1. Introduction Video : Hey guys? I'm Kate and I'm an Adobe instructor working at the UK's leading Adobe Training Centre in London. I'm also a graphic designer and the fashion designer with backgrounds in footwear. I've worked for companies like Jimmy Choo and Sophia Webster where I've had to use InDesign for visual merchandising, graphics and the presentation of collections. This InDesign CC introduction course is aimed at complete novices or for people with minor experience in InDesign, who just want to play along with some practice exercises. We will be creating four exercises. We'll start with a simple flier followed by a stylish advertisements, we will then move on to magazine article, and we'll finish with a stunning multi-page brochure. Throughout these exercises, we'll use the InDesign interface so we'll get familiar with it. We'll use text wrap, which is a very cool InDesign feature. We will use grids and gradients and transparency to enhance our visual effects. Then we'll learn how to use master pages to ensure consistency in longer documents. Finally, we will learn how to convert a file into a print ready or web ready PDF. There are lots of files and exercises that you can download that are available with this course. I will be guiding you with cover shortcuts, throughout the whole time. My goal is for you to feel confident in using InDesign and for you to learn all the skills necessary to create your own amazing InDesign documents. Let's get started.
2. Let's get started with InDesign: [MUSIC] Hello my
friends and welcome to your first lesson in
Adobe InDesign CC. What we'll start with is how
to create a new document. I'll show you everything
you need to know about setting up a new document
the correct way. Then I'll make this scary
interface look much less scary. I'll explain to you
what the tools are, the options bar, the
menu bar, the panels. Then I'll give you some
really cool shortcuts to help your InDesign experience
go much more fluent. By the end of this introduction, we'll be ready to go and start creating our own documents. Let's get started.
3. What is the Welcome Page?: When you open up Adobe InDesign, this is the first
thing that greets you, and it's called
the welcome page. Now over here you'll
see something new of InDesign CC called
quick presets. This means that if you
click on any of these, it will quickly open up this
presets in a new document. We now have iPad Pro in a new InDesign document
ready to be designed. I'm going to close this tab. Go back to the welcome page. Now below we have all the
recently opened documents. These are documents that I've
personally been working on. Now you will not
have these documents on yours and you might not have any documents currently
because this might be the first time that
you ever use InDesign. Either way, at some point, you will have these
documents because these are the documents that we will be working with throughout
this course.
4. Learn: Free built-in InDesign Tutorials: Now, you also have a new
feature called "Learn". These are existing Adobe
InDesign tutorials inside InDesign. Now if you click
on any of these, it will open up in a new browser and it will guide you through
an existing tutorial. There is lots to learn
from inside InDesign. Now you can click on X and feel free to look through
all of these. And now we're going
to click back on Home and go back to
the Welcome page.
5. Free Templates: Now let's go to "Create New". This is a new documents
setup window. Now over here you have
something called the intent, and that is the intention or the purpose of your document. You can choose between
print, web, or mobile. Each of these comes with an
existing set of presets. You can choose between A4, A3, Letter in the US. If you select Web, you can choose between A4 again, but also existing
web related presets. If you click on Mobile, you can choose between iPhone X, Google Pixel and all
different types of tablets. Now below you have
existing free templates. Awesome. Who doesn't
love free stuff? Now you'll see a blue
check mark on my screen. Because this means that I've already pre-downloaded
these templates. All of these templates
are free to use. All you have to do is
click on one of them and click on Downloads
and then open, and you'll be able to customize this template inside
InDesign free of charge. Now if you have this
missing fonts panel, this is totally normal. We're going to look at
missing fonts later. In these documents, you'll be able to change the content, the images, the texts, and save it as
your own document. But that's it for
templates for now. Let's click on the little
x and close it and don't save and let's go
back to Create New.
6. How to set up an InDesign Document: Now, make sure you go
back to Create New and select print, A4. What I'll show you now is how to customize an existing preset. We need to go over here
to Preset Details. Now always makes sure that
your Preview button is ticked so you can preview your page and
what you're doing. Width and height is
the size of the page. The units is where you can
choose between points, inches, millimeters, or pixels for
web-related documents. Orientation, so you can
choose between portrait or landscape and your page
will change accordingly. Now, Pages is where you can change the number of
pages that you have. You can either type in a number, say you type in number 5, or you can use a little trick that I'll give you
now is you press the "Upwards" arrow on your keyboard and this will
increase the number of pages. Very cool, that feature. Now Facing Pages is for documents like
books, for spreads. I'm just going to scroll
down and find an example. If you look at this magazine, this would be a facing page
document because you'll have one page and another
page as spreads. If you didn't want a
facing page document, you would have to untick this. Now, over here you have
Columns and what this will do is divide your
documents into columns. You will see on my page that I currently have four columns. Now, a document like this one would have two columns
on every page. This is just a guide
for us to work with, a wireframe if you like. Later on we will be creating a document with multi columns. Now, the Column Gutter is the space between
the columns, so that means the space over
here between the columns. If I were to increase that, you will see the
space increasing. Now, below you have the Margins. I'm just going to
move this panel round so we can see the margins
just a tiny bit better. The margin is this
pink magenta rectangle in the middle of the
page and it's there as a guide for you to refer
to so that you center your contents and you don't go too close to the
edge of the page. This is for printing purposes so that your texts doesn't
get chopped off. It looks quite nice when your graphics are in
the center of the page. Now, you can change the margins. You can click on the
arrow and change it. You'll see that the
top, bottom left, right changes altogether and that is because of the
Link icon over here. Make all settings the same. When this is on, that means
that they all move together. Now, if I were to
make this unlinked, this is unlinked,
the chain is broken. I can change just the
top or just one side. Now, below you
have the Bleed and Slug and the bleed is
for printing purposes. It's for you to
line your graphics up to the edge of the page. Say the cover of a
book, a magazine, and anything where your graphics needs to line up to
the edge of the page. Now, the industry standard for the bleed is three millimeters. Now, all you have to
remember is that it's three millimeters and you need to line up your
graphics to the red line, also called the bleed line. Now, basically what
the bleed line is is for printing purposes. What printers do is they print your paper
over larger piece of paper and then they trim it down to the correct slides. All you need to remember
is three millimeter bleed and align your graphics
to the red line. That's it. If you wanted to save this presets and you
wanted to reuse it, you could go to Save
Document Presets. You can call it
whatever you like, A4 four columns and
click on "Save Presets." Now, this will be saved in saved along with
all your presets. As you can see, I
have a lot of presets over here because I
tend to use them a lot. When you're done with that, you can click on Create and here is your document
ready to be designed.
7. Key Shortcuts you need to know: The interface might look a
bit overwhelming at first. There is a lot going on, let's face it, but not to
worry, we'll get there. First, let's start
with some shortcuts. Just so you know,
if you're using a Mac most shortcuts
will start with Command and if you're using a PC they will
start with Control. For zooming in we're going to use Command plus
or Control plus. For zooming out Command
or Control minus. For fitting your page to screen
Command or Control zero. Now, these options are also
available in view but this will take you a bit longer to do which is why I
love using shortcuts. Now, if you zoom in again, Control plus, if you want
to move your page around, you need to hold down the Space bar and you'll
see the hand and you can grab your page around which is very useful when you're
zooming in and out. Back to Control zero now. The shortcut for Print
Preview is W. Now, if you want to go back to
working mode, W again. Print Preview, W and
working mode, W again. When you press Print Preview, you won't see much
on there because there is nothing on your page and the guides that you see in working modes
are just guides. They're there to show
you how it works.
8. What are Tools and Panels? : I'm going to briefly explain a few options in the
menu bar over here. We've got file, which is where you can
save your document, you can open a new document, you can place a new document, but honestly, I
use the shortcuts. You can package documents
which we'll cover later on towards the
end of the course. Another option
that's important for now we'll cover the
rest later is Window. Window is where all the
panels live. What are panels? This is the panel bar. All of these are panels. If you go to file
document setup, you can edit the document setup. You can change the bleed and the margins and the
page size and whatnot. Now, on the left-hand side, you've got the toolbar. If you hover over each of these, they will tell you
what they are. If you see a little
triangle next to it, you can right-click and you'll have more options
for that specific tool. Just remember the
very important tool, and I say very important
because the shortcut for this tool is V. The Selection Tool is
the very important tool, and if you look at the brackets, you have the shortcut in there, V. If you look at the
direct Selection Tool, for instance, the shortcut is A. If you look at the Type Tool, the shortcut is T. That's
very easy to remember. Now, on the right-hand side, you have the panel, like
I mentioned previously. Each of these panels are
categories where you can manipulate a specific
option you're working on. You've got the pages here. This is where you
work with pages. You've got layers. Similarly to Photoshop, you
can layer your items around. We don't have layers yet though. Swatches are for
your saved colors. CC Libraries is for storing data and more revealed later on.
9. Workspace: How to Customize: Now, this section here in
the middle is called the Options bar because it gives you more options about
the selected object. Let's say you have
a shape selected. It will tell you where it is, the size of it, if it's rotated, the color, etc. We'll see this later on when
we have a selected object. Now, on the top right corner, you'll see typography
or you might see something else and
especially if you're using a PC, it will look slightly different. If you click on that
on whatever words you have next to"Adobe Stock", you'll see a list of
what we call workspaces. Workspace is like a preference. It's like you choosing how
your desk will look like. In this case, you choose how your InDesign
will look like. Now, you have a bunch of
options like Advanced and Book. You can see your interface
changing accordingly. You have essentials. Now, for the purpose of this course, we can use typography, which is the basic one because it has the most
available options here. Now, I personally customized my workspace because since
InDesign has been changed, there are a few things
that I'd like to add to my workspace. Let's go back to Window. Remember Window is where
all the panels live. I would like you to go to
Window and select "Properties". Properties as a new function, a new panel in InDesign, where you can work with
everything in one place here, which is why I like to use it. Now, since this won't be
saved in the typography, I would like you to go back to typography and click
on "New Workspace". I would like you to
call it your name. Then I'll press "Okay". When I go back here, I have Kate's workspace
with a little typo so I can remember it's
the correct one actually. Let's say you're moving panels
around which you can do. If you click and drag
on a panel and again, and again and you move panels
around and then you press "X" accidentally and
things look a bit weird. If you want to put everything
back into it's place, you need to go to whatever
you called your workspace and reset your workspace and it will just bring everything
back into it's place.
10. What are the 3 Types of Frames?: [MUSIC] InDesign is
all about container. Let me just paste a few
pre-prep containers just to show you what I mean. You've got three
types of containers. You've got a container
for an image. You've got a
container for a text, which is also called
a text frame, and a container which
is just a color. There's nothing inside
except the color. If you want to create
an image container, you need to use this tool, the rectangle frame tool. Now to create a text frame, you need to go to the Type Tool, and to create a shape
that has a color in, you go to the rectangle tool. We're going to
create one of each. I'm going to show you
how to work with this. Let's start with the
rectangle frame tool. I want you to click on it. I want you to click and
drag from left to right until you've aligned
your shape to a column. You see the green arrows
they actually tell you if your rectangle is the same
size as another rectangle. Now you won't see them
currently because you only have one. Now you can let go. Now if you go to the type tool and you do the exactly the same, you click and drag, you
then create a text frame. Now if you go to
the rectangle tool, you do the same thing, click and drag, and
that's for color. Now, that's how
you create shapes. Now how you work with
them is very differently. I want you to go to the Selection Tool,
the black cursor, or V. We're going to select each of
these and change them. First we'll start
with the easy one. We'll start with the color one. Can you see the fill
and the stroke? That means the color
inside the shape, the fill, and the
stroke is the border. I want you to double-click on this little square that
has a red strike-through. I want you to pick any
color that you'd like. If you click around, see the color picker
and you can move the color panels around. You press "Okay" and now
you've got some weird color. Now for the next shape, you have to select it first
and you have to click on the border because your frame is currently empties.
Click on the border. Great. Now if you want
to play some text in, you need to go to
the Type Tool or a T shortcut and
click on your frame, start typing blah,
blah, blah, blah. Or you can fill it with placeholder text by
going to type Fill with Placeholder Text and it will fill it
with Lorem Ipsum. Now for the image, it is slightly more difficult, but we can handle it. We go back to the
selection tool, always go back to
the selection tool. Then we select the
container for images, the one with the cross. If you ever see a
frame with a cross, it means that you're meant
to place an image in. We're going to
place an image in. If we go to File
Place, we can do that. Now, I use a
shortcut and you can see the shortcut here
on the right-hand side, Control or Command D Delta. Now if you go to your Desktop
or wherever you saved my files and you go to InDesign Online
Course and Images, you can pick any
image that you can find that you like here
and you press "Open". Now, this will look a bit dodgy. It will look a bit weird. That's because you're seeing
a close-up of the image. The image is in fact very big. But anyway, we're going
to quickly fix this. There's a couple of
ways of doing this. Either you right-click on the shape and you go to Fitting, Content-Aware Fit, which is
a new feature in InDesign. If you don't have
the newest version, you can always use Fill
Frame Proportionally, which does an okay job. The Content-Aware
Fit is preferable. There we go, we can
see the two ladies. Now you have the same options here in the Properties panel, which is why I like
to keep this open. These little weird
icons here are the same ones as Fitting, except they have an icon. If you hover over them, again, it will tell you
what they are so eventually you'll know
which ones to use.
11. Picture Frames: Explained: In the rectangle frame tool, you can also draw squares. Now to draw perfect square, you have to hold
down the Shift key. If you go back to the
rectangle frame tool, the one of the cross, you can also draw
circles and ellipses. To draw an ellipse, you go
like this to draw circle, you hold down the
Shift key, same thing. You can also press the arrows on your keyboards to
move it around. Now that we have three shapes, we're going to start
placing images in them. You can go Control D, which again is the
shortcut for File Place. I would like you to
select a few images, so maybe select
both Bey and Jay, Beyonce and Jay-Z
I love them and maybe the family image
here and press "Open". You'll see a Number 3, because that means that you have three images waiting
to be placed. Now, if you go and
click on a shape, you will place the image
inside that container and then you click on another
one and on another one. That's all great, but what you can do select all three containers by going to the selection tool and
press "Content Aware Fit", that's the one we want. Remember it looks like a
flower and it takes its time, so be patient, there we go. Now the exercise that
I want to give you is, let's start with this image
of the Beyonce and Jay-Z. I would like you to press
the content grabber "Click", and I would like you to
move the image around press the left arrow
on your keyboard. We're going to make just an image of
Beyonce because she's the queen and she deserves
all the attention. I want you to then press
"Control" or "Command Full Stop" and make the image bigger so we can
only see Beyonce. Now again, you can adjust it by pressing the downwards arrow, and then leftwards arrow. Now remember that once
you're done with this, you click "Off It",
you de-select. Now the Jay-Z one is
already done for us, we just need to adjust the image slightly so if you click on
the "Low Content Grabber", you can then press the arrow to the right and maybe
make him smaller, so Control comma this time. Problem with this is actually
if we make it too small, we will have little gaps
which we don't want. That's fine let's leave it
like that, click "Off It". Now, I would like you to have a passport image just
for the little baby. Let's click on the
"Content Grabber" and "Control" or "Command Full Stop" and make the baby bigger. He's growing up
that's about right, then you click "Off It", and that's how you resize
images in a container. Next, we'll move on to text, and then we'll do a
practice exercise where we practice text and
images all together.
