1. Welcome to the Challange !: Hello, my name is Christine and welcome to the seven-day watercolor illustration challenge. Each day you will learn how to make one of these wonderful farm animals. You will get step-by-step guidance on how to create them, starting with the drawing and then continuing with the watercolors, you will learn how to mix the primary colors to create interesting nuances. And a couple of tips and tricks on how to define volume. By the end, you will be playing with the contours and give your creation occurred to look with the help of an inking liner each day you will make one of this wonderful farm animals, including a rooster, a wonderful cat, and a happy horse. If you are looking for a creative and fun way to spend your time, this is the challenge you will enjoy. You will have a great time making this simple illustration. With all of that being said, let's go into the challenge.
2. Materials, Tips and Tricks: On this course, you will need the next items, a cup of water to add to the colors are mixing palette, the painter's tape, so you can secure the paper, a couple of white napkins, a brush with a pointed tip for watercolors, step, a graphite pencil for the drawing, and a white eraser and ink liner with a point range between 0.32 millimeters. The base colors, yellow, red, blue, and burnt sienna, which belongs to the color palette called sonnet. And half of one A4 watercolor paper from Canson, which has 300 grams per square meter and a very fine and smooth surface. Now you will learn how to use the napkins and the ink pen to give your illustration more interesting effects. Firstly, take some brown and add it to your mixing palette, and then add to the pellet some yellow next to the brown. Then at the middle, mix them together slowly so it doesn't overpower the brown. Now, take some of the color and make a circle in the middle of the paper. Don't worry about its shape too much. It doesn't need to be perfect. This is done just for the demonstration. Now that you have finished shaping the circle, you will take a napkin and shape it into a bowl. With this bowl, move on the left, top side of the circle and give it a couple of light tabs until the highlight appear on its surface. After that, take some brown and place it on the downside of the shape to create a wonderful ball. Then clean your brush and fatal little the colors between them. So it's surface can appear more smooth. This is all you need to know about how to use the watercolor in this illustration. Now, for the inking step, the liner that was previously mentioned has a tip that can create lines from 0.3 millimeters to two millimeters wide. You can combine the lines by twisting the liner in your hand in order to switch from one whiteness to another. In the case in which the watercolor, It's not dry. And you proceed to move on to the next step. The ink will spread on the parts of the color and its edges will lose their form. If you wait long enough and the paper has time to absorb the color, lines will have even edges and they will not spread on the color. So now you are ready to give life to your imagination.
3. Day 1 - Horse: This time you will make the illustration of a beautiful happy horse. Starting from around the middle of the paper, you will firstly shaped the neck of the horse and the back of the head than from the left side, you will continue the rest of the bag meeting the line from before. Then you will move up to the right and place its left ear and then move again to the right on the top of its head and add a second year from below the left ear, you will go down with the line to shape its cheek. Then from the right ear descent with its forehead. At the end of the two lines, you will draw the muzzle shaped as a little bean, and underneath it you will draw its chin. After that, shaping his chest from the middle of the cheek, you will descend with a line going slightly to the right and then moving to the left. Now you will go to its bag and shape the backside of it tie and then the front part then from the back of his tie go down with a line that sticks out to the left and then continue going down at the end of the leg. You'll place a nice after that traces belly and leave some space for the upper arm. Then descend with a little elbow and the rest of the leg and ending with a nice hoof and then complete the form with another line to the right. Then move to the right and draw the second front leg, leaving from the chest, mirroring the one to the left. Now you will finish the last leg that fits underside, the belly mirroring the one from its left with a big thigh going down from the joint. And thing with the nice who've had the bottom. And then closing the form. After that, you will draw its main starting from the back of the left ear. Nicely drawings some hair tips and meeting the back, then you can shape the tail of the horse, leaving from the top of its back, going down with an S line and then closing the form with the help of his tie. Then you will place a couple of grass blades on the left of its muzzle going down and then to the right side, a couple more blades going up. Now draw two nostrils on its nose and shape its eyes like two little curves from between the eyes, jaw line going down and mid than muzzle. You have finished drawing step, well done for the water colors step, you will want to start by creating a warm color, not very saturated. So going to the palette, you will create a light creamy brown, starting with a good amount of yellow, and then adding just a little bit of red and some brown. The nuance obtained should look like creaming caramel backing your brush with a good amount of color, you will start filling the contours from the back of the horse and then going to the neck and the head, then the send to its back and it's phi. Then you will move to the head and carefully fill the form of its ears and its forehead. After that, gently go on the contour of the belly and fill the rest with this color, moving to its chest and carefully filling its counter, then you will complete coloring the head nicely countering the right side of his face. Moving down its muzzle, filling the nose and chin. Then counter the cheek from the left and fill the rest of its head. After that, you will move to the bag and conquer the tail and add a little more color on the front legs. Next, you will want to add some highlights on the back of the horse with the help of a napkin that will observe the color that did not try it out. So you will start to gently tap on the places which you want to highlight nicely moving to the neck and the upper part of the head. After this, you can proceed creating a new neurons for the legs of the horse. And the couple of shadows start with the brown from the base colors. And you can add, if you want just a tiny bit of blue to tamper a little the redness of the color. After you have finished creating the nuance, you can move to the legs from the front and carefully fill the form of its legs nicely going down and alerting the color build up alittle near its hooves. Then move to the one from the right and nicely feel it's culture. Next time you will color the legs from the back, started with the one from the right. And cover its shape entirely. Starting from the top of the letter, from under the belly, making your way to the hoof. Then for the last one, start from the top, shaping a little, the left and the right side of the thigh, and then moving down to its hoof, nicely filling its form. Then using the same brown, you'll want to color the tail of the horse, firstly, coloring the contour of it and then filling was left from it. After that, carefully go down the horse cheek and the sand, It's chest and meet the shadow of the front leg, then give its cheek a nice counter on the bottom and then continue it on the chin, then