1. Somewhat Of An Intro: What is a UGC creator? And why should I want to
be one? Good question. Well, for one, I didn't have
to pay for any of this. The mic, the laptop, the shirt, the chain,
the glasses, the shoes. Awesome shoes, by the
way, the jeans, nothing. So UGC or user generated content is a highly sought
after form of marketing for brands that want
their video ads to look more like a customer review
more than a sales video. In the videos I make
with these products with my Smartphone.
Pays for all of this. To doing this
compared to working an actual job is
just worlds apart. I know this because I became a UGC creator after leaving
the military two years ago. And ever since then, UGC has brought me to
some great places and allowed me to be surrounded by a bunch of amazing creators. And I want to share
this blessing with you in a way where you can get
there in half the time. So my name is Kent,
but you can call me Hart or Hart the Plug,
whatever you feel like. And I've been featured in a
ton of winning video ads, and I've made a brand over
$55,000 in just one video. Top of that, I got
really close with an agency that hosts
content houses and embarked on some pretty interesting journeys with
them to say the least. And in this class,
I want to take you all the way from
knowing nothing about UGC to being in the position
to get paid for your skills. You're going to learn
about the different types of UGC videos. The types of clients
you'll be encountering, my favorite methods to outreach, how to create an online
presence, and finally, how to grow and
scale your business after you get the
fundamentals down. I know it can be a lot
to learn in a day, but I promise I will
take care of you. And after this class,
you will have developed a skill that you can
infinitely make money from. And who doesn't want free stuff? All you need is a
phone, Internet, and the mental
fortitude to commit to something for more than a
week. Oh, there's a plane. If you've got all that,
then it's time to grow into a UGC creator in a
day. Let's dive in.
2. A Challenge You Probably Can't Win!: Uh Look at his view. Look at this view.
Beautiful. Alright, guys. This is Future Hart actually coming to you live from
the content house. I'll show you a little bit of some stuff that I
captured already. But what I am here to do is to give you a challenge because who doesn't
like a challenge? So this is very simple. A I'm going to have
you do is create your first UGC video and submit it in the
projects. That's it. But this is somewhat of
a competition in a way that whoever I deem has
the best UGC video, I will mentor you myself
for an entire month. So find a product that you
like around your house, and you're going to
pick a UGC genre to record the video to and
unboxing a demonstration, anything you want to do
to review the video and CAP cut or whatever video
editor that you have or use, and share your video in the
projects and resources. No, I'm pretty sure you'll
have to leave a link, and you can't upload the video directly into the
projects and resources. But if you're not able
to figure that out, just drop me a message
into the discussions, and we will figure
it out together. Now here are the rules
though. The video must be at least
15 seconds long. The video must within reason, showcase the product very well. And I must be able to
identify at least one hook, body, and CTA or call
to action in the video. And these are things
that I'm going to teach you in the class,
so don't worry. And while we're here, it's
only right for me to show you all this free stuff I'm
giving you in this class. And trust me, It's
pretty pretty major. So we're going to start with this template UGC script, right? This is for when the client
asks you to write a script. And you don't have
anywhere to start from. This is a really good structure that one of my clients uses, and it works really
well for them. So I recreated it in my own way, and I'm going to give
it to you for free. It'll be in the
projects and resources. Every good UGC video
at least has a hook, a body in a call
to action or CTA. But there's more things in this template like
the shot type, which I gave you
an option to just click into the E boxes and
select which one you want. And that's the same
thing with the audio. So very easy. You'll describe your visual here or what you'll be
showing on camera. And then here,
you're just going to literally type out what you're going to be
saying in the video. Next to that, we have
a reference column, and you can link other videos that you kind of
want to reference. And doing all of this will just make you seem a lot
more professional, like you got your together
for lack of better terms. Down here, we have the
variations of the hook, the bodies, and call to actions. This is very good to do when you don't want as many revisions, and you can do variations
of other shots. So maybe one of these will work if the original
ones don't work. Right? Down here is a bunch
of extra information Ileft, for you to read. Whenever you do send
this to a client, just go ahead and
delete all that. So and after that, you're good. Okay. The next thing is the project
tracker I made for you. These are the three kind of modules that will
be in this class. So we're creating
a fiber account, creating a camera portfolio, and then we're going to have
you send your first e mail. All of these have
tasks in there. And when you click
onto the boxes, these are the task, and you can see there's a
progress percentage here. Um, you fill that
up by going through and clicking Not
Started to done. And then when you click
back out of that, right, you can see that
it's updated to 50%. I did this because
it is a lot of information in a
very short class, and I don't want
you to get lost. If you follow all the
instructions in here, you will get to the
point where you're making money and you have
clients and stuff like that. Don't worry about this stuff
down here unless you want to click into here and create
some notes for yourself. And on the side
here on the right. These are just all
the tasks that are enclosed inside
of these folders. So if you want to quickly
access what's inside of these, you can just read what
they are and be like, Oh, yeah, I already sent the e
mails and just click done. And it'll update right there. Okay, and the very last thing, and I wasn't going to make this, but I actually forgot how I even started creating this
one, but it's made. So you're welcome. This is going to be your
outreaching tracker, okay? So as always there's some
information down here. Um, and this is very simple. The name of the company. I like putting jis on there. You don't have to do that,
