10 Reasons Why You Should Start Journaling | Nina Vangerow | Skillshare

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10 Reasons Why You Should Start Journaling

teacher avatar Nina Vangerow, Artist, Wellbeing through Creativity

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      1. Memory Keeper


    • 3.

      2. Mindfulness


    • 4.

      3. Clarity of Thoughts & Feelings


    • 5.

      4. Dealing with Emotions


    • 6.

      5. Mental Health


    • 7.

      6. Know Yourself


    • 8.

      7. Become a better Writer


    • 9.

      8. Problem Solving


    • 10.

      9. Planning


    • 11.

      10. Creativity


    • 12.

      Class Project


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About This Class

Journaling seems to be all the rage at the moment, but what makes it so special?

Journaling and keeping a journal or a diary is not a new thing, we know of many famous people in the past who have kept journals.

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.” - Oscar Wilde

If we were to take our knowledge from social media, we might come to the conclusion that journaling is all about beautifully curated journal spreads to be photographed and shared on Pinterest and Instagram. And there is definitely a place for this form of art journaling, but I feel that a lot of people get discouraged from starting to journal, because they might feel the need to create similar journal pages.

But journaling is so much more than beautiful journal spreads or having the right notebook, pen and Washi tape!

In this class, I would like to share my personal top 10 reasons, why I feel you should start journaling. Introspective journaling is one of the best personal development tools that is out there, keeping a journal can be the first step to changing the course of your life, find out who you really are and what makes you tick. It can help you deal with mental health issues, find a calm moment in this busy world and become more mindful. In addition, it will help you with your planning and goal setting, get better at problem solving and become a better writer.

If you'd like to find out more, grab a cup of tea (or coffee) and join me inside this class.

I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

Meet Your Teacher

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Nina Vangerow

Artist, Wellbeing through Creativity





my name is Nina, I'm an artist, educator and online content creator and live in a small town in rural Wales, UK.

Under the name of The Forgotten Bookshop Girl I'm working as a mixed media artist, rebind old books turning  them into notebooks, create vintage style Travelers Notebook inserts, work with various forms of image transfers and a whole range of different types of coffee stained papers. I love working with materials that would normally have ended up in the landfill or is just looking for a new lease of life. In addition, I love creating items, that look as if they had been around for a while and might just have been found in somebody's attic or a fleamarket. If you would like to visit my shop on Etsy, you can find it her... See full profile

