1. 1: Hey guys, welcome back. I'm really excited about this class about animating because it's really, really fun and procreate really makes it easy to do animation. So first and foremost, my name is Dave Reed. I live in Brooklyn, New York. I am a desert eater. I'm an uncle on my fiance, and I loved drawing animals, who loved drawing just in general lebensraum forever. And for the first time, I would say probably last year, the year before I started doing animation, procreate has made it really, really easy for me to jump into animation. And I can't wait to teach you everything that I know about animation. So this class we are going to be going over really simple animation. So animations that'll be good for your website. Or if you have, if you make videos, this would be great. You can make like little animated gifs, things like that. So we're not gonna do any heavy duty animation. We're just gonna do some really simple exercises that will really get you, really get you acquainted with the way procreate does animation. And you'll understand how the frames word. And once you figure out these animations and I'm going to show you, then you'll be able to build on it and you'll be able to do much more complicated animations. You'll be able to add different colors and add different effects and things like that. This is a great start if you haven't done animation with procreate, I'm gonna go real slow and make it easy. And it's going to be fine. Alright, let's get to some animation. That was super cheesy wreck.
2. 2: All right, class projects. So of course, we're going to be animated. So that's all this class project is. I want to see some of your animation so you don't have to follow exactly what I'm doing. You don't have to write the name, Dave, write your own name, right? Your, your business. That can be anything that you want to animate. That's the class project. Just be creative and do with do with what you will know that doesn't work. So yeah, I just want you to be creative. You can add to these animations, animate as much as you want, as I really want you to just take this and just just go forward with it and do more that I'm doing. But if you want, you can download my brush pack as usual, it's called faves, and I'll include that in their class project down below or wherever it is on your end. That's the class project. Let's start off. Just nice and slow. I'm going to start off with the canvas that I'm using and how we're going to start out with my layers and things like that. And then we're gonna go into some Phil animation. So that's enough talking. Let's get to some animating.
3. 3: I'm gonna do a few really easy animations. There'll be pretty clever, that was pretty cool in themselves. You'd be able to use them for little gifts and things like that. But what's more important is they'll kind of easily walk you through the beginning steps of animation. So then later on, the more complicated things you wanna do, you'll be able to do them, okay, so we'll start with a fresh blank canvas. My canvas size is 1280 by 72072 DPI. You don't need to go higher than that. Ok, so let's start with, we'll start with a really simple one will go. You don't have to do my name. You can do whatever name you want. Okay, so let's say we want to animate this to sort of fill in with black. So there's a lot of different ways that you can do it. The way that we're gonna do it right now we have just two layers, and we have Dave on the first layer. So we're just going to add another layer above that. And we're going to hit the little n And we're going to bring this down to about 40%. And then we're gonna go to the wrench. We're gonna go, we're gonna turn enemies animation assist on. Okay, so you'll see this pops up. So this is going to be our little helper. This'll be so we can cycle through the animation. I'm not gonna go too much into it because it'll start getting complicated. So we've just turned animation assist on. So now just pay attention to these layers. So this is our base layer. This is sort of our template. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on that. And then I'm gonna hit select. And then I'm going to go to the layer above that. And then I'm gonna go back to the paintbrush. So right now we've lowered the opacity of our bottom layer and we're working on a new layer. But we only have Dave selected. So anything you do, she's kinda be on on dave. Okay. So and there's a million and one way to do this. You can fill in, you can fill in a word like this. You can fill in a word like from the bottom, most like a like a wave. And each frame, then we're just going to add onto it. So that's the steps, the long and short of it. But the way that I like to do it is I like to kind of I like to add in a lot of extra extra stuff as though it's like a messy wave coming in. Okay, so we've added that on the first layer. So all we have to do with this second layer, layer two. So I'm gonna duplicate it. I'm going to rename this. Background. Oops. I'm just gonna rename this background that way. I don't I don't get it confused. And you can lock it to just lock it. Don't worry about that bottom layer. Ok, so we've duplicated are layer, so these are the same. And all I'm gonna do is take the same brush, the paintbrush. M's gonna paint over everything that I just did. But I'm going to add to it. And this is all one frame so you don't have to be really crazy detailed with it. So now I'm gonna duplicate that layer again. And now I am going to just go right back and I'm going to pay more. And now I'm going back duplicating. And then I'm gonna paint in more duplicate. Sort of pain in most of it. Now of course you can do this a lot quicker or a lot slower depending on the amount of details that you want. But each time we're going to duplicate the previous