but I do enjoy doing that. When you clicked up
here on new prospect, it will create another row, and it will automatically
put in today's date for you. But if you want to change dates, you can obviously
do that just by clicking in here and
selecting a date. The Niche is going
to help you identify what Niche that company is. So Hel is a brand that
I'm shooting for, and you'll see it in this class, and they're a health brand. Form that you used the outreach
to them, will go here. And again, I did the
selectable list. I listed pretty much everything you would
probably use to outreach, e mail Linked in Instagram
TikTok Facebook. The next thing is the service that you're
going to provide. There's only one
here because I don't know what type of addons
that you would have. So I just put UDC Video ad. If you have other skills that you can provide
to your clients, go ahead and just type
them in and then add here. The next thing is going to be
the status of that client, whether there's still a prospect if you didn't convert
or if you converted. So say you get a
yes from a client and you switch
them to converted, I will disappear off of there, and it will come on
the converted tab. Right? And the same
thing for this one, if I switch to not converted, it will go to the
not converted tab. There's a five day automatic
follow up date that will populate when you put the initial date in
there, which is cool. You can choose to follow up with them on that
timeline or not. It really doesn't
matter. The next thing you're going to do is
enter their e mail here. If that's the way that
you contacted them, if not then you'll enter the account link that
you DM them at, right? And the good thing about
this e mail column, when you click in here, it will automatically bring
you up to send the e mail. So that Great. Very convenient. The stuff back here is
not that important, but you can list
how many times you followed up with a
potential client. So those are the three
notion templates that I just created for free for you to use. Trust me, this is
a lot of value. Like, if I would have had this when I was first, you know, starting as a UGC creator, man, it'll have paid dividends. So definitely use this
to your advantage. So you have the
notion templates, and you have a challenge, right? Make the best UGC video you
can your first time around. And if you do, I'll even give you my number. I
will mentor you. And you know what
later, I'll walk around and let you say hi
to everyone on the
3. What Is UGC?: In lessan one, I want to
quickly explain to you what UGC is and what
that entails for you. UGC stands for user
generated content. It's a type of
advertisement that has been around
since business began to request customer
testimonials from those who bought their product or
experienced their services. More recently, UGC
became more popular. Kind around the time that
social media became a thing. UGC is so effective because 92% of consumers turn to people
they know for buying advice. 90% say they value authenticity when it comes to deciding on which
brands to go with. So our objective in creating UGC ads is to fulfill
these desires. When someone
experiences your ad, they don't want to feel
sold to, but rather recommended a product
from a familiar face. Originally, UGC was
mostly used for b2c brands or
business to consumer, but b2b brands or
business to business even use UDC creators
for promotion nowadays. I say all of that to assure
you that there's plenty of space in this industry
for you to succeed. So what is UGC? You will be a brand spokesperson
or customer temporarily. Now that we got that understood, let's get straight
into the next lesson.
4. Types Of UGC: Super quick lesson, Let's go over the most common
types of UGC. We've got unboxing,
testimonials, demonstrations, texts or video reviews,
voiceovers, and statics. These types of UGC ads are shot in various ways and serve
different purposes. Unboxings can look like this. Testimonials can look like this, demonstrations like this. Oh, and this is a static. These are actually
extremely easy to make, and they perform pretty well. As you read the names
of the UGC types, they're pretty self explanatory, so I don't have to
really show you how to record them just yet. I'll do that in another lesson. I'm trying to get you out
of here sooner than later.
5. Types Of Clients You'll Encounter: You're going to have
clients that asked for different things and
behave differently. Here's what you can expect.
The big ask low budget. Beginning on fiber, it's
common to get a client like this that ask you for a
ton of scenes and footage, but they have this small budget. They most likely will
tell you that they'll handle the editing in house, in my opinion to see if
you'll charge them less. These types of clients
will teach you that it's important to stand
on your prices and only give discounts
to clients or products that you believe
have good potential. My example will be
this guy that used to pay me $40 in 2022, and now he pays me upwards
of $700 when we work out. Then there's the creative
freedom clients that ask for something similar to what you already have
in your packages. But leaves everything up to you in terms of editing
and ideation. My last one was his watch, and I surprised them with a
very high quality video. Good to try to
build rapport with promising clients.
Remember that. The structured client
has everything figured out from what
they want you to say, show, and possibly
edit or not edit. They're usually agencies, or someone managing a brands
creative strategy. These are my favorite
clients because it makes everything
a lot easier. You can skip the bulk of the pre production in
planning these ads. I'll actually include a template script that one of my clients use that's really
good for scripting ads in case you ever have to. You can find it in the projects
and resources down below. The test phase client. These people usually
express their interest and finding a long term
relationship with a creator, but would like to
try one video first. You can do what you
want with this type. I usually turn them
down because from my experience, they
never come back. But again, if you like the brand or what they're selling,
go ahead and work with Amazon client. These clients
are mainly looking for a video or text review on
their Amazon product page, so they require you to purchase the product on the
front end of the deal, and they'll pay you what
you paid for the product. Plus whatever you charge
them for the video, if you're able to do
this, go ahead and do it. We'll later speak on how to increase your repeat customers, and I'll even give you
some free contracts that you can use when you
graduate them from five.