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1. Intro: keeping a journal on journaling seems to be a lot of rage at the moment. We know of numerous famous people in the past. You've bean keeping journals, so it's definitely nothing you. But what is so special about journey? I'm Nina. I'm an artist, a teacher on online content creator Andi. I do keep a journal, so I have experienced firsthand what impact a regular habit of journalist can have on your life. Andi In this class, I would like to share my top 10 reasons why you should stop John, but a few that lot of people get discouraged from starting a journal because all they seem to see are these beautifully created pages on. They probably fear that they won't be able to create anything similar, but the fact is that journaling is so much more then. Beautiful pages, beautiful handwriting. Having the right note. Berg the right pen on washi tape. Introspective Germany is one of the best personal development tools that is available on. The fantastic thing about it is it's absolutely free. You don't need any special or expensive equipment on. It's basically up to you when you get started. Journaling is the first step. If you want to change the cause of your life, it helps you to work out who you really are. What makes you tick? It is a vital component. While working through mental health issues, it helps to find a moment of calm in this busy world and to learn to become more mindful. And it also helps you to become a better problem solver on and much better writer. So if you feel that you are intrigued by journaling, I want Teoh go more in depth. Why you should think about starting to keep a journal, grab a cup of tea or coffee on may be inside the cloth. 2. 1. Memory Keeper: First of all, I would like to talk to you about your journal as a memory keeper, and I think that's probably one of the most obvious ways open. Using a journal on that is just documenting what you doing on a day to day basis. You are basically this scribe off your life. There is nobody following you around and taking notes, So it's really up to you to make sure that you get a chance to document your life. We tend to be so busy on a daily basis. There's so many things we need to do in places we need to be on. It is really so easy to forget what we've been doing from one day to the next. I know. For example, if you ask me what I did yesterday, I would really have Teoh to think, unless it was a very special occasion, like a birthday or a day out. I'm very likely to forget what I have done, and I think this happens to a lot of us on. But I think its main lead you to the reason that our days tend to be very repetitive. You know, we get out, we get ready to go to work. It doesn't really matter. I think that much. If you have to go out and work or if you are self employed because you will have some sort of a routine going, you have to do the household chores. So even if you mix things around a little bit, they are still going to be similar things on a daily basis. Andi, I feel that this is probably one of the reasons why we think that time is just slipping through our fingers because it all seems to be like a big muddle of the same things that are repeating themselves. So by taking the time on writing the little things down that make days one day different to the following day, you create little vignettes off your life. And then it's so nice to be able to look back on all those memories on, Even if it's just a little things that happened in a day, it gives you a chance to write down stories and phrases on jokes. You've heard if you've got kids, they might come up with something really funny on. You can write it down. You can write down a quote your on your favorite TV show that somehow resonates with you or make you smile. You can write unquote get really inspirational quotes you come across on DSO These still things make your days slightly different on It's also a way off, remembering of how much we have actually done or how much we actually doing on a daily basis on sometimes we we actually forget. We always think that we're not achieving enough Andi, that there's still a to do list to do. But, uh, you very easily forget all the things that you already have done and have achieved, so it's really nice to be able to see that written down as well. Also, by writing down memories, you actually enhance your memory. Just think back about the time when you went to school or whenever you were learning something on that by copying down notes or rewriting whatever you've learned in a different way, Her put in a very engaging way usually helps to remember those things. So just the very acts of writing down what you've done will help you to remember the things you've done and also don't forget ever taking time to stop Andi, document your life. You are giving your life a lot of value, Andi. You connect with the moment a really important thing to remember also. Maybe on Sundays, when you're struggling a little bit to keep the momentum going when you're journaling, just seed as something you're doing for yourself. So a few ideas of how you can start using your journal as a memory keeper aids, for example, choosing to use it like a log book. And I came across a really fantastic way of doing it. It's by Austin clear on. He is an author who also draws well. That's how he and disrupt himself. You might have come across one of his books steel lucking artists. I'm going to put a link to his log and website into the class. Resource is section. Whatever you like about his approach to the daily journaling as kind of a memory keeper is , he just uses bullet points really more or less or short sentences or like half sentences, are just a few words just to pick up on the things he's done on. Then he add some little doodles or little sketches, and they just look like a lot of fun, but not something that would take a lot of time. And I didn't think it's anything right. You have to be very precious about it. I have to admit I myself, I'm not very good at drawing, but what I thought this would give me a chance to, First of all very, very quickly. Take