go on the bottom of the nose and then filled the nostrils with this color. After that, you will take some more color and you will go to the bottom of the main and start to fill its form carefully using the tip of the brush to fill the little hairs from its left side. Then you will color the right ear, living some light on the right side of it. Next on fill your brush and move to the belly of the horse. You will start from the front of its thigh, carefully going right on the counter of the belly until you meet the front leg. Now moved to the back and give its counter and nice thin stripe of color. After that, you can go to the legs from the back and fill the have bottom leg with some more nice brand to make them a little darker. Now you will move to the phase of the horse and give its little eyes to flicks of color underneath. Then go between the eyes with a line directed to the muscle. And the little nice counter on the cheek from the right side, making it slightly thicker at the bottom. Then move to its neck and shadow more of it, then nicely go to the back of the horse with a little bit of water to fade the contrast between the bottom half and the top half of the horse, then you will give its tail a little bit of shadow, living the top of it more in lights it. Now you will want to create a lighter green for the grass blades from its mouth. Start by adding to your palettes some yellow, and then next to it a tiny bit of blue. Mix them in between and keep adding yellow to the blue until you arrive to a light green, not very saturated. Then feel the ones from the left giving them some nice pointed tips. And then go to the right side nicely going up on their form. And that's it. You have successfully finished the watercolor step. Now for the inking step, you will firstly want to live the color dry completely so it doesn't mix with the ink. Then starting from the back of the horses by the sand on the leg. Firstly with a thinner line and then twisting the pen in your hand, go down on the leg, alternate between thinner and thicker lines to give its culture more plasticity. And then go on the front of the thigh and move to the leg from the back going nicely on the edge of the drawing, on the underside of the belly, lift with a thicker line, making it thinner on its chest, then moved to the tail with a thick line and the send to its tip and on the left side of the tail, repeat the process. After that, moved to the front left leg. Nicely descend on its hoof nicely countering the joints from the leg. And now on the right side of the leg. For the last leg, counter its backside going down, then give its chest a thick line on the edge. And then to the front side of the last leg, nicely go down with one line, going back to the thigh, culture its left side until you meet the tails beginning. And then living with a thin line on the back, smoothly, go on the contour until you meet neck and then make it thicker than gone the main and culture its little hairs sticking out its form and then move to the ears and give their edges some culture and nicely go on the fall of the year. Then a little counter on the top of the head and go to the top of domain. After that, moved to the left side of the head and conquered its cheek with a thicker line going down its muzzle, moving to the right. Now too little shadows on the nostrils and on the chin. Then you will counter the grass blades from its mouth, making their edges pointing and sleep and adding a couple of lines out of the counter of the drawing. From the nose, climb Bob on the line from between the eyes, making it thinner. Then add a line to the right till the half of the cheek. And after that, too nice flakes on the culture of the eyes with one more thick line on its forehead. You have finished illustration of a happy little horse. Well done.
4. Day 2 - Rooster: The topic of this illustration is a beautiful colored rooster. This time, please your paper vertically so you can fit the drawing better on its surface. Plays the lower limit, a bit higher and the top limits so you don't make the drawing too large. Then from the left side of the paper, you will shape the tail of the rooster. Start with a nice curve going to the right and descend till the half of the distance. Then you will shape the first further going on the underside of the first one. Move down and place another line, slightly more curved underside the first and then double-click on the lower side. Going down, you will place another one slightly smaller, making sure they all meet in one single 0.1 more at the bottom, a little bit more along. Now that the tail of the rooster is done, you can move to the upper part and shape It's come. Firstly, you will shape the head of the rooster, going down with its neck and then above the head with round moves, place three petal like shapes. The one from the left being the biggest. Then you will shape the peak of the rooster with the top big aiming to the top right side of the paper than the bottom beak will be placed horizontally. Then close the form of the beak with a straight line to the left in the middle of the head, place it's I. And then going underside of the peak, you will go down with a nice round crop. And then aiming to the bottom left corner of the paper, draw a straighter line. After that, draw a curve on its back between the neck and the tail, and then descend with a couple of petal shaped curves, the bottom one being slightly smaller. Then with a nice wide curve, close the shape of its wing. Now, you will link the wing to the tail and then descend with its bottom, going underside the wing and then with his thigh, then place another I on the right side for the first leg, lift from the thigh with an outward curve and then double it on the left side. Then. And the leg with three little toes, one placed on the back of the leg. Then repeat that same process for the second leg. From the right at the end, place to more petal like shaped below the peak and a curved line on the chest. Now you have finished drawing, well done for the watercolors step you will firstly add to your mixing palettes some yellow, and then next to the yellow, add a little bit of red. Gradually mix the two of them until you arrive to a lovely warm red. Don't make the color too saturated. So you can later work with layers. After you have arrived to a nice warm hue of red. Gently go on the feather from the top, pressing on the brush so it's body can feel the form of it. Then take some more color and move to the second one, slowly starting from the tip, going up and then descending until you meet the end. With more color from the palette. You will fill the third feather nicely shaping its current form. And now the last one from the bottom. After you have finished the tail, you can move to the top of the head. And following the contour of the drawing. This Send on the left side of its neck nicely going above the wing, and then climb them back to the beak, then smoothly fill the form of the head, keeping the color as uniform as you can. Then move to the pellet and start creating a color for the com, the neurons you want to create. It's one slightly more war and more and a little more saturated. After creating the new ones, move to the top of the head and start filling the form of the crest nicely, going around its edges, slowly moving to the right until you complete the shape. And now the last from the right, then you will go below the beak and color with the same warm red, the wetter of the rooster. After that, you will move to the palette and using the color from before, add to it a little bit more yellow. With this one, you will color the legs of the rooster and the inside of the peak. So moving from the top of the legs, descend carefully on its shape. Filling the toes with the tip of your brush, then move to the one from the