1. Welcome: high on crystal. Welcome to my course 20 essential finger picking batons for super beginner to beginner players. So, really, the title says it all. You're gonna get out of this cause it's aimed at people that are more or less completely brand new. Two. Finger picking necessarily. Totally brand new, But maybe you paid a little bit of guitar before, but we don't think finger picking thing. You want to get into that and you want to build good technique. This is really the one for you. Perhaps you taking my previous course Complete Beginners Guide to finger picking guitar. And in that short course, we just we work on the foundations and figure picking him on how to get off in the right direction. So this next course here is to put it all into practice and start really start making some music with. So there's 20 progressions. Sorry, 20 finger picking patterns that gradually get harder for out. Each one gets a little bit harder, starts sounding, in my opinion, a little bit more exciting, a little bit better now. I made every lesson in this course. It's easy to understand it is easy to follow us possible his close ups on the right hand, Every finger picking pattern I go through one. Break it down very, very slowly. So since easiest digested as possible for you to practice on along with each finger picking pattern and exercise that there is on the course, there's also guitar have standard notation guitar tab you follow along with everything. That, of course, is all about finger picking. And you really don't need much, if any prior knowledge off the guitar whatsoever to take the course. It just has to be interested in finger picking. Move a little bit of time, a little bit of practice, a little bit of patients to take in this course, your finger picking skills will increase tenfold. You'll really start feeling much more confident in your abilities to play finger style guitar, so I really hope you enjoy. Of course, if you have any questions throughout, I'm here for you. We have to do is getting touch, and I will get back to you and I'll help you out as best as I can. So thank you very much and truly, really hope that you get so much for this. I really think that you will thanks a lot
2. The Chords : Okay. Welcome. Once again. Thank you. Once again, I'm really, really pleased to have you here. Let's get straight into it. So lesson number one, the first thing you need to do is learn some court before we do anything with right hand, anything at all. Let's learn a lot, cause they were gonna use throughout this course. Okay, so for the 1st 10 patterns were going to use the same three chords. Okay, so those courts are A D and E. You may know these cause already, but for those of you that don't let's go over them right now. So you have an acorn thing. This a d chord like this on any cold like this. Okay, so the a chord now, for those of you that don't even know the notes of the strings are gonna give them to you right now. So this is the e string, because the bottom string of the six drink This is an e strength. This is that a string D string G string B string and e string E a D g b e. Or you can use a little kind of rhyme toe, help you there of elephants and donkeys grow big ears. So if you don't know that, make sure you learn that if we do anything else, get that truly monster so you don't have to think about it. Okay? So with that in mind, let's start with the accord now on the ankle. We don't play this Eastern here. We completely missed that one out. Don't let these drinks are deeply eastern. Him and then on the a string we play that has open. Okay said that's just wide of then. I didn't use my second finger, but you can use your first. Maybe if you like. You're going to play the second fret off the D string that I use my second finger. You can use your first like this on then directly underneath that on the G string. You also play the second friend like this. Ok, so hard. Actually, you tend to use my first finger that I have my second finger and then I call my first finger back behind that on your third finger goes on the second floor of the B string like that. So they're all stacked on the second Fret so you can play it like this. Fingers to one off three oil in playoff, 12 free like this, It doesn't matter. It's up to you. Whichever you more comfortable with the high E stream brings completely open. So that's your cord there. And I use my thumb here to come around the back and that. Just muse that string off on that You're a court. That's the first court as we want to the d chord. Now that first finger, we're gonna put that on the second fret off the G string. Second finger goes on the second fret off the highest ring and third finger goes on the third Fret off the B string like this Andi call you from around the back and you missed the string and the a string, okay? And then you can strum with your right hand. You can just use your thumb to struggle. That's fine for now on you struck from the d string down, so that should be court way and then the equalled the quite nice because you get to play six strings. You don't have to worry about muting, no meeting to be really hard when you still new to the hotel. But this isn't a course record is, of course, the finger picking. So I'm not gonna go into much detail about how to best do that. So the e chord, we're gonna put our first thing go on the first fret of the G and then 1/3 finger. This issue lets you do a second being a mix that's going to go on the second fret of the A string and in our third finger directly underneath that, that's how you play. Okay, so those 3/4 for the Fast 10 the 1st 10 finger picking peasants that we're gonna dio and there's just two more court I'm gonna show you gotta see court, which is like this. So when the b string first fret First finger on the D string. Second fret second finger unknown number on the A string, third finger, third friend, mute the string, using your thumb here without strings completely. Okay, so that's your c court. And then the last court is your g called. Okay, so here second finger is on the third fret off the low eastern first finger is on the second. Fret off the a string. Third finger is on the high e string. Third fret incidentally, G chord right there. They've got a E seen on a lot, of course, that we're going to use throughout the course. If you're not familiar with those, please put some time into learning those first. Everything that I've just mentioned in this lesson, you must be really comfortable with that in order to get your right hand to do all the work from now.
