30 Day Fingerpicking Challenge | Chris Murrin | Skillshare

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30 Day Fingerpicking Challenge

teacher avatar Chris Murrin, Fingerpicking Guitar Lessons

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Day 1 (Challenge Section 1)


    • 3.

      Day 2


    • 4.

      Day 3


    • 5.

      Day 4


    • 6.

      Day 5


    • 7.

      Day 6


    • 8.

      Day 7


    • 9.

      Day 8


    • 10.

      Day 9


    • 11.

      Day 10


    • 12.

      Day 11 (Challenge Section 2)


    • 13.

      Day 12


    • 14.

      Checking in


    • 15.

      Day 13


    • 16.

      Day 14


    • 17.

      Day 15


    • 18.

      Day 16


    • 19.

      Day 17


    • 20.

      Day 18


    • 21.

      Day 19


    • 22.

      Day 20


    • 23.

      Day 21 (Challenge Section 3)


    • 24.

      Day 22


    • 25.

      Day 23


    • 26.

      Day 24


    • 27.

      Day 25


    • 28.

      Day 26


    • 29.

      Day 27


    • 30.

      Day 28


    • 31.

      Day 29


    • 32.

      Day 30


    • 33.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

This step-by-step course will help you to learn the techniques you need to progress your fingerstyle playing from a beginner/intermediate level to advanced in JUST ONE MONTH. It's been designed specifically to help you develop the motor skills you need to become a master fingerstyle guitarist. By the end of the 30 day challenge, you'll be left with a range of practice exercises that you can continue to hone over a lifetime of playing.

Take my 30 Day Fingerpicking Challenge and see what progress you can make with only 30 minutes of practice a day!

Meet Your Teacher

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Chris Murrin

Fingerpicking Guitar Lessons


Hello, I'm Chris.

I'm an acoustic guitarist/professional music teacher and incredibly happy to be here on Skillshare. The first course I've uploaded is for people that are brand new to fingerpicking and it teaches you how to develop great techniques that will ultimately allow you to play any fingerpicking song with the correct fingering.