right and repeat the process carefully leaving from the top and slowly filling the toes of the rooster. Now you will move to the beak and fill the inside of it, leaving the outside for yellow. So taking some yellow, moved to the pellet and give it a light makes, and go back to the beak. Now, being careful not to mix the two colors. Slowly colored the outside of the beak at first on the top and then to the bottom. After that, you will want to recreate the cold read from before, but make it a bit more saturated so you can layer it on the top of the first one and create some shadows after you have arrived to the color, moved to the head of the rooster and shadow the right side of his neck with a wide shadow that stops at the middle of the beak. And then from the bottom of the shadow, move to the left and trace a small contour. Moved to the tail of the rooster and start coloring the bottom half of the feathers nicely. Going on there form. So carefully move from the top of the feather and the sand until you meet their bottom. After that, you can proceed making a color for the rest of its body. You can use a napkin to clean the palate so you can have more space. After that. Add to your pellet a little bit of brown and a tiny amount of blue, mix them together and then add a little bit of red to make a very diluted Q of warm brown. Then go to the bottom of the rooster and nicely go on his back. Being careful not to cross the drawing, move up and fill the wing, then descend on the lower part nicely covering its bottom, and then move to width chest, carefully going down and filling its form. After that, take a clean napkin and lightly tap on the top of the wing to lift a bit of the color and give it a little bit of light, then you will take some more color and place a shadow on the back of the wing. And then going on the light part of the wing, make a couple of curves to suggest some feathers. So nicely go to the right side of the wing and suggest a couple of feathers. Then move to the palette and add some red and a little bit of blue to the color from before to make a more colored hue, some color and move below the wing, dropping a little bit of it, lightly going up to the chest and then moving to the left towards the tail. After that, take a little bit of red and mix it on the palette. Then you will move up to the crest of the rooster and give some color to the right side of the crest. Then culture alittle the left side of its beak, and mark the eye with a little bit of red in the center. Before moving to the next step, make sure your water color is entirely try. So go to the bottom of the rooster and trace a line nicely going on the counter of the little bump. Then you will go down with a line on the left side of the leg, carefully shaping the three toes of the rooster. Then you will move to the leg from the right and repeat the process. Then you will go up on the small bomb. After that, he will move to the left side of the wing and shadow the feathers that shaped the culture nicely, going on the bottom of it, with a thicker line at the middle. Then go up to the top side of the wing and place a little shadow from the left to right, like a little curve. Then you will move to the tail of the rooster and give the feathers a little shadow underside the form, making the line a little thicker on the place where it means the curve moving gone, you will encounter the left side of the neck, leaving from the bottom and slowly moving up with a thick line. Then the sand on the right side of the neck, from below the big move up to the beak and nicely culture the outside of it. Then going on the forehead, you will start conquering the crest. Going just in-between the round shapes with a couple of lines on the form. So there you go. You have completed the illustration of a beautiful rooster.
5. Day 3 - Goat: On this illustration, you will make a wonderful happy goat. Firstly, you will want to shape its back going from the left part of the paper to the right. Then with the same line, climb up on the neck, on the upper part, place to horns with a nice wide space between them. Then from below the left horn, descend with a line and then directed to the right side to shape the cheek of the goat. After that, you will shape the muzzle of the goat with round lips and the big nose on the top of them. Then from the right horn, descend with a line and meet the muzzle. On the right side of the horn. You will place the first year, making it stick outward the head, then move to the left and shape the second year with a big underside. After that, moved to the left side of the mouth and draw two grass blades sticking out of his mouth. And then below the lips, you will place a nice round chin. Then to the right side of the chin, draw a couple more grass blades sticking out a map. Now, move down its muzzle and shape the chest, giving good a couple of wavy curves. Then go down below and shape the wall from the belly, continuing with a couple of waves, the one from the middle being a little bit wider than the others, getting close to its end, slowly go up, continuing with the couple more curves. Meeting the back of the goat. On the back of the go-to place a little tail with a couple of pointy hair sticking out moving below you will start shaping the back legs of the goat, making them a little curved to the left side and a little bit wider on the top of them. Then place the first front leg below the point from where the next starts. And the second, a little bit curved like the ones from the back, moving to the head, you will draw the eyes with two little curves pointing outwards. Then from the place where the bag meets the neck, you will draw two lines crossing its neck with a wide curve at their end. Place a little C-shaped Bell. Well done, you have finished joined a happy little COPD. For the watercolor step, you will start adding to your pellet some yellow. Then next to the yellow hue, we'll add some brown and the tiny amount of blue and red, the color you will want to obtain. It's a light brown, which will help you give the goat its base color, keep the color diluted so it can spread easily on the surface of the paper. Back your brush with nice amount of it. And move to the bottom of the goat, starting with its tail, and then moving along the contour of its back. Take some more color and move around the bottom of the goat with your brush, making sure your color disperse evenly. Then take a clean napkin and gently give some tabs to the back of the goat so you can form some textures and bring a little light to your illustration. Next on, take some brown color and mix it into the color you have done previously. Then go to the bottom half of the goat nicely, moving the tip of your brush on the counter of its wall, then slowly moved to its belly and fill the rest of it nicely going on the counters. Then you will move up to the neck between the grass blades filling what's left from the form. After that, you will go to the pellet and take some more color with your brush. Then you will color the head, starting with the top side of the left ear and the forehead. Nicely going down it's left cheek filling the rest of the face, then moving up to the horns. With the tip of the brush. After that, you will go down its mouth and cover its tiny leaves and it's round chin. Now, once again, take the napkin and lift a little bit of the color from the top part of the head. Then you can take some more brown from the base colors and added to the pellet makes it a little bit on the pellet, making sure it's smooth. Firstly, you will do the leg from the left and then giving his chest a couple of counters. You'll feel the one from the right, then take some more color and move to the one from the back, filling their form carefully on the edges. After that takes some more color from the mixing