note of the thing I have done throughout the day without having to rethink it and at the same time, a practice I drawing. So what I have to do, obviously, is not get frustrated. If anything goes rolling, it should just be treated as not really as a sketchbook or anything that is supposed to be really beautiful, but just as a fun way of capturing your day, so that might be an idea for you. Another idea is just to do a free right for about three minutes to set your timer and start writing. Three minutes isn't very long. It's achievable on. You will be amazed of how much you could do in three minutes. Yuk ho! Decide to just write a sentence a day on, just summarize the whole day in a sentence or just pick up on something that you felt was really important. Or you might call kind of like the lesson you've learned. From this day he can write bullet points, which is a little bit like the loch booked justice, right? You could just leave out the doodles. You could also use prompts to get you into writing on. There are a lot of problems to be found on the Internet. Every depends on how deep you want to go with those problems. But they can help you to get into writing. If you, for whatever reason, just really don't know what to write about. If you've been journaling for while, Andi might want to take a little bit further, or even if you're just starting and just like the idea, you could just document your day in observations and then turned those into the poem. That might not be something you would want to do every day, but you could do it occasionally uncertain days unless you really enjoy this exercise. And then, of course, you could do it on a daily basis. Something else he could do with any of thes variations is kind of at the end of the day, see what you would like to keep on what you would like to let go. That could be either good or bad emotions. You know, you were going through that day. Oh, it could be something where you feel that something went really well on you would like to keep that habit or something Didn't go so well. You could try and see how you can improve on that aspect off your day to make it better. 3. 2. Mindfulness: journaling can help you to start being more mindful. Andi working on trying to be more mindful because really all that means is trying to live more in the moment and not so much a kind of regretting what has happened in the past or worrying about things that happen in the future. All might happen in the future. It's just taking a little moments way. Just appreciate where you are. Just a moment of just being aware of at the sites on the sounds, the smells and just really focusing on a lot of those little things that in that moment going on around you on then also do it introspectively by just feeling or realizing, or or really just observing what is going on in your mind. So basically, you become an observer off that moment by adjourning Zehr by the actual act of writing, you are focusing your brain on the fact that you are writing so a whole mind is occupied with writing. It helps to slow your brain down on. Do you really are just in that moment? You are therefore fully engaged with what you are doing in this moment on also being intentionally aware of this moment on just spending a few minutes every day. Just focusing on the tiny little things that are happening can be very therapeutic and also kind of just slow down and calm your mind. Andi. I feel that this is a really important practice, especially because our life seemed to be busier and busier. And there are more, more distractions I find myself having about, you know, that 5 to 10 tabs open when I'm sitting at my computer, or it's just really easy to get distracted by notifications on your phone. So is really tricky to just find those moments where you I don't really get distracted but are just in the moment in arm or no observer. So even if you're observing that, your mind is being distracted by your phone again. 4. 3. Clarity of Thoughts & Feelings: Jen and gives you a chance to find more clarity when it comes to your thoughts on feelings on did. It also helps you to process events. So we're just taking a few minutes to write down. And he thought, Oh, feelings you have without editing them. You will very quickly get into the habit of recognizing your thought processes on being aware of how you're feeling. This is very much linked to the mindfulness I've bean talking about in the previous video, because it's just a way of being aware of the actual moment and off the things that are happening around us, but also being more where of what is happening internally and how we react to certain events or situations and the more often you do it. And the more regular this exercise is going to be, it will be so much easier to connect with your internal world and also to sort through experiences in a match more thoughtful on productive way. It will help you clarify thought processes by writing them down. They don't just wire around in your head. You have to put emotions into words and put Samaritan paper on, and then you become both. You become the author and also kind of the audience because you learn to, um, see what is happening and then you can kind of, like, work with with the author together, I gives you a chance to reflect. It gives you a chance to act. It gives you a chance to notice similar situations next time, maybe remember how you reacted last time, Or maybe be more where, in that moment of how you're reacting and why. So one of this is going to help you to grow as a person. Andi, on this is also going to help you to actually be more in the moment and not only react, but or to be on observer off your reaction by writing down your thoughts on on feelings, you will find that there is a lack between the actual thoughts on the movement where the words come on paper. So between the thinking on the actual writing and even in that moment, you get a chance to, um, reflects on what you just said. You might realize a notice that you suddenly just happened to be in a very negative thoughts spiral that you're talking very negatively about yourself on this is something