3 Ways to Create a Half-Drop Pattern in Procreate | Maja Faber | Skillshare

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3 Ways to Create a Half-Drop Pattern in Procreate

teacher avatar Maja Faber, Surface Pattern Designer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      Downloads and Resources


    • 4.

      What is a Half-Drop Pattern


    • 5.

      Why 3 Different Methods


    • 6.

      Method 1 - Fake Half-Drop


    • 7.

      Method 2 - Part 1


    • 8.

      Method 2 - Part 2


    • 9.

      Method 3 - Part 1


    • 10.

      Method 3 - Part 2


    • 11.



    • 12.

      Thank You


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About This Class

Learn how to create a half-drop repeat pattern in Procreate, in this class by Maja Faber.

In this class I will teach you 3 different methods of how to create a half-drop pattern, from the most simple and quick patterns to more complex ones, which will allow you to use many motifs, colors and layers in Procreate.

This is an intermediate class for you who at least have a basic understanding of how to use Procreate. You probably have created a few patterns in Procreate before, but if you haven’t I recommend to watch my beginner friendly class called Create an Editable Pattern in Procreate with Color Variations before you watch this class.

I’ve included 3 free resources that you can download when you watch this class. There’s one free Procreate color palette and 2 free premium Procreate brushes from me and my husband's brand Faber Co. These resources will enable you to create the exact same patterns as me if you wish, for a smooth learning experience. And you can of course use these brushes on all of your future art projects, both personal and commercial. Follow the instructions in class to download the resources, and if you are interested in more of our brushes go to majafaber.com/shop.


Meet Your Teacher

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Maja Faber

Surface Pattern Designer

Top Teacher

If we haven't met before, I'm Maja Faber, your pattern-loving teacher and fellow creative.

I'm here to help you every step of the way! I've been in your shoes! Yes, I'm talking about YOU I've been frustrated, overwhelmed, and wanting to give up more times than I can count. Learning a new skill is hard! I know the struggle.

After spending years of trial and error, trying to find my style and my unique path in the surface pattern design industry, I found my love for creating patterns in Procreate. My creativity started to blossom, and I haven't looked back since then.

As a surface pattern designer and educator, I've helped over 100,000 students grow their creative practice and overcome creative blocks through my fun and easy-to-follow online courses. I'm excited to h... See full profile