palette and move to the goats bottom, giving the culture of the wall some nice edges. Nicely moving to the right side, crossing the belly of the goat and slowly reaching its chest, then moved to its tiny tail and gave its bottom have some nice lines of shadow. Text on, moved to the face and give its left cheek An ice culture, moving down its mouth and fading it on the chin. After that proceed making a darker hue of brown mixed with a little blue, takes some of the color you have just done and proceed coloring the back legs, letting the color build up a little on the bottom of them. Then move to the ones from the front and add some more brown. After that, add some yellow to the brown from the pellet. With this color fill the underside of the two ears nicely going on their edges. Then take a napkin and give the two years some gentle taps to the lower part of the lobes. After this, you will take some red and mix it on the Padlet with a little bit of yellow and colored the nodes of the goat. Next on, add some more red to the pellet, then moved to the top of the bag and go down with a thin stripe of color across the neck. Then mix some yellow on the mixing palette and add it to the small bell from the neck. After that, mix the yellow with a little bit of blue to create a light green for the grass from the goat smell, then nicely go to the grass and feel their form from the top to the bottom. Now take some more color from the palette for the wall and go on the half bottom of the body, giving it a little more shadow. Then with the same light color gone the back of the goat with a thin stripe, then go to the top of the head and give the two horns too nice shadows and some more shadow on the forehead. Now you have successfully finished the watercolor. Well done for the inking step, you will start from the bottom with the left leg and then go up with a line, finishing the culture. Then move to the leg from the right, going down on the left side, and then closing the form on the right. Then move to the bottom of the goat and climbed up with a thicker line at the beginning. Then move to the right on the curves of the wall. Then you will go on the belly with a thicker line at the beginning and at its end, continue on the right side of the belly, on the contour lines of the wall. Next, on, move down to the front legs. Firstly, on the one from the left with thicker lines making a small hoof at it and and then to the one from the right after that move up to his neck from two moves, meeting the chin, then the left side of the cheek, and then go down with its mouth with two little lines. And on the left side of the cheek. After that, you will give the grass a couple of contours on the bottom lines. Now you can move up to the year from the left and give its underside a nice culture. Then you go to the second one and culture the line from the middle and the one from below. Now add two more lines on the left side of each horn, then move to the eyes and conjure their form. Then go on the nose and give its edges some thin lines of ink. Now you can go on the tail of the goat and culture the underside of it, then move around its edge with the ink shaping is round forms, move to its upper part and give it one last line on top. Then from the neck, descend with a thin line, making it thicker at the end of the neck. And then from the base of the tail counter the bags till the middle. Now you will counter the color, making the line thinner on the top and thicker at the bottom. Then in the downside part of the bell, one more line for the right cheek and a thicker one on the head. And the goat is ready. Well done. Now you have finished your beautiful illustration of this Coke.
6. Day 4 - Cat: On this time, you will create the illustration of a quirky cat. First thing you will want to do is place on the bottom of the paper to align, to limit the places where the fitt stands. Then you will move to the top right and place a limit for where the head of the cat will fit. Move to the left side of the line and start shaping the left year of your cat. Make it big and pointy. Then shape the top of the cat's head. And moving to the right. You will place the second year. Then on the face place to lead the eyes and the nose of the cat. Underneath the nose, you will want to shape a peanut like Mao. Then he will add some tiny hairs on the cheeks of the cat. After that, you'll finish the head with a nice wide chin. Now you can move down its head and to the right side, draw a point the chest then from the left side of the head, live with its back with a nice curve going down and then climbing back up at the end of the bag, you will start to shape the tail of the cat. Firstly, move a little bit on the direction of the back, then change the direction of the tail to the right, making it wider. And then for the tip of the tail, you will want to make a big round fluff directed back to the left side. Now that the tail and the bag is done, you will move down its bottom and start drawing it's back legs. At the end of each leg, we'll place a nice big pore, then move up and draw its belly to the right. Then place the second leg underneath the belly with a big pole at the end. After this, go at the end of the belly and draw the left side of the first front leg with a nice round poll at the end and then the right side of it. Then you will complete the belly of the cat by going up until you meet its chest. Underneath the chest, you will place the last leg of the cat, directed a little bit inward at the end, give the cat a little mouth underneath the nose. Now that you have finished the drawing, you can move to the next step for the watercolor painting step, you will start by adding to your mixing palette some blue from the main colors and mix it with a good amount of water. After that, takes some of the color and move to the top of its tail. From there, you will descend on the tail, being careful about the direction of the tail, and then slowly move to its bottom, nicely filling all its surface. After that, US was left from the brush to color the counter of the back of the cat. Now you will take some more color em, move carefully, dragging the color to its end, then go to the right side and fill the belly of the cat, nicely spreading the color so it can cover the surface evenly. After these, you can grab a clean napkin and go to the top of the tail, lifting a little bit of its color. Then move to the back of the cab and do the same. If you want to lift more of the color, do this process just after you have placed the color. Now, you will take some more blue, fill the rest of the cats chest, slowly going on it's counter and letting the paper absorb enough color. Then you can descend on its front legs, take some more color and do the one from the left, dropping some more color at its end. And now you can do the last leg from the back. After this, you will move to the left ear, giving its left and right side too thin stripes of blue, letting the middle white for later, then move to the right ear, repeating the process. Now you can leave from the left cheek of the cat and climbing up to the top of its head, careful not to cover the surface of its mouth. After that, take a clean dry napkin and lift some of the color from the top of its mouth and some from the eyes and the nose. Now take some brown and add it to the blue from the mixing palette to make a hue of blue a little bit warmer and dancer, then with this color, move to the top of the tail and shadow, the underside of it. Going down it's half feeling good with the shadow and then moving down the bottom. And it's back leg. After that, from the top of the back leg, you will shadow the bottom of the belly nicely crossing it until you made the front leg where you will want to descend, then give the second back legs some of the shadow from