By now, it pretty much goes without saying that YouTube offers creators amazing opportunities to share their work. Ever since launching, the platform has allowed people of all talent and ability levels to shoot, produce, and share videos that showcase their interests and entrepreneurial endeavors. Some YouTubers post for fun, others for business, and there’s a whole spectrum in between, too. 

But YouTube recently got even more interesting, thanks to live streaming. Now, YouTube is no longer limited to pre-planned and produced videos. You can use the site to go live, reaching your audiences in real-time to keep them in the loop about everything you have in the works. 

Interested? Keep scrolling to learn more about how to live stream on YouTube and why it might be a smart next move as you grow your career online

What Is Live Streaming on YouTube?

First thing’s first: What is YouTube live streaming? 

When you live stream on YouTube, you get to interact with your channel’s viewers in real-time. We’ll get into the more technical details in a bit, but basically, there’s no need to record a video ahead of time, then upload it to YouTube. Instead, you’ll set up your camera equipment to capture whatever you want your audience to see—maybe it’s a sit-down Q&A video, a performance, or a sporting event—and anyone visiting your channel will get to experience it right along with you. 

As if that wasn’t fun enough, when you go live on YouTube, you can engage directly with viewers using the live chat feature. Your followers can ask questions, share their feedback, and generally cheer you on. It’s a great way to get to know your audience and build a community around the content you create. Plus, it might help keep you motivated on those days when you’re feeling drained by the creative process. 

Is YouTube Live Streaming Free?

YouTube live streaming sounds awesome, right? So where’s the catch? 

Here’s the good news: Price isn’t the catch, because it’s totally free to go live on YouTube. Almost anyone with a YouTube channel can use the platform’s live streaming functionality. It doesn’t cost anything to start your account, and it’s not a pricey upgrade to stream live. Any investment you make will be in recording equipment, and since you can go live directly from any device with a built-in camera, that doesn’t need to have a big price tag either. 

YouTube Live Streaming Requirements 

According to YouTube’s help center, there are only a few reasons that your YouTube channel’s live streaming availability might be disabled: 

  • You’ve been reported for breaking YouTube’s community guidelines.
  • Your live streams have been flagged for copyright issues. 
  • You’ve reached your daily limit. YouTube only supports a user going live for up to 12 hours in a single 24-hour period. 
  • You’re younger than 13 and aren’t visibly accompanied by an adult. 

How many subscribers do you need to live stream on YouTube? It depends on the device you’re using. There are no subscriber requirements or minimums when streaming through a computer or webcam. In order to go live from your phone or other mobile device, however, you’ll need at least 1,000 subscribers. Keep in mind that it’s never too late to grow your channel and your following in creative ways! 

One of the best things about live streaming on YouTube is that the barrier to entry is pretty low. If you have big aspirations for your channel and think that going live can help you achieve them, there’s not much stopping you from giving it a try. 

Cultivate Your YouTube Audience 

YouTube Success: Build an Authentic Channel That’s Worth the Follow

How to Live Stream on YouTube 

YouTube makes almost everything user-friendly and intuitive, so don’t be intimidated by the prospect of going live with your talents. 

Ready to give it a try? Here’s how to live stream on YouTube.

Step 1: Activate Your Account for Live Streaming 

youtube notifications bell
Source: youtubeGo here first to activate your account. 

When you’re logged in to your YouTube account, choose the “new video” icon in the top right-hand corner. There, you’ll be prompted to activate your account with live functionality. After 24 hours, you’ll be approved to start live streaming. 

Step 2: Prepare Your Recording Set-Up 

Now is the time to set up your shot! If you’re planning to go live using the camera built into your phone or computer, this should be straightforward, although you may want to scope out locations to find the right background. If you’ll need a tripod or other lighting or audio equipment to capture the video the way you want, get that organized ahead of time. 

Once you’re live, you can make changes if necessary, but you don’t want to disturb the shot too much. Prepare as much as possible ahead of time! 

Step 3: Select the “Go Live” Option

youtube live button
Source: youtubeYou’re just a few taps away from going live. 

Once your account has been activated for live streaming, choose the “new video” icon in the top right-hand corner of your YouTube landing page again. Select “go live.” 

Step 4: Build Out the Details for Your Live Stream

Before you actually start streaming, YouTube will prompt you to populate some information about the live video you’re about to create:

  • Title: Give your live stream a name—the catchier, the better. Make sure your title tells potential viewers what kind of information or activity they can expect from you. Don’t make it so clever that it’s unclear. 
  • Description: Now is your chance to offer your audience even more context. Use relevant keywords to ensure that your video comes up in YouTube searches. You can also include links to helpful follow-up resources or calls to action. 
  • Thumbnail Image: Choose an image to represent your video. The key to a strong thumbnail is that it draws viewers in. When you’re finished going live, you might choose to switch out the original thumbnail image for a screenshot from the live stream itself. 

Taking the time to build out these details will give your live stream some extra staying power. 

Step 5: Choose Your Device and Go Live! 

Source: youtubeIt’s time to go live! 

The menu on the left side of the live streaming page will guide you through this final step. If you’re doing this for the first time, going live from your webcam is a simple, accessible option. Simply choose the ‘Webcam” option, and you’ll be prompted to, well, go live. Lights, camera, action! 

Step 6: Promote Your Live Stream

Your live stream will live on your YouTube channel long after you stop streaming, and it’s not too late to share the video! Post the link across social media or send it to your network to get more eyes on your work.  

Let’s Go Live!

Live streaming is a great opportunity to share fresh content, engage with your viewers and grow your YouTube channel. Even in the early stages of your YouTube career, you can take advantage of this functionality and make the most of your platform. Once you get comfortable with live streaming, you just might make it a regular habit. 

Learn More About Going Live 

Social Media Live Streaming with Digital Marketing 

Written By

Alli Hoff Kosik

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