12. Colour Frames: Best practice: If you haven't already done so, you can go to the
Selection tool and get rid of all the
items on your page, so click and drag a selection
area across all images, we'll select
everything and delete. Start with the shape tool, not the Type tool, not the Frame tool, which now looks like a circle because that was
the last option we selected. You can right-click and select the Rectangle Frame tool but we will choose the Rectangle
tool, the plane one. If you click and drag a shape, and you can draw another one, you hold down the Shift key and that will create a rectangle and you can draw another one. I just want to show
you how to distort and resize and actual frame rather than an image
inside of frame, and it's okay if you have color, that's totally fine if
your shape has colors. Let's go back to
the Selection tool. Always, once you've
drawn your shapes, you always go back to the
selection tool as a default. Let's add some
color to our shapes because if our shape
doesn't have color in, it's very hard to
select our shape, you actually have to click on the border or go like
this to select it, and this is what a
selected shape looks like. If you go back to the fill and
you add a bunch of colors, you select this one and
you select another color. I don't know why I'm going with a green palette,
but that's fine. There we go, so now we
have three colored shapes. If you select one of the shapes, you can click in the middle that will select
the whole shape. If you click on the
bounding boxes, the little white boxes, you can drag your shape down, you can drag it up, you can distort it, but what you can also do is use the arrows of your
keyboard to move it left, to move it to the right, and you can rotate your shape. Now if you hover
over the corner, you'll see a rounded
double arrow, that's the universal
Adobe icon for rotation. Now, if you hold down the
Shift key and you rotate it, you'd click and drag
it to the left, you'll rotate it at 45 degree
angle, which is sweet. Now, do you remember the
shortcut for re-sizing, for making it bigger and smaller whilst keeping
the proportion, that is Control full stop, for increasing the size and Control comma for
decreasing the size. I suggest you learn the shortcut because
it's very useful. Now another cool feature is the little yellow box
here that you see, click to edit corners. If you click, you'll see four yellow boxes and
one in each corner. I want you to click on a
yellow box and drag it towards the inside and
you'll slowly round corners, which is pretty nice. Now, I want you to select another shape and again click on the yellow box and now hold down the Shift key because this is for rounding
a single corner. The Shift key is
used very often. If you hold on the
Shift key and you drag the yellow box inwards, it will just round
a single corner. I have the habit of
just clicking off it. Now, I'll briefly explain to you the Options bar and the
Properties panel over here. Here you have the
reference points, and it should always
be in the center. You have the location, the width, and the height, so you can type in a
measurement that you need. You have another
way of scaling but that's a really long
way of doing it. You can press the upwards
keyboards or downwards, you can rotate it, you can flip it, and you can change
the color here. Can you see the color,
the little arrow? You can choose from
one of InDesign saved default colors, and later on we'll look at
how to apply our own colors. Now, can you see this bit? That's for the stroke. The stroke is a borders. If you go here, the one below, you can choose the
color of your border. It can be blue, it can be pink, and over here, 10pt, 7pt, you can increase or
decrease the border size. You also have some really decorative borders
but that's a bit more advanced or a bit
more silly, I guess. The final part of this
is the opacities. If you would like to make
a shape transparent, you have to decrease that.
13. Text Frames: All you need to know : As promised, we will look at the Type Tool now and then
finally our exercise. Go ahead and click
and drag around these shapes and delete, and you can go to the
Type Tool or the shortcut T. We'll start by
creating a text box. You can click and
drag depending on how you want your
textbox to look like. Again, you can start
typing whatever. But because I'm a
bit lazy right now, I will go to type and fill
with placeholder text, which is much easier. It's Lorem Ipsum, as
I mentioned before. We're only going to talk
about adjusting frames first, and then we'll talk
about text formatting. If you go to the selection tool, you can change the
layout of your text by clicking and dragging
the bounding box again. Your frame will start
to look different. You can also round
the corners if you click on the
yellow box again, and if you want to
round one corner, you can hold the Shift key. Now, to add a color
to our frame, we can go here, add a color, or we can go
to fill another color, it's the same thing. You can also double-click
on the fill, and you'll have the panel. Now, can you see
the little plus? The long red plus
means overset text. It means that your
frame is not big enough for your whole
texts to fit in. You're going to either have
to extend your text frame or you don't extend
it and you create an additional text frame
which is threaded. That means that the text will continue on into
another text frame. If you click on the red plus and make sure you
click on it properly, you can miss sometimes you'll
see a little play button. This means that you're ready
to go and you can click and drag and create
another text frame. Then you can click on
the red plus again and create another text frame. Remember those green guides, we can use them here so that
they're all the same size, even though the text is
not exactly aligned. Now, if we want to edit
the text inside the frame, we have to go to the Type Tool, we have to click, and we can press enter
maybe and you will see that it will push the
rest of the text down. It is indeed linked.
14. Text Formatting: Font size, caps, bold,..: Now I'm going to show you a little bit about
text formatting, which will be important for
our next exercise, which is, again, a combined exercise
of texts and images. Let's go to the Type Tool. If you go to the Type Tool, you'll see the options
bar will change because it will give you text
formatting options, and it's divided
in two sections. You've got your A, the icon is A for character formatting controls and paragraph
formatting controls. A lot of these options
are actually repeated. If you go to Character
Formatting Controls, this section here is repeated in paragraph
formatting control. We'll look at the
very important ones and then we'll apply them
again in an exercise. First of all, I want you to select what would
be the heading. Just so you know, you
have the same options here as well in the
Properties panel. We're going to start
with the fonts. This is where you can
change the font so you could make it Franklin
Gothic medium, whatever fonts
your computer has. Under Regular, this is
where you would have bold or italic or whatever, but you have to have that specific version
and download it. Now if you go to
this one font size, you can increase your font size or you can type in a number, or you can click on the arrow. Now you've got the Leading. The leading is the space
between the lines. If I were to
highlight these guys, which is the same paragraph, and I increase the leading, it will start to look a
bit like a magazine where the spacing between the lines of the same paragraph is increased. Then I can go back and
reset it too before. Now you have a few options here, like all caps, small caps, and you've got superscript, which is used for dates like, 2nd of June or water H2O. If you select nd, you can click on the
"Superscript" and we'll make the nd
smaller and at the top, and if you select
the number two, we need the subscript, which makes that
smaller and below. If you hover over all of these, you can have a look
in your own time. You have a underline
and strikethrough. Let's move on. All of these here
are for distorting your texts which you can
play with in your own time. I suggest you don't play
with them too much. You don't want it to
be distorted too much. This T is for changing
the color of your texts. You can either double-click
on an icon and you have that color picker with
a wider range of colors, or you can select from your existing default
colors or your swatches. English, UK. This is where you would choose your dictionary. Obviously, I'm in the UK, so I choose English UK. But if you're in the US, you can choose that option
if you're typing in French, whatever you have so many
languages available. Now we have the alignment. You can align your
heading to the center, to the right towards spine, and you can do that
with this as well. If I select this, I can align center, align right. It only applies to the selected. You have a few more options here which we won't cover as much. I'll just go through
the important ones, otherwise you'll be
very overwhelmed. But I would like
you to select one paragraph and press "Return". You divide your paragraphs
into separate paragraphs. You press "Return" and you
do it again and again. Now, if you press "Select All", if you go to "Edit", "Select All" or "Control A", it will select your whole text
and even the hidden texts, the one in the red plus,
the hidden content. We'd like you to go to "Space Before" and "Space
After" for some reason, it's not indicating right now, but this is Space Before
and this is Space After. I'm sure if you hover on
yours, it will do so. I would like you to
increase the numbers. What this does is
it nicely divides all your paragraphs with a
gap of four millimeters. Space Before and Space After are the same depending
on what you select. If I were to select this
paragraph and I want four millimeters
before, including this, then I would go Space
Before and 1, 2, 3 and I've just added
four millimeters before. Now, if I want to add four millimeters
after this paragraph, it's going to have four
millimeters added to this bit. After 1, 2, 3, 4. I would like you to
select the first line and click on the final
button there, the "A". By the way, if you
are using a laptop, your screen might look slightly different because your
screen is smaller. If you don't see
these options here, you might have a look
in paragraph instead. Now, you can increase the drop cap number of
lines. I really like this. If you increase
then, what it does is it makes the first
letter bigger, drop cap. This will be used in
our exercise as well. If you go to paragraph
formatting controls now, you have all the same options
that we have just used, which is green, with a few more. I'll just take you through
the hyphenation bit, which is pretty important. If we "Control A" again, select all our text and
we untick, Hyphenate. It will remove the words that
are split into a hyphen. Not the hyphen that
you've manually typed, but the hyphen that was
there just to try and fit the text in the frame. That's pretty much it for
text formatting for now.
15. How to import a Word Document : What I'll show you next
very briefly is how to place a Word document
in your InDesign. You can select
your three frames. Go to the selection
tool, and delete. Now what is the shortcut
for placing a document? It's Control D or
it's File Place. Lets you go to that same folder, InDesign Online Course and
you go to Text Documents. You can choose Text
Wrap, for instance, open it up, and click and drag. Now if you have something
that says missing font, don't worry about it for now because what we'll
do is we're going to download all the fonts necessary in a bit that
we'll need for this course. Let me just undo that
actually and re-explain. You'll see pending text. If you want to manually create a text frame like we did before, you can go click and drag, and you can choose how your
text will fit into the page. It can go over two columns. But let's undo that. Let's look at another
way we can do it. If you just click in
the top left corner, it will fill that single
column with your text, and if you undo, and you hover over
the top left corner, and you hold down the Shift key, you'll see a snaky
looking arrow. That means that
you're about to place your whole text documents
in all the columns. I would like you to
undo again, Control Z. Let's just place it
in the single column. Remember the red plus? I would like you to click on the red plus and then place
it in the next column, and click on the red plus, and place the remaining
texts in the next column. Click on the red plus, and on the next page, maybe go crazy create a
horizontal text frame. You can keep going. Have fun with your texts. That's how you place
a Word documents. Let me just show you how to download all the
fonts together now. If you go to Finder, and you go to wherever
your InDesign folder is, and you go to Fonts. If you go ahead and download all of these fonts individually, or you could try,
see if that works. Select all of these
simultaneously. There, it doesn't always work. If you can install
all these fonts, then you'll be ready to
go for all our exercises. Let me just close these. That's it. See you soon.
16. A Flyer: Setting up the Document : [MUSIC] Now we're going
to work on a flyer. But before we do so, we need to make
sure that we have all the fonts needed
for this exercise. We need to go to Finder
or File Explorer, go to our Desktop, go to wherever we saved our InDesign Online
Course folder, go to Fonts and make sure you download
all of these fonts. Now for this exercise, we'll be using Franklin
Gothic Medium Regular. You can double-click and
click on ''Install Font'', and then click on ''X,''
and now we can get started. Let's click on ''Open'' and in the InDesign
Online Course folder, you'll see Practice Documents. Now this is where all
our practice documents or InDesign files are. We'll start with the flyer. You can double-click on that
and then click on ''Open". We'll be recreating this
flyer on the right-hand side. Now first what we need
to do is go to Layers, and what I've done here is
I've created two layers. One with the original flyer, where I've locked all the items, and another one, the Copy Layer, which is a layer
we'll be working in. Now if you go to the
Keep Locked layer, I've purposely locked this so that we can't move it around, and you'll see a lock
icon, a padlock. Now next to the padlock
you'll see an eye. This is to display visibility
or to hide a layer. You can hide a layer or show it. Hide or show. Now, I want you to make
sure that we're on the Copy Layer for
this exercise, and I've color-coded it in red. Now we can click on
the double arrows here and close the layers panel. Let me zoom in a
little bit so that we can see our flyer a
little bit better, so control command plus. Great. What I like to use
here to make sure that all our graphics align on the
right-hand side is rulers. Excuse my accent. The R is a bit
hard to pronounce, rulers, and rulers can
be found over here. Now if you can't see rulers, I would like you to
enter the shortcut Control or Command R.
To hide the rulers, Control Command R to show them. Hide, show. Now you have the
same options here in the property panel under Rulers, so you can hide the
rulers, show them. Hide, show. What we'll start
doing is we'll go to the rulers over here
and we're going to gently left-click and drag
and hold it down and let go. We're going to do it again. Left-click hold and
drag and let go. As you can see, I'm creating
rulers everywhere where an object starts to define where I should place it
on the right-hand side. You can add some front
text as well and a couple of more and voila. Now that that's out of the way, what we're going to do is
start adding all the objects. What I like to start with
is the bottom layer. Now the bottom
layer on this file is the image of the
lady with the beanie. It's the layer that's
completely at the bottom. To create an image we have to go to the
rectangle frame tool, we click and we'll start
creating a rectangle frame that aligns up until that
line and then we let go. Now we're going to
place an image. We need to go to File, Place or Control Command D. If you go back to InDesign
Online Course folder, you can select the images
folder and you can find the lady with the beanie image here and click on ''Open.'' It looks a bit funny. That's because it's
really zoomed in. We're going to fix that by going to the frame
fitting option, the Content Aware Fit. That's great, but
it's not quite right. We're going to need to
manually adjust this. Now remember we're on the
rectangle frame tool, and as a default you always have to go back to the
Selection tool. This is the Content Grabber. We need to select
the Content Grabber to select the image
inside the frame. Now to move the image down, you can press a downward
arrow on your keyboard. That's about rights. Now you need to click off it. Click on the gray area
here to de-select it. Great. Now we're
going to move on to the restaurant's logo over here. What we'll do is go back to
the rectangle frame tool, and we're going to create a rectangle frame
on top of this. We're going to go click
and drag and align it. Now if you like you can zoom in so that you can
see a bit better. If I need to adjust my
frame a little bit, I can go back to the Selection
tool and I can click and drag on the border and make
it a tiny bit thinner. Great. Now we're going to move this rectangle
frame to this side. What we can do is
click and drag. Now can you see that
I go up and down, which is totally normal
because I'm human. Now if I wanted to go
straight to the right, I can hold down the Shift key and that will go
straight to the right. Perfect. Now let me zoom
out a little bit more. We're going to place an
image in this frame. We go to File, Place, and select the restaurant image. Either is fine. Now this is a vector. An EPS file or an SVG file or an Adobe Illustrator
file are all vectors, meaning their digital drawings and logos are often vectors. Now go to Open and place it in. Again, we go back to the frame fitting option,
Content Aware Fit. Again, we need to
manually adjust it. We already on the Selection
tool, so that's great. Now we click on the Content
Grabber button in the middle. This time we press the upward
arrow on our keyboard. Perfect. Now we click "Away."