your brush. Now, move to the right side of the front leg and go the chest of the cat, nicely shadowing underneath its head. Then you will take what's left from the color and go down its second front leg nicely filling the pore, then taking some clean water, you can fade the shadow so it can look more smooth on the surface. Now, you can move to the top of the head as shadowed the left side of it. Carefully filling the contour from the right cheek and then move to the one from the left side, nicely going on the chain of the cab and moving carefully around the mouth so you don't cover it. Then move to the year from the left and give its blue parts some shadow at the base of it. And now you can do the same for the one from the right side. Then use some clean water to smooth the shadow from the right side of his face. Now, take some more color on the tip of your brush and drop two small points on the eyes of the cat, then you can take some pink and some yellow and mix them nicely on the mixing palette until you obtain a nice pinkish hue of orange, slightly more saturated. With this color, you will want to feel the inside of the ears being careful not to cross the edges so it doesn't mix with the blue from the margins. Then you can move to the year from the right side, giving it's inside some of these beautiful orangey pink now with the same color fill the shape of the nose and the one of the mouth. Now take some more of the dark blue color made previously foreshadowing and give his chest one more shadow underneath it nicely going down to the left on the belly. Then you can clean your brush. And with a little bit of water, fade a little the inside part of the shadow, blending it with the rest of the blue. Now move to the legs from the front, giving to the one from the left, one line on the right side, and then covering the one from the right entirely, then move to the one from the bag right? And carefully shadow is form. And place one more shadow on the right side of the other leg with one tiny shadow on the half of the tail. Your watercolor is now done. After that, you will want to let the colors sit for a while so it can dry completely, then move to the leg from the back and give his right side the shadow. Next, move to the right with a smooth line and counter the belly. Now you will descend on the leg from the front and shape is round. Paul. Then climb up the leg and from the belly you can move up to the chest and give its right limit. It'll tip. Then descend on the second front leg on the left side with a thick line and one thinner to the right side, and then shape the bow with a thick line on his bottom. Now move to the right leg from the bag and give its left side a thick line, nicely going on the bottom of the pole, then you will move to the bottom of the cat and go down with a straight line until you meet the end of the leg. After that, moved to the head and culture the chin, going up to the right cheek and giving it a couple of tiny hairs. Then you can move to the ER from the right and give its base a couple of thick lines, making them thinner at the top. Now, you can move to the left cheek and do two more tiny hairs. After that, you will move to the ER from the left. And again, you will give the base of it some thicker lines at the bottom and thinner at the top. Now, you move to the tail and give his bottom parts a couple of wide lines, nicely living from it and going to the right until you meet the curve. And another one on the lower part climbing up to the right and one more on the side of his face. Continue on the back with a short line and add another one on the upper part near the deck. Now you can go to the face of the cab and place a shadow on the underside of the two little cheeks and another tiny line on the edge of the mouth on his cheeks. You can place a couple of whiskers, three for the left and three for the right side. Then place a tiny shadow for its nose and two more smaller shadows for its two eyes. One more line at the bottom of the left here. And you have finished your illustration of a lovely, quirky cat. Well done.
7. Day 5 - Cow : Before you start your drawing, make sure your water color paper is secured to the board. Then you can proceed drawing a nice cow. You don't need to press too much, as in the video, this is major, so the lines are more visible. You will want to start from the top to make sure your illustration fits nicely on the center of the drawing. Start by placing the tip of its tail on the top-left corner and then go down with a thin tail. And then on its back with a C-shaped line. Then you will draw the front of the back leg and then link it with one from the bottom, shaping a little ankle, and then ending it with its hoof noun that the first leg is done. You will trace its belly going right from the leg and then from near the back leg, you will drop its other with three little U-shaped forms. Then between the other and the back leg, you will draw the second back leg going to the right, go down with the front leg, making the hoof, and then back to the belly from the underside of the leg, go up with his chest and then descend with its last leg to the front. Now, moving to the top, you will draw it back with a nice smooth U-shaped curve, leaving from the top right corner and meeting the tail. Then from the back of his neck, you will begin shaping the head of the cow, starting with the left ear and then continuing with the left horn. Going to the right, you will place his second horn nicely going up with a pointed tip. And then from the bottom of it, pointing to the top right corner, draw the second ear. Then you will move to the left side of the neck and going to the right shape, its jaw. And from the end of the neck, place a nice round chin. Moving up, you will draw a nice bean shaped nose with two oval nostrils. And underneath it you will go down with a couple of tasty blades of grass. Next on, go to the left side of the nose, adding a bit more grass and its mouth. Then you will go up underneath the right ear and shape its face, meeting down with the nose. Then you will draw the eyelids of the cow, the curves facing down at the end. You'll place for spots on the cow, starting with the one from the middle of the belly, drawing a nice heart-shaped spot, then moving to the bad place, one more covering its bottom. After that places smaller one just between the back of the neck, going a little on the cheek to now, you will add one more on the right cheek, just underneath the eye. Now that you have finished the drawing, you can prepare yourself for the next step, adding color to your illustration for the watercolor step, you will want to start adding to the palate the colors needed to create a nuanced made as a base color for your little cap. So we'll start by adding to your palate a good amount of yellow and then a smaller amount of red next to it. Try to keep your colors separated on the palette, mixing just the amount that you need for the moment. Then next to the red and the yellow, add some brown to so you can easily arrive to a more tempered nuance of light brown. Proceed mixing some brown to the yellow to create a creamy neon. So from then, you will add bit of red to make the color more pigmented and intense. Keep adjusting and mixing the color until you arrive to wonderful lottery caramel neurons. Now, you will start adding the color from the bottom of the cow, nicely going down along the line from the left. Then you will move to the right. And then carefully, you will go along the back and the neck of the cow until you meet the head. After you have nicely filled with color the counter of the cow, you can start filling the middle of it and then nicely climb up to it. Had carefully filling the little ear from the left. And then we'll use the tip of the brush to fill the horns to next on