we are all guilty off. But the important thing is to notice these things by writing them down. It is a lot easier to notice what you were doing and then reflect on how you could maybe counter act those thoughts for think of why you might be thinking those thoughts. I'm an interesting experiment. You could try to maybe a kick start the whole process, or maybe come across ways of thinking that you're not aware of is just a free right. Just set your timer for, let's say, 10 minutes, 50 minutes. You could just do five minutes on just right rebound thinking I'm just write whatever comes into your mind. Even if you start off by writing, I really don't know what I'm supposed to write about. This is really boring if you really annoyed. But just by writing you will kind of free up flow of writing and you might, um, notice things, a ways of thinking that you hadn't realized before You might become aware of any fears anyone's any needs, any problems, things that were there, but you weren't quite aware. If you could really see that they were there by just writing. You might pick up on those things, and then you could take that further and start journaling about those eso. This free right is actually really simple thing to do, but it can take a little bit of practice to get into, especially if you're not used to writing. So be patient. Don't judge your handwriting. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation. You don't have to write full sentences. E can. I'm just right. Words. You can write half sentences. You can start the same sentence a few times over writing. This actually hand robin on on the computer or using a keyboard is that you can easier. Very your handwriting. You can write big letters you can underscore. You can use different colors. You can add a doodle so there's a lot more ways of wake and very quickly without really thinking about it. A play with the words with the way you're you're writing on that will actually free up even mawr off your vote processes Andi versus going to bring us to the next point. As I said, a lot of thes points will overlap, but I thought it would still be important to talk about them individually. So the next video I'm going to talk about how you can use journaling, too, deal with and work with your emotions. 5. 4. Dealing with Emotions: writing about your emotions, especially if they're negative. Emotions like sadness, frustration, anger and grief will help to release the intensity of the emotions felt. Andi is also the healthiest way off getting amount without hurting anyone, and you should also feel a lot calmer and more in control off the situation. Once you've put it all on paper, if you dig a little bit deeper, you'll find out what sparks the emotion and why. Andi, you will become mawr attentive off your emotions. Andi. They start to control them on bond work with them in a more productive way. Finding and recognizing the triggers. Being more aware of, um, on starting to work on possible solutions is going to help you understand and deal with your feelings are not better. Writing is also going to help you develop. Belies your emotions much better. We are a lot more likely to remember what we have learned on, therefore, deal with situations where we normally found ourselves being overwhelmed by our emotions on then maybe behaving in an impulsive way. Uh, we will learn how to deal with these situations in a much better, much comma way by journaling on a regular basis, you will find that your emotions are going Teoh feel a lot clearer. Andi, A lot more concrete was about writing it down. You will help your brain to remember the lessons you have learned on bond. Next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you are less likely to just react impulsively based on your emotions on, and also you will be less likely to be surprised by a similar situation. We tend to find it very difficult to think about things that aren't very nice to think about. So we avoid thinking about it, which then very often leads us to make the same mistake in a similar situation. But by writing it down, writing thinking through the whole situation by writing it down is really going to help you deal with your emotions on the situations that trigger those emotions. 6. 5. Mental Health: really important aspect and also something that kind of combines of. What we've bean talking about before is that journaling can help with your mental health as we've seen before. Journaling will help you get in touch with your emotions. You will find, uh, the triggers. You will find repeating patterns. You will become more mindful of how your mind and your thoughts work on. Studies have shown that a regular habit of journaling will help or can help with anxiety disorders on and also can help with depression or with dealing with depression. But it is that before it to definitely be. Then, in conjunction with seeing a professional practitioner, a doctor, a counsellor was somebody you could have help you further, but also if you're working with a counter or therapist or you go and see your doctor by just having a journal where you can go back Teoh and be able to verbalize mawr of what was going on, your mind is going to help the health care practitioner Teoh help you on. It will also help with the recovery. Just the very active putting things you worry about on paper will help to clear your mind. a little bit. Our minds are more a jumble of emotions rather than words. Even that feels like words. They seem to be going round, like at 100,000 miles on an hour. Andi. It just seems to sometimes conflicting emotions as well, by having to verbalize it and putting it down in words onto paper. Shoot, help, partly boy, getting it out of your mind and being able to put it somewhere. And also remember that John is a safe place to go. Nobody is judging you apart from yourself. You should try not do that. And you can really, truly just be yourself. I think we think probably too much about how other people are going to think about just how we present ourselves on by writing in a journal. That is nobody but you on to make use of this experience on just