layer. And then you're just going to add on. So when you think of this, when you think of animation, literally, all of this is it's animating from the bottom up. So this first little bit that we've colored in, the next frame is going to cover in more and more and more and more and it just goes all the way up. So literally all I'm doing is duplicating whatever the last layer is that I did. I'm duplicating it and I'm just adding more frames in. And the reason I'm doing it in such a erratic pattern is because he's just going to look like there's some sort of it's just kind of giving a little flavor to the fill. You could do like stippling. You could do kind of like slices. As long as you're duplicating the previous layer and coloring it anymore. Then it's going to animate, then it's going to fill. And it does take a long time. It a 100, 100%, it takes patients. And there are some shortcuts. And once you get the hang of it, that really helps a lot because you can sort of you have a better idea of what you can do. And it's sort of, it's sort of makes way for creativity. So then you're not really thinking about how long it's gonna take. You're kinda thinking, oh, what really cool effect can I make? Now that I know how everything works? You know, it's sort of it sort of makes it a little more fun rather than just work. And it's always nice to have a nice, fun little JIF jeff gift. I don't know which one it is. But just to have a little animation of your name, it's kinda cool. If you're like me, you make videos and things, then it's nice to just have a little a little something. Normally I would do drug free day, but the name is just too long so it doesn't really it just takes longer. The longer the word is, a little longer than name is. And it just takes longer to, to fill it all in. So David is. Alright. And just make sure that you color in the little spots. You don't want to leave any, anything open. You kinda wanna make sure you fill in the whole template. Okay? Make sure that's all colored in. So this is what we have now. So we have a bunch of layers here that we kept duplicating and coloring and more and more and more. So what this bar is down here. So this is our little helper animation window. And what this does is you can see, so that's all the work that we just did. And all of these little, all of these little windows. So I'll just show you this animation and I'll talk about how these windows work in the next video.
4. 4: Okay, so we have R, So we have our word, our name all filled in. So we'll just hit play here. And now you'll see that it's actually animating. But you'll see there's actually a grey like a shadow underneath. And let me pull the microphone closer. The reason there's a shadow. So let's pause. The reason there's a shadow. As you were going to go down to our background layer, our template, and just turn it off. So then we'll be able to get a better view of our animation. And okay, we'll pause it there. So that's pretty much the bare-bones of our animation. There's a few things down here that will change the way that this is playing. So if you go to the Settings window loop, that is the reason that it keeps, it keeps playing back, lucky it keeps looping. Ping pong. It plays back and forth, sort of like a boomerang. Will pause one shot. So that's just one pass and then it's done. So I usually leave it on loop. Right now it's at 24 frames per second. Without getting too much in the weeds. That just means how many of these little slides has to go by every second. So 24 is pretty fast. So if you bring it down to 13, plays a lot slower. If we bring it down to five or six. Plays even slower. So you kinda wanna get a sweet spot. 12 looks pretty good to me. So that's pretty much what the settings are and what the frames per second. Now as we do our next part of the animation, then we'll start using the onion skin frames to sort of have that makes sense. I'll show it to you as we're doing the next part of the animation. The next part of the animation, we don't really need, we don't need the background anymore. So we're going to leave that off. So we're just gonna go to our top-most layer. And what we're gonna do is we're gonna duplicate that. So we have the last, the top two are the same ones. So I'm gonna go to my selection tool here. I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger, just a tiny bit bigger. And then I'm gonna duplicate that. I'm gonna make that a tiny bit bigger. Just a little bit. Okay. So now we have two extra frames and all we did was make those a little bit bigger. We have our, our top-most layer that we're going to that we're going to liquefy. So go to the magic wand tool and go to liquefy. I like to use push and I like to have my distortion all the way up for what we're gonna do. Size, we can put it fairly big for now. So we're just going to use liquefy. We're going to max out the distortion. Size is about here. Pressure is 30, is thirty-seven percent, momentum is 23%. I don't usually mess with those too much any, you know, so you can keep those as they are. Okay. So grad liquefy and we're just pushing. So we're going to push, push everything in from the outside towards the middle. Ok. So now we're gonna duplicate that. We're going to go back to liquefy. The setting should stay the same. And we're just going to push everything to the middle. I was going to do it the other way of animating, but this is a little more fun. This is what I wanted to show you first. So now we're gonna duplicate that. We're gonna go back to liquefy. I'm just going to continue to push all the way to the middle. Duplicate, duplicate, duplicate. There were said that word so much in my life. Duplicate, duplicate. So use, wanna continue making it smaller and pushing it towards the middle. I'm gonna try to do this fast