17. A Flyer: What is Text Frame Option?: Now we're going to move
on to the text over here. What we'll start with is we're going to go to the
rectangle tool. We're going to
click and drag and create that rectangle
that aligns perfectly. Now, the reason it's the
correct color is because I've pre-saved this
swatch in my swatches. Now, where are swatches? There over here.
Now if you open it, you'll see the
restaurant teal color. You'll also see some other
colors that you can use, but we can go to the
restaurant teal color. The way to save a color is
to double-click on the fill. Pick a color, either visually or type or color in manually
with the color codes. You have CMYK and RGB codes. Now, CMYK is for printing, and RGB is for web. CMYK stands for: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. RGB stands for: red,
green, and blue. The combination of that
will create a color. Now when that's done, you can click on add
CMYK swatch and you'll have whichever color you had
it saved in your swatches. You can press Cancel, and go back to the
restaurant teal color. Great. Now we're going to create this little
triangle here. The way to do that, we need to go to
the rectangle tool, which we're still on
the rectangle tool. It's basically a
square that we rotate. Now, to create a perfect square, you have to hold
down the Shift key. Remember we're still on
the restaurant teal color, which means that our shape
will be in that color. I'm going to click and
drag and hold down the Shift key, and let go. Now to rotate this shape, I have to go back to
the selection tool, hover over the
corner and I'll see that rounded double arrow, which is the universal
Adobe icon for rotation. I'm going to hold the Shift
key and I'm going to drag it. Now I can move it
down and voila. Now, to deselect
it, you click away. Now you can close
the swatches panel, and we're going to start
adding text in a bit. We need to make sure that
we're on the type tool. What we'll do is we're going to create a single text frame. We're going to click and
drag across our rectangle. We'll be able to
adjust this later, and we can start
typing our text. Free artisanal coffee
with any meal. [NOISE] I'm really craving
a coffee right now. [NOISE] Purchase any one
course meal from restaurant. Very original name. Shoreditch and receive one
free artisanal coffee. Get your offer now. This will all be in
a single text frame. Now we're going to start
adjusting the text. We're going to do
the text formatting. I would like you to highlight free artisanal coffee
with any main meal. I would like you to go to a, the character formatting
controls at the top. I would like you to
make sure that the font is Franklin Gothic Medium. Now if it isn't just start typing or trying
to search for it. The font size should be 22. [NOISE] The leading, which is a space between
the lines, should be 24. Now, don't worry,
we are going to move this down later on. Now highlight, purchase any one course meal from
restaurant, blah blah blah. One free artisanal coffee. The font size needs to be 11, and the leading needs to be 14. Now highlight, get
your offer now. The font size needs to be nine, and the leading 14. Now, free artisanal coffee and any main meal needs to be
white, so you can highlight, get your offer now and go
to the fill of the fonts. This is the color of the text. Click on the arrow, and select paper,
which is also white, the color of the paper. Now if you highlight
free artisanal coffee with any main meal, again, go to the font
color, and select paper. Now, after coffee, you can press a return. We're going to start
adding spaces. We need to push some
of the texts down. We can do this with something
called text frame options, which is new, which we
haven't covered yet. To do this, you can either right-click and have
text frame options here, or you can go to object
text frame options. The shortcut is Control B. Now, the text frame options
refers to the text frame. It's the spacing
inside the frame, and make sure preview
is always ticked. Inset spacing is what we need. An inset spacing is the
space inside the frame. If I were to add some
spacing here to the top, and make sure the link
button isn't linked, this will add some
spacing and push the text down at 2 millimeters
here at the top. Now if I were to go to the
left and add 2 millimeters, this would push my text 2
millimeters to the right. It will add 2 millimeters
here on the left. Now you can press "Okay" because it's starting
to look good over here. The next thing we need
to do is push this down. What we can do is use
something called space after, which creates space
between our paragraphs. Space after is over here. I would like you
to click 1, 2, 3. There we go. Actually, now the text is done. All set. Congratulations.
18. A Flyer: What is the Pathfinder Tool?: Now we're going to
move on to something we haven't covered before, and it's called Pathfinder. We're going to use the
Pathfinder to create this exclusive banner.
Very exciting. What we start with is a rectangle and we need to make sure that
our color is selected. We go to swatches,
restaurant teal, and we're going to start
by clicking and dragging and create a rectangle, a long thin rectangle. Now we need to rotate it. So again, remember we need to go back to the selection tool. To rotate, we hover
over the corner and we click and drag. There we go. What I like to do is move my rectangle on top
of the original one and make sure it's lined
up so I can click and drag and make my
rectangle the same width, and I can still rotate
it further if I needed. Now, I'm going to move this to the right so we can hold
down the Shift key. We need to ensure that
our rectangle is long enough so that it covers the bits of the
image that we need. What we're going to do is add two rectangles that
cover the excess pieces, the pieces that we
want to get rid of. So we go to the rectangle tool, we click and drag and maybe
make this another color, maybe make this pink, I'm a big fan of pink, and then click and
drag and create another rectangle
that covers this bit, and then click on
the pink color. That's great. Now, we can close the swatches panel and go back to the
selection tool. What we'll do next
is we're going to lock the image of
the beanie lady, the coffee lady, so that
it's not in our way. To lock an image, you click on the image, you go to your layers, you expand that layer and you'll see that
image highlighted here. This means that that's the image that's
currently selected. We're going to click
on that layer, and we're going to
click here and lock it. This means that my image
over here is locked. Now we're going to select
these three shapes, and I'll explain
in a minute why. We need to ensure that we don't select the restaurant
image, so if you want, you can also select
the restaurant image, and lock that too. It's highlighted here
and click on Lock. Now the restaurant
image is locked and the beanie image is locked. Then we need to go and select these three shapes by
clicking and dragging, and maybe you can close the layers panel so
it's not in the way. What we'll learn now is the Pathfinder tool and what the Pathfinder tool
does is it takes multiple shapes and
it converts it into a single shape either by
combining, joining, subtracting. The Pathfinder is available in the Properties
panel over here. It only shows up when you have
multiple shapes selected. I'm going to show
you what not to do, start with the first option, which combines selected
objects into one shape, and I'm going to click on that and it's going
to join everything. Now we don't want this, so we're going to go to edit, undo or Command Z, and now we're going to select
the option that we do want. The second option subtracts. If we select that option, it will subtract and give
us the shape that we need. We're going to use
the Pathfinder again later in another exercise. For now let's move
on to the text, and let's go to the Type Tool. We're going to click
and drag and create a text frame on the pasteboard
here on the gray area, so it's not in the
way of anything else. We can start typing exclusive, and now we can select the
text and go to the character formatting controls at the
top and make it all caps, and maybe make the
font a bit bigger and make the font color white. Now, it's not exactly
the same size as the original, that's
absolutely fine. Now we go to the selection
tool and we're going to select this text frame and move it
and we're going to rotate it. So we're going to click
and drag and rotate it, and we're going to try to align our text frame
with the original. Then you can go to the Type Tool and
highlight your text, and we're going to
align it to the center. You have some align icons here, so you can align left, align center, align
right, justify. If you select this one, it will align it to the center, and to align it completely in the center
you can also go to the selection tool and you'll
have aligned center again. The previous one was
for horizontal center, this is for vertical. Here you have align top, align bottom, and align
center which is what we need. Click away and scroll
down a little bit, press ''W'' for print preview
and that is our flyer done. Congratulations.
19. A Magazine Article: Adding a Quote: [MUSIC] We're going to
create a magazine article, but before we do so, we need to ensure that we have all the fonts necessary
for this exercise. We need to go to Finder or File Explorer and go to the fonts folder inside the InDesign online
course folder. Now, the fonts needed
for this exercise is Tw Cen Regular and
Tw Cen MT Bold. If you can click on that and
click on "Install Font". You might as well do that for
all the fonts here so that your computer already has
it and you're good to go. Let's close this. Now let's go to Open, and let's open up
our Magazine Article in our practice documents inside the online
InDesign Course folder. You select "Magazine Article"
and you click on "Open". We are going to create these double-page spreads if
you scroll down over here, and we're going to start with the left-hand side page and then we'll do the
right-hand side page. Now, I've purposely locked all the objects
on this document, so we're going to have to
complete this document by adding our images
and texts ourselves. Let's start by adding
the big image over here. To place an image, we first need to go to
the rectangle frame tool, and then we can click and drag, and we need to make
sure that we align our rectangle to the red
line, to the bleed line. You can click and drag
and align it here. Now we're going to place an
image inside this frame. We're going to go to File, Place, or Control D, Command D, and we can go to the images folder inside the InDesign Online
Course folder. We need to select this image, which is very cool, it's a cotton plant image, and then we can click on "Open". Now it looks distorted, so we're going to fix
this issue by going to the Frame Fitting option,
the Content-Aware Fit. You can click on
that, and voila. Next, we're going to
move on to the text. We need to go to the type tool
and we're going to create a text frame that nicely fills this whole
margin, the pink box. That's going to
be our parameter. We're going to click and drag, and we can let go and we
can start typing our text. The shift in urban city, jobs, and industry. Now we can highlight this text and we'll start
formatting the text. We need to go to character
formatting controls or the A, and where you see Minion Pro or you might see another font, you need to type in Tw Cen MT, and you need to make it bold. Now for the font size, it needs to be 115 and lending needs to be 137. It also needs to be in all caps. After N, we need to
place another return in, and there we go. Now, this text
needs to be yellow. Just make sure you
highlight your text again, and now you go to the
fill of the font, and you click on the arrow, and you select yellow, and you need to click off it
in order to see the color. Great. Now we're going to add a little yellow
rectangle over here. We need to go to the rectangle
tool and we need to make sure that the fill
is yellow and, make sure that you
deselect the text. You need to undo, Control Z or Command Z, or Edit Undo, and we need to go back to the selection tool and click away to make sure
it's de-selected, and now we can go back
to the rectangle tool. Again, we need to go to the
fill, make this yellow, and make sure that
there is no border, select "None", and now we can start dragging
and drawing our rectangle. If we click and
drag and align it to the start of the A in urban, that should be about rights. Then we can go to
the selection tool, drag it a bit down, or you can use the arrows on your keyboard to
move it up or down. That is the left-hand
side page completed.
20. A Magazine Article: Using Drop Caps: Now, over to the
right-hand side page. Can you see those black
rectangles over here? These will be the
parameters for our text. Luckily, I've saved
and pre-prepped a Word document
that we're going to place in to have all our text. We're going to go to File
Place and if we could go to Text Documents and select
Economics and go to open. I'm just going to zoom
in a little bit more. I'm going to place my
text frame around here. Click and Drag and Place. Now we're going to
format the text. We're going to go
to the Type tool. We're going to click on our
text and we're going to select all Control or Command A. Now, this will
select all the text, even the hidden text
in the overset text. That means that we only have to adjust our text this once. Now we have to go to
the text formatting. The character formatting
Controls A and where Minion Pro is or
whichever texts you have. You have to select TW Cen MT and you have to go
to the font size. Now the font size is
not a rounded number, which is totally fine. You highlight the font
size and you type 9.33. Now you go to the ledding
and this needs to be 9.9. Now we're going to do
something called tracking. What it does is it
reduces the amount of space between each
specific letter. It creates more space. We're going to need that space
to fill our whole text in. I would like you to go to tracking and click
on "Minus 10". Now we're going to need to add some space after each paragraph. To do this, we need
to go to space after and I would like
you to add Number 3. Now that that's done, we're going to adjust
individual headings. We're going to start with
inter social activity. I would like you to make
that space after one. Now we need to make this bold. We go back to character
formatting controls here and we choose bold. Now we do the same for the
major shift in cities. We highlight the major
shift in cities. We make the space after one. Then we make this bold. Now we're going to scroll down
for a minute to this page, and I'm going to talk
about this big letter A. I'm going to zoom
in a little bit more. This is called a drop caps
number of lines and currently it's drop kept over five
lines because it's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 lines. We're going to do the same
thing but on our page. I would like you to highlight A and I would like you to go to drop caps and enter five. Now if I zoom in, you will see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 lines, so all done.
21. A Magazine Article: Using Text Wrap: Now let's scroll back to
our completed templates. What we'll do now is we're going to create this text over here. We'll start by going
to the Selection tool. We're going to click and drag on the rulers so that we have parameters for our
text over here. Make sure you click on your
page first before doing so. Then we're going
to go to the ruler and we're going to
click and drag. Make sure you're on the
gray area, the pasteboard. Then we're going to click
and drag another one. Great. Now we're going
to go to the Type Tool. We can start creating our frame. Now to apply the text, if you're a tiny bit
lazy or short on time, you can scroll up and you'll see the content
of the quotes over here. You can highlight that. You can go Edit, Copy or Control C. You
can scroll back down. Now you can paste it. Edit, Paste. There we go. Now we're going to start
formatting the text. I would like you to highlight the whole text and go again to character formatting
control, TW Cen MT. Make the font size 22, and make the lending 21. Now we're going to need
to make these all caps. The final thing is we need
to remove the space after. That's going to be a
little bit better. I forgot one thing we
need to make this board, so we go to regular and we
select "Bold". There we go. Now let's go to the
Selection tool. We're going to make sure
that our text frame is the same size as
the original one. We're going to
click and drag it. We're going to adjust
our text frame. Now if the texts disappears, that is totally normal
because it has a text wrap, which I will show you
in a bit how to apply. Now you can click and
drag it away again. Obviously we need to
center our texts. This text is more in the center. We need to go here to the top. You have a few options. You have Align center, Align top, Align bottom. We need to select
'Align center". Great. Now that that's done, we're going to move our
quotes to our working page. Let's go Edit, Cut, scroll up to your page, and Edit, Paste. Now I've purposely
placed those routers here because those will be
our parameters for a quote. If you can click and drag
and align it accordingly. Now can you see that the text
overlaps with each other? What we need to do is apply
something called a text wrap, which will make this
piece of texts the body a line or wrap
around this quote. Let's go to text wrap. Currently we're on the
note text wrap option. If we can select
the second option, wraparound bounding box. That's starting to look good. Now if you move your
text frame around, you will see that the text moves along with it accordingly. You can try and make it a line. What you can also
do is click here in the hidden character,
there's a return. We can make that space
after tiny bit shorter. You will see inter social
activity will come up. We'll have more space than we go to the
Selection tool again. We move our text frame. That's our exercise completed. So to have a final
look, you press "W". Congratulations on
completing this.