6. Create Your Online Presence: Lesson four, we're going to
set up your online presence. This lesson is going
to be pretty thick. Okay? What we're going to do
is open you a fiber account, and we're going to
create a very basic portfolio for free on Cma. In a couple of things,
just stick with me. The first thing I'm going
to want you to do is create sample UGC videos with products you have
around your house. Keep in mind that a
normal script structure for a UGC video is body, CTA, or call to action. In the hook, you want to
visually and verbally encourage the target
audience to keep watching. You can do this by making a bold statement,
asking a question, or saying anything that
will get the attention of the people also interested in the product that
you're showing. If you can make three of these sample videos and
put them aside, we'll soon create a portfolio, like I said in Canva for free. So let's walk through the
creation of this fiber account. Signing up for fiber
is going to be free. So go ahead and make an account. Once your account
is made, you're going to create your first gig, right at the top,
you have gig title. You're going to title
your gig. I will create original UDC videos for TikTok,
IGRels, YouTube shorts. That's the title of M Fiber Gig. If you want something different, click on your profile
picture here at the top, switch to buying,
and you're going to search in UGC creators. What we want to do here is look at what everyone
else is doing, what's working for them, and
take inspiration from that. Your category here is
going to be video and Animation and video
ads and commercials. For your Gig metadata, go ahead and select
TikTok because it's one of the most viewed
apps right now in the world. Video type, just simply select
which one you'll be doing, or you can just do not defined. Really doesn't matter that much. For video orientation,
select any because sometimes they
want two different types of video orientations, and you can charge
them more for that. Next is the Search tag. You can look at this
as your Gigs SEO. I want you to think about
what a potential client will type in when they're
searching for you. I have edit video, iPhone, ad, high quality, and creator. Again, if you want
some more inspiration, go switch to buying, type in UDC creators again, find someone that's
doing pretty well, and we're going to click onto their Gig scroll all
the way to the bottom. At the bottom, you can see
the tags that they used. The next tab is pricing, you can charge
whatever you want to, keep in mind your experience and how much value you're adding to these people's businesses. You have three
packages you can offer basic standard in premium. Mind goes 1-2 to three videos. You can do package
monthly videos if you want to and charge
a much higher rate, that is totally up to you. I think that most
businesses that come on Fiber aren't looking
for a load of videos, but that's not always the case. So if you do want to do
bundles like ten videos at a time and nothing
under that, that's fair game. But make sure that
your prices do make sense. For example, if I do price
my basic package at $120, and my standard
package is at $300, then they can just order
two basic packages and save money on
getting two videos. So what I would want to
do is make sure that my basic package is at least half of the
standard package. Also, keep in mind
that fiber does take 20% off of
whatever you make. It doesn't matter
how much it is. And you have to
add the taxes that your country is going
to tax you as well, so that is unfortunate, but it is what it is, man. It is a really good
platform to connect with businesses that you
otherwise would never meet. But anyway, at the bottom
here, we have add ons, okay? You can add extra
services if you have an extra skill or
service that you can add It's on you how much you want to charge for that. Next
is delivery time. How fast can you deliver
these videos and be reasonable with how much
time you have right now. You don't want to be behind
schedule on these deliveries. It will show on your account, and it will make you look
bad to potential clients. As the packages progress upward, I add an extra day for delivery. That is my method there. Revisions are when the customer ask you to change
something in the video. I leave only one
revision available, and that is just in case of a misunderstanding between
me and the client. I learned the hard way that some people are going
to make you change the video so many times just
because they don't like it, even though you delivered exactly what they
told you to do. Do not be a pushover. If you
do exactly what they said, tell them that you carried out their instructions correctly, and if they want
something changed, they need to order
another video. The description is
very important. It's where you'll be describing your service and what
they'll be getting into. You'll want to mention
things like what you can offer, what
you can't offer, and I'll put a screenshot
of my description right here so you can screenshot it and copy it if you want to. The next tab is requirements. You can ask your client some
questions so you can get everything out of
the way that would cause a revision in
the first place. If you know everything you need to know about their brand, if they have a physical
product or not, if they already have a script
written, things like that, there won't be as many mistakes. Have them provide scripts or any extra details about their
product or service that you want so you can make the best video possible for
them. The first time around. Very close to the last
thing, you're going to make a video ad to introduce yourself
in what you're offering. So you're looking
for a UDC creator. My name is Sa, so. This is what I do. This is what I offer. This is what I enjoy. This is my passion, whatever
you want to tell them. Here, you can take
a quick look at My name is Kent, but you can call me Hart or Hart the Plug, which is what about
300,000 people know me as. I have a background of
photography and videography. So not only can I provide
you that organic content, but also high quality ads, whether that's photo or video. And to let you know, I do
specialize in tech fashion, and outdoor type of products. Not saying that you have to
do it as over the top as me, because I'm a videographer and center photographer, by trade. But this is a chance for your potential clients
to get to know you, so just be yourself. The last thing that I
cannot show you because my account is already
active is the taxes. They're going to have you
fill out tax information, and just go ahead and do
that and you're ready to go. Your fiber account
has been created. Now, let's move on
to the next part, which is creating a
portfolio with Amba. Now, fiber is no paradise. They take 20% of your income, but all it is is
a stepping stone to be able to create
our portfolio. So once you have about
three to six videos, go ahead and hop on
Google and type in Amba. Once you're on
camera, you're gonna go to websites at the top, and then you're going to