because I'm just, since I'm, I'm just repeating steps. I don't wanna, I don't want to bore you too much. So I'm going to try to do this really fast. But essentially it's just the same, it's just duplicating. The last. Oops, I knew I was gonna do that when I was practicing doing this. I did that a bunch of times. Service, we're gonna keep liquefying. Try and do it a little bit faster here. But you sort of get the point. This is all going to meet in the middle, liquefy. Okay, now we're getting, we're getting close. I sort of put a little curve to it. Liquefy. Ok, so we'll do one more. Liquefy. Sometimes you have to make the brush a little smaller just so it can really get to those details. Make it a little smaller. Okay, so now that we have it pretty small, I'm just gonna do a new layer, so I'm not gonna duplicate. I'm just gonna do a new layer. And i'm just going to work with my regular paint brush. I'm gonna make sure its pretty small. I'm just gonna put a little dot right in the middle. And then I'm gonna make a new layer. And what I'm gonna do here is these fun little. They come fairly big. I using I tend to make them small, but I'm gonna make them bigger for this tutorial because I don't know, I don't know why I always make them really small. Okay, so next we're just going to add another layer on top of that. So this is where, this is another thing that I wanted to teach you about some more options down here. So I'm going to show you in the next video we're gonna talk about onion skin frames and onion skin opacity.
5. 5: Okay, so here's a good point to tell you about some other options. So we just finished with we make them, we made the little dot and then we made these little droplet type things. So essentially onion skin frames. Right now I have a set to, to, yours is probably set. It might even be Topamax. So onion skin is each layer going back. And as each layer goes back and gets, it gets lighter and lighter. So right now you're seeing all of the layers that we've worked on, which is very, very annoying. So what you wanna do is you go to onions can frames, you hit Settings, onion skin frames, and just turn that down to, I like to do one because I only want to see the last frame. One of the things about procreate that I find a little bit annoying is that you can't just do the previous frame. If you also have something ahead. It, it onion skins one frame ahead in one frame back. So if I'm on this frame with just the dot, the onion skin is set at one. So we're seeing very lightly the frame above and very likely the frame after. It's not a big issue as as long as we keep moving forward because there's only a frame behind. But still just sometimes I like to go back and edit things. And it's unfortunate when I have to look at the frame, the next frame as well as the previous frame at the same time. Hopefully that's not too confusing. But okay, so right now we have onion skin is at one, so we're only seeing the frame behind. So now we're in a new frame. So this is the next frame in the onions can is showing the previous frame. So what we wanna do is so this, these little things are going to kind of explode from that little dot. So, so I'm just gonna make it, let's make these little dots on the end. And then I'm gonna make a new layer. I'm not gonna duplicate just new layer. The onion skin is the previous frame. And and the reason why I'm angling these down is because, you know, with, with gravity, even though something is exploding or dripping or something, even if it goes up, it's going to, It's going to continue on a downward trajectory afterwards. So let me make sure that that was the only Ionians can opacity. So the onion skin is the previous frame. Right now this is the onion skin. Onions can opacity is at 60%. But as I go down, obviously the onion skin will start to disappear. And a 100%, as you can see it clearly. So 60% is decent. Okay, so we're gonna do a new layer because we don't want to duplicate. Because we're, we're actually just doing some, some rudimentary animation here. Oh wait a minute. Am I on the right frame? See, I was actually on the I was on the previous frame. Okay. You just wanna make sure that everything is on its own, its own layer. And as you can see, so new layer. And now you can start to move a little quickly because you're really just new layer. It's just these little dots. So you just wanna go below, below the dots where you were because that's what that's how it's going to that's how everything is going to fall to a new layer. Make them really small. And of course you don't have to do, you don't have to do this much in depth. You know, I'm just sort of I'm just sort of having fun with it. So I'm doing them very little. Ok. So what we have now, let's go ahead and, let's go ahead and play our animation. See how it looks. I think it looks pretty cool. Okay, so one thing that I see, and you can go and you can check all of these layers. So if you want to make changes, you can. So the one thing that I saw that I didn't like, I didn't like it getting gradually bigger. So this is the let's see, where's the final frame? So this is the final frame where the word is complete. The next one is where it gets a little bigger. And the next one is where it gets a little bigger. So sometimes it pays to just check what's happening in your animation. So I'm gonna delete these two because I didn't like the way that those layers looked. So let's see how it looks now. I think that looks better. So one thing that you might want to do as you're going through is add pauses and just change the timing of certain things that are happening. So in the next video, I'm gonna go through how to kind of pause the video at certain points. But so it's still connected to your animation. So we'll, we'll go over that in the next video.