22. A Magazine Article: Edit a Template: Now what you can do with this
existing file is you can actually use it as a template
and change the colors, the images, the text, and keep it for the future. So that's what we'll do now. What's very important
is that we go to Layers and we unlock all the layers because I've purposely
locked them, but we need to unlock them now so we're able to edit them. I would like you
to make sure that the background layer is
expanded and that means that the arrow faces downwards
and that you click on that lock icon so that
there are no locked icons. Now, if there are a couple
of locked icons here, just make sure you click on
them and you get rid of them. We'll start with the image. Now the way to replace an
image is to select it, so you can click on it and make sure you're
on the Selection tool, and you go to File, Place, or Control D and you
select this image. Make sure that you select
the Images folder, press "Open" and
that's another image. If you want, you can
also use a frame fitting option,
content-aware fit. Or if you would like to manually resize the image
or move it around, adjusted, you need to select
the Content Grabber button. Now, it is a bit more
difficult to select it because there is a piece of text in front of it so InDesign is going to be a bit confused to what
you want to select. Another way to select the
content inside the frame is to double-click on the image
and that will highlight it. So if you make sure
you don't select the text but rather you select it from here,
you double-click, and you'll start to see that
orangey brownie border, so that means that the content is selected and then you can press the Downward
key on our keyboard. If you hold down the Shift
simultaneously, the Shift key, it goes just a little bit
faster, not too high, just make sure that it covers the whole
frame, so that's done. Now for the yellow background,
so if you select it, you can see that it
has a yellow fill, we can make this paper a white. Now for the rectangles, so I would like you to click, hold down the Shift key and
click on the other one, that's how you select
multiple objects. Now, our rectangles over here are actually not rectangles, they're borders rather than rectangles so instead
of changing the fill, we change the stroke this time. It's just another way of
creating the same object. We select yellow and
we click away and that's just a different
version of the same exercise. You can have fun with it, you can bring in your own images and see what you want to do. That is it for this
exercise today. Congratulations, and let's move on to
something else. Well done.
23. What is Gridify? : [MUSIC] Now, we're
going to learn how to create something called Gridify, which essentially is just a
grid made out of squares, rectangles, circles,
whatever your choice is. We'll start by creating
a new document. Click on ''Create New'',
and let's go to Print A4, make it landscape, maybe add three pages, make the columns three. The column gutter five, it's nice to round it up. If you wanted to add Bleed, it's always three millimeter
as industry standard. Even though we don't
really need the Bleed this time, it's good practice. Now click on
''Create'' and there, if you scroll down, you have your three-column
landscape page. To create a grid, we need to go to the
Rectangle Frame Tool. Now, currently my
Rectangle Frame Tool looks like a polygon,
which is fine. If you right-click on that and select the
Rectangle Frame Tool. Now, we're going to
create a rectangle and drag it across the
three columns, but we don't let
go of our mouse. Instead, with our other hand, we press The Right key on
our keyboard twice: one, two, and then we press the Upwards key on our
keyboard twice: one, two. Now we can add even more grids and rectangles if you wanted to, but let's just keep it to nine
grids for now and let go. I mean nine rectangles. Now we're going to start placing some images in these rectangles. Let's go to the Selection tool. We can go File, Place, or Control D or Command D
and we can go to our images, and we can start
selecting five images, so these five images, and click on ''Open'' and
you will see a number five. That means that there
are five images waiting to be placed. Just click on our frame, click on the top right frame, click on the center frame, the left bottom corner
frame, and the right. Now, if you miss accidentally, if you go like this
and it goes a bit nuts, that's absolutely fine. You just have to undo, Control Z, and you can just
place the image in again. Great. Now we're going to adjust the fitting
of these images. So we can either do them
individually by clicking on one and then clicking on the
Content - Aware fit icon, or we can select
all the frames that have images in and then
do them all at once. What you can do is
click on an image, hold down the Shift
key the whole time, and click on the other images and this will select
all these images. Now click on the
''Content-Aware Fit tool'' and voila, awesome. Now let's place some texts
in our frame, in our grids. Let's go to File, Place, Control D or Command D. This time we can
select Text Documents, we can select Economics, open and you can
click in this frame. See the red plus here. That means that there's more
text waiting to be placed. It's hidden, it's overset text, but there's not enough space in this frame to place
the remaining text. What we do is we
click on the red plus and we place the remaining
text in another frame. Now, these two frames
are currently linked. This frame is a
continuation of this one. They're threaded. Click on the red plus again
and add it in the next frame, click on the red plus again, and add it in the next frame. Obviously, you can
personally change the order and decide for
yourself where everything goes. Let's Scroll down to the next
page and I'm going to show you how to create a
grid with circles. I would like you to go to the Rectangle Frame
Tool and select the Ellipse Frame Tool
and please create a circle across the
whole three columns, but don't let go of your mouse. Now with the Right key on
your keyboard, press 1, 2, 3 and with the top key on
your keyboard press 1, 2, 3. Perfect. There you can
place images and texts. Now let's scroll over to the
next page and I'll show you how to create a frame
with a polygon. Let's go to the
polygon frame tool. Now, double-click on the
''Polygon Frame Tool'' and actually make the
star inset zero for now, and maybe add number of sides
six and press ''Okay''. Now, click and drag across
your page and press the Right key a few
times, the top key. Now you've got a
funny polygon grids, but just press ''Delete'' now and it will get
rid of your grid. Let's do the same now, but let's do it with
stars. Way more fun. Let's double-click on
the ''Polygon Frame Tool'' and make
the numbers sides five and the star inset 50
percent and press ''Okay''. Now, click and drag across
the whole page and add a few. If you hold down the Shift key, the stars will be a
bit more perfect. Now you've got a
grid with stars, which means that you can place images and texts in those stars.
24. A Magazine Ad: Creating a Grid: [MUSIC] Let's open up this file. Click on Open, and go to your practice documents and
select Magazine ads INDD. Before we start, we need
to make sure that we have all the fonts that we
need for this exercise. Now the font used here
is called Myriad Pro. I would like you to go to Finder or File Explorer
if you're on a PC, go to the Indesign online course or wherever you've saved it. Find Myriad Pro there it is. Double-click and click
on Install Fonts. I've already got the fonts, so no need for me. Now, your Indesign should have that font so you can close
that and go over here. What we'll do in
this exercise is we're going to
recreate each page, but on the right-hand page. We need to make sure
that everything here is aligned over there. What we'll start with is
the grid for Griddify. If we can go to the
rectangle tool, we need to make sure that
our rectangle or our grid will align to the red
line or the bleak line. If you press W, you'll see
that this will be trimmed. This is for printing purposes. We do this to ensure
that our graphics line up to the edge of the page. The printers will
then crop this piece, the three millimeters, with something
called a guillotine. Let's click and drag
a rectangle and drag it across until it
lines up with the red line. Press the right key
on our keyboard 1, 2 twice, and press the upward key on our
keyboard twice 1, 2. Now, at a glance, this might look great. But if you zoom in, you will see that
the space between the grid is actually too wide. Now this space over here
is called the gutter. What we need to do first
is define what our gutter is and then change it and then create a
grid with that setting. Now I'll give you
a little present. The gutter is actually
two millimeters. Let's go to the selection tool
and get rid of that grid. I would like you to click on the right-hand side
page because that's the page where we need
to change the gutter of. Then we can go to Layout,
Margins and Columns. You'll see gutter
and it's grayed out. What we do is we click
in it and we type two, and we click on Okay, so that is our gutter sets. Now if we could go to the
rectangle frame tool, if we could click and
drag again across our page and press the
right key twice 1, 2, and press the up key twice 1, 2 and make sure that this whole time you don't let
go of your mouse. You only let go when you're
happy with how it looks.
25. A Magazine Ad: Placing Images in Grid: Let's start placing
images in the rectangles. File place or Control D, command D, and go to Images. Select this one, Angela Bailey, and then select Paige Muller. If you hold down the shift key, you can select all
the images you need. Hold down shift and
click on this image, hold down shift and
click on this one, and the final image is
the sandals over here, oh and the logo. Let's click on open. Now we have six
images waiting to be placed and you'll
see a little six. We'll just start by clicking on the frames where we
need to place them. You'll see the next one is the clothes image
with the red beanie. You click here. The next one is a sandals, you click here. Next one is another picture
of clothes, click there, the lady, the other lady, and that's it for images. Let's select all these images
and use the fitting option. Hold down the shift
key and click, hold down the shift key, click, click, and then click on
the Content-Aware fit. I think I forgot the
sandals first of all. If you did as well, just click
on that image and click on the Content-Aware
Fit. Few changes. First of all, this image needs
to be moved to the left. We need to click on
the Content Grabber. Make sure you're on
the Selection tool. Click on the button
in the middle, press the left arrow
and there we go. As for this image, it needs to be a
little bit smaller. What we can do is click
on the Content Grabber, and my shortcut for keeping the same proportions but making it smaller is Control
or Command comma. We need to make this a little bit smaller and then you can move it up a bit high. There's always a lot of
adjustments to be done clearly. Now let's click on
the Content Grabber in the center image. Let's make it smaller. In this case, it is okay if the image is much
smaller than a container. That's absolutely fine because that's what we need to do here. Click away. That is
not too bad already. If you want to make
it exactly the same, you can left-click and drag
over the rulers over here. Left-click and drag. Make sure you don't just
drag it on the page, but on the pasteboard
or the gray area for a continuous guides. Now let's click and drag again, drag it down over here. I guess that's not too bad, it just needs to
be bigger again. Click on the Content-Grabber again and Command or
Control full stop. Making it a bit
bigger. There we go. Clothes are cool. Now click away, click off it.
26. A Magazine Ad: How to use Gradients: Now we're going to
add the gradients. We're going to select the shape, the top-left rectangle and
first of all we need to make sure that it's not
the stroke that's selected, but the fill. Because we want to add a
gradient on the inside, we need to fill
the rectangle with a gradient rather than
have a border or a stroke. Let's go to the
Gradient Swatch tool or the shortcut is G, and we're just going to click in this shape and that
will create a gradient. Now to create this
type of gradient, you just need to change the direction of the gradient you need to play around with it. What you need to do
is start around here, just below the center, and click and drag your
mouse click and drag it below and that will create
this subtle gradients. Basically the gradient
starts here and ends where you stop
dragging it to. Again, if you were to add
a gradient to the top, you would start in the center
and drag it to the top. So the area in the
direction where you drag it to determines how the
gradient looks like. If you want to do this
again, you start here, where this starts over here, and you drag it down. You can still adjust
it a little bit and that's our gradient done
for the first rectangle. Now for the right
rectangle, the top right, before we'd go ahead and
just play with a gradient, we need to go back to
the selection tool, very important and select this rectangle and then go
to the Gradient Swatch tool, or G, the shortcut. Then we repeat what
we did before, we click and drag
towards the bottom and there we go and now
for this rectangle, again, we go to the
selection tool, we go to the
Gradient Swatch tool and this time it's reversed, it's in another direction. We can start around
here where this would start and drag it up and oops see the mistake
I made there is I forgot to select this
rectangle first, so in design still thinks
that I'm working on that one. No worries I can always undo or Control Z or Command
Z or edit undo. Let's fix this, let's go to the selection tool, select this shape first, and then go to the Gradient Swatch tool
or G and then again, align it to over here and click and drag
it towards the top. It looks a bit darker, if you want to make
it a bit lighter, you can click and drag a bit
higher and this will make your gradient just
that much lighter. Now we're going to add
another gradient it's a special one it's a
gradient for images, and it's called the
Gradient Feather Tool because it makes
it look a bit feathery, like white feathers and that's what we'll
do to this image. But first, again, we go to the selection tool we
select this image, we go to the gradient
feather tool, and we do the same thing, click from here from the
hand and drag downwards. If you want it to be less light than a
very short distance, you will click and drag, and click and drag it's
very hard to get it exactly the same but if
you play around with it, essentially, you will get there.