go to portfolio website. This is the best way to
create a portfolio for free. You see all these rectangles
on the side here? The templates, and you can use any of them to create
your own portfolio. And after you're done
creating your portfolio, you can publish this
to a website for free. So to structure things out for you. I'm going
to show you mine. So I start with the introduction
of who I am and what I do in a clear and
clean photo of myself. You can customize this
however you want. Make sure you put
UGC creator nice and big so they know exactly
what they came there for. The second page I have one
here is what and Y UGC. You don't have to add
a page like this, but this is for the people or the clients that don't really have a grasp on what UGC is
and how powerful it can be. Th ird page, we hop into
our reference videos. And since this is going
to be on a website, they can actually
click these and play them and to quickly show
you guys how this works, you're going to go up to
elements and you're going to type in rectangular frame. You'll see all these
frames up here at the top with the grass and
the clouds and blue sky, go ahead and choose a
frame that you like, click it and drag it where you
want it on your portfolio. Now you're going to
go up to uploads, and this is where you're
going to upload your videos. You're going to grab the
video, cover over that frame, drop it in there and
you're good to go. The last thing you need to know about putting videos
in this thing. Go ahead and select
one of the videos, go up to the top to playback. This auto play and presentation is already
going to be on. You need to turn that off. Because if you populate
all these videos in here, have about six
here. They're going to autoplay all
at the same time, it's going to be complete chaos someone comes to your portfolio. Turn all of them
off so they have the choice to play whichever
one they want one at a time. All right guys, the
next page is pricing. Do not put your fiber
prices in here. Do not put any prices in here. You see mine is
pretty much blank. That's because every client
you bring on from now on, you're going to want
to negotiate with them based on how much
they can afford, and we will talk
about how to ask about a budget in the
next few lessons. But you can take the
types of videos that you are offering off of fiber
and put them on here, on boxing, testimonials,
demonstrations, voiceovers, whatever the
videos you're making. Put them on there
and also let them know what you're using
to record as well. That will help them
make a decision. You see I have IPhone 14 Pro and my professional camera
at the Canon R six. That's what I'm shooting
on right now, actually. The next thing
before we end this, if you have a skill
or a talent or something that can add to
the creation of your video, go ahead and make
an add on page. For instance, I
was a photographer before I started doing videos, so I have professional product steals in here as an add on. The last page, of course,
is the contact page. If you have a logo,
go ahead and drop it there and let them know
how they can contact you. I would really
suggest that you give them as many options
as possible. Everybody doesn't use
Instagram, TikTok, e mail. So if you
give them everything, they will have something convenient that they
can contact you with. And just like the videos,
we're going to go to elements, and we're going to type
in Instagram Logo, TikTok Logo website logo. Go to C A, and you'll see all these different
options here. Go ahead and click
one, drag it on, and it'll come up here. Then you can right click
on that and go to Link. Grab your Instagram Link. Paste it in there,
and now they can click straight through
to your Instagram link, your TikTok link, your e
mail, your website, all that. It's more professional this way, and it makes it very easy on their end to get
in touch with you. Now, after you're done
designing your portfolio, you're going to go up
here to publish website. Now, if you don't
have a free account, you cannot buy a domain, which means you'll have a random URL that they generate for you. Mine says because
I paid for that. I was $20. If you want to change your URL, you will have to get a pro
account or a team account, which does cost
money, unfortunately. You can always leave
it free and just have a random URL in there looks a little bit
less profesional, but it's not that big of a deal. Now here is my portfolio
as it is right now, and I still have some
updating to do on it. If you're thinking, well, my portfolio doesn't
look like yours, you can always re
edit and republish the website later
for free once again. The last way you're
going to spread your online presence is
to create a Twitter, a TikTok Instagram, Facebook, for just your UGC, and you're going to post your
sample UGC work on those, use some hashtags and stuff like that, because
there's agencies, creative strategies, and brands, always looking for UGC
creators on those apps. That's it for this
lesson. Let's move on to Lesson five. We're Zoom.
7. Pitching & Communication: Communication in any field is the most powerful
tool you can possess. So do me a favor, and
let's not send any chat CBT messages when we begin
to outreach to clients. This lesson will
teach you what to say when you're the one doing
the outreaching leg work, I when you start looking for
clients outside of Fiber. It's good to do so
at some point so you can remove the 20% fee
that comes with it. But not using Fiber
means that you have to put some other
things into place, like a financial management
software like QuickBooks, and LOC or so proprietorship
and a business bank account. Say this because
without these things, you'll end up having a hard
time tracking your income. And taxes is insane
when you're making money on your own without
a business formation. This is the part
where I'm going to tell you to do some research on getting these things
set up if you're really serious about
making money with this. I recommend QuickBooks
for tracking your income and
invoice and clients. Read up on a sole proprietorship in LLC to see which one's best for you and choose the best business bank account
that also works for you. So welcome to Outreaching, e mails, DMs N Applications. That's pretty much it. Now, I don't have to tell
you that you have to approach people
differently depending on your method of contact. E mail and DMs
won't be the same, but we do need a template
message to act as a base to maximize the amount of people we can contact in the
shortest amount of time. So we'll write something that looks a little
bit like this. You're going to say
hi, business name, or if you find the contact of the marketing person
in that company, that'll be even better. I'm a big fan of the
product or service that you sell is what
you're going to say next, specifically, because give
them a reason for this part. You're going to include the
values of that company. Maybe something they stand for. Do a little bit of research.