be able to just truly say how you feel, Andi. Also, by writing them down, you should be able to put them more in perspective. You actually have your problems or your feelings on paper. Andi might be able to start working with them or working towards a solution. And as we have seen before by just being able Teoh, keep track off your emotions by actually noticing them by noticing your triggers on different patterns that should help you. For example, I find that if I don't get enough sleep, I noticed that my mental health will suffer on by just recognizing this fact. That was a huge game changer, because now I can say that I'm certain days when I feel quite low. I remind myself that I might not have had enough sleep for a couple of days. So even though I still feel low, I know the reason I know that it's because I'm suffering from a lack of sleep on what I need to do. To feel better is to keep reminding myself that you don't feel well today because you are very tired. Your brain is very tired on all your thoughts. Get jumbled up and you don't feel well just to be patient with myself on just kind of accompany me through the day and a gentle way or a more gentle approach on making sure that I do get more sleep on more rest in the next couple of days so that I can counteract the like lack of sleep. So it might be just things like that. You pick up on that. Maybe your mood will change if you more stressed or if you know, had enough food or if you're dehydrated or maybe didn't have enough exercise all maybe a lack of sleep. You know, those things will also really helped you get a grip on Why you feeling the way your feeling on what you can do about it to help. But nothing you should try and do is create a well being to box on. You should try and work on it when your feeling well rather than when you're feeling very low because we don't feel well. We tend to think that nothing is going to help us, and we will find a lot more difficult to think if anything, that could make us few better. So if you feeling you know, if you were in a good mood on in a in a good place, it will be a lot easier to think of all the things that you enjoy doing or things that you know. I'm going Teoh help to make you feel better. And it could just be a very simple thing, Like just looking after your body. It could be making sure that you get enough water to drink that you eat healthy food that you make sure that your body gets enough rest and enough sleep and sleep is probably going to be difficult but still, try and work on that as much as you can on do. You can use your journal by maybe creating this checklist and just really, even if it's in that moment, it doesn't feel that it makes a lot of sense. But But just by checking through the list that yes, I've made sure that I've eaten something and I've chosen healthy food. You could maybe even have a list of a food that is not complicated to, uh to make, but it's still healthy. So you've got something to fall back on where maybe your body is trying to tell you that you should just eat chips. Andi chocolates. But you've got to healthy food option. And just by going for the healthier options by looking after your body, even if you don't feel that well, in that moment, you have done something positive for your body on that should also reflect on your mind. Also, things like going for a walk or maybe doing some exercise If you don't feel well, none of that sounds very appealing, but just making sure, even if if it's just for five minutes that you have bean out, you have bean for a walk that you've made three effort to just do a tiny workout because sometimes it will just be this achievement that even though you found it really difficult to do, you did it anyway, that could make you just feel a little bit better about yourself. So you do find the things that will help you create this well being toolbox. Something else you will find is that just by having a record to go back t to see that you've gone through a difficult period of time before on you've made it through that difficult time. Can't help you when you're going through a tough time again and just see that Yes, I'm feeling rubbish. But my track record of getting through a bad day is 100%. I've done it in the past, so I can do it now. And that can just help you Andi. I'm sure you've heard about the list of things you're grateful for. I personally struggling a little bit with that's I understand why it is important, Andi, when I'm feeling well, I have absolutely no problems finding things I'm grateful for, Andi. They make me feel better. However, when I on days when I don't feel that well, reading through a list of things that I should be grateful for can do the opposite because I read the list on I'm thinking they're all these things I should be grateful for and they don't make me feel any better. So you so you have to see if this works for you or not. However, what I do believe in is to train your brain to notice the nice things, because the more often you do it, you you want your brain to get into the habit of noticing the good things our brains are hardwired to notice and store on. Remember the negative information because it was important for our survival. We need to train our brains to, um no, just the good things, as well as almost like creating new neural pathways in your brain. One thing I find is if I cool of the list, the delights off the day rather than things I need to be grateful for. It kind of just twisted words, but it seems to work for me, and I find it a lot easier. But you might want to think of like, three things you're grateful for, or just the one thing try and be as specific as possible. If you're saying, Oh, I'm really grateful to have friends say Why? What do you do with them? How do you feel when you are with them? Um, and yet be as specific as possible. When you write it all down, I'm so really journaling should play a big part in your self care routine. You are making time for yourself. There's nobody else. Involved is just you. You are really just dealing with your thoughts on your emotions with what you've experienced, a day of where you want to go off, how you're planning your future, how you're planning your week about you know, all the goals that you're setting on, how you want to change your life so there's a lot of self worth involved in the in your journaling routine. If you do it in this introspective way, 7. 