27. A Magazine Ad: How to format Text: Let's move on now to texts. Let's go to the Selection tool. There are a few ways
to create text frames. We'll work with the
easiest way if you like. Let's go to the Type
tool and let's click and drag gently a frame across. That's when we need
to start typing, shop these exclusive
items online now. You can never have
too many clothes. Now, let's start adjusting this font so you can
see there's a red plus. We need to highlight
the whole text, including the missing
text over here. The way to do that is
Control or Command A, which is a shortcut
for Select All. Remember that I told you
that the font is Myriad Pro? We go over here in the
character formatting control. We start typing Myriad Pro. There we go. My font
is a little bit big so we can make it smaller. Around 10, that works. The gap might be a
bit bigger over here. That's called a leading, the space between the lines. It's over here leading, so we need to adjust
it, maybe one. Sweet, then go to the Selection tool and
we can move the frame down by just pressing the
downward key on our keyboard. Now if you want to
make sure these align, I always use guides. I click and drag from my rulers. I click and drag again. Sometimes when you don't
let go, you can't see one. Click and drag it again. We can move this. Now, an obvious
point over here is that I forgot to make it
white, which is fine. You need to go back to the Type tool and
highlight your text. In the fill of the
text, you select paper. That's our text for here. Now let's do the same with
the website over here. You can click and drag and you can start typing Again, Control or Command A. Instead of having to readjust everything
that we've just done, what we can do to make things go faster is go to the
eyedropper tool, which looks like the
pipette of an eye dropper. The drops that you put in your
eye or your shortcut is I. Then you click on
the other text. You can't really see it
because it's highlighted. But let me zoom in. If I were to select, go to the Selection
tool and click off it. There it is, the font
is already better. I just need to extend my text frame with the
Selection tool adjusted. Now if you want to make sure that this text is
really in the center, what you could do is
align it with the frame, so not the bleed, but with the edge of the page. Don't look at the red line, but rather the frame. Yet over here. What we could do is double-click so that we're in the text
formatting controls. Select Align Center. This will align it to the center and then highlight this
piece of text with the Type tool and select
Align Center, or this icon. Now it's aligned to the center. We're going to do the same
for the final piece of text before we
move on to Page 2. We go back to the Type tool. We click and drag. What we
could do is start by making our text frame the same
size as our gradient frame. Again, forget about the bleed. You line it up to the
black line over here, not the red line. If you line it up
to the red line and you made a mistake,
don't worry about it. We're all learning here. Start typing clothes,
dash are cool and 412414 Random Street, London. SW11ZN United Kingdom , +61229-221-9370. Honestly, if you made a
typo, don't worry about it. This is just dummy
text obviously. Anyway, select the whole
piece of text and then go to the eyedropper tool and click
on any of these frames. That was done automatically. Let's have a look and see
how it looks like with W. Not too bad. It just needs to move
down a little bit. That is our first page done.
28. A Magazine Ad: Mastering Pathfinder: Let's move across
to the next page, so scroll down and press W because we will
need the guides. We'll start like
before with the image. We go to the
rectangle frame tool. We click and drag and make
sure we align to the red line, the blue line, and drag it
to the bottom right corner. Now we go File,
Place, or Control, or Command D and select
our image. Press "Open". We go to the frame
fitting option. We'll need to adjust
this image again. We go to the selection tool. We click on the
"Content Grabber", and we press the left
arrow on our keyboard. We can even hold the Shift
arrow whilst we do it. It goes a little bit
faster and there we go. Now click off it, click on the pasteboard
or the gray area. It's de-selected. Let's
move on to the logo. We go to the rectangle
frame tool again. What we'll do to make sure it's exactly the same size is we'll draw a rectangle on top
of the existing logo. Then we go to the selection tool and we hold down the
Shift key whilst we drag our logo to the
right-hand side page. Now, let's go to File, Place, or Control Command D.
Select "Clothes Are Cool". Select the "Content Aware" fit. Now it's still not
exactly the same. We're going to need to
manually adjust it. If we go to the Content Grabber
and make sure you're on the selection tool and we go
Command or Control comma, we make sure we can see
everything that we need to see. We can move it around
with the arrows on our keyboards and adjust it. Now to double-check that it's
a line the way we wanted, we can go and use guides. Then we can click on another
guide and drag it down. Actually our image
is maybe a tiny bit too big so we can click on the "Content
Grabber" again. Move it down. There we go. Click away. Now, I think it looks
pretty good with the transparent background but if you wanted to add
a white background, you would select this
image or the logo. Go to the Fill, make
this paper. There we go. This works with images that have transparent
backgrounds like PNGs or Adobe Illustrator files
or Photoshop or Vector EPS. Now we're going to
move on to this shape. What we'll start
with is the circle, we'll go to the rectangle tool and select the ellipse tool. Now we'll try and
line up the center of the circle approximately. Very hard to do exactly. I want you to start
clicking and dragging. Now shift if you hold Shift, this is the shortcut for keeping the shape a
circle or a square, if you had a rectangle. If you want to draw from the
center though, that's Alt. Alt allows you to draw from the center and Shift
allows you to draw circle. If you hold down
both simultaneously, you'll be able to draw circle. Now, obviously my
circle is misaligned. It's not exactly the same
size and you can let go just like me. That's okay. We can go back to
the selection tool and move this circle around. If you need to
adjust it by going control full stop
to make it bigger, or Control comma to
make it smaller, please do so and click off it. Now we're going to learn how
to create this cool shape, not this one, but this one, the one that's a bit cropped. What we need to start with
is go to the rectangle tool. We're going to create
a rectangle that aligns the piece that
we want to get rid of. Switch should cover
the whole piece that we want to get rid of and be aligned to the
red lines around here. Let's give it another color, maybe make it pink. Like I said before, I love pink. Now we'll need to go to the selection tool and
select both shapes. We click on the pink one first, and then we hold the Shift
key and click on the circle. You'll see where they overlap. Now if you move on to
the properties panel, this is where you have
quick actions and things that are available like
the frame fitting option. Like the Content Aware fit that we've been using
for fitting images. But you also have options
like the Pathfinder. Now, the Pathfinder is a
tool that allows you to take multiple shapes and convert
them into a single shape. You have the option to
join shapes or subtract. If you were to join the shape, the first one combined, it would take those two shapes and literally make
a single shape from the contour but we don't want that so undo
please, if you click on that. Instead, makes sure that
you still have two shapes and then click on "Subtract". That's our shape that we
want. That's awesome. Now let's move it to the
right-hand side page by clicking and dragging and
holding down the Shift key. Awesome. Now, this color that you see over
here is not a gradient, but instead it's a transparency. It's a white shape with
a reduced opacity. If you go to the fill
and you make this paper, and then if you can
see 100 percent, you can click on that
arrow and reduce the opacity. There we go.
29. A Magazine Ad: Using Superscript: Now we're going to do the text, the final part of the exercise. We go to the type tool to do so. Now I can't do it on top of the existing texts frame
like we did before, because InDesign is
going to think that you're trying to edit
the existing text frame. Instead, we're going to
use guides this time. We go to the ruler, we left-click and drag. We go to the ruler again
and we left-click and drag. Now we can create our rectangle. We'll start typing the text in. Sale 20th September, 15th of November in store. We'll start by highlighting
the whole text by clicking and dragging
or control command A. We'll move on to the character formatting
controls over here A. Go to where Minion Pro is
and type in M-Y Myriad Pro. I would like you to
highlight sale and go to the font size over here, T. Highlights 12 pt or
whatever number it says on yours and press the upward
arrow on your keyboard. It's my little trick
that I'm giving you now. It goes just a little
bit faster, 122.46. A random number there,
but that's fine. Now for the next piece
of text, that's 22, so we highlight this
piece and we type in 22. Now for in-store, that's 45.53. At least we got the
font-size rights. Now let's go to the
selection tool and add more rulers so it's easier to make sure that we've
aligned our text. Click and drag the
guide down to here, click and drag the
guide down to here, and click drag another
guide down to there. Just make sure
that you've zoomed in and zoomed out
enough so that you can see the gray pasteboard and that you drag your
guides to the gray area of the pasteboard
and not just to that page in order to
have a continuous line. Now another thing
that we need to do is align it to the center. Let's double-click or
go to the type tool. Select our content or texts
and align it to the center. Now, let's start playing
with our space after. I want you to select and
click after the e of sale and go to the space after. You go 1, 2, 3 and you keep pressing until it's where
you want it to be. Then you click after
v for November, and you do the same thing. You go to the space
after I click 1, 2, 3 maybe 4. That looks great. Also we need to make
these little letters smaller using superscript. It usually says superscript. Then highlight
these two letters. Click on "Superscripts", and there we go. That is our exercise. Press W to have a little look. That is our full
magazine adverts. Congratulations for completing
this exercise. You rock.
30. A Brochure: Using Margins & Columns: [MUSIC] Let's open
the PDF version of the brochure so we
can have a closer look. I would like you to go to
Finder if you're on a Mac or File Explorer
if you're on a PC. I would like you to
go to wherever you've saved the indesign
online course folder, go to files, and open up the
brochure plant's PDF. Great. What we'll do
is we'll be using this side-by-side along
with our indesign file that we'll be creating. Now you don't have to do this. You can just follow my lead
and I will be telling you what exactly we need to do to create this gorgeous document. If you do want to create
this file on your own, eventually or straight away, you can use this
final page which has all the information
and guidelines needed for creating
this document. Things like the font
needed in the header, the font for the body copy, the main color that we'll be using for the headers,
and that's it. So we're going to create a
document together at first, and it's a five-page document if we want to include this page, otherwise, it's a
four-page document. I will give you a few guides, a few rulers, a few margins
that we'll be working with. Let's go ahead and do this and get back to
the PDF in a bit. Let's go to Create New, and I would like you to go to Print A4 and select Landscape. Now as for the pages, let's make it five. Press the upwards arrow
on your keyboard 3, 4, 5, untick facing pages. This is very important
because it's a non facing page document. Now the columns will be
six and the gutter five. Now, for the margins, pay attention that this is on
and this is the link icon. This means that it makes
all settings the same, so all of these will be
changed accordingly. If I were to type 30, they would all be 30. If I were to type
20 in one of them, there'll be 20 in each corner. Now, I would like you to
make sure it says 20 all over and then untick
the link button. This is unlinked,
the chain is broken. I would like you to type
30 just for the top. So you need to have 30 for the
top and 20 for the bottom, 20 for the left, 20 for the right. As always, we're going to make our bleed three millimeters. Now, you click on Create. Now, this is our document and it's meant to have six
columns on every page. But it doesn't, which is
absolutely fine because we're going to fix this
in our master page, so no need to worry. Let's go straight ahead
to our master pages. So you can either
go by clicking on the Pages panel and
double-clicking on A-Master, or you can go via the page
navigation here at the bottom. Now to make sure that our A-Master is applied
to all our pages, what I like to do is I like
to click on "my A-Master" and drag it onto
every single page. I do this just to avoid any bugging and to make
sure that everything we put on our A-Master will be applied to the rest
of the document. Now, let's have a
look at the PDF. If I go back to Finder
Brochure Plants, we're going to watch out
for all the elements that we can see on every page. This header, the texts, obviously the content
will need to be changed, the logo, the page number, and this little leaf. These are the items that
we'll add on our page. But first, I'll give
you a few rulers and guides to make sure that we know exactly where they
need to be placed. I'm going to minimize this, minimize that, and
click on "Our Page". Now what I would
like you to do is make sure that you're
on the Selection Tool, and I want you to click
on the ruler over here, left-click and hold
and drag it down. Now, at the top in
the properties panel, you'll see a number, y and the number. Now, that's the measurement
for this guides, and I would like
you to type in 63. Great. Now I would like you
to create a second guides, left-click and drag it down, and this time, can
you type in 68? Great. So this is actually our
parameters for our header. That tili box will appear across three columns and our
texts will be here. Basically the gutter
or the gaps in-between our columns is the gaps between the text
and the graphics, so they're older as parameters. Perfect. I'm just going to make our pages a little bit
thinner so you can click and drag just so that
we have a better view.
31. A Brochure: What are Master/Parent Pages?: I would like you to go to the rectangle tool and we'll
start creating a rectangle. Click and drag across
the three columns. Let's add the colors. Let's go to fill double-click. I would like you to
add the CMYK code, which will give us the color. So 37, 21, and 2. That should give us the
color that we need. Great. Let's go to the rectangle frame tool
and start creating a frame. We can adjust the
frame later and file place or control D. Now, if you go to "Images", there should be a folder
called Plants Explained, which is the brochure
that will be creating. All the files that we
need will be here. I need you to select
the botanicals logo. Press "Open" and we can fit
it with a fitting option. Right-click fitting,
content aware fit. Or again, the contents
are worth it. Now, we're going to
need to adjust it. I would like you go back to the selection tool and click
on the "Content Grabber." We need to move the
content so that it goes down inside the frame. So press the downward
key on our keyboard. I think it needs to
be a lot smaller. Let's go and press control or command comma to make
it a bit smaller. We need to make sure that we see basically the whole
part of the logo, except the lower
part. There we go. Now, to give you
a little overview of what we're actually
doing right now, let's go to pages. In the thumbnail you'll see that everything that we've just added has been applied
to every single page, which is what we want
to create consistency. Let me just have a look
and see if it's accurate. I'm going to double-click on
Page 1 in the thumbnails. I'm just going to scroll
down and you'll see that these items are on every
page, just like we need. Anyway, now let's go
back to the A-Master. It's important that you look
at the bottom-left corner. What page you're on always. A very common mistake is people add all the
items to what they think is the master page when in reality is just
a random page, which means that it will not work and then they
have to do more work. It's very important
and it's as simple as just looking at
what it says here. Now let's have a look again at our brochure plants
and what else? Maybe we can start
adding the page number. Let's draw the little
text frame first. We're going to go to
the rectangle tool. We need to make sure it's in the bottom corner and maybe
hold down the Shift key. So it's a square. Let's make it black. If we go to the fill at
the top and we select, "Black", there we go. I'm going to zoom in
command or control plus and maybe I'll go
to the selection tool. Click "Control Plus." I'm going to hold down
the spacebar so I can move my image around
and there it is. That's a bit too zoomed in. So command or control minus. Now to round the left corner, what we need to do is
click on our shape and click on the yellow
box to edit corners. You'll see a yellow box
now in each corner. I need you to
left-click and drag it. You'll see they'll all round. Let's undo now control Z. If you hold down the
Shift key and drag it in, you can round a single corner
rather than all of them. Now for the page number, let's go to the type tool. Let's create a textbox
that is the same size. If you click and drag and see
those green double arrows, that means that
we've just created a frame that's equal
widths and heights. They're called smart
guides. Now, let go. We need to add the
page number now. That's the formula. To create the formula, we have to go to type, insert special character, markers, and current
page number. The reason it says
A is because we're currently on a page
called the A master. This is Number A. It's also a formula. If this formula is set, you'll see that all your
other pages are numbered. It will say A, but we can't really
see it because it's black and the frame
is black too. Let's highlight our A, go to the fill of the texts
and make this paper white. That's a little bit better. But what we need
to do now is move this piece of text
in the center. We highlight the text and we
align it horizontal center. Click, so that's a start, but we're not there yet. Now to align vertical center, we just need to go to
the selection tool. We'll have a similar
looking icon over here, align center. There we go. We've got our page number. What we'll do next as well is
we're going to start adding the information
from the text over here into our master
page as well. Then we'll edit the
contents later.