It'll go a long way. It'll definitely impress them. So now that they know
why you contacted them, you're going to go ahead and
introduce yourself finally. Name is whatever your name is, and I'm a UGC content
creator for Brands. See my portfolio here. Now, you're going to link
your actual abl portfolio that we made with that text. I'd love to create some UGC
videos around your product or service that you can use on your socials or
even to run as ads. And this is the part where we find out about their budget. Does your team
currently allocate some of your marketing
budget to UGC? I'm willing to hop on
a call to explore what a potential partnership will look like. Thank
you for your time. Have a great day, and
then go ahead and leave that brilliant signature or whatever that
looks like for you. Thing you don't want to
do when you're sending these messages is overthink it. Tell them what you
are there for first. I'm sure they get a ton of BS e mails that they
have to sift through. It'll be good for you
to get that out of the way first instead of saying, Hey, Mona, they don't
care who you are. Now, you can take this message
and use it as a template. Shape it into whatever
you needed to be, say it as naturally as you
would normally say it. If you want to use it in DMs, maybe send the messages
once at a time, so it doesn't seem like
a script and more like a conversation that and
that makes sense, right? So that is e mails and DMs. Let's talk about
applications. These are easy. Now, considering that
you'll be filling these out online,
they're very simple. You enter your
information as they ask. Some of them will
have a legitimate put together like
application process, and others will say, send your portfolio to this e
mail, and I love those. Here's a couple of ways to
find those applications. Go to LinkedIn and type in
UDC content creators needed. You'll see all these
people that need UGC content creators.
There you go. Go ahead and do
the same thing on Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. Facebook is really good
because they have groups just for UDC brands
and UDC creators. The last thing when it comes to communication with clients, and this will take
you a long way get comfortable
asking your clients for the performance
of your videos. Get info like how long they ran the add in the add account, the hook rate the click
through rate, the CPM. If you don't know what CPM,
do some research, man. You're going to become real
familiar with these terms. And some brands might not
want to give that to you. But when you ask, just
justify it by saying that you're just
trying to create better video ads for them, and you use that
information to do so. Because how am I supposed
to improve if I don't know how these videos are
performing? You fill me. So take that, run with it, and let's move on to the
last lesson Lesson six.
8. Tips To Grow Your UGC Business: Doing everything we
discussed so far, you're on your way to
getting your first client. But let's cover
some good practices to help you grow
your UGC business. Over delivering is something
that I practice often. Like I mentioned before,
the guy that wanted one UGC video for the watches. I delivered two extra
high quality videos just because I like the product, and he seemed like a good guy, but overdelivering might not
always bring a client back. So you should only do
it if you see potential in a client or you
don't mind doing more. Learning how to
bundle your offers plays a major role on
how much you can charge. If you have additional
skills that can take the burden off of a
client, pitch it to them. Experiment with things like offering them the raw footage, extended or limited
usage rights or even a percentage
off if they order more videos. Contracts. After you have your contracts
made, always offer it. Getting clients on a
contract will lock in your income so you don't have to rely on those come and go jobs. I'll leave a couple of
contracts you can download in the projects and
resources down below. You're welcome. Graduate
clients from Fiber. Fiber is great for
making connections with tons of brands that you otherwise would have
never run into. I mean, I met these guys on
Fiber, believe it or not. So never turn your
back on Fiber. But after working with
the brand more than once, if you already set
that business up, the business bank account,
the QuickBooks, and all that, should definitely
consider taking that client off of Fiber. You'll get paid faster through your financial management
system that you chose, like QuickBooks, and you both can skip paying
the fiber fees. Fiber doesn't actually
like it when they see you taking people
off of their platform. So how I do it is I ask for the client's e mail
for the purpose of sending them more information
about our project. In that way, you
can invoice them through their e mail after
you get their e mail. Stay consistent
with outreaching. Once you find your stride in outreaching, keep up with it. Also, once you have worked
with a handful of brands, get reviews and
referrals from them and QuickBooks actually makes it very easy to do that as well. I'm not sponsored, by the way. I'm just saying, I use it. The last thing, man,
get comfortable with sales calls. Okay? This one might be a
tough pill to swallow, but you'll eventually
have to take sales calls working with brands, simply because they want to see and hear what kind
of creator you are, as well as discuss face to
face, the terms of your offer. It totally slipped my mind that I wanted to
show you guys how to write a UGC script from
scratch, using AI. So I'll try to make it quick.
Let's go ahead and do that. Go ahead and Google, chat GPT. Obviously. That's what
we're gonna be using. Now, if you don't
have account already, make an account, because
what are you doing? If you want to get more
out of C chat GPT, go ahead and add the extension A IPR M. It'll give you access to a bunch of C chat
TPT bots that has a predetermined knowledge
base that someone created. So instead of asking the
regular Chat GPT questions, you can find a bot that has a knowledge base
that you're looking for and then ask the question, and it might give
you a more accurate and more tailored response. But you don't need AIPRM to do what I'm about
to show you how to do. So the first thing
you want to do really anytime you're
about to use C chat GPT is to educate it on what you wanted
to write about first. Remember when we set up the fiber account
when I said to get all the information
you can about the brand and the
product, right? If the brand left it on
you to write the script, then you will definitely
need that information. Here's a couple of
things you should ask for if they don't
already give it. Every brand should
have positioning. And this states what
stands out or what's different about this brand
compared to similar brands. A good example for this is
that Hal's positioning against other protein
shakes is that they are vegan and non GMO based. The next thing you
want to ask for is value props or
value propositions, and this is going
to be a list of everything that's
good about the brand. Up size, their benefits,
et cetera, et cetera. Again, using Hel as an example. One of their value
props could be low calorie, high protein. Basically, this list equals, why should someone buy this? Another thing you can ask
for is customer reviews. These are good because if
you read enough of them, you can start to understand
the type of language that audience uses and what the best way is to
communicate to them. The next thing you want
to ask the brand for is their audiences pain points.
