Brian Garcia

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Brian Garcia

Wedding, commercial & real estate films






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Instagram: @briangarciafilms

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I've been making films since 2008 and now I'm a high school video production teacher. I've done numerous productions, won several awards and I still want to keep learning. I'm originally from the Northern California, but now I'm in Southern California where I work and hope to continue making films in the Inland Empire. I'm well rounded when it comes to film production but I'm very knowledgable with cinematography and editing with Final Cut Pro X.

When I first got into film school, I looked up to film directors like Christopher Nolan, Martin Scorsese, James Cameron, and Spike Lee. While I was attending San Diego State University, studying in Television, Film & New Media: Production, I won a Regional Emmy Award in 2011 under best student film category for a short narrative film I Produced and Directed during my last year in college. Also while I was still an undergrad, I kept seeing alumni visiting our school always talking about how hard it was for them to find work in the field. I decided to go to grad school right after I received my bachelor's so I can spend more time trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I realized that I needed more clarity. In 2012, I created a short mini documentary over the summer for a missing teen, Sierra LaMar, and the family that was searching for their missing child. It was the first time I ever made a film that wasn't narrative. It was also the first time I started to get Broll. I made 5 mini documentaries and gained plenty of media attention from local news stations.


Unfortunately, the missing teen was never found but they did find a suspect and he was convicted. Doing these videos for that family, eventually led into me finding contract work for the school district she attended. I was finishing my last year of grad school, and I started working for the Morgan Hill Unified School District in March 2014. While I was working there, I made numerous videos, but one of them gained media attention due to some controversy that happened at the school. To make a long story short, I had one week to complete a video before a protest was going to happen on Cinco de Mayo regarding an ongoing case that involved several high school kids taunting minority groups while using the American Flag.


I enjoyed making films because I noticed that I kept improving. While working for this district, I was also doing other contract jobs making corporate videos in the Silicon Valley. Many of the high school principals in the district kept encouraging me to work on my teaching credential. While I was spending 2014 - 2015 at the district, I was working on my credential and found a teaching job at a private school. Over time, I wanted to grow and I found a full time teaching opportunity in Vallejo and I tried to improve my skills while I was teaching.


In August of 2018, I moved to Southern California and continued to teach, and I feel this is my best work below:


The football coach for this team asked me to film his wedding and this was the first time I ever considered doing weddings.


This eventually encouraged me to film more weddings and now I'll be teaching you what I learned over this past decade with these training videos that are available and many more that will be coming soon.

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