Level: Intermediate

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1. Intro: If you want to learn how to create half-drop repeated patterns in Procreate, this class is for you. I will teach you three different methods from the most simple and quick half-drop patterns to more complex which will allow you to use many motifs, colors, and layers in your patterns. I'm Maja Faber, a surface pattern designer who have started to create many of my patterns directly in Procreate. Why? For me, creating patterns in Procreate is fun, intuitive, quick, and easy. I enjoy being able to create the full pattern from sketch to finish repeat directly on my iPad. [MUSIC] This is an intermediate class for you who have at least basic understanding of how to use Procreate. You probably have created a few patterns in Procreate before, but if you haven't, I recommend to watch my beginning primary class called Create an Editable Pattern in Procreate with Color Variations before you watch this class. [MUSIC] I've included three free resources that you can download when you watch this class. There's one free Procreate color palette, and two free premium Procreate brushes from me and the [inaudible] Brand Paper Company. These resources will enable you to create the exact same pattern as you wish for a course smooth learning experience. You can of course use these brushes on all of your future art projects both for personal and commercial use. Follow the instructions in class to download the resources, and if you're interested in more of our brushes, go to majafaber.com/shop. With all of that said, let's get started creating our half-drop repeats. 2. Class Project: Your project in this class is to create a half-drop repeat pattern using one of the methods that I'll teach you. If you follow along with me and create all of the three different half-drop repeat patterns, then feel free to share all three of them here in your class project as well. I can't wait to see what you create. 3. Downloads and Resources: I've included three free resources to download in this class. Two of our favorite company, premium Procreate brushes and one Procreate color palettes. The Procreate brushes are the smooth filler from our dry ink brush sets, and green stamp number 2 from our green brush set. I will give you these two brushes for free when you watch this class so that you can follow along and create the exact same pattern as me if you wish, for a smooth learning experience. But feel free to use these brushes for your other art projects as well, both for personal and commercial use. If you enjoy using these brushes, you can check out all of our premium Procreate brush sets at my website, majafaber.com/shop. The ones that you get in this class are from the dry ink brush set and the green brush set. To download the free Procreate brushes and the color palette that I will use here in class, you can either download the PDF file under projects and resources in the right column here in class, or go to the URL that you see on screen now. If you have downloaded the PDF file, you tap to download and that will take you to a page where you can type in your name and your email address, and tap "Unlock". When you tap Unlock, you will get directed to this Dropbox folder where you can download the favorite company free number 6 brush set and my happy fruits appropriate color palette. To download these files, tap the file, Download, and Download. Then you can go back, tap the color palette, Download, and Download. This will add them to your downloads folder. I'm using Safari as a browser. If you use another browser, it might look a bit different. But you will find the files in your Downloads folder or your iPad. To add these files to Procreate, tap the first one, "Happy_Fruit Color Palettes" and the second one, "Faber Company Free Number 6 Brush Set". Your favorite company free number 6 brush set should be added to the top of your brush library with the smooth filler and green stamp number 2. The color palette for me, at least strangely enough, is added to the bottom of your color palettes. You can either drag it to the top or just set your color palette as default. Let's just tap "Set as Default". When you tap the Classic option, you will have your happy_first color palette right around here. That is how you add the Procreate brushes and the color palette to Procreate. 4. What is a Half-Drop Pattern: What is a half-drop repeated pattern? Well, to simply explain what a half drop repeat pattern is, let's start with the full drop, or as it's also called block repeat. This is the most common, and simplest form of created repeated patterns. A full dropped pattern is repeated horizontally and vertically, just by placing the pattern block next to one another, like this. As you can see, the motifs that are falling off the edges to the right, left, top, and bottom side of the pattern block, is repeated directly to the next block. What is a half drop repeat pattern? Well, simply explained, your pattern block will still be repeated the same vertically, but horizontally the block will be repeated a half size of the block downwards, like this. Why would you want to create a half drop repeated pattern? Basically, it's a great way to hide where your pattern block starts and ends. You can get away with creating a few simple motifs. When you repeat them in a half-drop pattern, it will look more organic and more complex, just by the way the motifs are repeated. 5. Why 3 Different Methods: You might be wondering why I will teach you three different methods of creating a half-drop repeated pattern in this class. Why not just stick to one? Well, the simple answer is that I myself use all of these different methods depending on how simple or complex my half-drop pattern is. I always aim for streamlining and simplifying my methods and not spending more time than I need to make the actual repeats. So if I'm just repeating one simple object, I will use the most simple method, which therefore is the quickest, the method number 1. But if I'm creating a more complex pattern with a bunch of different motifs, colors, and layers, I use the third method. This technique isn't that complex as it might look at the first glance once you get the hang of it. But it takes a bit longer to create the pattern with it than with method number 1. As for method number 2, I wanted to show you a way that is in-between. You can use this one for more complex patterns as well, but you might reach the layer limit in Procreate. It's also a time-consuming method to use for more complex patterns. But if you, for example, have a pattern where you are okay with flattening all the motifs into one layer before making the repeats or a pattern with only 2-3 colors, then this method can be very efficient to use. I will show you this more in the lesson about method number 2. In the end, it's the matter of preference and complexity of your pattern. So join me and create one pattern for each of the methods to see which one you like to use for your pattern. My favorite method is number 3. It takes a bit longer to learn, but once you get the hang of it, it's a great way of creating all sorts of half-drop repeated patterns in Procreate. Follow my step-by-step instructions here in class, and once you practice with this method for a while, maybe you enjoy it as much as I do. 6. Method 1 - Fake Half-Drop: Let's start with the practical parts of this class and create our first half-drop repeated pattern. I will show you the first method, which is for simple patterns and actually this is how to create a fake half-drop repeated pattern with only one motif. I will show you exactly what