See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Welcome: my own Chris and welcome to my 30 day finger picking challenge. This courses for people that have been playing finger style for a little while but really want to take their playing up to the next level. So this course is going to help you do. Just that in just one month, of course, is divided up into three sections. The first section of the 16th that exercise is the second is all based around triplet. No exercises, and the third is based around eight Exercise that, actually these eighth exercises that are the hardest to master. After each section, we take all those exercises that we've done. It would put them into a short piece for you to learn that sounds really good and start making some music from on the whole courses based really based around building up motor skills with you with your right hand. So no lesson is longer than five minutes long, and along with each lesson, you've also got to check out. There's a whole bunch of other examples that I've attached for you to go through in your own time as well. So lots and lots of material outside of just the videos for you to work on. Although this is a 30 day challenge and is designed to be completed within one month, the ideas and the practices in it really a lifelong exercises the things that I've been practicing for many, many, many years now I'm sure that I will continue to practice them forever. So hopefully you will do, too, because it will give you the strength dexterity that you truly need in your right hand and allow you to keep on getting better and better building speed and developing your technique for many, many, many years to come. I really hope you enjoy the course. If you have any difficulties with along the way, just let me know, and I'm very happy to help you out. Thanks a lot. 2. Day 1 (Challenge Section 1): now all the exercises that I'm going to show you in the lessons up played over an equal. And that's simply just to make things much easier to show you a view to be able to get the pattern down and they start playing it. But I strongly encourage you to do it on as many causes you can to help you out of written out many other ways of doing that have attached or the pdf files below. So make sure you check them out. And if you soon to get comfortable with playing the pattern on A, it's really important that you do it on other courts. So I have given you all the tab for that attack for some other ideas for you to play around with when you're in time, so be sure to check that out. But anyway, this first pattern goes like this. You okay? You want to work that up to a tempo of about 80 beats per minute, being do it 100 beats per minute or even 100 20 beats per minute. That's really good. I'm not too concerned about speed. As always, I'm much more concerned about accuracy, so go for accuracy over speed every single time. And in my experience, what I found is speed comes when it wants to comes on his own when it's ready. Teoh. Anyway, this pattern we're just going thumb 123 On the 12 free plays the G String B string on the highest keeps repeating that now the farm again. A lot of thumb independence training in this course as well, is going to go from play that for the string the D string, the string and the string bass. He played the E string with Farm and then g the G string with G B e a string with the thumb G B on their betters D string and then g being a thumb. 1234 So someone to free 12 free, always playing the G B in the high E string. The farm alternates between the E. D. A. On the d. T really so gradually stopped Beauty house 3. Day 2: Okay, so I hope you all right with that pattern. Let's move onto the next one on Dhere. Well, I just like to say, if you're unaware is really important at this stage. To know that all of these tempests is your thumb is gonna play the e string A string on the D string And your first thing is always gonna play The G seven thing is always gonna play the be on your third finger is always gonna play the high e string for a with the 1st 10 patterns. Okay, later on, we will change that. But for now, you really need to develop that independence and know which one you should play each string exactly. So make sure you follow that rule. But anyway, moving on to the next pattern. We're still over any quarters, like all of these with your thumb. 321 Now a thumb free to one. And the farm is gonna be playing e d a day. We're gonna get that alternating base going absolutely crucial to march to master figure bearing any mind. We go from 3 to 1 taking that rule. I just mentioned we were playing the high e string B String of G string to go Hey, string and the string The string A string much like the other one but kind of just in reverse a little bit instead of from 1 to 3. This time thumb 321 Just doing it backwards. So try that one and see how you get on with that. 4. Day 3: Okay, So welcome to the third lesson here. And this time the farm still alternating e string d string a stream d string. But in between that, we're going first finger, second finger, first finger. So it's gonna be playing the G, the B on their back to the G. So just on the e chord, Wait O k c e b g d j b k g b. And that's a great one. Once you really start getting it rolling, it feels really, really good. So practice that one as you get comfortable comfortable with