3 Minute Spanish - Course 5 | Language lessons for beginners | Kieran Ball | Skillshare

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3 Minute Spanish - Course 5 | Language lessons for beginners

teacher avatar Kieran Ball, Learn a language in 3-minute chunks

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      3 Minute Spanish Introduction


    • 2.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36a


    • 3.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36b


    • 4.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36c


    • 5.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36d


    • 6.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36e


    • 7.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36f


    • 8.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36g


    • 9.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36h


    • 10.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36i


    • 11.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36j


    • 12.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36k


    • 13.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36l


    • 14.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37a


    • 15.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37b


    • 16.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37c


    • 17.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37d


    • 18.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37e


    • 19.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37f


    • 20.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37g


    • 21.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37h


    • 22.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38a


    • 23.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38b


    • 24.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38c


    • 25.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38d


    • 26.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38e


    • 27.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38f


    • 28.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38g


    • 29.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38h


    • 30.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39a


    • 31.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39b


    • 32.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39c


    • 33.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39d


    • 34.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39e


    • 35.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39f


    • 36.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39g


    • 37.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39h


    • 38.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39i


    • 39.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39j


    • 40.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39k


    • 41.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40a


    • 42.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40b


    • 43.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40c


    • 44.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40d


    • 45.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40e


    • 46.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40f


    • 47.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40g


    • 48.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40h


    • 49.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40i


    • 50.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41a


    • 51.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41b


    • 52.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41c


    • 53.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41d


    • 54.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41e


    • 55.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41f


    • 56.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41g


    • 57.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41h


    • 58.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41i


    • 59.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41j


    • 60.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42a


    • 61.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42b


    • 62.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42c


    • 63.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42d


    • 64.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42e


    • 65.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42f


    • 66.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42g


    • 67.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42h


    • 68.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42i


    • 69.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42j


    • 70.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42k


    • 71.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42l


    • 72.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42m


    • 73.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43


    • 74.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43


    • 75.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43


    • 76.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43


    • 77.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43a


    • 78.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43b


    • 79.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43c


    • 80.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43d


    • 81.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43e


    • 82.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43f


    • 83.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43g


    • 84.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43h


    • 85.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43i


    • 86.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43j


    • 87.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43k


    • 88.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43l


    • 89.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43m


    • 90.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43n


    • 91.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43o


    • 92.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43p


    • 93.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44


    • 94.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44


    • 95.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44


    • 96.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44


    • 97.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44a


    • 98.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44b


    • 99.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44c


    • 100.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44d


    • 101.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44e


    • 102.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44f


    • 103.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44g


    • 104.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44h


    • 105.

      3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44i


    • 106.

      The Happy Linguist


    • 107.

      Vocabulary Expansion Sheets


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About This Class

Hello and welcome to “3 Minute Spanish” The aim of this course is to make Spanish accessible to anybody regardless of age, educational background or "aptitude" for learning.

My method for teaching Spanish is simple but effective. It works for anybody, no matter what your requirements. I have been teaching foreign languages for over ten years and I’ve taught a wide range of students of all ages and backgrounds, including students with learning difficulties, so I know my method is accessible to absolutely anyone, with no exception.


With this course, it’s almost as if you have your very own language tutor at your beck and call. Take it with you wherever you are and have a quick listen to one of the lessons whenever you find yourself with three minutes to spare. You will be amazed at how much your language skills will develop after just a few minutes a day of study. You will start to learn the Spanish language in a simple, logical and fun way.

You will learn a variety of words that you will learn to put together to form sentences that will be useful in any visit to Spain, and you'll learn how to put the words together to form sentences, saying exactly what you want.

There is ample opportunity throughout the course to practise what you've learnt, and structured repetition ensures you'll never forget what you've learnt.


Once you have completed this course, if you would like to learn more Spanish using the same method, you can find courses 1 to 5 on SkillShare. Here are the links:

3 Minute Spanish – Course 1

3 Minute Spanish – Course 2

3 Minute Spanish – Course 3

3 Minute Spanish – Course 4

3 Minute Spanish – Course 5


Additionally, I have a series of Spanish courses called “Building Structures”. These courses use the same method found in the 3 Minute Spanish courses, but they focus on building fluency by looking at the different structures of the Spanish language. I recommend starting these courses once you’ve completed up to 3 Minute Spanish – Course 3, and then you can work through both series simultaneously. Here are the links for the Building Structures in Spanish courses on SkillShare:

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 1

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 2

Building Structures in Spanish – Structure 3


Finally, if you want to explore the Spanish language even further, I have some Spanish grammar courses available. I’ve used the same method in these courses as I have in the other courses, so hopefully you’ll find them fun and interesting

Spanish Grammar – Quick Guide – Verbs 1


If you would like to learn a different language, I have the same courses above available in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. Just head to my SkillShare profile page to find them all: https://www.skillshare.com/user/3minutelanguages


Happy learning

Meet Your Teacher

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Kieran Ball

Learn a language in 3-minute chunks


Hello, I'm Kieran and I'm a language tutor based in the UK. I have created a series of online courses that you can use to learn to speak French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. (I also have some English and math courses)

3 Minute Languages series

3 Minute French - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7 | Course 8 | Course 9 | Course 10 | Course 11 | Course 12 | Course 13 | Course 14 | Course 15 | Course 16

3 Minute Spanish - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute Italian - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6 | Course 7