I mean in a minute. First things first, let's create a new document in Procreate. Tap the plus sign and let's go for a new canvas. At the moment, I create a lot of my patterns for Spoonflower. I have a standard size that I use and that is 3,600 pixels square or 7,200 pixels square. Before this first pattern, Let's go for 3,600 pixels. The DPI 300, which will bring us a maximum layers of 47. Tap create, and here we have our canvas. The first thing that I always do when I create patterns is to add a background layer. For this type of repeat, we actually don't need a background box to create the actual repeated pattern, but I always have some background color, so I will just use the green white in my happy fruits color palette that is included in this class so that you can use the same colors as me. What I usually do when I draw my patterns in Procreate is to make some kind of sketch first. In this class, I will go through the sketching part really quickly. If you think I'm moving too fast, checkout my other class, create an editable pattern in Procreate with color variations, which is a more beginner friendly class that are moving a bit more slowly on some parts of the pattern-making process. But let's go ahead now, we create a new layer to draw our sketch on and I will just quickly draw up the strawberry, something like that. I find it easier to draw from some sketch, even if it's really rough than to just go on and draw directly with my colors. When I have my sketch, I will tap the opacity, bring it down to wherever you feel is comfortable for you to draw on. I will keep mine on about 50 percent or a bit above 50 percent so that you still can see the sketch on screen, but maybe you want to go lower than that for your opacity so that your sketch won't be in the way when you draw. Let's create a new layer and I will draw a strawberry with the pink color and smooth filler from our favorite company, free number 6 brush set. At the smooth filler, I will use size of, let's try out about 20 percent and I will draw a strawberry shape like this. The smooth filler will give you a little bit rough edges, but overall it's pretty solid brush. If you want to add some more texture, you can draw in your shape like this. But for the purpose of the class, to move a little bit more quickly forward, I will tap and drag my color to add it to my strawberry. If you find that you get a little line from where you draw the outline and where you filled in your shape, you can just draw a little bit amongst the outline of your strawberry to make sure that you have a solid shape. Then I can tap and drag to get my sketch above my color layers so that I can see that one as well. And then I will tap to add a new layer and I'll use the green color in my happy foods color palette and also with the smooth filler, I will go back to 20 percent in size and add the green on my strawberry. Something like that. Then I will turn off the visibility of my sketch layer so that I can see what I've drawn, and maybe I want to adjust my drawing a bit so that I'm happy with how it looks. I'm pretty happy with my strawberry right there. Then I will actually go in and select both of these layers, tap the transform to turn off magnetics and snapping, and that will just drag down the size a bit of my strawberry by tapping and dragging in one out of the blue little dots of your solution , something like that. Here we have our motif and it's time to create half drop pattern of this single motif. As I mentioned before, this is a way of creating a fake half-drop pattern. It will look like the motif is actually repeated in a half-drop way. But we haven't created a pattern block that is repeated in half drop. Let me show you what I mean. First, we can just delete the sketch layer and then I will select both of the layers with my strawberry, the green and the pink and we can group those together so that we have the motif, the strawberry in one group. Then I went to tap to the right and duplicate that strawberry. If you want to make sure that you have placed your strawberry exactly in the center of your Canvas, you can tap your first strawberry, tap off the visibility of the second group and just turn on magnetics and snapping in the transform tool and drag your strawberry until you have two yellow lines. It's probably around here. If you don't want to eyeball it, you can tap Canvas, edit drawing guide and drag up the grid size to maximum, tap "Done" and here you can see the exact center of your Canvas. I'm pretty happy with where my strawberry is placed like this. Now it's time to add the other strawberries to this pattern. What we will do is to repeat them at the edges of your Canvas. Turn off your copy of the strawberry, tap the transform tool, make sure you have magnetics and snapping turned on, and then tap and drag your selection with the copy of the strawberry to the top right corner. Here we want to place these blue dots denote exactly at the edge. If you zoom in, you can see that this is exactly on the edge. Zoom in to the top. Here we need to move this one a little bit. We zoom in and zoom out, and make sure that we have both of these two blue dots exactly on the edge. Then we tap the transform tool again and we have placed a quarter of a strawberry at the top right corner. Then you tap the first group again, the strawberry in the middle, swipe to the right, duplicate that group, tap the transform tool, drag up your strawberry to the left side. You can zoom in to make sure that you place it exactly on the edges with blue dots and tap the transform tool again. Next, swipe to right again on the first strawberry and make another duplicates. Zoom in to make sure that you place this exactly to the top left corner and that the blue dots in the middle of your strawberry selection are placed exactly on edge. Tap the transform tool again. For the last one, duplicate your strawberry again and drag down your selection to the bottom right corner, make sure your blue little nodes are placed exactly on the edge, like that. Then tap the transform tool. Here we have created a fake half-drop repeated pattern. We only have one motif, the strawberry, and it's repeated and what will look like a half-drop block. But if we would repeat this pattern, let's go in and select all of these layers, swipe down with three fingers, tap "Copy all" swipe down again, and hit "Paste." This will bring you an image with all of the objects in this group flattened to one layer. Tap that layer and drag your image down till you reach 1,800 pixels, which is the exact center and middle of your Canvas. Tap the selection tool again, duplicate your layer, drag it to the side. Make sure you place it exactly at the bottom right corner. Swipe right again, duplicate your layer. Drag that one up. Swipe right again and duplicate your layer and drag the last square to the side. If we turn off our drawing guide under the actions panel in Canvas, turn off your drawing guide. You will see how your strawberries are repeated in a way that looks like it's half dropped. But when you repeat the actual pattern block, you repeat it in a full drop way so you have your pattern block here and you just repeat it to the right, and to the top, and to the left, and to the bottom. The last thing that I want to show you in creating a fake half-drop repeated pattern with one simple object like this is that to preserve your colors to be able to go back in your layers and change the colors of your object. You can open up all groups, swipe to the right of your green layers, drag those above the groups and swipe them together to merge them. Then swipe to the right on our pink layers, drag on top of the group and merge them together. Swipe to the right on all of the groups and tap "Delete." Here you have all of the objects with pink and all of the objects with green. Later on in class, I will show you how to recolor these objects, but for now, this is a good base to be able to make changes to your pattern in the future. Let's turn on these image layers again to see how our pattern is repeated and check out our fake half-drop pattern which is made in a very simple way in Procreate. 