6. Know Yourself: journaling is one of the best development tools that is out there. But to be beneficial, it has to be done in and introspective way Big has a positive impact on ourselves. Being on the actual act of writing will occupy the left side of our brain. So with that part of the brain occupied, the right side of the creativity has a chance to flow more free. Or we get an easier access to our intuition on thereby also an easier access to or the thought of everything that is stuck in our heads. And we managed Teoh, bring it out on paper where we can then reflect about it. We learned to figure things out on paper on, we learn to know ourselves better by doing so. So when you write, you learn on writing is the best starting point. If you want to change things in your life by writing about your life, you will find out what works for you on what doesn't on what might have to be removed for life to prove it. It helps you to think about the day it helps you to think about where you were effective, where you weren't on how you can use that knowledge to change things in a positive way. If you're journaling in the evenings, you can consider theme the lessons you've learned during the day on. If you're going to do this on a regular basis, you will see a huge positive impact on your life. It will help you to find a direction that is missing in your life. You will find out what makes you happy. What makes you contend what the things are that you won't have to remove from your life, things that you might want to change. You will find out what little steps you can take to make your life more satisfying. I journaling on a regular basis. You will find out who you are. Andi. Also, you will grow as an individual on because you've got a record off your development in your journal. You can also see your growth. The introspective journaling is amazing and very simple way to a self discovery and self growth about known yourself finding out more about yourself about your intentions, the way you're thinking, the way you're feeling, you will find out what makes you happy. What makes you confident what your triggers are on. All in all, it's one of the best personal development tools that is out there on its free on busy. You decide when you start using it. 8. 7. Become a better Writer: I feel that one benefit of journaling back gets almost overlooked is the simple fact that by writing on a regular basis, you become a better writer. It's with anything you do on a regular basis, be it playing a musical instrument, be it a sports, be it drawing or anything. The more often you do it, the better you get on. It's the same with writing. I think for most of us, unless our jobs entail an aspect off writing on a regular basis, we I don't really write in a way we did when we still went to school or possibly university , where we have to right and essays where a lot of the work we did have to do with putting the information we were learning into writing. Yes, we do, right. We text, we ride instagram posts, but we don't really do it in the same way, and especially with sending text messages, we have a lot. These abbreviations we don't really think about punctuation. We don't really think about the structure of the sentence. We don't really think about certain words we could use instead of words we keep using or the time and I do know that it did say in the beginning that don't worry about this sentence structure. Don't worry about punctuation. I don't worry about grammar on that is all true on its also helped to get you into journaling. But you will find that even if you don't really think about those things. If you do right on a regular basis, your writing style is going to improve. Andi I I feel that it's very beneficial because in my point, if you, um, it will also help with your thought process. Andi, Let's say you were thinking about starting a block. Andi oversee. If you're writing a block, you have to do a lot of writing on. If you've already started a habit of journaling, you have created a repeating habit of sitting down on writing, and words will flow more easily in our with Instagram that Instagram has become more than just pictures. But that I feed kind of like the many blogging style has become more important. It's not only important to take really beautiful pictures that will grab people's attention is the way you formulate your message that goes with the image that is starting to be more and more important. And this is also a way how you could collect work your way into starting to write a blawg by having these mini of law post on your instagram posts on bond by having written on a regular basis, as I said before, is really going to help you. Also, you just you don't know one. What point in your life you might start a job or be in a situation where more writing or creative writing is going to be part off your a new job on again. You will already have that advantage that he have. This let's a daily or weekly practice off writing on bond. It's not only can the writing off a shopping list, you've bean documenting you day, you've bean dealing with emotions, you've bean processing events and how you've reacted to those events. And, you know, and that kind of writing is so much more than just writing an email or a Facebook post, you are going to be a better writer. But just sitting down on a starting habit of regular journaling 9. 