3. Finger Selection : The next thing that we really need to learn is finger selection on the right hand. What? I'm about to show you this kind of this. This rule that we're gonna use here applies for every single finger picking pattern throughout this court. So it's absolutely truly essential that you master this and you follow this throughout every single pattern. So let's have a look at the right hand and salmon Which fingers should be playing away strings. The e string. You always play with your phone Low Eastern the a string You always play with your farm d string again. You always play with thumb Teoh from thumb thumb And that's essential that you follow that from some thumb a day. Okay. And then your first finger is always going to play the gene. Your second finger is always going to play. The be your third finger is always going to play the high e string. Okay, so you got some dumb dumb 123 So really get familiar with that. Well, all start to make sense of we work our way through the finger finger picking patterns. But please, please, please don't. Don't let your son come down here or your first finger's be playing the high e string is will be tempted to do that. You can't let it. You just have to say no, put in its place and make sure that if the you're right fingers playing the right string
4. Right Hand Techniques : I just like to speak a little bit about right hand techniques. So before you jump in to start learning these finger picking patterns, you must do it. We've correct right hand technique, and I want to briefly go over positioning of your right hand and how he should pluck the strings with your fingers. So I'm just holding down an e chord here. But with the right hand with the thumb you must pick down down towards the ground with Every time you play the farm, it's always down to the ground. Then with your other free fingers, you play up so on the G, I'm going to be easy. Down, down, down with farm up first finger. Okay, that's really important. Now a question I get a lot is about fingernails. Uh, do you have to have fingernails to play finger style? The answer is no. Absolutely No, no. Little. I don't have really many much for finger now. Anything It out on my hand. I've been an avid fingernail biter for long As I could remember, Andi has never stopped me. All those different is the tone. If you play your fingernails, you're gonna get a really nice bright sound, which sounds terrific. Sounds really good. And if you play with no fingernails and you used a flesh of your fingertip, which is just a good you're just gonna get a slightly warmer sound. But eventually, what happens is your skin will toughen at the end of your fingers, and you can still produce quite a bright sound with the skin of your fingers. So it doesn't matter if you have fingernails or no, if you do have fingernails used, um, they sound great. If you don't think it hours, it's never it's never been detrimental to my plane whatsoever. The other thing that I'd like to speak about his positioning of your right hand because it does make a big difference to the sound, depending on where your right hand plays the strength. But if you're just starting out, it doesn't actually matter to my don't be too concerned about it, but you want to bear this in mind as you get better and better as time goes on. So for a warmer sound, if you pick higher up the strains closer to the closer to the fretboard, you play up here. You get really warm sound If I take my hand, bring it right back. Get a brighter sound. Okay, So like playing with fingernails without fingered hours, you get they produce different sounds depending on where your hand is on the strange Between here and here, it sounds greatly different. But better your guitar, the more you hear it as well, to be honest. So for now, I think aim just to be kind of in this area, I would suggest sort of say, there's a line going down the sound hole here. I would say kind of towards the back end of that. I think you get a nice sound here about this area of the strings, and that's what I tell my mom. But I do move my hand around a great deal when I play finger style. Okay, so about here's a good place to be. You could anchor your hand down. A guest against this here gives the bridge here. If you place your palm there, you get a blanket down, really stable your hand. Stabilize your hand. You see some people, they put the little finger and they place a about here on the body. And again if you find yourself doing that. I used to do that all along. It's absolutely fine. If you want to do that or if you wanna have your hand just kind of hang in midair like this , that's absolutely fine. It's gonna find what works for you and find that sweet spot. But remember, there are no strict rules. People may tell you that they are. There are really that there's not too many strict rules. Every guitar player is slightly different, so play around with it, and over time you will find what works for you.