7. Method 2 - Part 1: Let's move on to the next method of creating a half drop repeat in Procreate. This is method number 2 for, I would say, medium complex patterns, not just one motif. You can have many motifs and you can actually have a bunch of different colors. But this method is best if you can flatten your motif layers to one or two, or at least just a few layers because this method will get more complicated and you can also reach the layer limit in Procreate if you use it with too many layers. Let me show you what I mean. Tap the "Plus" sign and we will just use the same canvas. So 3,600 pixels, I have mine saved over here. Three thousand six hundred pixels square, exact same canvas size that we did in the last lesson. For this method, you need to have a background layer. Let's add a background color. I will use the cream-white again. Tap and drag to add a square with a background color at the first layer. The next thing we will do is to draw some bananas for this pattern. I will just sketch up a few bananas really quickly. In this pattern I want my bananas tossed, so I'm just drawing them to be tossed around. That one looked a little bit crazy. What you do when you sketch up your motifs here is that you make sure that you don't reach the edges of your canvas when you draw your bananas and just toss them around. The placement of your motifs doesn't need to be exact. We can always move them around later on, but just draw a few bananas. We can adjust these later on. Something like that. Now we have a few tossed bananas to start to draw. The first thing that I will do is to add a new layer on top of my sketch layer. Drag down the opacity of the sketch layer a bit and then start to draw the actual colored objects. In a new layer, I will use a color. Let's use the pink for the first banana and smooth filler and I will use 10 percent in size. Let's just check that out and see how it looks. That would probably be good. Just draw one banana and fill that in. For this method, I would like to have as few layers as possible. Maybe you don't know when you start to create the pattern how many layers you will end up with. Maybe you don't know how many colors you want in your pattern and that's completely fine. But in this class, for the method number 2, I will show you how to draw all of the motifs in one layer and then add a few details in the next layer. All of the bananas will be in one layer and I will draw with different colors in that layer. Doing this, I know that I don't want to change the colors of my objects after I've created this pattern because if I would like to change the colors, at least I would like the different colors to have different layers so that I can change the colors smoothly and make sure that all of the objects in one layer are perfectly colored in another color, if I wanted to do that. This is a great method to use if you just draw with one color or two, or if you're like me know that you don't want to change the colors of these objects later on. Let's go ahead and draw the rest of the bananas in the same layer this time. I will draw a green banana. Fill that in. Yellow banana. Let's go for purple. It's the same here. If you can see that you have a little line where you outline your objects, you can just fill that in. I won't do that detailed work here in this class as it's the pattern making process that we are focusing on. But I just wanted to let you know that that is how the smooth filler brush will work as it's textured in the edge. You might not get a perfect edge where you fill it in. Now we have a purple banana and let's go ahead and create orange. Now we can turn off the sketch layer and here you have a few different bananas. If you want to go in and fix some details now that you turn off the sketch layer, just do that before we continue to add another layer with some details. I will tap Layers panel and tap to add some black or really dark purple details also with the smooth filler. Here, I will just add a black square at the top of the banana and then a little thing at the bottom and I will do the same with all of the bananas in this pattern Something like that looks good to me. On the same layer that we have the black top and bottom parts of the banana, I will decrease the size of the brush to maybe around four percent and I will add some black little dots to add texture and a little bit more interest to my pattern. I'm adding these details s to show you what will happen when you have different layers when you use this method of creating a half drop pattern in Procreate. You can have a few layers but you should have as few layers as possible to not make this method too complicated and also to not reach the layer limit in Procreate. Now we have our bananas and I will actually add another layer with texture, so I will just tap and hold to use my background color and now I will use the Grain Stamp Number 2 and the maximum size and just tap a few times to add some nice texture. Now we have drawn our motifs and it's time to make the pattern. What I will do is to turn on the drawing guide, I found that you don't need to turn on the drawing guide every time you create patterns in Procreate, sometimes it just snaps exactly where you want it, but sometimes the snapping is a little bit off. For the purpose of this class and to make sure that you understand what we're doing, I'm turning on the drawing guide and adjusting the width size to maximum, which will give me four squares and the cross in the center of your Canvas. The next thing that we will do is to delete the sketch layer, and I will group all of the layers to a new group. I will swipe to the right and duplicate this group and then I will take this group, drag it to the left, make sure that you snap at the center of your Canvas, the vertical center. You will be able to see these yellow or golden lines when you're at the center and you will also be helped by your drawing guide that we just turned on. When you have it in the center, tap the selection tool. Then go ahead and swipe to the right on your original layer, duplicate it again, tap the selection tool and drag your new group to the top right corner. Make sure that you are in the perfect center and tap the selection tool. Then you have your last group. What I usually do is that we will move this group to the bottom right but usually, I just duplicate this so that I have my original bananas that I draw over here if I want to use them again. I just duplicated that group again and turned off the visibility so these are copies of my bananas, we won't use these now but maybe you want to use those further on when you create your pattern. Tap the group that you duplicated, drag it to the bottom right corner, and tap this mixture too. Now we have made the first step of our half drop repeated pattern. What I normally do to make sure that I have everything organized is that I swipe to the right on all of the layers that are at the top of the group, Layer 5 in my case, tap and drag those up above the groups, swipe them together to merge those layers. Swipe to the right on the next couple of layers with black details and the same with our colored bananas. You can also choose to either swipe to the right on the background, drag that up above the group, and swipe those together to merge them. Or you can just create a new background layer by filling in a new background box with the color. I will swipe to the right on the groups that are empty and tap," Delete". Now we have all of our bananas in one layer, all of the black details on one layer, and the white texture in one layer, and background box in one layer. 