it. Don't forget to have a look at some of the attached tabs below and try on some other cause Christ from try on some of your own course at the same time. 5. Day 4 : this time we will be playing thumb and then 232 This is gonna be a lot harder than the previous one. Because simply because these two fingers are much weaker than these two fingers and play together. So here we go on the record, thumb free. So thump to free two. So that's gonna be the eastern. And then you're gonna play be take it really slow as always, Go for accuracy over speed every time way Take it really slow It's a great one Once you do start getting Iran, it does start feeling quite nice to play But it will initially take somewhere to get it there so nice and steady and see how you go with that one. 6. Day 5: Okay, Lesson five. Now, what we're gonna do in this lesson is we're gonna take what we did in less than three and listen for those two patterns and I'm gonna put the two together. So in listen three, we went from 1 to 1, and in lesson four, we went from two free too. So we're gonna put that together and play farm 1 to 1 and then thumb to free to so very slowly, the farm still alternating. So hopefully again. Comfortable attacks and how hard it is. But really slowly. It will sound like this. Quite difficult. Quite challenging, but great fun to play. Just run over the strings of E B G D B B B A. Be be very slowly. Very very study indeed. Consistent on gradually start picking up speed as you get better and better and better. 7. Day 6: a lesson six. And in this time we're gonna play it. Be playing thumb 212 Okay, So flipping the fun 1 to 1 around again is going to feel awkward, which is exactly what you want, because it feels awkward. It is really kind of working your fingers out a lot. So I put a lot of time into this. So from on then B g b is gonna look that round with those amazing base E g b D B B A B B D B. Okay, good luck with that one. It's gonna feel a little bit funny if you're not done it before. 8. Day 7: exercise. Seven. We're gonna play farm to three to. So again we've reversed the previous one. It's gonna feel a bit funny. Really, really. Working your week thing is here and doing it backwards to what's normal. So it will feel like you there strings of thinking High B Wait around, around, around, around, around, around around again. 9. Day 8: All right, Lesson eight. And here we will be doing some string kind of skipping. We're gonna play thumb one free, one thumb, one free one. So that's gonna sound like this. Okay? It feels really nice to play, so string wise thing E g e g a g g g g. Speed it up a little bit, assistant. Every time. Make sure your hands in a nice position where it's really, really comfortable. Sometimes I rest my hand here just on the bridge. Sometimes I have it hovering out, just kind of hanging in mid air sometimes. Not so much, but I used to put my little pinky for my pinky down here and anchor. See a lot of people doing that. It can help to make sure your hands in a very, very comfortable spot on remind you again. Make sure you're trying this on other chords. So I'm just gonna do that for you now if we do that on, say, a C slash g chord. But this the base will would have changed. So instead of playing E the 80 now, it's kind of play a d e with the same person going out so slowly that this? It was really nice. Try de cord. So as you work your way through, I'm actually not just doing on an e chord in your venturing out, trying it on as many causes you can absolutely crucial, really. Master finger picking. 10. Day 9: Okay, so exercise nine gives you this Really nice rolling sound is great fun to play. What? You get out, start slowly and gradually build up a little bit of speed. Okay. Says great fun to play if I'm still didn't send still alternating e d a d would come in between. So we got thumb and then we go to one of these three fingers so you play the high e string that so the low e string high e string D string jeans Strengths on a string B string So way do jeans I de gea get that would give a e d g a b d g. What's more, e e g k g. Okay. So have fun with that one. 11. Day 10: All right. So what we're gonna do in this lesson lesson tend to find a of this section. We're gonna take everything that we've done up until this point, we're gonna mix it up, and we're gonna put it into a little corporation. The one that I just paid their many little song. And see if you can play that and gradually build up the speed to get very, very slow. So let me take over that. The cords are just on a call day back to a on, then to a so on these acorn here way. Play a g B. I mean, b e. They do that twice. Wait. So you were playing thumb 3 to 1 basis going from the D string to the A string B G A B g B g a B G way play 131 So you play E g g g g k. So let's get once already. Study aimed twice with decor. Tricky change again, back to a exactly the same as before. And that's difficult because you're changing patterns. Every bond that's really, really complicated, but it can lead to many great things, especially if you're writing your own songs 12. Day 11 (Challenge Section 2): Okay, Welcome to Section two. And in less and living. From now on, we're going to start working on triplets on all the walls are gonna be broken here about which fingers should play Which strings. But it's great fun. I really have to