1. Introduction: Hey everyone, my name is L. In today's class I'm gonna teach you how I painted these loose flowers on E6 by eight inch canvas. I am using acrylic paint, flat paint brushes, palette paper for my palette. I also have water and paper towels to clean my brushes. I will list all of the paint colors and supplies that I used for today's painting below the video in the About section. And if you create a painting inspired by this class today, you can upload a photo of your work to the projects and resources tab below the video. Alright, let's get started.
2. Vase & Greenery: I am going to start with my cool colors. And I'm going to just use the turquoise to draw in the shape of my vase. It's have to be perfect. So basic V shape and I'm going to fill it in a little. And then I find an easier way to keep my flowers pretty loose is if I put some, if I draw in some random areas where my my leaves and my greenery are going to be. Without overthinking the placement too much. Just kinda draw some little marks. And then I'll mix a little of that turquoise into my yellow. And who's gonna wipe off my brush a little. Lighten it up. Some areas is make it a little streaky. Fill in the rest of my base here. This is just the first layer. So I'm not worried about being exact with anything. And then I'm going to just take a clean brush. And I'm gonna put a little of my negative space color on the canvas as well. Not gonna fill in the whole space. I'm just putting a little of this down because it's going to help me keep my flowers a little loose. And what I mean by that is when I start to fill in my flowers, I'm only going to fill in the weight space. And I'm going to mostly avoid what I've put down already. And so kinda forces me to work in these weird shapes and doesn't allow me to, to be drawing circles for flowers all over the place. Okay, I'm going to let this dry completely. And then I'll show you how I start to add my warm colors for my flowers.
3. Block in the flowers: Hey, now I'm going to add some yellow and red to my palette. And I'm going to mix up some colors for my flowers. Gonna mix my orange first. Because with the fluid acrylics, they are pretty transparent. And so I like to put orange rate on the white canvas. If you put orange on the green, and you can see right here, it almost looks a little turns a little black, which is okay. But I like to just kinda put the orange on first to keep it a little more color, a little more peer. And so by just starting to fill in the whitespace with color, it forces you to not really make flowers. So just think about trying to cover the canvas with a variety of color. And you can see how when you're using transparent colors, the color will change based on what's layered underneath the. If you don't like that, what you can do is let it dry and put a little weight on top of it. And then you'll be good to go. Which I might do later. But for right now, I'm just going to work on filling in, filling in all the whitespace. Gonna mix a tiny bit of turquoise. Make a nice purple color. I think. Maybe a little more red orange over here. And I'm gonna put a little purple on the top. And then I'm just gonna wipe my brush on paper towel. I don't like to use too much water with the fluid acrylics because they break down pretty easy. The paintball start to separate on you. So I like to keep my brush pretty dry. And so something I think we're going to do right here is what I was talking about with the white. Think my voice is a little too high. So I'm going to cover with some white here and maybe a little here. And now I'll be able to layer my a warmer colors over that without the blue and green popping through. And I'm going to let this dry and then go back to my cool colors.
4. Layer more greenery: Hey, so what I'm going to do now is add more turquoise and Green. And I'm going to start to try to lighten things up because right now most of my colors aside from the teal are pretty dark. So I'm gonna use the same palette and just add white to some of my colors and start to make some new Marks. And I'm going to do one color I'm gonna darken is the turquoise. It's going to make some remarks in my vase. The cool turquoise color. We'll add some depth. So we want to have some of this between the flowers. And I'm going to add a little more turquoise, yellow, and white. And it's okay. If your colors are a little streaky. So don't over a mix it on your palette that can make it look more interesting. Give it some different types of marks here like this. I try not to do that on every single brushstroke because you can kinda overdo it. But it can also give a nice effect. And a little weight. Kinda cover it up a lot of my teal. So I'm gonna put a little about back in. You can always add negative space color back in. I'm going to let this dry one more time before I start to touch up my flowers. Because what I don't want is to get turquoise mixed up with my warm colors.
5. Layer the flowers: And red, white, and yellow to my palette again. And I'm going to mix up the same colors. But we're gonna start to make more variations of them. So I'm going to work on some tests, DO cells. And what I want to do is layer paint over my warm areas. In similar colors are colors that look good together. And I want to make some of my brushstrokes go in different directions. So for example, this is going this way. I could just add more paint in a different color going that way. Or I could add brushstrokes going in a slightly different direction, which will make everything a little looser. So I made kind of like a squiggly v shape there. And I'm going to just try to do that in different spots. I also don't want to work in one area for too long. So I'm going to put a few brushstrokes down and then move on to a different area so that I'm not focusing too close, getting caught up in the details in one area and then not worrying about the others. If I just focus on one area for too long, then I start to overwork out one area. So things usually work out a little better for me when I move around the canvas. Same, this kinda pink color here. More yellow and make it but more ph. And I'm trying not to not make anything that's just perfectly around. So I want some of my flowers to have little angles. Something's going in different directions. So some brush strokes going up and down, some going side to side. And think everything still looks a little dark. I try to take this purple colour that's still wet on my palette and add in a little bit of white. They just keep wiping my brush on my paper towel when I want to change colors. So I kind of like what's going on over here. I think I wanna fix this a little bit. I think this area up here might be, okay. I like this. I just want to work on the middle here a little more. Mix up, a little bit more purple. And I think I like that a little bit better. So just put down a couple of brushstrokes and moving on. So I'm not overworking one area of the painting. Might put a little blue in here are green to separate this from this. I think I'm going to add a little more weight. So I can get a little bit more free, more highlights. Trying to mix a very light pink. And I'm going to just add a few little marks like this. Just to add detail and a few highlights. You can also do that with green or blue. And it adds just a little extra touch. Okay, I'm going to let this dry for about a minute and then just sort of assess what needs to be done next.
6. Add more details : Okay, I'm going to just add a little bit more green. I think my flowers are still wet. That that's okay. I'm gonna try to work mostly in the green areas. I'm going to add a little line here to separate this flower mass from this flower mass. And I'm gonna make some lighter green and a little more yellow in there. Let me just put a couple of yellowish-green marks. I try not to overdo it. Just a couple more touch-up son my flowers. And then I'm going to call it finished. And don't want to overwork it. I start to nitpick with saying listen, now it's gonna get overworked. And then I'm gonna ruin all my progress. Smudge to that a little. So I'm going to have to let that dry and go over it. Wipe off my brush. All right. So I'm going to let it dry one last time and then do my final details.
7. Finishing touches: And I'm just going to touch up a couple of spots. Now that this is dry. That's better. Can always fix acrylic paint because it dries so quick. So anytime you think you made a mistake or you want to cover something up, just let it dry, and then go back and fix it later. If you paint your own flowers after watching this class today, I would love to see what you create. You can upload a photo of your work and the projects tab below the video. I will also have all of the supplies and paint colors I used today. In the About section below the video. I'll also post a picture of my finished painting case. You want to use it as a reference. And if you want to be notified every time I post a new video, just click the Follow button and you'll get an email every time I create a new class. Alright, I am calling this one finished. Thanks for watching.