8. Method 2 - Part 2: The next thing that we will do is to add bananas to the places where it's empty. Otherwise, we will be able to see where our repeat starts and ends. For this one, it's a little bit tricky because my bananas are cut in half for many of the objects. The only banana that is free is this yellow one. What I mean with free is that it doesn't move out of the edge. As you can see here, this orange banana goes down here. So the only one that is free is the yellow one. I will use that to make my pattern. I will move this banana a little bit to be able to draw a new banana here in the center. To change the position of the yellow banana, I will swipe to the right on both the object with the yellow color and the object with the black details. Then I will use the Selection tool. Tap and drag with free hand selected around my object and make sure that I've selected it. When you have dragged around, you can tap the Selection tool and I will just turn off Magnetics and Snapping and tap the Selection tool. I dropped the selection. Tap the Selection tool to move my banana. Now, I can move it around to somewhere where it looks like it will bring a nice flow to my pattern. Maybe I want to change the rotation of it to something like that. There, I place my banana in a new position. Now, I want to draw a new banana over here, but I can see that this green one is a little bit in the way because I want to draw something around there. Actually, in this case, instead of going backwards and doing the half-drop repeat backwards again so that I will get my green banana free, I will actually just redraw this or at least this part of the bananas. I will tap the green layer and just use the eraser to erase that part of the banana. Then I will tap the black detail layer and erase that part. I made sure that the edge of the banana that is over here is repeated here. So I won't delete that edge, but I will redraw the part of the banana that is over here. Let's just start with adding that part of the green banana again. I'm using the smooth filler, make sure that I'm on the colored layer. Then make sure that I don't draw over here at the edge because then your pattern repeat won't match up. But you can start to draw over here, for example. Maybe I want my banana to go somewhere around there so that I can fit another one here. So let's try it out and see what I'm able to do here. I think that this might look good. We will see how that actually looks when we create the rest of the repeat, but for now, go to your Layer Number 4 with the black ticks with the black details and just add the black detail at the top of the banana that I erased. So now, we have some space over here and I will go back to the layer with the colors and let's use the blue color. Let's see which way I want this banana to go. Maybe somewhere here and up there would look pretty good. So something like that and something like that. Let's try it out. That looks pretty good, I think. We'll move on to the black detail layer with a smooth filler and add the black details of that banana. [NOISE] Change the brush size to four and add the little black dots that would bring some texture. This looks pretty good at this moment. Now, we have the last part of the repeat to create. We will see how the actual repeat looks after we made this last part. As for the white texture, I think that it looks good like this. Depending on what type of texture you added, you might need to go in and add some more texture after each step of creating the half-drop repeat. This looks good to me. Now, I will again select all of these layers, group them together, and then I will swipe to the right, duplicate that layer, and I will use the new layer to drag it instead of to the left as we did last time, we will drag it to the right. Turn on Magnetics and Snapping, drag your layer to the right, make sure you're in the exact center of your canvas, and then tap the Selection tool. Then I will swipe to the right again on the group and duplicate it. Tap and drag it to the top-left corner and you will see that your objects meet up in the edges. Then we have the last group. You can choose if you want to make a copy of that group as well to preserve the blue banana and make sure that you can make changes to that in the future, but I won't mind that for now. I have my original bananas here and I will just keep them. But for this group, I will tap the selection and drag it down to the bottom left corner. Make sure it's in the center and tap the Selection tool. As you can see, when you create half-drop repeat patterns with this method, you use groups and duplicate the groups. If you would have, let's say, for example, 20 layers in each of these groups, you wouldn't be able to create this half-drop pattern even if you don't save your original group. In this document, I have a layer limit of 47, so it depends on what type of canvas you're using. But I always try to use as large a canvas as possible, which also brings me a layer limit. This technique is great if you just have a few layers and we will open up the groups, the three groups, tap on Layer 5, swipe to the right the Layer 5, tap and drag to move them above the group, and merge them together. [NOISE] Swipe to the right on Layer 4, drag them above the groups, and swipe them together to match them. The same with the colored banana layers, Layer 3, and the same with Layer 1. Swipe to the right to select them, drag them above your groups, and merge them together by swiping them together. Swipe to the right on the empty groups and tap Delete. So now, we actually have created our whole half-drop repeated pattern. Now, we can try it out. If you would have some empty space here in this stage, you would draw another banana or you can move the objects around, but for me, this looks pretty good. Maybe I want to move this yellow banana a little bit because I feel that it will be a lot of empty space around it in the pattern. Then I will turn on the Layers panel, swipe to the right on the colored objects layer and the black details layer. Drag around the yellow banana with free hand selected, tap the little dot, use the Transform tool, make sure that I don't have Snapping and Magnetics turned on, so they should be off, and then I can move that banana around a little bit. Zoom out. Let's try it out like that. Maybe I also want to move the pink banana a little bit, drag around that one with the Selection tool, and place it to somewhere where you feel that it will look good. I also might want to try to move this purple banana just a little bit, something like that. How you move your objects is something that you can try out. When you practice this for a few times, you probably will feel that it will be easier and easier to know the balance of your pattern, but we still need to try it out to see if it looks good. When I moved all of my objects, I want to select all of the layers except my original group layer. Swipe down with three fingers, copy all. Swipe down with three fingers again and paste. That will bring me a flattened image layer that I will drag to the top of my Layers panel, and this is how I can try out my pattern. You can