enjoy it. So here comes Pass. Um 11 Lesson 11 Triplets. Tripoli. Political, political, political It That's how we can. That's how they're gonna sound. So Ugo again, you that just looking around so lovely, Lovely little pattern that so I'm always going with right hand thumb one to fund one to trip by electric e a d e a way do is just working away on to the next group of strength and continue that. So I a d a de gene d g b g e gives you one ball. 1234 Okay, great fun to plan. Sounds really, really lovely. So take that one slow and gradually stop. They're not speed. As I am always going to say 13. Day 12: gay less than 12 sticking with the trip, That idea. But instead of going up the strings this time, we're going to descend the strings going backwards. So last time we went from one to this time we're gonna go 12 thumbs in a triplet fashion Quick. It feels great to play so exactly the same. Purchased in reverse to one thumb. So we play e b g b g g g a d k e o. 14. Checking in: and just want to stop in here. Remind you if you haven't a difficulties with the court or any problems with your learning or something's not making sense, we feel like something could be improved. Just let me know I'm here for you. A very, very happy. And if you are enjoying the course, I'd be incredibly grateful if you could leave me a positive review for everyone to see so that they know this is course. That's well taken on. It's gonna help them. So I really appreciate it anyway. That's it, as a say, please get in touch. If you have any difficulties at all and good luck, keep it up cheers. 15. Day 13: in exercise. 13. We're gonna combine the two, but you have to hold to the fingers a little bit. If you want to order kind of four into place correctly, there should be a little bit drinking as always, Really good from what? You start getting it, so I'll play it really slow. It was actually in free forces trip early. Tripper. Let one Teoh free one one Teoh one Teoh three. Wanted a bunch of free trip securities. Let me talk over the fingering of this. It starts the same. So he a day 12 free. Same on the thumb. 12 a a g someone to on insane on the di di di B's has found wanting free, but then grab 1/3 finger. Play the high e string on, then a second finger on the be first finger on the thing. Just watch my hand. Is that play through that three G day that goes 2 to 1 thumb on what we do. So you land on the Eastern with the farm way played the G with 1/3 finger deal with a second finger haven First finger way land perfectly in position to stop the pattern again if you want to keep going around it, making around around on a thumb. So the last part, that place really nicely. So take that one very, very slowly and really worked hard and strike to get the fingering correct on it. 16. Day 14: a lesson 14 Sticking with the Triplets This is a lovely, quick, a really lovely role. So here I'm playing 2nd 1st That's the Passen farm. 2nd 1st So I play the B String E Stream, be Easter Bistro with my farm Eastern of my second finger on my first single play Big To get comfortable with that, that's a good role, right? Tithe. So once you've done that being even your to the G being G, same person from to one that we go to the D string some G string first finger, destroying it with our first finger on then A with that thumb. Second thing on the day first because the aim thumb on that on the Eastern There, that's it. It sounds lovely, so be sure to try on many chords. 17. Day 15: 15 again, We're gonna be working our way up the strings on it. Sounds like this. Okay, so, yeah, I started my first week on the a string. From then on, it's thumb one to repeating the pattern that we did previously way went e a day a day, but this one's not because you start from a string as a slightly different feel to it. A a a day g a a a de a d e g e g e g o. 18. Day 16: exercise 16 allows you to play those distribute roles but continuously going up the strings and then back down again. So it sounds like this. That's a lovely exercise. Really, really nice. Once more. Okay, so we take the pattern that we did for pattern 14. Wait. Just a farm. 21 from two months. B e g p D D g p a g game on every workups of thumb. One Teoh e a d a D g. Same again on the next drink, Dean G B on the next one that seems to get they Could you repeat it around? 19. Day 17: Here's another role where you could go up and then back down with just a slight different fashion. So this one goes, which is lovely again, very enjoyable. We're skipping a string each time this time. So here we play E. D. And then skips the a k a. G skip to the D jump to being clay Being and then G is always going. So just working our way across the strength and then back again way get to the top way. They go to the D being a g strings e d a g d. Now finger wise, there's only should start with the farm. You can play farm in your third finger throughout like this, which I don't like so much. But you can do that's fine or, you know, Tharman your second finger throughout. That's absolutely find a swell over those of fine I personally play from one and then for the remained out to someone from Teoh someone on the G string. Now it's on the d string of the way. It's just on that 1st 1 from one and all the others come to to to to to just it just seems to work for me that way. But as I say from one or two throughout is absolutely fine. Play around with find what works for you. 20. Day 18: Okay. Pattern 18 is very similar to pattern nine, where we played their 16th. Those strings. I think we just do a simple idea, but played as trip, please. So it sounds like this. Okay, so hey, I think e k b thing. I really don't ticket ticket. Okay, So and then here it will reverting back to the old rules with some place a the A in the day . And then first thing you will play the G second thing will be the third things going. The high e string. So some second finger thumb first finger he a d Just repeat that around. 