6. 6: Okay, so there's certain, Sometimes there, you might want to change the speed of certain things that are happening within the animation. So there's a couple ways that you can do it. Firstly, let's say you want to pause before, before it, before it kind of starts shrinking. So what you do is you go to the frame where it's where everything is full and complete. And then as long as you're on that frame down here, you just tap it. And then you'll see hold duration. So this is going to add extra frames behind. So if we do 20 and you see all these grayed out layers. So that means that we've stretched this one. We've stretched this one layer or this one frame, 20 frames. So let's play it. And now it pauses. And then it starts to do the next part of the animation. So of course, if you only wanted it to pause for half of that time, you just you just cut the frames by ten or whatever your number is. And then it'll only pause for whatever amount of time you specify. So let's say that you wanted to, if this happen, if this is happening too long, you might want to just cut some of these frames out. So you can tap on the frame and you can hit delete. Let's say we cut out every other one. You can always undo. He may have to kind of just play around with it until you see it, until it just looks pleasing to your eye. I think that's a little bit better because it's happening a lot, a lot faster. And here's another trick that you can do. This is very unnecessary. You don't really have to do this, but once it starts, once it starts shrinking, you can go to the layer and then you can go to options. And you can do like a motion blur. But you do have to do it for all of the all of the layers in that kind of sequence. So we did it for this layer, this layer, we'll do it for this layer. I'm actually not sure how this is going to look. It may look bad, but that's part of the fun. Some of the fun of animating. Just sort of seeing what looks good will blur this little 12 and just see how that looks. Okay, so, so let's play it and see how it looks. And it still looks a little slow. So what I'm gonna do is get rid of this one. And I'll get rid of, let's see, I'll get rid of this one too. So let's see how that looks. So we'll just hit play. I think that looks a lot better. So as you can see, sometimes you just have to edit it and just sort of mess around with it and just try to get the timing and try to get everything the way you like it. Also, just as a note, if you have a frame, like for example, this frame has, is connected to these 20 frames. If you duplicate it. If you duplicated here, it just duplicates one in front of it. So if you wanted to just so if you wanted to add the same amount of time, the same, the same pause, you'd have to add it. But if you duplicate from here, it only adds one frame. So I'm gonna delete that because we don't need it. But if you click on that frame and then you go to your layers, then if you delete this, I mean it not delete. If you duplicate the layer from here, then it duplicates everything, then you will have another pause because you duplicated that whole layer and everything that was connected to that layer. So hopefully that makes sense to, okay, so this one is looking pretty good. For the next bit. I'm just going to show you how I did that tidal animation, which is actually easier than this. It'll be much easier than this. So, yeah, we'll, we'll start the next one in the next video.