also, if you wish, share your image as a JPEG to your camera roll and insert it as a photo. It will give you the exact same result. Now, it's time to try out our pattern. Tap your Image layer, tap the Transform tool, and drag it to the left. We need to have Snapping and Magnetics turned on. Then you drag your image to the center point. Your image should be placed in the left center of your canvas. Tap the Selection tool again, and to not be confused, we can turn off our layers with the drawing so that we only have our Image layer. Swipe to the right to duplicate that layer. Tap your Transform tool and drag your image so that it will meet up your pattern block on top of the first one. Then go back to the original image, duplicate that one again, and drag it so that it meets your image at the bottom. Tap your Selection tool to place it. Now, we have placed our pattern block at the bottom and the top, and we can see that it lines up perfectly. Then we tap the original image, swipe to the right to duplicate that one again, and this one, we will place at the top left. Here, you can find that it's a little bit hard with the Snapping. So zoom in and make sure that you place it perfect at the top-right corner. Swipe to the right again to duplicate that one and drag it down so that it meets up the ends of your pattern block and tap the Transform tool. I will turn off my Drawing Guides to see how my pattern is repeated, and you have your finished pattern block. If we turn off the Image layers and turn on your Drawing layers, this is your pattern block. 9. Method 3 - Part 1: Now it's time for the third method and this is the most flexible one, meaning that you can have many different objects with many colors and as many layers as your document size in Procreate will allow you to have. To give an example of this I will create a larger canvas for this pattern and that will bring us lower amount of maximum layers. Let's go for 7,200 pixels and this will bring me eight layers as a maximum in this document. Tap Create and here we have a very large canvas that we will create our pattern in. The first thing that we will do is to draw our objects so let's create the sketch with a black pencil. I will use the 6B pencil and for this, I will draw a few different motifs, some fruits. Let's draw orange. We'll just quickly draw this to not spend more time than we need to on the sketch as it's the method of creating an object that we are focusing on in this lesson. Maybe I want strawberries, I would draw a strawberry here. Oops, that's a big strawberry. Something like that and lemon. I'm just placing out a few different motifs in my canvas, and I make sure that they aren't falling off the edge in my canvas. For this pattern, I will just draw one or just a few of each motif. I will just arrange them so that I have space to draw all of my different fruits. Maybe put the lemon there, the strawberry there, and this is the start of my pattern. Let's draw some berries here, some smaller objects. Berry over here and of course I have made these patterns before so that I would know what to draw with you in this class. Otherwise, it will probably take me a bit longer to figure out where to place them and what to draw, and things like that. But as the purpose of the class is to create a pattern with these different methods. I'm just moving through this sketching phase rather quickly. Here I will place another berry and maybe another blueberry around here. That looks pretty okay. Let's use the transform tool to place them about in the center and move them around a bit so that I'm happy with the flow on where the fruits are placed. This is the start and this is where we will draw our objects. Now in this document, I know that I have a layer limit of eight layers so I know that I need to keep it to eight layers and that is also how I can plan my pattern because I want this pattern to be completely editable. Meaning that I want each layer to have separate color so that I can change the colors later on. I will plan to have one, two, three, four, five, six, or seven colors on the fruits and one background layer so let's say six colors on the fruits and one background layer, that's eight layers and then I have one spare layer. It's always good to have one or a few extra layers to work with. But let's try it out and see if my plan will work. First things first, let's just draw these fruits on different layers. I will tap a ''New Layer'' and use the orange color and the smooth filler to draw the orange and fill it in. Let's turn off the sketch layer to see if I'm happy with the shape of the orange. Maybe I want to fix the edges a little bit. Something like that. Turn on the sketch layer and I will have a layer for the berries, blueberries, purple blueberries , something like that. The banana I will use this yellow-orange color on a new layer to draw the banana. I can't fix the details later on, but let's just do it like that for now and a new layer for the lemon so maybe something like that. Then the strawberry, the pink on a new layer. Just filling in where the outline meets the fields that I don't get any white strange lines over there. Here I have one, two, three, four, five colors and six layers because they have a sketch layer as well and on the next layer, I will draw the green on all of the fruits. Maybe I will use 10 as the size with the smooth filler and draw some leaves and some other details of the fruits. As you can see, I'm moving through this part of the process rather quickly as we are focusing on the pattern-making process, but I still want you to be able to follow along. If it's moving too quickly for you, you can always pause the class to draw your fruits, [NOISE] and then play again when you're ready to move along creating the pattern. Then I will turn off my sketch layer to see how it looks. I will actually delete the sketch layer so that I don't use more layers than I need to. Now you can go in and adjust some details to make the fruits look as you want them to look. Now let's count our layers. Oops, I've drawn the orange on the [LAUGHTER] wrong layer. [NOISE] Let's just erase the orange from that. Its easy to make that mistake, to draw on the wrong layer. But that was easy thing to fix as well. Now we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 layers and we had a layer limit of eight. Next, we will create the pattern. To do this, we will need to save some actions. I will create a new layer, and I will actually turn off all of the layers with my drawings. Then I will turn on the Drawing Guide under Actions Panel Drawing Guide, Edit Drawing Guide, and drag up the grid size to maximum, so that you get four squares perfectly centered on your canvas. Now we need to save some actions to be able to create our pattern without duplicating all of our layers all the time. This doesn't make sense at this point. You will know what I mean later on. Just follow these steps with me. Make sure that you have a color selected so that you can see what you are doing. Then tap and drag on the new layer to fill your whole square. [NOISE] Tap the "Transform tool", and I will tap "Freeform" and turn on Magnetics and Snapping. For this first selection that we will save, you will drag your square so that it covers the whole left side of your canvas. When you are sure that it's in the perfect center of your canvas, tap the "Transform tool" again. Then go into Layers panel and you can either type select on your layer, or just tap with two fingers to select that layer. With your rectangle selected, tap "Save and Load" selections, and the plus sign. Now we have saved this selections as Selection