX designer. Lets say you have an
interface and you have, let's say, I'll add this prompt. You have interface
description here and you're asking ChatGPT
to suggest improvements. So it's an interface
description. The app has done. The app has a home screen with buttons for different functions. So it will give you the
description this way. You can make use of this
description if you want to, or you can tweak this or ask
for an iteration and so on. So this way you
can refine ideas, concepts with the
help of ChatGPT. Chatgpt is really a great
tool to perfect your book. If you have any existing
work you want to perfect on, you can make use of ChatGPT. And this can be content editing, Proofreading,
Refining your ideas, concepts, and so on. Alright, so that's
about this class, and I shall see you all soon.
8. Thank you!: All right, so we have
come to the end of this immersive journey and
we've explored how this tool, ChatGPT can be a game changer
in the creative industry. We delve into the various
aspects of ChatGPT, right, from Setting up the account to using it to boost
our Creativity, Brainstorming, and
generating ideas. But let me tell you
one thing over here. The exploration
does not end here. So I encourage you
to keep exploring because the possibilities
of ChatGPT are endless. So keep exploring and
pushing the boundaries. So whether it's generating
some amazing content, brainstorming or
idea Generation, I'm excited to see how
you will make use of ChatGPT in your
creative process. Remember, creativity
and innovation is all about embracing new
tools and technologies. And ChatGPT is one of the important tools right
now in the creative toolkit. Thank you for being so engaged
and enthusiastic learner. And I hope this course has not only taught
you about ChatGPT, but also giving you a
perspective to think about creativity and AI tools from
a whole new perspective. This Skillshare class, you have a glass project on
the glass beach. I would request you all to
take a look at that project, solve the project, and
share the Project. Happy learning and all the best