7. 7: Okay, so hopefully the first animation, I didn't go too fast. This one's going to be a little bit easier because we're just going to use the text tool. And it's going to be the same exact animation that I did at the very beginning of the video. So if you wanna do animations like that, then this is the one for you. That was super cheesy. Okay, so the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to start from scratch. So I deleted everything else. And we're gonna go to add, add text. And I'm just going to position it. Make it a little bigger. Okay? And this, this, this font is actually my fonts. This phone is called cubby brush, and I love it. I use it all the time. So let me make sure it, let me see how big my text is on the actual canvas, which is very important. Okay, so I just want to put it in the middle because you don't want it to run off, run off the edge. So just as a test, what I'm gonna do bear with me sometimes this text editor when they changed it, I have a lot of issues with the text editor. So whatever you want to write and just do a little test and just make sure that it's long enough. Like I just did there. Because it can mess up your animation. If you, you know, if it goes off to the side like that, you don't want to be animating and have it go like that because then you have to adjust it and make it, make it fit back in with the animation so you don't want to deal with that at all. So just make sure that it fits in the middle. So that's pretty good and that's that's fair. That's pretty much in the middle. Okay. And we'll actually do this step now, which is something I didn't do when I was practicing this. We're gonna add, will add illustration. So add illustration here. But for now, we're just going to take that one and we're going to, we're going to hide that layer because we don't need the illustration yet. Alright, so, so now that we have our illustration and we have our drug free, Dave, let's just tap on this word or whatever word you want to use. A tap on the end. And then we're gonna delete, should be deleting. We wanna go to the end and then we wanna delete what you do. And it just doesn't wanna delete these letters. I don't know what to do. And it's really frustrating. I'm gonna get this right. So then we're going to delete all the way to the ad symbol because that's where we're going to start. So what we're gonna do now is duplicate edit text. The duplicate edit text. Tap on it. Are duplicate DR. edit text. You duplicate Dui, De Ru. Not rasterize. And we want to rasterize edit text, G, duplicate, edit text. Alright, so I'm gonna, I'm gonna continue this, but I don't think that you need me to continue to to say it. I'm gonna try to do it quickly. So don't make fun of me if I, if I mess up. Okay, so we've duplicated every single one all the way up until we've gotten to Dave, right now you can really, you can just play the animation. And so that's how I did the first, the first part of the animation to little fast. Put it, it will change the frames per second to ten. So this is the last frame. So what we wanna do here is you want to tap on that frame and then you want to do the whole duration for about will do for about five frames. Okay, so let's play it. So at the last frame, it's just holding 45 frames. Ok, so after that fifth frame, so I change this, this topmost frame to wait five frames. Now I'm going to bring this illustration up to the top. So I'm just going to tap it and I'm gonna drag it all the way up to the top. So now we have this and the illustration would be the next frame. But I want it to be underneath the Drug Free, Dave. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to duplicate the Drug Free Dave. So I've just duplicated that last drug free Dave, with the five frames. So we have five frames here. And then there's five frames here. And what I'm gonna do is I'm going to merge, I'm going to merge those two layers. So this one has the five frames. This, it looks like it only has one frame now. But that's okay because I'm just going to tap on it. And then I'm going to hold that for ten frames. So let's see how it looks. It might look good with five frames, so let's change it to five. Actually. It actually would look better if the illustration popped up sooner. So I want to change this one. I want to change that to maybe let's try two. That looks a little more natural. Okay, so we have our letters on the next one. I'm gonna do the little eraser over this illustration and make it go away. And then we're going to, and then we'll work on that drug free days, making that disappear as well. So yeah, we'll start that in the next, in the next video.
