Acrylic Painting: How to paint landscapes in Acrylics | Step-by-step | Shanan Subhan | Skillshare

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Acrylic Painting: How to paint landscapes in Acrylics | Step-by-step

teacher avatar Shanan Subhan, Fine Artist | Art Educator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Art Supplies


    • 3.



    • 4.

      Elements of the Painting


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Painting the Sky


    • 7.

      Painting mountain


    • 8.

      Painting water


    • 9.

      Painting riverbank


    • 10.

      Painting Waves


    • 11.

      Painting trees


    • 12.

      Painting pines


    • 13.



    • 14.



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About This Class

This class is going to be a Kickstarter to your Acrylic journey. Acrylic is an excellent medium because it is very easy to learn and use.

I will walk you through all the art supplies needed for this class.

Discuss the techniques required to easily paint beautiful paintings

I will teach you how to use Acrylic Mediums to build really nice texture in your paintings and get the desired finish on your piece. 

Learn every element of the painting one by one and build confidence in you

Finally, we will learn how to paint on the canvas without any difficulty.

Without any further delay, let us get started 

Meet Your Teacher

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Shanan Subhan

Fine Artist | Art Educator


Hello, I'm Shanan Subhan, an Artist currently residing in Bangalore. I am a software engineer turned Artist.

Nature/landscapes are among my favorite subjects to paint. I thank nature and great photographs for inspiring and challenging me.

I started coloring at an early age, even before school taught me to read and write. Unaware of art and the theory of colors, I loved scribbling on papers, books, and walls! All I felt was colorful walls are merrier than monotonous ones.

Although I loved painting and coloring, because of studies and the competitiveness of day-to-day life, I somehow got disconnected from art a few years ago, but I always felt that emptiness in life. Back in the end of 2017, I felt the need to fill this gap so I gifted myself a basic... See full profile