3 Minute German - Course 1 | Course 2 | Course 3 | Course 4 | Course 5 | Course 6

3 Minute Portuguese - ... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. 3 Minute Spanish Introduction: Allah a Bienvenido Hello and welcome to Three Minutes Spanish course five. The aim of this course is to make Spanish accessible to anyone, regardless of age, educational background or aptitude for learning. This course leads on from three Minutes. Spanish courses 123 and four. Andi. New language structures are introduced to enable you to communicate in more situations when on holiday abroad. The same methodology used in the previous courses is using this course to You'll be learning some new Spanish verbs that you can add to the structures lent in the previous cause. You can add to your Spanish tourism basic vocabulary to enhance your traveling. You'll be learning some new Spanish adjectives. Adverbs on that burial phrases, and you'll also learn some useful Spanish phrases to help ask what there is to do and see and eat etcetera as well as all this. You'll learn how to turn any Spanish phrase into a question. Andi, we'll get to know the present perfect tense, a k a. The past tense in Spanish. Before you start this course, make sure you're familiar with all the words and phrases that we learned in the past four courses. And don't forget to keep your learning to three minute chunks. Muchas gracias, 2. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? I've hurt my midway, early or mid well in. So don't forget that Midway Lee is used when you're talking about just one body part. But if you've hurt more than one body part when you say may dwell in instead which is the plural I've broken my May Erato, some medicine, you medicaments. I've caught a co hero a cold When I rest free other the flu Legree pay. I feel missy in. I don't feel no me siento you in federal Let's pick a verb as the first word for this lesson on. For this course comprise compare it means to buy Compare. So how would you say in Spanish? What do you want to buy? Kick your compare or cakey aerial step compared What can I buy? Que puedo combat que puedo combat? I would like to buy that Chiaro Cambra eso Kierra compressed. So I'm going to buy that tomorrow. Welcome Progress, Oman Yana, Welcome to eso manana. What are you going to buy for Maria? Give a comprar para Maria Oh, give ousted a comparable Amalia. So don't forget that me instead is optional and you only use it if it's not clear that you're speaking about you rather than he or she. So gable still comprise Salmaniya on the word instead can actually go anywhere in the sentence so you can put it after any of the words in this question. So you could say give out compared hosted by Maria. We'll give our comfort out of Panama Area hosted Finally. How would you say I'm going to buy a bottle of wine for Pedro and Maria? Welcome para one about a Atorino para Pedro Maria Welcome Prada whenever they Ottavino para Pedro Maria. 3. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36b: How would you say in Spanish? I would like to buy dinner for you tonight. Chiaro Compra Lassana Parallel state is not Kierra Compare Allison a parallel state external. I'm going to buy a coat Boa compra illegal boy comrade number evil So compra means to buy. If you put a little long on the end of compare, you get comprado and that means to buy it Comprado So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to buy it Chiaro comprado Chiaro comparison Well, how would you ask? Do you want to buy it? Kierra compatible Gary o step Comparator I'm going to buy it for Pedro tomorrow Well comparable Para Pedro manana. Welcome Pablo Pablo Pedro Manana Can I buy it for you? Puerto compatible Open instead We're not compatible When you going to buy it Cuando back on Prada? Oh, Cuando boston a comprado or again? You can put the Allstate anywhere so you could say even at the beginning or still Cuando welcome private or at the very end Cuando Balcombe Plateau state How would you ask? Where are you going to buy it? No, mate. Back on pattern Or you could say Dundee boosted a combat are low 4. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36c: Here's your next word in Spanish cattle cattle. It means expensive cattle. So how would you say it's very expensive? It's my kado. It's Morgado. So we've had so far compared meaning to buy. Compare Low, which means to buy it and cattle meaning expensive. So how would you say I would like to buy it, but it's too expensive. Kierra comprado pero Isn't demasiado Caro Kierra compatible? It's too expensive for me. It's demasiado kara para me s and m a Seattle cattle battle Me, It isn't expensive Noyce Kado Noise Kado I would like to hire a car but it's very expensive . Kierra while get out in court better as my cattle Kierra while kid out on court Better with more cattle I would like to eat here but it's too expensive for me Kiyoko Merauke A little s and m Asiago Kara para me Kiyoko Merauke Better ways and demasiado Kara para me How would you say? I think it's too expensive. Fatemi is in the Master Okaroh, But I meet its demasiado Caro. Here's a useful little word in Spanish. Algo algo. It means something algo So how would you say I have something for you? tangle. Alcoa posted tango algo pan roasted. Can you buy something for Pablo? Very complex. Algo para Pablo. We could say where they stayed. Comprar algo para Pablo. 5. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36d: How would you say in Spanish? I would like to buy something here. Kierra comply. Are lucky. Kierra compared a walkie. I would like to buy something here for Maria, but everything is too expensive. Al aqui para Maria Toto Demasiado Caro. Quiero comprar algo aqui para Maria Parra. Toto isn't the Master Okaroh. Do you have something for me, Danny? A lobotomy? Or you could say the annual state algo Bahrami. Are you going to buy something for Diego? Back on Diego Ball State A comprar algo para Diego. Can you buy something for me where they comprise al lobotomy where they will stay Comprado lobotomy? Here's a useful word If you're ever on holiday una postal una postal, it means a postcard una post on So how would you ask In Spanish? Where can I buy a postcard? No, no puede comprar when apple Stan, don't they play to compare on a postal? Do you have any postcards? The any post Alice D. N a Post Alice. And so you don't need say anything for any in Spanish. You just say literally. Do you have postcards on when you have a noun that ends in a continent like postal ends in the letter l to make it plural. You don't just Adam s. You have to add an e s. So postal becomes post Alice de any post status. Or of course, you could say the any Newstead Post. Alice, how would you say the postcards here are very beautiful. Last post Allah's sake. So in my press, the Costas last post Allah's sake. So in my press us, us, and so postal is feminine, Andi boast. Alice is feminine, plural. So you have to make the word for beautiful, which is pressed the also into the feminine plural version and becomes press us us last post Allah's sake, some more precios us. 6. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36e: How would you ask? In Spanish. How much is a postcard? Quanta ways in a postal. Cuantos on a postal. I would like a postcard from Madrid Chiaro on a postal. The Madrid Chiaro on a postal de Madrid. So the word day can mean off or from in Spanish. I'm going to buy a postcard Where comprar in a post on welcome brought in a pro style. Are you going to buy a postcard from Barcelona for me? About comprar una postal Barcelona para me ball state A compared on a postal Barcelona para me. The postcard is from Maria. La postal is Di Maria. La postal is Di Maria. I'm not going to buy a postcard. Nobody comprado in a post on Noboa compared on a postal nihilism of these. If you want to post your postal, save yours. Say your it means stamps. But you can use it to mean some stumps or any stamps. Say yours. So how would you ask In Spanish? Do you have any stumps? Literally. Do you have stumps the any? Say yours, Deanna. Say yours. Or you could say the any instead. Sales. I would like to buy four stamps, please. Kierra, compare Quattro. Say us portable Chiaro. Compare Quattro. Say yours por favor 7. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36f: How would you say this in Spanish on? Just remember that usually words in Spanish that end in an O. R masculine. Where are the stamps? Don't estan lost. Say yours and understand Lost a use So say yours is masculine and pro They have to use the word loss for the I'm going to buy some stamps for my postcard. Welcome for our CEOs Para mi postal. We'll compare saves para mi post on How much is it for three stumps Quanta West portrays ST Joe's Quanta Ways Portrait Studios The stamps are here Los altos estan aqui Los indios estan aqui. Where can I buy some stamps? Don't know Puerto comparative CEOs known a Puerto. Compare CEOs. I would like three stumps Chiaro dress sales, tierro tres CEOs. This next word is also the Spanish word for memory coun required when required. It means a souvenir or, as I said, a memory in require. No. So how would you ask? Where can I buy a souvenir? No, Nick will comply. Are required. Don't they compare when required? I would like to buy a souvenir for Maria quiero comprar required. Lo para Maria Kierra Compare required Panna Maria 8. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36g: How would you say in Spanish? I'm going to buy a souvenir from Valencia? Welcome product in Require Low in the Valencia where compare in the required O de Valencia . The souvenirs here are very expensive. Los required Osaki Some mood Karros Los required Ozaki Son Week Karros How much is a souvenir? Quanto is required. Quanto is required Where all the souvenirs no anistan lost require Does the only estan los require does so Don they and istan in speaking will often sound like one word Don't miss done rather than donned a istan don t stand loss require does How would you ask? Are you going to buy a souvenir for me? Back on me ball state a complete require a lobotomy Do you have any souvenirs? The any required knows the any requested those? Well, of course you could put the word or step in there and say the annual step required those Now this last phrase for this lesson is somebody you might like to buy a souvenir for Mi madre Mi madre. It means my mom. Me moderate. So how would you say I would like to buy a souvenir for my mom? Kierra, compare in require the para Mim battery Chiaro compra NRA quero. But, I mean, where is my mom? No, only a stormy McGary. Don't they start me mastery. Now I have put a vocabulary expansion section at the end of this course with a list off family members in Spanish. If it's a single family member, the word for my will be me. Am I? If it's more than one family member, for example of my parents, the word from my will be Miss M. I s. 9. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36h: How would you say in Spanish? My mom is here tomorrow. Mi madre. Is that keep manana? Mi madre, stocky manana. I have ordered pizza for my mom. A pity. You know, when a pizza para mi madre a belladonna pizza para mi madre. I have something for my mom. But she isn't here. Dangle Alicorp Enemy Mallory. No stocky tangle. Algo barony. Mallory Verano. Stocky. And in this sentence, the second part there are no esta aqui could be translated either as but she isn't here. Or but it isn't here on the it could be referring to the something that you have. So to make it clearer, what you could do is put the word area, which means she in the sentence to mean she isn't here. Thank you. Ah Lobotomy Mallory. Pero area no esta aqui. I have something for my mom. But she isn't here. Otherwise it could mean I have something for my mom. But it isn't here. How would you say my mom is in Spain? Mi madre is start in Espana. Mi madre, Stannis! Spagna! I'm going to have dinner with my mom tonight. Well, tomorrow Lassana got me mad list or not, by tomorrow. Lassana, call me mother yesterday My mom is here. Memory is stocky Mi madre stocky And so when you have esta on a key together rather than saying it as mi madre esta aqui it'll sound like one word. So Robin saying s that are key It will sound like a stocky mi madre stocky. How would you say my mom isn't here? Memory? No stocky mi madre? No stocky So in this lesson, we've learned compare meaning to buy comprado which is to buy it cattle meaning expensive. I will go. Which means something Una postal means a postcard. Say yours means stamps or some stamps or any stumps une required. Oh means a souvenir. But it can also mean a memory. And me, Mallory means my mom. 10. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36i: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? I would like to buy something for my wife. On the word for my wife is me Mujer m u J er memo hair. But don't forget that all the words for family members in Spanish are in the vocabulary expansion sheet at the end of this course. Kierra complain algo para mi mujer. Quiero comprar algo parent Here I have something for my daughter. Tangle. I'll go then go algo but at me, huh? I'm going to buy something for my dad. Welcome. Algo Fatemi pantry. Welcome, Fran. Algo para mi battery. Do you have any stumps? The anything goes DNA, say yours. Or of course, you could say instead in there somewhere and say who said the any singles. Pull the any instead. Say use how much is a postcard? Quando is on a postal Cuando es una postal. I'd like to buy something here for my sister, but everything is too expensive for me. Quiero comprar algo Rocky premiere manner Better Toto Demasiado kara para me Gareau Compare al awlaki para mi hermana Beno. Toto isn't demasiado Can I buy some stomachs, please. Where? The company to say us. Put that order. I have something for my mom. Tango alga party. Mallory Tango, Alpha Parliamentary. Can I buy a postcard here? Compare postal aqui Puerto compared on a postal. Lucky I'm going to buy a souvenir of my friend. Welcome in required A para mi amigo. We're comprar para mi amigo. 11. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36j: Now let's do some Spanish to English translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Don't compare in a postal. Don't know yet whether complained in a post on where can I buy a postcard? No need to comply are required. The only way the complete are required. Where can I buy a souvenir? Tangle? I'll go. But a pet dango Algo para Pedro. I have something for Pedro s O s intimacy at Okaroh. Eso is Nemesio cattle. That is too expensive. Chiaro Comprado Aramis Vuelos Chiaro compared Hope. Aramis Abalos. I would like to buy it for my grandparent's Gary. Comrade A walkie. Here you stayed compatible. Walkie. Do you want to buy something here? Tengo? I'll go para mi primo tango. Algo me, Primo. I have something for my cousin. And the word primo specifically means a male cousin. If you're talking about a female cousin, you would say prima. It's demasiado kara para me. It's demasiado kara para me. It's too expensive for me. Quiero comprar is the embryo Rojo. Kierra completa. Este Abrego. I would like to buy this red coop, but Amy is absolutely mental. Demasiado Caro. But a me is absolute amended demasiado Caro. I think it's absolutely too expensive 12. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36k: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? I'd like the same thing as Pedro Tierro Kierra la misma cosa que Pedro. Are you going to the hotel about Allah? Phil? Oh, mouse their hotel. What do you want to eat? Cakey ethical man O k Gary was stepped. Come here. I have broken my toe. Migliorato Ndolo may Erato LDL The word l nether means toe. But it can also mean finger. So to be clear, what you could say is a little Delpierre on the word p a means for so may Erato. Eldorado Day P A little means I've broken the toe off the foot. And so it's just to make it clear that it's not your finger you've broken. How would you say in Spanish? I'm going to order now. Weapon the Aurora boy appear award. What you going to drink? Came back. Have a beer or give Alstyne avid here. Are you going to do the same thing as me mass there? Oh, about state there in this sentence, the are in front of the assail almost disappears in speaking because a asser, they don't have the same starting sound. So, Robin saying about all state Astaire you hear about step asked there. And so it almost sounds like is one word mouse did. I said Thomas McCord. Sachio, how would you say I've got a stomachache made? Welly inestimable, Made? Well, a less time I want I'm not tired. Nice weekend, Saddle noise like and saddle. Are you going to have lunch here? Batam Are Elmer sake? My ousted atom are Aaron wears lucky. 13. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 36l: Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What do these Spanish sentences mean in English where they compare Kessel I aeropuerto where you stayed compared Caso aeropuerto. Can you buy some cheese at the airport? Don't they? A store? Pedro Air Don't a studio Pedro here. Where was Pedro yesterday? And only Chiari Tamara Cinemas Authority. I don t care you state tomorrow cinema Saturday. Where do you want to have dinner? Later Boy restaurant. My arms Don't anything. I'm going to the restaurant. Brett Comer Eso Can I eat that? Kiki? Every barrier. The Getty will step in here. What you want to drink, boy am are Maria Boy am are a Maria. I'm going to call Maria in this sentence. The little are in front of Maria is called the personal And it's a word that you put in front of names when they're the object of a sentence. So because Maria is the object of this sentence I'm going to call Maria. You have to say in Spanish, boy Amaar Maria, What does this mean? Boy, I say go be a man, Yana Boy, I say go beyond Aniano. I'm going to Segovia tomorrow a study research. A star who stayed the police Are you in a hurry? Med Really? Lamanno Midway, Leela, Mono. I've heard my hand. This word Lamanno means the hand. Andi, even though it ends in letter. Oh, it's actually a feminine word. That's why it's lap manual. There aren't many words in Spanish that end in an O which are feminine, but this is one of them. Most of the time. If a word ends in O in Spanish, it's masculine. But this one is feminine, so made, well, a lot manner. 14. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37a: let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish to buy compliant to buy it comprado expensive cattle Something I don't go a postcard in a post on some stamps or any stamps. Say yes. A souvenir in require though my mom Me Mallory. Now we've already learned this word algo which means something algo How did you say I would like to eat something? Quiano Camaro ago Key. Ethical Middle Are you going to buy something but compatible about state A compatible? Can I have something puedo thin it out ago. Where does Finnair algal? Well, we can add something to the end off algo and get algo Della human Algo de la are human. It means something from the region. Algo day, Larry Human! So how would you say in Spanish? I would like something from the region. Chiaro algo did not a human Chiaro I'll go there are human How would you say? Where can I buy something from the region And only Puerto comprar algo dead are human? I don't know Puerto comprar algo and there are human. I'm going to buy something from the region for Sofia. Comprar algo there are here in Paris. Sofia boy, a comprar algo Donahue on Sofia. 15. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37b: How would you ask? In Spanish. Do you want something from the region? He Eddie, I'll go. There are human Kiryu State algo They're human. Are you going to buy something from the region? Back on broader Algo? They're human by one state. A calm, proud I'll go there are human So they let a human means off the region or from the region. And you can put it on the end of other things too. So how would you say I would like to try some wine from the region? GSO probe Arab. You know they're not human. Kierra probably know there are human. Do you have any cheese from the region? The guests. So there are human with the any hosted guests. So there are human. It's from the region off Andalusia and Ana Lucia in Spanish is Andalusia. It's about the same. Except there's a C instead of an s. Andi, the eye hasn't accent. I Is there a human? The Andalusia s de la he on the Andalusia. What? You're going to buy from the region? Give a comprar. They're human. Give out state a comprar there are human. I would like a souvenir from the region Chiaro only required. Oh, there are human Chiaro required so that a human the word algo means something on did. In fact, you can put any adjective on the end of valuable to mean something. Whatever. For example, algo delicioso means something delicious or something tasty. I'll go bwin can mean something. Good, I'll go extra Indian. Are you something extraordinary so you can put any adjective on the end off valuable to describe what that something is? 16. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37c: I've just said that you can put any adjective on the end off a little to explain what that something is. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like something tasty or literally. I would like something delicious. Chiaro algo Delicioso. Quiano Algo delicioso. I would like to try something different on the word for different in Spanish is different. Different with just one f different. Kierra provide algo different quiano provide algo different. Where can I buy something expensive? No, only Puerto comprar algo Caro. Donate Puerto compound Algo Caro. I've caught something terrible. A co hero Algo terribly. A o hell o algo terribly. I have something good for you. Tangle algo window. But instead, things are a little window para instead. Do you want something small? G r e algo pickin you? Or of course, you could say all stare and say Chiari instead algo pickin you. Do you have anything bigger? DNE algo mask. Randy the any algo mask, Randy. So remember that the word for bigger in Spanish is more big. So do you have anything more big? And the word for anything in Spanish is the same as the word for something So in English, we can say something or anything. Something gold, Anything gold in Spanish. You always just say algo So Al Vocal means something or anything. Deanna algo masculinity. 17. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37d: Here's your last phrase for this lesson. Algo espanol. I don't go a spaniel. So the word espanol in Spanish means Spanish. So algo espanol means something Spanish Algo espanol. How would you say? Can I try something Spanish today? Puerto Prabha algo Espanola, We well Oprah bar algo Espanola. I'm going to order something Spanish boy Appear algo a spaniel, boy. A very year algo espanol. And you might notice that in Spanish the word espanol doesn't have a capital e like in English. The word Spanish has a capital s So you just have a lower case. E Where? The algal espanol. I would like to eat something Spanish. Kierra Comeere algo espanol. Kierra comeere algo espanol. I ordered something Spanish. Not a pizza. A panel Al Wes Banyon known a pizza April. You know algo espanol known a pizza. I would like some things. Spanish Chiaro algo espanol Chiaro algo espanol. How would you ask? Are you going to have something Spanish and you're talking about food? Batam are algo Espana one ball state tomorrow Espanol. So you have to say Tamar, when you're referring to food. Otherwise the word for have his dinner send a sentence about stayed at home Are I'll Go Espana? One. So in this lesson we've had valuable data. A human means something from the region fallible plus an adjective is the same as saying something. Person, adjective in English Algo winner is something good, for example. And then Argo Espanol means something Spanish. 18. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37e: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? It's something fantastic. Is algo fantastical? Is Al Gore fantastical? I'm not going to eat something Spanish today. I would like a pizza nowhere. Comeere algo Espanola. Gso on a pizza nowhere Comeere our way spaniel away key. Otto will not beat some. I would like to buy something from the region for my family. Chiaro comprar algo in there. A human para mi familia. Quiero comprar algo in their human para mi familia. How would you ask? Do you want to eat something? Spanish G. Eric Amir Al Espanol Here you stayed. Comeere algo espanol. I would like to buy something good, but everything's too expensive. Quiero comprar algo win. Perrotto is demasiado Caro Kierra Comprar algo bueno better. Toto is demasiado carol. I ordered something Spanish, not a pizza. April. You know Al Bo Espanol known a pizza? A pity No algo espanol known a pizza. I would like to try something Spanish today. Kierra probe are also Espanola. We Kierra probe are algo Espanola way. What you going to try from the region? Give up a probiotic that a human game ousted a pro bar. There are human. Where can I eat something delicious? No. Only when you come here over the last year or so, don't they? Puerto comeere Algo delicioso. I ate something Spanish yesterday. A Camilo Algo Espanola A Camilo algo Espanola Air. 19. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37f: Now let's do some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Chiari compra algo Did a human Gary who stayed comprar algo there are human. Do you want to buy something from the region? A co hero. Algo terribly a co hero. Algo terribly. I caught something terrible. We're here algo a spoon. We're Perea algo espanol. I'm going to order something Spanish cape with a camera. There are human cape with a comprar and they're human. What can I buy from the region? Welcome for Al Gore. Fantastic autonomy mastery. We're comprar algo fantastical Batter me, Mallory. I'm going to buy something fantastic for my mom. Nobody compared album with Carol? No. Where compared album. We Carol. I'm not going to buy something very expensive. Pierrot, Mask G R o algo mask. Randy, I would like something bigger. The any article must begin. You the annual state Artemus, begin you. Do you have something smaller or do you have anything smaller? Don't be puerile. Comply Are required. Oh, they had a human. Don't be Puerto. Compare our own Required. So they lent a human. Where can I buy a souvenir from the region? About comprar required there are human Boustead, a comprar under Quero and a lot of human. Are you going to buy a souvenir from the region? 20. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37g: What we'll do now are some recap translations incorporating words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? I'm going to the beach at three o'clock. Well, a plier alas, stress boy and apply a less stress. I've heard my foot midway Li l p a made well appear Which car Kony higher. Literally inspired. She would say What car? And you hire Keiko tip? Where? The Al Kilar Kkot where you stayed calcula I would like to make a reservation. Kierra Sara una reserva Kierra s. They're not a set of a Are you going to pay the bill? Babacar Like winter Boston, ap Harlequin, Where are you? No, Nesta or Don't s house. Then what do you want to do at Maria's house cake area? Say Allah, Cosandey Maria Cakey area stare alla casa de Maria. Or of course, you could say or stand and say cakey Any usta Astaire alla Casa de Maria. I'm not going to the beach. I'm too tired. No boil a plier. A story demasiado cancer novella plier A story demasiado cancel If you're a woman, however you would say can Sather instead of can sell a story demasiado can Souther, I'm not going to Pedro's house. I'm too busy. No way! Like I said they a story demasiado ocupado no by Allah cast today Pedro estoy loco! And again the feminine version off ocupado is Oko Baba Estoy demasiado Kuba! I've hurt my leg Midway. Lee LaPierre Now Medway Real appearance. 21. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 37h: Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Barbara Dear el Vino Boston AP India Amino Are you going to order the wine? A que aura? Chiari Comeere Acura Kia, Rio State. Come here. What time do you want to eat, then going Cafe Parros. Tacky then going. Cafe Perot. Stay lucky. I have a copy for you here. North Blackman Una Nice try acumen Una I'm not here tomorrow. Chiari baby. Thomas McCord, Kia Rio State the better because you do you want to drink? The same thing is me, Lara Sarava esta a normally Smith Laura sirve estan armory. This myth The reservation is in the name of Smith. Pedro Most AKI Pedro. No esta aqui. Pedro isn't here a little para Diego? A little part of Diego I've ordered for Diego Medway Li l s Tom ago. Midway. Arrest Tom ago. I've got stomach ache, breath a Camaro. Can I eat that? 22. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Something honorable? Something from the region I'll go There are human, Something Spanish algo en espanol. Now here's a useful word. You'll hear quite a lot in Spain. I I It means there is all there. Are I So how would you say in Spanish? There is a postcard here. I wanna post Arlacchi. I wanna postal Lucky. There is a good restaurant here on the word for good, which is when shortened slightly to win. So you missed the O off when you place it in front of a masculine noun. So in this instance you'll have a good restaurant. You would use the word win for good. I Unwin Restaurant Jackie I own when Restaurante AKI. So whenever you put the word wear no, in front of a masculine noun, it changes to win. So it shortens slightly. So when Gwen Quartey would be a good car when when hotel a good hotel room. When restaurante a good restaurant, it every happened in front off masculine arms in front of feminine mounds Bueno becomes Buena So Una Buena Cassa is a good house. How would you say in Spanish? There is a supermarket there I on foot Mercado e I once took Mercado e. There is something very beautiful here. I'll go my precio sake. I'll go. My press your sake. I'm not going to eat here at the hotel tonight There is a restaurant straight ahead where the food is delicious. No Viacom Iraqi Al Hotel s 10 lt I Restaurant director Daniele Kamina is Delicioso nowhere . Camera Cheol Hotel is so naughty. I own a restaurant. It'll directo Donley. La comida is Delicioso. There is a restaurant at the hotel. I won't restaurant the hotel. I own a restaurant, a hotel. 23. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38b: So the word I means there is or there are. But if you just put question marks around it and raise your voice at the end, you get I Which means is there or are there So it's the same word just in a question. So in a non question, I can mean there is or there are in a question it means is there or are there So how would you ask? Is there a hotel here? I will not A lucky I do not A lucky Is there a supermarket here? I own Supermercados Akeem. I own stock market. Lucky What is there? Okay. I Okay, I Is there something for me? I know about me. I'll go para me. Are there any stumps? I say yours. I say yours. And so you haven't got to say the word for any you to say in Spanish are their stumps? I say yours. So we've learned in this lesson so far that the word I in a long question means there is or there are Onda as a question it could mean is there or are there so it's the same word. But it can mean different things, depending on whether you ask it in a non question or a question. Andi, in English there is is used in front of singular pronouns. So there is one dog, whereas there are is used in front of plural knowns. There are two dogs in Spanish. The word I is always used no matter what. And so if you want to say there is one car I unquoted, but there are two cause I those coaches, so that where I doesn't change. Secondly, you might have been wondering a little bit about the pronunciation off I on why it isn't pronounced like a or hey in Spanish. The letter Hey H is never pronounced at the start of a word, and so it's silent, So all that's left is the A Y. The letter A in Spanish is always pronounced a as in apple. Uh, and when you put a Y on the end of, uh, you get I I. And so that's why this word is pronounced I, rather than a and so in Spanish is always to do with the vowel sounds. So the A in Spanish is always pronounced like 24. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38c: Here's your next phrase in Spanish for this lesson. Circa they hockey circle, Jackie. It means Nia hia circa ducky. Literally in the world circa means near day means from Onda Key means here. So if you were to translate this phrase word for word, it means near from here, circa day hockey. So how would you say in Spanish? It's near here on. Don't forget that when you're saying the location or something, you have to use the word esta before it is esta cerca. Ducky esta cerca Ducky. The hotel is very near here. L hotel s tomboy circle. Jackie, A hotel A stop My circle. Jackie, it isn't me here. Most acerca de aqui. No esta cerca. Jackie, Is there a restaurant? Me Here. I own restaurant A circle Jackie I in restaurant, circa Ducky. There is a supermarket. Me here. I own super Mercado circle. I own super Mercado circle, Jackie. And so the word I, as I've said, can mean there is or is there in a question on the way that you tell the difference between a non question and a question in speaking in Spanish is how you raise your voice at the end . And so a non question in this instance is I once if mercado circle Jackie, there is a supermarket near here. But if you just raise your voice slightly at the end, you get I am supermercados circle Jackie, which is now a question. Is there a supermarket near here? And so we have to do is use your voice to make things into a question in Spanish. How would you ask what is there near here? Okay, I circa Becky. Okay, I got lucky. The car pop isn't near here. L a park aumento noticed a circular key l a park aumento Noseda circa Rocky. Now, here's another verb that we can add to your collection. Bad bear. It means to see bear. So how would you ask? Can I see the menu, please? On the word for the menu in Spanish is either la Carta or L menu. La Carta. El Nino. We're nowhere like out of the poor family. You know better like our stopover. Or you could say we're nowhere in May, new portable 25. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38d: How would you say in Spanish? I'm going to see it. Where? Better Web address. Can I see it? Puerto marrow. We don't marrow. Are you going to see Maria tomorrow? And don't forget that in this sentence, because Maria is the object of the sentence. You need to use the personal in front of her name about a very Maria manana. Boston. A very merry ammonia. What time are you going to see Pedro? A key. Aura Barbera Pedro. Okay. What about Stella? Vera Pedro, I'm not going to see it. No way. A very low, No way. A very low. So just like the other words that we've learned you comport law on the end of their on get bear law, which is see it? How would you ask? Are you going to see the cathedral in Madrid? About a very low cathedral in Madrid Ball state, Avella Cathedral in Madrid. So in this lesson, we've had I which means there is, or there are you can use I in a question and then it means is there or are there? Then we had certa darkie, which means near here, literally cerca de aqui means near from here which is what you have say in Spanish. And then we had bear, which means to see. And of course, you can do with bare like we do with all the other webs and say barrel Oh, which means to see it. 26. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38e: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? What you want to see at the town centre Cakey Everywhere in central Syria KQED will stay bear And it's interesting that so literally in Spanish you have to say what you want to see in the town centre on and in central. So that means the town centre or the city centre is the same word in Spanish. How would you say there is a restaurant at the hotel? But it isn't very good. I own restaurant. A hotel battle. Most midwin. I own a restaurant. A hotel better annoys me. Winner. Is there a Carpani here? I wanna park opinion acerca Becky, I own a parka. Me in Osaka. Jackie is there a bookshop knee here on? The word for bookshop is on Oliveria I wanna leave areas are Sadaaki. I wanna leave area circle. Jackie, Is there a good restaurant near here? I remember when Restaurant Circle Jackie I m win restaurant. Jackie, There is a restaurant there. I un restaurante i e. I own a restaurant. A e There's a postcard Few here. I wanna postal, but I'll stay lucky. I wanna postal Barrow stay lucky. There are too many people here today. I de Massialas person with a kiwi I de Massialas persona security. What you're going to see today given a very oy, give our state affair. Oy, what can I see here? Keep whittled Iraqi cape with Iraqi 27. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38f: Now let's do some Spanish to English translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? I own a restaurant, A hotel? I own a restaurant, a hotel. There's a restaurant at the hotel. No puedo bear l A restaurant. No puedo bear. Other Santi. I can't see the restaurant. A restaurante esta moisture. Kajaki El Restaurante, Stop! Moose are karaki. The restaurant is very near here. I un restaurante toe director. I own a restaurant. A tow director. There's a restaurant straight on. I m win restaurant. I e I Nguyen Ristorante e. There's a good restaurant there. I wanna biblioteca circle. Jackie, I wanna biblioteca circle. Jackie, is there a library here? Boy about esta manana boy. A bear Eso manana. I'm going to see that tomorrow. No puedo Better low. No puedo barrow. I can't see it. Where the matter? When you said Barrow, can you see it? Keep where the bear kept when he was dead. There. What can you see 28. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38g: What will you now are some recap Translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How would you say in Spanish? I ate here yesterday and it was fantastic. A committee Rocky a year. If we're fantastical a committee Rocky a year. If we're fantastical, my tooth hurts. Medway near the end. Medway LDN They I'm going to try some cheese were provided Guests boy up for about a case. Can you order pizza for me, please? Where they paid a year when a pizza Param people where they will step earlier on a pizza para mi portable? Yes, she is there. See? A star. I need see a esta e. When are you going to pay the bill? Cuando bath. I gotta like winter. Cuando bow stayed pagar la Quinta. How much was the car? Went off? Well port Quanta off. Well, court, I'm not going to have dinner. No boy. Tamara Sina No Boyata! Marla Sina. I have broken my arm. May a roto brassell may roto el brazo When you have may and a together in speaking, you'll often hear it Sounds just like one words the Rodman saying may a roto l brass toe. You'll hear Mayor Rodell blast. So? So the May and the A just sound like one word. Mayor Roto Brassell. How would you say in Spanish? I would like to buy it. Kierra Comparator gso compatible. 29. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 38h: on. Now we'll do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What did these Spanish and Mrs mean in English? Boy? Come here, boy. Uncle, Marijuana. I'm going to eat now. Ahah esta el restaurante ai start a restaurant? She's at the restaurant. Bow stayed hotel bow stead about 10. Are you going to the hotel about instead? Asylum is McKusick a year. Boustead Asser la misma cause a k a year. Are you going to do the same thing is yesterday Boston appear on cafe. I will stand up in Iran Cafe. Are you going to order a coffee? Gluon coffee? G r a N cafe? Do you want to? Coffee boy Padilla la misma casa que alfredo boy A video. La misma casa que Alfredo. I'm going to order the same thing as Alfredo. Well, I gotta My strategy greater back, Adama Saturday. Can I pay later? Puerto can be army, etcetera Puerto can be our mirasierra. Can I change my reservation, boy? Ali Comptel Boy, are you can think I would have. I'm going to Alicante. No 30. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39a: let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish there is all there are I is there or are there I near here cerca The key to see Bear. We've seen both of these next words Andi. We've learned that they mean it is s and esta. However, you can also use them in a question to mean Is it so s and esta can mean Either it is Oh, is it? You'll start to notice as you make progress in Spanish that you can make pretty much any sentence into a question simply by raising your voice at the end. So all the phrases that we've learned so far with the words s on de esta can be made into questions just by making it sound like one with your voice. Also, don't forget that you have to put an upside down question mark at the start and a normal one at the end. So we learned s when means it is good. But if you make it sound like a question, it's quenelle. What that means is it good? Is that a key means it is here. Whereas if you change the way you say it slightly a stocky that means isn't here. So how would you ask? In Spanish? Is it good as we know it's panel. Is it here? Esta aqui A stocky. So don't forget that you use esta when you're talking about the location of something. How would you ask? Is it for me? Espada me espada me. Is it good for me? It's well, No, but I mean it's way. No, but I mean, so you have to do is just raise your voice at the end. If you didn't raise your voice at the end, you get s bueno para me And that means it is good for me. But if you just make it sound like a question that in Spanish it becomes a question Is that we know about me? How would you ask Is that for me? S o para me They say so part of me 31. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39b: How would you say in Spanish? Is that everything? A se Soto? And in fact, you haven't even got to change the word order around from the non question. So in Spanish, if you want to say that is everything you say s o Estado and what you can do is just raise your voice at the end s o Estado. And that also means the same thing. So you can say is West Order or S s auto and they mean the same thing. Is that everything? How would you ask? Is it in Spain? And don't forget that here you're talking about the location of something. So instead of s, you would use Esther. Is that in a Spagna? A Stein Espana? Is it near here? Esta Sarkin yaki a stop acerca. Becky. So Sarah Gardocki means near here literally. Don't forget, it means near from here. Well, here's the opposite Off near here in Spanish. Lacoste, Jackie Lejos. They are key means far from here, so let horse means far, and then they are key. From here, whenever you ask if something is near or far in Spanish, it is talking about the location of something so you have to use a star. So with that in mind, how would you say? Is it far from here? A star Lajos Tacky ist Alejo Stocky. The restaurant isn't far from here. A restaurant? You know, Stella Hasta aqui. A restaurante noise. I think it's too far from here. But I mean, is that they must. But I mean it started. That is too far from here. Eso is the eso. Is that the Master Jacky? So let's Wozniacki means far from here. Well, if we just take away the their AKI bit you're left with left us, which means far And you can use that by itself. So how would you ask? Is it far? Is that a horse? Is that a horse? So it's still talking about the location of something. So you still have to use Esther. But Estella horse means is it far? Whereas a start means is it far from here? 32. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39c: How would you say in Spanish? It's very far. It's some will a horse, It's that more Legos. I think it's too far para me is that they must be utterly house para me Is that demasiado? It isn't far nice deli hosts Noise that Lejos Here's your next word in Spanish Andi It's an adjective interest in the recent it means interesting interesante. So how would you say everything is very interesting here Although it's more interesante AKI total is more interest on Jackie. So in this lesson, so far we've had IHS or esta can mean Is it cerca? Jackie means near here on the left means far from here. If you just say left us then it just means far Similarly, if you just say circa well, that just means Nia and then the wood interesante means interesting. So how would you say in Spanish? It isn't very interesting. Nice. My interest noise, More interesante. Another word Interesante ends in an e. So the feminine version is the same as the masculine version. Normally, if an adjective end in the letter O to make it feminine, you change the photo in a But whenever an adjective ends in an E, then the masculine and feminine forms off that adjective are the same. So how would you say in Spanish? Maria is interesting. Maria is interest. Maria is interesting on to make the word interesante plural or you have to do is put an s on the end. So if you're talking about more than one thing being interesting, then you could say interests. And this And that's the same for any adjective in Spanish that ends in an E the masculine and feminine versions of the same. And then to make them plural. You just Adam s. 33. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39d: How would you say in Spanish? I think it's very interesting, but I'm me is my interesante. But I mean, that's more interesting thing. Everything is always very interesting here. Dodo ACM Very moody interesante Hockey I always see imprint more interest on tacky Everybody here is very interesting. Total Moon Rocky It's more interesting. Total Moon Rocky It's more interesting. Is it interesting in Seville? Andi in Spanish. The word for Seville is Sylvia. It's about the same. Just doesn't a on the end instead of an e a Cinderella Santa in Sevilla. Isn't that a Sunday? And Sylvia, is there anything interesting in Alicante on literally Here you'll say something interesting rather than anything interesting. I'll go interesante in Alicante. I'll go interesante in Alicante. That is interesting. Eso is interest Anti eso is Interesante. How would you say Diego is interesting? Diego s interest Diego is interesting. Pedro isn't very interesting. Pedro Noise More interest Something Pedro Noise More interest. Maria is always interesting. Maria SCMP Interesante Maria s the Embry Interesante 34. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39e: Here's another adjective in Spanish. Foreseeably posse m'lee. It means possible posse m'lee. There are two things I'd like to point out with the word possibly. Firstly, you'll notice that in Spanish it doesn't have a double s like the English version. Double letters are rare in Spanish than they are in English. You will never see a double s in Spanish. In fact, the only letters that can be doubled in Spanish are the letters are see l on very occasionally n no other continents in Spanish can be doled. For example necesario necesario it means necessary. And so in English you have a double s. Where is in Spanish? You just got in oneness. Impulsively, impulsively, this means impossible. And again in English, it's got a double s. Where is in Spanish. There's just the one s. The second thing to note with the word possibly is that you can put any verb on the end of it and you'll end up saying possible to do something. For example, if you want to say, is it possible to pay tomorrow? You simply say it's positively pagar manana is positive. Agar manana. Oh, is it possible to eat here without a reservation. When in Spanish, you say s possibly Comair. A key scene. Una Acerra. It's basilica Merauke. Simple matters, however, Is it possible to eat here without a reservation? And so the verb Comair you could just place directly after foreseeably. So how would you say in Spanish? Is it possible to try the wine it's possibly provide? It's possible it probable Veena, and so probe are means to try. Do you remember how, a very long time ago now I said that in English there are always two versions of the VEB. You can either say to try or just try. When in Spanish is always probe are no matter what's Oprah Bar can either mean to try or just try. And so in this sentence in English, is it possible to try the wine? You don't need an extra word for two in Spanish because the where probe are means to try. That's why it s personally provide. So after the word pristinely, you always just place the whole verb. You don't need to have any word for two. So how would you say, Is it possible to see it now is possibly there, Laura, It's possibly Barrow our. And so the law is hooked on the end of mayor. And so bear law means to see it. Is it possible to see it Now s possibly bear law order. 35. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39f: How would you ask in Spanish? Is it possible to hire a car here? It's possibly algorithm. Kotecki. It's possibly algal. Our coach, Jackie. It isn't possible to make a reservation noise, possibly a ser una reserva noise, possibly assert it's possible to do it. Tomorrow is personally acero manana, explosively acero manana. So you can put any verb on the end off. Personally, you can even put phrases in between the word possibly on the verge that follows. For example, you can say possibly para me and then put a verb which means possible for me to do something. So, for example, if you want to say, is it possible for me to pay tomorrow? He would say s policy. Laparotomy, scar manana Esposito para mi Harmonia. So possibly para me means possible for me or if you put available in the end, possible for me to do something. So how would you ask? Is it possible for me to try the wine? It's possibly para MI. Probably, you know, is possibly para mi probe are. And so you just say possible for me personally, para me and then use the whole Web probe are so even though in English, we say to try in Spanish, you to say provide. This is often something that confuses English people when you're speaking, because a lot of the time in Spanish there are fewer words than there are in English. And so in English. This sentence has got nine words, whereas in Spanish there were only seven. And that's because is it in English? Is two words, whereas in Spanish to say ISS and then to try in English is two words, whereas in Spanish it's just provide. And this often caused a few problems when you're speaking Spanish because you want to translate literally word for word everything from English into Spanish. But sometimes the English words don't appear in the Spanish translations. So is it possible for me to try The wine is possibly para MI probe Are you know, how would you ask? Is it possible for me to see it now? Yes, Possibly. Remember Laura. It's possibly para mi Burillo. Our 36. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39g: How would you ask In Spanish? Is it possible for me to hire a car for three days? Is posse Libera me? Algae are in court. A poor tres dias is possibly para mi Alcala unquote support rest the US It isn't possible for me to do it now. No explosively para mi acero. Our noise Possibly Premier Sir Loa. It wasn't possible for me to buy it. It was too expensive. No, if I possibly para mi comprado foreign demasiado Caro? No, If we possibly para mi comprado demasiado Caro, how would you say everything is possible? Dollar explosively Torres personally, Is it possible for me to have to stamps? Please is possibly para mi tenor. Does CEOs portable is possibly para mi Stendardo sales performer. Is it possible for me to change it? It's possibly para MI can be Arlo. It's possibly para meat can be Arlo. Is it possible for me to go without you? It's possibly para me here since you stayed, it's possibly academy years. It'll still you haven't always got to stick to possible for me. You could say possible for you. So how would you say in Spanish? Is it possible for you to go without me as possibly Pablo step years in me, it's possibly para. Instead here's in me. So in this lesson we've had s on esta can mean is it circle? Jackie means near here Lejos Ducky means far from here. If you take off the day a key, you're left with less force, which means far or similarly cerca means Nia Interesante means interesting possibly means possible and possibly para me possible for me. 37. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39h: It's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Is it possible for me to eat here? It's possibly Marimekko. Merauke is possibly para me calm Iraqi. Is it possible for you to do that tomorrow? Is possibly Perot State a serious woman? Yana, It's possibly parallel state are cerezo manana. Is it terrible? A steady May s te Really? This is another one of those occasions where the way you say something changes, whether it's a question or just a sentence. So it's terribly means is it terrible? Whereas Esther really means it is terrible. How would you say I think it's very interesting, but I mean it's more interest. But on me it's more interest, something The theater is far from here. El Teatro Estella Hasta aqui is the A TRO s tally Ho Stocky, the supermarket isn't near here. A super mercado most acerca Jackie a super mercado most acerca Jackie. The post office isn't far from here. And the word for the post office is La Oficina on deck Oreos La Oficina decor Eos. Noticed Alejo, stocky long Christina decor, Rio's most alejo. So don't forget that all the words for places to go in Spanish are on one of the vocabulary expansion sheets on course to, However, as you're working through these translations, if you come across any words or phrases that you didn't know, write them down on a card. If you think there be useful for you, how would you ask in Spanish? Is it beautiful espresso? Also espresso. Also, it's too far from here. It's that demasiado lejos. Tacky. Is that demasiado lejos there? Key. And so we use estar here rather Than s because it's talking about the location of something . Is it expensive? Here is Karaki, Escada hockey. 38. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39i: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Is Wendell It's quenelle. Is it good? L a park aumento laparotomy. Antonio's Alejo Stocky. The car park isn't far from here. LA para Delta boosts esta circle. Jackie la Parola, The out of goose esta aqui. The bus stop is near here. So as I was saying in the last lesson, whenever you come across the word or phrase that you didn't know, you should try and write it down. So if you haven't got round to learning any of the places to go yet and you didn't know Labrada, the AL doubles. Well, that's quite useful phrase to know when you're going to Spain. So if you write it down on a card, put the Spanish on one side on the English on the other side. Then you can try adding it to different sentences in Spanish. So Labrada they'll divorce literally means the stop off, boss, or they will stop. What does this sentence mean? Is possibly Bellamy Padilla Aura a supposedly para mi Padilla aura? Is it possible for me to order now is possibly pack our contact hitter is possibly pagar contact hitter Is it possible to pay by card and so literally in Spanish you say with card contact hitter Maria is interest Maria is interesante Maria is interesting Is Priscilla para me? Tomorrow is possibly Param Itamar Day. Is it possible for me to have a tea noise? Possibly Parros ST Guillen Court noise possibly Parros. ST Al Ki are in court. It isn't possible for you to hire a car s para me. It's part of me. Is it for me? Bedroom noise. My interesante Pedro Noise More Interesante Pedro isn't very interesting. 39. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39j: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? I've caught the flu. Have you got any medicine? A co hero. Angry the any medical men? A call. He'll agree. Pay DNA. Medical, mental. I have broken my finger. May Roto El Dorado. May A roto dello She isn't there? Nice tie. A nice tidy I'm too tired. A story in the Masiello can. So estoy demasiado Consalvo, Where you going? To have dinner. I don't need a tomorrow. Don't leave. Our stayed at a model Ascena. Are you going to have some cheese? My automatic gesso mouse dead at a Marc esta. No, I'm not. Mr Garcia, I'm Mr Fernandez. No, mostly Senor Garcia. So it's and your Fernandez? No Most choice. And your Garcia source And your Fernandez? Do you want to pay by card? Chiari Pagar, Contact Gary O Step back. Garcon Carretta. Where can I buy some stamps? Don't play the complaints. CEOs, don't they? Where the complex CEOs can I call it Maria Puerto Ja'mar Maria, Whether Yemen, Ahmadiyya and so the little are in this sentence is because Maria is the name of a person, Andi, because it's the object of the sentence. You have to put the personal in front of the name. It's a Puerto yammer at Maria. 40. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 39k: And now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What did the Spanish? And this is mean in English Chiaro compare. I'll go Delicioso. Quiero comprar algo delicioso. I would like to buy something delicious. Tango Inara Serra Anomaly The Llopis Tango Inara Serra A Normally they low piss. I have a reservation in the name off. Lopez Chiaro comprar required media Kierra compared required o para media I would like to buy a souvenir for my Auntie Midway Li l am, bro. Midway. Leah Lambro. My shoulder hurts. Oh, I've heard my shoulder Ellis time. We can solve the way and a storm weakens other way. He is very tired today. Maria s Tom way Ochoa bother Maria esta Moyo Kawabata Maria is very busy. Estoy the priest A story in the pre PSA I'm in a hurry. Kieny Comedown. Go. Katie was stayed calm and 1/2 ago. Do you want to eat something in English? We often say Do you want something to eat instead of joint? Eat something. Where is in Spanish? You'll hear Chiari Camaro Quite a lot. What does this mean? Boy? A probe are always spaniel boy. A probe are algo espanol. I'm going to try something Spanish boy up in the years boy opinion. I'm going to order 41. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Is it IHS? What's that near here? Cerca ducky Far from here. Lejos, Jackie Foul Left off Nia circa Interesting interesante possible Personally possible for me ? Possibly me. We've already had the Webcam br, which means to change. Well, let's add a little word day to the end of it. Can be, are they? This also means to change, but you use it slightly differently to just come be out. So now we've had Camby are and can be. Are they? Let's look at the difference by itself can be our means to modify something, so to change a little bit of it. For example, Tierro, Camby are me Chris era. I would like to change my reservation. So when you change your reservation, you're changing the time or the number of people. So you're modifying it. So then you just say come be our Whereas Camby are they means to change something, as in to exchange it or to switch it completely. For example, key Ero Camby Are they Messa Chiaro Camby are the Messa means I would like to change tables as in our like to switch tables. So can be Are there means to change as in to switch something completely. So how do you say I would like to change tables? Chiaro Camby are the missing Caro can be are the mesa How would you say? Can I change hotels? Puerto can be are there tell Puerto can be are there tell now one thing that you might notice is that in English, when you want to change something completely, you tend to say the thing in the plural. So we had change tables or just had change hotels. So you put an s on the end in Spanish However you leave it in the singular. So it's always can be out there and then just the singular version off the known So we had can be out there, Mr for change tables victory in Spanish you say change table or Camby are the hotel in this example literally means to change hotel. But in English, we say cannot change hotels 42. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40b: So have you understand the difference between Camby are Andi can be out today. Let me show you an example that I used to use to get my head around it. The first sentence is key. Ero can be out of the court Chiaro Kambia the court and it means I would like to change cars Meaning I would like to get a whole new car. The second sentence is key Ero cam br l corti Kierra can br l coach, which means I would like to change the car as in I would like to modify it somehow So maybe you'd like to paint it or decorate it so Chiaro can be out of decorative means You want to get a whole new car so change cars whereas Kierra can be our equity means you want to change the car as and you want to modify it somehow So paint it or do something to the interior. So whenever you have day after can be our it means you want a whole new one. So how would you say in Spanish? I'm going to change cars? Boy can be out of the court Boy can be our day quot so don't forget that in English when you want to change something completely, use the plural So I'm going to change cars. Where is in Spanish? When you use can be out of day You always use the singular Boyaca Me are in the court How would you say? Do I have to change tables? Debelo Brdo de Beauchamp er the messa so never means Do I have to Almost I How would you say, Can I change rooms? Puerto can be are the habitats soon Puerto can be our day Evita soon. Are you going to change hotels by a can be out of the Hotel Boston I can be out in the hotel. This next word is always a useful one toe have if something goes wrong, you'll also notice that this word ends in the letter A. But it's a masculine noun Now. Most now runs that end in a letter A or feminine. But there are a few odd ones that aren't and this is one of them. June problema un problema. It means a problem. June problem. So how would you say in Spanish? I have a problem. Tengo un problema tengo un problema 43. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40c: How would you say in Spanish? There's a problem with Carlos. I am problema con Carlos. I won problema con Carlos. There's a problem with my car. I un problema call me court. I wouldn't problema con Mikati. Is there a problem? Mr Blanco? I would probably math in your ankle. I un problema, Senor Blanco. There's a big problem in Madrid today. And don't forget that when you put the word Grandi in front of a noun, it shortens to gran g r a n I, um grande problema in mother the way I m graham problema in Madrid, we and so Grandi means big and it shortens to gran. If you put it in front, off a noun, you'll see an example of this with one of the Canary Islands Gran Canaria, which means the big Canary Island Gran Canaria. So I in grande problema in Madrid. How would you ask What is the problem? Qualities? El problema. Quiet, little problema. Now this is a nice little phrase. Tohave unm memory ized. No, I problem. No, I problem. It means no problem. No, I problema literally. It means there isn't any problem. No, I problem. So how would you say? No. No problem. No, no, I problema. No, no, I problema the phrase. No, I problema literally means there isn't a problem. This is because the word any doesn't exist in Spanish. In fact, you can put no I in front of anything and it means there isn't any, so no, I means there isn't. But you can also use it to mean there isn't any or there aren't any. So how would you say in Spanish there isn't any wine? No. Ive you? No, I ve no so literally. Just say there isn't wine. No, I've, you know, because the word for any doesn't exist in Spanish. No, I vino. 44. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40d: after you used the phrase Not I You don't need any other word except for the Now you don't need to use the word for the or the word for up. So how would you say in Spanish? There isn't a television? No, I tell a resource. No, I tell me. Sore. There is no problem. No, I problem. No, I problema. Can I change rooms? There's no shower. Puedo Comey are in the habit as soon. No, I do too. Welcome. Er the habitat soon. No, I don't. Excuse me. There's no water paragon. No, I agua Paradorn. No, I I work very often. You'll hear I worked Italian, which means hot water. So you could say No, I I will carry in. There's no hot water. So the word carry NT means hot in Spanish. Here's your last phrase for this lesson in Libya soon it means in the room in La Vida soon . So how would you say in Spanish? Is there a television in the room? I won't be sore in Loretta soon. I won't tell Levy sore in Larita soon. So when you use the word I in the positive sense, then you can use the word for or the word for the So I won t be sort. Is there a television? But it's just when it's the negative ni that you haven't got to use the word for the or in Spanish. Now I just want to talk to you a little bit about the word for television in Spanish, because there are, in fact, two words we've seen. L tell Elise Order, which means the television. But there's also let the lady soon, which will see quite a lot. They both mean the television, but they are used in slightly different ways. A little bit sore is referring to the actual television set. And so that's the actual object. Whereas, like delivery soon is what's on the television, said the programs and things like that. If you said, for example, en LA television, that means on the television. So you can say that the film on the television tonight a little easy on. But if you said N l delivery soared, that means on the television, as in on top of the television books. So Davis or is the actual television box, whereas literally soon means the television, as in the programs So if you wanted to say something like the television doesn't work, then you would have to say that the levy saw nothing to the owner because it's the actual object that doesn't work rather than what's on the TV. Similarly, if you wanted to say that the television is boring, then you would have to describe literally soon as being boring rather than L. Televisa. The word for boring in Spanish is a burrito, and so you will say little B soon is Abou Arida. So you have to make Abou Garrido feminine because literally, Sione is feminine, like television s abuelita means the television is boring. If you said l tell us, or is Sabrido, that means the television set is boring, so that could mean it looks boring. But luckily we see on Abou Arida means whatever's on the TV is boring. 45. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40e: So we've just seen that the phrase in Larita soon means in the room Because LA ends within a sound on David. ASEAN starts with an act sound The two words LA and avid ASEAN tend to merge into one in speaking So rather than saying n lap avid Asean, you're here in La Vita soon So how would you ask? Can I eat in the room? Whether Come here in LA breath Comeere, Are you in the room? A stop in Labutta soon est ousted in Labutta soon. Excuse me. There's no bed in the room. Bear alone. No, I comma in Loretta soon bear alone? No, I comma in Loretta soon It's in the room. Esta in Larita soon ist eine Loretta Soon it wasn't in the room. No, I struggle in Labutta soon. No, I struggle in Larita soon I'm in the room. But there's no television. A story and lobby that soon. Better No, I delivery soared A story in Labutta Soon. Better? No, I tell you the sore. So in this lesson we've had Camby are which means to change as in to modify something can be Are they means to change as in to exchange something completely on. Do you always use the singular after can be out they rather than the plural version off the now un problema means a problem. The phrase ni programmer means no problem literally. It means there is no problem. No, I by itself means there isn't any or there aren't any on then, in live with ASEAN means in the room. 46. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40f: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How would you say in Spanish? Are you going to change tables? But you can be out of the Messa bow stayed I can be out of the Mr Is it possible for me to change rooms? It's possibly para MI can be. Are there with a soon is possibly para MI can be Are they a bit as soon? There isn't a problem. No, I problema No, I problem. It was in the room. A stubble in La Vita Soon is too in love with a stone Excuse me, There's no bed in the room Barreled on No, I comma in love it as soon Caradon No, I comma in Labutta soon. Is it in the room? A start in Loretta soon It's that in Labutta Soon I would like to change hotels. Chiaro can be out of the hotel Chiaro Camby are the hotel? Do you have a problem? The un problema, The anyone problems. There's a problem. The light doesn't work. I own problema Lose No funciona. I un problema loose. No funciona. Is there a problem? I own problem. I own problema 47. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40g: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? They will come here in the messa they broke Can be Are the Messa Do I have to change tables ? Cuando ba I can be out of the court Cuando Obama Instead I can be out of the court when you going to change cause I own program According to court, I own problem According to court. Is there a problem with the car? Chiaro Camby are the habitats Soon Chiaro can be out of the habitat soon. I would like to change rooms. No, I agua. No, I agua. There's no water. I own problema content. Delivery soared in me. Evita Soon I own problema congenitally restored in the habitat. Soon there's a problem with the television in my room. No, I electricity. No, I electricity. There's no electricity. A start in life est ousted in La vida soon. Are you in the room? We look, um er David Soon. No, I don't Where they're coming out of the habit as soon. No, I do. Can I change rooms? There's no shower. Lakota and maybe Tassio. No funciona. LeDoux tha in the habitat? No funciona in the shower in my room Doesn't work 48. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40h: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? Can I buy a postcard here? Comprar postal lucky compra in a post Arlacchi, are you going to have dinner at the hotel bathroom? Are Lassana Hotel Bow State Tamara Senna aloe 10. She isn't tired. Noise seconds other A no seconds other. Can I pay the bill later? No, by God. Like went down last Saturday. Meadowbank. Harlequin Thomas, Start early. I'm going to the toilet. Boy, A lot of CEOs Boileau saw sales. I'm well a scorpion. Estoy bien. I have something for my sister. Tango Alco premier manner Tengo algo premier manner. Are you going to hire a call? But I don't got it about state Alcala uncoated. The hotel is near me. L 0 10 esta cerca. Let me a hotel. Esta stark enemy. Everybody was very nice here. Total moon from West impacted cocky total moon for a moistened batter. Cocky 49. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 40i: And now we do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations? What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Kierra comprado para mi mujer Chiaro comprado para mi mohair. I would like to buy it for my wife. Don't keep welcome here. Don't they? Come here. What can I eat? We'll try our low. A mother is Puerto. Try heirloom. Agreed. Can I bring it to Madrid? Life's last only train. No esta cerca. Ducky lies That's you on the train. Noise that circle Jackie, The train station isn't near here. Welcome. No boy Comeere hotel. I'm not going to eat at the hotel. I remember when Restaurant a circle Jackie I own when Restaurante Circle Jackie? Is there a good restaurant near here? Coma Babacar, come about State up there. How are you going to pay Que by a status authority? Give our stand. I said it's a thoroughly What you going to do this evening, Maia? Roto El brazo. May Erato El brazo. I have broken my own Bob. You know what ball? State media Aura. Are you going to order now? 50. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish to change as in to modify something cambiado to change as in to exchange something can be out They a problem in problema? No problem. No, I problema there isn't any or there aren't any. No I in the room in love with a stone. Now we've had the word name a Seattle before, but let's add a little more to it. Demasiado ruido demasiado ruido means too much noise, so demasiado means too much. Onda ruido means noise. Demasiado ruido. So how would you say in Spanish there is too much noise? I demasiado ruido i demasiado There is always too much noise here. I see employees in the mass Teodoro Iraqi. I see him play demasiado Iraqi. It's good, but there's too much noise. Is bueno better? I'd demasiado ruido. It's when no better I demasiado ruido Do you want to go to the hotel? There is too much noise here key every year below 10. I demasiado really lucky here you will stand here below 10 I demasiado with Joakim. Is there too much noise for you? I missed the other with a bottle state I demasiado ruido hosted 51. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41b: How would you say in Spanish there is too much noise in my room. I demasiado ruido in the habitat Soon I demasiado ruido and maybe soon so demasiado ruido means too much noise This next phrase dem a sea of us Carajas they must see of us. Cucaracha means too many cockroaches. So call karate means cockroaches. So how would you say in Spanish? There are too many cockroaches in the room. Isla Massialas, Carajas in Labutta soon I de Massialas coup garages in Labutta. Soon there are too many cockroaches here I am the Messiah. Cucaracha Tacky. I am the Massialas Cucaracha sake is beautiful here. But I think there are too many cockroaches. It's press your sake better but on me. And they must have a school espresso sake. Pero para me, Ida Massialas coup garages. So we've learned so far that them a Seattle ruido means too much noise. Onda de Masi Ava's Kolkata's means too many cockroaches. The world demasiado means too much and you change it slightly depending on what comes after it. Just like with other adjectives that we've learned there's a masculine singular, a masculine plural, a feminine, singular Onda a feminine plural version. Demasiado means too much, and that's the masculine singular. If you place it in front of a feminine known, however, you change it slightly to dem Asiata, which means too much in the feminine version. If you make it plural, you get de Massie, Oddo's Nemeth Iago's means too many, so the plural of too much is too many, and you use this in front of masculine pronouns. If you want to use demasiado in front of a feminine, plural noun, then you change it to de Massialas, which also means too many de Massie. Alice So Demasiado and MST Allah both mean too much, whereas Demas, Seattle's and MSC of us both mean too many in the last phrase that we learned you saw the feminine plural version off the word Dem a Seattle in use de Massialas Carajas, which meant too many cockroaches because the word cucaracha chess is feminine and plural. Let's have a look at some more examples. Demasiado. The last album you know means too much wine. Them a Seattle for you, demasiado for you means to most chicken demasiado Kamina de Macia, Comida is an example off it being used with a feminine noun, and this means too much food. Let's have a look at some floor examples. There must be at both coaches. No Massialas coaches. This means too many cars and in front of a feminine. Now let's Jews De Masi Ava's san Oh yes, there must be other sartorius means too many carrots. If you want to just say too much by itself, then you simply use the word Dem a Seattle in its masculine, singular form, for example, Nemesio Lobotomy It's Nemesio lobotomy means it's too much for me. 52. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41c: the weird person Us. Paris on us is feminine and plural, so de Massialas personas means to many people. So we use the feminine floral version off demasiado, which is the most Abbas de Massialas person. Us too many people. So how would you say in Spanish? There are too many people here I de Massialas persona sake I de Massialas persona sake. There are actually a couple of ways to say too many people in Spanish, the first phrase and MSC Alice Paris on us is just one way. The word personas means people. Andi. It's feminine and plural, So we use the feminine plural version off demasiado, which is de Massialas demasiado las personas. The second way to say people in Spanish is lengthy 50 which is G e n T hen thing. The word lengthy is feminine on singular. So you use it with them. Asiata, which gives you Dem Asiata So de Masi Abbas Bet it's on us. Onda demasiado both mean to many people. So how would you say in Spanish? Malaga is very beautiful, but there are always too many people there. My lager is more prestigioso. Better I see em brain the Massialas personas Or you could say Malala is more press you also better. I see em pray demasiado so you can choose either dem STS personas or demasiado, and they both mean the same thing. Now there's one little thing extra to say about this sentence and that's the WordPress He also Malaga is a city in the south of Spain and it ended in a therefore that makes it a feminine noun. So really, instead of saying Malaga, it's more press your so because Malaga is feminine, we should say my locker is more breast your PSA and use the feminine version off Prestigioso place names are feminine If they end in the letter A on. That means you have to describe them using feminine adjectives. It's a really correct Spanish would be Malaga is more prestigioso better I see Embry de Massialas personas e How would you say in Spanish? I think there are too many people there para mi item STS personas Oh, but I me there are always too many people at this restaurant I see Emperor in the musty Abbas personas I stay restaurant Oh, I see Emperor Demasiado 20 I stayed silent. How would you ask Are there too many people here? I m s e this persona psyche I m a c have a handy hockey. 53. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41d: here's another useful. Where to add to your collection. Moto Moto. It means a lot or a lot off, but it can also mean much or many Molcho. The word motel is used in the same way as the word them, a Seattle in that you can change it depending on what comes after it. As always, there's a masculine, singular version, a masculine plural, a feminine, singular, onda feminine plural version. So Moto macho is the masculine singular, and that means a lot or much in the feminine. It becomes motor motor, which also means a lot. So much in the plural. We get more chose for Maskell implore words, and this means a lot or many. And Motus motus means a lot for many with feminine floral words. Mota, Mota, Machos and Moochie. Let's have a look at some examples off motel in use. So in the singular, we have Moto Bina Moto, you know, which means a lot of wine or much wine. More Cherubino, more for you, mooch Apoyo means a lot of chicken or much chicken macho poor you. A feminine version is moussaka, media, muta, Camila, which means a lot of food or much food Morcha Kamina In the plural, we get machos contests, moochers coaches, which means a lot of cars or many cars, moochers coaches or in the feminine plural we can have much s son Aaliyah's Montesano areas means a lot of carrots or many carrots. Mu chess Santolaria So how would you say in Spanish? There is a lot of noise. I'm mature Ruido, I'm Macho Ruido. How would you say there are lots of people here? While depending on whether you use personas or hen thing, you can say either I'm motors persona sake. Oh, I'm outta hand, Jackie. I'm Muchas personas lucky I'm Mukdahan tacky. How would you say there is a lot of wine here? I am Moto Benaki. I'm macho Been wacky. Why do you have a lot of cars? Borgetti? Any motive? Cortez? Forget and you instead Motors Cortez, I would like to eat here but there are lots of cockroaches in the restaurant Kiyoko Merauke I'm a Tesco were just in a restaurant Kiyoko monarchy better I'm much ehskoo garages in a restaurant 54. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41e: How would you say in Spanish? There isn't a lot of cheese. No more talk guests. No more talk. Yes, sir. There is always a lot of food here. I see imprint Mota comedy. I see embrace. Now here's your last word or phrase for this lesson course us cost us means things and process batter Well, cause ask a means things too. As in things to do now you can use the word cost us by itself to just mean things if you want. But you can also put a verb on the end before you place the blame on the end, however, you need to use the word batter or gay first. But which one? Well, let's look at two sentences. I'm a test cost us parasail. I'm much as cosas para us. There means there are lots of things to do. I'm much as cosas que a sale. I'm a just cause us chaos there. Well, this also means there are lots of things to do, but it has a slightly different nuance in Spanish. Both the sentences in English look the same. But the 1st 1 in Spanish means that there are lots of things that can be done, so there's lots of options available. There are lots of things to do. I move just cost us battles there. So if you were visiting somewhere, for example, you can say there's plenty to do. The 2nd 1 however, means there are lots of things that have to be done. I'm motors cosas que stare, for example. If you're at home and you've got lots of housework to be done, you can say I'm motors Casas. Guess their meaning. There's lots of things to be doing when used a Cossacks Pata. That means things that it is possible to do, or to see or to eat etcetera. But it's not obligatory when you use cosas que that means that things are obligatory. So it's things that have to be done or have to be seen or have to be eaten. Now, I know this sounds a little bit complicated, but let's have a look at two more examples. Sangoma Tesco's US Gas there Dangle motors goes as guests there. This means I have lots of things to do tangle much as cosas parasail dangle. Mood has cost us. Parasail also means I have lots of things to do, but the 1st 1 has much as costs us K. Astaire. This means I have lots of things that I have to get done. So I have lots of housework. For example, they were much as coarse as chaos There I have to get them done whereas the other one tangle much as cosas para assail when you say cosas para this means I have lots of things that I can do. So I have lots of options. So if you're going to a new city, you can say Well, there are lots of things that I can do things or more just cost us but I see it. Let's have another look at two more examples I'm much as cosas que probe are in Madrid means there are many things to try in Madrid. I'm much as cosas para probe are in Madrid. Well, this also means there are many things to try in Madrid. The 1st 1 has cost us k. That means there are many things that you simply have to try and so it's more of an obligatory thing rather than something that you can do the 2nd 1 I'm much as Costas Palabra Bar There are plenty of options. So the 1st 1 is more of a necessary thing. You simply have to try these things in Madrid. I'm much test cost us Cape Raw bar in Madrid. Where is the 2nd 1 says that there are many things that you can do. But you haven't goes to any of them. I move. Just cost us about a probe are in moderate. So just remember that if you use cost us with a verb, you need to use the word patter. Okay, First, if you use K, then it's talking about something that has to be done. But you can use powder for everything else. So how would you say in Spanish? I have too many things to do. Tangle and MSC Havas course. Ask Yes. There dangled Emma. CFS causes chaos there. So you say Course SK Because there are things that you have to do that you must do. How would you say there are lots of things to eat as in there are plenty of options. I'm a test courses Barrack Amir, I'm on Tesco, says Paddock Amir, If you wanted to say this sentence, as in there are lots of things that you have to eat. So everything must be eaten. Then you would say I'm a just cause has cake, Cormier. 55. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41f: How would you say in Spanish? There are lots of things to see in Spain, as in there are lots of options on moochers courses barrel where in Espana I'm a chess cosas Bavarian Espana. If you change this and said I'm much as cosas que there in Espana. That means there are lots of things that you simply have to see in Spain. How would you say there are always lots of things to do in Barcelona but there are also lots of people. I see Embry moochers cosas parasail in Barcelona Better Damian, I'm much has passed on us. I si m primo chess cosas para fair in Barcelona. Better tambien I'm moochers persist on us. The word tambien tends to go in front of I whereas in English the word also can go after their or before. So meaning that you can say there are also lots of people or you can say also there are lots of people in Spanish. However, the way tambien tends to come in front off I better tambien I'm Otis purse on us And don't forget that instead of person us you could say lengthy and he was a Motorhead. I see empty much s cosas para stare in Barcelona Better tambien I'm How would you say there are too many things to do in my house As in things that have to be done I de Massialas cost us chaos there in Mikasa I de Massialas courses gas there in my cast. If you said I de Massialas Costas parasail well, that means there are lots of things that you can do, which could be there are lots of destruction is for example, how would you say I bought lots of things to eat yesterday? Well, again, it depends on whether you mean that you bought things that have to be eaten or that you bought things that can beat him. So if you mean that you bought lots of options that can be eaten, then you would say a comparable motels courses barrack amir. But if you mean that you bought things that have to be eaten, you will say a comprado motors cosas que comeere. What would be the two ways that you asked somebody? Do you have lots of things to do? Well, if you mean do you have lots of things to do to keep yourself occupied were Then you would say the any movies causes parasail or d any instead, much as causes parasail. But if you mean do you have lots of things that you have to do, then you would say the any move just cause us chaos. Air Otieno instead, much as causes chaos there. How would you say there aren't a lot of things to eat? No, I'm much as cosas para come here. No, I'm a chess cosas para come here. So in this lesson, we've had demasiado ruido, which means too much noise. Nemesio, Vasco, Karachi Too many cockroaches. Demasiado means too much on demasiado Those means too many and again you can make them feminine by saying de Macia or de Massialas there must be others bets on us Too many people or the other way to say too many people is demasiado moocher or machos or the feminine mature And much is mean, a lot off or macho many and then Costas Barra means things to if they're optional and cosas que means things to if they're obligatory and you comport any vote on the end of those 56. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41g: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Can I change rooms? There's too much noise in my room. Welcome. Er the avatar. Soon I demasiado ruido and maybe soon where they come here they are with that soon I demasiado ruido in the appetite. Soon I like it here. But there are too many cockroaches. Mega stocky little item a Seattle cook, a lattice, mega stocky Pero and a Massialas cucaracha. It's beautiful, but there are always too many people here. It's But I see also there I see Emperor Nemesio. This person is a key. It's pretty hostile, you know. I see Embry Nemesis. There's a lot of food here. I'm attack um Iraqi. I moved back home. Iraqi I think there are lots of things to do better. Me. I'm much as cosas para state, but I'm me. I'm much as cosas parasail. There isn't sort of wine here for everybody. No, I'm Gotovina hockey but a Telemundo? No, I'm a Toby Naki Paratore. Armando, Do you have things to read at the hotel? The any goes Hispanico Mare Hotel The any instead cause I spotted Come here I don't. Then there is too much noise at the hotel. I'm Demasiado ruido hotel I demasiado ruido. There are too many people on. I don't have a lot of food. I never see other spirits on us. You know, Tangle, motor Kamina I'm demasiado in Nothing. I have a headache. There is too much noise. Many demasiado ruido Midway li like a visa. I'm demasiado ruido. 57. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41h: Now let's do some reverse translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English megastar Espana? I'm Ottavino Emoto Castle s perfect Obama Me megastar Espana. I'm Ottavino Immature. Caso s perfect about a Me. I like Spain. There's lots of wine. Onda lot of cheese is perfect for me. I'm motives. Persona sake. Better total No, no, it's moist. Simpatico. I'm Jacki Better Telemundo as moist, Impractical. There are lots of people here, but everybody is very nice. I'm a Tesco Garages and me everything. Soon I'm a Tesco Carajas and maybe there are lots of cockroaches in my room but at me and Emma, Seattle's coaches in Barcelona. But I, me and Emma Seattle's conscious in Barcelona. I think there are too many cars in Barcelona. I'm much as Casas parasail para bear in Madrid. It's absolutely mental breast. So I'm much as cosas para se ri Bavarian Madrid is absolutely mental prestigioso There are lots of things to do and see in Madrid it's absolutely beautiful. I'm not as cosas para comeere better made very estimable. I'm a just cosas barrack Amir better made well a historical and there are lots of things to eat, but I have a stomach ache or it could also mean but my stomach hurts. I si m promoter Kamina alla Casa di Maria. I see employees Muta, Camelia la Casa de Maria. There is always a lot of food at Maria's house, but I me No, I'm which has cost us parasail. Bero is more policy also, but I me No, I'm just cost us parasail. Pero as Marie Presley also I think there aren't a lot of things to do, but it's very beautiful. This could also mean I don't think there are a lot of things to do so in Spanish. When you say Bonomy, it means, I think. But if the next thing is negative, you could also say I don't think in English. I don't think there are a lot of things to do. But I mean no, I motors courses, but I say it dangle demasiado Santa Arias bero turista Delicioso dangle demasiado Sampdoria's Barre Toto A study list. I have too many carrots, but everything is delicious as we know better. I demasiado ruido s when Beryl I them a Seattle real, it's good, but there is too much noise 58. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41i: Well, we do now. Awesome Recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? I would like a bottle of wine for the table. Please. Tierro when? About a and I'm you know Chiaro? No, but they are. You know, this restaurant is perfect. Is the restaurant is perfect. Este restaurant is perfecto. I think the food here is always very good. Me para mi Lacombe Iraqi ACM Braitman buena. The dinner yesterday was fantastic, but the wine wasn't very good. Last seen a year is to a fantastical better. Oh, and you know nice to a winner, Lassana Year. A stubble. Fantastic. Pero el Reno Nice to over winter. Excuse me. What time is it? Burn your eyes, Baird. On your eyes. The costs here are 100 euros per week. Las Cortes aqui son CNN Eurosport Stamina Lost Court is a key. Something in a yours. Poor stamina. The reservation is at 8 p.m. A lot of Serra is, alas, photo in the laterally. A lot of Sarah s alas, or Chandra today it isn't near, but the boss isn't very expensive. No esta cerca. Better a lot of balls. Noise. McCargo noise. That's Erica, you know, and out of booze noise My car. Is it good for me? Is Gwen lobotomy is my? No, but I mean, is it possible for me to take the train is positive, Jeremy. Tomorrow train, it's possibly para me tomorrow train. 59. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 41j: Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean in English? Pierrot dressed. Say your support of our Kierra tres Taos portable. I would like three stumps, please. They don't want I say so. Caradon Cuando I say so. Excuse me. How much is that? Well, you can be at a lot of said where you can be our largest ever. Can I change the reservation? The anyone quot mask. Randy The annual stayed in court. Amass candy. Do you have a bigger car? Picky eater? Com pad. Kerry was stepped compared. What you want to buy Kerry provided here. You stayed pro Barlow. Do you want to try it? Kira? Comprar algo pero loss require. Does some demasiado Karros hero Comparable Lost required some demasiado Karros. I would like to buy something, but the souvenirs are too expensive. No. Only Puerto comprar one a post and a lot of human. The only way to compare on a postal. They're human. Where can I buy a postcard of the region? Mi madre Stocky. They know me. Battery. It's that in Barcelona Mi madre s sake. Better meet batteries start in Barcelona. My mom is here. But my dad is in Barcelona. Bob Baer, La Playa Boustead Abella. Playa! Are you going to see the beach? 60. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Too much noise? They must Seattle ruido, Too many cockroaches The Massialas cucaracha Too many people There must be other spirits on us Oh demasiado a lot motor or machos things to cosas para cosas que Here's your first word for this lesson Andi It's a useful joining word in Spanish. Poor kid por que It means because por que So how would you say in Spanish? I'm not going to eat here because the food is terrible number come Iraqi pork a la comida s there really no boy Calm Iraqi pork a la comida stare dreamily I'm not going to the beach because I'm too tired. No boy, apply pork A stewed demasiado can saddle No boy will apply pork A story in them Asiago can sell. I'm very busy because I have a lot of things to do. Esto, Amoy Ocupado Por que tengo moochers cause a scarce there It's the memorial Kubala Pork! A single move has caused scarce there. And so in this sentence we've used process gay ass there rather than Costas Banda Aceh. Because presumably it's things that you have to do. And that's what makes you busy. If it were things that you can do as an option, then it will be costs as bad at a sale. How would you say in Spanish? I'm not going to buy that because it's too expensive. No, by comparison, Parquet is demasiado Caro Nowhere Comparison parquet is the Maciel Okaroh because the word poor K ends in an a sound on the world s starts with an s sound. In speaking, when you say poor K ISS, it'll sound a bit more like poor kiss. So it sounds like it's one word, so you'll hear nobody complaining. Poor case demasiado cargo. 61. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42b: How would you say in Spanish can you pay? Because my car doesn't work? A pack Our parking meter hit on often Siona, where they will stand back. Our parking meter had no funciona. I don't like that because it's green. No, my post. I saw Purkiss. Very no, my worst eyes. So for case Barry today I like it because it's very beautiful. May go stop. Okay, Is my prestigioso may go stop! Poor case my prestigioso Now we've had to ways to say I have now we've had a single and a the word A is used when you're talking about the past tense on We've learned a few phrases in the past Tense now embedded Oh, for example, means I have ordered a Camilo I have eaten and a set of Adul means I have reserved The other way to say I have in Spanish is single. Single And you use this when you're talking about actually having things such as belongings or things to do. For example, dangle in court thing. 1/4 means I have a car. So a and single both mean I have the opposite of those are not angle on No A which mean I don't have or I haven't. So we have to do is put the word no in front of something in Spanish to make it negative. So whenever you use the phrase single, you can replace it with not a single to make it negative or whatever. You use the word a Just replace it with not a to make it negative. So how would you say in Spanish? I haven't bought it. No ape. Illegal? No. I believe I haven't eaten today. No, I commit away. No, a commute way. So if you simply said they call me the toy. That means I have eaten today. And so we have to do is important No in front. And you get no ankle me the way I haven't eaten today. How would you say I don't have many things to do today? And the word for many don't forget is the same as the word for lots off. But it's going to be in the plural, Andi, because the word for things in Spanish is feminine, Costas. Then it will be in the feminine plural, which is more chess, so I don't have many things to do today. nothing more test courses. But I stayed away. Nothing much has cost us Paras there, boy. So that means that you don't have many things to entertain yourself or to occupy yourself with. But if you're talking about not having things that must be done, then you would say nothing more. Test process. Gay as their oy. And so that could be that you have a free day today. Nothing much has cost us gay ass there. Oy! 62. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42c: How would you say I don't have a reservation, but I would like a table for two. Nothing went out a set of a Okiro when a mesa Parolo's no tengo una reserva Beloki ero una mesa Carollo's I haven't tried the pizza. No, I probably love pizza. No, I probable a pizza. I haven't paid the bill. No, by God. Eloquent, no EPA gado La Quinta. A good way to tell whether something is in the past tense so it needs a or whether something needs single is to look at the word that follows. I have what I haven't in English. If it's a verb in the past tense, then you would use a or noi in Spanish and usually in English verbs in the past tense end in D or E. D. So here I haven't paid when it's the past tense. So then you will use in Spanish the not A rather than not single noi Bogado La Quinta. If you were to say something like, I don't have the bill, well, that's talking about actually having something in your hand so you would use the not dangle version off I don't have instead of Noi nothing like win. How would you say in Spanish? I haven't eaten a lot today. No, I Camila McCoy. No, I communal McCoy. I haven't ordered the wine. No, I paid, you know. You know No, I pity the will be No, I haven't booked a table or I haven't reserved a table would be the same thing. No, I read Ceravolo una mesa No Eurostar battle when, um Issa And so we can see in the English. Booked is a very because it ends in e. D. So it's in the past tense. I haven't booked or if it were I haven't reserved had also entered an e d. And that's why we use the not a version in Spanish Noi A set of battle. How would you say I ordered the wine? But I haven't ordered the food. A little will be. No, there are no I periodo la comida A pity Calvino. Better night video. La comida 63. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42d: How would you say in Spanish? I've ordered for me, but I haven't ordered for you a potato para me better Neue pedido But I will stay a little part of me Better Knipe a little about Austin. Here's your next phrase in Spanish and it's another one where you have to use batter when you want to put a very after it the temple. It means time to We've already had the word order, which means the time on a watch, for example not tangle lot order. I don't have the time. Meaning I don't know what time it is. DNE Laura means Do you have the time? As in you know what time it is on a watch? The word temple is actually talking about the time to do something. So not the time on a clock, for example, If you said nothing with the ample, it means I don't have the time as in I'm not free or I'm busy. If you want to put a verb on the end off the temple, you have to use a little word batter first. For example, not tangled tiempo para stare at a server, which means I don't have the time to make a reservation. So how would you say in Spanish? I would like to do it, but I don't have time. Glos Tarallo better Nothing with the ample Kierra Acero Better nothing got temple So you haven't got to use the word batter If you're not using a verb after d ample so because here you just saying I don't have the time you say in Spanish, not single temple and that's it. And you might also notice that in Spanish you don't have to say the word l d ample meaning that time you just say no tangle temple in English You can say I don't have time or I don't have the time in Spanish. However you just say nothing or tiempo How would you say I don't have the time to do it now ? Nothing with Tiempo para Cerullo, our no tengo tiempo para acero our And so in this sentence because we've used a verb after the word temple. Then we have to use the word batter so I don't have the time. And then the verb is to do it now. Nothing with the temple and we have to use the wood Pata And then we can use the verb affair law. Nothing with tiempo para feral our If you were to translate it word for word. It means I don't have time for to do it now. 64. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42e: How would you ask? In Spanish. Do you have time tomorrow? The any temple manana? Oh, the any will step tiempo Manana. Do you have time to go to the beach today? The anything Temple bar a year Allah, plier ou. Or of course, you can use or stand and say the annual stead tiempo para el apply away. So in this sentence again because we're using a verb after time. Then you have to use the word batter. And so DEA have time the anyth e ample. And then we use of verbs. They have to use batter on the baby's to go. But I hear Allah playa so literally word for word. The any Allstate Temple about a year means do you have time for to go? So the word paddock means for you can also translate it as in order to. And so really, if you look at this sentence d anything temple. But I fear Allah, Playa Oy. It could mean Do you have time in order to go to the beach today? So if you think of it as in order to rather than four, then it makes a bit more sense. The end of tiempo para apply away How would you ask dear have time to do it for me now The temple Paracel Opara Miura Deanna who said tiempo But Arthur lobotomy order so literally It means Do you have time for to do it for me now? Because you have to use the word patter after temple if you put another VEB But don't forget that you can also translate it as in order to do it. So you would say dear have time in order to do it for me now Thean hosted temple but a sterile Opara Me, our How would you say in Spanish? I don't have time to eat a lot today. So if you think of it instead as I don't have time in order to eat a lot today when you say nothing with the ample back Amir Mu Troy Nothing with tiempo para comeere motor way which literally means I don't have time for to eat a lot today 65. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42f: as you progress through Spanish, you might start to notice that we have more words in English for certain phrases than there are in Spanish. For example, this phrase not angle nothing go is two words in Spanish, but in English it means I don't have any. So in English we have four words, and in fact they don't is a contraction of Do not. So I do not have any is five words compared to the Spanish, not tangle, which is just too. The ways not angle, literally mean just I have not. However, you can also use it to mean I don't have any, and that's because the word any doesn't really exist in Spanish. So instead of saying something like, I don't have any money in Spanish, you would just say I don't have money or this phrase. Nothing with the temple. Nothing about the temple means literally. I don't have time, but in English, you can say I don't have any time. No tengo dinero not think of dinero Well, the NATO is the Spanish word for money, so nothing will dinero literally means I don't have money, but in English, we would say I don't have any money? Nothing by meows. No single amigos means I don't have friends or I don't have any friends. So the word for any in Spanish doesn't exist. How would you say I don't have any cake for you? Nothing will start up a roasted nothing good character. But I will stay so this literally means I don't have cake for you. So sometimes this can cause problems. When you're speaking Spanish, you might come across the word in English and think about what is it? But in fact it doesn't exist in Spanish. So a useful thing to remember is that if you simplify everything in English, then it makes it easier when you're speaking Spanish. So rather than I don't have any cake for you. Just say I don't have cake for you. Nothing will, Doctor. But I was dead. How would you say I have lots of white wine? But I don't have any red wine. Tango Moto vino Blanco. They don't know. Tangled vino Tinto tangle Moto vino Blanco. They're not angle so literally. It means I have lots of white wine. But I don't have red wine. Say don't need to say that word any in Spanish, not dangle Vino Tinto. It might help to think of the phrase not dangle as I have. No rather than I don't have any. Because if you think about it as I have, no, then it makes more sense. Not tangle. Be no dental. I have no red wine. I have no red wine or no tangled carta. I have no cape. So if you think about not angle as I have, no rather than I don't have any, then it makes a bit more sense because the word any doesn't exist. 66. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42g: How would you say in Spanish? I don't have a car. Nothing. 1/4? No tengo quot. So you don't have to say the word for are in this sentence. And again, if you think about not tangle as meaning I have no rather than I don't have any. It makes more sense. I have no car, no tangle, Kati. You don't say the word for or any nothing or quarter. How would you say in Spanish? I don't have a television in my room. So literally. If you think about it as I have no television in my room, nothing got led sore in me. A better soon nothing. Go to Levy. Sore in me. Evita soon His interviews forward in Spanish. Going amigo, Amigo means with me. Conmigo. So how would you say I don't have any money with me? Or literally? I have no money with me. No tengo dinero conmigo. No tengo dinero conmigo. I don't have the tickets with me. So in this sentence you're speaking about specific tickets that you've forgotten to bring. And so you can say the word for the so I don't have the tickets with me. No tengo lost be It s Conmigo. No tengo loss. Beatrice Conmigo. How would you ask? Do you want to go to the beach with me tomorrow? 67. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42h: you might be able to guess what this next phrase means. No area said a bottle, No arrests or a battle. It means I haven't reserved or I haven't bought no a reserve. So how would you say in Spanish? I haven't booked a table, but I would like to eat here if it's possible. No era Sarah Battle when I miss that better Chiaro Comeere AKI says personally. No era Saramago on a mesa Parochial comb. Iraqi CS Possibly. I haven't booked a table because it isn't very busy at the restaurant. No era Ceravolo on a missile. Okay, noise start more ocupado. Este restaurant Noyer said about when I missed por que noise somewhere Copado I stayed a 70 . Here's a verb for you to add to your collection that I am. But I year it means to bring that I am So how would you ask? What can I bring with me? Cape with atraer kamu Que puedo traer conmigo? I'm going to bring it tomorrow, boy. Atraer low Magnon boy three air No, man Yana So just like with all the other webs, you can put law on the end off prayer to get dry air law, which means to bring it. So how would you say, is it possible for you to bring it with you as possible? If a roasted try our local state explosively para state Trier look on a state. I'm not going to bring everything with me because it's too much. No boy. Atraer total kamu Poor case Demasiado no boy after Ayatollah Conmigo por que s and m a Seattle. So don't forget that when you have the words pour que onda s together it very often sounds in speaking like it's one word forecast demasiado and that's because the word pork a ends in the sound A on the word s starts with the sound A So when you put them together, they join together board guests rather than saying bord gais s demasiado for against demasiado 68. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42i: How would you say I'm going to bring lots of things to eat? Boy Atraer motives cosas para Come here, boy Atraer moochers cosas para comeere So don't forget that after Goss us if you want to put a verb, you have to save batter so literally It means I'm going to bring lots of things for to eat Or you can think about it as saying I'm going to bring lots of things in order to eat Boyata rare Muchas cosas para comeere So try air can change a little bit on we get this phrase eight Radio Petrillo It means I have brought a try. Evil. So how would you say I've brought something with me for you it right? You know Al Bo Conmigo, But I will stay a try. You know Allah broke on me. Go back. I've brought the wine but I don't have any food. Or literally if you think about it as I've brought the wine. But I have no food. A try you know El vino better. Nothing. Kamina a trader Calvino Better not tango Kamina. We can change the phrase at radio and make it negative by saying no. A travel No, it ruido means I haven't brought no it. Right. So how would you say I haven't brought my passport? No. It really low me up. A supporter? No. Eight Radio people support a I haven't brought my key with me. No, it Radio Miyabe Conmigo? No, a trader Miyabe Kimiko. I have brought some wine, but I haven't brought any food. A trilby? No, they don't know it. Radio comida a trade over. You know there are no Italian commedia so literally because the words some and any don't really exist in Spanish. This sentence means I have brought wine. But I haven't brought food. A trade Amina better know it. Radio comida. So in this lesson, we've had four k meaning because no, A or not angle both mean I haven't. Oh, I don't have no tango can also mean I don't have any. The temple with the ample pata means the time to, and you can put available in the end of that corn. Meego means with me. No, here's a bottle. Means I haven't reserved or I haven't booked dry air means to bring a trader means I have brought no a try. You means I haven't brought 69. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42j: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How do you say in Spanish? I haven't reserved a table because this restaurant isn't very busy. No, I don't wanna miss Por que este restaurant a nice time with no era Ceravolo una mesa poor against a restaurant. A nice time. Welcome back. I don't have any wine at my house. But I'm going to buy a bottle today nothing will be No a mi casa. Better boy. A comprar one about a young queen. Nothing will be no amicus. Better boa compra one about a yanqui. I have my car with me. Dangle me cortical mule tangle Mikati Conmigo. Are you going to bring his, um, food? Pedro's house? But atraer comida ally Cassidy Pedro Bow State Atraer comida Ally Cassidy Pedro, I have brought something with me for you. It Rideau Algo conmigo posted trying O algo conmigo pronounced. I don't have the time to go with you today, but can I go tomorrow? Nothing about the import that you're gonna stay away. Better Puerto Year manana. No thinking tiempo Para economy stayed away. Better puedo year manana. Do you have the time to make a reservation at this restaurant, The any temple para ser una sirve I stay restaurant The annual state tiempo Para Sarah. Sarah Sarah s their sovereignty. Do you have the time to buy something for Maria? The tiempo para compa algo bottom area. The energy ample about a comprar algo para Maria. I didn't book a table but the restaurant isn't too busy. No, a reserve. I don't wanna Mesa better weather Restaurante No, I stand demasiado No, it is terrible on a mesa. Very well, Ristorante. No, I started my Seattle. I didn't book but I would like a room for two people if it's possible. No reserva Beloki ero una vita soon Paradox personas CS personally No air said Obama Beloki ero united asean Paradox Paris on us CS personally 70. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42k: Now let's do some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean In English? Nothing with tiempo. Pork. A boy in Madrid. Manana? Nothing with the Emperor. Pork. A boy. A Madrid manana. I don't have time because I'm going to Madrid tomorrow by a trailer Lost Beatrice Manana about who stayed at rare loss. Beatrice Manana. Are you going to bring the tickets tomorrow? Nothing will be possible to take on me. Go. No. Tengo me Possible to take on me? Go. I don't have my passport with me by a try. A total manana ball State atraer total manana. Are you going to bring everything tomorrow? Pedro? No, Stocky Oy, Parquet better. Oh, no. Stocky oy por que esta demasiado Ocupado. Pedro isn't here today because it's too busy is possibly Perot State prayer. You know about a amassed a s. Davina? A supposedly Perot State prayer. You know about a I must stay still, you know. Is it possible for you to bring another bottle of this wine? Get well atraer conmigo. A hotel que puedo prayer? Conmigo hotel. What can I bring with me to the hotel? Well, look, I mean, I mean local media. We Puerto traer a Mi amigo could be going. Can I bring my friend to me today? And in this sentence you have to say a medium. You're because you're talking about a person. So it's the personal dry air, Mi amigo, to bring my friend G a year. Alcina Conmigo, manana He a year I'll see named Camilo Manana. Do you want to go to the cinema with me tomorrow? No. Tengo dinero conmigo. Nothing really narrow conmigo. I don't have any money with me or literally I have no money with me. 71. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42l: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous essence. How do you say in Spanish? I like it in plastic. Make Costa the plastic, Mabel said. A plastic all. It's a bit too small for me. IHS in Boca Demasiado picking your Pammy and from Poco demasiado pick in your academy. I would like to go to the butcher, but it's too far from here and I don't have a car. GFO here alike are in this area. Berroa, stop Demasiado lejos. Jackie G. I don't hear L'Academie Syria. Better western demasiado hasta aqui e nothing. LaCorte what time I go to Carlos his house. Que aura Bala Cassidy Carlos AC aorta Bow State ally Cassidy Carlos. I think the restaurant is fantastic. Para mi el restaurante is fantastical para mi el restaurante is fantastico. It's quarter to 11. So unless on 30 minutes Cuarto So unless own Semenov cuarto its 320 years for two weeks. Is there a cientos mente? Euros is three cientos Minda euros por la semanas. Excuse me. How much is the wine here? Paragon Cuantos Alvin Rocky Beldon, Quantico s Albin Lackey. Hello. I'm Pedro And add like a table for two. Please. Allah. Sweet Pedro E Chiaro All a so Pedro e Chiaro When I miss a lot. Maria is very tired. Maria is thumb weakened. Souther Maria system weakened. Saleh. 72. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 42m: Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Transitions. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Don't be assessed in your awful No only start send you out ofour. Where is Mrs Rojo in a study? Pizza. Any study? Pizza? Is he in a hurry? No, no, it's like an saddle. Better story, Marco. Battle. No noise. Do I can saddle better a story. My local battle? No, I'm not tired, but I'm very busy. Mirasierra esta a normally the Garcia Mirasierra esta on number the Garcia. My reservation is in the name of Garcia. Back on the artillery. Serra, about state I can be are a lot of Sarah. Are you going to change the reservation? Moyle, apply a mcstarley boil. Apply. Emma started a I'm going to the beach later. Keep Bobby. Okay, Bob here. What? You going to drink a pillow? When About a Ottavino. A potato? When a botella Davino. I've ordered a bottle of wine. Kieny not miss my course at the table. Gary, I miss Michael said Then we will. Do you want the same thing again? No. Me siento fantastical. Better now, Mr. And really no miss. The entire fantastical There are no miss siento there. Really? I don't feel fantastic, but I don't feel terrible. 73. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43: Now, this is just a little half lesson to talk about a small problem that appears in the past tense. So far, we've learned that the past tense in Spanish is made up off to different parts. A committal means I have eaten. You have the word A meaning I have, which is an auxiliary verb, and Camilo means eaten and it's a past participle. Now the problem arises in English because we have two ways to talk about the past. We can either say I have eaten or I ate. Thankfully, in Spanish. We don't have that problem. No matter whether you want to say I have eaten or I ate, you can always just say a communal in English. The I eight version is called the Simple past, whereas the I have eaten version is called the present Perfect. The tents that we've been learning in Spanish is called the present perfect. Even though it has the word present, it is actually talking about a past tense, so the present perfect is the past tense in Spanish, so we can say I have eaten or I ate in English. But in Spanish, you can just say a comedian So how would you say in Spanish you have eaten well, depending on whom you're speaking to, You would say Ask Amigo who stayed back? Amido? Oh, a base community. How would you say you ate? It would be the same. Ask Amido. You step a Camaro or a base comedian? How would you say he has eaten, Camilo? Oh, El Camino. He ate. It would be the same. Akram Edo or n a communal. She has eaten a committee or area. A communal. She ate again. It would be the same. Akram Edo or a yoga. A comedy. How would you say Pedro has eaten Pedro? A committal. Pedro Camilo, How would you say Pedro? Eight bedroom. A committal. Ben Novak amigo. Maria has eaten Maria a committal. Maria Camilo Maria eight. Maria Camilo Maria Camilo. 74. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43: How would you say? In Spanish we have eaten a most Camilo Amos committee we ate And with Camille they have eaten and come you un camino. They and Camille and calm. You know I have waited a espionage A a Speedo I waited a spirit of It's been a You have waited depending on whom you're speaking to. You would say us a spirit Allstate ice or a vase SP You waited again You re you say us desperado? I will stay ice Parrado arrays SP How do you say in Spanish He has waited SP or n i Spiro He waited our spirit Adam o l I spit. She has waited. Uh, espionage. Yeah, I spit novel. She waited. Ah spdr ahah Spiro Pedro has waited. Pedro I spirit Pedro are Esperanza Pedra waited Pedro I speak travel Pedro Aspe Travel Maria has waited. Maria I speak travel Maria, I spirit Maria waited. Maria, I speak Travel Maria are desperado. We have waited a most SP a most espionage. We waited a most SP emos Esperanza They have waited on espionage on a spit. They waited on ESPN on espionage 75. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43: How do you say in Spanish? I have left s a little a salio I left a salado A Salado. How would you say you have left? You can either say ass Salido who stayed a salad. Oh, I always sell you. You left again. You can say ass Salado who stayed as a little or a base. Salio He has left assailable or l a salad. He left a salido or l a Salido. She has left. Asked illegal a Acelino. She left a Salido area A Savile Row Pedro has left Petro Acelino Pedro! Acelino! Pedra Left! Federal Asagoe Pedro Astaneh Maria has left Maria a salido Maria Asagoe Maria left Maria Soludo Maria A salido. We have left a most Salado A most salido We left m o salio a most salido they have left. And Salido. I'm Salido. They left and Salido and Salido. I have reserved a table. Yes, I said about when I'm a some a una mesa. I reserved a table and I said about a reset. Abbado won a Mr. I have brought Pedro with me. A trade. You a Pedro Conmigo, a trader, A Pedro Conmigo. So we have the personal in this sentence in front of Pedro because Pedro is the object off this sentence. And he's a person. So a trade O r Pero kamu I brought Pedra with me a trade. Oh, a Pedro conmigo. A triangle a Pedro conmigo. I have for gotten a told me that, um a will be now. I forgot a will be now you will be done. 76. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43: How would you say in Spanish? I have chosen Hey and a hell. I am a hero. I chose in a hell and a hero I have finished. They tell me now a tell me now I finished eight Amino a terror me Now I have lost the car a parallel o el corte a per diem and court. I lost the car. A parody Lo el corte a Pero iniquity. I have sold the car a menudo. El corte a bandido El Corte. I sold the car a menudo. El Corte a bandido l quotes! I have drunk a baby though. Hey baby you I drank a baby though a baby though I have done a little a job. I did. And yet to a h. I have seen Pedro. A beast or a Pedro? A beast or Pedro? I saw Pedro A B snow, a Pedro, every store A Pedro. I have taken it tomorrow A tomato I took it Don't matter A tomato. I have land A friend, you know Airplane Dio I learned a a bandido apple indeed. Oh, I have understood a complaint, Dido A complaint. I understood a Comprendo, A Comprendo 77. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43a: Let's start this lesson with a quick recap of the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish? Because por que I haven't I don't have no oy. Nothing. I don't have any. Not angle. The time to the import. But with me come you. I haven't reserved. I haven't booked. No. It is a battle to bring three years. I have brought eight Rideaux I haven't brought No. I tried in this lesson. We're going to learn a bit of grammar. The past tense. The past tense in Spanish is fairly easy. There are two parts and here is an example with names for each of the two parts. A communal, a communal means I have eaten a committal. So we have a which means I have, and that's called an auxiliary verb. Let me have Camilo, which means eaten and we call that a past participle. You can change the word Camilo, or the past participle toe any verb you like and change the meaning of the sentence. A Sarajevo, for example, means I have reserved. So the word A stays the same on We just changed the past participle a pro bottle. I have tried a calculus I have hired. It's tomato I have taken. You've probably noticed that all the past participles and in the letters a d o. We had arrested a battle probable calculator on tomorrow. Well, this is something that you'll see a lot off in the past tense in Spanish to form the past participle. There are two steps. Firstly, you have to remove the a r from the end of the verb. Then you put a d o on the end instead. For example, probe are means to try. Will he take the A R off the end of provider and change it to an a d o. We get bravado, which means tried could I said about means to reserve. What if you change the A r to an 80? Oh, you get a soda bottle, which means reserved al killer means to hire again. If we change the a r to an 80 0 you get the past participle alky level, which means hired. So you always change the a r on the end of any infinitive to a D O in order to turn it into the past participle 78. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43b: We've just seen that there are two steps to forming the past participle in Spanish. Step one is to remove the A R from the end of the verb, and Step two is to port a d, o or Advil on the end instead, so have a go at changing these verbs into past participles. Al Qaeda, which means to hire Alkalaj, means hired. So we change the A r to a D. O or Adam Assad, which means to spend basado means spent. So we changed the a r t a d o. What I said about means to reserve the past participle is that I said about which means reserved. So again we changed the a r to travel. Mrs Are means to visit Miss. It means visited now. The album in Spanish is very often pronounced how, rather than album. So rather than hearing busy tattle, you might hear busy town. And so it's quite common to hear that will be that means to forget Olivia Travel is the past participle, meaning forgotten? And again you might hear pronounced albedo rather than olvido. So how would you say in Spanish? I have hired a car a Al Collado in court E al Collado in court. Or you might hear, particularly in the south of Spain, a alk allow in court. I have visited Madrid, a Mrs Taro moderate, ABC A Madrid or again, you might hear a miss it town Madrid. So rather than aval, you'll hear it pronounced our visit. How I have reserved a table and has had a battle on a mesa. A Sarah Vado. Wanna Mr Well, you might hear it pronounced Ai said about when I'm a So I'm telling you about this extra pronunciation, because I remember the first time I heard it when I was living in Spain. It took me quite a while to work out what was being said, because it sounds a little bit different. Arrested of gravel and I set him out. You don't have to use it yourself. Just be aware of its that if you hear it, when you know what it means 79. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43c: now we've already learned about the auxiliary verb in Spanish. The wood A Which means I have Well, instead of saying I have all the time, you can change the sentence by changing the auxiliary verb. And so in English I have can become. You have or he has or she has. Pedra has. You can put any name in front of it. You have. We have. You have all they have in Spanish. These are a as we've already seen. Meaning I have us. Means you have, uh or l r means he has. So the l in this is optional. It's only needed if it's unclear as to who you're speaking about. Because actually, the word, uh, could mean he has, But it can also mean she has. So she has is a or a yaya. So the air is optional bedroom, huh? Would be Pedro has Well, still means you have Amos means we have amaze means you have, and on means they have Now, you might have seen that there are actually three ways to say you have in Spanish. We've had us who stayed. Are Onda a base? All three of these mean you have on the one you use in Spanish depends on whom you're speaking to. So the word s is used only when you're talking to one person who you know very well. So if it's a friend of yours or a family member, then you can use us in olden English. We used to have the phrase vow hast which was used with friends or family. So us is the singular informal version off you have in Spanish. Used it when you're speaking to one person that you know very well. So a close friend or a family member who instead, are where the Allstate is optional. But this phrase, uh, or step is used only when you're being more polite and you're talking to just one person. If you're speaking to somebody you don't know, you would tend to use this phrase. And as I said, the Allstate bit is optional. The reason for this is because the would by itself can mean he has she has or you have. So they all stare. Just makes it clear that you mean you have instead our and so we call this the singular formal version off you have because you use it when you're speaking toe one person that you don't know very well. So the word singular means that is used with one person on the word formal means you use it to show a little bit more respect. Finally, a base of these means you have when you're talking to more than one person. So we call this the plural version of you have Abbvie's. So us is the singular informal Newstead. Uh, the singular formal on a base is the plural. So that's three ways for saying you have. I would say that you should opt for your state are if you're in doubt, although if you do use the wrong one, you're not going to offend anybody. So how would you say in Spanish, I have reserved a set of battle. Oh, a razor bow. You have reserved what would be the three ways to say you have reserved in Spanish. If you're speaking to a friend or family member, you would say US arrested of Al. If you are speaking to somebody you don't know very well, you will say instead our survival. And if you're speaking to more than one person, you would say obeys a set of Al. How would you say he has relived, uh, a set of battle or L Altra Sabado? She has reserved. I said a battle or a, uh, Aristotle bottle. 80. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43d: you can use that he has. Or she has word, which is a with any names so you can put a name in front of it such as Maria, which means Maria has, or how would you say in Spanish? Pedra has reserved. Hey, Little added. I said about them Well, it might be pronounced, Pedro Adams said about How would you say Maria has reserved Maria Address Otavalo. Maria Ressa Rabbo. We have reserved Amos Reserve Adam Amos has had a battle they have reserved on arrested, a model on a set of battle. So if you go back to the last lesson and go to the very start where all the different auxiliary verbs are introduced, we should do is write them all down on a card, put the English damage center of one side and then turn over and write this Spanish. And then you can use that to change the person who is doing the action in the past. So we've learned that so far you change the A R on the end of verbs to an A D O. To make the past participle, for example, alcohol are means to hire, whereas al Collado means hired. And we also learned that occasionally in Spanish you'll hear the aval pronounced more like How calculon Now can you remember a few lessons ago? I said that there are different types of verbs in Spanish. There are three different types. To be more specific on. It is all based on what letters they end in. They'll either end in a are ir or E r. What this means is that there are three different ways to make the past participle off a Spanish there. The three things to remember are that if the VEB ends in a are, then you change the a r to a d o. So Advil is what it would end in. If the V Evans and I are Will you change the I all toe I d either? Similarly, if the verb ends in e r, you change the er toe ideo again pronounced either. So, for example, reservoir means to reserve well, that becomes arrested, a battle cellular and then I r. That means to leave Celje to make the past participle. You change the i r two i d o and it becomes salido, which means left another web. Comeere ends in E. R. That's the third type of verb, Andi, To meet the past participle, we change the ER to I d o Camilo. Camino means eaten. So I set a battle. Salido Camilo, our old past participles There are three different types of verb verbs that end in a are verbs that end in IR or verbs that end in E. R. And then to make them into the past participle you change a are verbs to Advil on the end, or verbs that end in ir or e r. You changed the last two letters to evil ideo. And that's how you form the past participle in Spanish. All you do then is port an auxiliary verb in front of that, and you have the past tense. 81. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43e: Don't forget that there are three different types of verb in Spanish verbs that end in a are there's that ending ir and verbs that end in e. R and to change them into past participle. You remove the last two letters and if they were a are verbs. You put a d o on the end. But if they were ir or e ar verbs, you put ideo on the end. So how would you say in Spanish? I have eaten a communal a committal You have eaten What would be the three different ways to say you have eaten? Ask Camilo instead. A committal. A base. Camilo, he has eaten at committal. Oh, and a comedian. She has eaten a committal. Oh, area Camilo Pedra had eaten. Pedro Camilo! Pedro Akram. You Maria has eaten. Maria, a calm. You Maria Communal. We have eaten a most Camino A Most. Camilo, they have eaten un Camino. And Camilo. How would you say I have hired a car? A lot. A Calculon in court. You hired a car as calcula in court e. I will stay Al Collado in Quartey. I always archaeology in court. He hired a car. Al glow in court or El Al Gillen. In court, she hired a car. Al Collado in Quartey or a Yaya. I kill Adam. Quot Pablo hired a car. Pablo Al Collado in court. E Pablo al Cologne courting Maria hired a car. Maria Alcala in court. Maria Al Cologne Coty. We hired a car A most Alcala in court. Amos Calculon Courts. They hired a car on Al Collado in court E on Al Cologne. Coty, how would you say in Spanish? I left s a little a salado. You left us, Celilo. You're still a salido. Amaze Selena. He left Acelino or L. A Salido. 82. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43f: How would you say in Spanish? She left. Ask Toledo or, if it's not clear, you can say a yah Acelino Diego left. Diego Acelino, Diego Asagoe Maria left Maria a. Salido Maria a salio. We left M o Salido, Amos Salado. They left and Salido on Salado. You now know that there are three types of verb in Spanish a ar verbs e ar verbs and ir verbs. And so that means the letters that they end in. And you also know that each one changes into the past. By changing the last two letters, a r becomes a d o e r or I R V has become ideo. Let's have a look at some of herbs that you can add your vocabulary. Andi, we'll look at their past participles to so the 1st 1 dry air means to bring well in the past. This becomes Terai evil because it ends in an e. R. You put either on the end. But there is just one thing to note here. This is the only verb in Spanish, where you have to also put an accent on the I in the past participle. So try evil means brought and it has an accent on the I. This is the only time that you'll see this with a verb in Spanish. Normally, if it's an E r verb, you simply change it to an I D. O with no accent. But the eagle has an accent. The next Web reservoir means to reserve, and the past participle is arrested, a battle meaning reserved. And so this is an A Arbib on the a r changes to a D o. All we are, I will be That means to forget and it becomes all be that'll in the past. Participle on. Don't forget that with verbs that end in a D O. In speaking, you're very often hear the A d o. Rather than being pronounced like aval, you'll hear it pronounced. Our so arrested unravel might be pronounced arrested. A bow only be data might be pronounced will be now better than means to lose Andi. In the past participle, this becomes a paralegal, and Carol Ido means lost. Ben. There is another, the verb it means to sell Onda. The past participle of Ben. There is Ben Dedo, which means sold Ben Deal. A spirit are esperar means to wait a spear are and it's an a r verb. So it becomes SP Rather, which means waited sp rattle or you might hear pronounced spit out a spin out. The different pronunciation only happens with verbs that end in a d o. So past participles that end in ideo are always pronounced evil. But if they end in a d o, they should be pronounced aval. But you might hear them pronounced our tell me Now tear Amina means to finish Tear Amina and the past participle is Tarantino Academy novel or pronounced dead amino. Paid a year, Beddia is an ill VEB. It means to order on the past. Participle is pedido baby go, which is remarkably similar to pay a legal meaning lost so parodied Oh, within our means lost pedido with no r means ordered. So be careful over those two pit eagle 83. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43g: the next Web and a here l a here means to choose and comments from the English word elect when you elect someone means you're choosing them. So l a here means to choose on the past participle of l A. Here is L a hero l a hero means chosen and a hero baby Here bear means to drink It ends in e r so to make it a past participle we put i d o on the end on we get baby though baby though means drunk baby, go Don't matter Oh, my means to take tomar and the past participle is don't model don't matter which means taken up in there Up in there means to learn up in there And in the past we get Apprendi though which means lent comprehending comprehend there means to understand comprehend There it ends in e r. So to make it into a past participle we change the er to an ideo and we get comprehend either Comprendo, which means understood. And finally comeere come here means to eat. And the past participle of comeere is Camilo Camino, which means eaten Camino. So if you write down those six verbs onto another card. Andi put the English on one side on, then the Spanish on the other side, and you can do to columns the first column with the whole verb. And then the second column with the past participle we have to do then is port an auxiliary verb in front of the past participle. And you get the past tense in Spanish, for example. L a hero means chosen l a hero would be I have chosen m o s l. A hero would be we have chosen or an l A hero would be they have chosen. How would you say in Spanish? I have reserved a table and a soda bottle. When I mesa, he had a set about when I Mr I have brought Pedro a Tregoe a pero it but I either a Pedro. And so you need the, uh, in the sentence the personal Because Pedro is a person at radio a Pedro. So it doesn't mean anything in English. You just needed in Spanish. How would you say I have forgotten a olvido? They will be that I have chosen a l A hero and a hell 84. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43h: How would you say in Spanish? I have finished a terror me now though. Eight. Didn't you know I have lost the car? A pair. Dido El Corte A parody row l courts I have sold the car a bandido El Corte a bandido El Corte Diego reserved a table yesterday. Deal Caraballo. Wanna miss a year? Diego Chara. Saramago wanna miss a year? Maria has brought some food with her. Maria Carrillo Comida Canadia Maria at Sarajevo Comida Cornelia. They have forgotten everything on the middle toe. And I will be that she chose the red wine. Uh, Hilo El Vino Tinto Ahah Ah, a hero. El Vino Tinto, you have finished now? Asked Emenalo, our we'll stand a Terry Manado. Our a waster Mean avo our we have lost the key A most perdio la Javie a most Varadero lobby . She has sold the house. I'm a needle. La casa? Yeah, I've been deadlocked, Asa. I have drunk too much wine. A baby, though a baby, though them a Seattle. Bina 85. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43i: How would you say in Spanish? I took the train. A tomato train, a tomato l train. I have learned a upper Indio. Hey, apple. A needle. I have understood a complaint. Dido. A Comprendo. He drank two bottles of water. Have a video. Does Matias de agua n aba betel nuts? Matias de Agua. We took the car with us. A most tomato cortical. A most O malley cortical knows address. He learned Spanish. Apprendi No espanol. L a opera Nido Espanol on. She understood Miguel. Very well. A complaint. It'll I mean, you get moody in ahah, accompanied on a yell moody in sometimes in Spanish. The word order might be different to in English. So you can place things in different orders in Spanish, even though you can't in English. So this sentence, for example, a yah comprehended Oh, a Miguel movie in the movie in part sometimes might come after complicated. Oh, a accompany the movie in a 1,000,000. She understood very well, Miguel. So it doesn't quite make sense in English, but in Spanish, it's very common to do that said the word or in Spanish is a lot more free than the word order in English now. Although most of the verbs in Spanish follow the normal rule for changing into the past participle, there are a few verbs which do their own thing. So here are some verbs that we call irregular verbs. The verbs that end in a r e r or I R R called the infinitives. Andi, you change the a r e r or I r to a d o or idea and that gets the past participle. But these following verbs don't do that room. They do their own thing. A se means to make or to do a sale. Andi, the past participle off Asser is very irregular. It's eto. ETA means made or done so it's not a feel which it ought to be, its actual. It's very irregular. Affair becomes a chore. Their means to see there and the past participle of bear is actually beast. Oh, be still, which means scene. So this is another very irregular one. Mr Born in means to put Bonnaire and the passport. Izabal off paneer is another very irregular one. Puesto quest, um is put in the past tense quest. So it'll be Spal and Crestor are the 1st 3 irregular past participle that we've seen. Now they're very irregular, but they are actually very common verbs. So you'll see them quite a lot, which is a good thing because it means it makes it easier for you to learn them. The more you see something, the more it'll stay in your memory, so it'll be store and presto. 86. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43j: we've seen Affair Bear on Bonaire have very irregular past participles they become it'll the store and personal. Let's have a look at three more A screen here esque Revere means to write Andi. It should become escribio, but it doesn't. The past participle off esque Revere is actually a scripture Escrito means written a scree toe. Boulware Bull bear means to return ball there and you think it would become Mobido? But actually it becomes well toe well, toe is the past participle off bull there. So another very irregular one Williston Nathir Death here means to say or to tell in the past participle, this becomes detail. Ditto so similar to a fair in that it gets the show on the end. De Chou Means said All told so we have a scree toe well toe and ditto are three more irregular past participles. So altogether we've got Tho be still Crystal Escrito Well, toe and Ito. And these are very common verbs too. So you'll see them quite a lot. Have a practice with them. How do you say in Spanish? I have written to Pedro a discreet to a Pedro, a escrito Pedro. I have done it to a better. I told Sophia Editor a Sofia a d Try Sofia. So the personal is in this sentence again. A ditto a Sofia. I have seen Roberta a visto Roberta a visto Roberta So began The personal appears here a visto a Roberta I put everything there yesterday a presto Toto Ivy a year questo e a year. 87. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43k: How would you say in Spanish? He told everything to Miguel at the Toto A meal L a d Toto! Megan I returned to Spain. A well toe ice Panya A well toe are Espana. I made everything A photo, A total. He saw Maria at the theater Visto Maria del Teatro in a bistro, Maria del Teatro. She has done everything today it's towed away. Ahah ih towed away. They saw the cathedral and visto a cathedral on Bestow a cathedral. We put the car in the carriage On the word for the carriage in Spanish is a little Gaddafi a most puesto el corte in every garage a most Westerwelle coat in El Gaddafi He returned to Barcelona with his wife on The word for his in Spanish is soup. It's also the word for her. So his and her are both soup And the word for wife is more hair. So his wife would be sue more hair on Sue is spelled S u I'm well toe a Barcelona consumer here and I will toe a Barcelona consumer Here she wrote everything on the ticket are a scree totoro and it'll be a ahah I scree Toto nlb a 88. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43l: Here's a quick recap off the past tense before we have a go at some translations, so to form the past tense in Spanish. There two steps. Step one is to use an auxiliary verb, for example, a means I have, but you can use any of the auxiliary. Very, we've learned. Then Step two is to add the past participle, for example. Camilo means eaten. So if you put them together, a Camilo means I have eaten and you form the past participle by removing the last two letters off the verb Onda adding a d o for verbs that end in a are on ideo for verbs that end in IR or E. R. And then we learned some ribs. So we had prayer, which means to bring on the past participle of this very bright. Forget has an accent on the I try, either, but that's an irregular. So try either means brought. Normally, you don't add an accent to the I just put a dot on the I reservoir means to reserve on breast or a bottle means reserved, albeit are is to forget we'll be travel forgotten para there to lose parodied Oh Blust, been there to sail. Ben Dido sold a spirit are means to wait and desperado waited. Tell me now means to finish Jeremy Nadal finished. Spadea means to order pedido ordered and a here to choose and a hero chosen baby here to drink, baby, though drunk, I don't mind to take don't matter. Taken up in there means to learn and apprehended. Oh means Lent comprehend there means to understand and comprehend. Edo is understood and then Comeere means to eat. Andi Camilo means eaten. And then we had the auxiliary verbs. So a means I have ass means you have in the singular informal. So that means when you're speaking to one person whom you know very well, Ella means he has. Yeah, uh, she has Pedro, uh means Pedro has or you comport any name. So Maria would be Maria has, for example, instead means you have and it's called the singular formal. So it's the one you use when you want to be a bit more polite. Amos means we have our bases. Means you have when you're talking to more than one person. So it's classed as the plural version off you have on means they have. And then we learned that to turn verbs into the past participle. If the bourbons in a are you change the a r to a d O pronounced adul. If it ends in E. R. You change the ER to ideo pronounced either or if the Bourbons and I are, you also change the i R toe idea or either. And that's true for all verbs, except for the irregular verbs. And so we had six irregular verbs. Affair means to do or to make on the passport. Physical off affair is Rachel Rachel. So it's an irregular verb is not a feel, which it should be. It's Rachel and Rachel means done or made bear means to see on the past. Participle of bear is beast All Mr, which means scene. So that's an irregular too Bonnaire on air means to put and the past participle of porn Air is crystal crystal, which means put in the past esque Revere means to write esque Revere on the past. Participle should be escribio, but it isn't. It's escrito escrito means written bull. Bert means to return bull bear, and this one is very irregular. It becomes wealth toe Westell which means returned and then death here means to say or to tell and this one becomes De Chou de Chou and that means said or told. 89. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43m: it's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. So how do you say it in Spanish? Pedro is tired because he drank too much wine. Pedro is stuck and sallow pork. A baby demasiado Pedro is to cancel the pork a burrito demasiado vino. We have sold the car because it was too big A most Bendel court pork ifwe demasiado grandly a most Ben Delacorte pork ifwe demasiado grandi. And so remember that the word foi is used for permanent characteristics of things in the past. And so a car's size can't change. So you use where, instead of a store for it. Waas How would you say in Spanish? I waited here yesterday. It's been a rocky year. Esperar Iraqi air. They finished before me on terminar Oh, and test the me Unterman r o untested Amy Sophia chose the red wine, but I chose the white line. Sofia A hero will be no temple. Pero a a hero. El vino Blanco Sophia on the heater will be no Tinto. Pero el a hero El vino Blanco. You forgot the cheese. I will stay. I will be that of a case. So who, as always, travel case, so or a vase or me That case. So I lost my passport. A parody ido me support a pair of support. I understood everything very well, but Carlos didn't understand a company photo. 1,000,000. Pero Carlos Noah comprehended. Oh, a Comprendo. Total money in Barrow, Carlos. Nor comprehend you. I made a cake for you. H o when I thought about Austin Aito When I talk about that but still now this sentence. If you said for you and you were talking to one person and being quite polite, then you will say bad at will. Still. But if you wanted to use the singular informal version so she was speaking to a friend or family member, then you would say instead, Patty a toe on a tartar. Paraty. So that's the informal version. Or if you're speaking to more than one person, the floor way to say for you it's para Boss Otero's. So you would say a eto when I start a parable? Sotelo's so the three ways to say for you in Spanish are patty for the informal singular. But I will stay for the formal Singular and Sarah both photos for the plural How would you say I learned Spanish? Because I would like to go to Madrid. A Apprendi No espanol por que quiero year. A moderate apron. Dido Espanol por que Kira were a matter 90. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43n: Now let's have a go at doing some reverse translations. What do these Spanish sentences mean In English? We store Pedro in Espana. L a visto a Pedro in Espana. He saw Petro in Spain after modelos phs Cornelia A year after mother s created Cornelia. She took what tickets with her. Who stayed at trade will be no e eight radio la comida who stayed at right? Well, you know e a trader La comida You brought the wine and I brought the food on albedo lost BHS paralyzed train on all be thou lost BHS parallel train They forgot the tickets for the train A tomato total Come You are here a tomato conmigo air I took everything with me yesterday Visto esta pelicula a b stories that pelicula I've seen this film but I like it a lot. And I talked over one year E area a Toto the we in I totally care e area a Toto The way he did everything yesterday And she did everything today a most splendid Oso a most operated away. So we learned that Maria a baby There may be no por que no me gusta Maria baby! The media no pork in Costa. Maria drank my wine because I don't like it. A most Comprendo macho. Better not a most Comprendo macho. Better not other. We understood a lot, but not everything. 91. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43o: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? I would like to buy it in a few tonight. Gso comprado Lassana battle status or not? Kierra compared Lassana But Allstate s Donati Well, don't forget You can also say Patty, if you're being more informal or para Botero's if you're speaking to more than one person because the three ways to say for you in Spanish or Paraty by that will stand and para bossa toes how would you say the food is delicious? But everything is always very expensive here. La comida esta cosa. There are a total a CME primly Karwacki like Amina is Dallas Yasa Better Dolo ACM plane McConaughey Is there a good restaurant near here? I mean, when Ristorante Circle Jackie I own when restaurant A circle. Jackie. So don't forget other word when shortened to when? When you place it in front off a masculine noun. So when when restaurant, How would you say in Spanish? What is there for Children on literally, you would have to say what is therefore virtual dream. Okay, I para los ninos gay I borra Los Ninos and so on The family and friend vocabulary expansion sheet You'll find the word for Children. So Nino is boy or Nina is girl Andi In the plural, you can have ninos which can either mean boys or Children and Nina's means girls. And so if you're saying Children on there's boys and girls, you will just say menus So okay, I battle Los Ninos. How would you ask? Do you want to try something different today? Chiari probe are a little different. Oy Gary provide Argo different that way Is that for me? Is s o para me It's s o para me Is it possible for me to pay later? Is possibly para mi bad karma started It's possible Ifereimi Pagar McStarley There is a problem with shower in my room I own problema cola Duka in Marita soon I own problem Akala Duta in me There are too many people here today I de Massialas personas a kiwi I de Massialas personas aqui oy Or don't forget that there is a second way to say people Hence the which is feminine and singular. So you could say I'd MSC other hint they AKI Oy it's absolutely extraordinary here is absolutely mental Extraordinary Rocky It's absolutely mente extraordinary. Lucky 92. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 43p: Now let's do some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English noise? Milo there knows perfect noise. Milo. Pero noise. Perfecto! It isn't bad, but it isn't perfect noise para el espera me noise para a is better me. It isn't for him. It's for me USA Una sirve characterised Arizona's portable There are a set of a protest Arizona's pulled kind of make a reservation for three people. Please, I want us poor pressed AEA's cuantos port rest AEA's How much is it for three days there? Don't don't put the Wallkill around court Apolo C minus bear alone Don't leap with walking out on court People lost him on us. Excuse me, Where can I hire a car for two weeks? Chiaro Here, Al, apply ammonia. Kierra were Al apply a manana. I would like to go to the beach tomorrow where the were compared. Ro Ally Cassidy Sophia Master Today Puerto Ear Com Petro Allah cast today Sofia Master today Can I go with Pedro to severe Is house later Chiaro pagar, Contact hitter GOP Garcon I would like to pay by card So last cinco So unless stinko it's five o'clock. You know what they are? You know, Tinto s or joy or a sin cuenta whenever Teya they vino Tinto s or to your stink winter a bottle of red wine is eight euros 50. 93. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44: Now, this is just another quick lesson to talk about something that happens more so in English, then in Spanish. And it happens in the negative past tense. So hopefully you've now grasped how to talk about the past in the negative in Spanish. So, for example, no. A Camilo means I haven't eaten. You have to use a negative auxiliary verb. So no A and then a past participle. Camilo, the triple arises when we realize that in English we have two ways to talk about the negative past. You can either say I haven't eaten. Oh, I didn't eat. Thankfully, in Spanish, there is only one version. Therefore, no matter whether you say I haven't eaten or I didn't eat in English, it's always going to be no. A committal in Spanish. So how would you say in Spanish? I didn't eat. No. A communal. You haven't eaten? No. Ask amigo. Was that not communal? No. I base communal. You didn't eat No es comida. Oh, I will stay. Noah. Camilo. No. Always come. You. He hasn't eaten El noche, amigo. El Camino. He didn't eat. L know a communal and knock Amido. She hasn't eaten. Yeah. No, I can, you know? Yeah, I know I can. You know she didn't eat and Yeah, I know I can. You know a You know, a Camilo Pedro hasn't eaten. Petro! Noah! Camilo! Pedro! Knock Amido. Pedro didn't eat Pedro. Noack amigo. Petrol. Not Camilo. Maria hasn't eaten. Maria and Juan Camilo. Maria. No communal Maria did indeed. Mariano. A Camaro. Maria Noack Amido. We haven't eaten. No. Emma's calm, you know? No and most, Camilo. 94. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44: How would you say in Spanish? We didn't heat? No. Emma's Camino. No, I most Camino They haven't eaten No en camino. No en camino. They didn't eat no en camino. No en camino. I haven't waited. Noise barrage? No, a spare travel. I didn't wait. Noise. Spiro? No. A spare travel. You haven't waited No s Desperado. We'll stand. No, I spit. Norway's s parable. You didn't wait? No, it's a spare. We'll stay. No, I spit at him. Norway's s bearable. He hasn't waited and noise. Illinois spit at them. He didn't wait. Illinois Spirit and Noah. Spiro. She hasn't waited A Yeah noise. A young away spirit. She didn't wait again. No SP travel. Yeah. No, I respirable Pedro hasn't waited. Pedro Noise Pedro! Noise Spirit! Pedro didn't wait. Pedro Noise! Spiro! Pedro On the way! Spirit Maria hasn't waited. Maria! Noise! Parrado! Maria! In a way, Spero! Maria didn't wait. Maria, No, I Spirit Maria Noise. Barack, We haven't waited. No, a most respirable. No A Mostly spare travel. We didn't wait. No. M o Suspiria? No. A most They spit out. They haven't waited. No, in espionage. No, I'm a spirit. They didn't wait. No. An s Pierrot No. And Desperado 95. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44: How would you say in Spanish? I haven't left. No, I salido No, a salio I didn't leave. No. A salido noise, Have you? You haven't left? No. Esta little. I will stay. Know us a little. No obeys Salado. You didn't leave? No, As a legal instead. Noa Salad. Oh, Norway's Salado. He hasn't left El Noa Salad. Oh, El Noa Salad. Oh, he didn't leave. L know. Salido in North Salido. She hasn't left a year noise. Salado. Yeah, I know. It's a little she didn't leave a you know, a Salado? Yeah. No, Salido. Pedro hasn't left. Pedro? No. Salido Pezzullo! Noa salad. Pedro didn't leave Pedro Noa Salad. Oh, Pedro! Noah Salido! Maria hasn't left. Maria! No! Acelino Maria Noa Salad! Oh! Maria didn't leave Maria Noa Salad. Oh, Maria! Noah Salido! We haven't left. No! M o Salado! No! M o salido! We didn't leave. No, Emma! Salado! No! M o salio! They haven't left. No. And Santiago? No one. Santiago. They didn't leave No one. Salido? No. And Salido? I haven't reserved a table. No. Where is that bottle? When I miss that No air. Sarah Barlow. I didn't reserve a table. No other set about when I missed no air. Said about Mr. I haven't brought Pedro. No, I tried. Pedro. No. A Tregoe A Pedro. I didn't bring Pedro. No. A trade war, Pedro. No, it radio a bedroom. 96. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44: How would you say in Spanish? I haven't forgotten. No, they will be rather No, it will be now. I didn't forget. No, it will be now. No, l b that'll I haven't chosen. No. L a hero. No, l a hero. I didn't choose. No, l a hero. No, l a hero. I haven't finished. No, a tear me now. No, I tell me now. I didn't finish. No, I tell me now, though. No, I tell me now. I haven't lost the car. No, I parody the McCourty. No, I barely Royal court. I didn't lose the car. No, I barely know Airport. No. April delivery court. I haven't sold the car. No, I've been dealing with court. No, I bandido equity. I didn't sell the call. No, I've been Did well. Court no, even did Well, Corti, I haven't drunk. No, a baby, though. No, A baby though I didn't drink. No, a baby, though. No, A baby though I haven't done. No it no it to I didn't do Neue toe. No, h I haven't seen Pedro. No, it is two a. Pedro. No, I ve stop a throw. I didn't see Pedro. No, it is two a Pedro? No. A bees to a Pedro. I haven't taken no tomato. No it tomorrow. I didn't take No, I tomato. No, it'll mother. I haven't learned. No heparin. Dedeaux. No apron, Dido. I didn't learn. No apron. Ego? No. A Apprendi Low. I haven't understood. No, I Comprendo. No. A comprehended. Oh, I didn't understand. No. A comprehended. Oh, no. A competent CEO. 97. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44a: let's start this lesson with a quick recap off the words and phrases that we learned in the last lesson. How do you say in Spanish to bring or the past participle brought dry air Try evil to reserve or reserved. Arrested about addressing a bottle to forget forgotten I will be that all the data to lose or lost There, there better Dedeaux to sail sold Been there bendy though to wait Waited a spirit A spirit of them to finish finished Teddy me not Jeremy Novel toe order ordered a year penny though to choose chosen and a here and a hue to drink Drunk baby here, very low to eat, Eaten Come here. Come either to take taken Don't matter tomorrow to do doing or to make made affair Get to to see seen bear beast Oh, to learn Learned up in there Apprendi, though, to put put on there Westell to right written a screen here Escrito to return returned boiled there Well, it to say Said more to tell told the fear nature to understand. Understood competent There. Comprende Edo? I have. Hey, you have us will stand out a base he has. And, uh, she has a Yeah. Uh, Pedro has bedroom. We have Amal's. They have, um 98. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44b: in this lesson will add a little extra to the past times the negative past tense. In the last lesson, we learned that the past tense was made up off to parts. For example, a Camilo means I have eaten and it's made up off the word A, which means I have and it's an auxiliary verb. And then the word Camilo, which means eaten. And this is a past participle. But what if you want to say that you haven't eaten well, All you do is change the auxiliary verb slightly to make it negative. No, A committal. No, Hay Camino means I haven't eaten. No, a committal. And so we have no a means I haven't. And this is a negative auxiliary verb on. Then. Camilo is just the past participle, and it means eaten. So the only bit that changes is the auxiliary verb. No, a comedy. So no a means I haven't. So how would you say in Spanish? I haven't ordered No. A pedido no, a pitiful And the No A pot. You'll hear very often sound like Noi noi video. How would you say I haven't eaten? No, it, Camille. No, I Camille, I haven't reserved no era said about no, a restaurant bottle. Can you remember all the different versions off the auxiliary verbs? From the last lesson, we had a meaning. I have us. Which means you have Ella. Means he has a Yeah, uh, she has Pedro, uh, Pedro heads Well said, uh, means you have Amos is we have I have a thing means you have and on means they have. And as you've seen to change, I have to I haven't in Spanish. He simply put no in front of the have part. So a becomes no A and you can do the same to change any of the auxiliary verbs into their negative versions. For example, l r. Means he has. If you put no in front of the has part, you get l. Noah, which means he hasn't. So how would you say he hasn't ordered? L know, up in evil. And no, Elpidio, he hasn't eaten. And no, I, Camilo, and no, a communal. And, of course, just like before. The l is optional. So if it's clear that you're speaking about he rather than she, then you don't need to use the l. They could just say no. I Camilo, how would you say he hasn't reserved? No what I said about or l No other set of Allah. 99. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44c: Let's look at all the auxiliary verbs. Andi, how to change them into the negative. So a means I have. And no, oy means I haven't us. Means you have north You haven't. And ah means he has. And l Noah means he hasn't. Yeah, uh means she has. And a Noah means she hasn't. Pedro, uh, means Pedra has Pedro. Nora means Pedra hasn't instead our means you have and you stayed. Noah means you haven't. Amos is We have. And no, Imus means we haven't. My base means you have no I base you haven't. And on means they have. And no an means they haven't. So how would you say in Spanish? I haven't eaten. No, I, Camilo. No, it come you You haven't eaten well, depending on whom you're speaking to, you would say no. Ask amigo who stayed Noack Amido or no, I base Camilo. So obviously no s committal is the informal and singular way of saying you haven't eaten. So that's if you're speaking to one person and you're being very informal. We'll stay. No, a committal is the singular formal way. And so if you're speaking to someone you don't know very Well, you would use that way. And if you're speaking to a group of people, you would say No. I base Kamio. How would you say he hasn't eaten El Noche amigo and Noah Camilo. She hasn't eaten a Nike amigo. A No, I, Camilo, Pedra hasn't eaten Pedro, not Camilo. Pay their own. Norc amigo. Maria hasn't eaten. Maria Noack amigo. Maria Nowak, amigo. 100. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44d: How would you say in Spanish? We haven't eaten. No, I must. Camilo. No, I must call me though they haven't eaten. No one. Camilo, No En Camino. I haven't waited noise. Esperanza No a SP Travel. You haven't waited? No s I Spiro who stayed Noah respirable Norway's SP. He hasn't waited? No, I s p a travel l Noah respirable She hasn't waited? No, I speak travel A Yeah. No, I Spiro Pedra hasn't waited Bedroom No I spare album Pentru noi Spiro Maria hasn't waited Maria Noise Barrage Maria Noah Respirable We haven't waited. No a most SP Rather no I most espionage. They haven't waited. No, an sp another No one Espionage I haven't finished no writer me now No eight enemy novel You haven't finished? No asked Jeremy Nago I will stay No autonomy now though. Oh no I always tell me level he hasn't finished. No, I tell me now. Oh, l know. Autonomy novel. She hasn't finished? No, I tell me now. Yeah, No attorney novel 101. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44e: How would you say in Spanish? Pedra hasn't finished. Pedro. No actor me novel. Pedro. No attorney now Maria hasn't finished. Maria, No attorney novel. Maria, No! Tell me now We haven't finished. No, A monster me now, though. No, I must tell me now. They haven't fished. No one. Tell me now. No one Tell me now. So in this lesson, we've learned the negative auxiliary verbs. So we've got no A No. Oy means I haven't no us. Instead, Noah or no, I race all mean you haven't. And so they know US. Version is the informal, singular Say, use that with friends on family members. Well, stead Noah is the formal, singular version. And so you can use that with people. You're being a bit more polite with on then. No, I base is the plural. So you can use that when you're speaking to more than one person. And they all mean you haven't l. Noah or just Noah means he hasn't. So again, the end is optional. If it's clear that you're not talking about she or the or stead version off you, then you don't need to say. But if it is unclear, then you comport l at the start or at the end. In fact, we can put L pretty much anywhere in the sentence. As long as the no are part stays together, then the Elkan go anywhere else. The same with a yaya Nora, which means she hasn't. You can just say, Nora, where you can put a at the starter at the end of the sentence to make it clear that you're speaking about she rather than he or step Pedro. Noah means Pedro hasn't. And you can put any name or any noun in front off the Noah instead of Pedro. No, Amos means we haven't. And no one, no un means they haven't. So all you have to do to turn any off the auxiliary verbs negative is put a no in front of the have part. And that's the bit that starts with the hate each 102. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44f: It's time now to practice what we've learned in this lesson. How would you say in Spanish? I haven't finished everything? No, I tell me now. Told them No, I tell me now. Total He hasn't seen Maria today? No, I be still a Maria. We l know every stone memory away. Diego hasn't eaten much today because he's ill. Diego No, Aka Mealamu Choi. Por que esta infirm Diego No committal McCoy Pork A star. Infirm. They haven't brought any wine. No one try. It'll be No, no ant radio, you know, So you don't need to use anywhere for the word any in Spanish. You just say they haven't brought wine? No. And I don't know, we haven't seen this film. It's very good on the word for film. In Spanish is Belacqua pelicula. And it's a feminine word. Pelicula. No, a most visto esta pelicula as my buena No almost bistro esta pelicula. It's more weather. And so the word buena is feminine because it describing the film which is a feminine noun. You haven't drink the coffee. No s baby. Go ahead. Coffee. We'll stay. Nobody. No coffee. Norway's baby Noel coffee. He hasn't made a reservation? No, I true when I said of a l know, I two not a set of a She hasn't booked a table for tomorrow. Noora said about when I'm a supporter. Manana Ahah, Nora Theravada wanna Mesopotamia? They haven't learned English. No, l a printed. Oh, Inglis. No. An upland ilo in bliss. Roberta hasn't sold the car. Roberta. No, I'm a needle Court. Roberta Normandy. Noel Corti. 103. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44g: Now let's have a go at doing some Spanish to English translations. What did the Spanish sentences mean in English? No, I Camilo Motor Camilla. A parquet s story, Morkel, Battle. No, I, Camilo Muta! Commie! That way, Pork. A story. My ocupado. I haven't eaten much fuel today because I'm very busy. El No, baby, No, l Veena. And normally no. You know he hasn't drunk the wine. No. El Hillo. Pero Mayko size Davina teens. No. L a hero. Jeremy. Busta STV noting I haven't chosen. But I like this red wine. A Yeah, no tomato and Korte esta he a an auto model. Court se esta e. She hasn't taken the car. It's there. Enrique. No Comprendo, Enrique. No Comprendo. Enrique hasn't understood. No, I particularly in court. No. Oy parody. Well, courts. I haven't lost the car. No, I will be not only pass a party, they don't. Nothing will miss b yet this No, I will be. That'll me pass support a better. Nothing amiss. Be at this. I haven't forgotten my passport, but I don't have my tickets. L know. I tratado Sophia hatamoto Damian. L know it. Toto. Sofia. A tomato tambien He hasn't done everything. Sofia did a lot as well. No ammo Seto! Benatar top! Okay, Amos will be No Masetto! Jakarta Pork A Amos will be double. We haven't made a cake because we forgot Messi Antal 1,000,000 Fatima E No! Ayatollah Sina Messi and a 1,000,000 firm in Ayatollah Stena. I feel very ill and I haven't made the dinner. 104. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44h: What we'll do now are some recap translations to incorporate words and phrases that we learned in previous lessons. How do you say in Spanish? The bill is 50 euros, but I don't have any money with me. La Quinta is Sin Quinta Euros better nothing will dinero conmigo La quinta is sin cuenta euros. They know nothing. Ordinary conmigo. Can I try the carrots with Oprah Bottle Asano areas Peredo probe are last San Arias I'm going to take a taxi to the hotel because it's too far bottom are in taxi a lot El por que esta demasiado boy a tomorrow in taxi Rotel Poor case that demasiado las Take the first right on the left and then the third road on the right Palmilla Premera Kanye Ally Ski Area E plays La Tercera A elaborate formula Premera Candy Ally Ski area A place later, Saraki elaborate I think the restaurant is fantastic para Mi el restaurante is fantastical , but Army restaurant is fantastical. I like the red coat, but I prefer it in orange, Maybe USTA in every garage barrel. Oprah Fiero in Iran May coastal area Rojo. Pero la Brea Fiero in the Do you want to try my wine. Yeah, they put about Amino Gary O step probably Mamina. I think everybody is very nice para me. Total Mondo is moist simpatico para me total Mondo is moist, impractical. I've caught a terrible cold again. A co hero North Riyadh. Oh, really? Then we'll a car Hedo NRA, Three o'clock. They're really on the table. It's delicious. But is it good for me s Delicioso? Metal is We know that I mean s Delicioso barrel is being a part of me. 105. 3 Minute Spanish Lesson 44i: what we'll do now are some Spanish to English Recap. Translations. What did these Spanish sentences mean in English? Pierro nose Mateusz There were masked GSO No spot A as they are going mass portable. I would like another two bottles of water please. La IAVI Premier Rita Soon No Funciona Leovy Premier Rita Soon No funciona. The key for my room doesn't work. Beldon, do understand loss Carry toes, Beldon No. Understand Loss. Carry toes. Excuse me. Where the trolleys L A s Parallel. Your cafe is para me. LTs parallel. Your cafe s para me. The tea is for him on the coffee is for me eight billion will pour your para me better Knipe A little battle. Still a little boy o para me better. No political battle. Still I've ordered the chicken for me, but I haven't ordered for you. Mayor Rotella. Pierre Now May a Rotella Pierre Now I have broken my leg. Tango Inara Serra, A number the Carlos Tengo. Another set of eyes on laundry day. Carlos, I have a reservation in the name of Carlos Give. I will stay a comparable Maria. Okay, Boss. Telecom product area. What are you going to buy for Maria Guan. Toys like Winter Kwan Toys Like Winter. How much is the bill? Quarless Boston. I'll here quality Boston early here. Which one do you going to choose? 106. The Happy Linguist: If you would like some hints and tips on how to make the most out of these courses on how to accelerate your language learning, you can read through my articles on my blawg called The Happy Linguist. I have written almost 400 articles on their full of ideas to keep learning a language fresh and exciting, and I'm constantly updating it with new articles. For example, you can listen to some foreign language songs that I have translated into English. For you, this is always a great way of learning new vocabulary. You can find lots of foreign language films and books that I recommend, or you can find extra language and grammar points that reinforce the content you've been learning in my three minute languages courses. So if you want to read all my articles for free, just head to my blawg at www 0.3 minute dot club forward slash bloke. As well as being able to read hundreds of articles on my block, you can sign up to my mailing list. Andi. You'll get a message sent straight to your inbox to let you know whenever I publish new articles or publish new courses so w w w 0.3 minute dot club forward slash blawg is where you can find the happy linguist. I hope you enjoy unhappy learning. 107. Vocabulary Expansion Sheets: throughout all the three minute languages courses your here you mention vocabulary expansion sheets quite a lot. What? These are our lists of topics. Specific vocabulary. Each sheet has a theme. For example, food numbers, places to visit clothes, colors, etcetera. To make it easier for you to find all these vocabulary expansion sheets, I've included a page on my website where you can download all the sheets from all the courses for free. If you go to www 0.3 minute dot club, you will find a link at the top of the page that says vocabulary expansion sheets. If you click that link, you will be taken to a page with all the sheets from all the courses for all the languages that I teach. So I just had to www 0.3 minutes. Doc Club Thank you and happy learning.