8. 8: Okay, so now we're just gonna do the little erasing effect for illustration, which is pretty easy. So the only thing that we're gonna do, this is the, this is the last frame that we worked on and that's holding for looks like it's about ten frames or so. Which is fine. So I'm gonna duplicate that layer. So now we have two of the same layers. And on this layer, on the top most layer now, you can take any brush. I'll take I'll take my graffiti brush as an eraser. And I'm just going to, I'm just gonna do some erase marks. And what you're seeing underneath is you're seeing the onion skin from the previous frame because all we did was duplicated. So now that I've made those erase marks, I'm going to duplicate this. And as you can see, those marks that I erased are not there anymore, but as I erase more. And you'll see that it's still gonna onion skin. So now we're gonna duplicate that one. And we're gonna make sure that we erase all these little bits here. Okay, so now we're going to duplicate that. Make sure all these little bit sir, erased. And we're going to duplicate and we're going to erase them. And I think I actually made a mistake. And I'll show you why. Or maybe you already noticed the mistake that I made. So what I should have done. Okay, so now we're back to just, just a drug free data. What I should have done is when I made my first eraser marks, I should've went down here and I should have brought all the way all these down to none. Because right now, every time that I duplicated, I made ten extra frames that I don't need. So all you have to do is go down here and just bring the frames town to none. So it's not holding, it's just doing the one single frame. Okay, so I just got rid of all those extra frames. And now you can see that's the erasing. Okay, so now that, now that that's erased, the next step is gonna take drug free Dave, and I'm gonna duplicate it. And then we're gonna go to our selection tool. And we're just going to make it smaller and sort of put it in the middle. And then we're gonna duplicate that. We're gonna make that smaller. Put it in the middle and rinse and repeat. A couple more times. Smaller. The more frames you do, the slower it will be. If I only made it like three frames, then it would look really fast and the animation, and that's a general. The more frames, the slower something will be duplicate or let me zoom in here. And it's okay that it starts to get a little pixelated. It's just because we're zoomed in so much. Okay. So I think that's pretty good. So for the next one, I'm just going to add a layer on top because I don't need to keep shrinking once it's this small, you can't see it anyway. So I'm just gonna put in and put a little line. And I'm gonna make a new layer. And then I'm just gonna make our trusty little dot. And where you go from here is a sort of similar to the other, the other, the other part. Obviously, you know what I like. I love these little splashes. So I'm just going to keep adding a new layer. Oops, it's a little too far away. And I'll add a new layer. And I slowly make them a little bit smaller each time I go. And of course, I know I'm just having fun. You don't really have to do so many little, little pieces, but I think it's kind of fun. Okay, so let's see what we think it looks pretty good. So the first thing I notice is that these are trailing off way too much. So I'm just gonna get rid of the last three layers because I don't really need them. And also, what I wanted to do when I got to drug free, Dave. I wanted to pause. So I'm gonna pause here for ten. And then I'm going to hold this duration for 15. And I'm actually going to bring this speed up a little bit. So let's see how that plays out. It's still little long for the shorter free Dave, so I'm just going to bring that down to like seven or maybe six. And I'm actually going to stress, I'm going to stretch the Drug Free. Dave bid out for four. So let's see how that place. I think it looks great. Okay, I'm pretty happy with that. And of course there's a, you can change the colors. You can actually go through. And if you want to, if you want to rasterize all these layers that detects layers, you can slowly change the color as the animation goes on. There's tons of things that you can do. This is just one little, one little useful thing. If you have a website or a, or a, or you make videos or something like that. And I say, hey, you know, my name is drug free Dave. You know, it's just cool that I can like sort of drop this onto the, onto the video and have a little, a little animation. So yeah, I, you know, I really love animation. I think it's really fun. And it's just putting in the work and taking the plunge because procreate makes it really easy. This was the first application that I've really been able to really do a lot of animation on. So yeah, just wanted to share it with you guys. And hopefully you guys find it useful. And I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of animations you guys make.
9. 9: Alright guys, so we made it to the end. The next step for you is to continue animating. Do things with some color, use different colors. There's an endless amount of things that you can animate. And trust me, the more you do it, it's just gonna get addicting because you're going to realize that anything you can draw, you can, you can make come to life. So it's a whole, another element and procreate. And I really hope that you continue to do it and that you have fun with it. Also, I would love to see your animation, so please be sure to tag me on social media, drug free day on Instagram, on YouTube, on Facebook. I have a Facebook group over there. My name is Dave rates, so you can, you can search me that way. But also please post your animations to the class project because I just want to see what you're making and I hope that you continue on and you start making more really cool animations because there's so much you can do. You can actually make cute little full animations in procreate. So I'm just gonna show you a snail animation that I did that I think is really fun. And it's just to show how far you can push it and how creative you can be with animation and procreate. B, C, D, E, F, G, a, B, C. Once again, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me show you what I know. Hopefully you had a fun time during class. Let me know either way, because I want to improve and I want to be able to teach better for next time because I really, really like teaching you guys. So as always, keep drawing, keep animating. And I'll see you in the next video.