5. Pattern 1: Okay, so let's start looking at the first pattern. This one is is really quite straightforward. You were just going to use that thumb, that's all on. This is really the leader of the pack. It's so important to your fun. Gets very, very, very accurate. Can't go wrong because it's kind of it's outlining the cause that you're playing through. So you must develop this one first. I believe that is very important to get very strong thumb. That's exactly what we're going to do. So this 1st 1 here remember I said that the first time patterns are around the a d cor on the equal. Well, let's hold those cause down for each one we're gonna play, I d back to a Okay, okay. Practice those changes and make sure that you're comfortable with those. Now with the right hand, we're not actually going to be hope playing any string that were holding down with my left hand. Okay, so this may seem a little bit funny, but nonetheless, please play the chord changes anyway. So with the thumb, we're gonna play four down picks on the A string. So you played a A a a. So 123 form, But we're not playing. Any strings are holding, but regardless, please do it anyway. And then once you've done that, we're gonna change to a D chord. We're gonna play the D String four times 123 full. OK, if you go back to the a string to They called 1234 So basically, we're just OK And then we get to the Accord. We're gonna play the Eastern four times. 1234 Okay, may feel very silly. And you're wondering why my changing chords even though not playing them, but is because later under lock later on down the line, you're gonna bring in these finger picking these fingers, and it's really just good technique. And it's a good habit to get into your see why is type of time. So once more just a de a patient, more times, then they 1234 Okay, so that's your first pattern, just kind of cementing your thumb into place
6. Pattern 2 : Okay, let's have a look at the next pattern now and in patent to we're going to start bringing in some of these fingers and it will start sounding a little bit more musical straight away, so it will use the same core progression. A d a e o que eso left hands taking care of Let's have a look at the right hand. Now on this one on the a string we're gonna play. That ace was still keep the 123 on each chord. But we're gonna bring in our first finger. We're gonna play twice as many notes per court pub, I would say. So you went 12 free form. I just play the next batter way. Okay. 1234 Now it actually who accounted like this. 1231234 And I don't worry about counting it now because it will probably just put you off a little bit. But you just very money. You're paying twice as many knows. So on this ankle we're going between the A string with thumb on the G string without first fingers. A king, we do that four times, and then we go to the d chord, the whole court down. And now we're gonna play the day with that from on in the B string with the second finger on to go on and free and for okay, so it might feel a bit peculiar using your second finger on the beast. So many things, Any time, any things, a little bit difficult. Just I select that heart part do put round as many times as you can until it becomes comfortable. So there's play what we've got so far a a exactly e chord. And then all the changes with the right hand is the thumb goes from a string to the east drink E g E g e g. So I'll play the pattern once more for you and then make sure you put a lot of practice into it before moving on to the next batter way.