one. [NOISE] Moving on, take your square or your rectangle as it is at this moment. Drag it to the right. Zoom out a bit so you can see what you're doing. With Freeform and Snapping and Magnetics turned on, tap and drag so that you get a square that is a fourth of your canvas and that is placed at the top right corner. [NOISE] Tap your "Transform tool" again. The Layers panel. Tap with two fingers on the layer in the layers panel, and you can see that you have your square at the top right corner selected. Tap "Save and Load" in the selections tool and tap the little plus sign to save this selection. [NOISE] Tap the "Transform tool" again and drag down your squares. Tap with two fingers on the layer in the layers panel to select it. Save and load, and save the selection as Selection number three. Then you can go ahead and either drag up so that you make a new rectangle on this side, or you can just fill in your whole square again and drag it so that you have your right side of your canvas covered with the new rectangle. How you create this rectangle doesn't matter. What matters is that it is placed perfectly to the right side of your canvas. Tap the layer again with two fingers in the layers panel, tap "Save and Load", which will save it to Selection number four. Tap the "Transform tool", drag it to the left. With Freeform and Snapping selected, drag it up until it meets perfectly with the top-left corner of your canvas. It should say 3,600 pixels in width and height. Tap the Transform tool, two fingers on the layer in the layers panel, Save and Load, and save it as Selection five. [NOISE] Tap the "Transform tool" again. Drag down your selection to the bottom left corner of your canvas. Tap the "Transform tool", two fingers on the layer in the layers panel, Save and Load, and save your Selection as selection six. Now you have [NOISE] six different selections in your Save and Load selections. Now we made the actions that will allow us to create this half drop repeat pattern. You can delete that layer, you don't need that anymore. Then you can turn on all of the fruit layers. [NOISE] I will create a new layer, drag it to the bottom, and drag a color, I will use the green white again, to add a background box. 10. Method 3 - Part 2: Now we want to make the first step of our half-drop repeated pattern. I'm happy with the placement of my fruits here. If you think that you want to move them a bit, you can do that in this step, but you can also wait to see how it turns out when we create the actual repeat. Just make sure that you don't have objects falling off the edges. Then we will select all of our layers. Tap Group. You have all of your layers in one group. With the group selected, we will tap the Selection tool. Save and load, tap Selection number 1. Tap the Transform tool and flip horizontal, flip vertical. Then tap the Transform tool again, save and load. Tap Selection number 2, flip horizontal and flip vertical. Tap the Transform tool to de-select and then tap the Transform tool again, save and load. Then selection number 3. In the transform tool, flip vertical and flip horizontal. As you can see at this point, we have made the first step of the half-drop repeat. As you might also see you have flipped the pattern, so you can either just flip it over like this, your canvas, or as I usually do, tap the Transform tool and rotate it four times 45 degrees so that you will end up in the same direction as it had before. Now we have made the first step of our half -drop repeated pattern. Now we will continue to draw some more motifs and to rearrange our motifs so that we feel that we have a balanced pattern. The first thing that we'll do is to move my orange a bit because I think that it will look good if it feels out this whitespace. I will select the layer with orange and the layer with the green, and drag with the selection tool. Make sure that I don't have magnetics and snapping turned on. Then I will just rearrange my orange to a place where I think that it will look good. Maybe something like that. The way I arrange this is that I want to make sure that I don't have too much whitespace around any object, but that the motifs are balanced. As I mentioned in previous lessons, it's a matter of practice, how you place your objects. Also, it depends on how you would like your pattern to look. But for me, I'm just trying it out and using my eyes to see that the pattern looks balanced. I think that I want to move these blueberries as well. I will select the layer with the purple blueberries and green. Maybe I want to place them around here somewhere. I also feel now that I might want to rotate the orange a little bit more. Maybe something like that. For the strawberry, maybe I want to move that one down a bit. Let's try out some place around there. Or maybe no, I want to move it up here. Maybe I want to draw an apple. Like last object here is a good place for an apple it feels like, let's try that out. Place the strawberry around there. I will add a new layer. I have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 layers, and I actually have one more layer to draw a new color on. I will add an apple, add a new layer, and use the light blue-green color with a smooth filler. Here I will just draw an apple freehand to make it quick. Maybe something like that. Then I would want to move it a bit so that I can have the green parts over here. Select that layer with the green objects. I will draw some green parts of the apple this way. Maybe something like that. Now I feel that I want to move the strawberry as well. Select the two layers with the strawberry. Then twist it around, move it around to some place where you feel that it fits, maybe it fits there. That looks pretty good. It might look a little bit strange that I have a round shape of apple and an orange next to one another. Maybe it would've been better to make the apple a pear because then it won't look the same. Actually now when I look at it, I think that it will look better with a pear. I will just erase some parts of this apple. Maybe I will just erase the whole apple and draw a pear instead. Something like that. I think this will look better as it's not the same shape as the orange. It would just bring it a better flow. Let's select the green parts and I will just move the green parts so that it's aligned with a pear. Then I will also select the pear layer and the green layer, drag around the pear and twist it around until I feel that it looks good. Zoom out. Maybe I want to decrease the size a bit of the pair. Let's try out to have it somewhere around there. This actually might look good. To fill these empty spaces out, I will use the blueberry shape. Select the layer with the purple blueberries, and I will just add a few more blueberries where I have some empty space. Of course, this depends on how you want your pattern to be balanced. I typically create patterns that are pretty dense. I create patterns this way, but if you would like to have more space between your motifs, then you should just go ahead and do that. Of course, this is just an example of how to use this technique. But if you want to draw something else that works better for you, then do that. The technique will work exactly the same. Then looks pretty good with the blueberries. I will select the green layer again and draw the green parts of the blueberries. That looks pretty good to me. Now we have created the first step of our half drop repeated pattern. Now we will go ahead and create the second step. Just follow my steps now. Select your whole group. With the group selected, tap "Save and Load" and we already used 1, 2 and 3, so now we will use 