32. A Brochure: Master Pages & Page Numbers: Before we add the text though, I just want to make
sure that you have downloaded the fonts
needed for this file. If you go to your Finder or File Explorer and
you go to Desktop, InDesign online
course and fonts. The ones you'll need
are DIN Alternate Bold. If you double-click and
then click on Install. I don't have that option
because I already have it and Calibri. Those are the two fonts
that we'll be using. Calibri double-click
and install fonts. Now that that's out of the way, let's start adding
our text over here. Let's go to the type tool. There are a few ways to
add a text over here. Click and drag and create another frame
an additional one. You'll have two frames
on top of each other. One will be for the text
and one for the color. I'll show you another trick. Actually makes sure that your
shape is selected first. Selection tool shapes selected. If you go to the type
tool and instead, you just click on
this rectangle, you've just converted this
rectangle into a text frame. Let me zoom in a bit. It's much easier
because later on we're going to need to
move elements around, and this box actually, this text frame is going to
be needed to move around. It's important that
we only have one. It will be much easier. Let's start typing. I would like you to
type the cactus. This is the text
for the first page, which will change eventually
for the other pages. Then genre, or in French, genre. The type that scares
unwanted guests. Location and Now that we have the content, let's start formatting it and make sure again that
you're on the A-Master. We'd like you to
highlight the whole text first by command or
control A select all. Let's change the font. Make sure you're in A, in character
formatting controls. Where you might see Minion
Pro or another default font, you can start to type DIN
Alternate and select "Bold." If you've downloaded this font, it should be in there. Now I would like you to
increase the font size. Actually let's just do the
heading first, the cactus, so highlight the cactus and start making the
font size bigger. This is about right, and it fits perfectly
in a column. Now I would like you to
highlight the cactus again and make sure it's in all caps. Now, after genre, there are a few tabs. As you can see, the text should be moved a little
bit more to the right. If you press "Tab" three times, it is where we need it to be, 1, 2, 3. Now if your text doesn't look exactly the same that is fine. There is always artistic freedom to change things
around, obviously. Now the next issue is, we need more space between
the lines, space after. I want you to highlight the whole text or
Control Command A, and go to the top and
go to the space after icon and press "1, 2, 3." I think that's about right. Perfect. What we could do here is use something called
text frame options. That means that you
get to decide where your texts fits
inside the frame. It's like text fitting
inside a frame. The way to get to
text frame option is to highlight your whole text, and right-click, and you'll
see text frame options. Now, I use the shortcuts
Command or Control B. This will open up a new panel. I need you to make sure that you always take the preview button. What we'll need here
is inset spacing. That means that we get to decide where the spacing occurs. The spacing is according to
the frame on the inside, which is what is
called inset spacing. First, let's have a look
at with the link icon. If you start increasing
the spacing, you will see that it will
start to change all together. But let's untick the
make all settings the same because we only need
to change it for two areas. Let's add some
spacing to the top, so 1, 2. That means that you've just
added two millimeter here, so it's gone two
millimeter down. Now to the left, 1, 2 and it's gone to two
millimeter to the left, which is what we want. You can then press "Okay", and that will be applied. Now we might want to get rid of a single tab just so that our text is a bit
more to the left. Remove a tab and
remove another one. Let's go to our regular page. Double-click on page
1 in the thumbnail. Or select page 1 here,
bottom-left corner. Scroll down, and you will
see the same options, the same objects on
every single page.
33. A Brochure: Unlocking Master page Items: Let's go to the
Rectangle Frame Tool and start creating a rectangle
frame from the red line, from the bleed line. This is important because
if our document is for printing and we want our graphics to
bleed over the page, so to align to the
edge of the page, we will need to do this by
aligning it to the red line. Start clicking and
dragging and fill the whole page up until
the gutter of two columns. Now, File, Place. Our images should be in
PLANTS EXPLAINED folder. You can go ahead and
select the cactus image, open. That looks a bit funny. Fitting option,
right-click Fitting, Content-Aware Fit, or that button in the
Properties panel, Frame Fitting,
Content-Aware Fit. Now you can select
it and click away. Now, I'm sure you notice something a
bit funny about here. Our image is currently in the
layer above our text frame, which is not what we want. If we look at this one, the frame needs to
be above the image. We can do this
normally by going to Layers and expanding the layer. Click downward arrow. But the problem is
the only thing on my layer right now is my image. That's because every
object that you add to your master page is locked
on all your other pages. That means that if
you want to change something on your master page, you have to go back
to the master page. But there is a way
to temporarily unlock something
on a single page. That means I can
say to InDesign, I would like to unlock this
header on this page only. The shortcut for that is Shift Command or
Shift Control, click. You'll see now that I'm
able to select this, I'm able to move it around. It's unlocked essentially. Now if I right-click, you will see the Arrange option. You can select "Bring to Front", or if you're
accustomed to layers, I just clicked "Undo", you can go to Layers and see the layer that's
highlighted here, and click and drag up. Because when a layer
is at the top, it means that it's in front
or it's closer to you. Great. Now that that's done, we're going to move
on to the text. Now the text is an
existing Word documents, so we don't actually
have to type in this whole text. Thank God. We just have to place it in
the way we place all files. What we do is File, Place or Control Command D. The text is actually in
the InDesign online course, in Text Documents, and it's called
Plants Explained. Click on "Open". Now I would like you
to make sure that the text fills two columns. We need to left-click
and hold and drag across both columns and
create a text frame. Great. As you can see, there's a red plus. That means that there's more
text waiting to be placed, but there's just not enough space for it
in this text frame. Later on we're going to have
to click on the red plus and scroll it down and add
it to our next pages. But for now, we need to change the character
formatting of the text. We can do this all at once
for the whole piece of text, for the whole Word document. What we need to do is
go to the Type Tool, click inside the frame, and press Control A or
Command A, select all. Now if you do this, this will select even
the hidden texts of the overset text. Even the texts that you can't really see right now
will be selected. Now that it's selected, I will give you a bit of information to change
the formatting. I would like you to
highlight this and type in Calibri and select Light. The font size needs to be 10. The leading, so
the space between the lines needs to be 13. The space before, so
that means space before each paragraph needs to be one, and the space after each
paragraph needs to be two. The final thing is we need to go to the
paragraph formatting, Control P, the P below the
A and untick hyphenate. Because as I said before, hyphenation isn't
very readable and it just doesn't look good
either, so untick hyphenate. The final thing is get
rid of the first cactus. I've just placed that
in so that we can distinguish between
each piece of text. Now go to the selection
tool and click and drag to close and
shorten the text frame. We're going to add
the text frame from this textbox to the
next page in a minute. But there's just one
final thing to do here is to add the cactus logo. If I go back to my
brochure of plants, there is a cactus logo. We go to the rectangle
frame tool and we click and drag and
create a frame. Then we go to File, Place, Control D. Go back to PLANTS EXPLAINED,
and select CACTUS. Let's select that one. That looks pretty good. Does anyone else notice
something that we've forgotten? We forgot this leaf, this little illustration, which is fine because
we can always add it. Just to let you know, when you forget to add
something on your master page, nothing to worry about. You can always added
later. Let's do that now. I would like you to click
on the bottom left corner, A-Master, and let's
start adding that leaf. We go to the
Rectangle Frame Tool, and we click and
drag and go to File, Place, and select Leaf.png. It's a PNG with a
clear background, which is quite nice. Again, the Content-Aware Fit. That looks pretty good. Now,
the final touch here for this leaf is to make it a bit transparent and it's
already selected. We need to go to the Opacity at the top or you can do it
in properties as well. Opacity. Reduce the opacity, so make it less than 100
percent, around this. We can now go to
our Page 1 again and W. That looks pretty nice.
34. A Brochure: Text Thread & Overset Text: Let's do Page 2. Let's click on the
"Red plus" now. Make sure you're on
the selection tool to click on the "Red plus", and make sure you click
on it properly until you see a play icon. If you make a mistake, always undo, Control
Z. No worries. So now scroll down, not too much, and place the text across
two columns again. So the same thing
as we did before. We're going to have to
adjust it a little bit so we can go to the type tool. We can highlight a
bit of text here, and then we can get rid of
succulents. There we go. Because we've already added
all the information we needed about the font
size and the leading, we don't need to add it again. We just need to go to
the selection tool, and click and drag the frame, so make it a bit smaller. If there's a red plus, again, this is entirely normal. The page we'll be
creating now is this one. Can we see that the image
goes up into the text. Then we'll have to add
four little images here, so this will be done
using Griddify. Let's go to the
rectangle frame tool, and let's click and drag, again from the red line,
from the bleed line, drag it across over
here and "File Place". We can choose the next
succulent and click on "Open". The content where it fits
in the properties panel. Let's go to our selection
tool over here. We're going to need to move this image down the contents, so click on the
"Content Grabber". The orange brownie border is selected and press
the "Downwards key". If we go back to our
brochure over here, we'll notice that our
image is actually flipped. How do we do this? We make sure that our image is selected with
the selection tool, and we click on the "Flip
horizontal" icon at the top. Now, click "Away",
click "Outfits". Now do we want to move the cactus text above
this image? Yes, we do. So we need to unlock this header again by going shift
command, click. Then we can right-click on this shape and arrange
or bring to front. Or you can use the shortcut
command square brackets. It's the same shortcut
for Photoshop as well. Very useful that one. Now we're going to move on to the four images over
here, the grids. We're going to go to the
rectangle frame tool again. We've already set our gutter. When we first created
our document, I asked you to make
the gutter five. That means that this gap
here is five millimeters. It means that if I create
four rectangles and a grid, it will have a five
millimeter gutter or gap. I would like you to
start from the margin, from this pink magenta line, and click and drag
across the four columns. I would like you to
press the "Right key" on your keyboards and don't
let go of your mouse. So Right key once, twice, three times, and let go. Perfect. Now file place. We're going to start
adding all these images. We can select all the
colorful cactus images in plants explained folder
and press" Open". The yellow one is in
the second frame, so click on the second frame. The green one is
in the last frame, so click on the last frame, and bear in mind
that if you miss, if you go like this, no problem. Just undo Control Z. The foshia one goes
in the first frame, and the red in the third. So now let's go to
the selection tool and highlight all four frames, and use the content
aware fits the button. The images are almost done. Let's add the succulent
texts, the logo. Again, if you could go to the rectangle frame
tool and click and drag across here
and "File Place". If you could select
the succulents logo, open and again,
Content aware fit. Another fitting option
that you can use, fit content proportionally,
the second option. What that does is
it allows you to see the whole image
inside the frame, which is what we need here. If you could go to
the selection tool. Because as you know, we need to adjust this. You can click on the "Content Grabber" and you
can move it down, so that the text
or the succulents aligns to the bottom
of the margin. It looks small, so let's make it bigger. Let's press "Control"
or "Command full stop" and make
this a bit bigger. That's a bit better.
Now the final bit that needs to be changed here, if we look over here, is the text because this is not a cactus, it's a succulent. Click on "Minus". Let's start changing the text. So because we've
already unlocked it, it should be very easy
to change the text. We go to the type tool, we highlight the cactus, and instead type succulents. In genre, we can type colorful, sharp and juicy, and then
press "Return website". That is Page 2 completed.
35. A Brochure: Using Text Columns: Let's have a look
again at our PDF, so 1, 2, 3. We're going to do this one now. What we can start with
is the text first, and then we can do the headers. Let's minimize that and again, go to the selection tool, click on the red plus, make sure there's a Play
button, scroll down. What we'll do is
we're going to create two text frames over here, one across this half side of the page and the other across the second
half of the page. We're going to go
left-click and hold and drag up until here, and we can adjust it
later so don't worry, and click on the red plus. Click and drag the second frame. This part needs to be orchid and that one
needs to be rows. Let's go to the Type Tool
and let's get rid of that. Again, it's just the indicator or the marker and
then let's get rid of rows and there we go. Now let's go to the selection
tool and I'm going to show you how to create
columns from these two. These are two
separate text frames, and we're going to divide each text frame into
separate columns. Select this one first and at the top you'll see this icon, the number of columns and I would like you to
press the upward key, make it two, and then select the second frame
and make it two. Now it's overlapping, which is fine, we just need to highlight
the first text and drag it up and then we do the
same and try and match it. Now there is a few spaces here that we don't need
so if you can highlight A before a rose and remove
the unnecessary spacing. What we'll do now is go to the selection tool and
we're going to create two of these because if
you look on the brochure, there are two headers. Again, we're going to
need to unlock this one, so we're going to
go Shift command or control click and click on this. We're going to duplicate this on this side by going Alt and drag and you align it nicely inside where
it needs to be inside the margin and you
let go and there we go. But we have to change the content of the
text now so we go to the Type Tool and we highlight the cactus text and instead, I would like you to
type in orchids. In genre, I would like you to type beautiful,
long-lasting enriching. In location website, now the other side, roses, romantic and a girl's best
friend someone please buy me roses and websites, perfect. Let's add the images, the final two images so we go
to the rectangle frame tool and we're going to create two frames that
are the same size, maybe a little bit lower
and we go click and drag and then we click and drag, and we'll see the green arrows. We should see one for the
width and one for the height, which means we've just created a frame that's the same
size as the other frame. Now we place images so we go File Place and this
time to save time, we're going to
select two images, we hold down the
Shift key and we click on the orchid image, and we go Open and we place the rose image in
the rows frame, and the orchid image
in the orchid frame. We need to fit
them so we'd go to the Selection tool,
we highlight, click and drag
across both shapes, both images and click on
the frame fitting option. That doesn't look right at all. Let's start with the orchid, so click on the Content Grabber, the button, press the
downward key on our keyboard, and you can hold down the
Shift key simultaneously so it goes a little bit faster
and that's about right, now click away, click off it to de-select that
orangey brownie border. Over to the second image, click on the Content
Grabber again. Actually, our image needs to be rotated so what we
do is we can go to the top here in the Options bar and
press the rotation key. It could have been
the other side's, I think that's about right
so the flowers faces upwards and then we can click
and drag our flowers. Actually it looks like it's at an angle so we can
modify it manually by hovering over the corner of
the image so the corner of brownie orangey border and you'll see the
double-bended arrow. Now you can click and drag
to the right and you'll start to see your
image rotating. Then you can click and
drag and move in higher. Again, try and find that corner, left-click and drag to the right and it looks pretty
big, doesn't it? Let's Control or Command full stop and make
it a bit smaller. Now click off it and we still need to add the logo at
the bottom called flowers. Let's go to the
rectangle frame tool, click and drag across and again, we can modify this if we got
it wrong and File Place. Select the flowers image, open, selection tool, click and drag and use the
arrows on your keyboard, you can move it down
and click off it and press double U and that
is our Page 3, done.