7. Pattern 3 : Okay, We're going to pattern free. Now. What we're gonna do is we're gonna stop bring in a second finger. So before we use that farm and first finger now going to use that for the first week of still, we're also gonna bring in a second finger. And again, we're gonna use exactly the same core progression is before, so make sure you're following following along with the guitar tablets provided to really help you out. Okay, So putting done exactly the same court. Now we're gonna play some one to someone to play you the way. Okay, a little faster. Okay. Um, so let's that let's have a look at that. Now, before we played a G now we just got a key. B k g said in the first pattern, we played one, 234 So on each beat, it would call that playing quarter notes or crotches, traditionally pickled crotches. And then we on the next pattern baton to play one and two and three and four. And so there was. You're playing two notes, puppy there. And you would call that plane? Eighth notes. Orc waivers Traditionally good quivers. Now, in this one, we're doing three notes per beat. Okay, so there's your beat. You're cramming three notes into. Does he get that? That that got that. You want to 312312 Free physical triplets and I can't trip. Okay, so that's what you're playing here. Don't worry. If that doesn't make any sense at all, it's not usually important at the moment. But just try and get that. 12312 free. Feel as you play fruit so you can really hear. Okay, so do work on that. Now, on the A stream, that's a cold we play. Hey, G B. Hey, Hey. Okay, let me do that. Four times Way moved to the D court and these two fingers always stay the same. They always play G and B. It's just a fun that moves that way back to a four times way. Go to the e chord on then. It's just a fun that moves to the e string. Used to stay exactly the same. We do it four times e g being being
8. Pattern 4: all right. Moving on to pattern for now. Let me just play it for you on. Then we'll learn it. Okay, so this one with the right hand were playing thumb. 123 Farm 12 Free that first finger. So you put the bass note. Then first we will play the G second finger will play the B third finger, will then play the high e string. So it's always that pattern thumb, then G bay A from G B A. Okay, so let's go through with it starts in a court. Exactly the same calls with the left hand. So by a string way to free the O. D court played the J b s a d with four times on the A coterie three to free. Back to the court one free on into the e chord All the changes with my hand is the farm goes down to the east drink e o once more for you a little bit. Just a little bit very mind that speed is really important. What so ever at this stage, what's important is accuracy and clarity of the notes you're playing. So please don't try and you know it is saying Don't run before you can walk. It's exactly the same with this speed will come naturally on its own. So here I just want speak about really briefly about the type of notes that you're playing . We're playing what we've called 16th those or traditionally cenique waivers. So first lesson we did quarter notes. Remember, just 1234 second battle we did eight those one and two and three and four, which was two per p. And then in the next pattern, we did triplets. So remember there was free puppy. Then it was like keep Berlin Berlin Berlin Burley. And here we're playing what we call seven Quakers or 16th knows. And that means that you play four per piece. That is like that. We actually count. That sounds a bit silly, but this is how we counted one e end to E and a three d and four d end. So as I'm playing these patterns, my head I'm counting. Okay, so it's not hugely important at the moment, if you understand that, but it going on further down the line, this is definitely something that you want to understand.
9. Pattern 5 : OK, moving on to pattern five. Hopefully you're doing okay. It's all making sense and just trying to make some progress. Now with your right hand and new chord changes Now sticking with the 16th notes. So four notes per beat, we're gonna just old to the fingers on the right hand. A bit, a bit. So last one last time, we went from 1 to 3. This time exactly the same calls with the left hand. But we're gonna go, Tom. 321 from 3 to 1. Okay, so same cause, but some free to one from 3 to 1. It's gonna feel weird Just because you think is a kind of going I'm Naturally, it's like the wrong the wrong way, But you can you can you get used to it. So four times on the way to four times on the day that suddenly changes back to the a chord . That sounds really nice. Okay. Thumb 3 to 1. Phone free to one based no e string B string G string. OK, so good luck with that one
10. Pattern 6 : OK, moving on to pattern six. Now and again, we're gonna be using the 16th notes with a right hand. We're gonna go to the person again. So the first time we went thumb. 123 and then we went thumb 321 And then we're gonna thumb to 13 Okay, so I'll play the pattern Lesson slow so you can hear it. So here we go. Way some free. That's the A Okay. Really nice. Very musical. Sounds great with these court. Very mind. Well, beginning into more cause later on, you can do this with any chord that you know. These are just just example. So if you know other call, it's feel free. Go ahead and try them on those calls. Other corpora questions. Try those. It is very likely going to sound very good. This is just this examples. I tried to keep the left hand as simple as possible. Anyway, it's not in this matter. So hunted down a we're gonna play the A string in the B string, then the G I would do that four times. Hey, B G A B G. Okay. Okay, four times. Then the day hopefully it started to see that. See it now and you can kind of almost working out on your own. Only the farmers changed. Dean G. D. B gene four times. Okay, back to the day, the way to the e chord and basic right down to the east. Drink some and then the b Do that four times. Really. We're just doing a few different combinations of these free fingers to get them comfortable going in different directions. Basically, and it will build strength, dexterity or freedom. Because there's not much point in having one stronger than the others. They will need to be equal instinct.