21. Day 19: day 19 were taking what we did. Just stay with just expanding it a little bit. So the pattern goes like this. Okay, so let's get straight into it. I play that, of course. Tripoli. Tripoli. Triple triple. It played a slowly, as you like high Lowy Hoy a B d j A Samos. Before that was that was the previous way. Just kind of expand back. So that is a the C D a b. Okay, so hey, B b A b Very slow. I could buy the whole day is grateful. 22. Day 20: Okay, So what? I'm for making it this far on day 20. You've covered a lot so far. Hopefully, you're really started to see some improvement. But this isn't just a 30 data. This is stuff you want practice for eighties, you know forever. Hopefully, hopefully for your city life. I'll be doing it for the rest of my life. I'm very confident of that. So, like Inglis and 10 we put everything that we've done in this in this section into in that section into a little piece. I've done exactly the same thing here, and I've written a tricky little triplet piece for us to work through. So let's have a look at it. It started when a add lie accord this. So if you don't know that called, it is the second fret on the D string. Second friend on the base drink before friend on the street there. So we started with Okay, so I played a d b g e playing some thumb to free someone some to free for that way back D and B E thumb to for that e a g for that 12321 So just in that one. It's always hard thinking very slowly and loop it. That's really the key is just repetition. Then that's exactly the same as the first half way. Just play the B string on and then the G string is quarterbacks. You get Tripoli tipple it free for so that's way Keep looping that round Sweet, my love at night courts way Go to an F sharp minor seven at 11 Don't worry about the name Yeah, I'm playing the second fret on the Eastern my thumb Second fret on the G string My first finger then third finger on four friend off the d And that gives you this beautiful sounding cool. So here we go. You got that string skipping So I play the high so always lowing to the high. Okay, be digging Geo. So, Luke, that around a d Okay, I think the next ball again first the first half of it is exactly the same. And have a nice rose here. Played a d g someone Teoh g being again someone to sit together f sharp, minor way Continue a similar pattern. So e b okay, a being that is a lot to take in. Then I do the nice rolls, so a e a d a d g d g b g e b g says Okay, so, fellow, along with the tab with that one. Andi, I encourage you to try and write some of your own courtiers in some of these techniques that we've we've used throughout this section on the previous section of the course so far , So I really hope you enjoyed. And let's move on the section three. 23. Day 21 (Challenge Section 3): Okay, so welcome to the third part of this 30 day course. So now we're gonna start looking at playing eight. Those and this section is really kind of reminiscent of how Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac plays Finger Star. So you're gonna play a lot of eighth notes and in course, notes with farm. Andi, it's a bit of a workout, but I'm sure that you can do it with a bit of practice. Once you do, it will sound really, really good. So anyway, let's get on with it. The first thing that we need to dio let's take care of these pretty fingers because the time is gonna get a little bit funny. A little bit awkward. So what you gonna do now is we're just gonna play with the right hand s o E b g just continuously as ate those for two bars on. Then we'll stop on beat. Fourth, the second bar. And then it was starting in. So the timing is crucial here. So they want Teoh. 3434123 Okay, we're gonna take this super slowly. Wait. 123 That's the hard part. You may find itself playing. This is Trip, please absolutely must avoid. Were playing free. Knows 12 free, but we continuously. But we need to play them as eighth knows free 4123 Okay, so 1234 to empathy for before you go anywhere we want to in excess and you must have that really comfortable. It may sound simple, but it's no. 24. Day 22: OK, moving on to the next pattern. Lesson 22 we start bringing in the farm and the farm is gonna go If we go back to the what we did in the first section where it goes E Dean Pain D is going to be doing that. OK, players Course notes. So we have the eighth notes here. Way, way Have the fun plane want Teoh 341234 So you put the two together get you've not done that before. It is very complicated. So is probably the easiest way of going about. It is thinking I can play ate lunch with these quarter notes with these these free strings here, practice the two separately and then put the two together. It's kind of like patting your head of rubbing your belly at the same