4, 5, and 6, so tap number four. Tap the transform tool, flip horizontal, flip vertical. Tap the selection tool again. Save and load selection number five, flip horizontal, flip vertical, the selection tool again, selection number six, the transform tool and flip horizontal and flip vertical. If you are like me, you might want to rotate it so that you have it in the same position as you meant it to be. For now I will just turn off the drawing guide so that I can see a bit more how my pattern is balanced and I feel now that I want to change the position of the orange here a little bit, so I will drag around the orange with the orange layer and the green layer selected and change the position of the orange a bit. Maybe I want to change the position of these two blueberries as well. This is a little bit of detail work and you can go ahead and try it out and see where your objects should be placed for them to look balanced. Typically, when I create patterns in Procreate like this, I just move the objects that are free and are touching the edge. So at this point, this looks pretty good to me. Now it's time to see how this pattern is repeated. To do that, as we have reached the layer limit, as you can see, your maximum layer limit is reached, I can just go ahead and copy all. Tap "Gallery", create a new canvas. You can do this whatever size you wish. I will do it at 7,200 pixels again. Swipe down with three fingers and paste. Here you have your flattened image that we can duplicate and repeat to see how it looks. Turn on snapping and magnetics. If you wish, you can go ahead and try to see if you can do this without the drawing guide. It looks pretty okay for me. There's nothing at this moment. So I will tap and drag to the left part until it reaches 3,600 pixels and are in the middle left side of your Canvas. Tap the transform tool, duplicate the layer, drag it up so that it meets the top edge. Duplicate the layer again, drag it down so that it meets the bottom edge. Duplicate the original square. Drag that one up, here here usually I need to zoom in so that the snapping will work in the edge, and then duplicate the layer again and drag it down. Now we have created a half drop repeat pattern where you don't need to duplicate all of the layers which means that you can use the maximum layer limit in your appropriate document. Depending on how you would like your pattern to look, you can look at your result here and see if you would like to make any changes. Maybe I would like to add one more blueberry here above the orange. That would make it look perfectly balanced in my opinion. Then we can go back to our original document and I will tap the blueberry and I know that I wanted to add a blueberry above the orange and it looks like it's just here and there. So let's move the orange just a little bit to make space for another blueberry. Turn off snapping and magnetics and just move it a little bit down so that I have space for one more blueberry here. Maybe this will do the trick. This is typically how I work with patterns in Procreate, I adjust the motifs and add motifs depending on how my pattern looks when I try it out repeated. Now we can make sure we have our whole groups selected. Swipe down with three fingers, copy all, tap 'Gallery" again and we can go back to our new canvas. You can just swipe those layers together, turn off the visibility, and drag down with three fingers and paste. Now we have a new layer with our image and we will do the exact same thing, drag it, we need to have magnetics and snapping turned on, drag it to the center of your left side. Swipe to the right on the layer with the image. Drag that one up so that it meets the top edge. Make a new duplicate of the layer, drag that one down. Make a new one again, and drag it to the top right corner, and duplicate the one on the top right corner and drag that one down. This is our finished half-drop repeated pattern with method number three for the most complicated patterns where you might reach the layer limits and you have a bunch of different colors and motifs that you want to repeat. But you still want to have editable features, meaning that you want to have your different objects on different layers depending on the color that you use. This is the original pattern look and here you have your pattern repeated. 11. Recoloring: Now, I will show you how to recolor the objects of your pattern. I will show you how to do this in the method number 3 pattern, the ones with all of the fruits because in the banana pattern, we have all of our bananas in one layer, and we already decided from the start that we don't want to recolor that pattern. In method number 1, the strawberry, it's pretty simple, you have the two different colors in two different layers. How to recolor is the exact same way as we do in method number 3. I will select that pattern and tap, "Duplicate", so that I will make a copy of it and not change that one, original file. Then I will tap into my pattern. Here, I can make changes. I will zoom out a bit. I can change the colors of all of these different motifs. That is also why I have placed them on separate layers. You can recolor objects in different ways, in Procreate. The way that I do it when I have take [inaudible] brushes like this, to make sure that I color all of the motif, all of the nice texture is this way. If you want to recolor an object, you tap that layer, and you swipe to the right to make sure that you get the Alpha Lock on that layer. You can also tap the layer and tap "Alpha Lock". Then you tap the new color that you want to use. Let's say I have some red color up here, I think. Let's go for a red color on the orange. Then I will tap that layer and tap "Fill Layer". This will have recolored my object perfectly, so even if I zoom in, I will see that all of the texture is colored to the new color. That is how I go about it, so let's recolor the pear as well. Swipe to the right to turn on the Alpha Lock, and let's go for a bright pink pear. Tap "Fill Layer". There you have your new color. This of course also works with the objects that are falling off the edges, so let's recolor the strawberry. Maybe we want peach, strawberry, fill layer, and we have recolored object to peach. We can also try out to recolor all of the green, so let's just use now the green. Swipe to the right with two fingers to hit Alpha Lock on that layer, tap the layer, and tap "Fill Layer". That is how you go about to recolor your pattern created with the method number 3. 12. Thank You: That's all for this class. I hope you enjoyed creating these half-drop repeats with me and that you found it useful to learn all of the three different methods. Which one you use depends on, of course, which one you prefer, but also probably the complexity of your pattern. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked this class, hit the Follow button by my name to make sure that you don't miss out on my future classes. You can also tap my name to go to my profile page here on Skillshare, where you'll find all of my classes available to watch. If you want to have a look at all of my premium Procreate brushes available to purchase and use in your artwork, go to majafaber.com/shop. If you use any of our favorite company brushes, feel free to tag me on Instagram with maja_faber. If you have any questions at all, please ask them on the discussions page here in class. Feel free to leave a review to let me know if you enjoyed this class. I would love to hear your thoughts. Make sure you share your project here in class. If you post it on Instagram, feel free to tag me with maja_faber. Thanks again for watching.