11. Pattern 7 : Okay, patterns. 71 more combination for you to try here. This one is from 312 some 312 So here it is. Nice and slow. - Okay , So little. Okay, so it sounds very nice. Let's have a look at the right head. So on the A, but a string high string, the G string and then the beast a g being again for free the day you guessed it, It's something fun that changes changes to the D string to free for 234 Free for Okay, So now we've looked at a few different patterns of different variations at the right hand playing 16 those they do some musical, and then they're really, really very important to get comfortable with those So you can play any combination that you can come up with on the right. So I strongly encourage you to try that. See if you can come up with some of your own and again try on these called these culture working any combination Well, as well. It doesn't have to be a d a. You could play e d a D d e a e. It really doesn't matter too much to do experiment. Stop getting creative when you're really, really do encourage that
12. Review 1: I just like to say at this stage that if you're having any difficulty with the course whatsoever, then please do no hesitate. Contact me. If you're having trouble with any part of the cause, any individual lesson, anything at all that doesn't make sense. Or perhaps you're really struggling with it. Just get in touch of me, and I'm incredibly happy to give you some personal advices and tips of any confirm your plane, get you onto that next pattern. So please don't hesitate to do that. If you are enjoying the course. I really love it. If you could give me a positive review, would be incredibly thankful. But, yeah, I really hope you're enjoying the course. Let's keep going and push on to the next pattern. Thanks a lot.
13. Pattern 8 : Okay, so I'm moving on to pass in eight now, and we're gonna start mixing things up a little bit. Should start to get a little bit more exciting. So here comes this pattern. Okay, so it's a nice passing. I like the base in it. So that's that. Let's have a look and get straight into this one. So still on the same court a d e. The right hand here we're playing a g B way to the B string and then back to the G. So wear plain 81 and two free and on every play the a string again with the fun on the cheap first finger So a g b T B g hey g So just on a cord loop that around get comfortable or familiar with that way to go to the D court The same pattern. But it's not a new court on on this. This court were playing Dean Jean B eggs are one and two and b g ging so get isolated. Practice it round around today. Okay, I was doing it twice on each chord, so you don't have to do this, but on the tab provided written out so you could do it twice. Still, e. You have to do that. But I think it sounds quite nice. I never get to again way. It's just fun. Let's changed on the Eastern we played me J B B. Okay, so really nice passing that very, very musical and really good for starting to mix up the fingers on the right hand.
14. Pattern 9 : Okay, that's a nine. Let me play it for you and then we'll jump straight into start betting it. So as you can hear, they're getting harder. Now, every single one gets a little bit harder. So we're nearly halfway through. So keep it up and I really hope it's all making sense. So here we go play just the first. But again, I do two bars on each court here, but I play just 1/4 bit slow for you. So then, playing a gene be Hey, a gene be paying Gonna play e b g b so much more a g B Hey, that's the first half of the bottle to on then free as a ways just on one chord get really comfortable with just on that court, then onto the court, So unequally. Planking g b b g once you're okay doing it on each individual cords. Try and put all the cords together and it will start to sound good. Just put it all together. Take it very slowly. So as you can see things, it's time to get a bit harder now
15. Pattern 10 : time for Baton 10 now And this is the last time that we're going to be doing a d a e them from from here on him, we're going to start changing the course just a little bit, start bringing into new clothes with the left hand, so just just kind of give a bit more variation to the course and give you hope to give you some creative ideas that you could work with. Come up with this stuff on your right now, This pattern it is difficult because you're using these free fingers a lot more than you are. Your thumb. You kind of see what I mean when I stop playing it. But we're really kind of working The weakest side of you Think it's more these ones here rolling backwards, but I'm sure you can do it. Let me play through for you once on Don T. Okay, So what's going on that well, straight to the a chord here I'm playing from So the root note on the a string and then B B g from B G and I do that twice. What do the e b g twice a G. Okay, I dio has played the B string after that way something Hey G he That's the pattern. Do it twice. You have to. But I think it sounds quite good. If you do said that we move into the deep exactly the same with these three fingers. It's just fun that's changed. D E B G C B G b Okay, a string. Wait a So again, it's just the fund has changed E b twice. Okay, so it's quite tricky that one. It really is Possesses. Say you're kind of rolling backwards. Your farm actually doesn't make it much easier if your funds nice and strong in these three fingers aren't so That's it for the A. D and the E called progressions. Start mixing up on. It's going to start getting harder. So I really hope that you're finding it. Okay, It's not gonna get craze difficult, but it's gonna is going to get a little bit a little bit more exciting. Anything that's a better word
16. Pattern 11 : Okay, pattern 11. Now for this, we're gonna go back to playing triplets. So it's free notes per p on the corporation. This time is gonna be G to C D. I think back to seeing again So let you play the pattern for you and then Uncle ways play it e o that that feel going on there holding down this G court like this The right hand were playing the gene being on. Then three times we played a high being. Jesus, thinking that difficult because you're working on your weaker fingers Free to want to get free, to want for you to one. So basically it's farm 123 to 13 to 13 to 1. So jeans B g B B B G e p gee really slow. I don't river to the sea world We owe so again all those changes The farm has changed. You can see how important is have a good, accurate thumb, but with patterns. Very often it could be the case that just one string has changed. So way Deco comes along. The first finger second finger inferred finger remain exactly the same, but it's just a farm that has changed to the D string de g b e e g e g e g back to the sea with better G. So that's a nice finger picking person they're using Trip, please. It's a new cords to give you some new ideas that you can play around with when you run.