time. You know, they both want do the same thing, but you have to separate so talking through the pattern anyway, So you play the two e strings together being and then with your first finger, you play the D on G together. So we owe way with the second pick, John. So then, dear, the together and being so on and on the base stream and then the G together I string a B g . So a story and then bass string data, GTO after world, slowing it down actually get much, much harder. But if you can visualize if you could just understand that you're combining the two and then you gotta put the two together, then that's gonna really help. So this may require some work, but really keep going with it because it's so good once you get it. 25. Day 23: okay. And listen, 20 free. We're gonna reverse what we did yesterday. So we went 3 to 1. Now, we keep exactly the same, but we're gonna want to freak. Instead of playing the B gene, we're gonna play G being from alternating steals. Okay, so I'll talk you through them again. But if you can remember that you combine them. That's the easiest way of working out. So e g together being Dele back to the G. I am bean high Dogo be to eat together and j the be. Then if you've done it correctly, you should end on the D and high E string together. If you find that you've not added on those two, something's gone wrong somewhere. And that will happen because it happens to everyone. Because this is a pretty complicated pattern now. So once more, they if you land perhaps the A and the B. Something's not going quite right. But don't worry about it. Just try again very slowly 26. Day 24: Okay, So in less than 24 were for exactly the same idea, just starting on a different string. So the first group of these, we started on the highest drink we played for you to one. And then we started on the G, and they want to Free. Now we're gonna start on the B string and then go to the G and then e BG and continue that cycle around that. So with but the top three strings we're going, I think the way. Okay. With this one again, you should end on the D string on the high e string here. So tricky. Very, very tricky. Eastern in the B string G String Day on the Eastern B string. Hey, in the G e b and the day G, it's really hard to saying to ease B and then the gene on the d high e string. I am the base train G string. So you really must be following along with the tabs. Um, to get this down correctly 27. Day 25: things were actually going to get a little bit easier. Now you be pleased to know in exercise 25. So, with the first, 1st 2nd 3rd fingers here, where you're gonna play 321232 to this, actually a little bit easier. E g b b b b with a day a day to east drinks being that Dogo Bay. I am a B DJ. He's being Dan G B k a b 123 So no, Too bad that one. Still complicated, no doubt, but not as bad as the previous free. 28. Day 26: Okay, listen, 26 we've got this going on, E k. I really like this one because you don't see this kind of kind of thing very often. It all we stood up these free going a b g one. And the base isn't doing your typical kind of break that a little bit based actually going , so it makes it a bit harder. It simply does, but is hopefully, we'll open up some doors and give you some inspiration to try this kind of approach, because it's a bit different. So So again, I recommend practicing. Get that comfortable win in your head on, then put the others on top, Top top, quickly through. So you got to east drinks being gene, Then you pay you double d and I on the A and B together. So just gonna have to practice that G string and then the day in the high together and be okay. They're not to party. You play the e and the GTO be in the ideology together. I ate together B string and then the day energy. Okay. Really tricky. Use a tap to guide you to guide you through 29. Day 27: lesson 27 year nearly at the end. I'm not much further to go. Let's have a look. We've got another alternating base. One for you Here goes. So if I isolate the base, you've got e. Don't talk with that. Your right hand. Well, sorry. 12 free is going one to every one B g B continuously b B b together. So you play to ease together by being together and then g then hand together and then to eat together. So that's the tricky part. Radio. Really? Take that slowly. Oh, Okay. So, man, being a A and G give a B and that's the booth. Next one. We don't alternate the bass. We're just going a e. Hey, may play that to ease being g be a jacket. So that's that's not a bad way. And it's not so bad. So hard pattern nonetheless, but I'm sure that you can do it 30. Day 28: 28 goes like this. Okay, not too bad, this one. It's good because you got to have a bit of a bit more independence because you're not playing along the time consistently with these three fingers, which is really common in finger picking patterns so is good in that sense and will help you later on with paying your own melody lines. Unique parity lines. So the farm good old e d a. D a d and on the count of one who play the high e string and then so one and to end the end of two, we play the B string and then on the counter. Four. Play the street with all of that in mind. Let's up putting it together to ease de pe and then the D and the BTO get 12 and one and two on and a deep, and then they be together. I g together de a. D and B, the D and G with day that is