you will carefully fill the rest of the face avoiding to color the nodes of the cow and the grass from its mouth. Now you will want to create a little bit of light on the back of the cow to add some volume to it. So gently use a clean and dry napkin and lightly go around the back to lift a little bit of the color that has not dried, then you can continue filling the rest of the face, taking some more color from the palette. So nicely go around the little blades of grass from its mouth and carefully feel the chin with the color. Then you can move to the left, to the bottom of the cow and complete filling the rest of its body. Keep your color diluted so you can play with some more shadows afterwards. So you will now carefully fill the two little legs from the back and then go up to its neck, keeping the color even around the surface. Then go down to its front legs and nicely feel the inner counter. Then you will move to the top-left corner and color the little mob from the end of the tail. And then with a thin line, the sand to its back. After you have finished filling the counter of the cow, you can start creating a nice shadow for the lower half of its body. So you will use the brown from the base colors and a little bit of yellow to create a lighter nuance of brown. Then you will choose a point from the half of its bottom and trace a line until you meet the middle of its neck. Then carefully spread the shadow to the rest of the bottom half. Then with a more saturated hue of Brown, you will gradient. Let's go down to his front legs. Then you will move to the back legs. And with the same brown, you feel the leg from the front. And then mixing a little bit of blue to the brown to make it colder, shadow the belly of the cow. Then you will add some more shadow on the jaw and to the bottom lip. Then you will move up and shadow the bottom of the left ear and then to the right ear and add a little shadow on the bottom of the tail. After that, use some clean water and smooth the edge of the shadow from the middle to make them more gradient shadow, you will now want to use the napkin to lift the color from the spot placed in the middle of the belly so you can cover its surface with a darker shadow. You can go out of its counter to, so you can be sure the color does not spread out of it. Then you will go to the mixing palette and create a cold brown for coloring the spots of the cow. So you will add some brown to the mixing pellet and then add to the brown a little bit of blue, mix them together nicely until they blend completely. Now you can start covering the spot from the bottom of the cow, nicely going on the edge from the left. And then carefully move to the right side of the spot, covering the right limit of it. Then finish filling the spot to the top, taking some more color from the palette, you will go to the spot from the center and fill its edges, making sure that dark color does not spread on this contour. Then you will take some more color and move to the spot from the top of the neck nicely going on the top edge, filling the top, and then countering the rest of it to its bottom, you will now shadow the underside of the ears and carefully move to the little spot from its cheek and fill its shape. After making sure the color from the bottom have part of the cow is dry, you can shadow the underside of the phase going on the neck. And then from the bottom of the chest, move up and culture the right side of it. After this, you will move to the mixing palette and create a nuance for the nodes and the other. So add to the pelt a little bit of red, and then next to it a tiny amount of yellow. Then mix some of the red with the yellow and create a pinkish, peachy nuance. Then move to the belly of the cow and feel the other with this nice pink. Now, move to the nose, air-filled a counter of it with this light pink. Then take some brown from the mixing pellet and place a shadow on the back leg and another shadow to the one from the front. Then he will continue shadowing the front part of the belly and add another small shadow on the front of the back leg and another one on the back of it. Then you will add two more little shadows underneath the eyes. Then taking the napkin, you will lift a little bit of the pink from the knowns so the paper can be dry for the next layer of pink. So taking something from the pellet, concert the right edge of the nose, nicely going underside of it. Then color the inside of the two nostrils. Then you will use the napkin to lift a little bit of the pink from the other to give it some more light. Now, you will move to the pellet and proceed creating a light green for the blades of grass from the cat smell. So you will start by adding some yellow to the mixing palette and then add the yellow, just a small amount of blue. Then move to the underside of the mouth and place the green color along the blades of grass and then move to the left and feel what's left from the grass carefully going along the edges, then add some more green to the bottom of the blades to give them more volume. With this step, you have completed the watercolor, well-done. Once your water color is dry, you can start adding some ink to the drawings so you can give your illustration or more cartoonish look. So starting with the leg from the back, nicely go on its left edge, moving down. And then at the end of the lab, you will jump to hoofs inside of the leg. Then slowly go up until you meet the belly. Now you will move to the leg from the back and counter the backside of it, shaping one more pair of hoofs after this, using the part of the tape with a wider surface, moved to the counter of the belly and trace a line that gets thinner as it moves to the middle, then you will move to the front legs, making the line thicker as it gets near to the hoofs. And then going to the right side, descent with another line and that its end, add two more hoops. Continuing on the chest, you will live with a thicker line that gets thinner as it goes up. Then you will move to the last front leg and give its end Two more nice hooves and then close the form of the leg with another line on the right. Now you will go to the belly of the cow and give the other a nice shadow on its bottom part using a thicker line on the corners. Then move to the back of the cow and climb up with a thinner line. As you get up, make it thicker, as it gets nearer to the tail, then you will add a thicker shadow to the underside of the hair from the end of the tail and then go down its tail with a thin line. Then you will leave from the neck with a thicker line and you will go on the counter of the back, making the line thinner to the end. After this, you will move to its left ear and counter its edges and the fault from the middle, then you will nicely counter the two horns alternating between thick and thin lines. Moving to the right ear, you will counter its size and give the fault from the middle one last line. Then moving to the eyes, you will make the lines wider on the outside extremity now nicely go down It's cheek, making it thicker on the top. Then give them those are nice shadow, underside and too little shadows on the edges of the nostrils and then nicely go on its cheek, on the left, going down its chin with a thinner line at the end. Then you can shave the blades of grass from its mouth, giving to each side T2 pointed tips at last move to the back of the cow and culture the edges of the spots. You will start from the bottom of the spot with a thicker line and climb up making it thinner. And now to the one from the neck, again, living with a thicker line and then making it thinner. Now for the one from the middle, go on its heart shape and make the lines thicker on the bottom of it and thinner on the top. Congratulations, your illustration of a happy little cow is now done.