17. Pattern 12 : Patteson 12 Now and again, we're gonna mix up records this time we're gonna play D that two buses, see, And then one bar of G on. Let's have a look at this pattern. Okay, so we're doing something that we've not done before. Here's the next step. And we're doing what? We're playing two strings at exactly the same time, So this will be a little bit confusing. A little bit tricky if you're not done it before, but hopefully not Too bad. If you got to this this part of the course, you're ready for it. So on the d chord, we're going to play the D String on the high E string at exactly the same time for using a thumb on our third finger. We play the D string here, and then the high e string with their third finger like this, they play those exactly the same time. Okay, running. Once you've done that, we're gonna play G being G. Say Okay, so get used to that. Take it very slow on. Then we play e g b g. Danny together G being G e g being G. Let's leave that round a few times. wait to see again. It's the same with the right hand, but the base that has changed the way again. It's just the base now has gone from the from the down to the east way on a really lovely really, really lovely In this, it's the beginning of being able to do so many things with the right hand. What's great about finger picking is there's really no limit to how good you can get it. You have five fingers on this hand on the options. The more I learn on practicing you're picking, the more I realize I've got so much to learn that I found that really exciting. So this is the next next little part that you can start this little thing. You can start getting into your playing. So I put a lot of time into this and make sure you don't move onto the next essence. You're really comfortable with it.
18. Pattern 13 : OK, moving on to pattern 13 now. And this time the corporation goes G c d g G C D g Okay on its similar approach to last time. But we're bringing, bringing in a bit more the farm as well. So you'll see. Here comes the way tithe now, things that really started. Really nice musical just graduated more. So let's have a look at this one. The first for the first note. We play the two e strings together, so use your thumb and your third finger here to play these two strings exactly the same time. And then we played G being gene. That's the general pattern. Okay, so together with the farm in the third finger, G being G first finger, second finger. So in the tea way, do it twice a C chord. It's only the fund has changed down to the A string way twice on the sequel. Okay, so a in the Eastern together. Still the farm in the third finger gene being together, Gene being gene day. Guess what? You know. It's just a fun that's changed. Still, the farm in the third finger day in the Asian together, G B G given way sounds really nice. And it z quite difficult to get their fingers really sink top nicely. The trick with this is this is a trick. It really must be lined up together perfectly together. What you don't want, what you really want to avoid is this. Sometimes it can sound good, but right now, it's not what we're aiming for. A minute to get perfectly to get played at exactly the same way, okay?
19. Pattern 14 : pattern 14 is very similar to Peasant 13 but we're using Maura that thumb, and this could be difficult just to get it consistent and accurate. So here's the pattern and then show it to you. Okay, so it is quite difficult getting getting that together. So let's look at the my hand explain what's going on. So when this Jiko we play the E one to e strings together and then with the first figure would play the g e Remember, before we had together G B G. Now we have that where we play the B string, we will play the farm on the on the way. Okay, so the two e strengths g on its own on then the eastern in the B string together on back to the G. So I select that practice that many times to you're comfortable with it. Really good. Up to speed on what? You got it on the G chord. It won't be too difficult to get in on the secret because it's just the way. Okay, Something the and the together g a b together with back to the way That sounds really nice . And then the d chord I play the day in the highest room together J and B in the day together in the g again. Okay, so once more three and four. Okay. Like that. Okay, so good luck with that one.