So look at it like this. Every product that you buy
probably solves a problem, and that unsolved
problem equals pain. It doesn't always have
to be physical pain. It can be mental pain, but not having a solution
to your problem, which is the product causes some type of discomfort
in your life, and that is what leads
people to buy things, ok? I just taught you a
little bit of sales, man. Pay attention. But using pain
points in a UGC ad is almost always a must, because that is how you connect initially with the audience. If you can verbally
describe and more importantly show a
person's pain in a video, They will watch the
end of the video and probably end up buying whatever product
that you're selling. So there's more information
you could definitely get from your client that would help you write a better script. But those things are
the most important. Now, what we're going to do is take all the
information that they give us and feed that into Chat GBT. So let's
start it off like this. Whatever brand
you're shooting for, there's probably another company that sells something similar, and that means there
are other videos on the Internet already
that you can pull from. So see, I need to
write an ad for Hel. I would just type in protein
shake review on YouTube, and we'll see what we can find. So what we're looking
for here is the shorts. So I'm going to click
on one of these. So once you find
one that you like, you're just going to
copy that link, right? And what we're going to do
is transcribe that video. Convert it to an MP three. Go ahead and download that. I'll just put it on my desktop. Just type in AI, transcribe. Look for the one named R Stream. That is the one that
I found that is free. The other ones want to charge you, and we're
not dealing with that. Let's go ahead upload our file, transcribe, and let
that do its work. Once that's done, go
ahead and download that. I'll also put that
on my desktop. And now let's go
back to Chat BT. Make sure in the
beginning, you give it a brief synopsis of
what the brand is, what it sells, and
what it's about. So let's just tell Cat
BT that I'm writing a UGC video ad for a
protein shake company. I can't spell called He. Here's a bit of information
about the brand. So I don't have any real
information on the brand, but what I can do is
copy this information here and paste it into Chat GPT. But you get
the gist of that. What you're going to do
is title each section so Chat GPT knows
what it's reading. So you can do value
propositions, and then under that all
the value propositions. You can do customer reviews and then under that
customer reviews. After that, we can give
it the transcribed script we got from YouTube shorts. And we can just say,
here's a script from YouTube shorts
that I found. Write me a Facebook
ad script for H using inspiration from
the transcript below, and then we'll go ahead
and paste that transcript. I'll write you a
quick little script that you can use
as a rough draft, and then you can go ahead
and start refining it. Catch IPT is not going to
do all the work for you, but it is really good
for inspiration. So guys, that's it. That's
how you're going to use AI to write your very own UGC ad. Okay? Like I said, experiment
with the different types of information that you give Catch
IBT and have fun with it. And I'm about to be late to
my manicure appointment, so I will see you guys later. Oh, and that's actually it.
Let's hit to the conclusion.
9. Shoot Brands With Me Pt. 1: Guys, that is literally all
you need to be a UGC creator. If you did everything with me, your majority of the
way they're already. If you want to learn how to record videos and
stuff like that, take photos, so
you can have them as add ons to your UGC videos. Go ahead and watch
my other classes, which there are
four more of them. Now, notice I didn't go too deep into recording because
I think it's easy, but if you'd like to see
something like that, I'll take care of that
for you in another class. Remember when I said that I
wouldn't show you guys any of the recording process
for a UDC video. I lied, but I on purpose. You see, I didn't have any UDC videos to
record at the time. And if I was going to
show you something, I wanted it to be real. And out of the blue, I was sent two brands to do two
videos for each. One is a physical product, and the other is a
digital service. The brand that I mentioned before that I made
a lot of money just off of one ad has sent me
two more videos to do. These are super simple
this time, though. They're just talking
heads, and I assume because they already have all the B roll that
I've given them before that they can
use for these videos. For both of these
brands, I don't do any editing because this
comes from an agency, the same agency that
hosts the content houses. If I can finish all
three of these, it'll be a $600 day.
So let's get started. I got my tripod. If you don't have a
tripod, probably get one. You don't have to get a
fool tripod like this. You can just get a monopod
that everyone uses. I'll make a Amazon list and link it in the
description of the class. So you can go and
buy stuff that you can record your UDC videos with. So since I'm going to be showing you how to
record on my phone, I might as well show you the settings that I
also use on my phone. So in your settings, whether you have an
android or an iPhone, go ahead and type in camera. And then you're going to click
on your camera settings. My default settings at
the top there is all at four K because that's
usually what I shoot in. Some brands don't care
about this, some do, but most of them probably want you to send everything
in ten ADP. So if you go into something like CAP cut whenever you export, just make sure you export it in ten ADP and send it
to them like that. The only other thing you really need to know
about recording UDC videos with your phone is go to the first option here, scroll down, and HDR video. You're going to turn that off. Majority of brands will tell
you to not record in HDR. And that's it, guys.
The only thing left to do is to
start recording. So let's hop straight in. So first I'm shooting
for video dot O. They're a AI video
editing software. So I keep that in mind
when I'm making my ads. And what I did
without them telling me the first time is I made sure that I brought my
camera gear out and stuff like that to
show on camera that, you know, this is for
content creators. So if you're speaking
to single mothers, you want to show
them something that single mothers are used
to seeing or doing, and I'll show you exactly what
I mean when I set this up. So all this is a phone mount
in a tripod mixed together, and I put my phone on
here. And I screw it in. And once that's screwed in, we can set this up right here. So they really liked
it when I put my road mic visibly into
the frame because, you know, Road is a
reputable audio company. Every single content
creator knows about road. So I put one of my studio
monitors right in front here, and then I pointed
the road mic at me. Just like that and turn
it towards the camera. Just like that Again, because this is a
video editing software for YouTubers and
content creators, it's important to focus on quality in both the
audio and the video. So when shooting
for them, I always shoot in cinematic mode, and I'll show you
what it looks like on here right now on my iPhone, and I always use one of my
high quality mics to record. This mic right here is
what I'm using to record. This is just a prop mic. I'm not recording with
this one right now. So now that I've
shown you all that, I have zero time to actually record this because now I have to go to lunch
with my friend. So we'll come back and record this and hopefully we can get all four of
these videos done today. But man, I'm a busy man, y'all. Is it darker in here?