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1. Introduction: most off us have a desire to don't something new change things in their life. But in today's life, one can easily be carried away with hundreds off things. Despite the goodwill bubble. A single notification on your fourth, I put you on a binge loss station. From this class onwards, I have decided to spend a few minutes off intro to keep you motivated. It might come in. Stories are real life experiences, but the idea is to keep your ways enthusiast in the art off painting. Here's a story off Sarah. Yet another day inside US life, she is walking past the sub baleen. A beautiful painting on the wall caught her attention. She felt that was simple yet very powerful to cut enough ice. Walking past the painting to travel years down the line toe A childhood as a kid, she loved painting. We'd ground sketch friends or even pencils. She loved it when she indulged in the one off baby, but the responsibilities introduced that was destined. While she grew up, she has lost a passion for painting on the way to the office in the Moto, standing between dozens of others. She knew she was capable off being a decent artist. She felt the need off thinking all over again. Johnson's R T might feel off your games, but this nothing serious at stake. If this is what keeps her soul happy, it is worth an attempt. Welcome to my and other skin. Check last from Channel on alcoholic and watercolor artist from India. This glass is about being being after, like landscapes on canvas. In this class, you will learn to create acrylic paintings on larger frames. I'll take you to the set off our supplies on basic techniques require for this class. And then we will learn about at once techniques like how to store down the drying process in. Actually, how can you increase the volume off your pains on other things? We will also focus or learning every element closely so as to boost your confidence before we're going to final painting. And finally, we'll paint our way. Toa hero painting it step by step ladies so we don't any for their daily lives. Dining door plus 2. Art Supplies: Okay, so let's have a look at The Aqsa Place. We have a flat brush off 75. Remember, this is me. Used to be larger in years. Yeah, I'll be using it for the washes you that used to prevail the canvas Before we start, our painting makes me have flat brush with round corners from profitable. This rush house off prisons which will help us at you. Quantity finding crafter moves ice, pre brush and size one, a round brush to paint the seedings. Since the gun was a speaker way need, Russia would be dealing size 11 right art. And then they have this morning rush, which I'd be using. Brazil's off. These brushes are really hard. I remain. Start, even your play pleasuring that child, you get a nice for age. Okay, so that's all about the brushes. Next, we'll use a canvas board off size 18 by 24 inches. You can try this tutorial on smaller or bigger canvas as the techniques will remain. Saying it expected of the space on the related insult to hold organised bythe back from God knows we need some mediums. Entrance painting, Expedient post. Let's talk about gel medium medium is usedto or body. I mean, it could be larger areas. Being impressed are really effect. So basically the combination off Samos accurately, but there are more pigment way have academically garden acrylic titles are mainly used to go down the drying time off. 28 in blending on creating. Highlight. These two are optional steps without these. Also you can create were different printings, but you really need to be quick. Then we have vaginal border between are vicious on all napkin toe. Remove the excess water from the brushes my palate on napped him water doughty already with tax pokey. And then we have a palette that is played for mixing the colors. You can wrap aluminum or plastic toilet on displayed on Dispose it off after every use when you paint on our plate or a ballot actually follows will remain forever on the medium. So what you can do is you can chip it off, but that's committee process. We can go with the aluminum foil as a glass plate. All right, that's all about the supplies. Let us die. Vinto Next chapter. There will be no different techniques required. Sleeping 3. Techniques: in the stock toe. You'll learn all about techniques. Take some pains on your pilot. I have randomly big color to perform this exercise on I lose CAFTA most size three Flying brush, which has off Brazil's first technique, is Dr Ristic me, where we will take our drivers and load the brush with the paint directly. Apply the paint on the paper on. We will get our intense finish. Next, we will take a drop of water on Makes it with beans. The ratio would be somewhere around 15 to 20% off water on 80% off paint. This will make our paints a little thinner in consistency. Next year's right on red, but there's a place in the medium and then apply wet paint on this. This step is to achieve watercolor effect and the color spread easily. Next one is nabbing technique. Way will be using hard bristle brush and create a foliage effect, a vibration on the top and kidnapping. Having hard and study prisons helps us to create nice picture. Next, I'll show you the dabbing attract using so bristle brush. As you can see, the effect is non practice. As hard prisons these are the differences between hard and soft dishes. Relentlessly. How makes the gel medium without being take small amount off this medium and I actually likes being do it. Mixing those without pains gives us mood and sake Addiction. I a blight just link. But this is mainly toe on body toe paint next to Ricardo at one part of retarded on three parts off paint the nature or acrylic paint is that dries really fast. So to slow down the drying process, we are using retired a medium. Okay. All right. So next we will see how to blame two colors together. I take two shares white and so I can show you how to blend them together when an applied a flush year. Okay. And then listen. It could be hardest working. Bagnall or anything. Technique will remain the same. No new brush. What? This achieved a blend. You have to do it in between the two layers. Where to, Carlos? Me clean your bro start only so there's no the city off any color when you are playing white. Our aim is to create a radiant affect between the two colors that is white and blue. Here This is like a transition effect that you're creating. Next