20. Pattern 15 : Okay, Patent 15. With 3/4 of the way through these 20 finger picking batons, let's get straight into it. So hey, so pretty good sounding one. Quite interesting. It's a definite definitely a little bit different. It sounds what sounds great. So the core progression this time is D Then to see that as many times as you want to see the pattern 34 So I play the d and the high e string together. Then she is on being jean. Okay, so D in the highest rate being jean again. Okay, so accounting wise, that's one and two on free. And then you end up being four by playing the D on the high E string together 12 free. Now really look that around is that is quite hard to get together for many, many, many, many times. Don't change court until you can do it comfortably on at least one of the calls. What you got that changing it to the court is still difficult. But it shouldn't be too hard, because now for the pattern, you just have to change the farm. I think I've said that every single lesson so far, but it's true. So on the sea called the Farmers moved to the A string. Everything else is exactly the same. A together. Then get together on the G again. It's just the basic was changed to East drinks being G giver, being together. Okay, So let me play the whole pattern once more for you. Really see. So that's a really cool sounding pattern that every have you enjoy it.
21. Pattern 16 : pass and 16 in this path of what we're gonna do is going to use three fingers here, play them at exactly the same time. So in previous patterns we've used two things at the same time. It's something use free fingers, so it's not too tricky. But, you know, it's something new that you need. Teoh accomplish. So goes on this. Okay, so what I'm doing there with my right hand is playing a thumb on then 1st 2nd and third finger together on that pattern, repeats is in eighth notes from and then thinkers. Fun things found fingers one and two and three and four. And so on a G chord, I play the root note. So the base now, which is the E string with a farm pond, then these three fingers That's it, That's what it is. You just repeat that one to free four. That changed to soothe a stir with the phone with them. What to free the same free for date again. It's just a fun has changed hands of day streak on the back. That's that pattern there. Thank you. You're nice. Kind of bouncy feel, almost almost like a strong
22. Pattern 17 : okay, Pattern 17 is incredibly useful. So really put a lot of time to this one to make sure that you get it. Because there's Finger Star players. You have to use this type of pattern very often when it comes to love songs and playing songs. So we're gonna show you two ways of playing at the first way is similar to the previous way that we just did this time of playing d a to G Day, a G. OK, so pass. It goes like this e playing like that playing thumb. And then these three fingers again want to free free time so far, 123 or one and two And okay, so that would be the D string 123 with the right hand carry that across to each court, insisting that so Dean G. B any together, three times again, they court just change the base G for to do four times that. There will be times where it's useful to play that pattern like that. But I'd rather show you how to play it like this are really rob. You practice in this way. They're about to show you a lot because it's so useful it will allow you to strong. So instead of playing from 1 to 3, we're gonna play thumb on then kind of your first go first and second fingers. It doesn't actually matter too much. We're gonna struggle. So play farm and then up, down, up. Okay, so I show you on this d cor. Okay, so that's incredibly useful. So you play the bass note eyes get to play in the D based on, Then I'm playing What just might just say much. My first figure struck these three strings that g b in the You don't have to be super accurate if you just hit two strings. It's OK, but aiming for these three strings down um so, uh, down the back of my finger put it up with the inside of my finger once more, down with from then on the inside of a figure strung up and then the back of my finger down . So, Withnail, you think it's fine? I'm back up again. So just practice that gradually start building up speed. It turns it Teoh, you can hear it. Sounds really good on. Hopefully you can hear how useful that's gonna be. You use it a lot the time in your playing. So that's how you That's one way of strumming of, really, really common a popular way of strumming finger start to play the bass now on, then to strong through the other Devon notes in the court. So do you practice that?
