12 Tips For Creating Great Video Content | Tay Wilkins | Skillshare

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12 Tips For Creating Great Video Content

teacher avatar Tay Wilkins

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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      12 tips for making great video content intro


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      12 Tips For Creating Great Video Content


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This course covers 12 tips for creating video content that works for YouTube videos, Video Sales Letters, Landing Pages and pretty much anywhere where you can insert video content.

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Tay Wilkins


My goal is to provide you with the tools and knowledge to unlock your full potential. My courses will convey how to strengthen your focus, build confidence as well as direct you to a creative and intelligent approach to achieving success.

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1. 12 tips for making great video content intro: people love videos. They watch him, they enjoy him. They even enjoyed videos when the video is selling something, as long as the video still entertains and informs. So how can you use more video in your business? And, more importantly, how can you make those videos perform as well as possible and getting your viewers to take action? Here are tips to get you started in the right direction. 2. 12 Tips For Creating Great Video Content: make sure your video is about the story and not about the sale. Anyone can slap up with sales video and put it up on YouTube. But will they get views? Most likely, not instead, what you want to do instead of just putting up Ah, video that says, Buy this product. What you want to do is tell a story that delivers value. Let's say you're selling a course on how to do marketing for chiropractic offices. It's tempting to tell your viewer why this product is awesome, why they need it and how it's only available for a limited amount of time. But what if you took a second to make a Siris of short videos with each video providing one powerful marketing tip just for chiropractors? I guarantee those videos will be watched and shared among the chiropractic community. You establish massive credibility, and, of course, you can politely refer them to your website at the end of each video. These videos won't set your course for you, but what they will do is make it far easier to get the sale. Make the 1st 10 seconds the best 10 seconds ever. Once that says that 20% of viewers will click away from a video within the 1st 10 seconds. Now you've got to ask yourself, Why would they do that? The answers. They came to watch something, yet they leave almost immediately. There could be a few reasons for this. One reason is your video doesn't appear to be what they expected. If they're coming from a link, this is free. I paid. And your video is about growing organic veggies. You're going to lose him. Obviously, continuity is key here. Another reason is your intro. You could have one of those long, boring looking the interest. And I'm pretty sure you've seen those intros where it takes 30 seconds before the actual video starts. You don't need that. Make sure when you make your videos that you are ready to go. You don't want to be taken all day trying to readjust or get everything right While the video is running. When he starts, make sure you're ready to give up the information so that your viewers do not leave this. I again, Like I said earlier, get right to the subject that you were talking about. Don't try to fluff up your audience get right into the subject matter. I think about this for a minute. Think about movies. Back in the fifties sixties and seventies, they all had long, boring intros filled with lots of credits and no action. And I think of today's movies from the first moment there is action. Something captures your attention and makes you want to stay tuned to find out what is happening. Why, what's happening and what's going to happen next. When it comes to writing fiction, teachers often tell their students to lop off the first page or two because they're usually full of long, boring intro stuff to set up the first scene. But when you start with the action and boom, your readers captivated videos of the same way. Start with the good stuff and let it just get better from there. The next tip is don't be so serious. Video might be to inform order stroke, but that doesn't mean you have to sound like a boring Robotti College professor. Final ways to inject fund and humor into your presentations. This doesn't mean to inject knock, knock jokes or stale jokes. They have nothing to do with the topic at hand. instead find the humor and what you're teaching we're talking about. It's always there. You just have to look for now. I know that when you get in front of a camera, you probably like most people and get nervous. And when you get nervous, you might not be able to find the humor in anything except perhaps your own nervousness. The things that I can tell you hear if you practice beforehand in front of a friend or maybe a mirror, you'll be surprised it the funny things that come up to my go ahead and try your humor on your friend and listen to their feedback that tell you which parts of your jokes are funny in which ones that leave out. Secondly, it's need to think of the camera as your friend. You're just having a friendly conversation, regardless of whether is you on the camera or you using slides. Third Hafun. If you having fun than the viewer will likely have fun as well. It's good to be human. No one really likes someone who was perfect, or even someone who comes across is perfect. That's why it's OK to make a mistake or two on camera. If you are nervous, or if you do something wrong, just acknowledge it and move on. For example, you drop something. You were showing the viewer laugh. Pick it up, make a job and keep it moving. It's a funny thing when we admit to the audience that we're human and we can laugh at our own mistakes. Your audience will begin to like you more, and they were root for you more to. I know people who purposely make mistakes and do clumsy things on camera just so they can get the audience on their side. It's a truly effective technique. When it could be done right. Tell embarrassing stories about yourself as an extension of the last point. Use yourself as an example of what not to do. Let's say you're teaching dating tips. You want to tell the viewers what not to do. You should never, ever do this or that just because it knows the other person. Say this. I was once on a date, and I made the dumbest mistake possible. What happened, Waas. And you're going to tell your story, notice that now said of lecturing the viewer. You're sharing a valuable and personal story about how you goofed up. This does a couple of things. He teaches the viewer in a way that they will remember because people remember stories much better than lessons and is yet another opportunity to show just how human you are and that you do make mistakes just like they do. But what if you never made that mistake yourself? It's up to you, but I see no harm in telling the story from your point of view anyway. Either way, it's a highly effective teaching nothing, and everyone loves somebody who can laugh at themselves. Just take comedians, for example. They're continually telling audiences about the stuff they've done that wasn't too bright an audience loving for optimize your videos research here. A few tips for doing just that. If you can host your video on your own domain first before uploading it to sharing sites, this has the potential to get people to link back to your own domain, which will also help your overall seo efforts, enabling betting on your video to increase the likelihood of receiving inbound links. Ed your videos to your site map to give Google information about your video This gives Google useful metadata that can improve Google's ability to include your video and search results. Use tags for relevant keywords, right, full descriptions and add a unique title. And remember this if it has a box, Google need you to fill it out in order to help you rank, educate your audience some of the best videos you will ever make that your prospects and clients will love our videos that teach your view or something. Useful weather is to get a result they want. Show them how to best use your product or provide useful tips. People enjoy shore how to videos to teach them what they want to know and when they want to know it. Which, of course, means you need to be found when they're looking. Let your customers speak for you. Social proof is best done by your customers on your behalf. For example, you can axe customers to film themselves, talking about how they use and how they love your product. Case studies on excellent way to showcase your product while teaching your audience how to achieve the results to desire. Your customer might talk about their buying decision. What might have stopped them from buying and why they want to hate and got the product anyway. Next, they might talk about their results of using the product with specific features they like and the biggest benefit of using the product a good customer testimonial or case that he could be worth an entire sales letter when it comes to converting new prospects in the customers work. When you called the action whatever kind of video you're making, don't forget to a a call of action at the end, it might be to visit your website, go on the landing page or to grab a free report, check out a sales page or whatever the case may be. Just remember that your video should be 90 to 95% great content in just 5 to 10% sales at a video to your landing pages to increase conversions. Naturally, you'll want to test this out, but odds are you'll see a nice bumping your conversions on your landing page. If you add a short video, introduce yourself and let the viewers know what they're getting when they subscribe, making friendly and fun for the viewer and try to inject a little humor most of all, give one very clear and immediate benefit of describing two year less and grabbing a free offer. I know a marketer who never sells a thing on his videos. All he does is provide helpful tips, tell silly stories about his industry and act as a helpful friend to his viewers. And his sales are through the roof. Why? Because people love him and they trusted video isn't hard, was difficult sometimes is relaxing enough to simply be ourselves and lend a helping hand or tip to the viewer.