year's be dealing. We will use our fine they brush would be dealing. Works I lost will be using size three flat brush at some places because we have a larger canvas, so the dealings will be a little bigger in size. For me, personally, detailing is easy. When I add water to paint, this gives me kind of accuracy toward I'm actually sketching or painting, as you can see with only pain citizen if you're going to get the precision. So I had some water to get the lighting picture. Let us talk about corrections in acrylics. It is effortless to fix the mistakes by applying layers off pains on redo the desire subject. I'll repainting a subject on suppose I want to erase our and do something. We'll apply white paint on this. Similarly, you can cover it up with base color on repainted. It's favorable for US artists, especially when you are painting portrait. You can alter it numerous times to achieve perfection, like watercolors, where it is very complicated. In the next chapter, we learn about the elements off our painting one bye bye 4. Elements of the Painting: in the Steptoe. We will have a look at every element off are pending. So first comes to Skype. I'll be using paint. Agree on Dwight on. Apply you to randomly on different places known that we're not painting the sky black, so keep it irregular. This triggered a pains unevenly at random places blended with white to make it a light, Don't you? At some doctor who's asked me since we are using a paper here and it is very small in size , so we're not handing. Jill freedom or religion will perform that well. You're not Canvas. Next is among teens. We will be painting the snow filled mountains so first grind out line off the mountain and then filled in other areas with pain. Sickly No, no pain, though snow at some I don it later, Spain the water. Now I'll be painting using three colors that is white black. I'm Torquay's first reply. Torquay's I black on the lower part on why don't know apart, blended well and create a transition from white to question, and black in the same region should be going toe voice. Then we'll pain W's using darker colors with a single brushstroke. Next we will paint the trees first, draw the straight line depicting the drunk off the trees. I have some brand, just invidious direction. Now use this hard brush toe art of all ages. This is the easiest matter. Believe me, you will love doing this. Next. One is fine trees, which will be on the right side of the main painting. Go straight lines depicting the trunk on dimly active branches off the trees. Remember, it is ideal to keep the branches irregular while painting toe. Give it a natural look. Then I'm adding gray on the spine ranchers I've makes to black and white to create this great. Next it's painting. We go back. I'll first paint the base layer with black color and then I great my missing white and black and blend them together after this will add reflection by straight brushstrokes, leaving some space in with me. Next is the grass in the foreground. Brokers lines by applying high pleasure in the beginning and gradually that use it as the movie output so that we get a fine and painted in different directions. Finally, they will being a terminal off are pending first windows guy. Then I just know he mountains. Then we'll paint the water and views. Remember, the blending has to be very smooth, and they should be no shop. I just between the mountain and the water paint riverbank on both the sides and then trees . We have been dentist Tom Nail, just to get a rough idea off how and where the elements will be placed without any delete. Let's mourn to pay those on a big offering. 5. Sketching: in this chapter, we will be sketching the outline off some off painting element. The colors that you use for sketching should not be prominent in nature. And she will use a light okelo drunk outline off mountains, irregular in shape. Explain the, um plane off riverbanks, keep the lines cov and is a way will paint the other elements eventually are to proceed You 6. Painting the Sky: all right. It doesn't get started with the painting process. Before that. We need to prepare our gamblers so we really apply a court off water won't can was then let it sit for sometime, keeping it moist so that we don't have to struggle to spread the pains throughout the canvas. I have learned this from my personal experience that having a moist canvas helps in painting effortless base. Leo's We Will makes the pain Spain's great on Dwight to create ardent off pains. Great. So I'll start painting at the top off the can was born with attend off pains. Great, I have I don't small amount off gel medium on acrylic, retitled to paint the sky because if it dries faster, I won't be able to get us more blend. No, I have some white paint over pains. There. You keep it irregular on. Let it have a bit off color radiation on the sky, but do not keep it flat. - At some places, I'm adding blue toe this pain scream. Make sure you aren't variation in my painting. If you observe this blending part, it looks much easier at this place because we have added retarded do you wish? The colors have not dreaded at the visit of very tedious job. Toe blank. Two colors on larger planes. Okay, you can add colors off your choice, but make sure to keep it certain. Okay, if you notice I'm keeping my sky dark covered some places on almost white at some other place trying to create a balance between the gallows. I'm doing my own trial in at all to get my skylight, leave some gap in the center for mountains on repeat the same steps to fill the sky. Yeah, I would suggest you to wash two straight Auriol completely. And then if you want to give it a try, watch it again. Run. Bring along with me so you would easily know how to bake. - In the next chapter, we will see how to paint the textures on the mountain. 