I'm not gonna lie, guys. I don't know what
happened to the day. Had a little bit too
much fun while I was out with my friend, and now it's 4:00. All right. Let's hop back into
it. We're going to go ahead and just start
recording. Man, I'm sweating. So I'm not going
to show you guys the full script because
a lot of, you know, work goes into their process, and I'm pretty sure
they would like to keep it private. There's
two ways to do this. Either you can memorize the entire script
or you can just go line by line and say the
script one at a time. That is what I think I'm
going to do on this one, and the template script that I'm going to
give you guys in the projects and resources will look very similar to this. Like the structure of it
will be almost the same. So a quick little location
change because I'm about to record some B roll for this ad. Every ad that you're
going to be recording. B roll will probably
be a part of it. It's something that acts
as sort of like a glue to the entire video so that the audience doesn't
get bored while just, you know, watching someone talk. So I recorded all the
dialogue downstairs. And now I'm just going to
record a few pieces of B roll, and we'll be finished
with this first video. I'd say that this probably
took me 20 minutes to complete this ad in total
by the end of this. So one of the value propositions
in this ad is that you can save money on
video production costs by using the AI video need to make a list that looks
kind of like this on a piece of paper and just record a little video of
me checking it out. So that's what we're
going to do next. Alright, check it out. How
did I do? Pretty good, right? I know. My handwriting
is amazing. Now that we have this done,
we're literally just go to record this sheet of paper,
and then we'll be done. There's one thing I haven't
figured out yet, though, on this ad, and they want
me to burn fake money. So I just sent them a
text and asked them, I that on me or
is that on y'all? Because I don't have
any fake money to burn. So let's film this
piece of paper, and this we're going
to do free handed. So that is one of the
four videos wrapped up. It is around 5:00. The next one we're doing for in video is going to be
another talking head. At this time, there's
no B roll at all. It's just me talking
to the camera. So this one's going to
go a little bit faster. So yeah, we're just going
to hoop straight into it. Sometimes it's good
to change clothes if you have more than
one video to complete. Now, obviously, you
can ask the client, does it matter if I wear
the same thing or not, and they'll let you know. But a lot of brands do
what's called AB testing, and they basically put multiple versions of one
video up at the same time. And whichever one
performs the best, they'll turn the other one
off in their ad account. Or if they're just two
completely separate video ideas, and they don't want you to
wear the same thing in both. My favorite thing to do
is put on a new pair of glasses or just
throw a hoodie on. So let's quickly run through
this next ad and get onto the physical products
that I have to do videos for. So let's go ahead and
grab all the footage that we recorded
today for the brands, and we're going to air
drop that to my MAC book. Since I did record in
cinematic for like 16 minutes, this is going to take a while
to prepare, as you can see, like cinematic footage takes
a long time to process. So that's the
downside of using it.
10. Shoot Brands With Me Pt. 2: Time skip. It's 720 now, and I'm done recording
for the day. I did not finish everything
because some stuff requires a little bit more
light than what we have left. So I'm going to wrap it up here. I wasn't able to
show you a lot of me shooting for
this brand called Hal because they wanted me to use my camera, which
I'm shooting on right now. Uh, I do have two cameras, but I don't like using my
other one for shooting videos. So, you see that
change shirts to a more professional looking
one because they wanted me to do a authoritative figure type of thing because this
is a nutritional brand. And when you speak on
health and nutrition, you definitely want
to look the part. The glasses, the shirt, I look like, you know, I care about my health when I
wear stuff like this. Like I said before about the
video editing AI software, putting the mic inside
of the frame is a choice that will communicate that you are what you
are talking about. So what we're going to do now is organize all this footage. I need to do a little
bit of editing, and then tomorrow we'll grab the last bit of B roll
shots and stuff like that. For the most part, all
of the talking and dialogue is recorded,
which is great. I just need to do
a little bit of refrigerator work
with these drinks. I actually haven't tried it.
So, you know, L et's try it. 27 vitamins and minerals, 7 grams of fiber, 35
grams of protein. It's plant based,
it's vegan, non GMO. It's very good stuff. I am, you know, kind of into
to health a little bit, so I know what all that
means, and I like it. I like the product. Whoa,
that is a heavy drink. It tastes good, and you can tell you're drinking
something, you know? This is supposed to be
a meal replacement, so I can definitely see
that. Dude, I don't know. I I might start buying these because I don't like the hassle of
cooking, to be honest. And if I can just
drink one of these for a meal, that would be amazing. Tomorrow, I can actually
show you me shooting for this brand because I will be shooting with my phone
on the other video. The first video, I had to
shoot for my camera and that's why I said, I
couldn't show you guys that. So I'm gonna get
some editing done, and I'll see you
guys when we are shooting the rest of this brand.