8. Problem Solving: journaling can also help you to get better at solving problems. So instead of having problems going round and round in your head, using a journal to ride down, the problem on dealing with it is going to help you see it in a a much more objective way. So write down all the objective fact, then your thoughts and feelings about them trying come up with solutions on DSI. If there any holes in those solutions, and you can actually work through several solutions that there would be to a problem on by writing them down, they will become a lot more concrete. You could use mind maps who idea with a problem. You can come up with two columns of four on and against a decision, and just for having to put it down on paper, A should remove some of the emotional aspect off. The whole problem solving on should help you to see you all the facts that you know about Andi and also the way you're feeling about them. You're given the chance to come back and revisit the problem. You can go come as far as you can in one moment on, then give it a break and then come back to it and add any facts, any thoughts about a problem that you have and so you can actually see how, over time you are working with the problem in. By doing this process over and over again with different problems, you will see that you will become a much better problem solver. You will also see that by using different techniques, which were best when your problem solving and so you could actually put together a problem solving kit on and more from you do it the Mawr ways of dealing with a problem you you will find. So over time your kid is going to get better and better and and really work the way you need it to work under problem solving is going to be a lot easier and more straightforward , and not only when your journaling but also on a day to day basis 10. 9. Planning: journey on. Keeping a journal can help you with your planning, with creating a routine with starting as sticking to new habits and also setting Andi achieving goals. Once you've established a routine of journaling, you can use that routine to add on different habits and then use your journal to keep track off habit. So even if you weren't journaling every day, you could set a habit tracker Andi. Then just track your habit on a daily basis and then use your journaling time to reflect on how your habits are going. If you need to change something on, you could kind of report on your progress. Getting to know yourself better on actually being aware off your dreams. Andi. By this, I mean achievable dreams, something that you would like to achieve in the future, or working on a life that you are content and happy with. You can use your journal to start planning A with the individual steps. Andi, also to check in on those steps on, just see what the one thing is on a daily basis that you could do to get just a little bit closer to your goal. Another thing that you can do when you're journaling is actually keep track off your time and where your time goes. I found this exercise really helpful and really interesting because I find time management really difficult on just by realizing where my time went. Are realizing how long specific tasks would take Me did help me to get a much better idea of what I could achieve in a day or in a week. Onda. And it's kind of it's also a good way of picking up on bad habits you might have on your maybe not really aware off if you were thinking off establishing new habits. One book I can definitely recommend to, you know, also going to leave that in the project. Resource is is Atomic habits by James clear on our feel. That's definitely a must read if you're thinking about goal setting on creating new habits , especially with a goal setting, and I really believe in what he says, you shouldn't really be thinking too much about the goal. Yes, you need a goal because you need something you want to work towards, but it's more about the systems you create. It's more about the person you have to be to achieve this goal because you want to carry on being that person, even if you've achieved that goal, so I will definitely recommend reading it. It makes a lot of sense. It is based on scientific facts, something I really like about it. And so is there's a lot of your scientific research that has gone into the book. So by making an action plan on using your journal and finding a way of how you contract, how you're doing makes you more accountable. Just by writing something down just by getting something out of your head and onto paper makes you more accountable even better if you could maybe share this with somebody else. But even if you're just using your journal on a regular basis to check in on, see how you're going will help you to achieve a better planning system to find routines that work for you on to create and stick to the two habits that you want to include into your life. You can also use your journal to think about the goals you want to achieve. Let's say you just had on idea that you wanted to be rich or make more money on to really think about what that means to you. Is it because you don't want to be worrying about being able to pay your bills on and you rent on everyday living expenses? Oh, has the idea of being which may be to do with self confidence? Or do you think that being rich would make you happier and just dig a little bit deeper? Andi, find the reasons why you want to achieve ago because first of all, you will become more aware of what you really want on then also you. Once you found out what the rial reasons are behind a goal eight will make it easier for you. Teoh. Plan the individual steps to get closer and closer to your end goal. So using a journal for planning Andi habit tracking on to think about goal setting is definitely going to help you be more accountable. Help you achieve your girls a stick to your routines and will help you to be more consistent 11. 