exercise 28 31. Day 29: All right, here we are. The ultimate lesson. Let's get straight on with it. Lesson 29 at the base here. You're playing. I want every Samos way. Previous lesson with basis. And okay, then with these free playing a little bit. Funny thing, a being a a g b g b Gene Put the two together. Okay, So what took you through each note? One at a time to ease together G B. And then she be a Ah, a little bit funny again. There's a good baselines. Always, always difficult. I'm good. Just one lesson. Last we're gonna put all of what we've done here into a tune. Then you have done it, so let's get straight on with that. 32. Day 30: Okay, so here we are the last lesson again. Well done for getting this far. I know this last part has been quite hard, but persevere, persevere, persevere, and it will pay off. So we got this really nice tune here is really kind of reminiscent of something that Lindsey Buckingham, Fleetwood Mac would right. So let's get stuck into it straight away. We start on a C chord with little finger on the third friend of the high E string soothe. And we're doing what we did in this in 22 where we play free to one over the fun 1234 But if we just look at the farm first will play on secret to play the aim And in the day on then I think is gonna drop down to G back T o daily. Smooth. Gonna move that around. Get comfortable with that for you. Anything. And then 321 Free to 112 every one. And put those all together really slow. It's gonna be very hard. Get it right. You should end playing the eastern in the G string again. Wait. They just practiced them separately. Put the two together so often done. See, we moved a minor. It's an A minus seven because we put in this. Keep your finger on the third. Fret that the high e string there Now, if it's too hard to play to flip the things around, play 12 free like we're going to do here. You can, of course, do exactly the same finger picking pattern that we did on the previous bar on this court. If you're just pulling your hair out, you can't get it. That's absolutely fine. Just continue working on the on the other one and then when you're ready to bring it. But in the tap provided off change the finger picking better around from free to one toe, 12 free just to make things a little bit harder because that I'm like that. So here, way from eyes playing a d v D a d D will start on a GTO again. You just put the two together. 1234 Wait. You should end on D on the high e string. So from the sea you've got weight changed with a minor Wait for Lefcourt. I like to use my time. You could do it like this. Of course, it's a full bar chord, and then we'll revert back to the 1st 1 that we did so from going in. 321 I think he d a d. Wade. Okay. And then after that, things get a tiny, tiny, little bit tricky. We get your G chord. I really love the ending. G way got your core base to base goes I think it's on the G. I used my third finger, My little finger, my friend in a place to Eastern together being on the first fret on the high Street with the string. So then g b so way being out here. Second fret of the A string with a high E string over and G string after that. So that's one Father one and G seven court first fret high e string. Third fret e slowly string those two together be Dean G. So extreme. Then be with Gina here. Okay, g string on a little finger. Third friend, be straight with. So again, there's no doubt about it. That is quite tricky once more. Okay, so learn that one. Onda za se If it's too tricky to start flipping the fingers around. You can just do one consistent pattern throughout. Try it with a little finger picking persons. And more than anything, I really encourage you to the rights of your own songs using these finger picking patterns fivesome cause you're like, try every single finger picking pattern that was done from s and want right up until now over those court and you'll start creating some wonderful music in no time. So far, leave. I really hope that you've enjoyed the lessons. Thank you so much for watching. Keep going. This is an ongoing exercise of practice for long as you possibly can. If you do do that, then I guarantee practicing with these exercises regularly. Just a warm up 5 10 minutes every day before you really get into your practice. Then over the course of, say, six months to a year, your finger picking skills are just going to fly through the roof. You're going to get so good at it, you likely be able to play virtually any finger picking song that comes up So once again thank you really appreciate it. I don't see you next time on another course jizz 33. Final Thoughts: Okay, So well done. You made it to the end of this 30 day finger picking challenge. Where is actually taking you 30 days to do it any 40 or six months a year? It really doesn't matter at all. What matters is that you continue. You continue to practice this stuff. What? You really for the rest of your life with your guitar playing life. I really think it's that important to keep up the the strength dexterity in your right hand and maintain that and continue to grow it. So keep on bumping up the speed a little bit on. Do you continue to grow on? Yeah. Thanks again. I really appreciate it. If you have any remaining questions, don't hesitate on. I really look forward to seeing you on another course somewhere to keep it up and thanks again.