8. Day 6 - Mouse: On this course, you will make the illustration of a tiny farm mouse. You will start from the middle of the paper drawing a circle. It doesn't need to be perfectly round, so do not worry about this. Then on the top of it plays two more circles that stands for its peak ears. One to the right and the second to the left side. Then going down, place a limit for its body length. Moving up, make a tiny dome underneath the head. And from the each end, place two semi-circles pointing inward, then going down, you will continue the form of its round belly legs from the bottom limit shape, its little feet, one to the right and the second to the left side, then move to the left side of the head and the sand with a round curved line and meet the leg and now to the right side of the head, repeat the process. After that, you will make its tail leaving from the left foot going outward and then up with an S shape line, then from its end, this end with a parallel line and go back to the bottom. Now you will move to the center of the face and shape its nose and below it make a bean shaped mouth. Then he will add two tiny curves for its eyes and two little deeds underneath the mouth. Now, you will go underneath the tail and going up with a curve between its tiny hands, climb to the top right where you will shape a couple of wheat grains, leaving from a narrower point on the stock and then getting wider at the middle of them, who are the end? Give its cheeks a couple of whiskers. Three for each side should be enough. Now you have finished drawing. Let's go into the water colors step. For the watercolors step, start by adding some blue to the mixing palette and add a nice amount of water. Then you can feel your brush with this blue and start coloring. Start from the top of the head and go down carefully spreading the blue around the shape, then move down its belly. Take some more blue and continue filling with this light blue, the rest of the body, going down on its feet with your brush and then moving up on the right side, nicely filling the culture. Then you can take a clean napkin and carefully absorbed some of the color from the face so it can appear more lighted. And now moving to its tummy, continue tapping lightly until it gets a little more lighted. Next, on, take some more blue from the mixing palette. And with the tip of your brush counter, only the edges of the year nicely going on there round form, being careful not to get out of their shapes. Then you can move to its belly and drop some more color around it. Going down, then moving to the right side, nicely go on it's small hands and drop some more color. Then move up to its neck and then go down on the right side of the belly, nicely coloring the edges of the drawing. Next on, you can clean your palette to get rid of the watery color from before and start creating a nice peachy pink. Start by adding some red to the pallet and then a little bit of yellow and mix them together. After the color, it's ready. Feel your brush and move to the tip of the tail and slowly go down, gathering more color on its end. Then take some blue and add it to the pink to make a warmer hue. You will want to use this color for some shadowing. So take your brush packed with color and move to the right side of the mouth and making your way down fill the rest of its form nicely going down on the leg. Then take the napkin and lightly tap over the white Tommy, to make it lighter. After that, you will take some more color and place it underneath its cheeks and underneath the chin going up. Then you will use the tip of your brush to give it's years some nice shadows underneath, taking the color from the left year, move down around the face and descend on its neck, lightly coloring the left side of its round belly. Then you will move to the mixing pellet and take some red and a little bit of yellow to make a warm pink hue. With this color, you will feel the inside of the left year carefully going along the blue margin. Then move to the one from the right. Nicely dispersing the color around the circle. Then move underside of the tail and give it some more pink, lightly moving from its tip to the bottom. Then take your napkin and lift some of the pink color from the ears, lightly tapping the surface. Now, you will take some clean water and fade the contrast between the light and the pink of the year. After that, take some yellow and mix it on the palate with a tiny bit of brown. Then you will move to the grains and start filling their form from the top. Then go on the one from the middle down the stock. Then you will continue filling the ones from the bottom with this beautiful yellow carefully controlling the edges. Now you have finished watercolor paintings. Step. Before you start inking the mouse, you should check if the watercolor is completely dry. Then you can go to the bottom of the mouse's tail and place a thick line underneath it. Next, move on to its tape. And underneath it this sand with a thick line making it thinner at the end. From there, you'll move to the right side of the tail and counter the curve. The tail, then go on the left side of the tummy and moving down to the right side, contour the bottom of the mouse, lightly engaging the little feet. After that, you will move underneath its left hand and place a little bit of ink underneath it. And the same for the one to the right. Then go on the top side of the belly and conquer the edges where the body means the head. After that, you can move to the end of the grain stalk and climb with a wide line, making it thinner at the middle and then wide again near the grains. For the grains, use a thicker line and culture the left side of the first two cranes moving on the right of the middle one and then going down, continue on their left side. Next, move to the bottom of the right ear and give it to nice shadows at the bottom. Then you will move to the year from the left side and conquer the outside form till the half of the circle. After that, you will the underside of its mouth. And two little t's from below the bottom of its head and a little bit on its right side, the little nose from the middle and it's tiny little eyes. Now you will move to the right year. And between the blue and the pink, place one more line and one for the left ear. Have this, you can move back to the face of the mouse. And in kids, long pointy whiskers and one more line on the right side of the belly. Then for the end, you will move to the middle of the belly and with a thin line contour the wide part of it. Well done, you have finished representing a tiny round farm mouse.