10. Creativity: another point that is very often overlooked when it comes to journaling that can help you develop Andi, unlock your creativity on help you to work with ideas and collect ideas. I think before got ideas going around in our heads. We get inspired by, let's say, images on Pinterest or magazine articles. We've read documentaries. We've watched Andi. Then we tend to forget about those ideas. At least I do quite a lot. Oh, I feel that so many things are going on in my head that I can't really seem to focus on just the one. Andi. I keep being distracted by the other ideas on a really found by. Just writing down the ideas in a journal has really helped Teoh clear my head on. Also, be able to go back to those ideas. You could do it in a structured way by adding something like an index. In the beginning off the journal, you could keep a journal just for ideas on just to spark and work with your creativity on. Then you can come back to those ideas and add to them. Andi. It also helps you to actually realize how many ideas you have on, you might not be wear off. You might have a few days off work on, Do you think? Fantastic. That can work with one of my ideas, and all of a sudden you can't think of anything. Oh, everything seems to be a bit too vague, but if you could go back to your journal and look through the ideas that you've already listed that maybe you've started working with one of the ideas you could also add pictures on images. Kind of like many mood boards you can have in your journal on. That should make it a lot easier to pick one and carry on working on it or again, break it down in steps and work on the next step towards the idea or working with the idea . Also ideas obviously very closely related and linked Teoh creativity so it can be a whole variety of ideas that you can add to your journal. He could be. Maybe you're working on certain sketches or creative ideas, so it might not only be words, but it could be sketches. It could be colors again. You could work with images you can work with fabrics on just at all to your journal. You can also use your journal to start a daily, or at least of regular creative practice, as I've mentioned before, when I was talking about the logbook style off journaling, a unique heard think about getting better at a certain skill on so you could use the habit of journaling to also add on a tiny creative aspect to it, by either doodling on drawing or working with colors or working with with different with a different medium by by having your journal and having something to go back to on. Actually see how your skills have developed is also every nice thing to do on, and you realize what you have achieved. So please don't forget this aspect to journaling, using it as a brain dump, using it to collect ideas, using it to incorporate some form off creative out put on on a daily basis. 12. Class Project: First of all, I would like to thank you for taking my class. I hope it has bean helpful for you to get to know old benefits off journaling on. Even if you might have known most of them. Maybe there was one or the other you didn't know about. Or maybe it was just good to hear all of the benefits. Especially if you're already journaling in my being. A good reminder to kind of know why you're doing it on Have maybe a new approach to your journaling routine on If you are Germany already. I hope it is giving you an inside Teoh. Why? It would be a good idea, Teoh. I start establishing their habits and awesome maybe give you an idea why you might want to start journaling on that leads us to the project. In the past three sources, I have created a very simple planner on. Then, with the help of the planner, you can fill in what you hope to achieve by starting to journals. And what benefits are you looking for? What is the next step you would have to take? Is it buying a journal? Do you already have a journal. Do you need to find a pen you like to write with? I need notebook. Will do. Don't go for anything to pressures, because then you might not want to start again with the pen. Just use a pen that you like fighting with on something. You know, pen that really flows really nicely and makes writing easy. So you don't have to go out and buy an expensive found pen. You can do that at some point. But don't let this stop you from. I'm starting Teoh Journal. Then once you've got those two sort issue will have to think. But when are you going to start making heard into your in your diary? On and no only say OK, I'm going to start this Saturday. Put down of time. Is it in? The mornings Isn't a lunch time, is it? In the afternoons, in the evenings on try and hook it to something you're already doing. Are you planning on journaling with your first cup of tea or coffee? Is it going to be at lunchtime? Is it in the afternoon? Maybe after you've moved your dog, anything that you do anyway trying hook it onto it and set a reminder on your phone so that you know that you're definitely going to do it. The more precise your planning is, the more likely it is that you are actually going to start journaling. Then think about how often do you want to journal? Is it once a week? Is it every day? Is that twice a week, right down the days that say you're planning on journey on Wednesday and a Saturday, Then make sure that for both days you put down a time when you're going to journal. Andi, use the planner to help you do all the planning so you can start turning on and then just for you, free to I take a photograph off the planner on share it with us. That would be your project or right down the individual steps on depose those as a project in the project section. But if you do want to get started, I really encourage you to be as accountable as possible on by filling in the planner over just writing the individual steps and sharing them with us. You've made yourself more accountable and are more likely to get started. Was that if you were thinking about making your own journal. I've got two classes on skill share that are all about making your own journal. One is this group Bliss notebook on the other one is a bit more time consuming. Is turning a vintage book into a have made journal. I've also got a 30 day journal challenge in case you would like to work with daily promise what he can do. However, you wouldn't have to do it in 30 days if you were thinking you wanted to get started But you wanted to work with problems you could do just due to problems in a week. But that's also an option for you. Then please remember Teoh, follow me on school. Shit. If you like this class and you would like to be updated on any other classes, I'm going to publish here. So again, I really I hope you enjoy this class. Thank you so much for taking this class on. I'm really looking forward to seeing your projects