36. A Brochure: How to add a Hyperlink: Scroll up and look at all the wonderful work
you've just done. That is awesome. But we're not finished yet. We've got something else to do. If we look at our original
brochure, the PDF, our first page is a cover page, so we're going to need to
create that cover page. But currently in
our InDesign file, our first page is this one. We're going to
need to swap pages around so that we have a blank
page for our cover page. We can do this in
the pages panel. If you go to Pages
panel, you click on it, you'll see the final page, the page at the bottom, number 4 or number 5,
it doesn't matter. It's empty except for
the master page items, and I would like you
to click and drag and hold and move that
thumbnail before page 1. Now if you scroll up top, you will see that page 1 is an empty page except
the master page items, and page 2 is our
cactus over here. In order to create
our cover page, we're going to need to get rid of all these graphics here
from our master page. If we click on "Pages", we'll see none over
here and a thumbnail. Now, none is blank master page. What none does is it gets rid of all the master page
items for that page only. If you select None, you click on that thumbnail, and you drag it to
the first page, it will get rid of all
the master page items, and our page will be
blank just as we need it. Which means that we can start
applying our graphics now. Maybe make the pages
panel a bit shorter. We're going to need to go to the rectangle tool and
create another header. Again, up to the red line, but this time on the sides. Again, we're going to
add that same color. Double-click on the fill, and actually it
should be on there. You can press "Okay". Now, if you want to add this
color to your swatches, which means that it
will be saved up here or it will be saved
in your Swatches folder, what you can do is either
you double-click on the fill over here and you
click on "Add CMYK Swatch". You'll see it appear here. Or in the Swatches panel, you can click on
that little plus and you can create a new
swatch from that color. This is to ensure you
create consistencies. What you can do is add
all the colors from your brand guidelines
over here and reuse them. We don't need swatches anymore, so you can click on
"Swatches" and close it. What we should've done first is add the other image because that image is
underneath that header. But that is fine because
we get to practice. We go to the rectangle frame
tool and we click and drag, and I would like you to
cover the whole red box, the bleed line with a frame. Now we go File, Place, we select that image with all the cactus and
succulents, cacti. It looks white, but it's
actually zoomed in piece, so we can use the
fitting option again, content where it fits. We could make it
smaller actually, let's go to the selection tool. Click on the content
grabber and press Command comma or Ctrl comma. I knew there was
another color in there. Now our header is
underneath this image, so what we can do is move this image below that
by right-clicking, Arrange, Send to Back
or Send Backward. There we go. Now I would like you to go
to the Type Tool and create a text box that aligns these two columns
and type plants explained. Like what you see, we
offer all plants below. Use promo code,
plants explained. Now my friends, this is
not an actual promo code, it's just a dummy text. Then you can type the website in, I will show you in a minute
how to add a hyperlink. Let's highlight
plants explained, and again, this needs to
be DIN Alternate Bold. Make it caps lock, All Caps, and increase
the font size. Just highlight plants explained, underline, horizontal, center. Now it's starting
to look a bit odd, so what we can do to fix
it is highlight this piece of text and cut it. Edit, Cut, Ctrl X. We can create a
new piece of text, click and drag, and
Ctrl Z or Edit Paste. Now let's start changing
the fonts here. Again, this needs to be DIN
Alternate Bold. There we go. Use promo code needs
to be in All Caps. You might want to make
the font a bit bigger. The website, I would like
you to highlight the text, and again Edit, Cut, and create a
new text frame. Make sure when you
create a new text frame, you click and drag. If it doesn't work, undo a few times
and try it again. Sometimes it helps if it doesn't work to create a text frame on the gray area or the pasteboard so it doesn't disrupt
anything else there, and paste, Ctrl V. Then go to the
Selection tool and then you can place text in here. There we go, we're
getting there. I forgot to delete this. Let's move this one a bit below, and we can even give
it an underline. Now, for the final part, we need to add our little
image logo in here. We can create a rectangle frame, click and drag,
and then go File, Place, and select the
logo in plants explained, and the content
to where it fits. Now there are some pieces
here that we don't need, so what we can do
is crop our frame. If you drag the bounding box, the white boxes inwards, and we're almost done. Just the final part here
is to add a hyperlink. We need to go to the Type Tool, highlight this piece of text, right-click Hyperlink,
New Hyperlink. Now, if the right-clicking
option is not available, what you can do is go to the Hyperlinks panel and
click on the plus over here. It will say Link to URL. Normally, the link will automatically be
copied over here. Now, if it's not copied, you will have to type it yourself and make
sure the style, none, so that it doesn't
change how it looks. Click "Okay", and that
is our hyperlink. If you see here in the panel, you'll see a red dot. That means that either
there's a mistake, either the URL doesn't
exist anymore. Normally when you enter
a correct domain, it will have a green button. But I've made this up, so we'll have a red button. That's it. Now click
on the arrows, close it, and zoom out. Don't worry about
the final page, we actually need to
get rid of that page, so let's do that. Final thing. We go to Pages, we select the final page, and we delete it. Congratulations, you've completed this
exercise, well done. The final step will be saving
and packaging this file, so it's a print or
web ready file.
37. Links and Missing Links: [MUSIC] Now we're going to
learn how to save and package finished InDesign
files so they're print ready and web ready. If we have this file that
I've been working on, or if you have any other
file open, that is fine, just make sure that you
have some images in there and some texts so
that we can work with it. The first thing to
look out for when saving a document
is to go to links. Now, go to Window links. Remember Window is where
all the panels live. The links panel will
live in Window. What the links panel does
is it gives us information about every single image that we've placed in our documents. It tells us where it
is and on which page, the number over here
is the page it's on. If you scroll down, you'll see link info. Here it tells us information
like the size of the image, so you can see that this is quite a big image,
it's 1.3 megabytes. You can see the resolution
and you can see the path. Now the path is where it is
currently on your computer, on your desktop, on
your shared folder with your colleagues. This is where all that
specific image lives. That means that your
current InDesign file is linked to that image, which is why they're
called links and they'll have this little icon over here, which is a little link icon. You'll see it's in the top
left corner of each image. Now, it's important
that you don't move your images around
because when you do, your link will be broken and you will have something
called a missing link. Let me show you an example of a missing link
of what not to do. If I go to my Finder or you
can go to your File Explorer, I'll have a look at where
all these files are, these images that I've placed
to create this document. If I go to InDesign online
course and I go to images, there's the folder
plant explained. This is where all my images are. Now let's have a look,
so my folder is here. But what happens if I
move this folder around? The link will get broken. Let me give you an example. I'm going to click on this link and I'm just going to drag it to the desktop and minimize this. When I click back
on my InDesign, you might notice all
these red question marks. Now that is not a good thing. That means that all my links are missing and it means that if I were to save it
as a PDF right now, most of my pictures will
be pixelated or blurred, which is not a good look. The problem can be resolved. All you have to do is
reeling these images. You go to Window, links and you'll see all these scary red question marks and if you click on it, it will say status missing. No problem. What we have
to do is relink this. Let's select this one. I'm going to double-click
on the red question mark, missing double-clicked,
to relink. What I can do is go
to desktop and type the name of this file,
so it's succulent. You can see it right here, succulent and there it will be. I might have two copies of it in my file, and that's fine. If I select "Open,"
it takes a while. Sometimes it can
crash if you have a lot of big files
open, but that's fine. Just reopen it and you'll
see that it says search this reading directory
and found and relink to 14 missing links. InDesign is so smart that it automatically relinked
all the other images. That's all I had to do, relink one and it
relink the others. That is because all my
files were in one folder. They were all in
the same folder, so it was very easy
to relink them. I suggest that when you
create an InDesign file, you keep all the
images in one folder. Otherwise, I'll give you another solution for that
later called packaging, which InDesign does it for you. InDesign will create
automatically separate folders for all your texts, your images, and
all your graphics, so let me close this
link panel now.
38. Saving a Print-Ready & Web-Ready PDF: We're going to have a
look at saving now. Now that all my links are fine, what I can do is go
to File and Save As. If you go to File, Save As, you'll have a few options here. This is just for saving a
working file InDesign document. That means that
you're saving in as an InDesign document and only someone with
InDesign can open it. This is the latest version or you can save it
in older version. I'm going save it to my
InDesign Online Course folder, and I'm going to
save it just here. If I click on "Save"
and I go to my Finder, Desktop, InDesign Online
Course, there it is. Let me show you now
how to save PDFs. In InDesign, we
tend to work with multi page PDF document. If you go File, Adobe PDF Presets, this is how you get to
decide the type of PDF that you will be creating depending
on what you need it for. There are lots of
different presets. There's for printing,
there is for web, and each of these are
just suggestions. Click on "High Quality
Print" for instance. Here, you can call it
whatever, printing. I'm just going to call
it printing file. Again, it's in the
InDesign Online Course. I'm going to click on "Save" and you can see
Adobe PDF Presets. This is where I can choose
an existing preset. I've got a high quality print, which is self explanatory, but it always gives you
a description here. So use these settings to create Adobe PDF documents
for quality printing. If you select Press Quality, this is for press printing, so for books and
magazines and newspapers. If you select
Smallest File Size, this is for the
email, for Internet. If you look at description, it says best suited
for on-screen display, email, and the Internet. Now let's have a look at
all this information here. We can select High
Quality Print again. Here, simple things like
changing your pages, which pages you
would like to save, how you would like to view it
in InDesign or in your PDF. I usually keep these as they are unless I need to change
how many pages I'm saving. Over here you want
to just leave these alone unless you
have a Hyperlink, then you can tick this. Obviously when it
comes to printing, we don't need Hyperlinks, but more for web. We can untick that now. If you look at Compression, this is the quality of your
images and the file size. This will determine
the file size. Three hundred pixels per
inch is pretty high quality. If I were to go lower, 250, that will be reduced quality, but the file size
will be smaller. Sometimes you have to see how it goes with
each individual file. The image quality. If you reduce the
image quality as well, it won't be as good obviously, but the file size will
be decreased as well. You can play around with
this or you can just follow the existing presets. Now, Marks and Bleeds. This is only for printing. If you were to create a
document for printing, you would tick all
printers marks and use document bleed settings. This means that it will give the professional printers
all these indications on your page so that they
know exactly where to crop the page so that your graphics
will bleed over the page. Make sure you tick all these
boxes and you're good to go. If you are not going to print your documents or
if you're not going to send it to
professional printers, I suggest that you
don't tick these. For web related documents, do not tick these
because they're not very visually appealing. Then I can click on "Export". Apparently I have some
overset text on Pages 3, so I can press "Okay" and scroll down and I'll see that I
have a little red plus here. There we go. I've
saved my file here. I'm going to double click on
it and I'm going to open it. You will see all the
printers marks over here. They're not very
visually pleasing, but don't worry
they'll be trimmed anyway with a guillotine, which is a tool made for that. Let's scroll down a little
bit and have a look. That's quite a nice document. I'm going to close this. Now, if you don't want all
those marks and you just want to save it
for an online PDF, then you go back to
File, Adobe PDF Presets. You can choose smallest
file size and you can call it Web File, save. You just keep all
this information. You can tick the
Hyperlink button. The problem with this is the compression
might be very low, so if you want you might make
the image quality higher, you might make it high and
image quality over here high, and then click on
"Export" and "Okay". Now let's have a
look. There we go. That is the web
version of our file. No ugly printers marks. Now, you can also see
the file size here. My printing file, which
is a higher quality file, was 3.4 megabytes, which you can still
send across email. But if you had a larger
document over 11 megabytes, you can't always send
it through email. The web file, which is the smallest file size
is 440 kilobytes. It's not even half a megabyte. That's quite a small file, which means that it can be easily transferred
through email.
39. How to Package an InDesign file: Now for the final part of today, I'm going to show
you how to package your files so that you
can transfer them to another client or to a colleague that can
keep on working on it. File, package. A package essentially
is just a folder with all your information
about this InDesign file, so your images, your graphics, your texts, your fonts, and your InDesign file. Just click on
''Package'' and click on ''Save'' and you can
call it package. Now, what I like to do just
to be on the safe side is I include all
these options here. I tick them all because you're always better off having
more than not enough, and what these are
are just fonts. It's asking you if you
want the linked graphics, so the images, if you want to update links when you make changes to the images, if you want fonts that are in hidden contents so in the
pasteboard and the gray area. IDML is a version of an InDesign file that
you can transfer across older versions of InDesign and a PDF version with the last
preset that you selected. You can also choose
another preset if you're not happy
with the previous one. You click on ''Package'', and this is Adobe telling you
not to steal stuff so we're using a lot of free
content, so we're fine. But make sure you
don't steal [LAUGHTER] images that someone else
paid the license for, that you don't have
the right to have. Press "Okay" and it's
doing its thing. Let's go and find our
package and there it is. Now what does our package
look like? Let's open it. In this package,
I have my fonts. Remember, we used DIN
alternate bold and calibri and I must have used
a couple of these somewhere. We've got links. This is the most important part. It's all my images
used in this file, they're linked to
this folder now, my InDesign file, which I
should have named and my PDF. If you're done with an InDesign file or you want someone else to
keep working on it, what you do is you send them the whole package and what
you could do is zip it. You can compress
it to a zip file, so right-click "Compress
Package" and you can just send a zip file so that it is much smaller and
easier to send. That is it.
40. Well done and see you soon!: [MUSIC] Congratulations on
completing this course. We have successfully created
a flyer, a magazine advert, where we've learned how
to create a grid and use transparency and gradients, we've created a
magazine article, where we looked at text wrap, at drop caps, and text formatting, and a brochure where we
covered master pages, hyperlinks, grids
again, text columns, rounded corners, and page
numbers, and much more. The key here is to keep
practicing InDesign. InDesign is now a new
muscle that needs to be maintained and it needs to
grow, so keep practicing.