7. Painting mountain: in this chapter, we learned to paint the mountain a quite paint on, applied generously inside the scarcity area we had plotted earlier. - Yeah , blended with the area under this mountain with white colors so as to have no shot edges. Once you have entered this white area completely. Next, add some repaint at some part of the mountain to create that painted randomly. There's no particular rule that you have to paint enters our that place exactly. Just follow your heart and painted out I'm randomly I didn't break alone at the Stadio. I remember not being straight lines. Keep it a little birdie. Now I'm adding some my new details using my detailer brush. Next, we'll goto a second layer on our darker shade off pains. Great. Applied randomly again. Make sure you leave some white spaces in between. Okay, Okay. Keep adding those grays and whites until you feel you have a perfect mountains. Do not worry about making mistakes in aka Alex because you can correct it any time by playing another layer off color. Now, in the end, i y pain in the top off the mountain 8. Painting water: in the steptoe. We will cover how to paint water. Take equal amount off turquoise on wife pain on our small amount off Ricardo and gel medium . Make a mixture off these and apply immediately below the mountain area that is in between the annual banks. Yeah, apply the color. Need Lee. - Yeah . As we go downwards, the color in density increases you. That means the no part will be laid and then the middle will be slightly dark and bottom will weed out just in color. So there is a transition from light toe radium than darker. I mean, go twice in the middle region beautifully go bangs as it is, as we're going to paint it with back a little later. And as we go closer to the water park, I will make some black and paint this stuff The consistency off the pains article seems 500 Ricardo Angela medium. So it is easy for me to pain taking my own name. - Okay , we will paint the there's in the water in the upcoming jackals in the next. After we learned to pay very well, but 9. Painting riverbank: in this tap toe Really learn toe painterly Wilbanks Mark outline at the areas where we want our riverbanks. Toby located. The first type is to pain the base layers. We will perform that with darkest color. Inside the sketches we heard month painted exactly cheap and also keep it regular. Yeah, paint on board decides if you're quick enough a device you can paint one side at a time. Okay. I'm extending this bank a little more. No makes white. I'm black to create a gray color. Then apply this picture on the top part off. Every is exact that we have created The idea behind doing this is painting light and shadows. You need to imagine a scene when you start painting. The top part is lighter in color because light falls on it on the bottom part is not good. I have mixed Ricardo medium to keep the pains wet or moist for longer duration which will help in Blanding's. Okay. When she applied this, blend watercolors nicely until we get a finished look. Next, letters are the reflection off these three Wilbanks in the water, we will apply single brushstrokes with the darker color repaired to several times under the riverbank area. Do it for all the riverbanks. I had some darker color in the bottom part to depict the shadows. In the next step talk, we will learn to pay the bills. 10. Painting Waves: in the Steptoe. I will be painting the veils first. I'll paint minute lines on water using white color. Next values darko color to create the views. Pain straight lines with single brushstroke at the time. Keep repeating the step on. Let the signs off the lanes ready. Also, remember to leave some gap in between the ribs. At last, we will paint some larger views towards the bottom of the canvas. 11. Painting trees: in this tap toe, we will learn to pay in the trees. The first step is to paint the drunk off the trees, draw a straight line depicting the trunk and extend the branches from the upper part. Okay, being the branches in various directions. If you painted in single direction, the please will tend to look unreal. So split the branches in on direction. Like, for example, imagine oclock and its numbers painted various angles. Say 20 clock, 10 o'clock, 30 clock. This is a simplified idea so that you can paint it easily. Next, we will be using old hard bristle brush to paint foliage, load your brush with paint and stand having it lightly on the branches. This will be on. Firstly, the next step is to dab with a little more pressure this time on Kimble shapes irregular. - I had some trunks depicting the background dense forest. - I personally love this metal, but I can just dog on see these random shapes forming beautiful college. If you don't have ah hard bristle brush, then you can go with a normal brush, my loading, very little painting it. - Now they will fame. Some priests in the foreground riverbank with same steps, painting drunk first and then adding the college Have some paints not go this time to depict are denser looking. Well, all right, so we're almost done painting the trees on the left side off the canvas. Next will want toe painting the pine trees on the right side. 12. Painting pines: let us learn to paint some pine trees now. Okay, First, we will start with painting the drunk off the trees. Draw lines depicting the trunk. Lord, your brush with black paint. When the branches off the pine trees resembling a corn ship, keep the upper part of the pine tree pointed in shape. Paint every dealer branches with random breastroke. Repeat these tapes and paint other pine trees. 13. Blending: in the Steptoe. We were alone to blame the area between the river and the Skype. So as we can see, there is a clear line in the horizon. Where are we were? And I want two months this together to depict a beautiful misty effect in the painting. To achieve that, I'm adding a bit off white photo quiz culo and gradually build up a radiant effect. I am here is to blended until they get up your white color, make sure that our no sharp edges in the painting blended well and create a beautiful, radiant effect. Now we will add some grass in the foreground of the painting. Now we will add some grass in the foreground off the painting painted using single brushstroke. Apply more pressure in the beginning and gradually decrease this pressure as you will outwards creating a shark 14. Outro: I hope you enjoyed watching this class get started with your acrylic painting on. Don't give this painting I try or anything that is comfortable for you. You can even come up with your own color palette for any ideas. All the materials are easily available online or any local art supply stores. Go grab them now and set your foot on this beautiful journey. If you give this a try, then post you artworks in the project section or tag immune. Instagram, my instagram handle is water cools. I would love to see what you create. Also, it will be really helpful if you could leave a review or field back for this class. Thank you for watching. See you again. Happy painting, guys.