1. Spanish Verbs 1 Introduction: Cola, Bienvenidos Hello and welcome to Spanish Grandma. Quick Guide Verbs one. This course is designed to get you familiar with Spanish grammar in quick, easy to understand lessons in any language. Verbs are the backbone. Two sentences without verbs, there would be no sentences. The good thing about verbs is that you can manipulate them and use them to express anything you like. For example, in these sentences, I learned Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. I'm going to learn Spanish. I have learned Spanish. I would like to learn Spanish. The sentences contain pretty much the same words I learnt and Spanish. But they mean different things because we manipulated the verb. Learn into different tenses in the course Verbs. One. I'll be introducing you to Spanish verbs, looking at infinitives, the going future tense, the present perfect tents and the present tense to help you become familiar with the verb tenses, you'll find lots of exercises to enable you to build proficiency in Spanish grammar. With each tents will be looking at how to form it, how to turn it negative. Andi will also be looking at the various ways you can translate the different tenses into English. The quick guide courses are great for learning the specifics of Spanish grammar without any prerequisites, I won't be using any vocabulary without introducing it first. I mean, you can focus purely on grammar acquisition rather than worrying about not understanding the verbs. I'll give you a list of verbs at the start of this course on, and we'll use these throughout. You'll also get a small collection off vocabulary that will be using to build sentences in Spanish. These Quick Guy courses can also be used as reference guides to use as a revision should you ever need to brush up on your Spanish grammar.
2. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 1a: verbs in Spanish. All verbs always end in one of three sets of endings. They either end in the letters a r e r or I R. Let's look at 20 useful verbs in Spanish. Come here. Come here means to eat. Come here, you got. You got means to arrive When you have two l's in Spanish together, you pronounce them as though they were a Why so, Yeah. Gar, who got who got means to play? The letter J in Spanish is pronounced like a hate who got visitor visitor means to visit visitor via heart via hot means to travel So we have another J in the middle via hot drop by far crime A hard means to work I've lied a black means to speak Abla on the letter Hate in Spanish is silent. Is there a bladder layer? Layer means to read layer a screaming. Here s creepy means to write a screaming here a school child a scooter means to listen. Eh, Scooter Not not, uh means to swim. Not at all. I said I say means to do or to make. So again, there's a hate at the start, but it's silent in Spanish, I say Sally Year sell year means to leave Sally year comprise compra means to buy company pro by provide means to try. We get the word probe from it in English. If you probe something, you're taking a sample of your trying something from it. So crowbar, in contrast in control, means to find we get the word encounter in English from Incan draft is to the hour is to the hour means to study s to the hour kid. I que that means to stay, kids Akaba Ichabod means to finish aka bar and comments are common side means to start like commence comments are so we're going to be using these 20 verbs throughout this course Onda . All the verbs in this list are called infinitives in English. Infinitives very often have the word to in front of them, but not always. And that's why I've put the two in brackets in this list in Spanish infinitives and in the letters a r e 00 i r. So you can see lots of the verbs in this list and in a are you Hagar who are visitor a few of them and e r co mayor a sale Onda A few end and I are s creepy. Here sell year, but a our is the most common type of web in Spanish.
3. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 1b: I'm going to give you three little phrases and then we'll try and make some sentences in Spanish. So the first word is Kierra key Otto, which means I would like key Eto voya. Voya means I'm going or I'm going to Voi and Puerto puedo means can I puedo to learn needs . What you could do is get a cue card and right the Spanish on one side. Then turn it over and put the English on the other side. Then to practice only look at the English side and try to remember what the Spanish words were as we go on your learn how to make sentences using these words and so you can use that when you're practicing. You can also do this to learn the 20 verbs that we learned in the last lesson. If you put five on a cue card, put the Spanish on one side turnover and put the English damage center of the other side, and then you can practice by looking only at the English side and trying to remember what the Spanish words were. But we have here Kierra Oh, I would like voya. I'm going to an Cueto can I? The good thing about these phrases is that you comport any infinitives on the end of them and make a sentence. So how would you say in Spanish? I'm going to eat Voya, Come here. Voy a comeere. And so you simply use the phrase voya and then use the infinitive Comeere to mean I'm going to eat. I would like to leave Chiaro Celje Key Eros all year. Can I play Puerto? Who got whether who got I'm going to try voy a probe Voy aperribay Can I finish where? The Walkabout Puerto aka bar. I'm going to swim. Voy Anahad voy a Nodar I would like to travel Kierra via heart. Gov Aha! So we have key at all meaning I would like voya, which means I'm going to and puedo meaning can I? On the end of all of those, we can place any infinitive to make a sentence
4. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 1c: Let me give you five more words. A key. A key means here, Jackie. I d I e means there. So again we've got the two l's in the middle and two l's in Spanish. Ah, pronounced like a y e eso eso means that eso total total means everything total. And man Una Man Yana means tomorrow it has a little squiggle over the end. And when you have a squiggle over the end in Spanish, it's called an any a and you pronounce it as though there were why after the end. So Man Yana means tomorrow let's try and make a few more complex sentences. Now, armed with these five new words how would you say in Spanish? I'm going to eat that voy a comedy Esto Viacom Here s so I'm going to do everything tomorrow Voy asset Total manana Voy a hacer solomonyan I would like to work here Chiaro trabajar aqui Kierra trabajar aqui. I'm going to try everything Voy a probiotic total Voy a probiotic told them. Can I stay here? We locate out a key puedo kid at a key. Can I do that tomorrow? Puerto asset Esta manana Puerto. I said eso manana. I would like to buy that Kierra complain Esto quiero comprar eso
5. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 1d: How would you say in Spanish? I would like to start tomorrow. Chiaro Common Sarah Manana Kierra comenzar manana. I'm going to finish everything tomorrow. Voy back about a total manana voice. Hochevar total manana. I would like to work there. Chiaro trabajar Kierra trabajar I'm going to leave tomorrow. Voy a sorrier manana. Voya Seilliere Magnon. I'm going to stay here. Voy a kid. Iraqi voy a kid are a key. Can I read that Puerto layer Esto Puerto layer esto. So so far we've had three phrases key It'll meaning I would like Chiaro voya voya Which means I'm going, going, going to and well meaning can I? And when I was talking about the infinitives in Spanish and I said in English, they sometimes have the word to in front of them and sometimes they don't. Well, let's compare a few sentences. I'm going to leave. I'm going to leave. I would like to leave So both of those sentences I'm going to leave. I would like to leave. They contain the word to in English. Whereas can I leave? Can I leave? Doesn't contain the word to however, in Spanish for all these sentences, you would just use salad here. Voy Astley Year Chiaro Celia whether we sell year And then we also learned the five words AKI meaning here I e meaning there eso Which means that total meaning everything And Manya , which means tomorrow.
6. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 2a: in personal Web. There's a funny little phrase that you can put verbs on the end of sip waylay se praeli. It means one can or you can sip waylay. It's proper Name is an impersonal verb because it's not referring to anybody in particular . For example, if you say it's a pretty full monarchy step where the former Iraqi, it means you can smoke here or one can smoke here. It isn't talking about you specifically. It means everybody can smoke here in the negative you get nor separately no supporting, which means you can't were one Kant, not separately. So see if you can translate these sentences into Spanish using the phrases sip Willie on. Do not support. How would you say in Spanish? You can buy everything here separately. Compare your lucky separately. Comparator lucky and it means one come by everything here. And so if you go to a shop that sells everything you can say, step where the comparable daughter Lucky. How are you saying Spanish? You can swim here, sit waiting now that I keep step where they not are a key, and so it means you can swim here or one can swim here? Meaning you're allowed to swim here separately. Not are a key. How would you say you can try everything separately? Provide a total Sittwe they provide.
7. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 2b: How would you say in Spanish? You can't try that. No se puede reprobate eso no separately provide eso You can't do that here No se puede they are seriously lucky No se puede srs wacky You can eat here separately Calm Iraqi separately Calm Iraqi If that means you can eat here or one can eat here How would you say in Spanish you can't eat here? No se pretty calm Iraqi no se puede aecom Iraqi How would you say you can wait here on the verb toe weight in Spanish Is sp a spirit separately? ESP Iraqi separately esperar a key You can't smoke here. And the verb to smoke as we saw in the examples is former former no support for my Iraqi nor separated form Iraqi And that means you can't smoke here or one can't smoke here Meaning you're not You're not allowed to smoke here and so form are means to smoke It sort of looks like to fume So smoke fumes If you can imagine former how would you say you can smoke here? See Query from Iraqi separately for monarchy? Yes. That means you can smoke here One can smoke here or anyone can smoke here mean you're allowed to smoke here, so step warily separate. It means one can or you can. And no step where the no step really means you can't or one Kant.
8. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3a: the going future. One of the easiest tenses to tackle in Spanish is the going future. It's a great way to talk about what you're going to do. In fact, we've already seen it. The phrase voya voya means I'm going to and you comport infinitives on the end of its talk about the future. So Voya plus a verb is the going future. Let me give you five new phrases in Spanish. Mazzarri's a moderate means to Madrid, uh, Madrid. The wood means to in Spanish, and so you can change Madrid to any place Portugal, Espana, Italia, Barcelona. So out means to in Espana in Espana means in Spain. The word end means in in Spanish. And so again you can put any place on the end of in in Madrid would be in Madrid. So, uh, means to and n means in pronto. Toronto means soon, pronto. Last time and I give you any last semana que the any means next week literally last. A manner means the week on K B. Any means that is coming is that means the week that is coming last semana que viene e. L on your gov any its annual give you any Well l annual means the year and give you any we've seen in last a manic of uni means that is coming. So l and o que viene It literally means the year that is coming. But you can use it to mean next year. So my mother live in Espana pronto last damanik of uni And they don't give you any How would you say in Spanish? I'm going to stay in Spain. Voy a kid are in Espana Voy a cave are in Espana. I'm going to do everything next week. Voy a sir Total last demonic avian e voy a hacer toto la semana kieny. I'm going to visit Pedro soon. Now, in Spanish, whenever you have a name that's the object of a sentence. So, for example, here we've got Pedro Pedro, something that's being visited. You have to put the little word in front of them. It's called the personal and we don't translate it in English. And so I'm going to visit Pedrosa when you report a little word in front of Pedro Voy a visitar a Pedro pronto voya visitar a Pedro pronto. And so whenever you have the name of a person and their the object of a sentence. You put the little word in front of their in Spanish, and it's called the personal.
9. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3b: How would you say in Spanish? I'm going to traveled to Madrid next year? Voy a via Har Madrid and then you give you any voy a heart a Madrid Ellen, You give me any and just like in English you can put the phrase next year at the end of the sentence like we've got here or at the beginning of the sentence. And so you can say in Spanish next year I'm going to travel to Madrid, Ill. And you give me any voy via heart. Another. It's just in writing. If you put next year or Atlanta give you any at the start of a sentence, you have to put a comma after it. So it I don't give you any comma will be a hard a mother. How would you say I'm going to eat there tomorrow? Voy a Camaro. Yeatman Yana Voy a Camaro, Eamonn Yana and again the word man Yana Or tomorrow you can place ever started a sentence and say tomorrow I'm going to eat there Manana, Viacom ere e and we have to do is member in writing to place a comma after manana manana comma Viacom Ear E. How do you say? Next year I'm going to travel to Spain. It I knew Katie Any voy a V a hard ice Panya Well, I knew Cavey Any voy a V a hard ice Panya. So you can see here when you put a lot of TV any have a start you have to place a comma after it. But you can port next year at the end of the sentence as well. I'm going to travel to Spain next year. Voy of a hard ice Panya, don't give me any and then you don't need the comma. How would you say in Spanish next week? I'm going to finish everything Last a manic avian e voi aka Barto Last Semantic Avian e voi Hochevar. So again, you can place this at the end of a sentence the next week part and say I'm going to finish everything next week Voy aka Bartolo last the man I give you any just like in English
10. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3c: the going future or the people. You don't have to stick with Voya. Well, im going. You can also talk about other people doing things in the future. So Voya is I'm going to Vaz, uh means that you're going to El or a Yaya va means he or she is going to Well stated by, uh is you're going to vamoose. Uh, we're going to vice, Uh, you're going to and van they're going to. Now you probably notice that there are three ways to say you're going to in Spanish. Vaz is used when you're talking to somebody that you know quite well instead via is used when you're talking to one person that you don't know very well and vice is used when you're talking to a group of people, you may also have noticed that I've put en on data in brackets and or Steve in brackets. And that's because the l. A. Yeah, and instead or the he she and you versions off this future tense vata all look the same and see the end and a year on door steps are optional extras that you can place in front of the vat to make it clear. So you're speaking about So l've are Is he's going to a Uh huh she's going to instead of our you're going to but they're completely optional. And so you can just say vodka. Let's have a look at an example the trabajar trabajar, which means to work hard We have voy a trabajar meaning I'm going to work Vasa trabajar you're going to work l a a a trabajar he or she is going to work well stated that after 1/2 you're going to work Vandals After a hard we're going to work vice a trabajar you're going to work and van a trabajar they're going to work Voy a trabajar Basseterre, Bihar a trabajar a trabajar Obama said trabajar vice after Bihar and van a trabajar. Let's do the same with the Web visitor, which means to visit on the screen. I'm going to put the Spanish conjugation into the going future tents or visit our in all the persons Seaview compose the video right down the English translations for each of these and then press played Steve, you're right, Savoia Visitar means I'm going to visit Bassa visitar You're going to visit L or a va visitar he or she is going to visit instead. A visitor You're going to visit? Vamoose, Obviously that we're going to visit Vice. Obviously you're going to visit and van a visitor vague going to visit.
11. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3d: So who got means to play? And you can see on the screen the Spanish conjugation in the going future off the Vape Ogata. See if you can pause the video right down the English translations for each of these, Then press play and see if you're right. So voy a pagar means I'm going to play Vaz. Who are you're going to play en or a bahu car? He or she is going to pay who stayed via Who are you were going to play? Vamoose. Who got we're going to play vice A. Who got you're going to play and van ah, who are they're going to play the Web means to finish. And so pause the video and try and fill in the gaps on the English translations for the Web , aka BAR In the going future tense. Voy Aqaba means I'm going to finish Vasa, aka BAR. You're going to finish L or a Vaca Bar. He or she is going to finish instead via a bar you're going to finish Obama sack about. We're going to finish vice, aka Bottom. You're going to finish and Van Aqaba they're going to finish now. Let's have a go at filling in the Spanish side off the congregations and so on the screen. Now you've got layer, which means to read, and I've put the English translations on the right hand side. See if you compose the video and then fill in the Spanish congregations on press play and see if you're right. So I'm going to read. Is Voy Allaire You're going to read Vaz Allaire? He or she is going to read and or a Valliere you're going to read? You stated by Allah Hair. We're going to read vamoose l a year. You're going to read vice earlier and they're going to read Van Aaliyah. Let's do the same with the Web compra. So compare means to buy. So pause the video and see if you can fit in the Spanish side. Of all the congregations in the going fugitive, since so I'm going to buy. Is voy a combat? You're going to buy Vasa combat? He or she is going to buy L. A. Viacom you're going to buy who stayed a combat. We're going to buy vamoose a compound you're going to buy vice a Cambra and they're going to buy Van a combat
12. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3e: the web can be are means to change So you have the English congregations on the screen. See, if you compose the video and write down the Spanish so I'm going to change. Is Voya cumbia You're going to change Vasa Cumbia? He or she is going to change l A area va cumbia. You're going to change who stayed? Viacom br We're going to change. Vamoose. I can be out. You're going to change vice. I can be out and they're going to change van a cumbia Incontrera means to find And so pause the video and then see if you can write down the Spanish congregations in the going future tense off this web I'm going to find is voy Incontrera. You're going to find vests ankle he or she is going to find L or a va in contract you're going to find instead vying contract. We're going to find vamoose, Incontrera, you're going to find Vice Incontrera and they're going to find Van in contact the Web. Comair means to eat and so see if you can do the same with the web for mayor, I'm going to eat. Is voy a calm here? You're going to eat Vasa! Come here. He or she is going to eat l A area va a comeere You're going to eat instead Back from here . We're going to eat. Vamoose, Comeere! You're going to eat Vice Premier and they're going to eat Van A comeere The very spirit means to wait and so pause the video and write down the Spanish congregations off SPF in the future. Going tens. I'm going to wait voy i Spera You're going to wait. Thus I spit out he or she is going to wait en on a high speed. You're going to wait. We'll stay that I spinner. We're going to wait. Vamoose! I speak. You're going to wait vice. I spare our and they're going to wait one I spit out.
13. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3f: Let's do some practice. Ince's now How would you say in Spanish? He's going to stay here. L a kid Iraqi in Va. A kid. Iraqi. They're going to visit Madrid tomorrow. Van obviously Don Madrid manana Vanna, visit our Madrid manana. You're going to finish student using the instead vision you stayed VAT aka Bar Paronto. You stayed back of our pronto. Next year we're going to travel to Spain. Lastly, Monica V. Any vamoose? Bihar Ice Bunia Last time. Monica V. Any vamoose? Bihar Ice Spagna You're going to eat everything using the informal version. So the vast Persian Vasa Comerica Vaz a Cammaert oil. She's going to start here next week. A vacuum and sake Last demonic avian e A vacuum in Saraki La semana kieny! I'm going to leave soon. Voy a Scalia pronto voice Earlier, pronto. They're going to buy everything next week. Van a comprar Toto Last demonic avian e vanoc Umberto Last demonic avian e
14. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3g: How would you say in Spanish? I'm going to wait here. Voy I spare Iraqi voy a spear are a key. They're going to start tomorrow. Vanna Comenzar Manana van a comenzar manana. She's going to start in Madrid on finish in Barcelona. A vacuum is are in Madrid. Yacoub are in Barcelona. A vacuum inside a moderate Yacoub are in Barcelona. So the idea here is optional. It just makes it clear to you you're speaking about but you can just say if you want that a commissary memory Yacoub are in Barcelona and in actual fact, the area word could go anywhere in the sentence. So you'll often hear people put the air at the end or in the middle of sentence a comenzar area in Madrid. And so you haven't got to put out the stars like in English because it's an optional extra . You can put it anywhere. How would you say we're going to do everything tomorrow? Obama's asset Total manana. Vamoose asset. Total manana. He's going to find Maria in Spain, in Va Incontrera, Maria in Espana, Elva, Incontrera, Amaria and Espana. And so here you've got the name Maria and she's the object off this sentence. And so you have to put the personal in front of it in Spanish. Elba Incontrera, Maria. In this pond and again the L is completely optional. And so it's an extra part that you can add. If it's unclear that you're speaking about he how would you say they're going to find everything in Spain? Van in Contrato in Espana Van in contract total in Espana. She's going to work here next year. Yeah, I travel hockey and I'm not giving any a a trabajar aqui it on u K v any
15. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3h: the going future names and other now owns. If you look at the he's going and she's going phrases, you'll see that Beaver part is the same. The l and area mean he and she, but in Spanish there optional. And so instead of L and a year you can put any name in front of the valve So envy means he's going to a Uh huh, if she's going to. But you can say things like, Pedro, uh, Pedra is going to Maria via Maria is going to even things like Total va everything is going to. So how would you say in Spanish? Petro is going to visit Madrid soon. Pedro a visitor. Madrid, Toronto Pedro Visitor, Madrid pronto. Maria is going to stay there next week. Maria, I get out. I got some money. Give me any Maria. Vac it out of your last name. I'm not giving any. Everything is going to start tomorrow. Dodo Akamine Solomonyan Total vacuum is Arminia. Next year, Pedra is going to Spain. Unokichi. Any Pedro via Espana, Illinois. Gov. Any Pedro via Espana. And again, just like before. The phrase next year in English can go to the end of a sentence. Pedro is going to Spain next year and you can do this in Spanish too. Pedro Vice Panya Iran. You give me any?
16. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3i: How would you say in Spanish? Maria is going to travel to Barcelona Maria via Via Car, a Barcelona Maria via heart, a Barcelona. Here are a few more words that we can use to make some more adventurous sentences. Corn corn means with in Spanish corn conmigo. Conmigo means with me gone. Meego being be in means well, being a start. A star means to be it's stuff. So go on going, amigo, be in and a star. In fact, sometimes you'll hear the phrase being a star, which means well being because bien is well and a star means to be. So how would you say in Spanish, everything is going well. Total Bobby in total baby in. And so you haven't got to put the little after the vat here because you're not saying everything is going to well, you know, saying everything is going well. Talk about being and this is a phrase the baby in you can use as a question. It's managed to ask how something's going. You can say, daughter, let me in. Which means is everything going well? And you can also use it as the answer. Don't Arabian. Everything is going Well, how would you say in Spanish? Pedro is going to be in Spain with me next year. Pedro, I started a Spaniard Conmigo. Ellen, You Kelly Anne Pedro, Vice started Spinal conmigo. Can you give me any? Or you can put it and not give me any at the start and say it. Can you give me any Pedro By starting a span economy Go. How to say Maria is going to be in Madrid soon. Maria Vie Star in Madrid pronto Maria. But I started Madrid pronto.
17. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3j: the going future negative. To make the going future negative. All you have to do is put no in front of the growing part. And so voya becomes nova where so no Voya means I'm not going to. No. Vasa means you're not going to l or area Nova means he or she is not going to instead Nova . It means you're not going to No, Obama was there. We're not going to No vice, You're not going to. And no, Vanna, they're not going to. You can also put names in front and say, Pedro, Nova Pedro isn't going to Or Maria Nova Maria isn't going to So we have no Voya nervous, huh? L or a nova instead Nova No Obama LSA No visa, No Vanna Bedroom Nova and Maria Nova for I'm not going to You're not going to he or she is not going to You're not going to We're not going to You're not going to They're not going to or Pedra is not going to on Maria isn't going to So how would you say in Spanish? I'm not going to be here tomorrow. No Voy I started Kimunya No Voy I started Kimunya we're not going toe work next week. No. Vamos a trabajar la semana que viene e no, vamos a trabajar la semana giving any
18. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 3k: How would you say in Spanish? We're not going to work next week? No bombs that have a hard lost semantically any. No one was a trabajar last. A manicure? They're not going to stay with me. They're going to stay with Pedro. No van A chaotic amigo Van a k Darken Pedro No vanoc a dark amigo one A K darkened bedroom . How would you say in Spanish? You're not going to finish everything using the vice form for you. Novaes aka Barto Novaes ac of our total. Pedro isn't going to leave tomorrow. Bedroom Nova Solomonyan Pedro Nova A cellular. Manya, She isn't going to be here. A nova I started. Keep Ahah, Novaes Taraki And the air is optional. You have got put it in. Only use it. If it's not clear that you're talking about she so you can just say Nova Ice Taraki. Similarly, you can put the air at the end or in the middle of a sentence. So you could say Nova. I start a Kia. How would you say we're not going to try that? No. Vamos a probe. Arrest November Supple body still. And how would you say you're not going to read that using the vast as the form off You nervous? Al es eso nervous on a year esto?
19. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4a: the present perfect tense. Despite its name being the present perfect tense, it is actually used to talk about the past. Here are a few examples off the president Perfect Tense in English. I have eaten too much food. I have seen this film already. I have spoken to Maria in English. The present perfect tense is made up of two parts. Enormously reverb on a past participle I can already hear shouting What is an auxiliary verb? And what is the past participle? The word auxiliary just means helper, So an auxiliary verb is a help of it. In English, the auxiliary verb is half and you'll see it in the three examples that I gave you Already we had I have eaten too much food. I have seen this film already. I have spoken to Marie in Spanish. Okay, means I have a Remember the hate is silent in Spanish and so you pronounce this would a. The past participle in English is the verb that comes after the ordeal. Reverb. So the word that comes after the half it tends to end in letters E n or E D. But not always. You'll see the past participles in the examples that I gave you or ending the letters E n. I have eaten too much food. I have seen this film already. I have spoken to Maria now in Spanish. The past participles are easy to recognize because they always end in either aval or either a dio or idea. Now, remember when I said that Spanish verbs either end in a r e o or I R. Well, you can turn any infinitive into a past participle in Spanish by changing the last two letters. If the last two letters off the verb r a r, you change them to Adul or a Dio. And if the last two letters R E r or I R, you changed them to evil, no idea. And so you always have the auxiliary verb a and then a past participle that ends in either Adul or either. So, for example, the Web comeere means to eat. If you change the er on the end off comeere to Edo, you get Camilo, which means eaten. If you put Camilo with the word A, you get a communal, which means I have eaten a comedy
20. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4b: see if you can change the following verbs into past participles on right there. Meanings in English. So, for example, if I put Comeere on the screen, which means to eat, then change it into the past participle, which is comedy and then say the English eaten like about means to finish aka Battle Finished. And so if the verb ends in an A R like Hochevar, you change the A R to a D O and you get back a bottle. If it ends in an e r like comeere or an IR, then you change the E. R or the I R two ideo who got means to play Who got away played. SPDR means to wait. A spirit waited when there means to sell vendio means sold cumbia means to change can be other means changed. Put it all back means to try for a battle means tried and a here in a here means to choose and a hero in a heated means. Chosen a scooter means to listen. A school tallow means listened that have a to have a hand means toe work. I don't have a hollow trabajando means work. Eso If the bourbons in a are you change it to travel and if it ends in e r or I r you change it to evil.
21. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4c: the present perfect tense, double meaning now in English. There are two ways to talk about the past. For example, you can either say I have eaten. Oh, I ate in English one way uses the auxiliary verb have on the other way. Doesn't I have eaten? I ate in Spanish, however, you can say a committal for both of these. So receive you can work out the two meanings off each of the following past tense phrases. So, for example, a NA battle can either mean I have swum or I swim. And so you can see in this example swarm and swam look different. But sometimes you'll notice that in English. The only difference between the two tenses is that one has the word have on one doesn't. For example, I played and I have played played doesn't change, but occasionally in English. It does. But this is an English problem, and so don't worry about it. In Spanish, you always just have the A. And then next word will be the word that ends. And Advil or either eight Nevada was I have swum. Oh, I swim. How would you say in English? A guy bottom. I have finished or I finished. So one has they have and one doesn't. A common saddle. I have started. I started Evan. Dido I have sold. I sold a trabajando I have worked. I worked April bottom. I have tried. I tried a l A hero I have chosen I chose and so you can see this one chosen and chose look different A cambio I have changed. I changed a bladder. I have spoken I spoke a parody though I have lost I lost a comedy I have eaten I ate.
22. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4d: the president perfect tense or the people You don't have to stick with a or I have. You can also talk about other people doing things in the past. So a is I have us means you have l o A. Uh huh means he or she has. Well, step uh, you have Amos means we have a base. Means you have and on means they have. Let's look at an example with the web trabajar that have a harder means to work. And so we have a travel how I worked or literally I have worked us trabajo. You worked well. You have wit el or a Yaya Trabajaba. He or she worked not to have a handle. You worked. And you can put your step at the start of that as well. A most travel we worked. Have a strap, a Hoddle. You worked and 1/2 they worked. Now let's practice with the present perfect tense like we did with the going fugitive since on the screen you can see the Spanish congregations off the visit that in the present perfect tense, pause the video and see if you can work out how to say those in English and then press play and Seaview Correct. So every seat travel means I visited. Ask BC data you visited l or am. Obviously battle he or she visited. Well, step obviously travel. You visited a most visit travel. We visited a base visit travel you visited and on visit our they visited or you comport have in theirs. Instead of I visited you could say I have visited and you have visited and he and she has visited You can translate it Two ways Member in English And so both of correct So every centavo asked me sido el or area Obviously you still obviously a shadow, a most busy tableau our base visit Tebow and on visits.
23. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4e: the very who got means to play and so on the screen. Now you can see the Spanish conjugation in the present perfect tense of the verb Hougaard. Pause the video and see if you can work out how to save them in English. Then press, play and check. See if you correct so a gavel means I played Ask God Oh, you played N and a Bogado. He and she played or step are Bogado. You played Amos, who gather we played a vase Who got you played and and Who Godal they played or again you comport have in all of those English translations I played or I have played are both correct. So a few gado as for God o l or area or stay at home emos who gado a vase who Godeau and on who got um, Let's do the same with the verb Akaba Hochevar means to finish. And so you've got the Spanish conjugation off the Web. Hochevar in the present perfect tense and screen. Pause the video and see if you can work out the English congregations and then press played Steve, you were right. A pack a bottle means I finished a soccer battle. You finished L a a ack a bottle. He or she finished Who stayed a Colorado. You finished Amos Takamado. We finished a vase, aka bottle You finished? And a knockabout they finished or again is they're saying I finished in English. You can also say I have finished. That's all the way through. So you finished or you have finished. He and she finished or he and she has finished. You can say both in English and they're both correct in Spanish, however, is always a pack a bottle A or a combo? Well, Steve, aka battle a moussaka battle have a Zach Abbado and an acrobat.
24. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4f: Now let's have a go out doing the other way around and trying to work out this Spanish congregations in the present. Perfect tents off these verbs is that sister quick example Incontrera means to find a Incan travel means I found or I have found and say, because Incontrera ends in a Are we changed the a r to Adam and we get a in contract as in control you found or you have found l o area and contract he or she found who stayed. In contrast, you found a Mohsin Khan travel. We found a base. In contrast, you found and an Incan travel they found. And so if you look at the verb comprado which means to buy on the screen, you've got the English conjugation of the verb to buy in the present perfect tense sieving import them into Spanish. So pause the video, work out what the r in Spanish and then press plates. See if you were correct, so I bought is a comparable you bought ask compatible He or she bought l or area comprado you bought. We'll stay. I couldn't brother. We bought a most compatible. You bought a vase comparable and they bought on comprado The can be at means to change And so I've put can be ar in the English present Perfect tense on the right hand side See if you can work out how to do it in Spanish So pause the video work at the Spanish congregation and then press play Steve, you got it right I changed is a cumbia You changed ask come together He or she changed l a area cambiado You changed you still a cambiado We changed a most cambiado You changed a vase cumbia and they changed on come battle a cambiado as cambiado l o area a cambiado who stayed a cambiado and most cambiado a base cambiado and an cumbia
25. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4g: the web and here means to choose. And so I've put better here in the present. Perfect tense on the screen, in English. See if you compose video, work out what is in Spanish and then press played to see if you're right. So I have chosen is a Shahidul. You have chosen us a hero. He or she has chosen en or area r l a hero. You have chosen who stayed r l a hero we have chosen. And most a hell. You have chosen a vase l a hero. And they have chosen on a hero. The Web comeere Comair means to eat and so see if you can do the same again. You've got the English on the screen. Try and work out what it is in Spanish. And so pause the video, work out the Spanish, then press played Steve, You're right. So I have eaten is a committal you have eaten. Asked Camille. He or she has eaten. Camilo, Nick is a l or a yes or a lack. Amido is he has eaten or area a Camaro. She has eaten. You have eaten well, Steve, aka Middle. We have eaten a most committal you have eaten a base committee and they have eaten on Kamino and then the VEB a Speedo means toe. Wait. And so you have the past off weight in English and the screen Pause the video, work out what the Spanish equivalents are Then press played to see if you're right. So I waited is a desperado. You waited us a spirit. He or she waited en or area Espino. You waited will stare. I spit out. We waited and most espionage. You waited a vase, a spirit, and they waited on a spit out. And I said before that in English, there are always two ways to translate the past tense. You could say I waited or I have waited. You waited or you have waited. He or she waited or he or she has waited so you can choose. Brought in Spanish. It's always just a desperado. Us desperado. L oye Desperado, etcetera
26. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4h: the present perfect tense, double meaning just like we saw before. The present perfect tense can be translated in two ways into English. So a committal, for example, can mean I ate or I have eaten. So let's have a look at a side by side comparison off the web comeere in all the different people in the present. Perfect tense with its two English meanings. So a comedy can mean in English. I ate or I have eaten. Ask, Amigo. You mean you ate or you have eaten in or area a committal. You mean he or she ate? Well, he or she has eaten. You stay a communal camion you ate or you have eaten. And most Camilo, we ate or we have eaten a base. Communal. You ate or you have eaten on Kamino. They ate or they have eaten. So try and work out both English meanings for the following Spanish phrases. What would be the two in the translations off Emma's committee? We have eaten or we ate. So one of them will always have a have or a has in it. And the other one wound. And our baby? No. He has drunk or he drank Ahah I have Lado, she has spoken or she spoke a comenzado I have started or just I started on a hot They have worked or they worked so sometimes the words in English will look different. For example, we had I have eaten and I ate there eating an eight look different or I have drunk and I drank drunk and drank are different But then most often you'll notice that they look the same. The only difference is that one has the would have in front of it. So this one they have worked and they worked well worked is the same in both just one has the word have infantry What would be the two English meanings for us s to the other? You have studied or you studied a vase Comprado you have bought or you bought in another? He has sworn Oh, he swim? Yeah. L a hero she has chosen or she chose
27. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4i: How would you say in Spanish I have eaten everything. A Camino total A committee total. They visited Madrid and visit Obama Grief on a visit Travel Madrid You have finished using the old step form of you? Well, Steve aka Model Well state aka Battle. They have bought that on combat Oso on a comparable way. So we finished everything A more like a model Amos, aka Battle He has started l a common saddle in a comenzado or you can leave off the end and just say our common saddle So the air is optional. It was unclear as to who you're speaking about because our common Saville by itself can mean he has started. She has started or you have started. So you add l for he ahah For she on or step for you. Is this one a common cell? She worked in Spain. I am a trabajando en Espana Ahah trabajando en Espana. I found everything here A in control told Lucky a encontrado Baki. They have chosen on l a hero. I'm a hero
28. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4j: How would you say in Spanish you have eaten everything using the ass form off you have. Ask Camino Dodo. Ask Amido Total. They waited here on Esperanza hockey on SP Rather Rocky. We have visited Spain. A most visit Ottawa Espana. A most visit, Dad. Oh, Espana. He started comenzado or end a common saddle. She traveled to Spain. Avea Hado I Spagna, Avea Holloway Espana or you comport area at the start is a a a v a hard y Spagna. In fact, the word A You could go anywhere in the sentence. And so you could say avocado area I Spagna or via Hado I Spagna area. So it's on optional extra that you comport anywhere in the sentence to make it clear that you're referring to she and not he And you. How does a in Spanish? I left Salido a cell. You know
29. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4k: Let's just quickly recap the new verbs that we've learned with this tents. We had been there, which means to sell a speed. Our which means to wait l A here, which means to choose and can be are means to change. And here a few words that we can use to make our past 10 sentences a bit more wonderful. Yeah, A year in Spanish means yesterday I am esta manana. Esta manana means this morning. Esta manana. Last a man a possible last semana pasada means last week last a man a besa The word semana means week Last semana means the week on bass. Abba means last or past. So last Semana pasada means last week literally the week last in a similar fashion, we've got a annual pasado it on your Passat, which means last year. So Eleanor means the year and notice how pasada end in an A in the phrase last semana pasa . But basado ends in O in the phrase an annual pasado. It must, because in Spanish you have masculine Andi feminine words. Last semana ends in an A and so it's classes, a feminine word. And so anything that describes Semana also has to end in a so last Semana pasada last week . L annual ends in an O. So it's classed as a masculine word in Spanish. Is there anything that describes an annual has to end in an 02? So that's why we have an annual pasado for last year and then demasiado demasiado means too much. They must. So how would you say in Spanish? I ate too much this morning. A Camilo demasiado esta manana a Camilo Demasiado Westerman Yana. We traveled to Madrid last year a most via hado a Madrid. It must be a having a mother it in under possible. How would you say you've finished everything this morning using the instead form of you? Well, Steve aka battle Toto esta manana. Well, Steve, aka battle toward the West Manana.
30. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4l: How would you say in Spanish? They bought too much in Madrid, on comprado demasiado in Madrid, on comprado demasiado in Mother If he worked in Madrid last year in a trabajando in Madrid L. A trabajando in Madrid and I said before that you can put the word n anywhere and it's optional, so you haven't got uses it all. But if you do use that, you can put it anywhere in the sentence. You can say L at Rabaa Hardaway, mother at Tabajara well in Madrid. Or you can even put it at the end trabajando in Madrid and any basada will. How would you say she worked here with me yesterday at a hockey Camilo or a at Rappahannock Economy? Go here. I tried everything last week. A privado dato last semana pasada a Provo, Toto la semana pasada. They ate here last week and committed Akeelah Semana pasada on comedy Baki Last the manifesto. I finished a pack, a bottle, a pack, a bottle
31. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4m: the present perfect tense names and other knowns. Just like with the going future, you can put names and mounds with the present. Perfect tense, too. If you look at the he has and she has phrases, you'll see the our part the Hey J part is the same. Instead of en and area, you can use a name or any known, for example. L is he has Andi Asia means she has. But you could say bedroom to mean Pedra has Maria Means Maria has even something like dawdle, which means everything has. And then on the end of that, you just put any past participles. That's the word that ends in a d o or idea. So how would you say in Spanish? Pedra visited Madrid last year. Pedro obviously Tatham adrift at a Newcastle Pedro. A visit. Our mother is in Newcastle Maria eight here yesterday. Maria, a committee Baki a year Maria committed by P a year. Everything has started. Dodo, a common saddle. Dato, Come in. Seven. Last week, Maria worked with me in Madrid. Last semana Pasada Maria at Rappahannock, Amigo in Madrid, Last semana Pasada Maria Trabajaba Conmigo in Madrid. Or you can place last week at the end of a sentence, just like in English, and say something like Maria at Rappahannock Amigo in Madrid last. How would you say Maria traveled to Valencia? Maria A. Via Hollow at Valencia, Maria A via Hargo Valencia.
32. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4n: Here's a nice word that you can easily use in the present. Perfect. Tense. You put it in front of the auxiliary verb in Spanish. Yeah. Yeah, It means already. Yeah. So how would you say in Spanish? I have already finished. Yeah. Yeah. Kebab. Yeah, A Cavallo. So literally in Spanish. You don't say I have already finished. You say already. I have finished. Yeah, a pack a bottle. And that's because in Spanish you can't separate the auxiliary verb from the past participle. So the A and the acabo have to stay together. They can't be separated. And so the yeah has to go in front. It can't go in the middle, so yeah. Yeah, about already. I have finished. So how would you say in Spanish? Pedro has already eaten. So literally. You would say Pedro already has eaten Pedro? Yeah, a committal bedroom. Yeah, a committal. So you can't separate the Akram Edo. And so the year has to come in front of the And how would you say they have already visited Madrid? Yeah, And visit our mother. If Yeah, on visit Otto moderate. So yeah, means already. And it goes in front off the auxiliary verb in Spanish, whereas in English report it after the ordinary lives so angry say they have already visited. So the already goes in between there have on the visited. But in Spanish, it goes already have visited. Yeah, on visit Seattle moderate.
33. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4o: the president. Perfect. Tense. Negative. To make the present perfect. Tense. Negative. All we have to do is port No, in front of the auxiliary. Feb. Easy. So no A means I haven't No s means You have en or a, uh Noah means he or she hasn't. Well, Step Noah means you haven't no emos. Means we haven't. No, I base means you haven't no and means they haven't. Pedro. Noah means Pedra hasn't. Maria Noah means Maria hasn't. And then all we have to do is put a past participle on the end of that. And so that will be the very that ends in a d o or idea. So how would you say in Spanish? I haven't eaten no hay Camino? No. A committal as they always have. No way. No s nowhere. No Amos. No hobbies, no an and then a past participle. And that makes it negative. How would you say in Spanish? I didn't work here last year. No. A travel hockey and Newcastle? No. I traveled hockey in Newcastle and the no always has to call me in front of the air. Even if you port. Last year, at the start of the sentence. The no comes directly in front of the A. And so if you said in Spanish last year, I didn't work here, you would say in annual pasado, no extra hockey. And so the Nor a is what stays together and then you know I have a hard monkey or Notre Hockey in Newcastle.
34. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4p: How would you say in Spanish? They haven't visited Spain. Know, NVC data I span, you know, and visit the
other way span, yeah. How would you say you haven't
finished everything using the base form for you have you haven't
finished everything? No. I have a sack of outdoor
know of a soccer ball total. Remember the base form you have is used
when you're talking to a group of people. How
would you say in Spanish? Pedro hasn't started bedroom, no acumen, saddle. Pedro, non-common Salvo. She didn't play. No, I fugato. Fugato. You can put at the
start and say, Nor who gather. In fact, you can put the
AR at the end as well. No, I forgot. How would you
say we haven't tried that? No. No, I most providers. So you didn't travel
with me to Madrid? Hello. Can we go another if
noise to be a hat omega.
35. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4q: The present perfect
tense, negative, meaning. As you may have noticed
with some of the examples sentences that we've just
been doing in the negative. There are two ways to talk about the negative
paths in English. One way with haven't and
the other way we didn't. Well, just like before, there's only one way in Spanish. Both the phrases I haven't
eaten and I didn't eat. Not a cameo. In Spanish. Not a Camilo means I haven't
eaten or I didn't eat. Camilo means you haven't
eaten or you didn't eat. Or noncommittal means he or she hasn't eaten or
he or she didn't deed. Stead. Noncommittal means you haven't
eaten or you didn't eat. Most committal means we haven't
eaten or we didn't deed. No, I base Camilo means you haven't eaten
or you didn't eat. No end Camilo means they haven't eaten
or they didn't eat. What would be the two
ways to translate the following phrases into English in the
negative past tense. How would you say in English? No MOs Camilo. Camilo. We haven't eaten. We didn't eat. No. No. No. He hasn't finished
or he didn't finish? No. Ab lateral. Noah bladder. She hasn't spoken or
she didn't speak. No comments. No incoming sound. Oh, I haven't started and I didn't start
knowing Navajo. They haven't worked
or they didn't work. Notice as to the atom, no assets to the other. You haven't studied
or you didn't study.
36. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 4r: What would this sentence mean in English? The two different translations? No, I base compatible. No obeys comprado you haven't bought or you didn't buy. L know Anadarko. L know what? My bottle. He hasn't swarm or he didn't swim A, uh, Noah the hero, a know a hero she hasn't chosen or she didn't choose. And so, in English there are always two ways to translate the past tense in the positive and the negative. So, for example, in Spanish, if you had no I committal in the negative, you could say it in English. I haven't eaten or I didn't eat in the positive. You had a committal in English. You could translate that as I have eaten. Oh, I ate.
37. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5a: the present tense. The present tense is one of the tricky a tenses in Spanish only because there's a lot to remember. As you already know, there are three types of verbs in Spanish ao verbs, E O verbs and IR verbs. Well, we can split the present tense up. Based on these three types of verbs, let's start with a ar verbs. The route, called a are verbs, includes verbs like these. Visitar, which means to visit, have a heart meaning to work via heart, which means to travel get out, which means to stay and a block meaning to speak. In fact, anywhere that ends in the letters, A R is part of this group. To put these verbs into the present tense, there are two things you have to do. Step one. Remove the last two letters. Step two at the appropriate endings. Step one is quite simple. All you have to do is take off the A r from the end of the verb. So if you were using the Web visitar your take off the A R on get visit. Once you've been this, Step two says you have to add the appropriate endings. But what are the appropriate endings? What this means is that you have to add an ending to the end of the vote, depending on who is doing the action. For example, if you want to say n or he is doing the action, you add the letter a to the end, so you'll get things like L. V Sita, meaning he visits L Abla, meaning he speaks El Araba, meaning he works. However, if you want to say that we are doing the action, you add the letters A. M. O. S or Amal's to the end of the verve instead, so you would get visit Thomas to mean we visit. I've Lammers, meaning we speak Draba Hammel's, which means we work. So can you see the difference between three verbs in the he form that end in an A and the three verbs in the we form that end in Amal's? Also, you'll notice that I put the L in brackets, and that's because you haven't got to say it in Spanish. The L is optional. It's only used to make it a bit clearer that you're speaking about he and so you can say v Sita or L Visit there, which both mean he visits
38. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5b: So with a ar verbs would you removed the last two letters? You always add an A for he and you add a mus for we. So how would you say in Spanish? He calls on the web. Cool Is Ja'Mar Yama Oh l Yama. He works on the web To work is trabaja. They're about el trabajo. How would you say we work? There are about Hammel's He sings on the Web to sing. Is Kanbar kind of or l can't we play And the verb to play is who got who gambles. He arrives on the Web to arrive. Is yoga, yoga or any Yanga? We arrive. Yeah, Ganamos. He listens on the verb to listen is a school a scooter L A scooter. We listen a school Temer's he travels on the Web to travel is via hot VFA or any via we try on the Web. To try is Crowbar Paramus. He stays on the Web. To stay is give out, gave up or end giver. We stay que vemos gate on us, he studies on the very up to study is esto the hour, a studio for L. A studio, and we study is through the AMA's s to the Ama's
39. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5c: the present tense or the people with a of ebbs. Well, we've just had the he and we forms off the web. We said that if you want to say that he does something, you take off the a r and put in a on the end. Andi, if you want to say that we do something you take off the a r and important Amal's or a mos on the end. Well, what about if you want to say you or I or she or they Well, just remember that you start by taking the a r off from the end off the verb, and then you add these endings for I you hadn't. Oh, for you. You admit a S for he and she you add a for the second form of you, you, Adam a. So the first you is the singular informal. So you're the one that you would use with one person that you know very well. On this second, you is the singular formal, so you would use it with one person that you don't know very well. If you want to say that we were we already know that you add Thomas a Mos this third you is the plural used When Donald Monan person you add eyes or a i s with an accident on the A and then for very you add an a n on So you add O A s A and a then a mouse ice and on to the end. So let me show you with a very glad which means to speak We take off the a r and then we add the appropriate endings on we get abloom meaning I speak. Ah bless Meaning you speak l or area Abla, he or she speaks. I will stay. Abdullah, you speak have Lamos. We speak of lies. Meaning you speak and Avalon They speak abloom Abilass Abla Abla Obama's applies Ablan And so notice how the endings on the end of the h a b l r o a s a a almost ice and on So let's look at another way trabajar which means to work. So we take of the a r and then we add the endings and we get meaning. I work. Grab a fuss. Meaning you work in Or a trabaja meaning he or she works. You stay. You work. Draba Hammel's. We work that have a heist. You work and there are often means they work. So there those endings again O A s a a almost ice. And on hotel, they have a Hamels. There are highs and grab Affin.
40. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5d: so on the screen. Now you've got the VEB visit dot in Spanish in the present tense. See if you can pause the video and then write down the English meetings off this congregation and then press place. See if you're right, so visit. Oh, means I visit. Visit us. You visit L o a. R v. Sita means he or she visits instead. Visitor, you visit busy Thomas means we visit. Visit eyes means you visit and the seat done means they visit. So receipt obesity. Esposito v. Sita received our most basic ties received. So you've got O A s a a almost ice and un on the end of the verb. Wouldn't you take in the a r from the end of visitar away if you could do the same for this verb media Mirra means to look at something it means to look at or to stare at something. Andi In English, we get the word admire from it. So Mihdhar means to look at and in fact, in Spanish there is another verb Adamia. So it's about the same but with a d at the start. And that actually means admire. So pause the video you've got meat out on the screen in the present tense and write down the English equivalents and then press play to see if you got it right. So, me, it'll means I look at Meet us means you look at l or a media. He or she looked that state media you look at meat animals means we look at meet eyes means you look at and then meet on means they look at middle Myra's Mita Mita me Ramos Meat, Ice on media. So again you can see the pattern the oh A s a a almost ice and an on the end of the verb in the present tense.
41. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5e: Now let's have a go at doing the other way round. So on the screen now you can see the English conjugation of the verb to speak, which in Spanish is Avelar. Pause the video and see if you can write down the Spanish present tense of the verb Avelar and then press play to see if you're right. So I speak is abloom. You speak is Apple s he or she speaks is en or a Allah you speak who stayed? Abla, we speak. I've Lamos. You speak of lies and they speak. Is avalanche the web? Esto the are means to study, so try and conjugated Verb s through the are into the present tense. So Estudio is I study a story s means you story l or area Estonia Is he or she studies well . State of Estonia means you study is through the ama's We study is through the ice used to be and then Estonian is basically so a studio. Estonia's estudio estudio is to the Ama's as to the ice on de story in and the he and she studies on the use of these below have the l on a year on the doorstep in brackets. That's because they're optional in Spanish. You really need them if it's going clear. The reason is because if you look at EST Iulia for he and she studies on Estonia for you study, you'll see there's no difference. So if you use Estudio by itself, there are occasions where it could be a bit unclear. And so you can put L s Julia to clarify what you mean. He studies ahah estudio is she studies Onda who stave historia means usually but you haven't got to put anything. You can just say Estonia and that means he studies she studies or usefully on most of the time, the situation will make it clear as to who you're referring to. But if it's not clear you comport l air or step in front. Get out, Get out! It means to stay. And so what would be the present tense congregations off the verb K that in Spanish said pause the video right down the Spanish And then press played Steve, you're right. So I stay is cattle. You stay is get us. He or she stays en or area. Gaeta, you stay. Who stayed? Keira, We stay gate almost. You stay, get ice and they stay is given
42. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5f: the very a scooter means to listen. So how would you put s school tower into the present tense in Spanish? To pause the video, put the escort Chad into the present tense in Spanish and then press places. You got it right. So I listen is a school teacher You listen a school teachers, he or she listens is n or a s quota. You listen or state s scooter. We listen s school Temer's you listen. Escort chai's and they listen. A school turn a sculpture, sculptures, a sculpture, a sculpture, a school, Chalmers a school. Chuy's s Colton. The SPDR means toe. Wait. So you've got the verb toe weight in Spanish on the screen now. So see, if you comport the video right down the Spanish conjugation of the verb to wait. Then press plays TV. Got it right. So I wait, is a spittle. Do you wait a spate? Us? He or she waits en or area s para you Wait, We'll stay. This better We wait a spirit Ramos, you wait a spit ice and they wait. A spate on the verb Hochevar means to finish in Spanish. They pause the video and see if you can work out how to put the verb aka bar into the present tense in Spanish and then press play and see if you got it right. So I finish is a Kabul. You finish Gabbas. He or she finishes in a macabre you finish who stayed a comma. We finish AC Obama's you finish aka buys and they finish a coven. Acabo a kabas. Akaba Akaba AC Obama's occupies a cabin. I finished. You finish, he or she finishes. You finish, We finish. You finish when they finish.
43. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5g: the web. Nada means to swim in Spanish. So pause the video and see if you can congregate Nadar into the present tense. So novel is I swim. None of us is You Swim end or a are Nava. Is he or she swims instead? Never means you swim Nada. Mose is we swim, not ice is you swim and now than means basement novel Navas Nava Never Never Ramos Novaes Nothern by law, bile are means to dance where the word ballet or ballerina come from by large to dance. So take off the a R. Pause the video and see if you can congregate the verb into the present tense by adding the appropriate endings. Then press play on DSI if you got it right, so I dents is buy low. You dance, buy less he or she dances l or area biola you dance? Who stayed Beyeler? We didn't by them. You don't by lies and they Dent's is by land Buy low Bilas Biola Bilotta by Lam's By lies and violent. Yeah, I got you got means to arrive. You got so pause the video put the your guy into the present tense and then press played Steve Got it right. So you go means I arrive. Ugas is you arrive l or a yoga means he or she arrives. Who stayed Yoga is You arrive? Yeah. Gambles means we arrive. You guys is You arrive and Yangon means they arrive. Diego! Yungas! Yeah, I got ta go! Yeah! Gammas! You guys and Yangon!
44. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5h: er verbs in the present tense. The group, called ER verbs, includes verbs like these, Commander, which means to eat. Then there meaning to sell babe means to drink les air, which means to read and up in there meaning to land. In fact, any verb that ends in the letters E. R. Is part of this group. To put these verbs into the present tent, there are two things you have to do. Step one, remove the last two letters. Step two at the appropriate endings. So again, step one is quite simple. All you have to do is take the ER from the end of the verb. So if you're using the vendor hair, which means to sell, you take off the ER and you're left with a friend. Once you've done this, Step two says that you have to add the appropriate endings. But what are the appropriate endings? What this means is you have to add an ending to the end of the verb, depending on who is doing the action. For example, if you want to say that we are doing the action with any other letters, e M. O. S a most to the end, which is very similar to what we did with the a r Fibs on would get ven demos meaning we sell car memos meaning we eat baby moose, which means we drink. However, if you want to say that n or he is doing the action, the ending is simply an e. So we get l bending meaning he sells l call me which means he eats and baby meaning he drinks and say, Can you see the difference between the three verbs in the l form? Off the verb and the we form off the web All the verbs in the L form and in an E What's the we form ends in e mos Amos Sovann Demos co memos baby mamas vend they call me and baby.
45. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5i: so with er verbs. Once you've removed the last two letters, you always Adam E for n and you always add an m us for we so see Beacon work out how to say in Spanish he runs on the Web. To run. Is Korea L Corey L Gory or simply Cory? The is optional. How are you saying Spanish he sells on the Web to sell is been there l Vendee FND or just Wendy? We sell van demos when they most he eats on the Web to eat is come here, Call me or I L Call me. We eat go memos, go memos he answers on the Web. The answer is a respond there. Ale responding a responding or just responding. We answer, respond demos respond demos he drinks and the Web to drink is better here l a baby l baby we drink baby Moose Baby mouse, he reads on the Web to re is layer el les in lay or just lay We read Les emos Les emos he learns on the Web to learn is up in there up in there, and they're up in their means to learn. We get the word apprenticeship from this or apprentice someone that learns how to do the jobs air up in there. L a friendly L. Apprendi or just Apprendi. And the stress off the verb in the present tense is always on the syllable before the last syllable. So you look at apple and their when you have the whole verb. That's the bird that ends in the Are the a r e r or I r. You stress the last syllable apple in there. But then when you put the verb into the present tense, you move the stress to the left by one syllable. So apple in there becomes Apprendi. So you push down on the E before the end. Apprendi a Apprendi, he learns, How would you say we learn apple and demos? A plane demos he understands on the web to understand is competent there. L comprende Elkem, Brenda. And so again you move the stress. This is always in the present tense. You move a stress to the syllable before the last syllable. So all verbs that end in the are the infinitive. They have their stress on the very last civil, so confident there. But then when you put all those is the present tense. You move the stress or one syllable so complained there becomes Comprendo. And then finally, how would you say we understand complaint names comprehend demos.
46. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5j: the present tense or the people with er verbs. Well, we've had the he and we forms of the verb. But what about the rest of the people? So for he we hadn't he And for we we Adam E mos Amos What about you? I she they Well, just remember that you start by taking off the er from the end of the village And then you add these endings for I you hadn't. Oh, for you You add an e s for he and she you Adam e for the singular formal You you Adam e for we you add an e m o s for you You add an e i s with an accent over the e and for very you add an e n so Oh, yes, E Amos Ace in Let's have a look with the vendor So we start off with Ben Dare and we take off the er when we get revenge And then we have to add the appropriate endings. Bendel is I sell. Then this is you So en or area vending. He or she sells who stare Wendy, You sell ven demos we sell, then based You're so and venden base. So? So the endings are Oh, yes, E in. I meant Amos Ace and then Ian Plants in Wendell. Vendor is Wendy, Wendy when Demos, Wedneday's and venden and again the L. A. Yeah and Steve are completely optional. And so you add them only to clarify as to how you're faring to save you. If you're referring to a he you say l If you were faring for she, you say a yah. And if you're referring to you in the singular formal, you say or step, but you only say them. If it's unclear most of the time, it will be clear. If you're talking about Maria, for example, and certainly you say Vendee, then it's clear that you mean she sells. But if it's not clear, then you can add the extra words to the beginning.
47. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5k: Let's have a look at the career, which means to run. So we take off the ER from the end of the verb, and then you add the appropriate endings. O e s e e m o S e i s with an accent on the and then e n let me get Goro, which means I run chorus, meaning you run L a a Cory he or she runs. Whose death? Corey, you run queremos we've run Cordray's you run. And Corrine, they were so on the screen. Now you can see the verb vend air in the present tense in Spanish. Pause the video and see if you can write down what each word means in English and then press play and see if you got it right. So Mendel means I sell vend. This means you sell en or a a vendor means he or she sells or stare. Vendor means you sell Van Damme's means We sell Ben Days means you sell and venden means they sell Wendell vendors. Wendy Wendy. When Damos Wedneday's and venden the Web around band, Graham pair means to break room pair, and so you've got the Spanish conjugation of the verb from bear in the present tense on the screen. Now see if you can write down what the English words are So pause the video, work out what the English is and then press play and see if you got it right So Rumpel means I break rumpus Means you break El or a Yaya Rampy means he or she breaks Who stayed grumpy means you break famous Means we break Ron Pace means you break and Rompin means they break Romp Oh, rumpus, Romp A romp Rambam Osram Base Rompin Sort of a Benz in Oh e s you in e m O S e i s with an accent on the e I'm in an e n
48. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5l: the verb Deb Air Devon means toe have to. And so you've got the English conjugation of the bear into the present tense on the screen . Pause the video. See if you can work out how to say in Spanish on then press played. Steve, you got it right. So I have to Is Babel. You have to Davis. He or she has to. And Ahah Davey, you have to Who stayed there? Me. We have to. They're famous. You have to the base and they have to. Devin. Table debits Davy Davy, the famous the base and Devin Baby means to drink, baby. So you've got the English on the screen. Pause the video. See if you can work out how to say it in Spanish and then press plates. See if you're right. I drink Babel. You drink babies? He or she drinks in a Yeah Berry You drink Who stayed, baby, We drink baby most You drink babies and they drink baby in Babel Babies, baby, baby, baby Mose Babies baby in respond There rest in there means to answer. They look sort of like to respond. Respond there. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to say Arrest bond air in the present tense in Spanish and then press play you to see if you got it right. So I answer is responding. You answer. I respond this he or she answers en or area responding, you answer Who stayed responding? We answer respond demos. You answer Respond days and they answer responding, Respond All respondents responding, responding, respond demos respond days and responding
49. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5m: the layer means to read layer. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to say lay air in the present tense in Spanish and then press played. Steve, you got it right. So you take off the ER from Les air, and then you add the endings. Oh, for Iris. So we get layoff. Leo, you read, is layers layers? He or she reads en or area layer. You read Who stepped? Lay. We read Les emos. You read lays and they read Layer Leo lace lay lay les Emma's lace lay in. Up in there. Apple in there means to learn happening there. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to say in Spanish up land there in the present tense. Then press plate. Steve. Great, right? So a Brendle Apprendi is island apprentice means you Len El or a Yaya Apprendi? Is he or she lands who stayed a trending. You learn operating demos means we learn upper in days is you learn and upbringing, then means they, then a Brando apprentice. Apprendi Apprendi upper and demos up 10 days on a Brendan and then complain. There means to understand in Spanish comprehended. So pause the video. Try and work out how to say complain There in the present tense in Spanish. Then press plate. Steve Got it. Right. So Comprendo Comprendo is I understand. Comprende? This means you understand. Comprende? Could be he or she understands. And you can put the l or area in front Elcom. Brenda He understands a compendium. She understands who stayed calm. Brenda, you understand? Complained demos Means we understand comprende? Days is you understand and comprende? In means they understand Comprendo. Compendious. Comprende? The Comprendo. Comprende? Demos, comprende days and comprende in
50. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5n: I'll verbs in the present tense. The group, called the IR Verbs, includes verbs like this. V V, which means to live or recipe, meaning to receive admit here means to admit para meteor means to allow s creepy means to write. In fact, any very of that ends in the letters I R is part of this group. To put these verbs into the present tense, there are again two things you have to do. Step one. Remove the last two letters, Step two at the appropriate endings. For example, if we use the Web esque Revere and you take off the last two letters, you're left with a scribe, and then you add the appropriate endings to the end of that. But what are the appropriate endings? Well, just like before you add a different ending, depending on who is during the action. For example, if you want to say that I am doing the action in Spanish, you add the letter o to the end off the verb. Once you've removed the I R. For example, of evil means I live a scribble means I write permit means I allow. However, if you want to say that area or she is doing the action while the ending is simply an E for example, a Yeah vv or just vv The area is optional. V V means she lives a r s creepy or just s creepy. Means she writes a a better meet there or just pyramid today means she allows So vi vel s Kriebel para mito all end in the letter o whereas vb a screaming and permit day all ending in the letter e So for ir verbs, these are the endings for I and she
51. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5o: so with Iot verbs. Once you remove the last two letters, you always add an E for Alia or she and you always add an O for I. So how would you say in Spanish? She attends on the very before to attend In Spanish is nasty steer ahah assisting ahah assisting she discourses on the Web to discuss is the school dear a the school A The school day I discourse the scooter in the school, she insists on the verb to insist is insist ear ahah in Sister Ahah insisting, I insist in system in Sisto, she decides on the Web to decide is dcd Yeah, they see they A and the C V. I decide the seeder in the CDO she opens and the web to open is every year. Yeah, every yeah. Avary I open Abdul a better. She lives on the Web. To live is revealed a V v a MVV. I live of evil of evil, she admits on the Web. To admit in Spanish is admit dear a and meat they a admit they and again, just like before the on all of these is optional because admit they by itself, you mean she admits, he admits, Or you admit the air just makes it clearer as to who you're speaking about. How would you say in Spanish? I admit, admit, Admit it, she writes on the Web to write Is s Caribbean a screaming area, a scream. I write a scribble, a scribble.
52. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5p: the present tense or the people with ir verbs. We've had the she and I forms of the verb. But what about the rest of the people in the eye He on day forms? Well, just remember that you start by removing the ir from the end of the verb and then you add these endings for I We already know that we add letter for you in the informal singular we add e s for he and she we add an e for you in the formal singular we add an e for we we add i m o s or m us to the end for you In the plural we add i s with an accent over the i on for they we add e n oh, yes, e and then a Morse east and in Let's have a look at the web Esprit beer as an example. So we take off the i r from the end of escalate beer and then we add the appropriate endings and we get s Kriebel meaning I right. Escriba's meaning you right l or area a screaming meaning he or she writes, we'll stay s creamy. Meaning you right s creamy. Most meaning we right, a scream Ease Meaning you, right? Andi s screamin, which means they right So you can see the endings. Oh, yes. E e i m o s i s with an accent on the I and e n a scribble a scream This is screaming a scream be s Remus esque Release s Cremin I write, you write, he or she writes you, right? We write, you write and they right.
53. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5q: the Web recipe rest severe means to receive in Spanish. On dawn the screen. Now you can see the Spanish congregations off heresy. Beer in the present tense. Pause the video. See if you can work out what the Spanish words are in English. And then press played. Steve, you got it right. So at a stable, I mean, is I received. Receive this. You receive l or area receiving He or she receives who stayed receiving you receive recipe moss we receive recipes. Means you receive and receiving means they receive The next Web is press Amir Press one year, which means to presume. But I Samir. So see if you can work out what the English is for the congregation on the screen now. So press two more. Presto. Moe means I presume on just one thing to note here is that in Spanish, the letter s is always pronounced like an s and never like a zed in English. When you have the letter s surrounded by vowels like in the word presume you pronounce the s like a said. That's why we say presume whereas in Spanish, it's always liken s so breast Samir not presume ear, but press amir, that's the same. All these congregations press room press amiss and pursue me, not presume or presume is, But pretty soon, so put a sumo is, I presume Press Thomas is you presume l or a. A price to me means he or she presumes instead, press to me, you presume? Presto. Memos means we presume. Press Amis, you presume and breast human, they presume the next verb in a cyst ear. Insist ear means to insist. Insist ear. So you have the present tense congregations off the insist ear on the screen. Now civic, um, work out how to say it in English and so pause the video. Work out what the congregation is in English and then press play in system means, I insist. Insist this. You insist l or area in Sister, he or she insists Postaer, insisting you insist in 60 Mose. We insist in sixties, you insist Andi insistent. They insist
54. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5r: now that's trying near the way around. So the very discreetly means to describe in Spanish on the screen you can see the verb in English. What you try and do is work out how to say in Spanish. So pause the video, work out what the Spanish conjugation off describe beer in the present tense would be and then press play and see if you got it right. So I describe. Is this Kriebel you describe? Describe this. He or she describes N o. A. A discreet. We describe this Creavy most you describe this gravies and they describe the screaming the Web TV means to live. You've got de Vere in English on the screen. In the present tense Pause the video, Try and work out how state in Spanish and then press plate to see if you got it right. So I live is V evil You live V vis he or she lives l or a yacht. Vv you live? We'll stay vv we live VD moose, You live Vivi's and they live. I've even so of evil VVS vv vv vv most movies and even the endings are Oh yes, e and e emos. He's on in the perimeter here means to allow it Sort of looks like the verb to permit in English. When you permit something when something is permissible, it's allowable. And so you allow it so permitir means to allow. And so you've got the English conjugation in the present tense of the remedial, pause the video and then see if you can work out how Say it in Spanish. So I allow very mito you allow better meet this he or she allows in a a permit you allow? Well, step pyramid We allow betterment demos You allow remedies and they allow better meet then Barry Mito permits permit permit permit demos Permit is on permitting.
55. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5s: the Web premiere Pro every year means to ban on it. Sort of looks like the word prohibit in English. If something's prohibited, then it's bands, probably beer means to ban, and you've got the English present tense on the screen off the Web to ban. Pause the video and see if you can work out how to say it in Spanish, then press play instead. You got it right so I burn is pro able. You been pro Eavis? He or she Bones El Alia Brahimi, you been? Who stayed? Probie? We've been probie news. You ban probies and heben put a even Probo Probo Eva's Probe a probe. A pro vemos probies pro. Even the Web esque reveal means to write a screen beer. So pause the video and see if you can work out how to conjugate the verb. Escalate beer into the present tense in Spanish and then press plates. TV Got it right. So I write is a scribble You right? A scree vis he or she writes l or area s Creavy. You right? Who stayed s creamy. We right, it's creamy mousse, you right? A scream. He's and they right esque or even let me have the Web. Com Battier Combat a year means to fight It looks sort of like the English word to combat. So combat here is to fight. So pause the video Onda conjugated the verb corn battier into the present tense in Spanish . Then press play and see if you got it right. So I fight is combat. You fight combat this. He or she fights l A combat. You fight, you step combat, we fight combat. Imus. You fight commodities and they fight. Combating combat toe combat is combat combat combat Imo's combat ease combat.
56. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5t: the Web admit ear means to admit, admit ear and so poor the video. Andi, conjugated verb. Admit year into the present tense in Spanish and then press played to see if you got it right. So I admit is admit Oh, you admit, admit this. He or she admits, en area admitting you admit who stay at meat. They we admit, admit demos. You admit, Admit these and they admit, admit them. Admit, admit this. Admit, admit A at MIT Imus, admit this. Admitting this code here in Spanish means to discuss this school, dear. So pause the video and conjugated the verb disco tear into the present tense in Spanish. Then press place. See if you got it right. So I discourse is the school You discussed the school tests he or she discusses en or a at the school day. You discourse. Who said the school day? We discourse the school demos, you discourse, this cooties and they discourse the school. Then the school toe the school test. The school said the school day, the school demos discourse These in the school then assist ear. Now this looks like to assist, but it actually means in Spanish to attend Assist the year we call words that looked like something that they don't mean a fast saw. Um Eagle, which means a false friend. And so they looked like they are similar to an English word, but they actually means something else. So asi steel means to attend. So how would you confiscate SC steer into the present tense in Spanish? So I attend is a cesspool you attend. I see this. He or she attends en or area assisting you attend Newstead assistant. We attend as the steam us. You attend a sixties and they attend a system assist no assistance Assist their sister Asus Demos Assistance Assistance.
57. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5u: So you've seen how to form the present tense for a r e r and now ir verbs. You take off the last two letters and then you add for a are verbs. Oh, yes, A a a m o s a. I s with an accent on the a on a n for er verbs. You take off the er and you add Oh, yes, in e e m o s e i s with an accent on the e and e n and for ir verbs you remove the i r and then you add Oh, e s I mean, in I m o s. I s with an accent on the I and e n and you'll notice how the er verbs and the IR verbs are very similar. You add the e s e e on the e n very differences between the we on the U chloroform. You add E. M. O s for your ribs and I m o s for ir verbs. And then you add E i s for your verbs in the u plural, whereas you just add I s for the I office. Now here are a few extra words that you can use to make longer sentences. So does lost DS dollars. Los Dias means every day literally. It means all the days does means all on dollars. Los dias means all the days. But you can use it to mean every day I'm a new though a minute ago means often I mean, you know, normal men today. No moment they means normally Tim Brando. Tim Brown means early juntos juntos means together The letter J in Spanish is pronounced like a harsh hate sounds a haunt us and then more My means very so does was DS. I mean noodle no moment timpano juntos on my So how would you say in Spanish? She eats here every day on the verb to eat in Spanish is Goemaere Komaki dollars loss DS Or you can add a to the stars and say Yeah, Komaki Dollars lost ds. We traveled to Spain often and the verb to travel in Spanish is via hot Be a Hamels I Spagna. I mean well via Hama's ice Panya Mamen. Normally they arrive early and the verb to arrive is you got normal. Mente Yangon Temporary! No momento! Yangon Zambrano! You finish early tomorrow using the or step version off you on the Web to finish is aka bar You Steve acaba temporal manana instead. Acaba tempera pneumonia. He buys everything and the web to buy is combat compact total or l combat Total. Normally, I wait here on the web. Toe weight is espirit normal mental A spare Rocky no momento s pero aqui.
58. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5v: How would you say in Spanish you do everything Normally on the verb to do is affair as his daughter Normal men today at the start of the moment we work together on the web To work is trabajar I have a hammer Food Does they have a Hamas minutos? I write to Maria every day on the Web to write in Spanish is esque Revere s Caribbean s scribble a Maria does was Ni s a scribble. Maria does los dias. They visit Madrid together very often on the web to visit in Spanish Is visitar the sit on Madrid Juntos Mohammed visiting Madrid juntos more I read every day on the Web to read is layer Leo told us was ds layoff totals Los dias. He swims with Pedro very often. And the verb to swim in Spanish is another nada, not a competitor. Oh, boy, A manual, not a con Petro More ramen noodle where you comport l at the start and say El nada con petro Moy. A manual? Another con federal more. I mean
59. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5w: the present tense names and other now owns. Just like with the other tenses, you can put names and noun with the present tense, too. All we have to do is change the end or area versions of the present tense to a name or a noun. So he speaks in Spanish. Is Abdullah or L. Abla? And she speaks is Abla, or a a Abla, where he can change the end or area to the names such as Pedro Abla, which means Petro speaks. Maria Abla means Maria speaks even now is like El Loro Abla means the parrot speaks so long as you use the he and she version, you can put any name or any noun in front of the web. So how would you say in Spanish? Pedro visits Barcelona often. Pedro Visitor, Barcelona a minute. Pedro Visitor, Barcelona. A man will. Well, how would you say Maria eats here every day? Maria Komaki does less death. Maria Komaki told us. Los dias. The parrot speaks Spanish, and the word for parrot is low. El Oro Abla Espanol, a low ally spaniel. Normally, Maria travels with me normal Mente Maria via ha Conmigo. No, my men take Maria Baha Conmigo. Pedro finishes early tomorrow. Bedroom Acaba tempera, pneumonia. Pedro Acaba tempera pneumonia. Everything arrives tomorrow. Dodo Yemen. Yana Dodo Yoga manana.
60. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5x: have to say in Spanish. Petro swims every day Bedroom Nada does Los Dias Pedro Nava, Carlos Diaz, Maria Baez Everything normally Maria Compact Oh no. One Mentee Maria Compact Total normal meant we try everything together. Obama's daughter. Who does Obama start windows? Pedra arrive soon. Pedro Yoga Paronto Pedro. Yeah, Paronto.
61. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5y: the present tense double meaning in English. There are two ways to talk about the present tense. For example, you can either say I eat or are meeting in English. One way uses I'm on Ng on the other way, doesn't in Spanish, However, there is only one way coma, so you don't have to say I am. We'll figure out how to say ing in Spanish. You simply use the present tense coma. So see if you can work out the two meanings off each of the following past tense phrases. So novel, novel. I am swimming. Oh, I swim Kabul. I am finishing or I finish. Yeah, Go, Diego, I am arriving or I arrive. Wendell Rendall. I am setting where I still the battle. Could I Michael, I am working where I work in system in Sister. I'm insisting Oh, I insist of evil of evil. I am living or I live abloom, abloom. I'm speaking or I speak a scooter. A school teacher. I'm listening or I listen, Cam, you cam you I'm changing or I change
62. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5z: This is the same for any person in the present tense. You can translate it into English in two ways. One way within and one way without. For example, let's look at two translations in English, off the present tense of the verb Abla, which means to speak so abloom. I mean, is I speak or I'm speaking have less. You speak or you're speaking l a area Abla. He or she speaks or he or she is speaking instead. Abla, you speak or you're speaking Obama's. We speak or were speaking applies. You speak or your speaking and Avlynn they speak or they're speaking. You can also put names in front and say things like federal Abla, meaning Pedrosa speaks all Pedra is speaking. Maria Abla, Maria speaks or Maria is speaking. Even things like L O Allah the parrot speaks or the parrot is speaking. So whenever you translate the present tense into English, there are always two ways you can have one with an ing and one without being. So what would be the two different ways that you can translate a train? Yoga. L train yoga. The train arrives or the train is arriving. Pedro call me, Pedro Comey, Pedra eats or Pedro is eating office. Total office. Daughter, You do everything or you're doing everything. Maria, Rob a hockey Maria trabajar aqui Maria works here or Maria is working here via Hamels, a Barcelona. We are Hammam's about still on. We traveled to Barcelona or were traveling to Barcelona. Visit on a Maria in Espana visit on a Maria in Espana. They visit Maria in Spain or they're visiting Maria in Spain.
63. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5za: What would be the two ways to translate This word is to the ice. As to the ice you study or your studying ahah Gaeta key. A Gaeta aqui. She stays here. Oh, she's staying here. El Adli spaniel in our life spaniel. He speaks Spanish or he's speaking Spanish. Let Tienda every pronto la tienda every pronto and let Tienda means the shop in Spanish. The shop open soon or the shop is opening soon Obama problemas we try everything. Oh, we're trying everything.
64. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5zb: the present tense. Negative To make the present tense negative in Spanish or you have to do is put the word no in front of the bed. Here's an example with the verb a block. And you also notice that there are two meanings again in English for everyone. Sentence in Spanish. So in Spanish. No avenue no. Apple means I don't speak. Oh, I'm not speaking. No. Ive last. No, I have less. You don't speak or you're not speaking l or area. No, Abla. L or area? No Ebola. He or she doesn't speak. Oh, he and she isn't speaking. Will step no Ebola instead. No, Abla, you don't speak or you aren't speaking. No. Ive lamest. No ive lambs. We don't speak or were not speaking. No. I realize no applies. You don't speak or you're not speaking. No Avalon. No Ablan. They don't speak or they're not speaking. Pedro. No Ebola. Petro. No, Abla. Pedro doesn't speak or Pedro isn't speaking. Maria. No Ebola. Maria. No, Abla. Maria doesn't speak or Maria isn't speaking. And so we have to do. Is important. No, In front of the verb, no matter what person you're talking about in Spanish, and then you have the negative present tense. Andi in English. There are always two ways to talk about the present tense, whereas in Spanish is only one. How would you say in Spanish? I don't eat any meat on the word for meat in Spanish is Carney, and you don't have to say the word for any. You just say I don't eat meat. No CO McCartney No coma. Carney. How would you say he doesn't work here? L Notre Hockey in Notre Hockey And again, the end is in brackets because it's an optional extra, so even to say, not rob a hockey.
65. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 5zc: How would you say in Spanish? They aren't visiting Spain this year. And this year in Spanish. Is este annual este on you? No versatile Espana s Daniel. No receipt on the Spaniards. Danu, you aren't doing that using the old stead version off you Newstead Noesi eso who said no asked eso and so you can just say no. I say eso without the Volstead you'll said, is optional if it's not clear as to who you're speaking about Also, the appreciation off Asi in Spanish can be done in two ways as, say, pronouncing the sea like an s or a fee pronouncing the sea like a th. Whenever you have a C followed by an E in Spanish, you can choose to pronounce it like an s like a th so as say, or Alfie So the th in think not the th in the but aphasia, aphasia or asi So you can say or stead No, I cso or who stayed no half a sa. How would you say in Spanish? Pedro isn't arriving tomorrow. Pedro Noriega Manana, Pedro Noriega manana. We'll have to say she isn't working here tomorrow Notre Bopha Kimunya or area not Rafa Kimunya. We don't swim very often known. Ademas Mormon Go No nada mismo ramen noodle. I don't visit Barcelona very often. No receipt. Oh! Barcelona Monument Nervous Ito Barcelona More I am a noodle.
66. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 6a: Now I'm going to give you all the little phrases that we've learned. Plus a few more. And then we'll try and make some sentences in Spanish. So how did you say in Spanish? I would like key Eto. I'm going. Go. I'm going to Voi. Can I here a key there? I e that eso everything. So the tomorrow manana you can sip with the You can't? No, Separately to Madrid. My mother. You in Spain in Espana soon. Toronto next week. Last name on it. Give you any next year It? I knew Cavey Any with gone with me? Cornmeal Well or fine being this morning. Esta manana Last week Last semana pasada Last year it I Newcastle Too much demasiado already? Yeah, every day. Dollars lost DS often. I mean, you go normally. No momento early Tim Perama together. Cuentos Very my Oy
67. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 6b: And now let's recap all the verbs that we've learned in this course. How do you say in Spanish to eat? Come here to arrive You got to play Who got to visit? Visit our to travel VFR to work, to speak a black to read player to right esque reveal to listen a scooter to look at mete out to receive Presti beer to admit. Admit here to allow better media to presume. Press amir to swim. Not that to do or to make Astaire to leave. Celje to buy to try Robot to find Incontrera. To study esto, the are to stay. Get out to finish Ichabod to start. Come inside to dance by that to attend Assist Ear to discourse Disco tear to live V V to describe describe ear to fight combat. Year to be a star to wait. SPDR to sell, then there to choose at a here to change cambiado to lose para near to land up in there toe Answer. Respond there to understand complaint There tohave to DeBare to insist. Insist ear to decide the city toe open. I have it here and to ban probably beer
68. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 6c: How would you say the following in Spanish? I'm going to be very tomorrow. Voy a cellular tempera Pneumonia voice a Lear tempera. Pneumonia. Can I start later? Puerto Comenzar McStarley Puerto Comenzar McStarley I would like to stay here today and the word for today in Spanish is Oy Kiet. Okay. That AKI oy Keilar. OK, there are key way. We're going to be in Spain soon. Vamoose. I started a spaniel pronto. Vamoose. I start in Espana pronto. Can I leave Puedo Celia? Where does all year? He isn't going to be there. And NovaStar me. L Nova. I study. She's going to stay here with petrol. A Viking at Akiko. Better a Viking aqui confederal. I have already eaten. Yeah, a comedian. Yeah, a comedian. They have lost everything and parodied Oto on Perdido Total. We haven't visited Madrid? No, a most basic data Mother. If no I most recent data model, they understood uncomprehending on Comprendo.
69. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 6d: How would you say in Spanish? I'm staying here. Ok, The walkie can. Rocky, I'm not staying here. No que Rocky! No Karaki. We're eating here together tomorrow. Coma Masaki Juntos Manana Coma Masaki Juntos Manana. I'm studying Spanish with Maria. A studio Espanol Com area A studio Espanol Con Maria. They're not going to listen. No van A scooter? No van I scooter You're going to lose everything. Massa para their total bass appear there. Can I speak with Pedro? Where? There were a lot of competitors Puerto Avelar competitor. We found Maria a moose Encontrado Ameriyah Mohsin Khan Travel Amariyah. He's already left? Yeah, as a little or n Yeah, a salido. I visit Spain very often. V C to Espana Moy A manual visit. Oh, Espana! Moy A man you know?
70. Spanish Verbs 1 Lesson 6e: How would you say in Spanish? We don't hear very often. No comment was a key boy. I mean, no comment was a key More. I would like to travel to Spain next year. Chiaro Bihar I spy on the island of Heavy Any Chiaro Bihar, Espana. Don't give me any Next year I'm going to travel to Barcelona. A land o que viene me voy a hard about Sedona l and o que viene a voyeur Bihar about Sedona . You're going to eat everything. Vasa, Camaro, Vasa, Camaro. I lost that yesterday. A parody? The rest away Here. A fair deal. Oso Air. He found that this morning. Incontrera. Esto esta man una or l. I am contralto Eso esta manana. The film has started on the word for film In Spanish is La pelicula la pelicula A common Sabah La pelicula A common Sava. He's arriving tomorrow. Yoga man Yana, Yoga manana Where you can put l in front and say l yeager manana. I understand everything. Comprendo, Comprendo, total
71. The Happy Linguist: If you would like some hints and tips on how to make the most out of these courses on how to accelerate your language learning, you can read through my articles on my blawg called The Happy Linguist. I have written almost 400 articles on their full of ideas to keep learning a language fresh and exciting, and I'm constantly updating it with new articles. For example, you can listen to some foreign language songs that I have translated into English. For you, this is always a great way of learning new vocabulary. You can find lots of foreign language films and books that I recommend, or you can find extra language and grammar points that reinforce the content you've been learning in my three minute languages courses. So if you want to read all my articles for free, just head to my blawg at www 0.3 minute dot club forward slash bloke. As well as being able to read hundreds of articles on my block, you can sign up to my mailing list. Andi. You'll get a message sent straight to your inbox to let you know whenever I publish new articles or publish new courses so w w w 0.3 minute dot club forward slash blawg is where you can find the happy linguist. I hope you enjoy unhappy learning.