9. Day 7 - Piglet: For this time, you will create a beautiful and healthy pink little piglet. At first you will want to mark some limits for your drawing so you can center it on the paper, place a limit to the top right and one to the right side of the paper. You will start by shaping the back of the piglet and then you'll draw its back nicely going down with the curve. Then you will go down from its bottom and shape its first back leg with two straight lines leaving from the top and getting them closer as you meet their ends. After that, you will want to shape its round belly with a nice round curve that goes as it ends. Then place the second leg from the end of the Old Bailey line. You will go down with the first front leg directed slightly inward, the form of the pig. And then climb up with a snack. Then below plays its second front leg. After that, you will place the chin, then another line going up for its mouth. Then shape the snout like a heart, adding two large nostrils on each half. After that, you will make a little line for the bridge of the nose and then go up with its forehead and the top of the head. Now move to the left side of the head and continue with its neck. At the end of the mouth, place a circle that stands for it's round cheek. Then place too little dome lines that stands for its eyes. Now you will move to the top of the head, shape its left ear like a triangle, and then link it to the top of the head. And for the right year, leave from the head with two lines and then place another triangle at the end and then close the form for the end of the drawing. You will make sure its bottom is nicer rang before adding a little spiral for its tail. So there you go. You have finished the drawing for the watercolor step. You will start by adding to your mixing palette some red and then some yellow to the red. The nuance you want to obtain, it's a warm pink. So keep adjusting the color, keeping it lightly saturated. After you have arrived to desired hue of pink, moved to the back of the pig and using the whole body of the brush, cover it back carefully. Going on its top culture, takes some more color and spread it nicely on its bottom, making sure it's dispersed evenly. Then the sand on the first back leg, gathering more color on its end. Then take some more color from the palette and fill the belly of the peak, nicely, going around and spreading it evenly. After that, take a clean and dry napkin and give its back a couple of light taps to lift some color from its surface. This will help you create some light spots. Now, take your brush and shape the place where the light falls. After that, fill your brush with color and continue on the belly of the peak smoothly going on this contour, now, move to the head and color It's chin and the rest of its chest. Then descend on the front legs nicely filling its form. And then move to the one from the right, leaving some more color on its end. And now do the last leg from the back. After that, move your brush to its snout and feel It's hard shape with the beautiful color you have created. Mix the color from the palette and then filling your brush, move to the left ear and nicely feel its edges. Then carefully go on the rest of its head and nicely covered it, making sure you don't leave too much color on just one spot. And now you will feel the year from the right. Then take some more color with the tip of your brush and go down on the form of the tail until you meet its bottom. Now, take your clean napkin, heavy lift a little bit of the color from the left part of the piglets cheek and a little bit from its left and its right year, then proceed making another color. You can use. What is left from the one before adding next to it some red and some yellow. It should not differ too much, but it's appearance will be a little more saturated. Then you will move to the bottom of the pig and from there, go to the right until you meet its mouth. From there covered the chain of the Little Big, carefully going on it steep and then nicely go with one line on the counter of its mouth. After that, descend on his chest and fill the rest of the belly with this beautiful pink. Then take some more color and fill the form of the back leg from the right and then move to the left leg from the front and then to the one from the right, taking some more color, fill the last leg from the back. Then nicely go on the right side of the cheek to add some volume to its shape. And then the nicely move the color to its mouth. Then move to the left year and feel the underside of it. And then nicely descend on its forehead, going near the right edge of it until you meet the snout. Then you will clean your brush and fade a little the shallow from its phase and the one from the belly. And a little bit on the right side of the cheek. Then take some more color and feel the undersides of the year and conquer the tip of the right year. And now the one from the left. After that contour, the left eye and add a little bit more color to the shadow of the cheek, then the snout, and fill the form of the nostrils with pink. Take some more color from the mixing palette, and once more, add some pink to the leg from the back and the one from the front. Now proceed, giving the belly one more shadow nicely going among the legs on its chest and then moving down its belly. Then take some more color and give the back leg nice shadow on the right side. Now, move to the right side of the head and counter the bottom of the snout, going up on each cheek and forehead. Then lift a little bit of the color from it, right eye. And then 28 and higher contrast line. And the little more color on the nostrils. After that takes some more color from the palette and nicely descend on its back, leaving from behind the left ear, making the line thicker on the neck and the little shadow for its bottom. Now you can move to its swirly tail and give it more color from the top to the bottom. Then leaving from the back of its belly, shadow a little. The left side of the belly. Add one more shadow to the left side of the back leg, then clean your brush and lightly go around the top side of the color, then swiftly moving on its belly. You have done a great job using this wonderful pink onto the next step, you will want to make sure the watercolor is try. Start with the left edge of the first back leg and nicely go down to its end. Then using a thicker line culture the front of it at this bottom split. And with one line, then move to the leg from the right and place a thick line on its left side, then a thinner one to the right and a nice split at the bottom of it after that, move to the left front leg and go with a thin line on its left side and with a thicker one on its right side. Now lift from the neck and descend with the line on the last leg and then on its left with a thicker line ending with the hoof from between the legs, move up with a thick line until you meet the chin. Now, move to the back of the belly and starting with a thicker line, move carefully to the right, making the line thinner at the middle, then moved to its bottom and living from the end of the leg, go up till the half of it. Now from the top of the tail, you will follow its form and descend until you meet the bottom. Then from the neck, move to the left with a thick line making it thinner as you meet the middle and on the end of the back, place a shorter line. After that, you will give the head a little contour on the left and move to the ER, controlling it lightly and more thicker on the underside of it, then you will move to the one from the right and shadow its underside going with a thinner line to edge and one more thicker line. Now go underside of the chin with a thick line at the start, and then make it thinner. And now for the mouth, do the same for the cheek. You want to give its low right side a nice culture, then move to the forehead and the sand with a thick line until you meet the nose and then a thin line till you made the snout. You will now place a thick contour on the top of the snout and then counter it with a thin line and two more contours for the edges of the nostrils now moved to the eyes and give their counter to more darker ends. One more thick line for the top of the right ear. The thinner one for the one from the left. A bit more contour on the top right side of the cheek for the end place a couple of vertical lines on the white part of the paper. So it looks like, oh, couple of grass blades, gather them in numbers of two or three and make them shorter or longer to have more variety. You congratulations for completing this lovely illustration of this happy piglet.