23. Pattern 18 : Okay, Pattern 18 again. It's kind of got that upbeat kind of strong. You feel to it I'll play it through for you and then, as always, actually added. Okay, so it feels really nice and rolls along nicely, this one. So that pattern is applying thumb and then one someone on the second or third finger together on the being these drink and then back to the destroyer of the first things they that so doing on a G chord playing the e string, the G string and the being that he together and then back to the G. So I'm going down with a cold and thank G to C to D back to Jean. Okay, so right head by the string the Father G first finger on the second and third finger. You got to play the be on the street together. Have it back to the gene. That's the pattern way. So live around many times. Get comfortable with that. You may find it difficult playing these two strings together. Really? These two week, his fingers at the moment, finger picking for you, straight for them up. So this will help. Sounds really good and really good at the speed. It's not too tricky. Want you stuck in Iran to get up to speed? So on the corporation to dio Giza 1234 and twice it into the Sea Court twice on the sequel , one bar to twice with the same with the D chord and better you could see again. It's just
24. Pattern 19 : Okay, so pattern 19. We're nearly there. Just got to patterns left, and you would have done them all. So this one is similar to the previous pattern Booth. Okay, so I'm playing thumb one on, then twice with the second finger. Third finger on the being, the so that's say, same progressions. Last time, G c d g so played E g. And then these two fingers twice one and Teoh on way back to the beginning of a G. And at this time, do it twice. We just once on being the string. And that's the battle to get one and two free for 1234 Okay, so that is that they for the court so seek or a G and there be any twice to a g b anyone's . So wait a day. Just a fun that's moved. J b Any twice. D g beauty on very better. Okay, that pattern 90 Just one left
25. Pattern 20 : Here we are. Pattern 20. The last one I won't forget in this far. Let's get stuck into this last person. I really hope you enjoy it. Okay, so there it is, the last pattern. So this is This is the hardest one in there, But it shouldn't be too much harder than the previous view that we've been doing. So you're okay with that? Should be okay with this. So let me break down. What? Dio There is quite a lot going on. So co progression wasn't plane day two positive d two balls of G today. Back to the day. So what? The right hand? I played the D string and then Jean on. Then I play the being the together. So get way back to the day streak. From then, I played the being the together again. So you get way. Okay, g thing. That's the d g d. Give a G g twice. Okay, that's what the G on like every single other passages. Just the fund that's changed. Playing e jean together, being given g e g e a k g together g k g in the back way, way. Yes, That's quite a tricky one boot still sound really good. So I left you a nice challenge at the end there. So that is it. That is a lot 20 of the finger picking patterns.
26. Final Thoughts: Okay, so we've come to the end of this course 20 essential finger picking battles for super beginning to begin a guitar plays. Thank you so much for watching. And I truly hope you got a lot of work on to continue improving on. Remember that you can take all of these finger picking patterns. You can develop them. And hopefully you've got some ideas that you can kind of create some of your own patterns. Now that you know how to I think the end goal with learning all these finger picker patterns is todo must forget every single one. It sounds really, really silly of me saying that, but it's true, because after a while, what will happen is it will become so automatic and you won't have to think about which pattern you're using anymore. They all kind of become one, and you would just be able to hear it, hear it in your head and just play it straight away. Perhaps you're quite good at strumming already on. You know, once you mastered that, you you don't have to think about your right hand anymore. You could just just struggle way and you can think about the court changes were exactly the same. Thing will happen with these finger picking patterns. You will kind of forget them over time, and you don't have to think about it and you'll play, Play fruit. Just be able to chop and change between anything and picking pattern that you like, But you need to learn the patterns of practice them for a long time before that happens, when once it does is really a great thing, because this has kind of taken kill. But remember, you could continue to grow your your finger painting, finger picking skills. There's there's no end. There is no goal. There's no final destination, which is a great thing. So does that say, if you have any problems or have any questions until please don't has to take contact me. And be sure to practice this A Z much as you can in the future. In the very near future, I'm gonna be making the next course of this, which would be beginner intermediate finger picking patterns. So if you if you enjoyed this one, you feel like you've learned to law, and when that one comes out, it may already be out by the time you're watching this, then please, Please go ahead and try that course because it's gonna be Justus. Good. You're gonna continue to grow, grow, grow, grow as a finger style. Anyway, one more thing. Don't worry about speed. Don't know. Worry about speed is something that comes on his own over time. Naturally. So you may have watched me playing here on some of the finger picking peasants that played quickly. Don't worry about that. Always go for accuracy over speed every single time. Naturally, over time. With time, your past sins will start to speed up. So that's really that's absolutely But once more Thanks again for watching on. I really hope to hear from you and see you in the near future. Thanks. So bye bye.