The Art of the Portfolio Document
The Art of the Portfolio Document
The Art of the Portfolio Document
The Art of the Portfolio Document

The Art of the Portfolio Document

£ 6
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  • 1 mês de Skillshare

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Sobre este produto

David Cullimore

David Cullimore

F1, start-ups and product development

In this ebook, you will learn how to create a credible and compelling portfolio document summarising what you do to help secure your next job or win your future client.

For digital & physical designers
Ideal for students & professionals
Follow up action steps
This ebook is aimed at anyone from a creative or technical background wishing to communicate their skills or services and improve your chances of getting hired by creating a portfolio document.

In this ebook you will learn the 5 key aspects to creating a professional portfolio document, these are:

Section 1- Understanding what are you trying to demonstrate

Section 2- Presenting your content

Section 3- Being Distinctive

Section 4- Demonstrating Credibility

Section 5- Maintenance and other things to consider

After each section there are action steps for you to do. At the end of the ebook, you will know how to create a credible and compelling portfolio document summarizing what you do to help secure your next job or win your future client.

Perguntas frequentes

  • O que são produtos digitais?

    Os produtos digitais da Skillshare são ferramentas, recursos e modelos criados por especialistas que estão disponíveis para compra. Com uma ampla gama de recursos para atender a todas as necessidades criativas, eles são acionáveis, tornando sua experiência de aprendizado real e inesquecível.