11. Shoot Brands With Me | Conclusion: This is a mess. Day two. We have a little
bit of a dilemma. We're going to be
putting the protein drinks in and out of
the refrigerator, but the refrigerator is dirty. So I'm gonna quickly
clean it out. So I've got both tabs
pulled up for each video, and it seems like we
have four pieces of B roll to record on each video. So they want me to shoot
this one on my camera. And this one, I believe they don't care whether I shoot
it on my camera on my phone. So I'm going to use
my phone on this one. It says, recreate this video. Let's look at the video.
They want us to recreate. And yeah, this looks like
phone footage on this one. The reference for
this one. Let's see. Yeah, it's a little
bit more high quality. And remember, we recorded the talking head portion
of that yesterday, and it looks a little
bit like this. So let's get this
B roll recorded, and we can send all this footage off to them and be
done for the day. D So it is around 3:00. We finished everything we
need to do for the outside, recording on my camera. So now we're going
to get everything we need outside for the phone. But yeah, I changed
clothes again to, like, a workout outfit. I need to get some
shots of me drinking the heel inside of the car
while walking down the street, working at my desk, and standing in the
kitchen, I believe. So once we are done outside, we are going to go back inside, wrap up the rest of the shots
for the rest of the videos. Okay. Next shot
we'll want to get. Is the car shot, right? And for this, I have
this thing here. It is a such cup that
goes on any flat surface. We don't really need
the big one though. We can just take the
little small extension and twist it directly on
my phone mount, right? And now I can pop
this right here, and that thing is there to stay. I don't really like this angle
to be completely honest. Close the door. I
like this way better. So, I put that on the sun roof, and then this is
what it looks like. I think it's a
much better angle, and we're gonna use that. There we go. Oh. Oh. You see, I'm not overselling it? I'm not being over dramatic
when I drink to drink, like, Oh, my God,
this is so good. I'm not doing any of
that. Because that's not how normal people act.
You know what I'm saying? Like, if you drink something good, if you drink
something good, your head's not gonna explode, but it's going to be like,
Oh, Yeah, that's good. So when you're recording
thes UGC videos, what you need to
remember is that what you're trying to do is fit seamlessly into a
person's feed, right? So when someone's scrolling, what are they used to seeing? Right? If you go
too far from that, people are going to be able to tell it's an ad very quickly, and people do not like to
be sold to these days. As soon as you see an ad
on your social media, what do you do? You swipe away. So I'll get a couple
of variations of this, and we can go ahead
and go inside because I am sweltering. Now when you start
your UGC journey, you definitely want to
let clients know what you specialize in or what you
want to specialize in, minor like fashion, tech, electronics, outdoor stuff,
self help, things like that. So just simply stating
that we'll make sure that the right
brands approach you. The next thing I hope
you picked up was the phone camera settings
that I was using. If you want to
impress your client with some good quality video, practice down sampling
that is shooting in four K and exporting in Ten ADP. Use the free app CAP cut to
edit your stuff like I did, and then export it in ten ADP. And that way, the video
will not be compressed when they upload it into their
social media account. The next thing is
develop your skills. People can hire me for pretty much anything because
I can do everything from a organic iPhone video all the way up to flying drones,
professional commercial ads. So, work on acquiring
some more skills that you can use to charge more. And I don't mean
that just for video. I mean, anything
that you can add to lessen the burden of
the client, right? Whatever you know
that is a part of the process by extension
of your video, like SEO, like copywriting, stuff like that.
Learn how to do it. So when you outreach
to customers or customers come to you,
you can say, Yeah, I can do that video for
you, but do you have anyone doing your copywriting or
your SEO for your videos? Alright, I'm gonna get all
this footage together, send it to him, and there
is something on my shirt. And we're going to go ahead and head to the conclusion.
You know what? I actually don't know
where in the class. I'm going to put this video. It might go better
somewhere else. So don't quote me
on that. Maybe this won't be before the conclusion. Wherever it is, I
hope you enjoyed it. And I hope that gave you
the courage to start today. I mean, you can see that I
wasn't doing anything special. Just literally setting
my phone up on the tripod and just
pressing record. I mean, past that, there's
nothing more to it. Now, when you get into the
space where the customer wants you to script
and Date everything, then you're going to be having
to use some brain power. So we've got your fiber made, we've got your portfolio and Canva made. You're good to go. Build up a few clients on Fiber, get a couple of
videos done for them, and then you can use those
to build a better portfolio. Ask for the numbers, so
you can also put that on your portfolio and
start outreaching. Open an LLC or sole
proprietorship, depending on what
state you're in, it could be harder or easier in Colorado, it is super easy. $50 and you're in there. And then open a
business bank account, get a financial management
service, like I said, QuickBooks was a really good
one where you can track your financials and you
can invoice your clients. And that way, you can start graduating clients off of FIR, and you can start outreaching to clients that don't reside on FV. Free contracts I'm
giving you to use. Start locking in
clients for one, three, six, or 12 months. And before you know
it, you'll have a network of clients
that keep coming back. One day, you might be able to do this full time, just like me. There's a lot of information
gem packed in this class, so feel free to
download the road map. I made for you a
notion, to track your progress in
completing all the steps. Take care. And I have a content house to go to
in the next 24 hours, so. I'll see you guys soon.
Cheers. Oh, and good luck. You definitely got it.
You're gonna kill it. Okay. Oh, and don't forget
that class project. I want to see all of you guys
as first UGC video, okay? And I'm gonna give you some
feedback on them, as well. So