41. BONUS: Updates 2023 & 2022: Hey, my friends,
it's Kate Silver and I've got some
Adobe InDesign updates for 2023 & 2022 for you. Adobe introduced a
few cool new features to InDesign this year. Let me break them down for you. Let's get started with Adobe
InDesign 2023 & 2022 updates. First, one of the first
updates that Adobe introduced in 2023 is Auto Style
or Style Packs. This is something really cool, but it's currently in technology
preview or Beta version. It's basically a collection of built-in content-aware
Style Packs. Basically me personally, I have a really hard
time picking fonts that go well together or that compliment each other and so basically
with Auto Style, I'm able to choose from some
existing cool styles that pair well together
which means quicker, effortless designs without
having to think too hard, which fonts works best. Let's show you how to do this. Let's head to Adobe
InDesign 2023 and let's make sure we have some sampling texts
and piece of texts, can be whatever just make sure you have a good chunk of texts. Now, in order to make this work, we need to make sure that we do something that was
introduced in 2022 called Auto-Activate
Adobe Fonts. To do this, we go to
InDesign Preferences, General, or Command,
or Control K, which is a shortcut. Now I'm using a Mac so
if you're using a PC, it will be over here somewhere. Make sure you go
to File Handling and select "Auto-Activate
Adobe Fonts" and "Okay". That means that Adobe
will automatically update whenever there's a font that's
available in Adobe Fonts, it will automatically install
it in Adobe InDesign, which is super cool. Now select your piece of text and then head to
paragraph styles, which I've explained as well
in my Adobe InDesign course so head back to that
for a refresher. You click on this little icon called "View Style Packs" click. Then you get to choose from
a bunch of Style Packs that look really cool and
just select any of these, let's say this
one, for instance. InDesign is doing its
thing, double-click. Because the text was selected
and I double-clicked here, it automatically changed
this formatting to this one. Or I can choose another one, double-click and there we go. The only downside about this
new update is missing fonts. Basically, if you make
sure that you're on View, Screen Mode, Normal and if you see this
peachy pinky shading, this means that the
font is missing on your computer or
in your InDesign. The concept of Auto
Style is pretty great, but a lot of the fonts are not available in Adobe
Fonts which means the user would have to download all the fonts separately
from various resources like Dafont, Google Fonts which actually defeats
the purpose of this tool being easy, fast and efficient. But knowing Adobe and because this is still in
Beta or technology preview, they will make it
really easy to use. I'm actually really
excited for this. I'm excited to see how efficient and useful this tool will be, especially for
someone like me that has a hard time picking fonts. That was it for the first
Adobe InDesign 2023 updates Auto Style, Style Packs. The next super useful
Adobe 2023 update is efficient copy and paste between Adobe Illustrator
and Adobe InDesign. For me personally,
this update is super awesome and
makes my life easier, especially as someone who
uses both Adobe Illustrator and InDesign consistently
and intermittently. This update allows me to
preserve the formatting and editing from Illustrator and paste them in InDesign
and carry on editing. Previously, when I
had formatted text in Adobe Illustrator
that I designed, that I made it pretty in
Adobe Illustrator 2022 and then I would edit copy, and go to Adobe InDesign 2022. Then, I would make sure
I'm in Adobe InDesign 2022 and I would paste it and then I would go
to the Type Tool and try and edit it. As you can see, it's
not letting me edit it. I cannot edit the text and
it's quite annoying actually. But if I head to Adobe
Illustrator 2023 and try and do this again, I select it and make sure I'm
in Adobe Illustrator 2023 and I select the text
and I edit and copy and then go to Adobe InDesign
2023, the newer one, and paste it in Adobe
InDesign 2023 so, edit paste. Now I go to the Type
Tool to try and edit it and I can click and type, Hello, You, smiley face, which is a little bit creepy
but how cool is that? I can now continue editing
texts from Adobe Illustrator, paste in an Adobe InDesign and carry on editing and typing, which is super awesome. Now, just make sure that
if it didn't work for you, then I just want you to
make sure that you go to Adobe InDesign
Preferences again, or Command or Control K, and you would go to
Clipboard Handling and make sure prefer PDF
when pasting is unticked, copy PDF to Clipboard is
ticked and all information, swatches, marker, styles is
ticked and show paste options. Then you click on "Okay", and that should
resolve the problem. Now sadly, I've tried doing this exact thing with
stylized effects or the school texts
that I designed in Adobe Illustrator
Intermediate in my course so, if you want to learn how
to do this by the way, then head to that course, Adobe Illustrator Intermediate. I teach all the
stylus effects and 3D and scribble and whatnot. I tried this with Adobe
Illustrator with effects and sadly, I copied it
and I pasted it in 2023, paste and sadly, as you
can see, it didn't work, it didn't include all
the stylus effects. But Kafka Adobe if
you're listening, I'm sure you're
currently working on it and that will be
the next thing so, I can't wait to see how cooler and more useful even Adobe
will make it but so far, I'm really happy with this
update and it helps me a lot. By the way, all
these graphics and exercises are taken from my
Adobe Illustrator course so feel free to check it out if you want to learn how to
make these from scratch. Let's move on to the third
Adobe InDesign 2023 update and that's easily duplicate page or spread after selection. We can now duplicate pages
or spreads and InDesign and place them right
after the selection. Up until now, you were
only able to duplicate pages or spreads but only
at the end of the document, which would be slightly more annoying as you would
have to hover at the end of the
document and click and drag the duplicate spreads to where they would need to be. It's a little bit
more of a hassle or [inaudible] like
we say in French, but now Adobe has made
this a lot easier for us. If we go to pages, let's say we want to
duplicate this page and we just select
it or the spread, we can right-click and we now have the option
to duplicate spreads or duplicate spread at
the end of the document. If I select duplicate spread, it's going to duplicate
it right after that page which is where I need it to be, and if I duplicate spread
at the end of the document, it will now be duplicated
at the end of the document. This gives me way more choice and it's way more faster if I need a duplicate spread
right after that page. That was updates 2023, number 3, easily duplicate page or
spread after selection. That was pretty
much it for 2023, But let's look at some Adobe InDesign updates
introduced in 2022 because this was a year
of significant changes. Probably the most significant
and prominent change that was introduced is Master Pages is
now Parent Pages. Modified nomenclature, I don't know how to pronounce
this word so you tell me, to promote diversity
and inclusion. Basically for those of
you that don't know what Master Page
or Parent Page is, it's a template that you
apply to multiple pages in order for them to have repeated elements
like page numbers and graphics and logos
and stuff like that. Check out Lesson 31 in my Adobe InDesign course for a thorough practical
tutorial on this. It was previously
called A-Master or Master Pages for
years up until 2022 and now it's called
Parent Pages. Now the good news is that it has exactly the same function. It does exactly the same thing the only difference is the name so it's no longer Master Pages, it's called Parent Pages. In my course whenever
you see Master Pages then you know it's
now Parent Pages. That's pretty much it for the first Adobe
InDesign 2022 updates, Master pages is
now Parent Pages. Now let's look at the second
Adobe InDesign 2022 update and it's called Adobe Capture
or Extract from image. It's so awesome. It's so cool this tool. It's also in its
infancy or Beta stages, but basically, you can
now capture fonts, color palettes, and shapes from any image or pixel-based image. Over the years of my teaching, students have often asked me if they could copy
a font from a JPEG they found on the
internet or screenshot and sadly my answer was
always no until now. I'm very excited about this. Adobe introduced this in 2022, and here's how we use it. Basically, you take
a few screen grabs or some images that
are pixel-based from the internet or wherever. If you like this file, you can access it in my Adobe InDesign
introduction course, I created a zip file for this. Yeah, just grab a
picture, pop it in here or open this file if you
have access to this, and then what you
need to do is make sure you tick something that
was introduced in 2020, which is called
Activate Adobe Fonts. To do this, you go to
InDesign, preferences, file handling, and select
Auto-Activate Adobe Fonts. Great. Once that's done, you select your image and
you head to CC Libraries and you click on the
little plus here and you select
extract from image. This is really cool. You can basically
extract all the colors that are available
in this image. You can have a little tour here and you can click on
"Save to CC Libraries" and it will save
all these colors. You can also select on shapes, this is pretty cool, it will convert it
to a line drawing. This is pretty cool, but my personal
favorite is selecting type and copying this font. You are going to click and
drag on the area of the text that you would like to copy and click on "Find
Similar Fonts" and let Adobe do its thing and it will have some
recommendations. Let's say it's this one, you can select whichever
one you prefer, when you're done
Save to CC Libraries and the character
style will be saved and close it and now
get ready to apply it. Go to the Type Tool, create a text frame, and start typing
3 Apps or Apps 3, and then you can select
and CC Libraries the capture character and voila. I think it's not too bad. It looks a little bit and I added a few
different options. But let's try with this one because this one is more funky. Again, head to the selection
tool, select this image. Go to CC Libraries, click on the Plus,
extract from image. Again, I've got all
the pretty colors and then I can go to
type and same thing. I can select the text area and click on "Find
Similar Fonts" and the same thing whichever
I think looks best, I can Save to CC Library. Then I go to the Type
Tool and I start typing and then I can click
on here and voila. This I like. It's pretty cute and looks
similar, doesn't it? I'm pretty happy with that. I mean, it does the
best job it can. It's not uncanny, but it
is in its infancy stages and I'm sure as Adobe
develops further, it will become much
smoother and quicker to use and it will copy even better. Yeah, that was
pretty much it for the second Adobe InDesign 2022 Update Adobe Capture
or Extract From Image. My friends. That was pretty much it for Adobe InDesign updates
for 2023 & 2022. I would love to hear which one is your
personal favorite update, so please write it down in
the comments section below. Adobe is constantly trying to improve their software to make their loyal users
like me very happy. Follow me to stay notified on more Adobe software updates. Voila, see you soon.
42. Adobe InDesign updates 2025: Alright, my friends, let's have a look at Adobe In Design, 2025 update. Super exciting. And, yes, AI is a big
thing everywhere. And it finally arrived in
Adobe in design. How exciting. So we've got generative Expand, which means that we can now easily turn a portrait, I mean, a landscape image into a
portrait image just by using generative expand and adobe
will create, you know, random little bits and expand it according to the
image, which is cool, and it gives us a lot
more flexibility, and it will make our
process easier, I believe. Now, text to Image. I've already talked
about text to Image in Adobe Photoshop, but now it's in Adobe
in design as well. And as you can see here, you can easily
generate a bowl of fruit or plants or whatever, you just type it in
and click on Generate, which is super awesome. Now, I've made a few videos
about Adobe Express. And for those of you that don't know what Adobe Express is, it's basically like Canva, but the Adobe version.
Some of it is free. Some of it is paid. And if you have Adobe Creative
Cloud, then it's free. It's just an additional
app or browser app. You can open it on
a browser that's included in your Creative
Cloud membership. And what's really cool is that you can easily update them, update files from Indesign
in Adobe Express. And it's a bit quicker,
and what's great is, let's say you have a client that doesn't know how
to use In Design, but does know how to use Adobe Express because
it's super easy. It's like Canva. Then you can send them a document
from Indesign, and they can easily tweak
it in Adobe Express. Oh, yeah, if you're not
sure about Adobe Express, then check out one of my
videos on Adobe Express. It's super cool,
and there are lots of amazing, gorgeous templates. Right. The next one is not really my thing
because it's maths, and I'm not like a math
girl or a math guru. But if that's you, then
go ahead and use this. You can write math
equations and expressions, and it will automatically fix it for you and
some code and whatnot. So these are for the
supernerds amongst you. I'm sort of a
graphic design nerd, but I'm sure there's
some math nerds around watching this video. And then you can also
export to HTML package, and that's great for web design. You can get your
content ready for web and control how your texts
and images are exported. HTML five package lets you choose where your
documents are stored. So that's really cool. You can design your graphics and your content in Adobe in
design and now even with AI, and then pop it into your website using HTML
five in a package. Last but not least,
you ask we deliver. So just keep giving
feedback if you can to Adobe in design, and then you'll receive
hopefully. I've been doing that. Now, there's a few
things that have been updated in the last
couple of years as well, like the History panel, which is a panel that's
available in Adobe Photoshop, and I've used it so much. It's been super helpful over the years in Adobe Photoshop. But now finally, it's
in Adobe in design. So, yes, we can do
undo do and do, which is Command or
Control Z, the shortcut. But sometimes you just want to use the history panel
and have a little look. Right, so let's say
generative expand. I'm going to click on Trade now. And, whoa, that looks busy. Alright, so as you can see, maybe let me zoom in
Commander Control plus. There's an image,
and it's in a frame. Now, the frame is bigger
than the image itself. So we're going to
select this image. And let me pop this file here. We're going to select
this image and click on Generative Expand. And just generate. So when you just want to fill, you just click on
Generate and let's see what Adobe in design
is going to give us. There's going to be a
text to image folder. Lick on Generate. Let
Adobe do its thing. And Wow. I automatically
generated and filled the image. And as usual, just like
in Adobe Photoshop, you will have three variations, one, two, and three. And you can go ahead and pick which one you prefer. Great. So this was the first update. So I'm going to close down, and I'm going to talk
about the next update. So whenever we go back
to that gift box, the gifts that are in store
for us are what's new. So let's go back to that
gift box to check it out. Now let's look at text to
Image and click on Try now. And over here we
have a blank image. And I'm just going to
click on Text to Image, and my panels going to appear. And since it says
mushroom Burger, I'm going to type
mushroom Burger. And I can choose between photo, art, square, since it looks like it's
actually a rectangle. So perhaps landscape,
mushroom burger, photo or art, that's up to you, but I want it to be cohesive
with the other images. And if I want it, I can click on reference image and choose
one of these styles, but I don't want to do that, or even style effects. But
I don't want to do that. So I'm just going to click on Generate and let's see what Adobe in design
will offer us. Wow. That looks yummy.
So that's number one. Number two is here
and number three. So you can choose
between any of these. So it is generative AI. And if I zoom in,
come on Control plus, I'll see that this
looks a bit weird. This is like a weird mushroom. I'm not so happy with that one. So let's look at the other ones. This also looks a bit weird. And that looks kind of weird. But hey, it is what it is. Now, if you don't like it,
you can always generate again and see if there are more options
that you might like. I'm sure as the years go by, AI will improve and there's gonna be less weird
looking mushrooms. There we go. Doesn't
that look better? Voila, that looks
so much better. This one. No, not that one. This one, that one and this one. Perfect. Well done. Adobe. So I'm going
to close this. Don't save, and we're
going to go back to the little present, and I'm going to have a
look at a couple more. So export in design
document to Adobe Express. Learn more, and it's
just going to open up a file and explain how to
open it up in Adobe Express. I'm not going to look at math expressions
because like I said, I'm not a math expert, but I'm super excited
about all these Adobe in design updates and I can't
wait to start using them. So keep an eye out for
my next few videos because I will be creating
a bunch of tutorials and perhaps a new course using the new updated Adobe in design and generative
expand and text to image.